DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/02

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September 11, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749290 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 fl 2 JUL 1946 - 1. RUMANIA: Rumanians seek US-Soviet cipation hi hi.'.- -The State Department reports that a Rumanian in1 lel -legal 'ill, which will reach the US shortly, is expected to propose broad US-Soviet- Rumanian cooperation in Rumanian Industry. Advance representatives of the Rumanian delegation claim that the Soviets approved the forma- tion of joint US-Soviet-Rumanian companies last September. The dele- gation will propose the formation of a tripartite company to manufac- ture trucks and tractors and to be owned 22.5 rcent by US interests, 22.5 percent by the USSR, and 55 percent by Rumanian interests. It will suggest similar joint enterprises in other fields and will contend that such enterprises represent Rumania's "only hope" of preserving a degree of economic and industrial independence. 117 2. IRAN: ftg:Le,lection moves�US Military Attache Tehran reports that Premier Qavalis s new party, "Democrats of Iran," has been launched with"fan-fare," and apparently is designed either to offer direct op- position to the leftist iltudeh Party in the coining elections or to win over some Tudeh elements. Ambassador Allen reports that Iranian "Moslem leaders (and probably their British patrons)" consider that elections at present might produce a pro-Soviet majority and are ac- cordingly urging postponement of the elections. esig_LzerbaILani Democrats�US Consulate Tabriz reports that Democrat leader Pishevari has imprisoned several dissident Azer- baijani leaders and that "a general, purge of dissatisfied elements in the Democrat Party is under way," FAR EAST 3, PHILIPPINES: US surplus property sales�High Commissioner McNutt endorses the views ofres eit-17eVciTi�toxas that (a) US surplus pro- perty sold to China should not include supplies located in the Philippines, and (b) it would be inadvisable to admit Chinese laborers to the Philip- pines to pack and load material to be shipped to China. McNutt believes that it would be a serious mistake to deny the Filipinos any surplus pro- perty that in any way would help to rehabilitate the economy of the co Document No. eqf NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 rTAuth: DDA REG. 77/1763 ACDate: _IIMALsza By: Off Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749290 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749290 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOPSLT In r. rriele 4. INDO-CHINA: Fre ch distrust of USIS�US Consul Reed reports that, although the French officially sist they have no objection to the pre- sence of a US Information Service unit in Saigon, they are doing nothing to remove obstacles to its establishment and regard it as a cover for espionage activities. eed feels that the delays in establishing the unit are "unremediable by any appeal to authorities" in Saigon. THE AME ICAS 5. ECUADOR: Ex-Xm Bank disaproves State Department has Wormed Embassy Quito that the Export-Import Bank Board has acted unfavorably on the requested loan for the Guayaquil water supply pro- ject. The Boards decision was based upon Ecuador's entire credit and exchange position rather than upon any arrears in payments, and was ot related to the Galapagos air base negotiations. =2 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749290
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