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Document Release Date: 
August 9, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 13, 1974
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Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207RO01000020115-6 3 IS E P 1974 Study.looks for U.S. lies abort Allende By DEAN MILLS I should be called before, the "It is no longer acceptable," Washington Bureau of The sun panel to give a public explana-1 he said, "for the Congress to Washington - Senator'Frank tion of the role of the so-called "Forty Committee" in the ov. acquiesce co State Department Church, the most influential Y officials, ' coming before efore con- administration critic on the erthrow of the Allende regime. gressional committees and Senate Foreign Relations Com- In his capacity as director of making statements, which, if the National Security Council, not outright lies, are at least mittee, initiated a study yes- er chaired the -m_ Dr Kissin i f th t th " g evas ons o ru . e terday to determine whether . mittee, which has responsibility Senator Edward M. Kenned State Department officials lied for covert activities of the Cen-I Y Senator Phillip A. Hart nee to various congressional com- tral Intelligence Agency. (D., Mass.) said at least three~Mich.) opened the conference :times in the last year State De- b urging mittees about American in-I Mr. Harrington, citing secret yesterday Y Congress to volvement in the overthrow of testimony by Willim - E. apartment officials made "mis- explore the CIA role in Chile. and deceptive" state- ,We haven't done a damn! the Chilean regime of SalvadorI Colby, the CIA director, before Llead- ents to Congress about the a House Armed Services sub thing ... to prevent the Presi- role in Chile, it walldent from waging secret wars," Allende. Aides to the Idaho Democrat at eomrruttee in July, has JAmerican disclosed. said yesterday the senator hys. 1 charged that the CIA poured; (Senator Hart said. He said the structed his staff to make the $11 million into Chile from 1962' In a letter to Dr. Kissinger, Colby testimony "has more pro- to 1973 to support Allende op- Senator Kennedy described the They said it will be com- F""""~ a?u w CO uauiuac ~.?.....a.y .u ..ay the Allende government after 'understanding of the dual re- pleted within a day or two, it came to power. sponsibility of Congress and the a d th ill th t d n e sena or w en e-I In public testimony, State cide whether to call for new Department officials repeat - testimony on the question. edly have denied any Ameri Meanwhile, at a press con-J can involvement in the over- ference yesterday, Representa- throw of Dr. Allende. tive Michael J. Harrington (D., I In a letter to Senator J W. Mass.), proposed that the Sen-I Fulbright (D Ark) chair- ! ate Foreign Relations Commit man of the Foreign Relations tee hold open hearings on the !Committee, released at thei' role of the United States in press conference, MMir. Harring- Chile during the Allende per- ton said that the Senate panel; iod. should study the possibility of i He said that Henry A. Kis-' lodging- perjury charges, singer, the Secretary of State, !against the officials. President in the conduct of U.S.! foreign relations." rri The Colby disclosures were' the highlight of the opening of a conference on covert activities) and the CIA. sponsored by thel Center for National Security k found implications for our for- eign policy than many interna-: tional issues in which Congress; has shown interest." 00843 Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207RO01000020115-6