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August 19, 1943
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6_1 - "'? - ' 13t' ' ? ' - t - , r ,?f ;1.; ? [ ' 1 n 1 ? ? ' ? r 1 '.. " f-17 ? _ I..W.4060aS1.61. _igkrtf ? ' 4 '74, .-- 21, ,14qtr, ' '; ? re ... , '' ,-.,. - : -)-,i, 1 , _ ^..."%, . `? : 4),-,,,..,, V -"A r-rr.:, c -. - - ?FFI ' VA. - ,Er....,.,... , ..0,' . i,. -,,-,?- 1. kIrrl "--? ' ? Vt-1/4'1' 1 3 `11...14-4, ", ' ? = "- 3,r- - - ' , :'?!'.. -", -'''' ? 1 ,?1? .....?.3,t ,, ,v , - , - -7,rI'? ,, ? ,.I? , .. , .. . . . _ . --?:,-, - ? -1 ' ., . .i "...;--,-_ , . ',-,1,- .?, , ..., - -. ,. .!. 2,1' -,. "?:', ?...,,.? 0,-'!,-=,11),t,,,,F? .:-Ir., 1.? 1 :::..,.., :',-?:17.1'::i0,..t,..:,zz'l.'.'11Y-',..(TI. .. .. i- -.."'? .1 ,... ;;, --- ?.,-9 ? ' : .1,-...1'... '''''''' .1'4 -.. '' t-I'' l'-' ' .,'',.? ,..' ,' 1,":, f''''' ' ' "- ' ' ''''.3 - .:1 ' ' .3: '',3--...- ? ' ., ' !.. -i- ' ; " . '-'.; - :: --t.r ^ . ;:+:....."" ' I .....? . .. ? '4 i. ' .,i 5 l; '..1 ' '. ' ' '?,.0.'. 4 ? ? 1 . ... '/No? Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 _ " ; . a- - . --,j4 ? - ? 7:7 Th?--r A.p? f-- ' "4,114,-;7341,i. ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 ; V have come to an end 40 the remit of a short, vehement :In this ocntury multiP.dimeneional warfare hen ?rested a type of , L Hidefeat which epreada over a ooneiderable period Rnd in which (115tinct ? - - Stagee are diecerable: tota1 war tondo toward long-rano defaat; logically and otherwise. The best illustration or this in to be folmll in , the German defeat in 1918# Certain oboorvations nonoerning it appear - - ' capable of generalization and an bo regarded as typicla of tha pattorn - - oe defeat todAys There are reasons for assuming that aventm in narmIlly nt this moment run parallel in norm reepooto to those In 1918 and have the me porteoatt The l!inoubation time of defeat in tho last yam oan be recoolized in ratiegOeot to have oonnieted or the period between tha aummer or 1911 and June 1018. During these montha the destruction of the U-boat menace alcoved the way for tho mobilization of fteriean pawar in Taropel while th qerman army exhausted itselt in throe orgenaivo drives without gitininr strato4c advantage In the aamc wily the ultimate defeat Her arilty ham boon enitelled from Africa and ln ninsith while the Uaboat in 4gAin unnble to prevent the On or Maim power on the other aide of the AtlAntio, - ^ ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 ? ? 4.-..:**1 ? . ? - ? '? r. ;;;;-.4t, . ? fl; '0.. le ? ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 Po - or, that in th mpin :the soldiers feu lt on stabornly until offthQ viniti. Tht stage of 'N3?110940, 'when it, 04m4, ' ;ii_p)rilorftenon oonfined essentially to the home front, though it WAS . ? 11, -,A 4 41107 bi *4ic1iera and sailors who were in eiene eont4et it.. Developments took this form in spite of the fact that, compart4 :with the army, Oerman eivilians wore elm to recognize the turn of evont3. It did not dgwn many, even in \Tory high placeu, until Ludendorff demanded an grmistioe. flAwarenessa was therefore thrust so suddenty upon the German pople that they oould not withetand the shook and "collo:pee followed almost immediately, In 1943 the oivilian sector of Germany has the dubious advantage over the front of being muoh more strongly conocious of the inevitability of defeats Reoognition of the certainty of defeat apponra now to be in full swing; Thin time it hae etarted at a moment much closer to the definite turning pointe Oontrariwiee, oonolderably more time is likely to elapse between the reslization of defeat and mumlnders Thil io not as piAradoxical as it sounds, tor, however strong the . Patronage of doom my ba$ powerful counter -agents are working for the oontincgtion ot the wgr, Among these muet be oonnbcd the very experience "I` 1 cella)* in the laut war, The Hatab in the back', whiob hi wepggated f NAZid and nAtionaint rAnati0s3 may hAve 0 an home front inot a quiek ealopoei In the firat pi*0*V-id= poroono in high positiong in Oermany lost Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 ? ? 4.-..:**1 ? . ? - ? '? r. ;;;;-.4t, . ? fl; '0.. le ? ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 Po - or, that in th mpin :the soldiers feu lt on stabornly until offthQ viniti. Tht stage of 'N3?110940, 'when it, 04m4, ' ;ii_p)rilorftenon oonfined essentially to the home front, though it WAS . ? 11, -,A 4 41107 bi *4ic1iera and sailors who were in eiene eont4et it.. Developments took this form in spite of the fact that, compart4 :with the army, Oerman eivilians wore elm to recognize the turn of evont3. It did not dgwn many, even in \Tory high placeu, until Ludendorff demanded an grmistioe. flAwarenessa was therefore thrust so suddenty upon the German pople that they oould not withetand the shook and "collo:pee followed almost immediately, In 1943 the oivilian sector of Germany has the dubious advantage over the front of being muoh more strongly conocious of the inevitability of defeats Reoognition of the certainty of defeat apponra now to be in full swing; Thin time it hae etarted at a moment much closer to the definite turning pointe Oontrariwiee, oonolderably more time is likely to elapse between the reslization of defeat and mumlnders Thil io not as piAradoxical as it sounds, tor, however strong the . Patronage of doom my ba$ powerful counter -agents are working for the oontincgtion ot the wgr, Among these muet be oonnbcd the very experience "I` 1 cella)* in the laut war, The Hatab in the back', whiob hi wepggated f NAZid and nAtionaint rAnati0s3 may hAve 0 an home front inot a quiek ealopoei In the firat pi*0*V-id= poroono in high positiong in Oermany lost Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 r.g1?"14_,177'73.,1W-; 1.; ir4f.111$4 .Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 * 105* E s: ? - ?trtQA (-4 .1.04_44App-4E William 470 Donovan xis agents Opotle 70, oss/coust letter of Auguot 171 1942, 2. A copy of this memorandum and the enolosure have been forwarded to Major Bruce, It is_ my opinion that this be made a matter of the utmost importance. 4 s ? I .;" ? 711:4; , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 tr,i1:7/ t?. t?i C.# Ver'XVZ4", - ? ? C. ? ft* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 rt'`P.fiffs-F4'4' XL=Ia Infiltration by Ws agents, 24 The Sava ki*tache at Istanbul has reported to 94ka office :that be, has been notiflAid by local informants the .Azie ow-Aries plan to have their agents employed the expanding office of the Coordinator or Infonsation. The appropriate Anterican, officials in Istanbul have been notified of this. The Naval Attache feel that if the report is reliable,. it probably 'ap'pli33 to other areas as well. It is raggested that this information be brought to the attention of Colonel Donovan and Major Brace. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: ??: I attik4h five exoerpts on the Gem= and ;t41,isz. press concerning the *Imam oampsigus which altiu14140 Ivory usefully juxta sed with reports of present devo1opvents4. 4.? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 ' ; 3 1.? it. 4 p'441. I . p?-?4fe ? ? 1. 17.? t tk, 7411' tk-,t 4.tit - fifttl.;1167-1;2 e- - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 t.-.4 ??4, ---t-- 1- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: 6.1A-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 PY1P --rm; ? 7 ? .`.7. itEN - ; 4 Lr' , lst ' 4.4 MORMON TO Rt. Darnel e to kr. Sherwood IRON J. P. Warburg 1 Dees6bor 190 1041 4-.'71 ? ; 'SUBJECT Suggested slt4 lime Air oommunives :or ailitary oomment3 an tbo Simi= trozt* 1. 2* FROM NIETZSCHE TO WITOMOs IT IS REPORTED THAT HITLER mAS HAD TO RETIRE TO THE SUMPTUOUS CONLIN T 0? B CHTSSGAD BECAUSE OF PSYSICAL E0' G2 SOLDIERS ON ME RUSS/AN MOUT ARE EVER VMS EXHAUSTED BUT TEET DOM ME AFT SUMPTUOUS PLACE TO MOIRE TO. TEET JUST DIE IN THE "." ? .: ',' ',1, , .?' " ;"? 44 s ,, --...,-, V"..,. j,.. ... ? ' .`? " '1 4 : :.?,,, ? -;. .:, ? ',',., 4 ,.,- l'? f 4 9, ", rs :'' - ? - :- - .t-', -I'''. 14:- : ' ' '; ; I5-,.. , .' 4......- -1:-,.?...,,,, ,,... ?^r _ 4.1 , ? ? - ' t'ef.%:441 41 ? --tr ? :11" 4 ? , ?.41'1 - . - .." ". .? ?%, "-' r.1.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 ? " , = 4", ''N'llrifOtrt?;1,,t+' 41,-;r161-Tz-4rtv-.F0-.-441,1i:r?llflt.f&friF?VVF ! -T ?e' or, : 1.--'7?47" .11?. tkt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 '9 '4?1 a _ t6Y;r?-?`? eines Karl Kant was outgo the Herald Tribune's London t. would it be possible to find on a his original die.- ?0-,44,.bems the P,resident tend it to Stalin with a persona letter? ? Wild Tribune has no such doaument. has the Library of Congress eny Sancian relies? It would undoubtedly' make a great impression on .-Atatin. if the President sent him something of this sort. 2. Could we get George Fielding Eliot to writs a piece ? praising Stalin as a military genius and giving hist the credit for what 'i happening in Russia? Eluoh a picas should not be printed here, but should be cabled to someone like Stool* or Sulsberger in Waco, as a confidential* message for him to do nothing with for the time being. IX* OM would undoubtedly report suoh a message to Molotov, who would then show it to Stalin. It might eventually be released from Moscow. J ?e:9 ? r ?-? ? 44.,.;41,,,r.:,SiS" -t? bb. 4?_?":"A: '3,1'612-? ? .7 - . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 r:-..11-7 Tilf4W1Fiegi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 TZ, DEPARTMENT CONSULAR REPORTS ON AXIS COUNTRIES "Conditions in Germany, with Particular Reference to the Munich Consular District, as of July, 1544111 Prepared in operations Unit Intelligence Division Office, Chief Air Corps October 28, 1041 4 , ? IM, i.A.:-..,..._ 4.4....-.3 ', r-r,.. -...:- .! ,..ii?:"? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 _ ______ ____ .1. of 41,111. . ?i?-? "r? ?- ? 4.- NUL= Or*I5n N. - Hoonditione in Uermw With Partioular Reference to the Munich Consulta1717=7;74: u a A :Teae41717537rm on Consul, Munich. Mr. Nioloon, in mower to queationn propounded 14 Captaln DIO5rly Hughes and James T. Lowe in a conforonce on Ocf,ohor 26, 19410 expreased the following opinionoc- Mr. Nioleon agreed with Ydho general correctneas of the toxt of the R.A.F. City Doevior on Uunioh, and W40 ablo txt vf5r1fy the, location of over half of the objectivon nhown on v.A.e. munohen 4nd Dietriot Map No. 33. He know oe no posstbly worth.whllo ob. jectiveo which wore not shown on thin map, but pointod out that 0.U.3943, the Oberwtotiontold Acrodromo, ma no longor usod for commercial air traffic and that this was now all handiod through 0.17. 4042, tho Riem airport. Mr. Niolvon bover41 Limo ompharAzod tho if ortanoo of Vunloh a* a railroad centre, but minimized its function as an induotrial (=tor. Av a railroad (=tor) Mr. Nieleon eaid that Munioh merved a* a (1) terminal for muoh of tho traffic beiween Oermnny and the Mama; and (2) us th* Main ?enter Cor Itolo-Oorman onnoroo ? tr. NiAlson laid groat emphallia on the importanoo of Munioh to ItalosiOeTman tido, Ho ealdithat 4 dieruption of tho extoneivo w? t401111Aos of Munich 'would in all prob4billty no ourtuil It41(5 , ftd 114' and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 gvp4., able to maintain 'Ito mtatue 40 a belligerent, Thtm, Mx bolievedl wae a highly domirable objective, 44 It would fore4 goroginy to extend her AVM1A4 of 000upation muoh farther on the oontinent a Europe, down to the tip or the boot or Italy, to prevent the oountiry from being 000upied by the Britimh and to 4eop open the main mute of t.upply for the Oorman troopm In North AXvioa, virt Nielaon eald that the heavy oonoentration or 04111 at Munich litarAl) y thowRandos of oarm daily, made thgt plaoo a partloularly vulnerable ob. jeotive, On quoatIontng; Mr. Niolaon wao mtrongly dtainolJued the theory Wat tho olvillan population or ftnioh vorrationtod a vary profitable bombing objaotivo, AR a rooult of tho raw (dortainly not mo.ea than oovon) light uLt.aekti while ho wam thoro, tAre Nloition ittt that he had oboorvod n owipi or panto among Lbo pooplot 'rho otvilian PoPulaLlonJ no oalitp oxhibitod only ono dorinito roaotion lo t!teie attuokris . that, or trr-iproboiblo ouriutO,L4. Tharo wao nopan I thalatad, before, during ov arLer tho hambing cworationv or t1? In tho arorly part of the warp or tho 1.110.18hp in Lha -tatter part. M. Nioloon rurthor tnaleted that, If after oontinue0 and prolonged bombing operatiena the workerm or Munioh (leered to make a wholooalo exodum they would be prOVOatad from leaving their woxic by the govern*, yr!, Nialaon maid that if 4 0.0100 hnct to be ift4c3e b?tweent bombing 60010 cm@ wet:141434r area ropimtway; i. ditltri,htlting the attaolf ovw D73; : ,t4E: rg. and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 (1, , MAKIIMEEMIREENEIE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 a wider -area to destroy industrial objectives scattered throughout a town the former would have a far more devastating effect on the civilian Population than the latter. A German Coventry, he intimated, would have far reaching repercussions all throughout Germany. Mr. Nielson said that Munich was ringed by powerful searchlights (at least forty in number) and very noisy anti-aircraft guns (the number of which he said was impossible to estimate). Rumor had it, said Mr. Nielson, that Munich had been deprived of some of its anti- aircraft defences because of the need for them elsewhere and because of Munich's apparent immunity to large scale or frequent attack. Nith regard to poisonous gas, Mr. Nielson said that Germany had apparently awakened very late to the possibility and probability that it would be used in this war. When he arrived in Lunicli in December, 1938, Mr. Nielson said, neither the people nor the government gave much thought to defense against air attack. However, he said that in March, 1939, both the people and the government began to take such a lively interest in precautions against gas attack that Mr. Nielson believed that the Gc-rmans firmly expected gas to be used in this war before it is over. Mr. Nielson said that he knew of no outstanding examples of the use of camouflage in or around Munich. He said that the highways had riot been painted that he knew of no facilities for hiding the w a2ling yard id railway stations by smoke screen or any other mans, ,apd that the Orai 0170.0110 use of camouflage in Munich was some rather 17.N zf, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 - hr_ Declassified and Approved CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 Ltt 1#.gst clumsy screens around certain sections of some of the airfields. The only landmarks that might be of aid to an airman approaching Munich, Mr. Nielson said, were the River Isar, a range of hills about twenty miles on the side of the Riem airfield, and the cathq- dral in the heart of town, which had two tall domes. The people of Munich, Mr. Nielson said, were not seriTER con- cerned about the unexpected prolongation of the war, nor about any of the concomitant hardships. He said that the people were all well fed, adequately clothed, confident in ultimate victory, and willin to go on.fighting f%ndefinitely. A shortage of beer seemed to be the major hardship suffered by the people of Yunich. This favored position 201'' of the Bavarians, Yr. Nielson said, was probably due to the fact that Bavaria was the main party headquarters, and also because the German authorities themselves felt that Bavarians had to be treated generously. In conclusion, Mr. Nielson said that while there was certainly no unanimity of support for the Nazis in Bavaria, the Bavarians were patriotic Germans and would stand behind the Fuehrer to the last man if that were necessary to win the war. British propaganda had been ludricrous, Mr. Nielson said. In fact, Mr. Nielson expressed strong doubt that any propaganda could be disseminated which would have any desirable effect on the German people. If such were to be attempted, he said, it would have to guarantee (not promise) the German people a jEat peace. Mr. Nielson said that the Bavarian co,_ception of a just peace was a Versailles-Germany, plus Austria and the Sudetenland, to- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 tieigtAlitigikaiREUREI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6 , - - I r14104 z. ? ? _ I J. 11, r ? - - r ''attL4li,lt,:t - e.r ? ' --the,with reasontible disarmament; and a guarantee that Germany's righttul position of absolute parity with the great powors of the - world would not be quttstioned. Mr. Nielson said he knew of no practical means of accomplishing this through propagaada. No pro paganda, Mr. Nielson said, in conclusion, would be far better than the feeble and destructive attempts of the British prior to hie: de.. parture from Munich. - r. ' :- - -? ,.:21:-"? - -:- 1 ,:, . , 4 ' ..,,,,, '..4 ...!" 5-, --., 1:- : .? ' .17. , , , - - ' A 2 e. "--',. 4i.F. ,,,,:_ ? ? -- , ,1 i.. ?4,13.4-1-.21:,f-- ? -, ,,r, ,-...,, .. ,. e . ... '',...-'%.4 _ 4..., ri...,, ? 1,-- 7 ,. ? ' ' ' .2 ? .7. ?? 7, 4:3c- ? _ tr',1 gt4,v, r-1 t-e-= -21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120005-6