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January 24, 1977
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120009-2 C LATIN AMERICA i0 ANK?C It is clear that Jimmy Carter has abandoned his rabble-rousing oratory (his heated diatribes against Brazil and Chile, for example) in order to adopt the calm but firm. determination appropriate to the president of the United States. What has apparently not changed from his original position: to approach the democratic governments, and to show coldness toward the dictatorships. Carter's ethical modality will modify the relations of the United States with several countries, but it will also change the characteristics of the dialog. Previously the only valid spokesman were an autocratic president and his deputy, the secretary of state. Historian Arthur Schlesinger, in his book "The Imperial Presidency," explained how the most recent U.S. presidents were progressively accumulating more rights and powers which the "founding fathom " had distributed equally among the mite House, Congress and the Judiciary. This trend was the origin of not of the great U.S. political scandals which culminated in the majestic Watergate case. Now Congress is at the summit of power, and it demonstrated that recently by obstructing the nomination of the liberal Sorensen as head of the CIA.. The Democratic senators and representatives will not refuse, obviously, to cooperate with a fellow party member, in the presidency, but they will jealously guard their independence. In the United States, members of Congress do not behave a servilely as we have known them to in other countries. The Congress will not retreat 1 millimeter from the power it has regained. The President himself, on the other hand, is encouraging them. To understand the United States, then, one most keep in mind the "barons," the powers in Congress: Edward Kennedy, Hubert Buvgh t, Henry Jackson, Robert- Byrd, Thomas O'Neill and James Wright, among others. To ignore them would be to ignore a substantial element of power. One should also keep Walter Mondale, in mind. In other eras the vice president was a deooratire figure, suitable for attacking the press and attending to undesirable visitors, in addition to 'ringing the bell in the Senate." In the Carter administration Mondale will be a coordinator, a powerful mediator, an indispensable spokesman. The speech of the new President does not add any new ideas of interest to Latin America. Washington has never shown a deep understanding of the political and eoonomio parebiems of Latin America. Paced with a crisis, it has almost always exclusively tended to its own immediate interests. Henry Kissinger, for maple, did not apply his dynamism to this area, limiting himself to the exaltation of the giant; Nixon echoed this on stating: "As Brazil goes, so goes Latin America." Carter prefers Mexico and next Venezuela. Neither did the united States swooned in an economic policy which would allow the southern countries to overcome the contradictions in their development. The policy remained constant, thus revealing that for the United States this area is considered secure from the strategic point of view. This is the important failing which the new administration must overcome. up to now, with the exception of the sensible recommendations in the Linowitz report, which is not of an official nature, nothing revolutionary has been proposed b _ United State.. f~_i_r y f Havana PRELA in Spanish 1336 GMT 21 Jan 77 PA--FOR OFFICIAL MBE ONLY [Text] Havana, 21 Jan--The Executive Committee of CEMA has issued a final oomemique at the conclusion of its 17th meeting, according to which Cuba will produce one-fourth of the nickel processed in the world thanks to the cooperation of this integrationist organi- zation of the socialist countries, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120009-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120009-2 r 24 Jan 77 4 LATIN AM=& ANNEX The communique issued today, which contains all the agreements adopted here by CEMA's main operations organization, gives central importance to the will of the member countries to speed up as much as possible Cuba's economic development through the realization of various programs. In their meetings of 18 and 19 January the Executive Committee decided to give the Secretariat of the council the task of preparing a periodic report on the development of the proposals presented by Cuba and of elaborating specific measures to accelerate Cuba's economic development. After listening to a report on the present state of the Cuban economy, the Executive Committee praised the achievements of that country in building socialism under the most difficult circumstances and recommended that all the member countries give Cuba all the necessary help, considering the problems deriving from the inflation generated by the capitalist market. Special attention was given to the creation of additional Capacity for producing nickel- Cobalt. This additional capacity will allow Cuba to produce 130,000 tons annually, and as a result Cuba would be producing approximately one-fourth of the world's nickel. Nickel is necessary for processing special steel and for melting high-resistance non- ferrous metals. The Communique points out that this will help assure the CBMA countries of a supply of this product, of which they have a deficit, and will also make possible its export to other countries. The countries participating in the nickel program are Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. The Executive Committee recommended to these countries the task of deciding before the end of April 1977 the volume, technical characteristics and approximate cost of equipment and materials necessary for the construction of a new plant. Referring to the industrialization of sugarcane byproducts, such as bagasse, the communique notes that with the technical cooperation of the CEMA countries, Cuba will conclude technical and economic preparations for the creation of capacities to produce cellulose and paper from sugarcane bagasse, determining with the member countries their participation in this. The Executive Committee also decided to approve the 1977 work plan, which gives attention to specific programs of long-term cooperation. It also approved CEMA's plan for contacts with other international economic and technical-scientific organizations for the develop- ment of mutually beneficial cooperation with those entities, particularly the UN Economic Commission for Europe and UNESCO, in response to the recommendations of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the EC'a reply in November to CEMA's proposal for rapprochement submitted 9 months earlier. Regarding this matter, the corresponding entities of CEMA were instructed to study the EC reply. During the work period of the Executive Committee, the communique states, a meeting was held with Desmond Hoyte, Guyanese economic development minister, who reported on his country's economy and expressed his government's interest in developing mutually advantageous economic and trade relations, both bilateral and multilateral, with the member countries. Concluding, the participants expressed their appreciation to the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee, the Cuban Government and the people for their hospitality and the excellent organization of the meeting. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120009-2