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itt Declassified and Approved 9P?: For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 lirkti?V 1 C." 3 j ?-.? , ; ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 rs.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ? 4 ? OSS FORM 40?Olet ? 7; ? ;- 14,1 -44,14.5,6bc.4444411 To: ? 1. - ? 1,41' ? I ? y = - . I ???.' !'1'71 j - - (9139) LtI ? Oft 0'77 the 50(.. re tor I t . 4 . ; ..1 " - -,? ?1-.? .11, ., ' .. ., , .. . . - , ? , - - .... - ? .- _? _. p- ?Z` - ?"' , , ,. 4., .-. 4 . ..... o.,-,,,,i - - it,,,,,oPt' P"L? ... ' 41.,-Jr., -,It??._ ? -''I '4' I , ?,, _,, , , ...:,', ,i ; . , t4,t,4,j9,,,,...,..A.I-4 . 4,.. - +wt., ? ????? ??." ' - ..0,,I. ?-r- -,,I?????;._ ?:,,..,11,1,./ . ' ',44.- ???,..., t?e.?;44.;411-71;? .- "L ; ? , -?? ? - ...c4 ti t 4-, 15?--1.. ;? I-1,- , . ..;:i. -1C.,,..'",,,,.:1" ?":?'-'I... ? -'. ' :----4.1e-4*-"':: -41;:il'F''-?:- L.; - 11?'- 14 ':' ,--,..=4?-,; - --? --: 1 - .1."'' 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''''' ''', i , ' v - t.,,,.:-; ;--i--,Zir:-!%-:a.-:,?4-. 771 11 -i?, '?:-,'?,_: _ '......, ' ,,,''''..- ::, i .!, 1,-. ? ::,-,,'. : .2-, f .1. : 1-:,- ,. ...- - 4 , . ?? . : . ,1 :,'i'q -1477;2'rtz,-: Oki' ',71`,:- -'. - ^ i'; ---;;`'' -_,,?! 1;1 :?::-: '..-?-?? -II - ' 4"2 ;4",_ ' ;1.74Wi.-011P0 t'..,p,?''-:',?' '' ' --.7,131 ????14. 4 -,...,- il..j T---,'?14 tiT,19,.; ...i4,...-- . ?,,-- , +.,,,.:,i'I ,-, i %,? 't???. ? - ,???;1.7.:.;v r ' '.' ' ' ', . '--. ? ' ' '- '1..' T " ;i? 1.' . ' ...1 1 .,.e.:: ... .. ? 47 A IA.. ` 4?. ;?????II I t t'? or! J ,? ,:?? ? 4 - - _ _ , ' _ ? - itt..4"it4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19_:_CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 111?1111111111111511111MMEMIMMal Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 mag4 - ? .? ' '?;?-??7:' 17474 ' - 3*. '14,414:1. ?14111110$ r w,iiMiliatetio,40116 - iateski,10:Werairti_S 11$ -- ? Witi4406, Mai - ?IL ,V.40A4941,spooKliAxii. , gpvtoCitstift.TMNAtilit _ " ItavirMi0V,,P445fff,**Ntr iftv4f' t_1J ---.1iMillfrrfAiwirt 101Or a5e,via Foi!. 11 ?," - 11. - 44txpeetieh owit E. , 1 ntiob Aorfatestor COMMITilig Otd NAVA4 AFfM140 Office of Strategic Service* Vaohington, D. 04 Gentlomeni t, ..i let,? c-t4 Moot 6# 1945 Referring to my letter of July 60 1941,5, writtoll in the interent of 14r. Jvliue M. Bali& (8 1/0 U3NR, 1136-e8-47)) p.m watering if you have uny inforation for mo at tbo prenont time roprding thin. FM/ ii 04 ? i 1 44 r, ?, ? 1,1 ? --q 4,?4 3i.Et:- 5 :ff? - ; Vt _ - ?,_: ? ? 7 -0 - ? . ? - ? ? ---' . . ? -- ? - . _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001040120008-3 Singeray youra, Lee' ri 1414.,G4 101,4 t! wypilio3 5- 5, ?4 - r -J, ?",-; .,,-,.. _ ,' ID ? - 1..:?. r1tajlt, ?. ,tte---.4K= ? ''' i. 41. .-., -.1' -.... MOMMIMMOOMENUMNAMMWROMME Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ,7f .114 :144 ?i _ ,r.?e ? ilt.! A ? " ; . , Z.` _ 0 bis P?fliL Jo gyers Ova Somato , a. Myers: Yourmost helpful 1 ttor of July 6s 10450 con. corning &alms M. Ballok (S USNR* 836108S-47) was Pc- puirsd to the various individuals who balking:weaned th. tOrost in him* V uv-v?v? ./ _ - r' 8.34?7 43.1?6, =.) Wo had believed that It would 1),= posaibl t* W5 Mr. Ballok in ono of our branches* end accordinzly his tranafer to OSS was requested an jun4 43 1945 ffiruft OVers durinz tho ovum* or the readjustments requirad 1J:r the recent reduction of our appropriationt we aubfweve;Itlii round that we veto? compelled to oliminato tho position which he bad boon originally aonsiderodo nm sctrry this was the cane* partioulitmly since 'with tho radtml tailmant of our aotiviti a there wore no ether openin wbidh his. 3mm:to a could be used, Under tha oirovomt han bten neco3nary to reloszo him for duty olsewheru4 Thank you for your interest in writing to tt% _ . ?-+?.e.... = . . , . ' - ... -..i . . ,'-.- 4-1 fc 4. . ' , ..:-,-, ,F4, 1 ? ' .?ri '-r.' ee ? e- ?.? ..?, it 4, e, :-?-? . ! - , - ...,. . .: ?-ili ; i- i. '.Fz.:: ? , . , ,--; N 0. . ...... , ? A .."...,,, Sinaoref.170 recoringp jrs, 0 001anOlp astant DirotLt4v _ s ? - filiEMAIEVNIMMT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ?AVM t111041MOr,Otit4 t40. 04 ? Office Memorandum e UNITED STATES GOVERNS TO : PROM SUBJECT: aounander OTELL Capt. Santis Bolick, Julius M. 8 1/0 DATB: 17 Jul Reference in made to attached letter from Senator Francia J. Myern. Information is fk;r4iehed as subject BM wan requested by R & A Draw* und reported in 29 June 1945. Security was disapproved on subject Ii2A and ne wa$ aasigned to PPB Pool for dioposition on 8 July 1945. jublect TrX hae.1 been reported to Naval Comand for transfer from 03$0 Request th!lt you inform Senator Myers the disposition of thiu CaSOn 41, AttachtAnti Letter ? 3enator MyorG Ac.s OGS d3.7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19 :.CIA7RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 MEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ? ? a ? ? ???? ett. tat* 2.1tr %.27.4747-, 41????34;4. t. * ' 14- 7i- .-..1 ..,::- . us, h, votwoff, 041e,t *Lollop . K1M44 VI, 0.-1 0,40f4 4U',i,1 ,- .., --latil ,r;-!?- ..-: 011,4111.41 04, Tobrit, Pi. It. iiiyio.* 0,-:" _ IPAYSti4N0 Cit WILLitrl'illtk. ' - ; Om WAV4401, 0111000, ciff $t.t.,* r - 40.4gW;111, P?Ao 04#144 184,VIV1107, MAW% t .? r.-Zoficia?twiti, mitx, ...'.4'.'emart, 1.A. - govvitio V. ROURT8011. t.V*= itt WAVIT 4AUTOKIIITALL. MAW. lenitet0 taftiegi? -A6Stnate 1. ?00 ?M AN WNW.- ' G., H46#04.0.44-10YI4if. -4f- ii0.444C;4ia' If 14, t'iliaJto? ril,*; ' - , J; -,,,'"-.;?i?, ' ,-? P40-*# 044446.K.Sit. C1.4tig 4', .? ir,;;';,,t1E '1: - _ t? . . - ' . .,..ttot ,..1. t ?i" + ' itgt44.4. _ ttt ??,,tt? e t s, _ CONMITTL:aoa PWAL0 Al!grAiR4 July 6, 1945 Office of Stniteic r;ervicen, Waohington, D.C. 0 6U I gAli u It s underi.,andirl,,F sl /c USNR, 36-88-47) J. bei re fr :1 -n to your orLi,Lult.?..1 ti on I n th(;,. crip:s..e ? t an;:.1t ? 47 Mr. BO n xce13 %r- aible tCii t arid '..Jt;Ai I ,Licii4; W c:.v! before hi inc.uction. It ii h-ni. vec t, t yur or1z.:Lirr, e wo1.11(1, Iv 1 21 ' Pl ?1,1 f onal 'mix) r.a? ztbL1Ly, r1( LI: - 0 ? ,1 1)-1. corArlbqt Lon to our v Letori (3r 1,1110 FJM/efr 3 ! I am naturally aux" r;u:,1, 1 (. Ealick t. rroas.r...;:r from i Nr-.1.vy - 0 ri em.11: yr) 11! i? , PRAT3TS J. MY , - -tt.,:t ,I 1 .^..; ... - sx/ " ? ? ;.? ? .! ? r , , ? ? El ?-? ; ;11, ? t, ? ? ??,;.t ? , ' -?-t?-?,?"1 4?-= Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 hde Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 Vaira - 4,22Al'A z ? ? ; ' 2, ;?-? t. I -1 - 5- : - _ ',I....4 6 _ 1 FROM: 32tI 16) ' ls.,?;???pi?s7.-1,1??? ? "?,'-?43-' ' - ?- , ? In aopordanoe with our oonverna. tion,': I understand you will iaform Mr. gayor about thin ommlnioation and ho in turn malttoll Bayern. I am taking a paraphrase of thin on the trip ard ir anything further comes up on the matter oloaring Bayern shall notify you. I m sugost- ing that Genoral Donovan Bond the attaohed ?able* ? VJilcicn . ? q , 14. e , ? .. .-''' ;"'"e--41,1d?V? -?- , . ..., .. .. ,,.. ' , ?z`-?7,-, . ? ?4 A ? ? ? ,-, r, A ,,-.. .7.4 ,,e? ,e2 1?1' i' - 7 , -;.;?L'?1: ;11;:, ..i2, ^ ' t!. ? 2,- ?,.,..7 -- ,- .4.i' , ? I f., : A. ., - ? .4 , -, l 2,7,- 4i'''E - '?:- - I'Lf I '. - ? ...-: , ' C .1,, , ),, ? ' L ' Tie: . 'it. ,e.',. ', ,,, ''?;,"-"..,', ,,, ,. ,, , ? ? , ' :. - --. ' ,:.-e40 ' 11,2-g.?'?? ^ ? -A ? ? ? ' ??? , ? ... -Ea ,,, 1 4 . '.-: ? ',"." ? ,...'; --. ' "' -. ? : ., ? 4 i..t. .1..,?'?',.!,?0.`: -4'2 ' I ? , , ' ' ' ' .") r7i.? ,--' --I 11 1 , ' ; 7,417.4,;1/,f t?,- - , .4- ..,,,, i:iit _'-jet.14"4.17.- ' ..:}';,--,I-` ? ? ' ' '''-'''N if ''''4,,' 0?.. .14,,,,,,,,..--,-,,,,i -zy..ini...,i-.....-__%.,?....: , ,.4- fr , ., . . i .: -4-4, t.o, ...,-,, 'lel ? --1, ' -.Pf-,? -4)',.cs,_.,,, ler,y .1.,. .,?-4..rit::,y,s 314,4 ? -,,, _ , . ,, . '- '-f-t...?t - -. . , .- '4 :, - - ?:,. X T _ - - ? ?!. - , , , ,-- r ?' -F441,?]?.%-'c 1,1 ? , ? ?". - ? vt'IX - ?:! _ - , e ??? ..i?-,,I,.-- , --- 4:i?-??1:4- - - r _ : ';'',':,? ',.. , :: ; ' - _:,' 4 ....' - ,- r 22'7 7, 11,2 c4 I 7 st",42',... ? _ 'kr'77. _ ? ; _ L : , - - ? .........r: .; , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008:3- ?A-,1 IMMLIMMR4F Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ar *4.11 4 fif 44 'he F STRA SERV1C OPptcw. DISPATCH A TO - OFFICE OF STIFiATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION I r4; 13123 CFOR INFORMATION) ----- PRIORITY" ROUTINE EFIZTI - SECRETARIAT ..?????...V.1-???????????????.??????????. V. I. fOlftlifellAT pItTa4 Off 10-8713$3-2 RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER 6264. SEC RP:, ' T TO 109 Fnom FORGAN, REFERENCE YOUR #14277 (OUTS 11310* SORRY DELAY ON THIS MATTER* WE HAVE HAD DIFFICULT iM CONTACTING MCSHERRY* IN FACT HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO REACH H1M PERSONALLY* HOWEVER, WE HAVE RECEIVED PERMISSION FROM HS DEPU TO HAVE BAYERN SENT OVER HERE AND THEY HAVE AGREED TO USE G COVER FOR HIM IF NECESSARY* HOWEVER AT THE PRESENT TIME THEY HAVE NO WORK FOR HIM TO DO AND WOULD MUCH PREFER THAT HE CAME LATER v IF POSSIBLE SUGGEST NO ACTION BE TAKEN ON THIS MATTER UNTiL WE HAVE HAD CHANCE TO DISCUSS IT HERE* ? ? TORi 633 15 MAY 45 a OR REPRODUCE THIS CAME AN MOM THE SECRETARIAT r, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 -6:517.1ie? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 tilariPAli4Vr-;sr= ?4-2 .$A 4 4 14,14"t11,....T44, ? 4,71. FRO ' _ /,,....1:::::=IrgiertFOSIMM;a8UWCI11:r.k.StIES1Me....111:0' art Bellerasarereoreeme=0216?e:ren=='-ermiteexerre=1. . . --s9" ' OF STRATEGIC SE NICE OFFICIAL DISPATCH PRI OrdtrirV ?47.4. 4??4?44.411. TO plairf8P4g _ DOTAPIND - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES =rari xer=rer-Aee.-- ?44=41r0=, 444g.4,44. . DISTRIBUTION tW 12,0;90 wort arcm ImPottimAron) reeectemeneerscsamerestarserreeet' )- ) A , IRECTOR SECREJARIAT t Vs Is 1431RONNIRT PRI/MN 01111611 417-44;=11 RECEIVED IN CODS OR CIPHER v 1"1,i r r f9887. 109 AND 11Q INFORMATION3 FORGAN. 1.11.1111LNOL Youh OUT 1062$ H CAMINO BAYLIINv BERN-LONDON 1/10/31 BERN-PARIS # 1O27, IF MATTER CAN BE ARUM)) WITH OUR MILIMY (104tAtilt PEOPil i SEE NO OBJECTION AND unTAlw ADVANTAGLS IN BLVURNINO OAYVRN SAVARIAN HOME. 6ELILVE HIVI ASSOCIATION WITH ii HOOLD 1LIJAJM 03 OLANDESTINE UA3 ???. htl ;? ? ?Alegi* =:$ iO MAY 45 .. iv a? v()ratiop-Krii ,, ?rag GABLE APTIIORIZATION iiitC$N1 r ilD rIZOItitaltitIAT ,44-4,jr t i -i' o. ,- A r. 1. 1`.: . g? ? i : ' ? z IL , . ,? - 4 ? ckr.44,4, 4.41V5`-: s _ A Declassified and Approved For Release.2013/09/19 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ,et Niel&1.2Elv4i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/19: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100120008-3 ir4t: ICAL,ril$P ' -? ' _,;-, - , ,. 1 I pfattl-F-Irrii I?....,?,....,--, 1 ? 1--,4., ..2,4"-- - a? 7 ? . ...., ..!: I ER?kir CL:07 12 '19 I7 MAY - STRATEGIC SERVICES _DISTRIBUTION _ RMATIONA ? 4`. DARE= 4 folo?Me?IS ORIGINATOR) ? - 1