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STAT__....----?-- Sanitized Copy Approved pproved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030091-2 ,_...eiiICAGO, ILLINOIS SUN-TIM 11 - 5547'334 S 667.850, By Loye Millec-Jr. = Sun-Times Washington Bureau Chief WASHINGTON --A top White House offi vial confirmed Thursday publicly for the first and M.-.Helms is tm- .der investigation for alleged perjury .be- fore two Senate coin mittees.. Further, Robert Lipshutz, counsel to the President, dis-. closed that the White how much classified information is- to be furnished , ? federal prosecutors pursuing RICHARD M, HELMS i ._ the case.,...,. Helms, according to published rorts, has threatened that if be is indicted'and tried as a result of the investigation, he will "take some other people with him." The Wilmington,~(Del.) News Journal re- ported-Feb. 13 that:'llelms has told CIA offi- ciais-and others that if he is in i. Mll name former See.'of State Henry A. Kissinger, as the man who ordered him tolie.. Helms hasj not denied:thzzeport.' - ~: Another . journalist,- Washington columnist' Iom Braden, himself- a former CIA official; :' has pointed-out in print that Kissinger would have had- no authority to give Helms such an order unless it was backed up by the Presi- dent.--`. Thus, the case could touch former Presi- dents-Ricbard M. Nixon and Gerald R. "cord, because it involves. allegations that. Helms`. perjured himself in 1973, and again in 1975. The Justice Department has denied the Wit= mington newspaper's report that indictments are imminent in the case and. has not even admitted the probe is under way..'.- But privately, government- sources have= conceded there is a grand jury investigation growing out of reports that the CIA,- in part-? nership with such multinational corporations as the International Telephone and Telegraph ,Corp. spent millions trying to bribe--officials and political parties in Chile. In 1973, the Senate subcommittee on mul- tinational. corporations began to lookinto Dateline Washington: Other Sun-Times Bu- reau stories are on Pages-12,.16 and 22. such charges, including an allegation- that I ITT funnelled $350,000 to opponents of the late Salvadore- Allende,"Chile's Marxist president.- In 1975, the same ' matters came ` under 'scrutiny of the Senate intelligence committee. Both committees.- took testimony on the matter from Helms, who headed the` CIA from 1966 to 1973, and from ITT president Harold Geneen. Now the federal grand jury is investigating charges that. the two lied and possibly co-ordinated their.. statements. Speculation has been fueled by the an- ouncement, wtihout 'explanation, ' that- Gen- een would relinquish his $700,000-a-year job as president of ITT at, the end of the year.: - Lipshutz'. almost offhand 'admission came--41 during a.Thursday breakfast with reporters when he said his White House legal office. . is representing the President in juggling pro- secutors'demands that other executive branch agencies yield classified information as evi- dence.for the grand jury. ; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000030091-2