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Fur, 1,11 nal , .1"1 iatnn tit ' 110 , n,ve 1V ' 'md' 3040,y, ?..-4 kh11.14.15..1 .MINFSED,4rlabit,4151MINIS*,. i . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 ;silt 1 An : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005 iratV4.13MT ???Tine. It.14 nn. ? ..tri ,13" ;5 trwAorAnn ; (la +rot 4614,1;W,..,?A T i ?0 ed LI ? 40' ? ? '.`41r .Fp...L11.ft; nt 'Y'',zt,Ft1P-^f: u note' , ep`1, 11,1 ii" , - nvf, nn?nr,n 4,jai '.111.14 Otr'1114'.;0',IPK4n) ? , t14 rnVO"' 3i-L1' T1' f. I 'It and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002700 ; -;14eff ' Yhttiiv.; ?;;?.11' ilt/WSW; I .f 1.1 ad; Ta4.14,464121reaMITItrial'.. VANA Declassified and Approved For Release Illidtt.S7447." tret ir4I N t 4 /Me ? 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP tithEMIEL ' ;.4"-4.-1.44)1/1? .;4.: ? I. g6.4.-Ot 113f - g 13X00001R000100270005-0 01' `7't' Ttiarf Offg 70.4.14 t ?24. 4 M1 a ,14.4 =40 , rmal iffb TIC . ? E - ? Oa' ? ;I . . ,414111444.4.44444~ k el-gar4 ? ;.?-trtfp ? ? -- . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Pomo 40,0140buiD OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Etyrint POM OFFICIAL. DISPATCH 21 JUNE 45 BERN, SAITZEFLAND ..1010.1.60?11,4 0.4.11?1?1}.011i1M.11011.40 COPPICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 11?12.8?????1111.10lalneneamIONA.I?11110.11101.....????????????????????????????????*???????????? DISTRIBUTION ' ?igen Acnole? ? X-2 I PRIORITY 1 DEFERFtED ROUTINE I N-16633 tI -ivii?vJez?^-ttozt-0.--?aenc==sams dr % 41PIONNINI Maoism %Mk la?-?106-0 ar()1R INFORMATION) D I REcroa$ MAGRUDER ,RECI5IvED IV CODE OR CIPHER s,.LIA?Ler ,1c4-4 ,s-3171t, A-21 gliter SAINT* NErtmcNcE OU 1103819 (iNI?1491a) FROM 110. OUN ern REpowrs THAT FLIJIIIIURAt WHO IS IN CLOSE TOUCH BY CABLE WIT). 10044 IS INSISTANT THAT BEFORE JAPANESE SURRENDER THEY MOULD RE- QN4AIE ASSURANCE THAT EMPEROR MILL BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN. FUJIMURA HAS SIM MAMA AccouNTs IN Loca PAM OF 110IS PART IN CAPITULATION OF NIENSANN IN =ITN ITALY AND IS ASKINO WHA TERMS SHORT OF UNCONDI- TIONAL BURROWER WERE WAANTED Ti) THEM. 1114 11.133 ItUL COM SECRET Nelimeeepom dory agintdocti Too Cuts 114310111...AVOIMUNALTICOF "SON Nit INICASTAXIAT a. Pultf$490031fogoilaimar $44FliVre,Vor4A4.00'il:Q.AftlioNA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/ um* 1945 LIPB0.1; 10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 OFFICIAL DISPATCH 111:43reg =274..1111=13 4?111.1111ill'ABNIIIM&PION,dir...,??????,..?????????? OFFICE OF sTRATEen SERVICES Vi.P11040.10101.00.510ftwommil. +41110PPOLAIM.~..1.4?Wego AC rot P.M.1.11001,PIR.41114mwin?MI scrior (I) DISTRIBUTION XXX RomisonoR.MIS PRI1ORITY ????????????edwPROP. ROUTINE DMIWIRCO i5:).20 von itipoRmATtotir-- 137.- ? ' * ?Wmilimele milimmemim W-41,404 _ 4.1 1 1 IRICIEEM) IN CODE OR CIPHER TM MP ET AINT. Actioneaashington. Information:LontIon9 7r/2529. Inoue, counsclar CG legation mitked D10/711 to rut him In touch with an AD agient in 'United States throtgh whom CG asents time can reror4 military information hero via WT. BOV111 temporised and mske4 me for instruotionmo He I to see Inetw JUtio Ilth and un3esa you instruct to contrary tell him matter will take time rad sok him boanwhile for queatiennaireso ruggest you intorm in earliest Tensible name and address or * ammo in Milted -tates 'rho can be contacted by CG agents* hits ra Can 444* Ihicken food cou:td nen be sent here by amble end given to an *gent of. turn here tn tivn over to Inoueo 164e4 agent soul& beInitroduced to Inoue by 1,3D/731* near() ' ittAn -urgent ,;. - , L.. . - ? ' ' t ? 411111001001 Ss* TOP SE CAtain StClitittAlKIAT arr,41?12061.4?4a14wir.-4044014404400#0parmlefirnAIMis 41434 4.; ' `414 :;- 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 con Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 -1* *if, wriglaradi tr *auk iSCO espas 101121011101015111111141?01,110.1014Wiknoftlio4P4141440cdfollootlummodlodro** atscittortot 9110.1121101? mkotititAsza re; lotro.4 atm si104. Am '?'0.tY*Or; *C;4614001 CDF14 ? -kit said 3r4- 411TJ WORD SIMI rocs&rt. of a top sskEir 1?11.-11M001?16h4100..mtedierg itcrE4Sios fit3. RE,J,IsrRy /'7/ r accE.SSIoN oATE. OfFicEtidiRA6c6 teGGEu sy. vitoM414 below A,* vimposatia* ewe tits attsqmed TOP Cr at 10" *Nilo tastittto erItrikliglitik OIL tooeipt of t hie aCU- t Iogl pot r 1 4 Zall00 p: t e (Vim ota a* 00441?14 alcor*1a4, to TOV S80151 rtwitatious iIii?. 40114VOSist lir tilt *tilt e4stt r, COUM 4t Catod. Gina t tea , tine :*4*IimP*** a*4 iskit4*1 WLtt taa *kat* 4414 tine rtsLitaso la apipwittim hie itaut, tuai. .4,-.1% ASO at ata$1k okowo oaty to r 416010 41010- 4.0601ipatex 1,1,4 wb,* *r* requirad to know tilt) Coe o liar 444 wIttb tko saftaeoping of P*14.14W Olti44 pokap*I***X* tot alkd ntsat i etbriAmi *watA114114 ` ? AC...4 ?? / *4,106 00** t o***, _^.401*M*011 0** rfelt0t4 ft4st "Ai - 1=1"rtrZgarlei_ . hitCttirto tarts Wil h ti- tle op8cr-t Joni ..tif or oAtion wt t-t .? tti4 do ti ttedot taen. I trtt eourIor Hoce,pt No, 001011101 iNiTiAL4 oAIL am?????????111 1 1 V CP4fr114 hce ?Mi11?0 /1.0 c? Aft *Lae 1 LI' ? -1 4: 2":1-.1 ? '11./7? 41r ;Zc.-47,4: tr?- mgeonma m?-mmoomar2 ? ,J0tAbli* 4**usert4 tb.6 wcmrAat 4,1, 00 *florin 04 $0444.4 ii aa permatie,A ttuo ;a Coat .ifto t o 0.'040 *to 4,dtoit COUr t#r au() t Re 4010 4 0:3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 4,1 ? 4Declassified and Approved For Re lease 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 OFFICE OF STRATEutit.; mogiiit4 Top MP 'Imre ..m,??? .IUMP?010 ,1?? (WICK Oir STRATTON: SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH 2 June 1945 EleiNgalUaNiirign3Q3=====t1=11161=1MOTAL ,4114.61 01 0041,00:1AisigaglballOPIIIIIONO0WW04010.41VMMI milrawaapliairtaft C 104.1.0....e.....11~0.0,...hrdie k rall, .awratidak ww.akkrraararess-.....erspower.4.????Perx. .....spas..............sosson.r.owe. ilIIITRIBUTION .................. ,., Dirst3tar CO (2) 1 -7F4I-liFiriiiiikiiiiiii- ........................... . ......... ,. 019003?00~44111111n* or* .0,,, AANAA-As.....11irt.A.A.. I 4 jtmorprom ! PRIORITY MOUTI N* Ibertiglitig IN 14918 /4461 INIESOMMISOMMIMMONEININVISIONIMMOOMMIMINOWSONOMMOOMerar. . - -StSaffatatie=VDM"raMPASXMMM:r2r-$ tr-.1 774 'L 40001111,01100111.1* 1111040104 010_0020.2.2! CODE OR CIPHER TOP neRET 00504, From 1200 Reemstie our #3.0009 CB 3.2800) 0111, 03 is in tomb, here wlth lomjimuts. understood tc. los OW, of ehltof roppossatanivea in Europ0 of Japanese Navy *ad formerly Assistant Norval 4ttaahe Borltn, rurtnura is tappoOred to tmi in direct and occret cable conte t with *Tap odastor or Wrima t.21***41 to have confidence of Jap *AmAmint4 R. indlottee to 673 that he belteved Navy cir- *los ft? now cnOtrol pont Jai) Govinernment vould be willing to fumndor lot 4.**tr. to aave some face out of rrecYago tr primabilit Th.partlemlar the7 stress) necessity two Em- othorpIa. comitudam and chaos will ensue. He also strompos ttt *n oanna supply itsolf rtth primarily zu- sealtial Itonsitutts v91,L. iret forwo as sugar sine! rioe from 4401 th* I2I nate to riltAin dome of their merchant 1010 isto-ad irsportio. ? k - -4 " , 4 ' 004 44,44,46646crr 4 WilirtiPAL40141a1VestM.4kif: t ' it( 1 11A46.1.1.'S. 't1) .4deR n n Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oo27nnn Top 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 OFFICSAL. DISPATCH 1:15:4X===aptc2=1"===71::=L 9.11.10***momino...* OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES im.f.pideqs**0.***ploomm ***mbootergdom**0* - 14410101010001;11iNilifteratatzavarmasgertv=lommonsilel DISTRIBUTION Iltellrr111 lAT ?????.?2?????Nllmw.t PRIORITY jtOUTiNg DEFERRED Itl 1060 ???????a110.......e. - *WIENS:0 IIN CODE OR CIPHER a #111144 TO MOON AND WESTON Fitlai 1C14, SECRET SECRET lAIN TWIT L1CNeH 14309 ( IN 13934) IS cOta/uN14- sotto ma J. ALSO .00:4101TE 111380N-CONDC41 #24.69 TO Pat:stow AK) JO3. 1 - " ' _414-4 _; ? ? ? !? CANS ?.,-,N*--,w,gcdtaot,trvkt--,hmvgeaiwktktSkkT"*iereOgraoveitma*uliUaMiiktstvpoyerAA5x-E4,A,vttsQ-oti:-s._....,?-l-. _ A rf , .-1F i4 .3". ? - i1";eit.4isr**, 1r2;ItiesL.?Z:Lc;t.?.., ,56:741,7",412V5,1 1:L.-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001 00270005iiiiismitivitataws 4T ; - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 314*AfORE 4600 WET ilLk* ipeopsret oeok TWO epos receipt of 4 TOP Sticsar 1110.101.11000,0011 IIICIOWW606,006,06.3111.111106.11.414611A0IMMINNIP 6:666.1116116.111161?0611 144ottti. iy4460t31144, r*: - 00004141 404T 14010"1110116 cepy ell.; 04% at Illom sTitsCwittAtaz 1.0654!eli!724 raut.b...4004: co* mimosa erainre amiremparsomm.spipo gilriairrnott .111iCO koto44 ItsUld 1ke rotpossAki* rov %An etteemod rop SUIT deattecot tft t* tele OfilAxm. or 'reset. Oa reeeipt of thigt docatiout fr4n aniahor V-WO otSpoits tkis term smic sorts4 to TOP SICRI1 reloaat3)no, ettoopvre.!,n oitiM VIM 4krk WANOr It I Or VI, spikoss U? aostests sers oSslimstoneted, *mot ctiga witn toes icaok 4** ttMO r*S011.44 tioxt1441 wits tee tate sad tiles of voloani to tor tOVA.Cti - provitimit eptspoitio Aito S4444 ISA* docusest say se shows only to pars 04N a_qt hOr eed 'Mr 4/1-4* VIII 4&*r 4teskseeiStsPA *ell wit* ere timoirod to know # he teterie4t ton Whit EA it 411 . fi*eoik. lorstfm, itogeoen 04 with tho **telteeping of thin do?:Ik:Aent b y ? rl -':411g10 tw MIMS** 041 Innen? it etiklintiniaLt tar sad matt r et 44' 4 . IMO kiegirt* fortikkriv rost 414. ies 4tt41j itieweestet *se e.eS7-4 h4 *WititTtoe 1 r;te5 . ? s- ' rr; REol SYR'! Act: g ON / ACCE33.1419 T . ?Xfri fokblt 2. .9 OFF ICE OR iciR Ni.;s1 .407.#4.4 c:50;k- _ 1 varwmarmr s Courier lioco;pt 1 't 144 ..y, irtibIklr _ "woidravolifie - 'f ' L. . onmsnurrr.. ------------.----------- kietiviot miwihmiwwww. - ? - OF L.EAL') -_ 1.........................1 I I 141 i k. *40 wow" . ,, , , . rifil?Ittilli , ?ATE TIRE .11...410frilMed.M1.141,ffil, MR. INITIAL!) I ...................... t? A 1 E. , T1 t , t . . _ .. ? ?,. ,' . 1 * ....................... 14, 11, .. ,,i,............ -..-t . , ?I i . , . - . . _ .: . ;- " 4 3 .. i.4. ? , . . e . as ., ? ? , - 3 ,- ?? r. ?1.: 11,,t ????? , , '',...1' ' ? ' ti...,,,.. 't.F:"*' ' ' , , ? . .. ., - . , ,,Lj. :.-.. ., Vetgl,--...,: ... ' 7 ? ,..?',.. , , . . .. g ? .. . iattA_ it-.......,-?... . . . i ....... ... ._ _ ...of --.. .. Li oilL,01 .. . . .;'? . . . . 414 ? . --_ ,. , . .. .i _ . , , - .. . i . ? ...? ?? _ .. . - A ? otp) - ? - . 4 9 :1 t . -. - ii ,, - .c...? :. .e f . ? - - - ? ? ' - - - 4.41044*.eleme. , a, ? 'F4: '' f ? i .= ' - _ ... '..-'', . . . ... ? . ...4` ? . ''' '-':',.? '4 '-? ' : 7 -.4- ?Y, .' I ...- : .7 -1 7 .4. - r.E ' 1. ....: , - . .. . ? .. , , , . , ? ., s . --. ; ? , ? , , ..4 jailiine tI ._ .. .... AgetilliikatillIMIS _ _ _ , . .. . . .. _ MI. A.K.VM11. ... NW . . .44.4 ? $406V0#0. *Osseesit, the MO suet eigE. i'13 ., Nifitr4eMada tt 40 It. Vitaliiinfrnt ro, tit. in JO-SI Ottle41 Caritist\to teN next 1 ,.,...,' ilt+S da4mx4st. 1 - ooneibri tior.eipt so, ........... '14747;2' - ". ?- 11' 3L3P .;?-14,r-1 7?-t re.,:'7.4.,...44.47-,43444...44.3?.4.- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ;.` .1 0411.111101. 22 11147 1945 -1F1110110.? tecette Lesion ..11.1411111?011.41.^ OFFICE OF' ,,3TRATEGIC SERVICES 1 PR sottrry ROUTINE Dir7Eft RED DISTRIBUTION 4.0 1.1W1?1%?001./21114 0.1,1?0111?.1.0....~IMMOIS WO* AMMO ? alt=eftitioseldliirtitmaitt=sulimegio--1=zram=tum=11-i 41110,01100* IN 13822 CFOIR INieiRMAittiN)? M'CIEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER TOP rECIST 0111158014 Avow, u2r39) htli 4090 Infortxttiont 106 and Writ lissignigtoup Referring to Saint #12399 (IN 13528) traps Idilibeno fra.?????????? Anus has boss gives instructioris eaboerning this ilatteit Aithal thie operatics touy to carried out by Saint kiet ilsollerfoles of the Chief at Mission, commund?. man tros this vide of 10100.0a to Director 77v.. t' " ^ - t ? r ; i? - .f.,?!..7 ? 1 ,t! T..- e ?,,p: - - TCP ..)ECRET C011#04.4 '4""mnootefliotargasamitaimiartogookomatemaymagatowliliht,w,u44,-,,,44,404,....,&41._ = ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Oil itt ;.?71 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 - . iettpe, DIUTORE RECORD San' 114 00 oreparait b ukflin TSCO- tpea rect4i tpt TOP eACtlir cocumact % 1m. OiSCtsPruils SOM04 47,401' 4dORIOUtili 70; Artsw4mo.wa. iitlietteWt Crtn; alto", 24 30-444ttlitl At C1 OP' t10. arcaeimuirsrohlip LLA/500}3t- .01???^??/1101110.M~Ill???????????9?????/..... a.... 4ron....," assrOh R*.CIST4, AccEsstos )0E: "Itatat OFtC Qr NC ' otAit LOGGED BY: sktaimilt 4,atole is ces'essibte far the attaned TOP SECRET documeat wUtle tt froo ancther iiCO afloat*, eacnpf.rson ana$ attic with the ease in the npaoes Oltsoas both?, ized aformat Loh which it jp document t t Lie 140. 04#04-te this Wit* or *reheat. Oa receipt of ttia do *u eie,,meeigOlpsepare Mil* Car* at 'attic*, wevorAiag to TOP SECRET rsgul 1044,0 Cul deeveeet or to Wilk.* it$ oftateate are oeanwni.lateds afe#t* 4100*.tiatk reitailweit* aria istittaA vita tke date and ttmo of rel *****011:1! 0 *iteclidP As*** Ti* Oci aler imy s1140144 oqly to It* linnip:P Wan tosteetta$ 444 alio aro ropivot to haow the / eemilei0e* ilt*te pelt**4 temsolli staretil witk t4* eafettoap1in4 of t t$06 filiAle Stele* 's *L* is rOulassibleg for 4a4 must return tallit**11-6M4i ircrtaper theittimir%. 1.rititr ttit4bard 4411atisisal: ma* r *So Walt tree twe 1C771=7"Wrar wows) viiaksagoftw ItttAftalt mem* 41111?6414?0011.044 tgtif4 I tilt 1: t be docameat to the Courier Receipt No.. ansalkOkonnwommoilms RELEASED 6 4164.11181efiee, ;4?:- y 11 Lb: 34 Nagrperwr. (AO tigt Aiwa *104 00* 400101att, i. SCO aunt aiva on 4 *; otit14144,* it a t _ m poriboA recor.t in - ,14 ii4V COttiPter to the hout T5_0 ' ' $ 0040 iteucOt 4 Mrotfar???'444114.1 ti'14:14-- 4.* Ar'.Ata, t, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 .; ' ? _ m somiaggor ?... .... -..-?4-..... -E.1- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0_ '-7. ? 1.1111. 1313 ..2.1 we 3.9,..,q ..... , 41 ..? i ' r -,-1. :',4417?'4.47".- REC'D ,TO opiewimomoregismastagaasroawomac4=4,s..,- ,..- .r,.? ,..),....f.........;,44.-I-.4...w....aw.g.........."-..-r.:-.-- I, ,-....... rISAT1C 0 ZONirat I - - PRIOR FT Y ,01,1 0 atiNiewodomo, novriNi if; P FMB D 5.;-?0,1"41:t'-? r tti - . iritOat Ilik4V.24.4thilbostirtortwtorlattetoptitittmeltstousiommirttettutprommostoratant,-amottc.oto,tot........e.....treltalittieryt?aittirot.....r..-,....,....aop.t.t., _ OffliCE OF. STRATEISiC SERVICES I =,tint tt* OLOW-ttief.ruer..^.-4.4 Wiesisltr.ottt ettivottwo.tin &a..., 1,........;?.0,,, ....p. t .-. tttt,,,..e., =:. ,ttl.ttrtt.tot. et t-ta -. -......- ,.... t? ... ..rot- -. t....-. ........... - ,i024 gi? ett,ttr- trttlt rwttootig i ? ? DISTRieuTioN salsouvrow watt INFORMAvioN) OUM =tit 0 1 OA rtetgesiougOMI*110.0400:00004 11%.1 610101410410411110111140001P 104410.4 ? ? ? , r.. ?-? 4 ? 4.7 ? - 21 - *OM NVIRIMMINII gsAiiimpligutivrisarozzAt.- t !TITO COOE OR CIPHER TOP SECRET d.re SECTET i;n1s" :".-er?t -?g - ? , ???? , t4 col ? = - _ hti?? , rl ..,..' ' ,.4. '.1 . ' 'Li ---" -,-- 4.'1 -4---1- ? .- 0, , 4 . :- 1 , I ,, 6 - ''s? ? '9' ;0 7. v , ?r-r, ..:1, . ';?;'i 1-A-'47 -'k? -7 - ",, , ,- ,...i. r !..,,, i, , I.? ?%.,:i ? ,- 'f ?,...4 r t . .. .. ? ? -i.. ,,, i' ??? ? " ? L'r.. ; ,',. ...-.-..:.. - ,..,..,. . ii 11t, , ',ty. '11i.-s!. . - -, o:\;-1;_ R :- ". 4 ....., -."r.3: . ? --.0 .4- ,,,,-.,..,?' ?.' ;?:.? i ; .. 2.7 1t-ti ::, T ? :2, li ,.., . i .A - ' V , ' . t ' - ? ...."` Z 4 ter takit ***Um on Olt?Mrs 135a0) U not relloo from Weishington =16" 0' Rile449004 Wks raisuphoistsed ttult Ude 110*apt afinslut ittatordli tiL Dia COPY Otri4444o 916141101040" OferettlittiP .41 164it& ?114411$0,14300?44 ? 6.`"" 114446" .r12,44101 ..42iitegabliowstiaramstattat Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 14, ? r. WEE. Declassified and Approved For. Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 *MI PPOINIt tetirt INIRWAMPS,OPINer.o. Ur Stiattali: ? - ? PnECEDENCE Ct. A SSI 11 CAT ION IN 13331 SECRET 4131 010,1 ACUVEN OMELOW FULD SECTION1 :002* ? -4 T. ....no Inpr.e.-4,04.001.t... ECEWDIN CODE OR CIPHER wow* won ire ott nom )1 r 5...0.On...c.a.., 14 +ea-. - .???A 47 4'. k4) 1C4i tit Mt MS. intleti Mt MO MU f INVIt ke0 IN MILAN Vivi tualikx::11:. ir INSUAIIM OK WIMP MONt RE Ytiltelie OYER TO PROPER AUTIV-Inrw: tort lanotti 414, *MOW it-VtATEMY LOOM IS ON 'cram SOVIIrMIIVERTCAN ItELATT:Nfl$, littl MOW 100:1110 vitToto A llirsikSOMBIN WITONC JAPAN IIMMINItti At MO i ?scTM1cA IEfl SOVVCT EXPANSION IN FAr Xtrk irnis sitOxibut 114 U 161t:O1its in= Inns= cnustnt 14" la. r a CcilftCTIOtbst IN LATTER OR COULD RAKE MACE* ir VOULOotn INSTANM. mis txcCPT O v r E. i$TED STATEITAT4? MCI TO ENSURE n000 =I 1 1101101411111: 1110 1U TU tutrinn Vow) , i 1 ? ? ',t--":.,z,--Lci,-,-,_ , ,., ',,:::' ?-.4 ',?? fii?;i:.:. , , .,...4., , -f7W,.4 4.1,11.,i , ? :-.4. e .? -! 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MO COMPLZULY INDEPLNDENT* ALL CHUM lie rt. 1101011#114, Intim c1431134a ran Fox TaUSZ CONS/DERED EsSrizzim Se 'MT MVO TIIIN MAI NO /GO ittextrr ton FUN JAPAN FAR WERE Mait INkt lanutruts US WEN COMMERABLE0 AND WOULD art b1011SE4. r". r ftt.i44:t. , Y.,1?"`: _ OR11110714441,41480mosalleflootss.~01411110011444W4.44,1410040sUrogoriv?42.51,44406,48AssAlsolittalscrarram.4?0.--4....4. .otttioticE 11.1-41S CAKE Th OlgentrAmAT. i",???? F : ?? s.! irettetilOP 'um VrAlifusiia otrd.ervi r? Oh V ori id I *au" ?A " 'Jr "rr.1 .7124rt' ; ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? .4 -PM.. ? ? a 2 ctos tc>y lad in Mesa ge Canter #)4t4 lo 5 ti:,A chett Ir'ph cpy tached i?rt..1., ? ;',1r:',1 :;?-4. 47_ _.,?? ifk.*?4..volrf."?.46,3?14-",es t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 1 MNDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP SECRET SsiNATURE 4ICORC SpEET Poo oc.EN 4thkit gip is peogo.to4 Oy ? to !a 14C0 Igo* racist, t oi iNariehrireicrtaNal410101somiorrabramonalwede 34q 4:1 F /10 1141*WW# TO; 1Sot 410-441101.*1 *ars ; 4201,4, aeculturit 1110.:42Arir C0Or 40. AT raclintiif I: 01$4504?.81.~16011 lecliblleans0110034.M.41aPPMNrrtillm iknewtelik :et* 113011 **Ma **LOW #54 raoraast-ble tor ilia a..tteto *act roP SZCKST dootmea/ %vat le it amvaltpo* %tit* Wet-eft or Ite**asiti. Oa too* to( of this documout from t I. I calaatAtimotfaao wttitick aoccoir4 telt to l'i?P agebtal rog 414 t i dos , tic 1+ pet 9011 mite oat.* goectootat6 t lams 1i uoatosta aro 0 9?Sts ri to sted, nue t *tip! wi7 e **** *** tam soft tiatt **I wit* tato tato ape t lee of retalte(o i e airtmlmilivat 11104gtt ** ISiS Anwesatat *ay be 4 4..W A 00.1,Y t p I- 3 a a 3 131J 41011- 'OPP stew ihmetkottot 4614 silk* otto reciatritd to asoti c 4e inf0rs.st ton wLit tt tiosittaiumt;fr, liact trao*o* torissa0 almoiract wtb t ko E,*eegog ot thxo do, o *no, itrigeWk** Ottioei.romps*otbiti tor ast *mot ret4ru t 1,u flow lif4iE*11 4.1".??itt root tag.. reit* litit#0** 4flosome1t wito govipims0 Cie* %4* Coari4V itivaeLpt ll=r1.4r=eurerti AIN?41001101010 whimmilimmeravemmetwiresioNstwohowerm tori*ItO, I NACLIM WELEAS1.0 4 TOf sscluir R041 ST i3/44ES41:14 N. 1 1 , Acct$31014 0A,E; 24404:f.zi _ 1 esFlec ok aRANCm. 4jVir-44-441....- 1 LOG4E4 RIt ; a------- I dooamont loill66111111i;kiiiiimermeolograolsorwriammaiemin 3 tarilk t Witt DM flqt 64...mallm-am, +row t?. 1 .411 tsaspl 5 4,5?05. ??-? ?-???] g2; egmatolimmetravat t." IttFlelitt '17. ? . kaioloombOikr4ehalaweaktbie="1.0.te Itt*c, *** 1414 rigs* t*vi, 4401111**--t, tait '7f3C0 in hi*, ( to. ?itiblisitt 4414 ontata a* a pmemonef.t. re( --r 440141 -I i$U iettionsce GeDW tile to tt cia.gt I=i Ati '04144, 4041.411Aiti Itocmdcioassal. 0, 4:41 Ce4ridisr iNen 141:3.1 $ Y.** ? nOkET 4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 DATE: :=1,11.4 FROat LISBON DISTRIBUTION RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER Actions rashington? bearmationt Lonion (#2399) a 1.oar #2199 to Vreshialgton OH 12428), #2349 to Loudon. Immo has repeated to BD0325 his desire to tem of peace uttimportant so long as exp;osslon ofimaceititional ourrenderm not employed.. Ups convinced that 14 rots foredo all wood paper houses will be destroyed tout tido will sot bring uncarsiitional srorreoder as fight win 1St Oiklea? Destruetion of Meiji Jinja shrtue has dritbqrn Val to resist. Above passed to BD-567. No proidottir sessage Can you give me any ansigor q;14, LtS Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 tbso Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 almilimmilimmillem7Ponommalmill11.10111.11.5/21111.6 SiMitartitt IMMO SKEET 4t41. PSO "IMO lir 04 to! **-44 T4Qta 4,1**. 1.4sciapt of a TOP steRsr .tocitet.oc 0*******NozeirwoosPeRommmaivermes a* $i 4twoutat tot mmollipor 444"?tv ACCESSION Ar t 04,-zat$4,/, tali* Nat: 45 OPFICE OR BRANzti.--- '1/4- t-C--4.-"I .....,. litAeamprt gE.1ISTRY f ACCESSION NO . . / 3 aor X** t* 0414446 tort triroi!. kik7 ** 4410itel - 11.4V4 *, ,-A # (117,KONEnrs, , _ 4L 4141,40t a* r*Impo$04114* iox t. sttaccoid TOP SISCRST ducuneet *41,'*Aitt atrie 4 0- tr114410k. Oa ractipt of this dccumeut from a oett-r 1?:( .1 . Ai or* at wAioht. t000rdiad to TOP SICRAI r euklatieds, efici? .e?rt.u4 , . l'iM t40 0 44 49 ,0114* 4.44 ***tont* 4r. coanahitnistsd, must sidu .. sositittatL 'talk :46,41tOcipsnita tat date sad time of rel.,!...%se it] -At 14?14,? Agialle.4 U44 tlAttkIkeyitt Imlay be shown ea ly t u p or 9 ea, Alleatzt 14t *4 f ??? , lie, 4 Witio ate racist:bee to Stow the , ilradItlar eatired vitt&t, nafetoopsug of **04 *4 0.4*ioi fog: roopomoible for sod niatret Uri1 ? , tor *kat A44* k!?? ?. .? t 13 t? p c it ti t141)L trifermat 1013 %tit 1, this d oe time mt by 1/t t do. u t to t no 0* , '4 *ii!roveata. vt.14 ;toe iera ;I t 'Am tto? , Courier Receipt Nu. Vrirwil476"7".?547e.ficot - RE4t V E r? PLIFA5ED 114*ArtiON-- ;) A I I I kg 4?44,4404/4414 dam ?-? _ i?.;1.-7?? ? r ? 4-7, ,i$ _ r: jit**4.kftikga:?IC'Sed:E';'rl:-:;tit1",EWA #041111 40t initQ t xcci uitis: U cas 141161.0 t oi a perMa Goatre?oold in ,4pirg*eikr Ceorior te) t at, best ' ????:14,-_,2i,-,r.j: , at, 1146**0 e t ? =AI 41 Co te: Rats fe P t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005- ? 441,6**4-4i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP1 OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATE *4,-11r-71151LISW241/44''''?' IFTI1064 A.:A= - - TO ???-?* ????0111.4.0101 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES "'CM ACTION' ????? DISTRIBUTION c.4.111 4411141143* ,??? A;A:. .1ttrr'nr,I=Letrr."1,WM2=0.",.41trr-tly....- ?- 11* Witillftlip4 11 *PM* lilotinidimi W*4~4 r- titigH.14(2)0 DOE: IN? ( 3)( 5) MOT MIT ( 4) PRIORITY I ROUTINE UEFERRED rN 13!;28 treR :NPPORMATION) RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER ToP #224g.BAXIIT. 1 Actions viewhinst ono Infonsationa lawdon (0399) It. our pX99 to Vieshington UN 32428), #2349 to London. Inme has repeated to BD0325 his desire to talk id tom) of lpeaeo unimportant so long as exprassion Pitneanditional aurrenderw not employed*. Jap s convinced that is few weeks ell wood paper houses will bo destroyed NAt. this Will not bring isworditional surrender as fight 'sin "Sotbsixeis Cana. Deatnietice of Meiji Jinja shrine) me will to resist. Above passed to BD-567G go snow 4a previous amiss*. Can you give rue any answor eservey t Thouel ? 1 rap iErRET COCY asraoDuct 11118 CAPIX 111,410/* TI4A4 Th 5ECIIZTARIA1` Cov riagagOk4/14440.02,14,4 _ , .... .. ' .?.? -- -?..? .. ' f: ...,'' ,-' ? .5' .., -; -- 4 %i; ; 4. -' _,t?AF.ki :?), .-. . ''',.?,.' - ' - .,- ;:z, 't - ? l''. 1: l'; 4 --? . :: : :?"?;1-, R.: .t,3-.,.'- ' '''''' ' ':'..;':i.'`"""' ''? ',Ail, W.- .? ... -il, ?-,.:, ' " 2:;:-% 443-,',0,:.--.P'.10,31':' z," - , :'?',.;'''??, .., '.-.. ,, .. .. - :: ?.e 1-0.:.- = A.,'.?2-.? , ' ''',-,' ''-- ' - A , , .?.. ' A , A, .. . ', .. ..,,_ ? ,, , - A i ? .- A .,,?1, ?,7,,, ?*.1 ' ',:r? 7 , ' ,.: '.--.:,:?!;,,_, t , , t , A ??1 4*, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 wommunimprommommumomoommt euflu Uffj ? 144044444 tv, wim roam** 2 Tio se.rdri -A-ge OtACtIPT;0$ ' in "' TAtibon '41 UNS LUi 140 Mil XS48 . 42491 caPy 40.31 WL *-"xclalL1441 INSIO4.1001111.1.06.1011.4?444.,51.01 1 44:KUMeht. 4+6,011.410.411urratormaror-.~...1./nr0 ...r.rn??????? ,CC4?1011, RFGI$YRY DITS 829 ACcESIOft DATE; OVICE OR ORANcm 1.0a4E.I. ay. f, 4 464114.10014 t* 4ofttlx4 trammforred &ate tile te.oporaty -- go1409mOsTwit iiiiiIceit w44 4% chavsad w4th tall 41?-0ii'...1, ,01, rtAtta romoir/ rn11ggr,4 tm obtaisedt f n rom aother 1:1tO. 1- Acct AAA d L 26 'WM ilti10104311.01.Si, ti-ao -ftria?ti TKO to- resoot.vo & r OP tie.(14 it r docuomat ,A,c.ps...tfk to# *van Accu mog SMUT,. OSS earm 4U3: it propara , , 10144: , -4.41te t *. ' 'It 4 4 **;.?ikti ritiVcia 4tAtt4rhld to tAe documout at Iliff.?_ li. *401104 St its novfolowt bctitoou Wfteom or blaneut.m %Itbse 4144 itioMitclik* **1444440 tritift 4isauggent %W. hi iga be Low tig4 Attl.a Idle At'e*** tem:Wil4molOtio4 kittvoia 'SON 4113 by Otficer Lmorior. giA, - Vitt. 44V4,11414. : 21 May 1.345 DDIS it. titarri 1 orAugginlielmil *10**Tuk 441 rsca - RELEAsED AMMISPOIMPIMMITI. OArE ti! ? ? . 4 r I t..t. .-4411)-1:',.:14te,"4.4.:friti.r4t:44?L 'Al?' Ai?' *0044 bo fotaregott a, ft 4://4 tA - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? 're 1 `=. ?ifs-11-A -" I - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATEistAhata945_ FRoM LISJtI LB ON OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES r'Oft ACTION DISTRIBUTION ROUTINE DEFERRED i1328 (FOR INFORMATION) RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER TOP SEIRt I #2249. SAM. Lotion: rashingtono Inforzationa London (02399) Re our 02199 to weshington UN 12428), #2349 to London* X11,41141 hes repeated to BD0325 his desire to talk Said terse of peace unimportant so long as expresston wwooditional surrender'" not employed, hips conyineeil that in few weeks all wood ;leper houses will be destroyed tbut this will not bring ufloanditio_nal surrender as tight 1111 continue in CItLna,* Destruietion of Mel j i Jinja shrine! Oa strionethaned will to resist. Above passed to BD-567v 10 ensewr yet as psevious *assort.. Can you gime me arvf answer for 325', to imam to Incrue1 roilt 445 114 111/D00/4. TO COPY 0* IIIECRODUrat THIS CAMP: mow AtrrIfORIZATION 1,11,0M WIZ 3tClIZTAItIA1 npnlassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ,4cuai,Df 110414.41114.4414.11.444104114114?41 fIr ,frinoritssEct Ear *0.470ititt 1:11P1 t4,04: 6044-441V EtarE: 4Th.44,0 0, *44fS; at faCN*tflirS: 04$C44PTios NIMION41.4141114401.110? 4,041011. AflW tOSt raco *Lataad, b*Low io ritatimasikla ollEasetriAit to tali* Ofeiwit 411" Season. RE,;ISfqf 6CCESSION NO.:' ? 4et"-- osVi cs: OR LOGGED BY: ( for the a:taened TOP SECREt documect whits, Oa reneipt of thin doonmout from arOho: Jolt aaat pterwa* tat* rex* *a wateal aizoorAiali to TOP SSCRIST retiul.xtiona? aeon p.nt 1114V li*** IA* btoostiont or to who* its contacts sr* communicated, must sh.i,n wit II t ti ? t* 444 t*** ra4aive41 &* I&ItiiA vita tao date aud time of reloitae In the Ittoiv#444941 efkrosktt? Waft./ Ta4,0 Eotioaltat nay be snown only to persona authori- 3 -t** TOP 311iNtin etocasento, wkto are required to know t ioti. 0 a w tit Sao* irerikisa *rata' X7 wit!' the sofogooping of this document uy --ftgOt its his ItAraata et, Office ia teasteasible for and tenet return the document to T*To tattber rptitiag. tagS wttiiiskelt gloctUtast. **S. rotoivoct tram. tae, Courler Reee)pt No . _ Orm41"."'".0=0"aroTOr e 44mr IPtItittA II Et f. I V ED. NELI.A.D , , *OK iarro4hoirao ..........,......,...... S I it NATURE DATE T I ME INITIAL:4 ,)A TE I TStt i 7 A A LA. ..r ,.. . . i n aet---60 4.;..,,,,,, 1.... 6.117.001.... - .0..44111040..r....m. ,4):... _. - _ .. )1 ---1 :1 al MN - 1001001dAddllial~ilffikleiliitp1410.11# oar 111111 .... maimagoommoom malmormomegama . - .. -.., :7-1 ?? . . I . ?_ A A. ? - r - r. 1160010611.44.01,10M1114,, - - . .. - _ 1 11111 male .- 144,40,4*.iioN4 1-i at .......v.r.- Il ........ --....--... e. 1 tgatit4, tit" tteirst404-11,14 ? *41111r, tilt.* IP it OC MAO At* # VICO 0#11 c ? , 0440 41P10-$: OW, OtriliFivilitiat **A :11,0tai a it fp* a kit- ,Inent rocc i Ofiltirtir tt.Atellgattt by Oft ix4it Cott's. ter to tit? rp/m t *OW it tbts document. tolf Vattintiefi1;*. CO4V Itectlipt elig4 1 * Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 4 ; .L?17.-- ? ^ OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OPIPICIAL DISPATCH DATE 14 r srANLitzaq OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 3.352i,,; prekr0,06,11...09.0AMOM.1.1PWAPPr....o...A?o* freNt ACT10410 (FOR INFORMATION) ion) I 11111?1044114014* Dna: Inas 3x 5) laikOLUDTT (44 " ;Z.Z. ******Vita fallaidlik.#00/4 MIP,W10110.$ 0249 i3Jitt AStiona raahington? Intortationt London (#2399)t RO OW #2199 to Vreihinaton (13 1:a428), #2349 to LotadOrt? 1114,40 haa ropeatiod to BPI?325.his desire to 11414 torus of peso. unimportant so lung eui exprossion velsovaisidUlonsa surriondor not mployodo. :aps conyineed that ill feet irsisiti all wood Vapor houses will bp destroyed but this ittil Set bring unoondittiostal surronder as fight will oastinlit Maas. D?stnstiou at Meiji Jinja Cubic) haa wLU to rosistr? Above passiod to BD.4567,0 11,4,440040 ousais? Can you give me arty rmswer tsr to *covey t* bloat npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 "e34114141- 'if ? , 'sit? otsit4&so4 fa** TSCO *pox proved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP SECRET SIOWNIE RECORD SHEET riblosormou imaimoranw?reowe.i..mie.nua? Ube" 62< . reoolpt of m TOP Sitelar docuzent. DESCitititnipq $W1t4E-41 A-44kiMe Tor FaThWittitt 4*TS: //' na4,0401 COP) *O.: PkileSt att*CR*fitiTS,: AttOittog 'CCE ACCESSION OFFICE () LOGGtO EILL air REC,' I STR NO. ? 1-- ""CH: SiewitS441 &&a.114 &a 1* rosbelm*Iike for Ulm atteenect TOP .SCREI A* yhel*set xo..thi* Ottice Itraatiti. ), 11.#111tittiatit %WM, room' olitl wittmk4 acoorttag to TOP SilCial * OW,. ? the Illi-vtiAll**1 or to whom iti cormteato ;.+Isttit,**t tine torookIrtit, &at tacit:mai vita ta& date &ad t Imo apt?h*i**4411,11,**tte kit 44*4. Tate* iliotcamoat *oir Ott aLown only to perlons AzAtbc,1,,1 trir ***AV' 34C042 taw***jj4wixo aro weciatze4 to know the teformat Lon w whightit***.w 0**14 torsla itiorli004 oimtved with the nafokeepsug of this document S., MO *it mitt Oltit4444 err 01144 tit r**0***tible for 444 Duet return t_he document to to. 1000144410 fartiswr revitisgi oag,41 tocomptt Ift4 rApgetve4 trwe tikeCoartor &,Z^ &toe ument whi; Oa roc tpt of this doe tteo ut iroi .snot r regullt lout*, aeon .sre ostauzicatedi ta t sign with t of releauG In t II t) sp,s, .4 1=71.11k soti6-01,10. kflot At44 1111111.1131111 0011, *Mt tYte RELE ASCD SI4MArOitt INITIAL3 g 41.10114.0 Lrt 4.14. tio44**1104 411441 ity*4 1bil4 *i4 *t, ,41 1 th* OKfit eta on +01102111***t. SSA ,VotOi t op & gerstkao&t remora it* $911).*:t Py (Nati) 1' Putter to the ale 17.9C It4044 1,144* edetinteetr J "ACM" p Coortikrk?eipi Ni_. txmAliongistbalwil.0 11111111 mr-Nri Annroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010027000- 11011r4 ? ,-4,17:3,' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 E.. 7 OPPICIAL DISPATCH I" C P c.; E i:J ii t. .1 Asoisoa4,47.; wo....i.04.....;......, _ . _.. ,.. . . ..,...,......,.......: .........?.=.....?..., e_...........4.477_...._.."- - -?rt?itV.it4- tiret4VrttiWiLWA.A.,11........ ? gettteettigttl - ? DR SI MI= WD ? '..3.74Nmerettnii,m096ditglyez OFF= OF 111TRA111:431C .ISCRVICES DNIMMIUT I 0 NI - aft" acesso 140100111(1) -AlifoxpoilieW401;swimosudlioarliiiosongatin?FogvolotAmimpt-_!--.41,--v Volefili010 ~WO MOW ift^, ? MOO,. Iv ,1114.9f1+.1"f__ .1F49,4TINE 9.ErfAvi/kig IF IMOD I[ (PON INFORMAVONi _ WICREArt (Z03) Iiii01117Dut (4) Ih?imiemmirnimaDDI liatitam_lita TOP MI RIF 1091 croft U0 not 0111,10M, atio hos boort in000ttoe ughth Osstneso tonic throw% report* tal ti 73 and UgoJ.p atnietwg rata* Us* 401presseit wish to holi Arranging tor ita. of boot4littopi %Woo Alps ithilt :lea* moo raw aim diroot taflAs. 14th Aarivitinas owl U10,0 tigitives rozgP4 Itussixif as in lot-or ovent -wrni,(1 so t cU Mutt would boom* siortitto t ono or row Jay dositioratok, iriou34 viithou4 Win would turn *10110 ho conoidgire boat va hM op , fib OW IS Sop MI . r." ' F - : ;;-? ;yr-, - ? " tr.; t re, 41,1. ?Pr 444 0,x4 AIL , nprinqcifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 "..g3 ? 7 Mr t t ? 7 I t c , r0 PSECRET *On MUMMA swairtmvin , F i? ? ? , - 4#1. t""..,7" J.+ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 low (-;p i''olt,,rt ?, Jo,?re Dff::e Sei.vices lea.=c1,n to Switzerland rn,:::witzerland bob; 4i=1 to express my aipreciation of yotr effect- ive vont in ccq4noction witti the recent approaches from tne JapaaT.se group in SwitzPrland. The WS ta4es i,riue in tne mannr L. Aq1icn you aeJ.-..t .:'it:. moczt delicAte matt,r. The f,,Act trlt Dt,anne_ vOlica 0!::, Bern maintained was not used th t1;.e fin41 neF,otiati-ns do.ls nJt detract the value of tt,e intelligenae twt etttnnel affordeki. This infarm,(- ti, reflecting wit.n ,.lonsiaerable accuracy state of affairs if. To4yo1 was weicae to those charged with United Stat,,isJC ?ciaiJas. It offered t.em adJitional inuicutions af J..q.anese ina czlqabilitie in tneir o4sts for tno terwinatin of nostilities, plectse zonlite), my thanics t) bib Ste a anu Paul B1LM va11.4.4ble iissistance in tie oprations? Alot,g 4lita they and y)u sholAld taKe great satisfaction 1, 4 siAa41 entraluti, realizatiJn of peace. , aa4 William J. Donovan Director ea; 4r. Al:Az'a A:41,2; 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Genera/ D0110V111: Attached for your signature are memoranda addressed to the President, the Secretary of State, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, based on a memorandum from Mr. Dulles concerning the Japanene surrender attempt to approach Allied authorities through OSS representatives. [ '40,044~4,024FK.....ctdipluiWoisfx;FicApitsicris,fefir-u. '47 ? 144,450Wel.""itftiol$tt t"10t4.4i.00.00.4(.74:a6 - ,+seq..,11 1R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 has lose Cosisei The 'bite Boise Deer Miss Ceseny: I believe the President sill be interested is the enclosed sesorandes, stitch is based on a report hos lir* Anse Dulles* Cbief of the OSS Mission, in ifiesbedss. 11111 you Madly sere thst it nachos his Usk? l'hisk yes. _ t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 iiN POI TatPYt The f.341esia, popsies% to ceelAete low records, is the adostance of a final roper,* dated 27 Await five lir. Allan DeUe41 We of the OSS Mission Wietbaden tonmerning the prowearresifer attempt to approach Allied authorities theinsilh ON representatives ?revises aenoraeda describing ? approaches were slated Ii, 1$ wad hie Jun% end 2. it 14 ingest The laferesties,enestrised below was trans- * et 17 And 2tOngsat by Per Jacobsson, a esessele astriser to Uke Betnik for Interne Weld -Settleasetet fellertiag P 14terls farther convitrwe Uses Ueda, of Os Stiek ler nterns fie/amid attache in solits.I itioutom rajiatip 40144041* isq rsProlgoltative? fttisteen flora& la the paIrr.ad.r ?roved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13 00 01Ronninn97nnn n ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : Anummu Qzfl. Ic Wvel, received * yiolorrm jgast before his death fro* the Chief of' Staff, thinking hie and his associates in Sent for their *cork in cesmonicaUng with *the Americans' in topitaer13*44 The wire stated that their work in, Switzerland had loom nowt, usellgi in enabling Tokyo to, reach a decision, (Ir. Dulles segments that the Navy aad civilian pew sem propered to a** pout* Wore the Arsy had moo to oath * 4ecisten4 ,'41. initiation of formal peace Oft* therefor* watt Wok* samoonsin the Arv 44411 ett n Arm ? serroutsr*,) litter rooisivini the away aentral, Okamoto mike too l000hision iitad Kr. jnooboon is to be *Alma- isio00000, VAL hod b. teklo for their 7 ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 1 1' 1ibu4y t4 the mAggestiose of the Amos in Bern 'persuaded tillhal4 to ban 'Vs the. United Statea alone?. The ivies gimp* lamotrei bit Jecokseek eriggested the facipitsiuving tecuelethnevollitrni the too cr us. iktrti "surreader in Jame eft ommemaleatikome? Wore, he died*. Gourral Oheacto collected all of h- ealer pertinent papers and directed that wee* Jacoheacm leaped from Mama Okamoto's death. the 'lsewChief of 'Staff it Okamoto'r *sellitary *MK " in 14,11 I as, ef otadolemee!I Th. seasge aippirently was cot INA Aanger than customte7 and 704 Om 1t4 , appreciate hiv patriotic that immoil ANL eritical nowt, 113* is expreoeing apiroval looms advoioating alspamiee' Wialiter in Urn decided as the inter* at the 400 *lent EC ? ; - ' ex; r ?;7 - r 4-, ' fte ! f7. .1-01'-10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Ton, ; essave *mitt boo to deal Mao itoirktoots4 Jeeolielm* bottom tiskilp, booms* of the atm% ill* looted to seal thit final ourrender Goost% thr e Sem Stoolieilso be points out, would hems 11044 tore kali the norail transmittal the %Mk Toy timmt 10.6 into lurid 'diplomat veprenea 111 the Seediali *vitas -,10010004 torausatt r 14-tosioni 414igarst Sag the sums* in Manchukuo. Cligna inithority will be 04tnnurtrvierit 111011sto my also and Jilptalltilit 1110 Jikplaikvfl be IONA )ohaos 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 **0.10..tti? : r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 5 4. hods end official archives in Son are to he turned over to the United Ste**** They' both etate imphatioal4 that, contrary ta inewspaper floosie, no large sums *re held for Japanese ac- 'emit ta S1ltier/4nd, and no gold whatsoever* They add that all japan's* soccents ars blocked* (hoObsoon says he was told by President weber of the National bank that all Japanese funds IR SoitserlAnd were deposited with Volotes bank.) Eitamura's job la lora hie WM to boodle those fondip and he ie propred te give aseerencoe that moth* will be concealed* Tejimpa sod tilemare wish to maintain the comounims ti ft eileasel with VseMINOM slreelly established through jemobe ass Oil itro Delase. they ebb woe American la Switzerland to iiiketlyekted eke" latesiol oeseloications could be olaosseled. They data Ott ouch woad enable Tokyo to get feral. viewej 1*-44a the past, sad that tha Aisrt ems sip *hiftM it wilett40, Thaosh they dielike the preala eit japosseat Ompaimest* Vow raelito that this presenci# of smalswaiat tio.1401 t.i&* j 1.0 sestostry to convince the ilifeeto U.** Iheakbasom believes that he* tokroI, N.mis aoierneent's wish elbs0114* feels that We channel ? ..ap? , ?it " . ' 0*, t. ? 4-$#".1.000tit f.',004P11)7.,,K ' r ? , ", -4116411110011 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 - i0,14i341 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 isbtenable the VS to mob the most intransipant Japanese elesseita. Misarik sled Ninon% fear that the Japanese Gov- ernment eat reoeir? 1101 ObjeCtiv* comsat except from Switz- eased. lacoNhoos Mat the Japanese hope to obtain throlagh the Mated. States is reasonable intorvention with eompreheastoc their srmtt fear is not that the United States I'M interfere hot that it w00% E: 4- . ?s" 1 .11 r - ti-*...i,C1-7,4,1f,,-?4,4-i cs ?, " imigno4 44:;iik-;41-fe?z4g4P. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 SECRET 1, Soptember 1945 1/0010441011 CHIEFS OF oratt SOIXICT, Substesee qf Yinal Surresulor Atteept ? I6, ve.?,; . r Concerning Japentse ?raft roach Allied Authorities mend to tosplett /our merle, is port, 4044 27 Asampt? :rpm lir. Allen bolos is Wieeksideat oonaorsiag the sr sttespt to approlioh Alaoi mahoritios reprosestatilisse Previau somorsnds dosuribing these s were dated 11), 16 es* 3,11 June, sad 2, 4 aftd motion ssamsgised below was tresemitted to 20 August by Jaeobssont * Swedish n*- abb to tho Sank ter Isterostiosal Settles, lettee* fOrtker senversetions with gogro the 1414 ter Istormationsl SettlementAtead *1 Alm*is iPerlin, no4 Yosikast IktdI seek Munn ant 404 in baits.labit 4.45,4* l*W.0104411-0*,00A0449VP*014414e01.0*4* - troesittad the following t believed to be head is Weide 1, August, the Jsimnole Chief SOU for their work tsorlan44 The wire mast usehl in ma S. _ ?-? 1??; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Mr. Dulles comments that the Navy and civilian groups earspreperiod to seek pekoe bettre the Army had come to such a aegis on. The initiation of formal pesos offers therefore was blosibed until someone in the Army group came out in favor of our- remier0 Atter receiving the message, General Okamoto wrote FM- ia salami him to express thanks to Jacob's= arid Mr. Dullesu Moe sf his work, Jacobsson is to be entertained by kti amd Moors. Jloobssom feels that the Japanese ham beam praised byF Tokyo for their work. his messages to Tokyo prior to the Japanese surren- der akemetc had insisted that his Government should deal selely slth the United Stet's. Jecobsson believe" it is likely that the eaggestione of the Japememe in Bern 'persuaded the Em- power finally to turn to the kilted States alone. The Swiss hijsoebssem, saggested the face-saving formula thatvoided the um of the eord *surrender* in Japanese offi- commaisiostions anforia he died, Gollella Okamoto collected rill of Fuji- amd othar pertinent papers and directed that they 55 440olosmos loomed from Nixon at.Xt aSter G.m.rsl glamoto'd death, the Japanese Olimmetols Niilitary office* in Bern a mse- The message girt:Ally was not a mere for. it was such longer customary and included the t appromiate s patriotic service rendered sett cavities,' memont** FUjimmra and Manure sing al and appreciation of *Avoca tng surreaderi *sister in Urn, decided in fevartag the USSR as the int?rem- ?do that the Soviet and that the wisest course UMW, States through Swiss Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Jacobean% believes that, because of the above, the Jap mowGv.umipst elected to send the final surrender oommunicam tam thr. Dern. Stockholm, he points out, would have served es have left the normal trensmittal point, since Ilit 1Pers kiwi diplomatic representatives ix t the 4.110,0**00.41**milimplIk4wOWW1,040 On 20 Almost, Per Jaeobsecn transmitted to Mr. Dulles the felleeimg mdditiftal comments by Manure and Fujimura: Tho Japes*** are worried about effeetiot the surrender WACO mibeistam Japanese troops in Sanchnkuo, China and the Patric The Simperer's IOU authority will be needed to about their serreaders mad in surrendering to Chinese and SONIA tame imeiimmts aay arise end Japanese troops, fearing item refits* to disarms The Japanese in Bern hope that Cleseral will avert military chaos by personally supei. viaiag the surreaderi in these arees? The Japanese hope to max- ims Airiu intervention here. The tic Japanese informants understand that Japanese fWmis sad sttletal aeliives is Bern are tote turned over to the te emphatically that, contrary to are hebi for japans's* aeceunt r. They add that all Jap- wads. soo he WRO told by. isal NO that Au itspanss? funda net witla lleber's bsak.) Eitesureg time faits, and he is prepared win be coneoaledi wish to maintain the communicim. esteblished through Jacobs AmeriMem in Switzerland to mommusioationc could be . link weld enable Tokyo to , est, and that the Americans dioliks the pretreat hip- prooespo of *embers of - - , 434 ?,,t. - , ? 4ir.` ' to SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 thoroyal fo44-7 aky b* .111.0.1184117 to 0041Vitle, the unbeaten troops nrr Jtcagh be/loves that litaitura's memos Coverament's wish to saintain such a chez ad? litaftbalitalk this ohaul would triable the US to the alma in tear tit* mote elieente. Kitaanra and 0100111. 641,011Itted will receive :io obi. t eseeft hot Switzerland? Acchanion adds, htt Dm to'ob. b. Mated States is reason- 's:et St tin gene yin their peel fear is not ixtel ere, but that ,it won 't,' '4:2! 1 o: 1, '.. r ' t - ? , 14 449.4+ ? ;;.' ' ? "'" r '2;4442'1.4- ? William ?7? Donovan Director Iv* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Mr? shoe*1, Bo 'lactic* Director Division ct /*or 21110,1111 Affskiro t of Matt Aoar 11*. Selicatine: 7b4 enclosed aelsoranduk based on a report houtiko, Alias AtIllsos Chief of the OBS MISSiO4 in 11041644011, will probob4 be of interest to the Sec - rotary. Will you be good enough to see that it Na his? ?beak yolk. ,--ilincereXy yours, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 13 September 1945 OT MAU: 1 SEC eta your records, is the sO. dst.d it Auglkat, from Kr. Allen Dullee, V. OttS Mission in liesbodle. oalmilrninf the JaPnelle dimiPte to aPPrfonah Mied authorities through oss Proitioom memorenda desoribing these Japanese "ere 4ate6 11. 14 sad IS June, and 2, S end 14 Augusts summatisod Wow was transmitted to Mi.Dgilles Ob Nor lismibsses, a Swedish national and economic fW' laternatiomal Settlemeate, following the ecowerestions with Niro litho" director lie I31 Settalessate and termer Japanese firm:l- and It bora a ai Navy red in the imkftwoo-ft oveterippowerovo worsv*Isi* web- so koi 411.**.ovitilis eel. Ommemitlied the :following information believed to be bead of J'apsm-? suicide 15 Await received ese Chief of Stall for ir work in comma* UAL The wire stated that useful in enabling Tokyo civilian sroups Army had come forma coo Ar47 " ???: ? , :?4%. 2, - rt - 4 . 1. '""7 -?;" SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 '..:? .4.. ;.!..1, .";_r.c....:;?4 E? -? _F?.;,1 ' r c 4:14 r=01' Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 tatet4 ?-, Atter reomeiviag the messaget General Okamoto wrote tujimura ask., his to expreas thinks to Jacobson and Ur. Dulles. In retft aseltias of hie wk. Jaedbason is to be entertained bi both Pijirnr and titammre4 Isemobason feels thRt the Japanese in helm beet praised 1W ? for their workis his. asuapi to T.y. . tor to the Japanese *rr, Gonm hie Gevermaent should d*al solely son believes it is Uke1 that in Ikon 'perauaded the sssror Itis aloft*** The .Swiss gr the faceviaving formals thu surrender* ins Japanese official ? oolleetted *11 of Nisura's let PP?* sad directed that the)? he *mod avabosom Istarnsi fres Fujimura that 's dattht the Jaw**. Chief of Ut offite in Sera a message of ctiv? was not a more formality* *Ines SM , 164144.11 the follod41 stis aarodoe rendered at our limn and Maur* regard rooistion of the O. deoided in ituliy that tersolitiry for th*t the let Uuion *am it the wt.e.te would be Ititu h Swiss contacts@ if ths ofibovot this Japanese Gov- mmtliader ouftwaioation Ulm* 14. iv* sorted as well sad 144 tat since the UM* by vie ia the Nedish capa 4 f ? 4???4,4 `S? _ 1.? ? ? , ?-? .3:Ven '44 ? '144tIV , -4?Ft 4101M11111.1" -.4444640164, 40011011ft mnri A nnroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 an 2* ikapak, For fismobisost transmitted to M. Wiles the fo11o. ! dIttaii oesesata by tit/wart and Fujieurat sr* worried about effecting the surrender of 2,500,. inilleactskao, China sad the outia ea anthori,V will be needed to bring sad in serreadering to Chinese end Soviet to rig arise sad Japanese troops, fearing torture, emu the ANtanesit in.Sern hope that General newt milits17 chaos by. pereOnally supervisi these ogee. The Japanote hope for maximum Sem t*ee. I tabireskate imederstsnd that Japaaose funds and yes tai Bera 4117. to be tanked over to the United tiooth std. ompluttioally that, contrar,y to "neen.? sion are heiAl, for :apnea, account in sof IA owe**, They add that .4,1 trapAni- Oft assavolta are tImikai? ausbosen tip Inet was told by Prips.? Welker at ties emik that all 'twines* funds in teber's %mitt) thusly(' s job hoist and he is prepared to IIU be ifeetoesledi 14.'5 racIZWr:: :amiatpsia the communication channel through Jacobstom and lhoitsarland to be designalk,ed amid be *howled. They te get foreign vitae, loos also might find it Japanese Government, es *f th. royal *milky , s to am:4A ours. aossagss from Tokyo sub a Chale Jio the US to reach the ra and Fujian** no objective com- qbal the Japan reasonable inter* not that 1440 1 Fet.f!-! ? 114 ? ????=.* 1.1 k....4446.013.411141c c-4.00;44tho- 2.rotg. E :1 ? - riAzzAt9p'f , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ttal* SON 404- 144,4113 tin Ore. .).aiiitce. 14101/444t TO: .----p Li C 5' ij'?lreit )12ittlitklif 4,45 Ti ; 4,4 Cii*.kis? 1 coif 4 Vni,4111011 *4. a hr. 44:iler :oPY *3. . Mk. iatujii? 3 ; "P SECRET airraromemp000mpaipopum. SitiOATIM AECORO StlEci parod Cry 124,h rscv 4,4,11 r.1,-zvtp, of , rESCIEIPV;4* saremyporrooaranotra....1?????????ImaNIMI. t 4Tr4Z1145,,MT-', PIPP16/1000,? r a Ii ) AIflb Cg44 'WO avatet4 kititrow reiltponorbirr tot ttrc, 4tt.ak ,1 ,)P o till* Of I e Or oac 13. Oa eooipt o'( I U I *0 1101104 Arr4,440 CatO O* occor4Luei to TOP Wft0 16104 t4, 110.44Welat CC 514 Wbo* Its eoteteato arc ').rlaul,4t-d iitaltrt :444 I inwi retertriltii4L otti twit 101 until t utsto t I's- f Peto.tirtit4 it it ti.LW **111... 141, document mar be s' w4i) tolt *** ter 440.74311 etaw**41s, n04 who are rokt4kre,4, know tho SAW, IR parlay). I orikoll nbarkind wttu ite 4.1,t 02, r IL 3 4 0' oto, km 41* Oglia*a or Offt.44 ta rasp4toatOI0 for aPtZ . t. Li **for* rImettsor rotst tos Moitssit vas retotV?I tg t. Li ViePrIP4,00 APP. `, 66,4M.I? a : 0 ? 41.0?11:140j % 0 ilict 0 t OiCE#4f0 .4* .I.iiii&4004.11.1?100M1101.41.11?111.11111119119110111.0114.01.? wow..? ????? .. .00 ...ow 1 St 44111 Jitt a 5 411111 tl 1.0141011.0.N160117$4704 MIA* arwa lkilMifilele*I400101040d111., XMIGOIllePP.404.11.40111.16.411.00411040=4.6f 0-G666 066.ais 000 4/10.107114104 isido4-1.44/004K?1.0 71.0114,1illiriCevalift).61 woos jimpocurevero, *co Allfaciltrillit44004,1:34W0WW*S,406413+4946w**Prdr.. Oats 01#4040#4,14Piatiord0,140,0004%,,ilusw*/** ..10W1)atocknillefeletcoOkeWlass _ ?3 6 - ! ase so ?????? ther-Tota ?166...-.6.0 -1 - 46446 .. ? 1 PI . . 4.46 4.4 4 0 46.60. e 44.. 46.1.61 P.. ? 66 6...66.? #4.6.00 . ,0410611.10.T: a. at e 66..6 - * " ' ' !: : ....Mt 1 ....e-. Km* pa.o./..... .4. sm.6.0 6.... ? . 16 ... ..... { 4.114766340**11.47PSIVinbISIKV .40*/CIMAIONtiOICII*O.40$4.411 4, 41144 440.."104,11,11 i 44 .1,...b.:.." I.+7 c, .... '..',...71.....? t 1 401 I ?#' 447111 11144 agigrgit e 44. f t t litiikki I 04 it i ,.fale I ; t,t, A 3 - *441144 4414114 CF*11It 1 ** 4i0k44010) yg-4 }id i *Jot 4 e 1,4 ' ;,)0,- fiA,1 ..; , ? r,rtl so** ti1 tifIto0 ,I1*i 4ifttioi1044 IP: tlet.1,43_, cl 4i L'Ottir- - :$406,1 of . tietUtt :01-',1 ogy fLit 44 ktrl a r , er 5.4.) t kit id* igibilt 4414 elAtiiii A 6 1140.-4.,, .0.,-?.,,,,,,-",",,,r,..?..--. i C. fkii,r I ef f Po-WE 09 6.1t1N,-1.1? %Etf 5 t4 lirlitaleliNSMIES=11=....,==fiSsweng.4612.4111t. -9011k- "47 ? "7' r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 MU* nos* Consfor Ink* *it* gone Dear Mtn Ciowirsyt I billimm that Um akttachtd reprwientootive in Illitsbadom will be tket President. 11111 yeu kinaY see his Mask/ Monk you. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 VCR OIRTt The rellestais la the substause or a message dated 1.1 Anstalt fros itr* Attest Vellias* Chief of the 0158 Nista.= 44:414,444es? The theareattee **stained in this 410SRAIVA is **gist to wesersoede lieted 13* VS* sod lelp PAY tud 2 und 9 1401110, eolsestralag Jeponese attempt to upproach Ali4d Viethsttillia through 01, represestativts. The ;Wows* ettlolal group la itiluerltnd I* entreats- Iv men, at us piem? zt eensiders 04 ttio OUR knew by old Ampllete a surrender and used group bolieviss that the atomic the oar la tI4 Pacific* eaused Ipor0tiat oirtot *Isl. or** protogativot14 iketertted steweltaierl? It Se24P?,11001 tht ohz . ellepororf4 seoleted *Integrity* or Pp-old- % smilmot 104,11,4 the inpression that 1peIt *1 4 MK to altered. Th. group Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 believe that the attached report from our rerprOSAORItatbrili in Wiesbaden will be of interest to the, Seere-tarioEU you kindly see that it *sok? Thymic ? '? ? " ? orgeftropfir.? ;;. . 'TOP SEORET Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 -SP41 ".? .0(s1,4114,41...10,14, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 4's 14 August 1945 1111MORAMit FOB TIM itcarlik 0 *T11: The relieving is the sibstance of a ressi4ge dated Auseat tree Mr, Anon Vuilts, Chiot of the OSS Mission Itteabadeity The intersatioo *outlawed in thUs mesuge is a sequel to siessremie dated 1,, 16 and 18, July and 7 and 9 August* eenewailw a Japanese attoapt to approach Allied Outheritise through 088 representAtives, The Japanese official group in Switteriund is extrtme. ti 004r7 at the 0882? It eossiders that the USSR knee 14. mid Ally that japan was willing to negotiate ? surrender ond used this to vtis adittotavii. the group believes that the 6tomio 11100104 Pot Ni. Soviet ifl5i3to the war in the Pacific', camped the itiloweee offer I* ow* rho ortiel*V-Zoomes. otetenkeitt Concorning the pre. serteittes et 'tbeOtritoworte prerogatives is described go NIpiroayn Vir the Iiiposibetle gregz lirdebtares that the prase Mapororts ?-tveoeq.0114,0110* *1 * hive beett tmtubleted "iategrity" or tioalto awe :ape* dU net Wand Is eve the impresston that L* Impwrioros 14401 powers aeuld not be altered, The group i44240.1664,* ItIptilsties that the Superor would Itot bo conalder- , st,440 surfteltmte 21411 =le tti UN ilf. Donovan Director asguatt TOP SECRET I ? - orli11111. - ? ?atiltas 40.0.ba, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 3X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ' 03 dated OCS V ssioLT4 In n this message in ?nd 18, July and 2 and 9 ftpt to approach Allied entstivesc The It s otticitl 0410 10 Owitzerland is txtreme- at this It evalittor* that tho USSR littew by mid- Jot" virts viLLing to noritiat, a smrrender and used ti on ativeatipu 4rottp btaioves that the ntoOlo Mt; tiros Owlet Omtr b %sr Ln the Peciflo, eautled 0#00100o offor to a'rsr -t alal JOtiolgA0 ototoment toocistolas the pre- pOtOgatim0* is *merited a* Palutur LA'00 that ft. *Arts* *ftperor's ontil?Od qintegrity* or oposi- Os the impression that ialt?vitd6 The group mr wittle not be (=eider- 01,4irr4t rftzr-fi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 - ? * 21. ; ? i? ??. s :?? ? t ? ? %NI- ? n, ?????^- ' ' - 1111111.111M1M115152167113081. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 - IIIIIIIIIII tommurvieormimmerisammor tip ke itretiazad SteMOTURE REC*RD tnEET 40:Lek Taco up** rote tpt cliz a ITO 0 u ? 1 Ittl.1.1?111140.....tramit vIrrytenotem...?W.....? aisi.41.e? 44.4, fotigkqt1.347 ftikrz c.jhs.th ittt EttitE v WE:, dry 14; .61*iizz Itakti QaPv t *34.. 0; P4i, toicrl kvett or Ts Ablitblitt 'LOS: :N A:CF SS ? h; OGGE S Y Ellagna alafaflog. ) i?V t-t) s cA.Ja 1.?p ruit map talliNd 4eLow 4,m rospum 4 ible *4)* % me attae Aett TOP SFChr r o 0, a; .. ? t 1 c? i t. leW VIIIIIWt*dt ta th %S. erg tee e.r 3 - 4, le A . QA r e c 1. tpt of t h .11 i; o , am, ..t t rum lot n c 1 i ( wea 444A t oirepi*re tkLa f4ra ou wiiikairp acebrdtad to r :it' -tekdi r01 I %t Lesk, , e. , .. 1 '"F WA* 4,e0 tkte locumsab or Z a wima it 6 coat*nts airti COAngilicatt a, must *OA* 4is4 t tit, rit4, a, I wet, &44 isti43161 wtt* tile date A tt d I tiefE, of r 0 I,- ase I 1 I rl. 10140 AA 44 iwpAtiopit si, a is AA**. tek A.Ait d tie ti. ay a t %A.; be a ow A o n I y t o 0 .. r it ols. SOP. Sit4sui r ,i. actme41*. acd wita ate recuttrec, to ka,ow thc. t c.1 or la..i. i ?2 410,*44401. idtios pwrsarli for aa 1 ij 1..; iiimr g 0 d witt thm 'sire ilseeptng of t n ls du, u..71 t V$ICIY is twri *t44-a4 4* Mace tu relload.We t aL a Act moat r ?-tuch t ue d o 1 m , ' , t A -. It fillgO 1 11 tax* 1%4e VIA r t3*I; t At . tisg, vi ssc,s04 aimmumskos war* e a 04- i wed flov.* tue Irlut."47cir off ice ) goikillt01411. ? t.',441.4 't L'our ter Rece kEtt Hen ?til tetoirmairtiommpte StIlit taint .11Maw aikdalaia..11610?? t I MEIiIN6 MayillOMMIVAGabal? JO* t .1 LI Malt 0.11P Oaar.11.6.. ....................... 4...._ ..1..e....10?43 ? a... .......-..... . ? ?? T. kir 1104000*iatiONWiel 11~Akir .1144, 'Ass*IF'sat 0140)46;441-. t to& ?t? *iv bt An* =rsfi u?- t 4 AO ri$411( r *lat:t 440,1 *Oft i4C1tqt, C ; r g ? 441#44# , 411,0s* 441itto wit* 144 4 0101 Ank 4 sto 4 t - ? '%*'46 irs4itt 11114C444: Vo SIM 400111 ??-??????.. ?liaaogr?s?-????? j 41....11).11.111. a.anlabgaii-ao. ao.assfe...a. ? te ? aat armt-awk t 4 o?? , ?.1"- ; r sj" ItilMalet I f.; r ? It PatV 76.:n-r;;:ove-d?For Release 2013/1R-7. aik:i4bP135-(6booi R006100270005-0 47.4t1._ ? A ? ??? = ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? .4. 4 ' ? t?,z,,liai 144 r for ,NtittREr Mitt T t= - ? . *VW lit* 4$ tut= atveitx, **lot, - , ??? r ty z?; ? ; ?PF.?? D'?? t od,?, ? h-? ?? ,44-11.F.V4k1 ???,,4.1s f?? , ? 0?- t i '(-4411'4 r";?4= "r. V4/ 41" Icit"kt u.4 k ? 0 e ? j. 64) , ?-..; sir ;i4111}tt '44 4 41 f4. *. ?1,41f. ? le* Fe.? ? 1)t eivr I 4/. I, 1 Ot; :1444- t '4a r4i, E. 4 :4,411W-144 4igt. a-404: ei?st 113 it I a * ? s t. ? It ,tb:!.. kV* A ?? 11Z It" tM114*, ?Ew't ItitV, 1141.c 't t.",' .14 , Pt firdiiiijbli kiff ; I r" Z 1V-tf lit ,a A 44 be? 946 45411,1 t 04 3.,t o 1- c 1r I 3 Seesr ? ??????????? ? 0.0?P?????????74-0.4?? ? ? ??????.44. r tiproc,???4it?1?43-4 - ????L - ;. ? ? ? ? ...I.,. ????......?-? ??? ???? e?Gra ? ????', ? 4.4???1?? . ? ? , ?:?????? ????? . 414 ? As. ?e?Eq't 11,4?09. T??: 7 t t:04x4-;Ii-gy-4 .1 ? & 1.???? ? M ' c1 1,Itti4? - ?"4, kif.S4 1 r ? ri14, < ???, P.?" 0,1 ? ?? 1444! , ? ?-? ?-????t t.??? .????1Z-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 9 August 1945 aft, Oftv0107 tit *Ma* Doer Miss Con01171 Weold you be good enough to place the attached report tram Mr. Allen Dulles, Chief ef tbetOSOL mission in WiestAdia, before the Presi- dent bellow. it will interest him? Sincerely you 1 4- , - 1 Job* liegruder, Brig Oen* Acting Director 4,1 . : r 11' S' i" 5 11 N /icr r - ? , 4 ?ig...4.!, e?;.""-- ? .1 ; 'H.!? 1 ' 4 2 - -4 . ritit4 vik-kt.1 J,Lrif SEORET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : ClA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-QfliI ?"." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 71. Pitlf ii thee snobstulte August tripe' Mr, *Urnor Th of ltimobishoft, ?be informatlos afttalmod In soma to amonsts, datit4 13# 16# and 1$ 4 1$41111401.4tftg * 344081l*. ihtt,IPt ta spprosch thrift% Oet reprosemtattrott Cor 4 messago dated thie or alasion in thia Meliftge Is a hay, aftd 2 August Alaied uuthorltioS C;L:11 swab?Swirdlisti tuitional tadto oconoote tbe Soak for IsttorimillUssi SCItleittans# has tr*-* ?1, bales tbrottel IN St *O. rIsiak rot. Ittlor- isa1144* ititaithe in tarlin isiptifienne* ot Ilitotadasi with tb* sO# oat thleutior Mineral 11**4 1141111110*. int.111- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 UWA *wording to indiostions trot the Tolcyo Re io, th* Wee* est all tee& that the sisolar$tion bt1Uvb4dly roots/vet* %toy emphasise. hanever, the 'brier and perfunc. tOve miters of the term.). roply as given ow the Tokyo 2441* PTesier 06,06tilk Thor attribute the terene3s of the rear *s 'videos. or the itflwonov of a ',peace party, VA. srcup in Switzerland hats boon sending &All, stables to Tokyo stating that PA* ootadms deelftrotton to Japan 1,1111 a staple stAteao44 of Allied war atom and mot'a yitahei4tftorisIewvo4t ultimatum ohlieh :apes could not honor seeeptosaoes fit4t 1010140,40. 7h* groat) fsels that o home sorvpd to bolster the tZ Witias 140 srOup s not boom porbuked for such t10104 *11.401110"1/ 0.totil4ezrobie Immo:nano, to a 104 001011 prim $ Acton tbit ?onto Utast.r roloolvoi is pint? ouittonco by, O. Iloperot. lb* U to Po nee pose* par **Wiwi* to mikk Mr. Dulles iIm*ethof olompit4 14,14111ft to too mot aUtbfxritmed roptealvtta-? 0400 of otio frik einfornmerti, if 00 Mit *t the rtillow- 10. voiolAt bo ofolortill tilvtgoriett*tivot Miwistor k=:1 4 e'.4. 4.1 r nri Annroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Tor- SEL;Hiz, 1100001,1 preforOdy (3) some Myles elvillan now In Tokyo es mad bo most ardor the savor of * representative of the lorestiosal Rod Cr..,, ?be group prefers the third alter- *mow* lt fools %hot slosh a porton would know the titivation in Tokyo *ad molowit isialuoto ths situation as en. lotougod Ple* Dullos essmosts Ibtt thsrs Is no direct 0,1 doh* *at those ouggostioos trout the :*pansas gruup in Switz- (Wm* aro based et *mistrust/101s tram Tokyo, Mr* Dulles haN ii*Ua son **OW. point aad hae emphnsised tO 1$iffi *0 miVittilie* is who4her theia Jaraness are omoomeltlsooA, au:tondo, ** sot forth in no prolotati **tidal dj: t1j oolerationno Roaliving sy softb.10 Pull's continues to g is.' ea. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005.-0 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 300101t0141 /1006. .)11111 Asitletardi 3ettretavy of State pstat of AO* oft, Dv O? Dow Ur* am littaeh * amonomai Olt the nattio. it etmootu / AZ.! A. r " -2;4 0' 17 ? t -42 S" 11-.1141 4MIT,s1.4 and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ds. Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 9 kugust 1945 TVS ZUMSTART OF -MT& 1144141001t.ii tbe inalt44.0" or la Immo da ttcl .4134n Chie or the MS misaion in 111 jimpatloo oontainsd in this m43Sage is a Awtod 13 16, wad It July, and 2 Au t. ottpt to approach Al led authorities Istives. severmr4p?Ait-wigyiprigeolimmemervematioisikoo-04 goo P.m!~ beWill son * etedith national and economic far Into Sattivaents, has trans- informatim to kr* Doll's through an iletor or Os barsk for inter- - financial Otatthe tft r'i in ou $tgnificano, of sawed tt'POtsdtv 'with tht Usti and firipialer Goneral boosio oraomielie intent r 41 T$ t1. tildio, sittotity was badly th.ftglor and perfunc- Win ova% th* Tatty* lake the torgenitst of the or a *pitaito party** Reno* l'as beam sendLing daily 'Obia liettdait thotlitration to Japan of Allliat vier vkas and not * *ht? 3ps coald net honor- 100 oup rowls that orpt to tastor this tiLnds 11 . ' ? j - , ? " V4r* uet e " 0? soah IA Vint stor trot* The pmrte* ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 S-4,4,4,4-4410-4P4v, ;RAF Ca- - ? *-1,7;" ? _ )4c. I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 2 the 010010 r *4 it*CObaston to *ik Ur. Dulles * wercla I* *eo ett authorized repretionta. $144110*** Os.yiiu%i, It so, on* of the follow. Atelfttei U Ut repeiventtivet (I) Minister wit 4 t deltgate to the eonverea. 4 **Itia:441 (2) Asbasaador Sato Pro '040 $wise civilian nor in Tokyo volt iiketitiet tkot *poor ot a repre*entotive *f the 1 R404 OM*. The gr*uP Prefer* the third altor- WitteUilt tt Pmixs that siva * warm would know the Tiokytt andi*InAd oveluet* the situ#Ltion as envia- V041, Mr. Wise leug fiat* Nib olooteats thiNt thew- is no divot *Woo :roe the J niee group in Switem tructioae trot T (04 Mr. Dulles hos 00it irt td hos emp2us1sed to tethir the Japanese are or s. **t forth in the eolorattons? Realising leiter, Mr. DiAl%oi eontinues to - _ - r-? :aft ? 'OW 11040040it 0140010 4 ? r ":" ;?-o? ??,?-?'J? 2c:"?,; ,T ,1 ' ;?.? irodors, 11441, Oft. 141,40, ? 14101 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? --z????? 74i? 3ig&A, t'S -1-7V c - 44? 1 :211 '446r, , Declassified and Aimmenali-orviecomilivici)i=zzagiplicologlci).12.7.(IVo5-o z 1g4 measego dated U. QM a1.s3ion in his Mossags is a Jty,sod 2 Augusto *fl.d *uthoritios !_74 gra: Xitamsres Opeeter et the 114/01c to Intim.* Iments sot term., inftool*I sttsehe it Berlin s 06 the ottnirietnao or it Pots4ssi pith the sniCarigadier General hoe of thipanese latent the Tokyo Radio the vtiot thitially wal4 tunny WO **brief snd perfuneft, s given over the Tokyo trOmle the terseness of the ,Oft n *yeses partyRI, how beet sentiins doily Potsible dester.)tion to Japan t *f AUtiot ear alas end not shish * 044 not honor- 'm group feels that ter the rinds en., for *1140b 4 to * **Niter "t74-e- - ce4G. IFi'land Annmved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Tko Tellf reqoe* 04 Jaeobvion to ask Vire Dulles mbetber he iio be to Writ An nuthorizmd repretentp. %le, or tht treptneit* 10100041014 If so, one ot the follow- tit 14K1tt ke sloolta tho represent4tivez (1) MinistRr 4044 64t1mg *a sTapsows Colernment delegate to the convoren- U*sssoft co IlinUt4r toiSwjtstrland; (P) Ambwismeior Sato imseromq 44* rreferiatir CI) *010 W1 !$ civilian now in Tokyo 044 to mit meow tovor or 4 reprosentatIva of the 4gensittveal tett Orel's, Me group prefers the third eltqlr- *Ott,* 1040440*4 it fools 'Olt such a p4rson would know the ettUatift la Tokre awl yeetad emelUktoo the Situation AO enviii. *pot is *stop*los 11** lull** ommibmts that there is no direct 0144 tkitt tboSef suggoottoms from Um Japan's? group in Switr- X011 *r* ooso44;tabistrootions fro* Tokyo* Mrs Oullao hes WizitittieEtt iisitolisitstes on this poirtt and boa emphasized to ?tmI Aka* tibt 4101 fireesitiOni is %tether the Japanese nre Ii 400001 wont torrecdcr al Set rorth in the tetNser pvinflov* offisisl doelarationss Realising *4411**7 act ma* !POW, Wr, Dulloas continues to thit moot*** Notion* :alba Oa trigs 00114 Aatims Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 43" . F i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 areimmursmsessummortsropmegnimumiiminamienewasiormsoasssla.ast ssurto-27 t ?inla ft! RE b* frei,re4 L?0 ea, upoa Ite ,1% e C kICIrpoICISsAS ST Au 45 444Wra;.47 *0.; 4*cif,t ritAr? "a4otL patf4:41*T4. *mit ....a......111111? .10 ........X.11/4111M6/1......... 101,111164.**0111.manNolwaxmoupow***..**** gong* C J ? s: t.` P1 J?FiCE. t, i;? .11?111.1.110,? VT06 ???? 4; a, t.h I ? " ? ' b Cr ? ' I I ?44t. Antra t 1-6-0 34.917.11 sotageed, tetarao 'fiet re CP005 tt' L4ets? ?te t :rkt- .)t' t I , LP anner9.4 ** titito OklIves Bvtata. Up reqoxpt %-f t4tr: 4t.?? . ! 11,4 bear t OVA PUI) 414: Ok o a *boo he toAteord fa,z tAto st??0141. 11** att.: Vaitellirt x 114 vi /up t t)o,tite.sia, kr.; d' OISTIOM tt ? IA et ? 4*(04 1.6.41* roc *4,44, oa.4 fait va4t ti 2 data 4 id t -10 ? , 4,11.i.401?1 *t IktIt %mato. 'Nato dstueatat it% ? 0:*-11 t. t* *** VOIPAISCitla deGra,A04ts,, med otio area I*414kroi tq khow the $AJWILU4A6*... 0606 por*oo turnoff/ ouaeged wtth tz,to ,?t Q .1 4I j t C 121C41: gtt ItArte, areitictiL et lett,* to tittottoms0a1.? to' t4b4 *its r it t. 'tst?rox Pitt,f fjr f fe,ta thir 164 4, it dt.p. *it* to,41111HILAW Ms* ieta?4 f r. o t LI ? aa , r ), ? tral1777 oft T. ---- ,, ts ta*iitOr VOillit . - *E?iiVED itt444Tt.14.t, t,?- rh 'r ?....?.-. 1` t tr, i , t _ ._ ? . - - 4 . 'Isi I tiliHRIPIPPAN*ItIMIMPPOMOIlmt.ilil i nu' 1; IE 1111141.0.901. K.1*10.116.11P,111.1%**1411oird11101}401111,10?1111/ +.00- - 1.11: .) ?,? ' 1e. s- en. **,..> * . ..," I ' WI I, . 0 . .T. 1 4111...MIMASINOPIIONI .***1./.1 1.' 1 :Ill itlIC*4.4411164111011.11131004111 $11.461?0400.ill**407000.00,3?3* , l! -...... ?................. ? . OW' . ... *?-??amat .*.**m * .1, 1, .,.. a ** - ..................... f! - . 4 , - - " ? . . ighiPirAMPIRItigaliglick**ffiliNft.0.* vie ' ? 1! ... .1 'C? ?.11 .1! ' inw? ? 444440 i..40.416...li - ' I - : 1 1,41:C6141/41,146141WW*1, .. . '? : I . ? 4 .. . . . ' ' ' ? ? - - ...ttaii.wid .. tv- iruo- 00' ' '400 "I 'LI-, ? ctrttAlia**0.4 0041,41441044 ***law rag** PAW, dtpcoment. *44, itii1604t $1,4110 1A0 tiaatttOorttt 404 vota4d tt 3?T t #41, 010 4140117 a* 64t rt: (let te4 r *Si *wit, *tout ***IitivAtt t **twit t t04? 40(s trit-Pt . ??. , 400 444, #044pso4 toi CA4 wagArria roP MAO' actittedilIallartlitaIrtagettlatte :411 , Pelt" 3 ;PI I I. r t ; Cy. 01,1, 1 r ? ? 1.122r42-.:_?__"airagittOtAV....41fttr-lIgliget'l*--7-'s- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000 1 ? I 1 jlifli i:7 ' .x3 I 43 k 42 s&I?- , a 113111.111MINUM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 11111111111111111 rdtti ? e, st k TQP stick.S7 r 14:01Hil WIT 8.4i ? .t. - ? tkeettlt itS/2/4.5 et4te OR a Rtta:tt: DJ. Lea,",_ r ? C:PH 5 "41, 4.141, , migt. tl ? I A.,* ? ? 41.itil eitik*Ct4 .14:tt ft t c' la 4.3 epe r y ? ?e? ' t1 0 vti? 0114.,t gm Itrkt4 ijk ki1414 , hOt r St 0. tit; titid4teiV.,) 4 rip sicA7s. 4:j0;61, f 0;41 44)1D, 4.4,1 .111 di:till tit ti Aoki ro th. 4 06 LA 446 t ? V.. ea 1.....tolalr?Jay.,0 ???????????????? ? ?? ???????? -.7. % ? tUi 6 tr 2 0 0 A ? '44)7 t 424,40..0:va " j? j t n ti t" %) 44,4 t? la 1:- 1 41-04*itit 4111 nig* 9 r 1 1 , 4,1,1r1 -tic 44A0 I+ 4 Olt t4 Cr e 41U r e r 7, Ae01201?-?300. r Cour to o? a. ,, ? 1 . ' s ? -, t ? ,/att 1 t '' ir?;''" ' +i-V -* ? 1,7647oesiferolfert* ''''? ir.' It 4:LE l'ill.V.b.bie...Q.? .?,... ... 6. f OAT!T. t.sperspreskr ? wwfte?????.9.449pe 1 4.*S....4W1. Ines, w 7- ???,trptg,MIlm"-1". " iot d - ? VP. ? I I. ? - ??,14.- ?Y? 4r, " r 171i) 17.;7.,t V Jt?? , f 4,4 ? ? 7 , e?-r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ????.0.belt- 0 4(.11 C Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 IC - ? v 34 %%Iv 1945 A* 44i 3tolarland Vis, ar? Chiefs of Staff Dow fleiwria Ketssaardit I ha*tom to forward the enclosed mxxAt he* Kr0 LUstt Dulles in Wiesbaden ftich will ve belleves be of interest to the Joint Chiefs of alskthg the liberty of closing *0 the Preaident and ask that kw,* it delivered to him ' ,?,. --4.: ?" .:f-,,,,,.4.'[?;-. ',;!?' - ,? ?.4?:'?7?7; .4';??.4.-,.,1" ,';',-. ',-. .., -'''i '--?:?-: -,?'-it';??%: ..i.- t? ' --e-.? -,:,'-..-.1; '.;.o...ti.;.-,- .? . ,,,.t.g _41 "..! tomitto.ft -..-,,:. ' `...!4,4??.;; . '''i I; F -j, ? .. t., :4 r ...:.!, ,1 y. ^It : 4 " :::42....: ? ' I.:, ...:.p.! :f* ?. f -? "1 - !"="? ,-.?;1!;:?- ?., ;,- -.,. . :,i`..i.4. - '''; ....?';'" -- .,..... :i. 1,:??,-, .."???',?'? ; '',"!. t- ','," - ' ''' - :1: ,-...:.!- , :-1-'-'?? ' ?;.?".' ', "It ...--4,,,,, , .., ? _ r a ? t? A ot 4," 1,11 - A , US*, at the earliest poosible t,,-'-;, ;r4:',Ir ,,.", ' ''';t:, ? ?'-...; ,i".!..f.t.i-rr? . ....?-..-. ,,?-?"-.L. ? i F.;...t'.?:.1 .r., ,... - '-"-: "-t - ' ' ff. . 4 ? .:*-.):1]. ..,:' ,14,3: , t - .'.. ',.-.7-?:',.,,-:,,, 4.'?;?-:!-:.;.C. .',". -. t.. ..-. .-- '''':.-i--,,???? ? c ? .) stt ,-? -"" 7. f.V. ? '211- ? ? .;" r , , ;.'.. i? ; - ' -:?.j.,..:... ,5?7-.1 '''' ''?? - I , 0, ... ..1`...1; .. 4.....1 .t , . ,... ? ?!. 0:4^ -0 - ' t.; - t- , , , t. ft,.; 10 Staeoroly yours# Charles 8; Che-stan Acting Director ^ 14- fA4'." "-; .t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 .P.M1 13 July 1943 Eatesenos or iffiliz ???? ' rood Wie, Ilion Wiles tn 12 est 1 Julato colhoersi a sow Japttneso at Etuthoritios through OM represonta- , 1r:a 3????:;?????: Ng .09fiaaie her to the hen boon epproaohod by Mregtefttntive of Woad atimehe in Berlin. vei axiom& to esto,bliati slitteo and isplied 14 insist with re oa for the Jayon- ho was complete the surrender of thot n wiohed to y Control tort Wolff. he content of oat is For : ' ?tYk-. ; '0,1f -1 4 ? , .-- -., , ' ?-? ''''',, ? a ; ..., .! - : ? . i ?.1 ; `. ;?:;.-, ,,,,,, , , , - -3:4 U.:- .-',.:', Y % 1 7?'-?f`..'",-. i' ' ?s.' It; 1?2,1,40i-" ,?, 4.1 ; ? -.? ?:!ka' " '13,111. , r?. s 11.."' ? ,????, ? _ ? ??? ' -1 ? " f. ???:. a 17 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 i ,vst&Perces who talked with Jacobson it eve that the tam% approach was initiated looal- rather the,* oft the beds of instructions fro* Tokyo. Renee is dif teat to 4108041NO the aoriousnoms of the approach. ImetttifeiA Bela reporin that, jacobson hits Ur.. 01 Unto* to Basel to see him thiG coming The 011 representative barn declined the invitation has told Jacilmen that he could 4Dsive his in Born on Sunday Thit OISS rilmeriteatilf* inaOrn wilt see Jacobson obtain such tmtolli ft at 4scobeon is able to give1. ea:pacts to treat the 04 ir* volttior with the sroatest cau- UM awl mem.) Marla* S* Choston Act int Director 4 AM COIN MIN (7/121 a #?9 L. - ? ; ???- , '7.17-4"3 ; 4 ??? , TOP SIM 1 -c= ? ? -1:?-??;z: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 13 July 1%5 -74(ti 11 r The felliweisa tato:vett* received hive 'tr. Men 4404Wes date!" 12 sad 13 hay, moans a new Jap- tityprosoikiniediatharities rap. iuptdii.*la EAdtsperlesti reir Jateibeests Swath *Aiwa tad weenie ada ? Vim* irlk the Salt fitmi latentetiontl Settlevents, hes been ap- *EaJi. titans", *director of the Bulk, a rem- Usk mad four finatioiel Wog titt Jatobeft that hot was estad with Usrican repressn- irstabliAit the ?aely counties 40k ve:iielt Javpah uould list vitt taisilier *lila ON 1191,101111M. 11111411 .1t ... ? ?r'r ? ii.011b.eamt exusideratioa for itamirc *mad thst he eat COS ix* Wash liod to the surrestior tielar -end Mieloved Utat t*Wad bi Crowd Karl off Vita the 1004?? 3.' 1 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? 44,64. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 2 to nada" pith Itrivaisr Gosioni itiyotosi Camatoo a former J Llitu ttaohia is lint. ittasoto to probabity the J lakiligesse in Varoplitj Mamma claim tiot tbt Istiatasome Avow is SPitsitriand haa direct earatiriielic. Ititk latzts eiht is is a p.tiw to *aka UMW/ calk- sititsotA 004m144144i OSO ostiksot 4.0100e* who talked with 4100641* at italta belies,* that UP Masan approach was *Mated Uglily ratheir thys ea the Willi of instructions blot*" limits it is diffiselt to 41SO4$ this gertousnasp Oir t. spiariaseti* eh* CMS _rastrawiatotive is larA report* that Jactobtion E. h - gems t* Sawa to sog hi. Oa* oos- . rspisomithAilw as deolised t? t '4004 iiia in Son on tilos is Born will so. 1. once a* Jseobsos is 441s Q5'?f=,,1 ? 1 :.?;?4 *Airs mettor with the grhat4 ? !. ? , ? "i? ??? F ^ , ; r! ;'? Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP 13 ?11114. 145 C tirr? OM* 446460-0-14,9 ti /414 Ates04. Few believe the Seeretety will be intorotted eked report treat** Allen Dulles in ?1;;" dincera7 "tura) .1" :r .'. ; ,..r.:1-4* r?-?:::,16Z.'--. 1:r4,44-....,,,.,--., ..,,- 0. -, - ..- ,...' 11.f' 1 f ,1 : '1., ta,c'1,1hc1,7-' ? :X,..',??? fJ? ? - ? ? , ? , '',,:.- .''' ' - ::,,Z :,;-?-z L '.,...r: ..,:.., ,:.,..-ir,:.?;.: .., ---..-7,- ' .,..: " '2...f... ,-;.- ; .:- .,?:... . -.1 3 . ,,, , ?....;,.... ,, , .1.:7.? -.? . 'X-. ; ..".- '-,-.: ' ? ; .f. . .. , -. . ' , - ;?.? " 4,, ..5.1,1` 4 . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 't Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 MAU; _ L, ?-,??; ? . TOP : i i4 .424 ? "r.' M. Uiert Dulles in, at* Japanese at It Sroprescata 00104iikie adviser to th* ha* a, spadby resestative attache in Biar. a., anzioaa to eostative* aid !mild iusis? *Mort tor the , was 400.1* the aor tkitat Oreberal .-... 3 ''.. ?;-'1'..,,,lj--',_ :: . '' -- ". with the moat of ibmirOhi 'kook and is a tow 1 the Wine that the itallaoa* with ItOIKA*4 , I, ? ? et t!?4 Vt4F+4:. 4114'4 _ tE ? c I 477 - ' Sct ? ; ".t '4".1 ? t vfj t t"' { _ ? J 4 " r 11 with *hobs= atm initiattd. aka fro* foriousine** TOP SE 1-1-0 ? , , .3f?-eAV4'.:1 ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 tail's in Urn report.s that Jacobson has bin to come to ks.1 to see him this eta The 0168 representative has declined the has tolft Jacobson that he could see him in ay, 1544. The OSS representative in Bern ampbaca ea4 to obtain such tatelligence at Josebecia Is able ti% give, and expects to treat the en- tire natter with the greatest caution and reserve.) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP SECRET C17,K. L SIOACIVIE RECORD SNEET DESCItIPT.40.* C2-,,J-1_ Seil,f *.ttm.LSS)O MG 777 :l'i?::: "- *-agAt7'0;10:1/404 37,5w"4 , .,?-:; ;,, 00,444filt? -.0 A t i ;., 2 2 co*".A.&CESIN IATEz II- te4 (-- *0 ., :_, 4101 1 ;Orr 10.; ': OFFICE OR ELRANCliz rt' TSi ACONEi' i 11. LOG4E0 BY: 0.44"--? .............4411... -, ; ?-?. ' - ?-;104.0:-.. "IrSC4-.**-asoi-, InatiOr im ritartan itirrk-eir ths attached TO SQLT .oii.ent wtij* it '',fs. ?-.:4*-,01/ittreoli tit , tali* Qtt ties or ittio..)a. rotaipt of this document from anet-her Tsco iiigiet._pript4e -ti s I or* ,ova. iiikick,, ac ?Ord i hgt SCb& regulations, each person ,-?:-,-.'.-:..----:::***!4*** :tat-4inotoknon. at 4 r ,t-e: -whoa At* e?oatenta aro c OILMAniC ate d) suet sigh uit h t he _ 40t*?:.**:+4.,_tionds. r000lvati '..-ane:L..i.ait*ari wi-th the d.ato and time of r 0 in as n in 'be spaces -,..T_,0?1054::*4..4 'Iosp&O.mri.ts- ,lairi 'amine. ', ,-ittia- doenme ht , stay be sh.own only to per* ono authorized tteiie*/*....$,Iltittl- -,;itoconee.at*,-- ,. 114,1; if kb? 3.r gi reqUired to know the itif or mkt ion which tt ' f ,. ,: :.:? -?.-.. - -7.:,. . ? : c-7 ..-.; ' ,...,,i',,?;..L.? ; ..-, , _.' ? - A '''''' ::- -:. ''., oinit.4 Imet:pritnOM--.fr.oritsitly caarged wit.* the sofek.esping or this document hy the ?, I ,? If --;;',,::-. ?, ,,.:'1' ' 0 .iit Litili, ,Sranraln:-Oe Ritioe, i.* toot one this: tor and oust return the document to t he 4 f...il '.:??,-?.,,- . ,'tcz:, **Itio,:itik -.feil!, loker-ew tikei ieg4- ,:,- ''' , , iii-iettioligt-404egi101',1014 tceeived. Er40 -tam; .,.., Courier R000illt No. . ?. ' breach or ?Vice) 41,7, : iTA?:-'.-..i.k' rit'Y : ,'_r,,,g :.--,---- -',,..-':. ' '-,, _ ? - - RE C , \tt 0 ? , ,. _ RELEASED - . ''' - - *MIK - - ? , --,-,?-? _ . _ -? ,--- ?'.? 7'7.. '...:. ''`''. ' - C! ' :,i ;?.:4:, ''',1,..Z', . - ;'' ,r,? - - ' - , ..-. . -.'' 1 -: ,:: , ' :-: - , ,i -----,-; ,., , -,? _ -_: ,,,-,.. ,?...' _ - ' :41 0*AI tiRt ? ., ,-- " . .7; . ,"-,/ , s" Tu lt - _ I.NITIALS . 0 nit ? - A -, ' . 1; -- ' _ ? ' - ' ' ? ': ?-? ' ::; - :..C. :, : ' ?-? --.. ' :-. , . ,- - - , . ' - . I , _ , , . . . , .2 ' t..-. ?--. ;. . - -' "..:'? _ : , , . ;-';. ,-1_ t 4, 13:: -_-?., ,_. :' ''''' :--- ; ..t,-,1 - 1 Mi?4'i 54 t 4ffie.-9 : . . ix 1 - 64 i _ . ,... ,.. :. . - ?. - , . , ' 1.-At i' ,', 2. ?-. - ' ....t.'''' ? , . : ; , i LZ. ;-': ? I . . -..... - I r . - , . ','-' _ f i . t? ;;,- .- ' - 4 - - :'? t WA , i !. .1 ., ' ! , :4 ,. . ... . .. . .. 111111 is - . ., . , .. , '- .. ... . . . [ IIIIII .. 1 ; ..7 '.,".'..?:.1..Z '' .:,..7'.:: t _ VI'''' ' ,,.,..?,...,... , _-,,- ' ,',-'1'" ' _ IA - :,,,,..., ?., i _ , - : 11111 I 11111 ., ?,, .. .., , ., , ' , ...=,.. -,,y. ,:. . .._ ..... ... _. _ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 111111111111 1 ? ????,,:?,. `? .? ? ??-?1?N.'s ?"1 74- 41, u 14$ ? "; 1 . . ? ? .11 11* SECRET V, I tt.4,,pEET liochat tS4421 - w-ao, i4t-c ves. lb CO? ShettliT duc slat; v4, * Iv' e oe J? AtCCES4 OA NO. :.&1.3419A 4A C: it.frriat 0* 40ANCti: ;TebeeeefeJ01011Wee.eemeeeeeeser ????????????eeeee (-3 *11.4.1,103; 40.7 Ea I e4-*4-21 i ? :Mtg.= ? ? T.T4 ? - t it* = ;Ott. 44 the te?OpGz.'isty u,n to it y ? 0-014 .itift# witavagd with full rOsPoiii4L-- ' .0170.644111.14. auttt z A it 0 r (.1 '4)4e -400 to retovl.ver a rat? SACAirt -(10044,e?t vd 441INTI kossIS Eery* 4063, b prupu.re retititifk_ otto-.41tod t %O. &too alga At. at 1.- b4;44ftwo-ft 01 f it--.04. Or Srli-tio aeo W i t il t 11 0,fttiot4attot will i14 belavi 3.d 444.4 t3 A 4040 :t3iAtIt uy Orticer Cour v.,ei . At.? 5.,....,-,......,... . _.., - ..., , .0;? . er.? ob. . ? i ' ? '??' > .?, , -.- .: ; ?.- , ? ?.. IIIP.tedeeleie?eletM-Cere...011011.1111.4(Teeree.,,,??? Xe./ IT I 41 Lt. r AI'S; i:: . Pa . f; ? .?'????? ?.? .r.r.4a, L ? 4U I : " 1 .i.,:s.,? .'? '4....... ? ..-: . 7 ':?'..!: .: :., I:, ",'? ? '" ,., '..'".-t!'-i-'...''-'' . ?;.. ? ? ,,".?*?!.?. '-?,..?' 1.4 , '.. ? .- ' . .. !...;--f. , ? ??-t'.4' .11:.4.4.?:??????!?,"' S '1 ... sr.!. .:. ' ? `r.;,4,'.1, ? ? . t?ir i. .:.'.1.1'....-. ei. ? .), .,.., . 5... : Wt. *oft tit goi ? .44414 r 4_14, ..', V.4 r* ? , s? " 4471r ; ? - S',411 " `f. ? 11, f g a ft! Ill ' 501111161611 F- ,- -.t.,-, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00601R000100270005-05,41, ! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Coionel BtlAton: Attached tor your 4ignature are memoranda addressed to the President, the Secretary o.f State, and el to the Joint Chiefs of Staff sequ previous memoranda pea fee concerning alleged Japanese ce iers. Bern Cable #11-57, of 21 June. flq For Genera/ magrud C. T., Jr. '10.-V-?-? = - ' ' ? i? 14+. .,-....-.., - - .--,--7 - - - _ .? _ , . ,-.. 1 ? - - - ,-, ; 1- . - -.. . .--__ . ,?:',..._. CI ?....-- :' ' ' .. ?It f -'.1",- 4..,. .7:. 'z. -_ -.-- - ---1:1 - ? ., , ,-? - - .':-.2-8 'Y.--- -,. 1- .- C., , . ? . P.: .. ...t -... .... , . i .. ?-? ? - % e .ii: .,- .... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? ? believe the President will be in - terse in the enclosed message from our representa- tive in Bern. Sincerely yours, TOP SECRET :F. I. BMA ie an rove or e ease 2013/10/21 : CIA- 13X00001 000 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 The folloldiAg information, transmitted by the OBS rep- resent:-tive ia Bern, is a sequel to memoranda dated 12 May and June cilncerning peace feelers emanating reportedly from the Japtme Legation in Berm. The source of the information is the same Carman authority referred to in previous memoranda, a 4 stription af whoa is appended below: AcoordiAg to source, Fujinura insists that the Japan- before surmadering, would require assurances that the Em- peror would be retained. Fujinnra has read accounts in the Bern press af Mr. Allem Dulls** part in arranging for the German capitulation it North Italy. Fujinura is obviously interested Is knowing *hat tItTes short of unconditional surrender might have bale gnated the. Germans. fftijiAMMIL0 a former Japanese Assistant Naval *tact in Berlin is considered to be one of the iriipd Japneee naval repreoantAtives in Europe. Trot DM he is rtporteay in close touch by cable norinQQifiad and Aooroved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 is a German national abo was taken prison the Japan*** lu tvrld liar I. Upon his release he remained in Japan gattl established important *oissercial relation* there. It* placed Japanese purchases in Gersany, made a substantial fortune, and gained the confidence a high Japan- ese cizolos, particularly in the Navy. Some ;rears ago he returned to 1Wrope *ad, u he wee area/ with the Hitler Government, took up Tiiiin Zurich. 0. maintained contacts, homer, Japaneso circles in Berlin, particularly with Adairal. Hamwa, the Japanes* Naval Attache. CoE is understood to have advised the :awes* two pa= ego that Germany* would be decisively defeated,. *MU Ambassador ?shims at Vaat time officially pr*ictQ i Ceram victoryd 5:7r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 $ 1,479?,s' k. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 MORAN= FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE:ci Th, following information, transmitted by the OSS rtpreaentative in Bern, is a seinel to memoranda dated 12 May and 4 AIM C ccrnirg peace feelers emanatin4 reportedly from tbe Japanese Lgati3n in Bern. The source of the information is the same German authority referred to in previous memoranda, a doscription of whom is appended bolo*: *card t- source, rejimurs insists that the Jap - for* surrtndering, would require assurances that the woZ4 be retained. Fulinura has read accounts in the of Mr. Allen Dulles' pert in Ma ging for the Gar- man capitulation in North Ita4. rUjimara is obviously inter- .44 in kaQv hat terns, short of unconditional surrender that* bee these Germans. -t6?:?)A1 -1. TZ't I 7,-??? Amur Japan**, Assistant Naval is considered to be one of the naval eseatatived in urop reportedly close touch by cab *trails in Tokyo TOP SECRET ?V:q. . r Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 `. OP SECRET CON Rilt is a Golan national who W4S taken pris- OW' b th. Japanaso in World War I. Upon his release he remailmild in Japan and established important commer- cial relations there. He placed Japanese purchases in Gomm-, made a substnntial fortune, and gained the confidence of high japanese cirolts, particularly in the Navy. Slue years ago he returned to Europe, and* as he was =Qum irsti with the Hitler Govern- ment, he took up residence in Zurich. He maintained contacts, houaver, with Japanette circles in Berl* especially lath Admiral Nomura, the Japanese Naval Attache. He is understood to have advised the Japan- ese to years ago that German/ would be decisively dtfeattd, ithile Ambassador Oshima At that time affi- cial4 predicted a German vietoryd G. Ed Act,. aid Buxton Director San Cable 01057 (IN l66,71) - 21 June 1945. e ? - ? ';' t ? ? - - - TOP SECRET - rg. t-er'=4 4!Kz-_-?=1,r? - , - - ? 1-mecifior1 irir1 Annroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 une 1945 OF EX111011 43 OF STAFF: STIVICT; ALlautizugatligktrLt. The following information, transmitted by the OSS ftpreseatative La Born, is a sequel to memoranda dated 12 May and 4 June concern img peace feelers emanating reportedly from the Japanese Legation in Barn. The source of the inforaation is the same German author Uy referred to in previous memoranda, a description of whom is eippplemded below: Lcci to soaree, FUjinura insists that the Japanese, before la reriuire ASSUZZACO$ that the Emperor would be has read accounts in the Bern press of Mr. In arranging for the German capitulation in is obviously interested in knowing that o taco tiottal surrender night have been granted * former Japans** Astivtant Naval Attache in dared to be ono of the principal Japanese naval In Europe. Iron Bern he in reportedly in close vith naval circles in Tokyo a German aatiomal who was taken prisoner by the War It Upon his release he remained in Japan tit*t commercial relations there Us placed KS is Germany, mmle a substantiAl fortune, and tdsnc?of high, Japsness circles, particularly in ars ago he returned to Europe, and, as he was with the Hitler Government, took up residence tained omatacte? however, with Japanese cir peociall$ with Adairta gomura, the Japaneae willerstood to have advised the Japanese tlernasy would be doeisivell defeated, while at thAt tine officially predicted a Gorman TOP. SECRET Fnr Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ? r- r ..14 ? .041.a 4.tai .1.111111.MMOMMIOW Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001002700=4 affsexitsitinpristwitimaigrarialwormsomesam $iUiitEZOAD SnLET r.. Ovetp4re.a al 413 I:SCO '4 p %au ra)?tatv? .? Zaat , , 01.0.4.; 1.44. r ? 4? :a / :taate"..4ar.a4o. II ? Pie . Ir I ?a ? 44," 416* ? 1 /14,111r r 1. ? , 4 ? -y s 1? y ? r 1441 it 4.) *411..4 t r*Iolisestbl..* ter tOot ?r4 i ?I?t h?.1 Jg, 1 kik ? I -atti47. t3 a. t I * J C Etratica 1.`u g?-?.a?tirtt ot to.4 10. ?t, tn at,ottkoo ..31;#,Fa ro "lets t"..erio ?4 NB watt. 4.0141116 ?? t t. 101) ?Ilak h:st . ilt?t. .4 'ft NTIk el id atii*at re tor 4841 E ..$11t.t. t .11 c? )U3 ti .4 ? * 3 t tk I. Sa s *44 tlanto htv?4. ta4 taitaat, sat., tut-. ata.to Aga to,I,s3 " 2k.ir ...44,1 ipto. k t 5 aLasAIMe. r *its 4o. sigasat ) b t1 es ctiwn 1 si 0c k kb (V 455. SSCA,Oi 44c 4aGgsts, 44; 1,4 Aro rt4ti?tkt-,4.1 tt knot; tat. iLrtn't' t 0lI%t I %a AC.19J*. itaic Z pt.e40,13 eeroally ta4r4'stati witta too otr.ttsiteth9aDa o' .P, 4.5k itivilata. Off t?ta rettleo8s1.41.0 rue aod I? t U ttiti I iIt ti I ts ^ cp ho Jac f at t geol. rota' tait r azia t ooptt *moo/moat vas thcoloott frogs ttio , C011t lt-i K ,s ttilr t14" t it ?ot ) OFt.rvIP ??????011?KAtere,110?Mt. 041.1111. Salt ?.k.,44!)101 wiwalwoolall111 ?cal?liminey??????????????=fiavouillowAremy. e^t .1114114140.1 IP-440144.....414????????????.* , AL c (0 ? ........?onnials? pi lealINNIVII 1.59.441011461.0,11,411 feta:111k Velgr ??? eyi??????????? I (1134460 011.5. tre?Smsc...ma-o.lik.0 .414440***teltitractatte ' I J ,Abskstweboastohtinses *to 4 ...01,0,411.?4101411,12141 MIA 100111401F I a CM, d POW ACM Km. alb evlIGSMINNIX ?e? ,??????? ?1?-? JL $4 tilltoi ti a *art. e o4101 r 044 3 et t fie kiselu t t tL U n I; t Ftg it(.;. '44* 8810411 SPCA $11** it 4,4 GO* ti 480 47 a I 4$ t ito 4 pest" is t 1 I ? 1. e. I ft 410# #44 44#41k MO tsirtIttt 4140 ?1400sloot r*,/, Off toot :::olitsf. i of to tiio k ; 1?6.41 114z itx4f 63314110,* 11 Oat kalif tfito etto.:440410? 4^ I** 4 I . Itz `oota'414rst 4114AEttsitotal eirli4 PO Loa/A*4 tiit tut irezra;:r. TOP $441 CRE qt, 11104Mleatilkill~ove?NwileWru 1)(ir Ceti 4?04 44t.i ' TZ' ; - ? ,? ? ?g 4 .5.: 4 - nACI2SSified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 -0-nnWS CM, st7e,;',:-.; ?? ? Lr ? ? ?? jr. ? , ? .. . f? .- - ' --', ' :. ,*,-;--'....7.-i.'4sciii..?'i4-,..1.;. .. . . . . . ,_ . . - __ _.. _.., Ti Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 --. - -1.,,- i.,---:-- - , ROUlika SNIET ifolkauttai ,te TiSe0 WA* "t'"tr".'rrlsm???,NT7a?owoowaw.tomm.yo,wiopo..im.n...F".s..." receive* a TOP SECithT doc4pout. ? - --OCIteti*Ttok " #111* 4419 tOPI ; rr4CitNthuSz ACCii4ION NO.. ACCESSION OFFiCE OR LOCt4E1) 8Y; DATE; 94ANCNz 4EGis-p? 4.A.t c,1411.4 _ walwrqtt terttis traluaferted tuto tilt temeosar; tvatody Catitialii ts4,tj Oglaw W4p t444rtoqi ith lULLr4spous e, ***1444-11* zwAitlit obUthott trout itnotber A. ord 1. 4904 AM* fir.gt t600 to e0491V0 rUP aocumeut **V' ACC8.3.3rOM Sititn4 OSS. 40o u4 pr ope. re -5:;? Sittiamtlit T444: Aorta. moot rolicia, 4kt t &a hod to t ae iton (40 at at .140111$1.114 **** tato 49 01,t4e bt Wi 1 igu below a u 4 .4 t .4trik.1.4.14 Ikt4, *WC NM NA. belweeli Off io-te or bre no aos i - - ? ? -4444144'r obvii tikAilOitattto.4 441,04.1 T8041 pal/ .0y Otriet)r eourtor. twatuto 4040* _WIL-4-4 1 1 "?:. - - k RELE.c6E0 4471=..i? ?ti e ? Ti ME .4?41M.P..N1014 ; . 1 " - i,? - ?? .1 ? 4,Miln.nolorop?MW '. - 1' l '''" .I`, 44.41,!,e4.44ft:lt,Ifos fiii-k 41-# - - & 4 ii )all upe , t-, 1 ,r, ,...,r -.7.,:.- _ ,.., ?? ' 4. 40 % - ..-_,,, , , ::.????.,11,41,r, ? ...?;;;;;,... , . ' 1, .23 -Q,4 , ?? li V , - ? fr, 4......:.??-;". /tr.) ????? .,,,, ,.,.. 7.4 :_??? r-,-..1,4,14 ? ??1-7, , rpp-vroft?flter2$ vv.-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 fill0,14; Calonel BuAton: Attached for yo z2r signature are memoranda addressed to the President, the Secretary of State, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concerning alleged Japanese peace feelers. Bern cable #10589, dated 2 June, For General Magruder C. T. Jr. /We" r f? John kbgrer uct, Brig. Geri. Ntouty Director, ?Ss intelligence Service -tW I IN11011k91 VA! r5 kg.t-tt t 44., r ? e4: , t t14 11 ???????????1111?11."..t....... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 7 t t ' V41' _ : ,rctret ,;.?:??.. 21,37 17. - J ? Miss toss Coo The &Lite Noose Dear Kiss Camp believe the President will be interested is the aselosed report from our representative in Bern. 4 C4 Idward Buxton Acting Director . 1 ? . 9 ??,` Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 . - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 r ! ? TOP SECRET CONTROL ti MINDRAIDOM TOP TINE PUSIZOT: The fidiosing ialforsttion, triasaitted by the ass rep- :vegetative is Sera ea 2 Aube, is a sequel to memorandum dated 12 May 1945 oescessing an allmged Japanese peace feeler. The soiree of the information is the same Gerson authority on the brie/ft mho is wasidered anti-Iasi but pe-Japanese: Soares is in teach with lagoon, who is understood to be one of the principal Japsneeit naval representatives in 140140, sea a forwr Assistant loyal Attache in Berlin* ie reported to be in direct and secret ocetset by cable with that 4,400000 Minister ofliorimagitrli7 and is believed to iftply time eemfidomee of the Itapeteie Government, Niger* 10114411414 to soars* that the Mow, circles Who as*] (?J filo Jigsaw Gerstrumet would be willing to Nonvoter telt wish, if peewit* to ewe some face from the 'Noe Sawy elialeas oloolsres, particular- ly of preooreimg the Uproot in (odor to *OW ebo?ot. tiltomr optiussises that :span ow Mit soilwith testeallit semoptil4 rsedsteffs end is ? 'Prt4-' -24pu ?;.1 7:- 3:134 r- rtmit t zgnr.,VT rits't"-'4c 7*gi,411 - ? ?7.44..., ? BRIM le an rove or - e ease ,-t175'1 ???-tAli . ? .tr,;TA ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 depetdeat tpaa Urea for armor and Meet. Hs also insists that Japes teed, to retait some of its moirchamt maritle for necitssary feed impart Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 ik ? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 KR01. ,)1 SECRETARY OF STATS: The following information, transmitted by the OSS rep- restntative in Berm on 2 jun., is a sequel to a memorandum dated 412 akyr 1945 concerting an alleged japanese peace feeler. The 00tree of the lafarmatioa is the same German allthoriV on the flar lad who is considered anti-41441 but pro-Japaneseg s in touch With rUjillitrit who is understood to bit am of the i 4111,414.00 naval representatives in Europe wad * terser A t be ii ad avai *lob* in Berlin,. Ilijimura in no- ? ?- lid Oot cantsot byroable with the Jap- of t is believed to enjoy the ,7 seem, that the hvy circles who s.ernment would be willing to ajbEj 40 save *owe face from the presm Irides, b. declares particular4 In (Ardor to avoid Japan cannot supply v,:.777,741,j Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP SECRET CONTROL with basically 41,6111441tial foodstuffs and is dependent %pa Urea for sugar and rice. Hi also insists that Japan meads to .Ntein acme of its merchant Mai11, for necessary fest *omits. en-41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 TOP SECRET The Aollowing information, trmasmittel by the OSS representative Bern oft 2 June, is a sequel to a memorandum dated 12 May 1945 contenting an alleged Japanese peace feeler, The source of the Information is the same German authority on the Far Etat who is eoasidered anti.issl but pro4apanese: $ome is in touch with Fujimura, who is understood to be one of the primcipel Japanese naval representatives in Europe and a for- mer AssAstant Navel Attache in Berlin. Fujimura is reported to be in diroot and k,cr.t oontset by cable with the Japanese Min- t/ter of Marixe LkIi17 and it believed to enjoy the confidence of the Jspeasser GiauL Jested to source that the Navy circles who now con- Avow* Government would be willing to surrender possible, to save some face from the present wreck 1s circles, he declares, particularly stress the preforwtog the Isciror in order to avoid Communism War* ompiwilosi that Japan cannot supply itself lel fooditeffs and is dependent upon tore* 114 also insists that Japan needs to retain asrctsnt saris for necessary food import.. OL 14warl Buxton Act* Director TOP SECRE1 rtt";it?-???? nnriacCifiPri And Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 .,nWinte$ e'vktle4.21.7.11i-AMPSOMPOVIMPIWU-NrCerl,,. ;-?7.; =.4 ,11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270005-0 1.' 1 0 I r , " ' r'. "71l. ? "7.` ' Wa''.0.10 li4t. r '? 7 gi,W.ta;t.'..-tai:1? t, ? ? WIC ? .?-????? ' "1 ? ? " ?-. ? ? V,?!?.' 111424.4! ? ? ? 4-es, A. ..all' ;?'''.t' '''`i%;:?"1"4:".1223111.52:5: - .1yl vr ?w,t-rti(2.,-rritv,r 21:. rtp 7- co ? ,7 ? _ I ? - ' ' ?????? ;-7 ? 41;1, v./0,f tfro, ;',2-":1174? '..?????-? ' ; ? ::;?2 . ? eV; ? ????.?.. t. - , - ? .,,... , . _ ht?t-. `?` 7?? ?'? C , ",`-: , ' .2 .- ? ' ? 0.. .41-4_4W ; ". ? ro. ,,. - .A.7;t,'"!;? , a) -'.--:-.V.Trr,;,-1ZEME. .1; tr,r.c.7.?:!4::,:,, . ? -'---.?".:1 li.110..._?...s.. '''. .-....;...td-' ..;? :_".... .'vf. ..'iii:,?:,:''''''; ...? /'.1=--c-21 'IT . ? . . :, ' I 2'. 17`.444k4;?( Wlilibi,1.,..?,A.,-4. " ? ,:.-- . ..,.. '? 1?. ro- ,--",- .-;?????',." 1???:-. '11.1-`, " -',, ' ,,, - ?' 'i ?E."IC' ??'.' .??'1,::;?? l':::? ''' ? 1 . '? ';?ff--:- ..Y.. ..:-'=1- ;,.r. .7:-:;1:;17..ITO ?? ', ??? ' / , , -'ii t.; .s.:.- ...,,,,.,.!,,,..,:t, , 1, .1.,, , - .11 I ?.., .? 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