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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 OIS Registry STAT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Mr. Steven Garfinkel Director, Information Security Oversight Office (Z) General Services. Administration- . 18th F F Streets, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20405 r>d2eve. ? ? Dear 2 2 OCT 1981 Forwarded herewith is our fiscal year 1981 Agency Information Security Program Data (SF. 311) report. As was done last year, the statistics on classification decisions in sections 7A-C of the report were obtained from an actual Count over a seven-day period (19-25 September) and projected to cover the reporting period. Enclosure STAT DPA/OIS/PMD/RSE Sincerely, Director of Information Services Directorate of Administration hr (19 October 1981) Distribution: Original-Addressee 1-0I5 Subject 1-0IS Chrono 1TRSB Subject: Reports to ISOO 1-RSB Chrono Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 ? Continuation Sheet of SF 311 13. Narrative Report A. DECLASSIFICATION. Describe actions to declassify information under the systematic review procedures of the Order. Include discussion of problem areas and give estimated date for transition to systematic review of material as it reaches its 20th anniversary of origin. The:Classificiation Review Division (CRD) of our Office of Information Services is responsible for the systematic review of Agency permanent records over 20 years old. It is compOsed Of officers from throughout the Agency whose background and experience qualify them to make the necessary classification judgments. Coordination with originating or responsible components is available on those infrequent occasions when it is necessary. Over the past year CRD has increased overall production by 5%, even though we have lost the services of several reviewing officers The requirement for our classification review work on Agency-wide priorities other than 20-year systematic review has increased measurably. Although the demand for CRD's services is high, the productivity of those officers working on declassification has been upgraded through increased clerical support and refinement of a number of internal procedures. The review procedures CRD.negotiated with other agencies for two groups of interdepartmental records have been used as a basis for further agreements on review of other interagency material. As a priority matter, CRD continues to explore various methods of reviewing the large quantity of records stored in non-paper form (film, microforms, ADP media, etc.). However, shortage of qualified personnel, lack of required office space and other resources for the expansion of the staff, and limited vault and storage space in which to keep a backlog of work readily at hand remain as problems. Completion of 30-35% of the material necessary to make the transition to 20-year review by 1988 now seems likely; we will continue our efforts to domplete the transition in compliance with the Executive order. B. TRAINING. Describe all major actions relating to information security education and training, including special efforts toward limiting the amount, level, and duration Of classified material generated, and increasing public access to information declassified. During this. reporting period, the Office of Training and. Education (OTE) continued to familiarize Agency personnel with Executive Order 12065: In regularly scheduled training courses, special seminars, and discussion. groups, OTE has addressed. large numbers of employees at all grade levels on their. responsibility to adhere to the Agency Information Security Program Handbook and associated guides. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 ? 'A Although emphasis has been placed on the originator's responsiblity to properly classify information, our records management courses have also - addressed the entire life cycle of records to include creation, use, maintenance, and destruction of Agency records. Special efforts have been made to make the employee aware that the benefits deriVed? from limiting the amount of material created include a reduction in the effort and cost of maintaining and destroying classified information. . In addition, the Security Education Group of our Office of Security (OS) addresses a wide variety of audiences in performance. ()fits mission. The spectrum ranges from new employees entering on duty to senior Agency personnel who have worked with classified information for many years.. Regardless of the type of audience, the Security EducationGroup regularly emphasizes the employees' responsibility with respect to classified information. All audiences are invited to raise questions in the areas of classification, .declassification, and storage of classified material. The National Archives and Records Service '(NARS) has already accessioned some Agency records, ? and others are under consideration. EARS was given printouts of a record group of finished intelligence. from CRWs ADP systeM indicating the review decisions that were taker-h. Most of the material was declassified. This enabled NARS to take the indicated action on its own. copies, thus. making .the information available to the public. In addition, we continue to schedule teams of review officers to visit MARS and the Washington National Records' Center one day each week to review material of CIA interest found in records of other agencies. SoMe of this material is declassified and, therefore, becomes available to the public.. ? C. SAFEGUARDS, Describe actions to enhance safeguards, to include control of reproduction, reduction of classified holdings, and improved methods of destruction. The Physical Security Division of OS enforces the safeguards required by Executive Order 12065 and the implementing directives through a program of physical security surveys, inspections, and audits. There are approximately 750 separate elements which are subject to this program. These elements include Agency Headquarters components, domestic facilities, foreign facilities, and contractor facilities. This program is administered through the use of approximately 24 professional officers with appropriate supervision. The program centers.around establishing physical security program standards and procedural standards and the enforcement of these standards through surveys, inspections, and audits. D. BALANCING TEST. Describe extent of use of the balancing test (E.O. 12065; Section 3-303) and impact on Agency mission. The balancing test, in the context of. litigation to. which this Agency is a ? party, imposes no significant burden. Some Freedom of Information Act plaintiffs have argued that the balancing test under Section 3-303 of Executive Order 12065 is mandatory and. that All classification review decisions must include balancing by the appropriate Agency official. However, most courts have rejected this argument and have held the balancing test to be discretionary. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4 MCWOIMANAGDIENT. Describe major problems encountered in implementing E.O. 12065. and ISOO directives. ? As reflected in paragraph 13C, the implementation of the Agencyphysical Security program requires a substantial dedication of manpower. However, because, of thenature.of the Agency mission, the sensitivity Of the information with which the Agency deals, and our charter to protect intelligence sources and methods, the implementation of Executive Order 12065 has not required a. measure of physical?protection. over and above that already in existence. Our most significant problem with implementation of F.O. 12065 continues to be the potential damage to the national security posed by the declassification of intelligence records, many of which by themselves may seem harmless but when considered in the aggregate could cause significant harm. Equally significant are the 'staffing and logistical problems mentioned in paragraph 131\ above. Further, the systematic review of the Agency's Don-paper holdings will be a major FY 1982 undertaking. We have just this year formed some guidelines for review of non-paper material. .The evolving methanism for review of interdepartmental material will require futher adjustment. Finally, thedemand?for classification review work on other Agency documents is running quite high and will require continued attention and use of our assets.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/02 : CIA-RDP09-02663R000100020001-4