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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 41B IGSIGP x.: Mf' f��1t�a G .1... and Politics RI- .0 South Korea October 1973 f! r' i NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY SECRE: ..a....s*�.vww...�.,...w..y.o ..eo+w...sw.....aM M. wn� ....w.w.w :a:'n. V' bicn':-: F�. w. ,...i�w.awsa- r�.��rexn>xon .:.^.,..;.:..1.:.. -K a e 5 'a .:aM45S- ,:am ,9rk- yrarr�C r_,:. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 WARMING The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re- leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern ment or international body except by specific authorization of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di- rective No. 1. For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the portions so marked may be Trade avoilable far official pur- poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence cr the National Intelligence Survey. Subsections and graphics are individually dammed according to content. Classification /control desigAct- tionsare: cr (U/OU) UndasaiFiad /FarOfficial -Use Only (C) Confidrintial 5) Secr+rt i' J e.rx -42 �.a':s!i .-c lw..�s..;r.;:^'t.df; i:.Swt!iP,ue..h v- .'UN"� APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 I South Korea CON'TEN'TS Thir chapter supersedes the pohacal cacti- age to the Cencret S4rm doled Februaru 1,9 0. A. Introduction I I B. Structure and functioning of the government 3 I. Constitution s 2. Execuave 4 o. Presideatial powers 4 o. State Council 5 a Other executive hpdie 5 South Korea CON'TEN'TS Thir chapter supersedes the pohacal cacti- age to the Cencret S4rm doled Februaru 1,9 0. A. Introduction I I B. Structure and functioning of the government 3 I. Constitution 3 2. Execuave 4 o. Presideatial powers 4 o. State Council 5 a Other executive hpdie 5 3. Legisl 7 4. National Conference for Unification 7 S. Judiciary 8 8. L.ccal government I I I 9 7. Burcautracy 10 SEcner .a..,- oxa...>.. cs. aN-'� w: t..: nv: aa.: j: J-': i:;.:; s: a: .>rvY.'4Rn. ii.W. YY^Yn' r. Ai. .Oihi'ISCR/ M W'I4F t4i`.b `A�Z.t rl'`I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 G. Politiril tl }1nmiGs 1. Characteristics of Korean politics 2. political groallings a. Ruling groups b. Political puties 3. Interest groups a. Clcctoral laws aml rrActices D. ,tintional policies 1. I]omcatic 2. I President Pal: Chong�hui (T)iialo) Fig. 2 Structure of government (chart) Fig. 3 Prime Nlinister Kim Chong -01 it Pa ge Page 11 E. Threats to government stability 23 11 1. Discontent and dissidence 23 12 Subversion 25 12 F. Maintenance of internal security 20 13 1 polies: 20 to 2. Cmintersubvcrsive and countcrinsur- 17 bency sncasures and capabilities 21 19 C. Selecicd bibliography 2i 19 Chronology 30 21 Clomary z2 FIGURES Page 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. a 13 Page \atlonal :Assembly (clout) 18 President and mrs. Pal< vLsit President and Mrs. I`ixon (piiato) 220 1 troops lelve South Vielnam (photo) A i'00pTW. 'nSCP�A.f X0. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 Government and Politics A. Introduction (C) s(JVL sis�c goetnUnenls huyc reeled ou alplocrltie when leadership is steak, poluird stallilil deteriorates and goveniolent lie 'clues incffmilve. z. Western ides of cleniocrlcy were intmdumd la Korea by Aniciluin 116sion11rirsin till! 1 Ms. lice ;sale tilt, 31111 f01111deK ruler 1 C( .1F C Identified in the eyes of Ilse :Kona% With oplxlsitioll to Jai>uutsr nrlr, the v etinlrpt of d eitlomie) becuinu lx aatl after liherltioa Ili 10-13 South Kown. with U.S. gul(iunee, p;lttc:unl its glivensintent on the Westem denkrcrlcirs. The new luslitutious were not grounded in Korean r xw1at and llolllica) tradition, however, nod linee funclioncd only iniperfeelly. The cxteitt 101 wiliell and thy peranalitits mt stark at :111y given liner tlluel on C010lit0linnxl principles. Praha MIS 1111111 (lie slndrtlt re volution of April 1960 the Republic of Komi had it pre=sidential form of gmCronlrnl tle by Rile(. syho floated ur arbitrarilyaluell6d the c'onstilutioti to comolidatt tar gnecrmsrut's aulliorily allif his political collitol. 1 1heC's SoeY MOM, in 1060 rending Ill till Ca1.Y�SSe'S of i lls highly personalized administration. adoplrcl a parlinIlie ltary system NI1113:rr to the Brit NII I11atld The prrsideovy was' reduced to latgt l% re're11ioaial junctions, and Cu'culive 1luthority w as vrsird in a Pritrlc ,Millisler s1141 cahl110 (Slate C:ouneilI rrstl Irks iWe to a l,iery,mcril legislature. Vildlig the 4- :a)rlh uarviaker aclnlitikirRion (A 1111 011111; ;roll tilt 9- illonlli adininitrition of Prime %linister Chang Mvol; 0111111 U. Chang) tile� gas�crlmCnl was olow drlrucrltie llrelt al ally other tittle in Korean history. Ilasecver� Ike Icadcm And people lacked tilt pulllieal. 111aluri1y awl exln:ienec Ill 131AC Iht Systeill work. P1er� It,, ter IX-rernlial faclinrsdisnl of Kortau lift% tile) ss�rre unahlr In :01INC the prubltn:S of cylrroplinn and rn otultilIg Public dlsardcr. The ensuing coafosiou anlusc'cl Ihr fear of [lie militar�--- �inili) then l.lrgtfy- nlxllilical �llvil risitq; nrntnilist srnliinCnl rnlghl give added Impetus to Ilse regiine's 1lolfcy of reducing Iht, sire of file army and agaill eslxlsc the clonttry to Cornnlouisl uggics.,ion. \lust 54011111 KtlreajS trace=d 11a4,siyrlt ill the bloodless coup d'etal itiitkil"I b it snvlli grolip of ulilitary leaden led by kfaj. Cru. Pak Chrllig -hell in May 1F161, llowever, 31 ,uoccssion of high -level Minduls and government rdws eawwd by infighting wllhia the fanla 54x111 marred its public inr=fie and let[ ]o poptelar d1wncliall1luvnl with tilt- r4agimc. Pressured b the Unit('O SlalcKand fac'Cd wilh growingdoineslic pros -ows. Puk agivecl to rtlan) Ili cwnslitlition;11 government in t9Pi3 1Ie and his lhulocallfc llepublican Party won. the eswntimlly free ej(__Ctiorls that were held in laic =0113, ;lad oll IT DeMother he i T,. :;ht .rlxml h% the \1%11:1 17lert:luo [III� Sllnr�l S fr[,Nlcdi:Illllll. .1116 Pr1a l It t elltr% tllttl tile. lotted hate i;neu rise to Ct'litI'm to 1141th \nfth ilul Sikutll k4aml that theif n:111leli'll 114'1'11+4% ,ill he %11lxlydlmated RI that tsl [liver prlrlttpal melillln 111 the rase ill tiomlh Kuu'le tile- leadership Ale;ill% hnru'1 the tlmu' t%hvil all l S liowe, tell) 41.1,: left hun�x l'lul Pak prllu:tt% pI1rI1t �r " to )w u% us1' tilt' Ir111�It1�r1111Q [)erllxl Ile 11,ullse I111� Noah ill it .nftulrutls ttlluply% re1o1110110111p u+ (flat it %4111 11411 111� nl f' %o11r;%ilur %ttt[rre%t III Felt a iu, +tilsin% ultra l ti fame+ are s In1r ,kIlhu11g11 Cllr uffit aiul 11f Ik1t1 I;urntnu�,1t. IN tilt rutiml calliltt ut K61rea. ill [lot� %hurt mill Ill�Ilht 11211' eC111 amthilm 111wr 1ha11 .111 ttcurnmtrxlssti4111 that %till lease rash 111 c %sutra1 of it, rrNim'Cli%r urea \e% CtIleiv,,. 11t earning mu it diaitiv will, the yorth- Pak Ilrt w%erl) poll sal n!.L% 11u' appcarent -t- .,f [(to ralkid itn,l;n, "Illd a1;1rtt1 the ulilitar%. It r Id[nnalu arinlrr a� Ixilawal fx,ut,r Moreover lelt ,t�mllllll'I11 fur 1111ifR:1tilelt culelll h o.,15111c artm :unusir t4xulret KOW11W 'rile Irtsulre of (4n1e 1140 dinlmt-d the public mviu,t% of file K011'un t0;tr. all( dw Ill�%% gC'.4evati[111 mm ltrtln'lllk lip Is 1c%s fle"larlttl that :1:, t a thr from tit: tiarth titil the rri;i:rle s sharp rnlluilntvul ilf individual frrCtltlnls interullliollnll div thalug implies All v(pullit% he1t04r11 \urtll all[[ S(311tll that utmlrftnts Sta11i I,),,gowiding claim to In- to 411111 Iceitillialr K omil l goverlllmcnt Nienr of 11u'sI� difficullie is Iwwnd tilt- A APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 007078000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 abillly 401 Ina� rt-Wisty to dral with mldrr immial c+lerlsilr ti tit civil :plc) ikditival righls Inrllydt lsrllllitians. bul the} could, vithci a)Ilecti+el% or priV.lC+ of Ctilrn'slxal N11 fr(e(I1011) or crlil:ion. �illgl1� serimisk mV.1lielI 1 altillh to mairllaill ctxrc'll, lIn'.r, :ISSrmhl Mid 9L.WW'iatillrl: rKl,,:rl�lt .tablhh i') till' 1'1 ells lilt I1:1llms +affewtl it sclbaeli befo the lau. I'mrdrsm ftoia arbilr vi w7ml, the Fight Ilarlicplarl). a ditswitilru in talc' rcvn[l1n+ lit elext public ofliouls;[lilt to Iltlld viuclive ufrtee; mod rile Fight of ills AMUN(d to have Idle prompt :IVlstative B. Structure and functioning of lite elf iausel and a slant} trill. \o citim-n ma) Ix' gl �'trtirrieut (U0U1 I)Tmecatell far a rrilnlual offense w1maclivel, [lilt MAI hr Ise pl ;lcCol i(1 do:(bie jiol {)argily. hl the mw1al 7. Cll rislillll[oh alld cit1wr4l field 114� L'allAillllitlll i!el:(T,nitt'1' the fruedorn of wivitty aml arl. cmnpniw) and fret' The collslitolion rum in effecl iu &)atla Borgia MUN elenlratary elltc:cttolt. uud I%Clfum brneflts for rivisulls .11lapted ill 19118 Ills% has uadet9lint -a numllcr(Jf Ill ;ljilr IIII:IpablC Uf earllinl! :I Ilclll}t. 'Cite cllllstllllllllJl :dsu re%ikimt% Tilt clrigin41 dorinneltt. t%hich tr llmled the six cifirs [lie rigill a1 well m. 111c illlly to walk 111111 L' S. COINARUHMMI 1 +Slelll of cllec :,till balailAxr, (1111 prmidl's I'm f[l- Ldt)lll of elmitior lit omill cation and [Ile u'+iwti lsndar 5yny;nu)n tiller ho slr the rit,ht to hari!lein colleclic�ch- la Case of the l)rceide +ts -yis the legislature. The M Ctlll"AA, Alf r%junprialimi. Me, OF fUNtfiCtillll i)f l)d1�illl` l)rlllx for llle Illim- rel!itae in IM Itol Ill clrl+lir 0110titlltianul public pnrlmlw -s. due c(rnlpeasaliaa is 1n Ile p:dd ill climig's that stripl)ed the prclideim of ahntnl ids al"vuldanee will: the lit +v, p11+i'rr and eslablished it parl�:lll eWar% Iarm oil 'flivw 1t111sm 4ititmal lilwities ,Intl fight rlrr' Sa government wish it pr;mt minister rid a whim�t bigh1v gaalifled. 11cJOVCer. us 11 ft� aluulst rc'spc)rslbl to hlup lower Itaase ut a bilamerd auraningless The canrlilisliuu empim-CrN the legislalme. P arliameatar gcovenommit+Cils shoort�li+ cil, ga+�CHIPUelli to set Icgal limils em lbw citirVils e\rrcisr Iloxcccr. L�tllint; in \l;ly l!1Gl la a nlililart nflhehril; his. arhborint 'sA.rnstlrllipofou)liaulslcUars (or7p prompted by frustration wilb lilt- llteffec and drinrls to prolect public morals arid ethic,, and rihinrl s },te1r :old the failure of the glivrrajtte)lt to subjects. Irr'elium of the press to the m1kilrelnc111+ that S1111)rP+�i' CCY1110011C e'(11i(lltlu111, Ill the p [lK�ess of 1I1C press "+hull Ilot tlllrltlgrl the 1>1. --A) 11;11 he1nA)r OF tninsfnnnhig their into it cdviiian admiWAraiiiia. the rights of ire hAiyida;d, nor shall it iafriol!e ulwn IllilitiM jlllltrl agilill rcl+rllte the W11- litlllill14 Most 1) I1bl ie mora sly. It ;dill It Li% it 11 l 1111 City to set slit l ld:l tits reinstituted it slrnul! prrsideoliat�slyle l!overm A. for the pltyslcalpilauofIle t+,palxrsa lit] lvire services. The lt)miitlltiom neNt malt vilt major revisiva ill FNAsting feK�shltion is u) 11rr;ulty drawn IIMI the November IM2 In give tllc Nesidenl xlleepilig [lcw gilvrratuent is able to se'Icclfvely t Ynitmi +ehal is (o pmvkm at [lie e%IR ?me of 111e degWilli+'e ;arid Judicial appear ill the public imidi i. The time and plain of hr:e [ldus, 111NI )t ressemhly are subjecl l0 liar pmvisioas of the 'flu� CUP154htiun as untended in 1972 pmlvitim for it Ins+�. Tim right lu cswit properly is (Iti aldled. by the govrlaaleat 111at Ili 011111arities lip Ituct Cslaldlshlid lu cunslitutiim;li retpliremenl that talc "ewreiu of Frtsive by the Cmillist constitution of ta'l. Litt- lilt- prolerty right. Ault co)nfann In public +l'clfanl; The French C:orcnirncnl, Il ccullhines aspecis of Ix)lll tilt- stale is galntrd lmnul powers to regillate and presidential and p a diumentury systems: a ixl +eednl eeulyd�rale economic affairs a'ilhin the "1i1)lits Ilmsident, a Pcirnc Mislisler and cabinet. and n iimwsslty for the public tutereA." 11 stay further t;(l:C \'nlinJ #:(1 Assembly lira Kurra's case unic:uelcnd over lilt- ou�arJShlp OF nuuulgc [lcut of private Other lx)illls of sinl!Ilarity �llcludr special tilnm)ittees enterl)riscs "ill (:mcs d dernlillel b hoar to meet as or W1111Cids C(IlIXAVerrd to title on the com tirgew rlec'mity tlf ll:rtlntnll defrllsr or file Jla1101111 l lit ItJW% :111(1 lip Usi:r>�Ce hltr c011dllCt of VIOCtilnl5 Mill elY)Illlllly'. nuttouul refclend Sul>;hauth'ely, however, the [ht- mgir [lc justifies late authorilnriat: C-111111-1 let of lowers grimed to die Presideul under the Ssndh lite revised c'catshitulinn on growlds of the rapidly K orean colnslitutio[l um so I imad and the checks 4)11 k thailging iateroalionat co)ndilions ill East Asia and the 4' alillsorilr by the legislative and jndltiat hrastches to and 1a :tehiese "laic min'udions of the Kolvan Ivopde f: weak ;is to nt ;ale him virtually an ;dlsllltile niter, for peace, nnilieal�(m. and Imssp city." While lilt- The Kon ;us c/nlslilutiou as anlCndcYl l>;lys Illy civil curtulblteut of democralle goverumcltl is ilbhormnl to to the lrlditi)oal sclr�al and 1>tdllira! rl);Eds nG tilt- 1111111Y Kltn':lns, prlrliculudy WcAernixc'ct ones, the 4 individual citizen ,'bleu are provided Ill tilt- Changes arc in litre +vilh Koma's lung expeiellcoa m'ilh l furidarnc[llal laws of most W( democr el m vie govenlment by mic Films ar a small grcup, The APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 c oil nites als�i lclivc, tile. :Ibitity of must Kwraus t.o A cipliesve 111 sihat tilt` rl 411daills %vilhllllt livill1I 11vrrl tnulslyd b t11e ill eorsititt' It cy bV I is eI'll (14-Al. V.11[11 of tleraocutie p(ineill" "1141 AetllWr.11ic pra et IC'1 a lilt- ndineuls to tilt' C3111s1itutiletl Ica) he� pn111e1441(l bs rithcr the Prrsidrilllota:uajoinI of lit� Int`nllx�rsof lilt, \aliunal WePilllly. In lilt- forinrr cast�. 1io� i)roposed 3111vildnlrnt Pints[ hr submitled to it red11u'oid11111 of it mujuttt 111 [he aulcrs 111igt11r to "Itt for I,Ielllls� 11I tilt, Ni 4ilitinal Ami XMI must a in 111� Ipl1rus ;11 of a 11t ;$14161% ill lltlsr vutins;. Till� n`ferelItl11n1 MIAI IK held lo, is +ern ?b 111111 (into%% after tilt public :IIIIitilliarinclll of tilt- Inolxlsrtl mileud- Inent 11'heu "u ainendiliviit i% prolxlsed by tilt `atinual ;Itix Li prllte�sS is Illllrc etlrldx�rs(11nr 111t' pnslxswl 11111%t first lie applositil b :l tmil thirds ow;arily of tilt- nu�mlsrM of the N:slional A x111111%. oiler which it bas too lie PIWAal by simple maiority u[ the. tiatiunol cikrat -rence. for vIIific :ltioit, u elntslilaliou:ll Ixaly of cl1�ctors c iahlisllyd uu(11�r lire. Itli? n�visiva iuul a +mtrullr(1 bs [he l'rrsid -111 The Nallonal :1.x`111 tiutc Inn-,it lx� taken hrl%%vcu 211 and 6D d"y% f tons tine tinge the Pf13llei lilt 1111d111e'llt IS made 1s11114iu. the National Gtimcil for vilific:lliuit atucl vole .ailhin ^il clays Pit [ht- lime the anu�ndtnent Is rofrrr11d to it b the Nalirlt1.41 Amembiy. 2. Fxccutive a. !'rti'lrirfrni*iaf iturero f x�3 Tile i'resident is gtrsilted virttlallc 11tue�slrirll-d 1)tlwer to g;ove�rr1 nn his Inca wthority. IIts office Is ilidcgxntlent fnnn and snperior to the leg ;islat11rc and thu j111lici;ay fie is holh elder of dale ;(ltd hr:u) of g avrrnnlanl. tie Wilrescuts the %title vin -a -sets foreign stales 1fy soscrcdilingt, tcc�civing, and (li pAchbig; dipinlTlatie oovoss. Willi lilt- ("n"ri"t-V of tilt- tatioi al membly lie c�(ulclatles 1111d rttir" t"i""es and (Irclares scar and c�(11ielude% peace. lie is Comunmder In Ch1cf or the Arumd Forces and 01-ainlaul of tltc State Council. araabilut. thv highest lsrslicymaklllg bexl% in lilt' cxccalive Strincit. The. President al)po1111% a 6110 niini%tcts. uffsct' directors, anilmsudors. heads of government og encin. jn(lKes. Mid other senior pu111ic 0MOL111. l le hits the uulllorily [o grint antnCKliC�s, oo11lnlatc sentetwo. utld awanl dec(nstio,m and wt -r hunors. To fulfill hi% eri`clllivr responsilliblies� the Vres:'ienl Is eingxlucred io i %sac utdcom and decrc�(�s for c)ifilmvinrnt Of the lints a11(1 10 propclu legislation for cnaclment by 1110 N ;then "1 As-cetnhiv Pit, when lie deetlls it I'me Ian�. 111 Wil f(Ir Pi"liooiai ndcrcltdl11ls%. Ile alslo p;erlicip :d(�s to lilt' lry;islatise� pr(x�ess litfutigh ills :usi11orih io %igu or velu bii)% 1ximwil IIC tilt ti;tw(ial ,1, enihls, sallicb lit 11M, tilt 1llosvcx 1111111s111s'r. 1�11e. cotctitl[1Stlon gjVe�s tIx� Pn�%idc111 llrtiafl 1'111Vrg;11ltey IMIWPr% la i +sm� 'pill i lilt 11tY�s having; rhr erred o f fan ill lime al n :d'luoal caiawit> nr grive filiallciai or reeino(llic crisis, and when puhlie� safe uul orticr is u'tlu(CSIc iluratc�ilr(l OF (1111tei1tntcd 111 1' lhr ilrn((1." tined ualiu "nC. s 1114) de;d %%ill the whole ranger 111 intenlal. himign. dul1111se, t,cllnontir. hilislteisl :aul ludichil :Iffam. and ma? provide for [he tviisptlrafy ioitrllsital Ilt :11] v i vil and polit ia:t) fig il[s. The Pink Ilulitalion placrtl till lilt Prv` itirssl e� nu�rg;rney loo l% tli :st lie ntilif% the Nafintlal ,%mvinlojy with11u[ dclac of what nit�i}%Pit- he is lilliillgt Mid Thal lit Lnnu�di:atriy ivrmit(ate 11111111 W1101 tilt Arced is voided lit when re�(psesl11d it, tlaso 1P ilm infili of the n1r111I)em of 11111 tatiu11al Assrin111% lle need nut arslplg wlilt their request. luisvrac r, if lit' dreules that there are. ��c(11n1x�11ilig; frBxlli! tilt Pilot tilling SO. lour art- the. n1vamin's 113� L�(ke`s subjt-rt les r(�vlew 11y till' vourls. �file. PFC Is rclluirctl to (lrcl :tsl� ;c slab ill 4lsatli:ll l :Pis in linty of war, at sshe11 it lxcesnns PieeeNWn to 11u41)iliir tilt untied fprl'e% ill InahltaiIF tnihlic stitch slut older 'I'sco Ic vrls of martial lass :(m provid11d tut'. prevAl4lioPian tlln(It,fill"l by the cu11st1l11tion}, and etlrmnilnars. In ilir hitter cast slx�ci "I nlea%Itn�% r11stricl an indivi[load's fn�edom fruit arisitmr arrest, [lie Irmloln of sI'vech, press. aswiltbb. And ls% witliml, aw] the "rig.11b :end ix)%Vvrs Pit tilt rxeeulive� or the jadiciu: k The a lli-Hiutiolial requirement tltai liar Prrridt�lit 11014% Slit� Nalbitial Asvuah v of Iii% aclinu 1% tile wnle fur 11141rtinl Iltu Sts for a state of t,l11t-rgtelle" excep Ilsal ll:' does not have tie tspliota of overridinV a reglte�sl 11p :t nnainnt of the Nutimml As%cotbI% to end UINFIbi1 Lets The constitution provides lout lilt' f're!Iticill s11 :111 Ile not :linutell :11"1 cleetetl lov tilt- nlundwis. of tilt- National C onfcrellm lilt v1111ficalitin- The votitlti Intro[ Ile I)v %tact 1):111"1 11111 witiuml debate. [l tits 404111dldatc on cilhcr [Ile first or %eared b;dlnt rn�oi%" 1114 retlnisitc %ample. rnajorily' of vntrs, tt,dvel.ion will Ile rcutl:cd by it r:n1411� hctwccn the taro leading; coulende�ra. Ill the v%unl that glow khan two t;llidld ;ttcs lore lied 1111 the 14�47 ballot. a pli mililp of 11u�vatesoo !lie lliltd ballul soil) hrsulficfcu; (u c1rCt. 'Cle election of tfle PresitIvill must Ise held a[ Ir:ist 30 doges prior to the L-1111 or each nrP`Adruliel tcrtti.'Ile dupttion of which 6 6 yvitm. 'I'llva is 111) 1lnli ill i�.It 1111 the n11lnk.ct oif ti l des 4113 incnntln`nt rut sucoe1-11 himself. .7 1 s�, :..u.+ rat ::ac^�:ws.>.0 :r;'(.*a .L' ya.' e,Jr..w c .`+Y.[rrl As 1111' E're'%ident fm.cvraeo ine:Ipacilated and is llru161(' In 1 re�%idrnl eJsief exern[ite aniclaa.. flit Prime rwtfllrerl lli% dlllivs. Undur tiles. C' fV Mirlisll�r .u pen i lti jfie� rLrulliYe nlinistriv%- 13411 bis m LYfil'12 the ofll E'l� is %;M I li f `f irlisit7 it. if fie� 11 lie t :1-17% [lie Pre's !den I h ke III at of (I I 1'r ea Ili l lrt is 11nat'uilahle 4111� uesf raijkinit rlbin(�( n,r,nhl,r rncmbrn- is 11dtiwrt unk acts Ill file Prl'si llt stead. I'll State Colfl1('il Ill of nalmudl ,reunl% I'lu' PresideOl 11r .In% .%v t,ulllb li1:al Ina% lilt rtld I10 .r bill V%un hill b% tilt Iegia;iturl� mw,t Ix� pronullgalvii b% ihv l'rt�,1d1�tlt 1,i11110 15 d:e%% ur tctnnlrcl it i I It hl% %rttl to tilt' �1 %,t,11114% foT t4vo14,1tIvrutioil l'he Ilev%ideol tna% Lint rtlut-rl the k%semlih 111 rc�tillnider a kill lit earl or %%1111 p0I14i,et1 .kllit�talt11t,rl[% 1 1le \atilmal A,wlllbh can i.%vrrale .I %4'111 11% it t%%40 th1rd, vile of thou� Inl�n111rn po�,e111 prodded 0141 uunllx�r eau%tltuh�, .1 rinor%lill .1 iu atleudalive of our Ihirl or t;iofr tnvittlx�l.e+IU s quwilla fur tluilll: Iiu,it14. r%nytl 111a0 11.111 or molt� arc tellillred for %41IItlg 1 1 la%, Ix�CIIII v% 4'fietilte 311 day, Lifter the d;ttr of p(mimIgmims tmlv.%c,thrr%,I%cl ,tipldaled "1 \al o ial A1swmbl% ctinlvtim% ..nd tlecnle. lot. Inult;l�i,_ t to tilt' r.Ilific.Inol1 of Irt�alle% .42111 vollvi:� :.1 Ilse 41MLItatic,n of Liar .1.111 the d1�p:lte'h 111 tlsr ,,ruled farce+ nwirwas t:kthmet :lit If reyn. 11111st attvall oil% nlvdil%G, of Oil' 1 +.enlld% itild alwiwr tilll� Di"ollite the Indepertdt,til +t.ltll% I:r.ultrtl the \atiuu:d A eml�1% Is% the c�IOU utiow du� lud.� a[nn� ha. IWVO 11�(111 -x'11 it% iittiv Vlore than .1 lin:itecl 1.1e�Iatilig chill ,trill a rubber,Iarllp for tilt rt�rkilie l."i%lali%r ttlll[ral met- tilt blall;et. pre%u40e,h .tlrcath uvak, wu% I, Irtuall% PlinIIna Ivll h% the 1972 c-tni,tlllitioual dtatlt:e% 0111% the eltenlltr eau ticalu up slit' 111040. mhtell the :1 \%1':11111% tan ellher actrllt or n�lecl hill nut :Iln�r t%illuult Jill' UII%1�flllltl�111 l ernlis,lon Tltt� %swmbl% is %aplxnt'd to Is 1, rin the bltdt;t %%itisirt :lcl da% pnnr to Iliv of the fiA-31 %�;tT 1%%Illt 111 Sillith kurva cOrlunlxlllti, t11 lilt ealrlidar %earl. NA if it hiils to (lit +0 tile eu�c�uto-v can su111116 e%I)t'lnlilnn�% lilt g(Itrrnnletlt nllcrltintl The wgirtie s imp IM the� leeisbllt%e I)netti�,s %a, f :srllu r %trolly lltvlud ht llsv Iko%%er ac %Intred JI% l ilt Presidem in 1973 loappaiiit orit��thinl tlf the %memllh III vcllx�rship thmuch tilt- National Canlvr�nve for L�aiftcalitm ItC:L' I Wiketr:u ill tilt- pa,l lie frtYlut�11l1% IIMI to n'%orl 111 k)rilxr)� lwlliticul fa%'ori11 %Its, and oera,iollal illiialitlation In wCltrl� tile p:es%iik;c ,f unlxsp1llar It lie is sun% eirittal1% :l%,un�d ill tvlllt- majorit% to du Ili-. bidding X111rrt1%rr, eliminalian of the :nlulril review of minWrivs ht tlir Asgmillly rentow, still winther c�hcel; till itmerilmvnl mitlindly d. lutiunal Coltfcrence for Unification The \CL Was added ttl the goverslnlent sUilvitin by the tiuceiniter 1972 rrvislan of [lit' co slltutioti. its purlitnl� is to :l' -slur tit(- k Of a l)ulutlar ccvx. Yacwrr- a:: vcrosaxu.':: f. vnxrnia. Hs..: a. 7x' yt: sR: z: wvr.[,os..= .r=ui:- ,s APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 (A citl:lltlC I)t11%vi is vwjvi,t�tI It% [Ile \i.tka1.11 1 ,t Sillli,ll31['t lxx fill lillhl of it, h1r�, allhunr;ll it %%a, lirirfl% bieanu�rd dtlrul>; 1I)fiil�fiG; 'l' Itr� pre :1 %eml +l% has 219 %cat, 116 of Ill- illt ildw, eit�rlvd for ti Liar Irrrtt� lot dirt�c�I popular %oiv :Intl 7:3 �rl[�t�lt'cl [Or 3 -tar tvrat_, b tilt- \alinr; i t (:1ltdafrnt 1ot L ndliealimi lubm a 161 of imildilhlhe ,ttlipii(.11 J tile i're.ufent 'fill, a,h�nl c%as de%i,t d I4' hrJlt am4 ainvrimmil tn[ntrol of the Ivgi lltillr to tin� \o%vnifher 1972 atilhStilutinnal rr%!Sit111. flit- l Ill 11 [1.111 a list al Iii ?UI I111�Illbl�FN_ 3.111 of It IIill %%eft Nell�et l�tl b% ,1 IPIII Ill prulHlttinn:II rl t1111t�II till' Pak t_%ime IIIttl111111 �rtl n a% to ii'MATe it of a MAJ0 i1% in the 11-g ilturt' Is pnlilidtYi b% she am+litulitl11. till- t�%IIUI-iuu of .1r1 �1s 1111t,tnber MU Ise rficded anh It% x to u thinls %tile of lift Am t-lllltl% Such aelilln Cannot Ix�alifle: lit 'tI lit the vourl% Asenddtmen me pnitt,cie'd �t% li c'IIII frolll :Irre%t or de1011111t1 ,1'Ilr�11 tilt' ,C%%loil. etc~o�s ill it district cuurt May Iry drsig; motet] III sit m a slunu)ary collet for putty uffrrues� ��a procedmre patterned after the police trims in the Unilecl States, Military Iriuisare handled by toililary Iribuuals. hit the Snpreuw Court ha. lhr find appellate jurisdiction. 'fhc Supreme Glnrt 111.1y llavr It �luIiruunl of IG Justices; [lie beneh rvaelied this nunllwr in Idle 196 hot usof tnid -M it hall only 13, 7111:0lief )tislic�c is uplytltltcd by the 1 with [INC conscmt of the Naliotad A- swulllly Ills lerm of officer is f) yaws. Asurcialr jusiico--s and other judgm ;;fe appoinled by the I'm%idelit on recoil u met Mali lilt of the Chief j ustice. All 11:cy 1)e rtapp latch. Compulsory retircmeul -age for the Chief justicr ;Laid other juslict: +af IltuS1gtromir C'a11art is 115. Lend for all other judges 60. Although judge can Is< font to resign if fmind to Itave it "encritol or p)ltysje:d" defe(�l. they ththrelically may mot IM tlisraisscd, .nsixndccl, Isave 1 "T.111 salaries reduced, or "suffer frnmr oilier uofavorlhk measure -a: except by process of sus ;)raciunrnl. crirninztl plimishanent, or disdillinary action, lit praetiCe. 11owXver, the rslcanbership of the Sullrellle Cuuft %vas extensively reshuffled duriah the 1372 7 e3 govenunc11- lal rcufganirllion. Sevend factors have weakened puldle mrifidcncr in tilt- smuts. A severe shorlage of judges has re:sulud ill ovedoidal trial dockets ;aid in caries being derided without sufficient titre allowetf for careful (tiuisidert- lion. There were vidy .107 judges In 1971, ur l for almut 80.430 persons �m voinparvd. with l judge for sotnc 19.6110 IMOI)lc- J11 lilt Ullittd Stales ill 11170. j mdges h ave sometin*s ddayed civil soils noun t that[ ocljmd their. ao tts Ito rn(.%ILlnti r Illigailb lu srllfe out of cYO1rt. Also of public an(mm is Ihr foul thill the Supreme C:tual rtfely re viemed the coustitillinnallh� of troacicd )cgisiatliurs. svhetr It had the authority lu do ut prior to Naveminr 1'.1*i, nur tat", it tlilmliaa lilt� validit% of rxecotivc 0nh�n. tell thamg;h it 113-1 this resplon0bilily_ Althmigh theoretimally lxmud to ar: indellendeull% of other brtnehcs of governmcul. judicial) aulhuritits sc�hforn ovcrtctrn the 1110Aain11% of Itlu�eu &)rurmeul aget.60. The jmdici:cr% aelnafly IIC%cs to all idol tradition of the inyoisitur� ltiat mslero wiarmhy it C�IrtnplCIFICH s. rather than r11Ies 1111. Ihr olxrdinrls of law- CnfUrrrtnetlt 1!gCtldty, 'fhc chart all11ws the lilx.rtl f%.M.IJINC'e of w irtfrey�lcttlly grmt> hail, and rawly huld% 1110 tilt- activities of low c1110rerl11eml agrncit�s ehnfliel with dun promm, One^t. ;I %varrlul I% issued and a suslw�ct it pprel tell licit. till-If Is little clutum. of his escaping ettnfiurllicol. Ill fall. the prosec�utioll is aide Ur disixrw of ha of the Cases IIIYUIVIIlg htw�er)ftlfIT dreisium. willmill eve'll resarling to trial. Under 1111 circulustuucta. the jWople ore Ilt to resort lu judici process mal consider lhr judicia it stilt of aolhuritalive Ioslilfitillu insensitive to their iuteruas. s F a 4` r' 1i1 I e I I t I G. Local govemmc11t Korean governments have alwa laccit highly 4mnlydiyed. 1 ?es31itc� [INC l :ussycsincc World War 11 Of l;l%sti calling; for grraier heal aotommmy local g:ovenuneol is ,III[ largely 1 111 extension of the ImI Ltrill govcnm wol. Mml South Komms live In light knit. largely self sufficient, mmall rtlral mini mmilics where Iowa[ activities Iruliliomilly have hrem lmomaged llmmgh a systeitl of Iteadnicu or village elders. The villager luemit it milted front ogabnt uutsiders and have even tnanaged in many cases to mist crnlral KIA77lltltelit Cllntn)k h) 11oliimal elections. Ilowrvm their vote oiler is manipulaIed by the lx)lice it od other rcprtseututirc. ,d c -ptrtl aolilnrily. The C�untry is di viticd Into ,I, I,- p(IMorti- (da) cnitd two slaccial cil ins, ;au3 I'msa11. which lulse adrninislralive slutm clte:ol to th:11 of []It' provinces. 11 low lice puls�incial Icvel of govenimrlll me too principal suixiivisiolac: the city (11) or chunly tgtml, Wall the lowu (up) er township (Inprl ).'Chu towns upd tuwusbilxs have elpaivalrmt slall". Ilec:ulse of the lnxoiling Ixlp 1111601% n1141 the nljnid changes in lhv indltslrlal stcocturr during the 10G0�s, tilt+ m11lrlher (If citics� orbaee om as %villa $11,0110 or murc'pwpulaliatf� I11enraswd Goan 25 in 19611 to ;0 in 1070. The village j is [lie luacst foutial adinhlistralive unit of Arveriament. t..11ilx o re -tsoa Into wards(gu) and bineks (done); villages are orpith-rd auto groups 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 lit Isx:d gosernrlumis mile� stinu� fluids through local taxes but tile cwtitrll gOVCr1111Ir3tt 1111nnully pmvillt's most of Ilse hind, for foal lludgels la its drivv fur Imudi'rni /�pion :Ind cfficieilcy after tilt� 1961 thrill. tilt jurall made tilt� xtrn thr 11ri11sar% o Ittcal adiaiuish .Ilion. du%%iig idirsg lite Imilitioaal rril All,1 MY0 It ft-Vbetl the 6701 La.t ytrltrttlW It) in)pmvt� tilt "un a finaticinl Mattis and to iuerrax� tilt- ]xirliou of bwd Oxlx-ndilures lurid inr frula fat :d revenue \eserlliciess, the llutriili ;il for il2tlelwiltletlt 1tv,11 Blinn has iucrc :esetl only slightly siutrarrr half tf:c' filnds derived yy the part 1roi.r Ili:,J taxesaresIlent on it lit ic% deht�g :ted to t e� A by Ilie wiIIrsl goven I ae lit 7. Bureaucrac 5'11e structun� Will tilt- OIx :Milo; of 211V htireausrcley 1)it.% lx-en guilt!} ia(lueuc'c�d by [lie ]):tttrra vstabli'%hvd thirilig the japans -se administr'ttintl of div vokitall The government servile is Aiarucicri /eel ht relatisr sllath and vigor in key poNitit,ns, many sraior liosts have lxTn filled In former usilitar% oirwer. %lam Itlliluintees have Matt limitmi lrtinhig in the fields of Ilivir mslxtnsihilit}- lmwr'rt. and there is freyortlt shifliag of kt-y lx noant.l, Willi a cemseyurut I4 of c4nitinuih of olxratlions. ,Ulhotlgh this�ltiitiuF i >ltrs a factor Lhim it ti,t�d to bt-, it culitiriut'- Ili hr a c :wise of odnlinkin tivc nit :fiticnry Truhiliurally, the civil service luld flit- y;rr:test prestige at)d was ref,urelt -A as our of tilt- most hunoeahlr [MANsiorts: it rlalxxlictl live biglu�ss social .11111 It01iticU1 ;I Of UI indit'idllill !W1,1141se it 0.ANally i11ulrrd cults. Ixls.�er. autl tx�ial stolir". After 19.1.5 tilt- trimblilmal deferevix 11(munita1 tdfivialdollt by flit� liceple dimilli%hi�d sullstttilGalh�. Illa in u society such os Smith Korr.i s where Litt- gmummc�nt is the priucillail rrq)loyer and repilatc-c and amlm.'s eerinomle aclivily to a cinrcidertlrle d egr e e. and Where the sn- calted k- mur /on eunjsi t oflicialdo�n esalled Arid pecople domignlded� I attilude Is slill seer lauch It pari of the etehtum, the civil scrvite proVidrhullcof the 11111 -1 tltsIrml. 4t1111 rsl)Cd UV17A;l1?s to lrt-stigt-. iuHneoee. clad wruilb. The civil .mice syNlcnl ftunilin irl tilt %%'ell i r ttrtidilm l into S1 1nth Korea ill Augmst ltl49 w h en tilt' Suiioind Aiw- milt- enacted the Civil Scn�ive I, w. 1S new Natioval Civil Service lAtw promulgated Ili 19M has crudinued to olvnitc. The 60 service is made ap of national mad local gos'Crnlnen! eulplilyres W110 ;Lie rerouted, arlected. and appointed by executive aKalries of Ilse 4.0111 r_:1 and Ideal xnvvmiltestt. difiehlIs of lite central goventtncot pairrally have more prestige that; theft liwal tx)untrgs:tsts, sls:rlll[ lireakl c Imil officials have sullordin:ttc status is tl rlt tl tey rxrrfvrtti functions delegated 11) them by the eviltral goventinciil. :.y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 A, neiglAme,o� (a IIIilies Call ell sulsviQage� trxul I. 111 Slue ft mud purer the gmeauneltt slum%ors it varie[I of civic llF9;l1liGdi4)ns :u)d yaulll grclillb. Which it Ulm, usch for rltsltrolliag LINO IxY)pie :ail giving lht-rn poliiital girid :I11CC. fbcv� :IS \I x'iahle lilt 1ni11t-t111CJ %r't� it-. irlferint�r Ilet%%Or} for the lx)iicr� aulhuritics, '1�hnn1g1u11)t Kort history the villaytr has been lhr trttlitiomil ,cal of local aularwr 'I'll ht-admarl X4v4R as I IC� ling brtu (Ti the tx�ulllo anti the np 41 Fill r+rytn rlliris. svhoan salmritriOraplurcc of tl�rlrtitttl gnwralli 'nt. Villagr hrathruoll, mho ate� st�Iertt-d'hy [lie villagers ttcimclvn, ire 1101 goveMille2it Off idils Jud 14avive sill s 1larica 011trr itlflurnlial ]x.rsum in Ihr viil;igr ul:tt ire the NCinri of till Intl. misliter)lie fandle. :r fllmit'r villaj!% rllief, tl lr !l'111Nll p ritici p :II. teach err 1111 pk Ihv 111titnt l ak 1�Can rs ililr n- ipriranlrahs st�rn1 ]o van from village to cillay;e. bltt y �ueadly edli alien, lit-nuasivc ability. milrll nrlihair, and mgacil �Ill� I:ttler regarded ;I ;lit earmark of old mtv �arr� lilt 1 (plalifieatiolh. Under the constitution of MIN Ilu� NL- 5illvot aplxliated ptovincial gover2ulrs aild, through tilt- 1lillistrt ill 1l11ntr ,lffalr, crs rtrnlied lite x"igrimunt of bulls ;3411in� and judi(tal 011icd:sl�, f.tical Aid pf11 I jiutai CY I1trIC11N anti sn illC l l x ili ild lltl i3151 r 1L1 s't- of6'f:2ls retre elated h%: lheii had limited indclk11denl In isliltive And fiscal lxnuers. ,liter tilt- ovcslhrn)y Of Syvgruan Illte�e, the 511ort�livrtl Clxtuj; MVON) goverrllnertI cuulptctely disearllyd the presidential al)lxiintmrnt SIMON) aad decreed that all ltxal'fraders Scrry to IOC elected. (314.7Uite' it lMM."i011 ill its ID62 eonstitntion fur it ssSlcln of liulitcd liWil aatontlnn, the nlilltafy jatttm which t11rstc1l 011111g in May 1961 n�Iarllrtl to IIIC p11eVte111% :t]1jxlli{t1l1r11l wNtcnl. Whett the regime sultetatltiallt astsrlultd lite etisastitutibrl ill \'avernher 19 72. it added 21 provi5ioll furlltt�r delayhig thl' impICIIW;ttu till n of thOM'.lxtrtions of lite @nn4littiti1111 prnvidiag fur held ailt011011l1 'Intl] the naificution of [lie fatherland has heea tit'ilileL'Cll. IJOCal gOVOCIMIL -11h art- SllltcrViwd directly front SCO111. Will) 11n)4it'.ial gOl'11MoM 1111d LIM 1113vurs Of Seoul and 1 ttlipuinted by the 1're4desst Ill, the ret 4un eoduumi o tilt: l'rinic \finisher tlacnls Of other cities ;Old licads of counlles itreallp ointetl by tilt Prime Mluister ou the reconzmendalion of Ihr Ministry of Home elffain. which also aplklilts and cnrttrals local atlnlin'sar:llive staffs. A decision in 1972 In Irmsfer litany rrguiolury ftinehions (t.{;.. the Ilcrnsing of hAdlf1011 from lilt- provincial to the ideal level of governmeul, for Lite purlwse of greater administrative efficiency. has li;id otely minhimi imlxict Isecauu of the Kureiul tendency to Imo tlt�CiSiORS till to lilt- acxt higher uuthuri!. lit Isx:d gosernrlumis mile� stinu� fluids through local taxes but tile cwtitrll gOVCr1111Ir3tt 1111nnully pmvillt's most of Ilse hind, for foal lludgels la its drivv fur Imudi'rni /�pion :Ind cfficieilcy after tilt� 1961 thrill. tilt jurall made tilt� xtrn thr 11ri11sar% o Ittcal adiaiuish .Ilion. du%%iig idirsg lite Imilitioaal rril All,1 MY0 It ft-Vbetl the 6701 La.t ytrltrttlW It) in)pmvt� tilt "un a finaticinl Mattis and to iuerrax� tilt- ]xirliou of bwd Oxlx-ndilures lurid inr frula fat :d revenue \eserlliciess, the llutriili ;il for il2tlelwiltletlt 1tv,11 Blinn has iucrc :esetl only slightly siutrarrr half tf:c' filnds derived yy the part 1roi.r Ili:,J taxesaresIlent on it lit ic% deht�g :ted to t e� A by Ilie wiIIrsl goven I ae lit 7. Bureaucrac 5'11e structun� Will tilt- OIx :Milo; of 211V htireausrcley 1)it.% lx-en guilt!} ia(lueuc'c�d by [lie ]):tttrra vstabli'%hvd thirilig the japans -se administr'ttintl of div vokitall The government servile is Aiarucicri /eel ht relatisr sllath and vigor in key poNitit,ns, many sraior liosts have lxTn filled In former usilitar% oirwer. %lam Itlliluintees have Matt limitmi lrtinhig in the fields of Ilivir mslxtnsihilit}- lmwr'rt. and there is freyortlt shifliag of kt-y lx noant.l, Willi a cemseyurut I4 of c4nitinuih of olxratlions. ,Ulhotlgh this�ltiitiuF i >ltrs a factor Lhim it ti,t�d to bt-, it culitiriut'- Ili hr a c :wise of odnlinkin tivc nit :fiticnry Truhiliurally, the civil service luld flit- y;rr:test prestige at)d was ref,urelt -A as our of tilt- most hunoeahlr [MANsiorts: it rlalxxlictl live biglu�ss social .11111 It01iticU1 ;I Of UI indit'idllill !W1,1141se it 0.ANally i11ulrrd cults. Ixls.�er. autl tx�ial stolir". After 19.1.5 tilt- trimblilmal deferevix 11(munita1 tdfivialdollt by flit� liceple dimilli%hi�d sullstttilGalh�. Illa in u society such os Smith Korr.i s where Litt- gmummc�nt is the priucillail rrq)loyer and repilatc-c and amlm.'s eerinomle aclivily to a cinrcidertlrle d egr e e. and Where the sn- calted k- mur /on eunjsi t oflicialdo�n esalled Arid pecople domignlded� I attilude Is slill seer lauch It pari of the etehtum, the civil scrvite proVidrhullcof the 11111 -1 tltsIrml. 4t1111 rsl)Cd UV17A;l1?s to lrt-stigt-. iuHneoee. clad wruilb. The civil .mice syNlcnl ftunilin irl tilt %%'ell i r ttrtidilm l into S1 1nth Korea ill Augmst ltl49 w h en tilt' Suiioind Aiw- milt- enacted the Civil Scn�ive I, w. 1S new Natioval Civil Service lAtw promulgated Ili 19M has crudinued to olvnitc. The 60 service is made ap of national mad local gos'Crnlnen! eulplilyres W110 ;Lie rerouted, arlected. and appointed by executive aKalries of Ilse 4.0111 r_:1 and Ideal xnvvmiltestt. difiehlIs of lite central goventtncot pairrally have more prestige that; theft liwal tx)untrgs:tsts, sls:rlll[ lireakl c Imil officials have sullordin:ttc status is tl rlt tl tey rxrrfvrtti functions delegated 11) them by the eviltral goventinciil. :.y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 Promotion%. according to lllr to lional Civil Service f .aw'. iot l ease d oil e rllillgs, c%p merit. and efillipelitive carlthaations, The C esztrll Ulficiak Trainiis4 Instilotr (if Ihr \finish of Coveruallcitt Administration i.ffi:n short leriE. intensive. [tTlitli"41 Ittsl Fact ililt to civil +maul., i11 And Ilog i tit lgex and 11 roscculon. Slxwiul 1rIiIIiag11IMI is ,uavitim b the Cmtivatc srltotd of Ptdslic Achninislration of So4pul National llnircrily to faruill'1070 lnllllie nffictittls Willi the "liii;her arlxeets a [Ile atln:inislritive -fetter %linistrics lheirs+elyt�s slkr-is,ir their two training progrsins. Aplauioleca sire ret�lircd to serve 41 prestvilsecl etsndition:d lmrilxl Wrote axing amunird regular slatui,, A civil servant may till[ Ix discharged l;pa,in-A his ill wiliulat tally, as PI'Mided is the busie stataie.:lggdewd lxirtirs have rektinrrse lit it llo:ud of Aplst-ab, Deslsile the cell Illlasii plaevd ley Ilse law on 1610 merit systent, nepotism and (:lnlily inf -intee play an lusptlrluUl n13e Ill [Ile dvit wrvice. In a sociely still dninittatcd by the C.Finfatc'lan emphasis 4111 the fattlily. officials often pill faillily LolIsiderations ahegd of the pnbiic interrsl vhcu narking apisololumills. Also in %tldt it sncicty it Is frcgncn'ly 41111y pn14en1 for it bweaticatt tFo stetniond hiniself with llaaplc wlalrse llcrstmal ltiyallly Is assurud. The Swilli Kuwait cidl service ix youthful, and despite stnnlg; emphasis oo college tilticqtitr11 fur the higher grolcs, the overall etltrrn ;1'11111 level is richer lacy. A relilively small inattlier of the civil servants bold college drKreK No single purilentior gnlnp dominates the civil st:rvice. ultwagh gridualcs fr+art Sn arl NiIII llnal linivctaiir s J AW scfunll alelaily tinn of the high�ntetkllig IX01 in the veolr:d rnin;siries. All 5 -40. dlk4ft Alec rclmn enled. C. Political' dynamics (C) ^x Y 1, Characteristics of Kurt-an pulilics scmlh Kow s, lladillcal sinlelorc is sonoplrx and i116emntly onstabic. Many of Its forrus; aiad objrclivty sullerficially mscrnide [hose of Wasirrrt i �ditical syMenls, htet fundalncalnl Imlitloll:cttiludes are nroted Ill tin Folder hedtage tllut enlpbaisIV,, personal :tall horsily lies over Ilse nalIwt;ti irtterc +t. Much of lilt- fnslabilily lutlf corruption in Korean lwlilical lift.. stems from the contrulictions inherent Ira Illcsc cvmtentling furuts This sit ualior.. `ui Iecn aggriyated Ilk. istiPulation prmon, by the ulunalural division of lUr Iwo :eland brlwec11 two hostile and cvltnpeting rrgillltw, ant[ by ille neA ill iehuild and ntlrclenliZe a war sheltered vmriorny. Tim key elenacnl 411 llir ixllitic:d ,F%lenl is 1 ?c rnm[ol-lM at for lxtrer, w7r411111,'19111 prestige threaogll ntaneu and intrigue liv lrrtders who Ilil'r built ap prrunlid followings for this purpose.. Wilhin This syslern lx n-to)% tend Ire he Inal fee ttidividnak and f:letiow �nn[ to ideals nr to jwrlic au the basis of Immil lido violt-s. As It reYUl1. SiIIitIt Kureini I pool ilic-N ure a volistant interplay between tarions glo llis will gloulrs within- grolps. c11111leoging the government's :althu �ily and siraggiilig anrotgt Cheer selves. [Ureter At strong leader Ilk(: Ilresideal Na& Cbo ig�bui, goycrnrtient lends to lieconie authorilarian so Owl lleslilical stahillly earn Ire rnainioined. Doting tinles of acak leatfenhip tsoliticad stability deledoralcs ood govenaucnl lseco mes ineffective. \alioual awakcuing during till- lmritial ref J:lllarasr rile, vItImptead litenlcy, atul yci:rs of isrliitleal etarulc[iliult 'with C' .elmnmoist Xorlh Kowa has IHfllt a cl frientl and at relative by avirriave of Kiitk Chtaig �r'il. Tlot--C liter� Usyellicr With a llij'li u�jlotatiun antua)y hiti fellow officers for and jxrsenial huneslq. made it IxlM�lilt� for Pak lu appeal to :trid ret�civ'e lite Ix,lflical lopaftp of it vesp %vide welion of the Solid; Korean officer corps. Pak in lij(i3. after t� iimiderable awnrlsvviijig unit .Inolg pressure fnm U.S. nullturities� natored civili,ul adrniiiWndiou mud molts wheat %;;s an essentially freq. elcrlitilt hl 196.1411 Nil ajtaiII is 1967. f it I'}fi'.l he� bell the constihilion charIgM lu remove the iiinliutiesii O31 the Presidenl -4�n Inn marts llsan (cans, atld he was aR:lin rMecled in 1371- its part of -I sjttYjrirri; retsrKan�zaliuA of the gotrrnaa'ul the folttrswing prut, I'u1; lad hiulsclf elret"d for it G veuir lenu b a llaodpieked WilMe of 2,3i9 rleeton. The ucu� ctiIrislitillion invorlx,raliug these ch:itagcs glyes 1'ak virittally sutlirrifte-�d power. Pa k'. p olititaI vieus tried ar; alo alj;ant U 1 1i% citrls fai>:iFIVW trtinirtg atsel tralilivaal K eurar; valtu�s llrllikc� his civilian pled anesxsrs. itt� Isas nevol b een direelly inflncnec-tl by "u-sleni politic concvpls While lie publitl% pays lijssenict' 101 dernncrutiv wineiptes. ink. it rtither austere lxrsun- toed aalhoriturian in ulstlesuk. i% euncer icd priniarilti n�ill, the Julies atoll rcwlx �itics of tilizcnahi pool iL. right, and priciicges. Hecealir;glp. lie Ill n lxiwt l;is el &11 rule us Prttiidcpot la t'tat of a lllstsici;tu Who uia leng NIL rctilt 1141 we to rest rib i his (r:itirsit 'for Iltrxikc of corriplute can� and we"wrp. itad week tattle I;irn (o >alonit to p ;Iinfol surKrr% rlllhougli intc.t Korean ha"14 filacl th is txlitat of rice. navel or evell distigaw witli it. ]ben' i% the danger that pn,lorited and rigid arse- 13s:ut role Will %tifle Lhe arsrrtsal vealiiag t Ixslitieal tensionn and frusirutiun., thus rLdlreing the prposlx�cl for u !xarchsl lattcsfer of piwcr a lcn Pak gixs. Under Pak's sirong Icadvrship much of the tllrraoil assttviated with Sonlh KoiFea early pear- has been arrrivlue Public orrice and Ixlliticuf %taltflils Irate� 1w.en strengthened, helping to laq tilt� fuondizlian far the xottulrp inlpn'ssite ccuuonlic drerlopuu'ut during lite 1�16(1 The pricy of pulitictl a:lbilit.. however, h ;is been u furilter meakrrinti; of rr�ilvewrt lit litic goveru pill lit, MINA Salatll Kelreaits itplxotr to hate areaystttl till. It of ixlilleal fne�tl.tirn as nrvvssar} la retain the elnnorriic pra}(ms. a;:d ntilit4r) %scant. Ih:ti P41k has drmpoti+lritetl he rm lzn,vitlr. The reginle �s quits� Isespnlar %i(fi the Militan, who provide f nitittuitr %oq ill. of ;ntthuril} fl Is least to lhr iatell._rlwdf anti studeuls. %--ho ury crilleml of i6 n;iiilan orie latioo and vondctpo:; wild Ill,.) laclievr W lie WidcsIxtad affici;d eurniptftai a l it t1'r use of 1olice %fate luelica. L, Palifivallurrfirs SrntlSs K(;M11)1 have had Mlle- sucYess dt'velupilig Ll'cstrni -style palilic7111 Is:crtirs. Fluept for the Colitsnunists� u�lus ha btv(I sapjlo�s -.ed since lhc' early I gYys Ixiriies have Ixtrt unable to build strong iratitutional true �ifiuus nr juspofar luyallies. None of the Inljor parlivs l;c% afferec1 t ilt. t'lectarale u real pulitiru[ cllaicr, since all ]tare IWVFI klsi! -IIIV ec,riscrealivr. Stralfl;ly aationu 6tic. Mid cetnualittcd to tile reunification of Korea oil uors�Cnnaoltutiil terreu- In their jsrograala t �le tuirtit�s loivc aclvcx Itec� evoinoniic decr1opincut and elt.e lies "Alt till� Unitcx( States, while renluininx j;enerlllp skcl,lird uljap :al's intentions lam'urd tIl it ctuuitrp- Thin Itolitical C l kit's I I oitt have Centered meat fa llp on (bc isslw of ale "unls" versus late irks:* neither than an policles of Iariiirlplc%. 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 FIGURE 3. Prime M�njster On Clone -p'll (Cl APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 i Undrr Japanese title. Ixililical p ;nies 4srre h:utntKl. After liherdinis In 19.13 zif'iic7tl I;mlrrn prolifeasUxl, but their role i11 nM0011411 life w;is al l thl Holy itilivrfectly Hnderst(x)d by Iht -5out1 Koreans. liv Inld -1917 there %vex srurle 40 rccilgiliruble Imlitit 11 urgnni'rutious of VILmiot; 11;rsuasions :Ind sizeh, Joel dieig I I Ic Si lutII Kore 11 1.41bol (Col nnurs1sl)1'aety (SKLM �a desecn(l;In1 of the pro- 1915 Korean C0n1111tmist Pati;�and the Korean Der ltknllic Part} o foreruurur of the preseilt i\etr IJcoHicrdic Prrls', Will) III(" natulpic emrption of thr. SK 1_I r1111st of lbcs0 9 anuiunttil Ito little more than pollticsl chills of provincial 1xililidans, each with Ifl in0gnil{msol immbtr of F whip were atimeled by regi,lnill, kinship, or ulhor jwrm oai Iles. In 16. 1t6 National Asx�rnhly eIMU011s, for example. 6Vf of aII ca Fit IidaIvs r_at us indepl -ri ants; they Heroouted far user half tic 101 ;41 rnitlllMr o eleeled representatives, President ithev in December 1051 vi-lablislied ilia Uliersl Party as a st;stiurwid0 urganirdion t0linlvitie a ;xlpulur hasp fat the mginsc, Tllis rnovC bll Ihegretfl tlsaJorilyof 1111W x Ix1 !itit :Ill oppn0ents Ill f o1n tngclhrr l0 forth the Derimmlie Parly. Any trend lowani fewer and more 11npadly Iwsed IMlilical ]1Mriie$. however. wars more apparcnl thu!t re-11, The outolper of inhmr panics Mull Iodrivildeot iwlitiduns did continue to drellnc dkring ilia 1950'5, hilt the Iv:a major parties Ifietnse'.vo failed (0 achieve Imling unity. The Li' tollolntd when RIlee lust rxlwer fn IWO, In Ilse cnsoill)l 0hrlivas lite Democrats loon control of ilia goverHertcnt. hill ilia party s(x1n &ail prey 10 Cl,.tionul feudisig over Ilse division of slkolls and splil into two cYtrnlMisii; grumps. A tlurriber of nibior padlvS ;11w M nx!ry;vd, Ittehl-1irig sev0nd that were leftist orireHed. After the military coup le 1061, 1mrlics were lkirstmA until Jarman' Ift3, when the military govcmrrlent ixnstidnl iltslilic:Il :Ictivily to Imam prcpurNon� iu the rcYSluhlishnlrnt of dviliarl gutensnsenl. One of Ilia principal a1)JLLeIivm of Ilse new government WINS 141 develop a c arid tvva- Ixerl syMcm. Sleirlgent crmstitistlonal and' legal reeiuisiles were sal fur Pillitie:d Rallies. To pirvcnl the rnultipiivAlon of ullrsar parllc5 and xpfinter groups, N nl10111ll Asseruhlyrncss were ilisuyniragetl fra01 switching patty allegiants or IKVpIII11t9 iudePelidelils, on pain of linirig their Aswinbly seal. Anoliter nile dcsigried to prnnnle iuirly diselliliue specrified 11tat it candidate fir the National Assembly bud to he a putty Inelidiet Although thm regulations land lire dcsiQ effeet. of rrdsi6slg Ilse member of Imitim- -hy 1969 only line were irgislrred vv1111 the governinvol. anal of these orrly tun were octively involved irrlx,lltit it conlloelitiori� party IxdiUts ennlin0eKt Ill f(eux an narrow 1116M.:In eorarrns rithet ihitn un melional issues A nvw i'viilieal Party Lilo', enaele d ort29 Derember IM2. revems d the Km-ILTI lneni's lx)liev of cncour.Iging till- kdlwtlt of ststalg il;lrlies. ht an effurl to Further redmv the imoirvai talc of the Aswotbly :Ind Ills civfli;ln Ix4liticiuns. tl:c Iegal rcg0iramcnts [lot eslablishing a lxililiml P:irty have lxcn sulislautioliv eviaxed. To qualify us it lmtty, it grpnp now trust have load chapters wJlh a illininitigl of 30 tncrnlxrs 041011- -let e4111v aoc -Third esf the c4ulotry% 73 deeltnn dis:riets. 'file old low Millired a p:1rty to July at IL %SJ 100 ttlamllers each in over half of the t3I electron el islnets. The new law aIstuIx t in* rule depriving it leghla(nr of his seal in 11te Assembly if lie ieave.% his Party- TIM greatcxt blow 1n Cite pariies vile in the pulttic :d ls"K'05, il0u'evVr, is lire ncsv 0r1rtsiilisti011 :11 provisivil glviag look the power. 03mugh lilt instilulinn of Ilse 0FIlslitiliiullid (:0nutliltce, la Ilif'S &C ally Ilarly ;II will. (1) Mmucratic (Ir.Jlubtlema Party (1)11P) South K are:t s two twi for ImAie -ii, Pmzidrnt Paks DAP aunt resembles it imodertl.1xllitival orgonimlinn, 'I'hc I)IIP wts.urgu0irccl it] laic 196 by fait's Emig- tithe Ix,litical t:cttoply of Tina cial arnl bureanemtie rest)uracs available to file gWCrnilent Not trlcction tin)c, (;oosmitientiy, talc \'DP's cllauct�s of gainfiag crasltrol of the goycrm it are MA goexl. Kim Tae chung. :lee ,INDP s dy iamic voti ng vaodidate lit .1 lie Fri I presidential mee, Ilan lust that was popularly cenitesird. cattle chsaesi to ch:dlrnging Pak's control. Kim Iwllwl 43.3`i or the vote compawd l(s ii1.1 for Pak. lit the National Asse)ably eltviioni Ihesame seat, the Demo als seen Sa of the np 1 seats. When elections for lite Awinbly were field iu Febman' 1975 tinder [lie new nifcK establhlied by Pak, hiivewr, lilt- NDP got (silly 52 of 219 w-als pal the rcorgauired Msembly, and fewer luau one -lhini (if 1iw 1.16 wab filled by ditect Imirular vole. The NDl', like the gliP, has been plagued by hilcim factiniial distoutrx, will Ilinver within [lie party is divider(! :along often Iittcrly congtrtitlyr fraction ellicls. 1 n the Ulrencr of unity, party policy has hem sINlonlinatccl to slrugglv5 over pulrNinage and the stabling of individuals w'ithiu Ilse Marty. It Is not nnlvunram sit rlecliou time for cauditlatiK of one faction ti accept the secret ImAing of the gimminwid in reitim for their inderculting the caudiduey (sf tivstls particularly :ebfenrrrail to tali regime. For example, K1111 Tae- (:tacit- did woo. have late Full supixed of lire patty In IT L-. other influential NDP leaden uLre cYoucerued Ihal if Kim made a very stmrig showing, their owlt slandisig within the party es'ould INC dimittished. Ile the 1073 Nal!rrnal Asx�mlily clectiias, net NDP sl)litilea' gniult le(l by YMIg 11- lutag, a arniur faction cltief, broke from the party to rill its ou tt trLmI elates. Codling; itaclf [lie Dvinucmlic Unificulimi NtTly (Mincliu Tong!! Dung) the gmip rlrcled (Filly two assemhlyui n but cut sIK!iifiml1ldV iota lilt- N'1311''s untinally Armor supat)rt fit eirhan ureas, u the re-sult shat pniguvernmenl candidates wort in those urcas, Snch actluits liver lilt' years have contributed to aM erosiutt of public rtni`ddcucr ii ills Nor is u viahle alternative to Puk's government. Of llmse who cotillime to vote for the \DV. nuirly appear to do so largely as a grStum. of prow but would have stroni; sec otid tbougilts abut sulastilulirig its discorehitt Icadcahill for Pa k's pnie�en roliallilities its a national leader. Shin the 197n -73 grvemmeut reorganization, the NDP's alilily tea ilUdIflain even it se'mhlmum of in d el)endt -Me has ireeo iw highly doubtful. Under tine new system if expanded presidential powers Pak tmiloteltiedly inIeWs for the Now Dentoetats li serve roily as it loken oplxisit'ron in order to preun'e the appeartum of rrjmwittativi: prFiecsscs, Tills role is nil 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 .l 1G The mirelr panics, like the two major ones are predominantly aouscryutive. Their atcrnbership consists largely of ansucccssful politicians whn for one Tcasou or another have fuiled to nKike it into either the DAP or the NDP. Some of these parties and Avir leaders have the support of lite regime, w hich tries to s plit rise opllasitiarl vote at elcetiou little. For this reason they ore frot�tendy realigned by 11w INDP and have next to no public support, The DUP, the only rninor p:srly that look hart in the 1973 Assembly eleciio:ks, received just over 10% of the popular vole (tend iwu scats), mimp lresl to aloout' r received by the twv minor panics that partielpated in the �1971 elkctlous. Before the 1961 military atop there were sevend minor leftwiM parties, lint onlj� [lie litegrrsmve Party, led by ex�Cunanunist Chu Pong�am, attr sled enough popular support to offer any real alternative to the ruling aucservativew. Tito Procrrssive Part cham- pioned a kind of "democratic socialism." while rejecting both communism, and capitalism; it :al tei proposed lrcaccful unification of North utid Soulh Korea. Daring IWf the Progressive Party apluaved to lie gaining antsideesble support, particularly arnemg studenl5 and urban intellectuals, hot in early ID758 Cho and sevart) Miter party leaders .mere arrested and charged with violation of line National evority Act. The lwrty s n1istratims was c:mccled, and Chu was exectned at lite order of Praxident Rhere. Following the 11161 mililary camp, the Wowing patties were broken up, and most of their leaders wvm jgiled. After the icestuli,lishment of civilian government in lute 190� tEtes-u adherents who had esc-rpp.d imprisonment or had been released resoined polIlical ;tetivitics- The two nr(lst durable of the leftist groups art'- So Mitl�hcis ;Stases Pertly (Taechuny, Duttg) and Kim rh'ni's United Sociulixl Party (Tongsa Pang), 3. Intemt groups 01ganixed premsiri.gnaups have played a relatively unimprrtarit role in Smith Korean l/olitics. LINIM)r ustioOS and loosinrw, a+suciatlhts are plentiful lint are primarily conecrned with winning iollitenm or kormnlent favor, and um iaftcu directly or;tdirectly controlled by the government. For crumple, lice bulk of union mcmisenhip Is controlled by the Fedemiinn of Koreun Tmde Unim s (FKTU), w�ttm a nificers support the regime and urc under its direction. The network of up;rtcedturul voopewtives and ussociutuns of Cite farmers and fishermen um gas- eninient operated. The various vMerun gnaups, includitsg 0 mamiye Korean Veterans Assoclution, arc uil subira to .W t. It lor i 'r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 ahlsnrmnt to many 1'cw Drm(eru;ic asse ablymen however: party thairtnan Yn ChNi-san and his soptoorlen, for example, are generally thought to tes to governinent nwnilsulatiun. T he material rewards cars be substantial for opposilinn iss- semhlrmcn willing la caper to with the regime, as ']tr are then in a posilion to enjny infloencr awl other prerogatives of public olficr, and esp ccinlly the oppunin}ly for personal aggrandizement that is present in a ,miely where aImost every public servim has a price. Tile 11.1.6011111 converitiOn is theoretically the sutucme llulicyutai.itig organ of !hp tiDP, but in practice the ctnlrtl shading cimnlitle'c, which is teaadc op of the ynrioies faction chiefs and their liculcurants, is the real dcisinurnaking laiady. The a� degree of control and influence exercised lay the party chainnaa detx'ads largely nn itis Iser-wnal following svntbin the ))tiny. A powerful factiOra leader like I'll Chin -van, who hct�:anle Partyc in l i te spring of I973, is able In cxcrc'ise muds greater control in�cr lsirly affairs than slid his ptedcecssor Kim Ilang�il. Kira, it contproniis< choice for Fite Job. had bLen r tsle'ketf by 11 10 lla ftL' 1HmV.`S t >feClSely lX"e lie Euekocl t% an independent power base. t� Al the itical Ievcl, the NDP, like the DHP, has it chapter in each elecllors district� but necvuse of the sparsity of funds av;sdable to the nppnsitinn niauy 6 chaptem exist It name Only betweett elections. The \Di' has ilrpaended sal donations from wealthy supporters, membership fees front the party's avwnifilymen, sand money misud by ils local chapters, Many of those seiarces have 11cen en eff or suloslantially rcdu"I by Pat's security 111011412 through intimidation and other means, and the puny Is becoming increasingly dependent on moneyallotled it through scab rasa channek by the regime. (3) i norp arks� President Pok's nusgani7ration o the poliiieal system has nunle the outlook uncertain For it number of splinter groups that legally qualify its parties but Lek true national standing. These range z front the cvaserviative. IA)ez al Pa rty �a remnant of #)bees unce�pxwerfal urganixation. �to the mildly l+i leftist Xlasscs Party. The acw�e5t of the group) is the ihmocrutic Unification Party (DUI'), which split off .l front the A1DP to cvntcit the 1973 Assembly elections as an indepritdent part k. Sri me gmups,.like the DU P. natty he encrnsraged by the wgisne to llcemne more h, s nWve as a result of Pok's desire to undercut cite i Influence of the major parties. Oihers may vanish i completely, if Fur naother wawa than Iheageof their i 6 aders. .l 1G The mirelr panics, like the two major ones are predominantly aouscryutive. Their atcrnbership consists largely of ansucccssful politicians whn for one Tcasou or another have fuiled to nKike it into either the DAP or the NDP. Some of these parties and Avir leaders have the support of lite regime, w hich tries to s plit rise opllasitiarl vote at elcetiou little. For this reason they ore frot�tendy realigned by 11w INDP and have next to no public support, The DUP, the only rninor p:srly that look hart in the 1973 Assembly eleciio:ks, received just over 10% of the popular vole (tend iwu scats), mimp lresl to aloout' r received by the twv minor panics that partielpated in the �1971 elkctlous. Before the 1961 military atop there were sevend minor leftwiM parties, lint onlj� [lie litegrrsmve Party, led by ex�Cunanunist Chu Pong�am, attr sled enough popular support to offer any real alternative to the ruling aucservativew. Tito Procrrssive Part cham- pioned a kind of "democratic socialism." while rejecting both communism, and capitalism; it :al tei proposed lrcaccful unification of North utid Soulh Korea. Daring IWf the Progressive Party apluaved to lie gaining antsideesble support, particularly arnemg studenl5 and urban intellectuals, hot in early ID758 Cho and sevart) Miter party leaders .mere arrested and charged with violation of line National evority Act. The lwrty s n1istratims was c:mccled, and Chu was exectned at lite order of Praxident Rhere. Following the 11161 mililary camp, the Wowing patties were broken up, and most of their leaders wvm jgiled. After the icestuli,lishment of civilian government in lute 190� tEtes-u adherents who had esc-rpp.d imprisonment or had been released resoined polIlical ;tetivitics- The two nr(lst durable of the leftist groups art'- So Mitl�hcis ;Stases Pertly (Taechuny, Duttg) and Kim rh'ni's United Sociulixl Party (Tongsa Pang), 3. Intemt groups 01ganixed premsiri.gnaups have played a relatively unimprrtarit role in Smith Korean l/olitics. LINIM)r ustioOS and loosinrw, a+suciatlhts are plentiful lint are primarily conecrned with winning iollitenm or kormnlent favor, and um iaftcu directly or;tdirectly controlled by the government. For crumple, lice bulk of union mcmisenhip Is controlled by the Fedemiinn of Koreun Tmde Unim s (FKTU), w�ttm a nificers support the regime and urc under its direction. The network of up;rtcedturul voopewtives and ussociutuns of Cite farmers and fishermen um gas- eninient operated. The various vMerun gnaups, includitsg 0 mamiye Korean Veterans Assoclution, arc uil subira to .W t. It lor i 'r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 some dcgrei of government domio:+iivn, 11auy such orgoniuiliom rccrive sorne budgetary suplx)it frill,, the rrginlc, Will llocy are often rnanipuhtcaE for ltulilical purplisest none has played u major tole in lxilitical life. 'Cite sUulenls ore the Major curpton to the usual lsaitern of government doenivalion. Willi a pruud ir.Idition of oplx �iltnu to Japanese rule, attd r>:adly as a result of the tradilion it[ respect for the c4hwalcd lkfmill. South Korean students toad lit w. divinselvcs as the rtatio. s political rtnncience, Students detuomlrtted lheir lteoarr In 1%. 0 Miele sltonlattcous deenonslrttions ley thouc:iuds of Iligll school and arllvgc youths sr>arkc�tl the ouster of the lallering Mee regime. Volaliie, and torten salliicVt to diverse lwlitital munipulalion. lite students lnavc ixxn a source of concern and irrilalion Ito eachsuctirctlinggtivereanieett. 'rile erttacrlllrttian of some f15 cYtlleles and other iuslitulitms of higher Ieanling in Seoul makos the Capital it rtilliti"I rtouder keg, A few of th ine schools are operated by the government. and all art- subject ter saute dcgrrc of official control. bat alnust all Ituve it la,d�lion of politital opriosillou and citt ieiim �the }rrc+liglnus 3ceml 'uliu:uif 13ttiycrsih being it csc ill pninl. Thu stutfcnl lh,tdles of the elite private univemilles in Sruul� Run;a. Yonse (Yousei), Sugiing. and Kvvha (the lust u tvtstrl^ti sinstitutiun? atoll tukeie ktren Intrust rat national affuim Although Ihcre is no all- crubracing Korean student organirutlun, there is aonununirotiou wad liaison bel.weert groults on the different c;rinptrses, The ptrofesusn arid ratellrctuals, hanllr less Critical of government titan the �ludents, tsuikr up another loose 1rmitrc group. Their loflurttce acid senlintcists extend to students, neuslturtcr readers, and radio audiencct:. The formally organivvit editealrnnal a.utciatious, houvver, have fur the truiat lxrn discreet- and have avoided involvement in lmilitics. Front time to time kite gavenimew has suspected that differenl religious groups have ]veto involved lit Nilitlex. Buddhist effuits to innut -mv flu gavettlmenh have Ix-en limited 14) seeking preference in the setliement of pntleerty dispti;rs, Tlae Gltrisltaas are a l.`. more lxdilit city rxrtent force, but set far any political action assoclaled with. the Churches has largely lxril conducted by lite leaders us individuuls not by tits membership of church gtineps us a.whule. 4. Electoral laws and practices Tine Soulli Koreans �Bloat u. high role of voter pltrlitilm6no In ctectotts. Ira lite first gencrsl elections a11er indepettdcttee. Q% of 11su a eligible registered, Mid 904 of abuse wlift registered voted. Although the voting rile has decreased somewhat in haaore rccrnl elections. A hits aniltailed to lie generally high. Viler Itarlicilmliote In Lite 19+1 presidential clectiou �the last title let wthicli the President was popularly elc'rlL41- �-1,11;ts Itno +1 80rr. The large Inittnut of valets, 91.05 for the I972 WilituMl rcfcrcltal111tt charlging the cioiWitisti In glvc the PreMdent vitUutlly unlimited pullers vcas on l y partially [die result of govenowen} premurc to dclnunstrale popular suplxtrt for the :uarutlencrit. Toting rates in the countryside arc gencriliy higher di:ut those ill lite cities, and mall voters are ,,sore likely to suppnri lite group he lxtu�er. fn the 1973 tialiomd Amennhly election hold under stew rules eslahllshrd follnwing lire 1972 revision of the roastilotiort� rih.9% of 13,690,131) eligible voters elml leallols, cianpared to 72.8`1 in the 1971 Asscnihly elections. Lex:d voting r les itt 1913 tiller tcndell ko folios� the 197 r }uhtrcm. lit 5iYOU1, a�hrre lxolitical intcnxt stns high lint the governineut's ability lit get oul' the vote is linn�ted, the rile was 6M. the sumc as in 1971. The greatest change oKvioud al Pus:ui, the nations second Inrgrst city, whet. the rule W us'i0.3So down alrnsst 2 from 1 971. In the rural areas the IM3 vuling rule also icudcd to adhere Ito established p:ittertts. Kangwon -do," vllcre lite large military vote is easitF ntauuged by the govcmnuval, hall the highest note of volcr paificipaliim- 80.751 t the lowest was Kyouggi du, u�laerr 7.1.4% voted. Under [lie rcvisLiui wrlfure program Isus been developed. formers 20 and Flshernun have horn granted govenaacnt loads to liclilidute their usurious delils, and a wtirkrrleh'b arrnlicnsalion law lists hee cnacttrl, None of these 3twasures has proved witiple[ely saeerasful, however. Iscti:tuse of the Ia of adequate financiul resoiirres. 711e gUrernrraera[ -c ards econo develupaivitt a high priorit and is tinderi;t iuclustrial nandemixa- tion and leade liberalization on [lie Isasis of funr3 -year plans cuvedng till! period 1962 -81. isa:luding tilt current Third rive Year Plan litat etids lit 1976. 'rise first Plao cnierntrticd on strrngthcning lite c(Ml as,d clectricul iadusttics. lrunspurtntinn, lalrrnnuutenicvi- lions, and sviec[Ld lit rl till riCS such its oil, cmateut, and steel whose dtrlprovemenl would mmilt in lmjxort s;tvirKs. and agricnitisre and fisheries. 'Huse goals vs t re largely achieved. distille a naaactary stahiliv i- lion .prognim that tcrnlwruily slowed tiuwn economic gnssvlh, The Second Five Year Plan raltvd for it ;MoLlier of rnuftipurptise dams, deyefnliuornt of the 1 011 alai Petnmliesaical Industries, a simlonnl develapmrnt progmrir, it lnug�terin electric lxrsvct reffill -l's development program. and :art Incre,tw- in 104 priduction tender a 7-year agriculluse and fortslry prograiu that l wgan in lw). go;els of the Snvmd hive year Mail Aso were achieved, and scrrne sere overfulfilled. Faved with a slowdown in rcrisoaaic gmsvlls in the Cady 1974's. the 'Third Five Year Plan sets more incxlcxl goali, lent the cimshlemble iteiprivernent in the agricultitral secinr and the ctintimied industrial develujuncit cnvimiged in the 111au appear to be acas�evahlc. The govemuteitf s cicienoimltinn to pmnsutccxtsorts is all Imixadant elcnseut in econoanic poli This is tufts has led [o Ilse adoptisia of u Routing exchange rite cedifieate s }31crn. it trade lib ei;nUmlion progrirn, and a reformaticna of the credit structure, white asnluining prices and limiting %peculullon, Despite dto cxisi of an extensive private secdor, the govcruincnt Is idtr decisive Influence in [lie cnunouny; with grratcst control exercised through complete uwnerslotp q majority prsutlons lit fimtntiul Iistilutions, The Ruycrnsnctit also Owns Utilities and many ritttiprises producing Ixlsic gotiih. In many cases Ilse ownership is lumed over la private interests when :air Indu =is well eslatslished. Foreign ias,esllntnt is enasrrraged by tax conceminns, unrestricted equity participation, rcjsatriallon of profits, and mow.lury slubitity. At first lite ose7dl perforrel4jisee Of Il,e ccossoiny v uneven, but sitiee IM the rate of gmwlb has been inipressivenut enly In industrial production but also in CNP, exports, and imports. r` E i l z R i i t a' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 i r- 2. Famign The ulliaurte objective of the ygoverm11enl's foreign 11001I M' is the :(vhievemet(t of a united Korea under Scott]'% asnlnd, secure from any lhrrat of seizure tit dumilnation try Ili larger lieighltnr to the north or JUIMU lu the rant. [a pursuit of This ge11enrl objective. SO UIll Kurran govcmnecuts Bove fur over hvo 410V s nlainlaiaed a strong unti- Conuntrmist lutsture, s(gtl>tirttil 111t U.N. furnuda for Korean'uaifiL:ction, soaFhl admission to [lie United Nations. Islaved a Itrendunr on (-lose and fricudly ties with the Unitc-d States. L ,t South Korrantf, rrgardfcss of dommtie Ixrlitical d i f fm mm". Thr hintilit dirt hax exlsteel betwevit Sriuth and itiurtlr Ko Ie11 tl i rou gh roul the 110111war en( h:LS Iseen lilt' central factor in alt ;ytiFlg, Se ouhe foreign rrlatiaas, Fear of North Korrau aggrr;.)iun has 1wen the majur masam fur yieexd to ru;tintain a large defeersr tsiablishnicai. aith n)nrc thin WX),000 Inert ander arms, and for virluully all of the arttidarnummist and unlisulver- sion hims on lilt l000ks, All cYtulucts by prevule cilimm with North Koreans are forlridde11; 11(ew lmpu a n ao direct movement of uutil, rnmeucscr. or persons I)ehvern the two halves (at tilt ceuntrt. Until m- ently communieallutu have Deem limited almost ext p5lvely In lite oreltestnitiun of rival propaganda vampaignc as:crliug their msliec[ive claims to lie the rightful govcrnu(tnt of all Xorea while tlenigraling the legitimacy of Ilse tither. lnlenlaliouulle, the twit lt:tvc engaged In till endless bultle of ont upnurns!(ip for international romognition, a uornlxlition In Which Scuul's itlul is,_witlily Illimm'iag. These policies arc now undergoing eonsiderrble mo tlifiealion as loth Srend and P'yang }zing respirnd to the developing detente in Fast-West mhstions. In August 1971. Scald prtIwstLd talks betwcrr( lire R(A CTass orgunilatiuns of the two rouutrim Fur the pitrpxsxe of bringing loge ber families that had Omen separated by lite Koreain war. 1 aceeptrl. The subsetintut naeeIlli gs provided out opp artreni[ for confidential d1wUmian that led to the tctaltlislrment in July 1972 of u MAli -levci joint eetutmitive to work for the reunilk-0ion of Numa. The willingness to rater a dialog hiis not carne easily for .titcr &Ltiul or P'y and it is unlikely that cllher foresees uny litndbilily of meaningful pntgmss toward unification except in such mlutivcly uncrrlrovcrsial areas a(s lrumalrl[uriuu, cultural, uud ccouti nit: cooper lion. ,Nouctlidess. Imlh ,files prolmloly 1nlicst lilt have a ecslc'el irderest ill Iurpetcratiny the dialog as it rmeau-, of furthering pxditita: uhjeclives that are frmdnmcrttally eu7rlwti- live ur:tl incnml>lible. President Puk miiagnbx that the North Koreans. ufler 20 vcars of failure to make any arppfed (11-111 In &owl's I-.(alilic:d araaor 1st vinicnt means, :u(� iHii -WVd in using tilt di ;rlog priruarily ;(sun alternate avenue for achieving a united KOFra uuder Communist rite. Pak ltrlievc-s, however, 11440 it Is of pgrenter concern that Seoul involve P yortgyzeng In it -.veil of rel:ilinushitts lla(l -.vill srn'c us I t elettsrenl In mieaed North Komin agym- inn n�:rinsl lilt' South oucr the Americans have le ft Komi. E-lits in nxxal scan �the Nixon Doctrine, the Sint U.S. (Iclente, and pekirt s 1-ntry into lire United Nutinus�have ciinviamd Pak mid atany other Koreans that Seoul cannot indefinite rualiu(ee lu count as the United Slates for its winity and the defense Of Ns other interests. F urlhenunrc,:dl Kan;urs north and south lire ne:alcly aware of their aaaalry's tragic lfislon of sulterrdiaallaa to huger and mar(� lser(ycaful etc ighlim rs, and it is likely that bolh Smul and P'yugg }zing have clause ter,-ex direct line of exauaunie:etiuu;es one V%A% Of foreslallil ;g mu great power effort tit dMi(le Kole i s future. %Ylljle tlic South KOrton-. IIn(-.� f0feMY' the day when U.S. fare. in Komi s +ill he withdrawn, lire Ina�uleuance of close ftendly relations with WiLdiingtou continues In lee the keystone of S s ials Koff .6. foreign liolie_ -v (Figure 5). Since the division of the Kuwait Pcssinsnlu at the ednw of Wafl(l War 11, Seoul has relied heavily an li te Uniled St;sles for mjtjtairy security uud Ct011Mnic axsistaaKr. U.S. mmornic alai Is being gridwelly phaWd uud us the Korean mmomy lteccomes stronger. but uim-'s tat Arstcrican; markets and insc%trnent capital remains vital (u the nation's anilinued mrnomic growth. Sanrth Korean policymakers alit sec rill ameptable altemulive to court ilmd r0imice On tite United Stales for the military aid which the South nrfcsl have to nudritaits military parity with tier North. Tile Isasle U.S. cool"Illoteul 11) the tlefense of South Korea is a11ta�11e41 All ilea Mutnul Defense I'maty, wiliche beca tffectwt tin 17 Novemher IVA. Usher bilaierd agnentients include tilt Stales of forces Agreement Agned till 9 july Mi; the Treaty of Friendship, Cumni mv, and Navigation: signal 28 November 195(�: and urnengmiwitts for the else of uloinit energy for peuceful purposes. The dechiOn of the ROK Owen) ment to disputell a Form tit wine 50.(0[1 "ream 111 Victnuu (vas 21 it'; i'' Js" r �rex:'Fia,= asR..;i`�teAaC :+ar..3cie;.c APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080007 -0 FIGURE 5. Pak Chonp�twi and wile visit Presidlmt oad Mrs. Mixon in Catilando M 1969 (U /CU) t 3 1 a� f: Y- i. snpinlslt'd llm n larks m :l jurity OF SM111) Knreall 'l'IIV IWJiVVv(l Illis :ac'liuo would Math .ilPfigllli'll tilt- U-S, csiminitllsetit lac Snuck Kowa Will IIFIlVitIt' lift opl>tlrtu:Iit} (al Ix'nefil from Ilse "ar. The 1 of the .t� faro' +In i t retn if keel U S ill Kowa Is} \t ;trrlt 197.3 after mxr i vtarn sc'n�ier in SOtllis IctII rj II :ii;uIf- 61, fire cnle'rgt -IIc of jap;let ill n -CV11l ream Ws (Illy of III" �tlrt'Ignsl rttiuuunir lltamer. ill Ills- swild has Ivil St�nal Ilk actnrtl high priuril tip nannalirint; rVIIIH1111s tt'illl 1'410. Thv v.smbli +Intuit of fall dirbln:ltir relations in 1867) olient�a! lily sad fur lrWlk injtti'limn Of jalkllll�a'retllllllllir;titl- %lipteover. ill 11tvvivtl I11 m)llly J. FIGURE h ROK troops tayvo South Vlernosn (IJjOUI Sautka Knrvan l)1WUIw1% lilt.� jalulnem. t�trslieuny Im-A rrachrd it lsllhll u't tli va lupuirut that Mill rNatllr Sotltll lianr:l to takt' Over thr mil slltall- ,vale miumiut�r ti1111d% iudll} tries. With J alklll N11111 ping Snlllll Knrc c the utcteusn ImpiRd 111w%tnlenl aad l)lanle A cnutinuing 11ni11t of volllvnlion i% the intImIlkl cr in liudr Ise'twet'II till' tMU c�Ilnntri(.N. ashiclt WOUl i. Iry9ag to alla�el h' urKitlg J-1 111 rrlus fvyllictlons lll:lt limit tilt nmrl ct for Smltle Korvaii -)rr>:im- lssre.11tu +lsl and 111141 lies ;Iry 1111mitc)"I. Will Jaluilltse htoiuc -slncn 114m. Ix�t'st tiubjrckti in onres,. 1 ;lscs. 'Ells yutrnunv is parlicltlnrly c�Ilstuermied over Japans rebliornhill m 111 Mirth Korea. Although tilvlul is ptt%k%"l that 'l�(Fkyi) �harn they lend to identify as another divided MoPle Los u sytnlrol of geogmphy have teldsol the lioscuus info u tight uuold of one ruce� language, and colturc. Thus Koren has S,>+etb Kaieu's camltlg of age inlcrnutionully. SM )III- lilts in 'lie P+csl cseherrc rrlatirnts With largely --Ptd trite racial, lint;ciislie, and Miginus conflicl that fmcli,eutly a ffiict G m"I' ntlist rt'uaIdes ilcretofrire, the 506111 ekes more c ll verse socicties. In South Komtt a Confucian network of close family refused to mailtiain diplentatle relations with lies still Provides the luisis for to degrvc of sc ,cia l governnkenls shut rcelog due 111c North Korean ginle. altitnugh _xceptions for stability, despite the great ,..�h;i Iges iu mK`icty during '!'fits s Were made comulur relatiuns will'" liic adsnlntages seemed ove rridin g. recent deeades. rigid %truclum of traditional se>L$ely. however, has aim) ehanucled the Kurc,1113 Seoul's utlilude hay gn>wn ernsiderably snore fiexibile, hnwcltcr, rcflecticg the clamping imliti:ul notbolrul olati]il Ir111+ Irebavior Pu!lenss that are OAPrmwd lint only by otlti>nrFt5 r silunligrl iu East Asia, to a mujor'foreign pnlich` of Un ge r. re bellisu, s- ncss, and cruelly hut' also by vinlent upPosirion 'o stuter"C" in June 1573, President Pak b>mal v Ihose in you or, opener) the dex>r to reiutioric with all muntries, 6011ing Politicrl.stubilk' Is affected In olh wa ys b the ill Funicular for Cntnmunisl nations to reciprocate, Scnul's leudersate now ccunlry's Confucian herftap,.. The ctncepl of a loyal ea;cr toestui>Ilsh dlpinmalleas well as economic and cu, r iurl n +lulinrks with +>Pru+iliorl is dlffic'uh for Koreans to aexcPt, given the traditional view of s,xiety us an extended Family noted ;z governments, that rer+grtim P'yong`ung. Tnivard'thN end: Se is also seeking. Privately to over by u beltevolent lrslriamh. 711- is u decided u�:,dvantage in establish u Political dialog will, both Mm-) itnd Peking, ant' is a nation undergoing the stresses of axial, Politictll, and ccorromieAunge. i seck(ng the stipporl of its uilles in itiltiating crintacts, National issues lent! to loo resolved by lets of force rather than on As lsltN of this cltungc in fomigu Policy. S