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FROM `"O w~ ~/SJ bS'F2 V (PY r% P16', 1, pS W ebs~e w
13201 Clayton Road
.St. Louis, Missouri 63131
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0 0 W:11
A Part of College Students' Liv
Page 7
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Often on weekends there are more bikes on the River Road (Elsah) than cars.
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Alumni Magazine of The Principia Alumni Association Spring 1980
13201 Clayton Road St. Louis, Mo. 63131
0, the clanging bells of time ...........................................7
Principia's tower bells are part of College students' lives on campus, sound in
their memories when they leave, welcome them back when they visit as alumni.
By Pam S. Webster.
CIA: Don't Apply, James Bond! .......................................9
Managing a spy organization is an intellectual, thoughtful vocation-not one of
derring-do and adventure. From a talk at the College by CIA Director Stansfield
Moving into the "real" world .........................................13
Living as a unit in Alton enables interested College students to tackle the social
issues of their community. The classroom is Alton. An interview with the College's
Assistant Professor of Sociology Edward Gondolf.
The Campuses ...............................................................4
Colloquy ......................................................................19
About Alumni ...............................................................21
H. Streight Hamlin C'45 Editor
Pam S. Webster Assistant Editor
Virginia M. Craig Alumni Notes
Everett L. Bay US'43, C'50 Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas S. Price C'50 President Belvedere-Tiburon, Calif.
Paul D. Grimes US'57, C'62 Vice-President Ballwin, Mo.
Alice Taylor Reed C'47 Secretary Indianapolis, Ind.
Stephen L. Abbott US'70, C'74 New York, N.Y.
Ben A. Bollinger US'33, C'37 Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Madelon Maupin Holland C'73 Wellesley, Mass.
Charles Spaulding III (Tuck) US'63, C'67 Shawnee Mission, Kan.
Dorinda Reed Staley C'54 Weston, Mass.
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The Campuses
Findings: Whole Man Gets Boost
In a report to the College community
in April by two major on-campus
committees-Academic Life and
Student Life-Principia's well-
known "whole man" received a lot
of attention.
Both committees-which called
on student, faculty, alumni, and
administrative help over months of
in-depth research-noted what
they have found to be major com-
munity needs, as well as proposals
to meet them.
Many of the committees' find-
ings-both needs and proposals-
parallel. Including the case of the
whole man, who appears to be
suffering from fragmentation.
The Academic Life Committee,
chaired by Professor of History
Brook Ballard (C'50), reported
among its findings: pressure from
too many competing activities; a
yearning-not only in the case of
students, but also of faculty and
staff-for social intimacy; a desire
for challenge conflicting with a fear
of challenge-and a need for a
better understanding of the part
Christian Science should be playing
in education.
There's a need for clarification
of educational priorities, said the
Student Life Committee (chairman,
writer/lecturer Carolyn Ruffin, C'66).
Plus, the committee added, a
need for better support of good
relationships, including in house
living; for more emphasis on service
to mankind, at home and abroad;
for more support by students of
academic life; for improved skills in
seeing, raising, and meeting moral
questions; and for recognition of
the cooperative responsibility of all
Principia groups for the quality of
student life.
Solution-oriented strategies sug-
gested included:
^Establishment of a community
council, to include students, faculty,
and staff ^ Calling on the Christian
Science Organization, in a variety
of ways, for its support in unifying
the community ^ More effective
training of student personnel staff f
and more effective advising and
orientation programs ^ Special
house groups, to include both men
and women, focusing on better
relationships, the energy problem,
academic and other themes ^ Es-
tablishment of.whole man edu-
cational goals by the various houses
^ And, a search by the campus's
major administrative committee
to find ways to moderate the College
community's ultra-busy pace.
The next step-when the findings
have been studied by College ad-
ministrators-is implementation.
In the meantime, both committees
would like to see early establish-
ment of the proposed community
council, in order-among other
things-to keep their findings in
the forefront of College thinking
and planning.
Said Academic Life chairman
Ballard: "Our committee's study was
largely directed to challenging our
faculty with this question: "How
are these findings going to affect
you, in the future, in your work
with students?
"But the strategies suggested by
our fellow committee in the area
of student living are strongly linked
to our findings-because they
would inevitably lead to a better
academic life."
Decathlete Baker: World Record
Principia's Robert Baker (C'78)-a
Texan now living in California-
smashed the world's decathlon
record in the 1500-meter run and
scored 2,434 points in the final
three events of the Texas Relays'
two-day decathlon meet, held in
Austin in April, to take second place.
More importantly, as Texas papers
pointed out, he equalled his career-
high score of 7,583 points to
qualify for the U.S. Olympic trials.
He needed 7,550.
Rob not only set personal records
in four events (1500, pole vault, 110-
meter hurdles, and 100-meter
hurdles), but reached a career-high
3,955 points his second day-the
best achieved among nine com-
He clocked 3:58.7 in the 1500,
scoring 828. The previous world
record was set by a Russian in
1975,* at 4:00.8. Last year Rob,
then ranking 14th nationally, made
it in 4:05.3.*
He ended the Relays second only
to the world's No. 1-ranked de-
cathlete, Bob Coffman (8,126
This year marks the third winter
Rob has trained under Coach Sam
Adams of the U. of California,
Santa Barbara, who works with
decathletes for the U.S. Olympics
A management trainee for Mont-
gomery Ward, Ventura, Rob lives
with fellow athlete Tony Allen, a
graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute,
Indiana-which happens to be,
like Principia, a member of the
College Athlete Conference.
And thereby hangs a tale.
In Rob's and Tony's freshman and
sophomore years, Rose-Hulman won
the CAC title in track and field, while
Rob was named CAC's most valuable
player; in their final two years,
Prin won the title and Tony copped
the MVA tag.
Both Rob and Tony have had
their sights set on the '80 Olympics,
but, with the U.S. out of the action
this summer, they're looking ahead
to 1984. See page 28.
David H. Morey: Familiar Figure
David Howard Morey, long a familiar
figure on Principia's campuses, as
student (US'25, JC'27), alumnus,
patron, parent, grandparent, and,
since 1946, trustee-passed on in
St. Louis March 30.
He was both vice-chairman of
Principia's board and chairman of
its executive committee.
The son of Arthur T. Morey, Sr.,
and Veronica Wireback Morey,
early trustees who worked closely
with founder Mary Kimball Morgan
in developing the school, Mr. Morey
*Track and Field News.
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was a lifelong Principian.
"Few individuals have served
Principia so faithfully and effectively,"
Board Chairman Henry Holt, Jr.
(C'41) said in a letter to the Prin-
cipia community.
"His was a truly Principia family."
Mr. Morey's wife-the former
Evelyn Sheldahl (also JC'27)-and
his son and daughter, Arthur T.
Morey, Jr. (US'53, C'57), of St.
Louis and Carolee Morey Priddy
(US'55, C'59), of Gaithersburg,
Maryland-survive him.
Three of his six grandchildren-
fourth-generation Principians-are
presently attending the Upper
School and College.
A graduate of Stanford University
and Harvard Business School, Mr.
Morey retired in 1973 following
forty-two years with Boatmen's
National Bank in St. Louis. At the
time of his retirement he was chair-
man of its board, as well as chair-
man and chief executive officer of
Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc., which
owns the bank.
At Principia he served as president
of the Alumni Association and of
the Dads' Club, and was a charter
member of both The Seventy for
Principia and The Principia Patrons'
Association. And, he gave two
commencement addresses, at the
College and at Middle School.
David Morey always said that his
work with Principia was foremost
in his thoughts. But he found time
not only for his own varied respon-
sibilities, as a nationally known
business leader, but for community
Through the years he served
several dozen national and local
organizations and businesses, as
a member of their boards or in
other capacities.
These included the White House
Council on Higher Education, the
Higher Education Coordinating
Council of Metropolitan St. Louis,
St. Louis's Arts and Education
Council, the Federal Reserve Ad-
visory Council, Salvation Army,
YMCA, Boy Scouts of America, St.
Louis Minority Business Council,
Junior Achievement, and United
And many more...
"We will miss him," said Henry
Holt. "But we will always be grateful
for his example and direction.
"He was a man of integrity."
Principia: "A Good Example"
We all like a pat on the back oc-
casionally, and Principia got one
in March from the publication,
Church and State (Vol. 33, No. 3).
The pat-a hearty one-turns
up on page 5 as an editorial which
praises Principia's stand in not
choosing to seek or accept govern-
ment grants.
Says the editorial:
"With many denominational pri-
vate schools clamoring for public tax
support, it is refreshing to note
that still others. . are emphatically
opposed to tax aid.
"A good example is Principia, a
school and college in the St. Louis
area which serves Christian Scientists.
We quote from a recent ad*.. .
"'We don't believe that federal
funds should support any religion-
based group. Our Trustees are also
concerned that use of such funds
would bring about government con-
trols that would hamper, if not
defeat, Principia's usefulness as a
school and college whose purpose
is to serve the cause of Christian
Science.' -
"This denominational school
should serve as a model for others...
Christian Scientists, evidently, are
just as concerned about the freedom
of other Americans not to be taxed
to support private religious in-
stitutions as they are about their
own freedom from government
"It would be hard to find a better
example of appreciation for the
church-state separation principle
that has given our country its
uniquely high degree of religious
l i berty."
Kitchenology: Third Time Around
Back in 1933 Kitchenology with
Principia Friends-an 18-chapter
cookbook-made its first bow to its
Now it's making its third (it was
reprinted once earlier, in 1935),
again by popular request.
All through The Principia Mothers'
Club, which has announced the
book's availability, as a collector's
edition, this summer.
It will follow the revised 1935
edition. Recipes-submitted by
Principia friends around the world,
and all tested-represent a variety of
lands and regions.
Friends of Principia's former art
teacher, Rudolph Tandler (1932-
1940), will be glad to hear that his
original drawings are all included.
The book will sell for $7.50, plus
$1 .00 shipping costs, through the
St. Louis Mothers' Club.
Award: College Physics Proposal
The Principia College chapter of
the national Society of Physics
Students has won a 1980 Bendix
honorable mention award for its
proposal, "Solar and Environmental
Data Accumulation and Processing
The College's Dr. David Cornell
(C'59), associate professor of
physics, was notified this winter.
The eighteen-year-old Bendix
Corporation competition supports
research proposals by college and
university chapters for scientific
projects in both physics and
More than 475 institutions in the
United States and Canada com-
peted this year. Principia was one
of just nine earning recognition.
* "Education and independence,"
The Christian Science Monitor,
Dec. 28 '79.
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O, the clanging bells of time
Principia's tower bells are part of College students'
lives on campus, sound in their memories when they leave,
welcome them back when they visit as alumni
America's early cultural stream
flowed from Great Britain. And, if
other cultures and influences hadn't
come along, she might have re-
mained a chiming nation. But they
did, and one result was the intro-
duction of the carillon. This brief
article, based in part on student
Laurie Halsey's research for a paper
for a College music class, tells the
story of Principia's own familiar
tower bells. Laurie (incidentally, she
earned an A+ from Professor Sidney
Wilck) is a sophomore from San
Breathes there a Principian
with soul so dead,
Who never hath exclaimed
with dread,
"Heaven's bells, I'm late!"-
(for class or date)-
Because the Chapel bells
have said?'
Tower bells have existed in history
for some seven centuries, in America
(for some reason; can anyone say?)
only since the Revolutionary War,
and at Principia College since 1931.
At least, 1931 is the year that con-
struction of the Chapel, including
its tower, began, and you can't have
tower bells without a tower.
Sound out any Principian you come
across, and chances are he/she won't
know the difference between chi-
ming bells and a carillon. Only
authorities in the related worlds of
bells and music know that right off.
To set us all straight, Principia's
Chapel bells started out as a chime,
today constitute a carillon.
Both are musical instruments of
bells normally played by one person
from a keyboard (called a clavier).
But there are differences. An impor-
tant one is that chiming bells are
usually diatonic (tuned to the eight
tones of the standard major or minor
scale), while a carillon is always
chromatic (bells tuned to the twelve-
tone scale-which means greater
latitude in sounds and harmony).
Until this century the differences
were never clearly defined-not
until 1946 when the country's lead-
ing bellmasters met at Princeton
University (New Jersey) at a carillon
congress and harmonized together in
a ringing definition.
Chime or carillon-English or
Flemish bells-the important thing
to College Principians is that their
Chapel bells musically sound the
time every quarter hour from 6 a.m.
to 11 p.m. on weekdays, and from
9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends-
ending every day, all week long,
with a mini-concert of three hymns.
The bells are part of their lives
on campus, sound in their memories
when they leave (perhaps even in
their dreams), and welcome them
back to campus when they visit as
Few Principians, walking on cam-
pus, or sitting on the bluffs, or lis-
tening from their dorm rooms, or just
remembering, have known that their
tower bells aren't really bells at all,
and never were.
That is, not in shape ...
The Chapel's first set was eleven
bronze bell-metal tubes four to six
feet long (and unromantically black
at that); its second comprises twenty-
five bell-metal rods, half an inch to
four inches long (yes, inches), struck
by tiny metal hammers and produc-
ing almost inaudible, but true, bell
Only a few ounces of metal, alto-
gether-but they provide the tonal
equivalent of 79,462 pounds of cast
bells (the low G tone is equal to
a bell weighing 13,250 pounds).
The secret, of course, is amplifi-
cation. In the Chapel steeple where
the old chimes hung till 1969 (or,
rather, were firmly fastened to with-
stand the hammer blows of their
clappers), four speakers now sit-
and they amplify Principia's cabinet-
encased miniature electronic carillon
by over 100,000 times.
While the cast-bell carillon is
usually played manually, electronic
carillons can be played manually _
and automatically (in the latter case,
for all the world like a player-piano).
The manual keyboard (clavier) has
two sets of controls, as does an
organ, for hands and feet. Since
these controls are directly connected
to the clappers, and since cast bells
can vary from 26 pounds to 40,000,
playing a clavier can require either
a Paul Bunyan or someone smaller
with lots of endurance, dedication,
a long reach, sturdy shoes, and
Lovers of Hans Brinker or The
Silver Skates will-well, may, any-
way-remember its description of
the carillon at Delft's New Church
in the Netherlands in the 1840's:
"Nearly five hundred sweet-toned
bells, and one of the best carillon-
neurs of Holland to play upon them.
Hard work, though; they say the
fellow often has to go to bed, from,
positive exhaustion, after his per-
formance... When a brisk tune is
going on, (he) looks like a kicking
frog fastened to his seat with a
Fortunately, at Principia, kicking
frogs have never entered into the
Wistful bellmasters, though, decry
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automated playing. You just can't
get real music, they say, without a
flesh-and-blood player. There's no
opportunity for variation or, more
importantly, for the personal touch
that can become inspiration.
Electronic controls obviously have
a lot on the bell, even if they lack
the personal touch. But Principia's
carillon does have the personal
touch, in that it can be played manu-
ally-and sometimes is-through
a keyboard attached to the Chapel
The miniature electro-mechanical
carillon has twenty-five bells tuned
to the English system's somber,
single-note sounds. Eight to twelve
bells are called for in the traditional
English system; Principia's twenty-
five (the minimum for the electronic
carillon) means two octaves of bell
sounds and greater versatility.
It was in 1935 that Principia's
original eleven chiming bells (tubes,
if you will) were installed in the
Chapel steeple as the gift of founder
Mary Kimball Morgan and her hus-
band, William E. Morgan, Sr.
Four chimed the familiar West-
minster peal. Another chimed the
hour. Including accessories such
as the Westminster chime service,
they were manufactured by the
Deagan company (Chicago), all for
In 1936, the Morgans added five
more bells. It was possible now to
play some two hundred Christian
Science hymns.
In November, 1949, a new clock
movement was installed, so that the
Chapel clock and chimes became
the campus's official time center.
Every day the College's switchboard
operator checked with Western Union
at 8 p.m. to be sure that the bells
were properly set. At first, before
the automatic device was installed,
a human being had to mount to the
tower, every hour on the hour, to
sound the time.
No one knows more about Princi-
pia's bells, old and new, than former
organist/carillonneur Wilhelmina
Nordman, a member of the staff for
thirty years (1941-1971), and Cyrus
Bunting (C'35), formerly the College's
physical plant director-both now
And, recalls Cy Bunting, No one
could play those original chimes as
Miss Nordman could.
"It took a real understanding of
the bells. You had to play one at
a time, deliberately, and wait till
you were sure one bell had struck
before you could go on to the next.
Even a little too fast, and the mech-
anism would jam.
"And you only had eleven'notes
in all.
'.'I learned to play the chimes,
too. Every Christmas Eve I'd go up
to the Chapel and play a few simple
"Students took turns playing the
three hymns every night at 11."
Then came 1969 and a proposal
that an electric carillon, with range
dramatically increased through am-
plification, replace the original
chimes, now thirty-five years old.
The proposal went through because
it was becoming impossible to find
parts for the old set. Principia's trus-
tees-who had hoped to'keep it,
as the gift of the Morgans-agreed
to finance the new carillon.
English bells won out over the
more versatile Flemish, and the
carillon, with its automatic player
-today eleven years old-was
installed by Schulmerich Carillons,
Inc. (fittingly located on Carillon Hill
at Sellersville, Pennsylvania). Cost:
"Much research and thought went
into the selection of a carillon that
would have the same tonal quali-
ties as the original bells," says Cy
"Miss Nordman referred me to
the carillon in Washington Univer-
sity's Graham Chapel, in St. Louis,
which closely resembled the tone of
our chiming bells. When recordings
of both instruments were made and
compared, it was difficult for our
music departments on both Principia
campuses to distinguish` between
"To our surprise, we found that
Graham Chapel's carillon was elec-
tronic. And so right at the begin-
ning we overcame a considerable
amount of the prejudice we were
running into against the mere idea
of an electric carillon at Principia."
Those in the know say that Prin-
cipia's bells of today have many
advantages over the old. For one
thing, the range of twenty-five notes
means that any hymn can be trans-
posed to them. Then, while the old
bells had to be struck singly, today's
carillon can play chords. Less main-
tenance is required, too.
One reason is that large fixed
bells wear away as their powerful
hammers strike them in the same
spots year after year, so it's harder
to keep them in tune. Principia's
carillon bells, tuned to an accuracy
of one-twentieth of one percent,
and merely tapped by their tiny
hammers, require very little attention.
Two more plusses, says Cy Bunt-
ing, are things very few people know.
The carillon has a tornado warning
which, amplified 100,000 times, is
enough to yank the entire campus
from its moorings? Besides that, the
keyboard has a special button which,
pressed, produces the Principia
Hymn. Interestingly enough, it's
very seldom pressed.
English bells don't often strike
a note of levity, but they have their
lighter moments-for instance, the
incident of the serviceman who
climbed up into the steeple years
ago, to work on the chimes, and
stuck halfway through the steeple
floor, wedged by his belt. Fortun-
ately, someone was on hand to res-
cue him.'
. Small or large, amplified or reson-
ant on their own, diatonic or chro-
matic, Principia's bells have added
charm, dignity, and a reassuring,
traditional familiarity to the College
campus atmosphere for almost fifty
years. And it's nice to know that
they're still up in the tower even if
they don't have to be.
And where are the old chiming
bells, and where is the original cla-
vier, which performed together so
long and so faithfully for Princi-
pians, from 1935 to 1969?
The bells were sold for $531.25.
The clavier is-where else?-in the
School of Nations Museum at the
College, where you can see it any
time you like
You don't even have to ring for
admittance. Just walk in., Psw
'From P. Webster's Annotated Collection of
Deservedly Unpublished Verse (Vol. I); 'Mary
Mapes Dodge, Windermere Readers Series,
Rand McNally & Co., 1954 edition; 3The
one that's used, though (not quite so loud!),
sits on top of the College Center and is
operated through the switchboard; 4He said
he wouldn't come back till the opening in
the floor was enlarged; 5just be sure the
museum is open, that's all.
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CIA: Don't Apply,James Bond!
Managing a spy organization is an intellectual, thoughtful
vocation-not one of derring-do and adventure.
In Iehr11.1ri . (Inrirul St,mstiel(/
Iurner -tor the past three Nears
dire( (or of the Central Intelligence
\ ,en( nr,rde a special trip to
Ptinipi,r (oIh''e to speak to the
communit\ . I lis thirty-two years of
Nm,r/ sen ice has included com-
m.!)/ of the Atlantic',, Second Fleet
11ul direction of NATO's southern
Just three years ago this week, when
I was with NATO, I was sitting in
my office in Naples, Italy, when I
received a phone call telling me
that the President of the United
States wanted to see me in Wash-
ington the next morning.
(I'm a classmate and a friend of
President Carter, but I'm not sure
he knew where I was!)
All the way across the Atlantic
I was thinking, "What will he ask
me to undertake? Will it let me
continue some of the goals, some
of the ends, I hope to see accom-
plished in the United States military
I (lid remember in passing that
just two weeks earlier the President's
first nominee for director of the
Central Intelligence Agency had not
passed muster with the Senate, but
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I rejected that thought out of hand.
And so, when I sat in the Oval
Office and heard the President saying
that he wanted me to take over the
CIA, I remonstrated. I tried to tell
him I'd prefer to stay in my military
profession. But, when it's the Presi-
dent, you run out of arguments
Across a screen in my mind I saw
flashing by thirty-two years of Naval
experience-going, going, gone!
And then before me I saw a stark
new challenge.
The time I'd been willing to de-
vote to my work, as I rose in the
Navy, had reached the point that I
couldn't imagine that anything
more could be asked or demanded
of me. But there has been. And
somehow I've found the time and
the effort necessary to meet the
Those thirty-two years were the
preparation I needed. For one thing,
I didn't have to change my objective.
My objective already was to serve
my country. And, I'm grateful that
my military career prepared me
precisely for the kinds of ethical
situations I've faced in intelligence
A military man must always be
asking himself: "Does the Golden
Rule always apply? Does it apply
equally to my country's enemies,
whether they are the countries
themselves or individuals repre-
senting those countries? If so, with
what differences? With what limits?"
A military'man must always be
asking himself, too: "Are American
ideals worth fighting for? Killing
Similarly, as CIA director, I am
always having to ask myself: "What
risks should we take for our country?
How important is it to us to gain
this or that information?"
I have been CIA director for three
years now, at a time that has been
a special one in our country's in-
telligence history. One thing I should
say right away: being CIA director
is not like being James Bond, Agent
Double-07. If there is a similarity
between the Director of Central
Intelligence and the 007, it's in the
gadgetry we use.
My gadgetry isn't rear-firing guns
and blades that stick up out from
the hub caps on a Maserati. Mine
is exotic satellites; fantastic photo-
graphic equipment; listening de-
vices that hear, for example, signals
going through the very room I'm
in-any room-from radars, radios,
all kinds of electronic devices.
The United States is blessed with
scientific expertise and ingenuity
that give us the best in intelligence-
collecting devices. But technical
call collection through electronic
wizardy-has one interesting char-
acteristic: it cannot do the job alone.
For instance:
Generally speaking, a photograph
tells you something that happened
in the past. The interception of
radar tells you that yesterday, at
that point, on that frequency, with
that power, a certain radar was,
The essence of spying is risk-taking.
Each time we have to judge whether
the benefits will be worth the risks.
But when an intelligence officer
presents that kind of information
to a policy-maker, he asks: "Yes,
but why did that happen? What does
it mean? What is going to happen
And so, when I want to find out
people's motives-why they are
doing what they are doing and what
they are planning-where do I
turn? To the human spy-to the
agent who can talk to people, probe
their minds, bring back their in-
tentions and plans. We do have
spies-and they're good.
Again-no doubt fortunately-
I'm no James Bond. I don't have to
decide whether or not to leap out
of a plane without a chute. My de-
cisions aren't that straightforward.
They're not as clearly either right
or wrong.
After all, the essence of spying
is risk-taking, and each time we
use a spy we have to judge whether
the benefits will be worth the risks.
There are risks. For instance,
there's the risk that we might em-
barrass the country, if our spies are
caught spying where they shouldn't
be caught.
There's the risk of complicating
our diplomacy.
And, by far not the least, there's
the risk to human lives.
So, each time, I must ask my-
self: "How valuable is the informa-
tion needed? Will it really help the
President, the Secretary of State, the
Secretary of Defense? Can we ob-
tain it any other way?"
Maybe I have a 30% probability
of getting what I want some other
way. Do I take that 30% chance,
particularly if, in taking it, I fore-
close the higher-risk, but high-
probability, option because there
may not be time to do both?
Then there's the question as to
what ethical limits we'll go to, to
obtain the information. Is there some
threshold below which we won't
go? More importantly, do the ethical
standards that apply vary with the
quality and importance of the in-
formation we're likely to obtain?
In other words, are there things
I'd do to obtain information that
would prevent World War III, that
I wouldn't do to find out about
Soviet intentions to enter the grain
markets and cheat us as they did
in 1972?
There is no formula, there are
no set rules, for this kind of tough
decision. It's judgment, it's the
ethical foundation-that sense
that tells you what you will and will
not do-that counts.
Managing a spy organization is
an intellectual, thoughtful vocation-
not one of adventure and derring-do.
Collecting information through
either of these systems-the tech-
nical, like satellites and photographs,
or the human spy-is only one-half
of the intelligence business. When
you have the information, what do
you do with it?
You must interpret it, analyze
it, study it, and come up with some
kind of assessment to help your
country's policy-makers make a
good decision based on that in-
This intellectual process is much
like writing a college term paper,
or doing research on a university
campus, or functioning as the re-
source department of a major cor-
poration looking at future business
At this point in time it's par-
ticularly interesting to be involved
in this intelligence analytic process.
For the first thirty years or so fol-
lowing World War II, our intel-
ligence focused largely on the Soviet
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military threat. Today, we're closer
to economic warfare with the Soviet
than military. Political and economic
considerations are highly important
to the United States. We must put
more emphasis on them.
Although the Soviet Union re-
mains our No. 1 intelligence target,
look at the impending crises we're
concerned with today around the
In Southeast Asia the Vietnamese
have invaded Kampuchea. They are
pushing next door so that they
might well spill over the borders
of Thailand.
Then look at the elections pending
in Zimbabwe, Rhodesia. Look at
the possibility of a revolution next
door to us in El Salvador. Look at
the quirks of a 79-year-old Shiite
cleric in Iran. And, next door to
Iran, at the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan and the threat it repre-
sents to India and Pakistan...
These are non-Soviet areas, largely
in the Third World-a world that
is growing in importance to us.
So, we have difficult-but in-
teresting! choices to make today
in deciding where to put our efforts.
To further complicate the picture, we
must look ahead and ask ourselves:
"Will the crises of 1985 and 1990,
be the same kind we're facing in
1980? Or will they be different?
"Will we be more concerned with
food to feed the growing popu-
lation of the world? With the pro-
liferation of nuclear weapons to
small countries, or terrorism, or the
international trafficking of narcotics?"
We must then ask ourselves: "Are
we developing the right satellites,
the right listening posts, the right
kind of spies, to collect infor-
mation on these problems that we
might be facing tomorrow-prob-
lems which may not be the same as
those we face today? Are we devel-
oping the right analytical skills and
talents, languages, and academic
skills, necessary to analyze this
kind of information?"
It's a challenge- it's exciting-
to look ahead in this way.
There are two other facets to my
responsibilities, as director of central
intelligence and head of the CIA, to
the American people as a whole
and to Congress in particular. One
is publicity.
Even though much of the CIA's
business is necessarily secretive,
we do give speeches; we do join in
academic and business symposia;
we do try to share as many of our
concerns as possible with the public.
Only if the American people know
as much as possible about their
government, can they make good
decisions about it and lend support
to it where support is deserved and
One of our most frequently used
means of communication is the
media. Communicating with the
media is an exacting, demanding,
time-consuming element of my work.
When you go before the cameras,
when you go for an interview with
the press, you must be careful,
cautious, well prepared. You can
give an erroneous impression to
foreign countries and individuals
if your language is imprecise.
Communicating with the media is
consuming because the relationship
between the government and the
media is fundamentally an adver-
sarial one. You must always be on
your guard. The media naturally
wants to get more out of you than
you're normally willing to share.
But it's a healthy relationship.
It's good that it's adversarial. But
I do suggest that since Watergate
that relationship may have become
more adversarial than is healthy
for our country.
My own relationship with Congress
is new. It is part adversarial, and
it is part cooperative. The amount
of interchange between the in-
telligence community and the Con-
gressional committees it deals with
is today vastly greater than ever
For instance, Congress has two
foreign affairs and two armed
services committees. All four want
to be, need to be, deserve to be,
up to date on what's going on
around the world as they make
their decisions.
There are two budget committees,
too, and two appropriations com-
mittees. And all four need to know
why we need the money we ask for.
In addition, in just the last few
years, and most significantly, there
are two oversight committees dedi-
cated exclusively to supervising
our country's intelligence functions.
These committees in particular give
us guidance, sometimes in law,
sometimes in advice, and in the
process they share the responsibility
I There is no formula, there are no
set rules, for the kind of tough
decisions I must make. It's ethical
foundation that counts.
Stansfield Turner
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for intelligence activities.
These oversight committees are
the people's surrogate. Because
we can't reveal everything to the
public, we reveal what we can't
give, to these committees, and
they act for the public in seeing,
on the one hand, that we're prop-
erly and fully utilizing the authority
we have, and that we're not ignoring
the restrictions placed on us by
Congress and the President.
All of this raises a tremendously
complex question. Are secrecy in
intelligence and openness in a
democratic society compatible?
Today this country is involved
in a bold experiment to find a bal-
ance between secrecy and openness.
While protecting national secrets,
we are being more open with the
public than any intelligence organi-
zation in the history of the world
has ever been. We're being totally
cooperative with Congress. In ad-
dition, we've had spelled out for us,
by Congress and by the Executive,
over the past two years, stricter
regulations on what we can and
cannot do, than have ever been
legislated for intelligence bodies
We're not sure yet that this
mixture of secrecy, regulations, and
openness is what it should be. But
we're moving in the right direction.
If because so many people are
looking over your shoulder, you're
afraid to take risks, then we'll have
no intelligence at all. If because
your most sensitive secrets are re-
vealed to too many people, those
secrets leak, and our allies and our
agents and the world do not have
confidence in us, then we'll have
no intelligence at all. If because
you have to clear your actions
through so many bureaucratic proc-
esses that you have no flexibility
and can't act quickly in a crisis,
then you won't be up to your tasks.
In his recent State of the Union
s address to Congress the President
of the United States asked for two
things. The first was for charters
I Today, this country is involved in
a bold experiment to find a balance
between secrecy and openness. Are
secrecy in intelligence and openness
in a democratic society compatible?
Stansfield Turner
to codify the rules under which
the intelligence community operates.
They would consist of three parts:
what we are authorized to do, what
we are restricted from doing, and
how the oversight process would
work to balance the first two.
At the same time the President
asked for a relaxation of some of
the restrictions that have been
placed on us. The fact he could
ask, and received a round of
applause from Congress, indicates
how far we have come in rebuilding
both Presidential and Congressional
confidence in us since the investi-
gations of the intelligence process
beginning in 1974-75.
Those investigations did uncover
some abuses-not as many as the
media would have you think-but
enough that the country reacted by
imposing the rules which the Presi-
dent is, in some cases, asking to
have eased.
So, in the debate that will go
on in Congress over the next few
months, an effort will he made to
balance explicit restrictions which-
once legislated-are inflexible in
emergencies, with more generalized
restrictions which, though offering
less control, will be overseen by
Congress and thus adequately con-
I think that what is happening
shows that there is greater recog-
nition today in Congress, and
throughout the country, of the very
great importance that our country
and its policy-makers have the
advantage of good intelligence.
For our responsibility is not only
to our own people but to all the
people in the free world.
In the next two or three years
we will move surely and progres-
sively toward a good balance of
controls and flexibility. When we
have found that balance, we will
have constructed a new, uniquely
American, model of intelligence.
And that accomplishment will be of
historic importance.
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Moving into the"real" world
Living as a unit in Alton enables
interested college students to tackle the social issues
of their community. The classroom is Alton.
Two years ago a group of Principia
College students approached the
administration with a proposal to
live off campus in nearby Alton.
They had several reasons: they
wanted an alternative to a steady
diet of campus life; they wanted
to know more about their neighbor-
ing community of 40,000 people,
and how it works; and they felt
that the College's resources of ideas
and people could help man Alton's
drooping social services. What
grew out of this desire, under the
direction of Assistant Professor of
Sociology Edward Gondolf and the
College's Office of Special Pro-
grams, is the move of the sociology
curriculum out into the "real"
world. In this interview Ed Gondolf
describes' the Alton Program.
Purpose Ed, this spring marks the
beginning of the second year of
the College's Alton Program. Would
you tell us exactly what it is?
Gondolf in a few words, it's a
community training program-
service-learning, if you will-oper-
ated by the College's department
of sociology. Since spring '78 we've
been immersing groups of students
in the Alton community-but with
no fear of drowning!
These students, men and women,
live and work in the community as
a team. They represent a variety
of majors-they're not just sociology
students-and they work in a variety
of placements, so they develop an
interesting range of perspectives
on the community. Researching and
observing the town broadens and
An interview
with the College's
Assistant Professor
of Sociology Edward
Gondolf, director
of the Alton Program
deepens their understanding of the
community as a social system and of
the ways they can help meet its
The crucible for the integration
of all these elements is the shared
experience of a cooperative living
Purpose How does that work?
Gondolf We simply live together
as a family in the Christian Hill
district of Alton. We all share to-
gether in managing the house-
chores, cooking, cleaning, budgeting,
and so on.
Purpose Who's "we"?
Gondolf My wife-Diana Brandi-
myself, and the students. Interestingly
enough, during the first quarter of
the program some objections had
to be met, on campus and off.
Purpose How did you handle that
Gondolf Through articles in the
Principia College Pilot and area
newspapers; visits with key town
officials and campus administrators;
and, once we were settled, an open
house for neighbors, students, super-
visors of Alton social services, and
Principia faculty. Together, these
things served to clarify our purposes
and plans.
Actually, the most time-consuming
objection came from the town's
zoning board. It took a great deal
of negotiation before a zoning
amendment was adopted that allowed
college students and faculty to live
together as a family.
Purpose Judging by the fact that
you're into your second year, your
"family" situation has been a good
Gondolf Yes, it has-though we've
had our problems. There was some
complaint at first of the lack of
privacy, with fifteen of us in a six-
bedroom house! We have a second,
more roomy, house now, and I've
set the occupancy limit at nine.
This past winter quarter, for ex-
ample, we had just seven students-
nine of us, in all.
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Alton Program director Ed Gondolf, with his wife, Diana Brandi
"Students are seeing Alton,
not as a bookish abstraction
or an isolated specimen, but
in a comprehensive context
that better enables them to
serve both societal and their
own individual needs":
Ed Gondolf
Besides that, I suggest that every
student take some time off and get
away for a weekend or two during
the quarter.
Dropping in on the big, old-fash-
ioned, white Alton Program house,
in the tree-shaded Christian Hill
district, is a warm and friendly
experience. You don't quite know
what to expect-a boarding house?
a dorm in miniature?
But you might be visiting any
large, active, friendly family.
A dog wanders in and out of the
spacious, pleasantly furnished
rooms; a cat jumps into your lap;
three students come to join you in
a visit with Ed Gondolf; one student
is asleep upstairs; everyone else
is out.
Ed Gondolf shows you around.
You find that the girls have bed-
rooms on the second floor, as do
the Gondolfs, while the men club
together on the third (the only part
of the house you don't get to; Ed's
not sure how presentable it is).
Everywhere books and papers and
typewriters abound.
Purpose Ed, just what kind of
agencies do the students get into?
Gondolf The variety is wide: special
education programs, homes for the
mentally retarded, the Chamber
of Commerce, a center for women in
crisis, the department of corrections,
a newspaper, a racquetball club...
Purpose Racquetball club?
Gondolf Yes. One of our seven
winter quarter students, Sally Neale,
who's a business major, was a
management interne with a club,
doing publicity and promotion. As
I said earlier, not all our Alton Pro-
gram students are aspiring social
workers, though every one of them
is necessarily interested in under-
standing and serving the Alton
For years the College has sent
interested students in to Alton, and
other area communities, to work as
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The Alton Program house-people and papers abound.
social service volunteers or on
sociology projects. In that situation
faculty has to deal with their
questions, observations, and gripes
at best during a weekly seminar.
The only alternative has been
the college's solo internship pro-
gram around the country. For some
students this approach means being
kicked out of the nest and trying
to fly solo before their wings are
ready. They're stripped of the support
the College traditionally supplies,
with limited opportunity to get
together with peers, faculty, and staff.
Living in an intentional community
within Alton itself enables our
students, whatever their interests,
to explore their feelings, concerns,
and insights in a natural setting,
without sacrificing the dimensions
of the College experience. They're
not just observers in Alton, they're
participants, and they begin to view
their clients and agencies as part
of a larger social context.
The students you meet in the Alton
Program house winter quarter are
Mark Fisher, a junior from Pitts-
burgh majoring in sociology, who
was serving at Humboldt High, an
alternative school for dropouts and
other students with special needs,
and at a children's home; Anna
Alford, a junior and English major
from Hughesville, Pennsylvania,
who worked at Beverly Farms,
a residential community for the
mentally retarded; and senior Katie
Manchester, a sociology major
from Lodi, Wisconsin ("I'll bet
you haven't heard of Lodi!", she
says). Like Mark, she also worked
at the children's home-an Alton
special education unit-where she
helped out as a P.E. teacher and a
You just hear about the other
four: Sally Neale, a senior and
business ad major, from Cleveland;
Diane Darling, a junior and sociology
major, from Greencastle, Indiana,
"You find that
you learn as
much from the
boys and girls
you work with,
as they do
from you.
Maybe you
even learn
more than
they do": Katie
"I'm finding
endless oppor-
tunities to be
of service. It just
may be that
working with
people who
need special
help may be-
come my
Anna Alford.
who was involved in teaching English
to Vietnamese refugees; senior Jim
Reason, from Milwaukee, a so-
ciology major whose project in-
cluded service at the OASIS crisis
center for women; and junior Chuck
Wilcoxen, from Riverside, Con-
necticut, a double major in fine
arts history and business admin-
istration, who was doing promotional
work for the Alton Evening Telegraph.
Purpose Ed, the idea that resulted
in the Alton Program came from
students, didn't it? Not directly
from the College...
Gondolf Yes-from students whose
yearning to taste, address, and
tackle social issues simply was not
being satisfied either on the campus
or in the internship program for
sociology majors. The result is that
we've simply moved our classroom
into Alton; our classroom is Alton.
It's a laboratory of sorts.
In the program we try to prompt
appreciation of community work in
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Chuck Wilcoxen
did promotional
work for the
Alton Evening
three ways: through community
work placement, a community
studies course, and an intentional
community involving everyone
living and working together as a
team in maintaining the household.
We consider participation in our
intentional community extracur-
ricular, so each student has the
option of taking either a third course
on campus or working out an inde-
pendent course with a faculty spon-
sor, which may or may not be tied
in to the program.
This way the usual full three
credits is earned for the quarter,
and requirements for the different
majors met.
Purpose With urban St. Louis only
an hour or so away from the Col-
lege, you night easily have had a
St. Louis Program. Did you choose
Alton for reasons other than con-
Gondolf In the first place students
were seeking to find out more about
Alton, which is the College's neigh-
"Don't say the program is all peaches and
cream. It's not. Sometimes I don't want
to get up and face another day with the
boys at school, or fix dinner here at the house."
Mark Fisher.
bor, and therefore their neighbor.
They were eager to know how this
community-so close in miles hut
so little known to so many of them
It's been a good choice. It isn't
overwhelming as a huge city might
be, nor do we become a conspicuous
presence in it. Yet the town re-
flects all the dilemmas attached to
our urban society: racial tensions,
a dying downtown, a high crime
rate, a great disparity in income
and educational levels, and a city
government courted by special-
interest groups.
Early in our planning it became
apparent that a systematic entry
into Alton would be more con-
structive, for students and com-
munity both, than a haphazard
wandering about. We decided to
do a sociological study, using an
interview technique that would put
our students into direct contact
with official and grass-roots com-
munity leaders and speakers, and
that would offer an overview putting
the elements of the community into
By the end of that first ten-week
stint-our first Alton Program-
the students had completed a com-
prehensive 200-page report called
Alton, Illinois: Crossroads Looking
for Newroads. It was made available
to town officials, as well as to Col-
lege personnel. The Alton Evening
Telegraph and an Alton radio station
featured its principal findings, and
two community organizations put it
up for sale.
Purpose We covered its publication
in a news story on your first program
back in our fall, 1978, issue. You
were selling the report in the Col-
lege Book Store, too.
Gondolf Well, it's been of great
service to us and to Alton. It showed
us what services-and placements-
should have high priority for us in
subsequent programs, and it gave
the town an over-all view of itself
helpful in planning improvements.
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Diane Darling taught English to Vietnamese refugees living in Alton.
And, of course, it introduced us
to the Alton community. Each new
group uses the report as an orien-
tation manual.
Purpose Does each new group do
this kind of surveying?
Gondolf Yes, but not as extensive
in scope. And, members of each
new group become participant
observers at churches, public places,
and civic meetings. They also con-
sider an array of classic community
studies and make comparisons to
what they're finding out about the
community they're living in.
Our community studies course
meets twice a week at night, here
in the house. It's an academic/field
study course. Acting as a team, we
carry out an in-depth field research
project each term.
All in all, we're seeing some nice
results. At this time students are
working with youth-oriented agencies
to see what services they lack so
that the town might try to provide
Last term we completed a needs
assessment of the neighborhood we
live in-one that is experiencing
restoration and has an active neigh-
borhood association. We presented a
report of our survey and interviews
to the association, and distributed it
throughout Alton.
Then, we've been invited to do
a report on the impact of a proposed
new shopping center on Alton's
We do think that maybe in the
next year or two-perhaps the
fourth year following our first pro-
gram-another comprehensive field
survey might be useful.
Sweatsuited Mark Fisher is sitting
crosslegged on the sofa in the Alton
Program house. Anna Alford and
Katie Manchester are comfortably
curled up in chairs. Stroking a cat,
Ed Gondolf listens while they tell
you a little of their thinking about
the program.
"Doing social work is a real
balance to academic life," says
Anna. "I felt a need to get out of the
dorm. The Alton Program is satisfy-
ing both that need and the desire
to be of service. I feel I have more
control of my life.
"At Beverly Farms where I work
twice a week I'm gaining an over-
view of the needs of the mentally
retarded and what I can do to help
make life more productive for them.
"I'm working with a 'little sister,'
too-a girl named Bonnie. She's
not at Beverly, but she needs special
help. I take her out at least once
a week. When I go back to campus
spring quarter I'll still be in touch
with her. I want to be.
"I'm finding endless opportunities
to be of service. And it just may
be that working with people who
need special help may become my
"I've always been interested in
the mentally retarded. I have a
little sister at home who needs
special love and help, and I'm
learning more about how to better
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help her."
"Like Anna, I wanted to get off
campus, too," says Mark. "Actually,
though, the boys at the special
school I'm working with-boys who
have had a pretty rough time-are
getting me back there. The campus
is good fun for them. I take them
to the field house about once a
week for basketball and swimming.
"Once I took them to the Pub. It
was quite an experience. I got some
good insights into them, from seeing
their reactions to the kind of place
they just never get to, and I got
some good insights into Prin-or
some Prin students, anyway-by
seeing their reactions to the boys."
"In the kind of situation Anna
and Mark and 1 are in, we're both
teachers and learners," says Katie.
"You find out that you learn as
much from the boys and girls you
work with, as they do from you.
Maybe you even learn more than
they do.
"We learn to use each other in
the program as resources. We find
out that we can help each other,
and each other's students, or clients,
in our various projects.
"The Alton Program is a tremen-
dously growing experience. Not just
in our studies and our projects and
learning to know our neighbors, but
here in the house where we all share
Gondolf The students who initiated
the program wanted to live in a
home environment, as old-fashioned
as that may sound. They wanted
to take part more directly in manag-
ing their non-academic life.
A frequent student complaint on
campus is that students feel isolated,
particularly from members of the
opposite sex. In this program stu-
dents can live non-competitively
in a tiny intentional community
of peers and sensitively in a large
community of mixed ages and
Here in the house the students
meet once a week to discuss chores,
budget, menus, policies, and per-
sonal relationships. Our consensus
decision-making process requires
more than casual hand-raising votes;
it demands an awareness of how
others are feeling and what common
grounds these feelings might have.
You can't have decision-making
without decisive communication.
I remember one girl saying, after
a lively house debate, "I see now
why Alton's city council has so many
problems. It's so hard sometimes
for even us to agree on something!"
Just as important as making deci-
sions together is doing things to-
gether. We have at least four
communal dinners weekly-pre-
pared and eaten communally. Work-
ing in the garden, cleaning the
house, talking with a neighbor,
putting on a neighborhood picnic,
playing with the kids next door-
these are all things the students do
together. And while they're doing
them they're able to test out and
share new ideas and insights. They're
able to talk things over.
The Alton Program has emerged as
an innovative model of education
striving to incorporate the theoretical
with the practical.
Purpose Well, this has been fascin-
ating. In winding up, Ed, can you
tell us the major benefits you're
seeing-and, also, what challenges
you're running into, if any?
Gondolf Some of the benefits have
been unexpected ones. In a few
words, I'm seeing an awakening of
social conscience that carries on
into campus life; development of a
close family feeling; sometimes
drastic changes in notions of learn-
ing; a better understanding of how
to write a good paper; awakened
desires to take courses in the social
sciences, and political sciences,
and economics, and psychology,
that some of these students had
never thought of taking.
One big benefit is to the College
itself, and that is the establishment
of this bridge between the campus
and its neighboring community
of Alton.
As to the challenges. . .well, the
program required a prodigious
amount of salesmanship to get it
off the ground. That was a challenge!
There was the problem of financing.
And there is the problem of faculty
burn-out! Unless I turn over as much
responsibility as possible to the
students, and outline the limits of
my participation, I fall into the
syndrome of eternal office hours.
But, all in all, this community
service-learning program has emerged
as an innovative model of edu-
cation striving to incorporate the
theoretical with the practical, through
a supportive, cooperative, intentional
community within a community at
large. Students are seeing the Alton
community not as a bookish ab-
straction or an isolated specimen,
but in a comprehensive context
that is enabling them to better serve
both societal and their own indi-
vidual needs.
"The quarter won't end here," says
Anna. "This is only the tip of the
iceberg. For instance, I'm not about
to dump Bonnie. And then, I've,
found that no one from the College
had worked at Beverly Farms for at
least a couple of years.
"I'd like to get a group going
at Prin to visit it, regularly."
"Don't say the program is all
peaches and cream," Mark tells you,
as you get up to leave. "It's not.
Sometimes I don't want to get up
and face another day with the boys
at school, or fix dinner here at the
"Some days are tougher than
Katie laughs. "Yes," she agrees.
"But we're all becoming more
aware of people in our society-
and of how to better deal with
them as Christian Scientists."
You think, as Ed Gondolf takes
you to the door-and the students
all head for the kitchen and lunch-
that maybe what Katie has just said
is reason enough in itself for the
Alton Program. Psw
Based on two articles by Dr. Edward
Gondolf: "A Support System for
Total Immersion," published in
Synergist (winter '80), and "Learning
in the Community: An Undergraduate
Training Program," published in
Teaching Sociology (January '80)-
and on interviews with Dr. Gondolf
and members of the winter '80 Alton
Program. Ed Gondolf, who holds
degrees from Princeton, Harvard,
and Boston Universities, has been a
research assistant at Harvard, and
a member of the executive com-
mittee, as well as director, of the
community program, the Boston
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Dear friend,
A tip of the hat to you!
How does it feel to be really
appreciated? Do you really know
how grateful we here at Principia
are for you, your loyalty to Principia,
and your efforts in its behalf?
I hope so! As director of alumni
relations, I'm sincerely grateful to
VOL]. Among other things, I'm grate-
ful for your interest in reading this
column, and all of the Purpose, in
order to learn more about your
school as it is today and to keep in
touch with the many facets of this
unipue educational concept known
as Prim ipia.
Perhaps you're one of the many
alumni active as officers in Principia
Clubs, as ACT volunteers, as Partners
with Principia, as reunion class
agents, as contributors each year
to the Alumni Fund. If you're a
recent grad, you may be helping
with enrollment slide shows, telling
others in your area about your
student experiences at Principia on a
Prin Abroad or a solo program or a
May project or an Upper School or
College athletic team.
In my office we hear of solid work
that our alumni are doing in the
Christian Science movement, in
Branch Church work, at the Church
Center in Boston, as practitioners
and teachers of Christian Science
around the world.
I'm grateful for all these thing,,.
And, wherever your experiences
have led VOL), whatever you're doing,
whether you have remained a
Christian Scientist or not, I'm grateful
for vou, as a Prin alum, and for the
part you play in Principia's support.
(E ven if it seems a small part to
you, it"s hi,9 to us!)
All this came forcibly to my
thought when I was asked to give
a short talk about the Alumni Asso-
ciation at a Principia faculty and
staff meeting this spring. In pre-
paring it, our Alumni Office team
agreed that our motives and pro-
grams are inspired by the excerpt
(looted on this page from Education
Many of the dedicated early workers who supported Principia's founder, Mary
Kimball Morgan (seated here), were alumni. Shown with her almost forty years
ago, at the 1942 dedication of the College Chapel: I-r, Dale Spoor (JC'19); Mrs.
Winnifred Andrews Hubbell (US'06); Clarence Howard, Jr. (US'19); J. Lackland
Christie (US'10); Veronica Wireback Morey, honorary alumna; David H. Morey (JC'27).
at The Principia, the compilation of
the writings and talks of Principia's
founder, Mary Kimball Morgan.
I want to share this statement with
VOL] to remind you that we are doing
our best to be true to Mrs. Morgan's
expectations and to thank you for
your part in helping our Association
accomplish her goals. Today, you're
one of over 12,000 alumni!
"The Principia should be able
to rely unhesitatingly upon its
alumni for many things but especially
for the following:
"1. Unselfish expenditure of time and
thought to the end that false impressions
with regard to The Principia may be
corrected and the institution, its purposes
and practices, properly understood.
"2. Active organized programs which
will bring Principia appropriately to the
attention of young people in your com-
munity, of school and college age, so
that the finest student material will be
intelligently attracted to our doors.
"3. Loving and loyal reception of
appeals for financial support, which
will undoubtedly be continued through-
out the years.
"4. Intelligent and alert efforts to
discover Principia's needs and to serve
in support of these needs.
"Do you realize, my dear friends,
that unless Principia can be assured
of alumni support in at least these
four ways, it is less fortunate than
are most of the really fine schools
and colleges of this country?"
Education at The Principia:
Mary Kimball Morgan (pp. 178-9)
Alumni Guest House Dedicated
On April 4 a short dedication cere-
mony was held during the trustees'
meeting. It was great to hear Board
Chairman Henry Holt, Jr. (US'37,
C'41 ) confirm the fact that two of
the three parts of the Alumni Guest
House project have been completed.
Money is in hand for the building
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and furnishings, and we've made a
good start toward raising the
$500,000 needed to endow perpetual
maintenance. As you know, this is
our commitment-that no tuition
or operating funds will ever be
needed to maintain Alumni Guest
House. In every way it is the gift of
the alumni to the Principia com-
On hand for the ceremony, in
addition to the trustees, were Tuck
Spaulding (US'63, C'67), our Alumni
Association president, and repre-
sentatives from alumni, students,
faculty, and other staff.
Our Alumni Guest House album
is now on display in the main
lounge. It contains a short history
of how the idea began, with photos
of construction, lists of donors from
the 50th Reunion classes-who
started the whole thing-and special
pages honoring alumni in whose
memory gifts were made to the
Space is reserved for pages of
alphabetical listing of all con-
tributors to the House; they'll be
inserted as soon as our goal is
So, your name will be there, along
with your class designation, if your
gift is received while the Fund is
still open!
As always,
love and best wishes from us all
at Principia! Do plan to visit the
And, any time, for any reason,
come see us!
New Board Members
Three new Board members were
elected to serve on the Alumni As-
sociation Board, for three-year terms.
They are Madelon Maupin
Holland (C'73), Alice Taylor Reed
(C'47), and Stephen L. Abbott
(US'70, C'74).
The three replace retiring members
Priscilla Winget Lehman (US'40,
C'44), Sallee Miller Rader (C'43),
and Patricia Peterson Stevens (C'50).
With them goes our gratitude for
services well done.
Our new president for the coming
year is Thomas S. Price (C'50).
He'll preside at the biennial meeting
of our Association during Alumni
Week '80 in August.
Tuck Spaulding (US'63, C'67),
remains on the Board for one more
year, as past president.
campuses and stay in Alumni Guest Cordially,
House; do write and tell us where
you are and what you're doing, if
you haven't lately; and do make
your reservation(s) for Alumni '80
(August 17-24).
Alumni President Charles (Tuck) Spaulding addressed a roomful of students, faculty
and other staff, and alumni-including representatives of Principia's Golden
Anniversary reunion class-in the Alumni Guest House's spacious lounge, April 4, at
dedication ceremonies.
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About Alumni
Former Staff
Ward Foods, Inc. has announced the retire-
ment of William Howlett, former Principia
trustee and honorary alum. Chairman of
Ward's board since '72, he also served as
president and chief executive until '77; was
a former chairman of Consolidated Foods
Corp. This news comes to us from Elaine
Dietrich Backus (C'31).
Upper School
31 Bud Hunkins has been manager of
Ste. Genevieve (MO) golf course for past 4
years, is helping with youth bowling program
at the Genevieve Bowl.
32 After 42 years in numerous facets of
the photographic profession and related fields,
Stanley Nixon (Buffalo, NY) retired in Janu-
ary. "I remember with fondness the friend-
ships at Principia, even though of moderate
50 Writes Sylvia Kurt Twigger: "I'm en-
joying a 3-year term as Second Reader in
Webster Groves (MO) and spending as much
time as possible aboard our 25' sailboat on
Alton Lake. We're taking 2 power squadron
classes so that some day, when we find
someone to support us in a manner we would
like to become accustomed to, we'll sail the
ocean and know where we are. Alan, 25, is
a computer operator and still going to school.
Becky, 24, is a nurse at Peace Haven and also
going to school. Chris, 19, is selling, and
Doug, 18, is a senior at Webster Groves High
School. All are quite able to take care of
themselves (even Doug is an excellent cook),
so Lorin and I escape to the boat often.
Housekeeping no longer interests me, so if
you don't mind dust, come visit": 60 Mar-
shall PI., St. Louis 63119.
52 Living in Manchester (MO), Larry
Shepard is "still in insurance, keeping ahead
of inflation, and playing lots of tennis. Daugh-
ter starts college in September. Would love a
reunion." He tells friends: "In 1980 at least
write and forward pictures."
60 News of Lyman Woodard comes to us
from Steve Kendall (US'58) who says Lyman
"is enjoying success leading his 13-piece big
band jazz organization in the highly competi-
tive jazz market here in Detroit. I haven't
been out to hear him in person yet, but I
occasionally hear some of the creative things
he does on radio."
61 After working at Los Angeles depart-
ment of water and power as a mechanical
engineer for 13 years, Robert Briffett and his
wife have moved to Lake Tahoe where he's
in the contracting business with a friend.
62 Living in Hawaii: Betty Thompson
Ingalls, husband Bob, daughters Cindy (6) and
Heather (3). "We love living in the islands
and would be happy to hear from any class-
mates who might be visiting the area":
7108 Kukii St., Honolulu 96825.
Dave Christensen is "still living off the land
in Montana, tanning Indian buckskin for a
living, camping in a tipi, and teaching primi-
tive survival skills all over the West."
65 Betsy Talley Miller writes: "This year
is going to be different for me because both
my kids are in school. Johnny is 8 and in
3rd grade; Cheri, 6, in 1st grade. I now have
a part-time job in a sporting goods store and
love it. Would love to see anyone who passes
through Vicksburg (MS)": 210 Longwood
Drive 39180.
66 Living in Marietta (GA), Bill Merritt
writes: "Since graduating from Principia, I
have received a B.A. from Princeton U., an
M.B.A. and a law degree from U. of Virginia,
and an L.L.M. (Masters in taxation) from
Emory U. I have married Laurie Yenning and
have 2 children-Billy (3) and Amy (1). Re-
cently I formed my own firm to provide
comprehensive tax and financial planning
for privately held corporations and their
shareholders, with clients from Georgia to
California and to Massachusetts."
75 Married July 4 '79 in Rancho Santa Fe
(CA): Susie McFadden and Joel Leadbetter.
Principians at the wedding: Dawn Anderson
(US'76) Campbell, Debby Lichtenberg (US'53)
Leadbetter, Kirk Leadbetter (present Upper
School student), Jill Leadbetter (US'77) Con-
nolly, Bill Welsh, Winnie Teetor (US'30)
Lambert, Tim Anderson (US'79), Christeen
Lichtenberg (US'56) Anderson.
76 In May '78 Roger Opp married Sandra
Timmreck, now has 4 sons-Tim, Scott, Eddie,
and 7-month-old Cory Douglas. "Joined the
Air Force in June, after 2 years at Lower
Columbia College in Longview (WA); now
living in Great Falls (MT). Anybody coming
welcome to call": 406/727-3695.
1978 Republican Congressional nominee
David Dreier (US'71) is seeking the
Republican nomination in the 35th
Congressional district (CA). He lives in
La Verne, is director of public affairs for
a. San Dimas industrial firm, holds 2 de-
grees from Claremont (CA).
77 After taking a year off, Diana Williams
is "back at Purdue U., living at the Christian
Science Org. House on campus, and loving
it. I'd like to hear from friends; if you're ever
in the area, give me a call": 421 Waldron,
West Lafayette, IN 47906-3 1 7/743-662 3.
78 Mark Munro (Norway, ME) writes: "My
life since graduating from Prin has been
filled with exciting adventures. Summer after
graduation, I spent working on the wheat
harvest in the Midwest. This past summer I
spent working at a fish processing plant in
Dutch Harbor, on the Aleutian Islands in
Alaska. In the meantime, I've been attending
the U. of Maine. This past Christmas vaca-
tion, I found myself hitchhiking down to
New Orleans where I looked up Evie Buchanan
and Gigi Gleason (US'80)."
The new year found Evie Buchanan and
Todd Johnson in Aspen where Todd works
and Evie was vacationing. He enjoys "down-
hill and cross country skiing, winter fishing,
snowmobiling, and relaxing in a jacuzzi."
79 Attending the U. of Arizona in Tucson,
Randy Baker has joined Alpha Gamma Rho
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27 Walter and Charlotte (Parks, JC'29)
Stoffel have moved from St. Louis to Mt. Dora
(FL), about 25 miles north of Orlando. "We
would love to see any of our friends who may
be coming our way": 104 Brookside Circle
35 Ruth Pennypacker Lombard is "work-
ing at Beechfield, a residential home in Sur-
rey. I'm not far from London, so come and
see me when you're in England": 22 Hanger
Hill, Weybridge, Surrey, England KT 13 9XS.
38 Elaine King Flarsheim and husband,
Clarence, who recently retired from business
in Kansas City, are living in Vancouver (BC),
where their daughter Annette and husband
live. Son Thomas lives in Hawaii.
40 After 6 years in the San Francisco Bay
area, lean Heiss is back in the East. "Really
miss it, but glad to be near my family. Good
to get into Boston occasionally-attended
Annual Meeting for the 1st time in 20 years!
Working in Forbes Library in town-love it
and the college area. Enjoy being active in the
Northampton (MA) church."
41 Phil Edwards writes: "Mimi (Ostenberg,
former staff) and I enjoyed seeing 41'ers at
The Mother Church Annual Meeting-Betty
Neebe, Eloise Young, Reed Gerald, etc. En-
joyed working tennis clinics at Adult Summer
Sessions with Streight Hamlin (C'45) and
having football ace Dave DeWindt as one of
our students. Had a great tennis year in '79
-am ranked 5th in national 60's doubles
with Hal DeMoody of Virginia and 15th in
Diamond Jim Brady is really Don Melvoin (C'44), at least in new Universal movie,
Somewhere in Time, premiering in October '80. Featured also: Christopher Reeves,
Christopher Plummer, Jane Seymour. Don can also be seen on Traverse City (Ml)
station WGTU-TV.
60's singles. DeMoody and I beat Bobby Riggs
and Bob Galloway at San Francisco in August.
Larry Gerber (C'49) and I have done very
well in 55 doubles thus far this year. Visit
Mimi and me up in Lovell (ME) at our
43 The February 7 St. Louis'Post-Dispatch
tells us that William F. Schierholz, Jr., presi-
dent of Chemtech Industries Inc., has been
presented with the Hermann F. Spoehrer Award
by Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley,
Middle School graduate Cherie Laub Holly and husband, William (US'67)-both at
right-live in Escondido (CA), where he's working toward an A.A. in theater arts.
At left: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall (Faith Holly, US'66).
Inc., for "dedicated service and untiring efforts
in securing and influencing financial assist-
ance for junior Achievement which has con-
tributed immeasurably to its growth."
Married in May to Marjorie Hambrick, and
living in Nuevo (CA), Larry Duncan says they
honeymooned in Hawaii, renting a car and
driving all over the island. "Super place;
beautiful warm water and beaches. Talked
to King Brandt (C'40) in June while in Hono-
lulu. He's fine; has retired from Dole Pine-
apple Co."
44 The Christian Science Monitor, the
Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chron-
icle, and CBS have interviewed Dorothy
Woodworth on her program to upgrade the
economic status of homemakers. Her study
is available in the Schlesinger Library at
Harvard, will be the appendix in a Canadian
book on homemakers. Currently she is devis-
ing a measurement instrument to record the
progress made for all women since '75, the
beginning of the U.N. International Decade
for Women. "Local governments and interested
groups can use this device to see how far they
have come and what remains undone."
46 Now living in Minneapolis, Cozy
Winget Maclntire writes: "If you wait 5
minutes we may have another change of
address. After living 2 years in London on
Eaton PI., loving and taking advantage of
every priceless moment, Stu (C'48) and I
moved back to Chicago (Lake Pt. Tower) and
St. Louis (a condo close to the Upper School).
This back-and-forth living-was not good, and
we moved fully to St. Louis, only to find that
we were then to move to Minneapolis! Stu is
with First Bank Systems as senior VP-mar-
keting. We have loved all of our travels and
adventures, but Stu is very happy to be back
in banking. Minneapolis was my hometown;
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The Maclntires (some of them): at top, parents Cozy Winget and Stuart Maclntire
(C'46; C'48), Wayzata (MN), with daughter-in-law Barbara; bottom left, Rob
Maclntire (US'73), a police officer in Winslow (AZ); bottom right, Bruce Mac-
lntire (C'72) and wife Barbara, Telluride (CO). Third son Scott is in Upper School;
daughter Cheryl Maclntire DuBois (US'66) lives in Northville (MI). See item
under C'46.
in 1946 we were married there. Since all
roads lead to Minneapolis, we'll see you all
up here: 1000 Old Long Lake Rd., Wayzata,
MN 55391. Son Bruce (C'72) and Barbara
Baker were married in Alexandria (VA) on
December 8. They live in Telluride (CO) with
Barb's 4-year-old daughter Robin. Fantastic
couple! Son Rob (US'73) is a full-fledged
police officer in Winslow (AZ). Cheryl (US'67)
has hands full with large family of 5 in
Northville (MI). Scott is in Upper School." See
47 Mary lane Merrill Columb and son
Andy are living in Pennsylvania while he
finishes school. "I'm in the practice with an
office in nearby Toledo (OH). Husband Merv
(C'50) passed on in February '79. Our 2 mar-
ried sons, Scott and Gary (C'72), live in
49 A news clipping came from Judy Tib-
betts telling us about John Cade's work in
the Republican party in Louisiana. The clip-
ping (not identified) tells us that his untiring
efforts helped get Dave Treen elected gov-
ernor. Now John's back in Alexandria (LA),
running his business-Alexandria Seed
50 A Belvedere-Tiburon (CA) news clip-
ping tells us Tom Price was named Belvedere's
Outstanding Citizen of the Year for 1979. A
resident for over 20 years, he has been active
in civic affairs, serving as councilman, mayor,
county supervisor, school district trustee, presi-
dent of the Audubon Canyon Ranch, member
of Bay Conservation and Development Com-
mission, and heads the Marin Park and Open
Space Foundation, a countywide citizens
group seeking open space lands. Tom is presi-
The hills of Elsah
are extra special...
and so is Connecticut.
Come, call, or write!
37 Corbin Drive
Across from Post Office
Darien, Connecticut
For your copy of our quarterly
newsletter send us a request on
your company letterhead.
Bill Groenekamp (C'55)
8929 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 412
Beverly Hills, Calif. 90211
(213) 274-6734
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dent of P San Francisco corporations which
deal mainly with building materials.
32nd season of service to Christian Scientists
Our purpose: to promote spiritual growth
through an outstanding program featur-
ing English riding, water sports, tripping,
leadership training, with emphasis on
learning to live in harmony with our
For details, write:
Open year 'round, including:
Summer Camp: June 28-August 23, 1980
2-to-8-week sessions for Christian Science
boys and girls aged 6-17.
Winter Camp: December 26, 1979-January 1,
All ages. Skiing and other sports.
Family Camp: August 17-September 1, 1980
Water sports, riding, tennis, and more...
Environmental education; banquet and
conference facilities; year 'round.
Dottie and Joe (C'54) Alford
Resident Owners and Directors
Crystal Lake Camps
R. D. # 1, Box 147-P
Hughesville, PA 17737
Phone 717/584-2698
"Getting Better
with Your Bible"
Berenice M. Shotwell
..It is one of the finest Bible study
hooks I have ever encountered". .
Paperback- $12.50
Hardcover- $21.50
(blue linen)
Add $1.50 postage/handling
Order from:
312 Maine St.
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
a co-educational school staffed by
Christian Scientists, for Pre-School
through 12
Now seeking applications from
teachers, all levels and
disciplines (please, experienced
Please send resume to:
Headmaster, KALM BRAE
P.O. Box 365,
Redmond, WA 98052
Founded in 1974. Member, Pacific
Northwest Association of Indepen-
dent Schools.
52 Jim Van Vleck is included in a full-
page ad (Wall St. journal, O(t. 3) headlined:
'The press is keeping up with Mead for the
same reasons you should." He's pictured
with 10 other memhers of Mead's "spirited
new breed of management."
Married in November: Chris Kelly Jostyn
and Bill Clarke 1(748). They live in Wellesley
(MA), "would enjoy hearing from those who
were at Prin when we were; would espe-
cially enjoy having them call and come by if
they get out this way." Chris teaches 5th
grade; Bill's been involved with stocks and
commodities most of his working career. He
writes: "Chris's 2 oldest daughters, Gae and
Mindy, are married, and her son, Jay, is a
sophomore at Prin College. Katie, my daughter
who is 5, is fortunate to have a sister like
fenny who is 11, to look after her and walk
her part wav to school every day."
56 Writing from Palmetto (FL), Lue Ander-
son Blankenship: "Our blessings have been
many. We have a daughter, Barrie, at Prin
now, a son in the nuclear power program in
the Navy, and a younger son who was ac-
cepted in a junior symphony in Sarasota
where he plays the violin. Bill (C'55) is com-
pleting his term as First Reader. I now have
an art studio and am teaching part-time at the
junior college. Hello to classmates and
teachers and other friends."
61 Kenneth Taylor and Maryann Roos were
married in August. He "continues to practice
architecture as principal of Hoskins, Scott,
Taylor and Partners, Inc. in Boston-design-
ing facilities for Harvard, Radcliffe, Tufts,
Regis College, Ohio U., among others." They
live in Carlisle (MA).
63 After several years of quiet in these
pages, Dotty (Leonard) and Ron Barton de-
cided they should report in from Palo Alto
(CA), their home since they returned to the
U.S. After graduate school in Virginia, they
spent 10 years in Southeast Asia, first with the
Peace Corps in Thailand; then Ron joined the
State Department's foreign aid agency to
serve in Thailand and Indonesia. Dotty free-
lanced for the Monitor and other newspapers
and magazines and edited various small puh-
lications. In '75 they decided to go back to
school. Dotty got a Ph.D. in communications
research and Ron an M.B.A. in public man-
agement, both at Stanford. Now Dotty is
teaching and doing research at Stanford and
SRI, and Ron is budget director for Santa Clara
County. Their son, Gavin, 1(1, and daughter,
Michelle, 9, are enjoying the Palo Alto schools
and the city's great recreation programs. "Now
that we are out of the school grind, our life
has settled down a bit, and we're beginning
to enjoy the U.S. and all that it has to offer."
After 3 years with Alton Box Board as a
plant accountant and materials manager, Paul
Sparfeld joined Union Carbide Agricultural
Products Co. as controller at a new facility
in St. Louis. "Lots of challenges but fun to
be in on the ground floor."
Loving California living and enjoying their
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
children's "many, many athletic activities"
Joie (Carter) and Dick Power. "Son Rich is
in 8th grade, on the honor roll, plays on an
all-star traveling basketball team plus his
'a hool team. Ronnie, in 7th grade, had a
super football season as a slot back for junior
All-Anieric an tackle football; was top scorer
for his school team. Laura, 5th grade and an
outstanding student, was on the city cham-
pionship softball team and qualified for city,
county, and track finals. Robbie, 3rd grade,
was top scorer for his flag football team, is
playing Boys' Club basketball, and skiing.
Dick has coached 2 of the boys' basketball
learn, and Ronnie's football team this past
veal. Our family took a very special trip in
May, lune, and July (1979) when we traveled
throughout the U.S. in a recreational vehicle.
Spent May enjoying beautiful wildflowers and
sc enery of the Southern states. In June flew
to Virgin Islands where we lived aboard a
Morgan 41 sailboat. It was heavenly; we all
tell in love with the aqua-blue waters and
white sandy beaches of the British Virgin
Islands. The children participated in all
aspects of sailing, and we had a truly delight-
ful time, returning through San Juan, Puerto
Ric o. Spent the rest of lone and July touring
the Fastern states, New England, the Midwest,
then home through Colorado. Saw some dear
old friends along our journey and truly 'expe-
rienced' our country's history while appre-
c iating its beauty and freedoms."
64 Now living in Rockwell (NC), Jill
Viemeister Stolz and husband Otto have
moved around a lot, are settling down in
their 130-vear-old colonial home on a farm.
"Otto was just elected president of Cannon
Mills, Inc., producer of sheets and towels,
after 2 years with Cannon. Prior to that he
was a law professor at Duke U., an assistant
to the Secretary of HUD, worked for the U.S.
lreasurv, and practiced law in L.A. Before
living there we spent 2 years in Switzerland.
Our children - Whitney, I 3, and Heather,
10 show hunter ponies competitively and
this past year won state awards as #1 and #2
in their divisions. I'm busy coordinating home,
st hool, and show activities, and loving it!
Also, I'm active in our Salisbury church."
Martha Green Quirk and husband Tom
have been at Prin College for over 6 years.
Ibis is Tom's 2nd year of a 31/2-year term as
than of the faculty, and Martha's 5th in Ad-
missions Office where she is associate direc-
tor, "Jennifer is 5 years old how time flies!
She's a junior in Principia Pre-School and
one of 22 children in her class. It's such a
perfect opportunity for her to grow and dem-
onstrate her creative abilities in an atmos-
phere of love, thoughtful ness, unlimited ex-
pression, and caring. We hope to see many
friends during Alumni Week '80. It's exciting
to we what good things are happening at Prin.
Come see for yourself."
65 Married November 17 in small family
wedding in Fairfax (VA): Elly Arenander and
Bill Uehling (US'6I). "We would enjoy see-
ing friends when they are in the Washington
(I)(I area": 5506 Ventnor Ln., Springfield, VA
Sally Gaines Mosher gives "notice to all
boat freaks: My husband Richard is presently
building a 30-ft. wooden Friendship sloop in
Linda Leonard Lamme (C'64)-shown
with daughter Laurel has co-authored
a book for parents, Raising Readers. She
recently appeared on ABC's Good Morn-
ing, America. Linda and husband, Ary,
are associate professors, U. of Florida,
our garage. Advice, encouragement, or (better
yet) a visit from someone who knows boats,
would he nice. I'm helping to fund the Great
Project by teaching at Western Michigan U."
Helen Eddy Estes has started her own
greeting card company Daystar. "My cards
are on sale in stores in the Boston area or by
mail (see The Christian Science Monitor-
112 1/80)."
66 In June '78 Tom McKean ended his
work at Louisville public schools, where he
had been principal and athletic director for
4 years. "I accepted a request by the local
Boy Scouts of America to serve as a builder
of the exploring program for the metropolitan
Omaha area -a coed program of nearly
2200 high school students as district execu-
tive. I also have kept up my biological pur-
suits, with last summer's work with lions and
tigers in a zoo. But when fall arrived, I missed
education and am now heading up the science
programs for Father Flanagan's Boys' Home at
Boys Town (NE). My very best to all. Please
stop and visit at my home or Boys Town as
you travel": Box 161, Omaha 68112.
Steven Vlahon sent us news of the marriage
of John Harris (C'68) and Kris Wager in
Miami (FL) on December 31. "They're living
in Orlando where John is a computer spe-
cialist for the federal government. I was in
the wedding party."
Neal and Carole Male (C'67) Frank live in
Minneapolis. Says Neal: "We could stay
forever, I think. People are great and outdoor
life is all around. I'm a salesman for Brown
and Bigelow, selling calendars, playing cards,
pens, etc. Home every night and week-ends
-a real 1st in my life. Carole is a secretary
and doing very well, too. Our 3 children
Neal Alan, Christopher, and Michelle-are
beautiful. Love to all."
67 Living in Arlington (MA): Kathe
(Golden) and Kenton Rhoades. He's a free-
lance graphic designer; she's an editor with a
Pioja& salt 7ue, ~~~,na//(a~oyu ofe
,Q,ccauK JQ1V
Mac Stitt, C'55
I don't work for a company.
I work for you.
12222 South Harlem Avenue
Palos Heights, Illinois 60463
Phone: 448-5900
75th anniversary edition
in paperback-a collection of the
writings of Mary Kimball Morgan,
Principia's founder, gathered from
Mrs. Morgan's addresses,
letters, and papers.
plus 75? postage
Student Supply Store,
The Principia,
13201 Clayton Rd.,
St. Louis, MO 63131
Missouri residents, add 120 tax
Book Store, Principia College,
Elsah, IL 62028
Illinois residents, add 130 tax
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
hardcover, $7.95
paperback $5.95
by Russell D. Robinson, Ph.D.
Inquire about tape cassettes keyed
to book for Bible study groups.
Other books by Dr. Robinson:
Dynamics of Group Leadership
paper 5.95-concise introduction
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How Adults Learn and Change
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Group Dynamics for Student
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leaders and adult advisers
Jerusalem Journey and Other
Poems paper 3.00-seventeen
Bible-inspired poems
(please add $1.00 for postage/handling)
Order from:
1111 E. Fairy Chasm Road
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Edward A. Kimball
Black cloth binding $8.00
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WITH YOUR BIBLE/Shotwell 12.50
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Postage and handling, 600 first
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P.O. Box 407
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Phone 219/926-6584
A Precious
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Order from: Waters
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Boston, Massachusetts 02115
To help you in
your study of the
last book
of the Bible...
Studies in
the Apocalypse
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Bible Literature Publications
821 Country Meadow Lane
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publishing company. "We had our first child,
a darling baby girl, Naomi, this past Septem-
ber. It's a joy to watch her grow. We'd love
to hear from any '67 classmates when you're
in the area": 26 Alfred Rd. 02174.
68 News from Barnett Banks of Florida,
Inc., where Donald Koch is the economist,
tells us Don currently lectures in the M.B.A.
program at the U. of North Florida on money,
banking, and economic forecasting, and has
a weekly commentary on the CBS-TV affiliate
in Jacksonville. He served as a member of
the It.-governor's energy element policy ad-
visory committee and was a staff economist
for the governor's economic advisory board
under Reubin Askew. He was recently reap-
pointed as a member of the governor's eco-
nomic advisory council by Governor Bob
Graham. Don has published articles in Business
Economics and Bankers Magazine and was
named an associate editor of Business Eco-
nomics in 1979.
70 After working in the Treasurer's office
of The Mother Church for 7 years, Beth
Thomas moved back to "my hometown (Day-
ton, OH) in October '77. I'm now information
director for local public TV stations WPTD
in Dayton and WPTO, Oxford."
71 Sybil Jared Lowey writes: "We moved
into Houston last spring and enjoy it very
much. On vacation we visited Lisann (Rain=
water) and Kort Peters (C'69) in Arlington
(TX). Their 2 children-Kort John and Christy
-and our one (at the time)-Aimee-enjoyed
Six Flags. As of September 13, we have a sec-
ond daughter-Christina Ava. Last summer
we were visited by Rose Ella (Hey, C'69)
and John Wallace and their new arrival,
72 Married in '75 to Barclay Ann Brown:
Dennis Kass. "We live in NYC where I work
in the corporate finance department of Citi-
bank and Barclay works as an executive re-
cruiter for Garfinkels, Brooks Brothers, Miller &
Rhoads, Inc. Both of us are active in our
Branch Church and enjoy a wonderful circle
of friends. Often miss the view from the
Chapel Green, but couldn't be happier."
Calvin Williams was recently promoted to
executive vice-president, Texas Commerce
Bank, Kingwood. He and wife Nancy (McMil-
lan, C'71) and daughter Erin are enjoying their
new home north of Houston in "woodsy"
73 Writing from Concord (NH)-Carole
Soule Puffer: "Rivendell School is expanding.
We have a new solar-heated learning center;
the teaching staff has expanded to 6; and
we're all looking forward to moving into a
building designed just for learning. I'm still an
avid rider. My horse is now teaching me how
to jump and enjoy it! With 7 wood-burning
stoves, 3 wood-burning furnaces, and 100
acres of forest to fuel them, we feel like
we've discovered our own oil field!"
Jennifer Jones Crane's husband, Dave (he's
an associate alum) says they met as a result
of his attending Summer Session '77. "She
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
taught in England for 4 years after leaving
Prin; moved to Canada with me after we were
married; then we both decided that Sarasota
(FL) would be much more fun. She's tutoring
full-time here and we'd love to hear from any
Prin people in the area or passing through":
G.L.-432, 1717 Pelican Cove Rd. 33581.
Living in Wellesley (MA) where they were
married in December: Madelon Maupin Hol-
land and husband Bill. "Although Bill grad-
uated from Middlebury College, he's no
stranger to Principia. As youth editor of the
periodicals, he gave a talk last year to students
at the Upper School and College about writ-
ing for the periodicals. I'm working for the
Monitor, selling corporate and national adver-
74 Phil and Ann Jacobson (C'76) Peterson
have moved to Forks (WA) where he's a
biologist for the State Department of Fisheries.
"Come see us!": RR1, Box 189 98331.
Married in Manhasset (NY) in August '79:
Gail Woods and Peter Johnson. Gail's sister,
Beatrix Woods (C'72), was maid of honor.
Other Principians in the wedding party were
Steve Romaine (C'75) and Robin Headley.
Principians attending were: Wendy Orr Gib-
son (C'75), Ken Gibson (C'76), Pam Schleich,
Barbara Smith (C'75). "We are now living in
New York and would love to see any Prin
friends who make it to the Big Apple": 226
East 27th St., Apt. 3A 10016.
Valeri Roberts has been living in Kansas
City for a year "and loving it. I waitressed
for 6 months at a famous steakhouse, The
Golden Ox; quit in March to go to Florida
for sun and relaxation and then to Cincinnati
and Salt Lake City to back my hometown
college basketball team-Indiana State-in
the NCAA finals. What great fun, even though
they lost the last game. Ran into Steve Ander-
son (C'72) in Salt Lake City, also there for the
finals. I'm employed with the Missouri Divi-
sion of Family Services as a social worker in
the child abuse/neglect unit; always challeng-
ing and a continuing education. 'I'm also a
volunteer 'Big Sister' for the same agency.
Last summer I played lots of tennis, learned
to sail, jogged faithfully, and in the fall ran
in my first 10,000-meter race; also learned to
canoe in Oklahoma. I've started to take voice
lessons from the soloist at Seventh Church in
Kansas City where I see Bill Westerman.
Friends, please call or stop by if you're head-
ing east or west on 1-70. It's practically in
my backyard. Write also": 4005-D Redwood,
Independence, MO 64055-816/373-6075.
In December Jennifer Drake married Neil
Thomas. She's now Jennifer Drake-Thomas.
"We're living in Albuquerque: 123 Walter
N.E. 87102. Neil's hoping to get a job in the
solar (passive) energy field; I'm at U. of New
Mexico, working on a B.F.A. in art."
Now living in NYC, Steve Abbott moved
from New Jersey in August. "Never thought I'd
like the city, but it's turned out to be lots of
75 Debbie Cable Scudamore writes:
"David (C'74) has been an auditor with
General Electric for the past 2 years. Takes
him all over the U.S. and around the world!
I'm at home enjoying our new addition-
Jonathan David, born on October 13. We've
been living in Clifton Park (NY)-north of
Albany-for 11/2 years and would love to hear
from our friends": 15 Evergreen Ave. 12065.
Married in January to Ron McIntyre: Pamela
Guthman. "We're both working in Boston. I'm
still at The Mother Church in the University
and College Organizations Division. Spend
lots of time 'down Maine,' where Ron is
from, as well as Connecticut-antiquing with
my parents."
Linda Schoepke sends "greetings to all the
folks in the class of '75! Can hardly believe
it will be our 5-year anniversary soon. Am
still living in the Windy City overlooking
Lake Michigan and enjoying it fully. Last fall
had 12 days in Acapulco where it was 95
and oh-so-sunny! Love that tan! (Barner and
Delano, eat your hearts out). Still selling
financial services to Chicago bankers and lov-
ing it! I get to see Judy Barr, Nancy Billman,
Nancy Aldrin (C'74), and a new addition-
Nancy Bol (C'76)-in church, only a block
76 Apologies to Nancy Boll The Purpose
added 18 years to her age in the last issue,
assigning her (for some unknown reason) to
C'58. Nancy's flying with Delta Airlines as an
attendant, is based in Chicago.
Dick Davenport and wife Jerri (Barnes,
C'75) are living in San Antonio, where he's a
Christian Science chaplain at the AF's basic
military training center. Jerri's a technical
writer/computer programmer for a large San
Antonio bank. Between '76 and '79 Dick
worked at completing The Mother Church's
chaplain training program, plus 3-year Mas-
ter's program at Boston U's School of Theol-
ogy; field work for the latter included 18
months as assistant minister at the United
Church of Christ church near Cape Cod.
Writes Dick: "My activities today range from
traditional Christian Science practice to excit-
ing, creative opportunities to share the uni-
versal healing Truth through counseling and
on-site visitation at work and in the home,
and in contemporary, upbeat worship services
and educational experiences that include
people of all religious traditions." The Daven-
ports will be in the San Antonio area till
summer '82; welcome visitors: 7711 Callaghan
Rd. #607 78229.
77 In his 4th year with the U.S. Forest
Service, Jeff Langerak is working for the
Olympic National Forest in Quilcene (WA).
"I love hiking in the Olympics, fishing, and
scuba diving in Puget Sound, and I'm leading
scorer on the local men's basketball team. I
have a cozy 3-bedroom home; all Prin
friends are more than welcome to come visit
Chica, my Siberian husky, and me": Rt. 1,
Box 104, Port Townsend, WA 98368-
Married to Tom Clair last May in Darien
(CT), Cassie Thomas is finishing up an M.S.
in oceanography. They're living in Nova
Scotia. Patty Loos attended their wedding.
78 In January Carol Garland moved to
Boston where "I'm looking into- the career
of music by going to Berklee College of
Music. Last summer I worked at the AN
Ranches as family program director. In the
fall I lived with my family in Florida, work-
ing odd jobs."
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Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Piasa Presents
Gifts for Family
and Friends
NEW! Food Collections
? Live Alone and Like it Col-
lection Quality brands, serving
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veniently gathered together for
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$11.20, plus $2 shipping
? Epicure's Kitchen Collection
Menus and recipes forsix gourmet
meals, including ingredients for
at least one dish in each menu.
$16.90, plus $2 shipping
Food consultant: Grace Grosvenor
Clark, cookbook author and con-
sultant for Principia Mothers'
Club's Kitchenology and for Nie-
man Marcus cookbook.
The Art of
Emma Offutt Schock, N.A.P.
whose series on Parliamentary
Law appeared in The Christian
Science Monitor in 1977.
This 40-page handbook
embodies a basic-ten-lesson
course, with helpful instruction
regarding Bylaws and Executive
Available from the author:
7804 Lydia Ave.,
Kansas City, MO 64131
Also sold through:
Principia College Bookstore,
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and Student Supply Store,
13201 Clayton Rd.,
St. Louis, MO 63131
Cost: $3.00 plus 50? mailing
'F H F.
Fssavs and poems, including `'t'he Wings of Defeat" read
by Neil himself, are now available on cassette for quiet
listening. 't'hese essays and poems can also be obtained in a
companion booklet slim enough to travel in pocket or purse.
Volume I-Cassette .....$8.00 Volume I-Booklet ......$3.00
(These prices include taxes, handling and postage costs)
Checks may he made out to:
PIONEER PRODUC?I'IONS, Astor Sta. No. 820,
Boston, MA 02123
Married in May to Curtis Balch: Barbara
Stumpf. Her attendants were Beverly May,
Gail Stumpf White (C'76), and Janet Stumpf
English (C'76).
Living in Miami (FL), Melton Cano is esti-
mating for Giffen Roofing Co., a roofing and
sheetmetal contractor. "In spare time, I play
in a community orchestra."
79 Word from Chicago; Phil Henry's
working for Montgomery Ward's corporate
offices in its merchandising group. "Other
activities include playing in a basketball
league, tutoring inner-city children, and tak-
ing in great cultural events which range from
the brutality of the Chicago Bears to the
grace of the Chicago Ballet. Also, high-rise
living on Lake Michigan has been quite
Married in the Chapel at Principia Novem-
ber 18: Cynthia Crowell and Richard Waller
(C'76). "We shared a fun weekend with
many good friends both present students
and alums. Principians in the wedding party
included: Maid of Honor Gaye Glazner,
Denise Anderson, Cynthia Brown (present
College student), Elaine McKean (US'77 and
present College student), and, from the Col-
lege class of '76: Kent Pinson, Steven Syd-
ness, Jim Finch, Dick Davenport, and John
Matusek. Rich is still working for Owens-
Corning and will be in St. Louis for at least
I more years while he finishes his M.B.A.
I'm working for Prin in the Central Records
office on the St. Louis campus. We've bought
a house at 12416 Bernie Lane, St. Louis
6W43--114/878-1497-and would love
to see anyone. We can promise very reason-
able room rates!!!"
Claudia (Daugherty) and Nick Solomon
say they've put down roots in St. Louis ''at
leant for a while. Nick is currently pursuing
a Master's degree in musicology at Wash-
ington U., while I'm working at the Missouri
Arts Council. We'd love to hear from anyone
passing through St. Louis": 905 St. Rita, 1S,
Clayton, MO 63105.
Decathlete Robert Baker lives in Cali-
fornia, works out daily at U.C.S.B., has
his sights set on '84 OI ympics. With him
here: Duke, a close friend of the Col-
lege's Director of Athletics Jim Crafton.
See news story, page 4.
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Married in March '79 to Bruce Smith:
Alison Lawrence. Principians at the wedding:
lean Sellers, Jill Horneck, and Peter Howard
(all present College students), and Jeff Howard
(C'78). "Bruce is a blacksmith and I'm loving
my work as a floral designer with a florist.
We have a cat and a dog and are thoroughly
enjoying our home and family. We're living in
central North Carolina. Anyone we know who
comes this way (en route to Florida), give us
a call": 110 Artillery Rd., Southern Pines
Living in Louisville (KY) and busy running
their Chick-Fil-A Restaurant-Pat (Outland)
and John (C'78) Tegtmeyer. "Our goal for the
year is to increase our sales by 41 % and main-
tain our excellent profit margin. We'd love
to see any of our Prin friends. Just bought a
hide-a-bed for visitors, so feel free to stop
by": 716 McCawley Rd. 40219.
Marjorie Hambrick to Lawrence (Larry) Dun-
can (C'43) on May 12.
Chris Kelly Jostyn (C'52) to Bill Clarke (US'48)
on November 3.
Maryann Roos to Kenneth Taylor (C'61) in
Eleanor Arenander (C'65) to Bill Uehling
(US'63) on November 17.
Kris Wager to John Harris (C'68) on De-
cember 31.
Maureen E. Burke (US'71) to Donald Gross.
Rebecca O. Provost (US'71) to Morris V.
Spicci, Jr. on November 3.
Barbara Baker to Bruce Maclntire (C'72) on
December 8.
Madelon Maupin (C'73) to William Welsh
Holland in December.
Jennifer Drake (C'74) to Neil Thomas in
Laura Groby (US'74) to George McCullough
on September 23, 1978.
Gail McElroy Woods (C'74) to Peter Hallock
Johnson on August 11.
Susie McFadden to Joel Leadbetter (US'75)
on July 4.
Jane M. Ritz (US'75) to Todd A. Lesher on
May 5, 1979.
Dawn Anderson (US'76) to Steven Campbell
on April 7, 1979.
Jill Leadbetter (US'77) to Sam Connolly on
June 17.
Kim West to Steve DeWindt (C'77) on Jan-
uary 19.
Shelley Jean Ely (C'78) to Kenneth S. Prag
(C'77) on December 29.
Barbara Stumpf (C'78) to Curtis C. Balch on
May 13, 1979.
Alison Lawrence (C'79) to Bruce Smith on
March 23, 1979.
Cynthia L. Crowell (C'79) to Richard B.
Waller (C'76) on November 18.
Sandra Jean McEwen (C'79) to William
Charles Stack on June 16.
Carole Barthel (C'76) is a personal bank-
ing officer, Northern Trust Co., Chicago.
Carole lives in Barrington, has been
with the bank since 1976.
Collier Lee Butler (C'80) to Randall Warren
Kaler on June 23.
Celeste J. Oakland (C'81) to Scott C. Jenkins
(C'79) on December 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Coon (Nancy Klingen-
smith, US'61), a daughter, Mackenzie Cale,
on November 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Warren (C'62), a
daughter, Debra Diane, on January 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Clarke (C'66), a
daughter, Catherine Owen (Katie), on Sep-
tember 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery G. Elias (Shari Bleich-
man, US'66), a son, Khoury, on January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Rhoades (Kathe Golden,
C'67), a daughter, Naomi, in September.
Mr. and Mrs. David Toppin, C'69 (Pamela
Bokelkamp, C'68), a son, Jonathan David,
on December 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dister (Cindy Kieselbach,
C'69), a daughter, Jillian Kay, on July 21.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Palmer, C'69 (Mary
Lou Herminghaus, C'69), a daughter,
Brittany Alexis, on January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. James Day (Roberta Goodman,
US'70), a son, Alexander James, on De-
cember 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hart (Dale Crow, C'71),
a son, Kevin Andrew, in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lowey (Sybil J. Jared,
C'71), a daughter, Christina Ava, on Sep-
tember 13.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Rosebush (C'71), a
daughter, Claire Haisley, on December 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson (Susan Simons,
US'71), a son, Mark Owen, on June 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Wright, Jr., C'71
(Fay Williams, C'71), a daughter, Melissa
Elaine, on February 12.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Record, C'71 (Jane
McIntire, C'73), a daughter, Jodie Lynn,
on February 20.
An Expression
A unique literary magazine
of the Principia community,
professionally printed on
glossy paper.
A collection of sparkling
essays, fiction, poetry,
photography, artwork.
An expression of the
thoughts of Principians.
We need your support.
PRAXIS will be published
once this year, and you
may purchase a copy for
$2.00. Please direct check,
money order, or request
for information to:
Peter Howard
Editor, PRAXIS
Principia College
Elsah, IL 62028
Your contribution is
vital to the success
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
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Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Freeman (Susan L. Ritz,
US'72), a daughter, Jennifer Ellen, on
December 10.
Mr. and Mrs. William Nichter (Laurie Evans,
US'72), a daughter, Carey Elizabeth, on
January 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baggs (Liz Stecher,
C'73), a daughter, Julia Elizabeth, on Octo-
ber 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ostenberg, C'73 (Rae Ann
Kirkendorfer, C'72), a daughter, Leah Marie,
in July '79.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burgdorff, C'74 (Anne
Martin, C'75), a daughter, Katharine Lind-
say (Katie), on June 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, C'74 (Sandy
Hohle, C'74), a son, Benjamin Branch, on
January 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dearborn, Jr. (C'74),
a daughter, Kelly Ann, on October 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laver, (C'74) (Bonny Klaus,
C'75), a son, Peter, on December 2.
Mr. and Mrs. David Scudamore, C'74 (Debbie
Cable, C'75), a son, Jonathan David, on
October 13.
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Buchanan (C'75), a
son, John David, on January 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Klenke (Rebecca Luce,
C'75), a son, Benjamin Darrell, on Sep-
tember 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joseph Lonnemann (Joan
Wright, C'75), a daughter, Mellie Mae, on
September 6.
Mr. and Mrs. John Matusek, C'76 (Kathy
Dunn, C'76), a son, Gregory James, on
November 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Litzkow (Joan Gould,
C'76), a son, Scott Alan, in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fazio, C'77 (Connie Jae-
nicke, C'77), a son, Derrick Paul, on Feb-
ruary 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Kelly (Susan Booth,
C'77), a daughter, Katie, on December 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jim Wallace, C'78 (Althea
Kellogg-Clarke, C'76), a daughter, Lauren
Alisa, on December 11.
In Memoriam
Rebecca Massengale Sievers (US'08)
Kathleen Kent Scott (US'14)
Walter Bohman (US'16)
Margaret Butler McCready (JC'18)
King O'Leary (US'18)
Virginia Henley Paddock (JC'19)
Mildred Smith Monell (XJC'19)
Joseph M. DeCamp (XUS'24)
Virginia Whittlesey (XJC'25)
Potter Parke Payne (XJC'26)
Jane Orchard Bridgeman (XJC'31)
Arthur Kropp (JC'34)
Robert Newton Allen (XJC'34)
Mary Smithers Scott (XUS'34)
Jane Allison Allen (US'35)
Lois E. Delong (XUS'42)
Douglas Ellis (XUS'42)
Robert W. Bim-Merle, Jr. (C'46)
William J. Snajor III (XC'46)
George W. Reilly, Jr. (C'47)
Geraldine Donohue Zimbelman (US'48)
Phyllis A. Steinmetz (C'57)
Margaret Bergs Stilson (LS:1915-23)
Harry Brinkmeyer (LS:1919-23)
Gladys Kilburn Dietz (former staff)
Mary L. Stevenson (former staff)
Lebanon, Missouri
Joyful activities and spiritual
enrichment for young Chris-
tian Scientists, grades 2-12!
One and two-week sessions,
June 8-September 1, 1980.
Some camperships.
Chartered bus service available
from St. Louis.
Main camp programs
Choose from swimming,
horseback riding, nature
hikes, boating, float trips,
archery, cook-outs, trampo-
line, etc. $140 per week
Specialty programs
Special camps include: fine
arts, with Larry Groce and
Devon McNamara; junior
leadership; horseback riding;
sports; field science; Bible;
tutoring. $140-$150 per week
Travel programs
Cedars Overseas: four weeks
in England, Holland, and
Germany; led by Al and Lucy
Ambler Maas. $1895
Three Ozark trips: cave-
climb-canoe; bike; sail and
ski. $140 per week
Northern boundary water
trip, two weeks only. $325
Family programs
Cedars Festival, weekend of
August 16, 17. $20 adult/
$15 student/$10 pre-schooler
Family camp, August 17-23
and 23-29. $90 per week,
adult or student/$45 per
week, child under 6
Labor Day Weekend, August 29
-September 1, $45 each
For detailed brochure, write:
Warren Huff III, Exec. Dir.,
The Cedars Camps, at:
1009 Dovergate, St. Louis,
MO 63122 ? 314/821-6622
or: 171 O.S.R., Lebanon,
MO 65536 ? 417/532-6699
Accredited by American Camping Association
A New Recording
Perhaps the greatest love story
in human history begins with the
words, For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not per-
ish, but have everlasting life"
(John 3:16).
It is the story of "his only
begotten Son"-Christ Jesus
-that this record tells in song.
Joanne Harden Mattson con-
ceived this presentation during
her work as a church soloist.
Her rich mezzo-soprano voice
is a perfect vehicle for these
well-loved hymns and solos.
Complementing the message
is the musicianship of organist
Helen Grannis Sanborn.
Side One (This Is My Beloved Son):
Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive;
Blest Christmas Morn; What Is Thy
Birthright, Man; The Penitent; Trans-
figuration; In the End of the Sab-
bath; Behold What Manner of Love.
Side Two (Feed My Sheep): The
Stranger of Galilee; 0 Tender, Lov-
ing Shepherd; Teach Me to Love; The
Twenty-Third Psalm; Feed My Sheep;
The Lord's Prayer.
for record or cassette, plus $1.00
each, postage and handling.
Californians, add 580 tax. Outside
U.S., add $1.50 each, surface mail.
Order from:
Dove Recording, P.O. Box 1949
Los Gatos, California 95030
or from:
? Principia's Stores
? The Friendly Shop, Arcadia, CA
? Fairway House, W. Vancouver,
? The Mail Box, Harrington
Park, NJ
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
For the JOGGER in your family:
A: Top-S (32-34), M (36-38),
L (40-42), XL (44). 100% acrylic;
convertible collar (Byron, turtle-
neck, straight up); full-length
nylon zipper; ribbed collar, cuffs,
waist. In navy or gold. Imprinted
with Principia seal-$17.35
Postage and insurance-$1.50
Missouri residents-82? tax
B: Pants-S, M, L, XL.
100% acrylic; tapered leg, nylon
zippers on leg openings; all-
elastic waist; concealed key
pocket. In navy or gold. Imprinted
with Principia seal-$16.40
Postage and insurance-$1.50
Missouri residents-77? tax
C: Children's Color-Contrasting
Polo Shirts-Sizes S (6-8),
M (10-12), L (14-16). 100% easy-
care polyester. Solid-color body
with contrasting sleeves and
collar; rainbow stripe across
chest. Powder-blue body with
navy trim and rainbow. Imprinted
"Principia" in navy-$4.85
Postage and insurance-$1.00
Missouri residents-23? tax
D: Adult and Young-Adult T-Shirts
Sizes S (32-34), M (36-38),
L (40-42), XL (44). Rib sleeves,
neck, and sleeve ends. In navy
with gold. 50% cotton, 50% poly-
ester. Imprinted with Principia
seal, left chest-$7.30
Postage and insurance-$1.50
Missouri residents-34? tax
E: Water-Repellent Jackets-S, M,
L, XL. 100% water-repellent
nylon; cotton flannel lining;
100% acrylic ribbed collar, cuffs,
waistband; two lined slash front
pockets; raglan sleeves with
color-coordinated snap front.
In navy, with white trim. Imprinted
"Principia" in gold.-$23.00
Postage and insurance-$1.50
Missouri residents-$1.08 tax
Cut here
TO ORDER: indicate number, size
and color.
Make check payable to:
The Principia Student Supply Store
13201 Clayton Road, St. Louis, Mo.
Item ASize
Item B-Size
Item C-Size
Item D-Size
Item E-Size
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
alumni week
Start off the eighties with a great vacation
A full week to enjoy the College campus; to
refresh yourself with mini-courses taught by
College, Upper School, and former faculty;
to renew and deepen friendships in class
reunions and informal visiting; to take part in
all the recreational and educational advantages
the College offers. And what about all those
great meals and comfortable accommodations?
Each reunion group is housed together in
the same dormitory for maximum fun, too!
Alumni Week '80-you'll never forget it!
Alumni Week '80-from Sunday evening,
August 17, to Sunday afternoon, August 24.
If you just can't come for the whole week,
do try for the weekend: Friday, August 22,
to Sunday, August 24.
We'll be looking for you!
Weekday highlights
^ Brief Chapel talks by well-known Principians
to start your morning.
^ Interesting, fun mini-courses (no home-
work, no tests). Choose your classes and
activities after you arrive.
^ Alumni Choir practice every afternoon,
under Bob Rockabrand's direction. Open to
all who enjoy singing.
^ Elsah's early beginnings; field trips led by the
College's Charles Hosmer, for the American
history buff with the spirit of Tom Sawyer.
^ Evening entertainment.
Weekend highlights .
^ Buffet dinner/dance and entertainment in
the College Center.
^ Alumni Association meeting, with reports
given by President David K. Andrews and
Board Chairman Henry Holt, Jr.
^ Tennis tournament.
^ Class reunion parties and photographs.
^ Inspirational talk on Saturday morning by
former faculty member Dr. Ernest Lyons.
Reunion classes
Since Alumni Week is now scheduled every two
years, concurrent classes are holding reunions.
(All alumni, from whatever classes, are of
course welcome at Alumni Week!)
5th: US'71, C'75 / US'72, C'76
10th: US'66, C'70 / US'67, C'71
15th: US'61, C'65 / US'62, C'66
20th: US'56, C'60 / US'57, C'61
25th: US'51, C'55 / US'52, C'56
30th: US'46, C'50 / US'47, C'51
35th: US'40, C'44 / US'41, C'45 / US'42, C'46
40th: US'36, C'40
45th: US'30, C'34 / US'31, C'35 / US'32, C'36
50th: US'28, JC'30 / US'29, JC'31
All expenses, except transportation, are
included in the fees shown below. Covered:
lodging, meals (including buffet dinner/dance),
use of all facilities, classes, activities.
Full session, per person ...........................$185
Friday-Sunday weekend, per person..........$ 60
Daily rate ................................................. $ 30
PRINCAMP: see Young people's program
* Extra $20 fee, per person, for Tennis Clinic.
Young people's program
PRINCAMP is for the children (ages 6-16) of
alumni attending Alumni Week (or weekend
only)-a great way to make Alumni Week
fun for the entire family. Full program in-
cludes swimming, nature and crafts, outdoor
sports, and camp skills, and is supervised by
Principia teachers and staff members. Location:
established, well-equipped, wooded camp
with outdoor pool, near Eureka, Missouri-a
30-minute drive from our St. Louis campus.
Costs: $115 per camper per week ? $100 per
camper per week, if three or more campers
enrolled from your family ? $40 per camper
per weekend (Friday-Sunday).
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Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
and lots more besides!
Character Education / Prin-
cipia's educational philos-
ophy, based on writings of
founder Mary Kimball
Morgan / Dr. David K.
Andrews (C'36), Principia's
The Cultural Climate of
Christian Science: 1880-1910)
/ new material! / Dr. Charles
B. Hosmer (C'53), professor
of history.
The Bible: The Prophet
Jeremiah / Dr. Elaine
Follis, associate professor
of religion.
Aspects of the History of
Christian Science / Dr. Paul
0. Williams (C'56), professor
of English.
Energy Today-Options for
Tomorrow / Dr. Thomas
J. Holzberlein, professor of
Tennis Clinic / daily, for all
levels of play.
Photography Workshop /
increase your skills!
Both taught by Straight
Hamlin (C'45), Principia's
director of publications.
For reservation form,
write The Principia,
13201 Clayton Road,
St. Louis, Missouri 63131.
Phone: 314/434-2100.
Uncivilization / closer look at
peoples who didn't create the
Greek way-and why / Eloise
Lee Leiterman (C'46), Upper
School .cadre-
f social
The Environment and You /
Dr. John Wanamaker (C'39),
professor emeritus of
Alumni Choir / daily practice
in Chapel toward Saturday
night performance / director,
Dr. Robert Rockabrand
(C'53), associate professor
of music.
Art Demonstrations and
Coaching / daily afternoon
sessions in art studio /
James Green, professor
emeritus of fine arts.
Radical Thinking: How to
Drill Bedrock / Dr. Colin
Campbell (C'49), professor
of English.
Saturday morning inspira-
tional talk / Dr. Ernest Lyons,
Jr. (US'26, JC'28), former pro-
fessor of chemistry.
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Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Why would a Christian Scientist
consider health/care insurance?
Some may question the
need for care insurance
for Christian Scientists.
Indeed, some might say
that insurance is not
consistent with Christian
Science for it seems to
compromise the very
premise of man's com-
plete reliance on God.
Viewed objectively, any insur-
ance plan can be considered a
human footstep-a means of pro-
viding for contingencies. To many
who have financial responsibility
for others, insurance is preferable
to indifference to human needs.
In recent years, increasing num-
bers of Christian Scientists have
been buying "Accident/Health"
plans which are essentially medi-
cally-oriented policies, amended
or modified for the Christian
Science market. It's apparent
they want to protect themselves
against the escalating costs of
nursing care should they or
their loved ones ever need it.
With this in thought Serving
Christian Scientists (SCS) was
formed and its trustees conduct-
ed an in-depth study of existing
"Accident/Health" policies. It was
evident that Christian Scientists
could be better served by a type
of insurance based on the unusual
care needs of Christian Scientists
rather than on the experience
of the medical profession.
In 1975, a new group care
insurance program emerged-
one designed by Christian Scien-
tists for adherents of Christian
This SCS Group Care Insur-
ance* is available only to mem-
bers of SCS. SCS is a not-for-profit
membership organization dedi-
cated to Serving Christian Scien-
tists and providing benevolence
in time of need. It is not in the
insurance business and does not
derive any income from the plan.
Any adherent of Christian Science
may join SCS. Dues are only $5.00
per year per adult-$1.00 per
child to age 19. Dues and con-
tributions to SCS are tax-deducti-
ble and help provide benevolence
for fellow Christian Scientists
in time of need.
The SCS Group Care Insurance
offers coverage for the entire
family. It helps pay for:
? Practitioner Treatment
? Accident/Emergency expenses
up to $1,000.00
?At-Home Nursing by Private
Duty or Visiting Nurse and
Home Aides
?Care in any Accredited Facility
for Christian Scientists from
the first day.
? Maternity Related Expenses
"No one should be without ade-
quate health care at affordable
For information mail this coupon
or call toll-free 800-631-7980 (in
New Jersey call collect 201-
2400 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Please send information about:
^ Membership in SCS
^ SCS Group Care Insurance
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
Approved For Release 2009/04/30: CIA-RDP05T00644R000301030004-4
The 1980 Principia Mothers` Club announces with great
enthusiasm a Collector's Edition of KITCHENOLOGY WITH
PRINCIPIA FRIENDS. This unique 18-chapter cookbook
was originally printed in 1933 and revised in 1935. On
its 45th Anniversary, it is being reprinted by popular
demand. The tested recipes were submitted by friends
of Principia from many regions around the world.
The price of each cookbook is $8.50 including postage.
7~C (BAKER'S DOZEN SPECIAL: 13 for the price of 12) 7~C
Collector's Edition Available in Mid-Summer
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