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September 28, 1974
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020027-4
28 SEP 1974
t'issinger Asked to Clarify Stan
Of I.S. on Human Rights in Chile
House Subcommittee Chairman
ItofiBrooklyn, was defeated by
14 Special to The New York TYaes
ser, a senior member of the
LHouse Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee, today called for Secretary
of State Kissinger to meet with
a -group of House members to
i_- darfy the Ford Administra-
ly: tion's position of human rights
in Chile.
Mr. Fraser, chairman of the
international organizations and
ee, s
movements subcomm
Ambassador Popper's private
in a telephone interview that he'
efforts to raise the human
initiated his call for a mee
ng? & ter learning of Mr. Kissnger's, rights issues whenever possible!
r4portd rebuke of the United. in his talkswith Chilean offi-
-States Ambassador in Santiago. cialsa
The New York Times report- "I'm not, complaining about
ed today that Mr. Kissinger;, the fact that it's being done
had become angered on learn- quietly at the ambassadorial.
ing that the Ambassador, Da- ,level," Mr. Fraser said. "What;
vied H. Popper, had discussed, astonished me was that he was
,-torture nad othe't human rights rebuked by the Secretary for,
matters at a meeting on miii- doing it that way."
tary aid with Chilean officials. in effect," he said "the Sec-
on July 22. ""Tell Popper to cut. rotary of estate has dressed
out the political science lec- down the Ambassador raising,
tures," the Secretary reportedlyP~_the human tights issue.'
scrawled on an official State Mr. Fraser said that StateP
Department officials indicated,,
p ned that Mr. Kissingerrs re. vote of 291 to 108.
buke of Mr. Popper was basil Miss . Holtzman said today
not on the substance of the' that she also would continue
Ambassador's discussions but4to offer such amendments.
on the fact that he chose to "There's a tremendous feeling;
bring up human rights issues l among a large number of mem-
during a discussion of military bers that this activity has to
aid. stop," she-said in a telephone
Says He's Astonished conversation. "We have no idea
how much money is in the
ative Fraser. said that he had) tt`*s+ or. This is an extraordinar-
learned a few months ago of! ily important issue if Congress
Kissinger would be arranged)
within a week or two.
"We want that meeting," he
said, "in order to get a very,
clear statement from the Sec-
retary as to whether he's going'
to carry out the provisions in
the foreign assistance act."
Under that act, as approved+
by Congress last year, the
Administration's aid grant to
Chile was dependent on the
,Administration's assurance that
singer "considers it a disgracel!it would request the Chilean
to the Foreign Service when Government -to "protect the
members of the Foreign Service human rights of all individuals."
leak classified information." Mr. Fraser was one of 104
-,marizing the Popper remarks.
"I find it outrageous-
incred-ible," the Minnesota Democrat
said of Mr. Kissinger's action.
,"I'm beginning to wonder how
long the Secretary's usefulness
to his country will continue."
Kissinger's View
The State Department spokes-
man, Robert Anderson, today
refused to discuss the specifics
of The Times's dispatch, but
he told newsmen that Mr. Xis-
Secretary's, Reported Rebuke
Envoy on Issue of Torture
human rights," Mr. Anderson
added. "the Secretary's concern
for human rights questions is
very well established."
Mr. Kissinger has repeatedly
told newsmen who cover the
In- the interview. he also said
that he would join with other
liberals in offering amendments
to the foreign aid bill and other
appropriation legislation that.;
would bar all covert activity by'
the Central Intelligence A en
"W.A similar amendment offeredi
Tuesday by Representative
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020027-4
members of the Senate and
House who signed a letter sent
to Mr. Kissinger last week ob-
jecting to continued United
States economic and military
assistance "to foreign govern-
ments which are increasingly
Stan Department of his deep' indifferent to internationally
concern for human rights stem-i recognized human rights and
min,g, he says, from his youthldeal with their own people in
in Nazi Germany. But publicly` an increasingly oppressive man-
making an issue of such con-iner."
terns, he has said, can be, , Mr. Fraser, whose subcom
counterproductive. mittee has held more than 20
In Congressional testimony hearings on human rights in!
nn Sov' t Jews, Mr. Kissingerlthe last year. has already an-
his said that he does not favor'nounced that he will offer)
linking that issue to the quesamendments to the pending
lion of foreign aid for the So- foreign aid bill to reduce or~
cict union. Similarly, State De-'eliminate military aid to Chile,
*sartmen' nt`F4oi? 41n%,*,- AX-?..n..r .,