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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 t REAR AREA SUPPORT OF MISSILE TROOPS IN FRONT OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS by Colonel General of Artillery G. Odintsov As is known, timely and thorough rear area supply of missile troops is the most important condition for achieving success nlan operation. But the recently adopted system for supplying . si and missile fuel to troops does not yet completely fit the nature of modern operations. It requires further improvement. From this point of view the article by Lieutenant General M. Novikov is of great and practical interest, and the questions upon ..hick it touched required the most serious attention. It is difficult,, to agree with the author's assertion that under present-day conditions the principal organizer of the supply of troops with missiles and ?.. ??? Zo-ne-half page missinj The experience of having service of artillery armament sub- ordinate to the deputy commander of troops , for the rear area did not prove itself during World War II when the conditions and volume of rear area work were considerably simpler. And it is doubtful that such subordination will be acceptable under present- day conditions. The resubordination (perepodchineniye) of the *service of missile and artillery armament not only increases the volume of work of the rear area chief, but also requires tbeerear area staff to spend considerable time coordinating both the very important and the routine problems with the directorate or de- partment of missile and artillery armament, the HQo f f missilleeO troops and artillery, and also with the departments troop of the front (a_-may). It is difficult at this time to state whether it is expedient to have the service of missile and artillery * sluzhba raketno o i artilleriyskogo vooruzheniya ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 50X1-HUM armament subordinate to the chief of missile troops and artillery, even though such subordination was completely justified in the years of World War II. At that time all of the field and anti- aircraft artillery was under the commander of artillery. He organized the combat activity of all artillery, and only he was able to direct the work of the service of artillery armament. At the present time only units (chast) and large units (soyedineniye) of tactical and operational-tactical missiles, as well as units and large units of field artillery, are subordinate to the chief of missile troops and artillery. Antiaircraft weapons (antiaircraft artillery, troop aid army missiles of the class "surface-air") have gone over to the control of the chief of PVO troops of the front (army). The dual control of the combat activity of missile troops and artillery leaves its mark on the conditions of work of the service of missile and artillery arma- ment. It is compelled to execute the instrictions Arai requirements of two chiefs: the chief of missile troops and artillery and the } , _ d G- """ .r..,..,,, cAcId +>.t the further equipping of com- wvvt..? - - - buA. L a r u bined arms large units and operational groupings (obedineniye) with tanks increased significantly the need for tank ammunition, the expenditure of which is planned and determined to some extent by the staff of the front (army). Consequently, the service of missile armament also has to coordinate its activities with the staff of the front (army). In essence, therefore, three senior officers have an influence on the work of the service of missile and artillery armament in the resolution of basic problems. This is obviously an abnormal situation. In order to eliminate it, it is advisable to transfer the subordination of the service of missile and artillery armament directly to the commander of troops of a front (army). To some extent this proposal evolves from the real inter- relationship of the chief of service with the staff and the commander of troops of a front, since he very frequently is the chief advisor to the command on questions of supplying troops with nuclear weapons and missiles of all types. Also, this proposed resubordination of service. brings it nearer to those elements of control where the basic questions of the combat employment of missile troops and other arms of service are decided. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 ? of an considered as resources of the commander of 'troops of a eon an Let us exemine some of the author's personal proposals. The complex.utilization of rail, road, and air transport in the operational rear area undoubtedly is necessary, but the possibilities of using them for missile troops are extremely limited. As can be seen in Diagrbm 1, missiles, component parts, (komplektuyushcheye imusheheatvo) and nose sections (golovnaya chart) are delivered from the zone of interior (tyl.strany) to the rear area missile bases of the front principally by rail and air. The principal organizer of the loading and dispatch of this freight is the Chief Artillery Directorate and the 12th Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The responsibilities of the front rear area are limited to dispatching these transports, upon arrival, tu the various front rear area missile bases or their sections (otdeleniye). it is unlikely that missiles vill be transported within the front area by rail under the existing system of supply because of the extremely limited number of rear area missile installations (uchreshdeniye) capable of handling misaile components and because of the comparatively slow pace of reconstruction of rail lines behind the advancing troops. Besides this, transportation within the front area is also limited., to a certain extent, by the lack of an adequate number of temperature-controlled (izotermicheskiy) railroad cars, specially equipped railroad cars, and gondola cars (poluvagon) at the front. In the operational rear area the basic method of supplying troops most of the missiles which have undergone preliminary technical preparation is by special cross-country carriers (gruntovaya teleihka) and not just automotive transport. It is practically impossible to use them for other purposes, just as it is not possible in practice to use truck motor pool's for transporting missiles. That is why the author's proposal of giving the chief of the rear area the responsibility of transporting missiles to the troops by complex utilization of the transport in the fr=t rear and area is impractical; for it does not reflect true caiab ontirr is not supported from the materiel viewpoint. The only other means that the chief of the rear area will be able to use for transporting missiles is helicopters. But up to the present time they ere still Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 ? We come to the same conclusions when we analyze the conditions for transporting special fuel and for fueling missiles. It is known that the fueling of missiles is carried out in preliminary preparation areas by forces of the front rear area missile bases. At these preliminary preparation areas the fueling facilities are used both for the transporting of missile fuel and for the fueling of missiles. These same fueling facilities are incorporated in the plan of service of missile and artillery armamentforTtransporting missile fuel elements from the depots of the front. principal of function of the service icce depots supppply of fuel must be the Lone word misainnj development One-half page mis31ng..7 armament, and no other should be responsible for the organi- zation of the delivery of missiles. The correct deployment and timely movement of rear area missile units of the front and army depend not only on the prepared network of railroad lines and military roads, but also on the groupings of missile troops and on their combat operations. The timely movement of troops is determined by the front troop commander with the acttive participation of the chief of missile troops and artillery, as by the chief of PNO troops. It is evident that these chiefs will not be inactive ,egard. ng the deployment and movement of the missile bases of the front rear area. Their thoughts on this subject will be more sound than the proposals of the chief of the rear area. We do clot deny the need for a close working relationship among all the above-mentioned senior officers, but we do not :e the need to levy this resDonsib ility on the chief of the rear area. to the last word conceiu_?,- this matter will obviously b r loneto less commander of the tr ips of a front (army). ss need to include the rear area apparatus in the planning of supplying the troops with missiles, when the matters being decided relate not only to the work of rear area misaile installations but also to the of feasibility of using the transport equipment of missiles. The latter depends, basically, on the missions of the In other words, t e feasibility of using troop missile units. transport for delivery of missil depends on the times of their launching. It appears to us that it is in the interests of this matter to have constant contact between the chief of the rear area I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 J ? and the chief of missile and artillery armament. Regarding `coordi- nation, the directorate of missile and artillery armament is required to coordinate with the rear area staff and with the fuel supply service: the areas where front rear area missile bases and missile fuel depots are to be set up; the distribution of the missile fuel received to its destinations; and, the time required to establish M0SG depots and the road network at the front. Under the circum- stances the chief of the rear area, although not responsible for supplying the troops with missiles, must give all possible assistance to the service of missile and artillery armament. section crew of the rear area base. The distances tha., ready missiles must be transported during different periods of an * OBG - possibly. Qt4eleni a spetsialnogo goryuchego - special We fully share Lt. Gen. K. Novikov's opinion that the new system of supplying troops with missiles has a number of serious short- comings. In our opinion, to these shortcomings should be added:~ the narrow specialization of the rear area missile bases of the front and their inadequate ability to withstand enemy action; the difficulty in organizing nose section crews (otdeleniye); the cos} paratively great distances over which ready (gotovaya) missiles hive to be transported; and the difficulty of relocating bases. According to the data from the troop exercise "Don" the new system provides that e?--!h front have one front technical missile babe and one front 'technical ZUR base (Diagram 1). The front technical missile base, which is intended for the preparation of tactical and operational-tactical missiles, includes one transport battalion (parkovyy divizion), one technical, and several mobile technical repair bases. The front technical ZUR babe is intended for the preparation of antiaircraft missiles and may be composed of one or two transport battalions and three or four technical battalions. From the front missile bases it is possible to detach two nose section crews comprising a very small personnel force (from the FRTB -- one mobile technical repair base and a transport and technical battery; from the FTB ZUR -- a technical battalion and several ;transport _ batteries (batareya).) Because of this, even during a period of preparation for an operation, all missile troops operating in a zone of 150-200 km are obliged to depend on each nose section crew of the rear area base: during the operation all missile troops of a front must depend on each no%e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 operation may be 150-200 Ion, or more. The transporting of ready missiles over such great distances adversely affects their relia- bility. While retaining the concept of centralized preparation of missiles, it is more advantageous to have two bases with a broad profile but capable of preparing all types of missiles (see Diagram 2), instead of two specialized bases. In this way the distances of transport are reduced by two times and the stability of work at the bases is increased. By organizing the rear area missile bases in this manner, if one directorate of the base is put out of commission it will not affect the work of all sections. In order to reduce the distances that ready missiles are transported and in order to increase the maneuverability of the bases, it is advisable that each base, instead of having specialized sub-units (podrazdeleniye), have small complex rear area installations designed to receive, to relocate, to carry out the preliminary preparation o' missiles, and to bring the nose section components (golovnsya chast) to the final stage of readiness. We propose that each rear area missile base have at least two installations for the prepa- ration of operational-tactical missiles and the nose sections of tactical missiles, and also two or three installations for the preparation of army antiaircraft mibeilea. In our opinion, the proposed organizational structure of the rear area missile bases removes, to a certain extent, the short:omings of existling bases and insures a wide dispersal of missile resources at all levels of supply. Besides this, it sharply reduces transportation distances, increases maneuverability, simplifies the organization of redeployment, and also increases the stability of the entire system of supplying troops with missiles. In our opinion, an offensive operation can be started when the missile resources of the front reach 70 - 80 percent of its requirements. The remaining missiles can b' on their way to the rear area of the front. Also, it is definitely a,wre advantageous that the troops have in their possession a considerable portion of the missile resources. However, Lt. Gen. M. Novikov's pro- posal that at least 50 percent of the missiles required for an operation be delivered to the troops before initiating an operation is apparently not altogether correct. This proposal is applicable to a certain extent for tactical and operational-tactical missiles, when the transport capabilities of troop units are fully conenen- surate with the existing rates of expenditure. Antiaircraft missiles, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 VI especially those of the army, are expended in much larger quantities than missiles of the surface-to-surface class. Therefore it is doubtful that it will be possible to supply the antiaircraft missile units with 50 percent of the missiles required for the operation in advance of the operation, because the transport facilities of the units are not calculated to handle so great a volume of freight. We think that it would be best to create supplies in the units adequate for two days' needs. Such supplies will become the norms for the mobile reserves of the missile units. The amount calculated for one launching installation (puskovaya ustanovka) may be: Tactical and operational-tactical -- three missiles; Troop antiaircraft (voyaoovaya zenitnaya) -- six missiles; Troop army (voyekovaya armeyskaya) -- eight missiles. ? Lt. Gen. M. Hovikov proposes that small mobile sub-units for storing and transporting missiles be added to the rear of motorized rifle and tank divisions. Butvdto burden the rear of a division if the division will get not more than four to six tactical missiles for the entire operatic,.,. The rate of use will be somewhat hig~uer in an antiaircraft missile battalion, but through the joint efforts of the missile and army transport2 battalions if will be possible to supplement the supply successfully. The addition rf a small missile delivery', and storage sub-unit to the division rear at once necessitates the addition of at least one lifting crane for trans- loading missiles, and teams to make adjustments (reglamentnaya rRbota) on the missile and nuclear nose section. It is clear that this will not increase the maneuverability of the division rear. Having stated our proposals, we would like to note that the questions mentioned in the article by Lt. Gen. M. Novikov need further serious study, consideration, and testing in troop field Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 VI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 ? 0 Support of Troops of a Front with Missiles According to Data of Exercise "Don" Diagram 1. Iz tyla strany -- From the zone of interior 2. Parkovyy divizion -- Transport battalion 3. FRTB -- Frontovaya raketnaya tekhnicheskaya baza -- Front missile technical base 4. Tekhnicheskiy divizion iz 4 PRTI* -- Te chnical battalion of 4 mobile repair'-- technical ba tteries (podvizhnaya remontnaya tekhnicheskaya batar eya) 5. FSRT -- Frontovoy sklad raakct:.;,g;; topl area for missile fuel iva -- Front storage 6. Tekhnicheskiye diviziony -- Technical b attalions 7. FTB ZUR -- Frontovaya tekhnicheskaya ba za Zenitnykh upravlyayem,,rkh raket -- Front t surface-to-air missiles echnical base for S. Puskovyye diviziony -- Launching battal 9. Otdeleniye FRTB -- Section of the FRTB 10. Otdeleniye FSRT - Section of the FSRT ions 11. Otdeleniye FTB ZUR -- Section of the FTB ZUR 12. frbr* -- frontovaya brigada -- Front bri gade 13. Armeyskiy parkovyy divizion -- Army tran sport battalion 14. fzenrap* -- frontovoy zenitnyy raketnyy i artilleriyakiy polk Front antiaircraft missile and a rtillery regiment 15. arbr* -- armeyskaya brigade --\ Army brig ade Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 ? 16. msd -- motostrelkovaya diviziya -- Motorized rifle division ti 17. td -- tankovaya diviziya -- Tank division 18. Armiya -- army Abbreviations which are marked above with an asterisk were not expanded in the text of the article. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 ? Diagram 2* Suggested Variation for Deployment and Movement of Rear Area Missile Units of a Front and Army in an Offensive Operation Conventional signs 1. FSR -- Frontovoy eklad raket -- Front missile warehouse 2. APD -- Armeyskiy parkovyy division -- Army transport battalion 3. Golovnoye otdeleniye APD -- Nose cone section of the APD 4. NR -- Sborochn. tsentr nazemiiykh raket -- Assembly center for surface-to-surface missiles 5. ZR -- Sborochn. tsentr zenitnykh raket -- Assembly center for surface-tc-sir missiles 6. let FTRB -- ?rontovaya tylovaya raketnaya baza -- Front rear area missile base 7. 2nd FTRB 8. PBF* -- Peremeshchennaya baza fronts of the front -- Transloading bas e 9. 3/8* -- Stantsiya anabzheniya -- Railhead 10. AK* Armeyskiy korpus -- Army corps 11. AK rezerv -- !K-reserve 12. Pd (rez.)* -- Pekhotnaya diviziya (rezerv) -- Infantry division, reserve 13. brtd* -- bronetankovaya diviziya -- A1mored uivision -13- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: 5"JM ? 14. Blizhayshaya zadacha -- Immediate mission 15. Dalneyshaya zadacha -- Followup mission * Abbreviations which are followed by an asterisk were not expanded in the text of the article. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/18: CIA-RDP10-00105R000402780001-5