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17-8000Z0001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 iio eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? ? - 17-8000Z0001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 iio eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 i14-1 ?-??' - ?rr..: ? ? .7 Rob? tSbtD 104, D.A. - * garca, 1944 " ,fi p.at x sim Thafar--.34-tittor 1014131(11" "tal coFult 714?Ilt t? - 11114 -Plgari).. us if* )44. ititarL . out-b4t. tit"7.tined 6biOrn_,??%F -0m-777-di 'Lt 401 st vOnsetaiv--'-? 121?ai;iitt**4-47 ''' ? I* retained i1 I 00,014011,---11400 1.23. " ttlittittlik? iiittres* ' dieratiOng- ?k, ci? , rr??? ?-??? ": ? - ? 4J--- ?-? ' - " - - C:?t- 1Z, gt ? ? grou to bate *ailed him ? ,-` , ?A. Veiltin1 iourep IFELUOt 4 mrk?Arlik Donovan - ? . : 4.r.r5 'r F ;; '.'_ ? ? .1.1.141,,,a?Pc.a.r. ? : ? ? - ,, 4F-5 .. '?-; - "..'"...."' ??-' L,?ri-',C,?????.:4,-1.,,r,, ::, 4'1, . .:... '...c, 2:-.%'''' ,-1, -!.,%,11,?,,,. ?,. ' ...' . ,c,i-5.?*7 '-'''''';'''' ''. ' ' ' ; , :- .. , ?-c .., m .c ??? ? ?:, r.F.! , .: ,4., 61::.41:? - ,? , ? ,.': ? i: s: L _,_ '? ? :i: . , 1 V,,, .. .../ -, r c?? ? ?? - t t?::; ` ? `14e.H;t.'il,.,t,. ? .7,- .+-4? ?-? - ?-' ? *.?- ? ??? ;E. e te':' ? ? e? - ; Cp. ? ." .." SECRET - ,-c?Icaocc?ara...a......ccptvo , ? 7:7:77.17"?s-?? , ?.. ? k,- ? ,;???`;x:' r'` -, ? . ? MEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 IPA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ' C4.1f1Vt41".14?ErSr11"nt$1007.0t?trtr..oteater.ertt.wr31-040..*4c-st. yr.?;p gr. tet. priNntatl.".,r4 ? Oa' 1020611,0111111 Val Ordwrit ter,04r.43.0. 'tot* 7* WA ?bolt SOMA* tAji ' 11.4, total era ? %vb.?, eutuortzed end dirooteli. .1 sad to Unions 10.glgatik? yov, all Mort tiot Stateuttoetaz Serlailles inft4for tor IttMeein of OrWatt02** ,Itou Evret thetozSter, to ;tot trevtioritt 41.tr the atratraia4 serf/loan :v. t! 14iinuortmies Tolvvxd Vutton trAixig Dirsotor ; 7 - - ' - titeSet"4!4?4100100,44660A,E4t.S.Ur .01 ,der ? r1;,.... . , ? ' ,:c11 fr ?,./.'" _.? .7 :"." , ? '''''4'..:::-Ot -.. ..' , ? ? - '10i5461,-,444%;"403C4=liiiihil.Sit'tie",,;.....4.N.4'.:* St.at-...; 4.;?-At4-..01-e?..i.: .-, ,??nl-,, 7 , ? , ?t? -d ? 4'4Zr. gala 41* rig?ff! ? 'MEMME=IMMIIMEIMMI +-1-4 ,? 1 ? ? 1' 141T I 11. Or Sr ors SSO Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 CONFILitiv ?Woribr..101Wrizektit soft arrie,004 to, proceed to _ 4111. *Orb in tho Striticep Sorw :?140A-044.21?0101* of ? iSpittutitions TIWOOF Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 14 liL 1 / , EXCERPTS FROM BRITISIT. DISCUSSIONS ON THE MAINTENKNCE OF _FUL4EMPLWRENT1,0___, In a modern industrial society an individualfs ability to earn allying is as much dependent upon general economic factors over Which he has no direct control as on his own initiative and qualifications. The bitter experience of an economic breakdown in the thirties which deprived millions of people of the oppor- tunity to 'work for a living and the contrast presented by the full employment attained ;during the war are largely responsible for the nearly universal -opinion in Great Britain that the chief long-run post-war problem facing the Government will be the prevention of serious unemployment. Speaking for the Government, The 'Chancellor of the Exchequer said in January 1945: "The basic objective that we must set ourselves is active emplqyment foiw the people of the country." (1) DEFINITION OF FULL RMPLOYMENT The Economist (October 3, 1942) points out that a state of tt.FUll employment" is compatible with seasonal unemployment and transitional unemployment, but not with depressed areas. ere is genera/ agreement an -this point, and. it is the pre- !elation of "mass unemployment" that at present concerns the itish people. BeveridgelsnAssumption Cny without which no aCttory scheme, ogsocial-security can be devised", is the &lance of employmept, that is to say, the avoidance of employment." delfUnemplas ent,JAK07,exist oa a national scale as a result lageneral trade depresdon (cyclical unemployment), or on a otai scale a a result' of depression in a particular industry r.Vtural Unemployment). Most of the discussions are concerned . treballY with cub-171cal unemployment, and this report is confine d E cyclical problem. e GOvernment? in aiming-at regularizing economic fltme44t aim at regularizing it at top speed. he social machinery cannot stand this continuously any better'ttelkoti*r Machinery can.. The problem with which to wa7r-Goyer.nments will be confronted is not only how 10 61Ve tie Imemployment problem by regularizing .economic but -also how to -find the way from the dislocated ;41 ions created by the war to the level of peace-time 'ictiirity and employment that can reasonably 1xect?to b9-neither over notunderstrained.....No ma ematiCal ftccmula can be found to define this level, 04ause amongst other reasons, the conditions under which ., ? Ivan= DEBATES', House of Commons, Vol. 386, No. 24, 4fitliari .2, COr# 8140 " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nnn9nnnQ A L. 4,20 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 it will have to be established itielf are as yet vnealown. It is IK this fi4d that economic policy will have to stand its test.n (pp l 21, 22) ? CYCLICAL Tri1121PLOYMENT Mass" unemploymevt arising from cyclical fluctuations in bu4iness activity is universally agreed to be the most devastat ing kind of unemployment from the economic and social point of vie* and the most difficult to-handle* ntructuralo unemployment arising in depressed areas and depressed industries can be dealt with only if a reasonably high level of full employment exists, in the country generally. Consequently the causes and cures of the business cycle arethe center of most of the discussions on full employment. There is a surprisingly wide agreement in regard to the nature of cyclical fluctuations and the measures required to deal with them. Fluctuwlippgj.n Investment It has, of course, been long remarked by economists that activity in capital goods industries and in raw material producing industries fluctuates much more violently than activity in other sectors of the economy. Furthermore, as has been demonstrated by Alitin Hansen and others, decreases and increases in investment tend to precede in time the correspoMding movements of consumption. From the data made-available by the researches of economists, it - concluded that fluctuations in general economic activity are caused by fluctuations in investment. It therefore foflows that employ,ment can be stabilized by stabilizing the rate dnivestment. .INVESTMENT POLICY , It is generally agreed that the policy adopted by the Govern- mopt'to,stabilize investment must include considerably more than a: prepared program -of public works. Measures designed to maintain e protitability_of private investment in general, the extension ublic ownersbipj4 the ?control of certain types of industry, '4-ate ep9rdination fiscal and budgetary policy, and the on p4 a' Vational Investment Board to coordinate all invest- otivities and draw lap a scale of priorities are the chief eationa put forward in the British discussions. CONSUMPTION POLICY a discussion so far has been concerned rith full employ- icy fiat, the investment side, and as if full -1xere4he odle goal of economic activity. .It is obvious the qmate,parpose of economic activity is to nee iiNgiits of human beings, and consequently 04oyment to the community 'an be greater or p23:the extent to whiCh,it, ,dembers are employed u1st essentitll for raisir, the standard of ,employment might 1); attained by an approp- 1:44 nhily people believe that a policy he proportion of the national products wpOld result in a more progressive and A44 ed egonOmk, and would assist in maintaining economic # 'oms Imp Ion po/ic n in this sense is not generally p az" 1,10'!,,,, ? "'"--4"4" PAVAAIL4af tuf,,:4;./z i? - agii4itlitinuniusesumMil Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 111119ENNUMEMMEMERIEMEOMEIN I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 adyocated as anajszlig&ilag to an investment poli.ey bnt ae a stipplebent to it. For this reason, all of the disci4itsiono 1,17ge an adequate social security progftm t maintain the money incomev of individuals in times of stress $ and most of tkltro recommend that measures should be taken to effect greater equality of income distribution. PROBLEMS ARISING IF A FULL EUPLOIMT POLICY IS MAINTAINED In a state of full employment inflationary terxencies will arise if there is an increase in effective demand unaccompanied by technical improvements which will enable an increase in output to take place, since output cannot by hypothesis be iacreased by using previously employed factors of production. In these circum- stances the increase in. demand (i.e., purchasing power in the hands of consumers) must be the result of an increase in the cost of production of an unchanged quantity of goods and services arid must therefore lead to a rise in prices, which may start what is Called the "vicious spiral of wages and prices". A corresporAlent of Zile Ti Mes has this point in mind when he points out (January X940 that full employment would result in a substantial change in the workers' bargaining position, and if "free wage-bargaining, as we have know it hitherto, is continued in conditions of full employment, there would be a constant upward pressure on money wage-rates...Unemployment in a private enterprise economy has..3 indirectly the function of preserving the value of money." # The inflationary tendencies with which the British discus- sions are conceed do ni)t'include a mere rise of costs and prices tesuItinz from the increased use of marginal factors of production as fali em.ployment is approached. They are concerned with the rise in prices that comes from an increase in effective demand when Outptt can no longer be appreciably increasea. In other words, a desire on the part of people to increase consumption without -decreasing investment% This of course would cause no difficulty if teobnaogica1 developments made possible an increase in output wi-th the same or a,smallersupAy of labor or other factors of odU4Ada a zItUation,that is characteristic of modern indus..- nial If, hbi3Oa, techniques remained unchanged or gedolOwly in a giveOperiod? it would still be perfectly e if the'community desired to increase its consumption for 00#ral governstent to take measures to reduce the level of ilett, It 's in this connection that the statistical adVeSor-with the aid of which a "balance sheet" of the .onal. economy can be drawn up and an estimate of the position the near futhre be made, become important. !?? L7E.. . A " 0 reloirt states that if the le.,10enomena of economic life confirm that a boom is on the way, the Govermment should apply the following remedies, the dosage being adapted to their effectiveness:- The credit basis of the Monetary system should be reduced - or, to ?begitt with, its extension checked, the rate of interest should be allowed to rise; the use of-o'edit for various purposes should be cprtaiiled. &Aka -jkaAa es. The nextraordinar-J n budget should be(ir--;tovered by raising taxation; ? otwootte.it=====ala Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 INSIBEIGNiiiiillinned ass ifi ed and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 the rate of depreciation allowed on f,ew capital investment for taxation purposes shuuld be reduced, if necessary to zero, or even such capital expenditvre should be taxed. n(Lil)giamkgiggt.Unigtgitia-41 Capital expendi- ture by the Government (central or local), or controlled by the Government, shomld be slowed down or stopped." (pp 21445) EvenL Th Ecollmid. considers the nold monetary techniques ...too indirect, too blunt in their action", and therefore sees no alternative but "direct physical control of all investment .n How extensively this control will in fact be exercised will depend on the measures required to stabilize the economy in any given period. ,pigLit:hakt.y..of tae Fitonom Defence against unemployment in the past has frequently taken the form of protection of the status 1122 regard:Less of efficiency-, restriction of .Output in order to maintain prices, r'striettonist trade union regulations, and tariffs. That these w.ld be disastrous methods of maintaining full employment after the war is fully recognized in Great Britain. It is .s tressed over and over, again that fuli employment must be made compatible with eecia0mitt -Change and that Government measuires to promote of laborand flexibility in industry will be necessary. niftt emerges most clearly from recent experience is the incom- , TEib:iIitry of full employment with restrictive industrial policieson Zranuary 23, 1945).. Vestrietive measures are one of "daivertof so--called inastrial self-government. INTERNATIONAL .PCT S OF A DOME' ST IC ELM, - EMPLOYBENT POLICY Oat Britain), an extensive international trade is the of ct91;estie ,prosperityg since a large export trade itai lit-Oder to prcmide; the imports required to maintain, -6te i prove, ti 'prear standards of living. In these cir- 4pqa*.Ukeat -Britain Arast develop her export industries. "17,014*enttix these industries, however, will depend on gctillAitiO11-S tin the export markets 'and these are not subject e. ;0,qt, insutenee Of a domestic full employment policy. Efl es t#S' greatest handicap to a successful full employ- er-in Great 13iritaltn. If a reasonable level of employment taineViti those countries to which Britain must sell -es to buy, she will be faced with the choice of 2loyed workers' in the export industries or of ether industries. The latter policy would se-effea on 'the ability of export industries to efr -prodttets when employment improved abroad, ip.Y: might result in .considerable continued =- CONCLUSION Brittsb. discussions Of the problem of maintaining full t there is a Urcitv er s al assumption that full employment 100,,atto4ined--that mass cknemplOyment is not an uravoidable Platherroorei there is nearly nnenimous agreement 'ent can bre Achieved without resorting to complete ..0a. Of all etaotagic activity. Sir William Beveridge methods' ensuring full employment must be reserva.tion of essential citizen liberties", ? , arraiewarsresmalb Matt SMINIMMIMIES Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnninnno fIrMOA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 tai:ch he lists as ofreedom of worship, speech, wrirAng? 5tIl17 atd teaching; freedom of assembly and of associatiou for poli- tical and other purposes, including the bringing abcut of a pea0eful change of the governing authority; freedom in choice of occupation; and freedom in the management of a personal income01. The 4xlstenee of th6se o1reodom0? he mailitt.ins, niakes the problem of maintaiting P.111 emploTment more complex than it would be in a totalitarian society. Nonetheless, the sacrifice of -them in the interests of sizplicity would not be acceptable in Great Britain. Freedom to change Governments, freedom to associate for inftstrta-purposes; freedam to choose any occupation and freedom ti manage personal income are especially important in connection .-11-,h full employment policy, - ? f ; ? ??;,. _ r. 3 , - I ' , r ???? `P_k* . t,??.: 47: St1c4 V-15-1kr- S 54 r -" t ? ? - 11e. 1 = ??1414..--?;#eietem1. , dedio=gitim ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ueclassified anc-17777111111611 For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000200-08-4 EMIR!. EXCERPTS PROM ENCLOSURE 40, 1 to BRITISH DISCUSSIONS 01, THE MAINUNANCE OF FULL NUF_TIELD Cigdy= WatTITIE RESEAM,1 AELL_ULLUM,t0C STRUC_IES_WMUfi MEMORANDUM FOR COMIDERATION AT THE CONFEitEhCE ON THE INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF POST-WAR EMPLOYMENT POLICY SEPTEABER llth-12th, 1943 1 FULL PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYMENT IN A FREE SOCIETY 0????1?10611.011110?1". .1111??????????????????????noworlot. 2, nFull employment in this description does not imply the absence of any unemployment, In almost every country, seasonal influences will affect the demand for labour in particular oc- cupations at certain times of the year. In any changing pro- gressive society there will be changes in the demand for labour qualitatively if not quantitatively; that is to say there will be periods during which particular individuals can no longer be anvantageously employed in their former occupations and may be idle until they find or fit themselves for fresh occupations. In a footnote to the Nuffield College statement on plent lislam, and .(hganization of Industry after the Wamj. full employ- ment is described as na state of affairs in which the number of unfilled vacancies- is not appreciably below the number of un- employed persons, so that unemployment at any time is due to the normal lag 'between a person losing one job and finding another:. This desetiption can be accepted. It has the merit of emphasisig as the essence ;If full employment the positive feature of a strong demand TOrlabour. If full employment in this seLse could be maittained? the residual interval unemployment could be dealt with adequately by unemployment insurance. 34 TherOquirement of "rising standards of living" implies that the empUTment secured should. be productive and progressive. It extivded a soltaon of the problem by occupation which is merely time-wasting dieging holes and filling them) or destructive(war, armaments and Ni drilling). While the memorandum assumes that tards of living will continue to be raised by continuing hsical advance, it is not directly concerned with methods for Securing the efficiency of industry. These, while important, are only direotly relevant to the problem of full employment. Another, lactor, epon9mie rather than technical, which has contributed erlear to raising standards of living in the past, is inter- Eational trade based on division of labour and specialisation. IS taotor calls for full discussion, particularly in relation toftttain0 in this memorandum it is dealt with briefly in paragralgnq 34-$7. 44 The Preeise effect of the proviso for "preservation of esaential citizen libertiesn depends of course on the list of osOential citizen liberties. For the purpose of this study they taken,as freedom of worship, speech, writing, study and teach- of assembly and of associAtion for political and Or purposes, including the bringing about of a peaceful change Ma Olterang authority; freedom in choice of occupation; and ,aration of this draft for discussion frequent use has . Of a typescript Memorandum of Mr. E.F. Schumacher, tint in raferences by the letter ?Sn. Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/12/18 : ? m Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 --,......m.111111111.111111111 freedom in the management of a personal iecome. The provizo ezeludes the totalitarian solution of full etployment In a soeiety coMpletely planned and regimented by an irremovabee dictator. It makes the problem more compIex in many ways, ef lehich four call for special notice. 0 0 ? ? * Fourth, freedom in the management ot a personal income railmes the issue which Lord Keynes has diade the centre of argu- ?Tilent among economists today of off-setting in one way or another the savings made by innumerable individual decisions, so that the .community as a whole returns "to the income stream jel each period as melt as it received in previous periods"; failure to secure this return involves 'fa cumulative downward spiral of incorLe employment' 1. A totalitarian regime, even if it eeed money and price and wage differentials to stimulate and guide individual a04vity, might abolish freedom of saving. It might retaie from the national income of each year that portion which it needea for inypstment, i.e. for the sustenance of persons egased in making inOpruments and materials of further produceion; ale mieht issue to consumers money which like ration coupoas could be usea only stioified periods and could not be saved. In a free society ividuals must be allowed to plan their spending over their leteas a hhole. 2theigpet; ism etegotommigts e ... ere Teas a time when economists generally were regarded as tmal: felI0w, as raisers of Objections and difficulties, as "., ,e,210useWodiments of tiller Geist dereeetels verneiAtn. There are Wdqpbt Mime eponomists who still abide by this tradition. The - ei4441ii "a titude, on this problem of full employment, is ezVli The danger perhaps is of excessive optimism. 17: Aerial of economists is based largely on acceptance of lysis of the factors determining demand for he apsence of any simple painless mechanism for A avis and invOspunt, 4-44401-.1.4-L-ffaLi experience of war reinforces the analysis of the economists. elPress- doubts as to the possibility of abolishing _P17044:40 the simple answer is that in Britain and in most attlitrtes where it was once most serious, unemployment has abo141Shed twice in lifetime of most people now 1iving-- 1 idAriar and in the second World War. Even more s-t way in which war presents itself in the United 0. ozency whidh raises the national incoele, that is Aitional output of goods and services, to unprecedented roo the depression nadir of -10 billions in 1932 to $,44,10g7 and 156 billions in 1943. The later figures rise vg ,prices, but none the less represent a easet# ? 1r e rise of real income, uncomplicated by need to alloe for is this done? The essence of the process is that the 9, schedule of needs in order of priority, substfAuting e e!Oeneos: ta production for those of the individual Leder- 01,- hes those needs with purchasing power so as to make Ott ive demand. The State is prepared to spend without gett1ug fuli and over-full employment. ki1614.0011411ftilialladialti)114,06.100,41110944N141114011~1C1001wariliolillor seilosemtliworeeftsmo????npapolow 100n1 in Pbst-War Economic Problems, edited by f cGraw Hill Book Company, New York 1943) p.37 .2.. ft a 04 I WE e gii*Mktfitakeriee .e.V.:00440?0r0*0 re. 0.0.e.? .0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : ?-? f;-?!? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001M1,01181-41,111111=111 einy,eAtmentApszaggh 24. A'very common approach to the problem of full employment '-':tpday is from -the side of investmont. It is pointed out that the main recurrent cause of mass unemployment it, cyclical fluctuation which affects primarily investment industries, pamelynthose making instruments and materials of productiw. activity of the consumer goods industries is relatively stable, while.,the:activity' of capital goods or Imvestment goods lIndtStries is highly unstable; such instability as appears in the forter is mainly induced by the instability of the latter. ,tarthis the: Inference is often drawn that the primary Objective ota,f1II3 employment policy should be the stabilisation of in- vestment. ciSm of Invqstment =Roach 25. -First, investment lea uo the production either or market- Ole OnsuMerst goods and services or of non-marketable goods ,ita seriices. The first is futile unless there is a market, i.e. .,.. , , . , - ; unless consUmers have steadily expanding purchasing power and want 5, %0e4a goods and ser-Vices their demand will bring about the necessary ?Investmentrwithout any special steps being taken by the State. 'Th-e'seCond.eform of investment evades the difficulty of needing to flild'Abarketfor the product of investment. But it is open to 'tie othe'm objectives. , ,, .,... t., , l) The scope of such investment is narrow--the kinds of --?,174. .- .),,-.; labour-that can be employed by means of producing unmarketable , .,, ,---N- , 4i and services (i.e. roads, Schools, parks and other public works)_Jwile'lialitdd. If fliictuation of private investment covering k whole range of dtrable goods industries is assumed to continue, -,1- 4A- 0 - ' ve gk of the types named cannot be relied on to offset this ., , . - 416-bation, e.t-de t'sby assuming also an impracticable fluidity , , ., *;_,:: . ? ' T11-P0Oucts-ofAuchinvestment are not as urgently e4 h, marketable goods needs of citizens for ade- t , . , .,TI P4Q0 ,-., --,,,,. and clot,. t , OY0.4 4ahing rank before roads and 4iiAhem .144#741.4.sdhools., first in order to evade Of e:p?ii' nsumersr purchasing power (directly ?12.ppiVes,YiS'a. Allure of social policy. _?,_,,, . ' ?". - ???? ? ? 044.42451.16. ' in any discussion of post-war problems e proote4t* for' international trade play a leading i*:4,!,#ade is significant for all countries as a the At:44114rd of. living by diviiion of labour: ,,-'110portanee,- to Britain since Britain with her )1;014gettocioitiapt ;lust lave large imports of raw mater- t* lotpad: and in the immediate aftermath of war 40tlyincease.d exports. Any full discussion of the ?014.4 Wade .14 relation to a policy of full opookt in Britain would require another Memorandum tri'01:.thereseAt Memorandum in length and probably ex only a gew general points of view can ; 1 r j4 '*od.nt of view Cando it is suggested, from itor14 as a whole) some restoration of an sysstiem of trade in substitution for 4 tipakaModic controls and Interferences is 12, 1 ' ? . ! ',.; ?L'' ' zoi.l . '? t`.,i? ,' 7,;,;(-;,,I,,,-, 4,x?-. ,!,,, ? - ---A 2. ' :1,4 -..:-J3-:,..., ;'.--. ? , ,..1 ?...-? .: ;:, - ....:- e',!, ,i., ? -? :.,, . :-.,..4., ,_ - t 4 ? .;4; . L.''.,.., , , ..., 7 4414ialt=m4MIIM ii4i161 054443ilkidtgiQdilits4ofrriPizic.ag,,,,, ...?., - ' 1 t..--.5 .. .t .? :4,1', ? -; ; rx.4:Ple? atagio Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 AV S..... 410 =1, 4 'ilaoot desirable thing. Any such intertioLal zystem limolves the reestablishment of 90Md f ? of iLternationaa aurreney or of omajnised- relation between national curremies. This is the $04ffict 'both Of the British veheme for an iLternetional clearing lotiO associated with the name of Lord Keynes un 6 the American sdheme associated with the name of Ir. White. ? . 364' The ideal system, or the world az a wholo as for Britain, wo4d be a true international system admInistered by an inter- fla.0onl authority both for clearing and for lending and applyimg in the international sphere the principle Mach should be applied in. the national sphere; that, so long as there is any unemploy- ment; the, remedy for deficient effective demand for goods should be -not restriction of supply but expansion of demand by suitable fin4nciaI, arrangements. It is clear, however, that the possibil- itr.:Of any full international clearing and lending ystem Is problematic. Britain, while working for such a system, must oe prepared :to make the best of a. world in which full international. cOOperatiou is not achieved, must hope for the best from other gauntries,- must be prepared for less than the best, meanwhile must do the best herself. ThWpractical general conclusions are: = , (a) -Britain should herself adopt a full employment policy. T40, is the greatestand most necessary contribution for any one o make to full employment in the world as a whole. e any powerful economic country to adopt a full employ- polAcyp, is alowst certain to aggravate the difficulties of cpunt40e; b exposing them to the contagion of cyclical s am n should eIplort with other countries the possi- #t4ods of international cooperation of various etetess.fOr making internationsl trade as large r-as-possible, but should not at the outset of these Ativt pledges or assent to general principles which *It her from making the best of a relatively bad world. , i ?;`, Oe?P` ` Al 1942.,-; 1'4 ? ? '`? ? ' 0 W. F. BEVERIDGE VW? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 - ;?'7. :-; :7?1 Major General Praia Parker* EsAttutive Director* Illinots War Council* US Vest Randolph Street* Chicago 1* Il3in*ia. D* r General Parker: I have your letter about 111.? Lao BillflagSIM and the persona hiatovy statement for Mu stitch you ware kind enough to furnish utt? Sonata= seems to have unusual quailification* and I icx hOperta that we ahall be, able; to find a Plait* tOr him', I alimall pas* oik,Itia tile to our 'Persomel Procurement Affiv. 00110$ *hi) *ill be in a position to dete'rmitie vilsokt*Ce %hare are 4avir openings in whist bin obtlities could hs utised, In making this ifietottaination I shall 'awe thea' to bear in mind ladt. endorsement or him* Thou* Tau A!'or having called grit Bennissen. to our atterlatiOrl* We are always eLad to hear of any poirine litho may be of use to US* very sincerely yours, Bonesiac Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ILLINOIS WAR COUNCIL GOVERNOR! DWIGHT H. GREEN CHAIRMAN IMO WIEST RANDOLPH SIMI TICLEPRerN2 CSAP801114 MOO C i4 1 C A 0 0 ,1 Brigadier General Donovan Office of Strategic Services ladhington, D. C. It has occurred to me that this man, whose record I inclosetmay be of use to your organization. He was my assistant secirets.ry 1929- -1933 when I was in command of this Corps Area and the 2d Army. He is highly educated, a gentleman? equally at home in English and litssian and a good Preach scholar. He desires to serve and Should be useful to your organization. Be made a fine record with me. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 z; ? OISMittelkik~trasivolbetv roe 1611.00wrIews so.4..:r4ao tot itaaVi latit LEI) BENNIGSEN. Personal likt.922. Mem:. Born February 19, 1903, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Father, Count George Bennigsen, served in Preobrazhensky Regiment, Imperial Russian Guards. At outbreak of World War I he was captured by the Germans in the battle of Tannenberg while serving as a 14rajor in the 1st Znfantry Regiment. Upon his release as a prisoner he came to England in 1918 and enlisted as a Private in the British Army. He was later commissioned as a Captain and transferred to the Murmansk front where he was promoted to Major and was awarded the Croix de Guerre and Military Cross. Both he and my Mother are residing in Cambridge, England. The family has a military background, its Russian founder, Count Levin Bennigsen, having successfully fought against Napoleon at the battles of Pultusk, Eylau and Leipzig, and unsuccessfully at Friedland. He was my great-great- grandfather. :Education. Grammar school education partially completed in St. Petersburg, Russia, until our departure therefrom in 1918. Took home training and passed matriculation examination for the University of London in 1920. Two years at King's College, University of London, Faculty of Arts. Did not graduate as I had to leave college and go to work. Also took two years business training (evening school) at the London Polytechnic Institute with a view of passing the Institute of Bankers examinations. This was a four year course which was cut short by my departure for America. Business Foqtarience. Tivo years, 1922-1924, with A. Buffer Si Sons, London, the capacity of bookkeeper. - 10 months as bookkeeper in the lot National Bank of Aurora, Aurora, 10, years with Sears, Roebuck and Co., in various capacities, i.e.: assistant manager, auditor. I am at present auditor of the Aurora, Present earnings: g 3500.00 per annum. a commercial banking house, iii.?EzSiggita ice. Se.rvad in the United. States Army from Dee. 9, 1924 to Dec. 8, 1933, inclusive. Disoltargsd a iergeant, 2nd Machine Gun Squadron, Ft. Bliss, Texas. 12/8/27. ? ''sOttlkaged as Pre. S.pec.1c1.. Hq. Det. 6th Corps area, Chicago,I11. 12/8/30( .Settsirged as Staff Sgt. DEM (OR) Hq. 6th Corps Area, Chicago,I11. 12/8/33. *lug the period 1929 - 1933 I ,erred, as translator and assistant secretary to or General Frank Parker, Corps Area Commander. papers show ley birhplace to have been Aurora, Ill., in lieu of St. Petersburg, This, was, done on the advice of a recruiting Sergeant in 1924, when I first seed. H informed me that I could pass myself off as an American for the purpose fitment and could then take out my papers.. After enlistment I found that it was simple a matter to take out my papers. (,,,written Ati letter to the Adjutant General of the army informing him of the correct lace and requesting that my records be changed. in Ill., 1924. department manager, Ill., store. ? p p - P.PS. voryasint -i ..,....t.....,.?,,...?.,,_...,...?,....,,. ?NommitiMi narAnccifipri and Anoroved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 irk ReanMetur stme.V.........sitoKrettit.esskYSOSIKA rOj'.4r:IIIMO S iNWON.1.?it .arta.eleSle04111a41. Miscellaneous Information. have an exi.lellent knowledga of the Russian language which I speak, read and write fluently. I also have a good knowledge of French, especially reading. I can also understand it very well, but do not speak it very fluently. The latter can be easily corrected by some practice. My knoldledge of German extends to two yeare at school. With some brushing up it would be better than average. I was naturalized in the Aurora City Court on Feb. 16, 1944. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-113X00001110.1r1111111 ?oel - = , ? ? ?e".404M4=0.S1Wtmzi. CONIFIDENTIAI Lt. Colonel Dix S/ Branch Lt. Putzell ?,? 41"r"5" ? it/M4Yit: '44,e1 1111?1000?11,ORPONI?MMRSIOACIMPAC r;?64r, 000e, 18 August 1944 In acco ance with the Acting Director; request I have talked with Colonel Hoffman, Chief, SO Branch who immediately agreed to the transfer of Ur. Moe Berg from the staff of SO Branch to that of SI Branchl effectiVely immediately. Copies of this memorandurm are being 3ent to Colonel Hoffman and to Special Funds Branch. ?":r 6Cs Colonel Hoff o'pecial Files ranch B. J. Putzell, Jr* USNR AsAistant;'Ex.scutPe.Officer , " r..?;????%. "j; WEIDER ? , # ' .? ??? $-.) ;F, ? , ?? , ? z 11. X ? ;.. ';'i 4.:' ,13i';':',. -,,,..1-4 ??4-, .2 - " 1 'r " ' . ? ,.7.-, ;?14:.1te "4 ,1 ' ....,,i1 t'i?-...14i - P ',,s 3 ? - t tr, ? 7.rfra 0, ? p. ?I'?4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 - I 4 .?:1T4c;:t?;?'1 ;???? .? ?? ????3 ?- t; et; ?:3 orrie BerS YOU, 00 blEirabi 4KIL Szttd and direated a tor) %boa 411.04 el4 ions indlograted lri yaw* ',- . rr aetteire Strati:6S.* SiozN? toti 40 op yerferattz the k - ? .4...t ,..- .tL4A074 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 General Donovan * Lt. Col. J. H. Rosenbaum Dr. Lubin has requested the loan of the services of Mr. Abram Bergson, who works for Dr. G. T. Robinson in ?s: A. If agreeable, Mr. Berg8011 would go as one of Dr. Lubin's start on the Reparations Commission. The request was made by Lubin. for the loan of Mr. Bergson's services for a three ? Month peiviott. Through 14r. Ream the mitter is being taken up with Dr. G. T. RobiAson. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008- ?- rt4t4-4113. ti3V.1-4111:4ARON 1.75 ,-.'"--'74"7-'0 E, ? Vt?V ? _ ? CONFIDENTA, 24 March, 1945 General Donot. iraz Col. J.. E. Rosenbaust 1.4.1)14n *Las re:vested the loan of the services Ort..BergsOnt. worIce fo*,, Dr. ar. T. Robinson in 14r. BergpOnuld. go as4 one of D. ertreiteXilet imbues pr olt thAiil,TC'-' ''atiOns C.1,00014:0; The re'quest limo ma. e by ,, , ,-_ :,,,... logw of lir.?,1.".000:$0.-0 BervioeS. for a three ...,;. ' ' Through Ur. Rvi-0 -10 matter is being teXen igt - ?,.. -1,..., , - - ? ? t??; ? t7 4 ???? t4`..7 - -- ---r-sr-ts-0... ?-i...-er".,...7.7.-:r------- - -r-,,,,,- ..--r---rt---7.7---- - - - , -,-.-.;..--- - ..,...--..., - . ,.. -. ?. .? . - .-, g .,....J.- ,- -....A , -. ....-t., - 4?, ?.; , .; t:4??;5i-, ??tt','; t, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 7?: . 17. ? - ? 1-1 .77,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 . Ao12141(*Illetki.,COMMUNICATIONS TO, . `i ' AtigigittagrAAY op Mat v p? -.; ' ? ft'i --"t itPitipurrom a, ct, ,-..... ? OftWfr+40 1(4, ri exJ40?Am?, ImasiketelkaOkttlagr y s,761 Ypi DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON reply refer to :DP ? JAII 12 1945 lay dear General Donovans Reference is made to your lettc: of DEpcember v7, 1944 to Ur. G. Rowland. Shaw con- 'concerning the reimbursable loan of ldr. Abram Bergson to the Department of State. Your usxderstanding as to the purpose of M. Bergson! a detail to this Department is correct in every respect. In order to expedite the work., it would be helpful if the loan could become effective- as soon aspossible and I thall greatly aPPreciate it if you will inform me at the earliest date it will be- possible for 1dr. Bergson to report to the Department of State rOtw this assignments Sincerely yours, For the Secretary of States (:4(1.AW,44 OLAMitims", Dem Aeheson Assistant Secretary ? in0 General William 3. DOnovan, Lector, Office olv Strategic Services , Viaslapoton, D. G. , '4,huirtp,--akrearair-ovarcititias4, III? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 r-r ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 A, , J. 'Jr' 7 DoOembarr 3.044 Honorable G. Howland Shaw Asaislent Secretary Want of State Wisabloston, D. 04 MO' deer Mr. Shy I hate aim very oareful consideration, to your lletter of 21 govenbor 1944, suggesting that the services of Kr. rgikeBergson be made ayallfible to the Department of 13tste ttJ ext402 of onewithirel 'of` hia tiaile for AM indefinite ei cm the 'basis ii.tf a reisatUrrsabls loans Thin suggeeied arranssitast itOs been the subject of var- tout Ooltifersatio*a between rtiom's4ntat1ves 'of this ?trios and th 1 ,, dent of State. It 14 .olar. understanding, on the ba4s. tailk 0 Vase 44:gaVersation.e, that the shier purpose of the Wed arrange's:at would be tnable Mrs Bergson to main AL ato'e digatteStiOn betwora, 'the trial Division, of the Offioe 1b D ertment, and to faollistalle a MaZialliUM utilization of that swivel:I. staff of %he USSR Division and partioularly f t11: 10 LO elitbtlivislog4 in the study of ituesian, a comma a et 111160 in itnneettOne.vdth the operational of the Ie?ts*in f * matter is in any wary at ye. your mono we iphould greiatly appreolate your constants fi:1 the further consideration of the projected are, tbi?understanding, as above B1St4)4 iti oorrect, we LL b? very glad to have the proposed arrangement take effect ittely-f you so tietaret Sincerely yours, William ,Donoven Director " 311 V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R Ot,^4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 'MOS CA, Pitt 4;5* iosupsidsWillimP001,111,50"4, r??? I OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES sEemoximarom D. C. Ell 1 t' ? 1944 DEC b PM 24 CONFIDENTIAL 5 December 1.944 ? OSS MEMORMTV TO : Lt. Auchincloss BROM : William L. Langer In accordance with your request of 28 November, I send herewith proposed draft of reply from General Donovan to Mr. Howland Shaw in regard to the State Department's request for the services of Mr. Bergson. tf)dem,61J William L. Langer A Chief, Research and w Analysis Branch attachments 0?200M 10441441a0414.? ....AA 1. A ? 4m3P7(.7.7,477; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100020008-4 IHS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ?????=4. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 2MAI moltr1904..-40k;vv /?:.f..,p,v000d-svos It .%; V1C9r t`..Erz.1.44e9t111V.465.3141,02.91** P 514611 DEPARTMENT Or STATE WASH I NGTON - reply refer to DP NOV 23 1944 My dear General Donovan: The Department of State is very desirous of having the services of Mr. Abram 1Bergson, who at the present time serves as Chief of the Economic Sub- division, Union of Socialist Soviet Republica Division, P,-eir? $6300 per annum, Office of Strategic Services, for special work in the Division of Pidancial and Monetary Affairs. The loan to the Department of State of Mr. jiergsongs serVices at the earliest possible date to the extent of one third of his time for an Indefi- nite period of time would. be greatly appreciated. The MO. of Strategic ServOes would be reimbursed Inr the;09tpartn#41,t-of State for one-third of the salary whi*.24tA; Bergson Jr:ieceiVe4from the Office of Strategic _,J;ciet; namely, $65OO. per annum. plus ?overtime corn- , enOktion?aliowed by law,;.4rotit appropriation for salaries, epiirtrnit State.- ? .Bergson would serve in the Division of Finan 4.? 4.4 tlitonstery litt#tra:-Pits Consultatit on Ruscian eonomic problems, 0/44..4KXal.)4 in the fields of recon- strueti?land rehatit'Iltd0'.6n, and finance, s fell as .13 Ott interests in t49, reconstruction and other coteta and Southwestern hrope. :-;O:t his background - and experience he appease.; to 4ellfnit 41,341tOcation3 for the work which the ir; lent desires hfiti to Perform. 0: or, General William J. ?Donovan, DL'ectbr, Office of atititagiii Services, and 4 Sti*Olt.g!?, liOrthviest, Washington* tie a. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? 104' 144 a ???-?e.- a- ? a ? aw ? ; is Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Ilteora- k 1r you approve Mr. Bergson's detail to the Delpartment of State under the conditions set forth above, I Shall appreciate being informed. You dhould also let me know the date he could report to the Department of State for duty. Sincerely yours, For the Secretary of State: G. Howland Shaw Assistant Secretary 40 a ? y, I. Ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 r4-?, WA-sr?Pm? 7 ? 7,40,419 4.54.? Ar........0.emseriorwriieresp.~00"lostwardiemomimsemssaummoiswooKfilooluomlato, a/a-4- /, 4 044 1944 104:000ion 004., Nrt# Secrettolt 30 June in witiAK or Dr. Abviditi ? :11.1316*11 lolitt balliiil Ii to Os Ohier or 4104104, %, tun balmy i *Algoma k tfinti. ]DOTidi1 ' ,_.tx? -1,4)42 i iiiriot_ ti 4 , thitti # trust 4toct ' le. to , :111- . 0141 Jim ormaitiort Jo, - ?-?.;7?????'? ?-? ? -14 f;???,. ?`? ? r. ; ?:? , .:???.".;?;.-?" ? ? , ? - c 2-.'10$30100/11.02.7* 1?414 ponovan, artiotor ???? ta`? ' '5;46 ; - ? - ? ? _ _ ' ? , - 3:7 ? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 (ECRETARIAT INTEROFFICE MEMO 3 igan 1944 JUL 5 P4 3 riligTE: In accordance with your request of 30 June, I send you attached hereto a draft of a proposed reply from General Donovan to Secretary Stimson with reference to his request for the part-time services 4.ro# Dr. Bergson. I also re- turn herewith the copy of Mr. Stimsonis letter to iii the General which you forwarde to me. 1 . I i 104.4) .fi r _) Zli 1 3.'. iam .w. Langer Chief, Research arta/ Analysis Branch (4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 roittaar oretarXat _ 'Oro' Berg11011 e. WOlda- IOU Consider the attaob,ed, litter from the eit-retartr of Vier mcl prepare a reply for Colonel Buactont ts tare* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON The services of Dr. Abram Bergson, Chief of the Russian Division, Office of Strategic Services, P-6, $6600 per ennuny are desired on reiwbursable detail for coo or two days a week for a period of approximately twelve "awls. Dr. Bergson's knowledge of the economic and inctmwtrial eituatton in the Soviet -anion will be of assistance to the Axmvindustriel College of the War Department in formulating its courses. If the Office of Strategic Services conaurs in this rimposto the Office. of the Secretary of War uill submit a ,oertifiod stabmwmib a Dv. Bergson's attendance on the basis of *Joh the Office of Strategic Services should wuUmit vouchers to the Office of the Personnel Manager, Office of the Secretary of 'Oaf. Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 17-8000Z0001.00011.0000X?1.dC11-V10 81./Z1./?1.0Z eseeiej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI '73 -,?5 74 '1:kt 1,1 1104"419 010iii? 012a110 4 T ' 441.41 fUgg" WM, VII" 01 li natio 40 911101 IST4 vo 110104011411 t ' . 411Aat iii,40 0111~1111 is liVaPs UV' An lo , iv* 410 01% us oxivsmo sooshowl 0 miikg ao Ito SuniCstag Irt itiamikamdmi ialki -,Ita Pt, efi 0,4 fosn'Ainegis 301 oil Vtig tico tt 441 tortloottir. virsavimov save ovouPlo wo so opatut goollasee *ix *Mum iwtso44100041isadas It* yowl" AINto von. is as, Om Jo dise taco vow attosoitsormit up pgalloW 41113X* foram mod Ixon aridftsionmee 001411"S a* 4104P3.4001.0441 mom ata 440 pm avalassa tossittVt leAu JO srainisaal Oa now= Tomo Alma goilCalt ' '/./ ern *vas '6st= 17-8000Z0001.00011.0000X?1.dC11-V10 81./Z1./?1.0Z eseeiej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 - OitaStftztv' OSS Blom 3057 _ i!,41.1044.1tr.4 ?s1.440.4FA *MP coVtAt tatAwy,,,,c,+-40404.224,00?00 , dr4 SECRET _ 1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES nmEOFFICE 14EMO TO: 0,44#) OWN* 16 SOM Re.t-i42v#' DATE: ton Mk SUBJEar: OSS Orders 1. You are hereby authorized and directed to proceed to the destination indicated in your official travel orders, where you will report to lawatiddmiudiatioLgathat____7____, . You (?Office or BrancTET--------- for duty -with the vill thereafter act under his orders and direction. MOM _-( 80621 , ? William J. Donovan 0***400. DiFFEE-07-- 11#1110V ? toot SECRET 2411f010,14NfitS"..,*...r.".4.7;,r,f0ings40,40A13314-01,6400 wielwasme .v.11? ? - `?A,. ; *000411MMWOMIWW541466 Op Ditottiwira TM777277,,, namoomill111111MISME Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ? '"` 0`? 11W2 440 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? .. - esi .4..q?W ? ?ko.w.jor.o_zatosiot2 11. rt t r 11,,.117 ? Zji OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES INTEROIFFICE MEMO DATE: rot tali 1944 TO: atinerel 'MIMS FROM: Colonel Conway %POEM /Sgt. Ininabetti Bennett General Robertet 0.3 just phoned se to segp. tbat he had discussed file release or Sgt. Bennett *with those 92 authority's cad that he hat beseibletly tursea dale. I told his that / didn't thing, there was mon more that ite s?4d do since be had exerted Ids good influence in cur behalf. 110711~0 s it you think we ought to, it seems to se about the only nay left mould be fOr you to call General Bandy,' I think if I called Ma that General Roberts would Oil up eet about it. Tbe other angle is perhaps to let the natter drop tor a while end this maks*cflothe? vas% q ? .,..1. r ? ....._?..11 ?? ,, -0 I; ...:..-1... ? .-:,- , `,- ,(i,..t, .. .. ,?-1- -,?. ; ;-.-, :1 .. I :.- ? .'i ' ' ci. .i` ?...,/ ,.. . :.--'--:!..:.?.-:. '.? ,.., .,..- , 1-:? - ,.; - ?;- ' - ..... ;....; ?..- 1 ?',:1 . ? -X _:: ? . ) ,- - ? f i ,. i:,,,,..f?f? ... i ' 1. ,.. . - ? . i ,. ...i. -., f';' A. ,- ' r r ? 't:71777'rirrr"1"P' ' . r :!; ?-?;??? r..;.".4?S " ; ,c 4 ."1".1' SI 1b k C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 This morning I went over to see General Roberts under wham Sgt. Bennett serves and I told him that you had met the Sgt. and was quite taken with her alert- ness and "'enthusiasm and felt that if it was possible to get her that she would fit admirably in a 'pob under Colonel Davis. General Roberts was most understanding and said: he would like very much to agree to your request if it could be done. He stated that he had a difficult problem because of he fact that Ile has to get rid of his enlisted men and he is losing a master sergeant and plans to use Sgt. Bennett in his place. i really think he will make a sincere effort to comply with your reouest. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 7-, ? ? ? $t -4--,0,'? ..ti,t.::?:;:"..1.1".,,tc.,..... ? ...''' 4=',1. :. t i- ' ; ? 7 eclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 i D Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 leg"' ' ? a ? " , 42461462071. ? - c(6>S7 - -;5z- ? e- 4 7 ' - S5, 55 -eg bar . I 1. ? !.? ? tmorsgfor-,. eig- /At" 36 4 Miro' ? #1704$54X,N, .4011 t ? - Its , - - s-7.f? ' ..tg,,,-;,1,=..to-1.C.,.. -5 ? r ?. .+? _ 5., ._ _ -,. v. g'? t.,::- ;?- " ?, , _ .?''' '.!".: 5 ? ;-?-'-g ...;,7;44.?,'. _,-...;,;;; ,:.=',-.:: ?.,:,i.-, , ' ' ' ' ,.'? - ''S -',' "- s'..0',;,',..-; '-.' -5 -.5 4- ? , ''...,"?' ; r-- - .-. . ..-i ?-,,$ - ., ? ; .5 ---.?`,1 5 ?;., .5.?....,,, , 5 ?......,i. ? ,. , .....-1-:,--,"' f".?-,..,' ...., 7 -'.- '-'? ''. . ,... 4,j,..:4. -I .. :- -- '. 5-?-7.? ' ? - , . gS , " g ?=. - .1 .4? ??- ? - s ?. . ..,?, ? ? V, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 r1.44tioe ? ? r .;-...???????-????????? ???? q- ?- .7.-?,- '.."'.:Z;.::.."?t. ' .; 1:::::. 1 4 i',"...."-.;:?."',:' ..?..:,eit....,i_y_ ..,,,.... , ? , .?-?:' ''' ... :sf 4 .., 1:7- iff,T.-1 ?-? V :'.',-..-* "5- - k - ' ., ..,' . ..,,,,..4- - '',';....1?, ..=:,... , 1 - ''. ...,' ? ?,,, 4,,, v".,?::,T ' ;.. .?,- f?,? ,.... ? ,,...,, 1.. , --, '''''' -,' g: 1:"-.7":,:?,!,`, ''.?.,',., . ' ..;:"...4"- i; ?L'I' ',, .ri,,,,,,:, ',.,'' -4.'?-,,,,,,r, , ,..??,,..,1,!,? /- -, ",,,,-- =,,,.',-?.:?,',?-0,.se--.! ?,.. ' .....* --r0 r',''' -?''' 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It%tFotokAtioN - ritREcToR, SECRETAII to, MAGRUDER B I GEL }1(14: Mgt* .IP(01WASK!,NGTON7 YOW4RTR0WI-RWIN!ti ANFORMATION; COUGHLIN (KANDY 0207), ,MCGENEE (CALCUTTA t #167) AND HEPPNER (CHUNGKING - _ - arffirrommonnom M111111111111111ffili Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 11.11MINIMINITDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ?? robe OP ????': ?Si Form 69 (RerrIsed) ? - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH 12 PEWIT/An 45 DATE. FROM SIGEX. KANDY .;(08 ?_ TO ;-? ?a. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES dIFOR ACTION) EVRIMATa AT 11. 116-41eviutaiscia MUMMA 0.'11..1 111-37B113--2 DISTRIBUTION 1 PRIORITY -. ROUTINE DEFERRED IN-4103 GOR INFORMATION) RECTOR ? PS MD SECTION, 0 I GARA RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER #2.453.7. Coughlin to 1090 Asucioualy awaiting approval of promotion to Colonel of Lt. Col. awry La Berno? ? OR: 10844 12- P1?3 45 ? ? z ';'?? ????_:"- IT IS FORBIDDEN .TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CAME wrniouT,AinnonuAnoN FROM THE SECRETARIAT $114211...1411110 ;fora ? ? ? Eli'-1- :N. ? . ? ? v41,fr??,st?..iif????.*Ig Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnninnnonnno A Sr:PPrr * . !11 11.11MINIMINITDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ?? robe OP ????': ?Si Form 69 (RerrIsed) ? - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH 12 PEWIT/An 45 DATE. FROM SIGEX. KANDY .;(08 ?_ TO ;-? ?a. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES dIFOR ACTION) EVRIMATa AT 11. 116-41eviutaiscia MUMMA 0.'11..1 111-37B113--2 DISTRIBUTION 1 PRIORITY -. ROUTINE DEFERRED IN-4103 GOR INFORMATION) RECTOR ? PS MD SECTION, 0 I GARA RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER #2.453.7. Coughlin to 1090 Asucioualy awaiting approval of promotion to Colonel of Lt. Col. awry La Berno? ? OR: 10844 12- P1?3 45 ? ? z ';'?? ????_:"- IT IS FORBIDDEN .TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CAME wrniouT,AinnonuAnoN FROM THE SECRETARIAT $114211...1411110 ;fora ? ? ? Eli'-1- :N. ? . ? ? v41,fr??,st?..iif????.*Ig Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnninnnonnno A Sr:PPrr * . !11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 oiltifiAVINIMMtimtiforrorcswevw....? , . .... . , re,;. ?? 4 lel . .1 - rotilia Mk; '''. ' t: ' ''', . ' j'a?ft ??? ''.74 -t. ? ''.. 1,-4 e? ??17't? ' ????ref ;!..--: ? - ) ' DATE- - ??=4.114.....1?4 FROM TO .0~4~ on* lypoy enort.11.TRIER.V.e ? t, 5 EC (A,Ald.e", FICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH ? 31 3811U1117 1945 ;KAM si.erimmir Pottn*caTra 10:-32383-2 toroa????..... ,OFtICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES weer DiSTRIByTION vi 2905 Rotrritre ' RRED INFORMATION) SECRETARIAT GOODFELLOW, Fru) SECT'xtui RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER SECRET SE igtain to Chaston and ( (MO' st authorization to 'lite performed o4 utetanti loodfellotr. promote Lt. Col. 'tarry La am temporary eammander De uty 404 an 14 tho,rtly assrne. duties as p ,:oitk the soonei this authorization is grtsntedOL the rOttitiiin wtU be anti it is urged the ease be cotioure?, ? f;f.7 ? r.t It ICI I rr IS VORIODDEN Pro CO TT OR RZPRODUCZ THIS CAME AUTIIORMANION FROM TIM SECRSTARIAT 41? ? 444:1?10 rom......ggaposonspweary.:7704, ea...,eti 0.4=4."0411....... (??? ? :1777-777,1 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 MMIrAltailenrMSWIMSDeri.VOWIMArirgegM -4M1:7413"21,14041r6.1.8221E.11 go1.19 temv,ft?Il.ro.$9,?$r* r , ? - etwtros-.1tievepar-4-1, $MilaelSite .451,45'4". -1VPARTI/lirli 0,7 Pf 1,Munn s-41401, ColosOro /1W SF Navinber 3151 t stater gr,sen vie rn tire...y lillowe Top $edret,,meisegv for tho szglItto torkihan .0Sa Onlyi - ? -??? bei..made for, the prippotiat of BMW) to the rank Oittetanding ability as an administrator - taiti) detacbaent, and that he is eligible for ? ? sired'elnite it mould. frustrate; a .political Aintleirlat#1gation to them in place of to to have Bern? promoted upon lirlede-Oision,to, 'tutu tivision P00.410TRyte' carried on the TO- of - 0:el/on, were carried. hitherto, 74* ? ? ,4 S.F f, weeks aftler CougOinite ditSed on administrative ISErttors. t' ,consuttations with clandestine - ,e? " ir? 07-, ? - .? . ,..; , 7,..4 , ... f .7.t.,f111,,,,; t L,,, ? ? p''' !VT; ...e. ?( '' .''''r.l?-, ,.. , , t? , -.... , d r I 10,..,-4,-,-,,t - - -- .' . 41, t?????; 1+?.1 van. .rey 1 re, ? a 7wri7ri-7:-.479P7. 4. -; -,;'; ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ? ? I ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 - ' I f j?? ? # . ',,. ... -:.,.-?,..,e,..4,4-."'"" ......~...- .' . ' ' i . , 0 ,n. 4 7: : . . , , , ,,., 44 ? , , ,,,' " 7. , , : , ,. " " - ..-',.. ,,, . . . ,,, . - e ?? t E - 4 ',. ' , .,.._??...korgtoii...**04-,- i 44F Ce 3 ? 4. . ? , : ". e ,.. ,.._.......;?_,............,........,,..?..,.._,,....., _.1.4......,,4,.....?..........-.4-----2,---. - .; .; ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 .s1 V4 ShPemaker 4ig,COmmissioner ation and Naturalization Servioe traento JUStiee eliphia 2* Pennsylvania .4ear Ur. Shoemaker: - . This ::vall a.oknow3.04ge reeeipt of your letter of 2 . ._ 4k(r..,eeriaing nxionxii,iF?:posteridorp and GySbert den, Bee- 'uh inadVerttraae* .,.#4. unkponn to 14:. Goff 'of tb.is -:,- t'he matter of '',,their calearanoe with the Department ' Atit been clotiPle*ed prior to their arrival at *e: jjoinE1 :te,Ste.te Department of all the adivisell us that the entry of Messrs, -an, 13e0e31lto1it ILS.s the Department's approval-? ttCn o' this% tip1t0Val iiillund.oubtedly be sent to your zthn b3' the DpDeattment or state. ,et the inoonvenienge which, this mat*. eip has cause Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 1111.11=1111.11.111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 a !M. tele 13 March 1246 Por` ?. :k16-"titi-ov 0.5 maretk? I have sowed a ,i;t4p. to V41.4ga4e tut!, tho oirclatistAnet4 " 000 : Of Etionhe osteSorp d ' ovum th.1.4 asoney an,R10, 014004.1wIth the 0:0?0100t.,-01.eauvenee th popotfaion 03$0;ar tolvtAotifiabi biL114 auissiciri is ports/ - ? to ' 34,sidriio1 co4oep1etil with 4,513 -1-44 ,lof the 3.1a, pOrtaloe of Tfoi f40-3. 4onfident at .? .4.110 -the inoUtentIF 1,\, ,i,,r4press, Int d v*. eep repot for thia i \ , ---- " r. 4,...-15,.,`,... ,.... '..,!. .,'... ,.. 1 i ? . _ "r...W.,`" -,.???-. 7-..i,,,i.,:,? ,f.,,., ? 7 .4.i.',....17..;iPC?1,,,.. '7 ..`'. I , , 0?9004.011116?4141,000111......*.V........... ...........-1...?...............,.... ? iir '?,??????*?;?;??? " , .. ,... ..... s -?... Sf?iti';.. ''''''''' '' ti, ? --:)if , . . , "." artaialto 241.31001447" Tours* Cilliples S. 'Chest= Ministant piroetor ?-" w-er,rpr.;-7 - ? ;? lia?"""11440101111. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 1? V ,.4earned of your courersatiOn with Miss ' - Arrival in thAts ,ogontry oe.Etienne SOO*, .1*,-eill be appreciated - e: WOW **pie: a waiver or visa for .,-oneditch .1.11*tictpas* They. arrived '-- - ' had 'ix tlitir possession A, .Kerican militatry orders, -.---exit permits and clearance .sec'r, ritioso W,'".'' e- ? - fathi ' r ) f ' ?K 'spulerstaviing which Aest a Walser-44QT to 'to this t.01r4tryil, A .0?4...' - 714 , ,,..0 gtilfg'regnilte4 , Iing ,-- 0W -,-,..,-,?,,?.. -, _ 0' Whom these -833 etiklihOSatiOn 1,11re#tigl94$ .".:-. 4."3" ? :Mg ? 's a 35?4111; lc ea bee se of ttie olik of th,Le: DeoPi te ha to urea, and ea, aetiltr- ' in this case* rate if you would"admise has bent issued and the ruzigra- ? , 3.4.? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 niall111111reclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 - TA. re91,7 refer to 1;1 GI 4., -A (-? .?????? 4.401????? 60, 1?4 etir ? .11-t DEPART ENT OF STATE ASH1NGTON ? March 7, 1945 coommuu \4)( fay dear General Donovan:. Recently the Office of Strategic Services has been instrumental in the entrance of Etienne Oostendorp and 4sbert den Besten, nationcls of the Netherlands, into the United States without visas of gay kind and without a. waiver from the Department of State. The persons men- tioned above arrived at Boston on a Navy transport, hav- ing been previously discharged from the Netherlands armed forcear and -were evidently sent to this country for six --months* training with the idea that they would later be sent ,to- the Pacific war area. The immigration office at Bon reported the -matter to the Commissioner of Immi- ,gration at Vhiladelphiav stating that they had arrived 10#444,pertission to enter the United States and the TIOartMnt of State was asked for a waiver, The Depart- tql*t-Applipd that it would not waive for these individuals tO t kr,teiv more about them. In the meantime, Lt. Goff, _ /rot the Transport Section of OSS, took the matter ?r.viti4 the immigration officials and the men were ad- ed without further examination,. Illy office was advised informally by Mr. Richard Oputhgate of the Office of Strategic Services that a e had.been made in procuring the admission of the two .eA$ vItbout taking up the matter with the Department -wte and that the mistake was regretted. Mr. Southgate laso'gave assurance that there would be no repetition of eitor. ? General William 3. Donovan, The Dive0or, Otfibe of Strategic Services. 10/0004114e2WW/MONASSOatairSifT4-4.1. ?See r ;r4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 nnn7nnnR_Lt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 -2- appreciate the promptness with which your office communicated with the Department, and 1 trust that in the future OSS will consult beforehand with the Department of State regarding any aliens whom it may desire to bring into the United States. Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 -2- appreciate the promptness with which your office communicated with the Department, and 1 trust that in the future OSS will consult beforehand with the Department of State regarding any aliens whom it may desire to bring into the United States. Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 ,..r.rtmeriLmagginti eta r vs. r w*****?,?.***........,.......,..1.4:2%.450.* cm .., q****40 eie,P.?,,E.,.***Iroi,~0...,?-ffrftses.*., e e ,F? tf*,,eree , ??? -? ? ,, ..:?...-?4 . /41 3 A CD , , OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES ? WA e/5(tog" / 04/(riarcla 1945 SHINSMA C. TO: lit* Col. James W. Kirk FROM t Thomas Damb erg SUBJECT': Oostendorp and Den Besten .1,2t is our usual procedure to check on all aliens leaving or _coming, to this country with the State Department by clearing tj10*. 'through Special Relations. proper channel is for the branch to take necessary action ? Special Relations and inform Transportation Office. i4-ro0rdingly. Tit tibia ease the branch telephoned me and I failed to contact Special_Relations due to unfortunate circumstances. Atac is a, report from Lt. Goff who mst the men on their arrival in Boston, believing all was in order. _ ??,)??; r ? - ? j.'1 ? --,-,----. 0.'".....`"!'".- ? ..;, . 'Ir7"v`='.77'.' 11,77-94 41,m,:.-. 4.ei.. 4,,e " . ?;,- ::i-- :^:Irli:.??' kr-A*74Wil"--z.12- ., .'!.::?-;. i. , ::. ,?..-1.,???-,,A., --.41;',. r'41,5--,4 _ 122 , v? .1,,,...1: ,.,_,,, y..; ' , - ?6-41, , ????4 et. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020008-4 37.1rere r??'''ttrote10.-mV7.fered.....e.,,?????????????.-?????????,117r??????=.-????,.... - - 0*w' ?VII' it D. Faokentlial rsii ewYk ' ? - Lhaina ?i ; - ? , 445'; ? h???? ? f ;????? ' "?.; c?r* L e? frr, c 18 August 1545 L."4 ei? ? r. airisarePo?a. e om the Far Igtuit mi find - ) 14,gbYlijst3 there is no obancet r did .sorry, Out* es .p?r? ? ? v ? ; r-r??? :?7 , :sr?,?;;? s . e 4th you. ? ?."-!,;', 7. ? - t ' ? e.? ?,? 4.0 e se ? ?:?? ' - ,4 ? t ;7.'4 ,,, " ' ^ ? ??? .`? ? ? ? -e1 ? r e , '..',-,?,, .. - ,r. 4." ..1 .?.? .7 .,.?1 i??!?????- A. L.' ?.;:?:,4.):4'.., - e -if :,'? ...,. . ..s, , ? 411 " ???? . :?-, , 4 e*: 5 " ? .4%1. ? ,,,,,744. 1-,4,44.4444,jet,40440.0.1162t.L. r.tilirtr 4 A t GI t 04041000A"Sgt :4'4' '',.. '-i41 a.. ,? 4 .i.-.1.... ..; Nc.,,:f,,t4:,?;;;.-4,,...., , .?,.. -, - - ... a ,-.A.ri3.-rifi'li:::' ''? . . - . ., , . '.-. - ?