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September 25, 1974
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Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020035-5
and C,.L.`" 1 L Li* ' l Nr:9U Z Vnf. ++-"'
Does':Not Wash' _;
his Sept. 18 letter, C.I.A. 'Di-"
rector William Colby disclaimed his'
use of the word "destabilization" to
describe the goals of the C.I.A. actions.
in Chile. I indeed attributed the:quota
tion to Mr. Colby in my letters 'to
Representative Morgan and Senator
Fulbright and remain certain- that the
transcript I read of Mr. Colby's testi.
mony to the House Armed Services
Special Subcommittee on Intelligence
contained that word.
I would suggest that rather- than
placing such emphasis on the' exact
wording used before the committee,
and thus diverting the public debate
over the desirability of C.I.A. actiti-
ties in Chile, Mr. Colby should instead
make public his testimony in,- or-deg
to enable public debate to be' based
on the best possible available evidence.
I also take issue with Mr:-Colby'
assertions that the word "destabilize' i
was not an accurate description o{
C.I.A. policy and that the
covert operations 'in Chile represented
a policy "from 1971 on of encouraging.
the continued existence of democratje
forces looking toward free elections.'" !
That ex post facto rationale fdr
clandestine intervention in internat
Chilean affairs 'is at variance wilt
Mr. Colby's own testimony do_AptiI.
22, 1974, and represents a further at-,
tempt to mislead the American people
about our Chilean misadventure.
As far as the over-all aims of our
policy are concerned, I suggest that
Mr. Colby once again review his owii
testimony, in which he describes our
efforts in Chile as a laboratory ex=
periment to test the techniques o~
heavy financial investment in dis-
crediting and bringing down a govern;
It is now becoming clear that R!Ir_
Colby, along with President Ford and
Secretary of State Kissinger, is In
the process of evolving what amounts
to their own White Paper justifying
after the fact United States intervea..
tion in Chile, similar to the White
Paper issued by the Chilean junta last
Oct. 26 justifying the need for its
military coup. Rather than admitting I
that United States foreign policy was
indeed aimed at "destabilizing" th e
Allende Government, the executive is
unsuccessfully trying to sell the story
that the United States acted only to
save the principles of. democracy be-
inn dismantled by Allende.
This story simply does not wash in
light of the $350,000 authorized to
bribe the Chilean Congress before
Allende took office and the $500,000
authorized to aid Allende's opponents
in both 1969. and 1970 before Allende
ever had the chance to try to eliminate
U.S. Representative, 6th Dist.,.Mass.
Washington, Sept. 20,. 1974
The writer is a member of the House
Fore;t,.'n Aff'uns Committee.
Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020035-5