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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 24, 2009
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Publication Date: 
August 4, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5.pdf74.36 KB
Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5 Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5 'l'LI'LJ L I Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5 The Director of Central Intelligence ( 4 AUG jai` MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, National Security Agency Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Intelligence and Research, State Under Secretary of the Air Force- Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Air Force Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Deputy to the DCI for Resource Management Deputy to the DCI for Collection Tasking Deputy to the DCI for National Foreign Assessment SUBJECT: I18 and 19 August 1978 1. I am pleased that you all are coming to our brief retreat on the 18th and 19th. I look forward to the opportunity to share ideas on how we can mutually do our jobs better. It is my plan that our conversations be relaxed and informal. This will not be a decision- making event. 2. I would like to table the following topics for discussion. They are matters that are much on my mind with respect to where we are going in the longer run. I would be happy for your suggestions, either in advance or on the spot, for additional topics. a. What our activities should be producing for the country in terms of "outputs." b. How the outputs of intelligence are likely to change over the next decade, c. How we can better integrate the collection operations of the Community. d. How we can better integrate the production activities of the Community. e. How we can best ensure un der our new organization that there is a good connection between-the collectors and the producers. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5 ;L II 1111Jf_ I Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5 SUBJECT: I I18 and 19 August 19i., 3. I am attaching some papers with respect to output functions. The first is a list of outputs to which I have assigned my own priorities. I recognize we each view the Intelligence Community's product from a different perspective, therefore; for openers, it may be interesting for you to indicate the order of priority you would favor and whether these are the correct measures of output. Also attached are shgrt point papers on each of the ten proposed outputs. They are very basic.and are intended only to stimulate the conversation on how we all look on the value of our different outputs. 4. Look forward to seeing you on the 18th. Attachments: as stated STANSFIE TURNER Approved For Release 2009/06/24: CIA-RDP05T00644R000601740002-5