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r., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP09T00993R000160100014-7 - Nov mir 1111. 134.14,7Aor--e,1 Pair /V fry /1'?? ? to A Role in Australia Hit 1 . i?.. ? .. ' By; Peter Costigan.. ? : ". ? ' he 'was. :prime. 'minister, the..CIA' tried . ? Special to The Washialtoaiost .. _..: to frustrate /the Label.: government by . ?CANBERRA,. Australia, May 4.:_ ?.. encouraging Australian trade unions to ? termer '..Australian Prune -"Minister block the departure of Russianotiolinist '- Gough Whitlam said today that while.. George Ermolenko. was. in office .the -Atherican CIA _. ? Ermolenko, traveling in Australia with - ? . inyolved Australia in various political ? a group of Soviet musicians, had applied .- . -.. activities Without his knowledge. - I. for asylum. After the Whitlarn goVerti- . ?. ..? Whitlam,- who? called,in_P.arliament ment allowed Soviet embassy officials. ' lett night fOrlaTgovernMent investiga- . to talk to Ermolenko, the violinist with-? - :.? tion - of.. CIA -; activities iri ?Australlac ? drew his request for asylum and Said he . :. said that the U.S,; intelligence agency,?:wanted to return tothe Soviet Union. - used Australian agents 'as prexies .- The CIA,: according to Whitlam, stir- . for the CIA in dest.ablilizing the :. red hp' Unions at Perth' airport "to ?Chilean: government .%.. ... Me ?put a : , ground Tony. aircraft-taking Ermolenko - - prompt end. to. that." ? ; ? - ...- ..' --., out' of the ' country." : Be said that "hi ? The Labor Party leader, also. said 'this case, the CIA was deliberately try-. . the agency had interfged in Anstra.: --Sing to: frustrate' a humanitarian ehdeav- .: ' . Ban politics and union activities and , . or of the Australian foreign. minister." had deceived conservative as Well: as . "The U.S. government had not told ' -....a-cor governments. - - ' ? : .. - the Australian government that it was ' .. :[In Washington ;I.:spokesman for ? trying to do so" Whitlam. said. "You . the CIA said the agency had no .cbm-.. cannot have the foreign policy of any . . . ment on the allegation.] 'r- ? . ? ?-.: . country 'taken 'over by the intelligenee . Whitlam, who'had strained. relations ?.;.? ? service of another country.". ?, with the United States, said that while -. ? , - See AUSTRALIA, A21, Col. I ? . , , . .. . .? . - ?- - . . , ? Ii' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP09T00993R000100100014-7 t Declassified and Approved For Release-2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP09T00993R00010-0100014-7 - . ; !Whitlam Asks Probe ;? Of CIA in Australia . , - .?.. ? ... - AUSTRALIA, From Al - Theleft wing of the Labor Party. and' .. . . most of the powerf ul lef tist?uniont in ? I , The Whitlam 'government eventual- . , Australia; opposed the agreement. ' ly hew Ermolertio back to the .Soviet. I...Union In an Australian air force', Whitler:1, supported - Pine,' Gap ?and ... '.plane. ! ', ..;? ... ;? . ,,, :....?, ..: ... .,... I early in 1975 managed (0 41n l'elose ? an late 1975, Whitler,' 'hi an unpre- vote at tits party's policy?rnitking non-; I . ? - feende endorsing its, contiriuted ex:1st-- Fe en ed move, was dismissed from - - ' itH An4strallit:s governoi. general -.?,? . ' .?.... ...r. i 4'????:.? -sr /7-, ., It i .,41!4-s .allinancitai sCapdai- within his . .Nraii. ,..1toweverc .not nntildlate.ptoher 1975, .iltati. ft lientrate known : 2.liere ?,. ?igoverriment. P;O:m..p,ed-the MMOsition ,.? iiti ?!-:bio-ey,friction',?.?,14?-li ? ???i-4 ? . 1 'that Fine- Gap Wa' tie aii:ran--iiat: -;,/linciget ledgislatitiii.tt214%.,4aTiVIVIA4?11:1-1P;.-419"ifilh 113441.?-'11.3"XPI4it ti:JV :- - - , 2, pi xt .7,,,e,....a,,,,,erywhi?- tu-.101, -",:ansrt-fois-veilist.4/-Z 41;;Iy4,crosortidi?htn.-11thriffijith..,..e."Siffipte,! zt,..., . -,. -???,-, in charge-of Pine Gap-whenjt was un- it : ,_,i0ao.c.tsuseceda.thiliercerv.alAtivnefoc:aognns.119inti.%m4rtioneetY;i14..tctodeZ;con.Stru- etton-cfrol.m7:1968.T.?- - tot-1969?j charc1,11:ie Stallings'-g-as,:a ' CIA; -alibi,/ ?the rtg'iiithea, btit themost li.'..1" ??agent not a ?Pentagon en:111106e: .? . recent, attacks. bon:, the' ??GIA . were, ., ..? .. . . - ? - ? , an Australian newspaper,' bie Elwin- ? N ? 'touched off hy lestiniony.,in los An-?:: - - octal Review, identified Stallings': and I... t, . ' geles at the espionage trial ,of Chits- Wbitlam 'referred to him,. though .not. ? , ttanher Royce, 23, a security clerk 'at by name,' In ?a speech in 'November. ? . .. Boyce . was . Convicted of spying . fcir .... ? - Although the intelligence-sharing .. ?. . 'the Soviet Union and, in his trial; les- ' agreement' between the two scriuntries ''? titled that while he Worked 'at a-TRW? . required ,each to, infant' the other of ' 'CIA communications ` office, 'he' had ' its intelligence agents Operatiritin the seen evidence that the CIA was de,- others territory, thelist the CIA gave . ceivinft the .Whitlam goiernment. ' WhitlaM dicl:noi mention Stallings. .- ..- ? . . .? time Minister Malcolm Fraser Large elemeriti of the Labor Paity ...responded today to Whitlam's ealr for believe.that the did not trust .the . , iiniestigatiOn by SaYing, "I do not: Whirlam government and deliberately ?? 'believe there is evidence at. the rho- ? deceived it, . . ? ' ? ? ' ? - . )ment. that 'requires further 'action on ..-? ,The years Madam was prime minis- ' ' the?part of the.goVernment." c ' -.- ? tee Were marked by strain between , , / ,By. tradition, Australian prime . the Australian aa U.S:governnients. ' miniaters, (including .Whitlam during . : ? Whitlam's first act :on. ,becoming his ,three_ years* power) have re-' ' prime minister .th ; 1972 was to with- fused to discuss matters 'relating to. draw Australian military forces from '. -natio-nil' 'security and -Intelligence./ 'Vietnam. Australia-had been fighting: ?.....Ne prime minister was. ever publicly. there alongside American troops since ? ? taiknOWledged the existence of Atistra- ? '1965.. Personal .relations between him d.lpresident'Nixin ' ' '-ilia's pOuritiipart 'to' thnxiA,.called ' ' ;:ari ? 1 :,thel AuStrallati Seenfity ,Ihad 'Intel- ' 'PM early :1973 ivhenhe became strained. Wrote A...letter tel Nixon: Strongly :condemninttlie .;?,ligeeep? Serkce, Which has reciprocal . . bombing of Hanoi. ? ? . . Whitlam forced a- meeting . with Nixon ?in July; 1973 only after he de. ' dared publicly here that 'he wbuld? go to Washington whethei or noc the president saw him. ? . ?? ? - - . ' On Nov. 10, 1975'? the' day before .. ,t,,links with the CIA. - .. ? :; .Central tocthe CIA debate, in Ails- ? lytralia:ls a secret installation' eovering ' fciiir square miles of desert. Just -out- 'side 'Alibe Springs in central `Austra- . ? . .?,..1.t:1i-called. Pine Gap and is Official- .? 1Vhdlam was? removed--a . meskage, re.: . . :2j:operated as'a "joint-defense space '..Portedly 'was sent from Washington to --resdaron..facility", by the Australian the headquarters of the Australian Sec. "./e.partment of Defense and :the Ad- . . urity Intelligence .Organization: The nanced Research Projects Agency, an, ;message, froni the organization liaison ' Vagenci,?.. of the Pentagon. " ? c? '' - ? ' -officer 'in Washington, said. the CIA ?''', 51-uch of what happens at Pine Gap , feared that continued reference in Atli. - .-;;Is still- secret It is known that one ? ' tralia to the CIA could"b161 the: lid off 4.0f...its; major functions' is to receive . those' installations in Australia... par- , ranchtransinit to Washington: informa-. ?tictilarly the installation ' -at. -Alice Akin gained from the U.S. spy satellites 0, . S rin " ,,.watching the area north of ? Indian. :-Ocpan?includiag China and parts of, ? :-..tbe? Soviet Union. The Sydney Sun this week quoted CIritaient Victor Marchetti as that.Plee Gap also has the Sources close to the Australian intelli- gence community' have now disclosed' that a very senior official'in the Aus- tralian Defense Department also briefed Governor General John R Kerr about the CIA's anxiety in . the days im- J-capability to ? monitor all telephone mediately. preceding' Kerr's decision :rand teletype messages into and out to remove' Whitiam: . of Australia.