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Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207RO01000020098-6 .L ,A.'s Covert Role: NEW YORK TIMES Ford's Defense Runs Against Current Trend WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 -"u -` .1111-Y ""a' be known that the cranciestine~wnat international taw gave the possible. The President might, operations of the C.I.A. were,L'nited States the right to "des- President Ford helped revive a have said that he was not re- being curtailed. tabilize the constitutionally dying issue last night. That is- sponsible for past activities of -Ml Just last week, William E.ielected government of another sue was whether it was proper the C.I.A., but would he re-I!Coiby, Director of Central Intel ,country," the President de- for a democracy, using its in- sponsible for its future behav- li ence, said it was "clear thatlclined to talk about law, but telligence agencies to intervene ior, and would accordingly re-!jAmerican policy today is differ- said, "it's a recognized fact in the internal af- view its policies and plans. ent from when it was confront- that historically, as well as pre- fairs of other coun- He did promise to meet with ing worldwide Communist sub- sently, such actions a-e taken tries, the Congressional committees (version in the nineteen fiftiestin the best interests of the ! Analysis Mr. Ford, at a that review the covert actiorrs or Commtmist insurgency inicountries involved." news conference, of the agency to see whether the ninetee sixties." Commenting on that, Senators seemed to answer they might want to change the the question affirmatively. He (review process. Those commit- "As a result," Mr. Colby told Frank Church, Democrat of Ida- the Fud for Peace cou'erence1ho, who is a high-ranking mem- acknowledged that the United ,tees, however, are not noted in 'in Washington, "C.I.A.'s in-Iber of the Senate Foreign Rela- States had made an effort to ,Washington for vigor and skep- evolvement in covert action is!t.ons Committee, said today: preserve an opposition press ticism? very small indeed." I "It seems he declared that the and opposition political parties Mr. Ford himself was a mem- in Chile during the rule of a her of one of them for nine Abandoning covert action en- other States respects no law Marxist President, Salvador Al- e rs when he was a Re - tirely "would not have a major otherr than the law of the jungle y pre- impact on our current activities in its dealings with foreign lende Gossens, who died in a sentative from Michigan.. or the current security of the countries, He equates us with military coup in September, ( His reversion last night to ,United States," Mr. Colby ack-ithe Russians. I thought there 1973. the reason and rhetoric of the noTled ed. was a difference, and the differ- __ President Ford justified the cold war, however mildly ex however, the capacity forlence is what it's all about." -- Leffort, which was made during pressed, led to speculation such action may be needed in th Ni i Ad i e xon n m stration by that hiidtillt i ,s mn was s sen case of some new threat, he ad- saying that it was "in the best that mold. ded, and it would be a mistake interest of the people of Chile, "if it was good enough for to "leave us with nothing be- and certainly in our best Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, tween a diplomatic protest and ,interest." Johnson and Nixon, then it's sending the Marines." "I am reliably informed," good enough for Ford," one of There was a conspicuous dif- !Mr. Ford said, "that Commu- the President's friends re- ference in tone between Mr. nist nations spend vastly more marked today. Colby and President Nord, his money than v e do for t he 1oe, "'that's the way he thinks." new boss, but both seemed to kind of purpose." ' Even in an Administration take it for granted that the His response was presumably) that has been dedicated to United States had the right to considered in advance, He hadi lonenness and candor President intervene in the affairs of other trop on the subject because of the recent disclosure that the Nixon Administration author. ized the Central Intelligence Agency to spend $8-million on covert activities in Chile be- tween 1970 and 1973. Indeed, Mr. Ford may have had the help of those who au- thorized those expenditures in framing his reply. In any event, he chose to defend the behavi- or of the old Administration rather than chart a new policy for his own. His response was presumably considered in advance. He had every reason to expect a ques- tion on the subject. Last week it was disclosed that the Nixon Administration had authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to spend $8-million on covert activities in Chile between 1970 and 1973. Those activities were approved by the so-called 40 Committe, whose chairman was and is Secretary of State Kis- singer. Mr. Ford possibly may have had the help of those who authorized those expenditures in framing his reply. In any event, the President chose to defend the behavior of the old Administration rather than chart a new policy for his own. every reason to expect a ques-~ Ford was judged in Washington countries in its own interest. to have spoken with remark- When Mr. Ford. was asked I able frankness. "It is the first time in my, ,memory that a President has (come out flatly and said, 'We do it, the other side does it, arid we do it,"' said Prof. Rich-: and N. Gardner, a specialist in international law at Columbia! University, speaking from New' York. Secret C.I.A. operations such as the overthrow of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran in 1953 and President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman of Guatemala in 1954, the Bay of Pigs inva. sion of Cuba in 1961 and later operations in Laos have been identified when they became, too big and notorious to be con? cealed. However, none has ever been, acknowledged as readily and'; fully as the Chile operation, al-' though the acknowledgment was low-keyed. It came, oddly, when such ac- itivities seemed to be going out of style. Eighteen months ago the Nixon Administration let itl 00779 Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020098-6