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June 30, 1953
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/03: CIA-RDP08001297R000800240016-3
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June 30, 1953
ARGENTINE LOAN?On June 27 Bolivian Vice President Hernan Siles Zuazo
announced that his Government has asked Argentina for a 15 million
dollar loan. It would reportedly be extended on a three-installment
basis. Argentina is in a position to furnish the essential goods needed
at present by the Bolivian people. (OAX4V Lima, Spanish, June 28, 1953,
0255 CMT?W)
PRESIDENT PAZ ESTENSSORO declared in La Paz that the recent plot failed
because it did not have the support of the people. Tho President said
the Bolivian majority supports the Government of the National Revolution
and will smash any counterattack against it. (Lima, Spanish,
June 27, 1953, 0255 GMT?W)
LABOR DEMAND?The Bolivian Labor Central Organization, heeded by Juan
Lechin, will ask for greater labor participation in the Government at
a big demonstration to be held June 26 in support of the President.
(OAX4V Lima, Spanish, June 26, 1953, 0255 GMT?W)
YUGOSLAV TRADE?Formal talks for the conclusion of a trade agreement
between Costa Rica and Yugoslavia were started at Belgrade. The first
reports state that Yugoslavia is interested in importing coffee, sugar
and other, food items from Costa Rica which could obtain manufactured pro-
ducts from Yugoslavia at advantageous prices. (COKG Santiago, Spanish,
June 25, 1953, 0300 GMT--E)
CARLOS ARAYA BORJES has been appointed Director General of Social Service
in Costa Rica. (TIDCR San Jose, Spanish, June 26, 1953, 0300 GMT?W)
PRESIDENT OTILIO ULATE arrived in Managua June 27 on a Costa Rican
military airplane. He was welcomed at the airfield by President Anastasio
Somoza. (HI2T Ciudad Trujillo, June 27, 1953, 1200 GMT-4()
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L. 1,
June 30, 1953
U.N. DELFGATES NAMED?Joaquin Salazar was appointed Dominican Consul
General to New York and substitute delegate to the UnitedNations with the
rank of Amhassadpr. effective Aug. 1, 1953. Dr. Oscar Robles Toledano was
appointed alternate delegate to the United Nations with the rank of Minis-
ter Plenipotentiary, by a presidential decree dated June 24. The decree
appointing Dr. Robles Toledano becomes effective July 1. (HI2T Ciudad
Trujilloy June 25, 1953, 1200 GMT?E)
CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLPTION?In its June 24 session, the Dominican Chamber
of Deputies approvei a bill authorizing the Executive branch "to invest
in all industries it may consider useful for the agricultural, livestock,
and industrial development of the Nation." It also approved a bill abo-
lishing as such the "agrarian colonies" established by a 1948 decree.
(10II2T Ciudad Trujillo, June 25, 1953, 1200 GMT?E)
DR. HUGO JOSE VILLANUEVA SANCHEZ was appointed Civil Governor of Puerto
Plata replacing Sr. Augusto Ginebra on June 25. (11I2T Ciudad Trujillo,
June'260 1953, 1200 GMT--E)
SR. JUAN BAUTISTA CARRION was appointed First Secretary at the Dominican
Embassy in Chile on June 25. (H12T Ciudad Trujillo, June 26, 1953,
1200 GMT--E)
TRADE WITH GERMANY?A West German,trade.delegation arrived in Quito June. 26
to negOtiate.a trade agreement.. (Hca Quito, June 27, 1953,:-0030
DISARMAMENT?The Secretary of the Interior ,of Sinaloa said more than 8,000
new pistols and quantities of steel weapons have been collected in Sinaloa
in an intense disarmament campaign by the-Governor of? the State and the
Military Commander of the area. (Mexico, D. F. CGV, June 26, 1953, 1450 GMT--E)
DR. GUSTAVO PEREZ CHIRIBOGA, the new Ecuadoran Ambassador to Mexico, is
scheduled to arrive in Mexico City June 29, according to an announcement
made by the Ecuadoran Embassy in Mexico City. (XEWW Mexico, D. F., June 29,
1953, 1355 GMT--E)
1 ILLEGAL FISHING?The fishermen of the Vera Cruz area, who regularly fish for
red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, have complained that foreign-licensed
ships, especially North American ships, are taking advantage of the hospi-
tality extended on the Mexican coasts and illegally fishing for red snapper.
(TGWA Guatemala City /Official", June 26, 1953, 0100 GMT--E)
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/03: CIA-RDP08001297R000800240016-3