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_A Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 V. 12 Apr 76 13 NORTH AFRICA The brother colonel scoffed at the reactionary information media in Tunisia and Egypt. He said that the mercenary information media have been saying things which are very far from the truth. He said: They live in one age and we live in another. They live in the age of police rule and dictatorial governments, while we live in an age of the masses and the rule of the masses, who freely express their will. The trustee of Arab nationalism added: The Egyptian and Tunisian governments, by attacking the 1 September revolution and its command, are doing themselves a big disservice. In this connection, Al- adhdhafi said: The more they talk against us, the more the masses will cling to the revolution, become vigilant and defy them. He added: I consider this march the best reply to the enemies of the revolution, be they the Americans, the Tunisian and Egyptian Governments, or their lackeys. This popular march silences the Voice of America which used to be the voice of the Arabs, as well as the Middle East Radio and the radio of the Tunisian Government which has lost its reason. This march clots the blood in their veins, that is if they have any blood in their veins. The march of the masses of Misrata is the best reply to the enemies of the revolution, the enemies of the masses and unity. It is futile to take a hostile stand toward the resolution. Those who try to challenge the revolution are playing with fire and are dancing at the brink of an abyss into which they will fall. In conclusion, the trustee of Arab nationalism affirmed to the masses: Together with you, your revolution will continue to march forward and strongly defy the enemies. The Libyan Arab people will be the vanguard of the Arab nation. The traitors, the reactionaries and the Imperialists will see what end will befall them. Tripoli ARNA in English 1704 GMT 11 Apr 76 LD [Text] Tripoli, LAR, April 11, ARNA--The Libyan Arab people now have thousands of tanks, hundreds of planes and billions of tons of military equipment, Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, chairman of the Revolution Command Council, said at a huge popular rally here yesterday. Colonel al-Qadhdhafi pointed out that the Libyan Arab people could not secure such military potentials within six years without the staging of the revolution and without the leadership of the R.C.C. Colonel al-Qadhdhafi also referred to the revolution's transformation of hovels into modern houses, and desert into agricultural lands and to the establishment of factories and building up of armed forces. - 1L-,ADHDRAFI MEETS WITH NEWSMEN IN ALGERIA Algiers APS in Arabic 1400 GMT 9 Apr 76 LD [Excerpt] Before leaving [the Algeria-Lib ya-Niger summit], Colonel al-Qadhdhafi spoke to national and international Journalists in reply to a question about the imperialist attack on the region. He said: "It is in the nature of reactionary regimes to ally themselves with imperialism. The Arab region witnessed imperialist attacks in the past, but patriotic and unionist forces frustrated them and thus proved their ability to do so because they represented the interests of the masses." Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 12 Apr 76 I 4 He added: "I believe the current. attempts by the reactionaries are hopeless and the time has passed when imperialism can achieve its objectives in this region, because the people are too vigilant. For our part, we in the Libyan Arab Republic have declared our attitude regarding the settlement of accounts with internal and external reactionaries. We regard forces hostile to the patriotic front, whether inside or outside the Arab homeland, as standing in the same rank as imperialism. In reply to a question on the importance of this meeting and its effect on the develop- ment of Arab-African relations, President al-Qadhdhafi said: "As an effective force in this region we should turn our attention to our friends and neighbors. We have a duty toward such countries as Niger and Chad. We are capable of broadening the circle of cooperation to embrace all the peoples of Africa. This meeting has taken place within this framework." Replying to a question from the LE MONDE correspondent about Libyan recognition of the Saharan Democratic Arab Republic, Colonel al-Qadhdhafi said: "As far as Libya is concerned, our attitude toward this question is clear. We had the honor of having been among the first to support the liberation war in the Sahara against occupation. Our attitude at present toward revolutionary peoples need no further underlining." Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic 1730 GMT 9 Apr 76 JN [Excerpt] Brother Col Mutammar al-Qadhdhafi and his delegation returned to Tropoli this afternoon following a brief visit to Algeria. He was received at the airport by RCC member and Prime Minister Maj tAbd as-Salam Jallud. Tripoli Voice of Arab Homeland in Arabic 1915 GMT 7 Apr 76 JN t3zoerpt] Massive popular marches were staged this morning in which.various groups participated, including workers, peasants, shopkeepers, students and women. The marchers proceeded to the Revolution Command Council headquarters in Tripoli, raising pictures of the leader of the revolution, Col Mutammar al-Qadhdhafi, and placards asserting the cohesion of the masses with their great revolution and its initiator, Col Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi. These placards expressed indignation and anger at the vicious campaigns launched by the hireling information trumpets in Egypt and Tunisia against the great 1 September revolution. Amid loud cheers, Col Abu Bakr Yunis Jabir, Revolution Command Council member and chief of staff of the armed forces, addressed the marchers. He greeted the marching masses and said: I am speaking to you on behalf of the Revolution Command Council chairman and members. Noting the marchers of the masses which began a few days ago, he said that this shows the awareness of the masses of our people, the masses of the great 1 September revolution. He asserted that the march of the revolution and the march of our nation are being subjected these days to reactionary and imperialist attacks. Addressing the masses, he said: Your awareness of what is going on shows that the masses are able to understand and to remain steadfast. He added: Your march from Al-tUjaylat,.(Sirnan), Ohiryan, Nalut and Az-Zawiyan and all areas demonstrates the insistence of the masses on revolutionary cohesion with Col Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 V. 12 Apr 76 He continued: The Arab people's, struggle in the Libyan Arab Republic is a struggle to safeguard their gains and freedom and lead Arab revolutionary action from the ocean to the gulf. This struggle will, be blessed by the Arab nation and every free man in the Third World is a struggle to preserve gains and freedom. Brothers, the marches of ,the masses in Libya today indicate that these people have broken their shackles and fetters. He added: The end of humiliation has allowed these masses to move freely and consciously to combine with their leadership in a mammoth march to destroy all agents in the entire Arab arena. He added: This march of.yours is a march of free people who are capable of building a civilization, achieving progress and leading free political action at the level of Libya and the Arab nation. We take pride in your movement and awareness. He added: Arabs everywhere are watching your struggle and the Arab masses in Arab Lebanon also take pride in your movement. He continued: The 1 September revolution is against oppression, suppression, agents, reaction, fascists and the forces of apostacy. He stressed that the 1 September revolution is a unionist Arab revolution which espouses Arab unity, socialism and popular democratic freedom. He went on: Your revolution is strong, backed by your will, upsurgeance and cohesion on the road of freedom, socialism and unity. He said that despite the reactionaries, Brother Col Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi will remain the leader of the revolution and the march of our Arab nation's masses. He asserted that the Libyan Armed Forces, backed by the cohesion of the masses of our people, will confront all agents, traitors and reactionary regimes and support the masses of our Arab nation in overcoming the forces of apostacy and backwardness and all obstacles. The chief of staff hailed the struggle of the Palestinian Arab-..people and asserted that Libya will stand on the side of the Palestinian people's struggle. He also asserted that Libya will stand with the progressive forces in Arab Lebanon until they achieve victory. Concluding his address, he asserted that the Arab people of Libya will never go back; they will stand with the forces.of progress, good and dignity. RCC member and Prime Minister Maj 'Abd as'Salam Ahmad Jallud then delivered a speech in which he greeted the marching masses who had come today from the municipal councils and various areas extending, from Zuwarah to Al-Ujaylat, Ghiryan mountain, Al-Khums and other areas. Trijioli ARNA in English 1716 GMT 1O.Apr 76 LD [Excerpts] Sabha, April 10,-A R1A--Major 'Abd as-Salam Ahmad Jallud, member of the Revolution Command Council and prime minister has emphasised that the masses in Sabha had moved to assert their adherence to the revolution and they were one of the popular sectors which inspired us with the spirit of revolution. Major Jallud spoke of the rabid campaign launched by puppet horns in Egypt and Tunisia and asserted that this campaign is not aimed at Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, chairman of the Revolution Command Council but. it is aimed against the Libyan Arab people and at striking the great first of September revolution, its masses and principles and against the Arab nation, because Colonel al-Qadhdhafi represents the aspirations of this nation in its unity, building up its strength, liberation of Palestine and in confronting Americans liquidating the Palestinian issue. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6 0. Ip V. 12 Apr 76 I 6 Major Jallud announced that the movement of free unitary officers which launched the revolution is strong and capable of confronting all enemies of the revolution. He stressed that those who imagine they can put an end to the great first of September revolution are having fantasies and are ignorant of the simplest concepts and principles of the revolution. They are contradicting themselves because the great first of September revolution is the revolution of life and we are representing the forces of life which are invincible. Tripoli ARIBA in English 1629 GMT 11 Apr 76 LD [Text] Tripoli, LAR, Rabi Thani 11, April 11, AM--Major 'Abd as-Salam Ahmad Jallud, member of the Revolution Command Council and prime minister, yesterday met students-- the masses of the revolution forces at Tripoli University. On his arrival, Major Jallud was welcomed by students' cheers calling for removal of all agents, traitors and reactionaries inside and outside the university and for the rapid progress of the revolution in order to realize its thoughts, values and principles, with the help of the toiling soldiers of revolution and owners of genuine interest in the revolution. After over one hour of reiteration of cheers and slogans; Major Jallud gave a frank speech in which he explained and analysed the purpose for which the great first of September revolution was staged and its role on national and international levels and emphasised the necessity to uphold the revolution principle: "Always white." [as received] Addressing the masses of students Major Jallud said: "The great first-of September revolution draws strength from toiling sons of farmers, teachers and soldiers and shall continue to smash the dying reaotionaires everywhere." Later Major Jallud met the university teaching staff and replied to queries raised by them regarding the method of transforming the university into a revolutionary fortress serving the revolutionary society and responding to its problems. JALLUD HOSTS DINNER FOR SENEGAL'S ABDOU DIOUF Tripoli ARNA in English 1641 GMT 10 Apr 76 LD [Text] Tripoli, April 10 ARK A--Major 'Abd as-Salam Ahmad Jallud, member of R. C. C. and premier hosted a dinner on Thursday night in honour of the visiting prime Minister of Senegal Abdou Diouf at the Libya Palace Hotel. The dinner was also attended by'a number of cabinet ministers, governor of the Central Bank of Libya, a number of undersecretaries and heads of diplomatic missions accredited to the L.A.R.' Major Jallud, speaking on the occasion, welcomed the Senegalese premier and expressed best wishes for the Senegalese president and the people of Senegal. He said the links between the L.A.R. and Senegal proceed from a common geographical bond and a common civilization. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/03: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370054-6