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'November 1979 - March 1980
No. 2
7 April 1980
FB M 80-10013
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N-0-T I-C-E
Please place the following serial number above the date on the
cover of the NATIONAL VOICE OF IRAN (November 1978 - November 1979)
compilation dated 10 December 1979:
FB M 79-10032
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NOVEMBER 1979 - MARCH 1980
No. 2
[This is a compilation of material from the Baku-based clandestine radio
"National Voice of Iran" that has appeared in the FBIS Middle East &
North Africa Daily Report, or in the Daily Report Supplement, "Reportage
on Events in Iran," from November 1979 to March 1980.
The radio broadcasts three 15-minute segments in Persian and two
15-minute segments in Azerbaijani daily; the Azerbaijani broadcasts
repeat commentary carried in Persian.]
NVOI Comments on U.S. Military Threats Against Iran (23 Nov 79) 1
NVOI: Iran's Demand Should Be Discussed at Security Council
(28 Nov 79) 2
NVOI Affirms Right of Iran to Try Shah (30 Nov 79) 3
NVOI Calls Upon U.S. To Alter Policy Toward Iran (3 Dec 79) 4
NVOI Reviews Security Council Events, Quotes Kennedy
(4 Dec 79) 5
NVOI Calls for Restraint, Reaffirms Right to Try Shah
(5 Dec 79)
NVOI Warns Against Division Among Iranians (7 Dec 79)
NVOI Warns Against Conspiracies, Endorses Constitution
(9 Dec 79)
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page
NVOI Urges Support for Khomeyni's Leadership (10 Dec 79) 9
NVOI Advocates Abrogation of U.S. Agreements (11 Dec 79) 11
National Voice of Iran Comments on Need for New Army
(18 Dec 79) 11
Eliminating Imperialist Influence Primary Goal in Struggle
(20 Dec 79) 12
NVOI Calls for Shah's Extradition From Panama (21 Dec 79) 12
NVOI Comments on Exposure of Amir Entezam (22 Dec 79) 14
NVOI Comments on Steps To Protect Revolution (23 Dec 79) 15
NVOI Carries Commentaries Denouncing Counterrevolution
(26 Dec 79) 16
NVOI Calls for Strengthening of Afghan Relations (27 Dec 79) 18
NVOI Reviews Afghanistan Events, Urges Closer Ties (28 Dec 79) 20
NVOI Comment on OPEC; Khomeyni Cited on Literacy (31 Dec 79) 21
NVOI Discusses Revolution, Shah's Regime, U.S. Role
(1 Jan 80) 22
NVOI Reviews Events on Occasion of New Year (1 Jan 80) 22
NVOI Reviews Latest Events in Afghanistan (2 Jan 80) 24
NVOI Accuses U.S. of Exploiting Afghan Events (3 Jan 80) 25
NVOI Discusses Agricultural Production, "Cleansing" of
Offices (5 Jan 80) 27
NVOI: U.S. Tries To Impose Imperialist Regime on Afghans
(5 Jan 80) 28
NVOI: U.S. Seeking Bases To Threaten Iran, Gulf States
(5 Jan 80) 29
NVOI Discusses U.S. Imperialism, Concerted Response
(6 Jan 80) 30
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page
NVOI Comments on Price of Oil, Monopolies (7 Jan 80) 31
NVOI Accuses U.S. of Warmongering Policy (8 Jan 80) 32
NVOI Comments on Revolution's Achievements, Imperialist
Threat (8 Jan 80) 33
NVOI Discusses U.S. "Adventurist Policy" (9 Jan 80) 34
NVOI Comments on Illiteracy, Presidential Campaign (10 Jan 80) 34
NVOI Scores U.S. "Policy of Banditry" (11 Jan 80) 35
NVOI Comments on "Plots" Against Elections (11 Jan 80) 36
NVOI Discusses U.S. "Conspiracies," Pressure on OPEC
(14 Jan 80) 37
NVOI Discusses Presidential Candidates, Policies (15 Jan 80) 38
NVOI Scores U.S.-PRC Joint Policy Against Iran, Afghanistan
(16 Jan 80) 38
NVOI Comments on Feudalism, Sino-U.S. Hegemonism (16 Jan 80) 40
NVOI Calls for Closer Ties Between Iran, Afghanistan
(17 Jan 80) 40
NVOI Discusses Army, Government Purge (18 Jan 80) 42
NVOI Attacks U.S. Arms Sales, Imperialistic Designs
(18 Jan 80) 42
NVOI Discusses Need for Government Purge (21 Jan 80) 43
NVOI Supports Hasan Habibi for President (21 Jan 80) 44
NVOI Urges Identification of SAVAKists (22 Jan 80) 45
NVOI Calls on Iranians To Support Afghan Revolution
(22 Jan 80) 46
NVOI Scores Islamic Conference To Discuss Afghan Question
(23 Jan 80) 47
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page
NVOI Criticizes Officials' Statements on Soviet Threat
(24 Jan 80) 48
NVOI Discusses Election Day, Subversion (24 Jan 80) 50
NVOI Emphasizes Importance of Presidential Election
(24 Jan 80) 50
NVOI Discusses "Necessity" of Purging Army (25 Jan 80) 51
NVOI Accuses U.S. of Reviving Cold War (25 Jan 80) 51
NVOI Attacks U.S. Imperialism, Conspiracies (26 Jan 80) 53
NVOI Warns Against Counterrevolutionaries (26 Jan 80) 53
NVOI Comments on Radio, Television "Propaganda" (27 Jan 80) 54
NVOI Discusses Struggle Against "Feudalism" (27 Jan 80) 55
NVOI Criticizes Iran's Participation in Islamic Conference
(28 Jan 80) 56
NVOI Comments on Duties of New President (28 Jan 80) 57
NVOI Discusses Increase in U.S. Arms Exports (29 Jan 80) 59
NVOI Attacks U.S. Military Presence in Gulf, Middle East
(29 Jan 80) 59
NVOI Discusses "Just Expectations of Farmers" (30 Jan 80) 60
NVOI Calls for End to Anti-Afghan Activity in Iran
(31 Jan 80) 61
NVOI Discusses "Struggling Students" Demands (31 Jan 80) 62
NVOI Discusses Defense of Islam, Feudalism (1 Feb 80) 63
NVOI Comments on Revolution Guards Corps (2 Feb 80) 64
NVOI Comments on Escape of U.S. Diplomats (2 Feb 80) 64
NVOI Comments on Government Purge, Beijing "Expansionism"
(3 Feb 80) 65
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page
NVOI Discusses Mohammad's Anniversary, Islamabad
Conference (4 Feb 80) 65
NVOI Discusses People's Expectations of President
(5 Feb 80) 67
NVOI Says U.S. Threatening Islam, Muslims (5 Feb 80) 68
NVOI Discusses Revolution's Goals; U.S. Imperialism
(7 Feb 80) 70
NVOI Warns of Imminent Coup by Counterrevolutionaries
(8 Feb 80) ,71
NVOI Discusses People's Expectations of President
(8 Feb 80) 73
NVOI Discusses Egypt, U.S. Threat to Gulf (9 Feb 80) 73
NVOI Discusses Anniversary of Revolution (11 Feb 80) 74
NVOI Comments on "Just Demands of Workers" (12 Feb 80) 75
NVOI Discusses Import of "Unity of Expression" (13 Feb 80) 75
NVOI Says U.S., China Are Enemies of Islam (13 Feb 80) 76
NVOI Comments on U.S.-Chinese Military Cooperation
(13 Feb 80) 77
NVOI Questions Sincerity of U.S. Promises on Hostages
(15 Feb 80) 78
NVOI Discusses CIA as "Tool of Imperialism" (16 Feb 80) 79
NVOI Urges Officials To Follow Imam's Policy (16 Feb 80) 80
NVOI Comments on Shah's Regime, Afghanistan (17 Feb 80) 81
NVOI Discusses Tabriz Insurrection, U.S. Oil Policy
(18 Feb 80) 81
NVOI Comments on Revolution's Goals, Enemies (19 Feb 80) 82
NVOI on Land Reform, Government Purges (20 Feb 80) 83
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page
NVOI Says U.S. Wants To Move Shah to Paraguay (21 Feb 80) 84
NVOI Comments on Anti-American Struggle (21 Feb 80) 85
NVOI Comments on Mobilization, Presidential Vote
(23 Feb 80) 85
NVOI Accuses Carter of Meddling in Iranian Affairs
(24 Feb 80) 86
NVOI Discusses USSR's Lack of Need for Foreign Oil
(24 Feb 80) 87
NVOI Discusses Revolution's Enemies; U.S. Adventurism
(25 Feb 80) 88
NVOI: CIA Protects Afghan Counterrevolutionaries
(26 Feb 80) 89
NVOI Comments on Feudalism; U.S. Imperialism (27 Feb 80) 90
NVOI Discusses Election, Protectors of Assets (28 Feb 80) 91
NVOI Discusses Purges, Aid to Afghan Counterrevolutionaries
(29 Feb 80) 92
NVOI Decries Leniency Toward Counterrevolutionaries
(I Mar 80)
NVOI Rejects Linking Hostages' Release, Commission Inquiry
(1 Mar 80) 94
NVOI Discusses Election, Protectors of Assets (2 Mar 80) 95
National Voice of Iran Discusses Elections, "Feudal Lords"
(3 Mar 80)
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TA232013 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GmT 23 Nov 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Imperialism Is Threatening Our Country"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: By exploiting the pretext Of the detention Of the American
hostages at the U. S. Embassy in Tehran, Washington continues to aggravate conditions in
the environs of our country. The U. S. mass media report that Brzeziniki and U. S.
Secretary of Defense Brown are engaged in reviewing plans for possible military intervention
Parallel with this the Pentagon is reinforcing its military forces in the Persian Gulf
region. The United State's Atlantic Ocean naval forces' representative declared that giant
transport planes are being used to send military helicopters to this region. These
helicopters will be stationed on warships joining the naval task force led by the aircraft
carrier Kitty Hawk, which is heading to the [words indistinct] from the U. S. base in
the Philippines.
The New York TIMES writes that President Carter intends to create a powerful military force
off Iran's coast, and through the arrival of the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk in the
Indian Ocean the United States will attain superiority and supremacy at sea and in the
air. The newspaper adds: This fact makes it possible for the United States to close the
vital sea routes from the Persian Gulf, and to bomb certain targets in Iran from the air.
The newspaper add: Informed military experts [words indistinct] have reported that targets
of airstrikes from the bombing of Iran's oilfields up to the obliteration of the holy
city of Qom have been considered.
LE PARISIEN LIBERE newspaper published in Paris says: Taking into consideration the
political, economic and spiritual consequences of the action of the United States, without
doubt this is the most serious crisis to (?envelop) the East since the Israel-Arab war.
The newspaper writes: The question which is now facing the entire world is this: Will
the Americans resort to military interference in Iran?
It can also be clearly perceived that the problem pertaining to the hostages and the tumult
which has been created is no more than a pretext. This fact is also obvious from the report
published in U. S. newspapers. For example, the Washington POST admits that the overthrow
of the shah was a disaster for the imperialist interests of the United States, and the
New York TIMES reports that the decision to reinforce U. S. naval forces in the Indian
Ocean is an answer to instability in the Islamic world. There is no. doubt that this
newspaper, under the pretext of the so-called instability, has in mind the revolutionary
events in our country and ether countries of the East that have deppived imperialist
monopolies of the possibility of continuing to plunder and loot-that peoples of this region.
It is for this reason that people like Senator Goldwater declare that the United States
should occupy the oilfields of Iran or completely obliterate them so that the Iranians
will die from hunger. It is obvious that at the present stage all these are no more
than psychological warfare. However, as we are observing, the possibility-of the
development of events in a very dangerous direction cannot be ruled out; and here the
duty of all true revolutionary forces of our country is to prevent the fulfillment of
such a hazardous act without reducing their anti-imperialist struggles.
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TA282041 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 28 Nov.79 TA
[Unattributed commentary]
[Text] Dear compatriots: As you are aware, the first meeting of the UN Security Council,
which was called into session by Kurt Waldheim, was convened to discuss the issue of the crisis
in relations between Iran and the United States. Waldheim's letter to the president of the
Security Council stated that all efforts must be exerted by the council members to find a
peaceful solution to the problem. Waldheim pointed out that the Iranian Government wants
the injustices and oppressions which were commited by the deposed shah's regime to be re-
vealed. At the same time, Waldheim added that the United Nations is concerned that the
dangerous [words indistinct] will threaten peace and stability in the Persian Gulf region, and
can have disasterous consequences for the world.
However, as the proceeding of the work of the first meeting of the Security Council showed,
the United States is not interested in discussing the basic problem; that is, the problem of
investigating (?the shah's crimes). The United States wants only the problem of the hostages
to be discussed. Thus the United States is attempting to divorce itself from responsibility,
because it is these anti-Iranian actions of American officials and their tumultuous propa-
ganda which has created the danger of war [jang] in our region and the entire world.
Our homeland justly insists that the Security Council [words indistinct] in reviewing this
problem, and to consider the reasons for the development of the present situation. Among these
reasons are the United States organizing an antinational coup d'etat in 1 953 to overthrow the
national and legal government of Dr Mosaddeq and imposing the domination of the son of Reza
Khan over the Iranian nation. (?From that time) the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and its puppet,
the deposed shah, transformed Iran into a large prison in which the most basic administrative
instrument of the United States was [words indistinct] SAVAK, (?and agents of torture and
After 25 years of plunder and killing, the despoSed shahs regime was overthrown as a
result of the admirable national revolution of the Iranian nation. The shah, leader of
the plunderers of the former regime, in order to escape the claws of the vengeance of
the Iranian nation [words indistinct] started searching for a refuge. The shahs
plundered property in the United States and in other Western countries [words indistinct].
The United States, in complete disregard of the principles of Social justice and inter-
national rights, despite the repeated warning of the Iranian Government, provided refuge
to the deposed and criminal shah, and now in lieu of the just demand of the Iranian
nation [word indistinct] to military threats.
We demand that the shah and other leaders of the former regime be tried and punished in
court. We demand that the wealth which the former shah and his associates plundered
from Iran be returned to the Iranian nation. These are all just and legal demands.
However, in response to these just demands Washington resorts to threats. The United
States: naval forces, headed by the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, are nearing the shores
of our country. The United States has also dispatched the aircraft carrier Midway toward
the Persian Gulf. It is said that several vessels of the United States! 6th Fleet,
including the missile cruiser Albany, have also been dispatched to this area.
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Parallel with the Pentagon's measures in dispatching military forces toward the coast of
/ran, the United States has taken steps to exert pressure on our country in the inter-
national arena. However, (?all these) attempts have had tangible danger for the United
.States. Of course here the taking of the hostages (words indistinct). In this case
the United Nations Organization demands the observance of international agreements
[words indistinct], respect for the immunity of the representatives of countries.
However, generally international solidarity is inclined toward support of the Iranian
people and their just demands. The freezing of Iran's currency reserves in the United
States and the military threats of the Pentagon to bomb our country's strategic regions
have met with repugnance and condemnation throughout the whole world.
Even the American newspaper CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR writes: Although Iran is being
criticized with regard to its actions in respect to the problem of the hostages, however,
[words indistinct] the delegations at the United Nations do not support the United States.
The Washington POST writes: Diplomats at the United Nations are extremely concerned and
annoyed at the attempts of the United States [words indistinct] their support in the
disputes which, according to many of them, Washington itself created first by its deep
solidarity with the deposed shah and later by granting him refuge in the United States.
As you are aware, the Security Council's meeting has teen postponed until 1 December.
We declareonce more that the significant thing for our country in the disputes and
struggle against U.S. Imperialism is the problem regarding the crimes of the deposed
shah and the (?policy) of those Who supported him in the past and who now have placed
him under their protective umbrella.
TA301944 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 OMT 30 Nov 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary]
[Excerpt] It was by imitating this great liberal man of Muslim history [Imam Husayn] that
during the dark days when the specter of the evil domination of the regime of the deposed
Mohammad Reza had embraced out country with its infernal organization, that our nation's
brave sons confronted the fully armed forces of that regime with their chests, and through
the power of faith and sacrifice overthrew the palace of oppression of Mohammad Reza Khan.
(?Now) the brave sons of the Iranian nation are prepared for sacrifice in order to defend
freedom and liberty of (?mankind), to safeguard the revolution's gains, their independence
and national prestige, and to confront the oppressors of the era and the violators of the
Iranian nation's rights. The Iranian nation sacrificed its best sons as martyrs towa,'d
attaining freedom and overthrowing the palace of oppression and corruption of the satanic
regime, and today it has the right to call to trial the killer of its sons and the
plunderer of its national riches.
The Iranian nation is not at war with any nation, including the American nation, and
respects the justified interests of all nations. However, our nation at the same time
has the right to expect reciprocal respect from others toward its interests, honor and
national sovereighty. Our nation was never and is not now opposed to resolving an issue
which has been created as a result of recent events and which is due to the fault of
imperialism. However, this is also a fact; those who have created such problems by
supporting [words indistinct], should sincerely take steps toward resolving them.
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They should not speak from a position of strength, and should not through
obstinancy and stubbornness, hurt further the feelings of a nation which
gave so many martyrs. The school of Husayn is the school of freedom and
the crusade against oppression and aristocracy, and the inspiration of all
freedom seekers.
TA032007 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT
3 Dec 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Social Justice Must Be Restored"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: It is expected that the UN Security Council
meeting will intervene to deal with relations between Iran and the United
States. The Soviet representative at the United Nations organization
said that the Security Council should act in such a way as to aid in a
speedy and real resolution of the problem.
He also pointed out that in this context the inclination of the Iranian
people to establish social justice--trampled by the former regime--should
definitely be taken into consideration. We consider these statements of
the Soviet representative at the United Nations organization as further
evidence of our northern neighbor's support for our nation's admirable
revolution, and of that country's understanding of the wishes of the
Iranian people.
Our people demand only the establishment of social justice. However, in
response to this just demand of the people, the United States threatens
our country with resorting to military force. With all its actions,
Washington only confirms the nature of U.S. imperialism. During many
years, the ruling circles of the United States of America have ignored
the will of the masses, and by all-round support for dictatorial regimes
they have planned and implemented fascist coup d'etats in countries where
national and democratic regimes existed. However, the masses of numerous
countries have proved that American domination is not eternal, and the
revolution of our country's people is a clear and obvious example of this
The events of Iran have shown that the myth of U.S. superiority--which
allegedly is able to implement whatever it wishes in any part of the
world--has been ended. The dimension of hostility toward the policy of
the United States is expanding day by day throughout the world even in
countries which until recently were considered pro-American. Everywhere
the people are understanding the true situation, including the problem
dealing with the extradition of the shah. It is obvious to all that it
is not due to allegedly humanitarian feelings at all that the United
States of America is not extraditing the shah to Iran. If the Americans
were really humanitarians, they would not have said, for example, that for
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the sake of a. number of spies they are ready to have 35 million Iranians
boycotted economically, so that they would die of hunger, or by lighting
the flame of war to plunge their country, our country and numerous other
countries into dust and blood. It is obvious here that the problem is not
(?humanitarianism) for several reasons. One of these and probably the
most important is that the ruling circles of the United States of America
know to what crimes they have resorted in our country through the hand of
the traitorous and criminal shah. Now they can understand in Washington
where the implementation of such a policy leads. The leaders of the U.S.
should rest assured that if from now on they still continue with their
imperialist policy, the wave of hatred, repulsion and hostility toward
the United States of America will develop and expand throughout the world.
During these days news has arrived from the United States that the son of
Reza Khan has left the New York hospital and has headed toward Texas in
a U.S. military plane in order allegedly to spend his convalescence period
in an air force hospital. It has also become obvious that at the request
of the traitorous shah, the United States is attempting to find for him a
permanent place of residence. However, even if the shah leaves the United
States of America for another country, the problem pertaining to his extra?
dition and the responsibility of the United States of America in this
?connection will not vanish. The justice which was trampled upon by the
shah's prostitute [khodforukhteh] regime must be restored.
TA042013 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 4 Dec 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "U.S. Policy From the Viewpoint of Americans"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The UN Security Council is continuing with its reviews of the
critical situation which has arisen in relations between our country and the United
States. In last night's meeting of the council, the participants in the debate expressed
concern regarding the plans of the United States to resolve this problem through military
According to world news agencies, 21 warships of the U.S. Navy are at present deployed
in the vicinity of our country's southern coast. Among these warships are aircraft carriers
on whose decks 350 planes are stationed. The New York TIMES writes: At present 4 U.S.
aircraft carriers are deployed at such a.distance from Tehran that the U.S. can hit
Tehran from the decks of these vessels, and approximately after one week the number of such
U.S. warships which can have Tehran within their range will reach five. The planes stationed
in these vessels are able to destroy the whole of Iran, and at the same time these attacks
can be launched either from the Mediterranean.Sea region or the Arabian Sea. These were
the exact words of the New York TIMES.
While noting the dangerous situation which has arisen, the speakers at last night's session
of the UN Security Council stressed: The threat which has been directed toward the WOrld's
peace and security must be averted by negotiation and through peaceful means. In the draft
resolution which was presented by Nigeria and other member countries of the nonalined
movement, the necessity of such an attitude was emphasized, these countries believe that
the Security Council must above all confirm the principle of resolving disputes through
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peaceful means and avoiding resort to military threats in resolving international disputes.
In the view of these countries the Security council must at the same time also reaffirm its
support of the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of countries, and
unconditional respect for (?international rights) and diplomatic immunity.
In this [word indistinct], according to reports by the centers of the world's news agencies,
it is not clear why in the draft of this resolution there is no mention of establishing
a commission that should review the issue of the trampling of human rights in Iran during the
period of the deposed shah's domination. The Kuwaiti representative insisted on the estab-
lishment of such a commission during the previous session of the Security Council. It is
said that the draft resolution will be debated at the session of the Security Council which
is expected to be held today.
In New York, the remarks by UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim on CEO television have
attracted attention. Kurt Waldheim declared that his repeated telephone discussions with
Mr gotzbadeh, our country's foreign minister, have given him the impression that the
leaders of Iran are interested inresolving the crisis in relations with the United States
through negotiations. It is stated in political circles that this fact by itself is evidence
of the sense of responsibility in the attitude of our country's leaders [words indistinct]
which has grave perils for peace and security not only in our region but in the world.
No doubt the UN organization should consider the legal charges of the Iranian nation against
the deposed shah. [words indistinct] American official who at present have been criticized
by the Americans themselves for their support of the deposed shah should pay attention
to this statement. It suffices to consider the remarks by one of America's prominent
poliLioi iigures, raunely, mr Edward Kennedy. In his remarks, he Stressed that the shah
was at the head of one of the cruelest regimes in the history of mankind, and during the
most difficult circumstances he resorted terror against his nation and violated human
rights. He added, how can the united States be exonerated from granting refuge to an
individual who wishes to live in this country with billions of plundered money from Iran?
TA052013 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1739 GMT 5
[Unattributed commentary: "Which Persons Violate International Rights")
[Text] Dear compatriots: The UN Security
international forum, expressed its opinion
should be resolved through peaceful means.
emphasized that both sides should show the
fronting the situation which has arisen.
Dec 79 TA
Council, by reflecting the views of this
that our country's disputes with the U.S.
A resolution approved by the council
utmost restraint and patience in con;..
Today, we are all becoming aware that despite the fact that only coolness, restraint
and patience can lead to the resolution of the crisis, the United States continues to
intensify its pressure on our country. As we know the Pentagon has moved the United
States' big warships closer to the southern coast of [word indistinct]. Everything
indicates that the disputes have gone beyond the problem of the hostages, and are
taking the shape of the most dangerous consequences. It is being observed that they
want to exploit the affair of the American Embassy as a pretext to implement a new
conspiracy against our country. It is for this reason that Washington refuses to carry
out the demand of the Iranian nation for the return of billions of dollars of the
former shah's plundered property, and in addition to this it claims that the standards
of international law have been violated by Iran.
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Of course by taking hostage of employees of an embassy is a violation of international
morales, and should this matter be confronted with a sense of responsibility by [words
indistinct] it can be resolved in the interests of the Iranian nation's revolution.
Nevertheless, as Ayatollah Beheshti pointed out, Iran demands the extradition of the shah
Without any kind of connection with the hostages; however, the valid principle of the
immunity of diplomatic employees cannot be a (?pretext) for absolving the violation of
another valid principle, namely the violation of the national sovereignty and indepenQ
dance of a country.
Our country's national forces resolutely demand that the shah be put on trial in a
Supreme Revolutionary Court in our homeland and be punished for innumerable crimes, as
a result of which thousands and thousands of our brothers and sisters were killed. The
shah and his family plundered and.transfered abroad our country's national wealth and
for more than 30 years, and he is responsible for all these plunderings. At the same
time, the interests of our country dictate that the incident pertaining to the U.S.
Embassy should not be allowed to remain as a pretext for a dangerous military conspiracy
against Iran.
TA072114 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 7 Dec 79 TA
(Unattributed commentary: "In the Present Conditions Nothing Is More Vital to the
Iranian Nation Than Unity"]
[Text] Dear mpatriots: The clashes of two groups resulted in an unpleasant incident
in Qom, and [words indistinct] it has aroused a Just concern among our public and among
the national and progressive forces faithful to the revolution. We are in such sensitive,
historic conditions that any kind of (?superficial) confrontation over the country's
acute problems, any kind of haste and pursuance of emotions only could result in an
irreparable disaster.
We are facing certain sensitive conditions in which the revolution's internal and
external enemies--from the regime's remnants and SAVAKists and a handful of wealthy
plunderers to their overseas masters--have mobilized all their forces to eliminate the
gains of the Iranian nation's revolution. Without a doubt, in such circumstances any
kind of measure by any kind of group, party and organization without regard to the nature
of events and without regard to the provocations and conspiracies of the revorution's
enemies will result in the weakening of the forces faithful to the revolution and the
revolution's leaders.
If we make the contents of the messages of Imam Khomeyni and his great eminence Ayatollah
ShariIat-Madari as a basis for judgement, we reach the conclusion that certain dirty
hands have started moving in these sensitive, historic moments to create a rift among
our homeland's people. Imam Khomeyni, in his message, by drawing the attention of the
Iranian nation to the sensitivity of the period of anti-imperialist struggles', stresses
that it is necessary that the strata stand united and with one voice against the great
enemy, and not hand a (?pretext) to the agents of the aliens and to the corrupt roots of
the. followers of the former regime. The imam rightly points out: It is heard that
certain individuals unaware of the depth of issues and under the influence of the 111-
intentioned create disturbances, and, God forbid, they cause division and discord. The
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imam, with his usual sincerity, bluntly addresses the Iranian nation saying: The incident
which has come about at the home of his great eminence Ayatollah Sharilat-Madari was at
the hands of the conspirators and should be condemned, and you should be alert that the
conspirators do not repeat such incidents. The imam requests the entire people to avoid
(?differences) at this sensitive time.
In his message, his great eminence Ayatollah Sharilat-Madari also emphasizes the same
fact. His great eminence Ayatollah Sharilat-Madari justly states: By taking into con-
sideration [word indistinct] the present sensitive and critical conditions, when the
country is in need of calm and unity of expression, it is possible that certain indivi-
duals will become involved in events and that elements associated with imperialism will
create undesirable and irreparable incidents that will result into unpleasant incidents.
A brief look at the contents of the above-mentioned messages reveals the fact that the
revolution's enemies are not sitting idle. The wily enemies of the Iranian nation4s.
revolution have long exerted all their efforts to create [words indistinct] and discord a
among the various strata and among our masses and to strike a blow at the revolution and
its gains. These [enemies] who have repeatedly shown their (?clear) hostility toward the
recognition of the rights of ethnic minorities, in order to implement their devilish
aims and to strike at the revolution's gains, are now attempting to lead the Just strug-
gles of our country's ethnic minorities onto the path which the counterrevolution and
imperialism desires and onto the path of weakening the positions of the leaders of the
Iranian nation's revolution. These [enemies], who for years showed their inherent hos-
tility toward freedom and liberty of conscience, now are claiming to be supporters of
In short, the revolution's enemies and the elements of imperialism conspire against the
revolution in every place according to the prevailing conditions and in a certain way.
In the face of these conspiracies, which usually are carried out under the deceitful cover
of the so-called defense of freedom or the defense of national rights and so forth, one
must be awake and vigilant. In conditions of the struggle against imperialism nothing
is more vital and important to the Iranian nation than unity of word and action. One must
give a positive response to the call of the revolution's leaders and to the great religious
figures. Steps should be taken toward solidarity and unity. It is in the shadow of
unity and [word indistinct] that the country's problems can be resolved.
TA092126 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani
to Iran at 1745 GMT on 9 December broadcasts a commentary , "Unity of Action of Revolu-
tionary Forces In Current Necessity," saying that with the endorsement of the Constitu-
tion of the Islamic Republic of Iran, "the nation entered the stage of reformation arid
of strengthening and expanding its achievements." The commentary then warns against
conspiracies "by the domestic and foreign enemies of the revolution at this serious and
important stage" and urges "all the people, all the national and democratic forces and
all political and ethnic groups and organizations to unite against the revolution's
overt and covert and internal and external enemies on a united front and to maintain
unity of word and action by exercising a greater measure of revolutionary vigilance."
The commentary says: "As is seen, our enemies are united; so, in our struggle with
the enemies, we must further close our ranks and strengthen our unity. Only if this is
done can revolution triumph over counterrevolution."
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The. commentary then stresses that the revolution succeeded as a result of the nations
united struggle. After noting that the revolution eradicated all the work of the shah's
defunct regime, the commentary says: "All classes and groups and organizations that
played a great role in the achievement of the aims of the revolutionary struggle should
benefit from the revolution. To accomplish that they should strengthen and expand the
revolution by working together. The fulfillment of this great task falls upon the
authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran." The commentary says the new order estab-
lished in the country should serve the people's interests. It says, however, that "there
are elements in the state mechanism who either disregard Imam Khomeynits directives or
act against the aims of the revolution," and that this calls for "a great purge in
state organizations."
The commentary concludes: "The state organizations should be turned over to reliable
officials who are loyal to the revolution. This vital task can be achieved only through
the unity of word and action of all revolutionary forces."
TA102006 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in persian to Iran 1730 GMT 10 Dec 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "The Present Sensitive Conditions and the Duty of Every
Committed Crusader"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The regrettable events of Qom cannot but gradually arouse
the concern of every Iranian interested in the independence and freedom of the country.
We all know!that during the referendum days of 2 and 3 December more than 99 percent
of the voters voted in favor of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Voting in favor of the constitution, as a whole, was a national and an imperative
matter, since as the leader of the Iranian Revolution, Imam Khoraeyni, also stressed
that the rectifications of the shortcomings of the constitution is possible in the
supplement of that law.
Por this reason making the shortcomings of the Constitution as alibi, even if these
shortcomings are serious, and following that by refraining from voting for them,
cannot be justified for any reason, particularly in conditions where imperialism and
remnants of the former regime are openly engaged in conspiracy and provocation against
the gains of the victorious revolution of the Iranian nation and even harbor the wish
to return to conditions as in the past.-4 wish which they will take with them to the
grave. The duty of all national and progressive forces is to strengthen the republican
system in the country.
In such sensitive conditions, the duty of every patriot and everyone interested in
Iran's freedom and independence is to safeguard the gains of the Iranian nation's
revolution, and this matter is not possible except with unity of word and action. The
leader of the Iranian Revolution, Imam Khomeyni, every day calls the people of our
homeland, parties, groups and committed political and religious organizations to unity
of word and action. The imam rightly says that it was this unity and.alliance of the
free Iranian people that secured the revolution's victory, and only by relying on
unity, Unity of word and action of the country's people, can we neutralize and foil
the intrigue and conspiracies of the enemies, and even their military attack.
The imam rightly says that if, God forbid, the enemy succeeds in infiltrating and
creating discord among the people and those who demand freedom and independence, the
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Iranian nation's victorious revolution wilInbe facing danger. The revolution is one
of the most complicated forms of class battle. Every individual interested in the
revolution and its gains must fully comprehend his responsibility in these historical
conditions for our country. It is the only line of action that can secure a decisive
victory of the second stage of the revolution, namely victory over imperialism and
the task of reconstruction, and that is all-round support of the positive aspects
of the political leadership of the revolution.
The Iranian nation's revolution was to liberate the country from the domination of
imperialism and to free millions of Iranians deprived and toilers, and Imam Khomeyni,
the leader of the Iranian Revolution, defends this stand.
ln the face of the holy crusade of the Iranian nation, imperialism and the remnants of
the regime of the deposed Mohammad Reza, are engaged in provocation, conspiracy and
aggressive acts.. Western news agencies acknowledge that at present imperialism has
mobilized more than 40,000 elements of the former regime in Israel, Egypt and Jordan,
so that they will take action to implement the satanic schemes of the Pentagon and
the CIA against Iran. They say that in Tehran itself armed supporters of the deposed
shah are also lying in wait and are waiting to receive instructions from their masters
in the Pentagon.
Imperialism and remnants of the former regime are prepared to take any criminal and con-
demned action in order to lead the Iranian Revolution into bloodshed. Nearly 10 months
have passed since the revolution's victory. During this time, to what conspiracies,
provocations and plots against the Iranian nation did the counterrevolution and imperialism
not resort to? Now we also see that imperialism, the Pentagon and the CIA are threatening
our homeland with their military interference, and their warships have anchored in the
waters near our homeland.
It is only by comprehending the sensitivity of this situation of the country and imple-
menting the recommendations of the leader of the revolution, Imam Khomeyni, that one can
confront such a great danger.
It is only through unity of word and action and by recognizing the primary aim of the
Iranian nation and the Iranian Revolution in our present conditions that one is able
to confront the danger of the threat and the aggression of imperialism decisively.
The duty of every patriotic Iranian Interested in the destiny and the gains of the
Iranian Revolution, who demands freedom and independence, is to preserve the
strengthening of unity of word and action, and to be organized into a single and
united front against imperialism and remnants of the former regime, resorting any
measure that results In weakening the revolution's leadership must be avoided with
all power.
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TA111820 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 11 December broadcasts a commentary entitled "Independence-Breaking Agreements
of the Former Regime With the United States Must Be Abrogated." It says:
Through the former regime, the United States imposed more than 1,000 independence-breaking
agreements and treaties, in the military, political and economic spheres, over our country.
While 9 months have passed since the revolution's victory, these agreements are still in
effect. During this period, not only was no measure taken to abrogate these agreements,
but despite the explicit demand of the people and the repeated promises of the government,
they have not even been published. This state of affairs can not but arouse the concern of
the people. Until the day that these agreements are abrogated, the Iranian Revolution will
still face danger. If the text of these agreements is published, the people will see with
their own eyes the different forms of the violation of the country's independence. The
true revolutionary forces demand the publication of the complete text of all the agreements
oonoluded by the former regime with imperialist countries, and the declaration of the
abrogation of all independence-breaking agreements.
NVOI broadcasting in Azerbaijani carries this commentary at 1745 GMT on 11 December..
GF191036 [Editorial Report GF] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Azarbayjani to Iran
at 1745 GMT on 18 December carries a commentary entitled: "The People and the Need for a
National Army." Noting that the "Iranian nation dumped the monarchic regime into the
dustbin of history and by introducing a new constitution established a legitimate monarchic
regime on the wreckage of monarchy," it stresses the need for the "establishment of an arm
army radically different than that of the shah's army." It says that "a people's national
army is the current need," and adds: "The army should be an army of the people and should
defend the revolution's interests." The commentary criticizes "those elements who are
still attached to the type of the army which existed during the shah's rule and who want
to maintain that type of army under the guise of anational army." It says: "Millions of
people want the dissolution of the shah's army and the creation of a people's national
army--an army divorced from the influence of imperialism and Zionism, one inspired by
patriotism and humanism." In this context it adds: "No one can deny the historic truth
that the Marxists, along with all the revolutionary forces, fought against the shah's
regime and that regime's fully armed forces, and today, too, they are loyally maintaining
their struggle for the survival of the revolution. People are rightly saying that the
Islamic army cannot be converted into a people's army until the shah's army, which was
created, trained and armed in order to crush the popular movement and to act as the gendarme
in; the region, is substantially reorganized and purged of all elements of the defunct regime."
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TA202020 [Editorial Report TAJ The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to
Iran at 1730 GMT on 20 December carries a commentary "The Main Aspects in the Present
Stage of the Revolution," which says: "The relentless and continuous struggle against
imperialism and the severing of the roots of ?tS deadly influence constitutes the main
aspect of the second stage of the Iranian nation's glorious revci%Ition." During this
stage of the revolution we not only must confront the counterrevolution from within,
but also the world-devourers and international plunderers who sucked the blood of the
Iranian nation for scores of years. Western monopolies through hundreds of financial,
economic, military and cultural agreements made all affairs of the Iranian society
dependent on them.
TA212015 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 21 Dec 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "An Example of International Solidarity"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: According to reports from Panama--a country Which has granted
a residence permit to the deposed shah--with the entrance of Mohammed Reza to that territory
an extensive wave of protests has engulfed the whole of Panama. No day has passed without
confrontation and clashes occurring between the demonstrators and the police, and especially
Panama's National Guard. Even the [name indistinct] newspaper, which publishes the
opinions of Panama's government circles, acknowledges that the shah's entrance into
the country with his money in the millions will create many dangerous problems.
One cannot but agree with this prediction of the Panamanian newspaper. For even now the.
Government of Panama in connection with its decision to settle the deposed shah is facing
difficulties arising from the struggles of the people Which could create grave consequences
for the Panamanian authorities in the future. The authorities and the government officials
of Panama, parallel with putting forth the groundless statement that they have allegedly
carried out this measure only for humanitarian reasons, do not hide this fact either: _
They are eyeing with hope the enormous wealth of the deposed Mohammad 'Reza, Which can
aid bhe country's economic prosperity. Panama's rightist newspapers say frankly that at
the beginning of next January, the shah's close financial advisers will come to Panama
in order to review the possibility or huge investments in the country's economy.
As is being perceived, there is no question of humanitarianism or altruism in granting
permission to the shah to enter and reside in Panama. Rather, the primary objective
is to have a share of the vast wealth Which the deposed shah has plundered from the Iranian
nation. It is not without reason that the people, especially the youth and the enthusiastic
students of this country, have rejected the claims of the ruling circles and are
intensifying their struggles against the presence of the deposed shah in Panama. In the
capital of Panama, the struggling students and the people are demanding in the course3of
their demonstrations that the government authorities expel the deposed shah from the country.
The act of the Government of Panama in settling the deposed shah on the island of
Contadora has also been severely criticized by some political parties. One of Panama's
liberal parties, in a special statement,' declared that we do not want the shah to reside
in our country. The presence of the shah in our country is disgusting to the people of
Panama. Despite the measures of the police and the Panamanian Government, the scope of
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the protests' of that country's people against the shah's residence is attaining greater
dimensions. The affair has reached such a stage that Panamanian Government officials
have even expelled all correspondents who had gone to the island of Contadora on the
occasion of the deposed shah's entry. However, these measures of the police and the
Government of Panama are not achieving the desired result, and the struggles of the
people to expel the deposed shah from Panama have-intensified, and are engulfing other
strata and classes.
The Federation of Panamanian Students, in a statement Which-'demanded the expulsion of
the deposed shah from the country, rightly called the deposed shah a criminal Who is
responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iranian men and women. Observers
stress that the struggles of the people of Panama against the deposed shah's entry into
their country is an example of international solidarity with the anti-imperialist struggles
of the Iranian nation, Which demands the extradition of the shah and the return of his
plundered property to the Iranian nation. By taking into consideration the difficulties
and problems which the Panamanian Government is at present confronting as a result of
the intensification of the struggles of the nation's people against the residence of
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, observers believe that this might not be the last place of
residence for the deposed shah, Who has been driven away from every place. Yes. .For
the traitorous Mohammad Reza, for someone whose hand is soiled to the elbow with the
blood of hundreds of thousands of the best sons of our nation, Who is now striving to
find a safehaven to continue his disgraceful life with the tensof billions of dollars
Which he looted from the Iranian nation, there must not be a haven anywhere in the world.
Mohammad Reza Phalavi is a criminal and an international gangster, and should be
delivered to the Iranian nation in order to be tried and punished for the crimes and
treacheries he committed against the Iranian nation and country.
Our homeland's liberated people are grateful to the Panamanian people Who, despite the
pressures of the police and the government, are struggling to expel the deposed Mohammad
Reza from their country, and hope that all nations of the world will render their help
with such international solidarity to the just struggles of our nation in unmasking U.S.
imperialism and the deposed shah.
NVOI on Amir Entezam
TA211913 [Editorial Report TA] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to
Iran at 1730 GMT on 21 December carries a commentary, "A Warning to the Leaders of the
Revolution," Which says that the report of the discovery of certain documents by the
student followers of the imam's policy regarding the connection and cooperation of Mr
Amir Entezam with the CIA did not cause much of a surprise to many of the true and
revolutionary parties and groups. When the people were fighting the forces of the fbrmer
regime with their bare hands, a certain group, on the orders of their CIA masters, put
on the masks of revolutionaries and attempted to get closer to the leaders of the
revolution. It must be acknowledged that to some extent these CIA stooges succeeded in
implementing their evil designs and occupied sensitive government positions. "It is
said that Amir Entezam's mission was to occupy the post of Iran's ambassador to the United
States at any price, in order to better implement the assignment with Which the CIA had
entrusted him and his colleagues." "The documents regarding the cooperation of Amir -
Entezam with the CIA are a warning to the leaders of the revolution. We have repeatedly
stated and repeat again: The revolution must not and cannot be joked with." In
implementing the imam's orders to purge government organizations of CIA agents and
remnants of the former regime, revolutionary and decisive action should be taken.
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GF231846 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 22 Dec 79
(Unattributed commentary: "The Exposure of a CIA Agent")
(Text) At last one of the CIA's servants in Iran's government, Amir Entezam, has been
captured. His capture was among ,the big successes of those seeking freedom and
independence for our country.
A former deputy prime minister of the provisional government of the Islamic Republic
of Iran and subsequently Iranian ambassador to Sweden, Amir Entezam has been[ arrested
Ga a CIA spy. Documents in hand confim that Amir Entezam permitted CIA activities
and cooperated with that organization after the victory of the Iranian Revolution.
The documents show that during his deputy premiership and later ambassadorship he
worked with all his might for so-called friendly relations between the United States
and Iran and to renew the United States' deadly rule in Iran.
With reference to not so distant events in our country, we recall (?people) like Amir
Entezam among government authorities confronted immediately after our nation's revolution
with the majority's categorical dissatisfaction and even the disappointment of many of
the revolutionis faithful. Progressive parties and several newspapers and magazines
of our country exposed high individuals in the provisional government and asked for
their expulsion from the revolution and from government offices. Several of our country's
newspapers in those early days exposed members of the cabinet, including this very
Mr Amir Entezam, as CIA spies.
But unfortunately, as we know, in spite of statements by leader of the revolution Imam
Khomeini that the free people of Iran must purge all foundations of the revolution and
national and military organizations of counterrevolutionary elements and CIA spies,
unknown hands were trying to place those elements in the government and were successful
to some extent, Everyone remembers well the fervent speeches by the same Mr Amir
Entezam as the official spokesman of the provisional government portraying himself as
a supporter of the Iranian Revolution. All of us also recall very clearly that these
Amir Entezaam, while professing support for the revolution and for struggle against
imperialism, particularly U.S. imperialism, defended their American masters' interests
and to some extent were successful.
Imam Khomeyni has done his best to expel imperialism, and primarily U.S. imperialism,
and is struggling along this path to this day. Do we realize that it was the same
Amir Entezam and his close friends who did not allow even one of the agreements with
the United States to be canceled? In the end these gentlemen were openly defending the
imperialist United States' interests, equating the military agreements with the United
States with the country's interests. The same Mr Amir Entezam repeatedly spoke in
defense of bilateral agreements with the United States and, for some hollow and
ridiculous reasons, considered the continued purchase of U.S. weapons for our freed
country as necessary. The impudent CIA officials in government institutions reached
the extent that some Iranian-U.S. military agreements reached by the Bakhtiar
government were accepted and it was announced: We do not count these as canceled.
Even after his appointment as ambassador to Sweden Amir Entezam did not for a moment
give up his attempts to restore U.S. imperialist rule in Iran. This is totally clear
from his interviews in Stockholm. Maybe Amir Entezam did not imagine that he would be
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disgraced so soon, but the gentlemen officials must know that they will be
exposed sooner or later.
The free people of our country have arisen, under the leadership of Imam
Khomeyni, for the true independence and freedom of the country. They have
sacrificed thousands of their children along this path. Now they have
arisen for the third part of this revolution, which is against imperialism.
It is in this period of the revolution that our country must be liberated
in the true sense and must be freed from the deadly agitation of imperialism
and its helpers politically, militarily, economically, culturally, socially
and in every other way.
GF250800 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran
1745 GMT 23 Dec 79 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "No Leniency Must Be Shown the CIA and Imperialist
[Text] Dear compatriots: The Iranian Revolution leader Imam Khomeyni, in a
statement to (?students), exposed imperialism's plots and provocations and
its military and economic (?aims) in the country. He said that there are
people here who want the revival of U.S. power and that these people, at a
time when our nation opposes the United States, have maintained their rela-
tions with that country. Khomeyni said there are people who want to foil
the realization of the Islamic Republic with the help of their masters.
Exposure of the fact that some people have been maintaining secret
cooperation with imperialism has wounded the hearts of Imam Khomeyni and of
all those loyal to the homeland's revolution.
Imam Khomeyni stated that certain people, despite U.S. imperialism's con-
spiracies, provocations, plots and economic and military threats, have been
trying to reestablish that imperialism's fatal domination of the country.
The undeniable fact is that Iran's fighting and freedom-loving people arose
in order to liberate the country from imperialism and its underhanded regime.
The people insured the victory of the first phase of the revolution at the
cost of the blood of thousands of the country's loyal and innocent children.
Thus was imperialism's underhanded regime ousted.
In these historic times our country faces the major task of destroying all
imperialist nests and securing the country's political, economic, military
and cultural freedom. One must state with great regret, however, that
enemies of the revolution and agents of the CIA and the Pentagon have
increased their imperialist and counterrevolutionary activities in the
country by infiltrating sensitive authoritative organizations.
Since the triumph of the revolution, revolutionary leader Imam Khomeyni has
stressed the supreme importance of the struggle for liberation and
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independence. He said that, along with the overthrow of the despotic
regime, imperialism's hands in the country should also be cut off. The
fact is, however, that those who were related to U.S. imperialism and the
defunct regime's remnants, those who occupied and still occupy influential
positions, have never believed and will never believe in the solutions out-
lined by Iranian Revolution leader Imam Khomeyni. Their view is that in a
society where exploitation and despotism prevailed one cannot fight against
both, and that in order to achieve freedom and independence one should first
eliminate despotism with the help of a foreign power and then launch the
struggle against exploitation and foreign forces. This, they argue, should
?be -achieved through step-by-step struggle.
For a revolution whose primary aim is to achieve freedom and independence
for" the country, such a line of struggle cannot achieve results and cannot
satisfy true revolutionaries. The fact is that those who believe that a
step-by-step struggle should be waged against domination are those who had
drawn their foreign policy within the framework of "joint" interests of
Iran and the United States. These people, in their endeavor to establish
close relations with the United States, went so far as to become lackeys
and agents of the Pentagon and the CIA.
One must admit with regret that there are still a great number of unexposed
Pentagon and CIA agents. Those who are trying with all their power to
revive U.S. power in the country are closely related to imperialism,
Zionism and the CIA. Imam Khomeyni has described such people as disgraceful.
The nation is following the path outlined by the imam, and it goes without
saying that agents of the Pentagon and the CIA must be eradicated from the
country if that path is to lead to victory. The achievement of this aim
also requires abandonment of the policy of leniency toward imperialist and
counterrevolutionary agents.
TA262004 [Editorial Report TA) The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to
Iran at 1730 GMT on 26 December carries two commentaries: The first, entitled "An
Example of the Counterrevolution's Provocations", says that lately the counterrevolution
has been striving to distort the facts and to divert our homeland's public opinion. It
is attempting to mislead public opinion and even the opinion of the leaders of the
revolution. "In this respect the top secret document of the General Staff of the Army
of the Islamic Republic of Iran which was recently published in Tehran has rightly
aroused the concern of all the people and all the true forces of the revolution.
In this document, which is top secret and which is entitled "Analysis", the issue of
the possibility of military clashes between Iran and Iraq is allegedly reviewed.
The authors of this analysis write: If such a confrontation occurs, allegedly the Soviet
Union, Democratic 'Yemen, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Afghanistan and India and also the communist
countries of Eastern Europe, that iR, all the true friends of the revolution of the
Iranian nation--will directly or. indirectly side with Iraq." However, this so-called
analysis is intended to distort the facts and to divert public opinion, as the authors
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cannot but observe the "conspiracies of U.S. imperialism, the Saudis, the As-Sadats and
the Qabuses against Iran, on the one hand, the the sincere support and solidarity with
the Iranian Revolution of the socialist countries, and foremost the Soviet Union, and the
progressive countries such as India, Syria, Democratic Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan, on
the Other. They observe this fact.
However, stating this fact is not to their benefit, to the benefit Of their American and
British masters, and to the benefit of the remnants of the-former regime of the SAVAKists."
The evaluation of these elements is wrong. "Neither the nation's imam nor the Iranian
nation can be diverted by means of these SAVAKist analyses inspired by the CIA and Mossad
from the true path of struggle against U.S. imperialitm, and neither can they be separated
from the true friends of the Iranian Revolution." In these sensitive times we again
draw the attention of the Revolution Council to the imarals recommendation that a wide
purge be carried out to rid all civil and military organizations of the presence of the
regime's remnants and SAVAKists.
The second commentary, entitled "Let Us Act Decisively Against the Counterrevolution", says
that the publication of the report concerning the unmasking and arrest of Jamshid Iranpur,
the capitalist associated with U.S. imperialism, and a person who amassed a vast amount
or wealth by plundering the Iranian people, has once again confirmed the statements of the
true revolutionary forces that U.S. imperialism, utilizing its agents, is interfering in
our country's internal affairs. However, what can definitely be said about this capitalist
is that by handing out large amounts of bribes and making deals with some of the responsible
officials in the former provisional government, and exploiting the clergy, he succeeded
in becoming a member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Revolution of Esfahan.
Although the report concerning his membership in this committee has been denied, neverthe-
less this denial cannot alter the nature of the fact that he was able to infiltrate
government organizations and Islamic institutions. Here we are not talking only about
Jamshid Iranpur. Rather, the important part of the affair is that, according to the
explicit acknowledgment of official sources, a large number of elements associated with
imperialism and Zionism, remnants of the former regime and bloodthirsty SAVAKists have
succeeded, by changing color, in infiltrating the revolution committees and the Revolution
Guards Corps and using them against the Iranian Revolution's course.
From the beginning of the revolution the national and revolutionary forces demanded the
purge of such traitors from government organizations. However, this vital and crucial
matter has not been implemented up to now, and every day we see the conspiracies and
intrigues of the counterrevolution in every corner of the country. "The rightful and
Just demand of our homeland's people is that the conspiracies of the counterrevolution,
SAVAKists and remnants of the former regime be crushed with revolutionary vigilance, in
order that the revolution's goals be implemented."
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TA272038 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 27 Dec 79 TA
(Unattributed commentary: "The Strengthening of Our Friendly Relations With Afghanistan
Is to the Benefit of Both Countries"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: In conditions where our homeland's people have launched a crusade
to attain true political, economic, cultural and military independence, and for the sake
of terminating the unchallenged domination of imperialism, our homeland is more than ever
in need of friendship, cordiality and solidarity with all the progressive countries,
particularly with neighboring countries. Afghanistan is one of our country's neighboring
states with which the strengthening of friendship, cordiality and good-neighborly
relations is to the benefit of both countries-. After. the triumph of the national and
democratic revolution in Afghanistan [words indistinct] the former shah's regime did
not shrink from any kind of conspiracy and provocations against the new order in Afghan-
istan. It was on the basis of this hostile policy of the former regime that, unfortunately,
after the victory of our nation's revolution also, at first no attention was paid to the
reality of the situation and later, due to [word indistinct] and misunderstandings,
relations between the two countries became strained.
The experience of recent months has shown that [words indistinct] only the enemies of
both nations, namely the imperialists and their elements, are exploiting this situation
for their evil aims.
Fortunately in our country at present [words indistinct] the true revolution forces,
and many of the [wor' -ndistinct] personalities have come to believe in this principle
that an end should-be put to this situation, and the ancient relations of friendship
and brotherhood between the people of Afghanistan and Iran must be strengthened once
More [words indistinct].
Afghan officials, especially the leader of that country, Mr Amin, lately have repeatedly
declared with complete resoluteness the readiness of their country to resolve the
dispute with the Government of Iran in an atmosphere of friendship and complete good
will. He said that we extend the hand of friendship toward Iran so that a favorable
(?atmosphere) will come about for discussions with the leaders of 'Iran, and the existing
problems would be resolved through negotiations.
Our homeland's people also are very hopeful that officials of our Islamic Republic
too will warmly (?shake) this hand of friendship which has been extended by the Afghan
authorities toward our country, and exert their efforts toward removing the differences,
and creating understanding and good-neighborly and brotherly relations between the
two Muslim countries.
The problem of the Islamic religion which imperialist circles and local reaction [words
indistinct] have used as a pretext to pretend that allegedly in Afghanistan certain
measures have been taken by the government against the true religion of Islam, [words
indistinct] these remarks also are contrary to the truth. Following the revolution's
victory in Afghanistan, that country's government has allowed freedom of religious
beliefs. Moreover, the Afghan Government has paid special attention to the repair
and renovation of religious places all over this country, and has allocated [words
indistinct] for this matter. Therefore, the matter of pressure over the deprived in
Afghanistan is something that is completely baseless and false.
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On the other hand, it must be said that a revolution has occurred in Afghanistan also,
as a result of which an end has been put to the despotic rule of the [name indistinct]
dynasty and the associates of imperialism. Sovereignty has fallen into the hands of
the people and the representatives of the deprived people. What caused the conspiracy
and provocations by the imperialist circles and their stooges is the exercise of an
independent and anti-imperialist policy by the present Government of Afghanistan, and
those same deep and all-round reforms which have been carried out by this government
for the benefit of the toiling and deprived people of that country.
One of the most important reforms in Afghanistan is the democratic land reforms, as a
result of which land was taken away from. the hands of the big landlords and feudalists
and sardars, and has been put at the disposal of the peasants and landless farmers.
The Afghan Government has carried out wide measures to eliminate unemployment and to
secure work for the toilers, and in the field of health care and universal and free
education. This government has also taken extensive measures in respect to eradicating
illiteracy?this evil heritage of the former regime?and throughout the entire country
has opened literacy classes, and has achieved considerable successes in this task. It
is these democratic and people's acts which have aroused the [words indistinct] of the
enemies of the Afghan masses. As a result of the revolution's victory they have lost
their plundering positions. It is these enemies of the masses who now under the false
banner of Islam are futilely striving to regain their lost positions once more.
These former sardars and Afghan feudalists who in the past had certain links with the
Pahlavi Dynasty also, under the pretext that Islam is allegedly opposed to the distri-
bution of the land of the feudalists among [words indistinct], are taking advantage of
the ignorance and religious feelings of the ample and uninformed people, and are
(?implementing)their antimasses intrigue and provocations behind the mark of Islam.
It should not be forgotten that these Afghan bands of landlords, feudalists and sardars
enjoy in their conspiracies and all-round aid of the espionage services of Western
countries, particularly of the CIA and the intelligence service and the Chinese Maoists,
who are the enemies of true Islam. Those self-same people who, whether fnm within or
abroad, have [words indistinct] their stooges against the Iranian Revolution, have also
[words indistinct] against the Democratic Government of Afghanistan. (?We are aware)
that the espionage services of the U.S. and Britain, and the Chinese Maoists train and
instruct the Afghan counterrevolutionary fugitives who are the self-same remnants of
the former Afghan regime in certain camps which have been established on Pakistani soil,
and are sent into Afghan territory to carry out sabotage and [words indistinct]. It
is these people who, in the name of Islam, massacre the Muslim people of Afghanistan.
Thus the point is not Islam and the defense of Islam. Rather, the main objective of
this counterrevolution is to regain the lost positions of the feudalists and the
sardars associated with imperialism who as a result of the revolution have lost their
usurping and plundering positions.
It 18 by taking this fact into consideration that we must endeavor to remove the dispute
and to establish friendly and brotherly relations between our country's Islamic Republic
and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, which is our true ally. If the two liberated
countries and the two Muslim countries, namely Iran and Afghanistan, at side by side
and hand in hand, it will be to the benefit of both friendly countries and to the detri-
ment of imperialism and its stooges.
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TA282104 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 28 Dec 79 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "A Transformation in the Affatrs of Afghanistan")
[Text] Dear compatriots: In our neighboring country, Afghanistan, certain changes
have taken place. The statement issued by the Central Committee of the People's Demo-
cratic Party and the Revolution Council and the Government of the Democratic Republic
of Afghanistan addressed to the people of this country indicates that the government
of this country is determined to (?extend) the revolution, and to develop and expand
freedom and democracy in the country. It is stressed in this statement that our holy
crusade, the great and just war of the people of Afghanisan, is for the sake of true
democratic justice, for the sake of respect for the holy Teligion of Islam, and for the
sake of respect for family, national and people's mores, for implementing the ideals of
the admirable April evolution and its development, for the sake of peace, freedom,
independence, democracy, development, progress, welfare, equality, brotherhood, justice
and happiness for all the fraternal Afghan masses. This war of ours is for the cause
of Justice.
Thus we are observing new events and ohanges in AfotInnistan, which is an indication of
the continuity of the revolution and its development in the direction
of the interests and benefits of the realm and nation of Afghanistan. One point which
is important from the viewpoint of our homeland's Muslim people in connection with the
recent events of Afghanistan is that the country of Afghanistan [words indistinct] and
in order to eradicate all traces of dictatorship it will carry out a fundamental trans-
formation in its domestic policies.
Another point which also possesses importance for our homeland's Muslim people is the
special emphasis of the officials of Afghanistan on the respect of the lofty principles
of the true religion of Islam, and all these points smooth the path for the estab-
lishment of good, friendly and good-neighborly relations between our two countries. In
the past the counterrevolution and the stooges of imperialism used to create a tumult
that allegedly religious people are under pressure and persecution in AI,nanistan,
and used to exploit this utter lie to strain relations between our country and Afghanistan,
while in fact the government of Afghanistan has always placed respect for the holy faith
of Islam as one of the principles of its policy.
Following the revolution's victory in Afghanistan, notwithstanding the shortcomings
and mistakes in the work of some of the country's officials, in general an end was put
to the despotic sovereignty of the monarchy, the sardars and the associates of imper-
ialism, and sovereignty fell into the hands of the deprived people. It is as a result
of the sovereignty of the masses that the enemies could not under any pretext [words
indistinct] divert the revolution from its historical path. [words indistinct] Afghan-
istan pursued an independent and anti-imperialist policy, and implemented wide reforms
for the benefit of the deprived people. ?As a result of the implementation of democratic
land reforms, usurped land was taken away from the hands of big landlords, feudalists
and sardars, and was put at the disposal of the peasants and farmers. Positive mea-
sures have been carried out in Afghanistan to eliminate unemployment and to secure
employment for the toilers, and also in connection with universal and free medical
care. The outstanding success in eradicating illiteracy--this evil heritage of the
expelled monarchical regime--is one of the gains of the Afghan people's revolution.
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Despite the fact that certain opportunist elements had successfully infiltrated into
the high echelons of the government of Afghanistan, and willingly or unwillingly had
extended help to the enemies of the Afghan revolution through their wrong policies,
considering that the Afghan revolution has risen from the hearts of the people and
relies on the support of the people, these elements were not able to change the revolu-
tionary path of this country's development. At the same time this fact should not be
forgotten even for one moment, that the bands of expelled landlords, feudalists and
sardars enjoyed and continue to enjoy the all-round assistance of the espionage ear.-
vices of the United States, Britain and China in their conSpiracies against the
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. And as we see from experience, imperialism carries
out its plots in Afghanistan under the guise of support of Islam.
With the changes that have taken place in Afghanistan, the hope and aspiration of our
'homeland's people is that the new Afghan officials will carry out necessary and speedy
'measures to resolve the dispute and to establish friendly and brotherly relations with
our country. Our homeland's peop:le also anticipate that the officials of the Islamic
Republic of Iran will pay special attention to the strengthening of friendship and
cordiality with the new government of Afghanistan, without regard to a number of points
and differences which are being aggravated by certain circles in our country in an
artificial manner.
The friendship and cordiality of the two liberated countries, the two countries of Iran
and Afghanistan that in fact are the natural allies of each other, will be to the
benefit of both countries and nations.
TA311920 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of /ran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 31 December broadcasts two commentaries. The first, entitled "OPEC,
Issues and Prospects" says: As a result of the pressure of the oil cartel, which is sup-
ported by the U.S. Government, certain differences of opinion appeared at the OPEC
meeting in Caracas. The aim of this pressure was the creation of division and discord
among OPEC member countries so that they would be unable to reach any positive decisions
concerning the issues discussed at the conference. The greatest pressure was applied on
the oil producing countries of the Persian Gulf, especially upon our country, through
various economic measures adopted by the U.S. Government. However, the OPEC conference
showed that despite the pressure by the West, especially by the United States, no schism
could develop in the antimonopolistic solidarity of the oil producing countries.
The second, entitled "General Mobilization for Literacy" says: "The historic message
of Imam Khomeyni, leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, to the Iranian nation dealing
with the general mobilization for literacy, at a time when the enemies of the realm and
Iranian nation have threatened the revolution of our country's people from within and
without, is an indication of the resolute faith and confidence of the imam in the people,
and of the necessity of implementing a great crusade against illiteracy." In his message
the imam stresses the importance of literacy for all. The shah's regime purposely prevented
our country's people from becoming literate and also attempted to prevent the people's
cultural progress. Following the revolution, statistics prove that nearly 70 percent
of the population cannot read and write. All the shah's measures to fight illiteracy
were nothing but show projects that accomplished nothing. There is no doubt that in
response to the imam's message the Iranian nation will be able to mobilize all its power
to eliminate and eradicate illiteracy.
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TA011842 [Editorial Report TA) Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 1 January carries two commentaries. The first entitled "The Year That
Has Passed" says; In the year that passed the Iranian nation was able through the unity
of all the national, progressive and religious forces to overthrow the satanic regime and
establish the Islamic Republic. The anti-imperialist revolution of the Iranian nation
dealt severe blows to the unchallenged domination of the United States over our country,
and the struggle of our people against this domination is still continuing. However, the
counterrevolution and the agents of imperialism are not sitting idle. They have in-
filtrated government organizations and are engaged in conspiracies and subversion against
the revolution's gains. These elements must be dealt with in a decisive and reV'olutionary
The second entitled "Our Farmers Have Awakened" says: U.S. imperialism with the help
of its servants, such as the deposed shah, destroyed our country's economy, including
Iran's agriculture, so that now Iran needs to import agricultural products to meet its
own needs. Our homeland was once an exporter of agricultural products. However, this
does not mean we cannot save ourselves from the present situation. Our farmers have risen
against the feudalists and big landlords and have started harvesting the land. The
Revolution Council and responsible officials should aid the farmers and peasants and secure
their needs. After a short period of fundamental transformation will take place in the
country's villages, and they will easily be able to supply the agricultural needs of Iran.
0F021815 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT
1 Jan 80 OF
[Unattributed commentary: "The Year That Has Passed"]
(Text] Dear compatriots: this past Christian year was a year of great political and social
change for our heroic aria struggling people. Developments in our country and the Iranian
nation's glorious struggle and sacrifices in its bid to overthrow the bloody Pahlavi
regi, occupy the primary place among world events of the past year.
The fact that the past year Should be himed the year of Iran. During the year out
nation's struggle reached great'dimensions. Hundreds of thousands of strugglers for
freedom and independence participated in demOnstrations against the cursed shah and his
masters. The more scandalous the crimes the shah's regime committed and, backed by
U.S. weapons, the more savagely it attacked armless but faithful people and Shed innocent
blood, the more intense became the Iranian nation's struggle and sacrifices. In the
streets, in schools, in mosques and in bazaars and market places, the Pahlavi regime
savagely attacked people who merely demanded a just and legitimate thing: establishment
of a free and just government. In some places, and on some days such as bloody Friday,
the detested shah's men shed the blood of hundreds and even thousands of strugglers; and
yet they failed to break the will of the nation, Which arose. '
Then the detested shahls'American masters appeared on the scene. From Sharif
Emami to Amuzegar and Bakhtiar, they brought onto the stage their stooges one after the
other. In a bid to save the Pahlavi dynasty--even at the cost of sacrificing the shah
himself--and to preserve their military and economic positions, they sent General Buyser
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to Iran. But the Iranian nation's glorious revolution foiled all the efforts of the ruling'
class, and of traitors and their American masters, and the shah had to flee the country.
In the aftermath of all this, Imam Khomeyni, who was expelled from the country and was
living in Paris, returned home, ignoring all threats and hazards. He was greeted by
millions of Iranians. Soon after his arrival the imam took direct control of the leader-
ship of the Iranian Revolution. All truly popular forces and all revolutionary organi-
zations united around the imam's banner of struggle. Through the nation's will and the
imam's direction, the shah's cursed regime was overthrown and a new political regime,
the Islamic Republic, was proclaimed. A provisional revolutionary government was set
up and, despite the counterrevolution's domestic and external conspiracies, and imperial-
ism's, especially U.S. imperialism's, provocations and conspiracies, a series of steps
was taken toward the triumph of freedom and the restoration of Iranian nation's rights.
Had conservatism not dominated the provisional government and had that government acted
in accordance with the imam's directives, our country's people would have achieved great
things in the first months of the revolution. From the start the imam had. declared that
the first requisites of the state were workers' loyalty, respect for the people's freedom
and political and social rights, the trial and punishment of traitors and conspirators,
and the securing of general welfare.
On the basis of the Imam's principles and the nation's demands, important steps were
taken in various spheres of the nation's political, social and economic life. In addition
to the trial and punishment of criminals, a series of economic measures was adopted.
As part of these, banks and some companies were nationalized, and steps were taken to
provide the homeless with homes.
Nonetheless, both our country's freed people and the imams were fully aware that the
Iranian Revolution and its achievements could not become free from dangers until the time
when imperialism's economic, political, and military influence, and domination were ended.
It was quite fitting that, after the shah's flight, the people expressed in demonstrations
that it was then the turn of the United States. As stated by the imam, this second stage
of the struggle was to be carried out with all force.
Our nation's anti-imperialist struggle is a legitimate one. So long as U.S. imperialism's
threats continue, the nation will not lower the banner of struggle.
In this stage of anti-imperialist struggl.;, the country's internal problems should always
be kept in view. Counterrevolution is not idle. In all military and civil organizations
the dirty hands of the remnants of the defunct regime and of SAVAKists can be seen.
At this particular stage of the revolution the purge of all organizations from thete'
dirty imperialist lackeys is of vital importance.
In the past year, a series of changes in favor of peoples took place not only in our
country but also in African, Asian and Latin American countries. Struggle has continued
against exploitation. One can perceive that the new Christian year will witness new
victories by nations against reaction and imperialism and will boost the economic, social
and cultural livelihood of all nations of the world. '
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TA022051 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 2 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The changes that have taken place in our neighboring country,
Afghanistan, and that have the approval of the liberated people of that country, and
which are strictly an internal matter, have caused the imperialist and counter-
revolution circles, whether in Afghanistan or abroad, to panic. As a result of these
changes their evil and criminal scheme has been foiled. Unfortunately, certain circles
In our country also, without paying attention to the scope of the matter, knowingly or
unknowingly have fallen into the trap of the hostile propaganda of imperialist c.--,t1les
and engage in certain acts that consequently pour water into the mill of imperialist
and colonialist circles.
As we know, the Afghan revolution from the first days of its victory was exposed to an
extensive aggression and attack by counterrevolutionary forces inspired by imperialist
and reactionary circles. American, British and Chinese experts trained and equipped on
Pakistan territory certain runaway groups associated with the former regime and dis-
patched them into Afghanistan from Pakistan to carry out intrigue, subversion and
massacre. The danger of open imperialist interventions threatened the sovereignty of
the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, certain opportunist elements
who had somehow succeeded in occupying highly sensitive government posts, through
implementing incorrect methods facilitated the task of the counterrevolutionaries and
increased the danger of imperialist interventions in that country.
In such sensitive moments, a certain number of that country's patriotic officials
carried out the task of necessary changes in the government apparatus, removed the
opportunists and led the Afghan revolution into its real and healthy channel. The
Government of Afghanistan, in order to confront the external imperialist threats,
requested that the friendly government of the Soviet Union, based on the treaty con-
cluded between the two countries, render political, economic and also military
assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan in order to thwart the conspiracies of the
counterrevolution and imperialist circles. This is the legal, legitimate and natural
right of every government to take any measure that it deems necessary to defend its
sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. The Soviet Union also on the basis
of the bilateral treaty of friendship between the two countries and according to the
United Nations Charter, gave a positive response to the persistent request from the
legal Government of Afghanistan, and thus from the legal viewpoint in relations between
two countries no objection can be levelled at this act.
However, as we know, imperialist and colonialist circles have started barking, and under
the pretext of backing Afghanistan--an Afghanistan whose independence has been con-
stantly exposed to the danger of the interventions and aggressions of these same
imperialist circles--have engaged in hostile propaganda against the act of the legal
government of that, country; and unfortunately [words indistinct] certain known groups
which a long time ago fled from Afghanistan and since the time of the former regime
constantly participated and even now continue to actively participate in acts against
the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, have started operations in accordance with the
plan .of their imperialist masters and have also attracted a number of simple and
Ignorant individuals into their adventurist acts.
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The changes which have taken place in our neighboring country, Afghanistan, are all in
the direction of widening the revolution, expanding and developing the gains of the
revolution and democratic freedoms, correcting the previous mistakes and shortcomings,,
and strengthening this country's independence and territorial integrity. Mr Babrak
Karmal, Afghanistan's present leader, stressed that the adventurist and criminal policy
of Amin's clique had exposedthe revolution's gains to danger, and therefore, it was
necessary that this danger be removed from Afghanistan's path.
Afghanistan's new leader has explicitly stated that in his foreign policy he will pursue
a course based on a policy of peace, nonalinement, peaceful coexistence, anti-
imperialism and anti-colonialism. Regarding relations with other countries, Mr Babrak
Karmal, Afghanistan's leader, has said: "Afghanistan, while reaffirming and supporting
the national, Islamic, anti-imperialist and antimonarchical revolution of the toiling
masses of the fraternal Iranian people, will take the necessary measures for the close-
ness and to strengthen the friendship between the two countries that have ancient
historical relations." Mr Babrak Karmal said that in fact there is no dispute whatso-
ever betleeen Iran and Afghanistan.
A yam r!an observe, the changes in Afghanistan have put an end to the wrong and in-
correct iv,licy of certain opportunist elements which had succeeded, through occupying
the country's sensitive posts, to incur heavy losses for this country., and have smoothed
the way for establishing friendly and fraternal relations between the two neighboring
and Muslim countries.
The changes that are occuring in Afghanistan are desired and requested by the people of
that country. The act of the Government of Afghanistan in thwarting the schemes of the
imperialist circles and the counterrevolution is necessary to safeguard the revolutionary
gains of the people of Afghanistan. The Government of Afghanistan explicitly stated
that after the removal of the danger of military interventions from abroad, Soviet
units will leave the territory of this country.
At any rate, one must confront the problem of Afghanistan with a deep revolutionary
awareness. Right should be distinguished from wrong. We should exert our maximum
efforts so that individuals or groups, knowingly or unknowingly, will not fall into the
trap of the propaganda organizations of imperialist circles and the counterrevolution.
TA032013 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 3 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "What Aims Are Hidden Amidst the Aura of Imperialist
[Text] Dear compatriots: The pressure and military threats of U.S. imperialism
toward our homeland's independence and national sovereignty have acquired a more
dangerous aspect. Even if we use the remarks of responsible U.S. officials and the
writings of Western newspapers as a basis for judgment, the fact that the Pentagon
and the CIA have prepared an extensive plan for interference and military aggression
against our country's security and independence, and are in the process of implement-
ing it, become obvious.
Every moment the United States' naval warships are nearing our country's southern
borders. The visits and comings and goings of the United States' official envoys
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to the coastal states of the Persian Gulf are continuing with great haste and urgency.
The official mouthpieces of the United States do not hide the fact that the aim of
this extensive political, military and intelligence action of theirs is to create
the background for aggression against Iran. Certain discussions are continuing be-
tween American officials and the leaders of a number of countries of the Persian Gulf
region to utilize the military bases of these countries for aggression against Iran.
Parallel with the implementation of this extensive plan of military aggressions of
imperialism toward our homeland, the West's propaganda organizations and public media
have created a great tumult in connection with the events of Afghanistan, which are
strictly an internal matter. The sharp edge of the provocative, unbridled and mali-
cious propaganda of the news media and their writers is to create panic and alarm
among the countries of the region, and to justify the preparations of (LS. imperialism
for an avert military aggression against Iran, and consequently against the progressive
regimes in our region.
The West's news. media and their writers have carried brazenness to such an extent
that they are now about to present U.S. imperialism as the safeguard of the sacred
religion of Islam, and the risen nations of our region as the enemies of Islam.
These self-same propaganda organizations which until yesterday, for example, used to
call Hafizollah Amin a killer and the enemy of Islam, now that the Afghan nation has
cleansed its country from the contaminated presence of the opportunists, the mercenary
writers of Zionism and imperialism are blowing the trumpet from the opposite end and
are presenting these enemies as martyrs.
The newspapers supporting the aggressi),.: plans of the United States and Zionism which until
yesterday used to call certain individuals the enemies of the Afghan people and the foes
of Islam because of unlawful acts, arrests, expulsions and terrorism, now are voicing support
for the so-called legitimate government of yesterday. The interesting thing is that
the official sources of U.S. imperialism or the mass media defending the aggressive plans
of imperialism are with one heart and voice creating these propagand? -lamors in an aura of
the defense of Islam and the Muslims.
The question posed is what is the aim of these gentlemen in creating such a clamor and
propaganda campaign? Is the aim only directed at inverting the truth regarding the events
of Afghanistan and diverting public opinion from the facts? Without doubt one of the primary
aims of the propaganda organizations dependent on imperialist circles is to display
Afghanistan's recent events contrary to facts, and to mislead public opinion. The Government
of Afghanistan, in its official statements has explained all the facts to the Afghan people
and the nations of the world, and it has left no place for the ambiguity of the baseless
accusations of the enemies of Islam and the enemies of the Afghan people. However, the
propaganda organizations associated with U.S. imperialism in the West are pursuing a larger
goal in creating so much clamor and tumult, and this is the self-same sensitive point to
which public opinion in the countries of our region, particularly in our homeland, should
pay special attention.
The aim of imperialism, and foremost of all U.S. imperialism, is making Afghanistan's internal
development an alibi in order to create the background for an extensive military, assault
and aggression against all the region's progressive regimes, and in the first degree against
our homeland's Islamic republican system, and the revolutionary gains of the Iranian nation.
It is not without reason that these days elements associated with imperialism who along with
a group of runaway Afghans, enemies of the revolution and foes of any kind of social change,
are striving hand in hand in the name of defending freedom and Islam to create turmoil and
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. ..... _
disturbance in our country, and to mislead public opinion from the real enemy of the Iranian
nation and all the risen nations chained in our region and the world, namely U.S. imperialism.
This antinational, anti-Iranian and anti-Islamic goal of U.S. imperialism is so obvious that
in these days many of our homeland's national, religious and far-sighted groups and figures
have given a warning to the Iranian people and the nations of the region. If we take into
consideration these propaganda clamors of the mass media and the commentators and salaried
writers of the CIA and the Pentagon in connection with the preparations of the military
aggression of U.S. imperialism against our country, the nature of the schemes of imperialism
will become more obvious. The aim of creating this propaganda campaign is to throw dust into
the eyes, and consequently to implement the satanic schemes by U.S. imperialism.
All know that imperialism and Zionism are the enemies of freedom, and the foes of progressive
Islam which is the defender of the deprived. It is for this reason that amidst this aura of
imperialist propaganda regarding the Afghan development, its principal aims, which are the
overthrow of progressive and national regimes, and the violation of the revolutionary gains
of the risen and liberated nations of our region, including our heroic nation, should be
OF061906 [Editorial Report GF] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 5 Jan carried two commentaries. The first, entitled "Hew To Expand Our
Agricultural Production", said: With the continuous conspiracy of the U.S. against our
country, their threats to blockade Iran economically and their warning about military
interference in Iran, nowadays even those people who do not know about politics say
that an end must be put to imperialist influence in social, economic, military and
educational affairs. One day our country exported agricultural products to the world,
but the shah's regime acted in such a way that our country became an importer of these
products. The previous regime bought three times as much products from outside than it
bought from local farmers. Imam Khomeyni many times said that we must give more attention
to this problem. The manager of the agricultural organization assured the farmers that
next year the government is going to buy their products at a good price.
The second, enbitled "All Government Offices Must Be Thoroughly Cleansed", said: Our
country is moving toward the final part of its revolution--the struggle against U.S.
Imperialism. Of course, in regard to the matter of cleaning our offices, Imam Khomeyni
said several times that those who were in high positions in the former regime cannot be
faithful to the revolution because their minds are full of imperialist ideas. But up to
now the authorities have not taken any steps in this matter. Ayatollah Rafsanjani in
his recent speech in Bushehr said: I know that no steps have been taken in this matter,
but we should do so soon. Sometimes these people have sensitive positions in the govern-
ment, but nobody can recognize them because they are wearing a revolutionary mask, waiting
for a regime like the previous one.
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GF061220 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 5 Jan 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "Let Us Be Vigilant Against U.S. Imperialism's Conspiracies"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: Afghanistan's struggling and freedom-loving people experienced
a very difficult year in their efforts to achieve true sovereignty and independence against
Imperialist aggression. U.S. imperialism and counterrevolution, with the help of its
lackeys in Afghanistan, drowned the April Revolution's gains in the blood of the country's
most distinguished sons and were trying (?to create a fake) regime in the country. By
bringing to power a regime of its choice in Afghanistan, U.S. imperialism wanted to turn
Afghanistan, too, into a base directed against the USSR, li4e the Iran of the shah era.
It also wanted to deal heavy blows to the Iranian revolution and its gains. All this it
hoped to achieve through its lackeys.
Fortunately, however, the Afghan people's anger and indignation ended the despotic rule
in the country, and the people are now striving to strengthen their revolution's gains.
Under such sensitive conditions, it is the task of every decent and freedom-loving Man
to help a people who want nothing more than their country's freedom and independence.
As you are aware, public media in the imperialist states headed by the United States
launched from the start a negative propaganda campaign against the Afghan people.
Agents of the CIA, the Pentagon and Zionism, as well as domestic Maoists, provoked
hostile demonstrations against the Afghan revolution and its gains--especially in
countries neighboring Afghanistan. Unfortunately, in our liberated country too, we
have witnessed such provocative and hostile demonstrations.
What is the aim of this extensive campaign directed against the nations in our area by
agents of imperialism and Zionism and by Maoists? One must stress that, although they
talk of supporting Afghanistan, for them the issue of genuine freedom and independence
for Afghanistan has never existed. This is the fact because in the past they did not
utter.a single word in defense of Afghanistan's freedom, nor did they ever demand an
end to the terror and lawlessness. The current aim of the CIA and the Pentagon in
bringing to the fore the Afghan problem is not only to provoke Afghani and world public
opinion against Afghanistan's victorious revolution, but also to divert world public
opinion from U.S. imperialism's obvious provocations and conspiracies against Iran's
triumphant revolution.
It is now more than 2 months since Iran's struggling and freedom-loving people, under
the leadership of Imam Khomeynt, arose in every corner of the country to eliminate
domination by U.S. imperialism. Chants of "Death to U.S. imperialism" are heard in
even the most remote parts of our country. Meanwhile, agents of imperialism and
Zionism and domestic Maoists have tried and are still trying to divert the Iranian
people's- anti-imperialist struggle directed against the great Satan--the United States--
against our friend and neighbor, the USSR. Apart from this, U.S. imperialism has
stationed warships near the shores of our country, openly threatening our country with
economic blockade and military aggression. As has also been stated by responsible
authorities, the imperialist states are also trying to infiltrate their agents into
revolutionary organizations.
As far as the Afghan people are concerned, shedding of crocodile tears by distorting
facts related to Afghanistan is intended to create an opportunity for U.S. imperialism
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to implement its dangerous schemes and conspiracies against our country. And it must
be admitted that U.S. imperialism has to some extent succeeded in implementing its
devilish and dangerous plans. For example, when one Considers our country's communica-
tions media, one sees that distorted reports from Western media on events in Afghanistan
are heard more frequently than reports about U.S. impeilalism's evil and dangerous plans.
Irrespective of whether it is Iran or Afghanistan, U.S. imperialism is the enemy of all
nations that want freedom and independence. Under the leadership of .Imam Khomeyni, we
must completely eliminate U.S. imperialism's deadly and evil domination of our country
and all the remnants of its influence. To achieve this requires constant vigilanoe against
imperialism' t devilish conspiracies.
0F071820 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 5 Jan 80 OF
[Unattributed commentary: "The Military Policy of the United States in Our Region"]
(Text) Victorious people of Iran: In late December a political and military delegation
from Washington returned to the United States after a trip to the Middle East and Africa.
Officials of the State Department and the Pentagon visited Saudi Arabia, Oman, Somalia
and Kenya in search of permission to build new military bases in those countries. As
the U.S. newspapers wrote, the mission was closely connected with rotating the 110,000-
man rapid deployment force and logistical personnel of the 25 warships stationed at the
entrance to the Persian Gulf.
As we know, this gendarme force is constantly on the alert. General (Cawley), the
commander of the force, announced that it was ready for military action in any part of
the world.
All of us know why this attack force is being kept in the Persian Gulf. The target is
our country--Iran. All the threats of military action we are hearing daily from Carter
and his advisers prove this fact.
There is another point that is clear to everyone: The rapid deployment force also
threatens the other countries of the Persian Gulf. U.S. -Defense Secretary Harold Brown
has announced many times that the rapid deployment force is meant to defend the vital
interests of the United States, in particular in the oil-rich countries insuring the
West its supply of oil. To this end, the U.S. delegation was able to gain Saudi agree-
ment on a base from which personnel of the force could be replaced, technical advisers
supplied, and arms and supplies stored for a possible war against Iran. The base in
question is Dahran, Saudi Arabia, which, augmented by an engineering regiment, would
help Washington attain its goal of keeping Saudi Arabia under U.S. economic and political
pressure. The Washington delegation was also able to gain agreement on the use of Saudi
military airfields for U.S. Air Force planes under the guise of maintaining stability in
the Persian Gulf. Afraid of some other Arab countries, Iran and Afghanistan, Saudi
Arabia has not officially announced the agreements.
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According to Western newspapers, the United States was even more successful in the talks
in Oman and Somalia. Qabua, the U.S. hireling, said he would use every opportunity to
support the U.S. Air Force and Navy. He said he was taking action to defend the Strait
of Hormuz.
We should recall that the Pentagon also has a base in Masirah, in Oman, in addition to
this new agreement with that country which places it more firmly in the grasp Of the
United States than ever.
In Somalia the U.S. delegation was able to gain the government's agreement on the use of
Somali ports on the Gulf of Aden for U.S. warships. The Somali Government did not deny
such an agreement when it was announced by Western sources.
In Kenya the Pentagon generals got permission to build a logistical base, and U.S. warships
can now call in that countryis ports.
In its efforts to gain more military bases in these countries, the United States wants to
strengthen its forces along the African coasts of the Indian Ocean so that it can intensify
its military threat in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
We should also recall that the Israeli defense minister told Garter that he was prepared to
put all Israeli bases under unconditional U.S. control and also ready to act as a gendarme
against Iran and all the Persian Gulf countries, Egypt, too, just as it was before, is a
U.S. ally in our region. As-Sadat guaranteed the Pentagon aid in the event of a war of
agression against our country.
But not all Gulf states accepted the U.S. offers-. Bahrain, for example, announced that
it would not even permit U.S. warships to transit its waters.
Despite all the efforts of U.S. imperialism the countries of our area have their own ideas
and plans. These nations emphatically condemn the actions of U.S. imperialism. They are
ready to defend their independence against the military and nonmilitary conspiracy of
U.S. Imperialism.
GF071300 [Editorial Report GF] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran
at 1745 GMT on 6 January broadcast a commentary entitled: "Let Us Mobilize All
Implement the Imam's Directives," which said: Revolution leader Imam Khomeyni in a recent
statement drew the nation's attention to the fact that U.S. imperialism is threatening
Iran with economic blockade. The imam stressed that without economic independence it is
Impossible to gain political and military independence. In the present economic struggle
we can win only if all strata of the Iranian people take an active part. All Iranians
should increase their efforts in all work places. Iranian farmers should meet the country's
The imam's words are of vital importance because we all know that imperialism, headed by
U.S. imperialism, had concentrated all its efforts on making Iran economically dependent
on it. Over the past 30 years Western, especially U.S., monopolies plundered billions of
dollars of our national wealth. Under bombastic claims of industrializing the country,
the cursed shah's regime wasted Iran's wealth. A ruined economy was inherited after its
collapse. As a result of U.S. neocolonialist policy, Iran poured billions of dollars into
the coffers of U.S. monopolies for arms purchases.
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Under the guise of industrialization, tens of billions of dollars were wasted without
establishing a single factory or enterprise that could stand on its own feet. U.S.
imperialism's lackey's are keeping quiet over the fact that a country which exported
agricultural products cannot now meet its domestic needs as a result of their exploita-
tive policy.
"Our country was made economically dependent as a result of a neocolonialist policy, and
it is by exploiting the evil results of this policy that they are now threatening Us
with economic blockade and military aggression. The great mistake of those Who plan
Washington's policy is that they are incapable of understanding the gigantic strength of
the Iranian nation. Imam Khomeyni says that if every workers, every farmer, every
employer works hard and is motivated by a sense of responsibility and an urge aimed at
dispelling the threat uttered by imperialism, then the Iranian nation will emerge
vietoztLousinits struggle against U.S. imperialism's economic and military threats."
No one can deny that our country's workerir.and farmers are meeting with many difficulties
which were created as a result of the defunct regime's antinational policy. "Only by
firmly opposing the schemes and conspiracies of the enemy and increasing our vigilance
can we confront imperialism's threats of economic blockade and military aggression and
achieve victory in this vital struggle. The people of Iran--workers, farmers, employers
and youths performing all sorts of jobs--must direct all their efforts and energy to
increasing the production of goods needed by our people in accordance with the revolu-
tion's leader Dmam Khomeyni's directives. Only thus can we secure Iran's glory and
independence and win the economic war directed against us by imperialism. Our liberated
country and our Islamic Republic, more than ever before, need the help and powerful hands
of our workers and farmers. Together, let us mobilize all our energy and strength for
seouring our country's needs."
T1071923. [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 7 January broadcast a commentary entitled, "The Struggle Over Oil Is
Intensifying," which said: During the recent OPEC conference in Caracas the price of
oil was reviewed in relation to the constant increase in the price of Western export
goods and the decrease in the value of the dollar. At the same time it was stressed
at the conference that the responsibility for the energy crisis lies with the oil
monopolies, which for the purpose of gaining additional profits resort to all kinds
of deals. For example, U.S. oil companies earned $1 billion more in 1979 than in 1978.
Although OPEC countries did not adopt a unified price for oil they strived to protect
their nation], interests against the oil monopolies, and the Caracas conference should
be regarded as a new step to limit the operations of foreign oil monopolies and the
establishment and exercising of national sovereignty over the oil riches of OPEC
countries, by the countries themselves. The conference also decided to aid developing
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TA082104 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT
8 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "The Warmongering Strategy of the U.S. at the
World Level"]
[Text] Bear compatriots: The United States is aiming to implement its warmongering
strategy on a world scale. Without taking into oonsideratiun military centers, the U.S.
has created more than 1,300 large bases in Europe, Latin and Central America', southern
Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Thus, U.S. military forces are present in all continents
and in the world's main areas. Particularly large U.S. military forces are deployed
In the worldls sensitive regions In case of political and military explosions.
They donit deny in the White House that more than 750,000 U.S. (?military personnel),
or approximately one-half of U.S. military forces, are stationed outside U.S. territory.
Despite Carter's promises to the U.S. electorate that, allegedly, he will reduce the
military budget by $5 to $7 billion and American military units abroad drastically,
U.S. military presence abroad has expanded during the period of his presidency. U.S.
military expenditures in the current fiscal year amount to $150 billion, while these
expenditures 2 years ago, in 1977, amounted to $120 billion. The Carter administration
has created new military bases in various parts of the world and has expanded former
bases. New American military bases have been (?constructed) In Australia, New Zealand,
Al -Masirah in Oman, and Diego Garcia In the Indian Ocean, and;operations at 26 U.S.
military bases in Turkey have been resumed. U.S. military personnel are gradually
returning to Thailand where several years ago American military bases were closed down.
The U.S. war-mongering strategy pursues many-sided aims. By expanding its military
presence abroad, Washington strives to pull the countries in which American military
bases exist into the orbit of its aggressive policy, to intensify the military arms
race, to thwart the issue of detente and to crush the anti-imperialist struggles of
developing countries by resorting to military force,
The United States carries out Intensive and shameful intervention in our country and
also in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama and many other countries through the subversive
actions of the CIA and with the assistance of its puppet regimes, such as the regimes
ruling Egypt, Israel and Oman and with the aid of military force. There is much evi-
dence of this, and we do not have to go very far.
It is enough to devote attention to the aggressive policy of the United States toward
our own country. The United States openly resorts to military pressure and threats to.
resolve the crisis that has developed In its relations with our country and which is due
to the world-devouring (?policy) of the United States. This crisis can be resolved
through peaceful means by securing the legitimate demand of the Iranian nation. The
legitimate demand of the Iranian nation is the extradition of the traitorous shah and
his plundered property to the Iranian nation. However, Washington has decided to resort
to force and has extensively deployed its military forces in the Persian Gulf region.
Now 25 American warships, including three U.S. aircraft carriers have been concentrated
in our region. On Carter's order, the aircraft carrier Nimitz--from the Mediterranean--
and six large warships with 5,000 marines from a California naval base are heading
toward the Persian Gulf.
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Moreover, throught its vast mass media networks, especially through the increase in the
hours of the radio programs in the Perisan language, the U.S. Government has engaged in
malicious and clamorous propaganda against our homeland and Iran's Revolution. The aim of
all these conspiracies is to harm the credibility of the Iranian nation's Revolution and
the credibility of the leaders of the revolution, to create discontent among the ethnic
minorities, to create chaos and an anti-Islamic republican mentality in our homeland.
The crude and shameful U.S. pressure on Afghanistan is also intensifying. Washington has
created extensive seditious propaganda against the government of the Republic of Afghanistan.
As we are aware, the Afghan Government, on the basis of the bilateral treaty of friendship
and cooperation between the two countries, asked the Soviet Union to render the necessary
assistance to the government of Afghanistan, including military aid. The Soviet Union gave
a positive response to this request of the Afghan Government. This fact has aroused the
wrath of the U.S. ruling circles and its allies. However, the White House is keeping
silent about its crude and shameful aggression and intervention in the internal affairs
of countries, especially Afghanistan. Following the Sanr Revolution in Afghanistan, U.S.
elements, hand in hand with the leaders of China, set up sabotage bases in Pakistani
territory against the Afghan Government. Through its intelligence organizations in Pakistan,
under the guise of the so-called organization to combat narcotic drugs [as heard] or
through the Asia Foundation, it armed terrorist groups and sent them into Afghanistan for
subversion. However, all the attempts, including the warmongering strategy of the U.S.
on a world scale will face defeat. Today it is not possible to crush the peoples' struggles
for freedom and independence by resorting to arms and a policy of force. The United
States must not forget the disastrous result of its military adventures with its army of
half a million in Vietnam. Without doubt this same disastrous result will await the
United States wherever it strives to resort to military force.
GF091305 [Editorial Report GF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani
to Iran at 1745 GMT on 8 January broadcast a commentary entitled, "We Will Preserve the
Revolution's Achievements," which said the people must redouble their vigilance to
prevent imperialist and Zionist elements from dealing blows to the revolution and its
The Iranian Revolutionts foreign enemies and their lackeys at home have intensified
their counterrevolutionary activities. They are resorting to every evil means in a bid
to destroy the revolution's achievements. Reports published in the country's news-
papers emphasize that counterrevolutionary elements, disguising themselves as religious
men, are infiltrating revolutionary committees and organizations with the aim of
diverting the revolution from its anti-imperialist course. "From the start, imperialism
headed by the United States and imperialism's lackeys at home ha. , with unprecedented
hatred and anger, resorted to provocations directed against the revolutionary organiza-
tions. They have tried to infiltrate these organizations and to divert them from these
tasks, and in this way to discredit the revolution and its leadership."
From the first day of the victory of the revolution, forces dedicated to the revolution
have been stressing the need to purge the revolutionary committees and organizations.
They have been stressing that if this is not done the revolution's achievments will be
endangered. "The purge is a vital necessity, especially at this time when imperialism
and Zionism are engaged in provocations and conspiracies against the Iranian Revolution.
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This is a task that cannot be neglected. At this juncture, all the Iranian people, all
the forces dedicated to the revolution and to revolutionary leaders, all the revolutionary
committees and organizations and their officials should increase their vigilahce and
alertness. They should all act with firm revolutionary spirit to destroy the conspira-
cies of thn domestic and foreign enemies of the nation's great revolution."-
TA091959 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 9 January broadcast a commentary entitled "The Consequences of the
Adventurist Policy of U.S. Imperialism," which said that the Carter administration is
not concerned about the fate of the American hostages, rather it fears that the criminal
policy of the United States in regard to Iran would be reVealed and exposed if the shah
Is put on trial. "In fact, the U.S. imperialists should be afraid and tremble."
Washington transformed the regime of the former shah into its subservient puppet in the
near and Middle East, and the shah was the official defender of American interests in
the region. Following the withdrawal of the British forces from the Middle East, the
Nixon administration prepared a. new strategy for the region and the Nixon Doctrine was
formulated. In line with this doctrine, the shah was appointed guardian of Western
interests in the Persian Gulf region, and the deposed shah transformed our country into
the arsenal of the Pentagon contrary to the nation's interests. However, the Americans
were not able to keep the shah on the throne. The adventurist policy of the United
States ended to its own detriment, "and the evolution of events in Tehran is evidence
that the anti-imperialist struggles and the total demand of our country's people for
the extradition of the deposed shah and his trial along with the trial of U.S. im-
perialism have not stopped even for one moment."
TA101907 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 10 January broadcast a commentary entitled "Let Us Eradicate Illiteracy
in the Country," which said that following the issuance of Imam Khomeynils message
regarding the mobilization for the struggle against illiteracy, many of the country's
educational organizations announced their readiness to offer their assistance in this
matter and offered various suggestions in order to mobilize the entire population for
this vital task. The deposed shah's so-called literacy campaigns were in fact only false
propaganda in order to deceive the people. The result of these so-called literacy cam-
paigns is that today more than 70 percent of the population are illiterate. Our coun-
try's people have welcomed the imam's message for the fight against illiteracy and
should exert all their efforts in this direction.
The radio also broadcast a second commentary, the title of which was indistinct, which
said, that the Ministry of the Interior has announced the program and regulations for
the forthcoming presidential elections in the country. Our homeland's people are look-
ing forward to these elections with enthusiasm, as they are the first presidential
elections in the history of our nation. However, as Imam Khomeyni has noted in his
message to the people, the enemies of the revolution and agents of U.S. imperialism and
Zionism intend to use this occasion to create disturbances and turmoil in the country.
For this reason all the national and revolutionary forces must show the utmost vigilance
and foil the conspiracies of the counterrevolution. At the same time the country's
national forces are demanding that the presidential candidates announce their prograns
so that the people will be able to make the right decision.
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TA112033 (Clandestine) National Voice of Z'an in Persian to Iran 1730 OMT
11 Jan 8o TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Legal Mores and international Latta in the Parlance of
(Text) Dear compatriots: U.S. imperialism is preparing itself with full force for
military aggression against our liberated homeland. DI implementing this aggressive
plan, U.S. imperialism has moved more than 25 of its warships to the southern shores
of our country. It is said that Britain and Australia, as allies of U.S. imperialism,
intend to concentrate their naval warships in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
Moreover, the Egyptian and Israeli regimes, these two agents and mercenaries of
imperialism and Zionism, have assured the United States that it can utilize the
military bases of these two countries for aggression against Iran. Thus, U.S.
imperialism, behind a facade of false propaganda and anti-Iranian tumult, step by
step has prepared itself to carry out the aggressive plans of the Pentagon and the
CIA and is attempting to give a legal and collective aspect to this police of banditry.
The preparations of the Pentagon are not restricted only to the banditry of military
aggression against our homeland. Along with an extensive military buildup against
Iran, imperialism--particularly U.S. imperialism--continues as much as possible
through the propaganda trumpets of its mouthpieces, especially during the last month
or two, to spread all kinds of insults and lies against the Islamic Republic of /ran,
the admirable revolution of the Iranian nation and the leaders of the revolution. It
is obvious to all that the mouthpieces of imperialism and Zionism have no weapon to
Justify their crimes and banditry other than that of maliciousness and lies.
Colonialism and neo-colonialism, imperialism and Zionism, during all their disgraceful
life, have resorted and continue to resort to this worn out and recognized weapon.
However, probably the surprising thing is that the rulers of the imperialist govern-
ments, especially the United States, are now talking more than anybody else about legal
standards and international laws, and the necessity for their observance.
One point shou)d be clearly stated, that, without doubt, respect for international laws
and treaties--which are the benefit of maintaining peace, for the respect of the
national sovereignty and independence of nations and for (?securing) stability in the
world--is, without exception, imperative for all countries of the international
community. The question is this: Do the imperialist countries, such as the United
States and Britain, whose leaders and mouthpieces now talk so much about legal standards
and international laws, feel obligated to implement these standards and laws? We say
no. These gentlemen, in their relations with developing and backward countries, were
never bound by any law or legal standards. Our country is a living example. We are not
concerned with ancient history.
Let us review our country's relations with the imperialist countries of the United States
and Britain, whose leaders and mouthpieces are wailing so much about legal standards
and law. Approximately three generations ago these same respected U.S. and British
governments, through their mercenaries and the official representative of the Pentagon,
namely the American General [name indistinct], carried out a coup d'etat against the
legal government of Dr Mosaddeq. They again imposed the runaway shah on the Iranian
people, and, through the hands of his bloodthirsty functionaries, they created a river
from the blood of the freedom lovers. This disgraceful historical fact was even
acknowledged by the U.S. and British statesmen of that time, as well as by the world's
newspapers and press.
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Can Mr Carter at least tell the American nation which legal standards and
international laws were the basis for the U.S. Government coup d'etat against
our country's legal and (?national) government, and the imprisonment or
execution by the agents of its puppet regime of (?the legal) prime minister,
his ministers and the leaders of the progressive parties and all the reso-
lute opponents of imperialism and neocolonialism? Why did these gentlemen,
who support legal standards and international laws, not even think about
implementing and observing these standards? Can the leaders of the imperial-
ist countries state which legal standards and international laws were the
basis for the intervention of the American Central Intelligence Agency and
the British intelligence service in Iran's internal affairs, and the com-
mands of their military and intelligence advisers in Iran?
Can the propaganda mouthpieces of U.S. and British neocolonialism tell the
people by which legal standards and international laws, through their
puppet shah, they put their claws in Iran's nationalized oil and for more
than 30 years plundered this national wealth of the Iranian people? Where
were these firm defenders of the legal standards and international law
when their puppets killed--as they continue to kill hundreds of thousands
of defenseless people in Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, Vietnam and many other.
There is no worse disgrace than this: Today the leaders of the United
States, behind a facade of false propaganda and in order to satisfy a
number of Zionist billionaires, (?sell) American citizens for a deposed
shah and an international criminal and $20 billion of his plundered property,
and then, to justify their shameful act, they engage in an even more shameful
act, and threaten a nation that demands its legitimate right in extraditing
the deposed shah and his plundered property with economic sanctions and
military aggressions.
The leaders of imperialist countries and their mouthpieces cannot even
deceive the American nation with these tumults and clamors. The threats of
the United States cannot stop our nation from continuing the struggle for
independence and freedom and the elimination of the influence of imperialism.
Our nation is determined to bring this struggle to an end under the leader-
ship of the imam of the nation, the great Khomeyni, and will undoubtedly
conclude it triumphantly.
TA111900 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 11 January carries the commentary entitled
"The Counterrevolution Wants To Lead the Presidential Elections Into Trite-
ness" which says U.S. imperialism does not cease its conspiracies and plots
against the Iranian Revolution, especially now when the presidential elec-
tions are approaching. In these sensitive times the people should observe
the utmost vigilance and take part in the presidential elections in-an
atmosphere of tranquility and calmness. The people demand that presidential
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candidates who have no chance of being elected renounce their candidacy in
favor of those who have the most chance so that discord and division can be
avoided. At the same time a heavy responsibility rests on the shoulders of
the Ministry of the Interior and the radio and television organization.
These institutions should not interfere in the presidential elections in
any way and should let the people vote freely for the candidate of their
TA150637 [Editorial Report TA] .Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 14 January broadcast two commentaries.. The first "Let Us Neutralize
the Conspiracies of U.S. Imperialism and the counterrevolution," said: On the eve of
the presidential elections in our country U.S. imperialism and the counterrevolution
are attempting to create confusion and disturbances. They arg conspiring to lead the
elections into triteness in order to show the world that the Iranian nation is
politically immature. The candidacy of about 120 people for the presidential elections
is nothing but a conspiracy against the Iranian Republic. The aim of this conspiracy
is to discredit the Islamic Republic and the leader of the revolution. The people
demand that these candidates be publicly identified so that the conspiracies of the
nation's enemies can be neutralized and so that the elections can be held in a
completely free atmosphere.
The second, "The Oil of the Near East and the Aggressive Conspiracies of the United
States," said: "Imperialist countries led by the United States have greatly intensified
their military and political pressure against the OPEC countries, especially the oil-
exporting countries of the Persian Gulf." By exploiting the crisis in relations with
our country, Washington has moved a large military force to the Persian Gulf region.
This force not only threatens our country's independence, but all the oil-producing
countries of this region. Following the crisis in relations between our country and
the United States, Carter, Vance and Brown have repeatedly declared that the United
States can use military forces in order to solve the crisis in the Persian Gulf.
This means that these forces stationed in the region would be used against Iran or
other oil-exporting countries. The recent visit of an American delegation to Saudi
Arabia, Oman, Somalia and Kenya should be viewed in this context. The creation of
new U.S. military bases in these countries is not only a serious threat to Iran but to
all the oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf. This U.S. design has aroused
the deep opposition of progressive public opinion of all Asian and African countries.
Saudi Arabia has openly refused its consent for the United States to utilize its ports
and military bases because this would arouse the extreme opposition of most Arab
countries and intensify the threat of the occupation of Saudi Arabia's oil fields.
In this connection, the United States has also concluded a new agreement with Turkey
for the utilization of 26 bases in that country. At any rate, OPEC countries are
continuing their struggle against the oil monopolies to secure their legitimate interests.
"These countries are not afraid of the military threats of the United States. In this .
struggle, justice is with the OPEC countries. In the face of U.S. military threats,
these countries are resolutely determined to conclude their struggles against oil
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TA161337 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 15 January broadcasts a commentary entitled
"Our Nation on the Threshold of a Great Historical Event," which says that
it is the first time in the history of our nation that the people will be
able to participate in the presidential elections. Those who have announced
their candidacy for the post of the president of the republic should explain
their programs and views regarding the country's problems to the people,
so that the people would be able to vote for the candidate of their choice.
The presidential candidates must not try to deceive the people and divert
their attention from the country's vital problems during the campaign.
Unfortunately some of the presidential candidates have attacked certain
genuine revolutionary forces who are loyal to the imam and his policies.
Presidential candidates should refrain from such acts and should instead
express their views regarding the country's foreign and domestic policies
to the people.
TA162016 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT
16 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Alliance on the Basis of Imperialism"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: During his 4-day visit to Beijing and discussions
with the leaders of China, U.S. Defense Secretary Brown explicitly declared
that the United States is interested in establishing an alliance with the
participation of the U.S. and China for militarily crushing the democratic
forces in Asia.
While concurring with Washington's plans, the leaders of China indicated to
Brown that numerous mutual interests exist between the United States and
China. Brown also added that there are not only joint interests between
the two countries but also joint strategic aims.
What are these joint strategic aims? It is clearly obvious that among these
joint aims are the agreement over policy regarding Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia, and also the strategy of the United States of America and China
in Indochina, namely the U.S. support for the aggressive acts of China
toward the aforementioned countries. Another joint aim of the strategy of
the U.S. and China, as Brown also confirmed in Beijing, and was also com-
pletely supported by the leaders of China, is the implementation of aggres-
sive plans in the Near and Middle East. This obvious deal against peace
and also against the national independence of the masses is evidence that
the United States of America has found a reliable partner in the visage of
Beijing's leaders for hegemonism, although both Washington and Beijing are
pursuing their own chauvinistic and hegemonistic aims.
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The closeness of the United States of America and China is taking place on
the obvious basis of imperialism, and currently its sharp edge is directed
at the Middle East, and principally at the two countries of Iran and
Afghanistan, where an anti-feudal and anti-:imperialist revolution has
taken place.
The changes which are occurring in the Middle East are not to the liking
of Beijing, and particularly the United States, who have lost their polit-
ical and strategic positions in these countries. Brown's discussions in
Beijing are evidence of the clear and naked interference of the United
States of America and China in the internal affairs of Asian countries.
The joint measures of the two countries, as Brown pointed out during his
visit to Beijing, are primarily directed toward Iran and Afghanistan, and
these measures are actually being implemented right now.
As it is now clear, toward the end of 1979, an aggression was being pre-
pared against the independent country of Afghanistan, whose masses had
undertaken deep social reforms by putting an end to the feudalist regime.
It is exactly these reforms which are not to the liking of U.S. imperialism
and the Chinese hegemonists. Immediately following the victory of the Sawr
Revolution of 1978, the U.S. and China started to dispatch weapons to
Pakistan. The United States of America and China established in Pakistan,
with the direct participation of the military regime of that country, 30
camps for the preparation of terrorist groups and their dispatch into
Afghanistan for a military confrontation with the legitimate government
of that country.
These terrorist groups were formed from among the counterrevolutionaries,
feudalists, landlords and the fugitive reactionary (?usurpers) discontent
with the national and democratic revolution of Afghanistan. The U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency, American and Chinese officers, and also mili-
tary advisers from Cairo, are training the terrorist bands. The United
States put at the disposal of Pakistan, free of charge, military weapons
amounting to $400 million, and it is these weapons which were sent to
Pakistan through China, and which have now been delivered to the rebels.
Simultaneously Beijing is actively participating in the aggressive acts
against Afghanistan. It must also be said that the formation of subversive
bands is also taking place in China itself in Xinjiang Province.
Brown also consulted with Chinese leaders regarding joint actions against
Iran. It has become obvious that in Beijing they have supported U.S. plans
against Iran and the Persian Gulf states, including an economic and military
blockade. Beijing's leaders gave Brown their support for the establishment
of the U.S. 5th Fleet in the Indian Ocean and the expansion of the Diego
Garcia Naval and Air Base, and obviously, these military preparations are
primarily directed against Iran and the countries of the Persian Gulf.
However, Washington and Beijing should understand that their deal is con-
demned by the public circles of the entire world, and will bear no result
other than defeat and disappointment.
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TA161825 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 16 January broadcast two commentaries.
The first, entitled "Feudalism and Land-Ownership Are the Base of the
Counterrevolutionaries," which says that the Ministry of Agriculture's
programs and plans for land reform have been warmly welcomed by all the
country's peasants and farmers. They have held rallies and demonstrations
In various parts of the country in support of these programs and are
requesting their immediate implementation in order to end feudalism. All
the country's parties and organizations have declared their support for the
decisions of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Revolution Council in this
respect and have urged the government to grant the maximum assistance to
the peasants and farmers. At the same time many organizations have declared
their readiness to participate in implementing the land reform program and
in eliminating feudalism.
The second, entitled "Alliance on the Basis of Imperialism," says that U.S.
Defense Secretary Brown's visit to China was aimed at coordinating a joint
American-Chinese strategy in connection with recent world events. At
present the joint measures of these two countries are aimed against Iran
and Afghanistan, whose revolutionary changes are not to the liking of the
U.S. and China. The hegemonistic policies of Washington and Beijing will
face defeat in the end.
TA172038 (clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 17 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Afghanistan Desires the Strengthening of Friendly Relations
With Iran"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: Our homeland's people are waging a crusade to eradicate the
influence and domination of imperialism in our country, primarily U.S. imperialism, and
are engaged in a battle with the archdevil, namely U.S. imperialism, to strengthen their
independence and sovereignty. However, certain circles in Iran are greatly endeavoring to
divert our nation's attention from this basic aim and to redirect its struggles.
As we are aware, certain changes have taken place in our neighboring country, Afghanistan,
which are deslred and demanded by the people of that state, and which have been approved
by the Muslim people of that country. From the first days of assuming office, the present
leaders of Afghanistan have explicitly declared that they desire the establishment of
friendly relations with Iran and support the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian nation.
The right thing would have been for our homeland's responsible officials to warmly shake
the hand of friendship and amity which has been extended by a friendly and Muslim govern-
ment toward our country, and to build the foundation of friendship and amity between the
two Muslim and fraternal countries, and two anti-imperialist and liberated nations. However,
as it can be Observed, certain circles in our country are endeavoring through any means
to prevent the establishment of such friendly and cordial relations between the two
countries, and by resorting to pretexts and alibis manufactured by the CIA and Pentagon
circles to further strain the relations between the two neighboring countries:
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Recently Mr Babrak Karmal, the leader of the Government of Afghanistan, has sent a message
to Imam Khomeyni, leader Of the Iranian Revolution. In this message Mr Babrak Karmal,
while explaining the fact that in Iran, through the provocation of U.S. imperialism, certain
individuals and circles are engaged in unfriendly acts and propaganda against the
revolutionary chages in Afghanistan and against the unlimited assistance of the Soviet
Union and against the Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, states: On
behalf of the leadership of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan I assure you that
Afghanistan sincerely wishes to establish relations of friendship and brotherhood with the
Islamic Republic of Iran. In our opinion there is no factor that could actually become
the reason for differences between the two fraternal and Muslim nations of Afghanistan
and Iran, and between the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of
Mr Babrak Karmal, the leadee of Afghanistan, then explicitly emphasized in his message to
Imam Khomeyni: We are ready to take urgent measures to overcome any misunderstanding
between us which stem from the anti-democratic and provocative policy of Amin, and are.
prepared to send a good will delegation to Iran in order to normalize and consolidate
the friendly relations between our countries. In Babrak Karmalts message to Imam Khomeyni,
it is stressed, with respect to the unlimited material and moral assittance of the Soviet
Union to the state of Afghanistan: The Afghan Government in order to repel the armed
onslaught of Afghanistants foreign enemies, had requested repeatedly and consistently
such assistance in the past. The officials of the Afghan Government explicitly declare
that after the removal of the danger of aggression by Afghanistan's external enemies, the
limited militarycontingents of the Soviet Union which are stationed in the state of
Afghanistan under the treaty of friendthip, goodneighborliness and cooperation between the
two countries and also in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, will
immediately return to their peaceful country.
At the end of his message to Imam Khomeyni, Mr Babrak Karmal, the leader of
Afghanistan, assured Iranian authorities that the Government of the Demo-
cratic Republic of Afghanistan will never allow anyone to use his country
as a base for activities against the Islamic Republic and the fraternal
Iranian nation. Mr Babrak Karmal expressed the hope that Iran's officials
will also adopt such a stand.
The changes which have taken place in the leadership apparatus of Afghanistan
are changes which have been implemented for the benefit of the people of that
country, and to consolidate and deepen the gains of the revolution. These
changes also have special significance from the viewpoint of our country,
which is being threatened by the aggression of U.S. imperialism and its
allies. For in Afghanistan those individuals who have assumed leadership
have not only ended hostile propaganda and activities against the Iranian
revolution, but have declared their complete support of the Iranian Revolu-
tion, and desire the consolidation of the friendly and fraternal relations
between the two Muslim and liberated countries.
Imperialism and its mouthpieces have become 'furious at the changes in
Afghanistan and do not desist from any mean act against the Democratic
Republic of Afghanistan. Our nation's enemies, the imperialists and
Beijing's Maoists have been dealt a blow in Afghanistan, and it is for
this reason that they are howling. In such circumstances it is our duty
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to warmly shake the hand of friendship and amity which has been extended
toward us by a friendly and fraternal government and our natural ally, and
lay the foundation of friendship and amity with democratic Afghanistan.
TA181829 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Ilan in Persian to Iran
at .1730 GMT on 18 January carried two commentaries. The first, entitled "The Activities
of the Counterrevolution Among Army Personnel," said: Counterrevolutionary elements
are taking advantage of our country's presidential elections in order to exploit the
situation for the benefit of their masters. At present these elements have directed
their attention toward the army and have penetrated its ranks in order to carry out the
designs of the imperialists and Zionists against the nation's revolution.
Although many high-ranking officers of the shah's army have been purged or tried,
nevertheless, there are still a considerable number of agents of the former regime and
counterrevolutionary elements in the army. Imperialism and Zionism intend to use the
army to crush our nation's revolution and to bring back the former regime. For this
reason revolutionary vigilance must be doubled.
The second, entitled "Let Us Carry Out the Task of Cleansing Government Organizations
With Revolutionary Decisiveness," said: Imam Khomeyni has repeatedly stressed the
vital need to purge government organizations, whether civil or military, from SAVAKists,
remnants of the former regime, and agents of imperialism and Zionism. From the begin-
ning of the revolution's victory the national and progressive forces have called for
such a purge. Unfortunately up to nowimwdecisive steps have been taken in this direc-
tion. At present the agents of imperialism andZionism and remnants of the former regime
who have infiltrated most government organizations are trying to disrupt the presidential
elections. The people must be alert and vigilant and foil these attempts.
GF191600 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 18 Jan 83GF
[Unattributed commentary: "Weapons of Death conspirators"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The United States ranks first in the world of sales of ;
weapons. It sells arms including those in the world's explosive areas such as the
Middle East and the Persian Gulf. U.S. arms sales, which totaled $12 billion in 1977,
increased to $13.5 billion in 1978. Although in 1979 our Islamic Republic canceled
arms purchase agreements totaling $7 billion, this does not mean that U.S. arms pro-
duction has dropped since its sales to countries in the Persian Gulf and in other parts
of the world have increased.
What is the aim of the United States in increasing its arms production and arms sales?
In this way, Washington first provides an opportunity for the Persian Gulf countries'
oil dollars to flow into the pockets of U.S. arms manufacturing monopolies while at
the same time intensifying the arms race and military rivalry and confrontation among
various countries. This in turn disturbs military stability and provides the United
States with the necessary conditions for intervening in the internal affairs of other
countries under the pretext of protecting their security. Moreover, the United States
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sends tens of thous:Inds of military advisers and spies to, for example, the countries
in our region as a consequence of modern weapons sales.
The United States was compelled to seek new arms purchasers to compensate its loss
following cancellation of arms purchase agreements with Iran early in 1979. The
United States compensated for its loss by selling weapons to Egypt, which has betrayed
the Arabs freedom movement, and by increasing its arms sales to Israel. In the next
1 and 1/2 years, those countries will purchase U.S. arms worth $4.5 billion. Last
spring U.S. Defense Secretary Brown visited Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. His aim
was to increase U.S. arms sales to those countries. In 1979 the United States sold
Saudi Arabia arms worth more than $4 billion dollars. Agreement was also reached to
sell North Yemen U.S. arms worth $400 million. Saudi Arabia will pay for those weapons
and will also control the way they are used. The United States will also sell more
weapons to Oman.
One should take into consideration the fact that the United States is expanding its
military base-..already one of its biggest--in Masirah and is thus severely threatening
the Strait of Hormuz, an international waterway.
The question is: At which countries are all these U.S. weapons that are flowing into the
Middle East and the Persian Gulf aimed? The Americans have been arming Israel against the
Arab countries which are the victims of Israeli aggressions. Also, the United States is
arming Egypt against the Persian Gulf countries. Its aim is, through the hands of
As-Sadat, to crush the Gulf nations' anti-imperialist struggle directed against U.S. influence
and the influence of oil monopolies.
The United States is supplying Ouan and Saudi Arabia with arms in a bid to create military
friction in the Persian Gulf and thereby to threaten our heroic nation's revolutionary
achievements. The U.S. military bases in Bahrain and Oman and the Pentagon's presence along
the Saudi coast are intended to act as a show of force against the nations in the Persian
Gulf and in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, which are getting stronger. Despite all
this, despite all its military measures, including the sale of war weapons, the United
States will not be able to prevent the victory of the struggle of nations for freedom and
TA22054 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 21 January broadcast a commentary entitled "A Lesson from the Events in
Tabriz," Which says:
The events that are taking place in this or that corner of our country, particularly
the recent events in Tabriz, indicate that the counterrevolution inspired by U.S.
Imperialism has gained power and is striving at any moment to spill its poison and
strike a blow at the Iranian Revolution. As a result of the weak attitude of the
government the counterrevolution has become more sold, particularly at the present time
when presidential elections and the elections for the majlis will soon be held. In
such circumstances it is the duty of all parties, groups and organizations to mobilize
their forces to crush and eliminate the counterrevolution, and to build the foundation
of a united people's front. Imam Khomeyni has repeatedly called for the unity and
alliance of all revolutionary forces, and it is our duty to implement the imam's
instructions. Those who have been arrested in Tabriz should be tried in an open court
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so that the people would be able to see for themselves what aggressive plans have been
hatched by U.S. imperialism against the Iranian nation's revolution. The counter-
revolution, SAVAKists and remnants of the former regime operate as the fifth column of
U.S. imperialism in our country.. U.S. imperialism leads the counterrevolution in
our country, and puts money and arms at its disposal. For this reason one must fight
the counterrevolution with all power. Unfortunately, counterrevolutionary elements
still occupy sensitive posts in government organizations and strike at the Iranian
Revolution. A fundamental purge should be carried out in all government organizations,
and the counterrevolution must be confronted decisively.
TA221149 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 21 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "The True Revolutionary Forces and the Presidential Nominee")
[Text) Dear coiapatriots: The election campaign to choose the first president in our
country continues. The people are evaluating with special care and attention the views,
remarks and the political experience and ideological and religious positions of indi-
viduals who have announced their candidacy for the presidency. Political forces,
parties and various groups also have each expressed their views regarding the presi-
dential caudidatel;,
In the programs of the Voice and Profile of Iran and during election rallies and con-
ferences, the presidential candidates are defining their positions regarding the
Various political domestic and foreign issues of the country for the judgment of public
opinion; With deep regret it must be acknowledged that some of the presidential
candidates in their remarks and speeches have lost their sense of reality and just and
sound evaluation, and are striving to exploit the election campaign against this or
that progressive and true force of the revolution.
This group of presidential candidates, as in the past, has again brought forth in the
election campaign the body of communism and so-called communist threats and Other such
baseless topics--all of which in the final analysis will not only not be to their
benefit, but will be to the benefit of the counterrevolution. At present the counter-
revolution and the imperialist masters of the black forces opposed to the Iranian
Revolution are exerting all their efforts to create discord and division among the
forces loyal to the revolution. It is to fulfill this aim that the counterrevolution,
in accordance with the recommendation of the CIA and the Western intelligence services
and also the Chinese Maoists, is diverting public opinion from enemy number one of
the Iranian nation--U.S. imperialism and its allies. It has brought forth the clamor
and tumult regarding the so-called communist threat, the alleged desire of the Soviet
Union to gain control of the waters of the Persian Gulf, or other such myths, manu-
factured and fabricated by the propaganda apparatus of the Pentagon and the CIA.
It is completely obvious why the propaganda organizations of the United States and
Britain and the mercenary writers of imperialism and Zionism are now setting forth
such mythical accusations, particularly when U.S. imperialism has moved its naval
warships close to Irants shores. But it is not clear for what reason those who call
themselves the presidential candidates of liberated Iran, which is under the military
threat of imperialism, are repeating [words indistinct] those same accusations and
calculated statements of Western broadcasting organs.
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Our country is passing through a very sensitive period, particularly on the eve of the
first presidential election, and in conditions Where the sworn and number one enemy
of thkIranian Revolution, namely U.S. imperialism, has moved a greater part of its
naval warships near the shores of our homeland. A presidential campaign is not for
[words indistinct] and gaining votes at any price. It is in such circumstances that
the real political profile of this or that (?candidate) is revealed. And it become
obvious to What extent they possess wisdom, farsightedness, and revolutionary tactics,
and are not ready to sacrifice the truth for their personal and immediate interests.
We said that the parties and the various political and religious groups have presented
their views of the presidential candidates for the Judgment of public opinion. [words
indistinct] that these progressive and national forces and the true followers of the
imamis path believe that among the presidential candidates Messrs Masan Habibi, Daryush
ForUhar, Dr Sarni and Dr Mokri are more competent than others. These forces at the
same time believe that among these four personalities, it is best that Mr Hasan
Habibi be nominated by all the true forces of the revolution and faithful followers
of the imams path to occupy the post of the first president in our liberation
The victory of the candidates preferred by the parties and the true forces of the
revolution and the faithful followers of the imam's path is not only dependent on the
joint activity of these forces among the people, but also an the farsightedness and
generosity of the presidential candidates themselves. In order to prevent diversity
of opinions it is proper that the candidates preferred by the true forces of the revol-
ution and the faithful followers of the imam's path bow out in favor of the person who
more than the rest enjoys the support of the vast majority of the people--this to ensure
election of the best, which is to the benefit of the victory of justice and unity of
word and action.
The interests of the revolution, the interests of the nation and the country should be
placed above personal interests, and in order to safeguard these interests and for the
victory of the best candidate for the post Of presidency, all forces must be mobilized.
TA231414 ['Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 22 January broadcasts the following commentary entitled "Cleansing the
Day's Problem":
The true forces of and the parties and organizations believing in the revolution and
faithful to the imamls policy have again called for the remnants of the former regime.
Duam Khomeyni himself has repeatedly given instructions to the government authorities
in this connection. Unfortunately the provisional government failed to take any decisive
measures in this respect, and as a result, the counterrevolution has become bolder, and
is engaged in subversive actions in many parts of our country. The people demand that
the authorities publish a list of all the SAVAKists, complete with their specifications,
so that they would be identified, and their subversive actions be foiled. At the same
time the people also demand that all government organizations be purged and cleansed
with revolutionary decisiveness.
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TA321608 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 22 Jan 80 TA
(Unattributed commentary: "On Which Forces Is the U.S. Pinning Its Hopes?"]
(Text] Without doubt, if we pay attention to the hostile propaganda campaign which is
being waged against the democratic and revolutionary changes in Afghanistan by certain
circles in our country in order to divert public opinion from concentrating on the main
enemy--U.S. imperialism--we would be able to see that the friendly complaint of Afghani-
stan's leader is a justified complaint.
Once more we draw the attention of the leaders of the Iranian Revolution to the fact
that certain plots are in the process of being implemented by imperialist circles, and
these plots of U.S. imperialism and its allies cannot and should not be overlooked.
Regrettably, there are certain persons in our country's organizations who, knowingly
or unknowingly, are striving to implement the schemes of U.S. imperialism. These indi-
viduals must be identified and should be dealt with in a revolutionary manner. The remarks
and activities of such individuals are aimed at weakening the revolution. U.S. imper-
ialism has not changed its nature and cannot be a (?reliable) protector. The enemy of
our people and the people of Afghanistan is one and the same, and that is imperialism)
headed by U.S. imperialism. Therefore, all efforts should be exerted in the struggle
against the conspiracies of U.S. imperialism.
Certain changes have taken place in Afghanistan which are strictly an internal matter
and which have the approval of the people of this country. The legitimate Government
of Afghanistan requested material and moral assistance from its friendly neighboring
government in order to repel the threat of foreign aggression. This request by the
Afghan Government was met. Now numerous documentsJand proofs have been published which
indicate that, if such action had not been taken, U.S. imperialism and its allies would
have flooded the state of Afghanistan with blood, undermined the gains of the revolution
and transformed that country into a base against the Iranian Revolution.
The revolutionary changes in Afghanistan are also significant from the viewpoint of the
Iranian nation's revolution. The new Afghan Government has declared its support for
and protection of the Iranian nation's revolution, and it is this fact which has led
U.S, imperialism to howl. Amid such conditions the true forces of the revolution should
correctly support the changes in Afghanistan and not place themselves on the side of
Its enemies.
The evolution of events indicate that certain circles which conspire and incite in Qom,
Tabriz, Esfahan and so forth, and which cause the killing and massacre of the people,
are also engaged in provocation against Afghanistan. All these conspiracies and pro-
vocations emanate from one source--the imperialist and Zionist source.
Washington is shedding tears because its plans in Afghanistan have been thwarted.
This is the same Washington which for many years supported the deposed shahlsc,regime
and, is now also engaged in intrigue against the Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Re-
public of Iran. It has concentrated a large number of its ships close to our country's
shores and threatens our country with aggression, intervention and economic blockade.
(?Under the pretext) of supporting the Muslims of Afghanistan, the same Washington which
supports the Israeli Zionists against the Muslim Arab nations is now conspiring against
that country's revolution and people.
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One Must be alert and vigilant in the face of the conspiracies of U.S. impekialism.
Right should be distinguished from wrong, and imperialist conspiracies in whatever
garb or guise should be foiled with revolutionary vigilance.
TA232058 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 23 Jan 80 TA
(Unattributed commentary: "A Conference Whose Plan Has Been Prepared in the United States"]
(Text] Dear compatriots: The U.S. plan to hold a meeting--and to bold it in the name
of the Islamic Conference--of representatives or regimes dependent upon it to discuss
the so-called Afghan question is on the verge of being implemented. It is said that
this so-called conference will begin on 26 January in Islamabad. (Words indistinct]
let us see who are the agents of this so-called Islamic Conference, the representatives
of which forces are taking part in this conference, and which individuals intend to
review the so-called Afghan question in the name of Islam?
It suffices to note that the main participants in this famous conference cooked up
by the Pentagon and the CIA are the representatives of the regimes of As-Sadat, Numayri,
Qabus, the Saudis and their ilk, and woe to the plight of Muslims when persons such
as As-Sadat and Qabus or Numayri and the Saudis intend to defend their so-called rights.
These gentlemen can defend no other Islam than the Islam favored by Begin and Kissinger
and the Islam which the agents of the plundering policy of the United States are pro-
tecting in accordance with the current fashion.
We do not have to go far.. Let us consider for one moment the relations and attitude
of the leaders of these Islamic countries not only toward their own people but toward
the Iranian Revolution, a revolution which was carried out under the leadership of the
imam of the nation, the great Khomeyni. Has anybody ever heard or has it ever been
read in any place that, for example, As-Sadat--Egypt's president--has uttered a word
in defense or in support of the national and Islamic Revolution of Iran? In Aswan not
long ago, when Begin--As-Sadatis associate and colleague--uttered insults against the
Iranian Revolution and the leader of our homeland's revolution, Mr As-Sadat--the Muslim
defender of Islam--confirmed all of Begin's (?nonsense)
Was it not As-Sadat, the same gentleman who intends to defend the rights of Afghan Muslims
in that famous Islamic conference in Islamabad, who with complete impunity and in a
brazen manner declared his readiness to support the deposed and criminal shah from the
first day of the Iranian Revolution and the shah's escape? Has the Iranian nation and
the Muslim nations of our region forgotten this fact? Have the nations of our region and
the Muslims of the world forgotten that As-Sadat's regime, in line with the recommendation
of Carter and the Zionist Kissinger, stabbed the Muslims of Palestine nn i the Palestine
liberation movement in the back? Have the people forgotten that while the aggression
Israeli forces are killing the unarmed Palestinian people, this same Mr as-Sadat, the
so-called Muslim, raises his glass to the health of Carter and Begin?
Can one expect this treacherous creature to defend the rights of Muslims? And is it not
a disgrace for a true Muslim to take part with such a creature or his representative in
a conference, especially one held in the name of an Islamic Conference?
Consider now the life-story of another creature who heads another Islamic country--namely,
Qabus. In line with the instructions of his American and British masters, and in order
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to attain the monarchy, Qabus killed his father. By means of the deposed shah and his
army this deceitful creature and agent of U.S. policy annihilated thousands of Dhofar
strugglers and destroyed thousands of Muslim families. Right now, U.S. and British
imperialism, through the hands of Qabus, have established a large military base in Oman
territory at Al-Masirah and have actually posed a threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Who is (?not aware) of the plunderings of the leaders of Saudi Arabia and of the depriva-
tion of its people? While each members of the Saudi dynasty is lying on billions of
dollars, the toiling and Muslim people of Saudi Arabia are living in the miserable con -
ditions of the Middle Ages. The Saudis have not only placed their army at the disposal
of the Americans, but the biggest U.S. military base is in Dahran in Saudi Arabia.
During these difficult days for our country when U.S. imperialism is threatening us with
an economic blockade and military aggressions, who is not aware that the leaders of Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Sudan and Oman have openly declared to U.S. imperialism that it can use
their territory as a springboard against Iran? The leaders of these countries not only
have not condemned the conspiracies and plots of U.S. imperialism against an Islamic
country--namely, Iran--but actually are in league with U.S. imperialism against our home-
land and its revolution'. Only a while ago at the Tehran conference, did not the leaders
of the-liberation movements of Islamic countries reveal the true features of creatures
such as As-Sadat, Qabus and their ilk? And were not the speeches of these representatives
broadcast by the Voice and Profile of Iran.
What has happened now that our country's public media, instead of unmasking the instigators
of this conference [words indistinct] at the meeting of these few corruptors on earth
allegedly to defend the Muslims of Afghanistan. These persons who are massacring the
Muslim people of their own countries and who have stabbed in the back the real Islamic
movement, in what manner do they want to defend the Muslims, and under the protective
umbrella of U.S. imperialism?
Commitment toward the Iranian Revolution, toward the path of the nation's imam--the great
Khomeyni--dictates that all true followers of the revolution and the imam thwart the plan
of U.S. Imperialism in bringing together a bunch of its puppets in the name of an Islamic
conference. Any kind of weakness, negligence or (words indistinct] the forging of facts
in -this connection is a blow to the revolution and its leadership in our liberated
TA242036 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 24 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "The Voice of the Mouthpieces of the U.S. From the Throat
of Certain Individuals in Our Country")
[Text] Dear compatriots: Now, when the attempts by U.S. imperialism and its (?allies)
to stifle the Iranian Revolution and to impose economic saisotions against our country
are being intensified, certain elements in our homeland, contrary to the imam's path, by
resorting to the pretext of the so-called Soviet threat, are striving to divert the
anti-imperialist struggles of our homeland's people from the primary course and, in any
way possible, to save U.S. imperialism from the blows from the struggles of the Iranian
nation. These elements act exactly contrary to the recommendations of Imam Khomeyni,
the leader of the revolution, who has requested all to Nord indistinct) their weapons,
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and to direct them toward the United States. By presenting illusive and false acousationsi
these people are attempting to deprive the Iranian Revolution of its natural allies, to
sow discord among the true revolutionary forces in our country and thus weaken the
revolution and facilitate the implementation of the conspiracies of imperialist countries
in [word indistinct] the Iranian Revolution.
The recent remarks by a number of our country's responsible officials regarding con-
ditions in the region--that, allegedly, Iran is being (?pushed) toward unbridled
communism; that, allegedly, the present course of our country is not Islamic at all--
indicates that these gentlemen have not been alarmed by the danger of the threats of
U.S. imperialism. Rather they have been alarmed from the (?development) of the true
forces of the revolution and the faithful followers of the imam's path.
It seems that by counting on such developments imperialist circles have found some hope
of restoring their lost positions in our country. For example, recently the U.S.
Government spokesman said that the United States still feels responsible for Iran's
security. He called on Iran's officials to release the hostages so that the United
States and Iran can coordinate (?all) their efforts against the Soviet Union.
According to the Washington POST the United States has [word indistinot] new principles
in its relations with Iran. According to these new principles, it has been
recommended that U.S. representatives direct the sharp edge of their attacks and
criticisms toward (?those) who are holding the American hostages, namely the student
followers of the imam's path. . They should call them Marxists and terrorists who are
allegedly (?acting) against the interests of the Iranian nation and government. The
U.S. Officials themselves acknowledge that the aim of such a policy is to deny the
activists and followers of the imam's path the people's support and, consequently, to
consolidate the positions of liberal Iranian officials, who are striving to convince
Imam Khomeynl to desist from the policy of (?confrontation) against U.S. imperialism.
Now couple these writings and recommendations by U.S. officials with the illusive and
Irresponsible accusations of certain responsible officials of our country and make
the neoessary conclusion.
It is clearly obvious that U.S. imperialism which has concentrated a considerable part
of its naval warships close to our country's southern shores and threatens Iran with
Intervention, military aggressions and economic sanctions, has now attempted to sow dis-
cord among the true forces of the revolution from within and to strike a blow at our
nation's revolution from within through the aid of certain circles, who, as it seems,
have still not completely cut their relations with U.S. imperialism, thi- sworn enemy
of the Iranian people.
In fact, it must be said that there is a joint conspiracy against the Iranian Revolution.
Knowledgable observers rightly point out that just as the subject of the hostages is no
more than a pretext for the Americans4talso the subject of the events in Afghanistan and
the material and moral assistance of the Soviet Union to the Afghan Government, which
was rendered according to the request of that government in order to repel foreign
aggression, was and continues to be and cannot be other than an alibi for certain circles
In our country to restore the positions of U.S. imperialism in Iran.
Without doubt the [word indistinct] of U.S. imperialism to restore its former positions
Is only upon those who, up to now, have actually pursued a middling course in the face
of the conspiracies of U.S. imperialism, and all the efforts have been directed toward
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diverting the struggles of the Iranian nation from its anti-imperialist course. The
revolutionary Changes in Afghanistan were a mortal blow to U.S. imperialism. As a result
of these changes a government has come to power that has declared its full support for
the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian nation. Therefore, certain voices coming from a
number of persons about the so-called communist threat and the likes cannot divert the
vigilant Iranian nation from the .struggle against the main enemy, namely U.S. imperialim.
Our homeland's people recognize quite well their friends and foes, and the attempts of
oertain elements to mislead public opinion are a futile and vain attempt.
TA241821 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 24 January broadcast a commentary, entitled "TOmmorrow is Election pay,"
which says: Tomorrow is election day when millions of our compatriots will vote in a
presidential election for the first time. From his hospital bed, Imam Khomeyni has sent
a message to the nation calling on all the people to participate in the presidential
elections and to preserve unity. With the election of a president a new page will open
in our nation's history. It is for this reason that the revolution's enemies,: the
agents of imperialism and Zionism, are engaged in subversive acts and provocations in
our country to create chaos and to sow discord and division. The plots of imperialism
and its masked and unmasked agents must be foiled by the revolutionary forces ,on elec-
tion day. These forces have come out in support of Mr Hasan Habibi as their presidential
GF251622 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 24 Jan 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "Tomorrow is Election Day"]
[Summary] "Dear compatriots: Tomorrow is election day?the day our liberated country
will elect its first president. For the first time in our nation's history the Iranian
people will go to the polling stations in freedom to elect the country's first president.
"Before the revolution, for years an end, our country was ruled by greedy despots who
ignored the national will. The country was ruined and the people were subjugated by
those Who, after seizing power, shed the people's blood in order to fill their purses
and to maintain their savage rule.
"By ending the evil regime, which was hostile to our people, our revolution has made
possible tomorrow's presidential election which, officially, will mark the beginning
of a popular and national regime, that is, the Islamic Republic. Tomorrow will not
only. be the day on which the president will be elected, but also a day an which the
nation will reaffirm its loyalty to people's great imam and leader Khomeyni. Unfortu-
nately, the great imam is ill. However, even in his sickbed he is not neglecting the
nation's vital interests. From his sickbed the imam has sent a message asked all
ethnic minorities ?Kurds, Baluchis, Azerbaijanis, Arabs--to participate in the presi-
dential election. He asked all the people to maintain their unity and to go to the
polling stations as a single body."
The presidential election will add a new page to the. history of our nation's Worthy
revolution. A new life is beginning in Iran-. As a result, the Iranian Revolution's
enemies--the remnants of the defunct regime and SAVAK men?together with the enemies
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of our country's freedom and independence?U.S., British and Israeli conspirators?have
been resorting to subversion, provocations and plots and terror in order to crush the
revolution and its achievements. U.S. imperialism has mobilized all its masked and
unmasked agents. Together with British colonialism and Zionists, U.S. imperialism
brought onto the stage men such as Bakhtiar and also armed gangs to create fear and
terror and division and discord. In this way they aim to divert the Iranian people
from their struggle against bloody U.S. imperialism. Incidents which occurred in Qom,
Tabriz and elsewhere were masterminded by U.S. and British hirelings and demonstrate
the great conspiracy hatched against the Iranian people.
"Imperialists are aware that the election of a president and the people's reapproval
of the republican regime will be a new blow to the domestic and foreign dark forces."
In the view of our country's national and progressive forces, the most qualified candidate
for the presidency is Hasan Habibi and the country's overwhelming majority should vote for
"On this occasion we wish good health and long life to the leader of our revolution, Imam
Khomeyni. We are confident that, through actively participating f he election and by
observing the imam's directives on the issue of preserving national unity and solidarity,
we can contribute to that great man's speedy recovery."
GF271910 [Editorial Report GD] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 25 January broadcast a commentary, entitled "Cleansing the Army is Today's
Neti4Ssityin which says: The remaining roots of the previous regime are struggling to
dbert the people's struggle against U.S. imperialism and to divert the revolution from
its true path. They made a very dangerous conspiracy in Azarbayjan Province and particu-
larly in Tabriz. Those conspiring elements were arrested and condemned to death. We were
saved from another conspiracy to destroy our revolution. It is a big mistake to think that
was the last conspiracy and that U.S. imperialism is not going to make any attempts in the
future. Without doubt there are elements in the Islamic Republic Army who want to conspire
against our revolution. We must cleanse our arty of these elements very soon.
GF261630 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 25 Jan 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "Return to Force in International Policy"]
[Summary] Dear compatriots: Recently a great change has been observed in U.S. policy in
various parts of the world. One can regretfully observe steps by President Carter to use
economics for military purposes and to expand U.S. military presence in various regions.
Certain military activities by the United States and the Pentagon's effortsto strengthen
U.S. military bases abroad and to also establish new ones indicate a clear return to cold
The interesting aspect of this deVelopment is that all the steps the United States has been
taking are directed at strategic areas and regions which possess oil wealth, that is,
at the near and Middle East. The aim of conspiratorial U.S. policy in these regions is
to foil our nation's and Afghanistan's national liberation and revolutionary movements
and anti-imperialist policies.
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q.In a statement some time ago, U.S. presidential aide Brzezinski referred to the revival of
arises which had existed in the past. One cannot help asking this question: Who caused
the revival of these crises? The fact is that, in many parts of the world, waves of
opposition to U.S. influence and the influence of domestic reactionary regimes have become
so intense that nations no longer tolerate neocolonialist policies and measures. This is
why the crises were revived. The national liberation struggles in the Red Sea region, in
the Persian Gulf, in southern Arabia and in Southwest Asia are responses to U.S. imperialist
policy. Crises in these areas were caused by Americans themselves by undertaking the role
of gendarme following the victory of the anti-imperialist, national and democratic
struggles in Iran, in South Yemen and in Afghanistan.
In its role as the gendarme of the region, the United States wants to foil the struggle
of the nations against international imperialism, as represented by U.S. imperialism,
and by reactionary regimes.
"The United States has embarked on efforts to establish a military base in Kenya in
East Africa with the aim of using it against Iran and Afghanistan and oil-producing
countries. in the Persian Gulf. The United States has plans to create similar bases in
Somalia and Oman. The fact is that imperialism's aim is the sane everyidaere: To maintain'
a series of vital U.S. interests and to insure continuation Of exploitation by U.S.
oil monopolies. The aim is also to threaten the revolutionary achievements of the
Iranian and Afghan nations.
"The United States is also using its stooges in Egypt and Israel in its aggressive
policy in the Middle East. The United States wants to settle the crisis in its rela-
tions with our country and also to threaten Afghanistan. It has secured the agreement
of As-Sadat and Begin to use airfields and bases in Egypt and Israel to transfer mili-
tary forces to the Persian Gulf when needed. We 222 know that As-Sadat and Begin are
supporting U.S. military measures and are acting against the interests of Iran and
"This was one of the issues discussed by As-Sadat and Begin in their recent meeting in
Aswan. As-Sadat openly stated that he would help U.S. military forces in their utili-
zation of Egyptian bases and that he would even extend financial and technical assis-
tance in this connection. This was not mere talk. It may be that U.S. military units
are stationed in Egypt even now. The large U.S. base in that country is active. The
United States is stationing bombers [agir tawarelerij and also radar-equipped intelli-
gence-gathering planes which collect information from the Persian Gulf area and from
our country.
"U.S. policy's violent return to aggressive and conspiratorial means can also be
observed in the U.S. military activities in Turkey. The Turkish Government, in return
for military aid, was forced to again place 25 military bases at the disposal of the
United States. The Americans can use these bases against our homeland Iran, too, any
time they want. Some of these bases are also being used for spying and intelligence
"The United States' new doctrine and Carter's measures designed to secure support for
the policy of militarizing countries linked to the United States are a great blow to
detente and run counter to progressive changes in countries that do not want to be
dependent on the United States. It follows therefore that this imperialist policy is
meeting with the strong and firm opposition of countries which have won their freedom,
and in this just struggle the failure of U.S. imperialist policy is certain and
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0F261830 [Editorial Report OF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 26 January broadcast a commentary entitled "U.S. Imperialism's Supporters
in Our Country", which says: "U.S. imperialism is expanding its conspiracies in the
Persian Gulf and threatening our freedom and independence. The unpleasant events in Qom,
Tabriz and other parts of our country prove that U.S. imperialism is going on with its
conspiracies against the revolution. U.S. imperialism, with the help of some officials
in our country, is struggling to divert our people's struggle from its true path: the
struggle against imperialism and against the United States. Despite the fact the United
States threatens our independence and peace, American authorities belive they are
responsible for our country's peace.
They want our country's authorities to cooperate with them in order to bring peaoe to
Iran. Those authorities who are cooperating with U.S. imperialism against our revolution
want to divert the revolution from its struggle against imperialism. We cannot keep
silent against these conspiracies. So, without forgiving anybody, we have to act against
these kind of people. We also have to cleanse all government offices, whether army or
oivil, of counterrevolutionary elements.
GF271500 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT
26 Jan 80 GF
(Unattributed commentary: "U.S. Imperialism's Supporters in Our Country"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: U.S. imperialism has expanded and intensified its military
presence in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean and has concentrated a large number
of warships in the vicinity of our country's southern shores, thereby seriously
threatening our country's revolution, independence and security. The strange thing is
that, despite their warlike preparations against our country, the Americans, with the
aim of deceiving and diverting public opinion, are saying that they want to solve the
crisis with Iran amicably. Also, in cooperation with certain Iranian authorities, the
Americans are trying to divert our people's struggle from its main anti-imperialist
and anti-American course.
Although the U.S. Government is threatening our country's independence and security,
U.S. authorities are unashamedly asserting that they have a responsibility for Iran's
security. They are asking the Iranian authorities to cooperate with them to insure
Iran's security. Of course, this U.S. appeal could not be and is not directed at
honest officials who are loyal to imam and who consider the uprooting of all the rem-
nants of U.S. domination as the fundamental task of the revolution. The appeal is
aimed at those Iranian officials who are opposed to the revolution and who have in-
filtrated the ranks of true revolutionaries, serving the interests of imperialism.
The regrettable and antirevolutionary incidents which have occurred in Qom, Tabriz,
Esfahan, Sanandaj and other places demonstrate that the fifth columnists, that is, the
lackeys of U.S. imperialism, are working against the revolution and its achievements
in our country. At every opportunity, these dark forces are raising their heads and
plotting. And they will continue to do so until they spit their last venom. The
Tabriz incidents, which led to the exposure of the counterrevolutionaries' secret
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aotivities, are an example of this tragic situation. The arrest of 20 of the con-
spirators at the Tabriz airbase confirmed the existence of counterrevolutionary centers
in various military units and government organizations in various parts of the
One cannot and should not remain indifferent to the conspiracies of such counter-
revolutionary centers. The work should start scrupulously and without mercy to purge
all the military and state organizations of counterrevolutionary and imperialist
elements. The government should publish the list of SAVAK agents without delay.
A multitude of accusations and evidence denotes that the counterrevolutionaries, SAVAK
agents and remnants of the defunct regime are closely linked to U.S. espionagmorgan-
izations and members of the defunct regime who fled the oountry. At home, the counter-
revolutionaries are receiving moral, material and military Aid from their American god-
father, and one must state with great regret that certain official circles have placed
the counterrevolutionaries under their protective wing.
Let it not go unsaid that, from traitor Bakhtiar to General (Ovisay), the exeoutioner,
former regime's fugitives abroad, inspired by U.S. imperialism, are engaged in pre-
paring plots and provocations against our nation's revolution. According _to information
we have obtained, former General (Ovisay), a lackey of U.S. imperialism and a bloody
executioner, at a recent meeting in London with his fugitive partners, briefed them on
the plot prepared against Iran by the CIA and Pentagon. (Ovisay) told those present
that his American friends have issued instructions for action against the Iranian
Revolution. (Ovisay) said that near the borders of Iran he has under his command
more than 10,000 armed men, ready to act against the Iranian Revolution. He also said
that in Iran, too, there are forces supporting the shah's regime.
All this shows that the enemies of the revolution--U.S. imperialism, fugitives of the
defunct regime and counterrevolutionaries within the country?are busy preparing
provocations and plots against the Iranian Revolution. One cannot and should not ignore
this common plot by imperialism, the fugitives of the defunct regime and domestic
reactionaries. Firm and urgent action is needed to confront the enemy and to foil the
conspiracies of the counterrevolution. Above all revolutionary positions within the
country and behind the frontline should be strengthened and reinforced. The alliance
and unity of work and action of all truly revolutionary forces is of vital impOrtanee
in this process.
The foiling of counterrevolutionary conspiracies requires, above all, the purging of
all civil and military organizations of the presence of counterrevolutionary elements,
SAVAK agents and remnants of the defunct regime. It requires the elimination of U.S.
imperialism's supporters in the country. In order to foil the joint conspiracies of
imperialism and counterrevolution, all revolutionary political and ethnic groups,
organizations and parties and all truly revolutionary forces dedicated to the imam
should direct their efforts toward the creation of a united popular front.
GF271850 [Editorial Report OF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to
Iran at 1730 GMT on 27 January broadcast two commentaries. The first, entitled
"People's Expectations of Iranian Radio and Television," says: Recently the news-
paper JOMBURI-YE ESLAMM discussed matters involving Iranian radio and television,
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calling them harmful propaganda organs and against the imam's line and the people's
demand. The government radio o: the Islamic Republic must be the voice of the real
forces of the revolution and the imam. Programs must be in accordance with the law
of the country and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic. Khomeyni announced
several times that the radio and television are eyes and ears of the country. On
several occasions he asked the Iranian radio and television staff not to let the
enemies of the revolution infiltrate them. But unfortunately, as the newspaper wrote,
there are many diversionists in Iranian radio and television. The people are not
hearing anything about U.S. imperialism on the radio. On the contrary, sometimes they
hear things which divert their attention from U.S. imperialism and their struggle
against this big enemy.
The second. entitled "Conspiratorial Aides of the United States", says: Iran and
Afghanistan are facing violent attacks from Carter. The reason is that the U.S. lost
the shah's regime in Iran and also its base in Afghanistan. The root of the bad rela-
tions between Iran and U.S. is not only the hostages; it is more deeper than this and
this fact is clear to all the people. We must search for the root in the defeat of
the shah's regime and the recent events in Afghanistan. We all know that the U.S.
effort to blockade our country economically was defeated. Now the U.. threatens our
country militarily. The U.S: isusingthe reactionary regimes in Pakistan and other coun-
tries linked to imperialism.
0F280710 [Editorial Report GF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani
to Iran at 1745 GMT on 27 January broadcasts a commentary, entitled "Let Us Support
Struggle Against Feudalism", which says: In our liberated country the struggle against
big landlords and agents of U.S. imperialism and Zionism is constantly gaining strength.
Peasants have made recourse to various lawful means against feudal landlords and have
achieved a series of successes. In various parts of the country peasants have arisen
against landlords Who illegally seized land. Fortunately, in many areas the peasants'
rights are being protected by revolutionary officials by means of a series of measures.
In various areas hundreds of hectars of land have been placed at the disposal of our
"The interesting aspect of our farmers struggle against dishonest big landlords is
that in two ways the struggle is directed against the great devil, U.S. imperialism.
The statement on this subject by one of the members of farmers council of Mashhad is
interesting. He said: Dear farmers, at this juncture we must realize that our real
enemy is the United States. Do not say: What has the United States got to do with us?
We should fight against our masters; the United States has nothing to do with us. No.
The United States has much to do with us. You should realize that the United States
was the shah's master, and master means landlord. If we had to fight the landlord
alone, we would not have succeeded. To fight the landlord we had to fight his master
the United States, too.
"Our peasants! struggle against U.S. imperialism and its feudal lackeys and landlords
continues unabated. The aim is to terminate the feudal relationship and distribute
land to farmers who have little or no land, improving their conditions. In this just
struggle the farmers will certainly triumph."
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TA291121 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 28 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "What Is the So-Called Islamic Conference in Pakistan?"]
[Text] Dear Compatriots: The conference which has been arranged in the name of the
Islamic conference in accordance with the plan of the United States and in order to
discuss the so-called Afghan problem is continuing its work in Pakistan. The main
initiators of this famous conference cooked up by the CIA and the Pentagon are those
same Zia ul Hags, As-Sadats, Numayris, Qabuses and Saudis who are linked by thousands
of threads to U.S. imperialism, this sworn -.e,Inemy of Islam and the Muslims.
It is very unfortunate that, under the pressure of certain people, our country has also
agreed to participate in such a gathering of the representatives of regimes who on many
occassions have displayed their hostile attitude toward the Iranian Revolution. In
order to restore its lost position in our country and also to stifle the Iranian
Revolution, the regime of the United States threatens our homeland with military
aggressions and an economic blockage. In such a sensitive and difficult period for our
country, the leader of the regimes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Oman, by alining them-
selves with U.S. imperialism, have actually acted against our homeland and the Iranian
nation's revolution and have told U.S. officials that they can utilize their territories
as bases in implementing their conspiracies, plots andllrovocations against Iran.
Iranian officials are also well aware of this fact. Nevertheless, despite previous
decisions and the opposition of certain realistic officials and the true forces followers
of the Imam's path, they have agreed to Participate in such a meeting and to take part
in thediscussion regarding the Afghan problem, which is tantamount to open interference
in the internal affairs of an independent country. This is a country whose leaders have
declared their full support for the national and Islamic Revolution of Iran, not like
many of the participants in this conference.
We are all aware that certain revolutionary changes have taken place in our neighboring
country, Afghanistan, which have the approval of the people of this country. As a
result of these revolutionary and democratic changes, the devilish schemes of U.S.
Imperialism, which intended to transform Afghanistan into a base against the Iranian
Revolution, were foiled. Unfortunately, certain officials in our country still do not
want to recognize the fact that U.S. imperialism, hand in hand with Maoist China and
by relying on the Afghan counterrevolutionaries and Pakistanis black and reactionary
forces led by Zia ul Rag, has prepared and implemented a plan of aggression against
Afghanistan to transorm it into an anti-Iranian base, and that the revolutionary changes
in Afghanistan foiled this joint imperialist and reactionary plot.
The convening of the Islamic conference to discuss the so-called Afghan problem is also
part of that same general plan of U.S. Imperialism and its Chinese allies. Following
the revolution's victory, we have seen many instructive examples of such attempts in our
country, and we have witnessed how counterrevolutionary forces inspired by U.S. imperialism
have come to the fore in the various stages [words indistinct] of the revolution 'rider
many-colored slogans and guises, including the religious guise, with the joint a4m of
striking at the revolution and preventing the progress of the imam's path. These forces
have acted and continue to act against our nation's revolution, and it is not clear why
certain people do not want to recognize such facts in Afghanistan.
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In Afghanistan, too, counterrevolutionary forces running hand in hand with reaction and
world imperialism and by utilizing the support of reactionary circles and intenational
Imperialism have not ceased and do not cease to undertake any kind of plot and ccnspiracy
against the revolutionary gains of the Afghan people. The convening of the IslarLe
conference and convening it in Pakistan are among these impeftaliSt and reactionary plots.
The people's and democratic revolution of Afghanistan, like our homeland's Islamic ,
Revolution, is a blow at imperialism And has aroused the wrath and concern of ractiodary
and imperialist circles. Given such circumstances, it would be just--and the liberated
people of our homeland expect it--if officials of the Islamic republic defend the revolu-
tion in the face of the conspiracies of the counterrevolution, defend freedom, liberty
and the anti-imperialist movement in the face of the plans of colonialism and imperialism,
and support the new changes in Afghanistan which are directed toward (?checking) the
progress of imperialism and internal counterrevolution and consolidating the gains of
the democratic and people's revolution in that country. This is so because only such a
stand is consistent with the issue of the great revolution of the Iranian people and
with goodneighborly relations with the fraternal and Muslim people of Afghanistan.
Unfortunately, it can be seen that, knowingly or unknowingly, certain elements in our
country act contrary to the recommendation and advice of the leader of the Iranian
Revolution, Imam Khomeyni, who has repeatedly stated that the sharp edge of the struggle
must be directed toward U.S. imperialism. Imperialist and reactionary circles headed by
U.S. imperialism have engaged in hostile and extensive propaganda against the Democratic
Republic of Afghanistan and are also attempting through puppet regimes such as those of
Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and so forth?namely regimes opposed to the Iranian Revolution?to
trample the revolutionary gains of the people of Afghanistan.
As we have said, the so-called Islamic conference in Pakistan is also a part of these
imperialist conspiracies. Our people expect the officials of the Iranian Republic to
confront the changes in Afghanistan from a realistic viewpoint and to refrain from taking
a hostile stand toward them. The demand of the people from our homeland's revolutionary
foundations is to expose the plans of U.S. imperialism in initiating this famous conference
and to defend anti-imperialist and anti-reactionary struttles in the fact of the
conspiracies of imperialism and reactionary circles.
GF291740 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 28 Jan 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "On the Result of Presidential Election"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The attention of our country's public opinion and the public
opinion of the entire world is currently focused on our presidential election.
However, this public interest is neither extraordinary nor unexpected since it is the
first time such an election has been held in our country, following generations of
oppression by despotic rulers and a national Islamic and democratic revolution under the
great Imam Khomeyni--a revolution which destroyed the evil Pahlavi dynasty and its hated
monarchy and replaced it with a new republican regime.
The election of the president constitutes the last phase in the process of consolidating
the republic. It is in full realization of this that our people widely participated in
the election and cast their votes at the polling stations with great Joy and enthusiasm.
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The vote count shows that Mr Bani-Sadr has received the great majority of votes cast.
Mr Bani-Sadr is a man who enjoyed the imam's support in the process of political activities
preceding the election. Moreover, both during and after the revolution--especially over
recent months--he expressed his popular political and economic views in a series of speeches
and statements and press articles. These reflected support for certain popular reforms
which are in accord with the people's wishes. Specifically, his views on freeing Iran's
economy from imperialist subjugation, on effecting far-reaching and radical changes in
the economic field and on saving Iran's economy by pursuing a noncapitalist road have
won the support of those who want Iran to be economically independent. Also, in contrast
to the views and principles of certain political factions, Mr Bani-Sadr has expressed
firm support for the need to respect social and political freedoms and freedoM of speech
and thought. As a result, on the basis of what our country's president has said and
written, the prevalent opinion is that he supports the freeing of the countryrs economy
from imperialist subjugation, freedom of speech and thought, and freedom for all parties
that support the Iranian Revolution.
Undoubtedly, as far as our people are concerned, this or that political personality, and
especially a person occupying the high office of president, will be judged by his behavior
and actions. However, what is being said in no uncertain terms is that since the republican
regime is a product of the great revolution--which was achieved by the Iranian people under
Imam Khameyni's leadership and which was aimed at completely destroying the evil and
despotic monarchy, at completely eliminating the domination of imperialism headed by
Iran's number one enemy U.S. imperialism, at supporting the.workers and securing their
welfare, at eliminating social differences, at securing Iran's full political and
economic independence, and at establishing a just and united society--it has followed
and should continue to follow the revolutionary line.
The Iranian nation fully expects of its president to work loyally and resolutely for the
realization of the aims and principles of the revolution, which is termed as the imam's
(?legacy), by fully utilizing his rights and responsibilities.
The Iranian nation's domestic enemies as represented by the remnants of the defunct
regime, which was destroyed at the cost of the nation's tears and blood, and by SAVAK
agents, and the nation's foreign enemies as represented by our number one enemy savage
U.S. imperialism and its allies, have engaged in provocations and conspiracies both during
the period which led to the proelamation of the republic and during the presidential
election. Henceforth, too, they will continue their activities designed to implement
their evil plans in various ways.
U.S. imperialism and its allies, in a bid to divert the blame from themselves,:;will also
continue their plotting against their own agents. [as heard] Unfortunately, there are those
who foolishly have fallen victim to such plots. Under these circumstances, extremely
serious duties and responsibilities face the country's authorities, and especially the
Obviously, the imam's genius and leadership are a basis and guarantee for the protection
and continuation of the revolution and its achievements.
Despite this, one should not ignore the fact that the task of protecting the revolution
against attacks and plots by the joint forces of reactLon and imperialism can gain
enormous momentum only through loyally and firmly following in the imam's footsteps.
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Within the framework of the unflinching struggle being waged against U.S. imperialism and
against the misfortunes and tragedies it has created as a result of its past domination
and its ourrent conspiracies, the Iranian nation expects the president of the republic to
aot firmly in order to secure welfare and prosperity for the workers, to end exploitation,
to insure respect for the people's political and soOial freedoms, and thereby to implement
the inam's principles.
TA201414 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 29 January broadcasts the following commentary entitled "The Massive Increase
in the Export of U.S. Weapons,"which says: The responsibility for the severe international
tension during the present period lies with the United States, which according to Carter's
decision has adopted a new direction in its foreign policy. Examples of this can be seen
in the deployment of U.S. missiles in Western Europe, in the military presence of the U.S.
in various world areas, in the conclusion of new military treaties with countries dependent
on Washington, and also in the massive increase in the export of U.S. weapons to other
countries. In the Middle East the U.S. has increased arms sales to Pakistan and is attempting
to gain permission to establish a new military base in that country. Following the re-
activation of 26 bases in Turkey, Washington has delivered about 170 fighter planes to this
country. The U.S. has also delivered modern,arms to Thailand. Carter has increased the
military budget of the United States and Washington has started the delivery of offensive
weapons to Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Mcrocco, North Yemen and Pakistan. "In order to repair
the damage resulting from the fall of the deposed shah and to lay hands on the petrodollar
the U.S. is also intensively continuing the sales of its weapons to the Persian Gulf
countries." "In order to infiltrate militarily into Pakistan, Washington is using
Afghanistan's internal situation as an alibi" and has allocated $400 million military aid
to Pakistan. The U.S. has also pulled China toward its expansionist policy. The world's
peace-loving forces condemn the massive export of U.S. arms to other countries, and demand
the elimination of military bases and U.S. military presence in various corners of the world.
GF310602 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 GMT 29 Jan 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary: "Expansion of U.S. Military Presence"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: Recently the United States has intensified its efforts designed
to expand its military presence in the Near and Middle East and in the Persian Gulf. The
Carter administration has sent a second technical delegation to Oman, Somalia and Kenya to
prepare some of those countries' harbors and airfields as bases for its warships and air-
craft. All this is part of Washington's activities connected with expanding U.S. military
presence in the Near and Middle East and the Indian Ocean's African shores and, in conformity
with the Pentagon's aims, is taking place in the Persian Gulf.
As is known, U.S. stooge Qabus has allowed the United States to establish a large military
base on the Island of Masirah at the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz. On Carter's orders,
25 U.S. warships are already stationed in the vicinity of Hormuz with the aim of blockading
the strait and threatening our country. Both the United States and Britain have decided to
place large quantities of modern arms at the disposal of Qabus' lackey regime. According
to recent reports, the United States intends to act as the (?guardian) of the Persian Gulf.
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In addition to all this, the Pentagon has been expanding its military bases in Egypt and
Israel. There are already U.S. Air Foroe units in Egypt. These have been holding joint
exercises with Egyptian forces in what were formerly Israeli bases in Egypt.
As-Sadat has stated that if military conflict breaks out in the region he will allow U.S.
military units to be transported by way of Egypt to the region and will provide all the
necessary facilities and supplies to such units. This clearly Shows the full military
cooperation among the United States, Egypt and Israel against Iran And other Persian Gulf
countries which possess oil. As-Sadat has also promised military aid to Somalia, a country
which has intensified conflicts in the Red Sea region.
The United States is also bent on dramatically increasing its military presence in the Indian
Ocean. As part of this the Pentagon has turned Diego Garcia into a base for its 5th tEleet,
thereby causing all the inhabitants to emigrate. The United States allocated an extra
$170 Million for the expansion of the base.
The United States is also bent on boosting its influence in Pakistan. Its military presence
is being expanded in that country too. Washington promised Pakistani's military regime aid
totaling $1 billion.
As for China, following the U.S. defense secretary's visit, China has been working to
attract Pakistan into the United States' military fold in the Middle East. Recently the
Chinese foreign minister visited Pakistan with the aim of intensifying the activities of
counterrevolutionary Afghans who have been concentrated in Pakistan and boosting Pakistan's
military challenge to Afghanistan and India.
The aim of the United States in strengthening its military presence in various parts of the
world is to create new centers of tension. However, such U.S. conspiracies are creating
strong oounterreaction among the world's progressive forces and are bound to fail.
TA301950 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 30 January broadcasts the following commentary entitled: "The Just Expectations
of the Farmers":
The recent measures of the Ministry of Agriculture in connection with the distribution of
land among landless peasants are the first steps toward implementing land reform in our
country. Deputy minister of agriculture, Reza Esfahani, said in this respect that the aim
of the Ministry of Agriculture is to distribute the land among the farmers in accordance with
Islamic regulations. We are all aware that most of the land in our country has been
illegally and forcefully usurped by a small number of landlords and landowners. Even now
these elements are exploiting the farmers and peasants, as in the past. Therefore, the
first step in saving the farmers and our country's agriculture from the present crisis and
impasse is to get rid of the big landlords and landowners in accordance with Islamic and
revolutionary regulations. Until this is accomplished the farmers will not have a decent
life and Iran's agriculture will not reach the self-sufficiency stage. The government :
should also grant financial aid to the farmers and peasants.
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TA312018 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to /ran 1730 GMT 31 Jan 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "Let Us Observe With Open Eyes the Conspiracies of U.S.
[Text] Dear compatriots: As we are aware, in his message to Imam Khomeyni, the leader
of our homelandis revolution, Mr Babrak Karmal, the leader of Afghanistan, while clearly
stating the fact that the Afghan Government supports the Iranian nation's revolution,
pointed out that the government and state of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan will
never allow anyone to use Afghanistan as a base for Activities directed against the
Islamic people. It is natural that Mr Babrak Karmal at the same time expected Iranian
authorities to adopt a similar attitude toward his country.
As we have seen from experience, the Afghan Government has also (?consolidated) these
commitments of its leader through concrete measures. Following the implementation of
revolutionary and democratic changes in Afghanistan and the [word indistinct] of Amin,
this agent of the (?Pentagon and the CIA), all hostile activities and propaganda against
the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan were terminated. The Afghan lovernment [words
indistinct] has defended the atni-imperialist struggles of the Iranian D die in the face
of all the anti-Iranian conspiracies, plots and provocations of imperialist and reactionary
The right thing would have been for our country's officials to adopt a similar attitude
in respect for this attitude of our Afghan brothers, However, unfortunately as it is
being observed, not only have our country's officials not adopted such an attitude, but
some of the official and responsible authorities, in this special instance, are pursuing
a policy which willingly or unwillingly pours grist into the mill of the enemies of the
Iranian Revolution, namely the imperialists and their allies.
Although Bean's deputy foreign minister, Mr Kamal Kharrazi, declares that concerning
(?relations) with Afghanistan, as in the past, no new measures will be taken. Neverthe-
less, it is observed that this is not so. It is said that a number of camps of Afghan
counterrevolutionaries have been established on Iranian territory, In these camps the
Afghan counterrevolutionaries and remnants of Afghanistan's feudalists and Khans, who
are linked by thousands of threads with the espionage organizations of the U.S. and
Britain, are being trained and prepared for war and fratricide in Afghanistan.
Since this report has been either confirmed nor denied by our country's official sources,
the anxiety of our homeland's people has risen more than ever, and this is a natural thing.
On the other hand it is said that an office of the Afghan counterrevolutionaries called
the office of the Islamic Party of Afghanistan [Hezb-e Eslami Afghanistan] has been
officially opened in Tehran. Even Western news sources acknowledge that the leaders of
this so-called Islamic party have close links with American and British intelligence
organizations. With such a record, granting permission to such an organization to begin
activity not only means opening the way for American spies to enter our country under
the guise of an Islamic party, but at the same time it is an unfriendly act against a
friendly and neighboring country, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
There is no doubt that in the present circumstances the Iranian and Afghan revolutions
have in many respects common views with regard to the obvious aggression and attacks of
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imperialism, namely the United States and its Chinese allies and so forth. Whether the
.Iranian Revolution or the Afghan revolution are under brutal attack by imperialism, and
whether the counterrevolution in :ran or in Afghanistan, is being supported by U.S.
imperialism and its mercenary regimes, and [words indistinct] against both countries.
Fortunately in Afghanistan conditions and grounds do not exist for the activity of the
counterrevolutionaries and the enemies against /ran, as the government of this country
has deprived the enemies of the Iranian Revolution of any means of activity. However,
unfortunately in our country there are still certain circles who under various pretexts
are striving in any possible way to implement the conspiracies of imperialism. It is
not without reason that American news sources are [words indistinct] also of these events
in our country. We all know that the leaders of the political group of the so-called
Islamic party of Afghanistan, whose office has been opened in Tehran, are [words
indistinct] by the U.S. espionage organization. The leaders of [words indistinct] are
the same remnants of the corrupt and ousted former regime of the Afghan monarchy, whose
faith, religion, Islam and Mecca are Washington and London, and who have had no common
ground with true Islam Whatsoever.
In our liberated and anti-imperialist country there should not be and must not be a
place for sordid people and remnants of feudalists and the enemies of the Afghan people,
who during the period when the Iranian Revolution was in its zenith, backed the satanic
regime, and were protected by the SAVAKists of that regime. Our homeland's people
recognize the true profile of these so-called Afghan revolutionary exiles. For this
reason they demand that the officials of our country's Islamic Republic observe with
open eyes the many-colored and new conspiracies of U.S. imperialism, and to expel], these
masked mercenaries of the U.S. and British intelligence serves from our country.
Our homelandls people demand that they warmly shake the hand of friendship, amity and
fraternity which has been extended toward us by the Government of Afghanistan and not
fall into the trap of the adventurist conspiracies of U.S. imperialism.
TA311853 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 31 January broadcast a commentary, entitled "The Demand of the People as
Stated by the Struggling Students", Whildh says: With the election of the new president our
country is entering a new historical stage. At this juncture the people are demanding
that the struggle against the counterrevolution and remnants of the former regime be
pursued with revolutionary decisiveness. As a result of the indecisiveness of government
officials the revolution's enemies have become bolder and we are witnessing their con-
spiracies and plots in various parts of the country. In this connection the society of
Muslim students has issued a statement demanding that a list of all former SAVAKists
be published so that they would be identified and punished for their crimes. They have
also demanded that a purge be carried out in all government organizations, whether civil
or military, and that agents of U.S. imperialism and SAVAKists be tried in a,revolutionary
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TA911940 [Editorial Report.TA] (Clandestine)National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 1 February broadcast two commentaries:
The first, entitled "Which,Islam Are We Defending, said: As we are aware, the work of
the Islamic conference has ended. From the outset,it was obvious that the aim of U.S.
officials in convening this conference was to divert the public opinion in the Muslim
world from its main and number one enemy, namely U.S. imperialism. The U.S. Government
for a long time was searching for a pretext to divert public ()Pinion from its conspira-
cies, plots and subversions against Iran, and even if the Afghan problem did not exist,
it would have found another pretext to implement its expansionist and anti-Iranian aims.
fortunately some of our country's officials, willingly or unwillingly, adopted an
attitude in respect to participation at the conference which pleased U.S. officials. It
should be stated that in our world one cannot be indifferent to the two existing opposing
trends. One is the liberation movement, anti-colonialist trend and the struggle for
Justice, right and equality, and the other is the trend of plunder, looting, colonialism
and slavery.
A middle or third option does not exist. Either one should be with the people and adopt
a revolutionary stand inside the country and be with al1 the national and progressive
forces in the world or one should be among the counterrevolutionary and reactionary forces
within and their world base, imperialism. One cannot be friendly with the Saudi regime
and at the same time claim opposition to regimes associated with U.S. imperialism. One
cannot support the anti-imperialist liberation movements of the region and at the same
time sit at the same table with the leaders of regimes that are crushing these movements,
and allegedly defend the Muslims and their rights. Is the Islam of Imam Khomeynt and
his true followers the same as the Islam of King Kbalids, Fahds, Zaki Yemenis, As-Sadats,
buses and Ziaul Haqs? Certainly not. It is not the same?and oannot be the same. Out-
wardly all the representatives in the conference were invited to allegedly defend Islam
and the Muslims. However, the first question which should be posed in this connection
is defense of which Islam? The Islam of Khomeyni or the Islam of As-Sadat, King Khalid,
Qabus and Ziaul Hack? We firmly believe that the convening of this conference by U.S.
imperialism, through the hands of the As-Sadats Qabuses and Ziaul Hags was to divert
public opinion from the aggressive conspiracies of the U.S. against Iran, and our strug-
gling nation cannot agree completely with the decisions which were adopted in the con-
ference. One should be alert and vigilant against the many-colored conspiracies and
schemes of U.S. imperialism.
The second commentary entitled "The Struggle Against Feudalism Is Not Separate From the
Struggle Against Imperialism,' said: Our farmers and peasants have recognised that the
struggle against feudalism is not separate from the struggle against imperialism, since
these two are linked with each other. In the demonstrations and rallies which the farmers
and peasants have held in various parts of the country they have called for a continued
and revolutionary struggle against both imperialism and feudalism, and have urged that
this struggle be carried on until final victory..
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OF021837 [Editorial Report GF] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 OMM on 2 February 1980 broadcast the following oommentary, entitled "Let Us
Try to Applaud and Strengthen the Revolution Guards,s which says: ? Cleaning goverment offices
of imperialismand Zionism's necessary! Imam Khomeyni many times announced this need
to the Revolution Council. Cleansing the offices of imperialist and Zionist elements
is the demand of all parties, groups and organizations in Iran. Unfortunately, we have
to say that no real steps have been taken. During the first goverrment appointed after
the victory of the revolution, spies like Amir-Entezam and other imperialist and
Zionist elements and SAVAK men entered the revolution. They harmed the revolution. We
remind the people again of the need. We think that it is very necessary to
strengthen the Revolutionary Guards. Unfortunately there are some authorities in the
revolution who do not think much of the Revolution Guards, these guards who have
defended the revolution since the victory.
OF031345 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in, Azerbaijani to Iran 1745 OMM 2 Feb 80 OF
[Unattributed commentary: "A Flagrant Violation of Our Country's National Sovereignty")
[Textj. Dear compatriots: The conspiracy by which six members of the U.S. Embassy in
Tehran were smuggled out of the country has not only evoked indignant public reaction
but also this just question asked by our people: How can the Western powers so easily
imnlameut such conspiracies against Us in our own country? Our oountry's authorities
must answer this question.
As is known, six members of the U.S, Embassy in Tehran, with the help of Canadian
Embassy staff members, escaped from Iran by making use of forged passports. These
persons were living in the Canadian Embassy. During their stay there espionage circles
?of Canada and the United States jointly prepared the necessary cOnditions for their
escape. This constitutes a flagrant violation of Iran's sovereignty.
The Iranian officials concerned, in a bid to.coverup their shortcomings and ignorance,
are trying to blame each other, saying that the six persons had Canadian diplomatic
passports and that they escaped by exploiting current formalities. Of course, this is a
matter which largely concerns the country's officials. Nevertheless, the fact cannot
be overlooked that the escape of the six persons using forged passports was not an easy
thing to accomplish. There must be secret hands in our country's organizations con-
oerned which helped fulfill the plan. The student followers of the imam are rightly
asking why the government did not prevent it from happening.
Our country's people expect the Islamic Republic not to ignore this issue and to investi-
gate it properly and firmly. They expect it to expose the secret hands which help
conspiracies such as this that flagrantly violate our country's sovereignty and also to
punish those who are guilty.
Another aspect of the incident is that it Was committed by the embassy of a Western
country, Canada, whose authorities have been talking about the need to observe inter-
national law. Those who talk of the need to observe international norms and laws are
In fact themselves acting in a way that brings to mind gangsterism rather than
diplomatic practice. The Canadians, in cooperation with U.S. officials, cheated our
state authorities, carrying out what amounts to a flagrant violation of most
elementary international law and procedure.
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Mt is said that the Canadian authorities (?have) apologized to Iran's Foreign Ministry
in connection with this wrong act by their diplomats. That is strange indeed. Those
countries which have been conducting a worldwide anti-Iran propaganda campaign are now
engaging in our country in acts which not only run counter to diplomatic procedure but
also constitute a flagrant violation of our country's sovereignty and international
rule and regulations.
This action by Canadian diplomatic officials once again shams that to the Western
powers international law does not mean a thing. Our people have once again observed
that imperialism has not abandoned its savage character. In order to achieve its aims
it will stop at nothing, from threats of military action and economic blockade to ugly
acts such as smuggling people out of the country.
It goes without saying that espionage organizations of certain Western countries would
not have been able to implement this plan without the help of some official Iranian
authorities. In view of this we would once again stress the need for effective purges,
from top to bottom, of some state organizations. The Iranian Revolution's leader,
imam Khomeyni, on various occasions stressed the need for such purges. These should
be effected urgently and without delay. In the Meantime, through firmer unity of
word and action, conspiracies by imperialist circles should be foiled and Iran's s
sovereignty should be further strengthened.
GF031854 [Editorial Report UF] (Clandestine)National Voice of Iran in Persian to /ran
at 1730 amT on 3 February 1980 broadcast two commentaries.
The first, entitled "The Basis for the Purge," said: When our revolution entered the
period of rebuilding the country, the people faced many problems in educational and
social affairs. Our struggling and free people always and from the beginning of the
victory insisted that the authorities implement the imam's orders to purge government
offices of the previous regime elements. For example, the Ministry of Education was
long a center for the previous regime's propaganda. The authorities of this ministry
last no opportunity to satisfy the shah.
The second, entitled "Peking's Expanding Damination,"said: Harold Brown, during his
visit to China, promised economic cooperation and also military cooperation. In return
he got the FRC leaders' agreement on U.S. aggression in the Persian Gulf and the Indian
Ocean. The U.S., by pulling China toward its policy, could sell more weapons to the
world through NATO countries. China is supporting the U.S. in its aggression against
Iran and Afghanistan and also is participating in the aggression. China announced
openly that it supports the interference of the U.S. in Indian Ocean states. It wants
the U.S. to expand its military bases in Oman, Somalia, Eapt and Israel. China is
struggling to create a military base in Pakistan with the help of the U.S. The U.S,
is training countefrevolutionsries and trying to send them to Afghanistan. It gave
400 million dollars to Haq for this purpose.
TA050850 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 4 February broadcast two commentaries. The first says: Today is the
anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad Which is coinciding with the great
victory of the Iranian nation in the crusade against the Pahlavi dynasty and against
tyranny and U.S. imperialism. For centuries Muslims have struggled in order to imple-
ment the true Islam of the Prophet and this struggle continues today in the Muslim world.
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"Without doubt the Islam which the leaders of Saudi Arabia or the As-Sadats,
Qabuses and individuals such as Ziaul Haq profess to follow cannot be the
true Islam, the Islam of the Prophet of Islam, of 'Ali and Husayn, and the
Islam of Khomeyni." While our Palestinian brothers are being crushed by
the tanks and the military machine of Israel and the United States, As-Sadat
In one way, and the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Oman and their likes in
another way, are siding with the United States, and consequently with Israel.
"The leaders of these so-called Islamic countries have put all their natural
and financial resources at the disposal of American Zionists, and it is from
these financial profits and natural resources that the U.S. Government has
armed Israel to the teeth so that it would continue its aggression against
the Arabs."
Can these people be called Muslims? Islamic conscience is to support right
and justice against oppression and corruption, to support freedom and
liberty against tyranny, to support the rights of the deprived against
world-devouring imperialism, headed by the United States. "Has U.S.
imperialism changed its nature? Without doubt no." Then how is it that in
our country U.S. imperialism conspires against the revolution and its
leader and moves its warships close to Iran in order to commit aggression,
and places weapons and money at the dispoeal of the counterrevolution, and
In Afghanistan this same U.S. imperialism purports to be the protector of
Islam and befriends the leaders of the counterrevolutionary groups and
gives them financial and military aid. "Is this bitter fact not a cause
for reflection at least for those who sincerely defend the true Islam?
We hope that through unity of expression the Muslims will cut the hands of
the oppressors from their countries."
The second commentary says: Let us pause and think why imperialist circles
and their mouthpieces have created such a propaganda tumult about the so-
called Islamabad Islamic conference, and are expressing pleasure and satis-
faction from its results. These circles are pleased because they have
achieved their aim in sowing discord in the ranks of Muslim countries,
diverting world public opinion from the threats and aggressive actions of
U.S, imperialism against our country, and exploiting the Afghan events in
order to implement the devilish plans of U.S. imperialism. "Now that we
are witnessing the intensification of the plots, conspiracies and provoca-
tions of U.S. imperialism and Britain and the prostitute regimes of a
number of Islamic countries following the convening of that anti-Islamic
conference, we can see to what extent those people were in the right who
perceived the hand of U.S. imperialism from the sleeve of a number of
these puppet regimes and declared their opposition to the holding of such
a notorious conference.
"It is with deep regret that our country's representatives also, without
considering the nature of the conference, and only because this conference
was called Islamic, went to Islamabad contrary to the nation's demand and
inclination, and participated in this notorious conference beside the
representatives of Ziaul Hags, Qabuses, Numayris and the Saudis." As we
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are aware the Americans had ordered the leaders of a number of their puppet
regimes in the Islamic countries to hold this conference. Of course the aim
of imperialist circles in convening an Islamic conference was only for the
purpose of reviewing the so-called Afghan problem. However, contrary to the
futile attempts of the American puppets and due to the decisive actions of
the realistic representatives of a number of Islamic countries, other topics
were also discussed in the conference, including the conspiracies of U.S.
imperialism and Britain against Iran. "Nevertheless, U.S. imperialist
circles are pleased that they succeeded to some extent to divert public
opinion in Islamic countries from their aggressive conspiracies. Our home-
land's struggling and Muslim people have condemned the results of the
Islamabad conference."
"Imperialism and its puppets in the Islamabad conference strived greatly to
separate our country from its natural allies, and to divert Iran from the
joint conspiracies of imperialism, Zionism and reaction.
"It is the duty of our Muslim and struggling people not to be indifferent
toward these anti-Iranian conspiracies, to recognize well their friends
from their enemies, and to exert all their efforts to crush the conspiracies
of these enemies. U.S. imperialism wants to deprive the Iranian Revolution
from international support and solidarity from progressive humanity and frOm
its natural and sincere allies." Now U.S. imperialism is directing its
special attention most of all toward Afghanistan, whose leaders have
declared their full support for the Iranian Revolution. The people are
rightly asking how one can speak of pursuing the imam's path, and then sit
down in a conference with representatives of regimes opposed to the Islamic
Revolution of Iran and its leader and against a neighboring and Muslim
country. "Don't our country's officials see that persons such as Brzezinski,
this Zionist enemy of the Iranian nation, is meeting in Pakistan with the
leaders of Afghan mercenary and counterrevolution groups, and is promising
them aid in order to struggle against the people and Government of Afghanis-
tan? This fact should serve as a warning to our country's authorities and
officials. Our homeland's people demand that official sources preserve
more than ever their revolutionary vigilance in the face of the joint
conspiracies of imperialism and reactionary regimes."
TA061502 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 5 February broadcast a commentary which
said: During an official ceremony Mr Bani-Sadr received his presidential
order from the leader of the Iranian Revolution. In this order the imam
appointed Mr Bani-Sadr as the president and pointed out the duties of the
new president which should be carried out according to the constitution,
and called on the people to cooperate with the new president. After
receiving his order Mr Bani-Sadr also made some remarks and called for
unity and understanding among the people, and for economic opportunities
for all the people. The people expect that the new president will be the
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guardian of the constitution and the people's right, and if he sincerely
takes steps in this direction, without doubt he will enjoy the people's
[The text of the news report follows] And now we draw your attention to
one news report. Arriving reports indicate that the president of Panama,
a country in which at present the deposed shah is residing, has had unoffi-
cial contacts with Iran's representatives. The envoys of the Panamanian
president have proposed a formula for resolving the problem of the American
hostages. According to reports this problem is being reviewed with the
participation of UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, and also Bruce Laingen,
charge d'affaire of the United States Embassy in Iran, who right now is
staying at the building of our country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Laingen has been given the opportunity to establish telephone contact with
Washington. It is said that allegedly it has been declared on behalf of
the United States to Iranian authorities that the United States does not
intend to impose an economic blockade against Iran because it is hopeful of
a positive solution to the problem of the hostages.
It has been reported from these same sources that members of the deposed
shah's family, who have taken asylum in European countries have established
certain groups of mercenaries in order to penetrate into Iran. Some indi-
viduals of these mercenary groups are getting the necessary instructions
and training in Israeli territory to carry out subversive acts in Iran.
According to reports the deposed shah has allocated huge sums from his
plundered funds to employ [word indistinct] mercenaries, and for their
'o61743 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 5 Feb 80 TA
(Unattributed commentary: larzezinski, the Aiir of the So-Called Struggling Muslims
of Afghanistan"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: As you are aware immediately following the conclusion of the
so-called Islamic conference at Islamabad, the United States' imperialist circles pro-
ceeded to carry out some of the decisions of this conference. Brzezinski, this servant
of Zionist circles and enemy of Muslims, who at present is allegedly claiming to be the
defender of Muslims, proceeded to Pakistan, and there, met with Ziaul Haq, this accomplice
of the deposed shah, and reviewed with him the plan of the Pentagon and the CIA in
connection with the measures for implementing the imperialist conspiracies and plots
against the liberation and anti-imperialist movements of the nations of the region, and
especially against Iran and Afghanistan, under the guise of supporting Islam.
At present imperialist circles are hiding their conspiracies, plots and provocations
under the guise of supporting the Muslims of Afghanistan. Thus we are witnessing the
first results of the so-called Islamic conference at Islamabad in the shape of increasing
of the attempts of U.S. imperialism, which is shedding crocodile tears,- allegedly for
the destiny of the Muslim people of Afghanistan. Documents and evidence indicate that
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in the course of his visit to Pakistan Brzezinski visited some of the camps
of the Afghan counterrevolutionaries in that country, and declared to the
leaders of these counterrevolutionaries that the United States supports
their struggles.
Yes, those who today in the name of struggling Muslims are fighting against
the revolutionary gains of the Afghan people are the associates and
accomplices of the Brzezinskis, the Zionists and the unbridled representa-
tives of U.S. imperialism. They are actually fed from the manger of the CIA
and the Pentagon and the espionage organizations of Maoist China, and act
according to their plan and instructions in implementing the evil aims of
imperialist circles, under the pretext of Islam.
It is appropriate that we get to know the defenders of these so-called
Afghan strugglers in Muslim countries also, so that this fact will become
more obvious: Those in our country who have risen in support of this group
are pouring grist into the mill of these people. As-Sadat is one of the
most firm defenders of the Afghan counterrevolutionaries, who has repeatedly
declared his hostility toward the Iranian Revolution and its venerable
leader, Imam Khomeyni. As-Sadat has betrayed Islam and especially the
interests of the Muslim people of Palestine, and hand in hand with the
Israeli Zionists is acting against the Muslims and Islam. Now this stolid
agent and Carter's servant has suddenly thought of allegedly saving the
Muslim people of Afghanistan.
Let us have a look at Ziaul Hag, this equal of the deposed shah, who has been
imposed on the people of Pakistan by the hand of the American CIA, and who
killed Bhutto, the legal prime minister of that country, and who under the
pretext of defending Islam and Muslims is implementing in Pakistan the plans
of U.S. imperialism and Beijing's leaders against Afghanistan. We need not
say anything about Sultan Qabus, or the king of Morocco, or Numayri and
other subservient elements in Islamic countries who are serving imperialism,
and whose hostility toward the liberation and anti-imperialist movements
of nations, including our homeland's people's revolution, is clear.
Revolutionary and democratic changes have taken place in our neighboring
country, Afghanistan, as a result of which the danger to true Islam and the
people of that country was repelled, and the evil plans of imperialist and
reactionary circles were thwarted.
As a result of the Afghan changes one of the most stubborn hostile regimes
of the Islamic revolution of Iran was overthrown, and as the natural ally
of our country, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan declared its full
support for the Iranian nation's revolution. What has led imperialist
circles and their stooges to howl against Afghanistan and its people's
government is this fact, which they cannot overlook.
Unfortunately, in our country there are certain circles, who without paying
attention to the nature of the matter and by falling into the trap of the
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demagogic propaganda of imperialist circles, are unwillingly aiding the
conspiratorial plans of U.S. imperialism under the pretext of defending
Islam in Afghanistan. We said that Brzezinski, this mad enemy of the
Islamic Revolution of Iran, promised the Afghan counterrevolutionaries in
Pakistan that the United States will defend and support them. This defense
and support began to be implemented following the convening of the so-called
Islamic conference. Through Pakistan, American and Chinese weapons and
military equipment is being sent to Afghan counterrevolutionaries stationed
in Pakistan, and American and Chinese military advisers are training these
fugitive bands from Afghanistan, and are dispatching them into that country
to massacre the Muslim people.
From what has been said it can clearly be seen that the danger which is
threatening Islam and the Muslims is that selfsame danger of U.S. imperial-
ism and its stooges, such as the As-Sadats and Ziaul Hags, and it is
incumbent upon us to view these matters realistically.
TA071945 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 7 February broadcast two commentaries. The
first, entitled "The Goal of the Revolution Is Backing the Toilers," said:
In his order to the president of the republic Imam Khomeyni has stressed
the importance of safeguarding the constitution and supporting the deprived
and the toilers. The toilers and deprived of our society have the right to
expect an improvement in their welfare. For a long time they struggled
against the despotic regime of the shah, which was based on the policy of
plundering the people. With the overthrow of that regime its colonialist
and plundering policies should be discarded also. Unfortunately, until
now there exists in our society certain landowners and capitalists who are
exploiting the deprived and the toilers. Support for the deprived should be
coupled with the implementation of various short-term and long-term revolu-
tionary programs to improve their welfare.
The second, entitled "The New Impudence of U.S. Imperialism," said:
The U.S. State Department has published its annual report about the situa-
tion of human rights in the countries of the world. In a section of this
report which pertains to Iran, it is said that a repressive regime has been
replaced by another repressive regime. One cannot expect anything else
from a foreign ministry of a country recognized by the people of the world
as enemy number one of freedom and independence, and the great enemy of
human rights. Bloodthirsty U.S. imperialism committed many crimes in our
own country against the freedom, rights and independence of the Iranian
nation for many years. During the quarter century of the deposed shah's
rule U.S. imperialism participated directly in all the crimes, torture and
murder committed against the struggling and free-loving people of Iran.
The executioner, the bloodthirsty Mohammad Reza himself was imposed on the
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Iranian nation by the Americans through a coup d'etat, and thereafter they
became the real rulers of Iran, but now they declare that they are not
satisfied with the situation of human rights in Iran. Right now with the
leadership of the U.S. Government and its espionage organizations, execu-
tioners such as Oveysi, Palizban, Sabeti, Bakhtiar Zahedi and others are
engaged in plots, conspiracies and provocations against the Islamic Republic
of Iran.
The U.S; Government is threatening our country with an economic blockade and military
intervention and is engaged in various conspiracies against our nation. Despite all
these actions they are expressing concern about the execution and arrest of the
executioners of the Iranian nation. The arrest, trial and punishment of all the
executioners, and enemies of the people and the revolution and the servants of the United
States are among the vital tasks of the revolution. Despite U;S; imperialism the Iranian
nations sees in the features of the Islamic Republic of Iran a real democratic and national
regime, and will strive in its protection and consolidation will all power.
TA082010 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 8 Feb 80 TA
lUnattributedcommentary: "Let Us Listen to the Warning of the True Forces of the Revolution"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: During the last 2 or 3 days a series of events including the
publication of documents by the student followers of the imam's path in connection with
the relationsofMrMinatahi, the former minister of national guidance, with the employees
of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. His detention and then his release, his dismissal
from the post of minister according to the decision of the Revolution Council, and finally
the street demonstrations of a section of military units supporting the student followers
of the imam's path, and their issuance of a warning in respect with the preparation of a
military coup d'etat by the remnants of the former regime, have drawn the attention of
everybody and all national forces committed to the revolution.
The military units in Tehran demonstrated and Made their protests, as they declared during
the demonstrations, because it has become obvious that there is a program in the army,and
the armed forces in connection with a purge that is on the verge of being implemented.
Contrary to the demand of the people and contrary to the imam's recommendation this purge
will involve persons who were active in the revolutionary military councils of the armed
forces following the overthrow of the shah's regime.
During their demonstrations the army personnel warned the people that a coup d'etat is
being prepared by the remnants of the Pc6Mer regime. At the same time, parallel with
the intensification of the military conspiracies of theUnited States against Iran, and
the comings and goings of high-ranking officials of the United States to the Arab states
of the Persian Gulf region and Pakistan and the countries of the eastern coast of Africa,
and. the U.S. warships moving closer toward our country's coastal borders, these days
extensive propaganda has begun against the true forces of the revolution, the progressive
parties and groups committed to the revolution.
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It is apparent from the situation and as we have repeatedly warned, that
whether at home or abroad the counterrevolution hand in hand with the mad
Imperialism of the United States is making step by step preparations to
implement its adventurist plans against the Iranian Revolution. It is trl.te
that the admirable revolution of the Iranian nation, led by the imam of the
nation, has taken root in the hearts of one and all in our society, and has
ripened on the basis of self-sacrifice. It is true that the Iranian nation
is ready at every moment and instance to defend every inch of the liberated
homeland, its freedom, liberty and national sovereignty tooth and nail.
However, it should not be forgotten that in the present stage of the anti-
imperialist struggles the Iranian nation's dealings are with the. mercenaries
of SAVAK, Mossad and the CIA, with the remnants of the former regime, from
the plunderers of our nation's wealth to the middlemen of Western monopolies,
from the criminal SAVAKists on one hand, and the aggressive force of the
bloodthirsty U.S. imperialism on the other. The counterrevolution is
engaged in conspiracy within and without in order to prepare the ground
for the aggression of U.S. imperialism.
The events of recent days in our region indicate that U.S. imperialism has
drawn all the reactionary regimes of the Persian Gulf region, and also the
regimes of Egypt, Sudan and Somalia into the orbit of its anti-Iranian
policy in order to implement its adventurist and anti-Iranian plans. We
need not say anything about Israel, the chained dog of U.S. imperialism.
In the face of such an extensive conspiracy of the counterrevolution and
imperialism one should be prepared.
It must not be forgotten that U.S. and British imperialism, and their
puppet regimes in the Persian Gulf region, such as the bloody regime of
Saudi Arabia or Oman, or the treacherous regime of As-Sadat, have a common
aim with the counterrevolution inside our country. And that is the liquida-
tion of the gains of the Iranian Revolution and the revival of the strategic
and plundering positions of U.S. imperialism and the oil monopolies.
Now the mouthpieces of the Carter administration or their servants in
Israel, Egypt and Oman are openly talking about the necessity of military
intervention in Iran. In such circumstances if the gains of the revolu-
tion and our nation's revolutionary foundations are not safeguarded in the
face of the conspiracies of the counterrevolution, and if the elements of
the counterrevolution are not purged at all levels, the path will actually
be smoothed for the interventions and aggressions of imperialism.
In 2 days time we will celebrate the first anniversary of the Iranian
nation's revolution. It is probable that our revolution's internal,and
external enemies, from the remnants of the former regime to the mad forces
of bloodthirsty U.S. imperialism, will in these days embark on implementing
a series of subversive and adventurist acts in order to discredit Iran's
revolutionary institutions. It is for this reason 'that no negligence must
be shown in unmasking counterrevolutionary elements and those who cooperated
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with the former regime and its deadly police and security organizations and
with SAVAK, Mossad, and the CIA. These dangerous and counterrevolutionary
elements must be revealed, and the people must be made to recognizs the ugly
features of these mercenary traitors. The army and administrative organiza?
tions must be cleansed of the presence of SAVAKists and those who even now
openly engage in sabotage against the revolution in various forms, so that
there will be no grounds for implementing the aggressive plans of ?U.S.
imperialism in our country.
In the face of the conspiracies of the foreign enemy, the great Satan, U.S.
imperialism, we must cleanse our own home, namely behind the front lines,
from the contaminated presence of the agents and elements of the counter?
revolution and imperialism. One should listen to the warning of the
national and progressive forces and true followers of the imam's path, and
the revolution should be safeguarded in the face of the danger of the aggres?
sion of the counterrevolution and U.S. imperialism.
TA081810 [Editorial Report TA](Clandestine)National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 8 February broadcast the commentary entitled "The People's First EXpectation.
of the Country's President," which said; All the true revolutionary forces and national
and progressive parties are urgently demanding the publication of the names of the former
SAVAKists and remnants of the former regime. Unfortunately the Hazargan government did
not take any measures in this respect whatsoever, and did not identify and prosecute the
SAVAKists. As a result the SAVAKists became bolder and penetrated into the revolutionary
committeos and Revolution Guards and created chaos and turmoil engaging in plots against
the revolution. If the former government had revealed a list of the SAVAKists matters
would not have reached the present stage. The true forces of the nation demand that the
president publish a full list of the SAVAKists and counterrevolutionaries, which is the
people's first expectation of the president.
u091826 [Editorial Report GF] (Clandestine) iationAVoice of Iran in Persian at 1730 GMT
on 9 February broadcast a commentary entitled, "Egypt and the U.S. Threat to the Persian
Gulf," which says: The radios and newspapers of the Middle East are linking the military
threats of the United St6tes with As-Cadat regime's policy, parti&ularly after the Camp
David ,toreement with Israel. Egypt has been converted into the most reactionary power
in the Middle East. Egypt is ready to harm the Iranian Revolution just in order to keep
the U.S. interests in the region safe. The foreign policy of As-Sadat proves this fact.
Tha Egyptian president, a tool in U.S. hands, has harmed both Iran and the Arab world.
W. all know that the United States has 26 warships in the Persian Gulf. We should: also note the
war:.hip Arizona, which entered Alexandria. In this way Egypt has been converted into a
military base of the United States with the aim of attacking Iran and other Persian Gulf
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TA120805 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 11 February carried two commentaries, the first untitled:
The glorious anniversary of our nation's admirable revolution was celebrated with great
enthusiasm throughout the entire country. Millions of people took part in marches and
rallies. The anniversary of the victory of the Iranian nation's glorious revolution is
in fact a victory of justice over injustice, of freedom over slavery and of fairness
over oppression. Following years and months of bloody struggle, the Iranian nation
finally succeeded in overthrowing one of the greatest criminals and dictators who
possessed a powerful army and enjoyed the support of U.S. imperialism. This achieve-
ment was a result of the will of the masses and their unity and alliance. Our nation's
admirable revolution was in fact the compliment of the unfinished constitutional
revolution of many years ago. Since the constitutional revolution, our nation has
devoted special attention to two main issues--independence and democracy. The Iranian
nation and our country's revolutionary leaders have rightly recognized that, unless
Iran enjoys independence and democracy, the resolution of any of our country's political,
economic and social problems is not possible. With the aid and support of U.S.
imperialism, the corrupt Pahlavi dynasty looted and plundered our country for more than
a half century, especially during the last three generations when it resorted to torture
and terror. In such circumstances the Iranian nation's demonstrations and protests,
under the leadership of the great Khomeyni, swept the corrupt and criminal Pahlavi
dynasty into the dustbin of history. At the same time, the Iranian nation continued
the struggle against world-devouring U.S. imperialism under the imam's decisive leader-
ship, and even today in his message to the nation he stressed the importance of cutting
all kinds of political, military, economic and cultural dependence with the United
States. We are confident that the heroic Iranian nation will triumph in this struggle.
The second, entitled: "Following the Imam's Path Is Our Current Slogan" follows:
One year has passed since the victory of our nation's admirable revolution. If during
this period the imam's path had truly been followed and his recommendations carried
out, without doubt there would have been numerous achievements in securing the aims of
the revolution. Unfortunately, the provisional government of Mr Bazargan, by
implementing its step by step policy and through its conciliatory path, caused great
damage to the Iranian Revolution. The provisional government not only refused to wage
a decisive and revolutionary struggle against U.S. imperialism, but followed a path of
closeness and renewal of relations with U.S. imperialism, and, despite the demand and
recommendations of the leader of the revolution, it secretly concluded several agree-
ments with U.S. imperialism.
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The provisional government not only did not embark on a decisive and revolutionary
struggle against the counterrevolution, the SAVAKists and remnants of the former regime,
but it opposed the correct and decisive measures of the revolution's foundations,
especially the Islamic Revolution courts. Despite the demand of the leader of the
revolution in saving millions of deprived and toiling Iranians from their grim living
conditions, the provisional government did not take any step in this direction. The
provisional government did not act as the leader of the revolution as our country's
people desired and expected, and its indecisive and unrevolutionary policy resulted in
our revolution paying a heavy price. Fortunately, the Revolution Council as a whole is
following the imam's path and all its measures are directed toward implementing the
recommendations of the revolution's leader. Following the dismissal of the provisional
government, the anti-American and anti-imperialist struggles of our people, under Imam
Khomeyni's leadership, are continuing with great intensity. "The demand made by the
true revolution forces and genuine revolutionary parties and organizations on our home-
land's first president is strict pursuance of the imam's path. It is only through
pursuance of this path that our homeland's first president will enjoy the all-round
support of our homeland's people. Today, the criterion of the correctness or in-
correctness of any policy and measure by responsible officials is conformity with the
imam's path."
TA131720 (Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 12 February carried a commentary entitled "Let Us Pay Attention to the
Just Demands of the Workers." It says:
In the struggle for the liquidation of the eoonomic, political and cultural influence
of imperialism, and foremost of all U.S. imperialism, our country's toilers and.workers
have a greater role than others, and occupy the first ranks of this holy struggle. The
pressure of US imperialism most of all was on the shoulders of the workers and toilers.
Despite many difficulties, our workers are exerting all their efforts to revive the
economy and to increase production in the country. Counterrevolutionary elements are
engaged in intrigues and provocations among factory workers and some of the factory
managers purposely create a shortage of raw materials. These elements are SAVAKists
and remnants of the former regime who must be purged, and every kind of assistance should
be rendered to the workers in order to solve their problems.
TA131851 (Editorial Report TA) (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 13 February carried a commentary entitled: "Unity of Expression Is the
Guarantor of Victory." It says:
In a message to the Iranian nation on the eve of the Majles elections Imam Khomeyni has
called on the people to preserve their unity and not sacrifice national interests for
self-interests. There is no doubt that the Iranian nation will this time also heed the
imam and will reply in the affirmative to its leader's call. The enemies of the
revolution and elements of US imperialism have striven to create discord and cheoa in
different parts of the country such as in Kordestan and Gonbad-e Kavus recently, but
due to the vigilance of the Iranian nation all their plans and conspiracies have been
foiled. The Iranian nation will preserve unity of word and action during the Majles
elections and will heed the imam's call. At the same time it is the duty of the
Revolution Council to see that these elections are held in a free atmosphere.
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TA132035 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 13 Feb 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "One Should Not Fall Into the Trap of the False Propaganda of
the Enemies of True Islam"]
[Text] Dear-compatriots: When we accurately review and study the events which occur in this
or that corner of the world, we perceive that from the United States to Egypt, from Israel
to Saudi Arabia, from Maoist China to Pakistan, all enemies of freedom and democracy are
hand in hand jointly acting one way or another both against the Iranian Revolution and
against the revolutionary and democratic changes in Afghanistan.
In the hostile measures of U.S. imperialists and reactionary regimes such as the regime of
As-Sadat or Saudi Arabia or the Israeli Zionists and the Chinese Maoists only one issue is
considered, and that is the crushing of the liberation movements of freedom-loving nations
and the consolidation of the plundering positions of the U.S. imperialists. Currently,
in order to divert public opinion they have falsely brought forth the issue of the so..
called defense of Islam. They not only have nothing to do with the true Islam but all their
measures are opposed and contrary to the interests of true Islam and the Muslims. This
same Mr Ziaul Hag, this puppet of U.S. imperialism, who speaks of Islam and the defense of
Muslims, in practice, all hit deeds and acts, whether within his country or abroad are
directed at crushing the Muslims and engaging inlconspiracies and provocations against the
The feature of this traitor As-Sadat, who in order to serve his American masters, has gone
so far as to betray the interests of all Muslim Arab nations, and especially the interests
of the Palestinian people, and who has extended the hand of alliance to the Israeli
:Zionists,'isnot something that is hidden from anybody.
Saudi Arabian authorities also in their measures against Islam and the Muslims are no
lesethan the As-Sadats, [word indistinct], Ziaul Hags and their likes. As we are aware,
our nationls admirable revolution has had a wide reaction throughout the entire world.
Recently in the city of [name indistinct] in Saudi Arabia a large march was held by the
working people as a mark of expressing solidarity with and support and protection for the
Islamic Revolution of Iran. The participants in this great demonstration declared their
support for the Iranian Revolution and the leadership of Imam Khomeyni, the decrepit and
puppet regime of Saudi Arabia, like the satanic regime, sent the police to confront the
unarmed, risen and Muslim people. As a result of the brutal attack of the Saudi swordsmen,
more than 150 people of the struggling people of Saudi Arabia were injured and A number
were also killed. In the course of this brutal attack by the Saudi regime's police against
the Muslim people a great number of people were arrested. Yes, these are events which are
taking place in Muslim states against the Muslim people by the hands of so-called Muslim
rulers of countries, which confirm a hundred percent with the satanic, expansionist, and
anti-Islamic plans of imperialist circles also.
On the other hand one cannot and should not overlook the fact that it is by exploiting
the masked and unmasked [word: indictinct] in Muslim countries that the Israeli_ Zionists
also have become bolder in their acts and aggressions against the Muslim Arab nations.
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,Begin, the leader of the bloody Israeli regime and Anwar as-Sadat's twin brother, has
also said that by taking into consideration the Iranian Revolution and the ehanges
in Afghanistan, Israel must be stronger and more powerful than ever.
Besides all these measures the conspiracies of the U.S. imperialist countries [as heard]
against the Iranian Revolution and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan has a special
place. Hand in hand with the Chinese Maoists, U.S. imperialism is exerting all its
efforts and endeavors against the Iranian Revolution and also the people of Afghanistan,
and now they are hiding their conspiracies under the cover. of the so-called defense
of Islam. Without doubt, in the conspiracies of U.S. imperialism, Beijing's Maoists
and the reactionary regimes, the problem of Islam and the defense of Muslims is not and
can not be the issue. The problem of defending Islam and the Muslims is only a tool in
the hands of U.S. imperialists. Chinese Maoists and other puppet regimes to divert public
opinion and. nothing more.
These same U.S. imperialistiviand Chinese Maoists who are granting all-round assistance,
especially military assistance, to Pakistan in order to carry out intrigue against
Afghanistan, are not neglectful even for one moment from conspiracy and provocation
against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the revolutionary gains of our homeland's
people. These same reactionary and puppet leaders of Saudi Arabia who according to
the plan of the United States have lyordsiindistinct] the Afghan events under the pre-
text of defending Islam, in their own country gun down the supporters of the Islamic
Revolution of Iran, these Muslim people, with American machine guns, and spill the
people's blood on the ground.
This same traitor As-Sadat, who shamelessly calls himself the defender of Islam, in
practice not only does not desist from any hostile act against the Democratic Republic
of Afghanistan and the Muslim people of that country, but has also repeatedly displayed
his hostility toward the Islamic revolution of Iran- and its noble leader Imam Khomeini.
All these indioate that despite the hostile propaganda of imperialist and reactionary
circles, the fate of the Iranian and Afghan revolutions is the same, and that which has
caused the hatred and wrath of the enemies of these changes and revolution is that in
both neighboring and Muslim countries, as a result of the revolution the people have
been freed and a mortal blow has been delivered at the oppressive domination of imper-
ialism, especially U.S. imperialism. This fact should be taken into consideration and
one must not fall into the trap of the enemies' propaganda.
TA151831 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to. Iran
at 1730 GMT on 13 February broadcast a commentary, entitled "The Intensification of
Chinese-U.S. Military Cooperation" which says: China has become the United States' ally
in all its aggressive plans against the countries of the Middle and Near East and all
Asia. This cooperation was taking place in Iran even during the shah's regime when
Chinese and CIA agents were cooperating closely with the SAVAK. The Chinese along with
the United States are searching for a country to replace Iran as the gendarme of the
Persian Gulf. The Chinese and the Americans have reached agreement on military aid to
Pakistan and on the training and arming of Afghan counterrevolutionaries. This deal was
concluded during the recent visit of Defense Secretary Brown to China. The world's
public circles strongly condemn American-Chinese military relations whose only goal is
to destabilize the situation in Asia and which is aimed against the security and inde-
pendence of all Asian countries.
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TA152030 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 15 Feb 80 TA
[Unattributed commentary: "The United States' Reaction Toward the Legitimate Demands of
the Iranian Nation")
[Text] Dear compatriots: The problem of the American hostages has been transformed into
an acute topic of discussion in Our country's and the foreign countries' mass media. In
other Words, it has become the hot topic of the day, as a result of the statements by Mr
Bani-Sadr, our country's president, and also U.S. President Carter's remarks during his
recent press conference. In his recent interviews with LE MONDE and France's television,
Mr Bani-Sadr discussed the problem of the American hostages. As far as the individuals
close to the Islamic Revolution Council, and even a number of the members of this council
have observed, all are of the opinion that the problems of the hostages should finally
[words indistinct] on a correct basis. In other words it seems that the Islamic Revolution
Council, on the whole, is not opposed to a solution of this problem. The problem is
that, up to now, there is no unanimity of opinion regarding the solution of this issue
among the members of the council.
Mr Bani-Sadr, our country's president, who during his recent interviews recounted the
conditions for the release of the hostages, stressed that the final solution to the problem
of the hostages, on the basis of the conditions which he presented, is subject to the
imam's approval. The conditions which Mr Bani-Sadr (?presented), with respect to the
release of the American hostages, are: First, the U.S.. should acknowledge that it was a
partner in the implementation of the oppressive policies of the deposed shah. Second,
the U.S. should confirm Iran's right in taking adequate measures to extradite the shah
in order to make him stand trial, and also to have his plundered property returned to
the Iranian nation. And third, it should let Iran be free and not interfere in its
internal affairs.
The demand of the Iranian nation in connection with the extradition of the deposed shah,
his trial, and the return of his plundered property is a demand which is on the current
agenda of the struggle of our homeland's people. The securing of these legitimate and
just demands is without doubt dependent on the consistent struggles of the Iranian nation,
and the decisiveness of the revolutionary foundations in implementing the imam's guidelines,
and not on promises, or occasionally the confessions of the Americans. Because the
promises and confessions of American officials, who are the executioners of the?pillaging
policy of the plundering monopolies of that country, neither have credibility nor are
they worth a penny.
This world-devouring U.S. imperialism which for scores of years supported the filthiest
and the most bloodthirsty regimes, such as the regime of Mohammad Reza, and at the same
time has bragged about human rights and its defense, can not be held to its promises and
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The foreign policy of U.S. Imperialism is based on the barrel of the cannon and [wOrds
indistinct] and military coup dletats, and not on respect for agreements and promises and
international treaties. Not only our nation, but all the awakened nations have experienced
this fact in their lives and struggles.
Without doubt, in connection with world-devouring U.S. imperialism [words indistinct] and
that allegedly one can believe the promises, agreements and confessions of U.S. officials.
In an accord, or in an agreement and treaty, both sides of the agreement must have honor.
Who can guarantee that should the U.S. confess to interfering in Iran's affairs in the
past, it would not do the same in the future, or will disregard this confession after a
while? U.S. imperialism must be forced not to interfere in our homeland's internal affairs,
and this is not possible except through the continuation of the consistent struggle of the
Iranian people against world-devouring U.S. imperialism, and the decisiveness of the
revolutionary foundations in revealing the nature, plunderings, law-breakings and crimes
of this imperialism. This is an undeniable historical fact that cannot be overlooked.
However, let us see what kind of reaction official U.S. sources displayed toward the
demands of our country's official sources. While acknowledging, in his recent interview,
the implementation of an aggressive conspiracy by the United States against Iran's oil
interests and the countries of the Persian Gulf region, Mr Carter openly said: The
United States will use all its potentials to achieve this aim. In response to a question
of the correspondents regarding his view concerning the American coup d'etat of 1953 against
the legitimate government of Mossadeq and the installation once more of Mohammad Reza,
the fugitive shah, despite the will of the Iranian nation, Carter shamelessly and haughtily
said: This has to do with the very distant past and I believe that discussion regarding the
correctness ,of an act which took place 30 years ago is not appropriate.
It is obvious from this remark of Carter's what his attitude and that of his associates
is toward the demands of the Iranian nation in connection with the crimes and plunderings
of the deposed shah, and also the demand of the Iranian nation with respect to putting
on trial this criminal of the time, and the participation of the Americans in his crime.
U.S. imperialism is so impudent that it will not even submit to the verdict of inter-
national courts, or confess to its shameless interference in our homeland's affairs.
Without a doubt, the problem of the hostages should be resolved on the basis of our
homeland's national interests, on the basis of the imam's guidelines, and the preservation
of the credibility and the international prestige of our Islamic Republic. However, it
-should not be forgotten even for one moment that at present this problem has come out of
the framework of an event which solely has a diplomatic aspect, and beyond it can be seen
the resolute and irreconcilable course of the true followers of the imam, with its various
forms, against bloodthirsty U.S. imperialism. This correct and resolute course, and its
true followers, should be preserved from any kind of harm and molestation, in whatever
form and name.
GF161855 CEditorial Report GP] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 16 February broadcast the following commentary entitled: "The CIA Is a Tool
in the Hands of U.S. Imperialism." It says:
We all know that the duty of the CIA is sabotage throughout the world. It is clear that
the popular unity government of Chile was toppled by the CIA and the legal president of
that country/was killed.
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aP171333 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 16 Feb 80 GF
(Unattributed commentary: "The Secret of Every Official's Success Rests in the Imam's
[Text] Dear compatriots: Abolhasan Bani-Sadr, in his recent telephone conversation
with French Radio and television, said that we did not make the revolution so that only
the president could make decisions individually. They should be made collectively.
This answer by our president before anything else means that he has decided to follow
the constitution and the oath which we took as well as carry out the guidance of Iran's
leader, Imam Khomeyni. The republic's president, in doing so, will enjoy the all-
round support of the revolution leader, the genuine forces of the people, and all poli-
tical and religious parties faithful to the revolution.
Bani-Sadr in his oath before Iran's revolution leader promised to be a guardian of the
Islamic Republic's regime and the constitgtion of this country; to use all his skills
and expertise in fulfilling all the responsibilities which he has accepted; and to dedi-
cate himself to serving the people and uplifting the country; to supporting individual
rights and expanding justice, to avoiding self-interest and supporting all civil rights
and considerations bestowed upon the people by the constitution. The hopes and expec-
tations of all genuine forces of the people, as well as millions of oppressed and toiling
Iranians and all religious and political parties led by the revolution leader Imam
Khomeyni, is that the first president of the republic in our liberated Iran will be
faithful to the oath which he has taken. We hope he will devote all his power and
skill in carrying out his oath ccmpletely and exactly.
It seems that Bani-Sadr has very significant responsibilities to the nation in carrying
out his duties, such as crushing the stubborn enemies of the Iranian nation, including
international imperialism led by U.S. imperialism, their Iranian mercenaries and the
remnants of the previous regime. Rabid U.S. imperialism has stationed its war machine
on the southern coast of our country. One day it threatens our country militarily and
another day it boasts of economic blockade. For a long time it has been training de-
structive, criminal hands in some countries of the region, such as Israel and Egypt, to
harm the revolution and the fruits of our people's revolution. Every day sedition crops
up here and there in our country, fomented by the hirelings and elements of international
imperialism, and particularly U.S; and Zionist imperialism, as well as all the remnants
of the previous regime, resulting in the deaths of many Iranian patriots. Their aim in
these crimes and interference is quite simply to destroy the Islamic Republic regime in
Iran. We must take this fact in?consideration and, as the nation's imam reminded many
times, as long as we have not cut off the roots of deadly U4S. domination of our internal
affairs, our Islamic Republic will never be safe.
The imam's path is_the path of the free nation of Iran; its a very clear path, one
which contains no abuse or excess. Assuring the country's freedom and real independence
means cutting off the roots of international imperialist domination led by U.S. -imper-
ialism. Securing freedom, democracy, social justice and the safety of millions of
oppressed, toiling Iranians from the harmful present situation and insuring their welfare
constitute the essential points of the imam's policy.
Today we can say with total confidence that it is clear to every individual, rand parti-
cularly to government officials, whether the president or others, that they will have
the support of the people if they honestly follow the imam's policy and protect the
constitution and the rights of the oppressed people.
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GF171903 [Editorial Report GF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran,
at 1730 GMT on 17 February broadcast two commentaries. The first, entitled "The Shah's
Regime and U.S. Imperialism," says: For the past 50 years the corrupt regime of
Pahlavi was the barrier before the path of progress in our country. With an all-round
support from British colonialism and U.S. imperialism, the brutal regime shed the blood
of thousands of struggling men and women of Iran because of their struggle to gain and
safeguard the country's freedom and independence and because of their so-called crime
of defending their rights and liberties. During all these struggles, both the British
and American imperialists were the supporters and proponents of the treacherous and
criminal father and his son. In exchange for all these crimes and abuses, the answer
from Iran's liberated nation could not have been anything else but a revolution. It is
an undeniable fact that there was never any aggression on the part of Iranian nation
aimed at the United States; rather it was U.S. imperialism which, through its orches-
tration of the 19 August 1953 coup d'etat, imposed once again the traitorous and escaped
shah upon the Iranian nation. U.S. imperialism and jaded British colonialism spent
millions to reimpose their plundering domination. They shed the blood of thousands of
Iranian strugglers, thus causing the legal government of Dr Mohammad Mossadeq to col-
lapse. After the reestablishment of the Pahlavi regime, the executioner shah was
nothing but a tool in the hands of bloodthirsty America. Thus the nation arose and
toppled the regime and brought the domination of U.S. masters to an end. The liberated
people of Iran will solidify and strengthen the roots of their revolution by uprooting
all remaining influence and meddling of imperialism by following the imam's policy.
The second commentary, entitled "Afghanistan's Counterrevolutionary Fighters," says: Those in
Afghanistan, under the name of defending Islam but in reality through the aid and help
of U.S. imperialism are creating unrest and opposing the legal government of Babrak
Kemal are receiving their instructions from the Pentagon. President Bani-Sadr, in
reply to the question of a French reporter as to whether Iran would provide assistance
to Afghan fighters, said no. This comment and statement by Bani-Sadr is proof of a
reality [words indistinct] Vasir 'Arafat stated that those who are supposedly defending
Islam in Afghanistan are in reality the enemies of Islamic revolution.
TA191018 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 18 February broadcast two commentaries. The first, entitled "The Anni-
versary of the Epic Insurrection of the Heroic People of Tabriz," says: The 29th of
Bahman [Persian month] is the second anniversary of the revolt by the noble and heroic
people of Tabriz against the former regime. The imam has called it the beginning of
the revolutionary government of the Iranian people.
Two years ago the courageous people of Tabriz demonstrated for the overthrow of the
shah and the restoration of democracy, freedom and political rights for the Iranian
nation. When police forces turned to be inadequate, the shah, under American orders,
sent his tanks and air force against the courageous people of Tabriz, and more than
3000 of them were martyred. Not discouraged by the atrocities of the shah's army, the
heroic people of Tabriz turned their struggle into an inspiration for the entire
Iranian nation, rightly fighting against .the shah and his imperialist supporters. Their
struggle made SAVAK and the army lose control over the situation in that city. Their
victory lit the flame for the continuous struggle of the entire Iranian nation,
bringing the collapse of the Pahlavi regime, on the ruins of which arose the Islamic
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Republic of Iran. Today the entire Iranian nation praises the heroic deeds of the
people of Tabriz. The martyrs' blood has not been spilled in vain but has contributed
to the final victory of the Iranian Revolution.
The second commentary,lentitled "The American Oil Policy Is a Colonial Policy." says: The
American oil policy is the principle factor determining Carter's foreign policy, be-
cause he fears an oil crisis. The Americans along with their allies, namely Japan,
have been confronted with a number of problems in this field, and are trying to solve
this problem with a number of internal measures. Being strongly dependent on the OPEC
countries, the U.S. Government's military, economic and political pressure on them is
not so surprising. There are some reactionary Middle Eastern countries on whom the
U.S. is dependent for its oil, and it supports these countries in their struggle against
freedom-seeking movements in the region. But neither the moral nor military support
of the United States for the ousted shah could keep him in power. The OPEC countries
have huge sums of petrodollars of which $70 million is deposited in U.S. banks. These
countries fear an American reprisal in case of friction between their governments. The
OPEC conference, which will be convened in May, is due to review all aspects of U.S.
oil policy in order to impede the U.S. colonial oil policy and to place the oil wealth
in the hands of the oil-producing governments.
TA201716 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 19 February broadcast two commentaries.
The first, entitled "The Overthrow of the Shah's Regime Was Not the Only
Goal," said: By overthrowing the former shah's bloodthirsty regime backed
by imperialist America, the glorious Iranian Revolution has thrown all the
factors that had enabled this regime to stay in power into the dustbin of
history. When analyzing the Iranian Revolution, it is quite obvious that
the aim is to put an end to imperialism and colonialism and to install an
equal, just and brotherly society. The acquisition of great wealth by the
treacherous former shah, wealth that was plundered from every Iranian, can
neither be accepted nor respected by true Islam. Some counterrevolu-
tionaries who consider themselves defeated by the revolution are trying to
fight the revolutionary Iranian people, using the cloak of Islam in order
to continue exploiting them. True Islam is opposed to any kind of exploi-
tation or colonialism. No theory can prevent the Iranian nation and the
followers of the imam's path from installing a just and equal society.
The second, entitled "Why Is the Complete List of the Enemies of the Revolu-
tion Not Published?," said: In an interview with a reporter of ETTELA'AT,
Seyyed Hoseyn Khomeyni has pointed out an important fact that deserves
attention. He said: From a practical point of view, our nation faces a
step by step or reformist policy. There are those who both practically and
theoretically support this policy as well as those who only theoretically
support it but in practice can be influenced by exterior factors. Those
who pretend to support the revolution and its leader are much more dangerous
than the known opponents. An example is Amir-Entezam, who always preached
safeguarding the revolutionary gains and following the imam's path. This
gentleman turned out to be an American spy, and during his short term as
deputy prime minister had ample time to damage the revolutionary gains.
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In a document published by the student followers of the imam's path, we can
see that Amir-Entezam has not spared any efforts in order to satisfy
imperialist America's wishes. He considered Dr Bazargan the ideal person
under whom he would be able to carry out his schemes. In another document,
Amir-Entezam was said to have been requested by the U.S. Government to sign
a paper allowing the exit of American documents from Iran. Later, these
documents discovered by the students proved to be secret U.S. military
documents. Unfortunately, the likes of this gentleman pervade Iran. These
elements must be dealt with strictly in order to safeguard the gains of the
revolution. Thus, a list containing the names of these mercenaries of
Imperialism should be published. This is the request to the president made
by the followers of the path of the imam as well as by the true forces.
TA202102 [Editorial Report TA] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 20 February broadcast two commentaries.
The first, the title of which was indistinct, said: The Iranian farmers
expect to regain their usurped rights under the revolution. They, demand
the extirpation of land from the hands of the corrupt feudal landlords
supported by the former regime and imperialist America. The farmers have
announced their support for any positive step the Islamic Revolution Council
might take in regard to land reform. In a letter to the Revolution Council
assembly, a hard-working farmer describes the sufferings the Iranian
peasantry underwent during the Pahlavi regime.
During these difficult days the farmers were deprived of even a small piece of land,
but today, after the victory of the revolution, the Iranian farmers will do their ut-
most for the further success of the revolution and will fight America's imperialistic
scheme of economic sanctions against Iran. This as well as other letters from these
farmers proves their political developments and alertness as well as their ability to
recognize the real enemy of Iran--the imperialist United States, which even today
has not ceased to plot against Iran in order to regain its lost interests. During
Dr Bazargants temporary government, the big landlords supported by his minister of
agriculture came out of their dens in order to regain their interests. Fortunately,
the Revolution Guards intervened in favor of the peasants.
The second', entitled r[Words Indistinct] of Government Organizations of Undesired
Elements", said: During a speech in Azadi Stadium President Bani-Sadr commented on
important matters such as purges in the government, economic, social and cultural affairs,
and the raising of living standards in Iran. Regarding a purge of former regime suppor-
ters in the army, he said that the new government does not want to destroy the army
but wants it to protect the innocent in every part of the world. A purge of the
army is necessary due to the fact that some officer-supporters of the former regime
have been promoted to high ranks. The problem of a purge in government organizations
was and is of utmost importance to theTIranian Revolution. The imam has always stressed
this in his speeches. But, unfortunately, Bazargants government did not consider this
vital matter in a revolutionary manner according to the Imam Khomeyni. Due to this
negligence many counterrevolutionaries have succeeded in infiltrating into important
government organizations, acquiring posts such as deputy prime minister or governor
general, thus inciting riots in-different parts of Iran. The president has given top
priority to this matter in order to create a healthy and organized system able to
fulfill the people's demands and anihilate tyranny and corruption.
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TA212000 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 21 Feb 80 TA
(Unattributed commentary: "U.S. Imperialism's New Manuever")
[Text] Dear compatriots.: In connection with the matter of the release ofthetAmerican
hostages in Tehran, our country's official sources stress that the United States should
confess that it was a partner in implementing the deposed shah's oppressive and plundering
policies, and it should also guarantee that it will not interfere in Iran's internal
affairs in the future and not create an obstacle to extraditing the deposed shah and his
plundered property to the Iranian- nation.
Notwithstanding the fact that American officials are openly talking about their inclination
to normalize their relations with Iran, inwardly and in practice they do not desist from
taking any action against Iran. The imperialist government of the United States, in the
same way that it protected and supported the deposed shah and his bloody regime up to
the last moment during the climax of the anti:monarchic and liberation struggles of the
Iranian nation, is now also exerting all its efforts and endeavors in order to safeguard
its subservient servant. The Iranian people demand that this bloodthirsty executioner,
whose arms are stained to the elbow with the blood of the free Iranian people, stand trial
in front of the nation's revolutionary court and answer for his treacheries and crimes.
As we are aware, under the pressure of our homeland's people and of progressive humanity,
the Panamanian Government, in whose country the deposed shah is now residing, declared
that, if the Iranian Government will put the necessary documents regarding the shah's
crimes at its disposal, it can make a decision on extraditing the deposed shah to the
government of Iran.
This fact aroused the concern of U.S. imperialist circles, and according to informed
sources, from that time until now U.S. officials have been working hard to induce the
government of Panama to refrain from carrying out this promise. Parallel with the talks
regarding the release of the American hostages in Tehran, it has now been revialed that
U.S. officials have also been holding certain discussions with Panamanian officials in
an effort to receive a promise from that government that it would not deliver the deposed
shah to Iran or to any other country. Concurrently, U.S. officials have reached an agree-
ment with the leaders of the Paraguay regime, which is of the same type as the deposed
shah's regime and which is dependent on the protection of U.S. imperialism, to the effect
that, should a so-called emergency situation develop, they would grant a residence permit
to the deposed shah of Iran.
It is said that the Paraguaysn.regime has assured U.S. authorities that in such a
situation it would guarantee the removal of the former shah from Panama to that
7as, one cannot expect other than this from U.S. imperialism, other than supPort of
international gangsters and criminals from this main source of all our hationts
tragedies and disasters, from this false supporter of international mores. U.S.
im,perialism, the Carters and Brzezinskis, who as a result of the triumph of the
vicItorious revolution of the Iranian nation have suffered a back-breaking blow
and have been forced to retreat, have not changed and cannot change their features.
Lae a wounded snake they coil around themselves and at every moment they are striving
ta spill their last pdison at a suitable opportunity.
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Following the victory of our nation's revolution, the Americans have not desisted
from engaging in any conspiracy, provocation or plot against the Iranian nation and
Islamic Republic. An economic blockade, the dispatch of naval warships into the waters
of our country's shores and intrigue and subversion within the country by the hands
of their agents are among the actions which the Americans are implementing against
Iran. Since they have not achieved the desired result from their conspiracies,
they have now resorted to deceitful maneuvers in order to allegedly resolve the
differences through peaceful means.
In practice, the U.S. Government does not refrain from taking measures against our
Islamic Republic, and the agreement of that government with the bloodthirsty regime
of Paraguay regarding the transfer of the deposed shah to that country is another
link in the chain'of the conspiracies of U.S. imperialism against Iran and our
nation's revolution. One must always be vigilant in the face of the conspiracies of
U.S. imperialism, and through revolutionary vigilance the conspiracies of that government,
whether abroad or within the country, must be foiled.
TA211810 [Editorial Report TA] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 21 February broadcast a commentary which says in part: The imam has often
said that all our troubles are due to the Americans. By following the imam's path our
nation is struggling against U.S. imperialism, Zionism, feudalism and remnants of the
former regime. The imam has repeatedly called on the people to preserve unity of word_
and action in the struggle against U.S. imperialism, our nation's number one enemy. He
has also called for the securing of the country's economic independence by breaking
all dependence on the United States. Up to now our relations with the United States
were those of the plunderer with the plundered and of the oppressor with the oppressed.
We must force the United States to stop interfering in our country'S internal affairs
and not believe any of the promises of its officials in this. connection.
0231854 [Editorial Report GF] Clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 23 February broadcast two commentaries: The first, "The Imam's Message,"
said: Imam Khomeyni in a message on the occasion of general mobilization week said that
to defend Islam and the Islamic country in dangerous times is a religious and national
duty of everybody and every group in these sensitive times while the nationiis struggling
against enemies, and particularly the United States, if we do not pay attention, if
we do not prepare ourselves to fight against mankindls enemies and if we do not mobilize
our resources, we are going to lead the Iranian nation and Iran to destruction. Recent
events in some cities of Iran prove that the United States and the overthrown shah
are expanding their plots against Iran. The Islamic Revolution leader, while taking
these sensitive points into consideration, once again asked the people of Iran to
mobolize their powers and fight the number one enemy of Iran, U.S. imperialism.
The second entitled "Why the People Voted as They Did" said: ENQELABI ESLAMI newspaper,
in one of its articles, wrote off a letter received by the paper. The writer asked an
old man why he voted for Bani-Sadr. The old man said he gave his vote to Bani-Sadr
because of his calloused hands. The newspaper says that the Iranian toilers gave their
vote to Bani-Sadr only because of their calloused hands.
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How can these calloused hands work hard but not eat? In this article it's written that
a telephone office clerk in a letter to Bani-Sadr said that the purge has not been
carried out completely. Some 600 Savak men can control telephone conversations. Under
the former regime there was no water and no electricity in the village. Even now the
situation remains unchanged. Lmam Khomeyni in his message said: God knows how sorry
I feel for them. This country belongs to them. It's they who made the victory.
*F250950 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 24 Feb 80 GF
[Unattributed commentary; "Goals of Iran's Revolution Are Moving Forward"]
[Text] Dear compatriots, Mr Bani-Sadr, the president of our country, during his
comments and statements on behalf of the Iranian nation, has asked that the U.S.
Government admit that it played a role in implementing the oppressive policies of the
deposed shah. He demanded that the U.S. Government promise not to hinder Iran's
attempts to bring the former shah and his plundered assets back to the Iranian nation
and that it will not, in the future, meddle in Iran's internal affairs. In response
to this request by the president of our country, U.S. President Carter openly
announced that the U.S. Government will not yield to this type of pressure. ,
This attitude and reaction of the U.S. president was not unexpected, for it is obvious
to everyone that the phony antinational and bloody regime of the deposed shah
was indeed controlled and dominated by the Americans. It was the Americans who guided
and directed the crimes and despicable acts of the Aryamehr regime. Even today,
although the situation in our country has changed thanks to our revolution, the Americans
want to continue treating Iran the same as in the past. As if the reins of command
were still in the hands of certain elements and lackeys of the traitorous Mohammad
Reza,-Carter wants to go on telling us what we should or should not do.
Carter has even gone so far in his shameless deeds as to tell the special
international commission that has been established to investigate the Iranian nation.'s
complaints against the deposed shah and charges of meddling by his overseas [word
indistinct] to look into and investigate only the charges of crimes committed by the
former shah. According to him, it should have nothing to do with the U.S. intervention
in Iran. Over and above the flagrant intervention and shameless Meddling of the U.S.
Government in our country's internal affairs during the corrupt regime of the deposed
shah, Which was rejected and expelled by the people using their blood and fists--and
world public opinion is aware of this--the meddling, plots and intrigues by the
imperialist Government of the United States against the Iranian people, against Iran's
Islamic Republic regime and against the fruits of the revolution in our country have
continued since the victory of the revolution. The intervention and meddling have not
ceased for even a moment, whether in the form of hostile propaganda or in the form of
military threats; in the form of plots and conspiracies or in the form of creating
unrest and chaos in different areas of our country through masked and unmasked agents
of the CIA. They are all proof of intervention and meddling by U.S. imperialism in
our country's internal affairs.
Revelations and communiques issued by the student followers of imam's policy are clear
proof of these undeniable facts. As it was revealed today, all six elements who were
abducted and taken out of Iran by the former Canadian Embassy were all CIA agents who,
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especially after the victory of our revolution, acted as leaders of counterrevolutionaries
and remnants of the former regime against the fruits of our nation's revolution
According to the New York POST, the CIA was plotting against the Islamic Republic's
government through disguised military personnel. As you all know, this CIA plot was
uncovered and a number of elements ? and implementers of this plot were caught and duly
punished for their treacherous acts. This is only one example of the imperialist
U.S. Government's allegedly being bound by international laws and rules as recommended
to other people by Carter And the like.
Naturally, Carter cannot admit and confess to this type of black acts by its agents,
Which are flagrant violations of international law and principles. Carter cannot
promise that the United States will not interfere in our country's internal affairs in
the future. Carter cannot deliver back to Iran an element like the deposed shah--the
man who has betrayed the nation throughout his lifetime and served U.S. imperialism--so
that he can be brought to trial and sentenced accordingly. Such an expectation from
the agent of monopolies and the military-industrial complex of U.S. imperialism would
be Useless and unfounded. It is up to our liberated people and to our Islamic Republic
Government to decide what they should or should not do.
The American imperialists must always bear in mind that there has been a revolution
in our country--a revolution that has brought about an evolution and change in our
land--and that the nation of Iran will never tolerate conditions under which the
previous state and conditions cnuld be reinstated in Iran. The 'people of Iran have
gained control of their own destiny and are decisively continuing their struggle to
maintain and protect the fruits of their revolution. They will uproot and eliminate
for good the despicable effects of U.S. imperialism. This struggle and these efforts
will continue ceaselessly, decisively and courageously. Imperialism is not thinking of
gving up its plots and conspiracies against Iran, but in spite of all these dastardly
acts by the counterrevolutionaries and U.S. imperialism, the goals of Iran's revolution
are moving forward.
GF241903 [Editorial Report GF] (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran is Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 24 February broadcast a commentary entitled, "U.S. Military Bases Must Be
Shut Down," which says: The Pentagon has over a million troops stationed in various parts
of the world at American bases outside the United States. These forces are found either
at certain vital economic centers of the world or in those countries that have vast oil
reserves or other natural resources. Now, under the pretext of protecting oil reserves
in this region, the United States is using threats vis-a-vis the hostages situation in
Iran and the events in Afghanistan. The so-called Soviet threat is quite unacceptable.
Everyone knows that the Soviet Union is not in any way interested in other countries'
oil reserves. The Soviet Union is producing sufficient oil to meet its own needs with
some left over for export. The Pentagon is trying to establish new bases so that it can
concentrate its forces in those bases as a threat against Iran and Afghanistan.
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TA261150 [Editorial ?Report TA) The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 25 February broadcasts-two commentaries. The first, entitled "Revealing
the Enemies of the Revolution Is Now the Primary Issue", says: "The true popular forces
as well as political and religious groups united in the revolution have often expressed
their desire for a serious struggle against the enemies of the revolution--supporters of
Zionism and imperialism?and they have requested publication of the complete list of
SAVAKiits and supporters of the former regime as a first step toward the fulfillment of this
just demand."
Even Imam Khomeyni has oftenEtressed the importance of carrying out purges among all '
the rank and file, but unfortunately this demand has not been met. The enemies of the
Iranian Revolution--these mercenary supporters of the CIA, the Pentagon and Zionism--
damage our revolutionary gains every day in different parts of the country, infiltrate
sensitive circles and incite conspiracies against the revolution.
"Today, the country's shortage of meat, milk and cooking oil has become a cause of con-
cern to the government, the armed forces united in the revolution and the leader of the
revolution." The enemies of the revolution along with. the supporters of the former
regime are responsible for this situation. Regarding this matter, Reza (Esfahani),
deputy minister of agriculture, has said that farmers have sold their stock, trans-
forming them into money which they have sent :out of the country. These people refrain
from producing in order to help the counterrevolution. Reports on the selling of live-
stock and other agricultural products to foreign countries and on the prevention of
farmers from planting prove that big feudal farmers are supporters of imperialism and
Zionism and are enemies of the revolution. When in danger, the SAVAKists turn to these
feudalists for protection. Afterward, these big farmers act according to the orders of
the SAVAKists.
During the first days of the revolution, and even during Dr Bazargan's temporary govern-
ment, these big landowners formed armed groups to persecute farmers. In order to damage
the revolutionary gains, they have burned produce and killed livestock. If the demands
of the imam and the true revolutionary forces had been met, such damage to the revo-
lutionary gains would not have been inflicted.
Counterrevolutionaries and supporters of the former regime, taking advantage of the
fact that their true nature has not been uncovered, are still damaging the revolutionary
gains. The only way to prevent this dangerous situation is by publishing a complete
list of the enemies of the revolution, by physically annihilating them and their bases.
The counterrevolution must be dealt with quickly so that it cannot turn against us at
an opportune moment.
The second commentary, entitled "The Allies of the New Gsndarme in the Persian Gulf,"
says: The smell of oil has obliged America--the new gendarme of the PersianGulf--to
look for allies who will not only back its imperialist oil policy in the region but _
will also allow the undertaking of military activities against the countries bordering
the Persian Gulf and hell; the U.S. to safeguard its oil interests in the region. It
is in connection with this problem that President Carter has undertaken an adventurous
policy in the Persian Gulf. Carter's remarks at a press conference in Washington along
with his violation of the oil wealth of countries situated thousands of miles away have
rightly aroused the strong hatred and condemnation of Persian Gulf countries.
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"Who has allowed President Carter of the United States to [words indistinct] on the oil ?
wealth of other countries or to threaten oil-producing countries with its military
presence?" The era of colonialist policies is over. Even by resorting to "the policy
of the big stick," imperialism cannot achieve the desired result for American diplomats.
Carter himself will not let go of this policy. Some reactionary regional regimes de-
pendent upon American imperialism support the policy of Carter's government. Dis-
regarding their own interests, these countries pursue a policy which supports the adven-
turous policy of America. These are regimes that have been terrified by the viotory of
the Iranian anti-imperialist revolution and the events in Afghanistan. These countries
are ready to back the policy of the United States in order to safeguard their regimes.
The concentration of U.S. naval forces in the Persian Gulf was planned before the events in
Afghanistan. To be more precise, it was planned after the victory of the Iranian Revolution,
which thwarted the U.S. policy of support for the ousted shah. During the ousted shahis
reign, the United States benefitted from two things: On the one hand, the ousted shah
crushed any anti-imperialist movements; on the other hand, the United States made big
profits from selling arms to the countries of the region. Now, the gendarme of our region
cannot carry out its plans in the Near East without the help of some leaders of reactionary
regimes. Countries such as Israel, Egypt, Oman, China and Pakistan are among the main
accomplices of Washington's aggressive policies.
The revival of the U.S.-Pakistan friendship treaty was due to the events in Afghanistan.
Pakistani and U.S. interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan has increased due to
this treaty. Afghan mercenaries and counterrevolutionaries are trained in Pakistan. As we
all know, the antirevolutionary traitor from Afghanistan has gone to the United States and
Was promised $40 million in military aid to carry out killings in Afghanistan. Despite all
this, the plans of the oppressors have failed. The countries of the Near and Middle East have
been constantly confronted with the aggressive policy o the United States and are not ready
to endure American imperialism any longer.
TA271619 [Editorial Report TA] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to
Iran at 1730 GMT on 26 February broadcast a commentary entitled "Afghan Counter-
revolutionaries Protected by the CIA Umbrella," which'said: Recent events in Kabul
instigated by aliens under the leadership of CIA agents which were crushed by the
decisiveness of the people of Afghanistan are proof that the enemies of the freedom-
seeking nations do not desist from plotting against anti-imperialist nations.
"Documents and papers found on the terrorists and mercenary conspirators prove that
these antirevolutionary mercenaries and alleged supporters of Islam, received money
and arms from intelligence organizations of America, China and England."
Reports published in the Western press, especially in the U.S., regarding these events
prove, the above. The U.S. CIA plays the leading role in training the antirevolutionary
Afghan mercenaries. From the confession of these newspapers it is the American CIA
that trains the Afghan murderers in Pakistan as well as other dependent countries,
arms them, and then sends them to Afghanistan to commit mass murder, and to plot in
order to prepare the grounds for the realization of the satanic U.S. imperialist. plans.
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Aocording to the American DAILY WORLD newspaper, more than one year ago under the
supervision of the famous American spy Robert (Nedal) a specific group was trained in
Pakistan whose duty it was to train and lead Afghan mercenaries in their activities
against the government and the people of Afghanistan. Many of the Afghan mercenaries
who are the remaining members of the former regime of that country have immediately
[words indistinct] with the American OIA. One of these is Zia Khan Nashri who is the
leader of the Afghan mercenary bands. According to a former CIA plan, he has formed the
so-called free government of Afghanistan, and is himself an American citizen as well as
a CIA agent.
This alleged prime minister seeks the aid of countries such as Eapt for war against
the people and Onernment of Afghanistan. He traveled to Egypt, and during his stay
in that country,, even conferred with Prime Minister Begin, this enemy of the Muslims.
Even a base for training Afghans has been established in Egypt.
"For us Iranians, this must be (?endured) as we can see in Egypt not only a base for
Iranian antirevolutionaries and supporters of the former regime has been forted but a
similar base against the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan has also been formed where
the main duty of these two bases is the training of traitors, skilled killers, either
against the Iranian Revolution, or the Afghan Revolution."
Taking into consideration the reality that the enemies of the Iranian Revolution, as
well as Afghan revolution, are being guided and armed from the same center, we have to
separate our reckonings from the As-Sadats, Ziaul Hags and Nashris who, under the cloak
of Islam, plot against Afghanistan and in reality are the lackeys of U.S. imperialism.
We must also consider the problem of the American Robert (Nedal) who supervises the
mercenary training center in Pakistan; during the former shahs reign he had stayed in
Iran for 10 years and actively participated in the SAVAK:s activities. Not this ele-
ment has allegedly become a supporter of Islam and trains the Afghan murderers to enter
Afghanistan and, by committing mass murder. in that oountry, to rescue Islam. The Demo-
cratic Republic of Afghanistan has thwarted the plans of the CIA as well as its impe-
rialist plots for using Afghanistan as a base against the revolution of Iran."
It is for us Iranians to reach up to the hand of friendship extended by the people of
Afghanistan and to expel from our country, Iran, the Afghan counterrevolutiOnaries."
TA272105 [Editorial Report TA] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran at
1730 GMT on 27 February broadcast two commentaries.
The first, entitled "Revolutionary Islam Is the Protector of [Words Indistinct], said:
Some big feudal landowners of important businessmen have succeeded in safeguarding their
properties even after the revolution. An example is Abdollah (?Pursartib), a murderous big
feudal landowner who, apart from possessing many houses, is the owner of a whole village in
Lorestan. His biography is a long list of crimes committed under the reign of Reza Shah
and his ousted son. Under the corrupt Pahlavi dynasty he was appointed representative of the
people and from the very beginning expressed his opposition to Dr Mossadeq. He collaborated
with the U.S. against Dr mossadeq. Then, supported by the Pahlavi dynasty, he became advisor
to the Iranian oil minister. For years he cooperated with Bakhtiar, the head of SAVAK. This
criminal element not only has not been arrested-but claims that some people are still indebted
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. .
to him. The likes of him have exploited farmers for tens of years, and the Islamic Revolution
cannot tolerate this sort of people. They should be punished in the cities as well as in the
The second, entitled "Let Us Concentrate All Cur Forces on Divulging and [Word lndisinot]
U.S. Imperialism," said: Regarding the opening of the international commission for the
investigation of the ousted shah's Crimes as well as Iran's grievances against the shameful
American intervention in the domestic affairs of Iran, much has been published in the World
press.. It is the commission's duty to investigate the former shahls crimes and the inter-
ference of the United States in the domestic affairs of Iran.
"But imperialist U.S. circles are making big efforts to impose their views on this inter-
national commission and constantly insist that the international commission's duty is to
do its utmost in order to free the American hostages."
GF021850 [Editorial Report GF] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in
Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 28 February broadcast two commentaries:
The first says: After the election of a president, elections for an
Iranian Parliament will take place. It is the first time the Iranian
people after the victory of their revolution will elect a Parliament. Concerning different
political or religious parties, democracy must be observed. A complete list with all
the names of the SAVAKists should be published.
The second, entitled "The [Word Indistinct] Maneuvers of American Imperialism Must Be
Revealed," says: The international commission for investigating the former shah's crimes
as well as the ruthless interferences of the U.S. Government in the domestic affairs of
Iran has begun its work. Without any doubt, documents regarding U.S. cooperation with
the criminal regime of the former shah will be made accessible to world opinion. (?/t
is from fear of these publications, that the U.S. Government is speaking of normalizing
relations with Iran.)
America does not quit its aggressive policy of threats and military preparations. This
is a policy which was continuously repeated against Iran. People as Senator Goldwater,
this representative of the belligerent American hawks, with utmost insolence have re-
quested the occupiers of the White House to demand the release of the American hostages
from the Iranian Government, and if this demand is not met with in time, the U.S. should
bombard [words indistinct]. As far as anti-Iranian [words indistinct] are concerned,
President Carter is considered on the same level as the Goldwaters.
Now with the victory of the Iranian Revolution, and the overthrow of the shah; American
imperialism has lost its biggest base and is suddenly pondering thoughts about human
rights. America must know that it cannot lure public opinion with this sort of false
The nations of the world justly ask where the Carters and Goldwaters were when the shah
along with his SAVAK [words indistinct]. Where were they when half a million U.S. Army
troops, disregarding all international ethics, attacked the people of this nation with
fire and napalm.
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U.S. imperialism has suffered a blow after the victory of the Iranian Revolution so now,
resembling a wounded snake, it coils around itself lying in wait for the proper moment
to get revenge on the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian nation must be on its guard against
the plots and maneuvers of American imperialism, and in uniting should struggle till
final victory.
TA292039 [Editorial Report TA] The clandestine National Voice of
Iran at 1730 GMT on 29 February broadcast two commentaries:
The first, entitled "By Resorting to Purges, an Army ( ?in theImage) of the Revolution
Should Be Created," said: Mahmud Alavi, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Republic of
Iran Navy, was arrested for cooperation with the American CIA. On the threshold of
parliamentary elections, the cooperation of Ahmed Madani, candidate for the presidency
and former commander-in chief of the naval forces, with U.S. intelligence and diplomatic
officials was revealed. Madani was in contact with American spies by the intermediary
of the mayor Abadan.
During the past few months some 50 similar cases were revealed in the army. It is
obvious that these enemies of the people and the Iranian Revolution, devoted to U.S.
intelligence circles, have either been rightly punished or their punishment is con-
tinuing. Even a year after the Iranian Revolution, counterrevolution in the army has
not been thoroughly abolished. Following the orders of its masters, it spreads its
activities and tries in every way to prevent the revolution from following the imam's
The problem of purges in the army emerged immediately after the overthrow of the shah.
The imam has often stressed the point that these elements are a danger threatening the
revolution from within and should be dealt with accordingly.
But unfortunately this was not carried out in a revolutionary manner during the tempo-
rary government of Bazargan. So now U.S. imperialism is trying in every possible way
to damage the revolutionary gains to such an extent that any negligence regarding a
purge in the army can have serious repercussions on the Iranian Revolution.
Revolutionary experience has shown that with the coming to power of the revolutionary
forces, counterrevolution, in order to regain its lost interests, resorts to greater
efforts, emerges from its state of defense and resorts to aggression.
If these counterrevolutionary elements are not purged from the Iranian Army and Iran
is not in possession of a "people's mass army" then the danger of the revolution being
threatened will always exist. President Bani-Sadr has demanded the complete purge of
such elements in government offices as well as in the army. The people and the forces
following the imam's path, and religious or political groups following the imam's path
expect that these purges to take place as soon as possible.
The second, entitled "Help to the Afghan Counterrevolutionaries Is Equal to Striking a
Blow at the Gains of Our Revolution," said: As time passes, the destructive plans of
U.S. imperialism and British colonialism regarding events in Afghanistan, the Near East
and Iran are revealed. From the very beginning it was quite obvious that the fuss of
imperialist and Zionist propaganda regarding events in Afghanistan, which are absolutely
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an internal matter, was not for defending Islam but for covering a most dangerous plan-
the transformation of Afghanistan into a base for aggression against the Iranian Revo-
lution and practically encircling Iran within a ring of allegedly Islamic countries.
It was not without reason that from the very beginning all the propaganda, all the
information, military and spying machinery, of imperialism started functioning and impe-
rialists such as Vance, Lord Carrington or Brzezinski, along with Maoist Chinals support,
became aware of Pakistan and Ziaul Haq's puppet regime. Arms and ammunitions military
trainers from America, China and England have averflooded Pakistan. Imperialism is very
astutely using all this fuss over the cloak of defending Islam.
Unfortunately in Iran, officials who are already familiar with U.S. or British false
propaganda, inform the mass media of fabrications made by the United States or Britain,
to the extent that even some Iranians have participated in the Islamabad conference.
Those who participated in this conference have affronted true Islam--the Islam of Imam
Khomeyni. How can America, supporter of Ziaul Haq or As-Sadat, be a supporter of IslamT
The recent events in Kabul have once again proved that subversive activities are en-
couraged by the United States, England and China. A number of U.S. Army units are based
in Pakistan. Regarding the events in Afghanistan, imperialist anti-communist propaganda
has reached such an extent that Iranians do not wish to face the reality that with the
victory of counterrevolution, first of all danger will threaten Iran. U.S. and English
imperialism by wishing to crush the Afghan revolution wanted to kill two birds with one
stone. End the short-lived Afghan revolution and transform the country into a base for
subversive activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Fortunately this plan was
thwarted. Any help to Afghan rebels is equal to damaging the Iranian Revolution and
aiding U.S. imperialism.
an11930 [Editorial Report GF] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on I March broadcast the following commentary, entitled "To Let Counter-
revolutionaries Be Free Is an Insult to the Martyrs of Revolution".
It said: The communique issued by the students organization of student followers of the
imam's policy for the city of Ahvaz clearly expressed the feelings of many revolutionaries
? with regard to the soft line followed by certain officials and it is a clear indication that
certain elements in our country are still not following the exact line of the imam. The
struggles, crusades, and the martyrdom of thousands during the past were the major factors
behind the downfall of the regime affiliated with U.S. imperialism.
Remnants of the former regime and its agents are trying to prevent the revolution from
achieving final victory. History has shown that no despotic regime and its proponents
ever willingly lay down their weapons. They always fight to tne end against the
revolutionary forces. Since the beginning of the revolution and its victory, the
remnants of the regime and the U.S. imperialism have been waging an intensive and extensive
struggle against the Iranian Revolution; and these efforts are still continuing. Because
certain eleftents have not totally embraced the revolution, the counterrevolution intensified
its actions; and the counterrevolutionary blows against the revolution and its fruits have
been intensified. Unfortunately, there are certain events in our liberated land that one
cannot be unconcerned and indifferent about.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP09-00997R000100500001-3
U.S. imperialism imposed the shah on our nation through its treacherous coup and for a
quarter of a century plundered Iran's wealth through its subservient agent. The great
leader of Iran, Khomeyni, foughtfor many years against these shameless meddlings of
U.S.. imperialism and the shameless crimes of Mohammad Reza. That is why he calls U.S.
imperialism the number one enemy of Iran and arch-Satan. The imam has said the major
task of the revolution is the struggle to reject this imperialism and its lackeys and
agents. How can one follow the imam's policy while leaving free all known individuals and
imperialist agents? How can one follow the imam's policy while tainting the name of the
student followers of the imam's policy?
0F021330 (Clandestine) National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran 1730 GMT 1 Mar 80 OF
[Unattributed commentary: "U.S. Imperialism, Partner in the Deposed Shah's Crimes"]
[Text] Dear compatriots: The investigations by the special international commission
into the inhuman crimes of the deposed shah's regime and its American partners has given
the world its first glimpse of some of that regime's crimes and dastardly acts. This came
during a meeting between commission members and victims of the shah's regime. One of
the members of the international commission, the Algerian envoy to the United Nations,
said the commission members were shocked by what they had seen and been told. Some things
were beyond the members' imagination, the victims' sufferings defied description.
He added: "We commission members are fully aware that what we have seen is only a minute
portion of the suffering endured by the Iranian nation." Expressing admiration for the
Iranian people, the Algerian envoy stated: "Your devotions and sacrifices will not be in
vain. For more than 25 years a very powerful oppressive force ruled this country. Through
your solid and national willpower, you were able to topple that force. I wish to assure
you officially tnat we shall fulfill our function and international society will be informed
and notified of the extent human rights were violated here."
Yes, the members of the international commission that day saw only a small sample of the
crimes and despicable acts committed by the deposed shah's regime and its infernal
apparatus of the United Nations--this CIA branch in our country. The Pahlavi regime--
especially after the CIA coup of 19 August 1953--surpassed the crimes of Genghis Khan,
Himmler and Hitler. Today in Iran it is rare when one finds a family where ode or more
members have not been victims of the crimes and lowly acts of the Pahlavi regime's
executioners and its U.S. advisers. The Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery in Tehran is only one
of the many cemeteries in our country which owes its existence to the wholesale massacres
committed by Mohammad Reza.
In the course of its investigation of the inhuman crimes committed by the regime of the
traitorous Mohammad Reza, the special commission will undoubtedly be presented with further
evidence and documents. These documents and evidence are also criminal evidence against
U.S. imperialism, for all these savage acts were carried out under the direct supervision
and recommendation of U.S. advisers and representatives. Now that the curtain is being
lifted, U.S. imperialism must be held accountable for all these crimes, not only before
our people's court but before the entire world and the international court. Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi was a paid servant and lackey of U S. imperialism and the implementor of its
orders and instructions.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP09-00997R000100500001-3
To offset these revelations, imperialist circles and elements in the United States, Ragland,
and other places are making every effort to hinder the work of the special international
commission. The mouthpieces and press of the imperialists have embarked upon a vast
propaganda campaign against this commission and are even trying, on behalf of their
imperialist bosses, to define its duties and functions. They are trying to impose the
view that the duty of this ccmmission is to bring about the release of hostages and that
every effort must be made to achieve this goal. These gentlemen must be reminded that the
function and duty of this special international commission is to investigate the complaints
of the Iranian nation against the crimes committed by the shah's regime and its American
partners and nothing else. With respect to the U.S. hostages, it must be said that their
case will be decided by the parliament of Iran's Islamic Republic.
The special international commission is continuing its work. Pertinent documents and
evidence are being made available to this commission, and, according to the promise of
the Algerian envoy, all these documents will bemade available to international society.
The people of our country are anticipating and hoping that as the result of this
commission's work, the world will realize the degree to which human rights were violated
in our country during the shah's regime with the knowledge and support of the U.S.
Government. The progressive society of mankind will support and back the Iranian nation's
struggle for the return of the deposed shah and his plundered assets to Iran.
GF021850 [Editorial Report GF] The clandestine National Voice of
Iran in Persian to Iran at 1730 GMT on 2 March broadcast two
The first, entitled "A Few Words About the Election," and "The Revolution Council has
given its final approval for a 2-stage election. Thus, in the first parliamentary
election of the republican regime, every individual, group, or organization with a
fifty percent plus one vote majority for their candidates will be elected to the par-
liament. All individuals, groups, and political parties who have only received fifty
percent of the votes will not be elected. The true meaning of a democratic election is
that the parliamentary seats should be divided among candidates in proportion to the
number of votes they each receive in the election process. From a legalistic viewpoint,
this system is called a monopolistic system. This election system will certainly da-
mage the unity of the nation and the revolution, in words and deeds. The great
Khomeyni has always called for the unity of words and deeds. But in this majority sys-
tem of election, the rights of millions of toiling and oppressed Iranians will be ig-
nored and violated.
The second commentary, its title indistinct, said: If we use the words of Mr Qoddusi,
the revolution prosecutor, as criteria for our judgment, we can come to the conclusion
that a group of influential people in the domain of monopolies and real estate properties
have succeeded in protecting their plundered assets from any and all dangers. These
satanic elements, contrary to the imam's demands and wishes, have forced the prose-
cutor:s office to safeguard their assets and belongings and to protect these properties
from the provisions of the approved decrees by issuing a special circular.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP09-00997R000100500001-3
Attack on SAVAKists Plots
TA040702 [Editorial Report TA] The clandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran
at 1730 GMT on 3 March broadcast a commentary, entitled,"The Recommendations of the Imam
on the Threshhold of the Elections," which says: The liberated Iranian nation is very
happy that the imam is in good health and hopes that he will once more lead all the
followers of his path like a kind father and leader. Everything must be done not to
tire the imam in order to preserve his health. The situation in Iran necessitates his
presence. The imam is like water and air for his country.
When the imam was leaving the hospital, he declared that "during these sensitive days for
the nation, with all the plots that are being prepared against it, I hope that all the
Iranian nation will unite to thwart these plots." Indeed, both iaternal and external enemies
of the Iranian Revolution have not ceased plotting and resorting to subversive activities.
Every day they strike blows at the gains of this revolution in a different part of the
country. These plots should not be regarded as trivial. The wounded enemies still possess
many means for damaging the revolutionary gains. Apart from a small number of SAVAKists,
who have been punished, there are still many in the country who are operating against the
revolution under a different mask. Their very existence is a big threat for Iran.
Now that the country is on the threshhold of the elections, it is not clear why the
government refrains from publishing lists of the SAVAKists, names. We can boldly declare
that the plots of these SAVAKists against the revolution were prepared by imperialist
U.S. or Israeli advisors.
These enemies of the revolution must be seriously dealt with. Experience tells that it
is only by uniting against the enemies of the revolution that the imperialist foes of
this revolution can be destroyed. The enemies of Iran and its revolution do not want to
see the unity of the followers of the imam's path. They do not want the true forces of
Islam to fight counterrevolution and imperialism from a united camp.
So on the threshhold of the parliamentary elections, candidates who are true to the
imam's path and his revolution should be considered. The elections should reflect the
opinions of all the organizations as well as groups, whether religious or not, who are
followers of the imam's path.
Protection of Farmers
TA051932 [Editorial Report TA] The elandestine National Voice of Iran in Persian to Iran a
at 1730 GMT on 5 March broadcast a commentary "The Revolution Guards Protect the [Word
Indistinct] Farmers," which says: The fact that Revolution Guards protect the farmers
against feudal lords has been received with satisfaction by the true forces who are
followers of the imam's path. Feudalism is one of the main basis for imperialists,
Zionists as well as supporters of the former regime in Iran. The big feudal lords,
by continuing to exploit the Iranian toilers, are making great efforts to annihilate
the revolutionary gains of their country for they see their destruction in the ultimate
victory of the revolution under the leadership of the imam.
Under the temporary government of Dr Bazargan these landlords, backed by the minister
of agriculture, formed armed groups and mistreated farmers, supported by imperialism and
Zionism they even resorted to fratricide.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP09-00997R000100500001-3
From the early days of the revolution, the true forces followers of the imam's path
demanded the deportation of these landlords from their properties and the distribution
of land among the farmers. The Islamic Revolution Council has now decided to take, steps
against these feudal lords in order to protect the farmers. So the Revolution Guards
come to the rescue of the Iranian farmer whenever the need arises.
The main problem facing the Iranian farmers is the existence of these feudal lords who
protect imperialism and counterrevolution. Another problem is that the Iranian farmers
do not possess their own piece of land.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP09-00997R000100500001-3