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PDF icon CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DIGE[15472849].pdf816.09 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 0 0 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Current Intelligence Digest Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 jecit - 35 4 December 1967 0241/67 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 3.5(c) GENERAL Vietnam (Page 1) o Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 0 AM' CONTENTS (Information as of 1200 EST) Situation report. NR 4 Dec 67 REr Current ntelligence Digest Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Page i Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR �����"" Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 ..., Vietnam The Communists are keeping up the military pressure against allied strongpoints in several areas of the country. South Vietnamese and US units last week had several sharp engagements with enemy units in the vicinity of the Special Forces camp at Bu Dop in Phuoc Long Province. Casu- alties reportedly were heavy on both sides. Northeast of Con Thien, Communist elements fought several GENERAL sharp, although small-scale, actions with US patrols. The force involved is believed to be from the North Vietnamese 803rd Regiment which recently moved back to the Con Thien area after a period of rest and re- plenishment. Sporadic, small-scale Com- munist attacks occurred in widely scattered areas of South Viet- nam over the weekend. Enemy forces resumed their mortar at- tacks on the Bu Dop Special Forces camp near the Cambodian border on 2 December. 3.5(c) 4 Dec 67 S1J�R ET Current telligence Digest Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Page 1 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 C06662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 NR cret Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704 � Approved for Release: 2018/07/11 006662704