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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 t. 1 ..c 6 soy- , 1^7. ?? ??? ' 4??? .4.".??? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 tb. 0_0 _ 11-Xocsoirg TOP.r,c,?:?3,:?...,3? _ , Ltk,?,a. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05; CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? 101 shoit R..a.PORT ON Q TTUTIas /OR THZ" IIONTH OF faRiliar, 1944 * * * * * * * * * Attached ars reports concerning OSS personnel, Washington appointments, the four theaters of operation, ET00 NATO, glt0 Tartmet iag-ion, China. and Detachment 101) and reports on the following Branches: Communications, Field Photographic, Yoreign Nationalities, R & Al Security Office mad ach,wvia and. Training. Other Branches are net covered separately beeause it was believed their activities would raf.1241t properly be treated under the respective theaters in which they operate. This zip-Tort attempts to organize the material in terms of theaters subdivided by branehes, and of certain dashingtoa activities. As the syetan improves, an attempt will be made to roleite the activities of the branches in the respective theaters and of the branches here, to the number of personnel assigned and to the amount of money expended. Thus, in viewing what ha= bean aceomplished from month to soath there will be soma basis for gauging the effectiveness of the efforts being made. TOE' 4il1iam L. Cary Reports Officer SWIG Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05. CIA-R DP1 wnrinr14 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 .177vM=1, tkfitw Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 OSS Form 4004 Rev. 6 March 1944 OFFICE OF sT.Air 111 l , TOTA4STRENGTH REPOOF i/iSS PERSONNEL (exclusive of purse's.' temporarily attached to OSS) as of. 29 Feb. 194L date UNITED cTATEs OVERSEAS I. 1 ON DUTY [TRAINING , g OSS [ ITYPE OF PERSONNEL IN MOW OUT MOW IN OUT MOW MOW TOTAL ETO NATO MET? FETO OTHER TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ARMY OFFICER 243 14 1 257 320 204 188 142 29 127 883 ii4qt 04 14* MEN ,M TOTAL # li i Afaa a 3(1lt NAVY OFFICER 143 1 0 144 22 37 81.34 17 24 4 18 26 4 6 100 244. 16% ENL. MEN TOTAL Ibir T 3-6-9- in ix o . MARINE OFFICER 19 -- . r 19 3 23 42 ENL. MEN TOTAL # COAST GUARD OFF ICER ENL. MEN -- -- 0 20 0 20 20 TOTAL --15 1-(7 n ITOTAL SERVICE 405 15 AO 420 366 227 11,80 1212 816 217 iga 16- 12 WJ 100' 1426 OFF I CER 120 Talc 20 ENL. MEN TOTAL 1 25 INV 151if104. .., CIVILIAN VOUCHERED 176 196 5 8 3-- __ 21 4 #3.., 1982. 8 SPECIAL TOTAL 7994 iii _44 0 OSS GRAND TOTAL 3928 80 4.008 1870 1199 1053 574 156 469. 8870 *VACS OFFICER (Iacliided is abov tota)s) -3, ." 1 61 32 8 AA 00 ENLISTED TOTAL 1 41 4 1 77; a Approved by: Date: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn14nnnA2z TOT SECRET Prepared by ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Tb 141(2U1'1IOT APPOIETSMETZ mamma. MIAOW nrinysset mu* twarou rap is smart Tor S IL ob&-mha 4,04 WAr aioalive.W4414 lp rte. Lt. Oolomol Wm. P. Davis, 1110 =Alto 60 Bramok (15 7140 italar Samuel T. EIng. Executive ?Meer. Operational Grows azipt&IA Percy C. Uadeira, =6 dosIgnatcd br War Department as Liaison =tear for IA ewe between I= and OSS vie. Dr. Sterling A. Callings 21 hobo r? Bayerd Rives, Area Operations Off1;:ters..Kagi vise iSajor Cpeorge Sharp (1 rob.) 1.4. (lama Ham AiAriehlt essigned to staff of the Dipputir DAzipator ut?Ludziaimi servio?i as Xzecutive Unser, via* Lt. L. B. flintant ITEM (14 7e4.) Runoell P. Plaee, Area Operations Officer lat relievisg a.S. lobs) Lr. John Waggle Asti/6g North African Theater Officer toriag tbek *booms of !War /1.1t. Chapin. (14 )ib.) itwaitent riturmeit ii?esitington and reamed his duties an Chief of the Elr.Atiu Division at 2 L A; Ltr. Richard Thartshornos .tInj Chief is relirred.(26 rob.) Ls. (J .j.) Azoit a. Garlaoh. Acting Deputy Chief of Zap P_in he abeenee of Lt. (j.g.) Utualitt Wilma (16 Aub.1 Basica itobirt. J. Tosin4110 Mating Chief' Cartographr Section, in the absence of Ilaniat11.7.11. nine (16 nu) agt* 34clea. Ziagmen, Aoting Chief Construetioa Unit of Cartography aestion, in the abalones or Robert H. Coffin (16 Feb.) Ist Lt. Earol4 Lenockerp Reoordor of the Board or Offloqirs, vie, Captain waltov J. main= (10 104) ? Lt. Oormander =ward A. Bacon, MLR, and Lt. L. B. P1lat, asalcued to CD Branah (14 Fobs) ib sicact Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 4, Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 I ie if ) SMATIO2 OP MOMS'S i:).SS A TIVITIii;S =Iraq FraicArco 1944 340o 44 the IsAttivities la tb* ft414 hew* shown substantial vuomsress during Yebraary* or these eertain Gass airy be worthy of mpe;cial mention, as follows* I* In the E4r4rea4.14 Th4*ter basically ail th* settlaties of the Theater are po1nt4 toward D Da; and relate to prspare,- %ion ratter than operation during the intervening period? All ths major piens seem ta be promieding estistectorilys with sqg.ipennt and gersonnsi needs substaatielly fulfilled and or twe radio statiqns ready to operete* R a 4 1* now aetive tn nummiro,4.1a fields* so matly in fast thet there is a question *bather it thould not begin limiting itself to *peeing oblectivew. Air activItias show signs af Improvement with 22 alreraft elreaft a:V*11401e; end tgiglly favorable sosrAmits have been received ow t4m inprormaent in qualtty of Si intelliiyassa*.q.0 end te Ioamer extent kV ars tne only breaches in the miropean Theater alime*rnima which we helte DO real intormetian. 2. In the Sortli African Theater the nuotwrzrIntel1idea4e Esisilime within North. Italy &Id Vir-Ausiill 4epanding. %litters f unusual :nterast include a itgb1j orasnised potash Im-,1041 aut of 'rano* through Spain and tne organiatioft of a, spanish De$k to develop these operations,' 5.4- itattvitles during the month or February sera completely fr...tiptimad by t4e leek of plane facilities to (terry sontelners* A asvolopmeat of interest in tlz.s Theater is the earomment pursuant to which MI has beaass Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDPiflYnnnn4 i 4-A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a ? TOP ifiti?pr .1?_. kir _14)4 t4t4...404,kia-44as - 2 - mn autonomous unit awafat=ra %Aswan, MI,Amr????????????? propaganda activities, particularly in the foreerdires*? Tarhapt the outstanding diffieult; noted was the fact that because of the shortage of agent sets 607; of the drops of agents scheduled :or Uareil had to be cancelled. allover, this La being vorkad out successfully by Communications. 3. in the mi,Ale Ustarn Theater our mission with uthallovitah has been withdrawn pursuant to agreement between the U. S. Oovernment and the Brilash, bat our operations with the Partisans are on an expending scale. In Greece, one of oLthr repracentatives L the military mission was inetrumentia APt in segotisting the truce between the principal resistance groups. 4. As to the Far astern Theater, little repdrting eon be done on nAC. In Chine there hes basa a clarification of Imtir rtietionehip pursuant to shish 1SS ani tOa Navy ,?ig4tb. havi inAlyldual commaada and sash report to General lei Li direct. All but two of tae seven camps in Chine started under the direction of Capt. Riles will be henceforth strictly opereL,tone, Aissione Into indc-China seem to be held up by political considerations among the various Franah sroups there. Detatnnant la is still the major buts, of our operaLons in PTO sad is discussed at sonsiderable length in the attactIed report, T 0 4,4 EcA TN, ("7; , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 NMI P,M7; .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a ^ Among the 'Washington Branch** significAmet to same diffien117 *Isiah /talcs are being wade with mad analysis of report,' in evalcatins the fork of R At t..o.is cladding of special importance, but arrangwa*I-As that Branch to obtain a clearer presentation the work performed,' Trgn 3 ? , ' rikpr 4hts.A?mkAIL IA nothing *f salion" At the present tine, there hits bemm dik Wadi law Pre4 it) r 14? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oo14nnmfl ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 4'- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 sitionali gni= imlialrfai ME22, .1112BIELA12.414, r?ECRET Lo MAW Zia personnel stresith of Gil In 2110 uttiaat 104. ea Pshreary, repreemattag en lassies** of 306 sine. SO Zeeman 1066. JUSELMER A. Smesez Plea The adaptation of the basses nem promote' IS Jimmury amid dismiss' La the Jammery report use epproved ay the Gemematiag Geaeral ef the Theater 10 febreary. The four members of the Susses Pathfinder lisalem.rs dispatehed to Prams ma the night of 11 Febrearys Sehempeatlyi ea the SONE ant frith et Priirmary. tee sigmale have bee& reoetvel fres the Pathfinder, la lremeo. This advsnee eentiagent of the Noma *lesion La operatimg in Fromee at this time solely for the purpose of finding safe landing points for the Seeses touts eh* will go into ?ranee in advenee of D-Day. A meeting of the 3mases subi.Gemmittee ram held or 17 tsbruary to determine the last posaible date ea whish information must be resolved fres the Pathfinder ideates% in order to dis- peteh Season teams during Marsh. All of the equipment for the agents and most of their clothing halm beea gathered together. 41. 1 Top sEcui Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 - .sE fiET Seesety-niee Suseez agents ere nee is training at 1504* set Of ere see in aglow' VW operators and 44,111/1!opswaterso) The Magee ssetiaeset is almost semplote, with only Si appals 'seeded, nest of Iduse already vomited is North Afries? la late February IT son were dispatched fres them for !MOOS* Detailed *ever stories hese bees prepared fly the first niee dasom teems, four et *ask will be Amerisea team. Briefing for the first grump of Sussex agents esomessed La late Febroary sad will egotism until all thesis art dispateluid. tafemmatles ea tease Auer* they will be landed has beau gathered free the Freash, aad a blast list foram& of the first teems has bees obtained time. 1.44 logetiatleas eantiaest is sesisestiso with the prepeost Ise of waSS4Melale sot the hudadling St tateIligemes veseitredinr thil use of seek equipment. (Mesas Los is a means of plektag up extrautly ~it rattle sigmals fres oar agents or resists's** groups Urea& the see of steel tape ?ornerier, installed is ear aireraft dispatehoi weer moor territory spesifisally for that perpoim.) 5. other Speslal Maas 1. Freest Plaa?-?de a direst result of diseussions with General Done' during his visit In London a resort* peol of DO Mash agents is being recruited for the us* of field iatelligens* is Frame after D-Day. This prejesti under the direstian of Col. Nem, will be referred toss 'Proust. Teo of the fifteen use rears/tea Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Top r during February are already la vigereue training* I. yaw esetlea (a) realest Terlialso of the first tee sissien Varna asset* Ida* leaded in Francs for the plumes* ef establishing Ube, sentests uith reeistenee wimps died es a result of la:arise after a eafe lasting had been reported. ihe mission is te sootiness however, and a Nef operator is being trained te light s& the burden oa the *awed* of the nen elm was 11-aullat.,- 4,01WirMireF (lb) IlUmet Flaaw....Coselderation is bolas gtesa to integrating the *Faust 1? plea for the penetratlea St Oeseemy with Mission Tulin. The *Faust Be agents say be &Welshed fres Switeerlands provided they ea& be dropped or landed in Frans*, and make their way to 3witserlsedis 3* Nemesia& Ovoup...-The Norwegiaa group of nine student& and five staff members were Alvan a week*s train.. lag in February -- the first of a tee-part training program* 4* beepesting the *Oetepue Projects? training of sea qualified to est as organisers on the sentiment under the direation of merlon' staff *Meers has reeehed the stage or training at the Freehold training area* A group of six will P011401110 general $I ladeetrinationi with speeial emphasis- on undereover teehniques* C. Strategist latellisenee 1* Pour agents sets and two 31gae1 Corps soavertere t Ica gEtt sem delivered to UAL (the intelligem - 3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOP Press* Cemaittes of Itational Liberation) durina the Ales 4mitLits lajbwimarir.: sr & sran IlerktlietiL With ASK inItmettiserlagar as a ?salt a new *bola of intelligens* eemeamiestidas will be established from ?tomb reeistanee movemeate to Landes three* OSS liwitserlemde S. Arreagimeate hove been eompleted for $I putt". eipatiem Is the British:4serisamifferwegisa intelligens* evemssehrack vasailair *loft toot isttlatm 1 instrustlem pereemmel sad 6/T sets is return' for all telegraphis latelligsmee resolved (smart purely Tavel intelligemee). Insoseages from Norway are new being 1 reeeilred regmlarly through Broadway. 1 31, la the Interest of future operations La Belgium, a detailed white list is being prepared. As the Lwow. bean alliboury latelligomee swots* is closely tied la with the Belgian emd 'Bratsk services& information assured from Immembourg will be available to 065 whom the request to resolve military Information from the Belgian servise is settled. Plass for a Belgian projest similar in its objestives to the Miamian Varna are under discussion and sheer peonies of materialising. D. 1.14. 1. Sztremely favorable ommeats have bees resolved from Admiral LImpenny4 of the Stomosie Sestion of ill, oa the Improvement In the quality of $I intelligemee over the last three months, A espy of his memeramtem has Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Et I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ree Away RT p been forwarded to Washington. S. The dissealeatiow of politieal Lstelligeose will homeeforth be reetristed to a nazism of eight to tea reports a week ekieh aro to be of the highest legality. The remaining rpports will be turned ever to the Weimar& and Analysis Srowsk in London, whisk in tarn, will he them availlblo. 3. Am SI laborataryhas boas established. III. 31.0 The trainlas of seenter-espiesaile Witless amd enlisted men for the SCI teems has eontlaued La Lemdea. The required personnel is on hamd sod total 36. ineluding Ili for the Oreup. 10 for the 1st Army, and 10 for the Sae deny. The desk personnel there are eonsentratal cmt resaraw tion of speeial emeater-espionage handbooks 'Welt are to be reed by the Allied Pewees. As pert of their tralvass, some of the SC/ teem members are assisting in the preparation 6C the handbooks. SHAW (Supreme deadquarters, Allied Sapeditioa- ary Parses) has indleated that some additioaal SCI fieli teams maybe required and the necessary pleas are being mole. COR sideration is also being given to the responsibilities and work of the X411 Dreash In mow and anosy-eeenvied territories once those territories come under Allied eontvols All necessary vehieles have been &soured free NTO, amd all other supplies ere either ea requisition fres 1f0 or Nashingtess? - 5 - T 0 , p ,C" wg_ ERLf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Roon1nrmannnA_-: 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a The r 1- ? r r?r4 n fur btAill.1 There have been preliminary senvereatiens with 31AJW eoneorniag the Central Counter=Intelligenee Moreau Whitt SHAW is proposing to ereate when Oormany is eeoupied. for the purpose of soordinsting eounter.Intelligesse information and poli*y. Seetion Y of 11141 sad Ur IS Bransh of OSS aro the two &gametes reeesnised by SMAMP for oseperation in planning and amseuting this program, rt. Mk B&A Braseh was in the midst of a reorientation of fenstleme during POWINIAry died ami 4timer.tatlen or its *Mt/titles ema be 0,117 Untative? Until recently the fast that aotivoullltar, activity In the Baropems Theater was largely to the Air Faroe tended to limit Sita to ~wising Washington. **operating in reseerek work of British agemeies, mad establishing liaises with Allied sad U.S. agemeleciarthe latelligemsef 1514. During February the entire staff wombed om resurrect noise, sue&en enamoring reqmosets from Washington, reports for ether ow brushes, lectures to civil Affairs smd OBS personnel, and wer** Current intelllesnee reports were prepared for Ambassador Winent sod 0-2 including the political annex fat the weekly 6.2 Latin/geese Report. The **Panel* Warfare Division of the B.S. *abase', of which the /atoll/goose Division is Jointly stat t4 by PIA, State Department. and 088 eontinued to channel all Amerioan liaisons with the British Ministry or Soonomis Warfare and to process osmosis intelligenee American Army anent*, Reports have been completed ecneeraing Russia, including Soviet requests for, and Britinh shipment of, 6 4! Tirm fl Jur SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13XOnnn1 Pnnn nr) ArvInn_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Alf 111 enew.forrees metals, end ma interim report en Ministry et *anomie Warfaroso cattmeta of Soviet oil rOfillingisposte4 la 1940. flans were made for developing the general seemed* work Lor BINA so that other U.S. agemeies in this =old, ass have the benefit of our eeenomists, knaledge. For may soothe 16A, personnel have oontributed to the Basis and Zonal Namdbeeks, whisk are published as a joint produet of British Pelitisal. Warfare Useutive and 02111. As of 29 Fibreary the extent of IAA's sontribution to Civil Affairs had not bees denned4 RhA, persomeal took part in the Civil Affairs training program at Strivenhon. emit it in Li ho pia th ivat zaa then a reporting and animation funotion in oennestiea with Civil Affairs, WAIF (1944. Plans are being formalated for joint .intelligemeto temias PSI and 26A persenael? MIA now hopes to provide a minkomet two nen or three eaeh for ?ranee snd Germany. Minato partial: potion will depend on the MIA personnel available when the teams move into the field with the Any. They will fors pert "of tomes to be on al-bairr duty one* operations begin, mad shield be capable of ataktng appreciations of intelligence on the spot. Finally, ma IMA representative will be assigned to the iippreitick tions Smitten of the Peyehologioal Warfare Board at UAW& headquarters. Speeial work is being done for the Amorisan members of the :suropeaa Advisory Commission, which inoludes Ambassador Wisest and General Wishershon, 7- TOP tt- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oo14onmfl 3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 (win mfati "no poreemnel arrived in L.rnJ MA.g the mastif leobsdlog a. sempemy of geographers eh* Sr. to se4 up a Cioogrem phle leaearehAnit. Mtn rsesstilYs Shit Londe* limited Itself to servisiag purs17-1.50 agemoles mad earrying on sooperative projests witk Bratsk agouties. With the arrival atoms personnel, the currant tsaksivilI hosome 'osier to perfinmaani. vier opportunities Gen hs amplolteds eepoolany after the 'tart of niIltary opera. (Aims, latish brIngwith thins the shames to undertake the tips at ftChtinmeknow serried ow Is the itediterrimosm Thebter. arr Ti. 10 AA "Our& Plea Jedharth traiting eenttases aseerting to ahhedule. entire somplemeat Is preetleally filial. 41 11/7 operators end 50 offirsers aro being trained as Joihorgh Isadore, amd are all lomated in thew/Ala **beta at teterbere. During the past "math their sass is baa Improved eonelderebly. Late In February the "shoeless Inepeeted by Clesoral Doolittle. Allen and Nowlms. Oa* ovesul4ht. (morels* and a four-1day field anerelee wars eampleted during Fehrsar, la the area knew as Mosley. one of the objeste of the migrates was to teat and put into praotlee aormunioatione La the Mill. The :ether& SA sot Is nos working eat more satisfaetorily and the 10 operators ars eneeerasek abeat its performemSe. There is. ma adequate supply now em hoed. 7Pfcbt Ph V.21 a sEtRA.41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014000A-fl ? we. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a SECREf nropoaad astivitios Oriesistem140 groups in assisting an opposed invasion of the eentiamat was submitted to the 0.11 motion 1st U.S. Army: As isomisoo plma was also prepared and is expected to be ineorporate& Im VAS lit Army plea: B. SOMaiiiting Pro jest This prejeet is primarily for the purpose of obtaining military....n4formatien ter spatial operations and providing aid to 'moistens. groups in mammy esoupied areas in Scandinavia. We farther informatioe is available: VII: All AC:W1T=1 liftr-.i$ sorties ware flown during the Febri a:we period, of whisk twenty wore susoessfully oompleted? la *entreat to this figure, only eighteea sorties NOVO noon in the JSUMW, period, sight of whleh were suoseessfel? /he February sorties accounted for the delivery of 240 containers to resistasoe groups in Fresee? TweatroTwo of the thirty-two Liberators assigned are now based on the airdrome at Alsonbery? At the end of February, the remaining tom mere being *edified and were to be delivered within a few days. The kirdraes at Watton, Werfolk, to whish (188 squadrons were dispatshel, was found to be unsuitable for operations until runway repairs sad lighting Installations have been amis. Operations will continuo froa the Airdrome at Alconbury until the repairs at Watts& have been oompleted? Two hundred thirteen enlisted men and four *Motors arrived at Holm, on la February frost the United States, to man the Top ,?4CRE1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 paakinA statical" 0IJ It was found nee tura dorm 23 the were found te usaultablea mmit reelseineate will be obtalaed in the Theater. Arrangements have already been made to rowel! 68 additional enlisted nen and 6 *Meese for thia work in the Mester. Delays in eonstruction postponed the completion ditto for the work at Area 1, the packing station, from 27 February to 6 Nereh4 Curing the month there was aa investigation of the possible use of helieeptere sa a aaana .f Adatvartas and pialtini a. agents behind mammy lieut. After a discussion with Commander Peat, mho is in aharge of helicopters in the Suropcsa Theater, it was acbeluded that nodal* now available are not suitable for eurrant 088 needs. TO supply moistens* groups, three minima rounds of sublets aemualtian have been premised by Prmauresent and supply ta Washinghem. if tees thousand OSS ?atiens and 6,860 carbines ere being presume ter delivery to rimistsase groups. Two thousemi five humdret stedieel kits requisitioned In February met arrive in Loudest by the first of April. VIII. 110 General Informatisok with respect to NO organisation and activitiog in this theater was not available during the month of February. A mission known as the 'Sioux Mission* was collared with the Acting chief of the Northern European Section of the State Department. The State Department informal Ambassador Johnsen, in Stoekholm that it had knowledge of the objectives of the 3D VI*? SECREf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Pnnn1nn1Annria Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ;agot -no ? 4tt 4 lop sEgiiti apt had approved it srbJo to"g GetgUrragai.4 Ma this connectioa, it vas deolded that Ur. Lonegren should go to Stockholm. to explaia the mission in person to Mr. Tohnson. The introduntioa into Germany and other countriesot m work oa Hitler has beam planned. A "scientifie edition* is suggested, the origin being assigned to a neutral country; it is said to require a psychiatrist in order to give it aa authoritative charaatei.. IX* a At the and of the month, the personnel situation of this. oilman on handl si= zeertlited? and twenty to be recruited. limadquarters, Alliod Expeditionary Yoroes formal4 approved the Naritimie UnitIls plan to obtaia and use four 30te and three PT's, but the latest information 13 that the alloeatioa of specific boats to kV has been disapproved* The proeedure authorized is that MU shall file any slam neceszitating the use of *raft with MAIO' which, upon approval* would rzosat ,Ghe Comman- der of the U.b. Nary in Ituropean waters to furnish the vessel,. The training group at Ozford. is preparing to move to "The Go4tage", a large barge with auvommodetigAs for twelve, on a river close by the sea, near Suffolk, where the group will have facilities for more advanced and realistic training* There the maritime orgenizatiom has set up what is known as L.Units? consisting of individual teams to attack water-borne targets, including enemy ship and dock facilities, cables, tate* -11- Top SIMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13Xonnni rw-1.1 A nn? _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 eperatione iu - 111 . vlsr,s ferryin e 1311 operations - plek-up m present time. withone in late April an five- in e Request for authority fr 0.41 MUSA to reeruit an OM issions of oIseilawitImmill*Ime Mil4tary under-water swimmer& (under 0-3 smar)4 *C" operatives sabotage attacks aectomplithed by resistanoe gtolipa GI- 4n AlfAAeat cooperation. with such gamma* g; operations direct attaaks by Ameriean Naval esr under yeti's, *hick' are perftemed. & fer.r zr Velr (under authority of SOR/30). "Bs operations are contemplated for the *I? unit at the III E ?? X. oa ....1.... om III t t i ( :mu onsideria the leak F Polish. OG of ftve ?Mears and twelve. enlisted. men was seat La this month* Their morclo is high and improving. CIONUNICATIONS XI. Kw os og A plan was prepared far the use of the Nariviscima 00's. 3* t event of-Germ azoes.1 withdrawal from/Norway. he At the present time the oGle are undergoing special training. A. Maiden Maples (for 302 iielmdiag Jedlworgb) Th is stations now ample**, is oommuniaating with .the mobil units no n exercisev in the field and e P II ! * tit 1 ".; f- t t1 ! !- of experitinee of the twevie, the sPris is been satisfactory. north is a plan to plak up- the Norwegian sehedules later on. 3. Station. Yieter (for 31. including Smesea and. X*2) !?7 This station has not yet been ocmpleted. Nowevers it would -., , put five tranosatters on the air in a few hours, if neeessary. as_ 7saailk. 111?11r TOP SECRET A-Sisitted- late three estegovistS 12 OSP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001Pnnn1nn1Annria SECRE Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 z With the allotment of frequencies a SECRET tits IA Seawall the plan is to arrange a sehetula Afriaa 11'1 *Alk handle direetion finding CDIq traffic,. Agents' Squipaent With reapest to Sus$ex equipment, au adequate supply la reported to be am hand. Ilith respect to Jeoloripis the Ultima!' are to suppIT the sets sad they also repertam zdAeleasta aunokra A nee type agent set is being received at U20 present, time fro* the United. States. These sr* fOund to be superior to the old in mahr 'ways* both amebeeiwelly aad tivetritukltr. A oonforeeme was seheduled in mill-February with Lord 34061.. beret to collaborate with 81$ in the assignment of agent fire quencies XII. SEKTIGES AYD MELIA& A standard operating procedure for supply was submitted at tho eat of February. It sets forth the desired prosedure to be used in the sequialtionings delivery, and storage of all oupp11044# *ord was reweived from Washington theta in the futures NIS in Linden would raosive adequate information as to the contests and ultimate deatimation of cargo**. This is regarded as of great help and will eapedite the delivery of cargo to the user. It resolves s krotaan raspteting whioh Services in London had previously complained* XIII. =AL macasa A. Field liboteggivblis, Alork being done during Eisbruary included: a) setting up a small camera for the agent training emotion; 0 experimental work in oonneetioa with 08RD; e) the ',coastal eommand proloots SECRET roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nn1 Annnn 11: 0. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a SECRET now in its sassed phases in whish they are shooting at basis in the United linglion. With tubs idea of eowering the forthcoming invasions a tentative story polls; was set up whish would., a) shoe Gorman fortitiestions; b) photograph the training of Naval personnel in the various types of assault craft; e) sower the air softening up of the ehannel defenses; d) deal with the Mama invealor itself. The first toro phases are almost entilefilly easpleted with 'material presently available. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014nnnR_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1.??????1?.. Y.? ? ? 1' - " , ? ?,- -i`e,.rtizt:tir,a. '4;...4..;,4.-?:-..7.4.1,14.?:245....11(2.-.--...-t7....-. ..1.1.. - ... ....4%.? ' ?',41.7.,r'''.., '....,'".4 * ....VC ';?e'rriCV,I3C- .44--- .? . .. ,...i L7.--,--.0.-:. ? ,t-'1,VE . A - k ? 04i; 1,' ? ? ; 4 It?Cl,t sr' ' - -....-.1 e-)5Ve*, .?;,!.AP-4'.;;:---' .1?'t ? ';tr-v ; ' NI iilF* -,-.4-0.-' : `;nk ,o,', , - 1,..? ? ....._: 4- i- -, . , ????%?'., 4.,;?? '''.. ,- - .:' ......... _ . --...., ... .. , . -?.;N:1 . - .11.71.4,1511 a'11' 5.f _4'-'401A5AViiala.:11AMZIA% ? 4?'*, ? -- ? VS.44411' ' ?i" .42,n, 4.7 diksmIr. ? k Vag$. " -14 .? ? .34; f . -14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ASTAx.14. , ? O.-- P-vt, ?-?t_ 16144a.?.?. "ale . 43; -0111101114111en w oss -ep?rim. 411414, deseataieilaition is deoalimig with the Balkans --ARLA4441.. itstioxir LW. *entered, ..naL --in this Theater eneompasa a ride.. -*Won severed am regional basis Mielicorepsred and in attaahed, setting &tat eoneerning the sposific: intelligence- *M. !test imeported upon by woo* las sonztot itt Ves Partisan Alga Wang the 31 mission under Major Weil, aro ? dlikelsesed impt?ak 341. , Who - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 S TOP ,zgSECKET Daily reports are now being ~steed fres Parti sea territery* Is Yugoslavia, at the preseat Use, there are four missions, all. of as furalsking affeottv* 104111114.11 eane,r44$ the sties% tee . beebisgi on %arras, target possibilities* ?muss setleitise smagolitleal tteads. there is also wader soy a prolprom to seed four meteorological teams into Yugoslavia to *Stall* weather stations. Only Gee has time far bask 6100atebsill eat of Saris having departed for Tis in side.rebruaryw The lageslav leak preps:v*4 for di.-tiaA.--tiee reports is the Yugoolav situatica is the Middle lasts as weLl.as the Isokir YUgsalav Intelligence Summary; and -issued reports cos- --corning the savslopmsot of troop nevments in the North AMA- atie one in Slovakia* A_ tentative list has been submitted by the Bari office scheduling for the imeadiats future eight SI parties with. destinations in Tugeslavia. A sooting was belt with Norse 133 and other latero stet agencies to disensa air prior- ity, sad Mayas successful is securing the highest priority for the teens ehich have boot scheduled brat not despatebed. S. 4remego,=-A11 Greek missions have be heard fros diarist the month. At the present time that. are six intent- jorsim JaPiebaliwak vlitialla assented Greece, and contact is daily be- ing naintainsd with Athens. On* is an an Wand in the Aegean reporting as Ahipping end setting up a mail route; tho others are furnishing radio communications fro& Northam Greece and in the area near Athens* = 2 - StVE ? I0 - I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn14nnnp_q 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Plena and negotiations continuo for a mission into Epirus, whish is EAV territorY, . The now base set up in Cyprus is discussed further under liaritimis Activities (infra). Ilearby it, a spy ring, with a radio, had been diseovered but no harm had yet been done. One OSS lieutenant hao been awarded a Silver Star for gallantry in action in aiding in the evacuation of imerieviii and Britiih civilian personnel from an Aegean island, C. Albania.--ommualcations with our chief Albanian agent ger, broken during the month and tip attempts tub reach his base by sea, from Bari, failed. A third attempt by the newly sqgiPPed ship "YANXES" made a successful sortie and brought back a crest deal of importaat intelligence of a military, political and geographic nature. D. Africa..After mu4h consultation, it has been de- cided that the headquarters of the Africa Section would re- main at Accra, with a liaison officer at Cairo. The forior field chief at Accra has been appointed Deputy chief of SX, the new branch which combirws tile functions af SI and X-2 in Africa. The ImG-scheduled Industrial Diamond Smuggling (IDB) conference with the British finally took place at the end of the month at Accra, and plans were formulated for more effective control. The conference concluded that there 111111 3 .. UV e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP rSECRFT *Milt be ea ntileerf essialttie as ilbot pahlleitr riveOrs ahead be" 1464: ile-Metear, assmillatio tek to Cheek thoi eiltrylag. it: 401101114- :11: byMa Ity oat Warta, utter iseler--7*-10iiir' Abe *MI6 eitillstle. ties te eaeretee more effective Oestria-Villit, eleniad problem the Oolt Cesissaisatloashaenee I1ia been est alias our stoats in the *kis Yard* litliata, traidh thilbelpo- Oa **operettas of the SIMI& SU and the Itritish feret. *Mesa I VA rasa t t shook Of Istelltigessee pert*, the Atria' Section manti-,* soon* la the OBS wila a rail*/ ofm pereent'an the basis if fearsemen.. eate* rissLjoe" asittioviciasetts: of the Seer last Sestina. here boat acoopl--?4- rtirgy-r-rt on the ponetrattes. ant exposure, of three Azis espiemage groups laniting la. Irak, a zumalni, astwalet of instil*. political tittivity is *Iraq as it affects both local polities ant the 471Allea1l. plata for Arab males. sat tlaely reports on. Palestina ant- the Increasing Jewish tensioa? Tee, lastairet sae reports were received daring the aentho sad the /mattes lei the OMI la Ula latest lID spot shook noearing a reties of 31469 poreent for the fear seta- roneatas ecafiarsedt or pro-I:Able, 3) current* 4) originality. The average for all Si reports yes 229?9 Imiresixt? - 4 - TOP t4CRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Pnnn1nn1Annria Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOP JP, Operational Targets. Section (SARI) ,.-This iseition Alwim avitaftaiva wavk this Aalkans4 having canasta& 143 mosaics covering airfields there an g _ungary, Wit UMW with a special airfield report on thm Zagreb area, all for the lath Air Force, A-2, Intelligence was also developed concerning 27 .-aergeney landing grcunde in Yugoslavia as far as Budapest, together with photo-interpretation cork for Force 133, covering the Dalmetian coast., In addition, the organization cooperated with the Acting Chief of Staff of c.e ,Lnd an atom. around intelligence covering the Ansi? beachhead. Tergats requented by Partisan Headquartart were sub- to tho 15" 8""s U'a" ?re_4 Lartgav.dtpaa to recent reports the findings have been that the Partisans know more about the eondition of targets, frequently frost experience, than we can tiAt from information that seeps out of the country. It is believed, however, that we can assist by indicating the intelligence targets we are anxious for them to destroy, a, Labor Section,--Arrangemonts have been made for contact with various Arab labor organizatians in the Middle Eatt through aa Eaptian labor leader who is m*kin c an offi- cial trip tarough the area, 'reining la amali arms and dits'aiss aombat la bei rid divan the two man of the mission (PERICLhS) which will go into Greeao ta wark with LA', and t.ley will soon be ready to leave, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Ia being losegrell tires them. NIMa all?p-Faverable eamiseaste have bit M * JIMjlid hear* with respect te O repeats er the MD sepreeantative 1 I 1 i ilsa aisdase was eseuredl flea the *emir Dersamies- WM. Thi Propeeal to estakidah a separete mmisavreilad esrlialsaties for latellipmee la Crete Was met favored 1r, t alli he Itritt ISIAD, alma* &d In igest. telliposics is alia /11... s*, Otating that the number lit tha faVali? hilli ?e?togpory were &Ma- / 1 % i -Vali,' &cuirass &tram Istanbul (14101: Neat Best 001 But* iugealavia ant Greece (over 54 each). lomat Deeenber 2114 January 4014 February 500. With respect te Januarys they covered' the following spill...tat Tageelavia (57)te Grefiefa (55)1 Albania (401 beliaria- (Oh ism (25).. given as 21 for the last_ vomit. in January, 74. for the wear ending 5 February, and 64. for e...) vet* ending 12 February. In addition, Dari reports, which, are separate, are , 1 1 i i i i i 1 ; i Italy ect the increase? asel Indiceteit that they eesaidered, our ecenomic reporta of great mane, filling, out ma licortaat 11 gap la their- own. intelligence which is preleelneatly milmiterrw poperts for sesent. asittlia act be. eempsiet alk fat- III. .Ea i--2 has been obtaining and cataloging material on per- sonalities. An unusually complete file of German Intelligence Service records an German and. Japanese agents were purchased froa a German agent in Istanbul1 and photographs of the.. ''? - 6 - SSW Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 C-9000171-001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 90/60/?1,0Z eseala Jod panaiddv Pue Pe!PsseloeCI 1 1 IVO el 01 t *moat, pus ?TrAllsolhu o ovirrai og JO sonTATiau 4uvuoduT Atm sdirgiod Pu, IedTaulad owe VII *Li 111115=11111 iisayeas Jo Audeallooll Arympa oTh. v. set* Pult %rug *IMRE 014 11FT sollIaTiam trirTstmili 1Pue ,salvillt %Ina volpinz 110 petsetroa SIM lilinlasitoprl TUMID. *ujir visos VT semsovklue 4oremsomes1 lavvirpm Jig piripsenbaa 4;sea tranvia -Tea inn inuaseuma ?pszoltead sea umpusammu is sure issonsid ANN 1Pul nualmo ZDJ U1PS,a egt Pn4Tmqns um104. Ws Au awn ins limns iwataitineva eriaseunt isimenaadaa mor Noseilillik OPTirnalli JP1404 .1110 11, 114440iioj ',nig esti irt sondem aegilftp ireaLings 14) aft" suprrnes. 0 Puy lepumniii *waft -46 oplognistirs usias? 'imposers wieeitmesst ate UISmoviaint.Org sni invm put moron Alortgort 14?44?44 ?rwursoi issums? yin *vs 10 untrr Otrt oft %msi tj1eg e; Aiienged 1* *Lai eta Set -grellez viz in. tamaget pIntrisi sea wiesearliit ?usialaut SIM 1.111??? "TM ImPINIIIK? ___Immomma mamma tat stasassizmuska ? satissead LIAM 1111K11004t 131133S 01 V iv' ,IS,..1 a C-9000171-001-00011-0600X?1-dCl-V10 90/60/?1,0Z eseala Jod panaiddv Pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? 1 II Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Rise SECRET 211110101.---Ateo14isi to a report from Lt. 114 0. Wil. the Partisans umbel,. ten corps hosiguartersi mei shall have at least one officer with seek of theee. 'There are zeir is ApAricast officers with Mo. Major Veil went Sat into Ingeslavia as Semlerfliaisea offiser as February- 27. At thi preempt time we at rely es the British air fere. to ar. IsmOk for the tiensportatiest, but the British, are cooperative and have suggested that more officers be broaght in. All principal costs for this activibr are being paid taltlaU, by the British* Lb* Gams* also in Yugoslavia, has reported that the Partisans are stoat-4 imeoursdia to, the racmt malte. and are enthasiastic ever Allied aid. One of our easier re. presentative* in Yugoslavia (Parish) has Immismittid offl- eial request from Titogs Unitary of Infermaties that a party of tme visit America to establish an embers* of informatics* Captain Ilaasfield was evacuated from Mihallovitek territory and has reported on his observatiess in the field. !Into the British hive decided to withdrew their ala alas to Mihailoviteh, the Director has ordered our sole remaining liaison officer to return with th. The matter of keerican intelligence officers in ifikallovitch territory is still ba- ing considered* B. Greeee.-Jitt. Wilsosits report states that there ere eight important corps areas in Greece, and an Allied military man with each. We have at Least one officer available for each vr 17rILW %.treafT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014000A-fl 1 Declassd and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a SECRET for the millions. At the present tine, guerrilla activities oto 4-altEtt? AL true' among the varioUs Greek gmerriat peep* was timally signed on February 29th. From informaties abIsiv the peetibility iv that the Greek organisations will go hosei GI tiaht among themselves. Coloill Woodhouse,. head of the Allied Military Mission to Greece, has *eat sew,. oral !messages that without the help of Majer Wine* he could - met WV* had the meows he did with arranging the agreement ? imarrillas. It bore the sigma-tures of the three bends (1*M, BDOS ODi MA), Ctlenel Woodhouse ant fisiez 1-1=41-4 Mei* is another mission in Gimes composed solely of Almeria** officers operating in the Drees section, in as attempt to organise wad raedl_tikte betimes guerrilla mania there. It also has as its 'wand mission to destroy the bridges on the main railroad line leading north. In addi- tion, one man has been working ea the coleus supply line to ant free Greecel he reports that the route has now been lait out and part of it gone over. During February it sag not in use pursuant to a ruling by the British Navy. C. ejakkg6U.. --Captain Lloyd !With has 'gone in' alone to rescue the three remaining nurses ebo torce-landed in Albania. When he has accomplished this mission* he has specific targets which he intends so **batmee* An4 will try to find out what caa be done to organise the guerrillas. - 9 - a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOP SraGeo Vito AMAGIUMfia Daring Ike month, 17 planes (al 'Minh centre/14i) made 74 sueeessful sorties out of 150 flights flow 100 toos ofmaterial and nine persons were dropped* fee hundred fifty sorties are planned for March. April, and Nay and a nininom of 10 Fortresses are needed, ? t? TO? ." gcT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 - Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? MI. NIL According to Lt. Z. G. Illeonts report, there are sow-. era' phases to NO work which are being carried out in this Theater. Ono of these is erSocrs.* which art agreed upon at a, weekly meeting attended by OSS and PVIR* Of the number used, one-third to one-half are invented by our voup. They have had some success in producing riots and the au:Treader of individual. aviators. There is also at the presemt time a black news service TONS:ma thich is sent, by radio from Cairo In Vose -code-. this is lad* available to some thirty publishers of underground . _ newspapers in Griftee* It wirmre tG el"-:?"1 fr?11L1wjtjGreece and the source is not supposed to be American. ;Itch broad- cast contains from 600 to BOO' worts. Our Si and SO nen in Graeae are eentecting publishers and advising the* of this service* In addition, an agreement has been reathed with FRE to work jointly an black pamphluta. The plan is to pre. pare and snuggle these into the Balkans to be distributed to the German and Quisling forces and certain groups in Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria. There will not be mass distribution. Th're is also a proposal to send an NO liaison to Tito's headquarters and to recruit a few officers to be sent to the FRS school. Arrangements have also been completed here for the re. printing of four pages from Life /Ullman* to be :2.- sant to Cairo for use in the Theater to secure desertion of German soldiers by exploitation of thkfacts with reference ir ",- Sitql -U- I A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 IP Fe r to good treatment received by Gorman war prisoners -in %his country. this material, plus 6411at42-LT Awt47,? will be sent, piecemeal, by air pouch. Besides the, activities specifically covered above* thews ars plans jointly it OW to prepare spotiaI gatarial, to tek dropped by Pores 133 to theligpsial Tartilans, ineluding monthly news awmaaries. The Fart-Isms are proving. anxious to receive American materiaLand therefore: several. hundred apples of wrAlikiiwilWi Gembaemmat translation hslm. been prepared to sand ta. Also, recently, information bag been obtained from Yugoslav rsfugssa- at, trap sua3 cm" which will enable- WO to intensify its work in the Dalmatia* Isimnit. 1ft? ...,...A.A4:44?mmew Aar SPiralri-iMailirra, the work above, 058 and likm?eilisek PIM have joined insteps taken to coordinate a MC and lastrieum radio warning to 510- yens war criminals. IL a (Including Shipving Oueratisais 40) Shipping Operations and activities take similar forms in, the two principal areas in which AL is operating, i.e., in tho Adriatic and the Aegean seas. A. jUsoslavig.--In general, the s:lipping vork oat of Bari consiiets of ant operating supply vessels to Yugoslavia and establishing maritime points an the Dal- matian coast to receive personnel and supplies6 According to the report from. Lt. A. G. Wilson, 055 has managed to gain control of 37 Yugoslav ships froa 30 to 150 ton capacity cad', which now const .a shipping service -12 - E Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nn14nnnp_ 1 =-ZSL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 IV batarson Bari sad the Dalmatian Coast. These Are named by Tagnalav crews. Ws or with the British at :mei aa have mm a2fiefar located at Via to superviseat that end. Suppalioivbsme been shipped to the Partisans by this service, consisting principally of small arms, munitions, feod and medicames. Recent reports Ind:testa th*1 oar.,mml 4r 4 AILA*L nine partisan vessels Ieft for Via, carrying 796.5 cargo tone. Including heaty AA guns, jeeps, etc. This Is in connection with the joint (X-.British operation., 'Eaely La 7,10111=4210iii.SC ura. Partisan vessels were loaded and despatched from RonopalL, earrying 615.5 cargo tons. Also, a somoomer Ieft for the same area loaded with barbed wire, w?tle in at*All gantbar week, five more Partisan vessels and one British LTC were despatched. carrying 4:45.9-taftWaf ear's** jrseity ins IV thee* reports, it may be concluded that the average sent during the mnnth Is La the neighborhood of 500 tons per week. sticker bearing the British and American flags is being . placed upon goods dellverzd to +13A14 Partisans. (A Sketch of it was forwarded here.) The shipping service is also being used to bring beak refugees on return trips. Recently, there wore throe cargo schooners returning from areece bringing a total of ez6 refugees. 5. Greece.--The principal maritims operations in this area continue to cc that of supplying various bases by the use of claques. ht this time tnere are two marine bases TOP sia 6.7 - 13 tiVit WQR Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001on14nnnR_q 1 1 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a , 4 ' .14isated i in the Aegean, 1..., Bostla Ma BIWA; Ast a large maritime base located. in Cyprai it larawastesi sa-11, arrthimist coast of the Wand. la a repo- rt.dated l'wbreartii frosi Cairo* it has been stated that this was iires4mt 22 eigitturs i oPeritig ts-S-4 largest bili-US -teas sad the smallest 311 teas* TO break a supply bottle- neck* a 120-tat cargo sch.00ner has beat requisitioned for es.lautth. Ileireral sew calques have been semis** with the plan or Installing new engines In that. At the present time tkiers is a plan wider way that* with ea* fast boat available* raids can ba made apes the 601111111 calopies operating in the Mama, is Is especially ialimarda *hub clubwoman anuaumrindt the wariaus in the Aegean are greatly depaitient upon those supplies transported the caiewov, A 111RINCIPOIWILL. ail& WNW& UM mama wjr a?iwarreig}rt Mt...A4e4,elbr imersixds.mm wise- ftem.ecile ...stible by Irttgaligiamwda mmiamel4ma ame or our sissians in the Aegean. I. OG ATT training arse for a aTecial group of the Greek eon. 4111,4,m_samelleLe unimeaweemm's' ,ftse,ArmartA Inc* &ewer veie-umeweit 11.1UP litmem#.aleadimmot.m mow *ha& Vkailimmar Cram* - where intensive work on Di-Dely plans is beim( carried cm. X twenty officers and 191 enlisted men, including Oats. and British Commandos, undar the cum-mend of Col. uuurchill, are now based oa tne Island of Tia. Since the riermaas occupy most of the islands, and threaten Partisan supply lines, they TOk4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Top 4?ECKT have beep sent to Ti. to hely keep-the 'apply lines open. During the month the report bee be receive& *het Owl Partisans have put up fcalcificatiens on the Island with pill boxes, anti-tank guns, etc. ihmi presence of Allied troops is helping the morals of the people. If Iris is sugoessfUllF. held, the unite plan to oondact *alai aa ammunition and shipping hidden among other islands. A roma- mistimes party from Viso led-by an OG officerilemded 411 the rivighbortraz Near ea February 20. No enemy shipping vas formai -sag inflow ? Was too strong for the raiders to Miaow*. Ilowever, valuable intelligence um 111001.1111. ? (-I xi.SaillaWAUM The most significicit featuro of Communleattefts ,4* that new weather report circuits were successfully inaugurated between Visa Bari and Cairo. Reports were retransmitted with respect to weather information to the 15th Army Air Force in Bari and thea by radio to the airfields in Cairo. The new OBS radio agent; school near Cairo is now la 1?411 operation. It is well arranged in the villa, with W.L.Aw oat wis.aw A, wimp WI W km of itha 'middle of February, there were 32 operctors who graduated and 76 were taking the tourse. 23 nen from SI had graduated, with two' now taking that course. The weekly number of messages appears to rum approximate- 3..Y 50Q. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 :a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? a TOP WitET Netsitli Sepply Inastieas hats bets serried en _:r. *A Berta with Major amuse Iasi* U Serriees Offieer. it is becoming Increasingly apparent that Bari requests for supplies of all kinds heseekeep* 'tag, operatiernal end for the guerrillas asanart be satt,sop r*"ipct-r *et by the *apply 'terries* of the Middle Ilia$tt Cairo*" own reoluireeents will soon be greater then Um steeirs 1= hand* 8 - TOP -?EGRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 IMMINIIMInomm Lias affaikkleifigilalifiLAUMMUI PLOWING ?ANL GROGRAPAIC DIAGAIMO A. namulutial.wasikau Station A Yucoslawia To furnish 'loather (Calif?Aset) Internatiea Station B (Menden Awet) Station C (Delaware Mot) Station D (Base dant) I. 1221intailalailliarilakann Wades MA% in Tegoslavia A radio &tattoo.. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Java Partisan tertitpry 1.14 Use- slarria. A radio statics Despatohed to Bari Pebreary ) Centimes to send ooloortit doily reports re industrial organisation and offset of bombings en targots. The reports here camera Gomm aetivities, troop movemooto, moor wor=421 TolgooIsm politica amstau Declafda Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 nni annnAzz Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 woo IN GWORAPHIC FLOWN --WM-- Arizona Yugoslavia Radio stotiom Arkansas Asa son Yugoslavia Tenn for Partisan Territory Yugoslovia (Partisan territory) With Alum, 400veo penetrated north of Russian point, then returned to *ado's; purpose to secure n,%eded intelligence on offset or bombing. c? 211111111-LinalkalliiiiLSIMORd Oman Island of Tinos in the Aegean assion from Island off Istanbul coast of Turkey Illinois (r) talent Settler Reporting on shipping; *labor- ing intelligenee from salvo officers; setting up a nail route, Basesadrian- Attempt bora to mediate ople; Pro- betwoen factions of guerril- jeot MA las on thin island, Evros Isle, In Greece near Pir- aeusp also for Athol* Agent XM6, with radio, oper- ating in Orseitel , Teen dospatobei along with Asset weather sissies.. Is- telligenee reeeived re lamb said in Gorasey? X Titols permission not yet received. Reports stressed 1144Mmo- eleotrie targets in Curium this siA Salaam Agent 141L-1 arrived sagely on Tinos. Long roport brought out on island. Little progress; delays due to Turkish authorities, Mediation vm4ysit cc0001m- fili Oporstor X.45 Joined 1.7 Probably Cum',1144. r:Kand roils dospstshoi 114 First samtssit Pebrwsgy 271 awe radio be- ing used, iragPsoimmioioiimmmomioormmorormmli?mn,?,,,,i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001001411.111111111 7-37MiTd and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 eA1,11-4 ? 1.?r,, 2. 04:- cv -6 !MIMI firl tOOTerflir10 rtT4141tw4t4pok I l034.4fiorkVIIVIN lenrirAriiMMAMR""1",M4M- itiVir08""?'"1"1"`"""*??'"""""s".."151/1**6"r''' .41?11.6 IN MANNINO .120111111LIMILAMINAIL.. Brigand Island of Agent X.0 arranging Pissoolge 14 returned from &via (NOI SVIi4, is of agents to and from Grown. Athens) without success be. Grimes (eventual- ly Piraeus) Gasolene IA KAatikidi. Intelligence in Balalaika ice; Northern ()mace Rialanx Despot Oracle near Salon- ilca, in Greece near Athens in Greece in Grrsceo noar Athens Operator 1.16 with 'silos Chicago Bases Interruption of traffic to Adrianople prevent chrome going into X Germany* wielood laslessra.E. alloiLym ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: eau*. O.rsaiis lir* patting NI drive there* . Agent now back, in Bey 1124 tree Greece. gads contact with iwt whoa in IChalkidiko; made throe trips to Salommilial is going hack. First radio communication after safe arrival in Ulm- ika; sending voather reports; asks for camera. Agent X.24 arrived 1m Athens from Smyrna', anti has returned* Not mach intellIsence since his return. and from Wire Xvvia will b. Boat left Smyrna for r000nnoitered; weatbsr per. sitting will go on to Groom* Despot has been osparing way to go through Xvvia. IIP ERET 111?01011.11MMAIMIIIMMEMail Floka eclassitiea ana pprove or e ease IN GROGRAPHIC PLANNING .2101111111111111..... lission under Capt. Caskry for Aegean Islands, Joint- X ly with Turkish and Ital- ian intelligence. Horse Breeders Macedonia Base: Salonika Agent 3t-50 arrived in Cyprus; will proceed north. D.imajusajmna Pericles ?mice Current intelligertes 1 Greek soasouts Union through Orook XAM X =minim Immured Top St Declassffiecl Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-1.11 - ALBLQA 4-B Africa k7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ...Q1112110Ig.ABIL__ Belgian Congo British West Africa, including Portuguese Guinea, Liberia, Col- onies of F.W.A., in- cluding Togo-Dahomy, Ivory Coast P. Senegal Africa 0 Angola Africa ir10 Cape Verde Islands Jammumat. ILLtiall.gance Intelligence Intelligence NM= ar MAIMS .rinkon. land 1 re- cruited in I ield 5 and 3 recruited in field 4 and 20 recruited in field Intelligence 2 and 3 recruited in field Africa #11 Union of South Africa Intelligence 3 and 6 recruited in field 37 reports submitted. Be- gan groumdwork for an or- ganization* (Agent 1110 53 reports and 11 cables* Investigation of diamond smuggling* Working out details of intra-Africa conmunications* 6 cables and 22 reports* Up-to-data picture of political and economic relationships of Angola to Portagal* Reports on Axis* 13 reports and 3 cablos* Reports on military in- stallations and troop movements* Requisitions filled for ONI. 17 reports and 5 cables* Information on operation of clandestine radiomite"- 443x1? resulting in its elimination* Informal*, on diamond ring* 'a' 4i1,40414&? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001 onunnnAMMIIIIIII-11111111MMIMINIlmemo :IA144 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 mrtfcme.m..,s,..................................r....rewser~fRIPMS7MSCP9141R. mem MOM 07 AUNT?oGE4C 424 S -143112QUIVL. -11022301L,....211MILIMILIZMINSL, la- 01141 (continued) Africa #12 Portugues E. Africa Intelligence 2 and 15 recruited In field. Africu #20 Ethiopia Intelligetice 4 Afrtca 3'101 Cairo (3 stations: Intelligence (DF) 1 1220, 2 NATO) 59 reports endt 11 cebless Information on Masi spies* &man consul at LOUr01300 Marques implicated in dim- ming! snuggling. 11 reports and 1 cable. Sstablished cover* Diffi- cultyt Lack of organiser to head missies* Locating lost aircraft. TOP SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 iimioniammossimiummariimmimin ? Declassified and AoorovedF Release 2013/09/05 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ,mrts-Y Cat:. etvrat,v1,6._. Ce:4 AUK Ulan* ac=1 Declassified and A ? proved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? irt I -Mir ZALAWILINAMW1RATA1411 I4 OD) Mat IIMEWSLAULL I.IIMUMAk The Southeast Asia Theater operates under the direet oemmand of Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, Plans for all quasi-military operations are submitted to the 'pi DiVili0A of 1.0742 Acuntbsttents haadquarters for approval? SEAC relations with *Poi Division have been excellent to date. *PI' Division has successfully coordinated the aetivities of SU, SIB, and ?S3. Coordination was impossible previous- ly, beams, the two were under different commanders. The staff officer in charge of RP* Division is British Captain Gammons Williams. SOS, 513, ant OSS each has its representa- tive on his staff. OSS has emperienced a hostile attitude on the part of SOI, but relations with SIS haw; baea thmat? friendly, and coordination under 51 Division has been suc- cessful, SZAC is now in process of moving headquarters from New Delhi to Ceylon. Present activities consist chiefly of pro- curing sites, settlag up, supplying; procuring pertonnel for new bases at Colombo, Trincomalee, Kandy. Activities which SZAC intends to emphasise are: Intelli- gence in all parts of the Theater, Research and Analysis, Varitime Operations of a coup-de-main type requiring light IPPIt ? d...* 4,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP 13X00001 R0001001 AnnnR_q ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a . ? nui4. 44; planes and motor boats, morale subversion, and the development or special tacties and weapons* IMELLIOVIOS U. NAjor sehnitz is the only SI representative in Delhi* Be has been working with the /MAT on detailed target studies ? Bangkok* Dr* Dillon filley lc in *harm* of SI in Ceylon* in. &a Iv. AAA 14* Colonel Robert Be Bali, ChleCa g' A as io sagasar the largest, and perhups best organized branch in New Delhi* It reoeatly eompleted "Situation Report 411, ma thorough stuar of military operations, communications, economics, political and psyshological intelligence in Bums* Yurther achievemants eonsisted of cooplling source reporta t producing Et thousand file cards, largely short translations frost Japanese aad. Chinese intelligence, etc* VI. SO 'II* lanai No MO representative is in new Delhi at presuat? nor are 110 plans for ziLAC being presented yet to "Ps Diviaion. Plans for this area are well organized* A special portfolio of leaflets, pictures, and other subversive material has been prepared in Washington, and samples forwarded. 111/P VI nyruAMTNICA AIN6==.7140rlia, ? 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Ix. AL General Donovan just proposed and approved a program to set up 1mmediate/7 in SEAC a nucleus of selected men, officers for Maritime work. Wajor implementation of the Maritime Unit in SEAC depends upon General's success in getting more marine, navy personnel, and boatg. Lt. Fisher Hoveris already in Ceylon. Chief WU problem in SAC: obtainina fest service sal/I6 The General's efforts may now make them available. X. 2g XI* gaida4WIONa xix.WAVIclik This Branch is well organized, functioning smoothly. Piincipel recent achievements obtaining generous ship4ents of supplies and Xanket TCA for water shipments of personnel. XIII. 21?1ALAMITIQUU XIV. WASHINGTON CONSIDEAATION AFFECTING TliE FIELD Chief Washington decision affecting SEAC is the Navy's statement of inability to provide boats for this Theater. As has been noted earlier in this report, General Donovan is now working on this problem. Work an personnel allotments has proceeded! At prere.ant the allotment is 753. Possibly it will be increased. ( c A ) Colonel Coughlin, Strategic Services Officer for OSS in China, with headquarters in Chungking, has under his authority all OBS operations in this area, as well as those carried on a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 by Detachment 101 in Nazira, India. He is also Deputy Oiree- tor of SCO (Sino-American Cooperative Organisation). i. Aiwa (China) Principal recent Washington decision affecting OSS China is the clarification of SACO-OSS relationship, OSS and the Navy will each have individual commands and each will report to General Tai Li direct. He will be asked to add another Deputy Director to SACO. O$S and Navy both agree to work toward keeping the complete SACO effort directed against the elAimy and to stay outside all Chinese matters. Ae a result of recent changes worked out among the three cooperating groups of SACO, all but two of seven camps in China started under the direction of Captain Ailes will hence- forth be regarded as etriatly Naval operations. The two re- maining cap, Numbers 5 and 60 will operate with OSS :Undo and Dersonnel, with the dnenAratinn of the nhinana4 Camp 6 is the Thai Group, consisting of 22 officlnas and .ert under Colonel Khairt, Kunjara, Free Thai Army. They estab- lished themselves at Ssemao, near the Thai borders late in January, Among them is Nicol Smith, finance officer, who Trots5,e, %isft4t is 4^* vtra Ma. ? 'a?a. ? .ur a 4 ea in three buIldings with a pagoda for the radio outfit. Townspeople are extreme- ly friendly, the group is in excellent spirits and the Colonel 4-;ad exec ted to enter Thailand between the 15th of February and the middle of Ihirch. Since this time certain political questions have arisen which aro holding up this expedition. -4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP,., 0. Two important Thai persons, Tulerska and Tilaka, whom we brought to Washington, agreed with the Thai Minister here that for political reasons Kunjura should not be the one to enter the country. Present plans call for an important Thal personage to be brought out of the country to establish a Thai government in exile. lila esrape is 410" be effected by submarine which it is hoped the *Po Division will sake avail- able sometime in April. Ca ap 5, WT:.* -maynier ission, iiire the Kunjare Mission, is being held up by political considerations. With the bles- sing of Miles, French Commander'lleynier, with 8 'french offi- cers, 2 enlisted men and 18 native soldiers, established theraolves at Nanning some five months ago, their avowed pur- pose being to send SO and SI agents into Indo.-China. where Wernier elai4s to have important political connections. Operations were suspended in October, 1943? by General Petch- kaft, Free French representative to China. Colonel Emblanc? Petchkoff's executive officer, explains that Petchkoff wants Aim/or to coordinate the activities of his group with those of ?tiler agents which Lie Frehch Lave in the 9=0 theater. Emblanc insists taat the Ueynier Group expand its work hmrsnA intelligence and small sabotaee to the lareer fioid fargAn- ising resistance. To be effective, says Emblanc, such resist- ance must be outlined within the framework of a plan which co- ordinates and synthesizes the efforts of all French agents and groups in the area. So far, in this mutter, OSS has heeded a 0 1 470 - 5 Ttik Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 4 117rL e rig e the word of Petchkoffs the French official of highest author- ity, and has not insisted upon Uoynieris following his orig- inal plan. Some useful intelligence has already been gather. ad by members of the Ueynier Group. It is possible that the unit will accept directives from General Pettchkoff and pro- ceed to do good work. ii. DBITAGWALNT 10/ (China) I. isms/ Detachment 101 has its headquarters on a former tea plantation at Nasira in the Indian Hill country. From the hub of this central training camps groups have radiated into the field. Their general function is the undermining of Japanese positions by all forms of harrassments widening the scope of sabotage and subversive activities, organizing Bur- use resistances and supplying intelligence to the Allied Army from behind Japanese lines. ;NTELLIGENCII II. AL Opt:rations trod Detachment 101 began as SO activi- ties but nave developed into primarily those of an SI naturrs light groups of from two to thirty individuals are at present keeping up a constant stream of InfolemAtiews inside japer? ese occupied territory to various Allied Army headquarters and fighter comaands. One groups for instances called 'Forwards* at present has live radio operations in the vicinity of Myitkyinas Fort - 6 - T& 14:2.11. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP Harrison and Southorn Triangla in BUT541. They have one agent with whoa they are in constant touch by radio who has access to all japanase installations in northern Burma* His recent report of a trip through Iandalay, Xaynyo and Sagain g con- tained aany items or military importance, 5/1C11 WM iamir A--- tion of airdrome operations, storago dumps, and other in- stallations. A second group, named wascar,w is operating in UK* area of langkyi, gaining information of the Japans** in that aria. This group rescued the crew of one crashed plane of tha ATC. A third group has ;Ivan acourate re-?ts on the results of air action againat enemy-held designatad re- munerativs targets to the air corps, captured one japans*, 11m:tenant from a crasIlad Zero and sent hi* in for interroga- tion, and rescued two Amarican combat pilots shot down in enemy territory. A fourth group, called M1:flathead,* has four radio sta- tions si4--teii at var4onn point?, along an important highway in th* area of gogaung-Uaingkwan? an arta frequently wentionod in headlinies today. Their reports have been, alost valuable to Remtnar in maintaininw his intelligence of the Japan,- es* activities on his itamediate front. They have supplied the Air Corps with pinpoint locations of Japan.** concentrations and instalations? and bombing results have been excellent. This group !143 CO=0 to grips with rhos Japanese in hand-to-hand combat. Two recent encounters resulted in 24 dead iTapanese. - Top z7Tt-f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP cfaj;IP+5. The activities of all four of these groups are closely coordinated with allied military forces in this command and their work has received high praise -rom the military author- ities. Two diffioultios coufrant sI aetivities in this area lack of adequate peraannel and lack of adequate security. The intelligence section now consists of ilajor Aitken and, temporarily, Captain Chester Chartrand, who evaluate the in- formation coming almott arwitinacusly from our agents in the Yield and disseminate it to various military officers of air and ground forces in the critical areas. Security at present is merely the individual responsi- bility or iiersous on te post, except that a number of Gurkhas guard the various buildings and installations at 101. The estimate for a complete section calls for a total or some 72 individuals, immediate extension of work is dependent upon the arrival of a cartographtr, a security oticer a clerk to pre;Are Intelligence summaries, and a all group of enlisted men for duty on ground defense. Future pians? which are dependent upon tlist needs just call tor t:le extension of present activities. Three groups tiont hsaizkn trained, equipped, and made ready for opera- a. The sTulay Group consists of 2 Kachins with radio to operate in the area of Shamo-Narihkan in order to gain inforaation of Japanese activities, installations, TOt.- SECtI1 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13Xnnnni pnnninn4A,^^^ ???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOP U3 wy....tion by n4iiihr airfields. They will tia put into airdrop. b. The seeond, the Vemasof Group of five Kachins, has been specially trained in the use of small prepared charges and light liwandiaries for the purpose of de- stroying Jaanoso installations in the Bhamo-Katha- Mohnyia area. e. The 'Waite Group consists of four native.appear- ing Anglo.Burwose, the leader of *los is a former head of the police in Lashio. Their mission is to report by radio information of Japanese activities and instal- lations in the area of Lashio, Mandalay. They, too, will be put into operation by night airdrop. The summary attached to the rear of this report brings us up to date on the activities of the various groups operating froxt 101, soma of iihith ealready baen domitribrd, III. Aras LLA V. 21,11 VI. Activities described under SI are, for the most part being performed by dO personnel. VII. AIR ACTIVITIE4 OSS air activities in the Far East consist exclusively of the dropping of supplies aad .orsonnol. When agents and - 9 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 IDP srott supplies must be dropped into the Field behind enemy lines we borrow transportation planes and fighter escroYt froa Sha nearest U. S. Army fighter comnandi Most of these drops haVis boon successful, but on January 11, three C.474, although es- corted by a top cover of eight fighter planes, were appeoached from below and shot down by Zeros. attire crews of two planes and all but three from the third, a total of some twenty men, were killed. Tins AO At the request of General Donovan, Lt. Commander Taylor inspected the possibilities of *orals, operations in connec- tion with SO operations at 101. In his opinion, opportunities are excellaLt. UO purpose will be to destroy the hold which tne Japanese have gained over the general population in oc- cupied Burma C.rough terrorism and propagards. According to Commander Taylor, the most effective type of 110 operation for this tiles-ter is tlat witich is syparsntly a spontaneous activi- ty of the natives. We should supply the impetus, the organ- ization, and the direction but jistivekfthoulli do the Actual lajammillag in ways that they understand. To do this job, 11,011.646 ..0.A un ,Asktft 'Pada 2:41ms-landant1y ftstationad ta 101 to ad. vise on operations. One highly intelligent and literate native from each of the language groups with which we snail have to work should be recruited and trained in MO principles and techniques. He will then train agents, draft and revise leaflets, advise on operations. -10. TOP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 414- Before effective MO operations eau be launehed, a great d*al of information must be obtained about conditions in oc- cupied territory -- some by secret agents, some by researeh in Delhi and Washington. Evidence of schisms in enemy ranks, low morale among Japanese or Burmese groups, taxes, regula- tions or any conditions causing general hardships native Widet1tions_ awing nir ni?rthms4ams qw.1P, yWA.WWWUW.WUO Or scandals among Japanese officers and Burmese officials, are types of infortgation which may be used as A basis for opera- ttonal by MO. The chief problems facing MO are: I. Recruitment of key personnel with special knowledge of target areas and native languages. 2. Recruitment of native agents and assistants in U.S. and overseas. 340 Development here and overseas of a training program *ore adaptable to Far East special needs. IL (XU) In late January a small party approached the Bassein area in an attempt to land a group. This party found its landing spot under the observation of a hostile vessel and returned. Another attmapt will hm made., Their purp..sw? 4._ A_ .A.._s!_tA_ ea-s.rwalaw assUW.u.s.:41W14.VW VU aspausaw OUS4YLliall2 WAX ansuu-kasions: V-tvd.4_ ? . aww as KWOUUM =1331on of nine officers and men from a plane forced down in the Bey of Bengal by the OSS rescue boats this is the only specifically Maritiwo operation from 101 to date. aowever, nsign W. B. Shepard has outlined an extensive training and operational program to be earzllod out when adequate lUle s 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Top adt personnel is made available. His program includes: a) The landing of *opts along enemy ooacts wh* mar be picked up again and brought out at a later date. b) Raconnaissance with P.T. boats, fold boats and silenv motor surf boards for night and day observation of enemy shore's, shipping, installations and harbor defenses* 0 Attacks bv itun fire using P.T. boats, supplies and troops. d) Landing of small raiding and sabotage partias. e) Landing guns, in localities whir* nativaa a7a known to be friendly. Five officars and 27 enlisted nen are needed to carry out tfte Uaritima plans envi3aged by Ensign Shepard. Ensign Shepard has at his disposal already one 63- foot air rescle type craft to be used for genaral training at tae base camp. Ie describes as nis needs two P.T. type craft, one 42-foot launch for supply vessel, 20 OBS fold boats, and miscellaneok.s Z. ,Q1 XI, 104AVIICATI0ES Since the reports by radio from agents in the PislL constitute the most iwortant part of cur SI work, Cocxmunica- II is tn.* ,sine maim of our network of operation*. Ilia main Communications base is at Detach:sant 101 with sub-sea in the FICA. Yrom tne sub-bases, agents *quipped with co- pat sending sets penetrate *nom,- lines and broadcast intelli- A'N 4.- 12 - - 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP SECRET secw.4 back to the sub-bases. Approximately te4wIty-eight re- porters are now relaying information, The personnel of the Communications Section at 101 consists of thirty persons. Or network of radio intelligence could be vastly extended if persennel and equipment were increased. In the past two months the base station at 101 has set a new record for the number of messages handled. The tech- nical details of frequencies have now been carefully worked out so that the base station knows the frequency of every agerlt sending set in the Field. This means that,, should a sub-base be put out of cossmission for any reason, the main base could receive the agent's message. There are 45 student radio operators in training in nine different camps. Of these, seven are being trained as base station operators and 38 as agent operators. aummagua 411441 .4=hnical ist .4.6111, simnlvtrts adequate power to the agents sending sets. The only answer to this problem 30 fair is the use of liand generators, which must be turr..4 cure for every tour of 1,11.^AAAiketing_ ?????., XII. urtim iiervicos branch nas expanded its Autiltitlis veatly owrk the past month. Supplies for all the Far last are sent to OSS warehouses in centrally located Calcutta and routed from there to the various detachments. In January and February there were 77 thipments, totaling 341,435 pounds. During the -13.. TUE SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1 ? Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Shiti first eleven days of March, 600,000 pounds mere sent. Most of the supplies received at 101 come from Arlor stores for which applieation made by 101 to the ?hooter Commander. These consist mostly of ammunition, field equip- ment and clothing and are supplied free of charge by the Army to OSS, Material sent from here consists chiefly thin of diffiftmit to get from the Army, such as commumicau? Uses equipment, trucks, and arms specially designed for our uses? The 0.00,000 a mouth, alIctted an, gpaatal YUnds Braneh to 101 is expended in salaries to agents and other civilian employees, and for supplies and food purchased from local Maim people. XIII. ZgarijAarak Trainial At present there aro 117 students at 101, They are instr,..cted by a captain, a lit lieutenant, three sergeants and four natives for Kacnins, Kars and Burmans? A a4v1.41.11, WAI.A..yr problem is teat some recently arrived instructors must be given refresher courses before they begin to teach the stu- dents. TLe only real problem of the aehool at .... kaesomnel. e nragant is that v____ Leadoluarters for Field Photographic in the Far East are at 101. From here, on* enlisted zan has been sent to Cey- lon to make photographic records of 085 .developments in that -14? f Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a SECPFT area, and an officer In Calcutta hes successfUlly completed fieveril photographic missionS from there, The chief actiVi- *, is 40 101 *ars U74 ;mit gluier Commander lord is aking a picture of 101 actiVities. Aesording to the Peers Report, the photographers are doing an admirable job. Two are in the Yield one having been dropped by parachute, and another nwingpanotrated to another base by land. All activities of Detachment 2.03. are photographed, one photographer being killed when &rapping food to Commander Luce were shot down by Japan*** Zmras. ftte Rom. 11.000 feet of film has been received at the 'Washington laboretory. It is planned to nike a series Of short films to show to officers and men going to the Theater to give than some conception of the conditions awaiting than. The chief need is for combat cameras. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Roun1nn1annnAJz =:r 'Co - Declassifiec and roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 . rt,Lvalaia PI= 0FORARD" Vials J.LeArzt. IA= Odri Luce 9 IAA= 3 3 28 Unj? Wilkinson re- Ly Ods Luse* 2* 4 Ultima forgoes as. busting lap Patrols. results good 16 Zaps killed* )*Workiat trottkod gros0 with radio isto Uriticyins-lbssio MIMI* 4* Oro soint now emplopod t7 Zaps mntreotor, has access to *11 of Burma. **adios oot excollsnt info* nataritea" aastera aakawn4 0*;t. Curl 6 3 5 14 1* 3upplies Ocotat torso vith all into ot 411 ao_szorreimenita sialL aotivition in MUkseng Teller* 2* Designates roomperstive targets to Air sores and ascertains results* Thisbas Waal and wooed serious. dnnace to the 3* Latest encounter of roebin Lii*tning forooCO =der Lt* tiny with moo Ups resulted in 31 dead :spa* imiumumwmommeriummilut Declassified and A For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-Rnpi ? ? GROUP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 10.4,329.2i .UeDtrit ri.rxrt, Ohivring IA* 44siat "RED? Taro asot ilzadfloz woeiGAR? 12mi:haute Capt.talton ,TRO.alff :001?4 qua* gex4Cip Etts.weaw Camp sit" GROUP laixlaio NI" GROUP .3411agloway itztagoost Gapt?Drmn Zznie 21624 ilkif SIM 1.?????? onis..41101911.0 MAU 3 II 1. acessael liaihricaa fiibtor pilot trait goats of Jape* awed for Ma amalicallx natil be me flew out sad hospitalised'. 2. aubmagcata with soils giving good into of gritkyloa and Upon 3 8 1. Itralzivis 14:aabla ao pogo for action la TAmint, Jaroe. 2.to of Jar actliri- ties on right fl or Combat Pores. 7 1. LAPiting Sout?h *UDC likas 1. Iliritiab. (tromp 'working 112 0011j11114414311 vita our activities ant laity ?woe. 1. Group roca11o4 after __ma glatanOiow liett with Cacao's in the arca. 2, in4vap will be itroppei '-'1111111 by Chute In Wilda area. 4 1* Ito ?outset. 16 I* No cootakot, 2 1. o ooaltaet. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1?0?16beilr ...1?100101. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 wommetwaw_lrfit GROUP jaaI112; ITALL,a, So?Elurira Walls "I1it/94.1" Bevassin Rose 40-31 2 niaTtift notrts Lt*Barn*s 2 1 2 Ica:m=012'v chittagozz Itts,Shspeid See mart cowering Operations. N1 MOM 6 1* first group of 4 ? no sontaet. 2. Soaroat group of 2 pet in safely by submsrine, thus far no **toot. 6 le First attempt to pet ashore by boat failed due to otiose** at people In *reit. 20 Zatire group not Cbittagpna. Iwo init.*. into be put in operations. 2 le Setting up bade taw sir moraine and mather rsparts trot all of our out etstions for Air Force. 2. liaison with British and Lev Fore**. *Cow, t 6 2 1. Prossot base tar :Wine Section on sea rowan* of airmen. 26 Bost now ready for estive operation*. airplane ecoident & loss of personnel, this unit, =der 'Un. lipoid/a IglOas report of sea :Isamu* under olre 3peeilla Operations. 47.2 reir - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 vir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 201 3/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 MP SEC Vid SMOMINIMMI Wimensit. During the month of hobru&ry* total officers and enlisted men in all theaters was 665 and the total in train- ing or transit was 292. Personnel on duty and in training* and requested transfers* broken down by Theatisrs* am woA. at frialnars# w ....... Alai iar On Dotty In Training 59 40 MATO 110 6 MTO 261 101 IWO )7 126 Continental U.S. 116 4d.??? Ceatioestal U.L. Special 60 20 Requested MINAltarma 4 7 59 22 15 .14410 Meeruitaent of new Communications personnel and the number reporting for training or processing for immedw, iate shipoent reached an all-time high. The Branch is now fully recruited against the existing table of ogganisation. At the present tine training is being ret.tvad in two Com- munications training cups* Areas C and 1,1* where the total students in training are 93 and 92* respectiv*Vs JimmuallaiLAWLANINOW, Major items of shipment totalled in all 79t tons* including 253 or %be TR-1 wa(Usic gt Admit) and 111 RBZ receivers (radio receivers for Resistance groups). The monthly shipments of SSTR.1 portable field sets increased 96%, with the grand total shipped thus tar to all theaters of 612. itueffSET u Declassified and Approved For Release 2013709/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010014onmfl ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOP Sit Adequate supplies of these sets for the Zuropean Mester (especially the Sussex Plan and the Jedburgh Plan) are on hand, and current shipping schedules will talcs care of field requirements during 1944. the requirements for RS2 resolvers in the auropean Theater prior to the invasion are expected to be met. One thousand such units are ready for shipment to NATO at this time. II ear ritarivp "al awe i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a I I I P Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 so Tar SECRET Field Photsspaphp Branch During the month of February, a total of 35 motion, picture and still camera crews were used in the production of photographic reports for Oss and other war agencies. A total of 53?,997 feet of 35 m. film and 5O,16 feet of 16 MI14 film. were processed by the Wu-Wail:sten laboratory. The films completed during the mouth included the following: veNational Gallery of Art*, for the National Callery *Spars* for the Navy - Coast Guax4 "Mine Sabotage* for SO There are at the present time units of the Field Photo- graphis Branch working at Washington, Hollywood, Brasil, Chungking, London and China-Burma-India area. With respect ,kilitehington the number or eamara crews employed in the metropolitan area were 18, and outside the metropolitan area 2. There were also 13 still camera crews actively engaged during this period. In addition to photographia work, the bra,..1.01a has been Agtive in loonopluAlr. They have prepared booklets on Icono- graphy, Perspective through Teriscope, Pilots Iconometer and Underwater Depth Determination. In addition instruments have been built for the Iconoscopic section to be used for Colonel Haskell's mission, and for SI. The Hollywood unit has for the past 18 months been working on a highly secret project for the Toint New Weapons Committee and the office of Ooientififb Pastaarch and Develop- ment. They have made a complete photiCaritpaiel gall Ik..)K117 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Roon1nr)1annnA_-: ) 01 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a Dr SECRET testa that have been made. The photographic 1/04k OU tbs projeot i Iaan. thaa threesitourtha couplatedoTri-datt? total or 1X00,000 flowt has beim exposed, of wank 1011000 fest WMA proeeased by the tiambtou laboratory duriug the mouth of Yibruerr. Ma is being assembled aud. sated for a aeries of Diaturea naftmex Anarisa? The expenses of this pro400t have roasted an setimsw telt $0.000. of Walsh ths Coordinator of Inter4nerioas Affnirs is Dayi4g everything in excess of 42$000? Conserning the ChinamaurmamIndia area, a group of two offieers and eight enlisted eten are working with Detachment 1014 To date 40M0 114000 feet of fllabas been exposed. and it is planned to make a series of short films that war two shown to ?Moors wad QOAU gOiAg to thAg thOgiter tO gtre. ttom some soaceptiou or the conditions they will find there. The reports wittreopeot to Amisaand Cpuotatima are aot =cared in this report, - scoff 1 MIADeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a A. An increasing demand has become very noticeable for copies of Foreign Nationalities memoranda and bulletins. When Ambassador Biddle returned recently from London he 'spoke of Oft* inexpressible values which he found these papers to possess in connection With the work he 41d with the Governments-in-lxile. Similar expressions have been reeeived from other Government representatives abroad as well as representatives of WS. AV. The work of the Foreign Nationalities Division in- eL_es a Tariety of Yield Stadliks Forwiga Political Ac- tivities in the United States. Among these are the follow- Ingo ? Lft Aa/ - of 34 group Meetings were attended during the month of February, of which the greatest number dealt with Polish, German-Anerican? Lithuanian, Zionist and T*:14mItft, va- wassi.a.sas, ili.GALLM ? Reports WE* pi-it-pared upon the meetings attended; b) ?ituation Reoorts on Foreisn PollUcal Activt- jam and Reports from Field ReBresentatireg. A total of 57 Situation reports were prepared, deal- ing particularly with middle Nuropean countries now under the hegemony of Germany. There were also re- ports froa Field Representatives totaling 166, the 1111 scirwr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a largest number of '.1111.dtt dealt with Yugoslav, Ger- mai, Polish Czechemlovak, Italian, Austrian and French groups. c) lattaLliganagfaltalL_AINUAL1. 891 reports were received based upon the reading of foreign language newspapers. Particular attention was de- voted to the editorials and comments appearing in the foreigh language press concerning the Russian constitutional changes, the future of Slovakia, an announoement over the Vatican radio with regard to Tito, relations between Xing Peter and the Yugo- slav Partisan Government, the Arab Nationalist Movement in North Africa, the proposed American- controlled pipeline, references to the :Peace 111101AMPO movement in the German-American press, Secretary Hunts warning to Finland to withdrew Irak *sailor _ VV.O... Isvestials attack on the Vatican, and others mot specifically referred to C. Aan9rts Submit were sOpitted b7 the Foreign teslAillki.111/41.1221. - -The reports below the month of February. They to DNI? MIS, State, Justice, Nationalities Branch during were distributei *ithin Cimscy'ship; etc.: rtn_qi; B-152 Foreign Political Issues in American Life; B-154 Labor Council Organised to Combat Polish- American Nfttionalisa; #.172 Detroit; Sample qf American Polonia; -2 - TOIL SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nn1 Annna ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a ? TOP StCRET 1171 Polish Nationalism in the United States; R.157 Second Centre's of Americans of Ukrain- ian Descent; #175 The Baltic Language Press in the United States; S-S9 Adasic on British and American Policy Toward Yugoslavia; #171 Finland's Dilemma and the Finnish-Amer- Ivan Community; B=155 Carpatho-Russis, Clue to Soviet Policy? Chapter 3; B-156 Salvemlni's Lecture Tour; S-SS Tibor v= Bekhardt; B-159 A New Habsburg Publication; B-160 A Fascist Forgery Reappears in the United States; #174 Scandinavian-Language Press in the United States; 8.153 Elections of French Deputies in the Western Hemisphere; 5-46 Ruth Fischer on 'Stalin's "Free Oermanym; S-S7 Halifax Speech; B-150 Th. American Slot* Contreaa Moves Leftward. -3'. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a ISP SECIti 1 1 gazigagaitimaa awinu: la 444, Itko sentribationn of thoi 1.10 Wieldy sumar, tug aloft is props:lag the PI Weekly. Daily rautivio sow arsasasoi, Oral Theater immortal, Situation Ihspalts, Weekly Airy.* to tto Oetpostsb est spools./ ,Wocoinatinso welsh isolate a sew *salvation* taring the mos* of *titles ant oloariaig speoial rspes#: to to Thircertat o talio Maislow *maim aGaacr4-iii.--)-- fazas stari hap Division aoceptot rogaesta tor 107 sew saps, eat sompleist 92 tarisg Irebreary? This requests for saw nape say be' broken tow so tallow out.. of Stratogio Services (isolating JOU* Ararsilavy Intolligancs Staff 11, l Affairs Division Lt nkhdimpit c? Et !Mt aal'a "Mr Atzttr Offise of Naval Istalligance 8 1. witit SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a War, .16.4irtagial 2 nomakiptaent (AMP) 0,T A L 107 !be wolmOilotwor* may be XU treted by the follow- lad figures: lap Disbursement* 21.117 titles and 38.i252 sheets 4311 Tosompophic Sods's: 111000100,44 22 models, including, 2 new models geiget91 17 ? ? 1 ? model ...-1WrifvogyMws 25 * 20 * model* lb. moat startling change in the 'monthly disbursement ot,napi has Wrea tbe increene from lAttl to 10.722 sheets it out to the ONS field. Of the 1,341 eelor prints distributed, 564 went to the Chief of Staff of the Army, and 291 to the Army Air Forces. During the month of February, the only new model Co.., plated was No. XXXVII, North Italy Istonsion. In addition, h..woverg Clime are twenty new models in progress as follows: Azores; Western New Guinea; Canary Islands; Northern Greece and Albania; Kamchatka; Southeast Asia, Parts 3,4,5 and 6; Kuril's; Southwestern France; Southeast luroper, Parts 1,2,3, 4 and 5; Denmark and Southern Norway; Central Norway; Greece Crete combination; NoTthern Italy and Adjacent Areas. 4. 2 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 _ VW. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 C) the Stiasy-www roquests coo* Om the followidg sources: saw Nadal* and diumlie4t.il sadjoitaey Ofliar 91 Wats of Staff 14 C40414iitt Army Staff 5; General DenoVian 24 General lard (Field Artiiiiry School) 3; Special Southwest Pacific Section 0-2 1. M.VatiftW1040, 17*W it .1111.p jiieggs-Afriaa Diyigia.--Civil Affairs work is in prog- ress and represents the largest single commitment of this Division. tn. Div/stick Ursa thrao major wnh?gilitiminfult YIN& itemomic, Geographic and Political. The work of all three inAludms the evaluation of SI documents. Activities of the Bcondmic sub-division incluide spec- ial work by the Oil Section for the State Department, a 361'105 of %.WLAggraoor liel m44mft in ighlen there is examination ""111 of the conflicts of interest in various industries and com- modities, also prepared for the State Department, in the field of agriculture, work:has boon done on requirements in occupied or litAlrated areAA by rentl*St frog UNRRA. PEA, and t.. International Division of the Army. There as been continuous work on cartels as well as civil affairs. Respecting the latiiiirs a numbs: affairs handbooks and projects were completed by the Geogra- phic sub-division with respect to Germany. Tim Political sub-division, divided into seven geogra- phical sections has completed a wide variety of reports and sarrayz. - 3 - amt. gig-anti !Ur bums,' 61.11111=.11.1alwalaimmilmilmLDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 - ? Darla& Um tout AWOL owiii '.10064,104. *a ias fladiOnsist UimMit Ai labs ria *UM lir iiirstimi t1 saiik Okrlia Camittdiet..?)) *he Glialaimia et ta..filekeer 0omi.$4*at 4) tM itisrtt _Artikisr * Witlitet rrm tea Delimit latiallieev: - , ea; 41) Me Older it arillodiattel. est Propeseiade Aikelyeas- Seetieilio Deit irWilitiek- IMP Lottign oat -7)bilii-miningit4e.:- lattakaakii As a sipaalt it amprikastaa if ogre& tatoratito% Okiet et et Tisseastel 001: gemetiagy Attain ist IM Depeastimeet et Sista-4 WOO prejoarlag lap; mart ea Ileesiges Demme mai Pfsbetathlis ,Balperatioss Gleba* /*therm% tseft *spies at the aviation", Siopsieeitir, Waft Wore pielisaties to Via lavisiest Of lgeetears Itarepesa At at Mate tor Letermat review *AC 01110011110ts the jiasters Ailtropees. Brunet et 1111) Us gives es ear-Aeva traloiociiiitiout *he proparatios of ast *pt,* $s asp et the USN whieltwlU be issweet toy the Us, Divisiaa of OW. tails Divisies also hes received, during Februari, five 4 ltir Saki Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 1111k %tat - spes4i-Votuesta..frins ugh sourcisi to MOM reverts:* !bey _spere ?Ole to supply the inforsatiOn requested and to meet the .4dliaa-ops---? Tares of the reports were prepiiteAt for ATICv filliosa 1) Publicly .Annouseed Attitude of--the 0US- tosard Germania 2)- .The Finnish SituatiOnj 3r) The 'sport or the &Feist Constitttlenal In aiditioar the Division prepar$ a report on logistics la taste= Siberia at the urgent recast of the Target 1a- tranal4 is-faperstiosigl. Division .1.47, and, a report, at the requeari of lir. Donald Salseas on the ilagaitogoriit Pierre- Metallurgical Combine. ty-six la-portant reports were eespletod during Fibivary, most significant of which was the- topographic study of Shiaushu- (northeesternaost of the Xurila Islands), -the latila=aimprican Divi sign, ? I 'lama and laulimat though active during Pabruary, are not trsated spocitieally here, ? - ??? OA. ????? 5 TOP smit; y Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ?-9000171.00 1.00011-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 90/60/?1,0Z eseeiej .10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 131133S 11 'Alava -so pool sevpword paw Amman luTumuoan; eT sTqa Item -Maw septum Aary ftriTTTVI twomos mrp000 lakingsle sZflAwe aptk, *pun meg sr; ilatent0 V fen.7.10 Otrt pee mows. Aq imam* wayof jo wigs/ It ay etyma ago Ihryzap eviojimais azenk pawn. raoszod yee tuft Eimokiestratimat Miaow vrt Aisaraposard ^worst limprnriltevme os wow awl" "moray pemop mvenuan. rairamsea ?pooll Ammon panwp ore* pewiTA sum ina 403 slag/dee ATzweibe ozawa suparsaad rams* pas souliaart SapOm tuowillaallos sqs Itt mown etinetie. -000 lispisTroto oq040qa .40/141113..t 4.1.40011 '41 441,00 4100Ars sq4 0% upxot-oui4PAUF "Plawnilog 011041 sir 41,14,711.!gyliiimaxili Av.; wilt1G4Inirn 10-4?dilira WO 4!xmlIF aciwww.s.- 41-40011-*"? ISIZnae. brflift Jo 404111111, oiTsikt ipoujo Auz000g elm volurisod irat gimp IWO -2,fejtm sogrop- AO' A4CatiPtIORT ,7* spoiNi1154 flet paptiimoo toomindado area, auefliantok04 *WOW try mot 4.14,401pu SO iltues Inn 211141401 1115111V111311.111 ?-9000171.00 1.00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 90/60/?1,0Z eSeeiei .10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 C) t 1 MA ritnAlalm.imals ?&41.16.......1 way at A0144 re atta plans for training all MO students there were offeetuetw6 tweinS14401m,F, The MO 'wheel will be of three weeks doilies Sion -- tee weeks spent cm baste %PALAU"( *Aid one en advanced training, This relieves pressure on-SEU611, making it pawl- blis to eeneentrete on II, 362 and a few $O students who are intarad ithoma 2. Difficulties of reermiiment aseApperted owing to the caliber of the offieers reertitei Ulm& Persomma meat, As a soitoolsocoo, requests have been node for the transfer, PAU**, within OSS or out into general serviee, of some men who reported for duty. 3.? During Febrway, a total of 913 man receivod inatrue. ties in the various cups. The instruetion program and use of the Areas may be invesaripmpd? briofly, a* follow AtilLA A-2, 69 students. VOW aa a holdiftg skew for porsonma Awaiting **purity *hook and those awaiting transfer out of 085* A-4, Ad students, Basic 8O-M0 course. A-4, 46 students, Paramilitary, to a large extent for students free the SO Branehe this course as expanded frost SEMI ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 lop sittitir two weeks to three weeks. It is regarded as an adequate program for %boss enlisted mmn who have met hat their basic training. A*51, not used. Altai - 2$ students. glkaimmuft imam, 1444,1Ar 404srale4swil.re okiwwilow wmits iserwaloW Willar4WMAAJA. IlaWWW410 Agra g . 112 students, including six from other branches. Training of vac, WWWWWWWONWIPUM K-WAVIMMITUWa, WA Vii additional courses. 4r D - 45 students. Paramilitary training, largely for SO personnel. Mag./ - 36 students. SI.50 basic trainins school: tosathor with courses on counter-espionage and related agent work. Area r . 252 students. Tittining Airlips for operational stoup*. There was a sharp drop in the nuabor enrolled. Apia . so students. Preliminary training for Communications, pot4. ing the completion of security check, AgegA . 132 students. The assessment school. Area RTU-14 - 37 students. Finishing school for agent branches, predominantly SI & :6.24, This area has now been relieved of MO training. ibr SEGIIIT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ?. ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 TOP SEMI ? AntILIALIgUlt 4- 36 stuterats* the ileitis; Special Swimming group Who had boon training at Cant Pendleton moved to Camp WA on Catalina Island* It was plannod to glvo this group tactical swages in off-shore approaohes So land, using various &ramps such as surf boards, kayaks, pada* boards, etc. Rocruiting for an tdditienal *vitamin; grem, has alroady boon started, but beyond this the fu- SUTO WM of thou areas regains still undeterminodA. 1 1 . 3 . * . 11? "? proOLT OEUnts. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ?'; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 a TOerr, Dr timuilLa rPST irja, rto rot 1IF and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 ? ? S ei. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140006-3 s