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Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
3 May 2011
SUBJECT: (U) Unaccredited Degree: Telecommunications Information
Systems Officer
CASE: 2011-101574G
1. (�) Based on a 2008 United States Secret Service investigation that
identified an Agency contractor as possessing a degree from a known
diploma mill, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated a proactive
investigation on 5 August 2008 into Agency Staff claiming degrees from
non-accredited institutions. OIG matched a list of known, unaccredited
institutions against Agency BIO information to identify any individuals
who had provided degree evidence to Human Resources (HR).1'2 One of
the individuals identified, claimed a bachelors degree
from on his Agen(b)(1)
BIO. a known, unaccredited institution is not affiliated with thE(b)(3) CIAAct
accredited (b)(3) NatSecAct
1 (U//lOb'er)" The term unaccredited refers to the recognition and acceptability of a degree for use in
federal employment as recognized by the Office of Personnel Management. Unaccredited degrees cannot
be used to meet the qualifications for federal positions that require a degree. The complete definitions of
accreditation are included in the Appendix.
2 (U/Z...EQ&CYT The Agency biographical profile (Agency BIO) is the mechanism for tracking information
on individuals who officially declare their education to the Agency by providing proof of attendance.
The Agency BIO is made available to hiring managers and used directly in staffing decisions. Only Staff
employees and former employees were covered by this review because there is no central database on
contractor educational records.
(b)(3) NatSecAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
2. 4e)" OIG reviewed the claims made by regarding his
degree and the associated education to determine if there were false
statements or improper use of an unaccredited degree, and if there was an
improper reimbursement for the degree by the Agency.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct 4. ,(.Ce)- OIG reviewed
(b)(6) online Agency BIO.
3. 4e..)- OIG reviewed
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
5. OIG interviewed
unaccredited degree.
security file for any degree claims.
Official Personnel Folder (OPF) and
on 18 November 2008, regarding his
6. 4c--Y- OIG reviewed Department of Justice (DOD records related to
for evidence of reimbursement to
7. .(er OIGbr7iewed Agency regulations and relevant laws related to
the allegations. (b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
RESULTS: (b)(6)
(b)(6) Agency BIO system
is a
(b)(3) CIAAct
science (BS) degree hi
an accredited institution
According to the(b)(6)
holds a bachelors degree in (b)(7)(c)
additionally holds a bachelor nf
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(6) (b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(7)(c) (b)(6)
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
11. (U) Former students identified b
that they had been defrauded and that their
The students were informed in a letter
were informed by D0j (b)(6)
decrees were not valid. (b)(7)(c)
that stated in
12. (U) advertised its degrees in mainstream publications.
Students would receive extensive credit for transferred courses as well as
extensive "life experience" credit. Students would register for a small
number of classes and were asked to purchase and read textbooks for the
classes. Students would then submit a paper based on the class topic for
grading. For classes taken at the university, students would pay an
enrollment fee for each class, and then a separate grading fee for each
paper submitted. Since there were no faculty behind the classes, student
submissions varied greatly in quality. There was no valid check of the
academic work performed.
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
Laude. A copy of the degree in
(b)(1) Magna Cum Laude as well.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
16. 4�7 In a PAR covering the period:
(b)(7)(c) rating official noted that
degree during the prior year and should be "congratulated."
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
14. 4,e) During an 18 November 2008 interview, told 0(b)(6)
that he forwarded his completion information to his Agency traiiSZ)(c)
officer in 1997
on his Agency BIO. explained that he had listed his
past resumes. also said that the completion of his
decree is listed
degree c(b)(6)
degree wZ)(7)(c)
(b)(1) likely cited in his Performance Appraisal Report (PAR).
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
15. ef During an Office of Security interview on 28 November 2000
(b)(7)(c) for an Agency re-investigation for continued employment, advised(b)(6)
the background investigator that he had received a BS degree in (b)(7)(c)
He added that his
coursework was completed off-site and that he graduated Magna Cui(bb)(31) CIAAct
OPF indicated he had gradu(b)(3) NatSecAct
through (b)(6)
earned his BS (b)(7)(c)
(b)(7)(c) 17. ,fer On his most recent Supplemental Personal History Statement
(SPHS)/Form 444, which covered the period from
listed his attendance at
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(6) (b)(6)
(b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(c)
lloting he (b)(6)
Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
18. .(e) On an SPHS covering five years beginning on
listed his BS degree
attended fro
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct 20. .(el
(b)(6) reimbursement for his
(b)(7)(c) 10 courses through
degree received on
19. When interviewed b OIG stated that, sometime
he received a letter fro hich reported that the University was
having accreditation problems. He said he completed his degree after
receiving the letter. aid he did not inform the Agency of the letter
because he was not sure of the exact status of the accreditation.
commented that when an opportunity came about to earn a bachelor's
degree from the
1-ie enrolled due to concerns arising over
accreditation issues.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct 21. A.el stated that he did not recall receiving money or
(b)(6) seeing a refund check from DOJ
(b)(3) CIAAct 22. fr)- stated that he was not sure about the status of
(b)(3) NatSecAct . (b)(6) .
dLcreditation, which is what caused him to seek a bachelor's degree from
(b)(7)(c) an accredited university. He acknowledged that his degree is
probably not worth anything now, although he claimed to have put in a
good deal of effort to complete the degree. He explained that he would
pay back any refund received from DOI., if he had been issued a check.
However, he stated he did not recall ever cashing a check.
stated that the Agency provided tuition (b)(7)(c)
degree. He said that he took approximately
Based on
the estimated per-course cost and the number of courses,
estimated reimbursement from the Agency was
not retain the vouchers for the reimbursement.
The Agency did
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004
23. (U) vas widely recognized as a fraudulent institution.
Though it had classes" and "coursework," the efforts of students were not
evaluated by actual faculty.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
24. fec..)- Due to did not receive (b)(3) CIAAct
,(b)(3) NatSecAct
reimbursement from DOJ nor the associated letter requiring he notify I(b)(6)
employer. Additionally, was reimbursed for his education fro (b)(7)(c)
prior to the change in legislation (and Agency regulation) requiring
reimbursement be only for accredited degrees. DOJ declined prosecution
of on 6 November 2008.
notify HR and request
from his Agency BIO.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
25. hre-)-Upon finding out that his
egree was not legitimate,
earned a degree from the
prior to the OIG investigation. The inclusion of his degree completion in
PAR indicates that it was, at a minimum, a consideration in
his rating decision, accepted full responsibility for his actions and
appears to have made reasonable attempts to correct his invalid degree by
obtaining a legitimate degree subsequently.
26. ,(Q-rThere is no evidence of criminal or regulatory violation on
the part of Based on the currently available information, no
disciplinary action or further investigation is recommended. OIG will
degree information be removed
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
Special Agent
Supervisory Special Agent
(b)(3) CIAAct
Approved for Release: 2024/11/13 C06628004