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Wift?ft?MHs 4?...?;.)1?1214.? 411. A '!.f ta ? iA ???? st, r ? , `ft-'1 ? , ? .., ""41. ?T'1440,',4-?? -414?14 - "47,4717r4,4MIT?TW,141- to ? j1.4 ktt.717?171"...",1, ? ? ? ? ???!;?,04?? I ? , ? V.,?? . 4,?4,..i-771,14677,77,7rorax., , , r 44. ? ? --`-- ? o? ? ? -..)11-?-?...,.????," ??????-? ? ??1 ; ;?!- " ; ? t?, ? ? ? .44' ? 44 ? I 4 ". t tt?i? 1PP': ? Pg Ititftettr .:??..; ' ? ? ????? 4 ? ?4 n?? 1: ? ?: ? . y ; ? JI. ? -CV ? i? . . 11 JIISOTY 4170071i :411-4 ? p. ? ?I, 4 ? ?? ,q 'S ., 1.4 w:k -5,,,.-1..0 i? ,4Y4 1.1" s 4ftf- ? t% 11, 10 1' . L " ?,,? ? '7. ,55 ? 4' s s. I ? ' s . r =.41-- '....1-0 'AI ? ' . '...'..-- ' .. i. ,,...1'.- '4?1,:?i..:;P::-.4"1-......:.' ''.14'.-r'r. 4': ?ii .71.:".;.: .::? k ..h.iv,1-twe-,-,?:t.,-... 0.? ' ,, 1,'...,., ? .)S. ,, - . ? ,... 7 ? , - , v, " el' ' ' ? 301 I ? .16e4.1 lir 7 ?I?1, ? ? r. '40 !'ti.0542ALiel ?W ? ! ? ? ? , .?" . tr. ? ? ? ? " Vt. r ' ? I ss -7! . ? - ????? 445 1' *?-"S444 .:411 'Oa ? ? 71.4t ? ?s5., .1*-tre - i . 4 .4, ? ? 1 f . ? ' 4 . ??r/ ?':,...,*????? ? ??? ? 4 ,z ? , 41i,. ? ? c4:4`.=`?14 '4 40' , ? 't 11 ? .. ? 4 ? .:7( ..` ' ?. . 4,-4.14 , . ; ? ? , - . - ? ? ; , . . ?;,?14.????? 0.1141- ,,, ? . "".k ? ? ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00I001R000100070002--7 ,?,,,,, , iA ---6-5'1:.V. 7.-,1,,,I, ',...4---4 4 . 4 k;?:tiidlL? --..,4, ,..---?, .---, rqATiv0i7:14,44pi. A c4-? ks -'% ' ' b-::?-.4`' ' ??? t " ' .1 .7.? P ? ??:f , ;'? _ ??? ? ;e;i fr ? - - ' ? 7, ^ ; .1" -e. , - ; ft AN mE ovt thowsidpd ibit isloit IA CCM* et r ' iNFIAMAIION =Pts set forth in the Coordinator?of Vesomreh mnd NiitotworfWv ;,00,iaing notice of May 12, 19.0,recommendations 0,11eriaN 1,1erWn Aspects of the use, procurement, and functioning oP Emocipuoy Itlec,44 Equipment i11 be issued from time Le Lima oith -Alla %Vim, aad ita- sistance of the Committee. It is the purpose ofthese recommendationa 10 tgroiao * mooluo . otAllicady acquainting all Services and inioerost+4, eiviIksa ti_ioncit$ latest information bearing upon rescue movi ,Ponawal. Ttotm , ornmeinclat1,ons are not classified material. It ilf tae opltxton, ...-:' , Committee that as fel 1 oesible, tOormation in tto tteti .11 os. . ettergency rescue equipment should be made wide1y , It'lmble ao twm, ' ft's use will be well known in times 01: disaeteir. Is.12.14itema , :?fabt that it t RILAAE it be helpful to ilwx'elft whoa it 11 1,-,% --.,? in use. The ,:omplittee 6oes recogni2e th tacit aim; tUre 614-p itl'i- op-manta in suchm feld as Radar ;hat hove LO be 411aa -find* te.tallol -!. of war uses other tliet for rescue purposos, By upt:1-a e71w* a ttha , t 5oint Chiefs 00 StefiN informativa coaaltrtiag 2rAirenOr PU,Na'0_, TIA431117- 1, , Meilt is to be placed iu the ttunclassitiwr 04ttnpry4 ''' `'g- Theve dre ott-tuctio4 borewith tbrOie fteeoroutal4Livi;g 4i0.1.. arit, et "Wary tutcrese4 to liekl.1, ykiii-607.1 Servthee orLe: a i'cl iii0A aftis-2A t LA il:i" cOO.Vpration, ia rectiaozted in,. (WI i tug t1351:' tt230-VAA4 t.40 ist1,011:t q; POOTtiiinit tOrl ? ' 1 ? , , :. :'.: .1410L'ti. S.:0441o4 tp 1114001. _L., tOiti 4.44114, TMA43r. .7114 vrAt- ? -,' f -1 '-!,,.), ,i,:.,`,. 4-1'..14',i..,:'''' , It' 4''''?..:t_',r-,.i.11,.?,-E-` ;,. t.,,,,,'' ; ;.,-i-h , .1 ?,, , ..!......; ; ,. i..! ,l'i.i,,i;cer..;? , f,,,, .i..4,., -4.---,j I : 'Al ': 7 ' Ell 1:- ir ';'11 'i ',:?::4 ii : :5;?.:* 1;'_.: " . I ' ' ?'' r, , " ?Noe,ti. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5. Declassified and Ap,771:11,4For,Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 vilt,1- _ooloominregmatir? PiliSNAKW JIFF , eall ' *1;41 ? if " ?..??-? tal:,?,,.:..t,,,Illi.::":?-:it.: 1; r!:,;, '?-?:-:::: ,,,? ' fir:et 4:,&:,, T."3,:i4,,i.:-2_1:4,,:, ii.:' 'r0.1?. f 4 . ....7 ''s. 1.; 44 ?-? Ft; .__prihr, t, rtfii ?r!r9.11,, I '.1'''' ', 10 tit! 111,i4 f ; ? ,.i; ii ,..4.,.., .:',' !..' C.; i li . : : '-I.:: 7..'i 4. t"..1 ' j - ? ''' ? , , " :* -tog'', 1,11,c,,,c.,, -.i r 1 ii, i , i -..,2 Ai :, ? ?:. , ., ? :- 'i , i ? t* NANO' t6' - f ' iht " 7 5 r, !,114 ? ' 7 , '' ,. , ,,,, , % ??t'P' Now ,prooltrati4nli v,t' titeipproattPuovi liskito iiiiaillt bel. .,.? .,, -,. ,, . ? , ' ,.., ',4 ', ? -.' ',';;;!4?,"111 :1111/attvi Inalli*tt ,43t Ve4k* Tlital ehtlitil St44.117 1oprcroe4 1114,10 4 t i 'f L - t,* ..,,?-t?i:-(:,;.:-4. ,.,:. _ , ,....,.. e ? ..e.,,,-% ,1-s.ev-..-.., ' , k ? 'e-jr,1 .,-: :'1"; I And. aonatritizonty. 1,419,blete IsttrktiviNt tiefttlif*I104 ko 0# ate-a, AA . , : f ?17:::::. ??? i'''C '' ' ..1? '''-i. 7. ', VirrfA. ",., ' '6111,110,3r ttiettan4ani by stAr0.ing tatito : . .? 4 .. . ' -- - "'4 ? -t. ! i'. eit,,,. on, to arrooti titi. iltplaciviont, ee vkkelkilit .611,04,4:w 4.113N 141. F,.14-72? ir .i I ',? ? I . 'll'.: ' p ' : 4,- i I .,. ,. . 1 I ? '1 . l' i k , t ? ? , J.\ t . '. '-....' -." I , r 'r, i Lii, .21:,' : C C. ,._? -. r ? .',r, t .1.... --1, :f;:'i.., ....:I''' ' k.`t,r .,1:. -?,-,*u,,l," .1.'1."4::?... '. . e . ,, ;? ' : - '' :4 . ' i?,: ' ?-.,- i ,01 4' _ ,: ', 'ti" ..43-L',,4, P?.?- ' - 1 ;i . ; i , , . ,,, . t,. ,..., : ? 7 , 1 ., 4-.44 4 -? '':.' t Ili 41) ' Vi4.- 4 - . , rta:10:1,1' :Iv' ' 4 I...; :Aliffl''' ? i V 0 . -_?ir- -- 4.'?.! , ? 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V; e' " 0-OJ-0fr .4,,1J,,!? )t-. - T4q4:. ;-'i_ ,,,_, -?,i . l.i1I:.;: ? .! ?4 J'1.R, .-' '.- 4 , l ' ,_ ,., F k 4r1 P . r,z ? 1 - : :4-4 ,'4.1''' t '; I! :"114F, 100PAk. It ' glittlIg2 t , 7.4', -r4 R....i? /A' iri-. 3 - # 15 -4 ?=t1-1.:7?>TAT-- . i . 4 t ...?'' TA :,TX"A" _ I , t - vi- -tiv:t;4 i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ' ???? 43:5,4 .- ;11113-1611111,411EfflitIETW' ASIF.PIAMKINIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ' 41g. 1,4 rt ? , _ ? ? .; ? 1 ? .? '. ril' '-'0 ' '4.? ' ??-., ....;?, fer,i ' V 4 ' : ''. :15 4S.I. Et I.'S. .. ""' 4. L r , . ? , . i. ...;,. ? . .1... ,.: - .. 4,- ..4%,t'4 l' ,k4Itt 7 : - :"i"5?4' ij : i t . ' *-7, ert fi afiPttyr. ' I. ? V.+ %e 7 4 ."-31, 4 -et...1 . ,... . , - :2 {--: -.4 1.1?._.; ! . ? 1 r .4.t. .; ? - 1 '. !..,. I ?? 4'..,: '?-? 4 , ?..: ' 1 1-..4 ? ? ? 4-? r??? ,4! ? ;.,/,!' -? i e 1 1 ;IA S.* , - _ -'11.4 4 4?;:?,,: r? ? ? 0, t ? 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' , e ? ; 4 Ktiv 1.**ta, priggstr-iy calrett 41.1trtr - tin 41, - t 7 .04r?4-""t g ,Wetelvatilt ? ?-? :.; nc:41 14. 4 ?,., : .I. i - ? ? k, .1 I' ltiCAP ft ?;?,,. ?l , r...,- 1. ir.- , .t_...,.. :;-.4, .4 ,i, .1_, . . . ?-? h., ,-. .I1 At. ? 41, \. ? ? - ? e-te F e ;tat - , rwrOt1-4',":,4y 4.$ ' y ? 411, - -44 " - - Aft .j: ? 7;4 r?F"'":1" "5' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? Declassified and Approved For Release -?,,-?,.. 4 /d0 't,?? ? jr-i: 41(tit,"" '," . le - . , .:-.4. 4t0'.. '' / ' I 1,.f '.."et ,- P. _?41.4",l4 ', 'NA ' '...; .4 '''' .1 ' 0.7?. --" - ' '1.- ''''.1: ? :- (-... ; ? ',;,...- 41" 5 '11.1f, ::-. '? 1 ' -: ."-. " 3. ,,t. " A ::7'. ,-??? ? -?????. i.4 4,,,,:. ; ? ..,r4/9...101'9.6.4,44Sirff. ,14. .. 12.1 171: '' ''Z . !Talk 7,?f9,, kt. L-,4"- .? ,?? .. :-.7/. ..4'... . _ - 1 .-,. 1 hri:' ' . "- ''''?'!1]-11-711, ? ?. - ---; ^ , 4 ' ? .? .. .. ? ? , , ....- - -.. . ? ,,,,_, ? ...."1+-4 4.4(4" `..-..2,44. 5-y47744y-int" . iii. -i14-4 f - . l'''`. ,;'. It" ' ' .F.:;.. ',:.,45.?YA1.,:;,77,'tt.::: '1 _ v..,,f !Ill ? ii , I ' - -1.-?,-e-' e... i- ? '.' 1:::: t , ? , ?- AY ,., , ? ,t,- I:1 .;,._+;. '''? li- c..4i1 . ' ' t.t di 151501115ENIAMONIM 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ?k? - ? "?'s,, - tit -If 44,7, , ? re'e:^: i-; ,,f4t4 c.? .0 . I f.d, YI.:;rai. - ts* '?"..44r0?14"4! ? t'''`; t!, ? -424 :L11,4; 4 # .. ., ,?*i, , Ani , Vt. ?4 f ' i ,'2," ' - 4 4' e ? '.. ,'! ?? iititg tP1 g 14 't *ed * ...4 ? s'4, i?W ht. S,' 5417:'' .. e.. , 4 , ^ _te -f -,, 4 3 - , ., To i' 41;?It ???'" _ v o? ...I r . ? .; c i, . '.. . f? -44-tsity- . ie ??* ' "; S '' r, 0 ., ,t,,...i,,, , 4 .-:.to, .P.1.,, i*,5-??vi....41- .14.-5.-04. ,i, ?Iles ?.01 4 itI '?' -?,,,1,4 ..P ? . ??1 ' , 4.51 " ,t1 - - i ; 411e. rf1;*; - ' sit0 4.4e ? - tgd 41;;,:fsci1ti ; " " ? - I, 4 4 '1441' r: ? *3 - -14 3441 ? ?;.4: ? 4s, .; ? ? t - , * J ? 4, r.- ' .0 . ? 4o, e - r , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 : - It Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Memo to General Donovan frot Nit Ctio11, on, JCS #659 - 19 Feb 'Mao to General Donovab from CIO Ca6Licto on Plan for Terininatison of la tictivLtite4 of OSS 1 Mar Memo from:Gdnerall Donovan to Capt Coolidge - Plan for Termination 2 Mar 44 lLtr signQd by Admirul Gorman by dlntt)ft of Admiral Waesche - re furai4ings 26 Feb 44 ) Feb 43 - attached Ltr to General Doiwv_tn fro:a Atiatini F. J. Gorman Lmer6E:ley Rescut, LLutht 26 Feb 44 vilcerri W.43 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 INAS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? - ?-?-- -7 -,- s4-; ' r " ;f1 c ?.14 - ? 10. 7 140 f, 4 t". T'y SOO 3 ottjt - NM!' *at * aretritO Ulittow, 4411" p4rzeotivAol AU*0 SW that 4.mik amooriWww tiNo 140W*OR4, to Zotturgane sous Patuiplast n4n. aurie teitue, iikAst-st-34 .a of row m aito** &mild- Wm to ocioripn 4* Iou diFt fatiq ,1,1.5$ nwg1r4. tratit t'14,0 Ott&acti.f 4111* te 144111* Vbito ihrsg dc4,04-1404 mwrzbuLimi V024011117 tkasitrod tc$ tho Ottuvittitto igeorgarav itt4e%0 41-.4poi k P4 traittlar tO IMMO. tt44w4 tal gkiiy bo 444 44 4,, f.!I eopoigistwitAtiNo /ft %woonwom Aitalawl wmTik4 totavm mv ra t440, toa 1A*0 Wifilfketi 40; Ma fav# aqi (41?,z ?tr' peitritann vir1,111 tosuottv ?141 14' Alarch: Lb5. eolatidrisigir ur$ 4v, ritstasythrit-d 4P441,* obo:41-2 tp,t1-iat -0#JJ 4-4110 tukicimie ofaiploOes tranorairring tho Cows* thiCe-it 114 aqtraAa t fp?,mptA ,s,41 thOixr 041441 04,08r4r* bt oreo,04 in tar) olanuattitioN lirar turto Itloo romitflived Adialra &Mom WM Mid WA* 610444 Atp. vox' 440454444i- * r'*?' q the trimio,,C1414 Ot tio t414,4wo &pal bi larw, 11444 ;t1 $ atitritiuotutt houlacat 0411 ttutirwt vi_tiMt_ ht Out arroagammuta Sol: U talit*v 41V 1144ontsOdtkolgt t No.* afut friaUbbviatcli tjla Calkirt alowit szox ItUtutsve Wad VO 0140411.4 40%000 ClelieritoMit apoiet-lav 4 '00 mittialu Owl itvOia extlo-oltt +#01114 relauto Ilk* 00 toe tra0 40% to W41744* :4 ? 941-rr,Fc- gat,S#00._ tIon oit , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 * Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Nal% C010492 aqr104 Ai 4rou knotso ths Joiht (Auktitet olt -ti441( 1410,,r*ointlj mionlitito144 tho apoAttittl4A 1W, 44* 400.10pmont of amoronal to*pa* *4-11apo*Ale. 40 tt. #041114 offi 'tU*4t 0^4* 1414 4044 Wont tio tho Atqrawt or 44 1v th* oolor4IgAllon a $444m4roo& 4na 4,4****pmft% of mortomay mom* aquipwah W be '444o 4434041malla14%1 or th* enitod fitats# 00444 ,tiorki6 0311. witULtimiliv Mika Ouch *etivIt4/0# I 040041 14114 at /1044 the opproota410a or Mao Ofrkto ,y4104 Lo 4w*vt40* osatior Ow/1ml tor thO Itentirtk** 4100V#0.01100 U041 'Avon tp $01 All time* 1,41 "14/400 *$ 44144 voek, *ISA Cgua NMWEIgortey 440611 blni,p44nt 4#014 9 1US MilAttOy OtVhOiOn et th4 4mArtArmoigititil Chidutratot 4noo 4110tod to wiow 04000 tAlit Of *plon414 noor *rim*, 4444 la A444tion prot14.4 par4 vomitta# mit 4434,04t 0044*Row **rifle*, oatotiorlA. prIvtimg*4 tor ow mmusAgl *at* VihrlOty ot othtor mori4o0. 0140 b$010-1?1,44fi ot*Ii#4* Tow own *tote ban dtvut u* 4 A la poolt101*, Mo* John to4#r! boxity It 14 ow unftratmuki 0# UhAS WW1 OW, 000' to a tlouo t LAtt 4 4, 1.0010 nu *A4 ? da Or i?t ftv Thifl r 044L p IPIJ41tikr r.4 ?e' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 teS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 : ? :?f.rt45; # !?????-e - ? , .? ? sittral--Tir,7?? 443. -;?:7 f14, ? ?--Nt ea," F?4 ????.77, 'ErsA PO* 7 41'1?1;???.? 41.17z -7???b- -;? ? ?.???,..--.S?k-,-.; ??11--4 Pail#14'n4 '47'4 ?????t? 1?'?r ' -r?-? f?e? - 14?3":?.4,1 t,!? V..14C1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 j',Vg.511.1 -47f ?.2.?:5V?ai? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Oa 1$, YObruarr, 1944, the 'Wilt Chiefs ort Oaf ***140(1,0 tho Oecritar# Of the Navy to suabliah 44 sgenv in Olue 4tteat Claaft for the ;oortiination ef the resetrchin4developmont of equ4 far 4irus.04 resoue? This preposal wax agpreved by urritary raft ott 22 IFebrumry, 1944. ordcr to properly porter* thl* function, it will bor aeme**4 te have additional civilian personnel mho avi feallitt wIth rosoars4 and development in this field. The personnel now assigmed br Mk* Office of Strategic Services to the Committee ea bmorgelmtyi Mum* Iguipment would be very helpful if their transfer' to titio CNA Guard could be effected in their present grads 444 vaarys It Ia however, as you know, necessary to *et up jobs, eecurw fund** anTS effecti-a number of clearances especially through thy 01111 Servic. Commieston before oucha tranafer could be Th erringed, or coomi madell e necessary arrangement* will take a little tioo pe**1 as.much as two weeks, If you agree that mll er part of this pareennel would la* 41 for transits'', it would be peat4 appreciated if you will 4en 'd?tj, these employees to the Committee umtil a delatte later could be Judo to the various individuals involved, Sinallrikkr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 5--11 '344; 1E4 ? It la Vhe unt3erstAnding or the orrioo :q. trate0m SerVio0s. that the 1ana Cloor4 btn wtnr, tin* Tt-Imwl- ,-SPY.A. 11141241n$, ,2n4 d T fitlAp b, W.; sha2I 0,E.- ;latut ecIr fcti :,orrioe an4 ex4iblta of the tme itac,y iletkqut EqtA:miewl, See- a144' by arraneement with the ;setarch a4d 00114144m10.04 An04, Military Planning Division* - -, ., Any minor alteratloas et lactluldi govVantrYx a4q,r-.4.t... ing, lighting, c, may be 4naerUalon oy th* Ozl'icte, or Strategic rvioeta with tate 4aderstaAdin6 tatArit 6erarse tne apaet 4 Vacated; if requppted; tt will 0 r1/4V4r-ed to the aqnitit ion e-iittIng fit iiie time 04' cocumsnO# 114.120 4 4 Z WIZ . .. , , Very 'tritlx'.tylmos# La, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ENSIMIEMII Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Atge, ktAR.,?.4 4&I ikiflc reugi. lot)* bilt foildIrniguNtt ti-A-Okr?:4 *- 040 iket Le PON 40int 41;1,4 ' t?t, Jf7' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 9-ZOOOL0001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 90/60/?1,0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 47. A?L'rif 47.? 144'441 , t..+F 47, kat . ???96-. .11 4 ' ti,41g.:4.4965, 4%1.4 '4.(x tloi? ? t"14.4''t W?a? 1:11 'VII *AO V,i talle0 ttei etteNti300141r`?illti. atA AtIr} try- Vib04*. ? < m?t.o.novi, , -0, vtto, gircv blAttiliSR) '1,-C1 10 t tit Ono.' wtcvie allows 11;11144 rxrk Ita tri I 440.13.xvircm. 0 gq 1)0413tto.rad ? 41-119` '4(4 4111. "1111.4.721111:61:4'4%/41; 61104 ????? `I-143?74 rs't 4"r ttV as itottaieura (4 _ .5112 412004*-dii tt)" %VtIttnto r -- v.! ltoOlx1?1.1:000V P119. . tMc")q vro t,i)1,4,040.24 via Vt 415-3-00i7arto t'3110' sogri gso aol *0 a trt 14n. Aad.o al) pap* 4-0 'u wt., Vcace(Ice , ? - urc.1 *114:4 Alfra-6 1,4* 1.4:00a[01,1,174, 11,1,405A PM' CI , 1,1.-k-, ;.,-; ; : 4.1,:. t .,,,i?,-, pi-. 4i t-na OW 44 '' 11'6 ill 21 47' it ortA 4 39r1 dttitoqA. evux1; A, rf.-:,,'..; -72 :ilro . ta ,0).1:4 grp',D1,14 MA rt %111100 etko, - 3 ., v: et: -, 11 ei. ,,, kV t OW* 11:(4.1 0. 4:1 NI 91 VIFIA ,--.: - TA.gi-? 7 A Ix oar) io, ,, 0 gc 9.41 foVIC 01 1 itti qtru e t.ott p j 1 6 suo s mot; ...:4:..;,e,,,,4 --ftrtttuAtvca-72i, onouitt- /,'ort03,4014 ottp, ;0 0 ? - ' ? a,4 vuv a ott-otkcitrtaAt di oporlitat: 6 .7* 4.-7 r!51 21 re:4! roT41 Ari '-zwilmitqeeo4 'Gaon us ? ,ot? .:71) -4 JoPiain to2: QV, 4,4 ?-1, a eel* teas SOC!_ ma? it $4441WVA3 010 4' itil* Ott taii 4:4V, 111: VilIVA40,4 r 03044 uo t 01,1- p t 11 qprO 1g 40 '01:4 Ogg t v 4:.0J '0 00 013% 0% 410 04.,twaS atilt Worc00-4. ; covaftio ter 1134 :Li 04# si, r- p 4;", 0 14 OM; ,4s 4-10?Mt. As. 5k-f ;PO tin Pirs4 ; V4.4, V4.1141 0041Z afTA 0 Ofit) --211V0q 4 g:C-1,11^ ? , ? HY- ' ...i: taci6: S-ZOOOL0001-00011-0000X? dC1I-V10 SO/6O/ ? I-0Z eSeeiei JOd p8AOrddV pue pewssepea ? _LP 1.94 SAUSIMENIENII ?11"fr.:::..,11 ;. , 17. ' ? ' 4P' ^ 'frl"fRi I r 3;:' 17.7 " ota..f.A 't 114C: ??-? ? - ? " St:!ir A 'irrf4 ? c?70?:,4 -"????72- ? ? ?s, f{,vis4 co MAN& .?411EIMMIlliiiiin Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Imo cal s 75, -017 Plietmo fttp04104 your Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ?VOW COOraisitor Of Miklareiv-maill Mice etrategie Serdeoe SUbjsett ?rand* at igeStripinay RWOiliee Soluipment Settiois to LS* Cemst Guard .14141-44: -Th;yrs ils-fC)rwspirded birewith * osily diLtioir letter, reference (a), directing the transfer of the aotivitie Itisergency Rescue Zquipment Section from the Office of the docrdismatir of Reeearoh and Development to the, L$* Comet Ciuesid., 2. I 'fish to express wr ;wrsonal appreciation as wail *w that fte the Chief of Naval Operations for the valuable assiotance which the Orrin of Strategic Services rendered in establishing the liwergemoy tome Ecolipment Section, in providing civilian personnel or its opsvutlo% and in carrying on the :work (4 the section during the perivi ttto operation tusder the Coordinator of Use/trail awl Development* 3. X. wish to wommend particularly the work of Captain garol4 J. Cocalcliop Jr., A.U.S., who has boon olosel,y associated with tam Coordinator tits work. Nis enthusiasm, wand judgment, initiative aNd 1_03Pa1ty wait invaluable in organizing the section, in carrying on ita routine, work, and in bringing about the adoption of mew valuable ideastecounactieu with air.cea rescue equivocate Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ?*?????^44 r ? igr1,14?-? minggir1/33.10:? 7c41...aziSFM crWV-: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Ofki- -hog - pitv cooper" ation is*tn tbs 'sat As oat ,of t. toft4t1 of-01- tea poscucft,s2,t osiad griofflt 11**11,41 in sue* astiitrit404, TS ;oil* 011iS in referonoo (b) reqw0.1.4 the Oar*. semi in tho Coast 4iskrd to UR* ore. bct tbo Coast Guard is bit law cbargoi sit* Sith rescue at Slat Tau aro %borstal., riltrik. to tbs Cessondast of Us Coon% Quant# the technical litcraturo and Wes of tbo 11066110tct 'ti ditziAlore Ogg Jowl Llaisr tomit eggraefitualt AAP oidiftati4 tiawittlegt tustuudb Lidaltivo causotton thlo 441e to sasmar tnAttlettet ow* $eattlos* sgareoUttost Wen* 2* Its Cilia of laval OpsraiRtono *WI* of tba vinlvabis sortie* *Mob Us* COordinatOi ,bas ziondOrsit in stimilatis* j?ntirost tobt* iicroitalokts in nagr of Lira** matzo eq., , this intpresOlon of approciation to Rob of tbs iwt bay. boon workini as bavs, boon portioularly boIpt* tot fax work* c 1144# 11100111,v ? 'ice C100 of Ptzt, " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 1M1-1111EnakallellEMEN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 gpts Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Al,:tgagrItti,. 7$ "FIVAlre AA i : .."..Al .it ii7i . _.1 Pt: 1",-! 1 :1..k-Irlisc? _ . ' -.... e ,.-': ?,. ? . ? c ?,-. 7,i-tr,-?...-.---4,3....,,,---0,1. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 1071fWv-46- -Wfv.FIPWW1m7iilvt_11,K7P-"Trz."tiv'wirtni7FIRr,ss-ctia,Tm-i-K4e,-,fau--- -4-2 .. ,t , Nfter," tint *MO Up a 'Mt fort We* taZt ii OLF-4-g. ttas a 0 4? $40pti 6 awl Mate trOtortir %tit COW Otos Ono rile on** villa Ow their col vas** r id to as to* t tor 046* ilo 1 . mak two 01 %wig &son WO - Vb. tor *a. =Gs 101-0104ri vtatak bat i 004 tor oparialotia, ? t vivo, trg0 Ole 1011.0160 Somme 1 *Iota 4 by 10o 0441, mot hay Mos 111/t toss ocraiwill toga rips. Woo tor 05S use. 6* $D *b& 0b011 141 pry! 0W bitas boclit 444 10440,10a.000 toorgioxy bvtgatio p4040% 4 WilOW. * !WW1 S sal to %1-guar011,04 to els. 7. irpooselo isoilwaing the oul eta*. prfivioue to IWO -44 014 a troietitaisf 0163.6 vIllfigto V* on harde 441,446 NoMS triktiO tem Taxon Lib sateoptWA6 0044 Is IRO 1U081 Giogra ca. Masi' 6010iisss tgro otogregittok ipzimistaret vi to oveslAtorse I s tux turOlith t a or Wit at:13 Ulm lahta mot awrg. itpar4 - :1,;114t:;?? 4(.p, ? - (4 .7. !'? r'{t" 17- "; ? 1: 1. tot:, ? -114 I ? ' ;4 2, A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5, F ???? ' ? z , ' 047. "=.4, -, ? ? -?;- f likaMpfp, VMAltaril Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Jrwall?sr.q.,Y-07{m,cm,--7.17 t!......sneworxtpir-51.1 r-arr,tr.-11,p1 7Tretriim rpiwer -541r, rjr) 11,4 .47 7.4,7,..4 414.4.4-:44 :554 i '74..FPr(44Y., " ? ? .71, s - 4.. t 111 ? , n ?7' :S 2T-1, a '...f7" ?2-7ytise;t01/4,Z, ;,-"P-e? ? - - ? s' tfk ' 'r -465 ? !: L. ; yfr?- 4y: 2.- -4 ? ? , ? ? L for 1246 Oido Vem 411? 10,1 40,140 tart actaiorue44 * : ? ;'.." ? r - f..`ie ? .r .27.-,;;;x 4-1 ; ' ? k ' ? ' r!!* ".? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2913/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - 4 4 , ? ? Sii-221" s4i ,-- 1 c- " . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 "c?- Gonorol Donovan Harold .41,? Cool/AC EUBJLO Plan' for. forangtion orZittor Equimmei0 Aottvitios 'of OM 1, On .1010bruary the Joint Deput liter notifted t4e-Director of Strat404 aervla. they had reconsidired the work of tha.tmtrgon OF 4uipment Committeorand had agreed that te prtsett arrangement should be termi4ated oinot the waft, of Committee to felt to be too complex fcm conalat effective reoults," On 19 Februeiry I subm1tte4,the randum to Genera.' Donovan recommen414K thOt wit Secretary of the Navy approved the Joint Memorandum 6b9/1, OBS should withdraw 11rpersAwtt and equipment as rapidly as possible conclom orderly handling of transfer arrangement*,,4 jthe Secretary of the Navy sl,gned tho memor4Adu referred to and sent it to the Ociatst OUsT4 r pigment. On 22 February I was informed by C. that the Coast Guard would like to salvo 4Ter Out and personnel as well as the apace U44106 ,Colonel Dortpt..in oonnection with the ,0040 Chard- of:,:,EmergenoyeAcut:Equipment aotIvItIma unA, A tiAl1'oo11?::: 1011 '26: IfOrtut.ry Oaptatn 0,:toon: 1Lp0911.41, - 0--BraTio*:Prdor to the noilOoro, of ecie Zqui-pnient Ot,#0 par ro.ph-k,:;: 4110 r4t_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 2. who Prefer to corik activities Ire rel,e4ee Y, Oepsred to talte,_ they receive tbt s they are classified at 3, IrecommenCtriat of furnishings, telephone* Coast Guard for the use o ie Section, providing that the switchboard are ones whiq placing for their own useo make an approprlate tranate items. - , t 410?,1(1Frs of tele 053 atarr Ccvst Guard In their new activitie_ L on as the Cols,: ataotrd tr prepared .1 ", Asvarance that they recflve LiLt: r:t)ru:r -f,t1pr :1.tt one tn fr, I ?.? ?? ? ftottwof LLf)46%a,o ?Pa 110,4 of furnishings, telephones and switchboard reuuested ay the Coast Guard for the use of the Emergency Rescue Equipment Section, providing that these furnishingep telephones &ma switchboard are ones which OSS will have no difficulty In re- placing for their own use. In return the Coast Guard ahmad make an appropriate transfer of funds in oayment tr thes& items. 4. I recommend that an inventory of equipment,. exhibits, books, and miscellaneous materials which are on hand in the Emergency Rescue Equipment Section and which OSS has purchased be prepared for transfer to the Coast Guard on a reimbursable basis. 5. I recommend that a small group of key personnel at present employed by OBS remain in the Emergency Resume Equipment Section to assist the Coast Guard for a eon *t exceeding two weeks starting March lst, this group to be2. made up of one person from the Library, one from the Seoretarlats one Secretary-Stenographer, and the Curator of Equipment 6, I recommend that the Officeof thearteraitei General be notified of the termination oflthe OSS aetIvIt in connection with the Emergency Rosalie- Eituipment eiop that we be released from our promise to return the sO the Quartermaster General in the condition in which. eto it. This letter should also refer to ourlgratitu, cooperation we have received from polonolA9oriat an inauding heat light, maintenance and seaurityt ? ? - --? ? z . f 01 'Jr ,:::411."20b: .1!4110611,...4,7?4 dm,' ::...;..,. ? -41. ? ....... *ft, _ . 0.- - . ? ? .? ? 01117 ?? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ???? - ' - ? - : ? ? - Genera nOlfkh _ ? - 70 recommend that datkUlpment stock or exhiat Ya purchased by OSS And which are nted* poses by Ogg be retained far Og$ um* the Coast Guard, 8. I recommend that the 00d cantina-It ? funds tar the operating enemies of the reduotd Oat' o Emergency Rescue Equipment Otction untla ler March o'r ant?1 a date proceeding lb March at which time the Coitet 0% prepared to assume such exoonmes. 9. I recommend tIlat Admiral Vaesoho iaorted of the interest of OBS in the continuation cir ror acttvolne# of the Emergency Rescue Equioment Section with a vit* '16 tat improvement of Emergency Aeecue equipmentt the mote. .yro-oure- ment of urgently needed rescue clevices still In th6 develzpmaat stage ana the promotion of any other activitlea w41m4 canpw tribute after ships, planes, and other vehicles or tnNamrUttam have bean abandoned to the survivna or life-eaving of InalvidUa' followint; disasters oa lnnds sea, or in the air; nad underr 41 conditions of climate and terrain, se 8et in the randum of lb Fepruary 194,1; from the Director of QS Z to tile Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff. ;7 ?.? ; ? 11 j ?-re 7 ' ? f , ' - ? -=. ,-Arx ??? sEcriErt : ?- ;4 ? ?.,., ? t' , , - ? ? ' , 4`1' -.?11 41' ?3: 4:t-" . ? 1,?qt ' ' ? -.4 1.-qt 7' ? ' 1 ' ? :) ",\ - ? _- imp *i-:. . , ?? nisb 440446.04?.? ,ov : 014.. ,11%.":? ? otip :to , n ?:,__ 144 , ???; ".? ,e.t! - " ? -Ltfrr ,?:q.':::-.??;11 . , -11 _ _ ;1- - , , - ? ,?- ?,q-1'4V 47! - -Warvijk. t 4 ? c4. .1; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? initliW.16M1114 .-4111101 AnaglitiM;c?-1- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4 Ne9 1. UNITED STATE S COAST GUANO AMMO/ WIN 10 MIL COMMANDANT On WASH/NaTON AS, O. Of Aim to mai Ogkiplii 24 Febreary? 7444 iter?r1r,,, Tot The Dimwit., of the ?Mee et Strattgle Sodom 25th & II Streets, Vg, Ilsakime.oes O. C. Sal* limergentry IMMO Wpm& A 1. The inhibit, files and teekn1ao3. library if tho Ilsorgoetar !WSW lespalymout Seetien, lobate& in ?emporia? %Ming ?SP, tat and ? StMittth? lisaihingtont have hems transferred* at the dinettes of Qat Coordinator of Researeh and Dirrelopizamt, tie the Coast Geari far %ft Sill related duties om a UM ecaprebensin dinetin. 2. It is requested that the furniture sow used In this Suoresonv Remus Tiquipment Seotion snob as Seeks, ftltii oabinsts, Otero, teamit bed:eases' safes, etc. be transferred to the Coast Cter4 oor usio IA connection with the above msetioned duties. 3. In the event a transfer of nada will be aseessery Cop mum% of these items, it is ftrther requested that this office bo advided of the estimated value thereofe Ity direction of the ComeanderA iatt111' 77;c: ? 41" ".? 411 ga? ? i.e. - *al Mb. 410.10.11, stip ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 _MOVINEEMEMMEMEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 called Captain Coolidge Anc told rdz of General Donovan's decision. He At:4t4,d thalt; he would have a plan for 1iquid4tion retidy on 'Tuesdayi 29 February, and would communicate it to me or to th4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 AMC Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 OffiCit Of iligiAltait 1111:11ViCiti rskaraidirtioryowaipairibriMeii**40 114110109,101 Wm* TO Mineral Donovan WWI Charles U. Chesty Mite 2t SANCTI J.C.S. 650 . Coordination of the researsh valopment of for air?sea rescue. You have asked for my comments on rike.zortindua dated 16 February 1944 addressed to you from Captain N. Da Oravei Jr., United States Navy, Acting Deputy Secretary. In view of the action taken by thw Joint Chiefs or Staff, I had Captain Coolidge prepare a memoraadwz Out the subject, which is attached hereto. Since his momorandlim watt prepared, I have been advised that the Secretary ot the Navy has approved the J.C.8.659/1. I concur in Captain Coolidge's recommordoition. Pur. thermore, as Captain Coolidge is shortly leaving for overseas on a mission for SI, I suggest, it you concur in his recommend*. tion, that C.S.S. proceed to liquidate its interests prooptly. Attachment Amewt cd.A. ....a00WWww*P", W 1-411/4"' kl-v Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 c ?- ? ? - ?,? at - ?.---' IT.4417,-nr,F, - -F - ? - - -- .t.- -,,,.?-??:K4-,...,..-.4,,, J :...- --g ?.-? -,-,...,, - ? ...:'..:.?;1-. . ' : ? "..-"7*- 4,,,:4.-? ,.,z1-,...41,1:gr.,, ? - r, i - ,i.? a Y..?_14t-',.f... 44-,.; s ? ? ' i ..-?-? , ? ? . . I - 4 .,.-3.,-;ii-fpi,s 5,:: . ..:F.te IF. t ? General Donoiran Captain Coolidge Emergency Relmue Equipment This memorandum appeara to represent the culmination of a systematically developed effart the part of the Coat Guard to take over the Emer- gency Rescue Equipment activities. Early in our oi.erations they were annoyed by recommendttlons oritiaal of so-called life saving suits ELnd lite preserver light which they had previously approved and issued.. I recommend that, if the Secretary of the Navy approves this J.C.S. 669/1, OSS withdraw lite personnel, funds, and equipment as rapidly as pose 1* consistent with an orderly handling of transfer arrang merits. ? . . 011 115". de.1111 140, *,!OD Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ftp, z s !t-7,1?,4 ,94:47crit OP 011AltdiC MilSto I look on this memorandum a* * probable 44tathi * for the important job that we started on Deeamber 20, 1044 which still naado to be done In eoordinating 1and, se*, and ctrow cmargenoy rescue aquipmant, There Is also need for th* noordin**, tion of teohniquas for search, as wall as actual saarah operation* in many areas, Captain Lybrand Smith in Admiral PUrorfa offic iptt thigt &lotion off to a running start last Ain*, Col*nal Dorlot lent WS splendid space as wall an expert membar of his staff tor spacial duty, We also obtained the sarvicas of a fin. group at officers for the Spacial Duty Staff, We have had mand*rtul cooperation from all OSS services, and hay* built up a Civil Bar, staff of 17 to handle the library, information /exchange, seoristarlat and exhibit. Our difficultias started over the interpretation of the Directive J,C.S, Memo No, 58 at the tin* that Admiral Purrr took 446") the activities oval, from Captain Smith, Hicelpollor is ons or extra** cautio4, 1,41,, not pursuing any suggastions *z00% thra. calannois, a minpmum_of participation An textilowd,441'41 A coneantratad effort was nada by his and Captain 01,sorthe k:, activitias of the !Special Duty gtatfo 416 ? . 111 ? l? ?? :10016i.? IPE : .?00110 ? ? oP- ?0111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 5??????,_ ,o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 T.% Two or 0* Committee le Simithse mime were unremovable We use by the Coast Guard.-, They beoui , 2 boglining have boon akin heroic Worts kg , :the Section. They have been far from goneroUS 1140nt for the exhibit and assisting in other ways.. On August 31, 1943, without warning, a Otos* (uteri officer, Captain Olson, just back from sits duty arrived in tii* Section aa Officer-in-Cherge. Night days later he ws* 'teat fOr 3 weeks to England to represent the Section without Noting hod * chance to become familiar with our work or Its new developments. A month later he returned and since then he has been actively in charge. He has antagonized most of the moilibers or the Special Duty Staff and has done things which have resulted In their losing reept for him. have had continuously friendly relations with hiat overt though he realizes that we differ on matters of policy as to how to achieve results. He has expressed annoyance at the foot that he did not have control over the OSS funds. All of his requests, *mot for a "walled-in office", have been taken care or. Re Is not extravagant and makes little use of the OSS station wagon, and has boon courteous in dealing with the female personnel of our start Ifs has increasingly conducted the MIR business in his Coast CIC office and has kept papers there whioh ahould bawl 4 Section. With the-exception ot. tho_early *ti- tte held under CaPtain SMith, , , ie 'conitatict 0:i-soil _ 4.., -,.. -1 ' --. ? . ; ' c-,,,, - ,?'.,-- .:. ? gi-,.-.-.,:::J -C.:-1-,,---: - at. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 and sent elteMates o _ , Admiral rum" statimen, to time recommendations were mabmitt04 :the Admiral had no feeling that ha 6vor r00,11 salt the Committee or obtain their endorsemen# IS ha 4e01Aoct After a period of trial it became inicroas that few effootivo results could bo obtained 41* lotig as the Section was operated under Admiral Furor and lord ttth? effeot was transmitted informally to J?C#8? by D. rtelt Thls word was later communicated to the Admiral who omeame very annoyed and increasingly difficult, In the eCoant Guard had grown to have a strong intereet In baockinK oartatil aotivities which were oritiosl of them, und were well platletic to do so through Captain Olson, the Officer in vbarge. A plan was developed in great secrecy by *ptatm Olson and Admiral Furor to approach the J*CpS. on the sublik, of transfering the aotivities of the Section to the Coast The justification for such a move would have to reference to the survival problems of the Aredol deliert thro,* tropic/ areas with which our Seotion in addition to air-sea rescue. You will noto that th Li. documents have omitted reference to this phase of 0 tnot of interest to the Coast Guards , , . - _ -. ?'-.???? lz.e_,,? ?_ . ,_ . ,...- ,.. -_-.'"i'?'-`?4-4' .r:.,...,;17-44,? ? . _ . ? ?[..,? ?,..i...p. st..* ..2, - I/ - _ :.' -- - ' :1''''fl?I'!--%; Y ...--...,- _ ti . - i r - 'folik.,....:"-:?.,--. ? ' _ ?. ...' - -- ? *"'",--..,. ? - ? ,- ->.. N.---ili-"?.-s4 _ 1-- - - - -.--'' ?' 7 ,... - :._,?? - . _.: - --,s,v. :4-11,.....----. =, ? - .- "- z .1,-, ? -,- . - Iv -,'*1.'-' ? --.4?,,,,P:-.......?,v-? ?-',:liageii-- - , _ if, , ...1 if'43 .. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 The plaA:thAt AO WPM 4 Guard Yerelpft /m4410101 1Itt1erhope 'or the 'of the Coast Guard's performance to alto, The. machinery eotabliehed under the fort* Memorandum No. 68 could, in my ovinlenv have tanotIone4 it had been properly aamininzerod, Exporinnoe hae shown the wiedom or our origtnal tion of a Liaison Comtaittoe directly under J.C.S. with thft rr vice carried out by an imnnrtial at,,erioy 1 Ice OM but the fatee have decided otherwIne. I shall ever be grateful for the) oonfldonoe and back- ink; that I have had frog! evoryone of my alleociutem ta OBS la this endeavor und pkrticularL from you and Coloael Buxtoa. RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 1110040 Saorgesktir ammo 1404Pliwan4"ThU P1,1411111 10110 Deputy Chiefs of Staff and reisitiVett their swprOviel ? 1160 Joint Chiefs of Staff 04 *WSW 13, notated the SitIOW e?rt,;(1,,,,9t,, WA_ requeetsd the Wive of Stele to arta*: fiii"the etstabliehnent Coordinating ConaittOS RosetiOqUipment, the propelled plan to be embmitt4i4 to. time 44011 iiieStift for consideration prior to activating the CommIttee* OA AbbrUAry 1,, the Director of Strategic Services snhalttel a pr0,40004p The Deputy Chiefs of Staff conadered this pima ind (a) The Navy Department assume responsibility for: 1 (1) Coordinating the vork of Servics Ind other govercsientaX ageeicies concerned with methods, tochniqueo metpm 'iteidatres for emergenoy rescue or with :reale/woks development and pre duction of energency rescue equipuent? (0,44,..1014x180, 414. uating andoliseeminating te relating to: _.t44sealk alkttOtrt US, .7pivriate action in 'connection AliOrovIthi*f (3) Maintaining liaiion with agencies at other Uttititid Itiont:. (such As the Ilritish Ministry of Air-Sea lisscue) concsizast vith..;these matters* , 'A: 'liaison committee be tf:01,41114* in the performance of the above fianotions, occuidetiiia ta ?(1) A representlitivc\cf,,*ek Amy Ai (2) A ,raprosentativoi-of ittie,*ritinei,C0CoSsmAon* ) A Vorrliginti:10,31or tb?-:(1rfkeerot 1001,WW1100041rott not 10.71/? tip (4) A repreeentative of the Offios of Strategic Sonleose ) The Office of Strategic Services be informed of thee* ilettlektema*. and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 , _ - - , I_ ? . z ? 5 " - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - e ? Monis Chief twig Operatlats4 The Coor4botor et UseOrothemit tovelomooti Committee on amens: PPM" toirmaet- ('A) 4744s Nemorem4um r Itilortatiagir Ifit? Vii"; Copy No. 18. 30, The Joint DS111.10/ th Ur/Vat ellatthwes syproved a pleit for coordinating the matter* relative to the research and fitifelopment. owl,. gamy rescue squipmat0f, It *greed that the May "MU /IMMO tlie roomed. bility in th..4 2. lt is requested that the Coordinator or 34tositelt and Dovelo- wont undertake ttatio ;leadership in getting cooperation and eation rpm tto several govery -departments and, agencies aind gala other oppropriate *atlas as toy be Aeosssary to implement the approved plan as sitt forth in Inclaisote (A) --\ ?11 , ...R-E,...: ; ? ;4..`f?,,!? ,.:.,.;?? ? Declassified and A roved For Release 201'3'/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? ? ? 7?-1-7 .4*; f 1-51 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 MDIORANDUX ?OR TEX DrncToR Or STUMM WIRTICZS Subject: J443. 859/1 Copy No 18 of 474.3, 859/1, CoordimatIon of tho Rousarch. and Development of Xquipsent for Air?San, Rescue is furnished herewith for your Information. and fileso For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? ..-?sc. = Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 It, " ? THE JOINT CHIC'S OP MVP wAsHavotrom rrn. r1Jo , ? Jf"..;;;;; ? 4 311 711404gallkt IIIMOBANNOI POI NMI MUM OP Mame WNW MARIO. 41.41.11. 4110/1 Oggii. 21of CIA, NO/1* Om9lasiatials aresarila Ira alwasimiest eleimisemat ter Als441t. neseme is /M*ON ter my tatenatise eat filirAD lad ? I inta Paw Ma rib 44 MA to MAXI Oalinel. LOA Mett?fkamsar, ?.44 ..)"."4.' ? ? - " 3:11? - Q.-- ? * ' -414-1.? . 4. ? **- ' ..,.L.,..7., - 4411 g'. ? ). .0" ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ENEIMMINirAIM.WIESt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4 c?44 2412aRgATION OF -lagjgagggLAI Referencost a. 4.0.54 659. 15. : .0 .9, Memo' for Wo a J .0 .50 142nd titg . /to .11.212,221.0.211..?22tStake Lt J.C.5. 6590 a report by the Join referred back to tali/It Committee for waB of the notes presented by Admiral NIng ad of t1te 2. The enclosed revised report of the Joint Lo istios ammItta is submitted for consideration by the Joint Cblefs of Staff V. 11, RaY040 A. J. MonALANDt Joint Seoretariat. Lt ??;-:irs15W6, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 allea. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 THE PROBLEM 1. To submit recommendations to the Joint Chiefs Of S' regarding the coordination of research and de eilopment of 3. Operational control of air-sea rescue activities and facilities is a responsibility of theater or area commando. a. Technical data concerning research, developmen derJ.gn of air-sea rescue equipment. b. Methods, techniques and procedures, adequacy of facilities for air-tea rescUe. " m=1, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? ft4, Page 6, Nes Page 0# and "Vity pg 14 that the Joint O'hiefs of Staff Secretariat 6* SOW recipients of the communicatims quoted thoretri-.. _ 11. An agency be established in th# Oosst fralArd t the functions enumerated in paragraphs 4 atd 5 aboim. C. The agency proposed to be ostablimbed by subpGras 12 above, be headed by the Commandant of the Coast Ouardp assisted by a board consisting of: (1) Two representatives from the Army Air nrces (2) One representative from the Army Service Foroeso (3) Two representatives from the Navy. d. The draft of a proposed memorandum to the Secretary of the Navy contained in Appendix "lel page11, be approved. ? M Q:1,017 7444( -4r4r4 -0m51.7* , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 # L.49113 ARING 0 1* The subject or air.Bea rem. indlUdIONf a* Rescue of persona vhm have aband0464 sSets oVt aircraft at sea, b, Research and development of resew, oNuipm6nto c, Preparing and issuing instructions and procedure* for the use of rescue equipment* 2. Air-sea rescue operations are conducted and oontr ed by the theater and area commanders, 3. Various agencies of the government are engaged in design- ing and developing air-sea rescue equipment. In some instancfs cooperation has been good, in others it has been lacking. 4. Various agencies of the government issue instructions regarding methods, techniques and procedures for the use of air- sea rescue equipment. There is a need for a medium for exchange of this information among these governmental agencies. 5. As set forth in J,C.S. Memorandum for Information No 58 an Emergency Rescue Section was establisheein the Navy Depart merit with a liaison committee consisting of one representative from each of the following: Army Air Forces. , Army 'Service Forces. (Added 29 April : 10,3) Ditixne Commission, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 44. e , 3.2 ) Z.44 '? . ?tF-4; '? . ? ? 4., ;r3' ' ,,=-`7.? _ -'416 st-'4 4 6 ' , ? ? 111 , OitANIXV-FOR AIDE TO COMM ASSISTANT MEP OP StAtT, OPERATIONS DrViStai W0D.O.S4, OPPICE OP STRATROtt URVTOEa, Subject: Reference: 1. The ization of (a) Plan for Organization of committeo on Emergency Rescue Equipment. -` ??-?7 1.1 - J.C.S. Memorandum for Inform tion ? .- Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff have approved the organ-. a committee on emergency rescue equipment whereby: The Navy Department will assume responsiAdity for (1) Coordinating the work of Service and other .overn- mental agencies concJrned wIth methods, techniques and pro- cedures for emergency rescue or with research, develo,Aent and production of emerilency rescue equipment. (2) Assemaling, evaluating and disseminating to such agencies information relatirq, to these maters and recom- mending appropriate action in connection therewith. (3) Maintaining liaison with agencies of other United Nations (such as the Sritish Einistry of iir-Sea Rescue) concerned with these matters. (h) A liaison corunittee will be appointed to assist the Navy Department in the performance of the above functiona, consisting of (1) A representative of the Army Air Forces. (2) A representative of the Maritime Commission. (3) A representative of the Office of Eeientific ,Research and Development. . ? +4) A representative of the Office of Strate4c (- Services. ? , isrequested that the Navy Department =assume. resp j.,40doi,dancevith paragraph 1(a) above, y, . . ;.4 ? t .? ? e:Operattan 47, . Iv wit -i-- ? . 1,...11.,....t?, JE 4.% ' 3 -4 . ) 4 )4 - .,If ? .... %. :?'RVIN.q.41.D r '...'. ' a.--i' ,t,'?11 ., ' ,,i,,; 4; - . 4. - . ,.-4F-.?' cs- " _.. ..,,,,. ...,.g i ''''' .. - ;`i '.. ., -; ?4,. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 , - :., ? ' .1....--1'17 -t --1 .:' -. ..e7,-, . ? 1 -.1 ' ' ,"...- ? - 7'; --- -.k. '1' il'i ? - .... ,-1 ? .E ? -,.: 4, I; .I. ,,-4 t . ... . * '-'? ';, ,.? . - . :..,, ? .:" 'Stil-T ' -::-,..1 .-;,-... ?.,--",-.4.i7,-- - -- - - ,,. ''''',1 ari, - . . .. -E, - ., ....7 . .,"? ? ' . .. , .. ; - . : ?- ?4? ? ' ? ..,: ',..,..;i: ... -.v,--v.,i-r. ,..r - i ,. :-..,A?;,_- - ? t 3,7 ;7.7. - ? - - , .? -,,,,,..,_,,..37..,-. ? ,._:?,7,& ..?---,v,-,7,--.4...... fa.. '!'....1,.-s=.'.3-041-. .. ? : , .- . ', t, Fy .;, :, . -.-..4-: 74 -_-4.,-,,,.: z,,.,:.,-- -t. -,. .-.1-Z,le-7, ,?-?r-'1'7.. 'I.42 ? .. _ . -, ? ? '-''.i,z.534? ,jr, .., '344"a7;:`?,?...57:t?31V, 7411;74-7-k-vto r MEMORANDUM FOR AIDE TC COMINCH, AS:Si:SP/VT egIaF OF STAFF, OPERATIOrS DIVU.JICN, OFFICE OF STRAW? C SRI.T S. rlan for Organizatton of Committwl on %mergency Rescue Equipment. j.C.S. Lemorandum for Information No. 1. The Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff have approved the ord.a4,- ization of a committee on emergency rescue equipment whereby: g? (a) The Navy Department will aslume responsiuility (1) Coordinating the work ot Service and other flov4rn- mental agencies concerned vilth mathode techniques andlom cedures for emergency rescue or with research, devolo;.00:a and production of emergency re'solgt ectiM,nt. ' (2) Assembling, ovaivatlag artd, disseminating to *a ? ',7.....;?/k7.? ?!;1., .1 , ? ,. - ? . 1 ? ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Tri Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 1 100,6i1166rgim 7 VON iift4 prodtiatimi a emersdn.0 (2) Assembling, evaituttiOt agencies information polatIn mending appropriate aation In (3) Maintaiang lialsoft Nations (such as the Firitigh conerned with these mfttters. (b) A liaison committee will be appi Navy Department in the performance or the consisting of (1) A representetive of (2) A representative of (3) A representative cf Research and Development. (4) A representative of Services. 2. It is requested that the Nary Department assume reapor101.0110- ity in accorde.nce wiLh parat:raph 1(a) above. 3. It is further requested that tne aperattonsttit War Department General. Staff and the Office of Ztrategic Services each appoint a represontative to this Cammittee tn acceIgdance wtt4 paragraph 1(b). 4. The Maritime Commission and the clfice of Sciortific m search and Development have also bosn roqued to appoint mfW to this Committee in accordance wItc. paragraph 1(b) above. ted to Aavtat trm above) futietioIos-4? Army Are ir Forets. Maritime Commis!lton. the ort c09 of Er: ce of Atrate,lo ? Appendix Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - - Rear Admiral Emory S. Land, Chairman, u.a. Maritime Commlsolon, Boom 4842 Department of Commerce Bldg. Washington, D. C. '17 A 1 The Joint Deputy Chief? of Stuff have approved the organization at a committee on emergency mum* equipment whereby: The Navy Department will assume responsibilit for: (1) Coordinating the work of Service and othor governmental agenoies coneerned with methcda, techniques and procedures for emergency rescue or ulth researohv development and production of emergency rescue equivalent@ (2) Aesembling, evaluating and dies-eminating ta such agencies information relating to these matters And recommending appropriate action in conneotton therewi th (13) Wintaining liaison with agencies of Other United Nations (such as the British Minit r-0404 Resew)) concerned with these matter0# (b) A liaison committee will be appoint Navy Department in the performance of the albt: COnsistintc of Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 -t 1 1 1 (3) )4PAnta1nif1 nit140dt '4 ?4$ a' Uated Vatione (ouch *$ the, MAIO M1ASStry Wow) concerned vith them, matterae (b) A ilaloon committee win 10) srapellate4 %a 064 t laisk Navy Departsent in the perfOrmanote of tat obevw tedsottegie consisting of (1) A rapresentatwo of the AM Weivdeor (2) A repmenntative of the Witimt Imagadsicft. (3) A rapreeentative of tile ofTio0 *tt zototitt4lo Reeearch and Development, (4) A representative of thn Office of Strat4gla Uerviceo, It Is requeeted that the Witime lommiastoft 600trtt 3 repreeentative to the liaison committee in accordanae wt to. above and notify the Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff% of trl,p name of the repreisentative ea designated. .4 Itncerely rum, /19/ JOFN R. Brig. 3-onera1, Socretar-f V-VIIFP"1""Prrwr--vrv"'"-V'"'?'"^?^ ? - ; ? Et!4; :4 ?u ti 4 4 4 t AJW f , --A ? -11-1.4:4.T444Te'-1 ? t ? ? ...T., ? 4 01, ; ? 1 o., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 f?IT-1 Dr. Vannevar Bush, Director, Office of Scientific Research and Development, 1530 P Street, Washington, D. C. The Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff have approved ttitt 4,,rgan- iz4tion of a committee on emergency rescue equpment whereby, (a) The Navy Department will assUme respo.esibllity ror: (1) Coordinating the work of Service and other mental agencies agencies concerned with methods, techniques aad procedures for emergency rescue or with research, davoliip;,. ment and production of emergency rescue equlpment. (2) Agsemblihg , evaluating and diusaminat4nz to tomtit. agencies information relating to the sa matter& wad,re on mending appropriate action in connection te1th (74-Maintaini4g:liaison with agenoles of ot. Nattona.(euch-as the Britisb Minietry otAirv.Z6: concerned with these matters. a 00070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 tr-Nt VtiO Ott Mitoi Mift1 **2 f-qat 40,06pi #.- valv.zttpitia ortitS di$si ef1401:: to, saellk Oho tiftr- 141110iitaitei r tait 0:- theme metiding iippzt6i1-tiittt6 act:Lail in twitulivatl.zin likwrewlfirt (3) Maintaining liaison, with a gorw 104 c1 oMrloite-d1 Nstions (such as the Briti0-1 of Al ton arg,ac:1,14z1 dorieerned with theme matters" (b) A likison convnittee Will, he appoic led to- aatat. t.:b4 - Navy Department in the performance of tile abtrvvft funotirnuto. consisting of 1.t;isne Comm' ss (4) A representative of the vices. It is requestee, that the Office of Scientific i?.stlarch ar.d Development appoint a representatiw to tLe lintsorl ;=mitt-,0 Ln accordance with (b) above and notify the Semitaryr Jolf.),t Chi fI of Staff, of the name of thQ ropresflntative so designitteld. 1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 -- 4 -1,- < DRAFT OF A PROPOSED MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM FOR - The Secretary or Navy. Subject: Coordination of the Research and Development or Equipment for Air-Sea Rescue. _ 1. The Joint Chiefs of Staff requesc the Secretary e'f Navy to establish an agency in the Coast Guard to: a. Conduct joint studies and assemble informstlen on (1) Technical data concerning reaoarch, development and design of air-sea rescue equipment. (2) Methc.is, techniques, and procedures including the adequacy facilities for air-sea rescue. b. Disseminatz the foregoing information to the appropriate agenciwt of the War and Navy Departments and to other interested department*, recommending appropriate action mnoction,therewith, Won V till agenciea or rAtter Unit Natt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ra4PR 4 S-tigV2--,474-14 0,0 Maintain liaison with egenelos of *War Unit.1 (such as the British Deputy Dlroctorato if Al* Stf* go concerned with these matterm. 2. It is recommended that this agency be headed by th Commandant of the Coast Guard and asststed by a board/ c-Ons-tvtlice "12 a. Two representatives from the Army Air Polices b. One reprosentative from the Army Service Force. c. Two representatives from the Navy. 3. It Is requested that if the Secretary of the Navy approves this proposal, the Secretariat, Joint Chtefs of tatf1. be nott- fied so that appropriate steps may be taken to designate officers to serve on the board des-zrtbed in paragraph 2above. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ?-? '"'am-414k - tt'.5 At the request of the Joint LogilitiOs Cammittcep 411 holders of J*0.S. 659/1 are requested to sullgtitute tho attached page 7 for the original page 7i and to de4tro1 superseded page by burning* gst Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 00070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 A oopy of the abashed comrunlestion frat the Joint Chiefs has been 4hown to Capt. Ilarold CottIldpi and has been diocussed with\him. It to his undekrOanding that this abolition of prose t worangemests is tint step toward a complete Wrest ot amitrgeney reeell* work with 088 omitted from the picture. Him prettent information indicates that subsequent to attolitionl or the coAmittee, an alternative plan will be considsmed and eventually will be put into effeot in such a way that the Navy alone will be handling the matter., Although Capt. Coolidge Is of (vow** dosirou* that the work be continued and that OS continue to play its part, he has the immediate problam of what to do about the personnel, space and materiel faciIittes which are devoted to this work. Accordingly, he la most anxious to secure any clarification which could be had from the Joint Chiefs as to any alternative plans which are to be considered and whether those call for any participation by 058. You may thererere wish to ask Mr. Cheaton to seek claritioation tram Colo Irldley, No formal reply to the communication would seem to be necessary. . ,1111 ? r `. ? ? '1.- oalt' 11. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC SEOVICES4 Coordimtion GI the roseardh and develbpment of equEpmout for air-sea rimitue, 1. In April, 1943 the Joint Deput7 Miffs of Staff approved the organization of a commItte$. on aumr-g-4 ency rescue equipment to function under the Min Depart.* ment. A liaison committee was appointed to assin the Navy Department in the performance of this work, wIaldh Included a representative of the Office of StPategic Services. 2. The Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff have nav re considered the work of the committee and have agreed that the present arrangements shall be terminated, sine the organization of this committee is felt to be too complex for consistently effective results. ? . ir 411,. -.yob -441011410. sow ..qr ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - 4'114' ? ' -0;0 ;14' - citf, I-F, .44 ? ? ...- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 t J pt- { 6 1 ti(446,04 ,I.....4iq 1, ',' -,,;;',..,,:i- ? ? ,0 , , 7'..'?",? . ,' I' i f? - ..., , ? :i '1 Y .. ? ' tOL 1 : , .00411**10QW5144' 1 , rrAlr? , 1 et gloop, t.i'ex ),..13144 - , .. I. 47' '.i.4 417 ..cotatoost; 71,0 '' ittt4 , tiate, btro t. 44, itimulageon ri fr oehrOied it littb hit stmfr Coolido do' 41 not ttap$40 Oat 40oltoton will be roaohed for 1;11olvor*1 weeks anti ocooraftglj trol ,-.", iktetoiohod reply to of an Wort% wituros C c.4 00 Bane. i????? ..? ??? ? ? . J.,. trrAl 1' l. :--: t1J-71it 4414i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4'114' ? ' -0;0 ;14' - citf, I-F, .44 ? ? ...- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 t J pt- { 6 1 ti(446,04 ,I.....4iq 1, ',' -,,;;',..,,:i- ? ? ,0 , , 7'..'?",? . ,' I' i f? - ..., , ? :i '1 Y .. ? ' tOL 1 : , .00411**10QW5144' 1 , rrAlr? , 1 et gloop, t.i'ex ),..13144 - , .. I. 47' '.i.4 417 ..cotatoost; 71,0 '' ittt4 , tiate, btro t. 44, itimulageon ri fr oehrOied it littb hit stmfr Coolido do' 41 not ttap$40 Oat 40oltoton will be roaohed for 1;11olvor*1 weeks anti ocooraftglj trol ,-.", iktetoiohod reply to of an Wort% wituros C c.4 00 Bane. i????? ..? ??? ? ? . J.,. trrAl 1' l. :--: t1J-71it 4414i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 111111111112 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - j ? . t Aff., , .44.3242wr.0442,7404 4 ? ?r?P' (ova) teta to\ ? r Aly 1/7" . ?1007 to% (4"1311 Prettrilltritiwgrublr* ' faciAt. ??-?,? -?? - ........,-",..W..75Wilit,01.01,41e0..e13.Anpkzi,altsi.l.tirp,111Via}lk-4,4irAlt..416.,,,u,,,Csi. moo. r l? ? < ? , ?r a r ? ',4??-? ?. ? .Ltit 1 , *.%3. ?-; 4 '.:.?(,:7?4?: 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 liVION115111111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - Dirsator4 Strateglo Benda EbilorgenoyReseue tquipment Dir. OBS to Joint ahlofs of ataff, Ptg.. Joint Chiefs of ataff :15emo. for reformtieri April 16, 1943 WHO letter Op..10A-41D, fieria1 36010, dated Aprii 20, 1943 to Coord. Res. & Seonav letter Op130.,Jo4 itserlai ho. 30092,30 (410P29)dated Oct. 11, 1t,41 to all _,,intttus Offices, Navy Dopartment SONRD letter, dated May 6, 1,4Q to Oir, Dir. OSS to Coord. Rea. & Vey. dated Way 11P 1, During the seven months from June t to January 1# Vi44, thy 0:fice of Strategic Services has furnished an 'Inferma':ian Uohs..11,3,m' a "Research" (Technical Literature) Section, and "Rxhibie Sodttoil with a Civil Service staff of seventeen peep t.,, fka.1 nemmaaAfy funds for the smintenance of these activItiesi in order to assist the Coordinator of Research and iMvpilopment ta arryLng f).1t par r the proposed plan in reference ka) as developed In reforaDo* (h) cavi referred to in paragraph 1 of reference (0). 2. I wish at this time, on behalf of the Namy Oeparts ntr to expmlo my appreciation for this help and truat that it will be couttniaed the coming year with appropriate adjuntmeota to welt 0-ma- tions. ?? . ? .?," . ahk;46 -.04440""' 40." 441.. AO, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 /- Mittakkieeek;0114r-,.;,-- 11101LIEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 TirTworrowil R?rmigniggi eV-Lt.-T.4 , -4-e t ?v ? . ,?01*. ? ), 1. ? ? ? r 24. ? M40000040 , ? ;:i?" , 81- .gro, t- #f _ C,er ? . ? -; ,11' ? ?4. u ; 'At ?r.;1-zP , ?? ? ???' to. or. 1 t-?;1 . ------ -qirx IP ?;11 Cr? , - ? - rt,,,, ,,' ;" ?? ,, , .10 ,_ ? , ti! 4 -' i a' ? , t.1 (?tf ; t - i -to. - .?-, .. . ? _??? i ? ,- - ( r4 ? - ???"...e 0.'1 ., .,- -.11' . . .. ? t? ki?,' ? ? . .7. ? T431.' , ? 7;k - ? -1? ? r ? =4 41,7- - - `41.ktt 1Fa at, 6 J?4- ,?,?4 ' ?. t ? 41showiletokiVt 9.;?4 Th ? ?tuatted iE*?1 ? forwarded for? rav . rfiik fortriairlo.ri and !Irvin/rt., Alt a reply for ?thg Attl ,.1 Dirm: to? sl g tut tleorted nettessaryr ; .34 ,? S. ,I1641.40. return the letter t,.). the officio or Acting Directry,2, to.,eat p.m have Janis! eel wit,th t Office of the Secretarivt :-..,, .? --t--,',4?T, -..:----- - 1 # ? - ? ,- ,.. - ,...,1 :-.7?,?-?-, ,-1r=i?-? I: - ? - ,1 .?,..; - ' - P ' , , l' `? ...;{' i'.,;',. ? ? ,.--....'v , , p 3 ,,,, r ? -,- ..., e..,` , lc .. ? ?.? t". , -7,, .. . ...; 6,4 -, ?J b l't 7 , e e , ., L.1 . ,- A..: 41 "?) i.?*.?,,' ? ? Vt et : ! _; k - )4- 79 S t. f: ' ?? ,,,.:4!' .2'W":1'4:'...1. ? - ' -- -T.i. , . f., 1 h./re:ft 11 ? , s . ". " - , vrt,,,rtg? ? ? t--?- , ? _ t? n ? r - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ii3f dear Mr. 1111100A1 This will aeknowindge your momoran4um of Ilay 22s ropogla$4 trW services of Robert W. liwton, on a temporary Nmisf far 6104141 Intr with the Coordinator or Ronearoh on4 DovalopmeM4 truitad 5110144 with respect to oortaiu settritios involvl th* Liol000 04Mmittt likergency ammo tquipmiluti I regret that 1* is impeatible for mio to otimply with, ttit# raq000 tt the prevent tin, Saveral major changed tn the adminiatrcttatt Ot the Department of tha Itterior ere underway ene4 in thin nommattoav X have nuked Mre Horton to aeoarft appointment an Dirootior of InTorft tion of this Deportment* Were it not for the importanoowLiot X pito* upon % to_ignt. at at this time, I would bo glad to make M. Rertou n7110,0)14 to the Coordinator of Reasarch and Dovolopmmits Unitad Stntaa Nhary# ikaG Ndward Uuxton, Aoting Director, Office of Strategic S4rvicsa, T 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? - - ". ? ? -? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 10 The attached is submittod hy Ir. ItEttigs your signature* 2. The matter has been hold ap ia nUr rIertt -= t. seVeral days, during whivh. -qtato X polAt#4. ottt to Mr. Coolidge thn tact that we had j;,ot tloramd e4Aoll'_;:---- a request by the Secretary of the IntOR-LeOr e* & '-' - ''''-' :? transfer of one of our men and that this 11$411 dot be the best time for us to malfe a olmiTuar Vtqf,w? of the Secretary. It wa$ the Joint Chiefs of Staff have charged the nAlty with responsibility f,-)r the Pmergency ftg4mme '0 ,,-:.-:'?=-J..- ment Committee (and t..ho Navy in tizrn has- tl operate certain activitdoft ot:' tho Comm1tU4 tnr- it), it would be quitET in ordor rz:,3, the gavy ta 4110, . _ . . , ? the request for transrer. 3, After giving consider&ti,r) to th!ni.p_fttovx am taking counsel wl_th the 4avy,Yr. Co-oliage if..!' wtt ing to take the chance that the SocrPterv of the Interior will not view the attnchcd r,-INT,to$t with much sympat'iy. 4. Re takes the position that sim.7.1 Ir. nor a.rt ia anxious to come to this organizatkon and hos tall-led ,- with the Secretary7 our chances of , ,--:, transfer are rather good. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 '"..."'I 4 ..2.,, ? ''''. ...1:4",'..!,-,:: 4$4,4?,'. '?,?2:-....t -r.-4?,- ?, ?? 4'.... ' ?--..r.,...'.;?17.J,.,f/. ???!,? .;?.? .ii:g.14:,,r?tt . ..?/ ,,,. ,.t'z ,t. -..1?. '','?? %,4:',?,', 2,..4,:,A;;;?..1??`-'4?4:tant, ) "? "1-, = '?.-4?-? -1 ' ? ? "4 -013' .- -7..1 1,4,,\ T.., .ol, ' . ,.:%,, .,,,, ,, v. ,t, , . .., , , ,t 01,i,k4tot4t5.--4,..49 4.,,,,rt,71.4,.. t..4,....itt ,? 1 ..11...t. 'r.'(.0.V.b.:!. t,,?1 ,.1?1,,,,,. , r.i ? ?,-? ', -7: 3 ,,, .1,,,T, , . ,;,.. ? ''''?'..J'I' ..' *..i'ft,, 4' ,?',., ft,. '444%. , ?441b7. ,V441 -.-4 . -44. ??? . -r , 1 r t , , '37, ,q, ,,-,.'71,"::"?t:'7:,.1:-.,..1, tr;., .:" =' i , a? r, .L.,?) C .1,,..:;,,,,,i ?ro; -- ?),:';.< -. , --;.4.,---..' ' v , ' Limo," :5.-,......liri- - ... r14 T Ail ,e: - ...I ... .. ? . ..i...;..-'4?4f '.7.4 ,..., , ?-,? .,-,,,,,,',..E- ,.. t , . .4g1.'1.4'i;-; ''''"i "....,??44Tr,,,"1".. ,r,.-!1?,?.??:4()),,i? 11Ve.:4 .?' 7.? ? ??-?? ? ve 446.2-',.-Ire'1,;.:.".",-..C-)..??.77,- VT .}14 ,1 ,, '.% 17-:, ? c -r?L? ', 1. 4, ? ???4????? .4"P.!,,. tie. .,1?4 g-.4.", ,_ ??'.14 -' ti. I. . ? , , o 44 o CC 1 o C C o co .- 0_ 0 CC 12 . w 4 ?,, co (3) o .? o c N a) u) co Lo co 0_ 0 giaMiatiT TAW ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 , ? Iv* ? " - ", ? ?'"?? .k'rc _ ? 3P et 21sni pen Seetion Ajit t- 044 mot* Ls 1 at the Casentites order that it re Ibilittee rupee or Uri 50, Iteselle ? 2hit ovixfieretel# Ito seta% VA the Otis* le assistance to fats OM.* 113Ze ? a ti71r, It Ls sonteaptittmd that tt granted. sari that Os Bytom likeraess dolma tkuit s? '14?11 S$' ?;'!' iMotott ; , - '144-1,r/ ." ," ? ' . _ ?.11, ? -r "L.:"???????, '?t", r ?? ? - ? - ? ^f le 1 , ..i... -' 04,41. ? .' ,:;:?,-:,. - ? ..:f ....t. " _ - - 1 -:, ? ' r ... . . , . ' 4" ''''' '...' " :r"' {177, t ? Z.c4'... ? ''' ' . ? '' ' ;11?,....t.' .....''t :.' ? 't. . 4;141,,::? ,i:."':::: :,?'1?,1`t;:7??:-...41'. ?2' -1" ? . ' aoritsr ? - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 IV& Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Di:further reference to our coovvreation _at 4040 4 desirnbility Of securing 0* services of Wip tiottert14 Reetimm t tbScaeorettres Offioe in the interior Departmeat. it le deortired Mori?-spseifioally the reasons, tor taking firlasteps tO tat440* him Ast:4eu know, the actual personnel impleammting thn directilot et :Oasts of "Staff is *mall and it is imperative that it ritmeAs the directive* u4der which this section functions. mac* it, 1.64#15 personnel OA duty be able and oueretic poop,* espabte *rout Comprehensive pork. Mr. Horton, formerly a speoi*1 actistxat. _Commission and, further a responsibl* executive of MoN.1, and preaftatly wag*P4 a special **six/Anent for Seoretary Ickes. wouIti be particuletlyuaiartrit, art VA* OP4misl duty' staff of this Committee in the. field of istarmatios* more primarily implementing the directive in the Merchant Maria* with eadthlemp the Maritime Commission and ',kr Shipping AamiaistratLan. Mr. Horton,* knowledge of the field of publicity coukaed with au, ailemrsup . understanding of the problems of merchant officers and seamen maw him perticuo- larlyvalueble in conjunotion with the *Application of the directive to t-iw ftaa of instruction' training and indoctrination in the tiall of Emergency Ream* Equipment. Further, hi* ability to work in ethow field* es liaison offtcar between the committee end certain branches of the ?Mee of Strategic $ervicsa mill be of value. It is believed that this matter can best be initiated by ei totter dIrectly, from your office to Honorable Secretary Ickes requesti4g release of Ur. eurtga for special temporiv,7 duty with the Emergency Rescue Equipmer4aacticD4 Thom La attached for your consideration, a drstt At such a letter* Inasmuch as Mr. Horton is -willing to come it WA release can to- weivoTot but is further oonsidering scouring a commiesion in the- :Warts* Corp a ilia present time, it is most necessary that action_ be lati4tOd as U*4141 to oryetallise this matter. 4d. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 TO:Ensign Edwin J. kaftan., Major Charles M. SUBJECT: Emergency Rescue Ilquipment Committee Replying to your note of 12 June, 11424 tga tJU attached file in connection with Emergency Rtteudr Etpt ozt Committee, I have the following informationt As you undoubtedly know, the devolopment,ot the Committee comes through a series of memoranda as follows: 1. Proposal of 20 December, 1942 from Director, OSS to Secretary, JCS. ^ 4.* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 151161 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 _ .P411 Mr. ti?y the Bureau ot-:thk, '11; . posOions to -4106144 Coast ee1a''that we *111hait :cunt Aims: dividut this expense at -,10.0st **love% the first )401 yolAro at which tie. itItal. 'be motes's:11 to t or the Budget and Co foss for a suppletteotel this and other new 0 tattoo* , - Aug-4 - , =749..744 se. - sgf.j6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 MitittalieftlifettION 4.4; - ---ffalitiVENEORML =41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? '',"?f"4 ..74 ?t_r/rei" ".? 4. ' ? Ai a _ t . - 4 ,rg-4 .4 ? 'As:- 443 4,;;tee 02'1 :IA, ' ? ? ' r 41;11 !kik, 4 t' ? ., ? ?? 141 , t e , - "11! ' '4' 1 p",/ ? . .....r t. . N... 4- 4 ,? 4 *-. 1'44 )''' 1 41.044". - " 4.- ' N A. ? - ' is,..3 4 ;T: ? - , 4 ? '?;?i'.;; ' ,, o? i ? ,9g - c,4.4 ::tte?? _ L.C22: , #?? 1- A - ; 4 -A , ? . ??? , Jg? 'SF 41 . :1 Olt itt - 31 ; rit'74 t4 t4' 444 .,. ? tet! tie &toihotates. ki F itotiL -14 ? ; Off ico Of tilt rothei.V A ?....r,uttsr. ::0,1**L2H4 'a-kg-0' Pill- . , . ? I. C"' 1 4, 1f14V4*11.1! 1- ? ,tlat .1 0 4: ? ' ? ? Tr/ it,. 'Oa 4 ' ? t ' ? .? ` P ; .1)-1 ' '.1"1:1;1 '%,4 ? ,4?? 41'3-x ? 4" er. C.Y.!of I 411 rg, ? r t4:!?4 ,kfiti .;c1 - ? 2; ? $: " ? TSC411-,Z. p. r ? t? , e ' 44-4 - ,e? - tei _t E - I I 1,44 ,F . t4.41fP!,*- .e..4.kvir, A4 ?al&XL. -1%4 -,11-44.444 -Akty k. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 OferICE *rnviAl,?itarc SiEfttOte WAIMIN1310144: II C. TO: Brigadior General Donova0i nut Rarold J, Coolidge StSITECTs Short Subject Films for lmergency At the last meeting of tho Liaison C re. Recommendations on biergeney ItescUs tiquipant worts officialAr adopted. One calls for the substitution of white lights for red lights on life preservers; the second for the 0,40 of a special type of glass mirror with an aiming croos in the center from which the flash can be seen at a distance of ten miles; and the third calls for the removal of the seven. teen-pound exposure suits being placed on mercbaAt ships and its replacement by a six-pound *Neoprene type exposure mit About the first of July we are organizing tests to be run off the Florida coast, probably at Oriamdal which will be a joint Any, Navy, Air Force proposition to obtain turther information about body water loss on liferafts undez field conditions and to determine by practical tests the, advantage of two or three chemical methods of desalination 4.A. am.tal with the solar still and oth0r types of 144w-eight water- stills. We should like to hew., 008 limo*. ,311, tiotat-t t4.-tfeiett, to-tivote ehor,t, subject nin'olk the and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 116111{111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 14.410;...so - ;44 ej, ? ? 1 ., ...t. r 4 of ,airror and,* similar film Oa th*- lightweight eVtiolire and we can furnish personnel who can explaill ta 104e Production Unit exactly whit we would likv tO We should also like to priipare a train:log fiLlt ank Cho conversion from salt water to fresh in rubbet Itteratta whichever method the Committee finally approves* It 41'0144 therefore, be highly desirable to have a trained elMaftl on location for two or three days when the florid& toats ara being run. If you will give your approval to those sugges- tions and notify Mr. Barton, I shall be glad to arraage th(b details with him. The films will be widely used at Marine Training Cerro and possibly released to the public through Wwry channels at the appropriate times Harold J. Coolidge figIv These films will make up part of a larger Ma ca new developments in Emergency Rescue Equipment to help expedite procurement. P F,1 ... ,'? ..,,-,..., _ _..... '... ,,'?,,. ' ,,j.,, -----, :-... -? "": ' -, 1 ? ' 1 , 1 k,:::'" ,?..., ;. .:' 1-, -.:,,,.;:'': i:-,ei 3 ,.?; , rl ''''.!,:- , " ' :': - ' " s , ? .:'''''',:,/. . :, ' ? -,:t:-..,.-{.2;621 ... i? ?f? . ' '! ?. -.`', ) :,,',, 4,(:-.....:''''''' ? ::' '. 4 ; .,,- ', - ., -.... '---. ."' :" ' .^-,;:,:, ..': 7: : f.-. 4 ...? ' ' -'-- = :, ..": C.L?;?:::--.. ' ' ', ''- "....,-'11'!;:.-..'1.-:'; r :-.. ' AV' - - ? '' 0 ' J' s: ''' 4'.'' , - '''''-' --'7: 'il.?:' ''''. -'....,' -%;:::. ' ' - ' . ? ' ' - ',. '1 TM:.. ''?*--.? ',- -.-.r.P - -:,' -1-- ,....'- ', I ,. .. 4.,,i, ,- - ?, ;.,.? , 1-c4., [0_,A qkg141.-- ? _ -,_ : . , -4-? - - ...,-''':, ?,,:"'-,,",....r?:5,7:2 ; :12.!, '''-''-'-''' :--,r, i., ;14 i:.*;., -...'- ' - -.:V.:',-fi.,--.- -- ,..,' ---t=?.:`,:.:', !i.7?,. !, . ;, =.:?. 2 . '',,,,' -- .-:., .2' i', 4.,,y,-- ".4"1...i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ?Ei; yt4.!f q3-"Iti4SW: H?33V-.4=- 1. TO: Brig. Oen. Donovan FROM: Harold J. Coolidgo SUBJECT: De -classification of JOB Meow You will find sc child a memorlicoMan regarding the de-cla tification Joint Chiefs of Staff Wisorandom So. $8 with regard to tb* Coamittot on Emergency Rescum Itquipment. YouwtU be interested in the Itiott by the Secretaries* in the opening paragraph of th, April 1943 Memorandum No. 58 whi0 Is attaateet Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? ? ? I ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05-: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ihoAlocroarft Tho classification a JX44 1141tiOrandttn tor Ill.rfTtlat.L04 Origina4y classified as uStaireft and -them on Aptil 19f. 1910-, to unssTRICTED11 is now chanaod froM IMSTNICTROlf to RUITCUSIIkfl 81 utod NAVY DEPATMENT OFFICE OF TNB CH132 OF NAVAL OPMAT/ONS WASVINGTM Tho Vico Chia or Naval OpcTrations. Tho Coordinator of Mosoarch nctDcw:lopment. Committoo on Lmorgency Roscuo PAugment; classification of natter rolatinc thoroto. (A) Memorandum to All Holdors or JCS Lome? randum for Information No. 58. 1. Enclosuro (A) is forwarded horowith for your- inroott? ation and guidanco. ? . ? ?, . is" 'Am 41,44011400- ??_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Oita to ho $06-t0 5oort1 or ttto 1oiflt Cio1Ipt :star far Vac tn.**EOXWY Itoseuib 0 This_ 7roliatiol1 vAa atbt (4!;1-.0:to or Stuii! and roe* IRA their tra# 041.40.t, ,Staton jetntfoly-ln notified the Dtroateir 40),+.09441 cot Ole coprova4 anti roquoste4 the Otto* tt 0-terat40 arriolge ger. the ortebliehrgnt el 4 Coorlitiatiris Rosetta riquipments the -;revosal 'Aela to to submittod tut j oci? oust icor eonsisloration sueleP ta eat/v*14n tho Comittiftet4t. 40:4-ciir $4, on Fobmary 15, tho lltrAtOr of atrete0,a Services- pubrtitted a kltrikAtttd Tho Deputy 074.0f0 (Ate: eemitiorod this, 0.41111 and aerk.444C,. that: The timry Dopartmont *sou= reniumait,ility org (1) Coordinating the woi of Sorvieo and other govtrxraelital egenaiou ooneernee, with vothmtios tochni-va.,s antiprot-,,,Qthilvt Ler emergency rescue or Vitt'a researollt 43,1(51?11watt And pro dttetion'o: =Molloy mime equilpmento (2) Mumbling, evaluating -and diss4minatin:; to such a r,_,,oncitlet inCormation relatinir, to these) matters and Magna:Mara tkilf.A prepriate action in connect/on thorewith? (3) IlantainIng liaison with acp4in0ios or ether United :Mimeo (su.oh its the British Iiinist27 otttir-Sea Itescuo) concervti with these matters? A liaison oeramittes be appointed to assist the Nov p in the performance ei: the above twat/ens, consistIng et (1) A representative or the Army Air roppcto, (2) A ,fopresentoitive et the 14aritina Commission, 0) Arepresentative eg the Office of soiontitio Pevolepritent, (4)) roprpocarto..tivo et tho Ottice of -._:1it414 ? P4_1 11,4 ..? 1,4' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 EfilitEM11111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4'714421 -44 ? Tho_Vice4hiet or $48vr rat1046.0 , To: . : Tho Cooralrgitor at 4060414h4 444 , Subject: . Committee on Dorm:1y gamilue :01tertt.* (0 JoCes4 Ubmorandum ter InfamMon Trr Copy Uo4 18. 1. The Joint coordinating the matters gonoy rescue equipment. bllity in this field. Doputy Chict rataft rtelve 4torovn,d relative to thL: Mg-march itad ciovait*avint, It was agreed that the Navy i.idapprixto m.,:f7t1rx;-.L. 2 iS requested that the Cotmtinator of Reaoarch and t,,c,;ttliops. ment undertake the leadership 34.11 lettirtz cooperation and /Lotion trogi several government departments and ageneion and such c)thcire as may be necessary to implement Ulu approved plan as si21, forth 1.a. ancIattu,--4 (A) e .44 fl 1,17ift?"'iz fl -0, 1 s- P , .4i. ' f ?=4 ' '`.' e. : iltOttig ,?.,4 . ? .... X , ...e..,, 2 '' .''' deActdr-44 ,., 4.04?.., .........,.. 13.......4 ... ... , - .-.,-,.. ..A... ,,,...? , k...,.. ... .....4.,-0,,, ,,... 4...r., .-,- - .,....- .....?, . , -, ...-,...,..? ----i-...! , 4 404....14101' -..- 4k ' - . ? - a ? ' 71C.-1.1. .,,,. - ' ',...-^. ? ? ' '' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 gra , 7AMI. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ,?,,,,, -;i:-.:.,.-N ,.- ? ..i..?, - - .? -..cjir,; .1, ,,: , . ?q.....,--,....,ur-v.- - w:- '". '-:'. , 21,. , ,,...-i- ,..:.,:,,, -?,..,. 4.6,. - , toe.i.ra pp.povie ,na, ghatild we bot ' In to:gho Oenoralp Pt4king thAt j? ?ore approvoo nd and that wt toftrat e /tit Thlalt In apttoof j'oult 410 of' 4`,,,LinQo nth ree0 4t Of ? ,(511401 IP of tho Sag rota r 14 , , ' It r teg ? *14 To; " Ji.? r 11.2: ..:134:;!f, ? ? R 1.7 le ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? r. ? , o ???? ; ? '1?`???'-"*M srr ? "If:, *sus:. -44trAJ:.1. ? ? LA?iLt-',;;i?-?L%?-- Ne ? 1Vil?u? ;? ? ' ?????;:?.?-. '; " ??,?__."..--"f.1".,?4 .? r "" ?.r40.24.- ? ? ? ? = ? -r- ?,?????'??? ; ? . ? ? ? ? .????.- ; ;. ' ;: 71.-c; -1 3 ;';',4) ???>:,4 .r? " ? 3';',:;,?Ii?Ff??? r? ? -.? ???-r: 4 ? "2, .t-t. ? I ' ? ; ?-? 10-1p.. ? ? ??? ..???????41?,. 4444 ? '' ,/,' ' s ?? 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J' III :I- ... ? ?3,2_, L,-rovisprommispoh, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 7.7,Thu7=271, -7,111 .60,775--mwmtglegtarywrigrFgri-9,5...s,mg - ".????"' crt ? 3 ,74 - z - .1),?17 t? t , 57' ??? ?,?? ,?1-??? - ^ 7.41 t: A-?-? e L It , 5 ? ...?! I ',".?1?:, ???" g 4r. = ? r ??-, ? A, ' ???t' F ^ .744 ? -. - ' , " ? it- ) t ? .? -- - , - Ale ; ?v ? - - - ? , ? ,...?4?14%'; ? I ? A..:AA. , ? ) WV?P; r0.1 6 4'.?? ;.) '???'' .5; 4'1 V' 'r - ? ' ? 3N11:1 4 A .); 1 ,4) '1 ? t2 - -??t- ? '4 -115 't.:? ? ? 41015,41154 . ) ? ) ? 171, ? 11 04110-21- *VI t 0.$4 trth view& vuottlet .9t.4. we crt - Itted grid whot how ,Or,4ont aloft piorvorp. 6btmained lin tititilltioin tk-F _00 nuber 4tilettOd to 013' whore .ftro Ob-1ine t-4A1:144r ; ine th zey, one, etpat ; Office .of th4- Srmretaffert - ?A.:,?A r ?,.. --- Ir r. ??? . "7... i + t 1,..?, +?A. ,t+' Ft. ji,,, 11..,c;,..i,,,r.., ...,,,,,, ' ., '''',, .4t 1 ,-:,.-1.':?.,, , :: ,- ? = - ,_, ?....?.r. ... ? .., - -.F?--........?.?,- . ., - - ,, ._ -,..,?,. 7; ,. -..,2. 41_1 .., ,,--- , :IT . ? ,,_ '? ' r" t.'?;.L ' .4.t-." 4 , 4 7,':ile.;Af''t:'td;::';''ffl:::;''"''7 'i'''i'il'll.:*1;i:j41:?Zr 7- 7:1:.... c . ' ? 4 .4 ' ; ""i" t,,, " . .. . 1.4"0., ' , ,,,,2?,,4,7 t'''. ' ' .... 475- 44, *"- 5... irIT7 ,r .711.0,-. ' r't. .. t. _ . - e?-::.kz?.? ,li---,11- ? s - t .,... , 7,,g, ..:: ,t.,. . N.,,,r :?,.?t?. . 1...---:?. ,_.Fx ..; .... , , .....-:: ,:. . ......:, ,-, , ?? ? , ? A..... ., ..t.! e :.?,-, 1141,.4::: T.: ''''''Pr' l' V5?? t .; -'-. r.; t ? 1 .' .A ,..e, ' ? A::: z - k4s: )?z?e r .Z: 1" IP 4 Ili '' '''..- 1 . ? ? ,,, ,S ? .??, ' i:,;',1.,,?.. r.--,f k.4 ''..r _ ? "g - 4 ,.. :"- 7*.4 1,': /li 4 , ,f, ?,....:,`4,,,, ,, , ?-,, ??? .7 . ,,,,;,V.A,,t ,,'. m ?,''''..-$ ?1,4 ' , ? If .14",., ;? .7., Tv. .1..,i ' , - ? - A-7? qAt. F.4 ; lir 4.7 ti.f-11;t4i 4; i-? " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 7i? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 TO: 144jOr nOttrina FROM; Edwin J. Plazioa, Jr* SUBJECT: Memorstr..........A....4..,eum Ecttleratna R s jitzt My comments on t ottachtd, mamorundUM are two in numt4r: (1) Apparently it is contan214ted tratt, all administrative detalla nith reCerenao t* operation of the Committee and its activities will be handled by the Information Exchamm4 Isn't that stretching the customary dutieS of such an Information i.iJcchane a little bit far? (2) It would &ppear to one viewing the suoject from where I stand that an OSS dudget of $78,490 for the fiscal jear 1944, in connec- tion with the operation cf the Information Exchange. Exhibit and Te:thnical Literature Research Sections, is rather large. A staff of twenty-two Civil ScrvLce emrloyee3, in addition to the pecial Juty Staff, whidh may be assigned for part- or full-time duty by other services or Government Agenctes# ia quite a sizeable group for a Committee of this nature which is just beginning to runcticrt. q.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 6_ _ 11-cr. 4r14; 1-!;?-tV,=11 Declassified and ApptteC7I'FJI'IR.ellease 2013/09/05 00001R100010.0-070002f5 "*"11 ? 1J, , .1-f: ? ' et-f 3::144,14%17'.tj .?.at 4C1' ? 6:?*.A.6 it 4, ? 7' 71'.7?4'-' 1. - ? --rb,45. ??? .4 t " ' - ? 47,- ?- i . 6. 4.1-? .., ,.. i ,--.6. ' 4k? ,t.? t - ' ' 6 ? Le, Ott .- =- - :,,,.? , ^. ' ? et". I" 1r 1-411; i!, , _.,.? - 1 -.. 3-,.? 4 , . .--- .,- 't, i... '.*1-.41/,';' ? 1---- , A ?466, i-'. ?.1 ? _ ,61.-ri...:, , , V? !...'i-_! ;,i ' i 4 ---? - ,$. A* A:-?,: 3A, :;.-..,t .s - ,; ? 1 z,* 4 RtN*101 ? 4' ? - ?3 t7.6"4 . . - . 1470;4044- .... ??,? '.q?rp" _;,-;.,.,:4......., ? 4...?. ii ? e3-1:1t:,,? 4:- '4-) f ',-, --/, C.: ;?:, ' , ' ? Zf? J4?V:-, '''''41 q 7 ' ' ' .' ' ? L?1t ?.751-* 7,;11.21 .2. ft , t - 67- ' "6 ?., -'-?"-it---,V?3 4, ':,-_ .,-,-, 6 :-.-',- ,t! .6--r, 46., i6 -6 -..4.K., 4,-.1e 4-7 ?,' _ , , .., ;?... ...t. ti-- . ,$,,,-_. ti,- ,_ f....-?:, 1-4_, - A ,, 1- .416 7, .-? , ti, ..,,;?:: .x. ? ,r, .0 . 7,16, ?.$,. .., Ztii,V4 ; WW.tot,t. - , ? ?? - '26 ? ? ^ * r ? , t?-? tr. - 11341111IPM 47-4' t 64ii 'Jr -..by the $tioriOt'ariiititi - to :Atm approval? 617 ? , ? , 1.1.4 ''`rr? ? t 44- 74 4, c ? .7,..;:Af. .,?!' ? ret6,- tt.t. ? . ??,,,s4 7.. P. t ? ",? - Ei& ,a75t ? - ? -. ....----????????? 4 ?-t ?'4 ?77 ?:f2?`-. r 4?1,4, 41.4 14''.414 ? ? 'leo.'" S. ? LE, A 4, -3 ? , 011 1,ce io 9 the, F-4.c retart , At, F r , _ ) ds, .6. ? - r . 7. ? :61-.7t:i ; 6 ' ?, ? .Vrt; ?-st!.1%;. -71 .4t= .L 4 : ? - -7. ??????.c?-?? "..??-??;-,;.?i'6??=,;? ???43:JaitxtP 04,46ipetrtzt-??=.?-.? -t ,??? 4:16,ra.. ???? ?rtti ^1 ? `''t? - ?t??? . ?'? r. t, ? , - - ? ,41t tt 4_ 7 , g -44 4 4tk, ? -4 it, 6.- t?-?6 .71 491 .4- ? , '71 ?6-4 ?'rt ? 77. s4 ' - : 61::3 6- 27 t 1 7 ?...7 ? " ? ; - T. ? "e'r? AkA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010007000275 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 -7p!, Bilgadier Gentirt1 Donovan Harold .1* Coonags Pmergenoy Rescue tquipment You will find attached the statftent regardirtg the Relation of OSS to the Coordamtor 1103,eartth and Developmont (Navy) an Bmergency Pesaue 204 ment. The proposed person-ol has been florked in consultation with Mr. Krider and the budget in consultation with Ur. Stacy. Copies of this documeAt are being sent t Lr Commpnder Vanderbilt, and Captain 3,mita lf tho Jatry Deoartment. ?rr EN:r'.:L.Sr4* - I agi 4-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 NMEN2MENIMINI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 F7777777777777 . rA ?-4? , - ?-? - $ " _ S ? ? ? ? ;- ' RELATION OF WS TO TES COOS DEVELOPMENT (NM) OS IONIA A. The OSS is officially represented am the: Lialson Committee established by tLa :CS to assisZ trio Lay Department in the field of Imergency Resat* rvalpaait.4. B. The Office of Strategic Services at the- (it ?( the Coordinator of Research and Development (lan) yin organize and operate the Information lxchange, Exhibit and Technical. Literature Rosearch Sections in order tz, aid the Navy Department in, carrying out the duties set forth in Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum No. 5& which reads as follows: "(1) Coordinating the work of the Services and other governmental agencies concerned with methods, techniques and procedures for energency rescue or with relsearch, development, and production of emergency rescue equipment; (2) Assembling, evaluating and dissem*ating o..-t ? " 424 rAf. sA - to sudh *agencies information re1ati4 to t1ie$0 matters and recommending, approp*iate ,r ? '',.-,?:.. ,-.: acti.Ozts' -'-:1.4.- c?P1;.',,-,11.4414:42''' er t . , r.,..,...,,,..?-.,, ,?..,,,F, ? ii, , ,,,- i - , ... ? - ,?- ' ' c; , , j,.4.?:; .?. - .;-.-":..:, ..4.1;;.:- -- ' `;' LOT .!;.;?' 4P. .* . , ,.., Z.t: .:,. , i-t ,, . . .1s,-, i VO.-1'.:.;41'41:!?':',':''.'''":"I'Lr . '--.:-.,-2::::!_;:' ? --,..?-- ...zIT-.. 4?4' F .., ., ? ,.;-= ' , ,.. _ _ 1,:.,..,, ....,J,,i..;..-::::i;4:;' -, ,,S't ! 1 'A ?.:??? -4 ' ' . ' i'? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 CO The Inf0,0a- -11101Arin1. 1 akot irrs intonation eenter'among theArmod, Government Agencies 04 41 sOpects of *We equipment. It will ditsemtaate finding* and of the Coordinator as agitated by tb1/2!* schedule and prepare agenda for Committee Us prepare minutes; have Charge of budget: Mane* actmewas;. procure office equipment mad supplies; procure Uhltit equipment and material; and per such the tatitea as are assigned by the Coordinator* it will serviett the Technical Aide and the Special Duty State (2) The Itchibit Section, %alder security regula will collect and display samples of equipment clamantly Szt; use or on test, including COMIADACati031 tri133SceZtatiell, navigation, .food, medicine and health. ;precautions* elothtnigp. morales and special derIces. These will be assembled rsvizt an the Services and Goverment and private Atencia's concerned with Imergency 245cue Equipment, includize, forel satzTmai. 0) A Tethnical Literature- SWATCh SWAIM lida assemble, analyse and evaluate hatnttbooXs, roorts from likikraglAttlareili#:!;oriagn laut 400* ie puttlioationst etzse 4:Ords of eurisiirore ar reports or perlinest Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ." ? -C,%4 ir's.1.?01.15,447*. ?1TZT ? The propoto4 biiipt !?i tho ttivia yikiar itau x, 3941 to July 1, 1944, of oparattm4 of the Tinfolftettan rr'rld sap fthibit and Toohnicel Literature lesisieh geotifts S* ostiuted st $1 ,490 es set forth 04 the attached Annex 01,0* It oolivtemplates * staff of 22 0011 *article' employees in addition to the ipacial VuLty $taff that may be assigned for part or fullo-ttme duty t othe* Oervices or Government Agenciese The Civi4 tiervtoo staff will be made up of 6 Dranch Chief, three ilection Chliefs three Research Analysts, an0 11 in the olerical# *Um graphic and typing group) two messengers, also two Technical Opecialists? kw-;71 - ;11,1:c , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 UP" , ke-kkikt kr Section Collor' P-5, $4600 Assoc. las. Analyst MOO Clerk-Stano, CAP-4, WOO -le-k a :kK-1.414? z-ag=,1 - , -A* - ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 57*(120 t 000 ?.. Exhibit 01,01104104194110,1100a000ree410,41********.4 (samples of certain equipment will have to be purchased: charts, photo enlargements and aids to graphic presentation) Other contractual services (the preparation of special carpentry, framing and exhibit construction) Transportation of Exhibition Materials Supplies and Materials (not OBS stock: ditto machine, etc.) Less delay in filling new positions 21 We, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ,:',..- ---:,:,t ,..,,,-,,? . , , 2_ 2 "- ... 1: 1 _?,. ?fiz. i :,, ? ,1-,... , ,.. ,. ??? ? ?.? ? t? _ la 42 The Navy Devartment has been directed bt the 4oint dhig 01 Staff te undertake the following reeponsibilitinc it the Ii414 al 1 .r? ??? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 '.-....1 , .,. .._ ,77,..,14. -71.:.c: 44? Ilt, '.- ' '4. ,?-.2z4 . ,,,c, %. , En ' F- ', i,',.7,7._ ,',4_, '..'',., ell:, ? fe.--":":-. - ,.... 40 :?'.. ....., .--;_ - ''' ..` .., - 7n1, .' e--e:;?'.---''' . ,.. ''. ZiPA aux a or COODIVATOR to* us 3 $mergeney Rescue 3Ouitments Coordinating the worlt of Service and other covorne, mental agencies concerned with methods, toohaiatait and Procedures for smsrpency rescue or 'with res*Atch, develonment, and production of emergency rescue equinment, (2) Assembling, evaluating an4 disseminating to etch agencies information relating to these m*tters ahAtt recommending appropriate action in connection there-qth. (3) Maintaining liaison with agencies of other Unite-A Nations (such as theBritish Ministry a Xir-Goa Rescue) concerned with these matters, ' The implementation of this program has been assigzed to the Coordinator of Research and Development vho will have the assistancil and advice of a ;Aiaison Committee on Emergency DOD= Equipment composed of representatives of the Army Air rorees,.Army Ground Torces, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Wice of Stratogic Servicoet ani Ketritime Commission, Ye will Otatnevice andfssistance frewarious NaVal activities either diree.ly or through the Naval EO? JI (1) rt Dovolopmant Board' qr. Ait the first?meitin*?1 the4Ommittee tho adopted dein:it:Loa of iii.C7eiteuewits ttraltilnic t-Nt 'rihrAtAIIL ? , ST1 fe Ar.6.0 , iit4c*P;Matr$19ifs:-1107:011?!,-,,?;? - Ig ? , ? r ? ?., 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 113 PFl,psi_f?ie,.:d and Approved C71:A4:,..1Dr,P;.1.:.:32:)(' ,,, ' ?-- , ',Pl - --.' - ? -- "_,;? . ''71 ." ,r 01' 0001 14-000100070002-5 '::;:; -0 ,-: ?: ...:- ,":1-,,:?.,- ; ?;,-;.i.. , ,,, _ -_,? , "44 . '1-4.---.14,.. ,:si, - .r. - 4 4.5:4'. 4. ..0..,t--? ? .. , ,..:,. ' 4', ? ..',.,;,4'. '?.?? --,' ..; - -4. v.,: . ,_ .,.,., _ 41.' - ? ;47' tit .4'f " .,..:,..:.-..", =.- -, f. 'V 'VV, - _ 4' ? -V '.14 - ... . r.. 't ,,*. -......i'..?;,...... , , ?- 7' ? l ', ...., , ..,./. 1- ' '1:'..' 1-;'.7 "4...;?,--? ... ....%,?;:q....- ; -' '?-i. ' `'.....:: ':-'t:',',.,1-4,-;?:.-;:....,1. ,. ? .? _. .,,L:i::',:?,?;-,:-..,, ..,-?.!-,- ; _ ? /Is, 1,i ( "). J.? , ,t t-, ? rr,1 ".?7 ?S?i, " kt..1`.!WtY ? -4.? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100070002-5 ? ". Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ? Fp- .t, Cowin stet mgt., Z1 .TApril 26, 190 From: Coordinator of Research end fttelorystat To: Comending CidrAllfal, Army kir ttnces. Chair:WI, Miritlis? Comistion? Directors, OtInce of Scientific Eseetalsea- ma ttelvel4pataws. Director, Office of Strategic Serguis SUbject: Liaison Comalittee on Imetrgency leattie ZVI Mr, Beforonces: (a) Joint Chiefs of Staff Memo. for taforsm4Lok NO, 58, April 15, 1943. (b) VopNav ltr, of April 20* 194' to the' Corfod.? Res, & Day. #0p-101,41D1 Serial 365IG* 1, The Joint Deputy Chiefs of Staff have rsquestad this office via the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, to und=1 leadership in coordinating matters relative to the rescsateil and development of emergency rescue equipment (references ( d, (b)). 7-=1:??;: AWsw 2, It is requested that each addressee appoint ma member to serve as liaison officer in assisting this office to perform the functions outlined in paragraph 1. This grovp of liaison officers will be known as the Liaison Committee aa Emergency Rescue Equipment. 3. The first moeting of the Committee au targerazi Rescue Equipment will be held at 10:00 aim. May 3, 1943 in Room 0144, Navy DepEartment, The purpose of this meeting will be to make a preliminary formulation of the methcAls? techniques and procedure for emergency rescue; to make a preliminary formaatiaa .of the research, development and production requirem 1111 canneatlen therewith; to draw %Imp a list of addressees to whominforsatica regarding emergency rescue equipment ,shouia be disseminate4; to discuss what agencies of other United Nations Shoull be bra into contact with this vork. !,. " - /S/ layraud. Smith, Captains U.641%. (ct.) ?-- ? Asst. Coordinator of Use:arch ".1 :- . -.L.'', ' ? 5 - C61;it .ft4 to: ''';'''TT,;""':::,::. ' ,,,.",-?: .' --- . .7: ' ' , :?,. 4 ? 5,:',.'? 1, ',.,? t .: a - , i - -...?,' ',._-;.';-1. '.'i.-..`t; ; , -,-. ,. .?1 Su : '' t?? , ,,,f1- %? 1?":2,,! . 2 .: - ? - ,- ..-- 7....-2 -.: -,--2.4-tt-'i,,,, .2 - - ; ":.. St*tf .., ? ,..t.;,t 'i'.? ?i , cs 1. !. , , . : -i. ? , ,.-:- , ?? :;?,.17.,-, . , -. .,...,-, . -.,..k.,.e.-41-;;,,,:?*,,tr- r:-. - -. ? ? . ..,--, -- : ..-;.' ,..--- .;?.-. _t? ?- ',. ., , ?? ? , ,.! 4 ' ' C :i i .' 1,... !, ..,, - ? . -..,,, r- ,::: t ? -,.",-.?=2-4' ,'" - 2 ,:. , - ,, ...,, 41," 1. t.p .-...E.,. ? r.... ? , _ . k ..- 4.1..1.7,,iL,-..,C...- f.;''....4.', -.'. ''? '...,.: '.Y; .,,7- :-,%-, ,.. -..011-'''' - ?-, 4.1e.I.-, '13--;-?:'V.W.I.TA't. - 2- *illt.7.4,1-t_L-..*_:,..:,i?Or..' i'i=tv.,vm. , -- ,-???,--.0 I:5. ....N.,,p4r. I...A.,,,,t... - ,-..t7. ,,,-. ..i.elop 7r ..: :-Ii-t . ... :..' ., . ,. ????;,-..... ? .:-...i.,:j ',.!..-s--.0.44 , ?,,,,,, ?. ? ? :?.:-: : --_1?:?? -??? -1 , ... _ , , - ,,,?.s...? . - .':, t -2..,7_,H, : .:...,.:,: ? ? 174.7 T. I. ???_-:,12.L.4.... t=41.r.71.-2: ki4V*-1'; F-4'!:-?..c.!, p.1 ? _ rr? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 11110111111&?*A;. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4 The Vico Chief of Naval 04161,4U-way The Coordinator of lisnittimb mol DowklmAtt Committee on Exerst*Or Atistfue (A) J?C*So liemorandus for informatloa No. 38; Coo No. 113s. le The Joint DepuV Chief* of Staff have approved a plan for coordinating the matter lative to the research and development of toe elm reseuo ectrapp- , mint. It was agreed that tha Navy wou1c the respamol., bility in this field. ? 2. It is requested that the Coordinator cff and Development Undertake tha leedership in getting coopeva.0. tion and action from the stveral government departmenta aad agencies and such other appropriate aotion as may be metessar7 to implement the approved plan as set forth in Enclosure /S/ Carl F. Espe By Direction Copy to: Cominch Secretariat, J.C.S. 14, Wi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 ilatatimAticalitsztogati. On December 20, the Director of Strategic Services sent a proposal to the Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff *Coordinating Committee on Emergency Rescue loquipmentOt Thla proposal was submitted to the Deputy Chiefs of Staff and rect4,44 their approval. The Secretary of the Joint Chief* of Staff on january 13, notified the Director of Strategic Services a thAs approval and requested the Office of Strategic Bervice* to arrange for thc establishment of a Coordinating Committee am Emergency Rescue Equipment, the proposed plan to be submitted to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for consideration p-rior to cravat the Committee. Accordingly, on February 15, the Director of Strategic Services submitted a proposed plan. The Deputy Chiefs of Staff considered this plan and agreed that: The Navy Department assume responsibilit for Coordinating the work of Service and other governmental agencies concerned with methods, techniqums and procedures for emergency rescue or with reseaveb, develop,. ment, and production of emergency resoue equipment. Assembling, evaluating and disseminatiW such agencies information relating to th matters and mostending *ppropriate *eti in connection therewith. Maintaining liaison with sigenttiot United Mations (much as the pritit4iut of Air4es Remo) conairnod wit* matters Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 4.-pirisintati1iii. a - A representative of tie tiffit Research and Devolopourt4, The Office of Stratetio Services be le these decisions. /S/ J. R. MAX /8/ If. B. ROXAL Joint Secretariat Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 or - ? f? ?;.? ? 4". V ? .., I i? ? ? ? ' CI? ?r?7?;.,,a..s.447,; ? .7. ? ? I. ? 1 3 ? ? - ? : ? 1 13 -0?? ? ? ??? ? -I. ? ,s? ,,?????? ??11' .t??? f . e. t ,t , ? ."7.? ? ? (A S. , ? eh, ? .1 ? ? ? (.0 c, . ? . I+ ,^.1. I f '?? ,; ?? . 0 ? ; ? Jt. " ? tt.. J.. I. )1, o te I ? ? o ?;3'',/P411:' ? ti s?f2 ? ? c..!:74 ? Pi r 71' ? , . ( o' 1 ? 1 I ; ab -- t:.0 .? ,?? ..11 ? ? ? .; ? ? ' ??? .??? , ' . r ? * , ?f.. -*Z ? r ? ....,1 s a."' . --.- 4.7 .? "9..0.: * , '4 MS' (7 A ? 10, , " ?? , i 4, Jo ... , ? . ' .4v '",.? .... ? -,.. ? ? . : vg,',* 1,t? .. . .,.? F. 1 1 . r - h ' Id .1 A ... t?e.... ? ????fr, .? sr... .. usoe.' t.i.. ' fr ' 0 , ? 0. V . e.; t? glA I,. ' ? 0 tot ...... .,. 0 ,+.? ;Iowa ? `s. "?... .7e. ...? Jr." . ? 'r ' a ? 1 ?- io s ? 'F. , .A...'?irj,ZIS . S'Imi ' 4...., ,,.... ? ? ? itg. "4".f.? ? i Ct3 ? .r. , '. i."' - , '''',4,??? " . ..."4-.'.; 1 ars+, ... ? -..."Wa. . ;A:44 ?,.. W-77 , t A ? rl tt-rtr,'"`1,,, at -0 ,,..? - -tisa? ,..0.7:40N , r ipar'4,?,_.,4..-i? Air,' 'cr?? .,. .: , - ! ? ,,, ' ? ? , ''' - .71;e:s.t.:.?...6.1/4.4Aizt..?;...-.4-is,.7%!,"\-1.0,4t-jA7,.?0444:-.0 itopi-iii, .. , ..,,i,Ji. < Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 gy tr ? ,41414.1titta? - 4:7; P 01., tar ? . 4 , 43)krtiktif .4017 ? ' ? VI; 4. n-4., ?? 4.9; . "PoLlic; ' - ' ? ?..IliER,14,10?."..,";q'?? ? ti s??? . ? ? ta'rr,144.1r ? 44k . tr? .7*.q.h4?VP:V.' %.77. t- ? "'Pt ?' ? Oiti.hvo. .? ? 4"54til.owe*pv. ? .? ..j.aar ? ?. - !??' "" ? ? ? 11. ' 't ? ??? ..4)sltrdj.s : ? -1.7? ??`'.' ? ? .) e4'4r.,,r- ? ? ' silt a . ...!;;;!ir4,-...-irt! ? itigitril.?14,r6.4".Air?... ' trItPrat ? ? . -. Ir"Tr*. ? 4,-q.mitc1=41-'t '? ?? ? ?. '-.1,44.;,'=!?70,m,Nrfv-,6,:55.!" .';'??'??? 144-'4 '? ? . ? , 1,117 AC, .. i - ' ?; .4.1?Yia.i.!rj.' r ? .1- k ''' ' - 4' ? . , ,-. ., . - - ? t ? ?4*, . . ? 49M...A . mr??? ? - Rthtl: tloqiirat.01 .. prr- ? ? ? . ??.?aflLi lr ! ?Alt ? .,.?.4! 01 ? ? 4' ? ? ? i ? -1 ? a.."?.? ..f?y , : ' , z.? " - kt.ht^$,-. 4.s4 e??? c"?.t. ? ' 4604.44*w-1i ? li'"r? ? ' ? ft I .tiks."7:1 ? ? ? r ?;'T F , " ? .? %;, , ^. , 47.1 - . ? ?ula.thaati ?-rre .? .??A k,z.? '11.4ff ? ;'' '!! 41. 374A441J-kr? ? 744.1wARINVIVIM14.60W-r* ; ' Att!'*viir TIP , ? u.? 1#4,4*.lis r 44 "I rett_?41. t$:"s4. ? 1."?1~ . ? ;.,1 :???=:? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 m?-.4 IIVAXittpliCTI*14 4 ????? 1Subjoteitt $etaE?bHht CataAttea tattorstrao igmt (*) joint Cht4tes o OUST Nftrgati tor Irt-toratL 0 V) 4 SO_ 0147`43 * lt ititim April 2011,1atio to thik dir **Ai re4 10.4a411);# Life Le a of Start have riOqUgt4Md W.A.-440f t* tiotr441141 0-4 thxg IVA 440 Ai:Itriegia Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 m?-.4 IIVAXittpliCTI*14 4 ????? 1Subjoteitt $etaE?bHht CataAttea tattorstrao igmt (*) joint Cht4tes o OUST Nftrgati tor Irt-toratL 0 V) 4 SO_ 0147`43 * lt ititim April 2011,1atio to thik dir **Ai re4 10.4a411);# Life Le a of Start have riOqUgt4Md W.A.-440f t* tiotr441141 0-4 thxg IVA 440 Ai:Itriegia Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 m?-.4 IIVAXittpliCTI*14 4 ????? 1Subjoteitt $etaE?bHht CataAttea tattorstrao igmt (*) joint Cht4tes o OUST Nftrgati tor Irt-toratL 0 V) 4 SO_ 0147`43 * lt ititim April 2011,1atio to thik dir **Ai re4 10.4a411);# Life Le a of Start have riOqUgt4Md W.A.-440f t* tiotr441141 0-4 thxg IVA 440 Ai:Itriegia Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 !----'?." " L. A 1 4.- el ty-1745-,t'P., Wk?Mtl-i? '.:4- 1?14' ' P l',.?.., -:1---e.?-,0C---- . .: '"Totel. Sixtymeleht. teetti cOrt ex141*.tit, fieli conditions gulf OttAyelluil %deg, 441Abiof b4r, 41v1 substance completely effective ;mower. Twenty-mix effective Wats condwted gt It oo low as on tenth pounds pelt hollr. No tagt triaU0,3* (:;4rohartIntog ivethotrt44 wad Vureus and probably bphyrna corona laro oral mall sizeas We ore certuin data 1411 surviNe aLl entlal Difftaion studied thin autstatioe mhow maAlaum omatrAtr6- tion six awl nine foot leveldt) whtat effective against to1eoster4 biftetivv flott*On tests where rate half pound per hour or more. and extract ineffevtive. Feel otiv job colapLetod* both ip poor health feel wioest to return wiltav 01.44u. priorr4, for twc4tiot151 require week finishin ett) Mi'-iW4Ailtfatt 4Agalal ^ 1 a IllgUlt 7 7% ??=.1. ; - ? ? _ - , ? 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 - , A'PrOCIF.**P Colonel William 30 Donavan CMM Harold a. Coolidge, ar. and Renr7 neild Development of 4mergencr7 nesaue Eqapmant There are four specifil pro *Ott) in tilt de ealerr Emergency Rescue Equipment in which OSS, ban hmi an, indl 1. The development of a dhark repellent to prtot men thrown into the water was initiated by us. The work was carried out by the Committee for Medical Research w VII funds supplied by the Committee for Scientific Research and Development. We have helped to organize and steer this project which involved research at aoods Hole La Jolla and Harvard, and field tests in Florida, California, Massachusot and off the coast of Ecuador. The President, who is intarentet in this project, has been kept infomed of progress. Attar the original proposal had been submitted he Instructed Field to discuss possibilities of discovering a shark repellent with BUAIR, who referred the matter to the Committee far Mildloal Research. A cable has been received indicating that the field :tests have been succesevil. 2, We originated the recommendat,4en that mirrors bo r- signaling in aUlagrO .4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 &1J tYpOfl ion of ritliallas, tti4t# d 1Bultlisitt Of ;:Stiultio,rds- the reeozzionetation Ouard and ,by thA Merdhant Marine* Tho Ar47 Air P*10*(67 ,considering the use of mirrors* 5. The development or Fishing Wits rdr 11t0Umm o4d. liferafts. We worked with Governor nndhot, radhaei 44VU, Kip Farrington, Captain liatdh and gr. Crandt11 cos thatte which are now standard equipment fa* liteboato tind Xiferets the Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant Mtr1ne, Army MiatFortos. demonstration is being made to the Marino Corps teat "iiednostitaTo This total order may involve 350,000 Fidhing Kits* 4. A new type of Solar Still has been dev&loped We recommended to Mr. Lovett, Assistant Secrets.ry of War for Air its use by the Army Air Forces, who have ordered 30,000 stills This is one of the most important inventions for preventing death from thirst in the temperate and tropie zones. 5. In addition, we have also encouraged development smd. recommended adoption, by the Armed Services, including Memhant Marine and Coast Guard, and Lend-Lease of manuals and numertitte devices for survival following ship sinking or plane ormsh arctic, tropic, desert or temperate zones., These include: boats; water containers; solar and pressui4, - devices': inoluding mirrors, smoke signals ltht1, and lviiiinOus eloti.71-,;.:1974, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070002-5 Zn ateardar.H24 with tilta retlitOtt tain Royal, ta* tottit of iht:num flr Vs) tions*Aorttiatliri or Mt S o6-)14,4 ? 15 of a Plara to* the of a Committee On littergemoy E-41isilztiato If tha-pring.ketoil Plan tobit.t-s w!. kb; tibia vpraittiol of the Joint Chiers of Stuff* wit to effect an organlaatiod at qapot: ? t. 0- ? et--- ?, ...?., ? 41?-, -Z07:1?;