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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 23, 2009
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 29, 1980
Content Type: 
PDF icon CIA-RDP05T00644R000401190057-8.pdf24.29 KB
Approved For Release 2009/06/23: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401190057-8 MEMO FOR DCI 2. Dr. Brzezinski's office has set up a meeting for you and him with Senator Stennis (in ZB's office) tomorrow evening (30 Jan) at 1730, for 15 Congressman Addabbo has been invited but most likely will not be minutes . able to make it. 3. I believe Fred Hitz has spoken with you about your meeting with the President tomorrow (30 Jan) with Senators Huddleston, Bayh, Mathias, and maybe Garn at 0930 on Charters. DDCI will take the HPSCI Subcommittee on Legislation hearing. I have received Vol 3 of the public papers of President Ford which 4 . covers the period 10 Jul 76 to 20 Jan 77. It is yours to retain if you want. Send home Retain at Agency 5. aide called me to say that you and had agreed to play tennis in the morning (30 Jan), but that will not be able to play now because of an early morning appointment. Approved For Release 2009/06/23: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401190057-8