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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09TOO207ROO IT * rr w v HY , ,i.' q a Veel Sion:, on Hel r, V t_ Ms us ice r~ Ing w (ether-to Inl et CIA Ex-Chief ;' , By Susanna McBee Washington usa oat BM taff Writer Later it was revealed that the '?FG ._ via VVvL makin +' ME M r activities in Chile between 1970 and ,. g a decision'on whetner to seek,-' ~ ^~rindictments:.aoa,r,c+- _ ,.,,7 1973: ~,"oP Central' ;;Intelligence'`Richard n rd ffl Also, the Senate Intelligence Com- ~~ Helms and two officials cf the ' jnter: t- mittee reported in 1979 that the CIA L l~ w _nation l T a : elephone & `;Tlegrap had adid ITT +-eh..vse on; how ,It might .5 The` lssua: is whether Helms ITTH and that ITT contributed $350,0(i()to ; -Chajrma ` TI r l . ' - ave. the ro,7n S d -" Yce President Edward 'J 'Gerrity]led . . When they testiffed on the' CIF and In -January o Helms ackn i ITTr l i t raens o o e n ttying' toblk th edged to th bt F - -elec ?oceeeraeoreign Relations tion in, 1970 of Chilean President S l Committee that he h d " a a made .maye b ador`AlIende, t a-serious mistake" in his 1973 j- :? testi- -:gng Helms to go off the record because since early 1975 and the Allende's o IT T;; officials sinw thdh g vernment wstill i ee : en of tata sn power "anti ; we did year' t , ' y ~s no needanY dil ,-., morepomatic incidents or any more difficulties than "We don t` want it to drag on," said ra the United States and Chile a R: aBenjamin Civiletti; head -of the de lready were having by :1973, partment's Criminal Division. He indr when I testi- fld :e. sated Gated the decision could come rn the e d or. --two, :Other-sources It has subsequently been revealed RICHARD M HELM l th ' c S --' at the CIA ose to the investigation=said they ex s activities in. Chile in pest a to h decision nve soo s ii after.Labor Day. ? denied agency, tried to oust Allende 1970 were sanctioned by Kissinger r = r ,~ . ,Y s ' . and that President Nixon reconfirmed .,,Attorney General 'Griffin Br Bell ,said here July 28 , and again in Chi to the subcommittee that.he hadtwice ?. Kissinger 's orders on Sept. 15 of that ; ago ;last' wee, k that. he will decide ` -in July and September of 1970-of_ year. ? whether to prosecute:. He added that feted the U.S. government huge sums Through. his lawyer, Edward Ben_ lie, would -advise President Carter: on, of money to keep-'Allende fromassum nett Williams, - Helms declined last 4,,-"What ] think oughtta re done." ` ing office. But hesaid=the CIA turned ? week to :comment on the case, as did :down the offer Gerrity and Geneen, through ITT law- ,!The case -rrauglit with ,:gohtital and national securityland y rrunes , He,said did not "contribute yers and a 'company spokesman. Helms has been. quoted as: saying that ; oney to any person' or any agency of Jack A. Blum, " Washington anli- a e ny government 7 7 if Ile.-: were indicted,;he wovlci "bring- to block the election ..trust lawyer who in 1973 was associate if ..withhim , r'Seeretar o_ Dr. Allende ' , counsel'tothe Senate subcommittee, ,,State Henry"A:'Kissinger As natioynofal-. - Asked `if he ever made a political said that reliance on national security security, adviser issinresrdent.', contribution as. a company to. a 'candy- as a defense to ? charges of lying to Nixon date area party" er-was an a iii Chile' or, other. Congress "is a limited legal theory- Ky..that rchitect,( >TS poj . icy ha , culmii ated countries, Getieeri .,r; ~ , limited at the moment to the grounds i temberr. 1973, toppling the Allendere` Absolutely not Commenting- answeredon of San Clemente.". o game 'press reports that. two ITT representa- 'But other sources said the Carter the"` ~. ?.tives?-had offered money to-the-cam administration maybe reluctant to One source said` case has take: so -iong ?becausew" 1tYcould gravely ~i' ? pan manager of, Arturo;Alessandri, prosecute because testimony and doe- the conservative candidate in- the,1970 uments at t fect our; national secu a t i l S ,, y " r ri ; a ;might rvl everakr Chll eleo eea more .iean eectionctin': he;had than the government wants to tell times when Justice `lawyers wanted,;.:" not authorized sure, a -contrib ,. ti u o balk d - e t y61115 Source Sad a -i. - - . - _ ; "A couple of times we had to go to Z(jc ~UnsJ~iltgto- -r the White House" to enlist the aid of s.rbnda,..P..,nvo?d;rw f~l then presidential counsel Philip W. y,?c Pn/do11011i^~~+ '? B h uc en in extractigtil f n maerarom the CIA, the source-added. "We ulti- mately got everything we asked for, but it took time." T?hph.n. N?mMn, (Aan Cod. 207) '223-6000?-News & 8usineu 223.6100-'Circulation Service 2 OO- 62 Ct?ssifiedAdr- Part of the case involves testimony given on Feb. 7, 1973, by Helms at a 223.7300-pi,y News Desk Senate Foreign Relations Committee 22 Ch v e y Chase Op en 3 7313-Md./Vo? ;:lows Desk hearing on his confirmation as am as DAYS sador.to Iran. b 223.7582-Ombudsman. I 'r '&ST,6 223-}7060--Sports Scores LA Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) rM A??:ad r,?....~ 6. 7 kd if a t 1sehe CIA, which Helms had "moo .roue. e,.kt- =-, b R or net %A 7 elhnrt.. n.dN.d in Nri. eaded since 1966, had tried "to over. 'tea .r waXe,wwn ? ro++wddn.n / t U!l 4/ Gclr 1~71~,r~ throw the government", of the left- i~?.,:.. ,r,.,