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September 12, 1974
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Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020117-4 WASHINGTON STAR 12 SEP 1974 tt By Jeremiah O'Leary Star-News Staff Writer Rep. Michael J. Harring- ton, D-Mass., has charged that CIA activities in Chile against the government of President Salvadore Al- lende were viewed by the 'agency as a "prototype or laboratory experiment" to test techniques of heavy financial investment to dis- credit and bring down a I government. The charge is contained in a letter to Chairman J. William Fulbright of the Senate Foreign Relations committee two months aga and which was released today by Harrington. In a press conference Harrington made public ex- changes on correspondence between himself, Fulbright and other members of Con- gress about his concern over activities of-CIA and the U.S. Treasury Depart- ment in Chile and the "quite limited" congressional re- view of CIA activities. liar- rington charged these reviews are perfunctory and conic after the fact. IN INS LETTER to Ful- bright, Harrington de- scribed how the "40 Com- mittee" headed by Henry A. Kissinger authorized expen- diture of $11 million from 1962 to 1973 to help. prevent the election of Allende. He said CIA Director William Colby's words in. testimony before a House Armed Serv- ices subcommittee on the CIA disclose- the CIA's intention was to "destabilize" the Allende government so as to pre- cipitate its downfall. Harrington wrote that. "funding was provided to individuals, political parties and media outlets in Chite through channels in other countries and in both Latin America and Europe. Mr. Colby's description of these operations was direct, though not to the point of ilende L identifying actual contacts and conduits." Harrington charged the Colby testimony indicated the agency role in 1970 was viewed as that of the "spoil- er involving general at- tempts to politically destabilize the country and discredit Allende to im- prove the likelihood that an opposition candidate would win. Following the election of Allende,'$5 million was authorized by the 40 com- mittee for more destabiliza- tion efforts from 1971 to 1973. An additional $1.S mil- lion was spent for the 1973 (Chilean) municipal elec- tions. Some of these funds were used to support an un-% named but influential anti- Allende newspaper." (The Star-News has learned that this newspaper was Eli Mercurio, largest daily in~ Chile and the property of! wealthy businessman Augustin Edwards.) IN A SEPARATE letter) to Chairman Lucien Nedzi of the House Armed Serv- ices subcommittee on intel- ligence, Harrington chaged that Colby indicated in testimony last April that the CIA "counselled the White House to rebuff attempts of President Allende to settle his differences with the United States. These and other related activities sug- gest that the agency depart- ed from its proper role of intelligence gathering and, instead, participated in for- mulation of policies and events both in the United States and Chile which it was supposed to objectively: analyze and report." Fulbright responded on: July 26, with a letter to Har- rington in which the Arkan- sas Democrat said he shared Harrington's frus- tration. "This has been going on in places other than Chile for many years," Fulbright wrote. "The Senate at least has been unwilling to exer- cise serious control of the CIA and apparently ap- proves of the activities to which you refer in Chile and which I belive to be a proce- dure which the CIA has fol- lowed in other countreis." FULBRIGHT wrote that he believed creation of a Joint Committee with full authority to examine the CIA and control it is the only practical answer. "The Foreign Relations Committee," Fulbright wrote." in a showdown never has sufficient votes to overcome the opposition of the forces led by the Armed Services Committee in the Sneate but a Joi t Commit- tee I think would have suffi- cient prestige to exercise control." Fulbright said he would, be glad to join Harrington': in sponsoring a renewed of-i id to CI fort to create a Joint Com- mittee on the Intellignece Community. Harrington said it Is indicative of his frustra- tions that in five meetings of the House subcommittee on inter-American affairs this year on human rights in Chile, only one government witness with knowledge of U.S. activities in Chile ppeared. That witness, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman indicat-' ed. Harrington said "some knowledge on his part of. CIA activities that he was unwilling to discuss before a duly-constituted commit tee of the House." Harrington added there' are inherent limitations for members of Congress in trying to uncover covert ac- tivities such as those in Chile and he said the exist- ing oversight machinery is illusory. 00845 Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020117-4