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4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 PROPOSED BASIC ESTIMATE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 "-; , 1/5 28, 1942 PROPOSED BASIC ESTIMATE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 BASIC ESTIMATE ON PsycHoutulkapjau SUISiATCC sEcRxr A statement of the present psychological warfare situation is given, including an indication of the incentive, the objectives, and the formulation of the mission. The means avaliable and opposed necessary to a basic estimate on psycho? logical warfare are reviewed. This review consists of a con? sideration of the general political, economic, psychological and informational factors involved and of the specific factors revealed in the analysis of this history, present policies, agencies and operations of the psychological warfare program of the United States, Germany, Italy, and Japan. The capabilities of Germany, Italy, and Japan in this sphere of warfare are analysed in the light of the sit? uation which confronts them and the effects they desire. Various courses of action for the United States are presented and analysed for their suitability, feasibility and acceptability for setting up an effective psychological war? fare organization. One course of action is chosen for immediate consider? ation, and recommendations are made as to measures that should be undertaken to put this course of action into effect. (2916) .;.?? 1 -1. - - . . ?? ? .c, " , , ? C neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? BASIC ES_MAXE ON PapROLOGUALWON OONTIM I. ESTABUSHMENT OT ME BASIS FOR SOLUTION OF TUE PROBLEM A. SU uLIT4 summa7 or the present psychological warfare situation Recognition of incentive Assiao(k objectives Formu4ion or the mission B EZAUDIRTUND (1) slIvvoy or the :leans available and opposed L) General factors b Specific raators L. The United Staten 2. The Axis?Germany 3. The Axis--Italy 4. The Axis?Japan (2) Survey or theatres for psychological warfare (3) Conclusions as to relative effectiveness IIa. CAPABILITIES OF THE ENEMY.?GERMANY III. CAPABILITIES OF THE ENEMY...ITALY Tic. CAPABILITIES OF THE ENEMN--jA'PAN III. DETERMINATION OF SUITABLE, FEASIBLE AND ACCEPTABLE COURSES OF ACTION A. ANALYSIS OF THE ASSIGNED OBJECT= B. SURVEY oppounqg OF ACTION C. APPLICAlq0N OF TEST FOR SUITABILITY FEAqpILITX AMAIIEPULUTY D. L/STING RETAINED COURSES OF ACTION 80 haLKS1LMIZZUER.10.11291SElgaZx 4 (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 J.: (3: 4 _ (7. .? , I ( I ; I ;- r , . ? ; - s? 7. r I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ;,,??;,1 H , " 2 " azalla (b) no oollaborat@ with intomotod nationa to tho ond that all payohologioal warfare) io in accord with atratogy approvad by tho Joint UniteJd ntatoo Chiofa QJ' Staff, (a) "to doaignatoth xooutivo agonoloo for implomonting approvod payohoiogioal warfara plana, (d) "to mubmit payohologioal warfaxo plana to tho Joint Unitod Statoa Chiufa of Staff through tho Joint Staff Plannorniu (3) otialaastialiWzIa TO make analyaoa on whioh aro baowd rucommondntiona with ruapoot to tho propor functioning of paychologioal war? furu wagud by tho Unitod 2tatom. Dofinition: HPayohologioal warfaro is Lho intogratod uao of all mo.ala, moral And physiQa??othor than th000 of ruoognizud milttAry opurationa, but inoluding tho pay? ohological uxploitation of tho raoult of thou rucognizud military aotion5,--whioh Lund to ddatroy thu will of Lho onomy to aohiovo viotory and to damaga hi a political or oconomio oapaolty to do oo; which tond to doprivo tho unomy ot th upport? haaiat,inco or aympathy of hia allium or aatiociataa or 0V noutruls, or to pravont hia acquit4tion of auch oupport, aaaiatanco or aymputhy; or which Lund to maintain, inoroaso or cronto tho will to victory of our own pooplo and allida lnd to mnintaln, incrAso or acquiro tho support, assist:too,: and tlymp:It4y or I-tout:a-Ala.,' Tho Accomplishmunt of thoso ands dommts: ('L) gunural proplgnndq sorvicos, oporAting primrily agalnat civiliAn groups .old using minly id.ologic%1 appoills ana flows manipulation (b) oporations (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 1 - 3 - SECRET 1. subversive services engaged in sabotage, rumor- spreading, bribery, etc. 2. combat psychological warfare services directly at? tached to the armed forces, which aet under the theatre commander and are exemplified by the German Propaganda Companies, (e) intelligence aervicem engaged in aocumulating informa- tion by research and espionage on fundamental social ideological and leadership vulnerabilities of enemy populations And on the current attitude? and morale of civilian and military groupa, in addition to the usual military, naval, political, and economic information. (4) Formulation of the mission To make analyses on which aro based recommendations with respect to the proper functioning of psychological war- fare waged by the United States, in order to assist in the attainment of the objectives of the Joint United States Chiefs of Staff. B. FEASIBILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY (1) Survey of tho means available and opposed (a) General J!actors 1. Political factors Available Opposed Flexibility of a domocratsic structure Alliances based upon mutlial aim and effort rather thin upon opportunism. A multi-national peoples com- pounded of all the national elements with which tho mili- tary effort is engaged the world over as friend, nou- tral or enemy, represents positive elements of strength if turncd to psi- Ulm use. Nimbleness of policy provided by the centralization and absolute control in a totalitarian state Tho absolute and complete political power of the totalitarian rogimos. Unity or foreign and domestic policy in the Axis nations Similarity of Ideology and methodology of the Axis nations Greater cohesion of racially homo- geneous states. (2916) ""r" . 1 r , ""."`" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 , ? - , 2. goonomiom foto) Rgmourogn And indumtrial And tranoportation raoilitiom of tho Unitod Nationo. Oapftoity, organimtion, And mobilimation V indmmtry in tho Unit taboo. MUT Romopr000, And induRtrial and tranoportation faollitigo of thg Axio And thgir 000upiod and oatollito oonntrioo. Barlior Aohinvomont by thg total? itarian otatgo or a total And Abmoluto tgiononly. 3. NyoholoOon fnotoro (oxpandgd in dotail lntor) Orgator oglf-rglinnoo ongondorod in 4 domooraoy. Enthuniaom and dopondability of frog and voluntnry oupport for our war offorts Prootigo of tho Unitgd Btatoo in matorial thio And tho hopo of pooploo abrond for aomiotanoo to oomo, Unitod titatom ropntation in many partR or tho world for diRintor- ootodnoom. Tho opirit of protomh and 'ovolt among tho pooplom opprommod by tho hams h? Information and Potontinl dovolopmont of agoncloa for tho collc.otion and analymim of information. ' (2916) Doyclopmont of high moralo by totalitnrinn indootrination and military muoogoo, and tto maintonanoo by abmoluto politicAl powQr. Long pro-war poriod of trnining and diooiplino mocial and goonomio 44 w41 aR military. Abmoluto control of tho ovgr all ohannolo of influonoo upon tho thoughto, opinion, nnd notiono of tho pope. Tho impamo dorivod from tho rovolutionary origin of tho Axio movomgnto 0ountor?informntion mnnouroft Total nnd Abmoluto oparol of All Rour000 And All dimmomination of information. Enrly And oXtonfavo dovolopmont of A wido varloty of intolli? gonco ngonoion, partioularly in OormAny and Japnn4 Rarly And oinborato dovalopmant of 0A0onfw myoLomm. r .i,r't110,,?-' " 7 - I' 1 , , .." 1. _,.., . , . ? , , , .,_ ,,,,.? .,,, . , , . , , .. , . ? .1 1 _, , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - 5 . SECRET (b) Specific factors 1. United States a. History of psychological warfare in the United tates Psychological warfare of the modern sort appeared in the first World War. American activities wore organized as follows: 1. ana21_2E22221122. This was carried on, in both the domestic and foreign fields, by the Committee on Public Information (the Creel Committee). It propagandized through press services, films, and pamphlets. It was the mole agency operating for the United States in the neutral and allied countries. American propaganda in the last War was extremely effective in attnining immediate objectives and played no inconsiderable part in the final collapse of the Central Powers. Non-fulfilment of the promises implicit in Wilson's fourteen points and repudiation by the American people of the League of Nationn did, however, undermine public confidence in America among both enemy and allied peoples and have seriously handicapped un to thia day. (2916) neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 .rnir 7 51,t0RET vi Th? qn"41, naliaa.aLsaLcaaaaaqa The aggrommivo and humanitarian foroign policy and war nim 0 of Promidont Wilnon 1 provod to ho otromoly offootivo woaponm of pmychological sivarfEwn, both in convorting onemy pooplom And in pornuading thomo of noutral oountriem to mympathy with And aotive mopport for our war objoctivom. Ono of tho main tamkm of the propaganda agonciom, includ- ing the muhvoreivo activitiem, wam onmuring that Wiloonla npeechom wore widely And accu- rately knOwn within ?army. (floc) mocond paragrap*n of i. above) , (916) b. Promidential dirctivem, Certain recent Premi,dontial dirootivum rolnto gonorally to poychological warrAre. OWT im directed to "formulatti and wry out, through tho umo of promo, radio motion ploturo and otht,r facilition, information program doRigned to faoilitat. tho dovolopmont of an informed And intelllci,nt under- mtandino at how and ahrond, of the: mtatum And progromm of tho war .ffort mid th war polielom, Activitlem, nnd aimm of th. ovornmont". ai8 'IR Mot up to "00110nt and nnalrio muoh mtrat,gic information" and to "plan And opornto much p' 1u1 morvioom AN may ho dirootod by tho 4loinL hiofm mf Stal'f". npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (2916) ' aNORET 1J.0 Oubvernive antivitioRt Mot of thofte aotiyikJem (whieh WON 004410A(0) Wore oarriod QA hy the Dritioh and From*, operating from awttoerland and Holland, However, the demt-. orettio movomont nClormAny rPooivpd otrona onpoilmoment from tho Friondm of Qorman Domoorany, mdo up of Ameroana of aorman degloont opdrating Wev tho ggidanoo of the U. fla clovornmont9 Jai Thp prJ.noipal, orimiAAtion for thin WAP tho Payohologioal (Propaganda) auhmeotion of tho Military Intellipma DtviOnne Mopt of thd work oonotatdd of agolibutina Tuaflatn and pamphlet over the Oerman linda and over oitiaa by a variety of meanta. Thin aganoy onopuratad with thd 0011,1:0 and the propagandiatia of Vrano6 and England. Dy the dnd of thu war it had dia. apminatad thrao million laaf10tins iv. ZataLl.a. The ppyoh01060a1-3111)poction of M.T.D. wap gpaotrIslally inglrilotad to tiLndy dnamy ppopa,- gan0a4 It atuOied and graphdd dnemy MoPala) ming tha information POIWOoR of tha ganne Divinion aa a whola, t11 1.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 SECRET The functions of FCC are to firecord, translate, analyze and report to the Government on broadeasts of foreign origin, such activities to be carried on for three major purposes: (1) to keep abreast of propaganda pressures on this country and others in which the Government has an interest; (2) to cooperate with other agencies to interpret present condi? tions In and future policies of countries whose broadcasts are analyzed; (3) to make available to the Government news and information not avail,. able in media other than radio broadcasts." The Office of Coordinator of Inter-.American Affairs is directed to ',formulate and execute programs, in cooperation with Department of State which, by effective use of governmental and private facilities in such fields as the arts and sciences, education and travel, the radio, the press, and the cinema, will further the national defense and strengthen the bonds between the nations of the Western Hemisphero. "formulate, recommend, and execute programs in the commercial and oconor.ic fields which, by the effective use of governmental and private facil? ities, will further the commercial well?being of the Western Hemisphere.,' The Board of Economic Warfare was established "for the purpose of dovoloping and coordinating policies, plans and programs designed to protect and strengthen the inter?national economic rola ? tions of the United Status in the interest of national defense. c. Joint Chiefs of staff directives. Those direc? tives are general, providing for the establishment of the Joint Psychological Warfare Committee served by a Working Committee and an Advisory (2910 norAnQQifiad and Aooroved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 H ".. ?-? (2916) 9 220 Corn It The dntieo of the Joint Paychological Warfare Oommittee, with the aeniatance of Lt a aub- committeee, are in general to initiate, forma3iAte, and develop plane tor paychological warfare, coordinate the paychological warfare functiona or otherTi 3agonciee, collaborate with inter opted natiOna in accordance with atrategy, apaignate implementtn6? agencieo, and anbMit plaxla to the Joint Ohiefe of atarr. de afla1114449.4412a.1nd.=alala. 1. Genaral prop ganda ageneieo SMQ,e jjif4xaati bection on dooleptio InformaLion neva, radio, publicutiona and graphica, mo Lion plat:tree, opocial publicity projoeto. tjection an ovevaean info,111aLi_on (formerly FIB) prenap dlo, motion pieLnreo? 11,19h?14W4a:1- AWW3 enwpad in pro"anda opea.aLiono and limited into114?unee aervie0a. pj29.9.;1....41:44114 of the dar Dopart. mont activit:Loo dircieLed Loward 01.11tuatli1- , awl propagandivItng the armod foreeo (ool6ieros gnideti, motion wiLeturem, orientation eouraet3, oto.) Qawdinator of Intormeriettn .Lffaird gGnoral propaandtt to Latin Lmorlea. ion of t',ultur.al Rolationa. EnvaL;od, in maint4i1in6 friendly volattone primalily with Latin j.nwrioa and tho Far Eat,t. Uo(qJ filma, etc, boar Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 14,4w (291.6) -$10 -4 SECRET Varlolo latento_ on, Nno, M4tun31nnd. VillUL Usa.O? Mnny ?thorn aimod nt mining domontic morn1o, inormuing U.% protig tbrod, And improving AmorioAla oomprohonvion of forgign problmils ii.8ubvor1)ivo oporationo aA/0 in OW Oombnt propnganda oporAtionot Pnyohologionl litkrtaro Drnnoh, MID Spooinl Sorvioo Drnnoh of Wu' DopArtmont Ivo Intolligonoo ngonoiool Mtmtg flopnrbmont j1:0 MI8 (g-2.) ONI A-2 Nnvnl Air Intolliaunoo - Romonroh nnd Annlymia rirnnch, oluding ompgoinlly Pmyoholopy Divimion Foroign NAtionnlitlom Ilrnnoh JA/J3 Intordopartratintal Connittuo for thg Aoquimition or Forgign Publiontiono OUI figotion on domgmtio Wormnon Durgnn of Intolligonov. tion on ovortiond Inroluntion Intolligonoo Proonromynt FBI Foroign Brondonmt Monitoring 530rvie6. Privnto Agonotom, onoh AO tho Gflup Von in tho domuntto tho Conunittkm Oil Nationnl Mortao$ tho Amoriuhn lerlAndfl of Oormnn Froodom In tht; foroign Mad. ?`4," ? " ,t t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 pa6) al= 'As 24.14414 " OBRMAUX ?wz,ALAuxim jjoagha: axicuiri Tho @hook of millilary declab @nd polltIo41 ooll@imo ln 1910 otimulAtod mny 007F401 1414b4VP tO omph4044.4 tho mod Por ap@tor 4ttontlon to mohologlog 'Amboy@ In both doNn@lvo fo.ld ogAln@lvo otr@togy# no V1140 or 1,fiti word inimmont providod ktn opportunity to try out now prop404nd4 (1p-doom qnd to poildot 01.0 mop by totlng thom on tho Clorm4n pboplo# fly 19)1 etor 15 yogi@O pl4u11nf3 4nd oxpovImont4t,lon, thw Oormn loudwiT woro vo41y to put tholx Idbio in Go pr4otiow Oh kn J41104,nktIon41 ocuati, 1.t mil1ro44 orlAlo wa the Nuoi plpmp rop W1,4;0411,1411 ppyoholoulohl, wos.V.4pL, woc lAnci thul aPottciy Iwon piios:Ii ifi 011 ot,14 1) 0 4!:4021.?,74-144r4-41g1614 On hilo Homo Vrowto (101.14,,n 1:n*14168nm:1n lo ouppluo$ montInt4 lAppo4P OPIUM CIL3gttic-; titt rt-Vultt.,=0 ;Old it 01400 I 11 61111 0101 Wi4lititlei thi rtw ouppor t. on LW NINI0 or Lho rp?r or tolnihtlAion hy Lhu 1-3111-1111,V op 011 (j JL (,,o'liutik 10 AIM 61d4011411,t1114 t ?Lt o lilLuvIttLI Ly 1.1..1911%.1 onw J. ar t4Ho mit 1-,o,1 N.6144104 op op11 tai 140 otiontoo tuo rob, p,mhirthll nun- itrg?,10 41,1110ki ot top, i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (2916) 3.2 Oa =EU Oermanyin pnyehological warfare againat her enemien in eurrently devoted primarily tu aubvernive activitieo and eombat propaganda. Radio broadeanto in eonniderable volume and variety are nent to Groat Britain, the United State a, and the U.S although thoir ef? fect in probably slicht? (For detailed operation, ace Annex A) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (2916) .13 . 3. 211Liiiij1p Italy I. 4 O. 4,,O, fp' ? 22112 Italy wao first in the field of ',totalitarian" high-pressure propaganda. Fascist use of psycho- logical warfare began in the struggles and warfari in which the party wao born. Italy was on the victorioun side, but had suffered terribly in military casualties and in, economic welfare, and felt that she was being treated as a defeated nation, Highly lurid propaganda taotios were devised to win support for Mussolini. These offorto were at first made chiefly for home une, but after 1924-1925 were di- rected at Italian ',colonials" abroad and at foreign opinion. From the start, Fascists put psycholoGical considorations ahead of all others. They oon. sintently planned the psycholNical uffects desired, visualized thy appropriate acts upon which to bane propaganda to got these effects, and then carried out the cto for the nako of the .effects, Thuir technique helped greatly to create the illusion of aynamism in their Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4) tl (2916) =LI Nowomont ,Aho inouloation of which has in , tho pant boopoOp ot our onomionl chief triumph* in tho tiold ot'Oyohological wart= against thoir own pooplon 'and againnt um. be iropont notwila Highly connoiouovof publicity yawn, Munnolini hun soon to it that a groat Wort hag gonc into the cation tor hin une of a mochaninm tor peychologioal wartarop with a largo budgote :ho propaganda minintry ht n in the pant npont all it oould oxtraot from a poor oountry and from gifto or pntool blackmail abroad, The total han boon lownr than tho Nazi total oxponditurop not bcouno the Fancint will and imaOnation wore woak but boonnme the country io poor. aunkoto to Italy wore aubnidizodi o6ntorn" nut up to dinnominato propow pnela ttntonlint aympaLhimorn, woro mado (not very nu000nnfully), and rMi0 14011( wan oarriod on, onpooially diroctod t Ow Nakano and tho Monlom worlds Radio broadoantn aro tho ohiof mental omployod tn 1101_1(3111ns outoido Italy, tlthough ?onto:Ito with tAthvoravo and other olomontn woro votomtioally oultivRtode (For duthilo( opomLionn, noo Arm= 13) .S413 sgOR m=141044t1Rug, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 .4 4 ? woo N ? JAPAt,?,1 ? of II VU'i" '1`1!" v.44? 4.IFZL&4,,.4 .41?!! v-4,1? ?4d, 4, .6 bataltOuluzatavautal.1:17- Sa-4.4 0?..{.?, A 11 At Pnyohological'wapkroin Japan, pc for an bb' homo rront i6 concornod, goon back to '01`? fouclal (Ivo whorl tlIc tihogt:in tlovornntoni, t dovolopod pronoduron for controlling tho t thoughto and bohavior or t)ll) popubvtion, procodurco which havo dovolopod Nto olaborato toohniquoocxC houghl. oonLrol 4 !, prtlui,:tood in japan t tiltly Japan000 mothodo for modorn poyohologie.a uarfnrn abroad aru 1Lluol;val.,u0 by Lho Mln- nhnriln aftnir in 19311 ....hon priwItu 31,1Innono Itgonto, outylit 'bo Intrhig:Ao rov,11 t. Itrabot 1,1w rxa..hortt ;)1' IHt.( np?-. pold :1 to Lito Mrtnohurlun popn1:10(? L. "1n(111,0" itt1 nupp( I, t,IfInchm- Lino 11,r, :1,1I 11 d to n5(1 , t it t??Itimilli (4' ill,. 1,11141 R1,3 ,ohni (Inc; h I s!( (ii,vkl tiitd in Lilo (11tin, :t-1(1 ;;olti , For both Uhl:to r,*rl t11, Nur t.h :oat(,)it Lit Aincr.1(11., n tr. :):1 111141'11 , 4 ? .?011; ;a) 111.1 t t ` i? Id 1,...yohol, )1' ", 111 1r t 't 1,, In Hi, ct iv,.tjOne ' i" r1".41,:.,:"- 4 4 .1:e4J, t 1,-1. ,,,l, , 1:".. ' '-' --",' gl ,,r,".",-5A, ? 4 "41-4,4,4,-, :4..4,, , ....I -.44,....,-...... ,4,,..- 4.4 .4,-4..4- 4 r ?,, lj .41= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 -16- SECRET , An exao;ple of the evidence of intimate collaboration with the military intelligence in other countries is the relation between Japan and Estonia up to the time of the occupation of Estonia by the Red ;,rmy, which included the exchange of intelligence concerning the Soviet Union and a subsidy to the Estonian Military Intelligence. b. Present set.rup $0..I40.T.,TM,?10.11?1 J.series of governmental reorganizations during the past few years aimed at elimi- nating inconsistencies and conflicts among the military forces, the diplomatic corps, and the propaganda agencies Japon. japanuon psycnologicul 1,4a-r'iarc in Ih- tzait1 is based upon licr nOrLatclr FaTt appeal of ,.nia for tho Her psychn- logioul whrfsre in the Wootf:rn HfAllisphor? dosignud to uxpl,oit existing linco cf social eluuvago. (For dotail,d oporattons 61,0 Jinux 0) (2916) .rem-rol - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (2) Survey of theatrea for )a cholo icft.1 Warfare: (a) ,PrimUume 1. Areas of reuiatance. In these areas the ob- 35T51775r psydhological warfare ia to maintain the statun que,by impeding enemy milltary or political infiltration All propaganda and other psychological activities in those areas aimed at impeding enemy infiltration ohk411 be limited by the necesaity of maintaining diplomatic and political status 00. 2. Areao of atrabegic preparation. Those are areas iT-BITEETVa yi.oca1 and physical infil- tration in view of active operations aimed either at assisting a military offenaive of our own or in repelling an enemy offennive. Since the task in these areas is to prepare for the military operations, all propaganda and other psychological warfare activities during the preparatory p- nod must be integrated with military and strategic plans and other activities be subordinated thereto. 3. AllLasliiillsalt, Only territories whore organized -ITIIIItarY resistance still prevails shall be inoluded in this category. The objectivr of psychological warfare in those areas is to sustain morale and increasi; when poasiblc participation in the' war effort of the United Nations. 4. iLroaa of harassment. Regions which arc nob con- aT5777-57-airolliF5 bases for offensive operations and where no stratcgio disadvantagL can result from the change in the dip)omatic or politics1 status quo shall be considered ,2,^oas of Harassment. In those areas psychological warfare attempts by uveiry means to create difficulties for thu stimulate rebellion, sabotage, guerrilla warfare and all forms of actiw or passive rosistanc as well as croatf, doubt, fear, and socill disorder among the elements of the population sudporting ho enemy, (b) Groups upon whion,psychological 'warfare must be focused. I. Enemy - demoralization and conversAon toward end of hindring their war ;ffort iid furLhLring our own (2,16) a. .rmed forces b. Civilian populations c. Leadera - to be mislud, provoked tc evL,r- confidk,noo and rashness, Ac. 17444,..r4144 :2 I' *er 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ?18? 2. United States ? development and maintenance of incentive and morale a. i,rmed forces b. Civilian population 3. Ulied ? development and maintenance of enthus? iastic support and good will a. Armed forces b. Civilian populations L. The peoples of neutral countries ? winning them to favorable attitudes toward us, unfavorable toward the enemy 5. The peoples of enewy occupied areas . their con? version to hindering thc war effort of th.? emay and. furthering our own. 6. The peoples of United Nations occupied areas ? development and maintenance of attitudes of good will toward us and ill will toward the enemy (3) Conclusions as to relative effectiveness The 4..mis has two major lvantages in th waging of psychological war:Lye. (a) It began its intLllince, propaganda, and opora? tional activities, both at home and abroad, years before the actual outbrook of hostilities. It therefore has the tremendous advantage of Lidoctri? nation at home, and the 21/vn gro,Lr advantae of an exp:xinced and est'blish(-,u intcaligncL as woll as an organization for subvcrsiv:, ooLr,tions. (b) The structur.: and methods of Cie provide tor a practically complete and absolut, 4 control of Pll influcno(-s upon its people, And for the unity and coordination ol all its N,ar activiti,s. (2916) 1??????? - StCRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 , W4pil Tholl11411=141 in Wood at groat dinadvAntago b7 tho bolettodnoan of Lt n proparation of pnythologioal warfavo and by tilt., pnuolty of ito proawar nonumulqUon or poyoholoOmal intolligonoQ, Itn mohologioal year- EtArG Aotivition alao nuffor from tho 1aok of 000rdina- tion alnya diffioult in a domooratio atatos On the., othor hand, th Un.I. tuci ataton onjoyu tho pnyohologioal advantAgt, whioh lion in thc 04MR, or a nation that hao boon ititaukod. Wo rano ponoomu prootigo of groat matorial oapabilition. und finallyi a potontial ntmngth lioo in our onomioul woaknono tho vonuit- mut of opproodod and mAoUd pooplon. Anothor dlohulmtmu to Ulu Unitod 840ton In th6 attltudo towardn pwohologioni warfavo an Inh rILod and, invrainod !tvormion tht, p;oplo to dovioun Juthodo, ?von in wararo. Ila? 0411103ILITBS OV TUE XIIBMY OUPAY (0u6 "nnox D) Ins 0a.d131,1M8)V 'itWMT 1T"LY (Iloo "nnox X) Hos C.,P..01LiTIE8 UP TH1; MPINY JJ4"W (Boo imp..x V) (2916) 7,17 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 "72'21 A OEORET III DETERMINATION OF CUITABLL, FEWIBLE AND 400EPTABLE 0=0E8 OF ACTION A. 1NALY010 OF THE =ORD OBJECTIVE Thu gkanignod objootivo PI to dotOrmino A plan for an intogratod mohologloal WAPRAIV organina4on for tho Unitod Statone oolf rmity with' tho abovo dofinition of pnyohologionl WAPRAN LI ( ?a plan munt bo davolop@do (1) (2) (;) - =out: To organUo and 000rdinato oporational and intaliganco r000uvoan and aganotan (both publio and paVAtO) RA ao offfootivoly to oonduot Amorion pnyohologloal ?u' upon Roounod upon WIN 1114jOr groupn..our own dm:I:Ilan and 411M4 rOVAOH, thona of our ononloo; thop4 oV our alloo) Nna tho pwaploo of noutral) wicay-oconplqd and UniUa N4aono twouplod nrc,4o? To 1.nonro tho 000vOlnation Cuf ppopnon04 onblxrfilv opo-ktIono with militNry opirttionP J4t Unitod OUttop or in th, oo.kNIrol fort:to thotc,rti, and Antinro iii 4womLi.on or aturio pVrimi To inoroAmw thy otrflanll powor of Lht, nnton and our allop by rattling th,ir momio rinkt nuouring tno o00pc,r4Iti.on o I n0 noit,r,11 oountriLIN to (4,0pott10 t1w Atriktutt 1-100A-r or tnt, olomy by )owt;wtng hio moral. i,od hi o oLphoitJAti to right, ti ) otimaritihg re;tittino6 in tit, 0u1ntri4.0 ho 000tt14,41; Jf111 by ii i 011A4Off, n0141111 oolint.rioo from woopLv.Ailw with him. ff,4? ' ;.; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 P.; 1 (h) SECRET I To oncourap lihopovor pooniblo alo !myth of political movomoto or idoologioo aympathbic to tho aimm of 4,1Borican policy and to combat from MLA], incoption any political movomontm or idoolo- i!AuN which may conntJtuto a long-tom throat to oxtlynP1 or intornal acclivity of thL VnitAA titil.tQd3 Lo our promtig,, nnd infInonco abroad or to thc, trPliqutitty and tic ourity or my intornation'a mymtom mipport,A1 by tho Unitod 8tatom. D. SURVEY OF COMM OP ,i.OTION ? 4MS Th JPWC might trannlatL thc. Dirwctivca a tho Joint Ohiam fitaff Into action by rtAlommowling Lo thim frny ono of thA. rollowirw miw.ntif (1) RowgnIvOng flu ()Moo of War 3nromat4on ti tht, ovoptr 4,r?noy to coordinatco thu pbycholcdonl Wrf:trti actIviti,;n ori1 1 nthor Pganoltm. (2) GonV-rring upon tht. OPWC m-nd3tory powro to 000p1hotki! poyewilogioal wrrart. r1 LI v,mpoot Lo ,,Peo 0104doi0 Lho Unitc.d 11. :1 1., pp,o, 11 tot Iv, of thk., .1(4'tt,t I), tit and oxpanang it into A rt,!1, oonorpl oc Poyon,10c1Q.11 Warfapo. (2916) 5 F,?,= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 * Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (z) ? no/o A ? 9EORET ImplemontinN the exiotine Dirootive entab1inhinu the JPG; ( ) By attomptin6 to aeoure the voluntnry oo- opornO,on or pnyoholosloal warfaro nonolon whJoh aro not undor tho dIroot ?antra of tho Ja0, (b) Uy tronr,thoning and ouporvinIng thfl linloon bowoon difforont payohologAoal warfnro apnoioa? (o) Oy iniating nnd frnmInr integratod plane Of auhvormivo oporationo and nropaganda Tor ambramaion to thoatmr oommandore, thooe piano to inolude both loonily oont'uotad aotivitioa undor tho dirt ooritrol or tho thoator oommandor and tho n000aoary aupport and amniatanoo for ouoh notiNdtiee from tho Unitod titatoo, from othor tiu.atiora ant from all;tod govornmonta? (d) By utillsing oupporLing :1 ii of thu JOS to roport upon tho psyoholor,lora warVoru aotivltion of agonoik.o outoido thu luriadiotion or tho JCS one:, vhun n000aaRry, Lo uno thea supporting ftf:%01101.d CO oopplomont or mko i.rood t-aly Lppvr...nt doftoionoy in our purhologloril wurfarw? 110:5, t?rt? Ul o ? 'I; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 A?i!, 0. APPLICATTOU PY TEST Ma SUITABILITY 1. Fire/ Co of Action. (2916) (4) awm YFASTBnirc Suitability - The couroe of Acton lo nuitable from tho point of view of netting up a nmoothly operating machinery for the conduct of poychological warfare, but in not nuitable from the point of view of obtaining integration of poycho- logical warfare with military otrato!gy becnuoo it in not under the control of the Joint Chiefn of Staff. (b) Foanibility The courne of action io feaniblo but only if the Joint Chiefn of anff are pmparod to place oole reoponoi- bility for tho COndllet of pnychological warfare in etvilinn handn. hcc,ptnbility - new diroctiv(11 would havo to be irmuod by tho Proaident and tho Joint Chiofo of Staff; conflIcto of authority would JJalpodc and ribtatid U he organivitIon of my-choir:Tic/11 vv-trfaro. The court' of notl.on doors notnproar ac- ceptablo under pronont c()nditlono. (c) ! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - 2, b000nd OmooP Aotleone ; t (29).6) AMPAT t't OnitAbility fFsThc courmo ofoltiQn muitalo, Fodbilityr Tho coming ofEntion 4p- poarn PQAmiblo ningo it woad not nocoppi. tato a draotio rourganitation of oxinting mohologioal wrtrfaro agonoloa And would n000nd,toto mthoranating thorn to the pol toy oontrfil of the JPWO, AmlopttAbility - Anooptqbility i doubt- boonurth of 1.,hd r mttino ipr000nt tndopondont agonolom to milit4ry oontrol, Third Courno of Antion* (a) 2atability 8u1-tabi14ty of alto 0ourele of aoaon depondm upon voluntary 000pora- Won of oortaln agonotoo. If thiP aorTarEt- tion 1q obUanodi Lho wurpo of mitinn,i0 oultablo, (h) Ponoibility (401111flO of aotion 18 foafliblL Pinoo it involvoo no frm4141 ohange i tho oximting pitnatton4 (o) Aoouptability Tho oourao of aotitn io probably not ao0c,ptAblu ninou it would nc,o,:ooit,.ito now dirootiwoo ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 SECRET 1 D? LISTING REThINED,COURSES,OF ACTION No oinelo courne Or t cticpn ArnItle tat tho rnomcnt to bo complotuly euitablp,..fop;ible and acceptable. Ono cowing of action, hoymvor, appoarn feasible, acceptable and probably muitable, and ovon if it nhould dovulop later that it were not nuitablo, no curioun lona would reoult from havinz,4ttcmptod to follow it. The rotainod courno f r oti4,n1 therofero, in to implomont tho axistina Directive ontablinhina tho JPVIC in the manner aoncribud in Section C (3). If upon trial thin OIMnWiQ f action in found unworkable thontho second enurno of action nhould bo follomd. E. 4\NALYST3 OF RETAINED omits!: OF ACTION 1. Voluntary cooperation of ancien cutsidu tho juriodiction of JCS would onable JPWC to coor- dinatw all pnycholnicalwarPar, activities And 1to-al./At) thom with military trltgy, ImplemonlYtti,n of cleporati,In with outsido agonoiva would involwl (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ; 1126 fOJUiT (4) 01114100 ton o thP JPX1 of propftfAnd4 And publIgUiy hy ti P WIT; OTAA And otihAr o1N1114n 4tgOgiffl for AiwovAl, PPOM t1,14 viimpoint of,g1WAry fitr4tpay (11) OtrpotivPo rPOM. thG jra to 04T, 01A4 And (WIPP AT411010 Ptatlng the pLratpol. 0411y doolvAhlP oh000,1wip Pop propti phd4 plOrIP OP PperfEttftan# OoordinAlit011 a pgyoholovlont w441tNre ircIkhotv Int8ap4tlon %i. I1i mai.opy opwroLiono out110 bp ghtlAtn0d by U10 hndpp tha Lhilloct tiour?? a cation 14 Ltio rollgitiVng (h) UiPuilting 14118 PWih01014011 WfirrAva ttottoit rO, to Putalt, pkinti rop oimihttLr, iwomohdtt opolq4Lioho 1,0 wo 0146C h101 diPooLing W otthmt.t. Ot=no tor hy ohmptiriniA oomhoL?ppoptiontiik 1*(), piktno villsh Lite oroodif4nd4 plahd 0.1A.MInUtina cliVdtybtiolttei httki ValloMMenillna Lo Li t6 841,01101dh l'orlotiNcitt Lhq hg 1d th,m, polvcalrn ihd ourpoiL, ot (II) IttL0 tito lit:Maya] littmo to ponds:iv t.pcitit IIPL,V101); Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 (o) By fitting ti o propaganda, combat- propaganda and 000, pan n oubmittold , into tho fromowork of an ovorall plan of paydhological *mean) stratogy for oubmon to thaatrill commandaras 3, Ouporviaory and cupplomontal funotiono of tho poychological vulgar@ oupporting agoncloa including aupplying of information to propa- ganda agancioo ohould edividod Ilotwoon tho poychologicalllarfaro Dranch, mia, and WO, and doRinito tatAca aanign@d to eaoh, 4. In addition to tho organbational monouroo inoludod in the rotainod oouroe of notion tho optting up of mn effoottvo moomaem for poyohologioml warfare neopooitetoo raptd oomplotion of tho Valowing otnaeot (a) Invontory of foollitipo of all Itindo for poyehologleal warfare at the ao. pomal of tho United 9tateo new or In thp near future. (b) Uucly@Wail ba ni4do (;!916) t1.06 of poychological wurfav in 01'0 to letormine payohologioal warf'are etratogy, The followlm probUme are Indluat-A.w of thot, to bc coarlidovvtil 104 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 (2916) (0) .;20 SECREtr i. Shall 10erican psychOlogical war- are attempt to repeat the ideolo? gical Methods used in the last War or shall it bo considered as a taotio cal auxiliary in military operations? Ai. Shall it be aimed primarily at pro? jecting the collapse of enemy morale and organization, or shall it follow a policy of attrition by ?mating difficultieo for the enemy in occupied torritorioo, or can the two strategies be harmoniously combined? Shall American psychological war? fare be completely independent or shall it be eoordinated ao elosely ao posaible with the poycholegical warfare activities of our Allies? An ootimate of the reuUlto which American psychological warfare, if properly organized and conducted, can reasonably hope to obtain in various strategic Arca by exploiting any sub? stantial success of United Nations arms that may dovolop would bc of groat value in formulating planm. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 15 P:1; 2 9 ^1.1 tiTaTtEr; (d) A progran fo6groatortItilOA4on,of varioum bronohou, of 9A? govorn'mnt nnd o@rvioo, norly ouch branoho AO th@ Army Opooi41 tigrviopi Dranoh, 0?04e, And of privAtp mionoioo for poyohologioal vow.- fAros ' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 N16 30 ? XV? REOOMMUMEM lo That tho JP00 formally approvo tho dofinition or poyohological wartaro oubmittod for information by tho 5u1oommitto0 and rovinod to road ao follows Poychologioal =faro ig tho coordination and uoo of all mono, including moral and phyoical, by which tho ond lo to bo attainod --othor than th000 of rocognizod military oporationo, but in- cluding tho poyohologioal oxploitation of tho vomit of thono r000gnizod military actiono, -- whioh tont to dootroy tho will of tho onomy to achlovoviotory and to &map hio political or 000nomio capacity to do oo; which tond to doprivo tho onomy of th upport, anolotanco or nympathy of him allioo or an000latoo or of noutrao, or to 'V rt him aoquinition of ouch oupport, anolotiolco (N, nympathy; or which told to oroato, maintain, or inoroa90 thu will to victory of our Om puoplo and anton and to aouviro, maintaln, or inoroano thu nupportp annintanoo and tiyr1131 -thy or nontraln. Tbo a000mpliohnont of thono ondn domndn fInd in- olodool (a) ?onoral l?Ztinfit LV1001 propar:anda norvioon, oporating primrily 0:tvai!kil grOUpf3 and 1113ing rAttinly id00- i?lipoal,f3 and nUvill nanipta,:tion; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 flq14-VIt t (b) opDratione m ; In?.11? ?.4 (1) oubvormivo oorvloo (1[(44 ;n 'oabotalo, rumormmproadlng, WW1,' adoi (2) dombat poyohologioal WAW470 oorvidoo dIrootly abtaphod'to tho ArOod ror40, whioh 40t1 und6r thth6atdr oommandor gud aro oxomplod .by the (Amman Propmanda Compo anlol . . (o) intolligondo 6ervieo1 angagod in ammulatina information by, r000areh and mionage,on fund- amental mold, idgolo8lo1l and loadorPhip vulm norabliition og mew popnlationo and on thu ourront attitudoe and moraleog divilian and group, in a1ditio00 tYw mind military, naval, politieal, and 000nomie in- tormation. 2$ That tho IWITO oubmit throur0 bho jolut4 Pfaff Plann@rg to tho Joint Ohlati or non' for thoir approval tho TorLiopintc donnition of pmyonolor/Jaal 3. warfgrot Thab bno RIO Wig 1.0 planninr, upon thL docintwon lowntod hY t,hy JOtn I Lttf, VOr PlIbIlliMMIOn 140 4l,41,,p fiCimmiquit,pp ovirAll 000rdinat4 001410000 !liana f(Jr pmpliwiloOval 10411AP, it mi 4 1,11,. rollnwinp% 01.111,0 (a) Milo for r,,,,noval orowancia olwrationtil Ilmal for ao100...pv0pawnda opppaLionh. (Awn 0,, ov?r411 plan Poromyog Ani i' Pt yoporation In tAli, taivr,,t npoliti,11-410 Iltohoitho, t.h 1104(044,-11 tiicor tittbotiallu iAtid tr, t? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 5 9 (d916 9Il 32 111 DMZ'. organization and dirootion of undorground politioal grown, whioporing oampaignm and othor tom, Qr tifth oolumn aotivity within tho targot aro, oupportod by appropriato 000rot aotivitiom in other aroam likoly to htw t atVOCA influonoo upon tho target RM. That ("or the joint Ohloto QStaff have informad the =toe a "jar Information of thoir wiohom, the Ja0.0?0,, on behalf of the 41.000., will requent the Mil? to nubmit plann Co' general propaganda to be reviewed for their multability from the viewpoint of ntratogy and for 000rdine4on with nubvernive operationn and oombat,..propaganda piano. That the jPWC inntrnot the 058 to make availuble for thin Committee nneh npeciul poyehelegioul warfare intelligenoe ae muy bn (waled ror, - , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4rig 3 "1 (231) ImOnitorinv, -.4)roign broAdocotap analyting,tho vo4d; *net, ntudyinEi the world filmmarkOtp m4nt4ining an elaborate oard indox of perpon411400 of importance 11,11 foreiNn oountrio'np oom- pilina baolcvound roporta QR Roroiol 000ial nyntemo and foron attitlAdeo. 0 Arlatigx; report@ on foroian maitary mattorm p redrepa by Alitary Attaohon in EmbaoM.00 and by avnto of tho ooadinatod intollizenoo oommand oR tho lagDAW11. 3..4Agalan,20.1ga; auporvioon oR forolan norvioo otaRfp vloludinc plopigsanda, oopionavop anO oubvorolvo aot5,vity i(rpoltnolp ao veil RO old-otylo oaroor aplomato and '10ibbontro monpll for oontaoto v6.01 000ial and buninon olitoo 3.41 onomy oountrion; alooinoludoo (olnoo Jun) 107) a liaioon off,.00 with tho Vorolp Man:Uation oi the Partyp undor Lobl4.oo La1,96 om::41onap tv,onW orr4n:1,t4o0 in tho OonWpo under Vammlor. !, U OV wnit unaov \I'm pint') of wolfavn oNanizattcA for tho C101'110.11 worlang ?Win ;th ,forolp omntrial tho Ldbor Front hnn "or1ao1 o0" thso Goma-31 labororo 41voa1 =to omplonae anil 'otnnt,t1a. oal)ot,0 wonto. 6. ruja. throtif,11 itn Foruip OxigataliktUon tho 1Urt4 han kovIt traok a Aiwono or Oorman. al.woad And han onoourapd tha dovu3owolkt of ht Ly raiWao Naman Wth ooluono .J,11 oorta4n ;Corolp clolintrloo. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ihigphidignikUatikaSii 4 ir%? ? ? ? : opondo an ootimatod , 540persofro70, Annua y on propaganda. nomo 00,000,000;0 whioh io uood abroad. Droa4- m4ts daily 4n more than ,0 languages to tho TWA. alone odmo 11 houro day. 1Jpas plioo froOloww for foroign pr000. Orgapti000 oarofully'oohduotod ton ro through Oormany for m000porative foroignoro. Diotributoo tono of propaganda litoraturo in foroign oountrioo 411440,114 to build up good will and roopoot for Gorman oultural aohiovomonto through @ugh agonoioo an tho 'for= Oorman Libraryot Xnformation in Now York. nub- oidisoo tho ohowing of Oorman filmo mw foaturoo, oduoationalo, noworoolo mm abroad* Oponooro many floulturaP organigationo tho aim of whioh io to dovolop friondly rolationo with Gormany. anpplioo poroonnol Lor Hrropaganda Oompanioon in 1140641. 2, Jjj booidoo tho uoual oporationo of maryNintolligonoo, tho High Command oontrolo tho aotivitioo of tho PropAganda Oompanioo, oomp000d of photographoro, writoro oomp000rm, aotoro, oto, from tho Ohambor of Oulturo in tho Propaganda Miniotry. Th000 Propaganda Oompanioo havo throo funotionol ontortaining tho troop; r000rding tho w4r for tho homo andionoo by %Vic?, motion pioturoo, okotohoo, And NWP 411101001 and domoralloing mow troop two oivili4no noctr tho Vont lino by numorouo ingon1ogt1 too1.. niquoo of oodEtt pmpaaanda? 1lLaut 5oourt,ty lManpplomonto tho wor% of ocoupatim troop by omploying torror iotio nonouroo againot tho on(mylm und.orm ground aotivitiom. Th(4 VoroJco 0@o4rit7y Polio@ WOO @abotouvo liko thomo r000ntly arvoptod by tho FBI in thim omitry. Tbomo gabotago ivont4 giwn epooloil tvc441ng in Dorlir and met mpond t11Amt ono yoar tho oountry to ithioh thoy ei,ro flopalood, Mom oomplotion a this toohnto41 opp. vamaion. Willink "fol..oign (:,4r44ro" om- fltituto tho mopt wilt0111 P4Ponhol ror thio work. (2910 it? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 tv, YWAyr9 mUr tho omon of dtplo- matio LWAUld:t 0Ormtom onnoulelf.o Itmd omtmoolom htwfill6d thuir otarfo 'with di Oorbo or uhaotoovor 4ontbi inoludiq ptToonnolo In tho Gurmn wow. mtion aC Boron, Wirwuyi tho 90 mon in tho COMM Oonmul,to thump wOro inntrumuntea ih tbki4 Arttogio pooltio*in tho oity beoro tho troopo hAd, 8inou Juno 19)7 tho Voroign Otrioo Ouifvudlian thtt ohnnnol by Mona or *hioh 0Otlit'moiutwinud oonte.ot with ouob rirth oduNtiO groupm tqJ tho Voroip.00aniption-Of tho Pasty, or tho Clermn 11Gbot FiiOnt ouyeAniMtion rtbror..ds In tho Wountino, oiv., thu looU nnito of bhu GormtAn Truth) Union two:Anita- tion mooivod oxtonmivo fundn bhrlu& thu 0(0'01101 Ipc,,ttIon Duonoo AblAs JI.Ak; Dy mulJin of tto latopma dibuipltnry tuta potioin ayotom tho MAP mintuino murvoillnou OVor hll Ourmo.no nbrotd) cmd bhoo oonobnino thom pUPOU0010h, bvibury, bUokmal, uto# 1i do 'toil' waits ih h1d1fle, thu TWd 1(oloh, Mbot influonttcl urgAnitction in 'thio oonllooLion in tho Mwi idt.00,LuviaLt o)1 ? vi haur ExzjpL1tl J ooncornoA Ath wipionogo 1%10 oo.bArgo in rovoign ii ;t1 NALbttob- 1.1010000 vvobv.bly ooll6boraol Oth (111, Utak-WU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 17-?0009Z001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI le? 1 ouoTrwat.pri yo 0",?-muog ou vtoin 90u 04 COOTON1A 10 'Orttif, "ov ,40t1-Jar1oA 40ruvyttnItn uo 4aom Ittroth quovnTo ovt popTATINut4 01 ,1.1 *OklAwrqul g19011(1 nttl dotiVX15 01. pcoAt!;op Tr- r CoWNTAI lut ptiv lut:Ipktv-1 ut pr)01 nql. I rir?.1?t.t1V UT ti 0.1n4t; OM.11t!A. gttlf4 1,tt 1):17.1titn,, !4rtt 4 110-111 OVJ Uttr:11(1_ 3:() Otttl. t P C1.13 tq cias tir-T:kTV-c---OTTro, WratrX. oavla,,n troTot011adia avj voutuaq.uuT elmnpuoriepuT ur Xtoo.0100 UT toOriAn) otli 01_ prIVIUTOOCKOW iiU lAtrit pnVAniuT Mu n *gallo& Aulittt itoj oaouViloaOJ 1..tr1.vouT3iAT Pug 01010M1e141,01 VR1 000,610A 1,todn Valt rnq tmoacip law A0,7 dU01$ *60911 putiloutt purl (pqm1A0(to ouvulamtv 04u00) OVO ottl, q91ojt4 gArvII UT WtpTip pOOOM Otiq OUItOd vuooti tuWA464 oqI Arlyttiott jO /aqtrOrki TtIvi 40110 ROTTOd ottl. Pug 0P0 qutuATIto,luT ottl, uo Tret dcowl.t1 kr000lo pouovi.outta diltt *TUTTOOOM SO rlout;41A dougTo so uo=w0ATp tnattidtur ctft doptm *ma ouuraato9uT XVItTritrimal5g, JQ piA.to t1 vub oaanfto ativao4 ad .RatoTuu (FAA (Atil uAtirid pq iwuor000Vittg WUWO:ARIS tftdOU tadositod altn1111 ni.TVra'.ectirgInfeTVitrpirCfAtrirrillir Z 0(oaf:woo q$ thJ oho go owow ?.gout-touoad put ouoviAikl oit% tionAaodati put) 40oactt domvuotmod puv ouomoTulAdo ut41141, 3o xola% odooq doimopttoaq Otoaos oaouuow ono V. 100dOS dr)ttliAou 1.11wat'i so ouovp4o opuanTtofm?t was EJ? rai5A gg- +wet; UM? tJ1 W0d4 ptoatItt pult4 wog qt #uompuoo oTwou000 puf4 iriantho Ittormod $1,:wr000 uo uoTputaosu-t Atup tiovm ouoTwo_ ooutaraowlwigq t(tipuldoad 4011rttntririntiVrITIMIX IT WriftniggilirCONrrarePr.61 Itftr Arci:rtv'T.r zin5,5 9 17-?0009Z001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Or, ,?"?Y1 NOM illiagNicaagdi A i ,, ,, ii ? am ?Wag/ .ip,93,LIALR roll 0 oplo to ! .00Arol ovor Vio Itaitan prong (InoWdint, bolo, n)wmpaporo, mapoinoos otoi)41oroign! promo, propaganda and tombniool mor*loo- (mnoh 0 flla Lnd mdlo). Tho ProOm Offloo lmouoo a dUly mimoopaphod form willob. lo mallod to Rlmoot ovory Italian , nowmpappy and opoolfloo what mot bo Hplowod tep lAnd what nowo mot bo omittods ' Ili Dr 4ag I NNA10118 01004 01 1Th0 Mill11ry Of NNW 0415UVO0 itio nts 443.1,z,aft, g lo thu Italian manta bion aroaa whomo oomburft haw O1IO11' ohndi.onoo to Faoolom. Who tho work of the) EmAkaagg wood politiod owborraoom mont, It WiitTound moro offootivo to tintinffit R IROAt &RI, of tho worh to diplomtio 6nd oonoula offlooro in fONigil oonntriooi ?iV J1L.fl-;.-14,?agonoy for c.totwAix -11.4 ,.tp-n 5-nl:oximG4ition in tho Aniortilft,0 ma abroad. aglejj.1:60440 onitiart,t1 and ilaftor worhil poppomom; tunotion RO pr n(1 ontoro, 44,9,94iglIjekUligtiiMajg(NkLt oi It?1_ Apf-Jon101,nn ar Vot(400 1Afi 00mu of thp iibtomt V44010t qoatfil, vi,10 IWARD 1441110trt0 unaur tho ViAmillot Oovornm wwnt IthWr IAA intov(4041 (Abroad tWough w0011 tolioy Niiivi Oily to pprood proplgad4 m, for (04,,liqil.o 1 1-11 Obi .4 tA, i Oa, mitolgobao pr thiv$. 1)110it-4 ocimpo&o or ba11010 vUli 111 001111.1ml, 100 1.)4100 to-01010, thvro iti Lho 1Wilill 11414,0404 liv000 mA0 up or libout ',i00 palJoiJilooti to North aiia 5outh AmoqoAa ? I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 24.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ,r56 atom 14. Tho ox._9rol An 0Aftor vorUPc..aonoy, PimtlAr to gvv OommnnIty Oontollo, 10 tho prtnoWl oh4nnol for roAohiAg tho MAW, Miro IP PP pf:rt of tiv Ungdomp tolondop oolontAl ponm000lono 00110 thP pooplo Aro not oobjoat to Dopolovoro takdonoo by WOW of ontortuanmontof filmop rAdlo And pvIntod mAttor, ;ft 1P Up moot potont And offootivo 6gonoy of tho Oovovnmont, And hAo nnocInAlle PAollittoo? x* TN1 "94-lag4,111A 'lag, " 10tnafPnt1W PPEVinifirAt1011 to 11141014tP111.4tO All mth from tho pipti PR 6 to 21 yoAro Aod oproAdn All prowtoo mtlitAry And FAoolot propAgAndA0 w10 Tho go,31,041,0414I4A 1t1 Anothor offootivo ovw.n:WAtton, aclio OVM wQ1-* 531 l'uth t4110 proot v,itneto, pyptom 0116. i41-N -volt4ktoxi.p. Reprigitauno 00Li. too in 110t03Pp l'44YOttm, 4c.rtmont 1.toop OP1.PIt411411PPM+Atloa t'VolloY 'Pilo ayiviap opLimtoo gonliaaoraio ilombuop, xi.4, Th caivu 00111-tton tP orivoUod Into nnito for tho Otopowinaton of prowilndA; 1111):1 0 I polioa 0114..r.14,011 unWorp:tty ptudonti ? indmAvlupp of.jouPi Tito pcJ'ty li-X11-700 1,00 (lam ovd0vo 6.116 itomo of pl1Pp41642, throvvit thu hoAp a thumo t2oltP,0 "PigmLLitonlio l o1Bmititvit1.0110 ,tvo oriluval1y biglik (talici-r ,31d t4i 1ui.doi 91 ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 KOJFT ANNNX ja.printlau 01.01:cullool Wpeariciling. RELeVrai'risat. le IntsP1114-40naP Orranil,o10-41 Agon@two or propaganda 1ntiallOW An(11134 Lhe Tnrormailton linroan (Johollu) thP NpArtm moni., or Forutgn ArralP0# 1h9 TntAllkgnoe Mootflonfi or Hie DionBral fq,aff Wig() and Oa Naval fl Li hoord, Thu DPpartmtint of! Foroign AProlra la klivin Lo hove mainWinpa Rpapiol pnblin opinion 614,1,3rvuPgi in Winne forpign aonLerm durtng renui-J, yearmo Tho Japanoe Army and Havy ha vu lona i- .11 labroaLud in tO)paPnda whrrard and tt im bolielrud thati 14110 millLary on0 novaT aLLoohpa inolnded to"PnWilldh InLbtlipnn6 tn Liwir oetiignmunt/P? Thu 1 )tspmplimon4 nr Ovomema Affair? may olao unttag0 in inLolTit.4unae or Lhip gopL, '1?01,1[1,0'0 l'iqiiiquanda p Tho niaird or Dirt-In-0041in (doh+, ifyolm)f An qtf,uhoy dfii-6NTT-91-0104-1116 nahindh, la Lhd piannind ond oihirdinaLind biluncv 101 Mbn orgoniviud ln PAO wo0iiti1i. up or M Prowidt,n1.4; a Vlod. dolt, , 11E, o-nnui 11tolli 1,_? ht.ort.Lmiii,441 h9 Ourita ond 1 Iliginuvr, utt IL wuru r,prLititin1,00 Lhd Nhvy, y0114., nsomnntomLIHomo hnd 11I Vrmipm DiThrL- vi,nLm? IL hmd riv, Lhim ,r vrob tAilLh HoLL..10 porl-I tiii in r LlotloiLy, coo ohiLhpal vbolit ahrnmdt Thc ronnLi.,nm or 14, w,r, drindd ih. Li n inti itii Lv 11,110,rninLf 10,L1-rt, rtionr LI-n1 (00AntWn? e P-110h,h) ,r Lh, iit rind 0,no tind,r Lho 0.1wro khw, Aho uIdiitii ifti hp.rvio, It 0, 110,091i nit LI tl d ttiiti th. ti it itik,1411r,431Ii, idt$ lrtit3oPcIfi) d I'. 11,0311,,t IJt I IL' It 11ht I1I.li ? r iii tontaffio, 11A M 1111,Q,,. l'rup Th -6,I rriothi ann nnm,w,nLm. L. li I nd,..vond, n int%TwiLi -n1 (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X000niRnnninrioatInno A arab.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 AMAT Tho :no-Tirtriont of VorniLn Afar@i onlamt roportlflCt? -rOotoho dionoWinationof propmanda, Ahroadl thn wroa4 of. Clultvral liforWmf tho Dolvd Touriot Indllmtry, and thr, DAVOAU of InforrAtion, Tho oxanbvolationmhip boOloon theinagonolom and tho loArd of Wormation imittUnovne Foroign morvioo off-loin@ otationod Abroad norvod RR Agontm in thO ditiO@Min4tiOn of vatorial and in tho omploymont or 1001 promo agontne Tho oolontotion MOM WON) ?r tho Do7TMIVIT'VWd-ciari War@ im rop. mponniblo for tho onooragumont and oontrol of organization@ Apon1 tho OVEWOQRA JapRn000 and for propaganda to thom4 ThojaAn Torint %mooim vpportod by tho DoPar-Wiht-6. _4 417 In pr1..0 dayo it dimtributod nontimontal lit,)ratnro, movion; and mlidom on jap4n and 000v,ratod with other agonoiom inoluding tho govornmont- rOnidizod N,Y.W, in providing fro o or oboap town to nobooltoanh-rot writorm, and buol- nonn mon. Th ? 1,14-1PartlAt_913.,11w Wairm oxoroinon cortain now67i7T-PrOl.fn-o4nno7nip tho Elp2rtmont of (1224101P11 non-txa9 to,(3p. oi 1;0' gaileop ?tina-viyvaeop ommkAni- oation? Tho ocaot divinioncflabor Ntwoon alooG two agongioo and tiw Board of Infrma- tion iP nnt Imam. Domoil he ofaalol Japon000 nowo agenoint eiminolly a privato ormn17.ation. It largay onpportod by WI Jarn Droadevo't4ng hopooistipn howovr, and io nnilcx government oontrol (probably tbrongh tbo Doard of Information), For yoaro it bao boon tbo ohtof oonroo or nowo for Wrionn and other for 6ign eorroopondento? It novo flOVV1-0u0 orJ providod to Japanooci papwro thrcni.b00, tbowad st nominal o6oL. Its o?rocriunt ot,aff (,2 for,,ign oorroopilndonto io Lc% d-IxIA Lir gro4t, ocrviou in proparndi-, (2916) ??? ' 5 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ,='i ,1 1a0 fi PQM, Tho Ja An. Droadoaat n oniabicin haa 4 j mnnopoJy o. irsV ng Al apon oth ahor and longivavo And for both loon and fgroigr oonnumptiOns It in oatonObly privato but ia undor govarnmont oontrol, probably throngh tilt, Board of Information, and it mipportnd by 1001 ?Won loviod on radio got ownortio Tho Ocioiot for 41,1,24105r -o VAW ITICIDTAX4444 WAts aupo. Pthli partly by oontribltionn from woaltht Japanong and partly by 4 WAXIMAlt of Foroign Wairm aubvonbinne It hao ongAgud OMB," nivoly in inUornatinnal oultural propaganda nr all aorta. Tho 11,081Ayn41: Obudonto AW100i4tiOn (KolconiutiornWiin flOTEMS7inpoo pm:lb and inabruobt(n tn foroign atudonta in Japan* Tn tho pant' lb haa partioularly onlbivabod :Imprioan-born Japanoao, and atm- donbn Prom LOJin AM0404 or 5nnthgoPt APiap Tho Doonrtimonti or Ndunatit-nt in additiltn to 0 rinrcrthroughpub dhpano Win in roomJ4 ypari5 boon aativo in 1,11,0 dovolopmont or iwnptit.A Jnoxuoulin tn Japanomo rotildontiti in 41100 nognpiod by I1IJolguiP* Tho tWtn-Thailand I. fl 1P %Tina plinii77MMT7177-774M. Winn oponoorod hy Japanotio high in offio141tIF 0.1ftl 01V0100 Por Ur, onitavation (f YI1 Igj 1.11rlIt fli nti? Otthvolvivp OporLaJonlci OrrntmLion 0111WrOVO 01.11-ThWntins1eiritanigod layitt4y Wvoutth nlimoronp nnoreiolal Japanow ordpnwaWno; fflui t impovWW, 0V Whial tho WIROk TWAttlin mocituvw twoh wort ip vidodt ba probably ft,t, Valy oonLrollod, hy Army and Navy Taotlionn, nooLi.nt90 (P06) I -11,"., 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ' r t'tV1 $13CRET y).16 bla.gk,Dra OA taogiot hau in tho paut boon 40 v0 n q b?rQfl, with military authorltiOu in both intolligong0 and sabotago. Iti robably utill no uuod, It in ago unoful for ltion with'eubvormi*o olomonta or V4ViOUN nationalitiga', ouch i tho Sakdaliataa in thu Philippinga and thg India Indopwndonoo Loaguo or Japan. Tho privato tiativo of organizationw,mh =Aber-Blank Dragon $ocicty la to a Onsidgrahlo dogroo runponaiblo for tho lon'e-range and largo- aoalo organization oR Japancloo gopionago and firth-golumn agtivity in Southoaut Ania. 3* .....12!?4141.212.24B4412.42111,11aaa (a) Radio and loud-apoahor appilmla to oppoing rorgua to lay doan thuir arum. (b) Radio aopoan to natty? pooploo during tho (mum) or invanion to ovorthrow govornora, to rofuno to garry out agorohod garth polloioa, and tn gonoral to cooporatu with invading Japanoao. (g) Radio ahogh tagtioa aimod at fright. onlng thu (limy into giving up. (d) Luarlota atreatitng Japanoac strongth and past ougguaal pt tnjuatt000 of rulurs to nativos, 11101 apponls to thu lattur to hill their opprosoors. (2916) = Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - AN= D SURVEY OF THE ENEMY0SlijOBLEM Summary of the enemy situation Germany faces the dual problem of maiptaininc (1) natz domestic support for an aggressive wax. and'undermin- ing the will of the enemy to resist. On the home front, German progapanda has supplemented appeals to German desire Lr revenge anda place in the sun with appeals for support on the basis of fear of annihilation by the enemy in the event of a defeat. On the foreign front, the development , of the military-diplomatic situation has forced Germany to abandon her plan of immobilizing the allies of the power to attack, and has corn- polled her to attempt instead to destroy the internal unity and external cohesion of the United Nations. A subsidiary objective, but one more likely to succeed, is the prevention of further gains of strength to the Allied cause Crom the few remaining neutrals. Meamealle, her conquered countries must bo urged to greater efforts. The principal fronts of this psychological war- fare are: (Not listed in order or priority) 1. European neutrals: Sweden, Unoccupied France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 2. Europoan occuPipd,:go4ntrio 34 Northwoit Aft4iO4 ? 46 Tho Middlo B40, inoludi00040V 5. Latin Amorica, onpoaiailt thO'Aiiguntino tind Chilo, tho only,LatinAmericalkcounti!iom Which obill havu diplomatic roliSon'to idth'tho 6. Italy and Japan: Ourmany!ivai.14.0,0 - 7. Unitod Nationa (2) tfRoobu dodiroq (a) To oonvorb 0110111y, conquorod, and noutral countrioo to an twooptanou Of Gorman idoalo and domination, (b) To oonvinoo thom of Ourmanylo invincibility. , (0) To inotil a faloo litind0 of oucurity, (d) To undorminu thoir roopoot for thoir awn domooratie valuoo. (a) To oxploib inbornal po1itiot,a1) doolui and oLhnical oloavngoo. (f) To poroundo thorn) with ouch tempting idoologioal ooncepbb ad Lho Mow Ordor,11 LW, 000poraLion wiLh Germany would bo tho moot bonifidal oourtio of aaion. D. gaglLanilaila (1) Lar,211111?.Erlwiltnoot=j4horti... Lion sVulaLl.la 1. Gurmanylo groatont aoout On foroign (2916) 1-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 45 -- 4.0?????????11.41.1... t vont was front was thu dofea,tipm, pessimism, tn,.1i. t I .61% Lrct 1 A. and pacifism .bred in bor enemies by the 1.1t t, ???, ? ,?ncc. ??? . ? bAter oxperiences of 1914-1919. This was iikewjsu Germany's greatost domistic morale ? ...t -I ty :I. .?: L4' problem., Bysystumatic ng ally buildi up a I. D.y wwurfui,military ..istablishment and by con- _ durAink; hur forulen r.Aations in an aggressiv,J anq fiulf-confLdont manrwr, sho was ablJ both , to 1.-,:a3uro thu Gorman peopilo :Ind to d.J- moralizy hor unuldos. Tho 11,:tck of confid,:nec. (Imong thi.! p,Joplo:.; ' of 1,fh: worlci in tho ty o1 1.,h..; Uni ? , and. hur J to Ntton corialion Objk:!(:LiV,..:5 Of Lh,.! wrix :so f'w uxprussA. 1ory:Iph1c21 po:;iLion, I , bro.td3Li1)r,,,InLoil3runc,21 nt ubvcr3ivo \tit, :; . 1, o ad- , , ? h,foro thu out,bruak of ho:;- ie . RI ti i,v( y i onc: t,r:01 L.Lon .1,c,,,c1ordic and 11 t'. ..t lid , .; .in pct..40 o r:;ychologi- t:,11 arr.y-? Rich tx. (hi .01):, ,Jr z; ,..: I 1,1 - I., tiI 1.,11.H' t'o::.1.1!t.', 11.1 tit. t I l'orAjflc",1 1.1, ? t, (:'116) 0'417;1 it",?4311t, ;rp tY' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 110 thu developing of a method for anal-yang and madpkilating them. 6. Abundanee of toehnologleal (*ill, notably in radio7. s Willingnoe a Wm 10Ada?hip t() WIQpt nqw toohnicineet Tho anti-traditionaliom of tJho Nrta idoology and the prod of forml dlearmamont both eUmulated the dg- volopmynt 0 t Nvolntionary methodei 8, Elomynto of tho Naa idology appealing to large numbovo gf non-Oerm4not anti-nomitiem) hoptility to wrganival labor, antl- parlAamintariom, 9, ,AbJlitly of a fliglAbortlhjp t mto on linvonohorod Torifioo (1441111tadale 14 DOMq11(40 oppotalonc Natallmi LrAdItlon of lxhdo nnionioml otquinWod voLigloni otr4ngth or commomm boropo :Ott, PI (loilloo,1 otiyohnLog,i0AA foLop romtirti tio Ooriv%no (:?!91,6 Ooollo w1,1 willing t4c00apAblito to mu, 1 , 01101%1, in ootior tAgv4 off doft.0,1 but, ma1.0:J Vor inoioliAlity in LII?i f400 of vovurtioti, Ahnoo a 1.roptIgia.t; oonogrohlpi vgdooiog pnbllo oonVidonoo An offloAA1 uttorancoo, ?,' ? 1 21. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4.0,0 $1,40RET efoirgefilellitiOre 4, OpporAtionot oonquorod pooplool cloonm*tod ItArud And Wu rovoncol propono ] WWWAlly og goroign lobor criaJgblo og 410voroivo RotWity# LiMitRtiON ot tho idology, vihoh ogfun g baNtifAht gvituro only to Oorinon orgagl qogivadoti.11 ?(k44:0,0?bii poronnutl wabition Al& 4rioo motbAT unao.,Inninor tataltwign rao, (Irt) at1014%,,,NArIagAirM,91,14%,0710;a01910a.,,,aokiall ? (4) vorlutp@ tbo wootoot mtvngth ng t10 00V111RA ilopovttlIti ptxyclitol0G100I vo.014r0 tO tho romp. nition og lto 01-Itloa lmortou06 by the' wad 000t AM MD4r06 1)1 plq45.0011tilkt4 otiy()1101(400?4 Wiv,01.10, Tho o?oltveA:Usloa. 414 1-14,oroxoltio,a Not41 Pytitqo of (ovoritmollt wrath gum* mItiloYAncwiAim11111 opordumAtim or tbo malty tilitpApiA ,111 ppynboloLjw.1 NJorgiwo, (11) YV,0,4,11.kaZ 1110 .vff 01-bovAolooti af tbo NWAJ. vOYO)AolotjoA 10=1011:W01W Voll.'1011 4440100i 1, Att loo041tomip tho vovl(l ot iltw410.1 00Ma titoVO a t116 talOolgAll p001$10: 00110Atx tio oNtmilW 1ow.1 Imma, 1.4b0 .0111.11(ortri a 1 Lt1,1w0h07.,y, V8V WitiroJ Omit+ 11,Arv buot 01\0110t1 by th.to oxpor.tc.liov -1 tlko Clo10 of OM) 013:(1(3t 03:" I'M: ?II :1.6) ?A. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 11:.rtqt Sr i- r !, ' - ? ' ? ; ? ,??? ". ?:;? poychological warfare bat) *on to -awaken, 4 an attitude a hootility and 'diilt.i.ust towArd ., Gorman which it wi-U be diffic4t,:. oven fig. Nazi Germany. to eradicate. (2916) to? my, . I, 1 r - A 4? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 49 - 'ANNEX B A. SURVEY OV THE ENEMY'S PROBLEM , (1) ?flY Facioiot loadorohip hao raood tho problom of pur. auading a vory non-bolli0000 population, ntill boaring hurto from tho laat war, inflat.ln, tho dopr000ion, Ethiopia, Spain, and ovor.taxation to Eight in allianoo with tho moot ROarod and hatod nation in Europa, for torritorioo Ruw Italland wantod. Addod to th000 problem %UM tho oavor ono, from tho point of view of Vacant loadoro, that Italy wao woarying of 'Mei= itoolf. Tho nurvival of Britain, tho torrible cooto of tho Orook, Huoolano and Libyan waroo and tho ontry of tho Unitod Statoo into tho war havo furthor onoumborod Fanoint poyohologinto. Thar offorto havo Iroon dirnetod at bolittling tho onomion, at oxaltinG Axin invinoildility, and at making promi000, now roitoratut ovor oightoon yoarlopeog bottor timoo whon thou gloriouo taokn havo boon aohiuvod. (2) litot douirod Thu main tauko or Italian poyohologioai warfare aro to provont intornal ditlintogration, and by worktng through Italian oolonialo ohiony in tho :ciaturn Mmlophoro to givo what holp can to nurman offort.o thoro. - EMMET ((291.6) , rsq, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 1/4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 pj 131 fr. , )) (b) , 1,0aAlluti0OU , 1-7i7.1 i ' ,, 1 ...t, :hi: \ia 11-AsA, i r,dp, V./hi:4 -t- i La , 1. LL nkopioal, ohrowd ItalitiOn (who prizo , - At-, i ... s?, 1 k.,. 11.?.,vJ Lso 0 p .,. ,:,v: t, 0 ohrowd 0.0ptioinm) aro tow 0,t1noopablo to ..,. _ .0 ..... ,...1 ,,? ti. U propr4Anda whioh oomplimontn thorn for 1 . , .I? co.,;. 1avi16 tokon Vaoolom with a grain of nalb, ;. i , . , -.. ..: . , ro 2. Dl000ntont with a vinlbly wOrcolliug matorial 'H (2) :50 , nituation. , YoarAnoari with Fanolom. 1. Pour of Italy buoominis utbIt4tIovoud. r)1! hilLIPAthY bo aormiNn "000upuntI? bli' Low otato of ltn,linn moral?. trour u th und wokmou lu orrunAmtio t nal ou- , ? I S. igt? at suo? .h ? NA. okirma S oetu (a):;tron0,11 ? PUY... Tb. nivor0,h In ,i-trnro Uflon or lunoll,HA himutar rv pnblielty mun, ?Hitnr, ut.roy kloo1Tuor, plut-wriL(,r, X rotor. Italy all luCormtion f;AO.Iltion cl (11 pviyorpn(tt r1,01 r.yohnloftlota up(rttiona vo molor 411c, 111Wiotry Populrr FROOltrb OUt"111) for ryollo... Ply tIt1/4 *tritnt.tith Cat 1111.1, cuit Itt? 0 Th. 1,11?,1c,..ls fur cm Offool.ivc) t un, hoI t .1 ivot 101.10.1# br,olted ,up -by 010 ; oc:1,vion+ -r to r,tuilor -ccrlo, r .1011 t, t,,I ? ?'.; E.: ;II, 7't. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 =i7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 . 52 . DORM (b) lig1c2212 Tho groft1/2Ht woalmoaa In tho vita* impoaing NItotorn of buroallo and orpniviaagnm 110 in t/hr; Moto that too row a tho Urnbaingo on- gagod 1.n doing tho aotlaal wort oaro vory much that it bo dono Mob and offloioniay, That atUtnao Woo partly from viot ontompt for 'Maim; partly from indiffovonoo and 'partly - from an attit,ndo WaRra timo and grinding nonnrato dotall whioh dorIta oorroation, Oraft and nootimm havo plaood Inoompotonto In offloo nn0 di000uragod oompWnt mon, -1,??I'V-171,1- (2916 11741'. r - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ??? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 U 55 WON btrAVII3 1i11'4 MO111111\1 e0 WMAW,PAJ414,4gWACAAgttg fl 00114nlo d,411111on 140 tAki, oV1l? tho bonthofttit ?fotitovn PRoltixt by Povoq -01.i0-01.i. on tho Unit0 Otatobith1,3pItAU booint. oV lx :p In tto avoa pv@vo nyotli-itA (14 r io4tton Ow 1,01.11i-4 ti-t lioi!io 11,10. 1,11,i loo .10.1 Ardtx# 0,1.4 W)I 10P0h OP IJAUP A000-041 81 priyoliA010tOta wftrtl-to ln 1:10.0t110M4t 4400 1100k.it 11001). WW11.10P 01 islw 000tal rii,1.1iPiltirl lipolitov pri.w 1101-A .010 itvi,v,1 401 to (314?w, Is) do 1T0Ti 1):11 1)0o,,ot LW ill- 0v. 11)?'1- or too oio iwItio0W1 010 or ot rtioo 1,010 tAct rt l 11 .11 1 1' .1, ke,1A IA!a II 1. to-110 1vOtti, o.10000-, poolt.)1 0001,1:, ii110 WIltott ') t1 1\ ,ot h1,1,0 1,100 101; 0, AtIt\j, kAkti (g916) 3t.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 the variciao (%A.13.eisOian averlardo. 2. To intimidate the Britten, Datet; and kmorieans to givc vithoat fighting. 3, To gain the active cooperation of the Malaysians in rceeiblishing the areas economically in order f;,nd politically, to create a OTOateT Bast it.sia ffith japan as the )iTCOtillg (and 07:plotting) nation. (b) tho Unitna Sta 1. To o%ploit linos of social cleavage in the Unit3c1 Statos through appeals to ct1inic, Gocia1, and reliLious groups vith diffcrcnt sow. of th,Ja griovancos flq,aimAE,voui,c) in 1,olltical povor. 2. To divl.du thc; Urlital States from 'Britain 3, To v;rolwiclo th?; Chunfini!? g ovornmont that (e) In (41112 furthor rtAILItRneo ir$ 1106100S. 2. TO 6iacr,;dit tho Chunrt,king govornmont in the?you or to Chino3o poop1c. (a) ILLIJX-.1.09.LLIG 1. To porouDslo thoso nountricu to romain noutral. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - ? 2. To porimado thom to unitc., in oppoing tho fAatoo wAr of?orts. gal; B. Bi (1) gl'ialelb (a) glI0g1h0, 1, Tho widooproad r000ntmont In Bouthcaot hula or tho whit() man no Dula o'td oxploltort togothor vith tho fact thr.t 4apan io horoolf an holat r.tion *iob. hao ouccoodully doflod tho vhi bo man in, TiAloolN't 0,7110hUTitlf BUTIn)N i tho Vhilippinoo and moro rocontly in Indo-China . thio Utt uation giving gror.t form.) to tho ologan oGroator twAt Aola Co-proopovity nphoro". 2. lho oxtromoly omall nuMbovo or ruling Europoano in rolulaon to tho lurp nativo populatIono. 3 :Japan no aggru000r lo it sinvlo unifiod nation, whoroao the dolondoro of tho rog)or, aro from diaoront naaono and apoolt dir- roront lnnguavo. 4. japan,o unifio oommunioation faollitioot oomparod vith tho ocnttorod and poorly oo- ordinntod onoo ol tho variouo Wroponn poworo (2916) r- in Lilo aron. 5. japtInto hi& woralo at homo. c0000 -14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 c ?;:g r, :04...itz . 56 . vIINIMigt144; IA At 40i 143.01:1(i?11)11rtY,4311Pql!Zi it!? I 13 6 '11:10 til,n?aff apoiaLr, 1(i'A RtliT mix Ilion '7. 911.1tc P " ict ql: 4opp,',5p, 1.119n.?5j a ..-pr-ty124.1-44.196ioal. a ion af..; C's '19 tl ? tTWeqi.kt: 1.10 [ . ?-4; ih 1, ill, , 9.9:cit? L'; Yoctx: ,:::?ca 091 :Y. ' I,-.--, 1, )..? tforL.,t11u: * tY IG.,?11);ViLs::19 J ? 4,arittv:,itc -.1,"CyLt1 (1,) 1.. 11)J;Y, In , 0 i; , k i.V 14,Vt.= ;40 t 1 kt''..1*Fe;:?J. t., W4 , , ; ? , ? 4.1-ALAtit 3/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 3. Japan's arrogant policy sinee her con- 1 quests may be court d on top, have disil- lusioned many iAalayan and Indonesian nation- alists who now Irish to see Japan defeated. Brutal rolicy in many conquered areas. 4. The entrance of the Uniteei. 5tates in the war and lend leaoc aid have Liven China psychological strength to continue resist- ance to Japan. 5. In tho United States, the will to fi-,ht, once attacked, is groat. Japan grossly und,-;restimatod this aspect of American psychology whon she attac"!:ed Pearl Harbor. 6. Desire for liberty ane reven3e on the part of the more evolved eloments such as the Filipinos, Koreans,. and the Thai. 7. Close ties of Latin-American republics with the United Statcs, and their fear o Japanose fifth-columns. (2) 6 a n i t c o- anizational sct-up (a) stmath As a result of a srios oiovernment roorpani- zations during thc past iow yo rs, tho ?alitary forcos, corp,, an. thc propa- anda apncio9 in Japan have all boon nac7.c to (2916) T .0% ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ;.; p, . aaaz work togothor 1ifch a way ao to roCgoo ,Iloon- ol,mtonay an(' confil.ot. Thl-o hao .ivon gvaat otvonRth tQ hor purthologlal rariavc, laxly in ,Solathonfit AdA, (b) Woalmaza ';!ntlo thc wt-4.-Uuo Lranchon oi th- 2ov3rmaont in Japan haw boon qooratod, thou io ovi- doneo thivt thoro pall ogi,at tntorr,b4roa,t.grat-c joalouni..oa, that the raCio bvoadGaritorp do not alwap know what thQ awly 4.Es dotng, oto, Japamoo 5,41t:.11nQG kilatiuw have provon mak ,tn than' nLy1.3 oi LnJJAC, :itaLoo and Latin Itoorica, IlQrL'f4 Ivo i thJ ,.noptnomo oi JaraiwaL ;.,o,daanil.a to t'aJ. country. (2,-.1() Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 c raza ' ?Z;4"..: APP4N1IX TO ANNULF APpootn of Japan000 Propagandr, to An4r4g4 OhowAn La& oR Inoight into Awrioan Routiong Tho ovaluationoJ. th0 on000noRtanoot5 oR broadout mtoriol io uoually loft to thc i vithii opinion oR floompvtunt oboorvoroll who may dinagroo widoly among thomoolvoo. Thr o lo oonoldorablo agroomont that Japan000 broadoaoto, oopoolally in tho oarly montho of thu war, woro poor from tho toohnioal and propagandiatio otand? point. puraona who havo hoard nuah broadoaoto indleato that tho languftgo vata atoll imporfoot, and attompta at humor and drama Ilham1y.11 Moro important) porhapa; but at tho maw timo hardor to uvaluA0 aru inatunoon in whieh major propaganda thomom vioro 80 illadvimodly tAkon am to havo oxaotly tbg oppcgato gfruct lntondod. Tho following itrJ thought to IN oxampla or ouch thomoo: 1, Toiling AI:wrier= that thoy aro mart) luxury?loving, unwilling to anarlflo or to fight. D000ribing to Am.,rloana from Tokyo a aupp000d atat u or oxtrom.4 chaoa and pr.nle qNiating in Amwrioa. Acouoing Amorioan troop of oarlardloo. 04rr0r8 of thla gunoral natnru ar,t oomMon to Many tWoRd045torp Litikintr. to onomy audioncom. Tt la a trulow that intiattnA your au,11-dnco aa awhol, la nuvor offoativo until that audiono lo noar 1,031 pJnlo Ind c:tn ho includod In tho AoLwa aphoro of miliOxy opr31 ton.) 2. A ntqnditrd Japanomo tvoutomont or WteArt11rl5 Jfietp,3 AumixalAa vino to domerbu It 45 (4,11 oxt,rutio aut of ou4aM, MaoArthur waN portrvud am dumurtIng him mon 4nd 1116ju tu b_Vo tu (291() r ' , 1 ? +1 , 3/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ?60? ? S'FLRgr his wife and child and to secure his awn personal safety. From the standpoint of Japanese valaes, MacArthur's act might appear in this light. The Japanese apparently missed the fact, however, that to the American audience, the escape was. morale boost. This is a typical example of expecting an enemy audience's values to be similar to one's awn. 3. The extreme claims of !total annihilation!! of American naval forces which were made after Pearl Harbor and aft:r every subsequent naval engagement, including Midway and the current Solomons encounter, probably negate some of the.propaganda-value' of the genuine Japanese victories. Such assertions immediately fit into the popular American stereotype of upropagandaln while more qualified descriptions might well have been believed. 4. Other propaganda .boners probably include the allegations of American atrocities, especially the Quezon murder which was so completely refuted, A general lack of humor, presence of inappropriate humor, and dullness are also said to charactcrize Japanese broadcasts. Appended are excerpts from Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service "Quarterly Review!! on Japanese programs to America, and excerpts from Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service uWeekly Analysis!! of Foreign broadcasts illustrating various of the points just mentioned. (2916) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 61? $ECRET :7C.:71774 Nuart,rly R.vJ..ovil of the Foreign Broadoapt Monitorinig $erV3-c0'ofIC00"CovieriAg Iv* D000mbar ly 1945:rto Marchap 19421'144104*35 Ji 'r I I:. General 4haaclprig,ti....(1,4; Tokyola broadcaoto to North America i-,rop 'QM 'atg. IlbOag 0 3.C:00. Org4rii,V106 and Eihovi .10P0' inOight-tlianlithboe beamed to Pacifio iolanda td the Afdatio 0ontinentof'Th6ra' i4 no euce058ful accommodation to tha mode and habitm of;thek,typical am- 1c an lietener, except perhape in the capc.o.the 11PriWenerpl'I*, formation So.rviee.11 Pocauee Itmericam are_adcWitoMbftvto talc.J,hg A cortain amount of entortainlvAlt, nubtloty 0/0:11,tainor ,tritih- that,' Ilpropu.g.ndalq ToLyole humoriaels attacks' on.lkiiiean 1E,ad,,re would antvganixe al but the moot anti-ltdminictrAionA.iptenoro. Radio Tokyo 'il..f..; littl,i ii i.,ny rog.rd for truthful ruporting, Tho spoahors rogulf.xl-y and blcndly cnnounco tho eaptn.re of military objLetivc,s lone in advance of tho actual cci.;turo; and cyan in the abbonec. of any capture. It putr3 \:orde in the. moutho of-kmericah loador;..; ; i rid tviote oventii ,unrocoEnizably . It novcr adrdito c. Oz.par.eso def, oat or 13 etb.-,ck; and in tho four yo z,:c Ci lt VOX ill. Chir tho athido5iono e.-von of "pictraled withdri-...ualrill could probably be counted on the fingL:ro of one hand. if thc broadcaeio '. oxP wo-tellocl trth thia in mind, their lack of reliability cd conuiotency yreuld 1LavG the r,....(lio op.:11 to p.1:Tiosi-,- daily counter-attrteho. ? . . Vicch*ic 1 pl-Lrr.ct,v_iflticci; Tho bo dc, fito ,.,i....0 oftcn b.andlod :deppily "C'(.)M L purely fipchanical point cii irie,.1. Prour,:..m5 .-.!..e FAIiittod to cliiti,Tent f_Chc,dul.0f-3 and frctiu3LicicJr) Iiii.thout previouo noticc . 'IL:. c,pc,r.kOr f3 '17.,11:!b1C1 over their line;.; afn though they I:Lad ncvr 1i1-1L,y,::,cel. 01.t(..,t-t tl,o i.,nglitih 1f3 ATUry p0Or, bOtt. 111 'ppOrt rillrIC:1, ti oa :- `:16 r:r ,-fa,; .c. Dov,on13 of complotQly difforont neva Ito= era.ALd rf,tc, c,.(;I: 'I-IC,' brCA cli, C1C.1 li6torior in cpt to cal-ry -./ ac, c;,o ci.....'12-fLi4J,11:1,..yad informtion. Peri,pc the 1-.)...t.t thiriL ti,-;,:t, c; 4 br, Li,..,0 fr r)1' thi:: c,c14,..,..Lea of Jc..pcnueo broacicaota to .14..,1il kincl J C: 3 2 tit"; t ttIL tt`C.Iiht,13..1t-: fl 0-:-)Cei. to C,11 SUCIA p01.:C;1.fUl Y:11f;P01(...11Etil;, ti.,:t t1icy r.;,11 bc;Toc:-..1voa on ordinry cihoft.).7_vr, z.t.t.-,clifnarit3, Lt, :1(;i. ;-,t ria tho 1,!o;:b Ccx? tr,t 4 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 m 00 m MIAT, Exoorpto from IVooilly Lnayflim or Ofrloinl Voroign Drondoutn" or tho Furoign DrodoRnt MonitorinK Uorviou of FOO Dopombor 18 =was t rale Tho otupidity of tht oommnd to dwolt on. Trill otorioo uro i.o1Rtod of Lmorloun rOP006 ohootik down thutr own pltuloo; kllling tihotr own mon, othlang thyir own bootnit itmorloc..no oryinv?w lii ono voloo, "Whoro aro our fr.mouo doNnouo?" rru wo muoh ormy mita for thu JAprinono," "L wintor of dimoonLyoli mottling', down ;41110,10." Jannu 20 140111700=11 2=0?21.6 A Tokyo ri pPt; tht t Lmort (min (,}11' fru t OWPIplyloc tiot.ww;rin North r:nd fiouth 4,murto4 aro golnel tart t113,1C0 lltio 1010 ftsre:.?,1 omblerrilo- mont, or aoriorm mortno till 0 11 JAI 1.1 1110 firtil or ti r,ro Viy Intro "i.ryw don't WO. to rimk our livombymvigo,ting bho dunforouo .41turlowl ()mob undut Oto unroltalo prohootion or 'btu liftriottn NoAryi Foholoxy 10 &Ma Vt/CMIT t44 141 Tho atwomphoro in 44ourioa to 0110 OP hyoturJohl luoiuooritly buoRumo Imorlfmnoll liko Pr)nobe r,r6 unwillin 1.0 1-0vo up Lityir ovorydhy lnwrlous itiornh wow woman mteirni 001P1"00110titi MO"OaltA 6610012G01610 wkr 4, nq 4 4 o or th9 wjor oflim 4 4 4 to ,amirtolOo "vitxod r O roArl ir0.11,11 whioh militatc. unity ow" 6olow.no1v'y or PorPomo 6 111/111G1 " Tokyo pulfi ti',1 IN (410L11041 (loop-moRtod monroo or 416rior01 WoOlv'fiPie Thu d4ondorm qlWo who Ilvod in t'in lop or 1n4ury tn r rowtifi bly u.inippod rool,Noo morroudorod moaly irtor r itl-ttonly cnq ilthT6h IMMIrtAtitesit i ? r???rs I,morioRo otImoor Lho %look orimo" byinv4 porputrO,wd vr4rAuta 1%0000 ion000a 4040oto1o tql(1 Wool on Lho l'omt owimt im 011'111\11y 0610imnot1 ny i o1 0o4110oo or OIL:, noord 0. loro11Ra6n who ooihuo oppottuntiy oxorolio 1,huir "ilboxt-rOt oympAte vltAiM of )4,10ri000 yollopnoW4 Tokyo 00oLmotm ti,r4 OWIt IuyLLOWII 00iI10,0t4 In "'mill" 1;11,0km (who hro "ralowoo oll Proodon pommili10") wILn th, bi!r1P 'it vsnnry or 1,11,, kin I lmt 11 Lit It ? (2olo) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 , - NialpiiNiahi oditorial on "byntorioal 4: i-0',10tOn. 0 ,0,4-, brital 116roh20 !, t ' L.?? : l i ? ..,. :.;.,'" I :11,11 e'_.,;:::;" , ',..'':11::k' : i V ? ' i , J1. , , I Olidn't i;fi. 1 s 11 ' 1 ,!, u*Tquaard dontruotion of tho Japan000 ohoO.Y-14o0Ofin Nin '00 of thoir blooming,'" , 1,:::,t,c: ; ,? for r.be,ndoning hi I holpl000 oomradoo in tiwir bvur of grootto Plarob 20 ouokorel TOkyo donoribon liaoArthurIn ''011oapol,an ,7-,,,:,: wororszwaserniete IYAMI"(711""""t411"1"1110. "donortod in tho hollimholo of Dataan0" In Japan, ..ii....!-1:,.1,i24 aorioan lintonorn aro ropoatodly told, Maolmthur would bialmoit d Th, radio pOn on a playlot, oallod "'biaoArthurin 146ot gland," laid in tho gonorallo "Th,drom-otudy" at OorroNidor, in whioh Gonora Tull'firg, Maoixthur and Utp OCIMMIP010110r bayro all play ignominioun ,- Km. pronith,go quoaon, tho two, triool to provall upon ViRoltrthur to WO: to ht o pont, but tho clonoral roplion, "I'm gotting out of horoe Wwlvo bwon ck bnnob of ouolcoro for th000 bloolchoRdo Rt --,,, , Whington000i flay, PIN pt itl Th q Worm() 0P tho Philipoinon will ?Y bo loft to Jonathan Painwrihts Ilo dqoorivoti thAt Ihnoril tho mt# '-- I think Ilw) blAn tho ooqIcwyod horn lmot r, bit too lonip" If Tokyo ,.4?!,-1 11;.,a tta way, Cionoral Ilamthnr will Roi, long romain on tho podootal vheo tho hmori(mn pooplo hkvo plf,00d him' Ur11.10 04ptnrod Amorioanooldtorn 1,ro d000ribod am A0111A4 moot onnoldiorlyloannor and makinN 0(034011011M "0011P0A10,011fl" oonoorotn$ tuar PmAidont; rlAki Avpqrlor ofrioorril "W?ginr, Rro tho difologirqg of thwpw aotsotalod hwrooe of lirvi4mnon r (no) , .4- 4!:A: - , R , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Organization of Pony FO RE K NAV PASTY ?.4 I lleartos ea S 7000 ?"'" P.." 4 lamas t.04?640,,_cl s Do, 4 fetlit $ Judea; 4 710114.? 0.1i4t1 ,114164 7 44,10114 ?O$441171 64.046t4 Mout' I. 11444?11 Rm...10!_cpui4W-- Of I* WIT I SW* *al *Oat Wades anal awf a lira aafaeed 6.1?11S tb Liaarts 4 e..bo aigo4 sittutiuticiat tu I t -I 4/440110141m i61.1111600 ^ 113 04.444.? laa????.1?4 It 704 s..11 fr'atiAbion7,0,44044:4 M4 AR?44 *0.a tt.j14t 0111441 knowidlomol.,,sdellma "Pea Fr WW1 0410?44" 4. sot 4 uotio? I wog . to" besi0.1.44wil " bboa.1.41411"141,6:::: frod41 Mead holeva14i Illasa ISLBMite6ILMAA. (11014,9111in loofq Ant 'Prig ULLWkWegisMiaWgi Ism#110WLIOWW040 YUVOWLUM4& 4.1.19Kk9A1. tA_WA, ? Mirod 91,814,00,118. 2 i4etloolt= 1 *few Oryedusat4ort aa A& ? 9.0nfa Actirvists tompingilk *14411 ',rota 0/fsa, yibtL10#43149?.. 7011.4 Ovialottom it.Lyeturoda UAW,. Orviou saw*, to (*Mat damat??? ???041 FOIKKN Of FC( (1141.kaittrop) (Alc_con.km. oloAHAtTig?A - Writ I. atk tale.?? f woa I Saba X ? Ifif??? 481 .4.entas ? [ming lufita, f?at tett 404 IT grestior 4 C.itorai Awaits $ iftliO4 17, Prig, ?I WI .111.1141?4 T tcl I Is 44 8404,4t4s4 wttA I gesq? D1,44,1114,14 41.47141ty 1 ti_kl_P+RAmArl_...t..it0114114,01,1 4_. oplar 4_ ico). "kn._ j.11 pfiLIMOOVitAil SI;S_ISAYSSICS4 (74ata.0 tar a 744041 4 Maa,aui at $)04( 01$$I41,/044 , &or Mt tai ctau411 'AS SOCJATIOPS , g/C, X TIKOAGANDA MINI: A.44444e of *am 46.Pors 544vr, Alma, Orbs X r?4?444A41 AA/ 11 a Pp:ace 4 alaala Asa 1,6?44 .a. ?Na Ismer ,josiago, assw. a 1,44,4 *WWI 4 from poodoi, ir Pert' Aorta. V idatr j4 ....9.m 4 Oper naasfrobail SG CoorerpoirtiapPrei 0 lrnosica .. to. ,A140,0 4 10*1140"", 'At mg Poo fotoildeba I NAZI PARTY t teCOAGANDUlt..01.49,..1) aOMMITTEE FOR NATIONAL MORALE, it A a SLA1 fARAGO) I rpt 4 fat?it AII414,111 I poi isi.o p?nt 4 M. ? Dept t?tt??? Dept 4 P'4.1r.P14'"" 4 0114 C ***** 1 rf44..$41 4 P.P0441JA tkg.141c.F_Of_P4IS$ (Of. Neutch) Dept fteti14,4.141 iqdroit.44 4.4... Sena. t 444,4 Arrangrol ICI 114TULCC1UAL t6d P14ILOSO/KAL itAR.ATION_ j Al trod ploArtt) Ng 4 1.$4?41??? a44404.414?????to? I NO a 0.14.4 4 Cat,??t?o? of i4a 6.114.4f,.. fat.4ta,r. 6 Co4tit.)01 Sept .ry Q.eilkdif IQ, 1,T CIAM.T1040115 LA,* , PO P.O. ? f?oni4nJ4 t Net .4 tlApa 04ttook 2.6tAL4JO,144/01 /n6/014(4 4 04,04.11 IfAJof Ctaool De (10,4 ll UT .1/A4,D 14.1nr,s141,14,,,sr I No?G.? w# Na4.?or lec.f4 y le4Jr, 1.44414 f I yOurs LIID(R. I bakhr r46 Sdutel. 1:ett.64 S 1.06.41tiO4 r Pest c P.dsti.tckt ^ .666,6? 54.1145.0 ? tino,t1 ihs WOW Ihrial UM) 16, JupiQ,IAL LEApc__ 444.4444 05 44,44.4,4 44.41.4, / 4(4444 StuDVNT t,CADCP, / or /..14.441,.,? V :4tr44e4e 4.4 1,4,4444 t 4 1i4.1,1164I10,..it,?? tk, ?1`,,,?????, 14114611 ty illbief '441,41y Itirorat. coorouncsis 4 *Ina* is' AA/to I Oa' Maio" tel 0 Hone, Ormailtrait It lifrittrr Orldaisettort Stattaulf. II t rolsttort Mosttaa tidgitsomest sai 10,04 d."4 ? aP? away word Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 It 7 , _ ? m1:7=ied and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Organization of Npaganda Agencies?Germany leact '"%s art4nmermaaget s, bmillMILlkillatat .blIC,4711110.4.7*M 411.111.C.C.r*..0 Astater-ammg, Alinsmit?arst2t Swevitios Nimmos. FOREI,ON PROPAGANDA AGENCIES I 111C-4Pok al,P0 CiLiire?t-ceorr NICIalGANI.k lw Poullekeliadiraik Walt Mart tveala faCli.m.rosn.wwwrmt Asam.rotilemof mssit U,..t1m?or*Ajlrotairms ClijspnwieSatiori-- SIS=P9msPoweim aii,,zmit.osme s. Minna 4ibart Saimaa 1..smii ammi IftworaViastt.iimi 10,11' ISISisSoliMaw ma *or aiSfiaar mr-Assit lirouLm.401011; Are bitYgosim. 910 41 die below 4.1214.. obealo s /attn. et ides..11 S 11?11.0.: to-crao. it e-Me Z???/.1.0. 2.11tC? I It oramic: iiimpancit CorwoiDiccoot atee ^ 1?0.40 Swop.; -fr *s.eastt* t.ziallwastorD kamillitat.Mies tiD .07PLE ior ,47:1401: :=MatieS001 itadloivr? Ifiromr. 3ftoor 44ofrq., St:at W. :art fiaort:a6tst. miiires. was. tal Wei glEME 1-1 artic j?mow. 06131011.04.. Anwar ANPNIMW.Wrk.: 31ii..110111L- m.7????? aimporfaitabe 01011111111t WOK. Jimossot-limessiatim &c. ANSAsi. 7poros aft r OtrilialiS WM& 'Ammo, Cbcortorsir Maga irimmium swarm t 40milt?maiimiLl .**?-? ? r *IGO r X Itix.)- VnektotiN" T &cu. LPiisoriiihmezmiria?moz, 7:30:11A-04.3 w?hb..t Illr 4,CrilaAr.1,4C ; r ;retro 'Mess ,??? N,tir-Agit,,,St,01We :OS Albtr.Mlet Mpltg_7a 7?13C?',Ni?ons T?oaso. 2?01 sori?amma lemma ,flo.patirrowt ;????????? 140 ? _Na lkfelers eiNsoos a. 44.7.**4 r ?,?.* meg to.??? . -??????,.." ??????? ..J* ?????? ',me *a ? ? ??????? ??? ???? 'MUM. +40 Imo... WO, ? ? ...4111.4?,,,.. ^ 7 ???? Oa ,":1????? ? . ? ? ? ...-? MV?h????? ? 40... in*/ 111?1?? 0. 0.????? 111~ 1.4.0e ,m??????? LibSy.. ? p Nowa. 11?????,.? * AWN.. *mot a. .1111wroa? of 11.4.? Immo DOMESTIC PR. PAGANDA A::ENCIES rsA X PitcPAGImeA, s?nrw.S.`z, ? otht CIIKAtak. ? .=t? Ap??????=cusi ax ? p.aer? .?? etvQ10,. t ?tF ?ftr.S 7. 1. r?No..... 1???ses ai +Jorr.C.s ;mod; a.=.114.-ac NILCS-NICAL. ENICZPI. Arne, bcc1010i -A. ???????.CIar ? :oatomal.-. ff! er; or- Ilyvv.M.1015 111-iCir 3 C. aly,t to,,,a.r*Atr Zrc cry -1-1 axis. eLtAaa ? Lar ier.te?me?e? Nor ivera.nr.a .i? g- 101111? LOOM 54416f war Shower -?1Fej 11.211%. ?tiAA-.1 ?10,???? -,???L's 14.1 Tro1M"..r aferia. s00.1.01 Ow.* : ?????.(P?r?gose . to a 2,..rowt? "hke..101. . . aZrA, .-e??1????? - ' :s41-1. AL. =at,? -17_4":cw, z '????? -1,4r4t: ' ir SILOWS04.1. a, NIVIER WharrAT ?-? t 7-trc ear* - ? 'por.? ? St roeco. It park.: 4E, E' ??? 111:1110110:c VSL-Nat1 /11.151 "'me etatzrarr =am .1:4?-tee ? /ft/5 CO?per...e.iL ???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnnlnnonnry) A ????? egg.La MINNOW ,FrisaalIAC c_c7,?iicv.....~2.4?ci ???rf regiaamr 4am, 1.? - Ex istin DeClassifi7777Ap r=11111f For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Organization of Agencies concerer: mith Correspondin q to Secona of WAR, Darr I I mei sal! NAVY Dan 10N1 ,1 REAM: -4 EATRE -.7MMAND; sourmvvEsr PACI FIC THEATRE COMMAND' t OTHER Gillet BRANCHES OF ; SERVICE toNARIOUS-A4EAKIES 517 1 LEUB-LEASE'FBN%S.,- FBI t MIDDLE. EAST THEATR.E COMMAND JOINT CH OF STAF JIC OSS R A FN SA, AGENCIES OUTS 1 RE GOVERN M ENT -esperfathe kodia (C85 WIC WORLI1 8R0,411CASTINg e(c) INO4 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: - .0INT FS' - MRFARE CL:pet,* n - NORKING ? COMM. _ 4? ? .. . .r. .4 i 1. 4.7,' 1 31V at, CULTURAL RELATION, , ?77 _ 46 '74111[':77: -Y? 11F'l SEW -F4 r1-:???,4:4 ? Ak1.1 at. 4.r.tv, ? _ ReS-47:5071kir _ ? ? ? ? r - , EW ard cafters Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 z-- eto Possible Orsanyza,--, r Psyc'r J .118 N.8 ??,.. Psych \'V3 re PROPAGANDA ardOPERATIONS STAFF L direci tve.-., , , ------- SPE0,41 ', i CC-1'M BAT \ ENE RM PROPAGANDA CTIVMES tiBi.:,(.1 RELA?,ON5 -ir = - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ARMY 'CIE NAVY \ ; po 7Ll7i. sssi t ? 4?88m.88...1881.8.8 E- I .?? p s A 1:1 ----.--4. ????? 088 8.8' ""'" ? Nit .2. ?????,' "8. 888* ommil ..??? 1?8/a 8.8 -are 8? ,???? -=, r - ? .8` 48. .88 'So OM A-2 M I S NAI FBMS FBI, eTc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Principal Psych)loclical Vyi. rare 1;7-cad _ne) IMPERIAL HEADQUARTERS ARMY PR 1-- .42 ?3. 1 BOAQD ??????? ???=??? ?????????? 4Fr NAVY Infelfictil Sproicesmoo Combat intelii9encZ Proiragerid4 SpOktgr-ran CarPretai Prvita9anda =No SWIM, SLACK- PRAWN and SIMILAR SOCIMES (Co:din ?vr? if I 1 I 1 1 DEPT. of DEPT. oP HOME AFFAIRS cincies?Japon I 1 1- EDUCATtON I 1 CeirgOrrhii, /t yilreils. : of Zeh-ftreiS 01i?-? BE PT Pre55 I Schad rex t"--s OVE SEA 5 c4 1 japairece Eaequace sr (6-3A-0 ) A;FAiR.5 f E AFFAIR`:. e ,V.r-ape,g 4.7 .7 ,,i rOrery - COCPTIPIe5 1 /jj,i,uzZ a 77V e2? r'ks LMIa I-Zia/Z(7 31'5 we I 'A JAPAN IIROAD1ASTIN6 IASSOCIATIONO-adio) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100250003-4 I sociETY hr iNTIRMATIONAL CULTURAL &ELATION S glINIMMEM1111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00011015113-4.111111.111MMIIIMP _ Principal Psychological Warfare ken! (Broad Ch'Ilhete)' - FASCIST PARTY Gr2dSoa4 Fasci all 'Estero (Directinf activist leaders) Associazione Naziondle Combaffenti (Nefitshol association of velenms) Dopolavora Recreation and Social ? radio, print etc, is cooperation hlinisiry of Popular Cu/lure) 0 peraNazionale Balilla OVildoristic youin oryanization) Fascis+ Militia (Lwyeyin Italy) Opera Volentaria keprassiontiinfi-scirio-OVRA (Secretpdicedom;ffaArti ir Gestapo) it MINISTRY of POPULAR CULTURE Special bureaus +0 coniral and/or operate companies, associationsietc.,withrespectiv: Press Home Stefani A9encui Radio Home anti abroad Films Publications (Cooperaticw ri Ministry of Ea/i/ ::- Cultural Societies )ames7Lic (kart* Foreign. esperiallti, Pante AlighleriSocie.'v Case cis Italia Intelligence Sections on Activities oi Italians adroad Cooperation with Armed Forces FOREIGN , _a Personnel draam /C-oxIkKariParly Coaverales le/1n Amis./Pot* and Ministry of Popidar Cy/titre in all proctieolaffaim fthorres,diphyrolic co/town-cations, cleconilions,ec Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 MEDF1 Assistsd Popwler (a) Morale-boii..-, inclocirtholion (b) Combat propag.an.J,i Afro itstitied Ayleircic/ "lit& --(especially Dapolavori, petronnci) for recreation ante social activities t Other i9enc: -2: _,-,;:!e9raeed ineo .PS'ch :2 .Varfare Zliork All of'/icer, kaaters,e1c, of schools, um (2e/oriet, Mines! coefon- izations, th6Gr S-i/c7.77/:.7/er, hankriskfipinf and msiiramce m,or i /27r4riam oryttsaftia#tric., a/ home and airoad ',lad are lath ortionizo- floss to pr;17,./.`e Fl7s-c/s-IParlri proiafranda alirectea' by ii=he Irlin/se-ry of Popular alit.cre. flirty leaders all orders' and/tons of propaTiculda Ihrouyh. the hea4 allizete olanizeztio;is. 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 1 , 0 ? _n Tho symbols shown on 'ho ()harts of Unitsd Otstss Orpni stsnd for tho following agOnolosi , DEN Dosrd'of E4onomio ftrfar4 OAA ?,4 Ooordin6tor of IntsrmiAmsrion Affair@ ; ri Fodoraljikirosu of Tnvostigstion , Flita Forsign*oftdoitst MOnitorino norviost FOO, FN Foroignjistionslitiss %isnot, 008 JOO cl Joint ()hies of Otftff ' JTO r Joint Xntolligonss Oommittoo JPWO r Joint Piyohologiwil Wrfsrs Oommittss JOP -re* Joint atsff PlAnnsrs MTO Militsry Tntslligonos 0srvios ON T f,1 ()Moo of NavslIntsllison0o, 050 &filo@ Of ationtsgio Uri-gods OW - (Mos of Why Informstion Psyohologio Wsrfsro Branch, PW Unit Psynhologiosl Wrfsro Unit R 6 A Ft0A@4P01i And Anslysis Thisnoht, 003 555 ft.. R0004s1 'florvioo Drsnohl 008 MA/D) - 400141 A0t1VitiO, Oi MA/11) 114P InNIMAtiOn Polioy Oommittoo Zq" (-; ' r?, , (R916) - ?'*111;,',71.7 . ? flt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 1 , 0 ? _n Tho symbols shown on 'ho ()harts of Unitsd Otstss Orpni stsnd for tho following agOnolosi , DEN Dosrd'of E4onomio ftrfar4 OAA ?,4 Ooordin6tor of IntsrmiAmsrion Affair@ ; ri Fodoraljikirosu of Tnvostigstion , Flita Forsign*oftdoitst MOnitorino norviost FOO, FN Foroignjistionslitiss %isnot, 008 JOO cl Joint ()hies of Otftff ' JTO r Joint Xntolligonss Oommittoo JPWO r Joint Piyohologiwil Wrfsrs Oommittss JOP -re* Joint atsff PlAnnsrs MTO Militsry Tntslligonos 0srvios ON T f,1 ()Moo of NavslIntsllison0o, 050 &filo@ Of ationtsgio Uri-gods OW - (Mos of Why Informstion Psyohologio Wsrfsro Branch, PW Unit Psynhologiosl Wrfsro Unit R 6 A Ft0A@4P01i And Anslysis Thisnoht, 003 555 ft.. R0004s1 'florvioo Drsnohl 008 MA/D) - 400141 A0t1VitiO, Oi MA/11) 114P InNIMAtiOn Polioy Oommittoo Zq" (-; ' r?, , (R916) - ?'*111;,',71.7 . ? flt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 MOW IF" A l'4A. ? .A4 ? ? MUM. 00R: Mr. Taylor MOM: Colonel Donovan You were to make the arrangements with Blackney for our cooperation on this paper, r?. a e . I. v. I tt.r. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 .? ? .?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 '1/4;' ??. ?,."! ??!?-? ,1?44??? - 4 ? Ii ? MailmALS***** **4 lagioado $ame elongate of the pools (the Prop* ,Cleasoligas) ere aot hiahly eathosiestie sheet the war owes sow. bat ig seaeral the Canadians wadi fen*, tb. x***$i** *t ta* tlatuastammo? 04006* thor* fir* too 41bee1s of theaght ofte via Vie "Par lir attar*. las moor at n 41stesse .., other (ftealk OusweAlea) Webs. at hese (Seam ? ? ?1. c- , NOW& Althosali ream* poorol 1411,14o?tiik$ is We, it is as, **tate that the $eamed sitritatioa isaprellee it. Oestiaeatia opiates titreveal that ihe *11,1/.101 *WO Verf Oar titie4 their preepeets with the esattimed tit tr the 11***1**** 1100* ? ? ? P ? ' ? r, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ti:vaiv4,140%.?, ? ? 'e ? WM. 400 lat Walt jositias if amitsslity. 1. 411110111114k hasatssoir Shoo willislistlitit Wit a keigiiteniai se Orr samil toolizes Obit b0/0/1 doteemo owes 111,0 lad thotO lopes is Ow SIM maw. MIZA/0104. M imaissUa. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 is$sot roes" wsts.Lai Isdolo #10101iikr olothisit tarsows A31M owitisst 01ft NON Owl ,041. !iikt lodes* Amor Ow Ads, U proopsoto =tot WA* bo*, 10110140 11111. "sa4 Is ',rood* oostra AssroodiNg swoop. WM* lossv4 Ads propsys4* atario $? ON* '10**fiO4 ta ASsowol is Mot stirromi to joia tho 411414 matiolom04 is fooimmobod ottitodo, *UM to moo whiek oi4o As libity loo vim: IX 000li of divimtWoWlg000pooto of Allied viotowy4 all throo *OW. *Lk (*tor opporimmity tor Axis proximm4a ask istilionktiome AIWA& 1. iffiWtdati Ads osstiissono Slitidastagg soko sot esimurroots4si410143A iMr01011. Wiwi Worts et Sou* AMA, sight los W1ts.4. Prooesso 7041. roma vault strosety Nos** Anis ipkim. 1111.1111144 MONA oomiOrol of Oorodomy io mot throotomod soot vaagior $i. Nimmoo4 oomatioms may of 7040 proomml aittiottlitios witk *moo popmlotio* oil tor* oilog whore will dimimiolis Woos poyoloolooioel pooitiom will bMeow Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 . . :0SirJS* tIllasolokoo war espeettr*, lava soalet eaponot te tabs Mo vote. of *to oitaatton to mire tato illtboortak fovea. is the boot elos. trelle4. et all the aatieso IMP" at oar* Iiiitlliptemetrni Teol be es* *eitto4k taerookoe rather thew Attaitatok? l.a ttejeli 110 igrifq perigr that to eap4161? etteettto avostotoreeIsihe igovemosatmo AMIAJAt 1. IIMAjakitwailjbliait Ispeaeoedemlaattew La this area to eomparettrely seam* The siotiNo poileslatteao eaa loot be egpeeted te giro soy 04,20r, t* lhot Vatted *Woo or to Neap is, *or 1,40400 at 41641 $046.1. 01140.111. Me to teost tree et the Phtttpothee, bet levee there me forte's whop* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 _ Door et Ithootam ouromder 10 eismalir is AO vomabli6 1690100 ,01,00% UM& 00 00111 hee bees low plamo4e44 preirt0oi few ow a lest motto A eusemestell emu t,s L000 11110014441001 014 is Noldis $100 etkish would ,000,0 A0001,0 tow oative fighting. Thew, is as romp 00* to 0400 Mimi* to hoop her oirsommet te tight with iroat Mittel* eld the UAW iltetee te the es40 As poem os Poseiewthioreele lodiesie prooeh to ledie* Sues000 tombola% of tstimPr bath, mop lo Ado will he a etreso too*. LA dlotemialas the *Most, attiiftiet th41 taiimosi Z.; -4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 s_s ? I 401,41111111.-. 411. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 p. Li.. 2t angel/ASA h. probologioal oUjootivom of Somity 6 14$4011004101 Immo. Proposmoda lima wilt sarbamiso futility of var, bolohoriom, espitolisa, impaoso porilo pr000rvatioa of Australia mai Nov Soulaai? eat aivmatagos of *Ito rmoial *priority, fo keep U.S. oat of SlrOpOom thirst*. Alphamiso oa hOmo demmo, labor progress, sabotap, lataraml soatusioa, Ampam000 4111 - r Sam am for L. 'petal mppoolo iireoto4 at Prete Cosaiiaam. Strome to value to Mosioo of osmosis rolatisam vith Mov Orior. ? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ." : othor,o1/1016, ?, 4410# ;OW '1.001,fitioriellit ) 00644 soul ilow 004oir bitk imdl000toot ototito Yotoot of owlet, imitiohorotioa. Attook *silo to bhat *WA with ILI, (1) iLLT.0061011w th, *op Moolood out et gbeepoos ihrooto tt torribtrioe mot imfroolos throoto4 Amtkimiovioh oilitotions (4) (%) lo ooporote Amtrak' from Umitet $00i0010# 0011011010400000 ihotoose lots with thmitrol, *roe omookosioollo iNNWA010 (I) 1144064006 sop. 00 ter N?mior, Soot of Urge Oo ob4 Italia* poops in Spoil woolit be witiorioUr etromigthomoto lotermoil pressor. ood oalbotoso ir oropoAhotto Axis groups* To woo tip4 #04 WI. se Homo* of pressor, U ether A. eoloatrioo4 revor4lo trot* trootioo with *boo mow, trio* oist boa trot' r000rts of tba, 414 to itetiooltto* I* v.a. rozeu044.840 otisiogosse iiritty of ti000 Ardrootiodos 0ot, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 AIX ($) IMO* to maistata sasitolo *hi 411 4e ft/At loos yore tvosioos to Woo float oComhieovesato of NoW, Wise aa4 iaorooloo4 ooaromo, 104,44 rollootioa aat foot. 1%. wort paottioa of Wow solikaolooto Osehttosattort of mar iliardships iolomo4 OA *606014 VeAls (b) SIMINOMOMMilif 10 :Ow itotoal Mott0s. lot is oitivo oollottorotio* witk aosomily, XopOloomoot of otteattos sal volvoo of wappowt mkt rirtistpittlira M0W Ortott, (4 Milo, 7, *Wag **Loa 40tivo1r WO 004 144, 01401 t411,4000 oai liroolooto oat war of *woo tollewto4 the poitiorl4 (a) Wilt, it* Was towttoy aottleolir is440 Mew 0,40,0 of *Wm* *UAW to thot rock witk thm40. (o) to vromoto iatorail welt a04 ottaUtilhowat of oropothotio Anis? to govoromoot* Is4r000.4 aottvit, of Aido Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 vs*, Promisee te Nome boat of aohieroommto of Sim Ordor so4 biliftwoodt emseomor foo4s proftetios shot Moot, ?he ossooro position* et Oopolow omphootoo40 Omitimmatioa of woe hoatehipe blepool oa Magglaat eat 11144 Wo reftee toteroal frjettom esi sat* betty, eolliberotte* lath Omoor. mopeleoshoes of ettoattole sag wolves ef support wit ipartipatiosi la itow Orley, To lortai $wedes settvoly tate the Sew Order. Throoto oat prolletee* set tor of serve* folleetog the easel Nast petterilp fe wily' luster estbre4 We Mee Order. Ito' St attoek *toiler to Chet ***41, Sweden* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 110 hoop oppooittook bottom' impala 004 CC st Vilit0 boot, Sophooto as amortam throat to Jopassoo 81101/11 ostOrfor of oeotooto oopport $01140410i Vor otterC Oe mei* 000lliot At* lapse ANWAIL? (e) immaims?Ariugio We hoop Ohio& latest ata Psoolale bin40140,840 farther fiepam000 ovemotem, SONO promioos of ladiraot at& aat 1 4 Ioolattos of Okla* aa4 oophaolo GA Gormaarsi ap.s4bi. tor of Okiaa adstoot Joao* We Optaia motive 000peratios oat osmosis et& from tholommoroi hoodoo pesoaato, Sitaattoa flails, to that of to promote evertkrow of present sovoromost. Prude? et Poems eat roteopitioa of vim rovoremomt am& plea* ta Nov Order. ?remote Mitil?Joirtok firelight* Protevittook tree Akposooe sigrersioa a otila tooas4 ?????????.- ? 4111.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - ?????811ro. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 I, ? r 141,,(*)m(1) kt ,?, ?r , r f--' II f ,r 1; , ? Japan prob)an _is 4h. t ii.I*Ntit of 'bock Ijaym miaoa Ot 4 ih4ttli4.0nd iiiereao0Oreeperiti fii sie Th. war with Oin* hsa no/fleeted door 5 /wow, Tho 10040,00*001, or Japan in the South Vegan@ have un4ubte41y done meoh to oVeroimo.tb0 unfavorable eftento ot the lona drawn out Ohne. inoidonti The maintenenee of high morale in Japan will &pod. upe A tho **toot to whioh Japan ie ablo to fulfill promieee ?p-f proeperity and the extent to whioh the home population con be proteotod front air raidiss to sooOmplieh either objoetive would tend to create oppomition to fur- thelaimarrottort# Aaternial to Japan iteel' is the problem of oontrol or tha nativo populations in the oonquortd er000? X14-1-b*E(h) Alcsiom It Are# 0 Btfeot Noiriod, The ptiyoholotiool objoeolveo o? Japhn in the vovioue krona ars Nnotiated pogoe4 Propegandn lino uould omphaoise rubiiity or mAr Jnpanotio otrenath in Peolitio, intcorma oonruoions Amorioe tor Amor1non00 To koop U#34 out or Patariti theater, lino iglAphomiminv tiphprop of infblonoo, intoma troubloo0 otrength, kild throat in AtaAntio* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Katj$44 V0440. hielation of British torritotit4t in Pacific' Genoa throikto to ?Pritilih Wool, itoonoalo vela** of earn laboration with Japan.** territories. (2) To keep Aritigh tore** out ot Paoifio theatots Norman threat* to Aritish Woe, (0) bgIttatt, To *emirate Auptralia rrom ULt,d ti4n, iv to negotiate eeparato peace, Itiolation or Australia omphasisod And Yalu, or oollaboration in 00ftprosperity aphevo. (2) AOMMOMMilkiiiiiNg To provent ofronsivo Action or Auctralian roma* Riophasis on looiation and hos* propaganfla and anbversivo *otivitioo in Lt A, and U,3? To ono Argontin* And Ohi10 *0 contora for Jopianto. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 To tointan setivo german militery resistance to United Nstioite with psrtioulOr emphasis upon North Africa and AleUsti. , To further oollaborstion with ClerivoNr. Dying %olden under Axis control. liana Turkey under Axis controls To oroet4 'opposition to thlitOd. NAttarta? (1) killieliVOSW To create oppostion to United Nxtionep Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ?tau (4) jollimue.ft tuas (1) 1211ftlelliftb To gain *Atli" au Open Xoz' Japan's* colonisation. (a) 9113043144,411. (1) To ovorthrow Chiang Kwirshok golrOnueseit 0,010 ps14** with pro *$1?P? group*, fostabliohing poppet comnomanti or consolidotw under Won Ching rf?i. ; ?=r,t, (1) To obtain Wivo economic collaboration* To osiparats troll' England. ON4 0o-prospority Opharo. Incraassd activity ot Japsnoss mcsnts and support or nationalist tadopandont movamonts. (2) 9 To prompt* soonomic collaboration bairotion India .011111a. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? /? .,? i , -40 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 it s X/X*A-1.4 14 ? tughlesital. ) 21serli? An 5*portiiit tack of the United Wationt is ti ksop ell : members, particularly Ruaaia and (Mine, in active particapation, In 1 ,China capitulation is remote as long as aid continues, Continued cooperation among the United :Wiens will be afro tea by military suceoesee by 145. and Dritain. To *chivy* thiii? atitsx7 oporation* 44nd propaganda rust bo c1oae1v coordinated, (b) Perman Theater. In this theatre the Axis has the psychological advantage. The ho.tilttr in the occupied countries to the German conquorern is the strongest element of United Nations psychological strength. (c) In this theater the Axis Kat the psycholoacal advantage. Language and aultural differences between, the United Nations and the native populations are greater than they aro between the Japancte and the native populations. Japanese propaganda of 'Independence' and "Apia for Asiatics" undoubtedly have an Appeal for the nativo moupn which fww of the United Nationt have yet been We to equal. Dutch and Englich ruling groupn failed to win the support of the natives. In this respect Japan's hand is materially strengthened. Non-support of the Japanese by native group would not necessarily mean that they would actively support the United Nations. In the Philippinse, the United Nations porchologieta poaltion is tlightly stronger* onis rapport for U,N, Act4on rtv be expected from rilipincs. 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 a ? ??- I. lb ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? _?. ; (*) ao moats sill to tiOht, iseresoo isotter, ma proVost hootilitr to allies* GoostarlimmopepoWiLassiost tap I1. diaisioss os moo, labor sad religiose treats art 1146 saboto. aspassis swiped solitiber valor, mottos et Maoism o4S4oro sod otbsirs is isr Otos*, goosmapragedosois 11% =Wail vreisimaso sasiast Ispan. MIlitssy assists's* ot 131aito4 Mtatio sopbosisod. Osman ass aims sod iatemosts plant AP. AULacla TO *omit assail to &OUTs partisipaticat laver sasiast Axis. asossois and military assists*** sopbssioti la prOpollosisi (b) aielidialLialiats. 10 swim's of swentusl Daitsd Matisse' vistsff Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 4,4 OW* (0) 111116011111- iillatals, Oa* AMA* portie$1.1100, 'oh OS taro* iOrisicartioptso Propoodis 04'14 00106.000) *Nem Wol, root W. Ws* AWN. illoOrtor trodoissio it Pitirelt tor Was (s) MINIM le impair Immo'low Pipope4poi4. LUI0.44 Moto* 011114t0i1001$110 00411,01, 010.1440, 044 or 4140 W Ofiveliiikairpowwliiiir 04 *Ow 4440444. Ainimmoot tat MASA UMW Yirlisitya *Alpiwiate rn V,$. low atm taersomisit tow of al Miiiimitspoo (10) JissaliikAmitisk to pot 0tts.0000001 ilk OWN* PfteA.144111. Proposmiis stkao414 omplositse **140.11 lOortiolosSioike OioviOtoit Viktioei lieittems viiitory la fitttat doloorstoor sot ? a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ,k 4 111,+,1 . . ? arikibia (a) fo loolist la islitmoto 7oposatoo doiroot os4 to osoonisp itioerdl000 mit oobotrosoo Iiipatoolo shookli bo, goolit aik Aweless I:74**ot *it Milipplimoo AlaUbIL (a) alaidark-likilia To permit Orterilkorom Staims solvaromat agia swam% p000to 'Mk MILK ? Ok.? ""T't '/.4,..:!"-;:?41, 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ???? 411116 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 01. ? &At Wth Gorman and 4apan hovel edequote lot he home popuiaLiono ond Spore moms* at first, will n*ttalseaton ths esoarity of oontrol, 41P440041 rola a* tho color of We Ond the oolored races has been effootive in areas where British, and to * looser oxtont Dutoh rule did not establish lo Japanese and Gorman victories thus have proparod subject areas and noutrala for resignation to Axis domination, Whilo the Ioropoan sabotage rat* is rising, manypeow? plo aro becoming more maenad to cooperation with tho Axis. This oentimont varies, howtoor, with conviction of Axis victory or defeat, The Gorman will to richt haa boon greetlr etrensthened by throats of what %Ill happen to them *tor the war is over. Japan's* mill to ti ht hae been etrengthened by teaching that it i.e an honor to die tor country, and dishonor of being captured by enemy, A long period or Lovornmontul dootrination hen cratod a unified public opinion at home which ie faithfully promotod by rowrnment spokesmen and loaderps Thla is particularly true or the younger generation doing the fighting, lor will to win is slowly growing in the unitod Ototoo, *gland, Omnoda and Atiotralia, *worse* will not diminion this but Will load to demands tor ohengoe in government and olio* ination of wdefonooM loadorship and substitutiat of detorminodo nonovoliticalj owin tho woe government, Auden control of home population gives AO sign of breaking. Won** spirit will not *Wit capitulation even it retreat to Urals occurs. Chinese rosietonee to Japan will continueli Ae United Nation,* oasistonos increases; China's morale should born**, United National operation* in the Philippines will find support Prom the native popnlation mouth to mist intelligence and pronto and to provide rose manpower, SECRET -1 1. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 _t ? rt:t ? r I ?o? _ ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 411'11-r01, se 4,104219404 AlAI. GermAny And Xtstp hovo now Won faking maxim* Ivor effort for two end ogle hAlf poor* lonor then tho Unitod litotes, Apathy tOwArd the wor and dor0A40111 mAy b?expOitod Peonor than to th# United OtAtoo And (*mat IlatAini Oorman poltost in Min invaded or datinated Areem haa provoked mtrong AfItiwtiorman tooling, 'rho Aabotace rote im ationt doldile that of NOY*. ombor 191i1# mellow is Ahort in normony And ropleoemente from other gountr tom 0,10000 Aphoowlodod in May Aro not oftlsiont in prodtiotion, Thor* im no Actual agrooment in atmol Arla &venom/ war aimall, Ths ovontuAl Alms or (Inman)? And ¥ will brina tho two ountrise into ooneliati thoro is opon Osman di o1140 of &hymn ond diodiqn of Italy* 4 - *Utah pokto *JAW solon. WO find erttilh not tL whioh Aro open t Axis prePetends *Rd premisoo, And *WO t4remton internal eabo1 a0e, The failure of mutusl uniurotsiming bouson Ruettia and 00 other =wallows ot the Unitod Notions And th4 ono. of strong Antimaossim leanings in the population And loAderthip et OroAt Pritstn end tht Onitod Ototes will oporsto to make a ftioso,v0ormon srastio$ poasibility# only oftootivs Aid, not sentiment O r pvomioop will koop Ru#144 motivelY fighting OnrmAnys 4ows in govornm mint 0@itiono strOnitthon ogwmmA Aoeumationai defele Situ notsmoot Provam or bho Atimntio 1:har1or hos llttl* Ap0-0, tn kuropo or nnywiter. Alio@ And rAiloa co 401404 an thi4 MAWR 0' Wia And tho oolorod r*oollis SECRET grata.. it 44.4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 tk , at U e 24 of' Itetite $oupeoteil wite00 to thit ,00mised tOtteetiiik,La31,110, s.. litet et IOW semiskerf the polille eittootot et Wit aim bodellaseet 141104110* 11#60 forh tho elsoweetenolliie, lib** iareaUetist WON*, taieS "he Vittot *Was *II Use to Ili Mao ow potty sok hoesoltio 12sebnien sit es. illsolgimiest *soli 110111, oar 1st* 'fat* losseirle est eintanfael sevioiee et Mesideon ftresoie 2. alliallsf Pdbli* *WW1 is mai lint that to Oat WU& Matas,. Oars is LOUP ossosahte to Rosales *4400 the *t. aisAne tissard ibitted State* lielmai* time ,slowsollis sit MpesOa (taw Arm* amottano) ers not ts14fray oothsolooialia Most the low 'foes visto bet la areavrel tbsComisnams woad isillest the toselitea ot the VOW Eltaleos 3. lb* sooment gemwel idiUmiteseW te le?sed highp tot that tam sioposi siLlimetian malt asit liosvoloia? it to set so esetele? Catioassidal optative Aside* in Wald sevael the% the Megrilisik boo vow ft* thi4r preepowto %Oh the elentiesolk it the Itseetimostisstselee m*l. that the IlepItek Mora Mg* ileveso cle sestrivlomee, seit baler la Paissokei 22amit the eneuned attamtlea uey teeet in, e, greater ripasetlen et iii.3144,41.0tit? The its.** sit diescesliamitian 'mold ourtiseset the - me vie 1., ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ?? 4 4? 1 - . ; o'???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 r /WOO Oe 64,00111 oil 41.** Swot** *NO* WO 14 110160.4o 1000k eloP'italOod, Mtho *Wit Alb* poop** -0400.0,04 Osomow to the pilot oe ~Us slikttooto ALIAadi 1400007. 111.44011 woo so* Moot oe latke boortillo to 1144$40 **4 bentiiisa oit ipispe, OA 144 lomilivv.Y preopoom611, loovoo oft p000tiolo oostirolitootia*, soot Sioili000t gioirdievo Nook Woo 1/40001/1 100110.011144. 04410.0040 MOKA* 0101 411110 lattbk ANSI. *motirioo) goo* mor sid *64 to latiwomil osolOolow? 5, Partiolipottet 4** lop*101.1.0. isposepookOor +W* *ad 400110**Iir (timaistal oak oirawamiko) VA. Violost eta* rovoiroo pUq#04U. is wit* 0. kali& MA* olopoi Ss Mott pootttook wee sootwitity. allitabit. Wo tiapormase So, ths Uto4Jh i ostothtwedNit tho gitissat beam that ham MON* lows tisst arid that LT is Um Omit wow 4-esto sal Aii0trollike 411111141,4161111LAILMILIU The oillaotostlititis"rat oigtoliUsho4 *Or to Cons4as 1i PP410014?4 or * lompsoostilmoil *talon* *mid mosoiomi* *ppoomoiro %Mb, toosist pow, on4 rovivg loolottooteg? With a prolosigiso ota***to* Vorsoo sos4 pioottelle lose It AN*406 Dooki. .43040 4114 Analijs last UM* 101144000e. 11.1d Itetti *Mad inaretsittiati r000ptivo to *two roptiauti with WUI$4Nlakii*Witinit !trait trni16000410. Wir tho mash AMA& 9 aittaji? IlmoAl is not cm tb. *Ina or 41042taling mor retrowittroThis IA .???01.1.- ?????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100250003-4 ? ? ? or. ?IrOtis ,?I , at, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 'Tr ; /04 - - ? ? beiptasit ismaisaft Como 4US01 *Wmm woo me* lot 1011104101 34semo *my ttio 41114.04.?TO 1,0400014.40sc 11001400 10111 *INIS4 410 MVOS Mettria 110i 4011$11 U004 "AU SOAP.* *Woo A?er ? .7. -flre;-?g? 1404044 SAI 41014 &i 4.41.004 haottitfidi. I* Nos pm/pool* sr AlUisiti *Airs" a= Oro AWN* IWIU et* oportuatfor ter Ws Sattitaststio 16.11 pit*. :I iitt Ow* ilivlbotvid wilts% roomisoliaatift fiwitimistko a* now War orrieta riolitith Arrioa, *VA 44110 St WAN 4004011101, AAR gams 004440"0-1* /*moosin virip?Avls sopettsold milisit&44 $4 SAM" 110 sibuoittal amithse4 vault I* via lo44 boom a Ornite *or* isiflowimmo aed tosistmoid lootemoto oglabooroUsitio 4:3 ball. It (h. stimatroitliiiii44001 *age odoolkwro4 *run, iortamt 14016110104 Nimilies vow twoketliky, id uSavexpomi to tok* isatiodis. fit 0011040" to woo WO* Moan om 3* Wow** Abotkol ap,) _ ? ? ? ? ? .461111111ho? ? narlaccifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - ' ? e?. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - 40 tit b. *al AISIN? Wag, vis otr?stii imp, ottoogio 0t tho Obese 044 400041114 IPP** Clikko, boo it sisolisr .3.010,4 Sit 11,4 The bow fiwookist romp Is tit*, Sorg& si1,04 molt qui% itAttorsoitaki tows V* Odom MOtosisik tookitook WOW* sostisio Os MAN So, poirtteilir. Vow% Woe ftstositiast Woo opithoida ta sor :vas Vow. *pa% "MO *(I 3* V* TAM.' *Woo angt ow it ommegwastp *Avg portailiii" Ss sitti4ii14 011414.4 sistit itto rosobtkog boo oit Mos 0114110.00 'hostU tibi Worm* stluilitioit Mot tko UAW ritsess hid so* Se011010.4 hooljoilt Rod* NW** Ova polior Sites lowitititt MM. ositio.) out 604 osioirsto prosposto d *Moth" WA, two so son OLIO* Maio or Noted* .0014s. Clibios *Oat solo ? 4..1 isttk 4.1*0 1(11 Dow* at NNW* airerimbor *poet Oa *ego kw boos loft Avigoot, 1vost$41104 Aor so a 1.011. voiss46, Moro As, ttostovvott itivogio 4101,4101P %Ufa, litebikkaatil 041401010, &OS to% rompolo ittlittt? owl is arstiol*** iitilott load riotwoo fussoto, t140144810 ThiAlk sto miss 44 **sot &watt to low hoe apousot to 0406 *OA (mei Witiollit Joid tho WWI AMA* So *to 064 tio stso es Prosoios tabor* Dioti Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X000n1Rnnnlnnogrv-v-, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 4.4R154: r 444 '21'4 -4 - F-; It ot 11.400. , /ii? *WM Sig 01011,4 sad moiler O. wigs& .4011114.0 vow oil SIM Ittio /AM hoe* pooriaMiimi OW.iuIU NOMA* Osions 1000110,4404 Iota tel now* AmilisLaNalodapie Ike assmook ordlitioso 1411, istitiotoom th tI0000pdat WOO. pirtisoladrity Moto* wow opol clowsortos olUito# ritftion* Mauls /7,jWu 01100111, 0071107 ? ilosicf proonatrig vtlidora AU. rola^ woolliorel liosoSik JI?twistimatood Mina 4500*44$01 0:140$ (WNW 6/ NOV 'tit 1111111401000 4464 11044 3osktootio soollorip Woo tiwit 4t imokUor *Ow low astriwoX wie141,4 priopontie olitoomit r L Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 . 0 , a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 7,4g ? 11.',71 4 - . gratilb.. A.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-.4 17-?0009Z001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI iiimarros se et VP* TO* weiltitat eon": ataillail stow miSee P solget*** mow ?*1440 4 lowIT ovii** owosipOiso wow 41140101 4411 *WM 001/14 ?pk? Seervo*P 4 not allaali *OM. Psa000041, IF.101**4 11444141 JO 1?4114 p 11.10014 0 grf 01,114/ loft 4 toaftog ktog4 I soi mot poi ammo 44.44 ***** *Avow se sag *Mil 00 400 00110111011010 10 04 issmoodillo p *pow tog pus *modp soilismili* asps, firssawavoi* fosseasilss so** 44 Wow 1011.410440 4611114, Illitdilmen als 1104. 110040144144 sit IN smosetiolot smog so loom 04 imp* oil, rot am* .peamillees so owq 9101011101 voll1411.M. NOM -04 4010 it malt 11101111 414 ON tee so *ft pad* tin* miss IN *low Appq 1.switraptres 4111110,01N 11**010 100 '1.111101101 400 4100.100 40,111110101004 10.-4m00114. ? 4 Vol Ofit4 41100100011114 Nal RUIN" 141010. 0141$ *I *IV IS 01011,01.11, *el 'oemisit f ism .00.001 it* Imio ova amoi slistros AltArigsisit 10000604 psi ma sot*V pseep Voittisitila 00 *Ij1wiliwposaatvii0oNiett 17-?0009Z001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4. 00 Mato Mos oittor Jo* ot Osumi Wholiteso to to Imp sio.60001p Potilliao*Or *ado sot 004 lootiNo powtio01.01.0 011.4 osAllooktikoi Lamoo* loo4 mon* oot101 *Solt ail om krag00440 bottoms (Wow litoosiko.?si34 gl000 trol000 IMP olt000kowoko 'llo is4k os000looloo propoopoolio I14. 11M m. OostiosoOl osoporotisa sow tko %LW Noilotool diopoodi oolltimov mosoop0000 114?50 mod NOtiogs? tre 40111000 thitao WOW 000ntimoo401 proposoola mot be Am* 0000dibotail? (b) tiiJiap Of %Mod Notiosolo tho UAW aUtiotiSi io the loot PeolAm 140a MU?vow* of Nortik Abtookt isowtobi Ssputation to NI Wows ooril oomooloto ttooaotonot tooLUI. tot* &Wye osopowation boo Qom mow* 34ofilop000dlooso sw000tooto otos24 be o4rosirthooto4 but th000 'load bqexpootod to ***peyote mon eletely with the Wiled nets* Om with Fieffthe, areeisite OV 0i~ 111114114101U00. MOONe ii)* VINO* p0p01044011u, osoonfoot toditroroot ow ottsitt4 hoo4t3o to the tltiottip bid arsilittnallar MINIMAY 11* the Morriaosas. hvoolt labsibittooto osoU be ompootot to look with tow WM Uhitet 0414400 114110410040.111 ootioab The nook* or* vow how mei 414 taw be VW eimee remiiideig thee roaloit mom Soot* siwomo moo oroopolamo404 ti* *Moo 2t is mot hsvoivors that ootiveittoo et the. %free. *304 posipttaio a ONE* Clemee piviettelAgtoel attedt ese.14 to 4bootod tosoot Oatime aelikettiee imal4 Aglow the NaillAV pottom of *Unit*"p istieual eatliet. Arebi 1/01=14 bepittod sass** Jews 'I'm.% and spoolioki limps t0000ttro.01 4111,60. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 13;14 . ?,1 4 (0) OS IOW iholOtoof lowspi. fool islio.4 dittiormoos 1011103111 pegolotloos 41140 Orliner AMMO ait soitba fiapoofoof posimpois st Nlootiopoodilowe sal Asia, row AillaillhioW" woolsoMf011y foo loofa he ths 'WO* woo. foot ft ths Voolliwoi 144000 Wok 70 loom SU. sorsols Doll* sal Iloolisis ortolins poops ii?oilfdl too win sokopfort fit Om moillisok it Ws 001100 lopoals howl is isoktorlany striso1ibooso4 41.11101000 t104101* WU mat **quire Mei IMO* "0 loom as distsistetol UOtoosioliP nogliolh voloo tiospisopport sit the Amomosios Iwitiva apPOW460 goat net moisosoirits now tboA ther soolit sotivs3,7 seppoin the WIWI Nationso I o the itAtill oktiosl adyiknosige o maws, assAmo nooks on Woos Oa tisploo ifroNV Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 I. ? 7 - _ _ 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 V,?-? .411, ? a- ttioi104?40(4) -. ?At Uri'' , ,.). y ',..*I'10144,,f.-5 . ,r' V ''''' ? - , .t. ..-..!.e.r.-.- ? ,. ?rt....4-4,K*44114i11.....indr...-1.4...144.61.;1?611.14....4041.44.4414 fia9-464.02g,M.... ..e. . ni...14???-??? SECRET h* !SeASILIL. The mom ygriono arum itaw liat441 Won pr4tatilt,4,01* 7/100tiastscl putt'. Propaviodo mai oApholse failit7 of vox., Ulahaviso isolationism JApen*as (mil preservation (wit Australia and Wm aialtilds, (2) ..............b.JA1Abjc 4?T414!!Lltgal To lump D#A6 out of Suropetn theater* Ea.* phatitis oat) lux* di:trance 1,4.A? proarnsi sabotaoj titernal wpm, tualtm, Jarrznecet peril* (b) Csmacin. (1) biie Sam ma for U?S? tq2oci.si dircWd at 1,1saneh Comilarame (0) Central &Lori, ? (1) Frin...tmw? jeatittatit To p1ce protium, or. V?S? for nagotictod peace? !ArmsQ valua to !ICtX.i.00 or acaticoic rclationa with INN OrtIler? Appaata to Catholic haireanikr baamt destractian or -b4,116oirtztAG ? ?itat ,??? ? , 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 iri 'f ?.0;')Z-1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 '?.." ? ?11014f 40 1:?? +? 394.. ???? 4411.4 , 4.!;741:, ?e? r.? - , SECRET ?? ? TO ogoaroto rora to& Itbaroaaot Gorman agents LI 4114041v intAsroia Walla mitabirt ti.S? intauis femme, $37rovial appaols /slaty* twist, crvizps* rattortti (1) 4:a.o..114ptett Vogeitiattrie roolation or Britala fron athor so West to mmaining British verb ritorieS0 Oast of position in Neu Order with independent stilton Value* ar 000neolo collaboration Attsta, similar to that us*d vital U., (2) altiallaLltke To keep colt of ruxo-ean theater* Thrcata t Uth tPreit4tries and invasion threat-0, (0) Australia,* (1) ...111.o.,Ivalzti To separate Auatralla f:,em gations? IsoiAtiov 4r0 It)Jlop dataTo emphasised, Jae ril pIrad tip. AnA hole (a) Erosil (1) $11122iitelt tlave 414 for riemicoe Band or large Oarmsn and Itulian 47roupg in Paull imild be e7aterim1l strenrtheneds Moro, naI praoffurv nne zahotsee symathetic Axis rrrupse (b)Ajlmti.... and ? PtiZipaa.tAxilletiVe3 r* use krzez.,tina fla 041 s.T.irov:1 of prosuum on othnr 14 A4 countries* Favorablo Lreatiall wit.h thcvs *700104 trio* an4 4A8 GI' Alpe for tranvort t. urapt to evA to diffivo oultios in U4S4 relations* 4ffilal;01L? ??? 4.???? neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ? ' Vs. * ? .? A ? . 1 ;. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 , sm. on1;1 r- ? - traftteatri0414iPaRiViaia. 40. ? ? o.,-.4`4 ftialkatillity (1) WititalittNal segonto Atm o Tatoltaa 4041 sobAlig ter nimpathatic tx12 aoup04 Throats of blioOkadoo (2) 4 lab q*OVIROO or 'alma of 000114014 ration velth ektdOr. 114441. (4) 202401 Aar ootives To vatrapain moral* and vary hulloes to Imo front of actdevementa of Now 1rder and incraamod conemer proftotion, Thu **cum poiltiom of leraav **Wand, Cootimation of war and /A10414418 blamed on 440, Lind and NS, (b) Do (1) livos To mato* internal friction and cain a4tivs collaboration vitt: rermany* Popelostmenc or eittotttxl, And vaXuas of aupp4rt cnd purttotpation IA got, ordor. (c) eltie0 (1) rriguy V oat To bring almean actively Into Thtaato ant! and uar a nerve?, follamitu: pattanat (4) T4Fk47. (I) Tn be. act GC attach simiXar to that *god vi 111.11.?? ? -4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 rat? %. ? 4 ??? ? s?.? A 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 7, SE ET (1) E4MtatiteIall p21001/44 14111010411 torat gat 4stoilitiibift *EA Itylopatibittit Asts glaver***110 borAllitimoit activity te Axis 10440t* antg41 AM. 1404* (11) North ,fttrita. (1) Prisari T* critatoo intornot diporders and tiratt Ayala, 7trenth atra Spadatt, pato" *gait** Y.S.1 MA es (*) ilte!* (1) 1.1.1t1 vito kiwi) vpositLon botar-un 4apan And u*Sik vdkite heat* Rvilnal,* *a Afterixan thraat to Japsnese eopire and arm. ccallnic avpart, Japarkoac war of ort* (2) !Amor %that To Imp Japcn*u & ttLi rocusext Grl 6":"'.Itat and 611.$t and amr pram tolitto itho:L 001* (a) wt MIA (1) 11,12123jectivitt ii pratoto *made c1LLr the iir21 and Citotatty timtuth Japtal* tt'qk C..2 (11)Chir11.? rs.1-miL.S.htnit Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ? ? ? t ? ? 17-?0009Z00 1.00011.0000X?1.c1C11-V10 L/60/ L-OZ ese3iei ..10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? ??? gituromoD 04 travolvi4 teat4 umodT441 Torm 4.4416qtroo aTuytu,*: 70 astroajitscroTAtio4 s A tt (4) uci411404141"to* -0104%1 (3% 900-in $11100 ttoilVenvoi51 otouettp jo emu 00Asonalp Immoul ovivoad oi altatt spy ZO AIJ410* passimmil *nom* filltoptitglgon pitu 44p.r.4 Am in vim VW 0 **rival vu104444 PeAj 01111A100, az MiTartragilla (I) vikrtiv eplaY3 uovsmaIit 4v4uv4itr lirus4 uorouwa sktaW 1;40 in gond puo lusimameg Aint jo ttomuZeopit pus ocmig jo ouluo,s4 ?luosua***$ luptsid j* *0.1q14%).* olowsd , 11,01.111111t4We lotoov (;) itisTrotwo porthoolo Jo oti$ vt JwIlms vomtly$ .ittowswild ustmeau paktundm) wog pro *pawn* Ifirs uvrouseme4 wpiltot Cat 01Wal (W) rAMT4117 ~OA tertkpirned AMMO 11$010041 9110144114 PORI MKT 4.110 'OM "Ow 44 41111MRINWPWR ($) ftwithoWs slist0140 flL flit WiNtIM Jo sporpoimi ow* mop* Aittfon44 10.1410 * NIP TVA vi wrigt) AMR At 17-00009Z001.00n11.0000X? dCN-V10 ? L/60/ L-OZ ese3iei .101 panaiddv pue pewssepea Av. ?;? 1 . ? tr.'Tv rt, - I. ? J ? 1. ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For _ r..1:.:lf:27 _0!L:..Crw:IARf4_P1.1X,..,000o,?,4kk4t01R003L10o:,5000u43-4tiioitiouswf.44, 4., tttt?-. ThAtr siamoharogiolt Atostiy** "sam in ih* votWat woo an Itotot Nal (40 stuttsatitso, ordematitgur NOOLOW imosso Prsponds lino wotId qw?pp phasiss tuttlity of wa4 imastioates, JOlosooss stronoth in ignttnioni iltsittriedi rot meriuswimo To koilp uo, out sr Awing thfttor# rrV00 Itne osohittatiang ophoros of talwrimo intornai trout11441# Avano#s stromutb Voisl thrmit in Atlitntiao (b) (1) ,t1440 no for 1:40tIv (4) t ful4 C (1) Irlf 0 of t Uwe au cloilwaro ormipt er4444,4' 41,mph4so1o upaN Intiolotits ort rails Imith OtA copoprovort aphor*? (d) (1) WparsztjaLi 014,11 Yob 1 Rogotcloitod thrtem torritlriaa 14 Piwitto* Itorean throAta to Foltiah Wes., ..04nie, mita vauagi os aallammtlim ult4 404.414o.0 torritorlu4r (f) To owl? tritieh tow,x04 r.vdt ar untaln thrftaita ko Vettle: lolva* ? ;.? ? .04010r. - , c if in ri nnri Annroved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? I. 7 _ ,- -? . t- ?p? .02 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - ? ' *714 tto o: ,6104i 4114 vots* ? (4) biltdiajhbatittt pronst4 mailogitio *Aim Aiwoll"liatt tool Ottialikk Or Agattlai tigholotit imoliiiMo otrad Ivo* *Otto. tvizLhir (s) (1) o ptqpago stud! (14) a,6?it (1) 'k Dow mil tor vow** togUlfik, wroadsow To, Imo Argeatinn And Ohnou ant4ts tor suhvorallm kotiviti** In 4 44 *lid V 4 ,?,_ _ ultomds on otonottiO azio (4) 21,MW (1) tatmotilglinv Ti mointaln motive ?, Way maistattos to Unitad Ilationo# with port/QV:Inv 4m04.04 wees Ilort/k Xfrifor *ma 11414p4, *It OA tivt4ilkaos , t?? 7:t.? coinvivivritor W0414 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ' 7 ? 4 ? ? 0. ? ? %IP * ??? ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 , VW. (1) tomitilb "are NNW* tottabosttia with groosto- (o) 410 (1) .ftV*$ 'to "mop illtwertiom faiMand blimp TurRoy twoutrai AMA 00010 ip????kowatiorwo? (4) Arobia gng Iron* (1) AW atta (a) '141.04$ (1) rrizAr, ,A11)LI ? ic.640.14?41?????A? (a) N52,11.4 (3) rivarl tit) allttto esi7 It a to, Unitod Natiotto. oreat,* r"*Iil. Li OA ti) ok;,, To rotttavila mill 'to asht 00.30 maralt o home .dtvkiIntiot Llt. tame ..1r* constAnt rear of adr atLet AV-151 mo?s?????????iewmuum (a) Et )3Aon.......14..ilut (1) 04 CIO VON. OU., &Ivi tttar04. ??????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? ? ? '411 ? ? ?? ? ?E" 5 .1 -1 1)4- '1), Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 4 : - ;lc stad tio lu*gUam ith pzioiarlimoft poolow Palk (a) (30) Pel,1374461.10.,24nt TO Watt *diva tineat clittAborsittime AIM (1) edUlitiot Its ookistratie tom EugiAnds Patimils? powitioa Calt flo.prosl-Nerity Sphirm Ailitokry mitatieto? itt overthrow* lug Britano trkerwmowd settytto? or 4401101011 *VAS and Stcyikr? of nittiloamliat indeiptszdeat !virfatitAtoo (a) aditri o To /trete.* licommta co:11.40.1ortetion between Van. mad 41VA:it* ? fl? ? ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 1 ) - :11 " - 1- ? - 4 .a ??? ? ? ? J - ? 1 _ ? . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 ? a 4 Z.04.42inist kg, a ? ; ? ? ? 6,11 ,???? The pay041,0441 skpotilm 4: the Vatted SOURS tNa widow atlas aro listol tveactsti AatiNt,g4 (a) Piti!ei "141-* (1)o It ('Yo Netuttitirt Vat to a !, hi?, and ittareaxe %Inv, ortortA and prima hoetait7 *Mau Count* ag ai e aue mats *tat ilitrnol ol meet, la',or Anti and aminat togattoniatt. (b) Canada? (1) ft b ot ,11.4nA ou rem. Id.. Closer collsboratilv 'PAtvisen ,istvaltsplent or offernsiom spirit Countor rzoiVindst tuall Ohloo.,let propaganda too Pratleh Mmquihan00, to' (a: tta!spiltvA ? 7o -ireovullt Aviv fral-A 1.40:tica so boot* . 1-zt0.11.olo .;o4Nt. ritd&tor1Ia *r.ci?iwn t,laxtetkn artaAorn gald elt)14 MI Ivar atork, smorta propagazidit folicssio linott of ''14,11.aeol opooth (d) 14:13A,0 (I) r N. *bill st? (a) Alst.r4list, (1) Pr2L.2UV 7) TA:tint 1. r%Rd. otanco Jek.part* len tAry iloolatAnve of "uited Aktkiti e4p4hagliard. :7.:(:t-,Ipt war alas 444 trittre4ta AIWA V. ??????????? ! ??? 4111???. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 - - I. ,f ? 5'1 ? ?4. t.? kF ? ' 7.1 ,r4r1 t41416 ? ."r"-e? ? .1b `1Y{% Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 MAIML CHET A. 46,164.0"ki. (*) (1) rrittittinAttiq tG 0.000 AMU, trn WU* patio/ration trAsokood0 Mt: 412ititry saglioUneo **Ai. idiot in propvindoi (b) taimattift.L.Limoi,?140.14. (1) 414, VINO/ To owavinao amatual Irattext &stigma, viotory? (2) OetiY011 - .410111114. . To tomato (friction bdem tb rtrLos ond LIU and to oomott to itttiYo particIpation in (3) ARTIelir!,...toltellt,1 To inoratue oconlytto coll/d9onattati with t4, 'Ind to prisivnt kAim mom, in f..'.!m ..4AL2.44.60A111 1.1.:Ilth...,,a17.1.1" (1) Il1.11..211.1442j TO maintain 4.outh. African participation in war* 'Propagandri it" limy* f4 3rinA Tritaine ?MA:mak Mould copbtsiso Pian-ot; throat to .oah, Africar countries* ?flab. (4' P wiry t$ tr4 tvet ?-re"` Ll r offort. nwasaztda Wm* should mmrhasilto kaericatti perteleiptticot cowit4r 'foqb olst fttn or ao -e.rturp, 1411,.or oth.:r 01A,reo N^04- tfic?ion1r linitek' -TeEtIL:n1L.ot vl %Awry ? 7 .1; &Me: t t &ins and ilorcasod rotrortpo ti gofers* alb ? 4 IN. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? 4k- ' ? 4;131, 4 ? A0741 \ ;' 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 gitagioliftveiti* 0.) SECRET $10110140401 40000114a4"ii i?i?* bottom peviiiittlottlAist 14543ifttur tor 0414,0104110 (*) MO* (%) protiferdt maim, ofrontalot tot PropVtadoshotildomphowt*otiortottwomormorklomaglovimittowtrioth (4) 211411P \ TO pvimInt t000trotio4 with Woad bee 40o41664 %mord conviAettm of dtitotta Unit44 agltioast vt4t4014, Jmellash*t4 41411 Amitslulin otittalratiort, (11.) arlit$1,4 414 egetulleltw ritattillo tritAtftsriktwo th 1fItted 14tio imtft ii i@* 0044perfttskart* Th 7Atii tolitatatu rt ft, 64011. it Ili 441. evil VI WO* populAtiono tigul ititimbillto coottqpi wealmun Arlo. ow, rrefto Ana Opantoth taitoltfmtmo W.114,tp, 011, (I) WatuwelltIljo4 ??1.4 tav kft010.404, *As- gt, toe* in Wet 114 'tpto Ir 46 ,tr#10f.,4 itgre*,12 tn 1-,Tttth NAM, kit 11014b* or Intilit4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13xoonnlipnnnl nno ?;,-? A - ? ???? ???? ? . , . . ? . 44, ? tA" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 4 - (1) WititaglAftat. it* loomotos* bate Ilk vollott ilsoomfoo dots% Altrdi OttOttirtro intorma 410001404, *I* ***1441.? *Wm Otgeo1 i tolsoo4 On kowtow *timAiwt or fittUrpitioess 'Nor Moo MAIN: tsi Pewit-to ittig441 bo tutty *ephoAlmed vtion thew item bowl elowelk, $41404 staKt! (4) alatiaSagas (X) ab provont ovorthraw or Chlana Kolotilisk wrogemmtM sorporatilk p**po litk 4stoin (4) 44141* (1) previm prosot4 p41itio4 pilItAry ardanttAtim) no n rovilr* romique 01kma1 triongth al 01.14 front* 011,0,0?,44.4,12:20 (*) Wae (1) To *sour* DOUR moilitawo to , oistp4m0o4, 114 th rtriwt. Prtiii414* Prvir*Voldak itmOugut t'st 1043 order az itm.ohot,iinwgi wItial44 0.-o(PMficol.tio 4likotm4go plitem tin*, uanquorea toratatio* ohatla too c4A**1**44 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oo25nnma ? I- "4 ? _ . c... " ?.:4"' ? ? ? , ? '31-. '"'ee ri ? i.??:; ? e. . ? ? ? ' ' ? .471.Y e w?Vg Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 iY4 Mire 1 * 04000*.* sabi mi r *14- tooltor.4 loot. itstusiv. omit, tokorio Ott 04 to s 1**w 0140 ma., 01 sot /44.411.11 ? virmita Ooltolingo pl* olo b000sia# oolfe rooks** 440 eeoporatita witk tiro Amigo MI* oottioott ,nrioelp newowoo, wtbh Oe*Vietion of Axle wietory or 400001 tbo Gorsion to tight boo boon plootlyt ntronatkomei by bluest* if Wm* will happen to then otter tho war is *volt* A low twist of orortemoctol Aootrimittio* boo oroate& tomifiod ptiblio *pixies nt hex. Ail* is Inithtollp promote& by movoroomit *pokes*** **4 looters* Thio i* pertioulerly ft** of tho moor somorttios Wag tha fieating .01111.???? t A NOnoiat 00001 of Moo no 40000 b000kiolok ifIS will Met *MO 000#16,144401 o It rotten. to IOWA 440004$1e Ohio*** rooiotomoo be 14006 w$41 oostionoo&OVnitei soolot- moo Soloroseft, aims* norolo Onoold imorood, 40od Amortoon is Ober toot Wotan tooport non *000* otiose im florin as4 Soma, Afrioo4 IWO hook* sm4 to a lempoor oolammi ANA opinions Nato Woo Wt.& 04*too to be withost inporiel oskitiono %no $4644%*wrosonw one* Tho Unite& ftsiono0 414111110# Woori gives ottiotivo formals* oat *lowly *Wed, 411 stronntkon Unite& *Mono poopoonin if noosopomiet b *Uttar, onstemos# United Wits& operotioa* la tato will fin* 'minor% from the *MIN* poplotiom mom" to moist imtollisomoo am4 *pato oa4 to provide /moo manpower. Me ~Wilms. of Valioi 0$4440 potostiml stromoth 'wool* wsU so- .* Lm aoroomr. This will make mire srompt the tovolopmoat of otofootioo in Gormoar oat of mist- ime* im the iirre4o4 *meow %be militar, diowololommt 144Ssim to loomimst Uirn Axis, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X0OnniRnnn1rwv,g1w, ; . . .? ? ? s ? ? : ?? ' . a ? 63 7 ? ?? ? ? ? ? I ? ? . ? , 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 A -orP- ...g v47.**?"--- ^ ?J itItsts? f??? ?.??? - , ? ? r.s.. ?5T.s,q. Arsor-",-.?? - ? ??, ' " ' s, r "CZ " ? litoktipo bro*Oiot or .otatiOrntoil 111,01411 )11110 pswoolhodl strews oitio?Oorssita toolitaio? Thor Ws*. roto La *boot dorriolo OM of by. 040 1042. Mampowet to inert Is Ovemoilf 4104 v moat. tree ether eeentarteo #000 yeknevleeset In Mar) U4' me Ctit*$ t preivettemo There lv *Mel speemest Gomm sod Jeiumeee wee eine* the eventual eine et Sermon, *ma J00016 vIll Wag the tom ovastrieo iste ventllet. there to eves Sermon dliolike et Avon *nit 'UMW* et Italy* ssilniSor , .t. - * , OM* boo III *RI" 4r0110* n gni t' notitoollot voroormillio. *to epos to A** 0401 proatoit# ril106. tutorisol rOottiso 'SU WU.*e stelbool rodloritooklog **Woo tvLOOLit Mi OW *OOP Oile ONO Vtitiri ilettene oat -moo kr wow mittiiassii itt popellittos Stool 7irttstak ,rait tho will %sad* tirMo ovoistioo poosibil,itr? *AV ottootts? militory 44. loot sosibliamit or prool000viUiiikop Millet* ilea Provos of AtlarAto Sharbor little wall la *sops or sirtilowe 441410 list Sailed te bowlike' the stetu et ladt* mot the molesed ream, ? ???Ns.,4,i.".'?' , _ , - -.Aga ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001onnm_zi. ? 41, 44.4 _ 4. ? T?s5:4,1 ' 1E4' r 4.N. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 e . ? II: ? ? . . : . _... .. ? .. ? ???*.? _I i.`,.' ? ' ? . _ ? SECRET J.C.S. 12 1942. Cf.18 am (2.44.42) COPY NO. 61 JOINT U.S. CHIEFS OF STAFF PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Note by the Secretarz The enclosure is presented by the Joint U.S. Staff Planners for consideration by the Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff. L. I. bicDO.,ELL. ENCLOSURE 1. Th 6 proposals in this paper arc intended to Laplement the directive on subversive activities and propaganda as contained in the American-British Grand Strategy, approved by the U. S. and British Chiefs of Staff on December bl, 1941. This grand strntegy provides that subversive activity and propaganda will be employed in wearing down and undermininc Axis resistance. 2. The scope of activities which includes "subversive activities" and "propaganda", referred to hi t=s. psychological uarfare, is understood to include all ferms of activity and operations, outside of crganized militar, nction, calculated to causc a deterioration of t...e .T3rni, and military effectivenoss, or L Lnprov th ioi'i. ositiDn of non-belligerent countris towards tht United tions. 3. There arL thrcc_ cl-Ass,s of r.r.':s rsychelot..ical warfare can be effective. First, tr.o3c des,.F.'llt,d as thea- ters of operations; sLeond, tnos, L11 not included in theaters or operations; *rid tnird, areas. For the purpos, of indic.%_ti:1 str areas art:. furth(r clussifi,,:, as Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 ? has sae responsibility, those in Which Greet Brituin hsolv respon3ibility, and those where thc United States and Ormt Britain, and in appropriate cases other nations have. joint or common interest& 4. It should be recognized that th?. fundame,nt.,1 purpose of psychological warfare is to supplement military rfar in such a manner as to contribute to ultimate. mu1itir success. Acceptance of this fundamental leads to the conclusion that the integration of psychological warfarz, with militar4, strc.tegy cLn only be accomplished when direction is given by the military command. 5. The implementation of psychologic!..1 warfare. consists of a planning phase and an operating phase. In Lacia phase the activities of interested agencies will be eoordinat.L.d to cccom- plish the military objegtive. 6, Directives for psychological warfare in activ,_ L.ti- ters of operation will 1:1?; included in brsic stratL:E1er.1 Plans for psychological warfare in otlitr bc with stratc.gical obj,.ctiv.s approved by ti J0.1.nt ..1:1d/or Chiefs of Staff Committec. Basic strctesic of 7sych.;1c- gical warfare must rase tk cognize_nce of t:a. intcr sts facilities of other co-bclligerents. 7. Tho departments of the Unit?d Stt Gov:rn=,nt directly responsiblc, for basic strater,ic p1r..ii cper&tions for the conduct of war are tile V:Ar znd D-pLrtmcnts. AFT.ncies of the governmcnt involved in thL impi:11,,ntatiol. of psynclo,i,-"1 warfare plans are tht.. State, Viar and Navy Der-rtntnts, th- 7.7;c::rt- malt of Justice, thc Coordinator of Inform:tIon, t1-.c of IntLr-Amcrieftn Aff'llrs, and ttL. 5o .rd of Eco:It-.1.:1,: 6. Actual tircatIng QC pitychalcri r:arrcr air.ctLvet, for th,.. nr,rs dLoignat_d th.-nt,rs t.-bc, controlld arcs not Included ? ? ? - 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 cJ 2,111 444) VC) 17-?0009Z001-00n11-0000XCI-c1C11-V10 L/60/?LO eSeeiei JOd panaddv pue PeWsseloeCI ; t' iq rtl 0 1ttili '1111A10 .141 1 yittpth30 1,0 Itt totti,01 it! Jill, IpAptv-ImMoVid I I I gv10410 vtuiel qgtlia-mfotit'imV 0111 lit. JjW1V 11141M0.; q 11Mop L I t4OW tIptiWitt;ductd titttl 111 it: Ili,* A t' ? N110,410 "11 111d1111dMI daPJO tl * ?11 t t.1 ? 21?4?.:4.1Miair.:4 416.1.3k.;4=.3rak.7 6111101V1r0t/MM00011 ,111 p.m:4100Q lit 4dtliht1011 OtAtOOdN I 3A .1 clut.t tv:311 I t tt,?;' 1,3 :2 01,101 I tilt RA ill 1.1 tItl t M lit ?t') ?.341 ? P 1 imi 44, lot oitoritioust ./3140t,tm 1014A ju tfoll000 4w41 dq !:1 lI1tt t1Iijal1 otm, .0t5titip 40hurt t ti c,fI t.1 0!t1 j.it i1.1 1.1tit13(1 A4A It)m vilor It 1.,01,1141. 1111410 WI t t 1M lt,1 I I131 rim t'01.0('11,110ROd it 1.16AtilAM1 FI,OtottoVt4 ltmolide;AOW cittp t to tit 1AA it) "3 1111)0 lit otri t. .I\ .t. 0 jsitrIV Jo P,Pvittti 10T0P Pt" '01001 '401111 to (10t1110?Y-11 ?Ill HI ma'itititimmon 3t2111 )0;00'4 L'tl't t'AJt,i/ 01 IOUVIId JO uoiltio,Ixo C7tI oA loaluom Itottuvrttlu Ill 51?tuutild oloott tiortdMouoN dopito lii,'t t tP4.4 tit'Ot tit Xtnts oatipoo 11'001! 'OQ POP Rel Db(IPITAIWIP0 ROU?dTti to;ititI ci0,4q1 inu etetWO III 00t4tUtt940 to3mul1 401 jo RouP0o 'B1'11011.1 (J1P1J00J01N ticiloritmloo og TtTM P1021014 qui5a4WItTaq .000U put, 01011t ;d40 JO 0a0111"(11UIPatviTouT qou otloav, pottoaq -Uon RIO'Itto 01 Jdvil.tum tfloOoloqu'od do HomomulcltiT1 sixoputumon LIPCOPT) pla JO um potl toaqiulo &Tun quolx1 lgoltnj Nul cmi poltoldm@ OQ wpm 4itiautiotio71 Ttil JogpiliTTio@j row; Tomuogaod mu ijotiacitul JOpttqWW60 gq3 JO lunpueidopul dotiomitl powlmato UI UttTMOdUJJVM 1401'8010400W OttA04Y0 40 ingaldo mq pommaod oq gottgb oU loin gomiboa tt4 worgwoo Jo U 1OUJgT ottommodo JQ JolAton UT oabm% toolgoTogoitud Jo uottliumo omit wmumnd /70111 41110P 641 Jo uoTtiolmIP awl nnm potidud Irt izoj perfutMao ovrpouroologno 11 Act (Mop 17-?0009Z001-00n11-0000XCI-c1C11-V10 L/60/ eSe3i3i JOd panaiddv Pue Pe!PsseloeCI ,4 ? - ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4 T 2. That a subwoommittec of th J?tit 5tCtt Planners, compose of two members of Cho Joint Stvatsgic Cor4. mittos, two members of the 0-2 Division, War Department OtnerAl Staff, and two members of tho Divon of Naval Intelligcnce, Office or Naval Operations, shall bo constituted us tnu Psycholo- gical 16arfare Committee. Di That the functions of the Poybo1oici. W4 4 fare Committoe shall bot a, In oonjunction w1t4 subordinnt, )guncios of tho Joint Chiefs or Staff Committee ond thu State Dartmt or otlum existing government agencies, to initiate, formulate and dovelop plans for Puyohologloftl VWrfaro. b. Undor the, diroetion of tht joint Chicfs of Staff Committee to coordinate psychological wnrf(trc of other U. S. govornmontal ivonutou and to collhhorrito wittt triter- td nations to Lho ond that oll poyohologlol warfart. lo In occord with vprovod otrutogys a. Au an ogalcy of axt; Vvvr !Ind Nnvy Dopfrt- mont,o to 1)) roaponotblo undo. Lhk.. Joint Chl(;fo of Staff Commtttoo that PhYoholoOottl witvfaro lo intygratt,d with mIlltary otratotu. 4 ?ftr. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100250003-4