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Document Creation Date:
November 3, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 23, 2013
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Publication Date:
April 25, 1945
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-. ' 1.411 .3:2W11.2,6*Srgt/4.11,H4"-4,,,,c1 4 I , ? 1 ? " . I. t ? ? ti - -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? I.
; ?,
19th: lvervimor.,, i'1444.1
- .
- The. Ti4t here ot goiar very ? Ib lis rfvore.;
attttjv ntwitaerland, resinds la* of the two*
tIvit when I was in. Landon rt4eiritly .24A44_ :40
? portunity of going. into the. history and product..
, of the "Wood" _traffic.. This 'ts..00rtainly ono pf
the gr003.11116 illorirt e ? aobfvnnnt ):f?
this war. sww!titiibis, exceptional CA,1 0 but t
Mt also, ext?rella ite ..11kOat ei110.41r41 41,4141040r4 tin?
thO W1117 your- whole 34. Organi lati on hal? been ? div.
velOped in what is, oosipared tro he, develop's/aft ?
of the various established seeiret .or-
ganisations elsewhc.ro a . phromenall.y sh4i-t
or time.: I say nothing at tILis momont about *hat'
t have yen of the operattons of your othei
partmentes which are no less outstanding, but r
cAnhot .help recording , delight that rzAkr ? "i
*ids whidk ? alter all, 14, thit most :delicat.e
operaticsi in foreign fields has itoesr o amaz,
inglar sUccessful.. All those ?with an re4. .e:ttper-
ierice who know something about its operationsrn
achievement.. .are hstonished.at,the progress yihich
has beenAeldi.
? You have cause for p?ritte in the.
- - ?
plishisento- -mild those, concerned ;deserve. eire.,,r. oon-
.-gratulatiion, but I. lac*. beyond ..the sat_Lctm
-which :ha* been given Ori to. plokr..sis.mo' role of,
or aseietanoe in .41,:
4, to profound. ,
hope .ind faith. thit the- or aetion wMch y64.
have !so eftectivilly created awl' developed wri.1.1
(=Untie: into. the *pi' of 'ace. -
1 4
? i I 4 I ? 41.
doe, . nil i tin* ?????? ? 001F. ,-.. " I
r ..111. '. III ,..v.? 4...gelr , -4, ... el" ",
I. ? i
? - it*. . ? on ..,,..,... . - 7 . .
. '..? 1 ' 404
1 . ileilbadditlernm11010/01,0.1111111000,- .... eior.,.
i ? 1100114Ww......midW0101.11101.011...4f i ? . . -'
Dlassifie__d and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
_ .___ _ _
? ? 4 '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
. ? ? "'z3?P,r; 4?1f5V -;?
1."th M effitirrtrJ 011'r 1)4410
_ do!L.
? . 1 -i.....k1.?4-0.-L- If
r .
lihm(,10it he*Of'your very tble
sentat4ve in1alwitserlan414*Minds mos of the
that when I, was, inloadbid recontly.I. had the ap.
? portUnit70f Aping 'into the.hintory"nd product
of the -"Woods traffic. . rill is cort4inly:o0e of
the groatest secret intoltigemae c inta of
this *arr.:- 1 pantio.thilegneptiona; pita* bt T .
:must alho -axproaa niymoht incez'e a rti?s for
way yOur whole 3.1. Otganization hai be cie..
. ?veloped in.whatAsp, competed to the dcv oi4t
. of the variouhLestablished secret intallig c* or--
gen4atiohs. elliesdlere?. a 'phencimenalli slidrt *mew
4 ar tatme..-I 3 =thing att
. hic momo4i about *hat.
t.! haveYieen. o the operations of your other do-
partmentifi, . oh are 116 less outstanding, but -I.
parimit.hAlp riptoiding my liolight hat. yr .,,I"
itid&.... which, ikftir4I410 the, moit,t, &sliest,' _
oplirstioninlonsign fiel -1.- hailoosh IQ ams-'
.ing14 rucceseul: Ail t se *ith .any real: expor-
1 tine* mho knolw siethi.. botxt its operatieins :and.
1 , . aciiievemio40 axe tOfli$lL$ it the prop's* yrhich'
hat. bun made. ?' ? .- ?
1 - '
, You, have. cause or pri thie , al; comp-
caitftent,? tvt.!1 comicorned door** on-r
gratulition,. . ;,look hivond:the sati3rSctiog
*doh has ,been given me tq plv come roli .Cif min,
or. aasiettco in itelbegi to a profound
hope and rtiO th4 Um' which you h.
havelso effeotiV.II created ,in dknilopekwilt.
. oon4nuo int4 the dAY0 Of pima
? 'I
11111.4".' 006:Vaira 4
"ION) 1. ? ..4"
?II. 44
9 ?
? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-43
* 01
.? ?
? ? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
. ? It
0.11;44 f .
a...2.447.11.4114..t ? I
? ? ..ntaitalL.. TELMOLAkt.
qftembeloy 1144..
1 Thm visit hero of your vory thle repro-u
aent4tlye dm Switserl,and reminde me er. the nutt
thAt when 1 was in Londonrecently / had the op-
portunity Of going Into the hiatory and produot
of the *Wood" traffic. Thin Is certainly one of
the greatest secret intelligence achievements of
thin war. i Mention tat!, exceptional (moo but I
MA alno axprona my moot cancers Admiration for
the way your whole &a. organization he's been do-
yeelope4 In ,what in, compared to the.devolopmont
af the r.ri;outs, eatablished aocret Intelligence or-
ganizatOnot e newhora, 4 phonoftenally ehort npnoe
of time. r ar nothing at thin men
omt, about whit
I have noon oi the operations of your ?tilos. 'de-
, partmento, which are no lotto outetanding, but I
cannot help recording my delight that yoar "I"
aid. -- which,- after all, is the most deltoate
oporatiori in, foreign field0 ..T. hsaa been co maz.
ingky 40oeso1'ult Ala:thole with any.roal =pore-
ianbeihciknow saii4hing,about ital opertkona and
achioY mints dial astonished at the iwogroma which
hAa been =die.
You have caune.-forpridm in the mgcomp.?
ptinhment, and?Wooe conderneCdeiterv. every 4611-
grataation, hit./ look berond the attiefaction
whicWhas boon miverkins to 014 domv-role of min.
or:acsistance in -t.a beginhinglit to a. proud
hopo And fAith thht the organisatiOn whi4 you: h
)18:170 so effeotivily aroAtAd and deiroloped will
continue into the dayn of peace. - '
? 4IP? .1414r
"7 "seer
4. I
44,.. .4 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
801 ee
Ottirlo of fh? ,.ogrnoonti?I ( h44$4
1-11:1t0(..)1JARri * MtntrfRRANf. AllIFt) Aotri
P () 'V)
SUBJECT: Commandation.
lc ole
Colonel Edward J. P. Olavin, 2477th Rdist 011$ (Pro?).
APO !)I,E, U. S. Army.
IIIHU Commanding General, STOU8A, APO 5le U. fl. Army
1. I wish to commend you and tha following named
uale for their superior performance of duty while assisting la
the establishment and operation of the Air Crew Ressua Init teams
In enemy-occupied territory:
lat agt. John Hamilton
Platoon Sgt. John J. Harnloktro
RU 3/o Joe Reject.?
0/8416. Joaeph P. Bradahaw
Cpl. Arthur 8. Kern
0-8201501 ,
e30 5,11 ,
7E5-92- to,
vow:Yet ,
E. The eourageous and efficient manner in which those
numeroua tae4s were performed afforded the Allies an expedi-
tioue and effective meane for thn retarn of several air craws
to friendly territory.
3. .1-1 addition to the inlividuals listed above, I ohould
like to oommonM the members of the Dawes team who did such *pion,.
did work in nquembling and evsoustin$ AUled airmen eroM Cte440,-,
4. (In bo)iielit or n11 of my Qommand, I cannot to atrongly
nrld gratitude 101 the magnificemt deeds as-
comi ::en64 jou r t r 1 ( t n d emlisted mon oho worktod ao oolm-
ncle3ntl.)Amly, 11.1golltiy ftnd arduously in these most difeioult
46911.,mnit?). ce),Artweollo ondeafor haa earned the rospoot
004/41 4$440,4c,
utonant General, Utik
"it .14tialcolvoiarrsii
Declassified and Approved For Release_2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
, ' ll
,I.? ? I ,-4t. ., .?1/4.? .ili - . -11 '''... -'4*
-,::?-,,,, ; .1' '-!. t-r? `1,tft.1.'141'r, '''':' , ' 7L- ' tz i, ...4 t
1-,,i-- ,-
-, ? t;
impat WriAISA, PO 511,, U
(31.rivitn. 2b f th IWO OSS rev)
tk,1(41 pleasuro 1h forimrding this coama dation*
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Offira )1%4 c.mmatieb,f ir,J0,41
SUBJECT: Commendation.
Colonel Edgard J. F.. 0/avin, 2 7
APO 5120 U. 8. Army.
1. 1 wish to oommend you and the follcmina named Iftdivldbi,
uals for their superior performance of duty while assiettag in
ik14) establishment and operation of the .Ur Crew Roseaue it tmme
in enemy-ocoupied territory:
let agt. John Hamilton
Platoon 8gt. John J. Harnioicer,
RM 3/o Joe Rajaoio
M/80. Joseph P., Bradshaw
Cpl. Arthur 8. Kern
0- L'2088,01.., OVIC
725- Tra- 20 USX
202417 tei 1.2114
3553.56.X4 OSA
2. The couragopous and effioient manner in wtich Uwe*
numerous tasif.e were performed afforded the Allies 4A 1,A71#41-
tious and effective *sane for the return or several air ors's*
to friendly territory.
31, In addition to the individuals listed asov4t I*hould
like to commend the members of the Dative team who did suith splanmo,
did work in assembling and evacuating; Allied airmen from enteottek
4. On behalf of all of my command, I annot too tronly
express ak.preciation and gratitude for the magnificent deeds a*
compliehed by your officers and enlisted men who oorked zo corm-
scientiounly, diligently and arduously in these mobt difficult
assignments. Their eourageout endeavor has sarned thv reepevt
of all.
f 4.10R14 K. CASSON
L entenant General
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
_ .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X0000114000100370001-3
tilkT1 3 , 441100 r ?
t i C I ' r
4,4 0 .11.0111.0 "TiO 4.r. f rwir1hIX ',rd* nosaimniilat tem.
74,1 ,..t-,i.r!,i;1.F .:P,Oii.::,1*.-q:f?'-k. i'-ii,.t,,; 40
1-74* 'opg0.1, : ? ' - ' --' - .. '''s ? ---/-41. -
I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
i"--A441 #
- ' 7q, _ 3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
In me,rei-imito:4t, wtwi 1iiV:1,NALF0 mr9 are o/oalr 4own ti4t.
operutiono Orat the owant.el crati Wel 144 th ord4v f4
110.1i,t4 ponaiblc. 4 ewitok-over or moat or the star: 4044.1710 Wadwrs
tg), now 1;i t. in onnnoatIon 1i'1t1' coomp1o4 lormairvititet kugarta4
Thla tali, or oourae, acitn that Cke 043034 Wit= or;vitul
havo Doon tv,11.410n6 vl.th ttio PoW4R.0 team In war two m41n nedIa
3o1datonsonder ?lost knd "daohrielltan Mks dla
ocutilice fir? on the sane dayo
An rov tho LwoadAmato on tranivit ttor*u :34erift
1a tic) roglaon why tLui Ld 10)t lentinuo until la; 30t,
you mo wtah,ui It :s ,unly artor that data that vs* C]os.LI coo,
roquiring t!.c, trannmittors for othar purposes* I re,041.k. *lir*
that, itilLt:u1(1 yo,/ wint. tu oontlnue these ?JrclikeLlas%m anon* mall
60th, we oodd proUably mako Somo tranomItter-timo ivalkable,
filthougt. prezent plane envisage full use or 4h* trar4mItito.,
tho now dutlan rrom Juno lat.
I aliwad like to take this opportunit. or tXkti 7Qu
Uto mama Clean t way in vtzlicV the 0.3 5 teams groi.14rect
vat}, . in the "tarok" attaok on the' 3e ?loos' mareot In
eorIlany. l'hore oan have boon row better examples of'
ho Qv Led Ane',10-Amorl aim 11arJornt1 on than 0 prottao t Lan o: ttat
doily :lewd shoot, "Naohriehton rttr dio Truppe, aret wtt6
Anjor '1/4;larket cf P.W?i#4, an the editor and 7ajor 1Ltots
hls doputy2 and talons on the departure of Alt,lor
.Aapko, WILL ?4.pior Llliott? of u01.03.0 aa editor, and Major
MosbacLer, or as tato deputy,? while under tkaw worked
4 3tafr s,pdliad jointly by o48,3 and P,AsEo
urilliant layout work or Mr. MuoLlor, of(;#'441.5 whfa
ror montLs on und worked extremely Ion in rownnArood
fivoryon0 on Lim VeWsk? aido 1 I main oentritAl Ian to ti4el
:1i:(:(1:111 or tliu wows sheet
In Li 84JCW Wiall everyone onga od on Fa %leak? has
fttiA of praiso For all tat 005#5, did to improve the
musical ontortftinmont i1 do or Lloidatensonder Went, .;vidtga-44%
from prloonorn Gr war zinc? othor listonora han ohcmA the
erf44t1venalie of the Musak disoS with ttteir attruotIve dance
munio and subvsrsive jyrios, as well as or tho spooitl pro,o,
duql.lona of your musloal unit working In thie country under
tin) extromoly compotet direction of Mr4 4eVbe wad Ur Ashley
ihe intionuity tad toam developed in dvng Gorman k rton
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? ."-?
into.) r000rda proviounly barrod rmu woo 441eqat th 4014
vomalt vouched at,andardn af psefo*tlon tgktm reimvInd
had antiaipated when 04484, war* firet 4tfrl4ar,tly olotad
whether anything lac: difflault as ttilo lotia 00 lontwr4t4t04,
Ono or the mAin reattlrot or the) ii 4p 4,watt Aind
Hituahriehten," or t tom swan Lhe r?fl tut *lid np.tr[tecil 6"Vetta3 t4rt.3
Or itA nowit oorvioom, hare twAirt we munt 1.4wA r,)0
an invuluAble uolartJutione no? oldhy wit. 441retywia
of intelliecnoo but ili piwillnp, at okir dlaitiosal 415;1r-it:iota
Qt IA, Kloliard Dip ky11jo QV the 441., ;Qrpc, rt.,stt
provi4cd A marica of graphic; rcports rrca the Ameritmv,
%Inlive Wood In this 000ntry, and than leiter witni to
Inent to wand 14uok admieuall.7 written. reporZa EA J. ,i4a4
our writftra to put nonviAcing Jo1our and 4e 1L ti P.noLr
nowa stori.
I kr-1(m tha L. I iligt gpiaak. 1 t it; fort- Er. :Jo iallt,.! r .-,L - : , te o f ? 'I Al 0 t t ?
U. X O..i.1 yl 0 Ci i al L., pe Nit i Onn tha t, when ,,Ir say ...vw"T .41. 1 :-.44", 1; z. ....b.Att;
Lhla pleaaaLL and rmAILMA oollwJormtioii -i' - 11
0 'X. pOr4 tri inut3 t:', rhow 4)):14,4.w t?c? Lui 0 :td 0 and ,01#
Oppor ti41.1? ty !nay perhaps! pro El WV. 1 to 1)1 Co ra .' r-It ...o .'... .17:
in arlothor tioble
L. ':44:
_ szonteagiti:
oved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
7 i..-L147i?1,7:1.1,
- ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? off .? :?
ff1311 I )1:-Iff
11) (>)5
COtrulOndil f.; ion r ?
Ce fru
-2'th A I."' f ;r
I: In t:t L I LLi1 h
sand common ,
would -Ippreci. t. yoit r Ir.;
tion ?ind, to ? cc, I .t 1 '?
of thl co..: 2. 1.
WI th kind Jst TY.; r.
rr. ? jrri,
KINNETII T. K.A1,7;,(4:,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
- .
( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? ?
I ? r
Orli US it iPI 03101/AN?
In4 tT i
al VA of;..?782
40'1 ? ,4e.
,L'HJ ).Ct's ?noosed.% UM
Chl?f, ?0.I.S., Ohlts. it.t.C. 679.
1. 114 alive.), of the truss .1. 0. nd tol ilo iii
tr.' t" ittleb 70u0, *ries I se% tali roost t 1 y GrAtel I *tore Ii ?4r) MC IP? .
t.thimg *Von, an* noolise ininisatiot .4 the torciAn ftr 'eel ;too
I. 044 t ars.. Toot organiastleis sitil? (tarrying t. : g or
,irt 'ft else cluplolkod this se re dot'', *Ilk as Email. 1.11,?
? elms dessirosi. Ilbts aaltivg ? t lowly 1110111tIrtbut on 11,1 P-
t ion on Ph lob ttusator plass. Imo% tit '),..44111.
j? 1 comaet you rind )?L? oroalsation ffte. tJia II- r,s,nrev *.a
rt. cont rPr.tt4,42 It ia of tito higt.oet valLses*.. obte I ,.1?tor ? ?:f
ionnditir?ns, find not anis senses. Grid t on et rut,' ? yr .??11
t.1.4 Thne.tsr. It is ay doe tro 41 the son E I 1?C rt4 ? ta ?
raparinf t.1e study reeat ve aopy thts
6/ A. O? CV) ? ?7110t
A. '1 'r4 .11M
?aluttsnen Gowen.?V.
Cisettievt4 trdok
;or' 1 ' 1 nit t rhe copy.
, .1r? ..:)1.1itta41
p. P Int
? .. 41?.,,, .... ...? , ..
? r ot-eu.,
44,0, ....oriel. ? . ,Iir
1. 4.
a 4" lib AW I ?
..d. al 1 ?
0. . ii..1 ? *,, 9
? dilliaalliftglinii;11.11111.114j 111111111.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100370001-3
41.^. IP ? .1 3i.1-?,574 7- N1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? ,..1-,,f.;?;;,;,V1,,,4?1
??? ?-?"4?,? :!; ".? !+' ?
A f,
f 1 r rk t n o
) I. e' 14 fl t .:?;40154. 41
# ? 4-,o, ? es ?
Thio utt 1. 1 aLef'r t. '1 14 I t /
eapoolany in rectout r!)nt,1111.
Or1i P.:13.1/0a7b X lite, 1 jt-ir '"$.5 ? I.:143 , rw r tr t
on these reports in ?lc LAC' : 1-1 ,h L' tt 1).tV
knlva, by way of ..1.orp5vu1 ,..]mmont, wi ? Arel
valued horo? Thoy !Imv* !cult vary povtInmatIy mtt,r1.
itbjeota and the fact that tIgy welt. ant )ut Ant
quickly makeothin th4 71orc vtautible. They AVIt
material amaiatanoe to trtie In rulliwtn4 1-14
the couVise of political Aevo1)vmonia in 1.Y? *Air)vo.
whenever thie ?Moo hau medo any upeolal ingulrios >f
it haus alwayo received the fulleat and moat promrt
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
'41??711*-1 'Z. ?
c .0 f3f 1;no .141gt5Ant
CrIlltimsta .n.tp411,-,m1vAt
A ? ? '
17 Art].
t])1LVITI Vo11ttoal
?Moe haa a small stsrf and las rn
ospootally In reoont m)nthss a largo numbor 3f to, ,rto
1%altioca 11110111171,0nel). It has 600n LmposatbLe t) lonvotil.t
on time? roporte In deLatl t)ut tt 14 rL,It that It cl.)u14 )4
Anawn, by it of general c?mmont9 r..Joh these repqrti are
valued hore$ They havo di5a1t very pertInently atth tIvortant
itub,loote and the fnct that they aro %Hell sot lut mll
quickly makes tham tno moro valuable* The7 4g4vt 11)4,on 7.Ary
matorial asalatanoo to thip ofrioe In f1i )WLZ 4arpvIrLAiLvl?;
the course of politioal rlevolopmonta In ?;,,, VAtr,q)44 %;)c-1)141c,
oh*never t1111)1 offioe has mado any 8200141 LntoLirlom Jr
t t1W4J1 roco1vo0 the, fullest an4 moat prompt c,00,1111,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
. , ...
' 01.
',worm tysr uttittottrip
'.e,c4,21ktkloal ii.31,01.014.oviohlt avolnA ri;*
C 4.
1,1 t1 ui t t 3 ? ,ft
)LL :i iRlit:t
:4; -4; r;.*16ft`t1 ret:s t10;1:; 414: 747
1 r1 1 t (.1 r4 )13 gi it114p, Va 01,0 t; Wag ror.24tritta.
hu I . 1.4; r1,0 I': it e.5',..:)? ?Id Of
I c m:414 4 ? I ;OW MIKAt.zt`T'L r+e:Irt nrc v1111.011 ?tdriesr.?
htva r! 1 t vor j,- 1."1. )4'4;1:P/A eililjacto t itrt
t 11 not out nk' z'rv, t fntr'otr. theft tOlti mara
vr, I ultb le ? 71 al,' Ito V'9: 1. .r to..7 r r, 1 .4 I,
in Pal 1741 t.) ,..11 1.r4 eve, r ti 041
3 r),ItVflf r Lew; titwor t: )1 3 0)1'.' t1?11w? " 1.t.
(113V 0 1.0111313rilt in, . ? Ai
(10 ?1Tf 3-pot3.0).1. iii r 1 ell or L, iLt tkl.w.tvz rof.
t. rtd71v.;13 t proopt, ra;
51, -., P--izietiTil 111031 . ii'v1.4i, 4w WIP.Inzi-, R4741.11s,g,--, 're gip,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RbP13X00001R0001003700016-3
' initaMtitio. 1 -, ,' its,
A '
; _ %,, 1
7.-P"-. ?
111.1.4k frr91.4.5i
2877th it Kn.( M te. tsi
4TKA1,Fif 314:14 V it:IN
AP( ) 512
/0 Thr attftotio4m lAttor cesimoadfttlwils roo*tve4 f
Volitionl Inv.elligortoe arnnnho 41.2, Ant4u le filorwartad far rout
7 1 '4$Faf.
ortrrl., IMF
Declassified anCIA'.4.. '-%::- vCe'd'For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
14''''41',4 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3 c.
?4?????????4 ?????? ? ???
OkitaA. 90?..? (JilignAt Afl4 Afro ?ie,
oleAlti.fiq/ P0,0 fi
II A It ), Flif fi". iF r ir AFM'( A I fr? lirrifttrAtin
;NA, o 1 lkir* FA' t)
f'r., ? a trt
p r v. 7?V :7) ) r novnrk thiat
r ,on in .nt ? ? r :i`orcei
t ,0 1 : r ? r r plrnon,
? 1 1.0.....etnc, --r.,..Pr!?(leis.
? ? r 11.)4) rtoti P. ,p? tovr?
? ? .
?,,c7 11
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
aftt.0400 0101000, to
WANNINIPT0141. 0 tl
tmc,iiori. 0 C.
Oatgi, 111.4
Your -lorilndom nr 1 1 - ' rtrt1 krnold,
re,ar ro 'Jr* ar:0 [ V 1111 and ttle
Tenth Ar ,rcf: , req ! vL th t
)-rs ; 1, .p,,n rr)m TIeLte Ln
(2'..eld, '14170 r,3 nrt, ! )ntr (?-).-Arvat!.on *ln rl no work ?;hat
yo' r in rna iv. no n rotInPf,+1,,r. *-1 7,9r: Air Force
a- t ne 1.1r :rinft;?nrt C . ' Innra' ; nn. -,p)r t'at 11112. : portor.
al' y (-::,orynd an oxtra exaTp10 Lrmhco 2rovtled
h A. r :co v . , rprtd it Le low-
'I: 'Iota! 1 tn -cnom -tn ' , A r
:tO rolpilts ollLne dor' t,21y *ho proper
cn,7,ration, and the Ari:, A. r ",rres ran acIlove ni/tstanding1y-
s - resil ts In a Lcu lt tALoat, r
t I : ' t ? lar-L:i? :or the valuable
aav.ritttmct: ? A. hy .he ;SS and our bee.
urtshos .n
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RD
n6iti.,q0bAliUka 4AVENTit ARme
..aficn 01 thn A4 00 .r4.
, 3 AftMY
lAutn% Are:, 1
tDmts): 4rit 1448:
: *
Tourtats Mismi)ns.
CO= nt Id L rie,Off
1114 il ? Dot wli
ETOU ?SA low1)0 Akqi 6W7o 11..;,
k. it huJ como to my utto:Lttla Ji I.
it tt1t IL.our robetion to clo or tt.8 aca 4t),
6toloc LI.)taLbt coi,atc.Lotts .ri;13tMMtat
it !Its u(toti roaw t:,ckt; tals manar9r )E omt.?1.:;i!.:10?; 14;41rIti
LI_ move 1....1au1.ve lantY(oct. A rozeckt olcampLa La
Lte), 73,0 doL1:11teLJ cocalvtited tvri A6.3t511-a0 or tno
rfiportud ir r 1 TTfly LeLte .:otolored L t4tt
kwuu. he 4,L30 vtArtous bit:.s Jr verj timely and
vt.i..uubLotL.L:ros'11". itiLioraL ?latch wa xriy ?A.41tOr1
t..f. re.
GO.. Lrui, to 0 iet. tL3kirol trw, Large lauecora
LitLel&tc..1 JMILii of tile Duflube, so:ao or tl.eim to tor trio lidadOutit*
i1 i. to :ot4rIL to our irotit, 11.1m-n uLory., ro,tta:;1*
u c)Litinuou3 tLoo ol 3uci-4 ac,ants tt.e)
Intelligenz.e to be 6u1nild Lt.et Obi 13 0bl/1Lau:I.
4. lit t.ko oveitt, you have the 0e08,SIon tapattitc. ,livr.wtiik
DO (10 V an will you excre39 to Ltm our desire in ma:Intel:lime, la I*
adstom WLii.CL it'olieve WAAL !ay us higher divtdends than asv
otLor eu:yfint tj,A) of clandestino
/a/ 41.1,1iwu W.
/t/ WILJ,..AAM W. 41110
Colonial., O.
.1,-;545, ?,',4
tria kir* _
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010 7
_ _ _
6.3 Jt ? 4.;
. ,.0t4 . ni? ?At 1,0 -*v._ -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
11,,t, a ik4 iRJAGhAefilT
ilitiG? Ot .Arktbojo ..;nrvians
(1r (j 1t
rx I t 1, t.
1or Jour LiaJv,:ket,LoiL la I'!"
3utij: "T),vtzts
f. L:.441k)r aottor4t
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X000011i00010037060.1-3
.1I_: ,1114
De-classified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100376001-3
!!mr.) 11,07'11'Z 3i:W.4 Ttl Atari
Of fir. c of tho of .
AEN) 758 tk; AMY
I Gormand LnR,offic+ir
(rid )1
1. It c nu to :Tv att. r.i 1,in that os ix? lus or nit
our rear t icn to th,. V. Jun of the o r ed .it? It " 11..ftql
(.) . lritlt. r ftX 1stn c 4,rnb c it rrItrim .., t oicivrnriont..Lthas
found t:1 narn r of n' 'r 1.ucr'tt vi than artir
. A rocent x F a orrt retitrnocl our Woo
..1 ut f.,,,-trt and who ,i.er!n.i.t,c1v confiriedh r?rliviolt
? ? .:-te ,) :10 L Le I arny heu c ncon,ratied In that a:*e.l. 1)ri-utollt
ac. vari t; .; -42 1.r t inoly ar ! v uab le " . 'senor rt.l.
?,/ ill thin r.mort ?
( 1
r !I.
h a, nL ' ? r.1j nee to Ile t,:aiLned 1,her....hy Li obvi,(11:1*
our to ef fact. the drcI.np., of 1.L.rify Tilts
run, them o tcur the 'tecto.thi., Jit rot..rn to our
1 ? rot. r Lbild r...)ut es? By es tabliliv.1 In,. ,nt Lint.u i 10vir Or
? I ' hi) y u hav(! occz.u., ? on to to, ..-'ionor...1.1 JonovOri
r. t It u. ..es 14-e Ln ma. Lrlz.a Lna.ng tit ?it telt tin,
,?\,i Lt1,. Din than arry ?titer current tyro or caand.
I rle LI1 1 L L ? !we.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
". ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3 ;
! !KA 9 "A..) rii..!; c; I mart
Of rice) of 1,hr r
APO 7 '; w;7
3 c;
h 7th A,...-*MV
z.0 ri.t, 4410, ?4???
Dntiv 3 -71"",.. reetrrtr1154
f;e1-.1mand tar, ('f f tc ?*r
H,. 111. rjet ichrnfl'It
), Arf ' 7
1. .1.P C *,o rrty tt r' s
a Ifr t t! *V. 1.1.1e cf. t)ie .1 e '1 ft." 1
r xrt. ? c ,mbat c t run : V ? 1.1..? ?v?-?? 1, ? I
? tr111 . ? hi!. r of el? ' ? "f. ' .h.Art
,?!1-1 roe, r,t x : ? if . yur L.Irtan
?:t :-Lrf 1.11(1. ntio (:(.42 fs ? rc t`;'
.1 :10 Lf 'y .? 1.t Ln LI rt?uv)it
r.v?krio,1! !)1'. : r v "
t,( ,!.t"..)?r? Lx, of 1 L.? r? ? 7. t rlt
the: ? t ,t1,' ? ???'-.
r .cy es ?1. 11.ft. L rit LITU L TV Ot
.. 1 ?? .c. t? ? " t' L:1 tif: ?
, L .A)tu.-?von
C :; Lr In -1..1 Lfl. r,..r," ? v"P.
Li: 11, z?vcr; "1. Ly?e 1ar.dez-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X06001R0-00100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
US itZlY
t Auth rzy.
044te" rr
C. r-rmanci ing Off ic or
FI-1. rfr. ?Icturi,?nt.
.n ( 1;tfiri ) 2 J(.. "F:7 Argy
qv/ n that o' ,r
r ? f' 9t 7! LS'S
rix r-t. imb c iV Lt. 'r
,0 en salmi tj : r r
3thr.?.r meth?, roc. :'?t .?-?? :.P c' tirnt
v Stllt. t .7_,,art anti Trio ? (.1- R.I.'
ort cid motor' ze.1 ?tr? n C ;lc rrat.ed In
var ous o?tc v r- . -.1??ult --1.11ab le
/as ..1ct.rerle2*- nt, er L' I t 'le re- ( r t
rrrol yin ft nit :1 .
if,1 Pry r Luc r:t ive) t4h ,ny'
nt rbt rett -rted to our 1 tries
e ?ts
that art. -re t '11 ',:)rclitaltt
kr; ; r " 'fentrr?i.L Fvtch
3 t c' .?c. drCr:TATI): of lar.7, tL'r f-tits
h nL.? - , ern ur the odt, 1.1 rt
? .--Jut es 3y es t. a b1.1.3h L.nt, a cont LnU u N.,OW
: c W nr t Lnt...1 thereby is
7 h v : c .. on to sp.: t 3er?or al Lorloiron
?? 3 Lr L t Int a vizt Lch
1. :I.:, arc/ ()tier r rent tyre or cl.stiritte
1-4 1
roved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
- ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Urn T ? ) T A rt fiviAF?i rIMs COMMIf-`;-,:epsi
Brigadier General William J. Donovan
Director, Office of St:ategic ServIces
Washington, D. C.
n Captain Conway, Associate Deputy Adinialscator of
Bar Shippin Administration, was in Paris recent17, he ..aurto ?tcross
a cabinet of 10" X 12" photov,raphs on European ports. Lt. ..IngLish
of the Photographic Unit located in the South AgricrIture %J ting
allowed us to borrow, on April 6, a complete get of photovTilphs ln
the port of Antwerp.
These photographs, in the opinion of ';aptalt... nway arol
myself, rank among the best and clearest port photographs attaLlAbL.s.
They would be most valuable to this Agency in maiting 3peratin
studies and post-war plans.
We would appreciate your placing this Agency 3r. the tls-
tribution list for one complete set of photographs on any port at
Cordially yours,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
1,744 . 1h1I t4rN
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
UNITED STATEI MAF4i riMc (..r)tANii"V;Irlr.1
Brigadier General William J. Donovan
Director, Office of Strategic Services
Waehington? D. C.
n Captain Conway, Associate Deputy Administ.rqtor ()t
War Shippint Administration, was in Paris recentLy, h smmo Across
a cabinet of 10" X 12" photographs on European ports. Lt. anglish
of the Photographic Unit located in the South Agriculture Building
allowed us to borrow, on April 6, a complete get or photohTkphs In
the port of Antwerp.
These photographs, in the opinion or ';aptain ConwAy uicL
myself, rank amcng the best and clearest port photcTraphs Available.
They would be most valuable to this Agency in aicing operatIng
studies and post-war plans.
We would appreciate your placing this Ageincy on the,
tribution list for one complete set of photographg on any port at
Your cooreration
Mr. i-1110,::. D :11.4,1er
Dir fic tor
Di vi -1 or? r
Um.. ted 3 ??1
Temp or j
19tt. aJ-.;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 20
111 1- I
13/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
mow ofrEfr iimorkt
0 1111 trot of 4t is A ?
AIN) 758 is Aotta
tot* u 10 if if 0$10-fft,
tituitri* TOMi if20
t 7.;
itgo rite
op Mr
4-1Vrt't hiik5
41r 100011i ?
?' 1.111 ?:ixtrp 1.4.4r 3ott 1tW itrititito mind tttlito "lbw
t Jul t t rit) 19 t b, 4, ratan 'rimy 1.,!..) Jet 11,0 Iftmnpueri ? *,hict Lim-7;41mill%
it. A. I my joye,d thin I} r t oot Oviolta :est nstitVlilliFfnea
'.1(eir pew or O ri n Us, ir f 1?mom 04 44411, in 4.141430
-04 '0, nAt n t 4v:3n rsLtO nnr.tri 11,11* I A't 411 ittligiX
1y ;14iur!Or ooeiv.n.t; LuIr1It, JO /3 laid % Atervieiti, 'Woo
rtnal1.. ma :tt It ?i cf, had, 14,1 ,342mlirturg,4
a di 't Ion!" in 4nly7iv te5 r 11it iili ! tn4141.1g It.Qamitolte.* t 'C.
z J eTtn:L ir% t 24?'. \*g.inkt4111
\ -t 1' toniv,h 4 AA iettA1 ( 1.4a,
to '1 it k?i k to eps I ipl-!1*(4-,?*t *2-
it tit I ??? An tlei Itly* dt 1 t tnJtIA
, ? ?-s, n '09 41, ')ch typrit :1r1. "littitiOt riii44111 a ',at."
t at t j Val. 3 jr'. v)?? Via 14411/1 t ;no- Itmitv4a
. ? .
2. tes t i, -1.' ?, itn tnetwo the.
41 ? '" 0"
fk, -in 1 .1;-, ? ,,, 11.1 '1 t ) ?p t'rt. ikp Po": I!: IA tit ' la ad :
,Ert1041 t' t? ""
? ; t ? (lump 1 et.,10 fa ?
_2_11. stoat
;V:" frd (:
leILLIA14 0 of
Colo:kat //FA
t OILS (rogi)
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R00
and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
rrir, /MN
? tfi,
tor F ICE Of TH (.0mMANNIkt47, trfmr,Riki,
mall() StA Peotcr;
The charts that your office prepared for us
not only proved their value in a military sense. but also
are examples of perfect workmAnship. They were of Lass..
timable value to us in explaininkfto the Joint Lefe of
3taff and several of their supporting agenate, the tfitri
castes of our written plan.
I would appreciate your commending the pers
responsible for working up these dharts for us and La
working so wholeheartedly with officers.
fie were delighted to have your compan7 from
Hawaii to the coast and hope we can have yvu 43 a trave/
Linp: companion again in the near ruture.
Aajor 3enera1 W. J. :,,onokran
r )47 30th Streolt. tie
:110thington I . ?
. , MUhtilr
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
or ri`-.F;y1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? Pgi
The charts that yt.,ur )rrl -$1 prqc,armd 'cvr in
not only proved their value in a mili',ary gorse, 4/50
are examples of perfect workmArihip. They wrire ,r Lnols?
timatlo val/e to %Is Lc ,c.plairl!ne, to
Staff and several of their triportin.!
of our written plan.
wuAld apprcwiate commendintttha pr
responsible for working ,Ap thele charts t'or ls and in
workinr o wholeheartedly TrIth r.y Gfficors.
he wore denrhtel t ave yuur company rlram
nawaii to the coast and t.ope afti, can ve you at a travel
Un- companion aoin in ',le near rIlturo.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
I .. ? 4
Declassified and Approved For Release-2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
?n,t FrA r ')fit
The charts that your office prepared for us
not only proved their valuo in a military sense, but also
are examples of perfect worknanship. They were of Won.
timAble value to us in explaining to the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and several of the Lr supporting agencies the intri-
castes of our written plar&.
would appreciate your comartending the persona
responsible for workiog up these charts for ua and tn
working so wholeheartedly with my officors.
fie were delighted to have your company from
Hawaii to the coaat and hope we can have you as a trairel
Lng companion again Ln the near future.
Lieutenant Cienerall
ma jor cieneral 71. J. Loncora.n
160 - 30th Street, N.N.
ain:,Lrigtor,, I .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
7 47.7' ???
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013;09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
. .1
) 14: T 111: DING P:
r 1 TTP:1) IT i TP1,1 VOTICRS
C1 t 131, T11 Ei TVP:
(41/.1- t. iiti t y,,ur r ft to p rati:10. rod
cur Iv, riot, al I y ,,royfid t ii i 1. r Vtin L i 1. I), I. ?
t iiry tie 11V It' 1 17. if I tt() ?r p 'Coto t.
1. They We' i 0'1 r t non t, 11,1,4 1).1.m vti
tIn I. it t.,(, t'itt! (} I?t t t :*-1 or t4,zr,,
;11(i ntitijori )r t,ht, :0)1. I. rig ,.1,411.1c. I ft !Alto
wrI t tin ,
vi 'IIi r 4,c 1 te. r ctrilap,ut 1. rig
tt414 H.' 'I:, 1-1-44 ,4),1:. I t? )r ?r,4 r4rf. ',1;) 41,2:t
c: I Ui lt " r r ii W r it, 1. nk.', !IC) Wb >eq. (1- r telt! 1.
wi tt ny rioorn.
C ? 74 (id oraeq
tfti rkt, (it) riA
? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP'13X00001R000100370001-3
I, gt-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
' 41611.1WWWW.RiiiM
;tiiteret1 3u tan W1741/1 ft. eky ti t men ,ort40 rt fl o 4,011 1.
Prtign t 4one.1 : ?ti 11 , ro1one1 Peer* e j?AA t romp "A?ft vatny
'tior nfr
n. r ren) 01 r yt zrrnti, '1y . tif 'CIA t Lne
gfTne, el tin t, elr 11 ri II ? At-Iry on thin e L r L II iptindiy
esh,1 o it
'1.r4rtf Are , holvri Tr, r,t web two In ? It rg reit Lam r no
r Ln. rtn tilt t
_ _ _
' rces. '1. 1 ? ? " caw Le4Kk
1, A ", n ? Lner ,11,* r I ?Igo rts
I ills! ?? " y
f? rlareigumrd to the tome* that group voided. Matt
'41 ? , r t htun ? th a rtn '1 ott 611,4 t
ltrcIte the erre.. ? ivent.s.1 cf. . ?nye tom t Ione
ieti .1 s tArtrts r ri 14 try' ,cce itre* wa thArt.
p.? 1,11:v
. 4a, -MatiEta .
'?;, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R060:100370001-3
Ir i4 j2013/09/23 :61A-RDP13X00001R000106370001:3
???,"' Phi jrpVII -tarn NI An hap it. 1 1,1 golltatAld
by convi.nr ;nil. tel ri 011 iit)vi no, .vn,-,e rlr ; iirto
mono . th to re r end tna 111,4 414 hCliotre 1.40 'IMO
horged t,, U own pr t a the Iniin tri Anti II .144444?
'? nir st rang h in lon n Ida r PA,a and ;-r4,4faii he 04 lpf
,v.1, To there ere nr) teas than 7 het tolt I. inn oe tin t *morn 7 -9044
a t ronv.r, comittifid 041 Amor inns deep in the eriamy 10,3n tali.
The I r ba4r, o r ,;i petnoan p 1 nd ped in n I ist 7
mon thn In now opp r .11,1 h trio, .000 s,nd t 1 4 1'A i lv mind tel'
*Nova ny tern the t the I 1 tune .1 r tato 1, tgrannat 0,1014114b1,01, tro
.C. ?A. ?an,1 on thn orlar s If the r tarr tor"( , t?ei 1,,4t:th Army
In no great.
I helve 1 u n um! the above vir I thFI, and AA
A. .F. .E.A. nd s t rT,net, ly road that CiV or ing mvp.ri1rie-41, tni
tr, i van to ;?. A . to non t i nun the, aye tech, "or th* LAell,
pre nen t an orler out t he t no arreang may Utica p Loos el. 'bout
pr lor npp vitt , nn,1 In vies o the Koirean totn 1, tnn on le+rle
ji. correct to t peircw. re ph, 6( ) %boy* end ;rent 1W:o-
cean In the N. -.A. . area. It is no t surpr to trig *Na,t 1110441,
1.11 nuthort ty at1,k1.1;.A..... fee I. that they al no ohoull hat Ly
t tma tow! .
I ; . wary, rut Ly In sofreerttee 'said
ha t? . h 1 au it t ted no pl. an ut t.
have 48Itetl1 ? tO 1r,Ili)fr) tilt) y qt.greertton
. A ' 1,4? 't I 1 fi VN go 1101 t
srith tha avido^t uollt, $t r.asponattql, tt7
reeient In tt'e tninde or ch.-) )e A41 a: ? (1114
1.1/11 Arratri ;. rnb.ornei.t1 tun tmit4ki (Moo-
v es 1 tr,nt ti tiu1ng or mum, y r.he Aate I." %nal aati,?1 t!lett,,r
ni ? tut h, p xii I. I tar" pur po and be tag
lt or . . , r t . ,e' t n ro?r ? 'n t'a extti -;o45 t
nil 1 I ?II r ;?
Lhpr atk,ve, tt ? 4,?:1
c r ass vs 1 t " Ka,- I ..ha, 3 ed 11r1A...411,ob in t Law the
A pc, t wet t,-;t. t?'t " 4 n 3 r
the, V, ;vet L.it KIqI I re:, ? t anc :t0voisrr
t"lI, * 1,41n *1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370061-3
Declassified and Approved 'For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
t he Japanese ? h tn t wee put f-,rwer4 thmt thoi
opera t ion s nave tr> be i#OSICOd fti Pict7"e Orilri:StrVri
gotrin Law? mom th t the) ta te onA" ylA eih fini41E1 r41
workedup i r. f fen t I ye hi ROL prnp4 an,la ifowl tiy ..141414P
rind by the t I Ito g p:o?fora ta gi w 4n I g P,eine 1r) ori and 4,001,4441.ii?
^1,e roan dy It IA miL.r,./A.o tad I lee in tho Ley Ingt elown 4VIVIIPA
1 Ines w 1 thin which au bnrvi Ina Le rgurnehl 1413 woV101 end frootoie
'al to to given fr. r tion to be tea en In Phhe woo t.? IralgrAVIA'
gluon ti,repnr t Ing t ei atn In 0,ch temp
ior it. laas in th o pia tut*.
? f-1,-
ai add I t Ion to .1 tee us e tag the van to t I ast tat" OM
which wan at tended by a] I 7e sI. nd 0.2 p Irrioqpis vitt tho eZtertitildnf
of L?t. Colonel 7I1it, who rot 11029 reeacm had he 4 rt !1. ratty,*
1011r1 n bc In Iona were mac held
Divi eion .11ACSILI 'would Mon t :nue r twii" Ude its
o f node none as moo I red I" rota on be hal " o Z .3,
r.L.S. find r5rce 06, and keep 3.1 P Div. A.L.7.4.3.A. La
farmed of wh a t they re pr ellen t nt* lite re a sod, ammo IOWA iiNit
1 a au cid by Adv A .1.. F.... 3. A. and 'Pi Div
Any 111tOney req ul red by &d I. for ay ?alma
operations, would be provided th rough !Fo Div. SAA.,
the las tvard vas der Wed
runn In along the rid4e o t tn.., 3a.fit *MI trait an lasso.
The a/pressed opthiou of conioand re and sin tor stat? orris:Milt
of th v ,us ,)mmands regard IP &-dou, in te tRankle gait* =It UM
wile type ? f could retie in a caariret toiv If one Mei
f f (5t r t? t e fencer s . 'there 13 no doubt there tile been a caariltia
tnproveaer t euld tro system 13 nil I into i t3 3 tride ? and 32i.3uld gredttaitk
proRre 93 Iva 93111 t 1. There i3 a neeeaa ity for all organiudattms Imit
qu I cker in to ac t 1( c ommand a rs frequen tly Irma t In op rertx put
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
I t'A e
ti co end olandest Ina atirotinett
n he I ng 1. skarn up.
kr() her nftad, is Fr) r more fregpiwn P. :.11 4ra1 1 P,
stand Inge and (I nu b ts d leap pear tort th potions 3/4 eNn t,eis t end ve,
ahoy; rpi.)
Jae trig the o..,:;.rJ, emit tn the r4M vt th i,tt iiiviti.s,ro
b Lna t ion or all the firt t inh a 1 ill,ndos t In" And ILO% 4 1 401 tm r lirmini tsd
tions left me 1 n no sort of cinubt. th44u, 40T", i,41 4,01 11111 b#6,011
organ i zed to serve con:nand. re ln the r 1 4 . t mL1 vS4ci qn.Jmtind
recommend a changed organ I za t ion now rIr " icri. ?atottindlet.r
arrived at a comp romlne 'eh I (th works,
lo. Tho agre omen t o f F ?"; . A. wow lots t nowt )t,tr P,(2440 *f
Oat January el, -)45 , 1izipmantthg the lcin 1,3/4 levee ritwo to, 13actreleiit
Dore c terrines
A. ;Arno:Ile 3/4 lAtreo
400,40 1?' t!' 31,Llion
e se S 309 3 ? IA-R P13X00001R000100370001-
' ? ,
4 74
40. cctit` " 04, ?
'?."-7 AV a :T,1" ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
,14.24.T. "Ili Lig Mitilfia
* 40
a-war-Art t cr..
1* t 4-110..
,ItActi*1.tPr ?I't
1.1. ?r; 411 7s,,
rlit,,,L; r
it*tl: 4014,)1111 rigavitt red mt... "hi*
:.OrVatalAtA,?,t0t? 1r II* a 4 Vrtle -TertVa !!-,4*1-1441.1
3: re p? --,4* 44 010 $1141 014v;z, 4 /3,4if
, ? , * ? tor a ittn,vo lattriAr
?'1 " rok`SotAriloLit.tr-,.' '?
?,V117-4 ,u :60
Art, L I AS
u? toju , 11.1.120/1064 41 kowor teikk.v 1044440-1"401WA.
dor* L).1 r, LiAt, ..:,:11-440.1,-14 And 07 that' thievar.4tyn.iz42.40-
Q,vor1c14 3 AT tong Worr. laps ,Itivet4 3,1ii0.041SalMiltaa
.1,4?4; rt' ')r? t, tAkk.tad rlon 1?.0.0 ailAtocirltirti cao ,staragliaig
tett id I/Ur atalablatt Iniging4 ittV a*,
t ? LI4ie 1403111,0*
1: 3?fv 111 duels tha rat send
t.! ttlleh:4 r rolmerts tI.Oft. 2parti magamd.
;' ? Vaal,'
L tfiti Moutzob 4dAL*,
oratta.41. Labs ?
:88 88 555
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001003c%0%;413
" LIMICAUWatiVionficur
I. 1r
m/po 0'4
u. Confidont
/1.1.11nr1 Control CDnal.salen-, for Runittri ift
Lt.. Gormand r t. ifl i (1, ? 'N ,
r),rwrit , th RoeLrnn t. 3 NN II, InnA
1 . '1),n t h.. occari r rf y,tur r rom Ln Aturian
den L re t o xpr. , y ,u flty i Inc ...yr, lprrric Ltt 1.on C r t.h 810,
cooper:It k;?ligt wh tch y haw r:?;.ndorn, rlonno
t, hi :; .
. Y 0: ?Irrly t.n uch,i'tt w 1th yf r LT: r, 15. 1 rtyw
tor tho -ntry r ic :man in t. t he ,Niir -r,
nnil for t.n. Iv r vfrU mmtils y Pi ii'w t. 0. ? Mil t cotsportzt;
I 1 of ? If -rii,tr Ut, tt.d :;titi n t r ? t etnti trio;
tL'riy.i.t. I r f t.h thir, ; fl t PLr -It ton 43
If rh. t? ick)::?, ? ! t c?L.? ; ih410. ctikring
t. ri l ail Ch / uWWI' -1)1. cc 10 wii II:IP:LP Pit 3:1"1 ifl to
pr k v i t:.vi1n'tL1.. . Fret:t ths t'y al% ir71, nt )t* tho Arr Iva' or
t h , ff. P. tv I.-NE*1r. ? , tLy t'rrn t n,) :,torrt
11)3 wh ct. I. ?='..C.).. 1 311 Int!, tt Ruo,itAn And
m. .n I an as' .t.c . y lir r VII ? yt.. h.nv (Iceopt
1-11 SU!' J? ? h yrilth t, yuur i; Lem
uiL y;.0 !. (1'?? tns, .,p!. rat ions y( ur lard t,?ti to) prov tI
L phas ? ;-)f tilt.: ,C.cti a1tuat.,lort W Lt,kGl, r
t t h work of thls Dt, L )n.
3? Fr ri h-th a pc rtIOnta arici 41 :1r0 iOnal. LWPC' int. S
(;? roly re,?; t, that ,ur cord Lai rtlat. i nsh -)r tru plot fw raortt,h3
must now c, as, . I wish y,U very os in y, futuro -)-pt.!rn,tii
Bri3adiorGrInoral, U. 4. Army
Chicf MiLltary FolamdentativJ
AVS, WD, WrtS1-., D. C.
Brig. G.n. Willinm J. Donovan,
Chief, Hash.,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
jor ;? ?It).'
./ t. ? ( ?
? X'
:14 It, :.. (3
/../ I Wijh r, / f! I Pr", Let 4 4.
r?it? !!.. ' t/LL.1,1 /t.//1 ? /to ? r /.` ?+- , /no ?
? 1 i ,. Ito ,* ttr? "hi. L ..t/./
t.0 y ,; ?r../ , II r.../(11
t ; It ,t4r 1.) 4 " it
vre??? nagoolgoon?rr ?144#4114.11111411101
' ' =
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0,00100370001-3
Major General olilltarm J. Donovan
Office of Strategic 3ervices
Nashington, D. C.
Dear General Donovan:
I would like to express to yOu my ppreait th.
material aid which the Office of Strategic Services an
sub-section have rendered to the United Stat ee Stratogle 412
Forces while operating in this theater of nap. Thlis ippreal
ation is enhanced by numerous reports made to me by my StaZ1
Officers, who have profited continually by their valuable 6,010*
tacts with your service organizatiOn.
It would seem unfair to singl out any particular
aid which the Office of Strat6gic Services has extended to the
Inited States Strate;ic A.tr Forces. However, I would like to
stre39 that the wealth of timely assistance ;iven to us by
yolr sections dealing with the periodic condition of the
various lerman !ndustrial complexes has been of treuendous
value. de have made use of Intelligence itven to us by ten
of your organization time and time again in our tat work,
and it is sincerely hoped that the type of services which axle
presently beingt rendered by your sections dealing with these.
matters will not entl nith this ear, but will continuo to dervelop
taroughout the fl,ture of our country.
Yo'u' gonerosity in allowin the United States atrOite
gle :14.r Porees to utilize experienced analysts has made for a
well rounded program anr1 ha n enabled our Lntelligence and
2,o,orat1onal Directorates to feel a certain confidenco in their
decisions which mi.,ht have been lacking without this iwaistance,
e.. ?
elease 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
".;TFtArEGir, A P
rir olf MIA ft J, ?1 ?4i1
L'ajor 'lc:null- Li. .11 Lam .
Qffci r1. .i.r L's 1:1
rinti raA. .x.)r),.)11 tr. :
tr. L 1.1' I r )14. 1Lj p r i .
which t.tto cfft :.; I ,?,r t ? rv s 44-141t.cor; 11,1o.
renderctd ti. r ;4' r ?ti
tt i 5 theitteir r ,tar. h I t. )niriAtic.14 rItttant-.)11..4
aado t.c ittt9 t y .Lf r , yr...) r-..)f t.1.1 ? For. i.itu..41.4,-19
ialuabte ? tit L 3 1. /I ? )". WI/ IJO.
.. Ur/ 6.4 i .? , 1, /to: /. ^3 )t i ' li fly ,..)4.1 r4`.:, i. ? ,..i. ,, ,?;. 41, A offl i, 'tl,
N ? i ' ; / . V X . ' el 1 " I . ' 4 ' 4 ' 1?i 11 i .. ' i ? _At, 4 1 N
: )U1 . A. LK ) ..ft 1 :.'
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r .N,1t) ;
C r y .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09,23 7CIA-RDP13X00001R000160370001-3
SY ?;7"I.AK', "A-4,
4.4f 44 '4,4%.Y7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
f )7S
rucm ,!.44 I it rY I vigi
I" Ir:IA I.. 1)IJf'i t F- I
- -
cg i.otao*let.e, 04114.11**44P441 1, 317410-ii
%-3524., Dozmvar ftvn
.f3tIt'l t; Q.)zkr,ri?ttulgo.., wki ,61,1.11
col And
ori;qt1 at ton .puto t, 01,3 t.tA t tt b-,ttt on to ttl'A
Ji(ik11)1 i ?k,c r . 1.1.11-;
'bVi j1IOUT Al tut )RizATioN FROM L H '..iF.A.:..RETARIAT
r_Y 101;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010-6370001-,3:
FrOl ,
PrItOttrrf ' !I '
ROW? Hielittt
7,-3524? Do:iovar, froti ..*Itpdemoyor 0
mix Ow -
?ori.t rqo hoortrtati;.14)(q-rtatc.11*1.101,114`,-?
on :Tour prorsilatl. ,t.dvcutootaton:', Idoon rt4: y 'warned
an ban boon a 11.on4 t.ilU .t1 c,orttlig, 1t1 y.)u asld ervccea;
orcrittl.zati.011 ..!1.0.1TO I outtiti,.14.;.rl!' ciontributton to the
'inr,1 Proudly aotattIlted,
intz J 07.10, ;r0:4 Z1 OD
tIllitglIt..k.t1, 4'f
! 11
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R00504F100431 7'4070401-3
1:cri Ff,14:4tt;R4 44!
or F. iciAL rsitosA re-?H
;1*; ! eartrotl sjorrIt',,tiatulak.1.0N4
Leen r .,;ht1,1 earned
:1 cor I tag. 1ti j.k4 kt:Id ciXCiaidia
Li.r out:a t Li,. )c, tr ton to the wor
tndorct mit proadll, aqctitinted
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
HAWN!, .faVii:r;TVIRritrifiaititintiffilinEMERPRIBENEMIVP
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Iiipp:744itmwinkciaivimdmomaimqwww4-ftwitssarcrqr vt..117171m
C s?
To ber
Top, sEcsar
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ih^ TN I eased below is responetble ror
-hdrge, et, this (,yri 0 or hrattch. On trannipt of tato 4114Iticron4 fro* sottitthOe fv,a
prornro than fora on whi,h. ihsoorilog t* TOP IlgraT eeitt,t,",t4.-ers. iott40*
who A$-1 th dootlaaut or 4.o who its contents Are 006,14011JAOS, htmoit wil4
141. '4 n d
441 r tn. re( 0 ived , initial with ths debts *MS tt*S ort ret4ia-4* to tkei viptitiqo
opponits hin flame. ?him Incueuint eay be sbnwa onif t41, p0e44b4 It-14.0rta004
to e ni SMCRPT lo,nannts, sal -ohn ar esiaired to teat" th,9 tafora4tioA lottioti
t IS 1Leti pet 40U fornstly chargs4 with Vito esfskseitiai of this rtoilO*Nrit WI thike
lids Of
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rsi, bPrOre. furthPr rooting.
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Alt son as the officiaie craeol.ted Ubv* remd tia detata02Z, Ube 0 aviwti
l'ne3.L, 4etweh this sheet from the eoemmeet 6a4 retalst IA
ain flies. He must then mstiver the doottmotAt 11.7 Ottio.r. 44: r)44 tha'
oa the saimegt Routtng Sboot etteehed t* thto doolutoeitA,
The attechad deeneeat lefts re /sawed to the
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Aidaitt.F66. `70.^:
To h.' Pivt WO 014 141$41
- - 41114.4S4446,1414
41- -441464.401044tiabowL.
alnl? .4.011114, 41:101k ? ...11
t rl tt`f
hoemby trodkoirMsd ittto HI?isi04-*01110:
i (ls. !wirier cowritfot t ire tiitet holmv whit is k I it, t ofivoitiootrI:,
r 0 r t t m tto Pm it ts?L II ib4 fm.ot-i,sthsii
kgGvi AT; omM, tftpi irmt P4(10 t9 Angi #4 at ro IP I VC Nitlf 141449M
4) ? s-
iitCPPIT AccKsNioN nRORT, nAi rqem tnlIa 044' P*011(014P -
r to in ti t r is* t e ?tit tViidttgt
r -1 r movoidi ot 4.4ton or t sae 11-11g41-0
cern 1,64 ae far t ocrovkii thkti etetnii414tit 'LI k4R, 4,4407
tt east hA le4n4eitt44 hoPweAtir r4cal si*L y-torikt#44,
!tor. Regullt Poresipipt wilt LIA a404
...mom. ors, -*bee Ara. ? .14.40....??????????????????????????10111,01114.1.111101AMIMOVIIMPOIR?InIr
tt.Ar wtth the tuttibplet dumuiso4t sho014 bo vfloitt*di IAA :lie**,
wtome,..4,00. I tlIbiliOVII40,01.11100.
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/99/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? s?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
' 1
4 --,4,
; I 1-1
, I
1.1". "' ZeWIPP9110014000r" ."0
J ?
BRITISH SECURITY ((')? ()ford,
ET -417E HAND.
V 4.
.''?-?'11 ?
The visit here 'If trisri tb,:4
sent lit Lve in 3witserland reran Hi VI t4 (.%
? thot when I WA-3 in London re.7ent:..7 : tclie
port um/ ty of going into the hl
the "'Wood" trarfla. Th411 i !nrs-x.ln:; in4 ;if
the gioatest secret in-telllefence ikc.:Liovienents
this wax.. r. I martian s :alle but r ?
must &lso express my most sincere ictralstiintr
the WAT your whole S.I. zirignal.r.atilwl hit, beer "se-
? velopedAn what is, ---Amp.ikred t.) the 4ovelonmer,t
of the various established secret Intellizem?ii
ganizations elsewhere, a phenomenally' short Ipa-01
Cif time. I srky nothint at t tiEntiment?hout hal.
_th'IVO 5 0.1 of thet operations ?flour lie-
partments, which are no less autstanding, but 1
-annot help recording my lellet thAt r)ur ":m _
side -- which, after all, is the moet 1.11c4..4
operation in foreign field. it..1 has been so usais--
ingly successful. 411 those with Arly real iciger-
iinc? who know something abotst 1 tA Lon51
achievements an astonished 41?. the .fr,10-113sth
' has been made. ?i
You have cause fr tr. the v:
plishment, and thos? conc erned d111/30rifikt over. ur-
4Pratu1ation, but I look beyond *.:????
which 1ms been alven raj to pla:, c4afrie r??.)Le
Or assistance in its beginning's, t..)
hope and faith thatith? oripmizat'L . ?
have so effectively created snd !tev.4 )r.".1 Vf, ?.
continue into the :1043 of
V. I
? yr,41.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/99/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
R. I
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3..
- Page Two -
Atter this Paw you nnd I tr11:. ;
be followini our normal peace. IJI0 pretf)C (.71i p,t1* n
You well Viz)! isy Views about the tio rttn-
the United State. GOvorrisent 1. I WTI r r : !-
Wide secret intealitence,organization. rt mAy 5e
that other Goverpnent a, possibly wittli evil intim,
tional, would not welcome the continuation t AA
U 3 G. secret intelligence orginiza4on, but 7
personally, have above had the 1eep4st ilonv-13-
tion that if such an. orpnisaticrt yrAir
existed in the years following' the List int:
,war light have Dean averted. There ts no need *..0
go .into the details of what:/ consider be ;i4>-
solutely irrefttable argunants Ln vapport ,r
contention, beoause.they are known to 7-)14ri:-
think that you completely agree with me.
I write you this letter Jr1.1.7 to t.tx-
presi wy admiration for the pages or hiitory
which you have a1rea4 aade.but &lac/ to w7 mce
again that / hop. and trust that 7aur
seats of the. past are to be but the sound found-
ation for the filature S.I. organizatim or 'J.; 7;1.
(le.f..L. .-?-?%.?ek, )" %,..- ... ....
Ars S. Stephenson
Brigadier-General W. J. Dononn,
bisector, Office of Strategic Services,
25th and E.!Streets, N.W.,
.111" ow?
movii 4.11.
10410 ?
, V
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13-5(00001R000100370001-3
1 ttr 9.?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RD;13X00001R000100370001-3
, /-4-101) SECRET
' 6 : ier ?
SiONOURE At00110
lo he prop/14.0d by ouch ISCO 000fl f40$1*t 0t 0 tOle Mitt iftt40
kd4r's$d to
dints. //' ;)"
Docuseet No.01 Copy ?J o.:
No of pado* .L Attachment*:
The Tic() oseed below te responsible for the tOtaahtitt ftstanT 40-Attwort
chotged to thte Offioo or Sr4nett rtefipt of thke ilocumeo.T tett* mawthice MWN*
koopenicia to TOP ARCRitT v,a#41*ttento 044101040
its oonteake ere nommusicatea, 040q Artga oitlt
sof initial with the date ao4 time 0 eoleano to tho 11140/44,
prova4n3 )pposite his name This document may be *hewn *city to getivose- moth-or-00tt
to see Toi SECRRT docomente, ned who ftre rsquired to know the infoemetios WIA00
contains Hsieh person formoilly charillool with the **(ease/ling of tht4 4nonmeo1!t **it,
Nt o in hts Brstteh or (Ifice, ta rouponothle far liad ettint rfltOrn tho dicosaloot
;:sc0 before further routing
the sttache6 locument viols rpcoilrei rros tbs._ raarinr lineal if no,
(brnoelz Or etert,e)
Am soon am the official* concerned be re dotnawout, ttte, TV.* . tpkt,1
line tit det&oll thim *heat fr'An the dooesomv aud ratuie it a* 4 tervatoekat
hie fiton. Ho *mat then dell4ver the document by Olefi44V 001114410
-Usted OA the selaoa Rontiag aheet attached to thin 4igtesanat4
The attached doccoloot was relaood to the
J11 r 120,091 ' 4P. ,51"p1 1 ? 1_,kcj 4111'41'ciit
'1" 4,11
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
4..... --40-..... IL41.1 . .....1110.... :-....... Ne..1/krboirs-s,s, on.......a .......
I .?,??? M? 'a:. 1 +S "
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LIL., .> A . 1 4 f fr: rsi i
i SI 4.111t.iftftiLfart
rettly tea ages rrod tat"/ ino t et diteitii. f ? 401644.0
.e I di w who t4 rh ist .kr k ri
cor thin ft of 4tenn% '117;1 0 I* .? 4 I 4 44 4 frogs gi t of 'r t*(if)
CIO! t WP,.jA 1I C)'4 3, PI. f'ircot "qi"11 t romert rl P St it 0.; fr 04,41-
(4ttrRICI: f r3411(0141 FINIVVr. nng r4iird .1k3
Th form r 4 o t 1) a, ?tt Itotbl. el Oltt#10
r ff f I'd t te V 4 I rib Os 0-4.1% a 0 tvrfte,0* DI itt 11'10101*
h r .4( (i N. ;I: NO r4 iV4* r2r r* I 4 4 4 '4 1.1h ;lea 4 t bilkt
I 1 ? ? in fa t tr?iti4110t t4i 0-te 0* ctiti tf
4 I, t r t Itiot??AttpPit
P the oubjfc.t tcretitiont, 4h0,414 b# toote.r4.04 sft *
, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001.00370001-3
? ? \.
SRI 11;H e;EI opi f , ?
Fre PA:JD.
Te.,P :.'rEfiZ: ANL --
? ?
4 .9
The TiJit
- ,
awn*. te,Ive? 3witserl 1.: 1 r
"...11. 4. wtlerI wan tr. r?- ?
pzility of go,Ing int ?
? )-,? "7;1041" ? natl... 7),
1 ? ?
. ... '. .. 3 wz4r. I mor.t.ior ' I ft: ??? %. ti:: .
niUS 4. 11:3 C.).3..:tNe P.! 1 1 '.7,7/ no ? ? .? r : .0 rm 1r ??'. . r
't i
t 'le Igictr f011t whole ?9.:. )r,;-......:. ? -.? L..- 41.? 1. 4 s.4,, .
voloped in what ?,i, - cic tr.: I,' t ?.:4,es 1,7-.?1; --r7.-..-?
. of the Y:triogilez.T..a.)1.1.1.?.e.:1: 7 4 ' ? ri' .t. ? .....1.,.4-,r- -4
gan.: 7. fl? 1 XI 5 elseq!.cre, a ?,tiett.aiers..C.'.... .**
3 r time. 1.,3a; :1..)tr-,:ni: -.t ?...
I h .ve 3 Oen Of ' h. uper-It1....1n.1 )'.' ; -. 7 ,?-.1-: :0-
pqrt.ments, which are no .1., %-3 ) :6. ,? k. t. , g
?annoti h-e.1.0 recJrilng rtv le' 1...! t l . '
side 4= which, ?fter all, '..*1 ?:!.e -? d.o." . 7 L - -, '
operattibc in foreign rie1,4.3 ?
.1.741.,?," tow-coast:2J.. . Nil tr...-)se 41 .. L 1.,', t? '. - ? -.
ilince'lrho know scieetr.i:.4: 1: .,..,-, I ? 71'
D.,4v01: lent 3 arv ?./t.,.)n1.1:-..ed 1-. t ?e ':-. .t- I -
hal been made. .
Tol0?ive ".
plishrlaht tRI,J,30 ? . ??
grltulationo but. I ,r ? a ..-.?
hs been 4iven r, t -
'..is18tar.,7e tit its. et;: r .
hopo and faith tnat ts".? :r.
hakve so effectively creat a :
Into the .14k;, 3 ' ?., r
Ir.:Z4'....:1110.741g.121111.141116.117 .411..?PiP ? ?
? 11. ?I 116 ???
111110. ?
.. .? ? .2. lea: ? :A.Mida. ? 1/14", .46 ;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
??? 1'
.0, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Aftnr '??,! ..., w'k :- , I....
...),) 1..111 >w1.110: -A.r rir.!- 1,, : ? 1 ,.11 ?-?'
'I () 1 I. . k /1( cl -Ti,7--., ,.., -.?4 i -, , ? .,, 1-1
+..:1 7,1ratrs,1 :-!t.fit.:01 .;, iv -.? r- r ?,-, '
vrile socrolt Intv!IL-..07--,
th.-ts? ot,11.-q: Gov?irtun?.n!..-7., , 0
tilnj, .1,r)uld no'. *el.,ru, ... ' I 41 4
ler rrt. 1.1-4.l. ! I. 1. . - or - n 7,..: .
inlOntli. I 7, htk7 0 ft 1 ?', ly ; 1 4 .' .1 . ? i "
t? I 1 n that t f 5.7% -h 111 ,r,-%:?;
.axi3t,od in the ynnrs1
war ni,;11. h..,1?10 1,-10.12/; ;??
L" Lit o- 1.1. ? ,C ;?
..3.)1ut ply irr,,f4t.11.1,..
1,0C 'WI t r
think t.hiL.. ;-? ? u unrc ? t.
write '
prus3 Pity Ara.:rItior. for !:.6
whitth you hlv:e ?alre4t,t,,.T.11.?.!?
ae,ain that I hope an,1 tr.1,3t "1,0
menta of tho.p43t ttr. to 50 tf. m 1
ation for ehe ryt,.tre
A ,
Brigadier?General W. J. DonovAn,
Director, Office of Wllegic
4 ' 25th and E. Streets, NA.,
????rV'''' ? is ,1
? . 411, .? ,
. .
? r.1,-,-.-
*off .? Oql.
lad. a
? ????-???-???????????????? ? ,
at I ? $2111111baz
Declassified and Approved For Release 201.3/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
, A
? .1%'
rr .AFF,.. HAND.
riP jECitr.7 &ND P1.1.L.OnA.L.
? ?
? ...?????
The visit here -if y ? 7,)ry 7.1 r-1,--
3snt-ttive in 3witierlasid retain
h4 t when I was in 1,ondi5n t-e(7ont!.. : ta 1-0--
port unity of going into the hi l4 -'.rd
of the wWoo4" traffic. This is -,Irt,041': .411 .r
the greates secret intelligsuce A.;:11.0,vmmonts
thls war. I aantion thLs exce-,0..1()a4:
must also express ay most sin.ciar, r)r
the w?y your whole 5.1. organiTattm `141141. 549c-, !ei.-
velopod in What'is, cqmpared to the iev,lonmer.t
of the various eatablished seret int,Ilat4vr,:, 17
ganizations elsewhere, a phenomanAlty ih .rt
of time. I .say nothing at t Iincenurl'? %e1.10 *hitt
I have seen 'of the operations of jou.: Jth-lr le-
partmants, which are no less outattAnkti.ng, but : ?
-annot help recording my deligtt that: your II"
side -- which, after 411, is the it Jell:Nito
operation in foreign fielcis has been so use:-
ingly successrul. All.those with any real crr-
ience who know scamsthing about its operatIons Anti
.achlovements areAatonished at the :rog1ess-It11,:h
has boon made.
Tau have cause for pride in .42.71e
plishment, Nnd thoee concernel desarv4 over:. zon-
gratulAtion, but I look bayond the sati?trAti)r
Whicl) has been given me to play some ru1.0
or assistance in its beginnings, to a profpu1,1
hope and faith that the organisation yN.1
have so effectively croated.and dovellpwi Y.
continue into the dows of :\e:v1e.
0 117:10 41 0
111111111011 ?PIP
? -
14111* ?? ? 4.
................???????????? - ?
? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
I .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
- Paso Two
. After thin. wnr yri Aril 7
be following our normal poim-etimn
Yu Well know My VieWS rtbrIt the
the United StAtes:Govornmert hA,..ri.4: 1. )w-,
wide secret intalligone ;co
that other Goverents? poen L
t* t h err ri 4n,
tions, would not welcome the 7ontLnudv-ln
U.S.Q. secret intoillgence 7
personally, have kings had'tho ii0oirwInt
ti on Nthat if such an organl tit t Oft 1 1
existed in the years followthi; the 11,1: /It "
war might have both nverted. ) -
go into the details of what I 1?).
soiutelx irroNtable prgumert.3
contention, because they are known to
think that you completely agrce
I write you thts
press my admiration for the pkges h..1ry
which you, have a1ree0y ma,40 but Ilio t
again that I hope and .trust that
sante of the.past aro to be but the .soun,1
ation for the .Ntur, 3.1. orgao rat t vr
Brigadier.4enera1 W. J. Donovan,
Director, Office of Strategic Servi:c'es,
25th and EL Streets, N.W.,
_ ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
IP* .
.? "
I/ ?
, ?
' ? 1 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? ,
R'VISHSE(UPT TY (() ,Pr)V14.7
The Visit hero .)t y0,14: /4r7 ..-%-
setttRctive in 3witserland reran ?.? ?
-t hitt *yenI .was tn Londuo riwort.LI ? 4 ? -
portunity of going into the hi 1'. )c-/ u-s1 .;-,Le4, P.
th. "'wood" trier/ C ? Thu i n
the greatoet secret Lnt el Ksr,.- ? %.1:1'..????wwivrIt
this war. I mention t.1.11 0.* 44 ? MAL!. :
must also express NW 110n 1.1tee.re -iL' rt tr
the way your whole 3.. )rckni. ? 4'. W1 b44 )?' !"`. te..-
veloped in what Ls, ; espare,1 t Cnte lovst..t.111MVP4
of the vs.rious est/loll/shed Int4411tiqpn.:.?
ganiaations elsewhere, a ..thenomenadi.3.
I say nothing at t. tl MILOWW. t.:;)10 what
I have soon of the operations of your ;thew lo-
partmants, whlch.are no less outstatairl, ut
i?annot help recording wz deLlght that. r,L.4r 114
aids which, after all, is the most del
operation in foreign fields has be sv. s-
ingly ruccossftal. All those with .an7 real ex; r--
tanco who know soniething about its vomit . ,r11 tntl
achievement? are astonished at. the ..)r.)trsi.:1 ?
has been made.
You have cause for I rile 1^. t, get-
plishaint and thuds cone 'mod diserve et. ? 11
gratul.ation, but I ;look beiond sett ? L v?
which has been given Fee to ilk; itIrse r?o' .r
or iussistanee in its beginnings, to a pr.,!",i;
hope sild faith that the organisat Lin ,
have Do effectively creat i4 and .level
. continuo into th? days of 7,e4(!?.
? ?
. .
? - ?11, ? ?? ?
". 410 ?
Arb. Mr
a ? 4.
'61Pb el a. so+ ?
? .t
, 4
? Mks I ? ? a.m.. ILA, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
' I
? \
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
At to. L
11 d44 .4 L?4 I
..041 1.11,1.
inn t.;.1 ?e.10 4.; L?
to.t 4,,i? It,.
t 1,,,' ui
t 1 I4?141 .11?14 4.111.
fist. liEt
? 1 ? n 04 I j tie/ 4/ 4 / 141.
4411A 1 4.1,- 041 IT1S?11 j ea ? 14.,.i ..??? , .
? t?
r ?
osh ki41 i4)
1.?1 14,14 la
ta1,41 lrce,1 4( aL' .
/10 44?t
?a ??...aar.
441 1 ? t? ? 1 .A1 ??
1.144t j"k4 ? ?Aiii 404d1j .414- .?
firtte joie I
i2M1 ? tit Uhl if?01. t 160
ortii itb y.AA 16,4 'J.* ?ls'Imitj $4.41 tio
t.1.4.t. 1,,,ve sit44,1 t 04.11 ?? ..,??
tn. ii&ot &re t.) u14' 41/4.."
t 111 f.)r thea futur? 5.1 I. :
? .4
rectors, .Offt eip of St .? ,sve, .
2th anti E.. itro?ta,
w tit/PS, D .
?me. .4VIONina .4011011110411how ay.
? ? 411 ?
UP V "
"%OP ? ?
1101.1mmoni????+momillIOSO?s?enowba? YA6'. '
. ?
? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? ?????
? 64
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
BP I rir,H )F.cuRiri c()
TOP ....,F,CM11 AND PLIC:,011.A.L.
The visit hnr*, or yr,..,1 Itnrj r r ?97-
. sentfttive in Switzerland rt1, iev,
thitt when in London ree.untly h ti) p--
portalnity of going into thu. h.1 14,
of thii "Wood" traffic. Th.'
t:rie croatest secret intell.tgenre
war. I taantaonith! 3 SAC )1 t?C
must also express ray moAt si.nc?sr? a ? H:"-tt,
tho Way your wh914 8.1. orignniPALL?rn
veloped tn whit ti, ,-eapared t the I
of the various, established secret
ganizat ions elsewhere, a phenomenon; 1-
r time., I 36,y nothing at. t'7.1.3 mumu,' %h..
I hore of t h. operstions of you- )th,r
plrtments, which are no less outstancii,
.azinot. -help recording ny delight that r.,t;
nide which, ttter all, is the roost 041,1,'......-01?
operation in fo reign fields ? hos.beert 10 -troaz-
ingl,y successt.a.. k1I thos? with fuxy reL-11 ttSi
len C? WhO k.T1QW somethinc .tbv).4t I ?WA
?.',...uventent,s airo it. th? r.)tro ;1
han been rade.
You hive cuio ur tt. , 1.1
pIihmt, an d th .3 0 C n C 0rIel je3orvoarir Jon_
C-11.13 tion, but. I look 1Joyonti ? lat. A
.112, ?A hs hoon ,;iven ..ne -
or t3sisto:oles.iil Its beg1nnin5, ti a ?r?ol*,1-14..1,1
ho vo and faith that the rgwt7.tt Lr? '21 yi
hove ao .effective.Ly.creat elo?: :tevttLiveid Iv', 1,1
cont. tnue 1'it.. t or ci.
? .0_..?. 4. . ?? , ..
al lignO! 400?P .i? . , 0,10
lo? ?
? ? . ? ?,
4?6 0,
? .
?41P0 a ? 6...
amab willibftiSolla?"".
-- ?
j* ?J ..?11 I.AW?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
;Is \
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
? rage rim -
After this wnr y.-41 Ani 7
be following our normal poa-ettm,
You wall know my views- about th? *nt-41,"
the United ?States Government h.av ,;
wide secret iptelligence orgnit...A9r. 7'
.that other GovernMents, Alth ?
time, woUld not'weicom* the tow.:r1.146:.)r
JJ.S.G. secret intelligervli
porsonaLly, have alwNy3.114,1 this :0.7".1.. ?
tion that if such an organi7e.1-Nr 11-j
existed In the year3 fo11owin,7 t.10 y
warnight. have belen alerted. The-7,1 1 1 7' ? ? ' I ;
go into Ole datiala of what
soLuts4 irrefutable.argumer
co:Its-Alan, because t:Ary sr' ;cri-)brn ?
think that you completely vcrel*
' I writ* you this letter
press my: aration for the. peva .)f
whiob you have already made but also t,
again-that r hope and trust that pyir
manta of the past are to be tut the soun
at.ton for the future S.I. organiaatV:An
? 1.
t ?
D'irt?:',17 ?
? r iriiadier-Oen W. J:
PireCtOrp Oftice of $trateigic Servtz.3.'
25th and L *trysts, N.W,.
? . ^ All,
far - Aft. gilt
Via, ? ? - ?
? . . '
- .
? or
I Mb,
. os. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
.1 ^
Hrigadlor (,prirrni W. J. Donovan
Director, Offico ..tristogte Servicoa
Washington, D. C.
I air attaching for your iararmatlea, now at' a 140.tor
to this headquartora from thp Chlof Stgr1 Officer oexproastag
his npprecintinn for t.he apportunIty to axamine cortiOn
tured equipment ntde available by the efforts nf your
zation. Thi tr lnothor of lan IV I ne.tancea whereia Ude WS
hns been 50 helpful to the Army.
The equipment Ln qumstir,n was a Late ttod44 or a GOTIMA
isdiosonde which was reccvered by your agent* who, wore 40onlipoott
to theZ.-Ammons &fission.
noutot, Ise rnt: COAMISPINO GtA A.S' ? 114int,weatcsi.101Alk.
lt Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00-001R000100370601-3
Declassified and Approved For Release1.77/0.9?/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
WAfti, DEP Parr toi trr
IIVAIS144, 4401.)-1"4'44,1 41 '1
1.wed to engris* Wit at Vita
Ott t411* tprtswiaty te mug? t soda d.
opro.ta tash am astails itmeillaoists
r.-NtalLved bows visT pimp Wok ItEtht
firittr eintarbutt u bout pravitiet tor CO 45,
irps tkat latmoattite gotlaad t ot last*
disaptili La aadMildes is at Ltmanablak moist:Amos tat
tosearoh aad davtolopmant program'
per the Cala Nokia Ottiaart
? ?
? 1,4 ' IMMAI ? ?, s ?
assified and A roved For Release 2013/09/23.:_CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
4 r9;'1'7171171311::7 - -1 ? "14'. _
tkS dd;r?. -0 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R060100370001-3
Hrigadier General W. J. Donovan
Director, Office of itratogic Snrviees
Wnnhington, D. C.
am Attaching for your Informatiou, a mow of 4 lettsr
to thin headquarters from the Chtef Signal Officer axpressing
approclntion for the apport unl ty to @mud ea carte 1 P
tilred equipment mnde nvaiinble by the efforts of your argawi-
mtion. llin 16 another of nom blot...nano wheroba the OSS
htin been no helpful to Lho Arm.
The equipment in quention wan a late mode of s (lerman
nillononde Whielh WAA renoverod by your agents who Imre esolcami
tt, the ;;Irtunonel Ilievoton,
AL AAIUN' AlI. r Ow. NiA?41*41044111 MO* Ark 0,
4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: 6A-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
C-1.000L?001.00a11.0000X?1,c1C11-V10 CZ/60/? 1.0Z eSeeiei JOd panaddv pue PeWsseloeCI
*or 40,41P1:1 Vt.11'7,e 1, c;.,
viv.1..11. E.:
ihr iptt. to4 ) F;
TVOSNV 410110014
"raft 14o1p4
NitkAsPobAd itiosiontoqapteip Or* qiaa
IP arpiranamil irt toMprogro poet Isic?
setroptilowi Apiman pope voneasom
4t4 priplmmit votiq AT
afoit ?4114 In %tog fail% ipur% autjt
000 lune Ix; petamosoi iss Iliapi* 'go
Wow PC.L.'1404 ing "SIM
moiradM6 4111 WWI, NI
rig 6014 Was
t'OelluettitliolV We, oro;
pitimal gorpli giwasirpsbo CM in Vidttbil
Ves 4taiwoilPormie -AV iluelarsalt Publdttatn
oft,. "nit col firm estmitam
IP. 14We INA
WI. -4040141 IV ,0011314J, tiAlg,01.4,41Fr
iE441111- 40.P 1,10 .111,,F4rA '10 At1.1#11f ftrPOVAlit
. I ' ' ,
.1, ..
. . ,i., . ? ..
, ,:. ,. ..., - ? , , . . i , - I. 1 r A-9 r. ,
' tilkittiiites OM .htlittl
?1. 000 L?00 I. 0001 1.0000X?1,c1C11-V10 : CZ/6O/ 1.0Z eseeiei JOd panaddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
-ze?,E.,,i, . i . A ? ? ' u I ' -,.ii -i ,,,,.....,.....4.,, ..,t:
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : 61A-R7D713X100001R000100370001-3
Brigadier GPnern1 W. J. Donovan
Director, Office of StrAtegio
Washington, D. C.
I am attaching for your information, a aavy *f a 'Latta'
to thls headquar ter rrom the Ch1f aria1 thrticor orproswing
hts apprecinti..In for the opportunity t0 =amino oartala
ti :rthd ?qui pmen t awful e 'iv 1. Lit bin by the of rtrrte, cdP your orgoold,
zati(in. This is &nor,hor of many Inntstnetes wherota tba OSS
bpen so he to th* krerf?
The priu!pment in questtlr MAR A troodmi of et G4trirnan
adlosonde efitch ems rwleveroxi by your mgento Who were 4(11,44264
?he =acme; 141 n
, 4.0,4 cif Otht PAL. A"Vit
ay' _
and A roved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
T9, r:"7,41i27 VIATIVDT:IMR 'iTf"174
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
WA it ofirAprrmNrr
KrAocou,Aft-iloi, VICPfitvlitP9t1
cyPTICIC 41I irr k p4Aii, e:140r1641,4406
Wph.to. 141'644 ,r.
otkoisg est to tab
ebt tog fortelde4 101141
.44 Rattad***4600 stkitteilf.t
dedired to imposes ,LAten iS
c'ttatine th, r- Lao iseta?.
wed sig.tb melleIst eenatitillto
%mica4 riser pow emilit4Insu Val*
Lt bee Wee provided tor irkepeetteo tha
idea oirmil 'Tr4 issipeatimi of lgote
pod coattilkieek Li tavolualle asOiStatoss
dormiopelasit worms"
R*Ngrt, Si laisitefirtelp,
enTifo 3141341 Corps/
t t t lig 1Netetigtaji
? ,
." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
;1.a I 1,tr rce Tit
r ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X' 00001R000100370001-3
?r'' ' ;.. n t -'t
ce f At; of S. , ,
n qs, 1 , Firr?P, Arm], 4P,?
Ac v 1 1 r ) 3ir ;in+, p r, P n
F 1 rst J. .Ar- .
: .1 )
Twe t rth Ar-.
r 4 :1 Pi.?t?.:?P o ? PD t' ?-? , AU%
i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
I I.
_'_P1 -LT
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
La t, : , . d * 9 'rg? t'r ,m I.'', ri: -
t.:10 tO r, r. c i ' i?' ,`,i , . 1 r, l.. -, ",* -
Al--.;:i , ' /I ? . , .i . ? r ? t 1. 44, rtrit))$' 41t, Ail ' - 1 ' ? ,.' ct r. 3V :r0tftdr5,61'
94 ? o . 1 r wi? 1 1 - a! 1' nc loci 1.-, irir A T.: . 3. Army .
???? ONO 6.41. (???
-.ancitni; Gen erfd Twor)" tth rnor
1. AR Dointed out In r- ? - --4f) t31? '44"i 4t4,164,.
connl tsii?f? ei". ;.= 1 X4 e. , C 4. ". Er yr" At- ? s 41:1-4t.ftelt)
k;rou(Ja. Much of thi r q t r qu Leaflet OC a sit!*.
tero.c nat.,;ry dr?tiwn ut, by ' 1 1'
, or r..?1 of' r1.r.. st these 1"1s
Jeveloperi t Cr of the e.trot*.' 1,1 fl rir Y 44'
ne o . ? root; bene..f In:ad frrm te
IT:ent No. 1.r.i , rtt*?twinec: tr,!lend? /air tars Ass"' ned Lrt
thle hendqunrtere informed of t'10,1 of theoo v2rou'r:',41.
It to to be noted that iumero,..4s tente Ater- er, 1,irter
!nits to obtrt' n r ,4eql of villtiP1 IP nfor*7..r. tiort
Pine", locati onr, rind ,?1( v t s Arlo eery,- As si,r) rlit..,-1e)n-
ri cAnt:e rert tee . us ? of Ino.ivioittel r,:mbere or theresl.
mice e-,;ro%).-s rtit her than o.rf.,,q.r.i zeci Lint t i ai t tu9.1 oto
areii cover 0,1 `)y tido et riro,
2. The FkotivItles of the F'$'I t Avarl. t %tor
ecte,1 her hefidquartere but nri el Lc' )rt
tne rtr :. t 'D Pr1V L 3 1-y t s t ,t1 rin
After its : itor?:.tkon the istrtr,oe to t. .1,?? ,trT?7 :".>1
ros rours permi d the f." roe. Ia. tLtkrr, rn.unt,,r?..4 ?).31r
troop&???:',1`; Dtherwise hstttr.2he d tri
,Ct result -f these c?'perqt 11`?
qc vtt ??:* 't'-.,)(3Sih
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''.. 1,74:5:1917-7.7..-Itot il,f.al.Z4=4. :-77_,. r ,.:Pf
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4, -.1:::,...jr,r,-=c,,Itog: ill 144 '?,Ircgr-
Vzirt!.il g
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.1' ..r.gi'-',1 ?47.,s4 ?,.z. ? , ?
A , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
. . .1i0.F1 -;4Mi.qii..'ziM.?,:,R
..:44. i
2nd Indorsement tr.) 11 ;Lier;ser rrom H. q. Ftrgt
Office or the AC of 5., G-3, SF No, 160 to CDt-meridtng
General, Firflt U.S. Army, drtted 14th Oct., 1944, miAbj4at
Activities of ST Dotpchments No. 10 whito Attlohod. t0
3M (G-3)
HQ Twelfth Army Grou), kO 65f.;, November 1044.
To: Suprem9 Col /ulcer, Anted Expeditionary Xorce,
1. There Is submitted horcwIth A. tT000rt ur tI ac,ttirt-
of Special Forces Detschment No. 10 wh1t,1,qtt,ilched t,?TIrwt
2. As Indicated in the ronort, the Aotivitt$ of tbAs
contributed In mnrked de4Tee to the sucoes1 of t rsrt Army.
For the Army 1.roup Comrlander:
A ' nn t o r-1..
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
lintailikailftliglitIMM V b ,,,,1 ,.,:4,
4 . 1
3, --
? ' ., , , , ,
r I I ; r? 1. r?. t
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I* r
r r ?
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7' '7' P .r, 1,4%
I. 1 (1,, tt ? ?
" ' (:f
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001140001
? -17
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
I should 'like to expresz our great thanks
for the help which you gave to n large number of British
Agents returning oue,,.h PARIS. I have had many reports froA
Agents ant.' yarious Officers of your e:rt kindness to them
and the ws,l, in which you and your Detachment went out of your
way to make them comfortable and to transport them beak to this
The advance in FRA:ICE was so raptd tha rleither
this Headquarters nor EFFI had tine to sot uo A Reception Cell
ter in PARIS, nn l if it had not been for yo ..1 ctnd your Det4Oh
tient I am sure that PARIS would have been ClUtd with a miIIIng-
crowd of Agents wanting helo and instructtons and ther would
have been nobody there to aid thom.
I should also 11',e tn thark" 7ou tor the help
and kindness you showed to MF1,1-)r -11.1en ek-r1,1,ved An
PARIS and before he co.lid sot ,1
or Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
-,)ntagq gmn414?
ntggit Strlot#
I e.cu1i like to ex,.res. q'tr thanks
for the help wl.lch ou gavr to lan-;e num'
Agents returnint; t oup,h PARIS. I have id m.any reL>orts from
Afce-its an virious Officers of 7,)ur 4rt kindnove to t!!'lem
and the wey in w!'ich vou qrd your Detnahment went )ut or your
way to make them cr:Tfortable and tc transport them back to thls
c untry.
ne advance in FRA:1,70: VA8 en rapid tInat nettber
tt HeadquIrtern rir E FFI had 1.1.r.e to set un RocwptIon
ter in PARIS, pr. if it 'ad not be C-r y-L ,land vour
a.-1 9,rt. t:Pt PAR:S wluld have bePa fltled wttr tlalline;
A.,,c:49 wn..t1:1 '(1117) vdinstr-,cP2-ns fIrd would
'-avt> noto(1 ther.:* t: aLd them.
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
- e -
. 11A1`11,-, 704111 ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R006100370001-3
' I Agialmitimitawastialotowfm.
. _ Met rt,;-.14ti?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Brigadier Outeral William J. Defrowee.
Oireeter, artj.. te itri.1?41.1
washiegten? D. O.
nowimh.r ,)
Door Gamma Donors's.
,.? 4.1-:
. . .4,
Tea will t lad the 1 easpli who t this ,st" I' t 44, 'I h ate
.1 1
et the ands Om iKetribetlaii I.alpore S i ems ? ',PA... rile . ;'' ' f'117 eseeir ? i th Cal awl gi %shwas ? asowar *ad so . r
4 -
Ile pumas et 11641 m of th. hyptom 'Kirks./ 4p
' ter MAWS/ boa reme1t:4 La th? applis.tgAm or ea. SAMO
'yetis $o al leouttry 411?Arbs ow. The lakiprovenam its tie\
type it beemstlasall
rowlive4 la marhis4, am' ell 14.
.10 '
to tao toot shot tho ? cosy (d-a Lit this seas. Ls -e-
eoltrieg tr am NW prwar (0n6-11) ossailf_rAtt MI
driersd. ,
no stay time LS Illgehstres t has 1. s. ?
'irk eed it Is hoped that the other elty umar .11
ti 40 AO *41 ? All tit* teams hove Impels br t?f ?I and t . ?
arliO0 Ma ?ase to it that ? quodollemsair? 4... LAd -4,Lti
eeesollial lairemmitiat is ale* lin Viol, Algae*. rid '. 1 ' ... a r
' gill le ameaded fres $im to time borer* &Da trter %tor 4,
Itary tsly rouse ,
??,..., ? . .4. . .
es 'IF" .1116,11. ?
. .
.41. ? . ...
S. C. 1; GAN . :r.
eel sad ?
2/41.C. e A.,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
F,TA 6 I "3
-.... .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
wzraiwomVA -$0400-WWWWW1b1
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2
lit let (j,, (1,1: It // / I / /)().NeeIt
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R060100370001-3
, . "r*
,i, , ?
produced Copy No. 122
Office of the A395 tart Chief oi Staff, G*2
MI 1411 414 1 Nail fi A I (1 ,)
HI I ) nt, ',tab,/ t, /,;, ,?;(ft?it ),err/tint/ ri14( if )1 krke
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, !ILI! ',,t Ld ) - e,pck t "st `Iittftl it FRAN( E? heourt..
II 4114'.
th,,t 'ht?N, ?Ilkq I.! he h-01,,,...ht s utuntion .ntervsted
th or our prim. trial .
Vir I10,,It Mead AV .t. rent.h t) ki
R..in trIwismtz and liISSenlintftlfig ? Wit VI 1
?.1.14tft'VAS, V4 ( t, \X A( ...fa:: R,.10111.* ( k.ief
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\I, '1 k H kiiillakei 4( )IL, ;1i," t the Moth-id group}
??it I itutenarrt, k
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Colottvi. U. S...
6-2 Section. 0. 1
Declassified and Approve
; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-41R7:;3'1X0'4.Z1R0001003/0001-i
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-IDP13X00001R000100370001-3
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00061 R00010037000113
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Declassified and Approved For Release'2013/69/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370001-3
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