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- ?-f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 "t? - ' ro. ? 4 ? ? .t1 1041 , a `71 % - ?? f " , t'? osiggisatillipailleillille " " 11100000.01"111.11"11.11"11114"411."1"111.111"" INTELLIGEDICE SEFIVICE OBS 12,386 SX wreMISMAimisaffilimmuasoliall00."1"17711 'a ? ' or 0?00?""s?' , ? ps r I 0 55 I' t g c ? p p,N bA .artm0 ' 11111 11 1 11111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ,100-tr-se? j-? -, ? ? ? '' " " -; f? r ' ',72) ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 r I 4 s' - 3 1 : i ? 1.4. ? - SOINIIMM1410111111 Owl urstigio?nowtrplimimetioNialtempitM resiesesompoirimoolimmoroutue 4, .2'*-:..,, :1 ..',:''3 , I ,.,,.:i,, 41 - ". ' '`'. , . , .1 ,:' p!, ... ''''' t. 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N pi ? ; . trf' r ? , ,f1F=k tf; i tr' - L,:??4?, ,,?? ?tif -" ? 7-4.pt AUMN1trit rL1Lt i rat t A a 1-ti! ; 4 4 7 ham tottill '"ve: Mb* tg oat! Atolligemo in Afripau ..t.) 5 1,1- 2 ? ' * -t '1.4.14 '-? k `,.. ' A' 44 ? 4 ,N :: -?-? ' .? = 1. . 44.: . 4. 7 t-,,,.?4 _ 1 ".-9--0r . I -? 5 - ; , "z. ... 4',":',':.'" . . q..? : -,',.z/ ., -4 .,. . i ,,.,,,,,, 144-4:1, t Il? l',,t: 1.!.. 1 ''';'. ' ' p. ?.?" , , , - t4.?74. ? ?. ? ?.-51 fib C wit%Q4miggorition1 but bow that in 131006141411t otonri riorittittera thorn Itilvt in dna tho. oonstant 4 vill itevo. Iminn thrwitisib hot only ftio$4,npikuttfirit Fro.% Antioiai, For tiNit riati,Mt Ienli Wyk ill mat bo iI pi:thJt t, dq the are &gm now Abdo Itioto the exiitordatik ? 1. ? I ttr ITIAL - 7444 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 C. 49 III 1 V. -7'44.26M1 ! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 ? ICIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 *WOW .T 7 ? 1 - ? ? , ' owftaiiiivarsoomo Director's Office I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: IA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 BEM I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 miliMMEMOMMINNI 411 4 jk OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SEMIS; WASHINGTON 25, D. 7 bay 1945 XENDRODUM FOR GENERAL DORM: SUBJECT: Clandestine IntellIgamin Af4ca. Reference is made toile. limlby's memorandum of 8 July, 1945, Subject: X-2 Africa. After a long period of discussions hall between SI and X-2 under the chairmanship of this office, an agreed plan was formulated and submitted for your approval on 12 June. The scope of this plan NW made contingent upon budgetary livs itations. In reference to the plan you stated on 19 June: "I agree with the principle statoa but it is essential that it be stated sim7,p3.y and earefully and based on quality rather than numbers. The present group must be reduced and the budget brought down into proportions with the rest of our task.* Requests for modifying proposals from the two branches were made by this office. A, meeting was finally held on S July, at which SI presented a specific plan as a tentative propoval for the liquidation of a large part of its opmeations. X4 pro- duced no specific proposals, and it was then agreed that, after coasultation with Yr. Mirphy they should preeeat their proposals in order to effect an eltonomic coverage of Africa or OSS as a whole within our budgetary possibilities. I know of no way, other than cooperative planning, by which the beet interests of OSS can be served. Such gaming neoessitates that the two branches confer until a solution can be negotiated or until your intervention is absolutely required. An agreed solution to this problem Ls quite possible if sought in a cooperative spirit. SECRET aiDa=red and A proved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RnPV2vntws - 11111111 oat Shopwarna. U. litinsphi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 so.c ? efamiNNINIIIIIMMIMMENUM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 .1120 PROM Z. it. "Murphy Mier X-2 Branch SUBJECTs oic-ie Africa ? 6 :ay 1.94 14 On 13 JUno 1945 a plan for 8310443 operations in AfriCa, was prepared and samitted to you through: General Magruder. That plan, contemplated tho operation of fiftilen stations. Pour of the staldons (Taneor, Dakar, Lorene? Xarques and Aden) Were to be manned exclusively by X-2 perie sonAel and eight exclusively by I. (Oran, Tante, Monrovilltp Lagos, Leopoldville, Luanda, Nairobi, Addis Ababa). Three other stations were to have both X-2 and 8.1. personnel (Algiers, Casablanca and Ftecoria). The total esttaated budget under the plan wag 027,665. The plan has never had your formal approval. 2. Since the preparation of tho above plan drastic re- ductions hese beim made la the overall OBS budget and in bto an4111pAted budgets of 5.10 end ;:-2 respectivell. Time reductions necessitate a scApletely new approsolft ani 06W pluming for all X-2 arms of operation end require consider- able revision of plans amid expenditures for Africa. a-CHET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001Rooninn94nnn7_1 1111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 40111,0000; . . 4 A 4 'a 34- ,4 3. V* feel that the Vomit requirements for security intelligence in African areas justify X.2 in Imintainins coverage at three points which ars now, and may become creasingly important from the security 'point of view. Timis points are Tangier, Casablanca and Algiers. Our plan wouLd be to place military psrsonnel in those statiors, either Ln or out of uniform, the salaries of whom would not be chargeable to the OSS budget. On secretary at each place, plus small allowances for expenses and payment of agents we estimate would cost $20,000 to 425,000 annually. 4. If S.I. should feel that it is not Sustifisd in main- taining its own represeatativAs at those pleat's, the X-2 per- sonnel, operating alone, will mupply sill intelligence required by 033. 5. It ia felt that the situation has so dhanged Biros the joint plan of operation wab proposed that joint operations would not be justitiod under existing conditions. It had been hoped to achieve the complete all of Africa. As this would have many points where neither positive opportunities were great enough to joint activity was indicated. The such that this Branch c.An preinde intelligence coverage of involved roproventation at nc.v. oounter-intelligenos .ant separate op,ratOns, lLing situation is 301, ialty for "npvesentation 4.0641iti tiVA, ? ? I , , ? - '1 a. . nprinqcifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? T:14 77: ' ? - . Itt ? ;t1Mil ??' %%it ireo h tyst-fi..* ta, osirriod- on, IA - - tilt- , ? - 014110 " - ? r, f ; . ?'" '''b operi 'Ohs- ritis_t; l.,_poti% , (""=', ?;"- I " fkatpi, I, ? $11 -_, ? , 1 .e,t1-, ..,,,tittiti6 - .,., ,?,-- - :,-. , -,-, ?.,.., .. ......,?_ _ , the ,i3il.tiontio 0 , _ _.:,..., , .,, bh6 r tior6 4poheivm1;',.',_?.:.:-'[.-???::::::":,_::::i.!.:I ,. . iiii?t' -iiibr*IlitOrio6 (.6,011.,-14.11.,,_, z.:..11,. . 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I ..,... 14.. ? ! - _ ,eFai '''S '''' ? . -, 'f,' . pi, _:?1:,,, ? f:, 4--;.. 4 !'?...0:,e "Z., '..;,? ? ; ..., S.,,.' 1, ?.. ' ija?-4.1 4 .t?ii: ,... ,,? ?,,- _.? 4,,, ottorpa, ...1,?Itria. 111,10V i . .4 F. ? I 1?,?; '41"--' I, , 't ? 4,4% .,.t- ;41' ? - 0 ? .6,1 . If -I I ? - - ? ' trIrls's .7---,trtifi 4 ; ????? .- 141 _ _ S.. 0 , . ;155 y - , f4^i , ? Le. a t,15 2 a 03" .17 r a .R1 ' ;PI ? 4,?i?- *118611,5141Ai tbilkt :41310i iptality rwittier riDditeed Ind 0,141are' vast otoutakit ? 1 11 cot Aftrillt b43 ? ? ItTO 40, : ? P 3,1.' ? V.:ti".11.1 l' il r ,?.. . V011iiiht dctwa .,:., ..; - i . , ,11,??.5?,......,-, 4 . . .?, . . c, ., .....,i,41.....,t...,..:1,..,,:,.... -._ , , ? ,., . .. ?-? 5 * , ,c , , . . t. . k. , ?-? e 4.? ,1?? Wit 4 51 a p 4 ^ 111,1:12s4. ."" 1,11?: ? " ; ? 'e?Z ? k II Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002400 7-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 4-, ? 4. ' ? -% +:1?: ,Z 4DIFF1CIC 41)0,k-inrA, .14 silmo;ipissMIGTODve ?..?P.. ? ?? ? -; tra. ' ? , 4'44 ?'?`..."1-'**1*-t1N 1r 141 447211i, 1J foil4hvg sow it FOR MERU 'DONOVAN SWIM Plan for Intellig co 91122611ini-Agaila 014047 .0,010014 In aocordance with your instruc ion* o muted herewith a plan for intellitencs operationo in Afri which has been prepared under the supervision of this offiee lq the Afrioft divisions of SI and 3rog2 and agreed to by Mr. Shepardeon and Mr. VAirphy? This whole subject has boon gone into at oonsiderable length and many points have been thrashed out whilst% it Xe hoped will result In ocoporative effort on the part of both of the branches* It is realised that In view of overall domande and the budgetary limitations that this whole project cannot be carried through at this time, However the principal havim been established, the project can be reduced by the neoessary selectivity In the stations to be pperateds %iq PI*" LA!!!"14.4614"e ""lrairMiiN er, i3ri. un. Doputi Direatv. Mellig*A40 UOPYSOO 4111014111. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010021111140007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release, p? 2971,.?3?1/4.11...:61F7hcloAarcDPi13:0T000N1 R0 001?0024, 0 007-1 oh :Ta07675Fvices atc1 Nc SP-4 irle?-e. 4 z? MIZVORARDOM,011 GENERAL MADRUDa 0 Plan for intelilgonce Olerations irr Africa. ? Attached hereto is a plan for the future devo/op- neat of a secret Intelligence service throughout the Continent of Africa. This ht s boon prepared by the Africa Divisions at 81 and X....2 and has been approved by Mr. Shepardaon and Mr. Murphy. 4 .444i...,t?Slarclif$ Oliver aicitson Sands, Jit t. Col. Acting Assistant Deputy Director, OSS Intelligence Servics Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-13111M ? IMMO' It telt OFFICE or STRATEGIC SERVICES WAstiov;ioioN. D. C. I. STATELSNT OF THE FROMM. To prepare plans for the future development of the secret intelligence service throughout the Continent of Africa* II. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this plan, the following definitions are established: 1. Africa includes all of the Continent and the islinds adjacent thereto, oxcepting Egypt, the Mediterranean Islandm and the Azores /elands. The Aden Protectorate will be included. 2. The mistion of $I will be to develop secret intel- ligence by espionage means. 3. The mission of X-2 will be to develop secret intel- ligence by counter espionage means. PACTS BEARINR ON THE PROBLEM. 1. Africa is an imsiortant faotor in world affairs, po- tentially even more so than at present. Its size is three times that of the United States. It consists of 42 political unite, only 3 of which are self-governing, the remainder being con- nected by ties of varying degree to England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Italy. Of a total population of 153 million, oaly 4 million aro white and another 4 million Arab and Indians. These 8 million non-Negroes are principally in South Africa and along the Mediterranean, with less than one million whites scattered in the vast areas between. There aro only a citios south of the North Africa littoral with st whit* population La excess of 100 ,000and all are in the Union of South Africa. Dakar iv the only city between North Africa and the Union with a white population of 20,000. Elsewhere, a large city is composed of only two or three thousand whites with up to 100,000 natives. 2. With its agglomeration of dependencies, Africa is a refle-Jztor ot the *commie, political tnd strstegic Interests of tha Ierger porers? It initiates little; it is the field or results, Fundamental Mangos may be reflected here as the amerg-Ing world Romero struggle to reorient themselves to the130 advantage. The old pattern in Africa. Is obaring? In the MET ? 147 ; ? Iifiand Annroved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii8),(1101?R000100240007_1 unfolding world, picture, no large pow% ean afford to be n' different to the strategio position of Africa with its relative tively untapped resources, materials, and manpwier. 3. Communications and travel, (except in Swath Atria* and the Mediterranean area, aro exeeedingly limited. Pacilities in the interior consist of motor travel, a few river boat routes, and a network of inter-colony air routes. The rail transportation Is very inadequate. The economic life of Africa consists sair47 of producing raw material; the principal occupations blaze farm- ing, mining, and trading. A beginning of heavy industry in South Afrioa bat been a development of the war. Pew AmerLoan concerns or individuals are engaged in business in Afrieap and even fewer have permanent establishments. As a result, Merit= Consular offices are generally small and sparsely distributed, 4. It is evident from the foregoing that this is an ex? ceeaingly difficult area in which to conduct secret intelligence activities. An American arriving in a locality is apt to be the subject of curiosity, if not of actual suspicion. The Colonial powers are extremely jealous of their territorial rights in Africa, and due to limited communications and trawl'''. portation and to the smallness of the white population, they are able to exercise close control of foreigners. Oonseq4entlyp for secret intelligence operations, only one or two Americans can be introduced into any partioalar locality, and they must have convincing cover reasons for their rreeence. IV. DISCUSSI9N OP THE PROBLEM. 1. Because of the necessity for maintaining readily available pouch and cable communications with Washington, and because of the difficulty of establishing satisfactory cover, it will be necessary to have an OSS representative with State Department status in each key communication oentsr. By arrange- sent With the State Department, each person so placed ahould be a member of the Foreign Service Reserve, and should to all intents and purposes perform the duties of the position, receive its amenities, and assume its responsibilities. In order to preserve cover, compensation for services should be by regular consular procedure. 2. This officer will servo as the channel of communication between Washington and his area, and will be the offictial repre- sentative of 003 to the Chief of the Foreign Service Mission. However, this need not mean that he will be the principal OBS operative in the area, since the principal operative ell% often be U=ter complete outside cover. 3* The number of persons who, can be stationed in Africs. will be limited by th4 willingness of the State Department to grant positiona in ttoir missions, the difficulty of recruiting and training adequate personnel, and the scope of the work t* be accomplished. Moreover, the Sevelopment of socrot intelligence BEMS' IIL TI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002400n7-1 roved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 11.1.111114 POWIMMEMMIN - by ositive moans ond by lounter espionage means will overiiip mire and more in future operations, and vill tend to follow more olosely the same pattern. 4. In order, therefore, to eimplify and at the same time improve the work of ?SS in Atria, $X and kett have *griped to a combined plat of operations. A careful analysis (Tab 11040) vas made to determine those areas which ahould be covered b/ 03-3, and the State Deperiment post in each whore it would h4 most advantageous to station a representatives raoh area vAS studied to aseertain whether the positive or counter septum. interest or type of operation predominates, in order that a representative of the Branch most directly oonoerned should be designated to the Fortin Service Mission. When an SI ropes resentative is selected, he will be thoroughly trained by OS prior to his departure tor the field, and, similarly, when an X-9 represemtativo is selected, SI will give him thorough training* 1. In order to approach complete intelligence coverage of Africa under present conditions it will be necessary to have OSS representatives assigned to fifteen State Department Missions located throughout the Continent. Zsoh will require the scrvices or a confidential +secretory, who Nill be an Amerioan and trained by OBS. In each or these areas an undercover agent will be established where required and where conditions permit. The State Department Missions to which OSS reprise, sentatives should be assigned &ref Casablanca Tangier Oran Algiers Tunis Dakar Monrovia Lagos Leopoldville Luanda Pretoria Lourenco Marques Nairobi Addis Ababa Aden For details on the present and past status of 036 representation at these polite, see Tab KV. de Algiers, Casablanca, and Pretoria, because of their else and the importance of the areas in whioh they are located, will require the tssignmsnt of representatives' from both ta and X-2* 7* Tangier, Dektr, Lourenoo Marques, and Aden are posts covering areas *bore counter espionage is or primary interest. Therefore* members of X-2 should be assigned as the OW repress oentative in the American missions in those olties. 0ran4 Tunis, Monrovia, Lagos, LoopoltgvilIe, Luanda, Nairobi and Addis Ababa are posts ooverIng areas where positive intelligence is of pri- mary interest. lirteratms, members of III should be assigned as CS$ representatives in the American missions in those cities. C. All (mines and pouch material betwsen Africa and Washington wIll bib avaihable automatioally to both SI and X012. 1111Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 1111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 P1'4.41,110** 4)iivoir* reeponeibility *count or the iiikteia*: a tepreasatati*. ot thi,-;b ei* other Branch? The rig10 o leach- IranCh,tO at' ? rciotly with its l!repreglivItative le not -$160 alic:e arrangement* 91. - All atissibiatrative and, ;pommel bleirm ax?It between the Drenches* Duplicate ti es atU bc *WM 'shod except thole pertaining t striot Undercover r pommel* The devolopient or all operational plane will be Wittertelera 4o1atly $I and Xoll prior to their being prosonted to the Diz?ector via the 13o4r4 or n6"1,11W? 10t, is actual experience in the nold over a period of three years, the estimated avertge_yearly oost of an Africa ric14 station Is $814191 (Tab "0)5 Thereforei the total estimated maximum cost or the *intim* Africa project of Wm' teen fully operating stations will amount to 0827,006 per year. 11. It is agreed that the representatives of the Africa Desk, of the two branches will maintain constant close coo operation and coordinationi Any issues arising not determinable by the Branch reppecentatives or thtir chiefs will he submitted through the Deputy birector, Intolltgence Service, for decision. v. gesamat? The development og* a secret intelligence service through? out Africa as set forth ilun thin plar is practioable and desirable) and should immediately bo put into effect to the extent permitted by budgetary oonsiderations? The proposed cooperation betwoen and X02 should materially increase the efficiency of the plan) wnd decrease the personnel requirad and the funds nectseary to oonduct the oporation? EtitlaZELSM. It is rectommenidod that the plan as (Attlined herein be submitted to the Director for his approvals mind Annrnved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ss, 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 jItt taajit 4111 n*1y1kJ* 111 1141.- el Ita3i.nIt 44414 X %Ilk 'ti, : 14011149 2.41t, U11,, UV, Naive important,* . ft., would naturally. *colis.0414 ?0.011)0r aits*fof ArtOrkt a.0041 hArii (VW 033 representativevaid mecretarlss here referred to it include undercover agents, PO agents or infonaut*. ) X masa French West AtrLsi, Consulate Oenersils opportunity far l 043 repriom WENITIWIETTiorotary, only. - AIRIAGAIJAMMEW r- 1* Capital of the French West African Colonies. - 2. The paint ix' Africa nearest WOW) Western Homis)pberes overlooking South Atlantic shippiag 3. Fron6h naval and air base. 4. Of tmportnnee as transportation and commercial osnter, 116414146"11.! Both positive and counter intelligens* aro of toque; importance. MONROVIA - Liberia A. Le ationo oppoustunity for 2 OBS representatives andU secretary. B. Importanoo 1. Seat of the government ktf one of the United Notions* 2# For the past 100 years under the nominal protection of the Unitsd States. B. Location of port being built under the superv4sion of the U.S. Nagy. 4* The largest American commercial enterprise in Africa (the Firestone (ompany). 5, Extremely complex diplomatic, politioal and economic situation. O. A potential air transportation base or major importance for the United States. MET 1111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Relea; 2013/-111.1111117'....1111111e 3X00001R000100240007-1 ?-* .4?Aa ."0:r\v,wit - \\1,;,4-46:.? intelltligaiLMISAM11.114 Preponderantly positive intelligence; by reason of the major American interests the counter intelligence field should be adequately covered. LAGOS - Nigeria A. Consulate: opportunity for 1 OSS representative and secretary, only. (U.S. Consulate at Adore, Gold Coast, need not be covered). B. Stratesks.Imartance 1. Capital of Nigeria; the most important of tho 4 British West African dependencies, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast and Nigeria, and of the 2 British West African Mandates v Togo and Cameroons. (Class 111) 2, A listening post for British commercial policy on the West Coast of Africa and also for the French Cameroons, Dahomey, French Mandate of Togo, (Class B) Fernando Po (Spanish) and Rio Mini (Spaniah). 3. Center of the most articulate, numerous and do- veloped native population in West Africa. C. IntellAppce RovIntatatE Positive intelligence only. IV. LEOPOLDVILLE - Belgian Congo A. Consulate General: opportunity for 1 OSS representative ZETWTAMITY7761y. B. st,EILIA4c DESEIlln" 1. Seat of government of the semi-autonomous Belgian Congo with complete freedom of access and com- munications to Brazzaville, where there is also a U.S. Consulate that need not be covered, and southern French Equatorial Africa. 2. Most important as a source of minerals vital to all industrialized countries. 3. Potentially one of the greatest sources of water-power. 4. Location of the tightest cartel control anywhere in the world at present. SECRET ....?Ac.rwRAIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"1111111 AA--0 -1010* P ' is _00 4 ; a t VI tii: .4 4 It . 6 .:011ter:OVt oontinen ' a ' leaningitowarE ti4u0Sal.,, cooperation il0h--SOuth- Africa. , . ? , , } A potential market of great import:0 0 'to the 'Wteld: States I C.attallitillftlatli Preponderantly positive intelligence wit* an imporu, tant esuntor intelligence JO to be done entirely :s,:---,?.--- .?= ." ,, t?$. ,i I .., ,..... . , o','S 'll 'it P 1 ? ? - .1 . Vi?-? ' 11;.r 41i-1 1.- 'E. . ,.... -t%.*.i. .- ........ ,..,..1. A u,..0?,,, 1 -..V.:. itri.f.-d-r, . ' -? t -4.,- ....}......rtf.r4 _ +4 1,,...' j -, ,....,...., :,_4,-. 4,......,... .. ,p, , - , ? tii4W4 ' ...": 17"--..... ft .:- .5.13 . 1 ?;....,1 4-1,7r ,..-. ? '' '....Z.' .1. 4.:-???...! 4 ' ti*-? , ;4.1 l'r' - ' . ? -, gti .. ...? ' _ 1 .-47.g4., ''.,--- .. ?,-, i': .--...., ..,...,.,..7 . , undercover. V.?? Angola A. Consul ato opporbunity for I OSS representative and seore cry, only. S.tra_titju iL,U5211tance 1. As one of the principal colonies of Portugal, a listening post for Portuguese colonial trends. 2. A potential market of considerable importance to the United States. 3. A potential bass for U.S. air activity. 4. A tsotor in the realignment of the political trionds in the southern half of Afrioss Int41111102041 811021Mtall, Positive intelligence is the principal interest, BOOMS+, of a reasonably large remnant ?mom Colony it is of potential counter intelligence amportancse VI. monu Union of South Africa A. Legation and 4 Consulates: 2 or more OBS representatives and selrotaries. B. Wilgitatobialltatt 1. Seat of the government or one of the United Nations 2 The moat progressive and powerful territory in Africa with economic and political aspirations toward neighboring colonies. 3.Its Afrikesner element is a sours* of Major polititoa denser to the structure of the British . ? .15r3it_ ? ? .14 ----!.,1-4-414 t ? , ? . I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 EMpire and by ea son of Smutits Wars, cite - unpredictable beyond bis present tIonre of' office. 4. Trustee of a Mandate (Class 0) South West Arica. .5. The grealtest market tor American manufaaturald goods in Africa. C. Intelligence Requirement!. Both positive and counter intelligence fields /4240 of equal importance in this area and both should bt adequately represented. VII. LOURENCO NAMES - Portuguese Rest Africa A. Consulate General and Consulate (at a!lira): opportunity for i Carr"?ep-reaTiraiire7 ancrilTcretary, only. Bo 021.11d2.ZEP"tan" I. Its ports feed Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and also the rich industrial areas of South Africa. 2. The richost and most populous Portuguese Colony. 3. Once a major center of counterespionage. 4. A listening post for Portuguese colonial trtnds. 5. A potential base for American air activity. 6. By reason or its being the principal port or entry for the Indastrialised areas of South Africa., it has been an is coveted by that country. C. attlELEVIPAJbvErwm"vtil Principally positive intelligence; large remnant German population abould be matched from counter-intelligince point of vier. VIII, NAIROBI - Kenya Camay A. Consulate General and at Consulate: opportunity Tor 1 lErTelpirEtriirirrfutkeirior only. B.21.11."L..&e IS?""kee 1. Administrative center for British East Africa Bloc, SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 s?Oz! 4,* arrito 40 A, t00141.: vliArit or Amerleaskinanu , goods* IglatLINNWOALMNiti Positive InVe1141113* 00170 Mica littdopia .M. or.1,4 A* agalleweta44 reprosent LIEWILIAULtall OPPortmlitt for 2 T 4-*fid-secretaries* MritagraeokWatt 3siat or Government of Obe of the United Nations* 0 Although witholat a coast line, its geographical position tumtrola tbe outlet of the Rod Sea, 3? A sourme or ixtreme ditoord with British, Xtalim and French Governments* 4* A potential base ror American oommeroial air activity, b. A listening post for the neighboring torritories belonging to Suropean posters* G. Unpr*ved natural roaources of potential strategic impor *rev ? Cu zatlagnazultzgrottt a Positirt intelligence of paramount importance; by reamon of a large ramnant Italian population the counter intelligence field should be adequately covsred. I. aa9, - Egypt A. kataa Consulateapt opportunity for 2 or 11401% ozelfrpilra a sAi EririeTtitr r o ro t 1117? .?'? ? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 B. awake. Ta...satatittl tit (Operating base tor penetration or Anglo4gyptian $11dan and Cyrenaic** Liaison with 0115 NETO-And 11.3* War Department AMT) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Is formor :Maim 41o1ony how *int 6,1!' tweet% the ,Brl Wish, ?tench, tiini d llama. 2. Center of the Samurai eiesiont of the Arab 100td. - 3? A potential source of 416 4. An._ a point of conti4UOUNI 1)7D-OrMit?iral iiur between British and Sgyptian Government. S. Transportation center for either Zastglest or North-South travel. 0. InkalimmlUmattetall 1. Por Cyrenaica both positive and counter intelD ligance are necessary. Por Anglo-Zgyptian Sudan positive intelligenoc only. XI. TUNIS - Tunisia A. Consulate, opportunity for 1 OBS representatIve and Tarearil. only0 Bc gtrateallamadance 1. As capital of Tunisia of outstanding importance from political and commercial viewpoint. 2s The focal point of French-Italian dissidence. 3. A major Air Transport Command air base. 4. Center of Moslem unrest and political activity, Sp Operating base for undercover penetration of Tripoli, former Italian Colony. C. Intjallanaillsuirements Positive and counter intelligence in equal importance. XII. ALOIEHS - Algeria A. Catliegji!AastEl o portunity for 1 038 represantstive si .ti'y, oily Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 is lest tit OO?fetit0 HA;goris and 'load. quirtort ot-?'Vnio seh ottiLtrainricti0)11-s,_0?PIT went ot the Prendiltatiy00,14?-,,, Leading 'Wadi, fad industrIkal-tesintirnot only _SO Algeria but tor all ProriiiIii','WOrth Africa* A *enter or oe1wz pa U?s.3kotivity and unresib? 4. ShippSnis and traniportailion ?enter ot outstanding iliportscnoe* Irlallantts?aigt2t202. Positive, wad oounter intelligence in equal importarhos? mv, " Algeria 't A. Consulates opportunity for t WS representative and secretary, only? S? Atiattliaite 1? Sicond leadLng in1ustrha1 and commercial mentor of Algeria and aottond :Largest passenger port at entrys fle French naval bass* Be Major center of Spanish influence in Frenoh North Africa 40 Important center of nttive Nationaliets movelonts? 54 The center of the concarvative politieal thought exprocsed through the olong. 0* LatiLLIALEMIAXAMMILL Positive intolligetos of primary importance? XIV.Impa m Internation Zino Aa Lb atlon ip17 0777071014 r.px*a.nS14V4 and aecrotarlas? littlIWIJSMIEWA 1. Intornatiounal sena or political importance to all Swop-loan powers, at present under the dominaace of thm Spinish government* 24, Contar oV political intrigue and espionage', ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1 nnw rinr174 Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 2 4 ' ,ar !..4 ;' ? .;!4:t Wirt tn knish, tolanSiorif. 7- 4 ' ? a- Ot otiltstiranitt sllitarvand -ftothO - 4* to Ite$ ILiseatioCore thm. Strait-Of Gibicsalt1111 , ' $* Point 0 tructWht to people 4t various natiossliti40 glittering or leaving North Arriaas itattaltifigLitiataing& Principally couAter intellionce with R strong political positiv* tntellisence tanotions XV. Maga ? Prim* Morocco A. a ' allitirompayitiatii! opportunity liatnittianaltganiat l? Chief port id, largest oity or Morocco. Business cehter for comorcial transaotions vith ci.ties in the intorior0 66 Important transportation center for both railpoad and intornstion air travel throughout NOP000011 4. Air Transport Oomill&nd cir bas. tk. By reason of the Oonven1lon at Madrid and the Act of Alpolvat ths 11.8. ftvernment has through the "capitulatory rights" iirkiqUe privIleges In tho Protectorat4 at Moroc000 6. Centers of MAJOP politioal and cultural activi6ty ars located in res and Marrakech. 76 nabst Le thm central pant at administration for the Derittian Empire and the seat of the Resident Osooral of Prench Morocco; a listening post for the French poll t I cal acti vl by* C. ifitakketattiMangitati Positive and coomter intelligence of equal importcnses ? % ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 6122stwaititceil11L -0 ,4 CoAnialoitioliit & *j$*i tk14,.(leziary 31IAI **4 iv.iwtoti *Wad be copaider,sd:in 17 Orozielr. (pi OfF?tholi:s surtiti.nt Ivo:times tO:lneorpoStejn1a)pPU?flt .1 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 gammagAL,ax repreeentatilie attaohid to Coneulat at present. *or openoffice with kal clerical porsonnil attached at present. WM. *a and Xm2 representatIlves attaehed to Legation at present. ogisx representative attached to Consulate at present. Also open office at present* Alarmap X-2 representative attached to Consulate termorlys 81 Etaircover personnel at present. TUNIS. 81 representative attached to Consulate at prosenit Also "-""irrundercover personnel at present. DAKAR* SI representatives attached to Naval Mission formerly. No ---ttt persotlel at present* mama. SI undercover personnel at present. LAGOS. SI representative attached to Consulate formerly; moved Accra as SI open orrice at present; this is to be abandoned and reestablished at Consulate in Lagos. SI undercover person/14a at Solatea at present and formerly at Abidjan. SI open personnel. formerly at Freetown and Bathurst. LEOPOLDVILLE. SI representativt attached to Consulate formerly. rarinwal personnel and undercover personnel at present. LUANDA. SI representative attached to ?317undercover personnel at present. pasTalksgagn. ST represenimtive IrriMeroover personnel at presont4 Louwasmatama. undercoven, personnel at present. !gam. SI undercover personnel at present. ADDIS ABABA* SI representative attached to Legation at present. 1ran7clover personnel at preeent, loya. No 033 representative to date. Consulate at present, also attaohed to Legation former17. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 SECRET MalLicult?.e.kyluatu 1 Repreaontative with Consulate OH Salary lloon 14virg All (mance 2,200 2,433 1,500 Confiitential Secretary Salary Livirg Allowance Ututercover Agent Salary 8,529 Living Allowance 2,200 3 Sub-Agents Part time remuneration TOTAL SALARIES OP OPERATIVES Trves 2 TransmAtlantio round tripe (including per diem) Local Travel Pureheso of Information Cables and other Communications Equipment and Supplies (including depreciation, lee., Automobile) TOTAL PER STATION 1111.111,11101111111.1.110#10 coPT ?P 1LAUASA62411,12.1MTIMA SECRET $3,000 1,800 $ 7,800 3,955 7,829 .14122 #23,191 11 4,800 8,000 1,000 030,191 027,888 MEM IIIRelease 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 - , Q4,i1L-11-WA. 343, :?-??1 111i fi -kttte.- 14C:41F4 *1- ." -40 13?Ap5,ty ? .04e t.e , Minn EMBLEM - I . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 k:914Prial - Ar ? a0" , iSt .0?0;.'"9 -4 -,-.V1:$$ ? 9. 7 -7071- 3 12.9?477; ; ; -S e ? .77' 1.01,,,i:: -79 .:- , ,. , - ,' e've '-, d'l ti,, , - r ,; {,e? 110,ii ?.`,.. , _ 4 i 4 0 . ?? 9, 73,, . , 4'1' . ' Z ' t, .? t 4:1 ...--0-,. 4 ,....7., _ ' : J.."' 4 ;0' :??!.-. ,,, . 'ei " ' '-, ?... 1 .: f:.:?4' ';',..0, ' ' f- 4 - ?,,, .44 ,, :4, '::-.1.-- ,- e ' f'-?.,... . ' , :- - , ,e, 41:: .3,,,,..;,,,feti7,4--- oti.7,7?" .,1.:. 1` 'l i ?=t . .- 4\-s?, , .,ti,? ? (0' ' s. - - S' ??4? V?,...4,..--; :!?, 1 ,,;-..: ?,? ? i.ti4t1'.,',0?-:.' ft,rt,1:- *.' ,,i... ,,,,,-?.?? :.--eiti. :, ? e'zil I,: .4 1::, ..fi.:Nep-p,,..?1-i.?:,,,,..,i,; ti,"...- -1,J.,11.!4_,,i, .:,..,,...?ie: !-:,4;:::14 . - , ', ,,,,T,,i ,,, 1 .i,?_-.. = - , t.....,t;,4.; - c.? ,. . 1 i..;. -' :o.w.y1..., 0 li-. ,,?? ?Iti;q0.,--, iv, , ? ? ?-- .?-?t3,1- 4- re; . ?a'?*.;?4', t; .3"' V`,7- 3,13s 't 4-4!:."' 3,- ,, ,I.;:,;,..,? 4 l'u,.?:,' L , 1?/- -,_'.-i. -. ?;,,,??.,,,,,t,...le,.,. lv , I( 4'ep,',?,,7' . ...' ? 4.1?,,.-.1', -itt, f f? Tt. i 4V111.. 4i i .1 r... .',-;? _.* ?t' . t ? s, '? '47 t It !.41.4.14 ' 7. 4 . e ,, /7 , 4 . e? /c , 7 4. 7; 0'.7. *.-? a' t? ": ' 0/ t i 3 tt 7' 4 ' "yit-7.4.0 0 A 1?A'' : '':..1,1 : i'. "it'491!3/- 1-. ''''' ' - e 2 ? r ei -1 .,q, ?.: ..; l' ' - .77,75/.. 0 .e4 _ 4 4 4 :3,,4? .... , ? .31.? 'i-,' ; ,,,_ 0. s'ifl.i ' .: 'k .1.' tt ''.. ..,',.' 3/ ir ',',?:.''''4' '''''''''''.,1!)i,?''''':'1,...13.`--,1,,, ., ? .,:,....,-*.5. v / '' - ..i. .. ..." 4:: 'P-1 opmfrost ithe Dhatiet S ttAl *So iltee recta* w cift1444 , ; ? sA. 0, .tz, ? ,014 :3?0",,r , ;.? ?.1 - 4 ' , I t/ ? ?, ? 4/... ? . t. ? 11 (OF, _ .7 4?4 1 ? / /7 41! .7 , ? :040 _ ? vAeli ? :4,11;:e 1.?411 r 9 t. t. 4 phstris ore'' ? ' ' i-,4 ,...:*'!-3"3Vil," Z 11;:- att ; 1.4,1t 0,440,9 14 00 Z 64 ' NNW SFCRE T ? .? a- z IDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 aa- - z -! , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 3: L - :4 43r,A. 1,1 ? 4 Pftig Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? . I r46. sa - ??i." ' ?{I,..4 ? t 1 ? T.? ?., -41--st.,c- ? , I,* talks Ittd, , 4, .? 4, ? '4 79^ s?riVits '1474.79 9 II ? , ptlyAr.!#.4 ..? . rt ti , - ; ' r4 ? It ??, ?/- Fic tiT& .? , ? ? , ; .44 4 4, t ? i ? 14 II X: ha . ? 4' '1- .1 .7.*?94- . .8e - '; ? q4 3 5 , .g? c a It -?E? "4 7. 4 4 ,?.% Tr. ` A So Zoo/ 4600 er tad% a *WI Math So z tots lkAlisolz P4,??? ? - ? `ttirn ??,,jt ?-$.97."4 74" *?-?e. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 _. . "Igc,....v... - . ? .ar, * ?'*- t? ;;?4' .6,- ? , ? . . ?'-i .it,-14,k,' ' 1: " ,V;. I e, rl -.5,f9 ????,:iII' 31. IJS ;'$-, ? ?i. - .4. 414 ."-? . ,... ? ,, F. t.e., k? ..? .4_ ... , 4 ,.,,,. . k?4?-1??I'. 4, i ...Ft!' ..) 'ni 4.7.. ? 1 I . ? ? Ft. I ).? ? n , ? .,,,. . , ,)-.,',?,, .,.?..?.:. P3.', ,.94;1-,:,.,4 ,.. -.-. .,,,.?. ,, ,. ._1z1,-,._,;..... ?1 74 i i:...)11... ,,,.,, :_ ti. ?it.i.i .,,,,,? . ? '?' e nl . 4.`? , -? -' ,i3 ' -'''f'?i. I ?,.'?4t:. 1'. ?;....,,'1.? i'',. ,.I;/, . r?,A, . ?.-e'.. '.'. ,..'...` . 0? :-., ,L1 1, '. ?''1 ,-, . t.4-,4'.,:-'.1 - .:..,.? ,. ).,.4.8,-t,1IJ..,, ,,,?t , ,, 9 141 >'J - ' ' ':. 4 -5 '-.1'? 7'.?.4 ?'41-.-t'r:'47". ; $a . P9 .s e1 4. 1 71 :!4_ - :3: si= $.. ? ''"'_I'; 4'8 74-:- - , , 4A r ? '?;t -,''? :? ? ' .14. .,k.i,e:?? -f4'4,-?? :jF- . ..' 1i5': ,:?,,e:! ', .e-;",'l.: e, '.,7. '4,41?=-"' , 'i-k..4',,1 " 9. - 1'A . 74 7 - .,r . 7 7 t . $ 74- , / ; I iI, i " 1'?t -4 ;i ''.(i... 42 ?i ,f- ;?k,'?7... ,? ',a .,-,70',,?,.. 1.":..1f:4_;?,-,y4,.,.;? 74 , ;';7, li , , 4 " !, ..--.-...1.4?t.? ..i.k4i-:,-, , .? ??? 4. t 44( ;.- tr, ? .4 ?11 11.; ?-?,..; -e,:,...', , .? ,i '-4 f 4I ? ? t ?'* I,* ? ? --r- .a44.: .4 4 I-;?A p * 4 ?, ,,,,,..?' I. / ? t,?..,,,,..: .'1 !?-41.1. ?P t411 7 ' 4,- I! ? ',.. ' ?t. ?? .019,9." 9,..., .4- ._ "4. 4 o'?? V ' ? 4 al' ??? 4 4 It ???? ? eclassified and Approved For Release 2.13/10/18: CIA-RDP13X0091R000100240007-1_Miimilownolimmaiwi ."-.^'"...""7,4,i.,A..111"11N11111MMORMOMMIMMWMIMMMlift.MA !of ? ? .4: 1)1 etto v Vaifivt, tor Aiwa IN* Ye* - 92isinitib It 4, 749$ MITST4 1 iq Itlaux-itti lutta 1314Llia fp* twit 66 t hares to 6' I. 14 10 ithe tssavd-14 *tat tts a 11 4 ?e4 1.140 komrd Iliovlorse6 pt; Ituttas 'or ttos itrittrOa acktiseed?vexiTt4oi vat that tt Sit* re, Tfletivolutiot-44, tp?"012'2...ti e boty4104 a1,11 e..10,t Mob, t /344t?,(1t at st4 IA; I or tige4ra *at a )1.41 !I *Ts Pa .tftiPitts #Atitifolt ;. v * ? ay. ? litith little 4 41, vrietaani a -ow tit mot 0.19 * 'Tikt* regrow*, map fixiM1 Vi$41?"'`Atti 7tte di eau eel tt21 turtIttear 4iiirot 4 Elm-hot thoVi IN 1. er tt or , :51P.0641 P;hi vim ;.lovriag pita. Mita was , apyrnliri - 3 3 37, etti (.' Atae 344 t* itortSvitt,t O. ell ptelltVitm i %.,_ ;.) ji.? 0 mat's.in,Lso4 unljer tkt* terve oft .,0703 D.trootime lit 44/314,0 datiattl 29 Ceetc1-44,- 129030 ' , t It La ogddent t ths 3partil ce IlovAlov bbt 01.11 la ell f. )23' Ati t 14'4404 1/1 Me ill*, two awl, seetnitUnft tip rii16. it Aent zi potis,blitistvad fitits/f *4 it sows* ot insitiortta. SOO fr':s :-Atste Dap artoteint guild PM* for tustirrial tke, Aitimait Ott 1 r.erwn ohttirr:?ettge It voile *son Ist? prold.to sr& tarsimala401,46 frletat 4,i torn 0'04,13144 tiD protium aitoprila tot Tao. L 31t fa, tio iptirtal.14.4 tiintiftlad above, Wbup PE Lu lu clet,,,41rt,tom. &19 issilt to 1,40 lbattetifi its lumeranft.A.151 se 18 toptesiber 2,p4148 3104 re noottli Or tfaail MO for tit* 1'1.44 year (*Line paw s ioard rtimourarod the kporstortittleon tt trio stkni triot ? 1 Attlds ,t, over the' tub jt 'opitritiert tor talo at' t rife 4fuly 1044:11 AZ3r analltvbit opal* dun ? the *Iveli ttx? ourplemb ibisoaa eliguasit bo ewe egatiatt ., 11?444.4 6,gr 4W11111 140 Ai $4)6 4114114K1lielaW Mt* --imweiiiiiate 4--tR1 - the laat plarutisph it tilif4 Sol* linstait mill*AFrenik%* turetetwr witpostet tiu,t tuttigre ? Ap 0141 thpfri10,titeg...1,e, ti14 4114141411041 110 wild?14 rs .tati Ile% 414attit414 .; Wit' t Ft risitt4? vi14 proftPito 211110 postair0 sCRET i4.? : ? - t Trrrl ' r +11 . .1.. ? cnr Rplease 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 s4,1_ .0, ? , 4.4.4 0"4,4C ?t. eti A 4 5 ? 1.4 ? t , t 1,6 4_11 Vi3.11?40 ti,A ? ? 42.44 1! '114 1,4 , - ?,1 ? , f , 4,, . 'r rf?'! ? e , 5.41:4,j, ? . 2.? ? f '4444. ? ?11, 4t. r ? 5L4 el ? ? , f ? ? , , t lh 4, as 44 ' '..3 ? ? I 4, . 4 t, * :,4;ii, ? *0; z ;' s., 0 t 1 ' l't*"? ', 1:? -.4 ? 1 c.?: f ?i:14..i- ) t ? T. t . bi. ?Irs ; -4, ... : .9 ft, t., . f. ,. .5 1 .. , - ' : '''.'? ? _ 5, 1 '''' ' ? 44' , 0 3 ? 9: 14- ? P. _ 3 5,,t?et Vb:;Tig 1-Jetei. cetr..41.4 9 ? 411 I?'; ? as ? Ir 5 I, et gt te .c teele . c, c? 1,4 J : ,F t ... ? itt ? rtk " . .1?-? ?4 ',Fe.' c.:tt" ? 71if p ????44?4 'it: ,t? ,?4e - ? I ; ? y ? All - N.,?M ? " tr4.1713.1 o '?1 4'..'1;???? I 3 ? .14/::"T Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 .1.3.411 a. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 10101011111.11.11.111111.1101.1...."1.1.11m..".?1 theaA.4.401 7,4z, . I 414-A010-1-tefr....0.4 /,?. hi. wt.., 1120to.4110.0"..? 41 pov4... if ; 1/16.7.".04.010% e/L4 ei-e0)4( 1.#4.44.41-44. A ?1/4 LA""lo.'4*10104.4tr... A41-40-"e" 401.400W4,.., v)r 1147.--4/1.v trvz- 71-4ID /...? ? 4,604.4.-ve , 6.-0( kwer Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 .17,4 541,71 41:EiT4. .1-1--91,1 AZ". 2.1j4,c44-iir t di.NPRIIK-7-MMIIIIMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 18 ...44-44.,? ? t ? ? - , r " - 4.4 ? 4' - r - t? " '1. $11 4- , tsi.4 , ? ? "PC444...,-s? mer:411, -1 0 LtVt.1,r.L t44 44, ? 54 c?"1- - 4.. 10.24 1. .4 be Totivis that till Bat, 4. ,? . , 44. 6 ?? ? e4... ? tti&i d.cositt4 sitadatan !az AtiriCt? -? lt e Fifi t ? 1 try:. ; ":c. "L. "?=i,,' Vi 4tr 41, t ? q:i e ? ' N4.4 t." .1, ! i(1 1 .4 E 4 - ? til".4 1. il.. ? .': 5 ?%titt ' a ,..- - 4...) ..d.5, ..... .i. , .3. e .7,- . !i'-.. ,11, ., t Ist.? .ff.' i - . ? u 111 ...., 'AtC111 ? t ?: .c , .? urc . -? ? t'ti.. ,14..11 r ? . ?A Fij .7/ 21 4 a1 141 N. 1124 ' ? , 4;444' ? " "11'1- 3 31,,...F.0 rc.F.-Itictuali*J124 -.4tfcgtait16'* ' , t itt2g. 14. O.Lrt 174?11(ai..ft,,'3'71t.te.4"X..11. . , ., 2"14iftk,134r12.75-"L'IL "'II! .,2 1 2 trierritatigS6 Slik* t ? = ,1?71a - .rr94.4t24:r7111r4291,..L.. r. "CR ? .70 - et! fr I ,:tca tee ett,T*110tripiL440100014?120,0011 y ca.b,$71f -.3.--cf?fmttoptcataf' It= ? -? ftilifccic elan 44-22,1,4101. fifwet CSKartP04106101190 iPegt age optcmcicoso rr 1.? -c,c419,4;Iszor,cr rrccti:cidccccucirc colicilmorcr-c ,t.-.-=?;cctaac4sraccactoakaalcal."*-1 catlatnamc alaa*le ? -awre Mingtite1014S40.4.1: rtorlikr4130Net ?1=1? Serl mst: -1* ..n..eroco cm.tarct-43/4r we r Cre.21.43 1:0.4.11tIf .1S, 177 4.. - +.......:- --.7; .... ' C...:-..".'"15Fia c , .. K;IPPZe . , VVOrate.t.:c .,; V117,,,,,W241a,c. I2 telli24., ?; fil,,:iMeAlettlf*Atilq Jr ? . .1:: , ' 0;1.....41430**Ptilcoffiltlarelata Miura !A r la no f t'tg 1 .t.nn '? In 1, ? 4 _ - z " ?.?;. . ? ''.1cArgerigl 47toRtsioottto kcaiiiistIlinvoactipritcttm _ 1.4=';'41.Vi' T -41 ler ? - r 3 n -csolIscrscpcei c 1 ? r-?2 17115. r .r r. 11;',i, iiaccst? raisvArAtosztceic ' _ ? _ 5 :( ? ' Wen. lithktreV?4141?ArrIgt10 ...410424FleritrrinlinkillPre,r40 IMO OM ? .1 n: ? n 2 ? 2: , .t41% ? 11.'4 ? ' ??? craxamitsi,arccrcrrsctsedimst. 112.c..P.. 1! f- , mad *go recibocaocatwisace c a AP. .altaileAMIOr-ota sca cgralatalarsei ? cali4 ?Wrozralt. A ....nr70,94. b?-?fr4,0*.r.$00941450= Ismipegosego MAC 1 r "1 ? ,1",; ? i t ? tr.i..r?ii t ? 1 4.- ? .?' r. cr72fflORIMPI ft Iftftflifeff,rff.tadiffIfinti own tosactitactotie A ly --:" '? r. i I ,? , . -.1. ..mi .- oterregt.1 ....414,..e?nblit. U., 0, 2142,4,211 Sitar L=lo 1I$340 ositentbrzitiatM3K, WOO MARK', I ehriatiri-iL,... 11.10177.1.101/.7- ly isccaxicitt.11 ..14P01 . -10t12 401aircietc91 0 " br- Otr-P5,1!./ #44.1 it l't ;10 iv iv? POO p 'Ir. 1 w I %Pt to;1 tot, r k n 7' 0 (II , 1, cam!, ?:,'ii . ... .., , 4 i irri# 4 I .7, , 1 IP :4; t'' e iii il fl t it It, tit.P-xlit r v 4 0 ii ff ammo n tl, * I; Iwo imko 4 In To 01,C lkingts , - iPA, t I ! 0 1 0 n Ifttk 014 1 r?.1 fir kri iota ; Lc t'Ato ftirclior eaRif.t au i Et uti,. i tiv it-otti k til efimmo n I t of) 1, totrto , I t:10,tnilt ) ) ttl*wi.tei? 40 vit tut 004 ti-it 4 401 a t 6 b I. y . -- ;t '- 5 '"tvvf-, t ; C04`kgz 4t11-1 It 1.1T-e0040 F bizie lt,,, ; Icgloc&ca - ? ?"....T! 'rfP" t-1-1 3 1 Declassified and n Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X-00:10.61011i10100100240007-1 , .1241 55;1, _ _ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ' = ? , Thot Dirootoro Aetin Chief Us Oloeing of North Artie* Ottioom Itt4 Thrunlo Momorandvm at 10 tteptembor)(Oftioos at TunislOacabianea and Orlin) , 14 The opinion or this tiropolla oonourrod, In by X 11 to Mkt the ?Moos ohould remain opon until Atter unOoraovor oftiooa aro eotoblishod in Oa Oonavlot014 Arranpomontt aro progro@oing to ootablioh ougth ?Moog, in knowing witb be oxohango ce oorrooponiOn40 botween you and Undor4eoretory Der1.04 3, Tbaao orti000 ar* neadtd to provide eovorago in tuntntfl1m. It in cono 'rad enoenlaal tbat tho now ropr000nta? t tv 0# ',moor cionvular imv or, vi tho bona it of peroonnol; c,1411t4tion and doolmontation that the pint reprom ontotivol ow orrery. tit* Thin oriould clp ply in Oren an 'IC 1 44 in the 'to f.thors tortatiteino? Q. LT you tumour,' the ovulate iablo is r000rgliondods Jotis 01 Rat ing - _ C.,i"LV5.*4 t : ? " nRciassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 - h) SEMINEK81211111IMEIMIIIIMME, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002401.190:! irlir.111111177M7774 .**1: - .. _7 ; 4.4 .!?:? t, e'4-? "),. Nr 4'. - 4 ii_ t, r? - '''''..... .4 . , * At" rri" 41.4 '343: 4..r f .kf:,. , 1. - ? V 4 ? , ? k7C5-14 c:41 gC,:: ? te.91i1n,jttate, - II* MOW dilia1.10 terpoilmo Sh to ibeaddiantos olio" ***, %km NI low *0411411P 110114114bMP 11110 titekleit evtamitattl oat dosippoolielii4414 Omit prittalk OP' 4 , ? Ottritia OAT la Oral 0,9111 eator Itogittitaitic le* ri onikooto ott ?- ?.'+',..1.cL7 ,?-t' ? !eri . it-..*;;;St ???.. .7.711f?? 7,7 , r .= ?, nriv Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 II MIII Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 mompoppowerpmemerwsimmmosl ,ApTimpumpunprippoonnmiluill11110. j?. ? >? _ OAS? 1411- , - keopootori NQ. $ Avto 'geoid (It :=313=1151= 1OOttt=gtC'=MFIM=I=:=t=[tta-..t.ts, i....+4.441111111101111111111 Ottkowos 1011614 R0041 1$4,4$, trOlOPTIMOrt w-oznz.?-ti nits r.,T=Tra-oftrant ttopin 'r.4dpr rt I. P 4,4 ^dt t. t , =7,==== =wax tem=ralmer=mr-t=zsi orztfteect:: ongszna Om* ? 195=settetortertreen treCreteetterreerttrn M=01==MIIINCANWMMOMM tger TO-S7MC - 2!2". ? ? --,?,1.???-t.-4MOM=1 "OmtO.,t. 4==="Otr-Wra EY*1: t=====W=MMEMUIMa I ttOOPArttet44 ,,?=o1Dt=t d!6"?rarr.t.alt 111131rX 111.00tato=OrtrAMTP'S {4?21?*.1.4.0?A rmr=a=scr=esseniw mactisatt=e r-.-1.q wet tere -etr= tim-tenfteW r?-?????")--tromlOtall,VtirO Z-7,S32, Z.t? ".","9,r,r.41,7 TZ,ZW1Mn7.77:14r. VIZZOlterraVelell - trrenMet otr""tIntletteL"CelltOtIZItostte="2e72.4:=1 ap=1=1.!=rees,,Telmett4==ettlee===leetineve===teMWS_ rle.rtr - ?- ITS.VICINSCIre=. en?-n-rtnrc.n Igtrrnge:RP trrrt ?t".?- eit?ttmiletscl --r??? ?,-,t rat- ,t, ,trarr-? ^?-??,1 - ?ffilata ,?ctrrmosi avert!" cram r,-everawascrithrammrriwremorce-R-rsis mlinkimormam=esamm migitioramsal 4404 acam4ot ohomi4 b4utgalorft4 ko oorrespood whh numbOW in To oolum, A lima o4ouidI Wrowt dor000 shoot uhlise own oommer,i, orroot, 40e24144ti44* oil4u14 bp 'mod In to oolumnu Alito4 0?(Woo ohouldir1i (ohag)t morU iheuttiolent) before further routing. Lotiom4pij44t 404W tolion ohould bo in4loetud ttiVommooti oniumn, ft404444 04tott oh*414 olooyd rotoft04 to Hogishry, Vit Ortioo,r boot444ticAo peso o Wht. @WA. P0411 eitctimie 1111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-..DP13X00001R000100240007-1 111 ? -; - EMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 1 Orr! ???? _ movamisiiii?mies' iwomiwil ., 4 . , i '., .. 1 . -2 ' DAitt V 0 0 Otiiiii ptititi$ , Ag 4 i,.. ,? IIP't V11557 . ? '-,;- :1?'. , '-? , ,,, , , taigiLriaLW li. , h 411ASMATIONI , tizoniit 44111014014a1805141611 a no NetavaMONSMISSOURsigulail HillIMMOMPRONVIINNEPINM00.040 110111.11MONIN111111 111111MINI III 0111101.1111001101000011.611115.411 I* NW fox 4co lat Of t44011#4151 CSNiillt,ONO ii)iithtaVAIIZ AT Oldmic Ltd Usab Attual JO4 mplontl JInv111# Onutro mumst4 005 1,2=11314 .c)ektzwivetiloamitnigIlleg~talatatiViSatel"EME~tIMINE -144r-V ? '.: 1?, ? -,, -? p.11,i , 4?C ilid . .44I 41010004 io (lop' hotte to 1i4Illatilan Whf, 'Will ahortly ;.--T i,...t., IA vidte or tototro oi' douutilt-witan will till he haii ittilto4 'tad htoto'r -. - til.. :t_ILIA, ti4lt4vtl it. itiverotirkia thqt ttri ructilit#at n poat try iro ,:ailttalktot in 44nlot4' Itawrandlin bo 011**46 marodilunyt,Doultat[ what, to it4- floldv t3/444 119 r .414 entrilWAIONVOMPiiiiialSONVIONOM1011101 MAL? 1 mikorsmosir. 110010 0 ill - .1 ,_:,- -41, kt Asaistant Secret r Adolf A. Berle, Briodier General William J. Donovan, Director, Office of Strategic Services, Washington, D. O. .,14?1 042444.44, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ,17., I 1746.31Miallat Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ;.q?A' ageafamilim""37 " ? er.,1? , = , ? , .017 ? 10?149010 " ilragt4.4te .110 so Natio ii.cus1J4a.4604144141,17 newstirawl , ;$l I4 Itooduth. 440wariti z144' oh 04 *Meg Sa OM* sot Plotles to too sasnitofita , ratItor at Ow Stefit hitt *zytalp wagailteil %Via t.raottzt Altidiams* fitimdelf 10* t. Denim $ tki* Vitotko At II m:;?-41ted amta t4belat tut oc-di Isto watt sw , ? 4 , ? jit,f - , , r Aas sets4 litaitria405 to 1...? ;rata in Fvoussb euatzrO1341?torkke s. veitsertt it 4lei refloated 11041 110,41. wtnt,r,) mark trott With 0416 itStitt Ii4obonto c;a6,14ea wte6 u 0:9 ritimioglitattlittVis was Thit Astiod toctogifor 71011414 a Al ilerso 74101424i, Otrell$# tVidell4 ft-01:Wiii* gra trilp ;a mil at other oseuntaittfat Via** t twass terrItary may to lossiMitt$40 1 es most ULis ofViPo lerlrelito eivammittiegm .La the orator at conist 010 tOr4IMILty ats.i1 ViSh Mite Si OPPIOVOittil et iitasilding atil4401$1 LL Ott tS ..1$121 filigteowcay pool* 14,taitlat 440, DIC464101 7 ? u Z. ? 4 -I, ,z?f."41.,.' 2:1 i'"1" 737 L4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-Rnp ? F.IiimamittealittialiiiMillIME1111111M1111111111111 MEI 41, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 1111111111101111111111111111 A* 4 4,4,41,k1 4troppirtg, utgia Oa& ? li".114411 ? f??43 a !. ?t, - 1 4 41: 11111/14,1% : t we i-cattialy th ..,qiir41 twoolar. cip 41-11 sqadobb is Ct4I, ,lapwitt 44* Wit plc Whig eilfils0 P "e'en Sib J.A0 faiorimit $44titi r-, vIt4-40.r ti gi twig kohl's, tette i1,011?1.! , tooCtrILIII Prafirtak fileIjii4l sr rt itiosimut nigkavaikry irto limit 1 t: 1.4..401,11 nemsrg pitelmlooft GOLiritt ?0111 troili1411.4 .flI1.1-sikAt Lama na1 UM*trete 11-7irirtc sew, or th* pale 44r gualitt uftioul so r 4. d?r AZ WC i40. bit Pirfatit. -,r4s tthfI4k tri.00kt*oni aid -riminttig: ti* 30_ o t tot It EL 104 t ?? iiitistoti, 20 mifit, 1,,4114kt Vital etagailtit R .4(111 MO; *It SI Ift-43,11 DS anctitatot 0I tc- work ant wags, ist144011 _ h.? c thitis fans or tit 1110:1111146 ti ("0 to r OAS Soittifittellit 111V0111 ?`3*,r?41 ttt cone/Mk ttotlel, Imp viiaor taw t.i , ? 1 q3:11 4!ehJ :o k; b41, ??.4 ,p4 ? ???., . ? 0 VT A I- Whip voilispliwifi to 600 s alirlarir 'on' I, i4.0.0 t141.4 Itptil'or 0 14* dimitilisint imolai liff II rat It t so, critpt05,. alio LassutrIturition and tastable" 1141.,at 11,41104 go, I.: 43 v too I eekoulaAr ter lel A ttpri.41 and *04 a his 114 Mud* lit : . e& '.:(k 4 I* thlt e i 4, V4 04plEtillO$C4 4111/ 041,10 NO 1140440 a 4P4.-,1 -6 .:, :41 44? Vitil -:ifNk?leiO a Patiatt ell 44 isl 4 waose tIti1 , 44 a Ed to tila efie mit *41 *?????---0. ? .t.tirie:1;4944110 10110111:6 4? ? t et ,.:, pir cp,ot i,,,..; t;14-14 , Cis lmi Lao/ the We; idolit rttiskillih a ariftmiliatt own Ow a tftl 141,d1 . tut ElifithA rveiralaitill At tkOObili Kt VIM Or 440 lit. 1-4.4.4 4-? MA t Uglitt no. it'S ? M WWII HOMO* ' iiii. sky. ti as cm; 4- ISSIM A Itiotiftb.9 litial lie Wait . ' ftitimiketrite to. 40 Ihtil? , ,. t- mg& rgt-ovitisiw=volo gk oloctktollIpos WI * er Vika peeklat j iroliolt e -etii is 44 "., iiblein Al uto etiarlo Vikthiltskillio ai Vior4,114, , ^ , I ; ?P V2,1% ge ? !I- ? t ,.?111,... 7t44 ?r 14I1 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? II' ? 73, .13.144'?;f?E4 - 1?. `.?4-;E r.-.? 2,1 .14 ?:',?;??1. ? - !. ? "" c' :1 --' f ' 'T?Itr 1". r ..4j; '4*Irt? f: 4 1.;?:9ti; (4 4 4::?_.? ft ; ,4 ? (4??? . .7 ? ? , , to f-p A Wig:404 or A I Zaltizi Iva-kW.? k r4 ' ' -3, t, - 4 5'v$X1' , , 0 VIII li 1.--.162,. _ ,.._ Pi...;...41,*. e ?t? .1?6_,ENIESHEIMINI 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 1'2'11 17.11 ? ??? Al; -a! '''14.11111?44, -041 4,1 - ? 4 : ? * 4 ? t ,c4 ? r '4- - 4 ?? . ? ? ? ? e ?le t4. `46 r" ? fP.?. ? tt." - : utilit - 12 4 amegAztOirett airof zoo ,irot ;;Ao*Stilift .1- itso verve** '11 4.m,0 00, 114t-e-raw titles.* Itte ',3101-,i7*.a *Nona ? 1,,?1???..1 ; ? - k ? ? ? . ? :AL # I ,c1 ? 74) str?:.I. 27,5 1. IP ? " '4,, 4., ? .31, 41,17 '-'1N14,4.-- 0,1*. ?-t -Lit:- 114 --,:zirl?"?;,_ ? - ; ''??? xl; '4:1 4; "tr?; ? 7.! certrTir: ??? ;*:% c tc40*114:1'11..4,1:', N,? ???,, .4 ?;? 'g a t, %*-i? "t?' ;????? A t ??? ; 1,14: tf? ltfrcztet ? ? ? ,?-? ?t ? - r ? ? ,t?., ? " ? ? ,h,? ? y t ? tti'Py .. A?! 4.; .3 v t?.? 2, ,? i^ ? ?` -` ' . ? . $sory ?.:?? ? ? - , ? ? , , ?#1 r ?t. 0..; ? .14.1'1144 ? d A , st? I, T o -f: ?? ? .....',..-7'..tr... ???? .^_,.? : -?p, ''''4. 'll? ...-41a; ?-?4'. - . :....'). ; .4. 4,4',..v- .-,, ,. , ..c-Ti, T -4 f,1' ? " '1 ? Iv ' - - . ., ? . ? - _ .... .. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 rumminit tetkri 1114400t011 it 01111 iLt Of lia? .ti itK 3.? Conceptiono Banitally# the 3X plan was to combine secret intelaigertoe and eounterwtespicinage activities in the North litriDelk territory, and to *Obit, lonitorsinga :Latelligence that it vas inexpedient tor ** *sitting 0$6 arganiimittion to pther Ixtder it" Theatre (Aiiied) (mistral. The SIMIII orgarAisation, personnel and tecilittes were to be used for both 3#1. and 0.1. work, The plain wii evolvat in the tal3. et 1943# ma set tortlt IA a mestorandum to you dated November 96# 1943, approved by Buxton, Magruder, lioDernougn# Boulten# Wanviis and myseito Tenritory Alsoria# Tunisia# French and Swinish tiarocoo# ?cagier, Rio de Oro. ItnI, !stench West Africa,' Ttle original plan envisaged three 111100011411,0 ;pesos at aporstion., The tirst was to continue daring the present 4)112-?Thentre arrengsmenti with IX adatnisteved tilraugn 038 iiission headquarters, The second was to tasks pleoo vti* II aa1or3 headquarters was withdrawn from A341.0rs. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 11K OEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? 11111111,511.1111111WWWW1.111 , 4 ? ? Pb 3X sakintiaining the ewn,headquartars in Nosith Atrieli* The , third wall to begin Who territory seafood to lot a pOlt It the Milit, Thoatre with 11X reprementativai rieportiAg 1 featly to Washiphgtoit. 4* Tidoi program wae tranenitted to Col. Ilisvin ter ooriplionos IDA Deoesbfar 14. 1943* Col* *avails Imo sent to, take charge or in in litricia, arriving about Marsh lib At a soot-404 on liareh 37. 1944. between Col* Glavin and Washington ofl'isialsi ins:I:lading Magruder. Murphy. Pi?Velin. Boulton and mrsU lb wan wade evident that photo* one cad /base two of the program soulei riot be carried out, in CAN cif pertain Niglio requirements laid down by the Theittro? b. On liaty lap 1944, you aiiproved an aX budge; of 01000000 to ltbe fiscal year beginning July 1, 10164, 6. La a result of the mosting in March, phase throes alone. or Ube progrovis has been put into offset with personnel reporting dixisotly to Washington and sonding romation ooples of reports to Algiers *hen alpropriatti ittoriotiontstlimes use at T4ittal?r? 04%10 1114143,1*, Oran and Ostablartakto Eh Oran and 'Tangier have been very produotil* &pipit* ilECRET - 1111M1111111111111 ? I e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 4 cl laim Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 MMOMMMUMMUMMOIMMIMMOWERIMUMPIMMF,M ?? 3 ??- represent* Ives being without MIN Additional help hue boom sent to Tangier; is being reeraited for Oran. P. Operations at Casablanca have been =satisfactory land have produoed little information except *at satheed through Irarenah souroen and records. A shakeftup made Litt the office last month relieved the 'head of the office and the principal agent. Setter results 11117 be expected now. 3D? Spanish Morocco: Bvery evidence exists that this is the center of German activity In Worth. Africa with the greatest concentration and aost Spanish help at Te tuan and lielilla. This territory now is sit up in strist compliance with rhase three of thoo SX Program. One representative worizing alone at Tangier, has organised a good net-work that bias been productive of ituah valuable information. Indicative of this work is In a comprehensive expose of German 'undercover activities at Melilla. 41 of 57 pi000s of intonation proposal:1.0 were drawn, Wholly or in large measure, frost OBS SOUreill* lat1rsow0i doovatent was 061?X?/14. The addition of *1111i111421841 for the reprosintative and the :manning of posts at tolilla anti Ceuta has put us on a very sound basis for thorcle* coverage* r1FT o? .P r , iriel4 11111111111111111111111111 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 MEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? ? impumplummumwmieueemmosimumenill?WRIIIMMIIIRIPI `Z 4 -1 01. - - Dorartmeat ce State eooperntions Ofivar ia Spaalsb Somme and pomoh and *able faoilitiee between it representatives and between tban and OM Washington, axis:. provided by We State Depart/tent. State Department offielalso eapeoially those baying innsdiate jussisdiotiai's are higbly satisfied with results in Spaniab, 103PC0430 and sun entirely willing to sooporato in Wilandiug fsoilttist to other territories. 12. Using 3panish Morocco as a pattern, the follow. ing action is bang takinss a. Arrangements are being wade with State Department for Consulate coverage at key points in Algiers and FremobLMOrooso to provide Nor*, tentative, at those points as rapidly an they can be rooruitedi. b. ingot oomineroial cover will be usod whenever the opportunity arises, to supplement noverage under sale s. The present situp In French territory will be used to gather all :theorisation possible frost existing Prono)s files so we y have dossiers I 11111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 MIMIEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 a ' o be rota:Wad it our overt op.rsno$. *Wm. 4? ?be SC Tandereovor orpasation ehwelti be divorced to the greatest possible eXtent front all open 053 activities. %VW' the present &millions noEt ter* !Ls tar teo am* contact 'between Imam an4k undOMMOr personnel. It le 'believed thit as Um, persanorit undormover organisation is developed, knowledge at it *meld Le rest:rioted to ono tr, at most, two persons iA the Theatre, and that these :Mould retrain trot direct doontact or direct' eatiSataleatiton with undwroover personnel. 12. The attaohed letter to Assistant Secretary of State Eierle ezpodite and formalise new cover requires, rAentee Ita sipattire LID 14.401011tede Whithwe 11. 114.at IOU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 le. 'A. tt4etn"-'11?1 -er- ; ; 0440R ffiatujllfgEEVREightntMIMIIMIMIIIIEE11111M111NliMIEIIIIIIIIII EMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 .: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 VOMMTIP`titurfflawantlemikwwgre.....iri . 77-r? -7 -,,-4,1?-?;;? - ? . ro., 4,1:- :;tif4. - ip : , Pel, 4.-''.; tt, :,t..., ? .._ ?-?.. .D.--,,p 4, i.,..4. 1, ,.., ,. f -? i, I., . t '- ' a - ? , , 0 b,, I .. 1 10 ? et. s 141413 le _ 4 ,.,d: i ?-jte, Vt. 4 1- -e.- :Pp. 1.1i i;d a ,. * .lt it , . ill ofik, ?toit / tte 414141 ri4tor asiti Si. m r 4 tit,i44."-t -0- , 61- 114.1 -SO? , ee,?,' Pr ? ? t4.6 W*1:2:11'1. $ ; ; .4 041 tt 10011100110r* tik O. lit fithia fif!rigart ? t ic iti 1441091g 1,1064104triniii#4 CND 4Ottiliti 040 AZI ctie Nog* Ar-otto t411110010 "1"tt,'' 1114 taLliatiON, WO 1141 1444$01041)00 4 g$ A iart n ,.44 vi lialit$10IsillOttle 'SAW $4 ;V* reb in 4 cotatrt :64? 4.14411 flaw* 400Psinfittoir Iiini$41004*, 0114' A 1114PP ii*rci ih114,4 *1104 ,airi* WIC i^q,att seto, 0413)3val tb. ea-1,1 IV Mao 16144, rosi Um. vie Tett hillit041# 100. CIWG ts rim 4$s3 w4e mr,4 twarollpi, ad .r etv lets Portia st WY*" Mil 4441111411111 V? r ? i1-JJ1 Ale4, 01011to Ned* riNgSdat WOO 0; crle, 10: fal,1r3AP1 ILMLOwe* erisosinsiCkve lottgatu fli tfiriat load* tit* skealitovie lowing t041411-t4etirat mozommfterti *Mt to ittuilintist*Pet ' 4 t 5- U14,0%44;1' homiquarterits intesigi p 6-'4 /am atitailicemt WS& ? rtfoii felibloivaith cRET ?;01 ;.?:: ? ? $ ?tt1?4_ ? '4 041 17 ? '11.1 ? .res? ' : 11.4 "*.:?;rs, ' - - ??? r'^ r'?- ? sis ' 4 . - ? ??? It 4 s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 to tali :IPSO At614011111* BEINIEMIlli II : ; MME M Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 P.M. ININ1111111 ?. ...,,c,..,:, 1. _... ;16.-12,..9.,.r. '-:::'-? ? '4:tit . . -iy-'-',::, 7..,.i. ,1; 7:- ' ''.????-?4 if ; , ' ,,. "`"?:;.11 i ? '''' ti--'? ' -. -;'-';, K4,11'.: -. 7' i'l:Z..". '''.? i.. 1. ' 11. L t; , , 4 1 - ? ? _ ? Fi,i4F'4 ? ? , 4; t ? ? ^ ? L. L 4 -5,- f?Pl. ? ,141. ?Lt 4%, ? .... c atittairt47 *AI ? 4* 'MAIM? prOnOitot,pik 1-? - ottortittomi 411. Dilelibitr Ulm *Min* et Mt IA AO' 144 ivestlo 14/11611 ,111# 4 ? Ititiomitook *MOO* fat* gmailitui and tgrolltik Ste -0411) Weis Maps, tiro ( thio popara *14)1.440 lifC oitplistis battlik 41Maligt 'Oft 110 Nikif 1120 1444v row a)01001144 112404,01301 tor tit* rthstal roar oistriat* Agkr 04 A* reigvil$ 42" 121. elotiLug ??1 04044 or Mit prettrikm# aim bete put into figtOtt ? 1' '?? pattszatill roporlitue 61316444 s#usittuatio 0110114114, tor.,y,ot:Lait septts trapceto to Alstitro Wok eptilmottivbitt4 741 itersavsorgitlx4. Teatiptio, 00044 Onto a suit ChattIbIALINR4 gik WOO towli IV* to- 0, viripJOO i 111 A', f?fj ; ? - ? 4 'a; 11-44 rItt. ' " -44 1:'-'1'37' '-? .Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 R-R ?&, I tr. L' 114-4 r z?L.- '??????1 dr-e:? ? -?. - ,-;11 ?7: 3.7 ? r, _ tter,4 `4,Tatti< 1,74 'h'41 ? ? -LI . 1, 4 .63S1 ?.? -?????311 ?tr. r ? ?41''',547-. 4=4,4'4,1110413, 2 ? - j ? ' , 1 t?r _ii?!?- ' _ ??: p, ? - ? - ? ;'.41 .^^4ltre.? '4 ?:?'? - 111 e????:- ?,, 64,3447444. E111111111111.. . _ ? MUM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ?.; 4%.,573 itc 111111H, .. = ?9 3 -- t .*?'4 - f k..1!" ,P., ," ,:' 1,.!?4 .."4 ..;7- i, . 1; .4 ; ?- - ?P X-I'v 4 " - : .4';:pgi. 4 1 ,,-,4;' 4 t , , . ., t" ? c t ' . - s',"1 s i ? "3 ? ? , 41 4 4 4 , ??I ariaamteatsa:v.pillgainnigel 4. ? 1. ,ke?,?-.? ? I r , < ??? ) ) ? ? '? - , " 4 4, -4', r ' tf't!Nt itt `rty ' ;;?''' 1 ? I. ?6 , ?i e t .10 ? - ? k _ e, - ? '" ;')4,'?? ? t ??:z.,??e" ?:tt: t: ?)' 141 tt. ?. ? ? ? 43 3 ' ???,?? , 4?'^'? -7? :4;:i 14 " ?.? ? ?. ;.. ,?? ? ? ?gt ;4.,t? ..A4044?1r. - ?1 ? . ? ??? ??? Frit ? g. 5;7 ?????, 144) ..? , 441'. ????;?.1010."-- fr4 &14.k;' ? t???? -:. ,,:t - - ? n,:'? rA" '_ A ? i?????!:731,' 454r,k 4; lieet naatittz imatiir4 the #44'444i, 44111'1: - ? utirt 11111.434WIL v413,4fit+ Siot*ite 240110112Ai thrt? ? . 8,,,,13411111,114tallitt0-01 7101,' La the eenter at aiLlmitteat. ??Ji? tvilvouvitat,tvil?,P *tn. i . 149 sett to TANOthlelo-:;:, , , wi- ,- ; Ilki, tvitcrotimr 41- 41 s J =alk hawk imetttot 10- _ Ll'wsinbr kvisocks Miqn 11, Athiti . , , ,O, I .., .,..),., ''01 1-!1,,' '1,1 ''''''? '''' ? ? grientient orzzontration ea:42 most ill#Ardielk lielie1411 . . 1 - ILl :,_ '? 'it?g0? s ?`ble-,,` " ' r -I. ,t, fl. t , ? %. ? 7.,4 ? ?) l? 4 (?:: , v ..* V 1.01$1:11a19- Zblit torexit tax7 ziaw Le set ' ? .?1; , titittpt itvaill-'fi410, :' ti.;;.-y? , ., , ,,...,.?.?1 ,..., .,,,,. .1,...?. , . tatm lamas tatma of the *I Preq2110:110 ' 011ie 410, rliAllitpli . .1.M11 ' , , -,.. owe 3131g a140.-Ze at tanalkitro has 11411014/141411V 444241 Matt 101.4. been prt0412MILILittii of isugal vallteb10 troftelnettint4iii: : 4, ,.:. . twmeettitve or .tatia volt: IA Ma ta oceinithealtiVit.*Ipcice a.tr.-',* ailtrIla:09, 1102470011.0 eattvitaeill, 0 at4/11.1114t. 4/ gt it7 Vileikit . at tartisitatien preatettall Woe Itilkicior ihillai or lit Lick , ? mil ft Mara 0 Vrittm ilea **um im.47 teathentid li digOiriiirSt; Ilfa* 0444) Z i .4 I' The alum ton a toutittftatte tar 1140 avpripiputtotairat iiiillii thollt 412.14.14,E, titr posts 4/11; kak,1112a. tad eats' ha* put las ft, a riol soma tuella ter tilewsvelti, Ocritierigiiki ' Z:4 ' - ?;'???-%?;?-? r ? 77; q 11',..%* A. ? V )?..'? !sl SV." I* 'n el' ? ????? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 "??: I" ? ? - ? - E-4a, ?gI ? .gs .? ? . ? ? ?S I ? ? j ? 1 ' I MUSEIIIIIIPUI111111111 ? ? IIIIITA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 4: 01 ii ; 77. 4.41q2i.i...zt '11V1.4. 4 . ; 4'? .r ? I et arteaits4 mit ?"w'? -,011311:4i111 r$1011414041111' .kev*-~earrtortrom .54 belvatii 3V1 3 + I 7 1 i t? 1 .4, ?:-/i V11.1 ' tr c , "le :!.)1. ??,-...1 PAPW . ., ??? '4V ??,'-a., -' ?,,,7'1'nli)!?-? . . ,,, ! f..? -,..1.. - , I , , .. , c, .. - ,I. ? . ..,. ? Ak,) , ' t ' - 14i af .,,ovAT?tt-y? 4, ,, ,.,, ? ? rib 116i 4?111- ?F . ft, ? 4.13-41. t 144, roi"..eted Ibtt 41116114*,t gl$M0. Nit ,X1711.riallso 4441-01411140" Thr APT 1. ? : ? ` ? - ? . ? - , , ? 4,1,,-014y 0441401,041 it110 rimiktif 3,1444004 tom, Kit 11.240-7 wril,?34k8 *6 00.041400 .1141 c t'461,1' t Sittal ittle Lai tialske 41101t ARA% 1114426401, 3fi 11.6 Nana tflN i4 411 fra . aprovomenitei aro Wag 00041111114 ea, , t 6qm rtigewt tor =Valet. istoolowyrit ttu kolr saw ,tiers sa4 .14r4sula 11411 p licrEivitivan at tuna pointo 4Ati Imo rearaltoiltu. t ! ? - tp41 ? 004 Vii411 , 11.4.kt lonsitutraa% *mew iki.V6410 ialtimmtut trie motiltteaLty, 11/11,0310411, water 1$2% dI 40 11210 Snnittigitt int* livt Pressai torOntivr 1Jgatter sal itaftaseatiff, Itiodtk10 rc;e4 AinUirLitgai. jtiMilai nut 11:0 sip zeitr Immo ihst**1111 ?-? fo,..r-? trz. "" ?.* .4 14 r4 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? ? t rk, ., ....ti 1, k :.'? ii gi,? _d ,......,t,....2.,.....? st4 417- .10081 eiamtimortrw,rmorgirrl,rritirM' - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 `?: t, ' ' ' - , .i.j '? ,. ;,' :- k .. 4 -. , , - , ? -,:?... . .1 , ,ei4kr 49 ,,4.4 t.,t,,k it,,, r . -1. . i ? , ' ' 7.4 '' 14 t , . ?"i 4 t.? ,:tf,k4 r.,;, 4 - ., , ? ,4 0 , 1. ''' .. '5* . -1 - '141, 1 ; A , ,;; ' ' ; '4 AZ3' ! ???_3 . '- 4.'0??? CO fkle bre V 0011440.4 to ?-. t "I, ? x??,/?.? - . 1, ? !, 4 ??- 1;TIt,ts14 r 1;. kar ??:?????? ? ? k , - Otottkotatt, 1$0 la* gimiti14441108 OLItta Oa 41044#1114 44.1t, 0410,Attips,if' i" - ? 0. ? '44 , . wr Ihmitoti* to Eft r- %Atli 11010.5t Ituiditott imtd 41414a*lit peimiewslit t. ,ti,c.witt024,4tili -4 0' ,414 mg.msgavii; itkaiwitlif4f .7. 7. UV- fOi tih10 urtaelohic.i&OtoWiti bis tostrimititt to, IRWIN-Pi triaolte two pitAtufros tort Mtridiatfiti 11WW- enmaill nem,* i'net4ks olika0 tfr 410414 tahrsavole-aflott vat goitontittmor , ZAIMAulit totlitier 1/4. cwit ikingt tin% 411Milliii0 STA AMMO tit* Vaal' t4a4teit t ft lopotsemq IP mitmottiiik41. -11C: Mtn 1.4?Wair-ksi .41 elEtr tDt 1101,0411, Re 640401060011 I; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ' ? k.10"X141:. r?1 1 lvt-mA 10,91?51:11111111111111111111 MEM ,? MIME= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 s ' f.: 4.? ., _ ''faS. A. , - , ? ? - k ? . ? ? ? ,???;?, ? , , -a ^0:4 ?--14!'a --otos Itrr" 0. ft, ? " 1qt .-tra.t.4 r. 141-4. ?N? (1, ?if ? .40.7 t ' 4(? ??? - *4. ? 14 ?Ja. de ? 414/. ;?.? 41. r , szti, 'I V .au I 0.4 ...' ?.. , -? 'S4 i , oil 1 ,,,,,. ? .? .1 -': 1 14 , ? ": . ? ? .1 . ?? a.- -,.. .1' -; .4% V-h. , - - ? c ? i ,? . , 3 tis.,... , ? t ? SP 4 '' .1.i. , ??`'i.,1"' _ " pumormitts esti Aar* SWAM kTiVittattillt kW* it;.;, tosv Ms% Simplot 00 I es eat ? B p. 4, 4 - ?gt s t'ts? ? ; u ,??;" t -13 ..? ? , \.p gsr 4.?` , a ' 110 themrst, npiemitniekr litittor Ow SU 'taint:1411k g 4-444 a glen totkokma. smos Juntitt a PraVal !IVO) ittats tot kis esatriol itstit 6:01104.31iftweiseifr Rogii414- ? vras lotapeoratVlat ttat Stets Zejstriktleittt.m rogritai acrawaitiotod vitO elavtiLemat iltst Atittistaillir= bitit 14)1 eleat MPlaikie at %meow &JiD vs** ,tena e 0010,1114 thtt YU* taloulta. rat auk Dido.g treintreg cittst 31 net remit' - ???-? ;1--.wyt tasSill Witt *WWI , ? , it now steomo giiIxo tre atm o- tiitm1241,4 iri44 i Pi MA. Gemitralla6 toeviritery in Earth iitris4r- it to impost-44 Mit itro Vilastior ttaVillIM be 4.4.,,,4142wrs tt, work *lots vita 0$8 wtott netball. ot , :14,11r whiatti ce49 a9tipatotemitaliivos Ian be MOWLaisonip ouLiat J,,e of Al 7,165:15. niter. Oran. %ski" Ossatook oat ti cat * dre4 at otilveid, 1$1 xandi Atte we sb1 1412614th 6 raa tope nal wicr iiivetotagd. ,:441146 a minnt grutdering roger% of Kra, ilihresitir 0 v4,-;',3stratualt in tit.o Mooter bpahlah govelettat laeridtax7 ztoa tbia opporintattle tW' Manilla* rem tar t? 'la Ifiat laumety i4reret Inaba J. Dmova,11 Dtrowtrfar Ito* itiJiti "' 0 ? ? tap . ? 6 MIA' Vi ., ..4. ",i'.1i if . ?,,,, 4 ?'.. "..ell'. k i- 4.('..4.-!..'3.'r?. :,t'l 1,41-???q; 5. ,i:t4s !, o-'? .,,4_ ;1'' ii,... ? il npclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ii L.-LOOOi7OOL.00OI 0000X8 d CI 1-`v'l 0 ? !- 11? ti 1,0z aseala JOd peAaldaV pUe peq!SSepou -it ??ItVari 146 * initIrfas iittaing igUi4 Aro 4,49i*ThaliStle tt.?,4 "rd YikarA - Cql. 4,11 4,611 sAilliimarti airloi4z-u:-.041413to of*tirl 0114124 cCATSUI0ePot. S WOW 401 ttlin eirowirt tan* tita1111,44 t 01.1 41101u Flo Int frt ott ovrillt *tom awl 1LOi a.1.0 wet 41944 di 44 fgtogiiii? tmoiwtilit figurollihav P4tt1all at) X1744 4rtigU1rtiltvonsW ttoillimar %Tin ffIRO Citittltiatt '1110 411:136,&, twayllnlvo 4clirttn.41.4,40 IT I11atNt 100 MOM too it414 offge itketwo .xtylmothic ev,t 04 441M140014 40T tom stu oh/mom eacinitio of44 artill/iviudos,1 tat few** tio toVifti itig ego Iwo voirittsimidoeti eltslo otvk tivrt insufstogisik wows pug 4111141,11 Oin:jo 4w006100 404004 ,pirmik tow cm 4,1iwrgirpei 4 pa* wvtloopui orsovzotto of., outotts, fitiftttillefht illt4 o ei 4m, *14 41,40.:en qsvatitt AO 4 AI* 11 oq vovolitsirdlo mu vancj it 0.(7440,:to lornimittein otorttitert tovint *4 moo #1101014190 ?M v4lf,14111 "IPIVivokt* g';?) iPOItochltin 110$41-0009 4ev neo 04 et-fitmozavoki Alum " eq. WOW* 4*t1n*i w mottoutfais zroti *Ntfirg 0100 44i voMAkikitobe lomat In JAPVINA PO 11944 rOza rag4 VoIb 11111111(4. %Mak OfftigV14.11011 Ili* ..1414UVUMI IntumO4talolv 04'vol1" !110,44110C1 #144, tlitionit TM* 6110 11411 immix 42 r '?, 1002 Viltetiki. ''fotoumis illiknomirr exit %Ott itiValati0 oftilsi14-Tnth VANI 1#11911t**MV401,0 2)3174%44w J1* tuntlIint II% 010 ul u--014-#414304Pri irz 'INA CI *VIM -VW 410)P1t44410 V slit, .0) pait vit1i401) 4161014! ate QV** IWO 01 114=) 444 114C1111 g44 mi.11106, oired*a *4044' 'MPTV* 11**11414 ittopigge 44co IOU ihiMitt 13 g on= ti olikalint*4 441* 11104 oulif %Ian% argentrta 'A& PIORRelif 41,641 *tit ViPtrAgiti tign '10040004 41WIPIR k iI4zt 6401 uMort mt. 6,1 in lit vervii 4141, Motagivis *e_3e1,14 liktolt~ van I Vett/ (34 tiatig dtjt Vilan 1,1 t11,1 14 ...k.:f.'i ,. 4 X? '.. ? 'VA :il. 4::, ?,,11'-"teirtzt s . : - ' , 1.;-. -AG,..s.,,,, .. i -4. ' ':-?.'----' ' l'ii I k '. --.. 1.' ??? . k, 0,, ' ? V 6.... l ' rr Ci 1 V 4 'i lif ; .... w ?-?ti. ? . 4 , tirte-.1---t-. ? E 1 iig4. ill i L'.t Az ! 1,-Z00017Z001,0001,0000XC I- d CI 1-`v'l 0 : 8 1-/0 1-/? I-0z aseala Jod 1..;vriOrcidVp?u-e-1581.11.-sseloaCI '. . ilifililniainiiiiMBEWIIMEN. .,-, 4 3 111 1111131EN VIS:?2',.', ' iii-0414441160411 otAlf Vfolidketry", , ? . , t ? 644;11110 '*kilyi h 4101441 4410 Otslatialtial L1, ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Vtin ? '1- VcAlvit .4,,?--14 'A! U a 41 *5?" p r ' 3 tit 2 43/414 3 144 (.04, 11, ? r- r A. ? .? _. 0 4. , i 1p4, - tl? 441 4.4 , ..I ''' ? ;if .: . i 4.14 i t4 4 'IA', ' - ' i.' r ? - 1 i r. 1 4.,..,1:-Ifi.t,--,.?; ? , , ' .t1 ,kt ::, r 6 ? 4.,,..:,, ; A 1,141 'Calk .1 444041 7404 feif d'140110, if . vivalet. Nvity mull* your 41300... wttlal 0001 voqr *for Immo 01.4v- tiaL4, I mull =kw itarrigro . . , _ ,?!4?1.., rt. 44. ??.)1, 51..,? .?' :ty 4' 7 ? tk,i) ? ? Ye' r r . , jor ? -14 4' ; t ,L 1.1, ? .-? ? V. 411- ,I1;4 - II 01) ites Etetetat tiVo Thetalta '445fiela .- ..,., . 4 , ',:.,' 4..'::: .."' ?Cs,,i4:14 '..ef-' ' ''..-4.11z4i;;C;;::;:: ' ,,41, .4L,, 'LT .,, ...,,, ?1.1,.-;,?,t;4,.'4, : ......,4....4.,.41.:,;k , ..4 r ..t.,,..?,,...r.,4 i rg,' ' , ?d-1.,.,- ' s. k , 7 .. 'Ic't ... -'' ,i2 :3,,,,.' .4: ''? , ' ?tli 4',.,-;.'A?k ' ??,,".1:tf`17 . A" -4 .. ,...!011.4:,s, r .:,,' .,?? ; ? '. -:: .2''? . ,;,,, ", .... ', .... . ....., .., ..',, ' . ? . ? p? c..11,5, r tted, .k. 4. 4. .. ? .....; . ci . ,,. - 4 ? ,.? ..41...i.",' ' . , .4 ... .? z ' ,4 ' , ' .? ? rt ,,, Vfol t.t'..J. 14 ,- ..,,,.,..% ? 3 4 ' 1 . ?, rt I, . ?.4 "( - . ? t ? :. -.10A . ? -,1? ???? 4t ;$ ?.' ? . itt4041 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 tetr...? ?? ' r ? -- ;A:-1 ? ""I ? ? ,? 1111111111111111111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 111101311111MI, 44-le ? Pt..i - c.? ;5 rt, 4 r ? _ ?????? - , the e oe.< -; - ; ',-. - -5:--- -,,,,. .. - ,:-.?A-:,:??:, ', , ,,,,q..,v, --it kiialifi,,1 I, _a ,---. .., ::-.., T. .4.,...,:.,i, t r: '-' ``..'ir,k'./. a; ,3 . ? , ,' ' ': . ?.*:'? zi-''.11c1' ? ? 7 ? , :,-. :,..,,,,,.,,,,, ? .,,. -,-,,t-il ti, I "...?..i. ..,?-? ? ,,,,,! , ;:,,,',,,I,' ..',.' Li , ? t c t ? ..,, , 1 .,... 5 " ..1. .- 4. .. y , t 41 '..letlr.q ' ' -",.? -1 ? r ii: '''' 1 Z ! 4. th? 4441 *malt az* ourrontit7 orlou 4:44 tho plan. st, $14it "PowisoNitompausio.?, ? , 4 Porp40 ctioa0,.41 . Aating n0pot plimotors OS. es :00140h00 404114 er, ECRE tt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ito I 4 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICKS S EOFI ET WASHINGTON, 0, C. ic I t Cwt..* +,4,,,,A4 (J:, 0( ril-trtm 2 'November 1943 1011131013111XT* FOR TVS 273:11102011, 0113 4r1t0Irt px,:21,22mmt mistS,31ylatt.A. in oarrying out tho development of 038 *WTI* !Moo in North Africa, the following general program in proposed* I. lime. To *nate and maintain a permanent organisation to 4mgage in secret into3.1igenoe and oounter-espionage activities in that part of North Africa whidh is under the jurisdiotion of )ATOUSA. It in proposed that this organination shoal continue to operate After the with- drawal of our armed form'. II. 01MNIEWal* 1. chultausluildpnaLiva. It is oontiomplat4d that there will be two phases in the organisation of the operation. Phase Ono will occur for that period of time durimg which 068 is permitted to operate in the theater Durtag this phase the operation should be considered as attaohed to the existing OW mission in the theater, and the facilities of that mission should be utilised in sip far as possible. Phase Two will occur 'When the existinig Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100240007-1 ?? 11/11111 :,to? ? , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? tette ? 6E04E7' WA Pros' that time on %ho opealtifion selfueontained *Wet The oporation will to under the ihArge be responsible to Who Intelligenee OM* th African Thoater Mission during Phase One, will be direotly reeponsiblo to 086 Washing* a. ussarials ratia117, it is proposed that the headquarters of the Ohio? be estalaiihed At the htadm quarter@ or Cho 066 mission in Algiert$ If at a labor date the headquarter& of the mission are removed to the weinlando the Chief or the organisation should nevert.moless continue to operate with a rear echelon of the mission remaining in Algiers or such other place SS is then designated. During Phase Two the Chief will establish hie own headquartoos at whatever location moms most convenient. Since, as Indicated hereartsr, agentm will engage in both III and XmO aoblvitiee, it is thought unnecossary to have separate eviction chiefs sttaohed epoolfioally to the headquarter@ or this organisations However, headquarliers should hays a start muffictent to segregate and rout* 61 knd r0,0 material when received) and also to advime Cho flo,14 stations of ii$formation necessary to the proper per formanno of their dutios. To this on4 a elope working grn rangomont should be ma1ntalne4 between this staff and their equivalents In the preeenb 080 mission* The staff should 11111-11 NNW, - IDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 WW- 3 SEORE be kept small and should not duplicate existing facilitioe- La the theater. If the volume of material makes necessary additional personnel, they should be assigned to the desks and reporting units in the established mission. During Phase One, it is ell* thought unmeotossary to have a separate evaluation and sporting unit for the organization, since intelligence collected by it on and should be processed by personnel attached to the existing OSS mission. During Phase Two, the necessity for process- ing material in the field will dlminieh in importaroe and reports of agents cm be forwarded directly to Washington, If at that time it is determined to employ sub-agents, de- cision can them be made Whether a mai processing unit viii be required. 4. pield. It is proposed that field stations Imo established as follows, the number of agents tentatively to be assigned to each station being indicated opposite the a teflon: TUNISIA. 2 2 ALOIERIL 7 iConstantine) 2 Algiers 3 Oran 2 MOROCCO - French RamOOMOIMPRNOIMMOI? 4MORPII3J?2 Fes (Tasa - (iuerelf) 2 Casablanca (Rabat) 3 Marrekech (Agadir) Pnr Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 mommoMMUMMMMIL immmn .,... -. ... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ??p? CO )1. 411, a 11,14.11a MIME WEST AFRICA TOTAIL 2 4 2 011111111011h0110 23 The foregoing does not include office and other employmm. Each station will be established as a separate post reporting directly to Algiers. The immediate program is the establiihment of competent primary agents at key locations. Thereafter, sub-agents nay be recruiteet locally as the occasion, may arise. The utmost care thould be taken in the selection of such sub-agents, and in no case should they be re- cruited without specific authorisation from the Chief. III,VRSONNEL. 1. Personnel of the organization should be cf the highest caliber, and if possible should consist of individuals who are willing to devote themselves to secret intelligence work as a career, and not merely for the duration of the war. Personnel now operating in North Africa Should be attached to the organization, but should be replaced its rapidly as possible unless they have waffi- cient cover. 2. Field personnel will be qualified to repre- sent both SI and X-2. 5. Personnel now available Ln the field are as follows It mr-Nri A nnrnved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 5 Casablanoa 6 Tangier Oran 5 Fos 1 In addition, there is one int in tratning Who is expected to be sent to Tangier shortly Iv 201E4 1. Heretofore 083 agents in North Africa have to come extent been operating with the knowledge of and in laboration with French security organisations. It is eons, Umplated, however, that ostensibly there will be tri tho near future a discontinuanoe of British and American inlelw lioence activities. We are informed that all counterw intelligence personnel of the Army has already been withw drawn from the EAR441 commands. If, therefore, the proposed organisation is to carry on successful operations, it Is probable that suoh operations will have to be carried out under covers that can be effectively maintained with rospect to all interests in tht area. For that reason particuLar care should be taken to examine the cover, if any, of sadh agisnt now operating in the area, and to rrovide new pereon- nel with effective cover before leaving the United States. 2. uring Phase One the Chief of the organtaa- tion shogld maintain cover as a member of the WO mlsolon, ostensibly having duties assigned to him of an open and legitimate nature. During Phan' Two it will be noceseary for the Chief to adopt a cover unconnected with 033. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 Rnnninnw rinr174 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 , Zn view of the permansnt nature of the ersimitaa tiaa, particular emOhnsis *Wad be 10,14 up= the Waning ot personnel itxisting training faciNities, though oistenu oibly useti only or training of agents to forward st0410ns can also be used to supply sower for the lova tratnitg Of *gents to be attatined to this organisat3on3 V14 2j)...4 In 'tow of the nature of the work carried on by t is not believed that any personnel of that brand% need to be attached to the proposed organisatione Howevter, consideration should be given to the use of RhA as a cover tor the operations, either through the maintenance of An ma tensible MA research unit in Algiers after the removal of Cho miosion headquarters, or throudh MA participation in Any governmental or economia commissional operating in the area. VIZ. gammasamaa, 1, An * preoautiontry measure to provide for tu- tiro emergencies, a number or radio sets muffiolent t wor- ld*. the area Should be secretly planted at oonvenient ostione and trusted loofa operators should be trained, R. Subplot, to the above, it is not believod bhat oldhl oommuntoation raoilities need be used, since ordinary di lomatio and oommerolal ahannele or oommunioation will 8: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010024 Pnt- Release 2013/10/1 0007-1 t - " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? SEORET presumably bo mtlablos Xxoopt in tho Imo of an Meru goner, it to partioularly Important that no mammal meths *do ot oommuntokobion be employod, in ordor tproloPvit tho oovor or tho organisations 5t Direob oattlifftiniOklailh betwoon field stiktiono will b. ray es outhortood by tho ?hist' P44Thi 161` Old rt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 niqf11 f, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? 4 1' ? ! evionlis sitSistilla a posowimmitt to fasts* seisret intititigatteo4114soiss4orospi*ItiAllt? ? aottvitles in thali part of Iforth vbfAii le : tho purloin-lotion of 310001111, ii1$ prolmiod tbialb or-emisation shall eozattanwo to oipopoto After wiito, diroval or our *moot taroisse Tx. 1i, !blight antigiumelp Xt ocwitompiiii$4 that thin% tri130 bo two Autos 14. the 0$Jt OJlam operitilion, ?Mae igln. tU41141Clar- tor thot porisoil or tsoi* autrinu whieb, 0113 ito poradttod, !pont* in *h. thosioisi ilmrints this Also*t3iolierottiot b0 Oftrillig4P*4 illittt?ohogt to taw ostitilAg 0111 abitionS ho **Awl *old 1,4 totittilitiso oe Mat stoolon thotait It* utiti Sinf $0 4114p aa p000lblit. ;two to iU tour whon oltiolaC ? '41 -I- ? 1. ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 S. WAr at Ow * IN1Oh iP1 amoll Aboroatillot ibtal ,I. r , 1 1 , I OK # II $ 10 il NOM * 0,14 the hookilikuartora et alio WO big olltalarik *1 . L . %all fin et thok 00 idolitoi* aa A3&..*. It. ,k , , , OA boo or Ow misoLoa MP* : Its lat , k to (itttor a tho orgamastian "odd norort1401#1110 tie wont* *ith a roar 44011410 at the likillit$11 IN w ii h. i a 0 i A A .. ,,.. Aktgiopo or *gib otisor 03441, at to lita 4osissai4t) P* *I Mr* Two the Mot wilt oataitilish *lin hotiktiartopo *snow /604410% MHO Nett oonliontorilh oa trilloatoi hoitfattor? monkto maw in 'tot& DI 104 Xrnt aottettioo, it to iholight wIll0414011$11 11. 1skavo *oparwto motion ohloto attatbsi ap.*U&s.0 e tho hoaaviasitoPs or Ws oronioations ilowtvora hoodwirtora extuld Itivov* * staff outtisiont to oogrousto an4 miss II: sad 14 oktowla% Inlah imd a3so to advikiso tiold otations of Sattorwatita nommen, to the prolong pot,* twos** or %Om dutilis To Win * *toot wottlaiii fir* meolivont *Wald bo tokixtaised Anittwein Vas staff m14 their osuivatintive ttho givosont witotaits. The start Alioutil 111.1111.1,111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 4 ,r,t1 tot " ? ? ? ? , ??:::41-11 ' ? ' tift 1 tott stiltio.3404' ttr: littraft044 *Wine nistOi trtg tilk4olvt14 1j,igtik timporit ad**Araeliii "Zf' isit that Use SA 1#:17 otstairt tan L bo tok wW bit stioft1rolt .1 1 -7 0'4 i*-)111401.4-ttil =a t 41111104 UMW r;. 40 iliatis tit prop? 14 %Mkt tiolot 101 40,010, eartotititialted its tillloisfr *so WO." Of mists .11stlAT41016 miistepot to oikeltt *tattoo baits inigfotog ovoid* 0o- , ? 4 ? 4 , Otat 1 I 1 ign 11 ' ? ? ? - ' ' ? ? . ? 1; ' 2 qc! ii: It1 t .111 1Cloamillanitit*41) .sp4 Al 11120111 arils ! 1. ? dame Voss (10,141 11 r 1111111111Mi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/1 0/1 8 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100240007-1 lii PrIL ??;:v. -1.17r4 . .f.'?-gett4t:;1- ? ,; ? I ? r?'' ? ? . I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 t MAP /IMMO* 4410114 DbibiONWSI ,4041#011 taiot th 10146. Ittwatteill*Iii bit 414111414/1b101 post rogooptivsr Airoetiy be..1614tOriti oisdlets owe* &a it* .a at isterttotent ;misaiiirr woo at lw 10* iltiests* therwitikeit ettbAterento nay reatielteliU1ofrs eeeosiot *Or istie utmost toms seobo token in Us selestiOli tat mush sub*Nueritso ari4 thno 'wee shoat they be seem, oruits4 witbmt oetittle anthorligotien Awn the Wet Ina !SEM& 1. liorsennel of the eligenissittion *bead be_ ot VI, highest eislibert and it possible shall someat ?t InAihriduals who ars willing to itsvollo thowiselvos to seorst intellionse work as a *ammo lad not 31.241P1y gteiP Us duration ot the war. Personnel now operoting in *DPW &trios *hould be attsehed to tho organisation, but should b* replaced as rapidly es possible unless they have ratio 61- 9. Viald personnel will be qualified to **swam sent both sZ un4 X0,2? 3, porsoma wir available in the field are as follow/al Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RbP13X00001R000100240007-1 rAti ,r ???? 2?AP: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 < Eustotore ONI *gents in Iteloth Afrieit sem. extant been OrWetitia: with the lomowlodge of alidL j iieal laboxiaticet with AMmelt eocurity ersinisatiens. It ilk :OW tomplateds britatnik*,t1 ctstenalbly there will be Aami MAP t alum* tdissontinnamee or 1X1bisb 4 Almrrisa:110410 ligenee setivittes. We us informed that all eounte04 .tntiktUVMC4 personnel of the Arra has alrea# been willOto 1.rawn tram the static eumande, Xfs therefore, this orgianliumtion is to *Awry on sueseseful operations, Si :Pio probable that stub operatiorm will have to be carried iMatt? under covers that an be oltriotivaly maintained with meepest to all laterests in the use. Par that reason partiemlar care slxraid be taken to emastne the eovers it any, es0h ligent now operating in tho areas and to prcrvide Mgr plasm* nel with offeative *over before leaving the riimited, Mime. IL During natio One the Cadet of the orgatrasaft iLo head maintain *over as a member of the 053 misisiens ostensibly having ditties aisiisned to hint Of an open end legitimate nature. During nee* tan it will bet neoesis1Ir7 for the Chief to adept a Cover, vosocuomoted with OM _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? ? .. ' - -? ? .? ... ' ? ...? . . __ . . I . . ? it. ' `?-? ' , '-- ' . ?P IP'''. . ? i - ,.s ;,ss ? ??? 1, ???' e 1.7'21( ? INIE1111/11,111111EMIIIII Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 r. - ? sr. j fi..tri" ?-?.ei ? ?17, vc' a `41,f1;15' )4Ct !-- NIMBINLIMINPIERAIR ? "? 4 ' - ? "???? vs, ' V* _ st 2 ..,,, s..zs ?';;;..-,' '?,, i f , ',.. ,.,.",... ?k4 '''' r Ff. `,0'.! 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Is Hai loaltalidk aon4 to, bo oitikildhoil santiddinSton shiftdi Iwo e* kjW ;k711! ?str:i.; Stilt , tit 314.11 I. it. ?- tuvro els oporatitenai sitloor throitsish Iketi matiktertart " itentit%44, IVA Immo* MO lit Akio,* .4,411we the 14$44.11 Iii *V tM I 100 r OW gowns:Mg 05, 0011140/41 0400?40114114111 oporetitmg , 6111146 .-4 WNW t* Aim a, AMMO It troll* NIP iribi Uwe otmorsowliglot it wailer of sitoliff sobs Siittie$11110 410 liatlit - Via) bilio ohm inningtil Wiskivniag Oronted entoolgolkiii estimis and tmoThoi 4,4.4 ,gpovailhoPil V*4*bo trati!oidit ; ?8* 4J* 14 tho ikkmMo Sit is not bipOrpot *tit avefuriottliss tto11111141 mood be 14406 idiot toibmgar- tap tit awl smootoda tilowift etaimitiiktsititeil IOU 1 s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 -4 131211M111111M1E1 -i. .? -L./ i i III Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 , '-?%?-,14: ? ---,-- - "F-'",'_,'F ---- - -.`i,;,,, ;,- Ir..-i . .-.- ,V? .;,',4 ?- .1r 4 4 ii$!!".11411""lii,. r,7711,T1111,-. - , I , .? , .1, ,..,,l, 7: ...? 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Documeirat LW* via 1r OSS Atitiviti kts ' 14 D004-4,1454 x fIL1 =tan OF 'C.OP..3 martrarrED 360.144A A / 144.11444.4444464444.404?44444?44444..4?44 4./04,44444.4494.44,4?-awaffs-,4,444.44444 4.11.110 .1.1????armorwimammoalmilow Rs ted T.117 04?41+444=1114444.444444444444444. .44 4-4 Authorizotior DOL 444.1444444441.0.4?44?4441 WNW ? ro? of copies__10ArldL__. Repuduction dote 12.0314.... ,10.n:7 .44.44444e64414.144 ???11.4.41111i411444?4444 Loaned tiolliP1 To atm= 13.44 =M t Sigaaturo jaaltrinz_v_la _ligigniter ???NNA.. 4.4....44-4.444.44444444.444.444.44.4.14444.41. taM14 1104 0446. _iii;t1Lit on , ..14?11.M.1110.0????????????? ????????????????????051.10 sPO???????????11?06??????? 1????*?.??????101/1????? 0?1111.11paimeMppillieemommo ??????????????????????1??? 00.???????P.,??????? ???????????????????1?110???????.????????????? ?????r??????????????????????????????????????????? 4 4114444/4440.44.444444444.4.e44.14.4 .444444144444?4444.444?444,44.444141. imp... ? awn. 0?00.........04,01010.??????????????????01.. 4144446444.4014?444?414444444144.444??41 4.4?01,41.? ??? ...reas.....atamileAfar,vezszaai_use ) Ana 4.0????????????,.....?....????11?4????? -.????????????? ...M. ? ?????????? ?????????????.y. ?????????=m??????....0 0.?=. 00. ????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????11..00...e.??????,..- . ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? a? ?????????????? .41440 N.??????????? illii,..???????????????????????????????????? 4????????????????????????????????????????????????????01?1?? ??????? ?WI*T.0?????????????? 1111???????????????.??????????? ?????????? ??? M???????????????????????????.....M. 4444.44?414/4144444.11 444.44?444.4 4444.444?444444444.41414 ???????444?44414/41.44444144?44841 ?????.111, empaimriam?????? 4.48-1111.? ida?04.0.11?1110110.1, ???????? ???????????~?????????????????*??????????^?????Wril ???????????????no.10~1.111 ????????????11????????? 0101??????????????????????????????1114144440?4?44?0444.1414?444444.4441444.44?44440001?41. 0.4144444.? 4444?44.44414*444.44m4444449441414.4441?1 e: er.t thG, orig. sir-mod letter itnd a hotostet of the sic,na -,er,t. Col. lit.L.xtn, for the Dir-etorts files a rnotostat 0 .n.rd letter b r41 tLe oricinal slenect ,,,reeraent. 0549) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 leNIIMMENWIMMINEE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 - ,-- ?.t.1 : r : "'lt4 TV n.1.T044# MS 'iJ1;7T, Nwoleilmtmttl OIS 4ntitttii in North Vrlon :n :Itrrytne, out th* dovolopmont oe 088 notivItioo in North .frloft, th toi tt1denArAl progrum it; propo4o41 lrooto 11714 mo4ht sit pormtutont oronitation to 01100 t,ntolLonca and ootin4.41r.00ploitmo ftotivitiod In that ,f lorth %t (1i i4 undor tho jurillaotton or 7ATOU8E. It it,)pnw*I thnt t.hin oron1totlon ti41 I I oopore.o tirttir tttr) It."1.drr.V41 0, ,Ior nrmod foroed erom Aron. (Vor oolivonionoo# in ',';101 n-Prvirnwilm only, thm prmponqd joint al Kno oporftf,Inho in ? ..NvOdor*tionn. IL Am ,IoneloOtIteld that theirt, ? WA. al,as-41,?A. In thr, find dov0Invotout, nr (pork., whlf,h thc, pet1401,t 00J ftr,,!,r1r rt Arr!..m. ei)440 TWO Wilt U?; I.,? rovol r0rIm Hort h tar t4o Mad .'4:1 ittra)ca 'n;%104 $,) 1)cl ;Ifir4 x 4 valltory i.htlfttor r3;11 tir t/n prr4gititA pflo,,e+timt. !ft' ,pporot:4 will 6o uti4t$e ihq iiroP,lop or 1.f t, ir,nztrar i,rTw.). vit;'! r41graolt,1,4 it4et i?qa.t1 (or' .r P 4 I tdv; fit 4, r rP ,; IP r0q IIRIVj 1'4rrn tool uto 4 ',I r IN ? ;PArif! 3i hOod'oeirtor4 win Man Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10,18 :c1,11E,FirolimvvAll a ? a - Aiwa Declassified and Approverlill For R!reirr: CIA-RD1110000=11111111111111111 -2.. be otinitd t Algiers until such time ao the Chief it UX decides %et easel other tooatioc in thfl area la more desirable* A1thou0h. as indicated hereafter. field *gents will engem In both 81 std L. activities, it in not believed thgt it will be necessary to hove eepotate section chiefs attaohed to SX Headquartero but a suffioient etert win be organised to mterogIM:e. record and route 01 and X..0 mmterial recolvedi to furnish tho field statione with neceesary information and insf.ructione, and otherwise to carry out etfloiently tile mission assigued to 11, During Phase One. the existing staff in Mission Headquartere will be ?sed as far so possible to prevent duplioetion or work and to insure dose working relations between all elements of the Headquarterii. During this phase, holvever, the SX staff which will remain in the area during Phase Two 'rill be orranited and trained. During Phase One it is not theuelt nscessary to nave a separate 4 ovelitatinir and reporting unit for SX operstions, sine, intelligpnoe oolJosted by its agents can be proceseed by the personnel attachti to 050 Mission Heal. 4uar1ers. During Phase Two, however, the organisation or an evaluating will will Le left to the discretion of the Chief of SI and w!,11 depend upon the nature am volumo or thf, material collected. During Phase 'hr na It my not be possible to mnintain a collecting, evaluating and forwarding offio4 in as Bret, in wtich luso, the reports or r14id agonta will be forwarded Cractly to INAVintton for prolessinr and disseminalion. However, the principle I5roe- ognisod the t it 10 deoirabl* to maintain aupervialon or egents and evalusition of loon/moo *4 eig.itft to kt,* source of informatinv 100 poaeble. Z. Yield. lt is 1,ropt4e4 that flald stations be 0.0uttliehed as follows, t4e number of agents tentatively to 44 aosigped to each station beinx Oppogit* **ohs n,,,,inccifiarlandAnDroved For Release 2013/10/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? tuslau. ?Mrs monwlemmeiseseMIQWWW111WW11111111NOWISM 3. Junta lrome (Constantine) 2 Algiers 3 Oran 2 MOROCCO . FRENCH Oujda 2 Fes (Tasa Guercif) 2 Casablanca (Rebel $ Marrakeoh (Agadir 1 MORCCCO - SPANISH Tangier 3 Melilla 1 FRENCH WEST AFRICA 2 ? 2 7 8 4 2 The foregoing doos not include office and other employees. Each station will be established as a separate post reporting directly to ax Headquarters during Phases One and Two. The immediate program is the establishment of oompetent primary agents at key locations. Thereafter, local undercover agents will be recruited wherever suitable candidates can be found. The utmost care will be taken in the selection of local agentc and, in no case, will tftey be recruited during the first two phases of operations without the specific authorization of the Chief of SI. M3ORNEL. 1. The personnel for Fhase Three will be Nicruited, prooeased1 and eatabliched during, th4 first two phases. This personrel will be of the hiphest caliber undo so far as poscible, will consist of individuals who will be willing to live in the area and to devote themselves to secret intelligence as e career and not merely for the duration or the war. Personnel now operating in Aorth Africa will be transferred by name to the 3X organization. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approyed For_Re!ease 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ? t. Those whose amoistion with MS aotivitiee have below km,* vi 3 be relieved tor triaster to other stetions us soon as suitable vopla00.* marts Tor them have beam establiehed in their roopeotive posts but avoh transfer* iill be made way by or alter consulation with the Chief at AL lield peresanel will be quoilified to represent both IS/ end X.9.11, 1. With the knowledge and approval ot the military authOritkes of the Theater, 8X operations *ay be, *marled on during the first two 4hassis with known and eetablished personnel but all permonnel and operations must be under oomplote cover during Phase Three. For that moon, paritiou%ar (lore will be taken to provide all new personnel abut into the fie4d with ergs footive covert before leaving the United States. 2. la view of the permanent nature of the SX organisstion both in the United States and in the field0 particular melphaksia will be laid upon the training of personnel. The training and proving of agents" for eventual icr vice on the continent aAy be used as a cover for the handling and operation of SX agents in North Africa. Cousideration should be given to the use of R & A e e ooler for SI operations, either through the maintenance of KU ostensible R & A research unit in North Africa after the removal of the Mission llociquaaiters, or through k partleipation in any governmental or eoonomie canaisstons opens. tine tn the crea. Any %toe of R A A for this purpose will be under the direction of the Chief of U. 4. During 1haid4 One end Twv, the Chief of UX will unavoidab3y be identified with OBS operation.). During Phase Thre4 it 'any be improotioable to maintain a chief in the arse but, if a supervising agent appears necessary, he must have e cover wholly unconnected with intelligence activities. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X01110001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 7.P0A711211=1:01ES 1. As it precautionary measure, to provide for future emergelmiesv a nlmber of radio sets, sufficient for emerteney service, mill be secretly planted at convenient locations throughout the area and trusted operators will be procured and trained* 2. In order to preserie OA cover of the organization, it is important that no unusual methods of commmmication be emp3oyed except in the COSO of an emergency. 3. Direct communication between field stations and agents will be resorted to only in ease of emergency or when authorized by the Chief. ik5T I Whitimy H. he iardson Chief, SI Branch MYbot-ifrfc9nIZ Eajor* A4S1 Acting Chiei, X-2 Branch 01401.16.001e.c.? ohn gruder, Brig. Gen. Deputy Director, OSS Novembv 26, 1943 Field Chief SX Rudyer. Boulton Chief Africa aection SI (SX) G. E. Buxton Acting Director, OSS MEM ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 MMIMINMPIR 11. EORET oFficeO sTRATEGUI iltAVICKS WAiiHiNIMN. 0: 0 10 Ootobor Iti140 eou !het oiroototi (113 (Thpotok thfl oesoedtApInt) tirspopt, on otwibmtwttton or bitoittlotoo 1. Tho cathonod ro;',Ilvt on 011$00MinOtton In-011110i hy t4!.. v,-illt,t,ioory 4 Li id 0rrIgo to Vcitis tol?,4o4 fcA, Inrovnu4ift ni ny yoo mmy N9114 ho 4000E1. cov?.0f t. hi i I huvo hoin flitqatlhOd 1.0 iiho .htt,:rn or thois. Ipmnohodis oht-trnt ,z7 1 Re :mei Moo= O t 0$ A0t1110 0010ALY DIVOOLfir, (nti tm 00M000 8EORET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ors. ? - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 ffi?i ?,,,q??j 4t? ?:? ..,-E. -?'-??;-?. "?- 4' ' ?-". '....-r, ' Il ,.., :.,....1 ?,.. ,,,,: _ :. ., 1 ..... .,, .c,fL,._ , ' '''''' - .J.? .'''.'11.j . _,, , 'I, ,.. L. .. '.. a,.. ,, ',... Il. I LI'. - ' E.,.. ,, ., ? '. ... ' 9 ''--4',7F.'? .'4.e4- ,', .- 'L '';'*-"'' '? '-4 .,(' -.2 '' :.- '. '-",". ? . '''? ''..--% --^' 'i,.:". :':- '' ' ' ' ? , I .- A?? '.?..' , .?. 'I ? .1 _ - :''':' 0?:: 't. 4;-::: , .e., .."' .- , :.,-. ::: , ;. .. ,_ '' "' ; ., -: - ..? ?i- .." , :4,.; - '.. - 7' "-- ? . -;- 1 ;:'.7?'''''' .;-::,'',_ ?.: _:',.,. ,? '!. '''';';; -i. :.:.,.' ' :?. ' : ' ' '`... -- t ..4 , -..?. 4* 7 2. ? *-44 1 , ?"_ ?t, ' ? r .? ???? ? ????:,4,? I. ? j -.". ',:',':',...t,,!ln-"??5",.:'-i? ..,,,,y2,-- ii t ''}-4-1-'1.:,,,,' ' , -????k ? ' ' " ? ' ;? ' ?r"., - ',;-.? -?:.? ':?:-* '.1?^",'-',;' '' .,, ' -.51'44-"I 1 ,-;. ;,?",, '. ?';''.',2::-,?-?.., , r. , ? 4 , ' I , , . ''' - ? ?' ' :It','1.:1, ,!?..! ' -4" 'i e! - ? . , .,??, _ i, r? ' ''.?2 1"". .. ,.... ? ..- t.,.--. - .- - ?1.'-. ? _,?,-i, if ." ' ''', , ...,-, , '-: ? , c- --) . ?-,:* : 'el, ,. , . . - ' i_ ,, ,.. --' ' : ;'? ` -:';'171`. )1 (- ,:v? ,.: ,?,. 1 '. _ ? . .'-' LI. '' ''-'? ??'? ' f'i- -? -- "0: '- , . ,:. 1? ' -, , ,, ,_ c., ?, ? ' ,,... :,.^.-:,i, ..:?..,?,t-: ? ,.. : ...`-.I, ..',...;',..:',',' .-1 ? ?P _.? ...' '' -",J-t-,- -, :,i , ' .,''' - :.. ? ,-:(? ,_,,,,, .(. ..' -, , - ' ':' r - ' '' -1. ' :..: : ..;!T.' 4- ::- ' -e.(-,1:- -t !t: , ' ' d ? . '4: : 1 .:".1 -?-? '''.''''' .,....,;?-;',:': .. ._ 7- t ) ? , ' . ,._ "4t, 11,, 4 , , --,,- - ' - . ?..- . -, r , , ? ? J * - ." ? - _ - ' , ; - ? ??? ? ?. ^ 11101F , t *1' - ? - . , 2 1 .1 ti` - " ? I / ? : ? `e?- '?? (."? ? ?? ? r'!" ? ? ? I , ? , :? , ? ..,? . ^ ? ? ot ? ??? S ' ,.0 ' ,: ,, i : ' ?-? - ---,?_t ,-? . -1,' I, i - ii. .. , ..-_,...*;:?:?: ,-;--.:..., ...,-- ...... ii,-, -,,,.. -- '-` ?-? i"- :":-` '???? ' ' -? '' -,?-???;., -..?---'9,- --!-??''.*,_"!`,.11 - - ? !.-,1- , ? I '1 , .. ., _ 41.1 -' '???? ? ' ? - ,V2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100240007-1 IIDeclasslfleslAnd!kpproved ? ? ? SECRET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES ?1?11.0041.1112.4.1101101101.1.16 le01?14.111111.6AMELXTe" INTEROFFICE MEMO ??0: Acting Deputy Director--IS PROM James A. Montgomery, Jr. sueuECT Report on Dissemination of Intelligence. OATE: 14 October 10013 A. SI 1. rtAli 01, V7h REPORTI'Ml '30ARD. 6?????????1.10........4.11? .1?????...?????? External Dissemination. ?????na..e...m.o?????????.???o (a) !vID: Distribution to MID is in 1;onera1 satisfac- tory. That agency reoolven all bit a fraotion of OSS roports, and those not astributed to that a(7oncy are In most canes not of leitimAte inter- est.. to It. On occuston roports whieh should pp to MID are not sont to it throu!h inadverhonoo, but such items are usually caught in thin ?Melo. The LID.-SI liaison officer performs his dution faithfully, and arranres that the floods or his wzoncy aro satisfactorily filled. Ho is in. con- stant communication both with the Roportinr: Bcard and members of your staff. The mechanical distribution o;" roports to MID In well handled. The MID-3I lie.son officer spends roughly half of his lay In 03S, the other him' In the Pentagon Building. He is givon tv.o of each report. Those copier) aro dintolbutod daily, one to thn collection trannh and one to thn t:!eographical branch interested, In Addition, some three months ago a separate liaison ()Moor wan estaDlished to deal with the Order of Batt:.e Branch in :ID. This officer 'ooh lay taken to that Branch a separate net of ell roprwtti dealing with OrInr or nattle (b) ONI: Distributicin to 0111 has also been natinfac- Tory in thin main. Experience with JICA, however, nan indicated that 0/11 appears to bn Ints,rontncl I-1a br()ainr dIntril,ution thnn hos brynn thn oann In thf, past. Sovnral batchnn cr roportn hnvm thornff,rn roco-tly linnn Duh.littnA to 0141 t)Irougl 1%n offIr!,,r to not .11) nnw ntanlarls ror !'n ...lie cane of thIn rnoj nlro, :n conntant between thn liaison ,,?f!'..er, the :(nportin board, nil thin office.