DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/29

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL 2 9 JUN 1946 115 L ap_rees it continue air ba,seLgotiations with UK--A, timassa.dor aruch reports that the UK proposal for continuation of air base negb- tiations (see Daily Summary of 24 June, item has been accepted by Portugal. Howe er, the Portuguese have suggested that the . ritish Mis- sion prololi..1 its proposed stay in Lagens, and declare that they will unable to carry on negotiations in Lislf,�He before .13 Ifulv. EU1ROPE-AF.RICA 2. ITALY: Delive of -SACMED has requested instructions from CCS regarding the delivery of high ranking Italia officers to Yugoslavia as war criminals. Ile states that certain f these officers have rendered valuable service to the Allies and re- quests that "due considerati n" be given to the adverse e acts such "handovers" would have on his relations with the Italian Government and on the morale and on efficiency of the Italian Armed Forces, parti- cularly in view of the modificatio of the Armistice terms. 3. ICELAND: Br_t_t_l ressinzior conclusinr of alwrt agreer.ae t--US M 111 ister ireyfus reports that Uae British Minister has received from London the "final version" of the UK .airport a,gree ent with Iceland. The British Minister further stated that he is submitting it "at o ce" to the Foreign Office because he is "very anxious" to have the presellt Government sign the agreement rather than run the risk of possible elec- tion upsets. 4. IRAN: Kurdish mobilization�US Consulate Tabriz has received "relia- ble" reports that the native mobilization in Iranian Kurdistan now has reached 209�0 and Azerba,i3ani reinforcements have been sent � the area. The Consulate believes that the mobiliz' ation is an effort to force Premier Qavamil) agree to the separatior of northern Kurdish territory from Azerbaijan. The Aserba,Mani are "seriously c Etcerned," because such a development would deal a severe blow to Azerbaijani presage. Soviet control of Azerbaitg; Taliroads�Artioassador Allen reports that the Soviets still are controlling and operating the railroads between Tabriz and Julia (on the Soviet-Azerbaijan border) and between Mianeh and Zenjan (on the Tabriz-Tehran line). Iranian officials are reported eument No. 00 1 CON NO CHANCE in Clss. 0 4-'4.: ... El DECLASSIFIED .. :".'71111.. � ,Class. CHAN:ED TO: TS S liiii6iiiiiaibir DT)A M=o, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DIJI. 1:.-1:: 77/1703 Data: �rho- isii By : pn _ Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 z Co have refused to accept returA, of the roads because the Soviets.have removed much of the shop equipment and rolling stock. t,t) 5, BELGIUM: Communist cabinet proves difficult�Ambassador Kirk 3.3(h)(2) has been tog' that duri tiig the last Cabinet meeting the Communists and the other members almost split over the attitude to be adoptee on strikes by the Govern- ment. Roch also said that the strikes .are inspired by the Communists and that he regrets that the split did not take place because it is impos- sible to work with the Communists, and the longer they remain in the Government, the more thorough would be their infiltration into the ad .- ministration. Z. USSR: Emba.ss estimates Soviet intentions�An estimate of Soviet iiii- tentIonsrepared by Ambassador Smiu, and senior State, War and Navy Department officers of Embassy ?Aoscow cori,cludes that (a) the USSR is unlikely to operate solely within the spirit of UN, because Soviet policy Is based on the assumption that the "irreconcil ble hostility" betree the USSR and the "capitalist" West must eventually lead to war; (b) the USSR is unlikely at present to withdraw from UN and Lours e Soviet ob- jectives with all available means (inclu,cn: armed force), since such actions would alarm the West, mobilize world opinion against the USSR, and deprive the USSR of the propaganda and �,.plomatic adv. ,ctages of membership in the UN; and (c) the Soviets are expected to remain in UN, but to erate unilaterally for purely Soviet objectives short of ope.i. rup- ture with the UN, until the limitations of membersriip outweigh the advan- tages. This latter course would enable the Soviets to pursue their imme- diate limited objectives while using the UN to "lull certain elements in the West to a false sense of world collectaive security," to weaken the West by confusing public opini n, and to exploit t Ice UN as a means of embarrassing and confus j the US and UK'. � FAR EAST IL 7. ,KOREA: Smith's views on Soviet irl.�911s7 --Ambassador Sm. lie Moscow considers that the USSR: (a) -has no more intention of permitting Korea gain real autonomy than to allow Poland freely to determine its own destiny"; (b) has no further desire to impose its will on Korea by military t* Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 means simply bec use it would thereby risk open conflict with the US; -and (c) will therefore rely on political measures to gain its ends. Smith fails to see where agreement between the US and USSR on Korea can be reached at this stage without "sacrifice of our. principles." He sees little basis for assuming that Korea will develop into a truly independent state, and questions the wis .m of planning at this time to build up Korean economic strength "any more than it is wise to contribute to the strength of the Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe." 8. MENA: Government retreats on Nazi repatriation�Consulate Shanghai reports that after protracted negotiations the Chinese Government has agreed to delete only 39 persons (instead of 184) from the list of 564 Germans listed by the US for repatriation from Shanghai (see Daily Sum- mary of 25 June, item 310). The US, therefore, will hold over for one � week the departure of the repatriation ship. The Consulate points out, however, that the agreement comes too late to affect the Germans which the Chinese had exempted from repatriation from other Chinese ports. At Tientsin only half of the persons listed were delivered aboard the ship. 9. SIAM: Premier moves to restrain Army�Legation Bangkok reports that the appointment of the "sinisterand unpopular Luang Adul (former Director-General of Police and underground leader) as Commander-in- Chief of the Siamese Army indicates Premier Pradit's anxiety over his own position and his realization that the Army must be held in line, since any coup must have Army support. While no organized conspiracy apparently exists in the Army, the Legation considers that the officer corps is greatly dissatisfied with the political situation since King Ananda's death. A well-placed source friendly to Pradit reports that the Govern- ment currently is losing ground. At the present time the Lower House is predominantly hostile to the Government and the Upper House is no longer unanimous in its support, -3 CON IA1: W.QrsalkCAET Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749288
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