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September 11, 1974
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. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17 :CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030023-7 19 i0 tt?~ sources; ; Auenoe. accq rding ,,, . ,,,, I `Don't forget." the source a'few months before the Marx.-;added, ?`the whole idea in the ist ieada?~yon Lhey;Presidential election. ininetean sixties was what we called 'nation building'- and it Kissinger Silent worked. Frei would have won ' Thus far Secretary of State~re-election easily." +Kissinger has refused to coin-~ "It's a shame their Constitu- Iment publicly on the report c'.tion prevented his re-election," Ipuhlished Sunciav that the Cen-;the source added. Under Chil- (tral Intelligence Agency, acting lean law, Mr. Frei. could not he at the specific direction of thew candidate for re-election in ;Nixon Administration, was au- 1970. lthorized to spend more than!. According to another ?-~il-' loft-million between 1970 and:informed source who recei~~ed 1973 in an effort to make itl~~The C.LA. and the Cult of ln- :mpossible for President Al-itelligence" before it was cen- ~lende to govern. The Allcndc~sored, a somewhat similar iGovernment w?as overthrown account of the decision to in- ~last September in a militar}?tervene in Chile was presented coup d'etat in which the Chile-ithe two authors, Victor Mar- ~an leader died. Ichetti, a former C.LA, official Shortly after the coup, A1r,jand John D. Marks, a former Kissinger told the Senate For-(State Department intelligence eirn Relations Committee that analyst. the C.LA. had nothing to dot The C.LA. later censored a with the coup to the best of;Part of the book in which, a ~my knowledge and belief." Oth_isource said, the C.LA. was de- der Government officials, in thcir~p'cted as having been divided )appearances before Congres-!about. the proposals to invest sional committees, have gone funds seFretl-y against Mr. Al- further, insisting that the Ad_~lende. Officials at C.LA. head- Iministration followed a polic~?~Quarters were said by Mr. Mar- . iof nonintervention toward the) Allende regime. Mr. Kissinger has been de-I scribed by a number of officials! I~~ YvKli ['11Y1~J, WC~I~UG~LIAY, t'. dtf1;K 11, 1974 ~sin~_er,~ho warms then sere- ut it?-"much more passive; nl""g"as advtsP,iT,~4ti`onal se- P t aFi i~-~:,orir- :t^eac:- y ~..P.>1~.~~lal't~M ~ than you'd think" from the ~ ~una ,iasLS,apR>Q~ - curif`"to Pres published newspaper accounts.'a, o tts ve re ~er~ NixiSn'" "We were just trying to bail ~ nc ude 'sir. Kissinger. """'I don't,,:.5ge,~yj~,?need out people who were under thejthe Central Ir.te:iigence Direc- to sfahd ~ and watch a coun- gun from Allende and his sup-;tor, the chai;~nan of the Joint t o , olx~,uuis~'~u to, the porters," one well-informed~Chiefs of Staf'? the Deputy Sec- rresC'~1LtX~p,~~~n P.eO- source said. retary of Statr- for Political Af- p~' -~ Most Backed Frei ifairs, Mr. Anderson said. ' 'dc _ord'n ~ ?~hg boo Mr. ! Alt 40 Comm;ace ~o.*a Kiser mad. the ~comme'nt Most of those who were ~ _ -TT-~- ,aided, the source added, had mus~ _e,_gpA,~S1Y~~ br the~e_. ~ ~ ee c~reta"4~ C~iimm ttee,t'~heen supporters of the former den.'f"_Te~I ~.r~~j,G,?,,,;?u into ef- the ii~`?Fi`-1"e~rerzevt>:w panel that~President, Eduardo Frei Mon ifect, Mr. ~nderson.saia. ources sal a ok s chap- tinned in interviews today that'.., rl,~r sr,~nt-on, ^r,ub;ic:~,..an4.-ti,e ter on ~ e beg~aM?-~thelthe C.LA.'s efforts against Mr.~c'h;lPan issue hr did authorize After a lengthy battle in, He told the newsmen them. Mr. Korrv, c~^;ac:ed todz?: Federal Courts, over prior cen-~~We are taking a close look at at his home-ir, Rr.a-c.:ff A'fanc sorship, the 434-page book wasithe situation. It is not one in `, Y., declare^ ti,a: he ~s~.~ published in June by Alfred A.jwhich our capacity for influ-,standing by iris te~;iraom? lay: Knopf with blank space where~ence is very great.' wear to a Senate subcommiaec 168 passages were deleted.( According to still-classified'in which he stated that ti-,r Much of the chapter dealing~House testimony lasx April by~United States mair.[ained a po!- with Chile, titled "the Glandes- the Director of Central Inteili-)icy of noninten~ention toward tine theory", was heavily cen- gence William E. Colby, the in-ithe Allende Goy e*nm~nt. Bored in that manner. telligence agency was author-~ "I'm not duckirc anybody o~: Damage Feared ized by the 40 Committee to this," Mr. Korn. said.-"I stand spend $500,000 in 1970 to head!on all the statertents I have The C.I.A. had argued that off Mr. Allende's popular elec-!given." He adder that he had those delitions and 177 other lion, and was later rovided, passages it unsuccessfully P sent a lengthy letter to Ti~~ sought to censor would "cause with $350,000 to bribe members. New York Times explaining his: grave and irreparable damage~of the Chilean Congress who position and said he would pre- to the U.S." if published. nonetheless voted in October to fer not to cor-.rnen. further As initial) wri en ~1elratify the election. pending receip, o: the letter. A number of officials eau-i Alt13t1uQCi.~+Lr...iiicc n _r_1-+as ~Censor~ed 1V~att~er in Book About C.I.A. Said t~~ave Related Chile Acti~~ities -~ :~ B-y SEYMOUR M. HERSH ,alar?rned in the Nl~ton Adminis- chetti and A4r. Mari:c to be cn? - SprdelloThrAr~rYorkTlmrR itration about Mr. Allende's rise~cerned because ~t the possibil~.- 1 WASHINGTON, Sept. IO -'to power. ;ty that a sudden spurt is 'The Central Intelligence i 'St a background meeting with spending against Mr. ANende newsmen in Chicago on Sept.'would be traceable to Was`-.- Agency, citing national secur-i16, 1970, shortly after the elec- ington. ity, censored the first priared;tion of Mr. Allende, Mr. Kis- In addition, r:?e source Sal' account of some of the agency'ssinger declared that "an Allende the original '.'archetti-Mari:s clandestine activities against take-over in Chile would present manuscript described what v: a: President Salvadore Allende massive problems for us, and depicted as ~~rious disp~:e iGossens of Chile from a re-!indeed to the whole Western ever the Ch ~:_.n t.?,iicy b- Gently published expos@ of the~Hemisphere. tween Edward '?'. lorry, w~,-. intelligence establishment,! If the Chilean Congress were sen?ed as Amb