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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 OF F T XST HQ PORH 58 ( 13 FEB 80 ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 1.0 1.,~ 1,2 0 ~ 1.25 1.~ 116 ~ - - . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 ~ i> .7, NIS GaZEl`TEER ' ~ . - N W = Denmark J~ ~ - 771 The revised NI$ Goietteer on Dcnmark is essvcd undtr the Ni$ nwintc- nonc� prograr:n. (t supcncdet the NIS Preliminory Gasettcar on Dennwrk - ond the Faeroe Islonds, dcted Novcmbcr 1949, copics of w5ich should be de:troyed. f~ . `i ~ ~~.i~ . . FOR t;fFIC1AL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02120: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 f CENTRAL INTELUGENCE AGENCY Woshington, D.C. ~junc 1961 T6:s Gaxasreet nIiwce aK a stondo+d tonsponcnt of the Naiiot+al Intelligcnce Sein�y Ear Denmark cnd Iists off klr,E ucndawd namcs cppro-ed by tE,� United Stotes Boasd on Gcogtophit Namcs. TF~esc rtcr.:xs sa,pencc3e all pievious dccisiarts on geoqroDhic nc;mes in Ih:s orea. Thes Ga:etteer aRsa iists !hr %asFants ot' off icooi sto-vJord nomes for reFerente vurpmes. These rariants r~re not approrcd css siaedced nwrmes. 1'his Cctote�s ti�il) !y� t.dcQucrlcly mCintpined by pubtisled e+is;an. Divistwt;a� :his cubiicassan �s n+ode by tne Centrol Zntellig�nce A9ancy wid is Ecr tC34Sl t,;iC 4Rl). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 C J - NIS GAZETTEER -h Denmark � Olficial Sts+nvdard Nomts Approwcd by the U.S. Board oa Cxosraduc Noma ~ Prcpured in tbe OfFice of G:o9roph,, Departiaent oE the IMeriot Publisi+cd b}- the Ceahci lnttcfligencs Agcnq Washingtoo, D.G Juec 1961 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102120: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 ~ : R~~ DE\MARK ft zndthr ~ ~ A ~ ~ t=.\ER0F I`-t.A.NDS ~ ~ ~ Nt5 rSRE'.4 4�1;"hQrtR'!` `t . so t~ ~ , � ~ ; - . Xg,, ~ K :i T T g C A , ~ 2, ~ v~y~ n� s � L't ! - ~ � x~ tp[j ~ ~ f ~ ~ Ytf'! rr~ ~ ; c.+s+.P4 ~ r ~ ~/t ..U � 'o";~v S J L L s Ka~.;tn~~,~"'' ~~1~ ~ t { i $ ,a N E ~ ~ ~ ~ O r "~a s r-- s, ^t ~ ~`~i"'`~ s R y ~ `/j / ~ ~ ~ ~ L' F.. i1 F ii ?1 t f. I1 t.* nT i.. i 4.. { > P 93, ~ ~ ; i = t CsR`t A~ Y : . E'A S t . G f R ,ui w~ N~Y ..~.__J ~ is APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 FoREwoRn h` cceer now� ~ a,s n ~ This gazetteer contains ~bou~t 19.800 enYries for places and teatums in Denmark and ' he Faeroe Islands listed in c~ro parts rss fatlavrs: (1) Uenmark 18,000 entries and (2) the Fneroe fslands 1.~0 entries_ fine er.tries include standard naazes approved b} the ~rd on Geographic :~ames and unapproved variant nanics, the latter cross- mferenced La the :~tandard names_ iJsers o/ il~~e gazet- t+~er shoutd ~.iuays re{er tp main entries Jor approved names, cnd ot thc alp~habet. In ti is gaze . . alphabetizcd w-ith ae, o wit.h o, and A aith a. Vari;ant spcllir:gs beo,anninv a ith the tettcrs fla and dif- fering [rom appcovec~ nantes onlyt in the use ot initial aa for ti arc not lislEd in the I?anLsh part of the gazetteer. For variunts beginning thus, sce the approvM spelling under fi_ The names in this gazetteer supersede ihase in all pre- rious Baard lis4s for the area. - The anap scsle of name coverage far gll areas is apprcod- . tnately t :200.000. . � Irt:erpretatior: o/ entries It has been necessary to express -qt cocie numbeers and teiters some of the inCormation in the gazetteer in arder to accommodate it Uo the machLne method of tabulatinn. jvame. -Approved standard names and cuappmved variant nanus appear in the Rrst column. The vatiant names are alacays crw-rnferenceei to the standard names b3; use oi the word "sce.," Mere oarl o� a name is under- lined, the use a[ the part not underlined is opticnal. NVhere two or more namcs are appsoved iar a feature, each is identirled an pacenthcses and any oF sll may be used� The diacritical marks used in the appmvQd names aze the Lanisc: bollp as in gW, and the Faeroese accent as in gjigv. They are Lo be uscd qrhether the names are waitten in cap:tal or Iewercase letters. The s[ecW Ietter o(barred o), as in hol, should be so vrr9tten, rather than a.s o, in bcath Danists- and Facram names. 'T'he Faeroese letter Q(edh) is transliterate3 as dh, as in f3ordhur (fos i2orQur), and should be vrritZen in the trans- literated form. Ttie digraph, as ir ksrr, shottld be wTitEen ae aherever passibler or in spcciaj situatipns as 1e, newr as tao sepa:' xte tetters. AI! seeparate wards excent prep- +as.itions are capitalized in Danish antt Faexoese raacnes. In Uanisie the tEtters w. o(cr o), and Ior aa) aire d"as- tnnct from ae, o, amd a, respectivei}, and are tistpd aY the t Designalron. -'The secrand column contalns designa- tions or abbreviatian.s o[ designations, as listed belaw. 5i .ce practically all gtvgmphic term.s havE variaed mean- ingB, the serses in which the designator terms are used and the range oi teainres ta which thelr are applled in this gazetteer are stated in the list to reduce ambiguity Tbe distinctians that can be made in agiven gaxettRer y oriQh the quatity of the maps of i7ne area. wiU var AD31ffi administrative division (amt: Rrs3-order.; emtsrddskreds: second-arder. 'i'tese dfvLsians can te dLtinguished by the generie termns.) qDAR re.tigious administr$tive dirision (herred: gresrap of tara or mure pari,shes: parisb: ttdministra- tive unlt with both ecclesiastical and civit funcLions. Thc namcs so coded that do nut contain the generic herred are those of par- ishes: 'fhe Dnnes do not use sagn, "�parisri; ' as a gencric.) AREA area (namesi area vcithout identifiable homoge- ne-ous sharacteriswics) BAY ba..y BAYS bays BCH barrier btach, bcach BGH'Y' bigbt (braad coastai indpntsition forming a sught recession in a casstline) BAtKAi marine bank gOGP peat bog (contains rviderce of peat suttings) CAPE cape CA1fE sea rave (in clitT fa.cing the sea) CFT cleft~s) (straight or near1y straight, narrow, deep, vertical-sidecy trench-like featur.r, com- mQn in coastal clfRs) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 - C H,\'.N 4 rnarine e6iatin~l offshQrc channet betwcen is- - lazntls cir tk=� w~:'en isIand and tztai[tland: a - dCt�pet3t'(f Ctta23S2C1 ttiTotDgh 3 ShalIUw aCE`Ti~ Sct-eg) :-ock race): bluff CNI._D ('s naiX23a�: fi3l1:1., GIN L.` navigat ion canal (`X 3-Q abazidoneu tanai (ciosed tn through navigaiion; enris ,usc~d a.s doccking basins) ' C'C?t'E cmve CRQ c'irqUe iyii(!te ot ie55 boKE-5haped dCpTt'SSIi)ti SsUrzs whirh a gtacicr foETserir flowed) CSTI. C.asilE' - CULT cultirated land (isalated fartned area sut= :ounded bv tand not rsrltivated) DPI31 submaxi,nr iepcesmon , _ D U :~''E sand duate;s) ENTR emtranrt- (narraw cpenucg from ':the seg into a lagoon or ta};) ESI` 'state Iseat'ot a lw~,.b agiicultura1, Iandholdfng - c~r a' a icsrnw- agric-u3tural larWhnlding navr hat'ing oiher uses~. - FJD fjoF-d FLL.S a-aterfaIl - FGT sares6'flat 1Eidal Pdat compvsed of sand} FLTT - tadal fiat (rnwtat area of unspccified romposition alternately subnzergrri and expodid by tide) FIM larzn � _ FRMS #arnts FRS'T forest, ~ - F'I' , ~ort , GRGE garge (narrou si,e+ep.sioled parL of a strettm ' coursc) HBR harbor - HDLD headtand (conspt:cuousiy high piece of Dand ,euiting out into ar Econting the s+ea) HLL nill HL.LS hilis. HTH heatPt INLT Fnlef 4cIortgated a'ndent$tion in a caast: not a , fjard! ISL isIand ISLP Iand-Eied islanci (joined to saaainiund bs ttaturat KaCews at rt7astai depcKsition) ISLQ fornier islazzc! ( joineti ta mai.nland bv dikix:g and reciamatimn uf thc seA) ISLS tslands ISTH Whmus (a narraw stril) of land joining two wider land areas; e.g., the narrow nec}: of a peninsuta) , LBID lake beci I the becl a[ a Zormer lake u hich has taecn artifacially drained for land reciamr.tion) LGTY loratity, (minor area of urisper tticcl or mited cEtaracter) LDG hunting lodge ~ LDNG landing LGiV lagoon (a-Ater body atong a coast, �cvholly or largcly cnt off fmm the sea ar other water body" bY a barrier beach or,marsh) LK takc (in same rases tormed by irnpoundment of an arm at the sea) AiDtii Yur.adaw (usuallF st vretland In thr prvicess of being reclaimed) MNhiT nwnument - UR~`~3 frontnl macaine (zin extensive flne or belL ai tow iii1Ls and ricdgcs comprsed of giacial rnatertais) xNiRSH arfarsh iNff miountain NR%V5 narrows (restricted part cf a marine channel) Pr15S mountaIn pass, gaP (low pLace in a reIatiQe1}, eren crestIsne at a ridgc ar other etongated reliet f+euture) PCGi :ndependent political cntity iiungdom) PEN pen'tmula PI,iR poIder (a low draineci area diked against en- crbaclinient bc the sea) PND pGnd PPL papulated piace (cit}, toa�n, villAgc, settlement) PPLD dL--pcrsc,(l noguDateci place ( cural communit} ) PPI.Q abandoned settlement PPLI $ec't:on of populatec3 place (part of a citv or town Iceullj eonsiderecl a$ an entity. whether vr not il has z.dministrative functiotas) ii e ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 PRK parK SPIT sgit - P:t0M inland proiizonSon (pzt-ce ^x ari acca of high, SPNG spring - general!}- #:at laztd yutxing inta surrolinding SPUR spu: (slopita~.; ridre exttildIdlg; iaSeraliy irorti a tawer land; similar La a tieadland rxcepi ior riioutilain ar oilicr eIevat~on) its inla.nd tuc;ation) STM stre:zYiz uazttinta tresh Nvater trr?tiy; -;er.eraliv ~ YRSW w�21dlifr greserve larger and flowing rnose water ttzan ~i ravine; point q.v.) pTS py}nt$ S7'N`1~~' whatin- station RI7iST roadslead S"I"RT stra;.E(s) (iargc, rciativcl}� aiacrow. navigable - FtF reef taSTstaare hauard to navigatYUn. usuaih cliar- pa&sage c:orrnectu~; largcr txxiii>s of u�atec) - actt}rizeti br submerged z-oc.ks) UPI.D upJand (eleti�aEcci arca of lou tQ moderate reliei) RG\ re-ion (lai�c;e area rerognized as an entitr bt VAI, tialle,; _ reason G: nts histary, geopie, or landscape) trtude arzc~ Icrngetride. --G~rfit~atcs. izx tFze third anc3 La RKL rac~C on ianei fourih cole~mr~s. ~axe for f~nding purExyses 4nty_ 'g'he} were RKSL rtx:~:a on land tyn some ~nstances, a~ a~cumula- generaRl~~ rrad is+ 1hc nrarest minutc. ~'~~r pr~.1cise lara- tion of talr~ at the base of a clit? or other taon, large :scale maps should be ustci. , declirity> Coocdinatcs nere read at ttyr map aymtlof for txapulated , RKS�' iocks in water piaees and other entities crcct:pying Iimitc*ci sites, at the RKW rock in water mouths or lowcr ends of streams, :tt onc end of c.anals, at RPDS - rapids the summits of mouneains and hilts, at thc evtremities RSRT resort near the centen of areas, and at the midpaints af capes RSTN railmad station , RSTP raadre3ad stop ui most other features. RL'IN ruin Arca nun:ber. - The number in the fz(th calumn indi- RVN ravine (short, 5teep v-shaped watercourse) cates the admanistrative or gcagrapttic tinit in ahich the SAND sand area tnot dunes or a bcach, q.v.1 place or feature is lacatrd, as listrd beluu'- _ SB soccnd lb:,c.-ad. nrotertecl, navigable 1vcx3v ot Dcnmark is c:iL�ided into ttv: ci,t of Kotx=nttavr. inuFnbrr water 22801, Yretow) anc3 twentc-tuo ctmtcr (numbers 22802 to SDL saddle ilow g:.lnr.e bctwecn two summits or be- 2~93? a11 C1t �li1CYl are first-s~rder acin~ini;trata~�c di~�i- t~�c*~n ronspicuousis� hi~ii places on a rie~ge sians. 'i`he amter are subciiri~ieti into a z�arieiv of ci`�ii - or motu~tain) and ecclesiastical di~'isians such ~.s a~lifsrddskredse, l~am- SEA ;sea m~n~r, herreder, ar.d Foyrac. Tt~e Faeroe IsIa~cls arc an SHOI~ (~ot~staore 13azard to navigation, gencrally autononious part of ihe Kingdon3 of Deni'.t3Sk. compa.sec: of tanconsalidated material, some ! hasin~ sca� tereci suUmcrged rocF:s) 22804 Denmark i general} j 22807 Nt.3rit>n SI.CE siuier (u�aier gatc. :i.~.sociaEect uxttt dikes, wliich 22801 Stadrn Kobenharn ~ 22808 Iiorntivim ~ cati bc ctcse(i during higiz tide and opened 22802 Kotxnhavn ~ 22809 Sti'cndtort, during tow iide ta etiminate 'hc callection of 22803 Frede:iksUorg f 22810 Odensc - water in a pwlder) 22804 Holbaek ~ `?2811 Vcjlr , SLp ilogc tgradient on thc sadr of s moiintain ar 22805 Soro ;22810- Skantfertx:rg attier relief teaturc: less stetsp than a r1ifI1 32806 Pra-sto ~228"13 Artius APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 I 22814 Randers ~ 22820 Ribe 22815 Atbot- 22821 iiadc :slev 22816 Hjorring ~ 22822 AbenrA-Sanderborg 2281 i Thi..~tt'ti ' 22823 Torider 22818 Viborg # 22880 Faeror Islands 22819 Ringkobing ~ I Gk+.ssury oJ yeneric ter�:s The (ollowing terms occur in the standard naime5 Iisteci irz the gazetteer. The mranings given include thase sup- ported by applica tion io featurrs namcci in ttie gazetteer, whether or tiot th ese meanings arc given in dictionaries. Faerpese words are indicated'b} the letter (F). A streatiri, drainagc canal a ( F ) strearn Acn stmam air ( F ) stmam amt first-orcier administrative dici- sion amtsrAdskreds secona-order administrative di- ris;on AS frontal moraine bzek stream baelt strait trakke hill bakker, bakkerne hilts bnregAcd railrond station hanke hiil, marinc bank, shosil, island banker ridgc banki ( F ) bank harmur (F ) bay, co ve tlarre shoai berg (F) clifl, ridge, hill, headland, point bjerg hill, point, sand dune bjergc hills, sand dunes bjerget hi1Ls bjorg ( F ) mountair,, hill bodhi (F) roc};s in a�ater botnur (F) ciryue. cYeffi. bay bredning bav brekl:a ( F ) slope bugL bav. bight. cove bund ba~* dal, dale valley, garge dalur (F) vallc}�, cirquc drangaF ~ (F) rocks in water dtangur ( F ) nock (s) in water, point, heazl- land The general nurnber tor De.ymark (22800) is used for features commott to Denmark and a nefghboring cnuntrr and for feaiurrs in Lwa or more,,, first-order administrative diriseons oi De D~enmark. Locationat reJere�re. -'Ihe number in the last cclumn indicates a map, chart. or oxlier sourcr on which the fea- ture may be located by its standard name ar a recognizable varinnt of its standard name, as folloas: DE-i-Mautx Ot Danmark i 1:200,400, GeodTtisk Institut, Koben- harn, various dates. 02 Ua�mark I:100,000. GeadTtisk Ir3stitut, rarious dates. 03 Danmark 1,-20,000. Geodaetisk Institut, various dates. 04 Dnnmurk I:750,000, Geodaetisk Institut, Koben- ha%zt. 1954. FaMoE 1st.Atius 05 Danmark, 1:200 ,6fJ0, Foro_unr shect. Geodwtisk In- stiivt. Ke}'gmannatiavn, 1959_ 06 Danmark 1:200,000, Fcrroerne shcet. Geodxtisk I:t- stitut, KabenDzavn. 1957. 0-i Fccroerne i 1:100,000, Geodxtis}: Institut. Koben- ltar-n. 1945_ 48 DanntarF:, Fccroerne 1:20,000, Geodcrtisk Institut, Kob,enhavn, 1941-54. DY_,;asAxx ANv TFts Fa"oF 09 Danish ti}'dl'ogTilphiC charts, carious scales , and dates. - Tt3e code 00 is used ior cras.s-refemnces 3nd for tkie stand- arti names ta trc tound onlt� on referenees ot}ier than Ehose ~ I isted abot e. iv ~ 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 d} Z). d} bet marine channel, strait eidhi ( F ) isthmus eje estate, iarm engene meadow enni ( F ) msuntaira, point ~ fadd blufi, headland fa-vand, fan-andet marine channel, sound felli, fjall (F) mountain, hitl. ridge fjard bap, baps, inlet, marine chan- nel. Iake, lagoan ijorden bay, marine chantael (s) fjordhur (F) fjard. ba}, marine channel, strait, sound flak shoal (s) , marine bank fles (F) rock (s) in water flesjar (F) racks in vrater flod lake flottur ( F ) hilt fort fart fassur ( F ) watcrfall, rapiris gab mat-ine channel, harbor gird, gbLrde farm(s), estate, rural commu- nitv gArcien farm, esta'te gardene farnzs gat sounai gerdhi ( F ) farn: gil ! F ) cleft gjogv, gjogrin (F) cle(t, co:e, strait gjov cleit, gods estate groit stream grov ( F ) corc grund shoal (s) , reef, flat grunde shoals gnmden shual ~ hage shoal, tidal fiat, spit, point, peninsula hagen martne bank hale spii, peninsula halen barrier beach , ,i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 hals hamar have, hav-en bavr. hede hegn hella herred heyggjur hoj haje hol hola halidh holtn holme holmur holt horn hovdi hoved ` hovederne hovedgird ho**m huk inddsemning ;ord kwr kalv Mambur kajnal keYda kilde kjilki kjeld klettur klev v peninsula ( F ) clift forest bay, harbor, bight, marine channei, ruadstead . heath torest ( F ) mountain, point- graup oi paa-ishes ( F ) hill hill, point hill (s) ( F ) gorge (F). catie ( F ) cave islanti islands (F) island, rock in aater forest ( F ) mountain ( F ) point, heaciland, hill .point, headland, peninsula, blu$, rock on land paant estate ( F ) bac point poldrr shoal pest bog, marsh, mcadoa, lhpath srnalt island associated vrith a larger ane. land-iied island ( F ) ridge, hitl, point canal ( F ) spring spring ( F ) poant spring ( F ) hill, matintain, rock an land clift APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 fCtint cliff.;: bluff are ;lipperne cl%'< arcrdrev kiit sand dunes, barrier beacir ov klasier monasterv avdr itetan liili a} ri {nob shoaE. island gIantage knold shoal, hill pulte knolde sand dunes puller ktrude point pc nt knukur ( F ) mountain reci kog palder rende, renden iolluc iF ) hfll krat forest rev, re~et ieiti ( Fj point, headland iejet cZ2[t rerle iidh : F } elifT re4n � iab cY.annel, navigation canal rimme tand, lunden forest ris m.Trsic peat bag risls n2ite. triler sand 8unes ron minnirih (F ) monument ronner mo! (F) point ssede ^~c~e marsh. peat hog, meaden, pol- sand aer m;jIi (F ) : oinE. hilt sande rnunni (F ) point sandhage nxb, nwbbe point sandur .zms point. ravr. peninsula skardh nakke roint. cape, bIufi skez nakkur (F) rnountain skov, skoren nakkurin (F) mcl: in jcater skuti 7ebb (F ) point siot ;ies ( F ) point sluse net (F) point so, soen nipa. nipan (F ) point, headtand sojord nor iaAe. Iagaon, aav spid-c nov (F ) poini, mountain stalekur 0 island (s) rAde poinE. peninsula, cape stapi oen isiand station oer is]ands steinar shoal, point, peninsultM farest, meadaa ( F ) island ( F ) islancls ( F ) ptfint roPCSt , shoal shoal, rocrs irt a-ater, recf . point, peninstila raadstead marine channel, stream chan- nel shoal, rocks in orater, rref, sand Aat, spit reel, shoal (s) ( F hiil sand dunes ~ fornst ( F ) clifi, mountain ~ fiat. shoal. island. peninsula rocks in Erater . farm, esState s,haal, island, sand flat, beach, uaal fl$c sana area, beacn, sana aunes shaW ( F ) point ( F ) rriquntain pass ( F ) point. :ock in vrater farest ( F ) sea cave castte stuice, lagoon. lakc bed sand flai. point (F) paint, rock in waler, hiil, is- land, headland ( F ) point :aiIra3d station (F ) rocks in watet- 0 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 ~ ~ _ 0 steinur ( F ) rvck. oaint strn rock, beach rid&e stcne rocks an lamd st.rner. rock nn tand sErand beach strom niarine cbannei. lagoon sund saund, marine channeI sund (F) straeY, ir~arine channel tar:gar (F ) points, headland tange spet tangi, ( F ) point tindur ( F) mount:ain - torsa , ;lc ) point, headland tue shoal urdh (F) rocks, cliff 13{,', vagtlr o..E' ) b3V vatn (Fy iake c7g bav, iattet, bight, cove, sound, Iagoon, lakc vik (F) bat, bight, cor�e ddsiitional name Iasts Ttze .alloRing publ:cations coniain names not included in thlS g87,etteer and mad be heIpful as finding tists, though the ac3slitiona2 tzames in them are nat necessarily I, thosc that wcauid be approtcd by the Board as standard names: 1. Lanmark i 1:200,040r Geaioetisk Institet3, Koben- havn, 1956. An atlas u ith an alFhnbetical place- name index_ 2_ Danntarf; i 1:100M(). Gt�cdxtisk In.stitut Koben- hatn. 1957-58. Threc Lolumrs similar .o item 1. above. 3. Post-og Telegraj Adressebog /or Kongerrg�t Daszmark 1950, Generaldireektoratet ior Post-og Telegra[- rasenet, Kobenhavn, 2959. 4. Place-name lists of Stednavneudvalget (Danish place-names commitiee):. Sonder-Jyske Stednavne, Danmarks Stednarrcc, and Foricgnelse orler Sted- navne. Seyeral volumes oi v:uious dates, vith Iists b}� isiarad, administratice division, or oiher area. Reporting of errurs it is requestcd that all who use this gazetieer aid in its correction ffor future printxngs by reporting error.s to the Board an Geagraphic Names. Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C. A statemrnt of tne sourcQ of Lhe correct inlormatiora will be helpful. `sii APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 . TABLE OF GONTENTS DENMARK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fr1EROE ISLr1NDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217 Cxa9rephK e+omes of their spetlings do not necessan'1p _ refkct recognition of the politrcol stQtus of cn orto by the , United $totrs Gavernment. ~ viii APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 Denmark ~ ~J APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 i C},s "-S :1 \ t ~i _ ,.it:C A1~?'1~LA:..; itl i'3`. :fp: t@r O . a . :I aJt ~~At h+v:S 3TL:'^VS Xi,:. : :i$ i~ " 'r.:' .;3'I: t�Z::.� �.:C "%�ct !A=_~S,i1:f }L[ Sc:., vic;, F~x S y ia?..r �a a5  + :e t T:dt? aa^sdaaxl iLf sh O; r  Se [ ..0.: a+fi,rP- _::G 5[C tc,_.^ ( rcr St !I r ~ t. E ::l:' f%rx. ar g~~4":~AE:i S,f! aA ~ : cft;i a~*sacesaa[D:~ , *s ~ . : ~ t �~~.2 a~ste-:: ~~,c sCt :�stti~ ca: 5s ~s ti E � .:t:~ 44aEk/M f_^.4't: SiE 140-48 6A� 15 \ s t.. L a2Qii dASCra1i:. 4(E , lr- 5] ,5  3.: C i1lil ae,sK:..; 5C[ tSW_E P a+. 55 s f 3:4CS C- .:.3LM:a.t-4?~G::B.~:i SEE xt:,F-.4 h4f04l%5�� !}� ttiCV.,,ef. +.St 15', :e ~ .:f::a AM" 15 W'~ . f? i 2.6:: 4A51Gf iJW: SEE iSIC-[(ll4 !t S 214;6 34 .~~.~o: S[S 13sisL ~t Ts Dv x 1: A. :23Lv tAd.~ tP G 1i! ii.EA'v SA S4 t 6 ! 728:5 }J a11SiE,^,. M SEE t>?:.D t S3n 37 20 -6 .3 I� f ::I31 a Aa?;.usf SEE JfC.;la3 rsv 56 .'t +a S 2} E I:tiv 3S aaltr a SfE a�+E? zStSK:� .H. $S i 3f : 7:62: :17 t,aL15.auFC Sft 3.1 eStt04wi r SS S C :SNt C: AAStx:.'p 41"C:.L SFC tStR`ua rasS 50 JY i f 2:61+ DJ 1641L SEE AY!.a ,.%,t oE> c5 h 47 E Mc, lLsee vrL 55 .Y .r a 39 e rtt1= o: i.f^S :+�a~~ 'rfl ta'wtGia: EST 55;,5 h IF 47 t 728:4 li3lti' M }f }T -k A�3 E :.26:1 �:4: %R S: i+ M1 )i i aill C. t�:bIC dai }T A i) E 12t3! ~a a;.a1 S+.~iri:. SEt !~a.%EiAt: ~c: 4e 14. t }5 � 2Z414 s�ta CFWS SS Sa ~ : 1= t i211: ;.Ttc:3 A.:'#-.7 r.. bay t! 21  . 3! S 223i; t :2426 i,^.'i'- i S] ?:1 \ 9 E 2I~Ii :,u i'.BL~C N~tVa , ~6Y 57 }y h i4 C :I416 'r: ~ i~' $ =1[c'. P =i 55 i4  4 34 [ 21~11 ~L6[I+Q:f SA ti S a; :2+_SS +:'s ~ 81t SS :'i > y is S .ittt :J fL$t[ c,.7S,.iALl~5: rRS: 51 }y  . F �:3:4 �+~l StC fst '!4fd r,� 56 11 1 i: 39 : 2241+ J: �:O1TC65 So A i: IS E G APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 A '_9:17 :%E>MS'.:C ~m. S' +te_!;~ :EL :O  :S1a6 z : a~cts'R~a =:F SEi 4 Gf 5 i - 1: ta S .14~4 54 ,S li �a f 22~ - _ A.;;a_rp P7_ SS ]d R ~.i'J:' ~D ' l.3iRS~u S�I a:.LtiSS�. a R  ~ 4 7 S4 { 2f E.:t24 C> h 57 I x :G IS L:ML �R: SS i: 2k f Ilk:a y� k`:EPjV S~KEa ~RI,S SJ S4 k . !0 Ii [ IY01 4F ~ .s F! f:293� a:.CR= ::0.a Oh SS 24 t 16 ) 0 C 72aIc GS =_Z6(cGia: s~ ya yt x :c f:1dJ! :t A':-5E /L SS it x 10 YC [?SII3 3I {LLES#aar[ iii Sf 3'x 1: 29 C 22004 42 31 .b i S� [ :Sl:a � z`~ sGr: - cs+. 4' ; a 21 E d7~S .y '4Li='-2 %EE +.ti�Sf pl SS xT x iw [ II41C C:S 2> > c{ T R~ Sf i! ?t IQ ti E 1i8i24 zi ~+++3 S? Sf % 4�3 R~;0 A:lE: S� n 1.7 24 [ 72614 C: JL~f=:sx:f smw5 SS % i! f :2911 :3 ;LLI%0SC:CZ.f iPl SS 71 \ 16 � E 22445 JL j:'.[+w^--" afw-f ati SS }3 t iI sa [ S2tG~ st az ~ 3] � 2?414 . IS ` 3: C:il1 A c9T. 54 C4 t ir 446 C 22#:: y: }r ~t � z , f 55 114 A E �S C 22#2o 55 IJ w ~ t :1l.:S 9! ST~� S� :T K 9 iJ [ 22526 42 'Ft�'+ . as'. 57 1 !2 +a E:ii;a y~ e Str 5 24 * Lu 39 E 7':i3 :I s` I a,i aoL S IS IC [:Sil w~ ~S'.'~.. `jr a ~s :2 pai 36 I! v :J 7: C 2Il1a -I't A L LZ.4M.rt' SI )3 % �t. C :Zli6 545 iC % 4 2L � i20i3 a: }S t R ia aY i 7Ito GS ta i 3 v aa !:Ij:7 :a ' �:lI!r:&Ai.:y SC[ ~i::i!:,�r'viMM tlf }S 16 A 430 E 2162t y. , :.Ct4;:,t~3 CSt St lf t 4); [ :Jfit r ~ . SS !5 i 19 54 � 1?d:? 5- . 3! .4. r Z2e3T C1 I~ \ 4)f E :It34 ~L sa a4 w 12 E ..dJt t : E 7i41t ;ill'.:5~-^t.'.t4~ ~ia 1S y 3t t :2Q1Q " SC c aiCQlC4S[^.tifJ~ rbt gi SS ~ i)t C 2:tii Ail2Ai rJ uJ. S fs ti 931. C 120i2 ~~�:..y ta+~ s6 ~3  . SZ c :2+1fi ~I ; LM` ~Y. 56.'S Y ii 16 C 22#41 75 F 22b:e . - ~~FGaaa~ S~d 5.':m: t~Itili7 tx* SS G7 q 25 ' I E 226a# , . ~ i 0 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 s ~ .ti�C11iJt FmnCS 55 C .:11G 1:,!- SN: L M1~; CvL !e i2 �  S+ L i2Cit r. al"21y: 1 S:Y SS 9 ~1 ~~O : ~ibl. oi.w~4~f PD~ S- a5 A :6 L :24:7 .1 t_H:~J:~~Ev �R11 !S ."i h ST F I2__b i~~:~= 53 ic Ss Ca n v s) f =2 --1. A:r'i':: D0.- Sk !1 J E ::6I: 4: 1~f5L~ir~ .C~ ii i: '1v L .i.i;.`s a.+'slCr. Sf: 5'CA� +t:.-S:ti.. :5 a: .p s 36 C :292C :5. x':+5-r_a oci S: ST .r :t F. 2iu: .t y"ti?cs; aC SF I: V 's lF : I181! c. aLt.0+�. Dst 5+ S? v - 34 [ :SdYt C. A :ia[f coL }S i4 s Cr c) E :2lIb ?t i:25� "L.D 55 QR a .s SQ [ t.?t al~f~t; r~4. 45- 27 f FeSi h 6:4 E 4Lq2 ISC SS 51 ,Z L!, E :2813 0: 1L*@ S+.a.- C+hW SS :4 h la i � 12w~ Si ttA�,,,M ii 2i h 4 D. C 22414 kL5 ~ S .3 ~ i3 26 L 22535" OS aL, 24r 54 54 ~ 'f }S E 22l.t2 A:.38s144 SE[ +r5?'3�RG aOt S7 C ) w 4. ,Z'i E 21916 C-i L,S!1Ln Pft 57 t3 s E 22$14 ]t I;,SbC ot 55 25 t t3 p; S 2241: :F t:s 4*aL'S� 3E� 8sr-~-:SE Pv: S! is Y 1: t+ C :_'IS t:SE�"t Sb R : a! [ ::321 L; arZA: a - ~R Q 2261.1 C: l.S ilELf PPL 55 .1 0 {a' S! I 22i3) 21. S_3tG: ;lf".D :i f0 'c f.~ f 22t1 i, C. A.,:Ea a0'- 15 a T6 S 22621 1;.S:CY =ft SS J2 Y y;) C 2:8:f �l5ti. ;h St i: ti 1 1 S) E 2:446 u. ;LSLry Cot 55 35 s. d i6 L :I3tC J; tLSLf: i S:w 45 S d 24 f d2RXw sLg:['i:.ic: r.Zw !a 45 A iZ C.2 C S:fLT A:3Lis cti,rj tP. :S ;I: 1 : 5: f 2If2: 32 aL.iL�w Sc:. ra;: $a 54 s 54 C :'l-:; G: ALI t2~?: ,�*caf_ A:..Q 11 +s c :2322 G. j~5.* :R '.n 43  2: 34 E 223:.? , l 9f'L SS 22 S'51 E 21314 Ai5 --:+L� 74 42 k :a t 22Y11 i;: f s~5:~.+E:_' ~c�. s t? . f S A ii S.; Z a:5 C1Cw 3i s! 1 a�c RLSF:7 QR 2: % E ..!7' ,a.5tf0 o~ Se Si r t 5': E ::ao" a:SLtP-~~:o:E'.z Dh ~S 25 ~ a: � -:s:~ 1~>t~~':Y3.�.. '.'E i~., !sr S~ Y:  , . ~ _:5:. acSSE.-+aR,~ r~. S} yo ZZ~N ls U a:Ma 55 .s  Sl : 22E15 �~STfD Src.. tti! 55 24 h 22 16 E Ia1f04 PPL 53 Y ;Y �7' f 22t0' �iSTR.~ GK SS 57 h .z 3* L 2?1J� :2 a:stSS,a w. !s 2! .A i 3+ i' zait, +LSI`tLa Pft S4 39 x SC G. ~ 23414 OL atStG.91 h Sv a1 R � 5"�:F ~~';rx114.'Ak;n: re.s f� 15 51 !t :1 14 2` Z2~v4 t j~s.t5.du44~. S[i .c4&ig5~1at~ SR.r 57 ic ~ 22 Si C _ - .t,'aF~_tit ~ S6: t~ A , , ~ i 52 E 17l12 J: 1l~.^1:L3"vrta.t;-, 'w�� s,~a:YKSws~ fF~s 59 45 R 49 ii 12~ ;S "r'c - S= �3 ; Ii t: E?It~+ .Ns:s,SGi;a . AAtifXS t,ta ~ w f - 3~ n ia YI 52 C 12"6 oi ^?e:..~5�K;>a s! 2s s ;o r ~ ?Iil; GP aJlfrtiip f~ as n 2s at ~ rttJ~- :7y , ~ 41 a ea � s ~c e~ ss ~sn, t sg ~ zamns at , � ~,~:~!~sac_a rik� se s: % * 0} L` ,SA7! CS ; vL.- ! 21 1ti q 2~ E :1lIY .'iE =,w I9 :M 9 Db - ~ ~ ~ ~ 55 2S 's t. 13 E ZT!!. :i tY51:.�.W � is 42 H, 0 as : ~c s x::~ .G~.~ +6 l6 .q ~ !1 � :Illx :C t:u A,;ife i S} 47 x � 22A3a flY C+ 5 55 :s a 21 , .S R.r.;,41sR :+i.tA*Arff a3i R SS a1 p !+S E 2292 z Lt 0 .s:~,.t t':~iF wJ.;{ ~I + ~o. %d :4 l s . C 2211. kr.SF SEf 4TC4E w.s:5b PS SS I2 % S4 [~~2262Z s G i - - Y 3 l! E 22511 iK S5 24 h 4 24 E 22620 ;rC 8)f ~ 2.tS � ' SF~ 15 2t ~c 9 15 E T2x2c Ci .1.+;.~^,:i: 51 ; � _ z:o:~ 2Y4� h~R.r.e~ ss x . . V 3a r irez~ ar - 9 : w. `~FOtaETTr5~r2A.:~' F ` . 2~ ye 34 % 3 3t E:zaia ~3 " SS aa .r al 29 t 31+6Q~.L a t ~i ta"e.s opr. b a; E 2Tbit A9 ~L , ~D 7 23 23 E 22~^.? 03 _ `+~"'>++L.Q SEE p ~'L= iE h ? 39 E 12417 .t~tt:.7~St~'r fiJ2K ,SS 23 :n IE Z! F. 224,'.S .t - = " Rm"_ aSxh $S 42 S 57 .I !e t a3 ~ 22! 3 _ y 1.. !S � 1 s"82 � ~Dt.SSa~a .h9t ifr f3� ~ SS ?T X 15 dF 33 S 22~1'k f't2i22 ~ ~ ~57 ^'~~R'ffi S:L Sa4. SL� a:si!.. Cft Se z .Z :9 ; 2:1:4 :o At*a3za6 SEE .t~s:i+.~ SC~+ i�3T ~4 29 h 2S f 2:~i4 _ AV,%Z ofr. SS CS x 21 7 E 224.6. :S RvaCS 14 al : 21SJ6 3l LifwRaun sse s4..s;z;~: cs: s$ r,s w Fa .r., t Aa:.Sto,a Cst SS C3 K .1 +T E 27lws :t 4%:,%: WaN . ::,L 'vi k tt ; :2iCr! a'vl.T Dl R i: 3F f Z2d1a 03 j+A'sZI,11!5 SfC A.^tSB~i~+G - (S: 59 29 x 9 I L:2Aii Avx1L'E'. C: 21 'c ca ~ i13:4 i l - �~.~.s;cr ,s:tR:r adta 54 A I; as : :23Zq 03 t.sSiFr t'otasr Pr i 35 :1 % aa ::iCi LS' }t IT % 4 3a L SiaEi - Aw:.o;,i S5 )S t  1! : :262t CS ;+E;.'fri ::E A.cSEt'E;t IFwS SS 47 N 9 52 C :26I5 i:t +cS:trC.'Gi;C; rww SS :3 a 12 G0 C 22L86 6.txCfS;~.~k: SEE 3i4E5::7p-- s4 .a N e .rt.= � _ " 9~.L5a:;.r~ 5E� :ti^4++'-sRLti: fy~. S~ 55 ?ti i i1 E i1W SEE bl.SSxt-`sru.:L.~ i:~ S5 Ca 4 :3 f 2:t23 uz D~J: S~SL d.ttt:-x 3,:F ~2;,53:_-c~sb+t Pz~ SS C4 a b a0 [ .`2lSJ EtA:.:G..Si.a'v 'stv SiL y1v !i 37 h ~i Q3 f :.i62! C. SEE d1.5:c.^, 55 tt Ai :a SY f :2t36 34 _ $u"v IfE 9t(. :,frjg;r ~ a~rq SS Fi :1 EZ E 21410 suc-. scc alra as~ 55 ts Y 9 ay ~ x:afa oc BJeAt� ~r 5{E 31"1 C'i S$ :S ti 9 44 L 22#1G :t bAt:w '�1`.1 SC� 51~~ YISf.:.TI!UYa r4R 35 :f i a4 [ v r} 2a SEE 5 u+..+. ~FvS SS aF 1 m:b [ mSbIJ .Z 3.ulM4J 3=� ai~*rts " ne.4 57 Zj .3 C9 f 22f11a Baail*:J cE.E ~4i 57 26 Sf f :2i36 ,3 544.n:,1� :s�Z - PCL"a !T 1Y"A L 22616 i? 3A4:Sf[D }tE 5tL,S'E+J Oi+ti SS Ct t r Z. E :Zszi h7 3a.4t0[3: :,tt 7c7. S} bi `i .4 .`a � : )t t C 19 E 412:.^ :l OitCCSu+fJ 3C`i fiA:[Er+sds FRMS SO 1? ~ 10 15 E 22324 J3 a,cyv"Sb.i[ G:At:ar,t FAS4 55 ]i t Sa ; 22S:~ JS SailSfiS i_r s3+7Rt 9.a.zE~.~, , m 56 3a q B 51 E �`t25 61'v 3~~�a3d+:i=4:~ p9t 55 )S A :2 :o g z2lJ2 BAittB's AtZEgwJti[ sRw Ss 39 K d Sf E :S4113 G: 94tC ~L SS SS .r I.G 23 E ZI32: bi:ttrK Ccc wg 3 c: E :141) :F 14.L. 4? I} !t t ."l836 i aa4:t6W Siu.>E S:C� :a % d it f 32523 01 5/,MS1 ~ ~EL s? :a u 2�? E 22814 J: MSKG'i SEE bA4.SA.cvGtwa^. ii- Sd 2E a zo 21 � 2:814 L~.'. , p APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 _ 3A:Sc.'S~ :tv !FR?9 t~s t~ i :1~1 L.: ~l,~.t~~?Sf f t*i ;o ; S. E~Jki3 'r~ . ^ " atls-EC, ~ P , $t~~3f i. : S~E S~Qi~SC ~iit~'a o�p. SS Ia A S!E i 12~Si _ s? :e 3A4 R l~iSLZM;,-~ aaL S} 2~ s :i C:It.S r , ' av~ ~A 7D A S)) E ~2C15 Jl 9i::f~ SEa s$s 54 :C x St E 2_!-J7 3AX~c +SE E:,^va SS Q) w il g 22Rvs v`ti S~~frNas~aF: SE� SMii.-.�, ra;v f~+ !y Ce a 13 tt � 270,; ::.3 0A:tD 4S Zas SEE e.c_'iC SEA SEa S Cu :E C~ f 22lYJ v ,r s ; v�r3. ~t ~ Ra ?CF .J- i5. ..`=t SLf ct".:i ::a aeA 32 Da . , . . . s~'r ~S C4 YE i ::i:~ _o _ �~4Tt �+e:t SEE �a.TLC Sfx . s 4C SK E i:R^.3 C ~ 1littft~4~ S A^. !c S C4 � 22b's' Z r.r,� 617 1 L SLA . SZ A 56 CC a ' ~p v3 E*12630 9aRti4 5Lf :tRAtt� sP. 5S a) ac i!a C 22E2' 6+C(~iLS:.. +a:~� SEE 3ii.7>'C S(t S. }3 . + ' i& E:2iv'' ' " $.4RR(' . 1[� li" . 11 ItSS1R SS a4 A 4 !S [ Yllii =3 . R o{ t8 3 ~'[K~:frri.: nOt fb 2= h 4 14 E FI431 a Ar%g% -icL sS 71: h 4 22 � 224:II -ft 3Ut141k~a SCE 6fACSiIiLP Gft :4 f? ~ lk E 3'I0146 03 - 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP0 1-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 i . . _ DGsS'a+..s~ ,1[L lG~�stru~ ` vr, . ~e :t ~ . 14 E 2261a 0,~ 3iLFQft . I . . . . . . . _ !(4ZCrs SCf 4C f 22S16 43 . _ #ki~"R~S vP[ SS S.S  14 C:22k`0 GI 1D~aSG~?t: CYt 4S ~ ls F. ;t ~ci SS t3 n 11 :b [ 224~? a2 'JIh2Gt~rw? ' luw DG's: SS -C x 1 16 C 22iif Cf , . SA 23 N ,1 ;It- ;1:lI4 G! ffiR;;,*iCi~ ii 3S r S.: 79 �'s24:) 5i 9SA'i?�A".'0 V.i ' ` SS 24 it 9)i L 2i11I CI ~ p~ S~ ~9 ti fC f! I 22414 C9t , v _ QEat.~..: ~ 1 9l~tfaw ` rplp St 5:s k .c; E s2Aj) Y{ " Bi'CFA'.l_Y SCE =r=63aL se aa a 10 )4 t'taatl) ~ , gii 61LttD u�5t~~ 3 ~ ~ s~ ~ 2rtla: 'dJ !`t+iCEi~ia � BIaFa~ars,t~S" i ,SS a � ~ l4 L Z24 : ~3 e2*rfltr~a Sr;t if ~':ti' ~~i s7 C+C N �i 411f ZZat. 31 D a r~,~ r:~rr ~ s;~tsc: ~tL rst rc ' . , . .E, rtG �Ar ss t. , a :2 9 1719 a.ti cs~ . . . , ?i ss , L . ~ 36 f. 2Zk4e Ol SZ.*i'vf+ctiro 5`RAA3.C '2 y fdtaa.r.~:vi~aC C~x'~at:aGaay,, ur 31 49 3s'u3 E 13eCT \ DnK 55 3 N 36 t 9.`2i'l vi _ ' F1tx3 SS,SI it 8 36I 22e34 6II r � atkltF:S~tpD ` +,�ESt Sa. a~'# iS 4 3 1IiSST 01 SG~:.R;:: 5tE .3taa^Cas P ` - ~LR$bX I~ Olh~ S/, k` h L: 'S! S 2i 31 : E3 - @:~fA3~ " f~ 1 51 f5 N ; 9 34 i 2Y411 Q{+ 0�RGMt~L�eStR'.'f iR+S SG ~G ~ 3 S~ r " .^S~AS Ct . � s, l1Sa~ xliSt � ~ 37 '~3 s ' tfl l2 C d2616 01 i4ER'~ ~ar OfED !li S+j f: 5 34, � 22t27 . ESi la % ' S+. tl Ii E 22~? GI aCATf~~.~t! t~ ' ' ' C? C 22212 OIl :0 f) . 4 s 2i E Ii6ia OD @SRKt'r_'!K fise 56 02 IN 9 00 E F2SI! 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Ppti 55 t3 a W Zz E T2e21 61 i91 Pac1 a~ SE, Biaff.siti,^: iit YS ~21 :y " 10 33 L,, 2Jd2o p5 u i~ 9P~ - 3y a A; "r :l, E 12iI? 01 19W t,444,;rS~E CIAhc��~4:E ' iR SS 23 :3 )S E , . - - c 226EG iT33 . - 6llSAEc SS !S A 13 C' E . ':24I3 ct E!'!.�rC[R ` , 81tSilt ~ CCti ~?'ftD S4. Eo ,i 8 24 E Y424 1Y ' rt 4 rG2 E 22E111 01 blAx~r.~tR 3ff BtfvCS(R " C."R ~ ffs iC x , . . y 19 E 14l9 oc - _ i� !i � ~ : i' _ ta , c~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 ~ ~ 9it=tt:if 7:`;, ~ ! a5 ~ :al2r L: J:lr-JL ::i [ f 2i43: ~i?~id =r. ~s zc A 7 C :28:i :.Ct .:LF=zC E Y. A .s J1 E W:TJG'{:. Y.'2:~ w. . . :.1g ~..~'12.Z: _iE ?-P..'r..LG.;. E .,1~. , yi Zi P. ..(4~tSEf w.:fiPF:.M�^.: trr Sa \ �9 75 E 7"tati t C: ' 64(P.5:�a4.+lc'~ :.eE z.s:M~+'SCeic,} . r.x t 6 dS ~ . cS : 1:!!1 . ..i. A. 552.1xci M.L S} .4 ?i#as c dJlr�uTi:dx::,i iE� a�7i i4v5 S'. ;ItJL e5F 112 r. E: 3b � :it.+ 8A,'aF+Uw^C SEE S:C;,E b-f+WxfusA3: tcr i+, k . y.' � :232: c�J(.c;....A� if.t 0..*'F::ZaT Si%" Se J: . SS i 22i14 5Y14.tawD ~d_� i;,'.ica fK- 4 a?? t 2~Y17 1: 6.1si,`:icAr.-~E~E ,�.tF 3.FQ^Yif~1'~ rieC L G~~ 56 R5 1 C l? C :lC3L C-. 3:3S1A~ . . . Si~ SS ~ 74 t :Yl;.a Q1tR:iE Sf� E3.?tt.l' ~+~t:. arr . 49 ? :2*io . cfSGtc'; 'SS $ L t $ Si f. - . '2!:' l: 9I ~ 5J[aui eaEz.^.fL 3C� OtiG4f a : 54 L 17E11 ^.v 36aiv"OS'li`:r SEE :S :4 : . f 2:14)4 01tR44 '..C L 1SE �JFX CLif^ : rt-~ . 9: sS !c i:D : 2T813 - L :I?3: 0: 8J[fi:'*.a~x 8,;.EA'uLwLfd, PCiD !i :5 A :E 441 L 22TaS uy . B::K:=S:::: ia iT !t .Z ax ~ 2YtvS w2 bJfRrf+'CSE 3r. E 8~:~_4E~:3S .^iti SS t a ~ 7I f 22072 Rtsc_..: cv: s.:cr 5J_a,E scCv }xsz ~s .e N s s. c xiei 815;fY e � :.'8:k 3!t 4*~"5 ~:.r't SE: � ~_ipM:sa~v cci ~a 47 4 29 :7 C 72W R25sf?~:iaL '.f 4Y5 +�a.; :P, 55 4: r. 2: 3I [ t."t:3i .S bJt0FaLt SE� a.[ri~ Ei trct ~c t 22iiT 3Y5%!BS:a- . . :rC& *.S :1 .13 f. 7.1 I~^ L w1 SJ(RaExS:F 53E.R-:.~.t !*CL " 5! 4+ ti. 1~' : ;!:.::S;:t J9: :tS :i !i :E 2 :dzo5 31 bJ(R 'va:t SE� !!j fR'a t =.~t :7 {t.i N 4 3i ! :;ilh 5SS5V~.6 JF 2~Z3.t y! K L: i0 ~ :2n 1 :4 5!E .AR&:Gav.^ PfY~ S: tc L 2:61"1 r^ ~:15:%rE 1?,� 6 1(.fi:wc3S: :LE 6A-".wP4:SE E~ER~E~;+SE ap; 54 .a p ::A:G .~z d:5;:;v PAL SS +i :3 f iZii:9 }i &.(iS:r:.lt7'r :iE $trPwc^Y Sa ~T K ; .7? � :2E22 23 : :tNS) }k 'd1CF.itZr S!'E e.1CRGSti;:. r~t ~a 53 A e 2: f _':Bt: L-. Z:.% lE� i:S L 4C: 3.lcL:~, TC3 SEE Cl,:iF:r57[: ?G': 55 ~S !ti [i ii E 2:04 3..5;14;1 P.u...f:G~:.:~::. . . ~+JIa.% Sif. Sf $.fl!t'. P:2 $f, ib S i? ~ i13tk5 :�I sS :d t 2: 2t E 17t}5 8C1'[~Ye 51 20 12E16 L. 6Jt':EQSCfiv 55 77 A S: GI t 216}1- 02 5! 2S k .Z : 21A;. :S ti :2 2: : .f':L v.~, 55 46 n 335, i :ld:1 ~`~R.~.r!fwl4.~' :.'EE 5.L.a:.i.~'!f'.~i[RF F?.M 54 51, !4 i.�,' E lif:` 56 C4 % iG 4 7 f S:aY 4'2 83ts.: SIC 31:*.`s F~.l Z A ! C) c Z.ES`r .z 61{C:3i~.JA ctti, W% 'r }i E :1l2: WS 5:E ?~Z G.t.'..?G; ?9L !5 93 A i? 23 C .:1} a'p ;.L: SlliAE?J9 39 ~ 12 .a S xtli5 ~31si0r :fZ 9~;r".f� :Y 54 54 A 1: J` E :Z6~:3 3J:t-t:.5 +'-ia. ~i :t S: f 311:5 By[it :,R- IE GiL 3! 31 1 :3 Q: E Zlbt. , ' D::LLERVV ..6:~f�+t.t9D SEE :.1A:sbr P Ci St 52 fa !i : 2261' 3:iLiFzl`-~v ta�fuA'+n fF� Se .`s ~ :s C3 F 2210 s: 3.g=.~47 LL r+r4e >Z 51 32 S G! L :�$1C l~~LiLftwG CA^f+'rlfi? S~ !L IP C :Itl. SZE s.x C I:CC: t: 9JfG,GE~ at~, , }S 9 ~ :1b1? 63 S> D3 a SI E z2�.:=. GJ1Rfs fa.e5 :3 1 E fIY -WA:.�%F 15 a ~ 52 C +1E21 b:SrGt:.C;n S�Z sj:L+GY4 .'r SS St u [ :2432 SJER'sf 5[: ~1C2ki 54 10 iS f I;.EIt SEE a.dnai9e 0 cK 94 Sb h .J F :~t:S :r� APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 3.3PRSAr . St 3? .1�4 vvt 5,7 3S k :2 ' .23~ 9.:fW-7 iEY a.:f;.PE ~ . 5: : :5tr3: 31:?vi SEe 6F5%E % t: SR f :2:i- C.?iswtlG~, EA!1' ~7 .i ! ILL". ...:C-..:w~.l.'.. s~� .~.1~ ..:tnr f~lf i1f ~4 . ~ ii~f~~ v~ ~ ;s~C.::.~ z i S;: , S!.'_ :;Gf~l sN+ !t :a % t . E ..!2S : 221:8 ESECu� uiSrL^v S:� 3::R_ 9 3: 22l1r 'Jl SVL S! SE XL ii ]E E' d26:4 C: 67GLf:.sA.^. liltM 56 73 ri E0 26 E 2261+ Ol lOGtES SiQ 6::.KtS SfC++StCV ip;r.; SS 42 x 12.5". E ,,22D.^,? o: D0r-iJ+~.^� ~pX S7 EE w 12 17 f 22!! 92 B3Gx15 SLCiStCti AripRi 5! 41 W; ':3 C: E YI&J: 13, :tCtE N�OEG+iqD' SEE 50tC[rK3f FFlt 57 Ca z 13,17 t 2Tlf� oo 90-;,4 SEE "wia0 ss~w 54 S= !a t3 47 E 22lJi 60 SOct;ln 70C SS SC x S!4 [ 2262: C2 ' DSEE ECCt' 3r ~c 44 Ss s 22 113 E 22au Q-C SGCCER CSS ST 13 a 13 C;f 222:4 Ct SOG+1 tSt fa Sa ss 12 OR E 22b^. 61 6CttER ifb~c5 SY 29 w 4 1~JE 21110 02 lty%,; 11- SS 3~ tAX :C 31 f 2I6I0 i'2 SC,-LL`R,iiaAA.'~,� SEE e�iL:R P"S 56 Y1 K 3 11' E 22614 V4 gwvw 1 Si7 St S ae :2 3] E 12"-' 02 9tt~G;4SM:~ iRm Si St !t .3 C 2It3'. S~Y~p 3Y Pft S4 $b 74 12 OY S 229:4 03 S2;,t,:^x~ iPS !S I5 h S 24 E :ZE11 Cl Sc 52 z IC +2 � :2![et C~ Brtl:tx~'. fit SS 59 E t 39 E 22414 CF wtYa !~R 34 SS 't i2 Ca � 22?:.'�4 -s~ ptLilaKs ~~AJRf-- .rAt 56 C] h c' SS � 221Et4 02 83'v: Dqz3C'tlv. SEf 9Ct.7 ZS~S !L aSS x 21 t1 5 42v-7 :+1 3tti1ta55? ' tOfg 54 9t ee 9 1: E 220I6 02 SOW Kia1 314.;:t;�RtG1~ca E53 57 21 Dt 9 s# � 12d1~ :1 82}G:;tKCCS7ER 5c.,^v . . iR3F !t j~ K 2z i+~ dtl2~ ~2 - �:r:rtAJ ' iS~ !b ~ !S ~ 223ZS ~I SC4; 2 � :.t4ko _ po= 1~ 13 K : St C:T4Cb � ~ ^ 15:, St ty * It )l � 2Sl3t vi 4 7 cx; a5 fE � 22l:? SS aFTAi B Pot 55 SJ k G!6 � 2I#22 oiY _ ss :s r btRZCP� "t. ss � x 4 ss ~ rzeia 21 56 45 S)t E _zais 0: 3 ca ctw � J1 h 9 r� E ?tiYi ^I c~ S} 10 n LS 00 t 21If~~F OP :=2 E 22i14 02 {S"\`C iE; 5C4YQLN ` _ csr 55 is t 22405, ax ,e-r. xak,1 �iL 5h 10 y 82, fiO � ue: a � _ ~~�-s~_a' SS R cI � 226Ca &~;wCi~ (S+~qS �Ses} ,a.aK,Ed. Sf� fli'xitFt sawy 56 fT A 5 S. L 2231: ~x~CtK54+T a~ S3 SO !z IIS 22K~ 90 g 02 � %R: SS 24 -s bv 44 eE t2L,^,7 iK 8~tJW~tlrSGxM1L~T S~:E 35 20 k 14 SQ � Tttzz ;.+1 ' ~C ~~S~a3 G~+ow 55 20 14 Ia E Z2COJ04 3"�~4.^tC~tJaV ~S~E 'ILS~dGl?; K`fiv 56 I3 A S GZ,k?!t!:CK 444RR.a. 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S:~S ll.:.::.i _ut'~ ..:Y .b �.r � . , . L �:t =ws _ ` 4 . . P . : t :lAi _ E :i�:a " 'lY4Ec . . :.'T7 ~ ut.+ rIL,"~:4L. ~r.,3. .n 4 a. ~ : iE:a .�.+fX.\~ . ./;[l::i: ..~v, ~ ...7 . .-:.a:'.~. E_ . _ . r7': ii '4 2! . : ..__5 ~Z�=.:.o . i.311'.t+.'. f �a 41-t:9 GW': i : a ~ il: . e ~:V"l's.Ea . ...Er ~3.>Sf". n'.~ !i�� ~t . :l !'S S 4 'a=. ~ f'2Jfli "D:, :4 .Tt S -f EE :2~i., . .Yf3~x ~$.i :~YS ~-.i2. . Lt_! . ;:7-a+`::A t ::f : ::Citz�..~ _ r! a} S . :2d� . Ib L . ~ _ c ar: 74 S) %fl'. 54 JS A d 3�+ E:i#i: �a - ' :v't ?S 1x. s }i ? ,:l:� :j:w :G 3] s i iit:k ~i no1�.r - 3. * >l: :k >s4 '!1 'i; 3 4< E-� at'~: =s :r n .f s. t .zas: � '84C T w.�~ r Zk::, . T':LM .i I S: ~ T t' ~ � "S.a }i ~ ` ~ ` r t .ZC.:~. rr . i5 ?i !2 ~ iSlo. . !.t, _ :o ::r G9 E ~ le_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 � ~ F~~~~.~.N i.. . u..w~.~i,.. . ~ ri ~  . .:fv ~v ~ . ~ � . , _ ~ , . . . . . ~ . 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'6 m x 02 [ 22820 aY P1t 55 27 trt 4 at E 22023 CO FK6 SS 3Y k �17 E 22E11 - 91 rrL ss :7 M s st c 22*2: at /RSt !S S2 R la` 'sF [ 22401 01 43t 55 7 w 3T 10 E 22W2 w PfL 54 29 K iC 2T E 21614 *Y )ii S! n )f 21 L 224,0+ 02 M: 54 36 k 4)7 E I29I1 02 rxm s! )a Ift 917 t 22411. V: FF.x 'Jf 36 x S 37 E I2921 C2 9ft !S 43 K il 22 L 22004 , 00 f"q SS 35 b 9 2? L 22412 �2 tzr; R 9 Qi C 22611P QY OL 52 a`! D4 1 SO f 2241? til aE.t 33 24 s f47 L Y2416 C1 6ir S! 24 u t44 [ 22430 03 7t" SS 27 x 9 aY ( 2243? 03 tam S! 24 n 9 Sa c :.'s1o 01 SAT !S 2} ti t 4f [ I2410 02 F"3 54 0l x 6 St [ :2i14 Ol Pft 15 Cm x ! 41 [ 72t13 Oi sx $s Z: x i: :7 c 22005 01 P9i Ss G+ ec 1 Sa ( 220AZ Ci ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 !09~-l 4 Y a~ 56 }i ~ a )s 'L ~~�nR~tS ~t S ti a 10 f t1~:i ; - " ~.^+~tt3r P^i~ Sa sF r il E : 34- 1 r ra ~ ''"L 5 2? ri ~ i ) :C i 2223C ~i~tifk�E a*~ fs )i r :?7 :1 RIIS:.:is;%v~a;, sca. 2` ,S t}� F :2tLa O1 ii IIs f ::n. 7t sta�rA. 5[t tr s A`"XE ]S 21 k itt 3G f ~IE2~ Cf. - Si +0 !i 21 0: L 21fC,4 ! t AatSts. ::+aAZ S�L S� !T E J'36:4 00 PK2 SS i: r li 115 E �':~�t55 C2 SCC Ff.EC'v'J~~w o~ 56 44 t f S~. i! !5 + : E. ; � D! � 226:: zJ _ rC*.SZ. G IS i SIl15 ~ 55 s'i -N 8 37 L:262. k92 4104�^. dRic S`!% SYV[W_S c.t%,ti U'tL 56 53 IV co N.S [ I = F8'v~puu ?L f Si +ti 9 r;_Cli, itc(1w1~~f ~ Ftw 36 IS �t,i - Itt3 AI SC a L 22034 CS S�L F~~ t6t S� 3? �c 34 � 22#11 ~Z ~ 46 21 % 1 25 � 22i1E 3a , 34 �:2l1� :4 tE �IIiRici wL St It K f 11, ! Z2818 D: St 44 h 9 1 t L 22817 C L ifOw50 - 'i ' STr~ SS ?2 SY i iFl443 01 F4! CieJt58E104 F? . Su SEE IOrSi 1S Zi t Pf ii t 2 2ti y i a 1 r9ii !S 1 w 13 )S E 72M:2 �i ' 4 4 Pft $4, 11 v io Qw f iZ#14 Ty {_htf:+G Pa 34 2a -N tL 1241F FiFwaitxSyiA+ 57 15 !h 20 St E I2814 ~r? ~'~^r53a:5 - . s.+ s 24 �c cF m 71 i i: r afc7cSx!.t: sr~. Sa i~ aa [:Ik:+ f. f P,;,,.^S� 'S . dls ~v f:E..FCicS@J[cir ;Cf rz�~fa K t Sc+.JQ.~L Cs~t S C! . i? 23 E 72412 1CS } 1S x p t zziU Cs t ~C~`,1cEt SrI +TihrSt.[:G11ta . tE' 1 f" 55 .23 t~ f:5 E 22'�ii .s sa�Z� .W:tS':.r' a,~, . tt"ti ' r : s[w � 25 ~ 4 iS [ I:dlti 61 t S4 0! .~t 10 11 E SI819 0: ~~yf?!c5?:p�; S:f t..~:i~Cfk.iA7G SCL f_-YSCLT tC~ 4. S 2! x . 9 . . CSTL SS 54 h 12 St f :.Zl-t ? w ffi1' SS 26 : 27 t.:lYI i? ;o(^L~':cS_ a,~.� 55 ss n :r :4 t Zit01 w _ r~'t�A ~ a S If : 2241: C. sc&C�~icS~"O*: 4/.C: !S Sa ~ S: 14 E ISlaS O) : ~aa:'.:~,a tv.c S! !Y Y 9 S7 1:28F4 i,: fsf~{RiCS~'1~ , vsa 54 t. s a 3! C 21dtf 0: S3 t 3 SY �:dki5. JI - F~Et:~'2�.s p=t SA 416 ~ f IS ! 12315 J: IA [ifaf[SDti r . - ~t . Sa ~ :6 Q3 C aZ~3~t Ct 22l13 F ~E.DEN IcS~.+ti SS cF t .Y 7' t 7IQv: C: L-A Sa 2C x ~ f s �..x 54 I! 1 's. a F .:~is ?i ~~a��.res~,.; �m a St L:S#i) . - ss r r �.L ic5:+: rcw sa rs x...._ ro a4 t.:0:. f?.i.'37E~to:h: . E. , :1 -.Y o fF S�.~ C ?1r3E . ~ M F:L:~A.:[401L i4~.�C~tCts~;~ . . . s=';vtr;.''c cor ?R 45 I^. n 1 : : St f 2IA-3i '.^'s crSf!e s.k47i ,-iCq i- f0 it 20 tS E c`Z,6Y3 sy 31 4 tl S: i 1S4C5 �;: aa: !.5 I! ~ it 12 f SSt.+ v; �xcc=re sV; L3� 51 ff x 6E al� f .?'~a 0: r S!f TyEi$~tc4-'Ls..~ ''i�~ 41 Li % w e. � i2/h) : :2 SS i! s. :e f :2e:c: o; siF� v. ' y? Ci a r L IItlS! :2 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 _ 0 0 s7E:~~:It~:Ra3 rE( f.(C::;~.,~;_ fRE3.C". . l2CrK3-lt.3 ~.xASdi. i,:x. �i y 'i ~ i~Si� f:,~~_E1 i/.l~l[L.t.L'n~ "..C.L 41 r �aRv~T r. tCxCC='t:5�tt:.. . :sl ~~j .a v 1: T :i3:i ~kc..~ff 'sa~i sog; aa' !c di }J : 7Zd47 41 . /C?_T.-.1K.ii fcf.~�.. M 5: d: x :5; E / 22*11 C' r~iSGw::l.:r SEE fAE35L%L:%:. fqw 55 aT % 'i Si C I.'bii Cv t) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 C.Rb.if.s:ta: rRx ~6 h :2 2: F z2E�W ) 0: fLtJ wiT:�fS ~lCn~ "Cl SS J2 i 4 00 L 12l1: 0~ sR:S:a.k FS~a.~:i iS.S S) SS % ! 40 E 2265~ - 55 2: ~ 1: � 22311 O2 R~�~' ~m Si S7 ~ 's 3w ; 11d' 3 r~y ~Cfat.?t:. ~9'L U ?t K 4 2: E 228II : ~ Lt . v .'2316 31 s IrF.0 9(, IL s 70 49 [ II61+ CS _ iIYL'f.\S6J~IRw SEE /RT~^.fhS3jiN.'n F0." S� 16 R 30 L : 22414 OG sz:5-r_a ~ Stra. /om5 47 :1 P i'S. f 22116 3.trp�;33~:iCiG SEE s4t~EX c6E;k4 ca !Sa0 s S)i : 22#20 , S� 16 ~ 10 ss F 22i1a G_ !t~ S�C Pz :v Q` E 22!!D ^ ;~rJS~ss'~'J s&r Sb t ~ i S.' E:Ii17 04 - r~~ at~ J A 5! w� . : ~ sAYSC.![3C.A16 SLE /A.jSfNas."+4~; SiCT f S: Sa 16 4 i Si f 2itil _ $s h t 2IlFi6 Ci +R7SLAY,uwi 5C[ fRIS!NYW, 54 ~S t 22a31 - .a e: t zirna Qt FL'"`~,`= rs,es 55 n a s~ t uuo es + r~^^...,�S:ut. sa,rx~:._ sc54 75 " h 3}T � 2242* 0. FW IAL 74 3: ~ 10 8 L 12614 01 - RSTp 55 aD x @ SS [ ZId20 Oi R~~`1" ~L 4 YO ~ 05 E 2231S Oi FLaSOti [lR ~ m S} 3 w t ST L 22910 Ci ~ S!?~ A :1 tt g 2211 ?S : IFUyplll [j(i 3St, liYwdL 1G[W WiD 55 aS ft 0 !1 E 22120 ai - 3iCscs~J�A ~:ariz~ sa 31 , : D r es f jie ta : Ftrr �l4G[R far SS 25 x 11 Wf 2240S Qi _ . o W;srcu,cm. uuLsii ftx-~q s~ ss zs n ti ~s t irns ca sebr,s,.rt w,.,Rra:.[ ste FVZIWSC1L?i zt3.tM.E tA5[ 77 #'F C 3 CS t ~rfii6(K Sft Ftvt.LOtR fAht1 SS Itr M i S! f i2l21 C~3 _ c023:4'EEy 5{E fAd~*_Vr ~ 2t R 22i1A s?G li 20 [ Fibi6u~t+ SEE R.~p,rtR, F~ 56 12 h A t2 E 23414 pfl , r~ssys ~ft .15 x 25M4 04 43 E I2421 C: !ruc 'LOJER S r . Y3 26 3 23 t:21111 Ol - rqaa;;s O'.x. ss PA a~` ~ i2:21 , StE.ALE:R 4s.aAD SC[ f,::iafAg rsw SS 25 ft 21 3i [ J1~65 OC ~raacr.,.~as :s t v as c:isz1 s~ticcet~ r,n~cs, s~ 10 . e s c:2ei: o~ o: , - rmss ~vat:, 1f 22 a i 44 t 22823 Q2 fu~csccs~srs: sr~ ss C. a ~t s: c zzao� at - f&.*"~V ftL aS % W 21 C Y2~22 t * r:dt(BtZ: SEE EtXyt46.1tRC "L SS 2� ~ Et Ya E 22605, 00 - F3~ZSLf)i - ~ SS 4 Z2 ?nA C 22E?b OY fzs"+1f3..'E.Rt. fn SS 1t !c 1' [ 24605 Ol sR.3SiE`*' ~ 76 t~ q E 22lt1 Cl CT s' ISC Sa ST !x t,? � 22i09 Ol fi3.tit�ri.fts w.iiv' SEE F9JS:�L'rs.ti;, Pio: 56 47 % ! b3 C 21iI7 w.L(Pqtp 11~ 51 Sa !f i iS p 22119 Oi t?? rr,SS' :iy,~�~,~;, ` sc x r`~+'..t" E4.l%+i 11.L f:~LS1VZ ; ~ 59 Gl A :i 'v4 E 5216� pp apaS:LvrA,w4 prL s3 a: h 9 29 E zzsz: ot Fs;sfs:..,, scr rv4ces...;dn patiD ss t) :a ~s c.2esr 00 dst SS :~z ' e 4.3 ;.t 22e17 os �+~iSL%4E% saicl 9i tl 7a :s aS E:TGti Jl _ ftrs - s St 4.3 w :1 aC E 22n4,:~t ' JT Fs"LSIGGA+n Sif SS 14 u 9 2v C 2212f CO _ rPJSi9~`;t 79'iB fS N 21 si [ IZt O! t 25 ~ I2t:0 ~�6iflLC+ RSiP SS aT  t2 ?6 C:S"2 0! C: _ ~a1. ST Oa ie ~ Si E 2:617 O1 56 41 n i!d C 12liJ Gi ?,A.%?,:1 rRSt !S .a. a s 26 f Z262C C: FJ:Jt[1 I !f 57 y 9)1 C 21t12 O! d~P'?~.�~ S: s~~- E v~l�y D~C 5 )3 \1 e 3 32 [ 22t37 -+B"~S+i:r r Pit SS C: ek :S Ci c 22446 O1 SEE rox:~~iEx r~..S Sd I~ r g 4 a2 E 2Zi33 ~ `'~-~~~V 7P~ SS lt h 2C L 2:4,3� Gl s2:L~ta:E rs,�~ 56 Ibr N t Z C 22ii4 0: F'~tS~w: sf�L fS Za ti 4 IC E 22i22 OS - i+~.~r.,+# ~tt:.~ 9i S$ 22 x itR t) C 22410 ^2 tt�G~S~' ft t SA S C s2814 vi 6~;JfJ~S KCx :S; }7 G= % . ES' Sa � y3 9 L Z2107 41 _ fa EX `e� ~ S21 a Wi E 22StA 01 S4 W, 2 2 S,th: 43 .44 St Ca C 221*7 Ol _ T~�w:+~Z,x�~ ~R 56 a; > 2stt :i :Q ~7 ; 22tB} p; a,w: s~ 35 11 D[ 9 2ti [ 128I3 CI !aS. Sf lo x I~ ?i E I2014 6: 54 ta t ~ sa [ 11412 C /CSGCSAKG RSTa Sa aa S 2P 47 L 21lCS 01 ;+�:.i1 . EsZa[. K~ S} 3? ac'' 4~! E :2l23 :{t R+Nr�S@ltLE Pil Sa a-L ri iJ 46 : 1242'G 'v! _ .a 0 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 *F;:iSt P Et, �I N ti 3: E 1:4:: iW.i3L ~R:~i? a:W#r wi 45 St 2S E 22347 h: mf':C $S % l++ ; t:d2: 0: E:iv'iSi+ ST 20 \ i'I Ci f 2iR:i C i r_~;islG&j~ r?r ~I to s i it z :rs2i a; ~ sS:SLS:C~' ~4 76 :a K t0 : 7284� 02 Sa it s .0 31 c Iliia 0 1 FVnSi 5E_ fl:~Sd4133 EQ" 5* 44 v 1: I1 E 22114 GC R''+CS7v"tF, !ri~ 56 t lt~ 13 r 2l1:4 a 1 i.*:wSi frCSi W*ik 1ft P,9 214:4 02 ~~22C.W~c Si: r'rAiN:+Q~ L3T SS 1! a ll )S E Ytt3S 013 ty~~yr M iS :i t !1 E SI1E:,S 7D Ft::t-0r 5[� tUtOr 53 33 % E 2200: tC iCyC(G e+~ 5-6 84 K IG t+ C 2211! 03 C9 t 1 29 ; I7Ett a. n;~,K;tq rSt~ S@ oi K 4 2i 1: S2312 :P o ~;.,.':CR k:~.+Cfs* ~"i 5609 2' E 223111 OS Fu'L^!~ hJ~~DE mPtO S~ K 4 Z3 I2l13 OE fLS:x SL~� lr l:t ~1 IO 1J � IIiJ9 SSi 5s so + 4 ot t t2016 a: fiu~YESr "L 47 If R 44.a 22616 OC a~a~57 tt 55 .t a 22 16 � 22lJI ~'w~ iISR�~t!s+`iR r82 56 4 t d 54 E 21II36 CG r~atiao~ sEt r,cs as: sa 50 h ~ oz E .xsia .w rv;a[Hr S.�t t~,�rf:fr ir: S; 23 % 4.+ = J2316 ?v i'�2 3~.4^ CrnW 54 a! 4 9 G: = ?ZK2E OI it;Sa4[R PR So 27 A 9 3'. FE 22,13 91 t SiltiJ Sii f;SSI.w'si aa^,:sGt:: [SS 96 Zt x 4 SZ E 12413 010 lrSSSI%4 A:L3�1,1> CSS 5e tA h E IZSLi 0: RuS5D1;.5: S.c S-s dt ~ S 53 E IIbU Z : iJtP(k4 a+r. 56 iT d 946 = 224:6 JI lVt3a';P s5x 54 aS k 1 S? C ::lIS 41 f'ft,% SEE ir.% IS: 5$ 1: S F. 3z L I2s4.: Ct lrf.`+ MfA4 :CC $S )7 t 1G 31L E :SEiO 0,1* it;hShA's SfC fr!r6..,r S+ ii N 'Y $'G E 2l412 SG frti``s-M:a]E:- iE( rcA1 P-C'd:..` M46 55 )I K 10 !A f- 121l14 01 t~ilLitc: M SS 21 !Q 3to E SSeLG 01 iSt 'S .19 % 16 !C = S2R3-3 0. fT~.};a,AS;: St� lrt%344tOC tn 4 Y Il }S E 2268' CJ fea;,^.Gli:: ~f*' t+ +t t :t St E 73"7 31 , ~11\SN,tY R}. 'Sa 51 \ s9 22lIa' 'vi f YMi tGiff:= rC['~ SS ?7 !b ~ 22313 62 �rs�NIIA~~. CSS ff :1 s =rti.L' +-:rXE S�F f"P T_aOal ;ST 55 15 % �t'Rf%cjl !t_+ 1R5+ SS 15 % rTi[I:.^d In 11 +5 1% Ga+3d%5S SEE :iStmcSL ar: Sa ?s ti 51 t 22l0: c-, .iUF,CzVo S[[ wl'vdi',:o !tM 11 li !Y 1: C7 Q 21I0 0: G"%StGA3t 3ft GR!~St4~4 oK SS i? A i 53 f 22l23 o.) i5L 3T 35 t iG 21 [ 22414, M +iutOf SEE Gtf.f voIL SS +s w E ]t [ :212c ~ G.l!r3ia7 6E[ +i&:':5ti epL S fa R i 14 E I1122 'va 4.tA.R�SZ31-Ct SEE 415tLOc ls,"S 15 OS � 54 E I:421 oo G."R;;yCkT 3iS 'rESTER Ssi"SA.'C1 pts6 SI IS lu 11 [ 2l11� CO 4tLA^S:Lv SL? G145ifsP oit 55 )S ;a 1 al E J711: CA CAu;tZSvSG Sif uttzStiCG f"1.15~ SS 57 w s +i E IlSif w i"AC54RV9 5[f 41QL5T01:,'0 6i^LD ST a11 b 'f ST E I26I6 QO G..xsDA: sct ciALsajL ma 56 26 s. 4 :g c 2231a au SL� Gt�SLEy ttt !S x 9 +3 [ 72112 00 ;.AASb;,Ct SEE GIS8t.CC !0.`c5 SS .34 R s S L 77i21 tJila esV Gus�irsx:.fft s�� G:sfkA+E at !i vt x tIs a: t 27616 :w vuS�-a 3C[ GtSCR 60i 51 o! t+: 31 [ 21115 uu oiASE.C:'ii SEE Gt5EL0!r'� SS 162 rt ii C7 [ Y2104 W a;AtScIR SEE Glfctr4 /it 514 50 q i� E 11122 M GJU}K12 S:L GtSi[R M-D SS :a V # Ia f 52S1! w vtALhSf It S+ Sb N :i 53 E 22607 oZ GbEt Cht+a $S 91 ac 14 )a f I!!ty ot .'..+bis.. 9ai 55 29 h f :i : 22421 al Ga:4.LM1Y7. SEE fi+telf4a iil SS �A '3 a 20 [ 22111 ,.4 G1~!,7�F: tfl sS h 9 :p [ 21611 Z. 44L SEE CJ.'tA rt.,5 Sa SS M a ar [ 2162? 4] W.^f SEE W:~Gt.43: e"Ib Sf s7z l+ S9 [ lSi.;a crs 34f3~ DK lk f A * 2S ua f 221vt ui ,a;csi osto !s cl .r t? us f 17306 at GaGLSa.sxD S�L W47LGi2; Ux S +2 x a 2t L 2212? uy uaJL'.ciJtv SEE CJL�+14,E tFx; 53 02 R 14 St L IIWS ;f3 c:t,D{GtA:s fA" 74 42 14 ! 2; � 2:l17 Cs:~CwES0f fA�ti ST 0: )t :o- 59 � 2214t -i1 T: 7: S 21lJ4 1t 21 ~i S 174J9 :v IS 9: [ IJ!"v1 OE 9 E tJllS 01 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 c.Zc% +F rA:tra ra.s 14, ~s w e,. c usr~ +~'~C C:.~N:n-~iSGt[? , vri SS St y : li C .'.Ii2 15t:;4 SEE + Es~ 76 l :a L 29 C I:817 vi ~~.SESLLC o;t i! xa % :s 47 E:233J 0 2 G4 a1L Lbrk.;0 f~o Sb 26'% :v tF L 2:82+ w 4i^STaJ Gitrc~ ~Rft{Ait3~cC~;. SEE +L~�ti�, 55 Sa x 22 .'.s++rri: L+i+STa;a 57 26 fi 9 $1 E:2t.; ;F .~'R[ ~bt43fRi5 ii ~ w KCR 54.35 n ~ aJ [ YYtJ) S L. . rtL t~.lSSC4 pS CiR 5? 64 -4 Y 3.` [ 22111 O1 vt~iTlly 3#: !S 1�  22 Ji 0 11 C :24J2 fiA--LE rq??Sqc-LR stwS S� i4 tt @!S E S2i24 iri i9 N- 2v 31f E 22~vb vu tj^.E' AA~c;r S SEE 'v~xtl'a ?fL 51 7 23 f i2126 W v 'r-t~*Cl i~.SGtR7 _ 54 5C R. ! ai t:24:# " u.iCE C~rStR.rp SEE + wfi Oult~s Cft 35 ia k v 7: L?ZB:: w ~t��RUO i~,� 4! i4 .~9 05 5?:itw CS . . LJ.W E RAAitasr S f4~ ~s ?~N ; ~ 3 f F:AI+. ti- - Ft pi3tjtva Csr x E)2 [ Z2its ~y = w4 U*1Y11 4 4i.g G1c.-�_J:4 w DOf4 15 to -.t IC 43 f t?444 S bAl*t C Wat SLE [t'E �Pt 36 01+ x G a~ C?ati2 ~4 ` .:ji38J�4. PPi SS 10 ?r J E JIB ~7' Of ""4t 34+L�N S!t M+diE.k AP S? 14 72 .:t~ � .'2326 tav ClB~cc C ~~LSC~+uccE Stt MlL 95 1S u r 1� C 22lo: oE Ga.-C 3[Erw SFt Gt+~[ ilf~s aa,JK S 6 27 , ~ i ~~E~aa~,t .Q a :1 aq [ 22t*~a os ~ w 3 at~ E 2Jml~e v~: i~Fa~c~:f w A:,tsftxTl S* t 4; 6 26 E 22iiI GxMiL S A. ,r L C.a ~vth Si 27 lt 9  f ~2btM vD . ?a i.~t*tC baLwCt:.^< 3[C C.i~saLL 4ROrb8: F:~i S3 r~ G;+~= aOrstr.+,~ SEE . !5 20 h 11 45 [ .'Z806 C) 4A.YL� 104S[GfR ^ LlvGxqJS 36A C . . . . . . . . . 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 ~ U ~ a :s.~,+_:~!.N. rF~�.. . r. . ;:m E O1 �:,~.c��;, �.`.~F~.� e5~ 5~ 1! :G :2 ; :Ze4 4. G3 .~1~..,:, . _+.3a.4+t~-o =L::. 4`. :,a.+~it;~.xw: #:C S~.�n+tt~,taw LSr 5. 7 a~ td [ 1.*J7 IC ,+.a`^"iCG7i. u S E 2'S�I !,[E '-,+-fL~isD :5; `�a c+f .�Ii `S [ .:AY:a ~ .+la+::.+.~3~+~ . iL: G:~��.lGlS,'� tf^~ 3i A S1, i: t iStO,* ;au1'SaC^.:.s,,.f:G1~`; . fKW SS 27 h 20 Sff, 4,4w.:1.v1F': f.'.+� 45 36 N ll 33 C s'2ll*F v6 see- rKM.UWicZt rr,*s.s ss z; a'iz [ :zatg O~:. 4 ve- �.cs8 Ss s2 rg r a't.,,S Z2a7J o: G~~ +r...' Gi3p E3t 94 :1"n li ti E I234' 21 ;u~rit42F~ f5S >i SZ n 4 SA E 27lit} 52 :~t�ery:~icC SSS GA~ x ~ 55 i 12613 ix�+e~L 4 tf. rg�� !a :p ti :i ?J [ 1269T Ct "ww,L4.A;Z;;s fR!9 53 ~ 12 2i [ 22tv'i C) ".r.ti~ta;s. FRw3 $6 27 t+ , a 12 [ i4.419 :3 >t.w[G re,a:dCS..L 5,! n.ALii'L:? W- S! a} sk I2 34 E :244k Oa S"aafs ^-A'"�41i*GSR r P-W ?7 IIT E 22e1e 0) uAPMEt *-ASSE4S5 D9t St ;74 % 9 52 [ 220I5 03 ,A,wEL ~.gtiaSSe:~r+~trt ~'~Sac 56 }T h :0 2� E :Zi2a Oi. ~AKr{:.-"re 3aai3t 54 44 ee lE~~~9 L 22WT ' sl ~ ~aa!~*EL w:i?t M: SS~ S+~ x 12 )S C 22W2 ot 13 a 2'v 13 [ S2824 al 5AM-CC cSaK'14Ltt�G F$r Sa as PA 11 !t i :2A.aI, al 3a? A ? SS [ :251! ?S G.t."Et :+CiC.aP'~ SEE 5ii 35 ll N 9 22 L :s'62Y OZ r,uaeEi Ls;.EC-1c: i~ 'sf ta A 4 2: i :2d21 oi ;,sw�f;, 2L-Af Amt S? fT h :i Sa i 31402 ciI ;n+a.EL C~~itSuES.tcs: S�t z�iCIxiCL&t. LSf SS Zi"it i2 07 f 2262: ir^ LS.L=%jd61R1 fS4 SS It 17 OT � :IBVI QI G4r�~fLL'.~? sFw 56 a4 h 640 f :Iil7 ot CCF. Sf Q7 r. tI $4 [ :IivO SS FRl+ SA Is 7k SO 41 C I2414 ,:.A-w�L NSaAbEfi oAL. a K 936 i 22615 3: -,.iWA:t 02 R fII 3,1E 2F64t ol! S.~rae��. :~~.ea.'w~:~tf�y $,EE sS as h :x o< r asa:6 QZ vawr.f: SS SS n 2I OT Z 22tJ6 01 A4 ,-..a.~a.ii ~.'-s:F.~ s;. ;l . :a :le~ i Z�C tSV Z 1� L .:91w r.A~+:... Fz`c:~S^+,t:.4. ?a 9 :t ; ~,tawrt tr . FL.r: cy ao '1y _ t'y r , ~R. . i 1 ;..A.~p E. iN.'EOtA: . h' :a: f 32 . ~ �a t . 315 ?f ;ru,~eiz- ce~_ ~L' SS ~ :G atr E _.ts'), ;,~~f*-~.,..[ c't'c '~s  T E . :~aw+rQi S2f~a::~Wys ih. 59 ti ti' :v Ia C :?;,u~ v; uj.w^Cl :7:kUI:. ;[F 57Ft5:Y ~~be~c 5T uS P. 2,r u`,~,f ::i24 3t. SS !f N 42 [ .`2 3 32 Gs.w~i"P�,:a Ep~ 34 :y x 9,.�t � 22t1: ~21 Germ~it Sv:2.1ze.~ e~i. Sx )C k it r?, L :1lv� dI GN~+EL .tar',~. t0k '.SS �.a x :F 4.6 t :24..0 v3 - t,1 C,~(L S 15tRt;m P'oi S} 43 z t~27 E PYl27r iii GiA,WE� ili'cEQ~! - fii/. S} $T ti C :w' 01 4~+ssfi U'it[Q'j76140 iRyr. SS S9 N i iT [ : S2417 02 .ri141wi.YtkC� SSE GA4tftiEiC� iIt SS 11 `4 iS 0, 0 E :244' 4'v . ;.1�rfi YFJ16T SEE wiS'Ctw 'VL. Sa 22 k :v tY 22p.13 Cs? ;;A+a%�i w1IF[~tS~+3~.K , ESt 56 ~t a t0 v: l 22415 ai LS# 57 12 R ~ fb E :.'!i5 nt r; Ga+ftSt%TtA SEE , 4Ab�Clt9ki �.5s S? :Z x 's Sk t i2lt'S G4 `LarmtfRlKa !a PK, SS )L h :t !TO C 22iv2 di C.~1.kS6ER iq9t5 58 1% f Gt C II416 'vI Gi+fS1G.:(It SEE t.t14[[i fAxS 56 !I a Y p! C `2610 OC . G,lNS. :DV.. SS 29 A a,.i.1 33 C ~M1 .:L:;+ J. . :..+n5l.Ri'o , OR SS Q k 5 C@ E :2St0 .'I Li+ciOriC "i 55 .{T b S 59 i 2241s ;sb G,uc,^,$RVF 9ft 59 !t a ~ SG i :2621 Cl GLY~g~~;fi Si.t ++f;it- PPL 9: 67 h SC it ( 22415F ?0 ' :?Cp 15 K a A$C E :7.C3S ~t oft 57 C+) ~ tC :i E 2:415 C: f,~a,t(o i Sir 51 !S A6 - 3 15 L 2t3I9 6) 55 SO tt ' :0 OC E 1`21M11 ui Pct SS +7 h 5: IL E .2bo3 'v: iLx_;SE f"vLL 4r115e ss 49 k :a' SS C :tlv'r) cTl 11 GA,LySi E.'.tt SSL +;a.a:tSF .-:EC+ fP3t }3 �y h tt i5 i. Y2410! W GJtx:.:;t :&E SE� 41e:Y3t C+sE+`+ iv-, s SS t K 13 1S E :2le73 W wlKoSL OQ!A*G , 4PSo 55 :t N . II :G t I290 03 GA~FLII*'3 CC: 54 IT h 22 Yu � Z2446 0 r,AAsca; Aa ~tE cra`ra i s} ss a is c 22019 r4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 a1SSA;:c.q G.1.a 7 0 ts;;::4Cii.'7 . ~ G10:4: s,4' G14~[ ''rtt,+*,�da te=4�S:l.:.'+l r~E ati9LGc ~iv~SviG ItCi> 41'y G t 3,5: .~i w1954C: +2tI lCY: c. MISCn1:eE'. ~iStY:~'L v1SSl6, G tSc� G.C.i:rlL`f-;.,aLi'~f S~L C~tSS~.'~;atD�~g 4~iYFx G,S+Lx wG:�6st+..- SEC +x=t~i.~ i CE ;;,tvtASZ;N; 7EE i.kC~Stt.+4; JI1;`/ I !~'i~ LaxXS� Cii!W.} JMai CE.3xc Gi: {5j:p u ;~t:~[n~�.i +f~�r.~.i~ts~w ff.?eXL' 14 Rq'.v: GCdsL Tac. 5:� G{i:if'A:rC SF~.=wdf.a[ ;.a�~4~ 3iEL w[::Z.lcC lm~r LS !c :a: f �S~Sh1 ca Pft 55 13 v a 43 q; P~ D:' ~ 'G a� S1iI7 :t ;S: ~7 }y A S4 dI ~ :Fiii J: .`~L^ S' 1: n s'v ; iT3ti� ~2 ast ~s a~, ~ ~ yt : . wFC3: ~ut?~~ vfi:gLS 0;cd +&DSEQ REY 'a"f.5.' SEC GED5: Ct zFE .'r4EZ':dD C�fG5 i Gf!;',SsA 3fE G4SLS1 :~LLLS[C't wd:tCSSKwv 5[E C.EEUCOw +gTSCE'+' 1�?. GdEk.,TiEv GC.n, s I. C.t 1 ;.E..'L:IR S:t 'LL.YLS GfxAs 1[E` GLJia GE, ~e.jt." SZC GE.sLt4,tta6 .fsLB.[a;e SLY G[;. +[125J EltG . +�Jitf1�k.- CifIk.SJiEWi 0�,:3tsLC~E 5�F a.B.nbsG: L813ta.', GEL3.t1LE GEi6_+[ku s_L Ct:&.,7d.Q4 :.=`.4stX4 &.c0t 3dE G1:.PaE24 GE:eJFRU txL~.~-a`:.FL.CZv S,1' Srf LC r Oi:t S�itiCr.:w G#LCEW..'r 3,E C~.i:izER~.p ::F:i[G'.+ 4.1QX[E4t GECCMptu's^. ri: ~S ~ ue : PpS. S? E ::tlu': u: ,2:2,1p :4 a S~i 115 f 22 44 # ir 16 2: s 2 vi t . 25:9 saa& i� :T k rr u� f 22619 cet sa x ab E 229:3 s: *0''+Q SL 23 r. 8 29 � :IdY'G ,r~ qP: Sa )Y t1 $1 L 2:lv7 Eaa Sa yp A 16 S! [ .zaJ: f5i Sa 39 !t !l E 22607 ~i wA?E Sa A 22 !9 f 22toP EJ" S+. IZ u5 E :2dcr: ub "L 36 y 3y [ 2ltii w ''%,L U +I ~ 9 t2 E I2912 L: 7"0"1. SS 56 16 7 St E 22iii sdK il 21 % 30 70 c 12ftz s~S atk AS :J rc tu 3v t lteiti w tT k'i y SS r 32 19 f IIEU2 03 FHi1 SS `a t 12 23 C 2 2}.�; P`;.L SS 3S ~ 31 Zv f 22h+ Sa 5,4 w 9 3: f 2L2. 2 SS!e 54 5% R 9 14 [ 228I2 ~i 54 3a w Y:: f 2Yl22 w:� S;~e So Sa w 9 I9 f 22422 GC OiE ,!S .:2 K 9 89 E 22b2! %ft ys e ~r t 22313 ,w "OL c.` x 'i ;,9 f :i3i2 iPt SS I2 A 6 }2 C :Ttkl 31 EiLiei 55 5S s i 9C E ?YiL; ~I FirS S? 56 GZ E 2Iiis v~ cpt 55 sY s s sI t 2rua ;,a pfi S! Ik !c 4 2S C 12d24 ^iI o_.. i5 24 R # 55 E 22l:.;` w zct ss zm x 355 e .2tim 54 :a :a t S} E ;1llr 03 i} Sfi t 2~ 54 i 2:4C z i i:GY 5A ,:f ,x ! d i3 E :2ti4 c: F~i 33 39! re s 3: E 22l:? PR :S tt4 n 4 ~3 E:36:9 OI 56 ;,A # A. Gi � 22F1! I� G4 !c 'F 63 [ 91619 ~Y. ~G. Sb 4?Z C 2262'0 :T 11 C~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I -00707R000200050007-5 ~ 0 )~I . . S . 3 . . ..~,.22 S 'Y . .~w t .:2:. ~,.sc.r . .:J_r .E~. D:. i_ . _ . . . . . 'i-_ ..av.- ..-o,.~ . . , ii ~ . e.... w�~ ;~T. r:r;. . � , .:d:f Jt;.~.'s"..n S.~ w i - Ia.. 5:.'~_'c~_- . ~ 5: . r . ~ ...:5� i. .;.E:1:i E.�, :.i� 1 + 3- . idii :~z,�._ +_.:K.~ 1�: ~..iS ^.t. i f .id~. ::S':S�_ CJ:. �t . 7M ~ : 3:.. i _ . _ 2'. d.7. e3 ~:!Zl.'w ~fi ~:S{ i ~ 4~ � �v i~~ �if.i .i. c~i e':*i ~t~.,..w L'vL r .:8i5 � . � .k . : 'y?:~ . r . 7 ~ i:!.. y?+~ ~ tli~ i.. � M ~ r~.~. :i-'_r. :v~: � . ,e. scj - . .:a: s.s't~.. =,:J.r. .._'.r =!.i `5 k . .a... ~~L~ ~.r~.. i . . ~'v . � r . . .~LY. ;,a2% 'sAA..Ir:. ;si ...,�f,: ttt.c:~ . . i . : % r r 4:. i.� 1i_ ~w`~ ~G i.-. t'~1: i?...4 , r�.~_ ,:C~'� ~ >i . ? ti ~ ~?~!G3+t~ ' � ..y "  a. . �if[a y4~~~~..t[ ~~yY l.y ~~J b ~ �w ~ wi i . i~ f:l~ ~ . � ~ 31 ^o rr~. ~_::L... . ~r C ..l... s~~ rl:. ~Sf . c.... Ss � r .:h~s . . s . . Mr'~..:&PFSt... Sa . . E ,c~ :i'_:.~ .~t. ~ ~..,.il..v.... .y. i~:3 G 1.~tJ . s~ +1 S~ . +~~SC:~ i . .�.'"3 9.i �.:9 . it'!n.. v� 5:.~.,.w . ~63 ib E iFS~ :.7...11i =Gt 5?S: x 3:i L . ~E~Svi 3fZ ..:4; 24 E .:Fi- ~;._.S,4_E �r; . Sv a TS C i.YaF.'r 411:Y 1:: ES!. Sb E ..:4i:. S:C. vcC 54 ic ,.._..'t'~ S4: I's  + :i : t:t1~ !1 v~ � r ~�i 33 :y � }Y : i1~i~ :*_.�.:~+E ~i*� 15 Ii Str C :Il:.. sr~ SS 7 R . _ z.e1e t� a: . [ .:a:~ a._S[W,t+;,y b ~ E . ' ~.~ll~i�, w`.... ,i` ..._.m;, *+:�.E, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200050007-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/20: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000200050007-5 37 it . w:F,'.! tes ~ ~_.i.l .~.:L.r , , � : ' . ! " � � ~ `9 w : .:~;5 " i:~~{..., ~ti- ~c ~y . ` SF~ S:'*_' rr. ~~y t:: 1 . : Sa 7. v S ! =5 c r:: ~ ~ : � ~s ~ . � ~ � .,t ..tx ecee sec ;a sc} a.c: ===6 s. ~ z. _ s , i ~ m ~.xi.. , _ .~..:ab 5! y ..E. :�~acr Sa h^ < 7* E 22! ' . 4: Q.. s~5 _ `LS>i; _ � . . , 5> : a _ ~ ~ ET s s . ~:33 . -.f. I Y~~1 fi l~ti. J~..Si~.~ i ~ E 49 SS .I?tb; :l ~ ~~..�S fS. ,n ; "s ;a : t :!l4 f ..`.1:'w.' .t 1 t . f:t L n1::$ltl~ ~F~ Lf'..6.i:S.� '�`f^~ ~a T4. S . 04 Ci[;_' `f St !w 17d: :a , R.:~ft ~J4L~C~~O ~s~ ^.i ~ ~r ~ .:Kk) a:. :s 25 .s a~ f ;2~2~ ~i .:ECCE~:r is~tio~:S 34 [ { ~ ~~i :3 a \ . : :t i * F 'JCiiSit:i it +[~1~ f - ,r,, ~ 4 DOi G 43 T6 . . " ' �:aT 15 3? a t 7: 1E :2Yi.. ,~.~3~~ ,.t. " ;r:, J: s . G:L .S;~v~ :af: . L_'L.Stz'a . : .,!J .r::~Of~ :ft wt~af?~ � iS- y 9} ~x , : :~.�~*.~i rr:eW Y:i C.:~~A .S 8sr 'SS OJ .t . v !G C 'i:12 , a 1 ~2t.a r. `r!tTist( S.f 6f:% :;xTr ay w E 273J: 3: :cSSfAS Si[ :s,[ 5 ~ !f- %C 35 S!, 31 t 55 .3 s I i:R a ;ti 55 41 ti ' . �.s ~ z:t. wJt~A C�- ~ ~ t .:e:a i , S . :i~~i~ $LlSLs 34 14 e: r 4 at ::9:1 :9 ~="y h + J~ : 5zi Csr ~S 2f ~a ti 53 c IiSi. :2aYS �,�R'v +~Eys~r i , Jdw~3 5G c4 1 f .:l:i ` 54 3. % 72.'.. ' SL 4 12 C t-at:~ ' 15 ~~ta So ta a~~+. iIr G3:.:a' r .r.~ r'~~ ' ` . Y E . dF ,>s., . 76 )i Y 7 2tb: _r s %s:. . sC4: :.ii=Z :._wt:,;~- V'~.~ 3t 's?  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