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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , .44 - ARMY AIR FORCES ADQUANTIMS PERRYIN13 COMMAND WAIMINOTON Apvtl _Kis 1910-'1 0010)14 nitihm Js Donnwol, 000pdiniAtor Qt Iffniim4ttnti, UMW that@o OVOVRIWts ; W4Phillg Lon$ DI et DWAP 011i0110 Panowto, ThAnk yo1d voliy itinoil rot. t. I ?1 ?1)1tEi?t, 14t14-414gie Or Vila 0i4t:1 Crum tylffilo t,Lut c,? tt 140 iliont whnm Iho (11031:3ri tAcipli 4 ttLI ustwo 4 C, Ca I itoteri tai) 00 1 yilit politot.4 t ocv iC ..c ?r? fOW Mi-00,0A LO ?Ott C14)141 4414 ta4,11i buOV Woo:A eAti,1 moall., Ltifi Vail .0114 ly 1,:ilidat a 1.1 I .1 C.01,1,., hi A 0,i??iiI ltkI 1 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ,T f ? s ,e4 Brig. General B. L. George Offioe ol! the Chief of the Army Air Washington, D. C. am most pleased and hrip'i to hear of your well deserved but too low', fielayec: promotion. You nr doing an exoellent job. T should like very moh to think that we could sit down and talk over ways and means of winning the war quiokly. Wi.th best wishes, ft ? ? 1-.1'. ;.???? A 1.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 trZ?& Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 r 1 ? Britt. Oenerta H. L. George Office e the Chief of Vie Army Air Weshincston, DI C, Deny Genord: nm most pleosed nnd hnp. ?' to hell* of your wen deservad but too low' dolnyw promotion. You lrri doinm nn exoellont job. T shluld liko very -lush to t)' Ink ,hnt we could mit domm nnd taLk ovar wayn nnd menu r)f winuing thn wnr (Moldy, With bovt wishoa, N.; r?Il ? 3 ,..4"?rt,51 pro ? ,:?-? ? r-1 Willinm Je Lonovan Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 I t. t ? I 4 momor!intium rvom Milos Caren" 0110100m 4 Copy or it I toiArt p ;1(1111.cl/140d HOMO timo two hy (iettoral Olvatid Lti bin ohlldron. oivoumotmwon nndor W10011 1,1111 Icaitiv wgn III tho muimoritidm. in v104 or clonorll rilvinol.1 omolpop t.ha gontINionLI 11,- oxprummod from hi ti pott:101i 02tuip mdWittlA and NItntriv4ia. unty 1 row OuploN 1,1. LAN lOttOr in oxiitonov, and L1:111 It IL uhvuld PovoIvrl Aily. pumfotty. \., . Al tholvt thi:1 ltstl,tip 1:1 vtivv 0 iv! I. ( to mo tt-11 ft might pobly bo (Ir 1 Iruta 1.4- whit4; u mull 5.' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ci Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6' The Frenchman who smubEled the letter is: also known as Michel Gordey. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 or- ?-? 'Ail r - La lettre ci-jointe a ete sortie clanuestinemcnt de France et introduite aux Etats-Unis par un Francais (ruse raturalise) attache pendant la Fuerre an Service de Traauctions de 2eme Lureau de lir:tat-Major militaire, arrive a New York en Septembre 1941. du C.O.I., 270 Madison Ave. en qualite de traducteur. Clest un garcon dfune inteurite abso:ue qui jouit de l'amitie tres intime oe M. Ja(!.tyies Maritain. La copie ci-jointe a ete faite sur une copie l'original apporte par un prlsonrier franc-11s libere dun camp de prisonniers francais en Allemare. Ii aurait montre cette lettre a Ces calparaGes Egireau de l'Etat-Major General qui, eius par nfauraient pas resiste a la tentation e'en prendre coFle avant ce la transmettre. Le prisonnier porteur (ie la lettre nletait pas en relations directes averin VamlLe du General Giraud et aurait simplement servi de "toite Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 111 --; ? , *Ciaie ? - 1131sgfrciir.1,11 1.? AkAlmodebt ' Oak ?"- ? ? . . 11111**(11100??? 'Of 7.; ????.: .4" ? .???????? '.5. I. . ? En captivite a .:oenirstein, Je A mes Enfants, Je ne sais combien de temps je resterai let, de:- mot'', des .innee:; peut-etre. la est possible que je sois enterre au ,2ote as? mo,1 ami Dame. Se suis pret a tout. Peu Laporte. Jo vous confie le coin (ie Ne rtitylacer dans une tache sacree, le relevement de la France. Jevous iutert:lis de vous resigner la defaite, et d'admettre que la FInce pi!;se apres l'Italie, l'L;spaEne, le Danemark ou la Finlande. Peu importint le Le but seul est essentiel, tout dolt lui etre subordonne. Vous lui vo:; interets personnels, vos routs, vos theorie,;, votre riy:Aique. Au debut, ii ne slagit pas d'aller heurter de front un ennew.i, qui slest assure la possession de notre so et nous a totalement :,esarnes. Stresemm a caracterise la methode a e:Eployer, nous ntavont, itita copier intelligement. En premlere urgence, la liberation ,A2 territoire, l'interieur des frontieres qui nous sont laissees. Ensufte, lu reconstruction ph2'sique, montle, socille: a) avc'.ir de.. enrtrits. Aicr ceux qui en onL. b) lei eLever comae ii:; doivent etre, pour la Prin(e. c) assurer i chlque famille une place au soleil. En troi3ieme lieu, ere pret, a tout -Iloment, prw:iter des occa- sions qui nous seront orrertes st l'on a con?iance en nom. Par cone- quent, poulroir .eftire instintanement une armee moci,Jrne. Cel .1 sup71()se Un programme a raire par qui de droit. A distance je pose le pri_ncipe suivint: esprlts sont faits en Prance. ItipAruction e!lt faite ?LuY. Colon le;. Le literfel est flit 1 l'etranrer. re tous les controle, un prot'rtmmc est po!zsii,le, camourl,i!7e etant de recle. filen ne resf!wlhle tn er,,ice en oampagne llinstruction scout, rien ne reslemble a un avion militAre comrie un lvion de trinlport. Un tracteur a chenille s nta he?loin 'hue uc sa cuirlsse our devenir un char, etc. etc. , Mats avant tout, 4ue les esprit:: solent a la hauteur 4e lour t,Icht,. QuiI veuillent etre Rrancais, totalemert. cue personne ne paybccupes ou tempor?irem-nt detiches, pour y maintenir la pen.-lee Cr;In- caisa, Quo personne 411 contrairfi n'helite a 'expatrier, si on lui or?re a l'etranger une situation ou .11 peut etre utile t la France. Vous tous, Pierre, Henri, Andr, l',e,?flird, et vous ollere,i rappelevous qu 'rune bourrasque passe, mai'; que Ia Patric regte. line rat4on vit quandale veut vivre. Repetez cell autour de vous. Forcez les autr es a penser comme Vous, ni travailler come vous. Nus sommes surs du succes si nous savons vouloir. Resolution - Patience - Decision. ?;11- . (signs) General Giraud. flt, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA RDP13X0000 RO 1 I . tr ? ? 5- ; . ? '..1!-= 7.-f! Sc ? +.. ? ,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 f ' - f.? Limutgnaut knoral Huch A. ITumf Hoadquartura Firot Army and Kastom Latonao Commando Govornors lolandt 36 Y. Doer Gunor41 Drum: Thank you vory much for thv luttlir of Unnft vrul Giraud tQ ht a oh ii' If much or that mpirit rogainnt it. fortifion your point that if ,o malty elan A. it A tot Of hoip. Declassified and A .roved ForRelease 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 . -1- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 4 ' -1:t ? . ? . ? re. , ? ? . ;:, ? _ rtik- ? _ I-. . 1 ?g'..;',,,::??'1. :?? ? ? I-I L- :;',,...;?_,', - ''' _ ? 1, ' - ? ? ? ? . ".k -?;''L---- - '1'4' ? , .. i 1.'? .1:11'....' ': - 4;4bk. ? ?1''* :17,1 ? 6-4:6 66 ? Nt4,5 31- ^ " ? g4; .1; 111;f% t: , -e - ? ? ? ? - , ???1 , ? 1 ? \ I r 411 4- . 2 I'll 1:6. ^ ? ?-,1k7tz..,t . I- ' V ? *?.? ` , _ . ? " :2"1" ? - I .,.:T?? ? ? - ???? ? " .44 ? .? Edmond Taylor Wit 'LI D. ?J''A? - Z6'611 Have you on this Lottor, wrltLen by Goneroi a dhildron? ? ;Cf ? "-1-?-? ??? ? : ? ? ? -? L 16 . 6 , :; ?" ? . - ? j67 ? .14 4-4? 411.61- 4: 4 ? 4 t ? rtl- ? r V ? - . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , onus CI STBATMIC SERVICES July 2; 1942 IMINMANDA FOR: Calomel Donovan FROM: M. P. Goodfollew, Lieut. Colonel GSC Lieutenant Colonel Grombac4 has been helping to set up our communication syatem for the reception of messages from our representatives. O. never was given any authority to set up a "black Chamber* and hap not done so. We have been arranging codes and checking channels fox the purpose of communications and are about to begin message tests. Our equipment is being installed rapidly and our small field sets delivered. Major lawman, partner of Paley in C.R.S4, has been put in charge of tis operation for MI, lie is working Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 "..4"1.;;7"? ? '64"?????0' tit ? At. A 66 00;i? - ...0101111111 PV.,4441- , A- 1.1 ? 444 -4 t - ?? 1 . . .1?? . -- ... ? li? - L.,. ; ,,.., t? .!--: .,.; ,....,; - y si i? , I,,:,., , ? ? ? , - ,r1-rs a .-- ?--.4 ?":"141 .- .;:i''?.44_ ? ''' . ,I.,??41,,,?? '?:"::1?? ' .;?.?!"1:?' . 1 i L t' ' i ?. .044 ? 0 > .:-. 7 ?Ir. ,-.....,...,..,;.,,k4 .... . ?,.. ? 414, L.-5'o. -17- ''.?Lt !IL . ???:,-1-:: h:4.4 6-. ? ? 41 AIN 1 ? 40,,1 ' 4:144044e4,%-l..:???;?.r.will? with Ur. Setia Motel Orombaolq has never. been 00111,w sated with .0.0.I. lie is attached to 0-2 oat has given us Mu *Wit of his knowledge of available equipment, igg4ssiering end radio personn"1? and general mouth oaticas informetissi,. 7 :?? ? -t- -7 k.,:?? ???4 ?'? ? 4.. Lt. ;',C?1 ?ii ? 4, Or.- ? i ? ?... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? \ - , L-NeLA, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ? 9. 4.0 ce ? fit3-! ? ? Ada.. ? ! FOR: Colonel Goodfellow FROM: Colonel Donovan IC/lowing our talk over the vphone about our listening station, am disturbed at all this talk about Grumback. It has probably defeated the plan of turning that mattirial over to us as a central agency. As I told you, I expect you to e/iminate him alltogethor from anything affecting our officelyother he does it through a.2 or any other way. You evidently do not know it, but I hear on all sides that he is talking too much. wish you would aend me m full report on just what you are doing in relation to the stations and who is doing it. Someone mentioned todm the name of Candelia who is said to be engaged in cryptanalysis work. As told you, we have got to have this thing handled for the whole outsit and not for any branch. RR rtZliirff?WITTi Vi 888 888 55A5555 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 W111.0111 'IIAIIG IEAVES MINES, LIMITED IOWIN AN M Lgri WIllIAM Pnoloppof H WRIOlI VIC E Patti LOCATION ? KIRKLAND LAKE ? ONT EXECI VriVE OFFICES LI11114:FITY DANK BUILDING B u Al. 0 N . Y. GERARD F. M I 1-1-kR TREASURER PHILIP H. GERHARD SICCRICTARY January 1, 1943. 001. William J. Donovan, Office of Strategic Services, Washington, D. C. Donr Bill: Just a line to acknowledge your letter of the 15th inst., nnd thank you very much indeed for your interest and ndvico. Should tho opportunity arise, just keep Georgetown in mind for n rood word nr two. With ov'ry good wish for success in your very importnnt efforts, . romnin, Sincerely Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 . ? ' - r ? ? . ? , ? ? ? 77'. k ? _ ? ? .6',........,.". , . _ ..._2_...._,?__, ?.....---? . . . . . . . . ' '%'--: -". ... ? ' , .,. . ... - ? . ? . . ? . . .. . ? ? r , / . , . ,. ...... ? ' - ? ? ? 0-.4.1ir,"0- ? Aer `ThonrtriyrAtvelelfegca.N. A r' -- \-:.,? ? '-tx.,..,,i, , ' 1211 ,4 - ., ? 41:.4.4.i," ' rEffivorli - ,..., 0,?-,....to5 ., "vp. ? . .. . ._ . -V- ,,.. Vi?314f1'...' - -4 7.....Z..?0.4.3, ik.C11.- :?'.' ? ?.? ? .. ? . 1142401 aliliaotitie.~4.*P.M. in* till. Joe Gsrliiie4 josiimat rtrissager 'Of attikerars, mut 4,lie factimvhers* Nimeraekt eimegin ?viEled it 'The Ablest rye ewer seek it ? Giest rImarailesstiosges izimmesidgu. Gawp:Ohm-a um' ;Bab faxa azty =hat:lib-1r itImfiewl t k Opened the gEwignsam by t.23x. leaerman par-1 4, tar zed thm mtnemsoft vamp ,s! stadeltts Okaikv Hat. nitEne-" ;rep sues geElrelkmed by the qpreditient orG=3' =LIZ ? tamale ..vrInzt=57".s tl.,.. Mate a le IP amer the elattftelelEtee, St. 41, family =drew= of He slowed. AI 113312-En diki4 at Zama:me and tinzteigh se fans leettliedim and Gandetyr_ careroris aza Iff.0-1. : Gartrpethows ,Ear..1. tw..;..., 4 riammxzzaforkprat- Lartailmy wiws kAlzrzeliseal slth the mune_ bp September/17y v. =mite hazing an 4,aly 'Aittntat2a3 qius- : " . prAgrara vgatic&? heleamarl 'Gsavitner, 1/2/' been 2rade zo ..v,- Ircara. Tam*, them waddled a 13nute of fmm die Rey. ateze 4. Re- cretrgaatti opurse at tie ZE,IsiLlinlf67. ' 41 I a ? "i - "g1,-:?..41;1111110...A. A:T7:-Atfc. -.4?`"`-;t7- ? .? ,?,. ,A 4.!ti ? - s- 1"0.."-...11.4iki,t _ . ? " ? " Declassiiied and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 0 ? "e?AAA-Vr-,,A- '"erir?TE?t5V"-A2-7iY4i,,igr,71?' ? iriV7-?-444441.! 11.,f7;?? ":?-...t.,?f-v.:Atf-tf, - , 0444,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 have your letter of December 29th and have mado (Idris** r had Occasion to look iiitc this situat at a short time ago wAen friends of mine asked me to interode ,, on behalf of various other colleges, I learned that a' presaure would, not be welcome, and that the Navy was doing the beat they could and intended to make their siloctions A fair and imiartial basis? I really think any intorft 0:0400 at this point would on4 cause irritatioa and would n*tbave the 4esire4 effect. Mat you ssy about Georgetown s entirely true and I am sure the Nay will take all of thee* facts into conoiderationo It Wila good to hear from you* With best wiih?ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Requemt of Edwin Lang Millor for your rid in securin assignment of Naval Tmtin ghlt t Gm ? rio Un The dectilion in all suoh annignuc ments is now tho responsibility of Onptnin under Admiral Jacobni Burenn of Pernonnels had ti plennant aogunintnnonnhip with Oaptain Oanaga when 1 went to Oalifornin on December 3, 1941, He WA in charge of ONI for the 11th Naval District; mot me in Lon Anrieloo and took me to Snn Diego whore I npent two dPys -itu him. Recently Dr,Wrinton of Brown asked me if I could help in any way to obtpin n Naval assignment for my own Almn MRtor. Jim Baxtmr told me thrt the Nnvy had nnked npooifically thot no prennure be brought upon thorn by the Oolleges becauso they wore doing th bont they could and intended to exercine thnir boqt judgment hnd would not be nbi0 to do gnythinp: on a prossure basis, , t 60:11-A$ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - --. Ite. !2, I ' t , Every prominent msn in Amerion belongs to ,some college and the nituntion would be bedlam if everybody started toudie for denr old Rutgersv Acting on Baxterin advice decided to say nothing to Oanaga about nroyn University or Williams but thought I would take him to lunch and talk OSS to him. I called him on the 'phone lnnt week, Ho wns very cordial Md begged me to give him n rnin cheek fo--. 61 month hence after he hnli fininhnd this job, He said he wan neeing no one, enting lunch nt hie denk and thnt he wan dealing with a plan thmt involved the trnining of 200,000 studentn, He said it was thm Nnvyin denire to interfei.^ as little an possible with the normal routine of the colleges, He Mid he understood the collegemen npproved the Navyln attitude (Belter oonfirInn) and he hoped the Navy would still retnin thin goodwill when the plan was InIt into effect, Oommnnder Smith hamto. Jim Murphy suggested t?ht / cal./ Qvlaga'in the interests w,_of the above I would -u#10es you think it -wise, , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - , t ? tro Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 mouir v tvg47., 1-VIT 14- 4t1'4' I W44.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? L., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1. .? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .4 ? ????1.0... I IN gUk blv '13'0 ? "." , 64110 ()Ad Atiektr,, Mviee L, WRIGHT HA1.4 0 JR E Ave s MINES, EDWIN LAN* MILLER P141E61600 WILLIAM H. WRIGHT stielt?Prolte, LOOM ION KIRKLANG LAKE, ONT. XECUTIArt Corneal* LIBERTY BANK. BUILIIMO j3v'PrLo, N .Y. December 29, 1942. Co. William 01. Donovan, 1647 - 30th Street, N.W., Washington. D. C. Dear Bill: OttlAt4b fr MILLtti ttokAttuivkii PHILIP H. OEI41-1APO toteftft+Aoy I would appreciate It very much indeed if you would give me a few minutes out of your busy day to outline certain facto in a matter in which I am deeply interested. It is in connection with Georgetown University, my Alm Mater, an you know. According to the recent announcement by the Army and Navy on a comprehensive college program for otudente, several hundred colleges will be selected to carry on the program of officer training. We are very anxious to have Georgetown elected as a base for one of the Navy training unite and believe it in being considered favorably by the authoritien. The quentionnaira required of all institutions has been completed and returned to the proper office. We have indicated our ability to handle an additional five to six hundred students in meeting the Navy requirements. Already there are at Georgetown several hundred in the Navy'n various pro. grams. Georgetown also maintains an R.O.T.O. unit consisting of over five hundred boys. All in all there are about twelve hundred students enrolled at the College, excluding the Law and Medical Departments. Knowing your influence in high placen, T. would like to solicit your interest in behalf of Georgetown. / am on the Board of Governors of the University and have three boys at the College; two of them in the Navy Y-1, and one at Georgetown Prep School - so you see my close connection. The Priests at College have met every demand, and are highly regarded both by the Army and Navy departments for their efficient and thorough educational and physical program. Within the past month Admiral Leahy visited the College and was awarded the degree of Master of Military Science. Admiral Young of the Wavy Supply and Paymaster Office, a 1915 graduate, was a recent visitor. npr.lassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 S. .1 Sm. ?ws, --triopT: . ? , sidtk. tftgreci `"IMML11.-Pl , = - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ;'.11'?:?-1-',774-.V-zr.:4';-, F , in VAS 114.** 5.10 1.:110,billp Georgetown tit'rs, $tong the loading niereet 70U *7show on frequently and ofU:t$ for the halide; aeon to Iikes-Miller Joins mel I am and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , h 271 1943 Mr. vne L. Carey Rom 55 Old House Office building WashingtonF . Dear Eugene: Thank you very thuch for your notes We certainly will have to ttak togethor cad 1 will got hola of you at tho earliont opporm tunity4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 COIM4141. Dear 411: " I very anxious to have a 040 wit,h,you I know just how pressed you are"and I am leaving the time and plaoe to you,. Ion meet. you anytime, at lunoheon 'dr dinner that you can fifad most oonvionient. , Will you be good enough to let me, know when ankwhere I on see you. With all good wis Pallh,fu Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - -- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .10 .14.1,74.? .Q , , FUN? $NOtOl Blrbilor4 Plaza Hotta 56th &bract and Sixth Avonuo Now Yorlt Now YOrk ???? Brigadier General Wm, J. Donovan Office or 8tratogic Servioe Wamhington, D. 0, Dear Drieladier qenoral Dolman, Within the next few dawn I will be leavirc the Staters. M. no Oabrovuek will take my place here and 1 eineerely hope that he too, will enjoy ?our kind cooperatiion and I recommend him to you very highly. It ham b4on much a groat pIeamure for me to have known you in vihe pamt monthm, art greatly appreciate your help in the aludel which unitem um all. Therefore accept my heartfol thankm and good withon* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 R000100400004-6 1-ATD. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 --? eiOral DaittiV'an Major Dooring hea fteltod me to oommont on Major Hoffmannto rocommondatione ao to glPto to be talon by you to Ohineso offioialos l? X am incllned to believo that the 31ft or a signed photograph to Gonoral TeLt might well bo misconstrued, particularly ill viow or hie pronont politiwal potations I agroo with Major Hoffmann that a mall otaiber oidoarm or 4 travolling oloolf would bo more appropriate. 2, A oloolt, wriotwatoh or porLADAp@poil---ntyt would all bollove be oultablolaffn to-the Gonoralisnimo and Madame Wang, For pr000ntation to them twee KhouldiFar oouroo, bo handoomo. ag ontirely oonour with Major Hoffmann in the wiodom of baking with you for preoontation in both Far Eaeforn Thoabers a numbor of ging, Parti- cularly prized aro the followl tomot travolling Oak! wrigtwatahess pen-Apd, il_ooto, and --- - II I bWIllovo you woad lid on Aaaortmont of * coon or oo of ouch iipting um ul to haw) along. Would you 144m um to undortelt? purohano or th*artiolos? a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 _ _ Rritt1:1L.tMEL=33111111111111BOak Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 TOI Oonoral Donovan nom, Major Hoffmann SUBJBOTt Gifts l. After disousaion of the subjeot with Colonel Hole?, he advised that he considered the moot appropriate gift to hi @ bona, General T. L., would be An autographed photograph. He said he WM attempting to prooure one from Admiral Purnell. I did not wish to bs presumptioue and discuss the matter further because I realised that you may have no photographs available or may not wish to make diatribution thereof for this purpose. Aa an alternative I would suggest A. An noollent small oaliber sidearm. or 11, Wrist watoh, or 0. Barometersolook oombination. 2. No other gifts are required wording to Colonel Heise?, however; 1 ohedmdwith Mrs. Otigge who thought ait shnuld be brought to the Oeneralislimo and Mations Chiang. 3# Perhaps it would be advisable to take a few handsome wrist watehes just in 0414 someone important has been overlooked by Col. 111140 who hi...mit been in China for nine years. As you already know, the Chinese take the matter of gifts rather seriously. Colonel H110.0 suggested that a letter to General T. L., earriedby,,either myself or the Colonel thanking General T. 14, for the gifts riceived by you, would be advisable. It Ws also sug. eiteCthat'the MAO letter may oontain any helpful commonts we ?Ovid mikkeabCut Colonel Hsiao as this is his only opportunity for a mUiterly record. UHL O. Major, AUB Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - , /41 MUlOP ati,fi@Pgil Will14M J. Lki ivo)1 DiliOdt@r4 Offl@o, of MV4tOirie LlOVV1P@E Watihington) 0@fl@P41 Donovonl ; I am very hAppy to hovo r000lvod your r000ht letttlr ond onologury of 4 oopy or your .kiAteili to M4011 O@PM.: Myron Ce CP4Mell,TI Jong@ Aciv000to Oonorol$ ThonK you fio muoh for your int,Amtit, And poitivo 4WOM on my hoholfs About throo wookti ogo, Tit@ Judg@ Auvovoto Ob oral Dopt# Advlord ftlEJ of tho voctolit of my hivilmAtion "00 Pttoo thot 1 gould rootblvonotiQo t:11. 110,1rivt1011 40(4ctithh00 or ba40 t on within u loriod of two to bbt wooh?, hove hor roorilvod Any word to uotoi I W10-0 awovivots ony furthor gotion you might ho@ tit to toPto to tloouvo my h000iLantio ahd tiol@otIonk Tho Oth Novlolon ArtliloVy I? on dotophoo porvtoo hop@ ot Fort 611t, (Woo) fun@tIoniftg 0ig 00loo4: Lvool for Lilo It i(1 Offltw UndIdoW thools I ow velv hotly to ho wlthirk your Lorvloo Wmmond, hppro@loto ovorythIng tit ,ou hhvy ohd miO4 dt4 fi.,p two In apo Contlnuod AqviAP? to you In YOU hll importont work' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? O. ? fiG4. ?-? ; - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Vatalatial7404, &Wier General William Js Donovan, _ DirlooVir, - Offioe of Strategic Servios, Waehington, D. O. Dear ,Oeneral Vonovan$ have your letter of 24 July 194, concerning OorpOral.Leo O. Oabriel, Rq Btryi, 869th NA Bn., Camp Shelby, Mississippi, who has submitted an applioation to attend the JUdge Advocate General Officer Oandidato School. orperal Oabrialls application has been filed and classified and in receiving careful considerations A final ,determination of hie 04110 will be made in approximately to weeks. Your interest in Corporal Oabriel has been noted andt have directed that ;ma letter be made a part of his file. His desire to serve in this department is appreciated. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ? ? .11 311.1 -..' ...Mr', ) t At: _ k`tM.relK d 2.12'r ziVize '3, 47. ? LA. 1:411 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 `rt AtOti:(4-!r_iV 16, S ..a6,41101114101,11r. ? ? *0041 OW ? *'.1"110%4511111111r 1114,111"... .fir44 ???11 mpeideglikr 400 ,ak 40, 5111 tilt', 4 it t A 614,11- 17,19441 'ooncierning 1169ih Jai', Oen eubmittted an appliontion to Ortioor Ottndldate Oohed. ? 7: ^1,.-; Veen ?tiled 'mid ,Or.fulootisideration. k 1,01 in oxppruipiately four ? ., . , t,,t-... ' ?,..? Toitr jitort4ait iiiii Gotipori4,',00riiil, hen- been hottd And X hos direeted ,thikt ym,* 3,etto0 bOTAfide a pert or Ms fileo Rio desiro to derv* itettii. depelitoent in sprireeitited? Very' einoerely YOWill 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .,;;;Nt.? wa. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIATRDP,13X0009:1,R9991,00199094-6.. ' 41j1V141,4-sailitRAP a XLbAlre *top inAkr004 thatAlleA pliestion*-or Qop'*L 1ffitv,CiAibrie1j1431U42020404# ror attenagnos .,..riv,064440o*-4.17401,40peratett br 0* dilW vii Department is now being odni/d004 PO* 4 avaiirololtn 1:11mporiel Oiopriel tor soeurroalls rikigird him as A conieientiouet dapAble indiviA40 AlAkkptioq04144twohArlmitir0,-010441skAit40*,, was a Tory COmpeteritt tod Uperieno40 'attorney, lhould be very hop' indeed ;o have the :lacer in your department who paws upon 00B applicam time regard this letter as an indoraement or Corporal Gatrielle characters ability and experkenoes William J. DOAOVAA Director Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 UTE SE rP ? * ? 11310 ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 'w,1?KINNVERLagtedil ?-" PZ?li Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 tt'L ?ort, a a a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ,17,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 = 174 attV A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 r..47;ttlA.:VOKM.VIOJF1.. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? KwErvpivmvIroele 01?44,e6 a 47 44 .04.44.4 444Potoeie .4644 4. dof414e04, .4~ 44.4 414444 "444 .474. ..?404.41 44.4e:a 44044.4.61 444 a 9 t4 ez4e 0440y .deemot, ,4,4c4",4, f 4e0fix-ir kostob.464 ka?Gc 4,4r.,00 4iteg.;4 00411.4 .4404: 4h Tm47Aemoutie itI ZZA444,104.07 i43044.4 414440le e0Gs4444. -ede.,14,00 ' 4.e. 0.?e04:44.4r Ast4) 40,44?44, ord",4P AgeOP 442,44;e atief itAvit.44.0 Or. &It -41 0404040 r- I , I. ? .; Declassified and A. .roved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1 4 - '? - AprilP1945 00- Dear Su There seems to be so way of sayiag it except directly. r feel I mast resign. I do think, though, that you're **titled to my full reasoning for gush a bald statement, bat I mast ask that you bear with mos ea a few intimate and ragged details which I hoops will give' you a better understanding of ay position. Cooing back a little, *ad forgive me for being so entirely personal and what may appear to be ummeeessarily detailed, but this in it. My primary reason for working milli!: job in those times is that it is my siacere desire as well as my dig ted. my part in the war effort, thus emsurimg a bettor life for as, for ay family, and for all peace loving people. I aotually see sky was contribution as direct as that, as widely felt as that. As a matter of fact, this is ay understanding of every individual's part in the war. My primary reason for working for OSS is that I consider it to be some of the war agenoie? in whioh I can make a definite contribution, where my experience can be best utilised. I am oenfident that you, David. and Barmy, are completely satisfied with this contribution end that you have had no occasion te question WI loyalty or suitability for:the job. Daring the time I was being considered for work on the San Fraa- ass, Conferenoe, I started a complete phyOsal clookup with Dr. Parker, the results of which she has told as within the last few days. She has recommended a series of treatments which ordiaari4 would involve ay devoting quite a bit of time in her care, but which I had asked her to postpone so that I might oemplete the job of the San Francisco Conference since I considered it te be so important, and felt my contribution to be so valuable that I was willing to forego any personal discomfort which might result from postponement. However, since the question of my suitability now preoludes my partisipatien ia the Conference, I see no magnet/1y I should not fellow the Doctor's advice. Retarding the allegations which have been stated as to ay loyalty, no matter Itat they are, as matter who has made then, the thought of being put =ugh the iadigaity of Trinveltigetion strikes me as se unfair, se unjustified, and is so revolting as well as exotic:tinily ups, setting, that, frankly, I gimp)), linnet physically equipped for it. And here again I must talk hark- intimately. During the tins I lived on the West Coast and was married to ay first husband, I experienced this very sort of thing, indirectly through him. In a union juriedio. Ulna dispute between the Ian International and the Hollywood locals, he was the spokesman, the leader, and consequently the target for the oppositions (the Intonational) velem and machinations, and in one particular matinee was held on charges of "suspicion to conspire to violate the (minimal syadioalima act". Needless to say, the charges were Wounded, that within three hours he was released, that the Mayor ISIMINNOSIONNWOONSOMON ONMEIMMONtWilfai npclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100400004-6 14, zy-p. rev 411.2k, ; A 4 e, .1; ;44 (41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 =.17;. ? 0=ww 41rill4* **Par ? " *1101= 0, II . at los Angeles publiely pretested this *perseouties by gangsberswo that Vasehestor leddyi publisher et the Les Angeles Daily Mews protested oditeriall14 that4, Trask lune, ewer et a leoal radio static', went es the sir with the same kiad it pretest, that Duns Fitts, then Distriet Mimeo's, stated to the press that his Wise had fould the charges unit, werrestet.ond had persena14 lettered hie afelegiesi that tho Mayer became se WI t with his ews polies Mee that the arreeting *Meer we req to molders* a Mies loud Marisa asd was suspesded fres active 410, tsr Isilhandling his authority. he attendant publicity and subsets 'meat eseticsal disturbaso, vas se great that despite the happy public Wis., it resulted tasty* pommel ushappiness and, fisally, in as extremely World diveree proseedings Xs view of sr pest expericsees, ay state of health, and my zreat 4ispgAs4sest at being diequatitied ter doisg ono of the biggest jobs we've bad to date, I just haveaft the spirt 'or the energy to outlaw vimilisg? I ma terribly serry, to have had to be se subjective sod teminine about this, but I de hope you'll understand and that I sun count etymon' and produotive acseciatiun with %hi, Branch staff os the "we parts linoorely, t I ' Virginia Gersos Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 4.t ? 9-T-..e4;:' ????????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 e'hv ? ,S 7417111!..11i71:71rEEM577 94010110154e6 11110141"Ire' 4fr 4411. 414, 0 AltetfAI ."4* TIAL. UNITED STATE IkrERNMENT TO Gervral, Donovan Paw i pacial Inveatigation Oommittee mown Vnia Gerson DAVI; 27 March 45 The Speoial Committee met on 23 March to oonsider the WOO a the aboveebnamed subject; all members were present. Examination of the file,discloaes: A* FBI reported that in August 1935 subject was allegedly a member of the Communist Party under the name of Martha Barnes; that she wan the financial secretary of the Hollywood Studio Unit of the Communist Party and a distributor of Communist literature; tn May 1942 that subject's firat husband, Jeff Kibre, Was a Lon Angeles committee Communint; re- ported to be ectIve in the kmerIcan Youth (Yon- green; employed by Russian War Relief Int), writing material for and echoduling the ap- pearance of opealtersi E? Nei bora in Washington and former employer believe her to be loyal. Assoolaten, Richard Wilson and Sgt. Russell or the Presentation Branch, endorse her loyalty. The Committee makon the following findings: Ao A Civil Service inveatigation as to the eligi- bility of tl,re subject is now pending. The Commisnion entimatea that no doelaion will he reached for approximately nix weeks, It in recommended that no further action be takon In tliel flt30 until a report is made of the Civil Service findings. FOR THH COMMITM: norinQQifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1 Major J. Je Momtgan 'Security Officer 1. IF accordanoo with ti a pac%mmondation of tho Committee tqt ;Lt o mocting hold on Frid4y, MfArch, have requtmlited the) Civil Servioo Commioalon to oxpodito it invostigation on ti o Subjoot. 2iX m informod that tho Commioolon hao oomplotod a prolimina y ohook A@ a raault of which cortain dorogatory information hi o boon found whioh will n00000itato a rull invootigation. lX in ontimatod that the cam) will tako about ?k o unqlt lo indioatod that it will bo pr000ntod to tho Loyalty board of tho Uomminoion for roviowe Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON SS, D. C. Attached is a oopy of a promotion recommendation for Captain Gevers. It will roach the OBS Board either on Monday, April 2* or Thursday, April 5# 1945. Geyer., son-in-law of Jame Dunn, is the offioer SI took over on your recomandation some months ago, and of whom I spoke to you, via telephone oonversation, yesterday. Rsoonnendation for his promotion to the grade of Major is based entirely on merit and his value to OM and has nothing whatever to do with his oonnections. It a little extra consideration could be given this case, however, / an certain *bat subsequent favorable action would be of benefit to this organisation. npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 IMEM?, ? . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ' s ? $1,? ? ? ? . ! : -2 . ? : ???1 ..r..4,.- -;,,..A., .,.i,'.1... aa..:..., ,4.44, ,r,...F...:? i ahr,1,-.. ? ' C . ? -*''''' r? ?.?h, . ? ? 11,.. ' ? ? ,??? -!? ..!?'" ? Lis.'j : :."< i .. ? ''..1.."' ...,- p... "!;... 4,11..-74. ? ...,.-4. '.4. 1-t...-. ' it ,? :xi,:-.:1-...4?....i,,,-.:,..;,. ;:.:.'''...... i?1 : .;;? :-. i' .! '., ? . . ::, ? ' t3 .: ? F , .?,. -a 7.!::?;;;;#..F , r.,1 .. . . .. ? , i , V.,1?1 '.; ?:?,-;',. :tit', ' 1.4'.. 'r,?1:e .* ? 'A ? r ? ?'!' ri 't i ? : iik;?,,Z..,.. .?'-14. ON .- ' 3 '..-.7?" ' 22 2'. 7 ? .1, .....' .t ? ....-- :', . --,??:.N.-.- , '... ? ....i.t.,,..1!`i t - . . 7,'?? ..: ,".:: ,' ". ? ,.$ ...'..,.... I ? -16.1" 1 ... . t.e? - . : .. 4 ..? . '... -i, . - ? - .?I,- ? ...',..... :4-.1 ? . '' it ?." . .. . ? t .":".,-2,,4-! ? -'? , f. ....1 - .. t.. ? I ;1 . 1 , - 4- -? `.:?.,!. ..I a. 1 ? . 7, . 1. It ito g000nom04 that Captain limitidaaen (were. rik 1 0111410$0 be relotod to the pude ot MORN ?hie *Meer hos eemplotwil 0 Wins 114041111 ptivietet to the mak ?te d deiptakin Gwen me art WW1 IL *s4 to the tstedi Artittle Iowa on 11 Ili to the snide or Mot Monk oes ou *mow **IIiL4.Or to 2taly4 from I April 1$411. to OS krill* on Atkr 111411. training eohoeli kn*0 Sp TM* Wiser ate eilligigadM414111 Algisre in thLmere porrorese4 in a ..? F ? = .;7124. Z.4 ? ? IF? ? ? . ?? 2? < -? I 3.1 ; ? tC.4, 6 46. 61' ? L... . 1 o.40,19 .4rjaiars.-- . _ ' ?14- ? ? ? - ? -,1.i.1.;.1f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ?. rtit - ? l'? ' I ? ? ....R.,. ? ? 4-- , : . t,1V. ? ? - ?, 4.. J' ? 7 ? ? ? - 47:14i (k) OW tar isovi siirsitivolee timbilmitit Ow)06 noit (ii) Mottos 0 .011$110 4trtqbIituI$ 0 tits bis 1141?4108 in minor mews,t. oltiost,Wis twisosit7 tor Ito v. or everboultig or WAWA 110' toott140 1* haw tist or Oda oat 04111 * voioni4 va4 phya otlitai it* V* regit ;.'1?1?!?,.;. ',41?1?; ?Y". IM b Wc OW* 4414iirsatitisikwt worm* 6444 ust idyll. taw* stotAttik Wilke* V* seirtiod* I* KILL tptaatm exit potioittiblimas WO*, ror4 L otilw sivagy *kilt taiitir tibliattemohipe. and Wm, intlitowy ratio a 164or 41. ,ry "t;fli?vs:?-. ;.?;?+ I ill 1 ????? r 7'4 ? 711 4 . ' ? .4 4 4 1 1- --.1711M01011103,1 Fgq. ? . ? - -4'4--i-41.? ..?.:.14.44: ? , . a Ir?-? I- -t ? . - ?,? .? ?? - - " ? s?',,Llt I"W Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , ?,????-r: 4 ??? '? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 t la ft. wirkin tyriprpfpt ?-?? T r 1PraritPrZirtP.` grr,ri4VAMRIFIganirrIMIFIRIMMillart4V 100.1/1 -L. 4f ?i-,??7,!;?il ? , Lf.7.1 raj orif4, ? K .??!^ !?r 7)^ .7;7! ?41.* r 41.,t;r2,1 t.J 4 g ? '1141 e,1* ft^ lm SontJamee Dann Adviser on Political Relations fitngio;titte 0 Dear Jimmy: Thanks for your men% concerning Oaptain Gever$1, note Ve have ta with hi* and efully contd. him tOt1 oatiohe emd la ? efait be best !'??!"7 g vrk, 4?7;er,.), !b!,04.10k1,1 .4t:V1,1. ?.40,4110.0.."01` ? ? .-! - ? k. : ? ? ? , ,t?eu:Imm.;mmJicimiomeiiigm;m. L. It 6?????1. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? -, --''-1-,-,---': . "Ir-?,,I.)".?; ? ,," "--, ".?,--. - ..':_- ----1 '' ,--",i- -.-?1 ? ? ' ' ? ..;:.: 1.1.4.. .,.. ? i . v'l." ' ;-' , ' V -f. -.. . ,,.......,---.7.1y.,,-,7,44,11*1...,...1,,S4.1.44,,,... A , ? ,.`,..*:,-.- 1,,,,re?"...4 ? :. :t'r,?.?,.,,i!y.y.?,,,,?-???,,?.sr.titl,:r?r,-.7-.-..rj','.',7-1'.-0...rtr...i.'rri,,.,?:7--t...?.. , ...:.,.,:-i7i...,-,..,,;?,-- .. . 4^ ., , - ? ? 1 ? ' - '' 1.': ?;.. %Ty . : _ gY:L 7.7,. ?:??-1.11 1.: ? *. ,...wi_i: - , ... ? ;.- .' II So ,t? e; . ? ? . ,,,,, ? ,r1,?&- , ,...41i. ? ? ? ., 4,...... A. . Cs .?, " :.:.: ?-'. --: 4,,,,'1-,';'' ,?6= ?-," ,.P,:? f ,t--".1-"..*',.?" 11;e, .4, iT-', . ? ? ijk-i,4,-? ,.4 .4..'..3,-.-? l? . -. . -.,:, '',',,', '. ..-. - ?. ,, ,,_._ 2 .- . 0 ;-r'- , _ - , - .7 ? ' " ? ? "" ,;?, ? ... 7 -''" 'i'/.. '-'"' "1-`' ':?- -`4- , ? ---.'r-i? ...t -?.:,-.1-..,.---....... .-,, ' ? '?'..?6.' ' ', i - ?? '.; ':' - ... . ... -r. ? , , ., .,:, .??. :-. ? '''' D . ' .1,....4...r4 $ ?:;:?.?. ? , " .. ..: ... ? -. ,7. i . ' r ... 71 . -I ..s,? ,...42-7.4.,,,r.,1,-c.; ...,? .v'1 -.. , ? r?DVD.MiP. : -. %..,'..., . '"R 4 ? 4 4.11?Ii -4. .?? '. ; . - An, 1 0^ . ? ? ? ? - . ;t ? ? ? * ? 4, . ' ??? ."*".? `2t ".1.51474.- ; ? ? p:.p 3A 0000_ R000100400004-6 _ - _ , ? . ?? .r ? ? tt .; ;.. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.? ? ? t ? .? ? ? " ' " ? rtt.;4-4-?' '???? .? A, ? . tAt " 44, ? , A ? ? ? ? C"' ? ??=-Vk ??? 4 ? kt.F..5.44,????.," ? .4A?74J 7 ;41.401 . ? ? ? ? ' ; ? ,_.._'V'; ? , ? ? ???? ? , ' ? -- "*- ;; ' ' ? -? .,L? I ? a - ? " o , ? . ..-? .?? i?? ? -? ? E- - S l? ? _ ? A8888 E888 88A 8888A-? ??? ? ? ? " I P *- , ? 5 4 r'y .;i71,44,? ? .t ;dr: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , ? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 F,MitFai PrI ,17 K.7 441 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? 1.:?, ? ?-? . dintarci. Mrs. Lrs. .Treore sirs. LLiat ;rifrasa z4ge Zasil Earriz Era. rtilson rrs. Lytle HUI T.ReLeart `.talter Lc rrs. ::ortinerai, Jr. Lre.L iratt. Llvs. Itheadoz.e Itectselreito Jr. Lars, 4:ursa bamsberg r Reig -ttee. Thectiore no:me-welt, Jr., .aairrnn rtbilic itelations eacmittee :.rs. Lytle kl-1,11 itecrEatiai. Cormittee .rs. Leona= Geld ? Chairman deadquarters irifarmar-ilag Parrett-tag hrs. Jams Cta. FLraity airect.cr i.rs. J. t-...emry Harper 2.7 Iforoczblr 1944. tr?.. ',*-474F.Ze Er. * 117-74-77*.:7; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 t- - 1=, ? -1.417.4,1tr..tq,/41 447 4.?4,!!4,1Sc.01 as: A.A " -4 ???,:" ? "; ? 'IS Bo.aorable Frances 3oltoo. Coressisomen frca Capin I11 ob t. r:riation :editor ef the New York Herald.Tribwie lass Lisa Sergjo Comentator on n rnation-al Blue Network - -1ArfaR Captain fienx7V.53rwin - Veteran of Italian ifar 47z r ??? _ Hospital ..;fais-CianntEnd ? ? ? - - ? ? 44reit.r` 'oe - 4144 ,..-...-........y. -,,,,, ' " ; c -,?ai.T....47-nrit'itP,4: -4 "7.?'.-.'-'7FT,' L..-kiSi..,14i.iii.,Z9:14.4rie4issi,' .1 . 4. .. . . ? r s. . . ? __...?_,_ ? . ? ? ' .? 1 ?????? ? ; ? . ? ? . ? ? ? ,t 1 . 1 . ? ? . ? . ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ' ?,' ? ? ? ? - . ? . ? ? ? 9-1700001700 1.0001 1.0000X? 1.c1C1I-V10 9Z/60/ ?1.0Z eSeeiej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI r.;+ ? 04;f's; VK; UVAOU0a muiTTIM *Sump XTTutip)4* 340 OM .opuodep ?mum 014 30 111.4q 011$ 40TIN uo 4a0aJ 011,10(1 0q4 oT vTql eAorreq I 4touR na 411/ ,Ovano Jo IngTott 444,11 011no4q4 Aim oq WuTo9 (au noA Tog; p4OTTop tut4 Nnou nodt acI uoA Punta luopticn T $m qlTud oottearriem plum Jo 4040 mum n tam t . ? .- 4 .j? , ? A ' "I ?-?? . ? .. ? r 1 -.. , : ....? ? .... 1: '4i.:k . ? ; ' . .; - +-' : 4 . , ? ? '.? ? ., ?? . , i ; , i :-.-' i ? ?...,',.....L ... ..i.-.) P : ? I. e L,. 2 . ., t. '..... 41 fl,...? (. ,.:.;: ...,'.; 4- -'.,-.....?'?;.. _ - i ,r :..-! . ? ?:, it ; , ? 4 , . 1 .. ? '. 7 ::. 4.414 4107' `14*-qt .!;0` ? ?-. .-; , - . - 4 F 9-17000017001.00a11.0000X?1,c1C11-V10 9Z/60/ ?1.0Z eSeeiei JOd panoxidv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? ?.;.: I. d : ? ." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 : 41 , r??? SECRET WNITZNALL 11*00, stmeemittot ,4. Pa 906 Dear 1111" 4 ? ,. 400k 4411: 410" 4 - ? INTeLLIGINNOt NAVAL SUM ADMINALTY,O.W. 1. llth October, 1914, I enclose a further set of "U.O. Reports" which may interest you, and also a draft paper regarding a proposal to initiate a propaganda campaign to undermine the morale of the German Navy. We feel that the present moment ie an opportune one for etarting such a campaign no the German Navy hue not been doing tooWell this summer, and the Battle of the Atlantic, so far from being the howling success that Hitler predicted, has in fact developed in an unexpectedly favourable way to ourselveea You will, of course, have been receiving full newe about the Russian campaign, and I think there is very little I can add, except perhaps to tell you what you already know - that the Russians themselves are inclined to be over optimistic. This may be due to their peculiar temperament or to actual ignorance as to what is going on on the military front, and certainly their technique lendo itself readily to peoretiveneee and suppression of bad news. It was very nice to see David Bruce the other day. Both ho and Allen are splendid representatives, and I am euro are doing a good job. Winant and Mrs. Carnegie dined with me last night, and he spoke in glowing terms of the way your work in developing, We shall be most interested to know if you have been able to implement any of the "Buffalo" telegram suggestions. I have just been told that I shall probably stay on here until. 1943, and may be later; an announcement which one receives with rather mixed feelings as it seems to preclude the possibility of going to sea during the war. rather fancy you must feel the same about your job. Stewart Menzies and Fleming gend their salaam With very best wishes for your ameeno and health. Yours ever, Eja. was very glad to meet y brother, and (Illy wished I could have seen, more of him Would you be So kind as to send tha enoloned letter on its way? Witl. Donovan., npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 I+ . fr ?-? ??? r.? ?Z?7.:???? 74' -it i c?T?- 4;%tte:S4, .11 ?? ".I 411: Ii ??? :?????? .14 /14 A 4 r : 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ttotai LL, *trey MaY Antostagenoa.e kis and Wulf Johtii Today I wont to tho Army rind Ay lootb.111 gamy with the Nhvy dooretariee 0nd their porta, lAmong them eing a vary qttraative friend of youre from Long eltanOs We had g ohm* in the midet or tho orobd to briefly tAlk akont your 'limit@ hope you aro mooing motothing of Whitnor, and that he how made cisear to you that we want to do overym thing to be of helpsX think you would be pivasmd at tho gains that have o,en made oinoe your vory mtimUm )ting viiit em i halite boon very muoh impreflood with the mntorini you halve botAl aondin4 diroutly to two and I wait you to know that oorthiq important paper? hnVe tioao dimot1y to the halm One manommoh to him interogoi4 It wue very dood of you to lo thia, find 1 qm moot vett-dui for your raticaboring mes We aka) hnve mnIte mai in eti 44) thinking, of U.C.thi 4porte? I do not want 144 OA y90 for too NOB but if that) (Aro Any utiiora ot thomoaLeortNinly ah01114 by plontoed to haVe them' i may myvnit of thib boOdutv paa expgeth,d other reporto to ogle outs 4, to tho toe of tho pooh, thtit i have dlootweed wits Dili and / think you will Vial some roa1tIhftm huen given and 1 hopy for mo:N. gill all UAL you all, about this. and I think it woad better to do Athat wny Zn cny 0400 you Mall rga4 npaared thtit tom though Go ray join/ 11 NovaaberW, 1AL neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000106410004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , seg:74I t 7? p ? r A 1 I ; I 11.? A' 'A. ; ? t 16.11111111111111111111VIAIS- ' .; - ? - 14 mitifIl$1.1411?1101"111111111 likiiike -wows .0( ' 4 ' 1 , . - 1. . *1410Stirte. . ' , viieloPOW 4i? i 110, 410 4' ' ..- ?- _ , ? Aft err t 0 ? 1 , . , i 40 ? 6 . - * .-? ? 1 ? ? n? ... 7 . f ?-.; ? - ; : ? feio -itiX06F ? ??7,-4,?,, ? ? 1. ? . r: I , A ? , ? ? 't'.???;:t???. , ? 1.r.r.-; ? :-,i ? ? ? ;.?r:` ? ' ? ? -01,-11 7 ; .."?"%;1???: 1 ? If. ? 1 ' . ? ? -41? "'? ? ? ? - ? .:4;?????n: ? ? . i?.?? ,???4;4,, ! ? \ ? 'ill', , ; ;?; ? k;';!. 4 i I Dks 4te biz WO xt4 ton his th On II Eat 41104 iy, _o ) )fl Itwot* 4 roll doom low o y sot mew and it ought to 4 4 Athotion to kno tAut tho vaulty kie, oo you aro giving to your Country iet fuL4 roe ?? ???? - ? : 4-',?4474 5, 4 . ..? 11. - ? ? 41- ? ? ? ! 4S4R- f4, 4 ..j.fp ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 9-1700001700 1.0001 1.0000X? 1.c1C1I-V10 9Z/60/?1,0Z eSeeiej JOd panaiddv pue -1 :4 MOM 42 %venni semi Oftwato 4T 10044* WM I MO okuultwire ITT* wrilood not Iola rimit o4 poinidead puo *arm ;smog pum Impale 440A * moo ell tuoTun worpoompaulig 4144 am Jo 4o4omna pip 'mom wow ttoolimmy po4v 4114 14. peva* mot ults tivu , aomm4dos 4 . ? ? v..? , w ,Tr , 11.1? *?-?'? Tr` ? ? leo j+: of sof . fira pv ? I. /.04 4V+0 -1111110101111 rromorer *4iorii&filiWIROM/0/111M ? ? 'v.' -41** 9-17000017001.00011.0000X?1,c1CI-V10 9Z/6;0/? 1:0Z eseeiei Jod panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .Titir*a '4. ? 7 Y.'.t 4th December, 1944. :fair fl%U, I am returning herewith the pepers you kindly gave me at dinner lost night. I read thee e with much intereet and feel there is a good possibility of the plan aohieving somsthing. The only auggestion I have to make to that, if an operation such am is met out In thio paper ie oarried out, it would seem desirable to have good reaeons for the proposed mildnese whioh would make sense to thrarr*ivrine. An T understand the situation to-day, the Germans, both ofrioiol and others, are extremely cynical and will probably not beilev in umotivated benevolence and mildness. However, thoy might easily believe in planning with some ulterior motive. There- fore, if oredenoe is to be obtained for all those mild terms, they might be phrased in terms of Allied self interest. Here is a vary 'black' "reason", whioh I hope you will not quote an coming from me, which might gain credence with the Germane, to the effect that Wall Street and Oliveden Set each supported by prominent politioians are terrified of Bolehevism, anA would, therefore, do everything possible to build up a etrong Uormany Lmmediately after the war. In the meantime they will have to stick to unoonditional aurrender in order to maintain Rueolon oo-operation and avoid Anglo-Saxon caeualties but, once 011 tQp Nazis have been removed, they will do everything to mkt) auro Germany will remain a bulwark againnt Bolshevism and will rebuild a strong and prosperous Fourth Reioh. David Bowes Lyon. , Ma -General William Donovan, -Qttioe of Strategic Services, Y#JLent-D,O V 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDF)13X0onn-irznnnl (VIA nrInn A n Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 r - c illpx=r+ ? . 471q; ? T4' A '?;-? LatLDIMV.V4LIMIWAX "01 00 ho 'minim to go to tho (Ansa'? Th043 why ho woo to ?Nol not to the oiamet Ho wnuto bo its o film hors et *lite House onlied ItDumbou; it's a oomio ho sever miosos 'lathing like that. Hoolways wo says limn latson, the Jovial reoeptioast st Mite Eousop to .orossor Noel Halle whllot eonduotiug him from the Prosidont's study to tbe /Jet is.. ?Thore, ?emit you henr th kids laushingle Pn "talons bk. they move post the rirst floor. "Diana Hopkinn in oolobrating her lOth birthday, and ehs was allowtd to luvite 30 of hor littls girl ftlends? Thor ars Not sooting %limbo", the film cartoon or the littlo elelthants Dumbo's latest adventuren, And the Prosidout muon't miss thosetH vrofessor Noel Hell im saying good-byo to Pa *boon - n?, but woadoro in private WhoZhor the President of the United States really OM hnv time now (in Novembor 1941) for Dumbole *omit, advettur40? 144 Hall, 3S-yoar o/d FrofesSor of nOonoMies and Polition1 Soisnos ut the university of Loudon, Dirootor of the 'Royal Institute of National (sio) goonomy, altio ramouo golfor, owe to "shine= in Maroh 1941,,mith the rank a Mininter, in order to manage the Depa?timent of Voonomio larfaret, _at the British Embniuy mon like Old Tink CReputlioan?Oftgranamano. ? who are al/owod to hove n peep intovthe AI' -444040itilii daft, within in at aii poeeible *all MN Bil/Ahi'fipthiaronalpTofe4100.4 mean that the /00:11101 WAA uosS hie ehaVP,, dialeotioe in en antoundingly praotioa/ . ? . " ''77( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 : ???:,,0-1:r4r ' ' ? ', 7,4W It k? ? '4'.a,k ii? 1 ..; , 11. ? ;..: LZ?,, trq 411?1 en* On thal any Proeident Roosevelt neat in, =444 thT.Itt- ? many other dooumenLuo nn krftemenb atoned be Foreign Miatotor WA end Dritieb implpondop Lord Ilnirex on /7th Octobers o? whloh Roosevelt had urged in a gievereto s0000wsnylnv letter tha importan9a of ibn being peesed by the nennte, AL Ltm Lime the .0onate Whb very buoy with oohferonoon om the euopenoien of the Neutreltty mit, hut tionator Vondenbore an opponout ot R000eveltvo war policy nevertileleve book the time to have n good look at the urgent document end made P ourpeicin dioaavary. The Voroio ?Mee hod marked lb nonfidentiel nod bathing et Al had boon onld aboub the contonbo of tho ogroomont except thet it ";)ervei to promote 000nomio co-operfttlon between nngIend end the MA"; nob o oin/v.e peregraph of the a4reemont hod boon quoted: tho very model of ft necrot ? .r4k??:4; - ?31 ???: tCE-4`???? ? :enotov vi4ndenberg hrouv,ht the mutter up rt the Oommithee for wereign m hefttod ditionmaion roU.owed in the tionferenne broke down e Arthur vonclow,mee,, 401(01 wilioher mnd hoak dlrootor iA Ulehlgan - the :Ante between ttu WA) hit: i 2004 P1't0h yle.tde the moat ewer - im know., not only t.4 pieye loci t 114 end o r his otger vo that p refloat have to sleeve') for it ut rlio (*or Ruoillittt jupt how Lc, tpt tLe beat intormotion* In this he is helped by iii -e,rthor, hto 06/.7kehorstort mud 410 the Vtndanberg4 (utritIlly menti)ol LA Li c L.LIte14) (Joon fotind 010 theit the oaorst treaty referred to tnx OlteMptiO4,9 ?pawannt workti hullt by o co 0 In ROT 4f the treaty in the country of the otor ..orn 1,0 be e-compt trem twos,4 in UJA hovo bullat no fnotoried C4 vii,J not do 60, whereon Skland hen bought up *rooted large ,OrMatOint work,* hltio exaMptiOn of tax is only in favour or lailltadi AnOthez, meterft plo00 by Vrornonor1.UI eaetor Vaudenbers 'Wooten* to mobil:1E41M t.a4 tciwnt,vuot Aro thirotino rOV texelti egei,net thAkallaret treetyt.- The ohairman or the Senate'00MmittAnk(1144g It040atially, , ebtb 4 promise from tho White Hotml, to:p0;telho -trig gor#401ent toLoly Declaring e mAjority'lm the gloofitiA- o .e _ . rrteadm werood 'end-proteited in ? jr ?ki?`%tiv'Y / ,r0? rI AP ? ? _ ? ? - J : ???ii ? _ ; -4.- - ) ? ? ???"4":4- ? *fit t ; ? . :?1 1 i? "'?? " de yr. 7 ? Ir 7- '17-? 14 _ ? .7 A ..(. ? - . ? ? -43 ? ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 7,0r7,1! , ft gf 44. -g ? ' ? ; 1.4:41 ? Ar 914- ? ef- ?.; 044,- 44 ;`,, . 4,, If 12s4 t $7, the ott er -Ovencients an ere* ???*, rt. to the the effect that settlement for American deliveries to England would be postponed until an indefinite date after the war: :MgrA.Agamx.lhAgellalg Archibald MacLeish is a poet - aged 49, from Illinois - has written lyrics, novels and plays, but most important: contri- buted the poetic passages in Aoosevelt's speeches. In recognition of these services Roosevelt made him Director of the Congress Library and has recently invested him with another office. Mr. William Donovan, alias 'Wild Bill", from Buffalo, 58- ? year-old "soldier and lawyer", as he calls himself in the American "Who's Who", has for a long time been enjoying the special favour of President Roosevelt. The latter had sent him as an "observer to Europe, to invpigate plots in the Balkans against Germany, and to London as his "Specail Representative" to round up popularity. Just recently he has made him Co-Ordinator of Information, that is, Chief Reporter of his (Roosevelt's) information. The two gentlemen met in New York on this day in November, 1941, to discuss various problems in their spheres of work which ofte overlapped, and then they came to talk about the general situation. "It's more screwy than evert", Bill Donovan and Archie McLeish mutually ggreed over and over again in their digcussion: Everything's topsy-turvy now in America. Take the weather% In the middle of October (1941) the weather reports were crazier than they had ever been in the memory of man. In some places therewere heat records (the town of Richmond had its hottot day,. and New York had its hottest night) and in other places there, wis trout, and snaw-eto in the States towards the Rocky NoUntainsislass,;of green ;--fields bmAgiC weern: - other hand, such a drougnt had ].ast4 for" even we , become choked by thick snow drifts. Ina ? 1 ti 417 ?,: : ????? ? ? ? 4,1-40-40-4r.jibati, - $4* I rs.174.1,?t- ? :??? 0.0 ,001 A ti ? 4- ?. ? ? 1 - Yet.I A 4, 0 1,-. ? .. ..,1?14? At r .4 '. e,?,.. 44. Declassified and A. .roved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 I i?- 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 _017-14 442 301.11 - ? it Mei was urged in water consumption in the towns. In the State of Arizona, however, there were floods which swept away whole villages. In Kansas no one was safe from cloudbursts, and than there was a tornado which threw apartment houses EA) yards and killed a few hundred people In the Gulf of Mexico a hurricane swept along at 200 m.p.h., drawing fishermen and their boats into the deep, destroying buildings, streets. These freaks of the weather had done And the people of America (said poet MacLeish) are now just as crazy Ls the weather. John Lewis, for instancet This name, which has disturbed and excited the USA ever since the beginning of the war, belongs to a fat man of el with a thick mop of hair, like an artist; John L. Lewis, Leader of the Miners' Union, who for vCi years has not set foot In a mine, has an income and expenditure of $25,000 a year, lives a life of luxury ("on the dimes of 400,000 very poor men'', writes Chicago "Time") and considers the re-armament of America a good opportunity to show his power and use it as a threat. President Roosevelt thought to .render this awkward man harmless by giving him a position in the Office for the fighting of unemployment. But this only worked for a time. There were millions of workless, in spite of all programmes on paper, and John Lewis rapidly withdrew, in order to dogge his put 0011. blame for this failure. Now constant rows are making hi* notp tout. ?resident Roosevelt, who sits between ScYlla 'and Chtiftdis4. want to get on the wrong side of #1.4" !Pr ail' jp.pAr and so must be satisfied ,with dttiringcapot to iiasOn?. , discussions; and then the week4eishsw, the big ? *oust!, ? fat John Lewis sitting at-thitiontiren:ct Uhl* Rotel in Washington., pne.,:papoirl Ilte flits acroste the, screen! 41.4. - or Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 z;?.- , what great value the President attaches to haTing people belie,* that between him and the workers - and their leaders - there is no discord. On their journey to Washington these twt.) gentlemen came to talk about another "craziness" of the times: the financial struc- ture of the USA. Have you a good memory for Dicker:Os ,Copperfieldf?", hsked Poet Mac Leish. Wild Bill shook his head, "Well, then I will tell you what often comes to my mind these days. Mr. Micawber gives young David Copperfield some ad- vice: 20 Pounds per annum income, 19 Pounds expenses - result: good. 20 Pounds per annum income and 19 Pounds expenses - result: very bad. The flowers fade, the leaves fall, the God of Chance abandons the gloomy scene, in short: you are broket" That's what Dickens said. Now if I apply the same to our national budget, it's like this: monthly income: 700 million dollars, monthly expenses: 700 million dollars and an extra milliard. Result: can be imaginedt" MacLeish is right. And Bill Donovath rankly admits it. The development of the American budget has become fantastic. Since 19330 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt moved into the White House, the national de:)t has doubled, increasing from 26.5 to 52.7 Milliard dollars. 65 milliards were fixed as the highest limit by Congress after they had seen what the President was spending on re-armament and assistance for Great Britain. But already now, in October 1941, it has become apparent that this limit will soon be exceeded. The Minister of Finance has just raised the biggest internal loan which has ever existed in the USA (apart from war loans): One and a half milliards, payable in 25 to 31 years. lty Godt"(said Poet XacLeish), "What will the world be like in Wyearst'tiiftetw Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? 4 ke? ? 14, ? e?z4 ?o, r. 4 -J ig? ? *? ? - Br it &it 5 milliards, 935 millions. "F.D4R. (short for Rooms- velt) can really say that he takes down the star from Heaven for us. In former days, the figures that we are now given as work- ing capital for the war to preserve Anglo-American Democracy were only knowa.to Astronomyt" shouts John Lewis at a meeting in Detroit, and he calculates that in the course of 1941 no less than 84 milliard Dollars were requisitioned for waf purposes: six times as much as the whole national budget of 1935. And the USA It's just as if Roosevelt wants to make fun of people like John Lewis: the same newspaper that prints John Lewis's speech gives an official announcement from Washington, that in the first days of January, 1942, the President would propose a further credi of 37 milliard Dollarst MAJAaLtAlettz Men like MacLeish and Bill Donovan really have no reason to criticise the financial conduct of the President; they get their rake-off from the milliards. In Washington everythihg starts with the creation of a new "office", a new department, a new centralizing station, and so MacLeish and Donovan have become Chiefs of such new offices, which are generously equipped on a budget of several million dollars. Bill Donovan is Director of the OCI: and Archibald MacLeilfh is Director of the OFF, both are immediate collaborators of the, President, All Departments now save abbreviations in America; it has even been said that there is an "abbreviation craze". OCI means: Office of Co-Ordinator of Information. As such, Bill Donovan has keep the President constantly inforkfted of everything.that,is impor7 taat for bis policy. A nOliipils task, which sTap,?4ce is soled. 41.1- ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 for yours* Every Ministry hos ito own In motion Bureau, which fiendo it reports to the President* This causes many a confusion, Grum the information is contradictory, and the President, who wee it for hio trot Conferencea, speeches, communique's, etc*, contradicto himself before all the world* To put an end to thia "chaos" - one day Roosevelt him aelf 140(i5 thio term - he creates a new Department, the OFF, Thio moano Orrice of Foots and Figurea, and Archibald MvicLeish lo mode Director* The "N.Y. Herald Tribune", an anti-R000evelt paper, explains this ao follow; "OFF will watch out that OCI will give ?he right informotion, whereas OCI will watch out that the "Office of Oovernment fieportero" ate correctly informed, whilot the Govern ment Ofrtceo will o@e that the innumerable pre oo agento of the varioua Departments (obbrov. ?AIM) are working properly, an tia will give uo the guarantee that no Departmont will interfere with work of the other* When finally the OUCH (Office of Utter Confus q and Kysteria) has been founded, then the grandiose pyramid of the official Institute of Information will have been crowned, and we (Al Oa die in the hoppy feeling that Washington bureaucracy Is enjoying the beet of healthl" Mr ? MaclielAh the Director or the NT, with the multimmi oubsidy, doesn't lot ouch articles rob him of the hoppineos he 10 juot enjoying. At the moment he is the most popular poet of the U Tit WWI ho who wrote the hymn "The Land of Freedom" m oft to music i Roy Harris - played on the radio and in the nugio hale, md faun& the Preoldent's 4pproval. bill Donovan, Director of the 001: (the other Information Bureau), is kept Awake by the new fame of Poet MioLeiihs and JA raoko hin braing ag 'to how he' mad outdo him m an4-onil 41 % , it, Re aka an enOneer ofiloger & Co. Offtio4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 z -? "Of oournos You Wft th@ hu g@ colostiml globe - if pccombor right4 m it W40 tut b0 pled@ in diamotors" thingVgh nodo? "Unt 1 wont you to build lam muoh a glob* - ? ? nor glono V" ontiroly of gl000s Cohridentiallyt itla ror tho vptimiclont, and nowX hould lilt@ you to lioton to my id@on sow" . ?????. . . `r.? ' a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 _ I CU 0 VIE (1 k, - 4 UNICON COMPANY CAROMS CARSON CIA IALTIMORII MC 0 tANSAS CITY,GMISSOURI April 51 1945. Major General William J. DOROYAR Office of StrAtegio Oorviose 25th And E etreota Washington, D. O. Dear Genorali Attaohed hereto in copy of letter that I have ?lent to Sir William Stephonaon oovering A tow of the thin ga we dinousaed whont waa in hia offioe iet Thuraday. You will not we ve having prooared complote Presentation of Vnloon methoda of oonotruotiong and aloo will have A OMAll modal and when roa4y0 1 plan to 0411 Sir William Stophonaon And Arrange an Appointmont with him tn Now York ao that Any point that Are not ontiroly olear with him oan bo furthor diqaunaod. You know how muoh iapprooiato vur help in thia mattor, and IAm leoking forward to An opportunity of boin of aorvioo in Otto situation. It wac vory nioo to coo you when I we in Waahington andI hope on my next trip you will be in thia oountry aud 1 will again have the opportunity of talking with you. When I WAR in New York 1 RAW Johnnie Fouhhoimor And told him about my ploemant visit with you. He la the 4AMO as Aiwa. WI th beet peraonal ro.44ardci EgGthw Eno. 'OM RONIIIIISCHON NI/0141M IMO MINOR. OP CONIVIOVITION Annmved DP13X00001R000100400004-6 For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-R ,t14???;,:pA - , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? t,. ; ? , 'LLS'I'q. ? ,?,,F?t1 ? , e? 4 . 4 ,-,,,,p,attmtgarftwTql Nor Kr Mtn limplimmaant It ma *tom to skeet in la !New Test Immt Tharidar sal I appnidatAl vat malmolons attmanoali ritairmata him mme* to two ritotemplies Einmplimet t01****tin mparek ma a* soon a* Wm tatismallea ? tosith ONO you wit tOgyPhone alt4 wieml Ltkt loe ainapsa appelatasat armit I* 'kw Telt mo that I ow bale t1sriot* et sMid eartala WA* that arie rather 4Littt4rolt esemmposimwm. tindammatal UlmI Aeos li bow t inttosof gliploo meld= mm4a Woiedrilir nits mad intratolowalitto ;TM* multable misat pratimation gandrio en4 Oa use et e wt.*/orviateritais, 3011 dUftel *miles notheilmo pealattiatt mid ctiamitrsotibei maltamai, Ws 1* mda pooattis Its, the asivermalr madwalmal, adiamate 1N*O1 No AWN' min 100100 lot a ilitffiatsokas making It seismal** to IMO lw 110010e10** ter *MONO eheilloitcot don sirmetiso*. meet Mindsets, el millietka4teas at Mae% esmi ellor ntaftes4oles An pat% Imo Wes inmolimallsol so Vat they mg be pow *Nog rolttir La cd*Ilmig tairotostlage pasalei onstAittely ad.1.151 or tam*, romair tor alemiblr mkt tikk plat et tabdeator or shUmed MINI sot assmaldell at 4010 "'Sat, ummidillei YONOMINI, The tI tait&ei et parts aid sastlfronim mike It pommtl** 100* $1100* pot* firs VOW mil saw am asrolksame stookp end Amta Mem tag the 1.110010114. 101104 1* a varttetr et stratums* St toikvimostteip *ees,b L ottleaof stroutimm a* as aVtostoi 117 wameraia neat mad rleattexp N *fl es ptamialsat mos 41 .4-4.01# 6 4 A s'4-1 \ ? . ? 4 I I I I I e ? . . ' - inTgaFIXMITIMMTISK rove or e ease S.' ?2!! -1- r , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 . -1.7.m,:::, :,.-eFr, '.75,, ir.77. ? ,?-::--,rm , s, ,,, r" . i . ? , F , 0 Z. i t: 4 , t?. i , ''' 2 -I ' 4 .. - ?I; !"."..1.,'"41:i -"1.111.1"!Milor, I. ? " ' Z 4';10.%?".10561/.6 .. IlleftWe'Welso.....00 i? ?,,,,. , wormirfallge.A4Iii? - AI, * - ; -.4 . - WP ? ..f. AL P i I ...ad" ? :1* ? ? .? ..,1t6,415%gfax? ? ? -P )?? 44'4' T'''? ? 14'0- ? . 110/414?1111 ? ?Peinfr????-S!!!.."-'" 1??? ? ? V., ? ??'t; ? 2 2 ? !, ? ? .?2, ? ; ? at? 2. , ? , ? 72',!:: ? ; ' ?';2 ? 24. ? 4 vstesitomilie Isbor is *et asounttil tar Or.0111114031 telibi. SOOT lNlifll4l WO* la 403, plow; of our 110,1113101116 in. a short Iowa at tissist ost throfotost moist &00.4 nunibior of raturnott aordoosiiiiso flost galeo 1.11 ladketktry that shoed got top priortty la lost mos Imobsir amass Tiooking forma to tts Ammo of wooing ybv. Gaon, wEth beat persoast Mate* --; ? - ? 1 ot-.4 r34 , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001004 888 4- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? S. MONtOtIMERY %Titg@T ? ?_ 1110114111100 -44.48?110 ? 7 / ' tr. 41...010t*O' *111'0 I ? er" lif 3 Ny 1". 1 - ? 4/ -Rt I ,,,,,,guott,w1064161.40.4,41.4 UNIYV3 STATES @OV@P4NAIENT OFFICE OR @TRATEOIC @gRVICID4 OALIFORNIA clonopftl W1 11111m J. DcWOVAll Ofrio0 of 3trotokilo narviooti W4?1111400110 D. J. D@AP aoh@rol Donvoht pL44of ' ? CONFIDENTIii. ei4N MAN3lar0 Od Aud;upt.# 104:1 Vit Apitod m@ yagtorday artmrhoon oh tho piton@ ir Imow Anythlwabout Haymomi Cluogt. told you 3linrw blffl v?445' @lightly; but. rind tbat An ham lin,)wh him ror iumbor or yoopg. 3ho Alva thAt silg o)itromoly ti t, itut it 400 011401t# m thaL 110 u- ii w@l1; but POOMM to hovti nh unroWithoto knook or"puttinaivt .foot in it" unItitautil,hally. It waa good to hoor Prom you on0 4 WWII NItIt100001 Oriel tO Viot your hOWflp 1 hill mftiltitia WOINI 111 m0110, 04att1l with groot tutorogts Vory nluooroly, Wil3lom H. Vondorhilt Commandor. untm chior, phoirip 00Amb ()mmo Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 . ? - . 7 ? . ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1EgAWigtVbi41iu. IlltiM141/ SECU R Y (10 0141IIN ATI )N P111$11ti Y ttiN Ititit4m (1:0114, NNW VOith 00, N V twp ovo of v dovtartoro to 40 hAuh Lo Wit41010 4rtoV 0.14t f AM ArrAld 11,4@ Ildbn 40 tt4L14:10e4Y 1404100 T Wotad 111tv tO th4n1t you Fio muoh for oil tho etwlittlop "1" 4.300 lano" " mY Ji 000111 And fop your MOnl winleo hurl tA t, I t. Ilia Nolo oteetironoo to Oa 14 hici I L. i?-:c yotie tv,epitmstd tmci floti vttriouo journo,y.3 vt?tion ill Hap uountry. had ti w4y in whloh Oolont0 tweembt, oit 4,11*4114011004 110V oto 1114(10 ay pot wouto ON (lYtikiiny t41.rnt ts 111414114-144 Wto 011MAimioly 40 41b4 too )141/0 thd opportuni4 of grloina 01 r1u1 ht4h,1 the) tItitt- or your oronielt%C10.11 tit 41 I J4114040 tiVtitioitb0$ hI 410 ouptuto thht It witl ho vovyIu to mo to all auv .3410 bOritt Limn in thei hit 11110t.0 hnVo Jflp t, pa) itt4tV ca. yolAr Poi% h ii offJoavo ond to 44vo h#0 taw opitortmnity or dipoopotod thont thoir Vi0040 Ott 00 m0rly direoPtint. voihi0 totocool, I om moot votefal Lo you Alpo eor n4vtng orron80,1 for mo Lo moot. Oonor41 Mhroh#110q privtloir tv14111 I 4vooti peiteiC 141 toil ? ov port:44141 th#41143 to you Cor wh I yuti Is tit, Iloilo my vi It in Cho Untiod tItotop o vooy bujoyohlb mon. 1400 you to London 44olu in tho vopy noor ruttuo. Or4g4dior OPhopal W. J. Dohovhil, Divotoe of tiho ?Moo or :ltroLotilo taahlomton, NO. im,,,I,ccifiari and Annroved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 : 1 .1 1 ? a ???? I:: 7 .? 5 ??? ? ?????? t ?? ? ? 4 4 IA M.W-;,1FU?g?,, 4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/.09/26 : CliA-RDp13X0_0001R000100400004-6 ? 1 *4 j4H- 1r 1,011 t lib le * ft t??????=y? .???Z? ? , . . %ow ogiRP .0, ? peef41 41141,7tpl; W.J4. 4 1 140 , . .....1,004.0.0mwoomisatON4_ 44. 22 6optembor 19th 110floral Goorgo C. MAmhall Chia of Ana ,3111: IN Pentagon IluiLdinm Wachington, D. C. My doar tionor41 Major Genortil Colin Uubbinr, hood 01 tioq Dritioh 01K, will be in tho clty on Tuegdny told Tednottlay. Am you 1(now, MY IP the Prit4h Qrt4ni. zution which bu4; oxcluc.ivo coli.l.rnq of kloglin4 idth rociotanco groupo. wuo with Lhip grotimivItitiotl thtit Orr ham b oon working t,o ciorvly in dovololing, the rot gr Aatanco ou-ft in Prnnen And othor KuropotIn countrioti. COM. 1 AL , In common tith tic) Hinny of Lho ALliod offi- cora with whom kw work, Genorui CubhinN, out 01 hiy Arent ktmiratioa mnd rocipoct for you, WAG my irogood hio Lo ,IrpprvatOd Lo you. 1 ho in vino, of the' aavi:tttlne he hue bPNIn to OUP orgontL4tion, that yotrwill !lormit mo to tlrinp him to noo plta oomm. timo Twaday or Vednortatty. e,-IcifirlAnd Anorovedor Vincoroly, VA1Lium J. bowman Director CONFIDENIIAL 2013/09/26 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ? 1 t I ? '-? It ' ? - ? . ? ? 9-1700001700 1-0001 1-0000X? 1-dCI 1-V10 9/6O/ LO eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI MHO). AWN 11141`1144i0400?1 Oil N1tilia0'0"/ 141 . .114f -d44,',,Pakenfif Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X0000c,1. R0001 00400004-6 04-,61_,,,T, fiailaram. . . . , . _ Iiii."1"111111r11111111111141444w 1..111141111.1111- 1" rilliFil11.44117 .-. . .0.01000. , 40 ito 4 6 ,, I oi ev4e1 ) 0. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 "4"-otiMf; 777 701, r .) ? ' ' ?1 I *- I .? ; I -=3; ??- . - ? General Wi11is 7, Donovmn 1647630th Street, N. W. Washington, Del O. Dear Billt Thank ytm for the oopy of the letter to :ink Orson. know he will be disappointed; but I' do not soe what you could do under the ciroumstanoes. live an idea he was thinking not so muoh of an OSS job as that you might sucoeod In getting him transferred in hie awn outfit. He will ? Way see all the action he wants where he is, ht has a na ural yen to do kis fighting undor more gregarious conditions. I called you up one Sunday night and was disappointed but not surprised to find that you were at your Wise. If it ever should happen that you ariii spending an evening at home and can stand an hour's company, plass, give me a ring at Decatur 0776, . I should like very muoh to see you. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100400004-6 - .; -; t.1 ---651wmwamm"""wmPTIWK;;;" ioeirglgr 40* ? '1 ja Ad a to ! ' eo 2,1 4a. 41 J ? ? - ? , - .1 . - - i;t? t?1 ,,,,, l&-;4 A am enclosing a oopy of a letter I havo jt written to Zaok Greens Iam norry that this in the way Mt had to be, but the oir. cumstanoes of this office at the present tins do not permit any other decision. ,L2 William Js Donovan Direotor , ! 7 ; f-4 :_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001IR000100400004-6 4 ,114.?Fr.rpe??? 't Wit 4 L".11)."1141Urimilli#, ? ? tiocw 744110eiti "If ? .1;* . ? ? C ??????? tiP *64.404 2 elV"1.1 1 ? 4 - ? ;:441 ?? ? Zt? tic ' Ir. 'a qr. -; - ? r ? a.11 ,r1??? il? ? . ? . ? ? . . ? ? . t ? -? - ? ^ 7 7 - v , ' - Z is pit itinisraoit to Washington ertor an *Om OA it was not until my roptiArn that L ip i1t}i, your lettoirs o sts and *leo thou 101 RW, ilsadwin had topwardod0 I haws 'mound our organisation to mos atiathor or not thus* is sow. plasm hors into whist) we could tit you. and gob tor rou but *atty. dity whioh you desist, so mob, Untortunatoly, thors s at %Ns present tie* no plams In vtildh ! could bo absoilutisly sartain that oi1 would bis happy and would im using your new Wont* to the utmost* This doeo not moan that Who situation will always mato Ow same and you know that if anything in your ltno dem. volopsi you Will be oonsidorod for it. I hops that you will lot no know from tam* to tins what you asto 4oing ark * things wIll piak up ta tho Paoltio so Mist you win bo at1s to tarminato 6 swats, tont and feel t sosiviose whiah you mold ou Imo ?meat in yoUP taat lottor0 I aolotaitily op* so, hemss iknow how *mob you want to be in Vhamiddlo ot thl 0 a Walt** J0 **nem Dirootor 4?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ri The attached file has been considered by Mr, Scribner and Colonel Bigelow to determine if Major Green could be used by OSS. It is their feeling that without further information they would not be justified in asking for his return Co the United States and,trons- fer to OBS unless, of course, you desire that this be Will you kindly advise us what further you would like to have done about this matter? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 't.4-1d357-41:4-1" ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ? S. ? .. . ? - Jr ? ? 1- ' ? ? jittai e.4. (4. AP 1 A et ? 414' k ?t f ;A` 4111.?? .410111,* -? 4. ? ' t ? '1/41/4 . tr.16 ? '1/4 * . : - .F? - I - ? *, ' ?? ? ........111??????4?????.41111.1.? 2??,?ra , t.????-? ' ?????,' .:,..! , ''*, I ?????-?? . 7-4," I , ? ? '...; .. , 4., i , C 1: ?7. ? i . 7.?? k,:*i. ...1 -? .ir?'.A. ?...-4 ? - ;??-:`. ? ?-? ? ? ? 1!?.-- - , - _ . r ? .:' ? - ???tr'rs.11-:.1. 7. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ;1?11i:" ? r .e..??,? ? ? ???4 t ??t?r,44???? ? ?-? '7.-51C1 - 0??? I .4- t ? ... . 'T 417? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA:RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ?kr. S t C El ??41.1) ROM!) f;tikir c Abotrillein No, 1%4 tti d . 41, off.k Cr I 1.4 orb t alptirlWil,c1,L4 ? s, ,441,4 -;:;4.4a4F-47 t4W4mt. ? 4?":4*-1 s':????? Th 9:icH,rx.4 " - r.,? d d Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-1RDP13X00601R000100400004=6 V Declassified p?_: _1,-, ? .1144.,- ? ,t4e$ Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 SKEET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES INTEROFFICE MEMO Generh1 William J. Donovan gq01?,1 George .. - ? 4. ' ' Dear General Donovan: et- .4,42,0,...10.40"r-MloS000 /- f..? 41( is 144.4"i it DATE: November at, 1944 I have learned that you are about to leave for abroad and will be away for quite some time. I therefore take it that I SR not to expect any reply to my letter of October 7 regarding the secret intelligence survey trip to Latin America which has been under discussion for the past few months. I presume that you have not been able to find an arrangement which would enable me to make this trip without impairing your broader efforts with regard to the general jurisdictional question. it le quite obvious that I would not and could not try to place the purpose for which I have now been working in the 0.8.8. for nearly three years above the general interests of the 0.S.S. Considering, however, that developments in Latin America which are now generally regarded as being most detrimental to the U.S.A. could to a not inconsiderable extent have been prevented If my office had been permitted to continuo its field activities previously undertaken as part of the British Secret Intelligence Service, I feel - and you will permit me to express it . that the present impossibility of achieving even the very limited plan which I have submitted is very discouraging. It goes without saying that, in view of the time and effort spent on the *mirk of my office, and in spite of all difficulties, T shall continue to keep it alive hoping that a jurisdictional discussion in favor of the 0.8.8. will be made within reasonable time. Ae it may be possible that, during your absence, our cooperation with other departments in Washington nay afford further opportun. it such as we have been looking for, I should appreciate it if you would advise ma about who in the contra administration of the 0.8.8. would have the authority to discuss matters with me and site the necessary decisions. Sincerely your*, Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP I 3xnnnn I Pnnni nn A'Inn". , , -* Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 SECEET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES INTEROFFICE MEMO TO, General William J. Donovan FROM. George SUBJECT Dear General Donovan: ed? A A e 9 . 2 t 5 DATE: November 21, 1944 I have learned that you are about to leave for abroad and will be away for quite some time. I therefore take it that I an not to expect any reply to my letter of October 7 regarding the secret intelligence survey trip to Latin America which has been under discussion for the past few months. I presume that you have not been able to find an arrangement which would, enable me to make this trip without impairing your broader efforts with regard to the general jurisdictional question. It is quite obvious that I would not and could not try to place the purpose for which I have now been working in the O.S.S. for nearly three years above the general interests of the 0.5.5. Considering, however, that developments in Latin America which are now generally regarded as being most detrimental to the U.S A. could to a not inconsiderable extent have been prevented If my office had been permitted to continue its field activities previously undertaken as part of the British Secret Intelligence Service, I feel - and you will permit ma to express it - that the present Impossibility of achieving even the very limited plan which I have submitted is very discouraging. It goes without saying that, in view of the time and effort spent on the work of my office, and in spite of all difficulties, I shall continue to keep it alive hoping that a jurisdictional discussion in favor of the O.S.S. will be made within reasonable time. As it may be possible that, during your absence, our cooperation with other departments in Washington may afford further opportun- ities such ma we have been looking for, I should appreciate it If you would advise me about who in the central administration of the O.S.S. would have the authority to discuss matters with me and make the necessary decisions. ? -, Declassified and A 4 !* !oar r Sincerely yours, proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP I 3xnnnn I Pnnni nn Artnn,-. -I? t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 SECF ET OFFICK OF @TRAY .4,44ftwigt INTUROFFIC Donovan allaWassg9 NMO gmotaamialolimm t, r. ? bonr Winona Donov I 'lotto loarnod bo away for quito not to oxpoot any 000rot intolligon gndor dinounnion havo not boon ab: Lo mako thin tri' rogard to tho gm IL lo (IOW obvi Lho purpono for noarly thvoo yo Considoring, hc aro now pliant, could ti If my offloo h provtouniy und nos-vino, fo; In pronont it plan %film' i IL g000 withc opont on tho I ohall oont dinounoion I Limo. -z$ .7.^-23 32 .421, OCD hna askod mo the following titivation* "In tho General willing to on. midor thim further or doom he wish Me to advise Ooorge that it must be dropped? Will you please indicate your views. .../.*?????? utmoll /r. An it may bf orrlop or tho Wxoontivo ()Moor ?4,-, with othor FAtor.~......:-. Moo nnoh (1uticiu) IOU if you would htvissilm,,mxilth of Lho O.U.S. would havt WAMAAMM4344ammeffta _ .,4,,,...4. mo and make tato mammary Wigton.. Binoiroly our, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 11.1-4r- , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1'1 s) is . m 4 40 S 1 c) r rin a o Ell tia ao co ?? env) rov e R = a et' P0 4 Sr a Mt: 0 6cs o Pi rs CO 0 0 0 411111t, I-, c+ i--a o 13 o I-4 C) ow() o OG c+ 4 ri Pa 0 0 4 44, -, o I H.. R 0c1 0 ch Ps t:$ Cr Ili O 01 0 ?41 ? c+ 0 0 0 0 r1 4 m 0 w 0 ? ? tie ? LNZ ..????? 1 I t stTE: Novsambor 21, 1941i, road and will that / aa regarding the which has been tune that you rould enable -- efforts with yt try to place the O.S.S. for r the 0.S.S. America which ntal to the been, prevented field activities rat Intelligence ess it - that very limited ; ? anti effort all difficulties, jurisdictional rithin reasonable p our cooperation further opportun- ities such as we have been loom..1 ? ; ? appreciate it if you would advise as about who in the central administration of the O.S.S. would have the authority to discuss matters with me and. make the necessary declaims. .10 , ? v Of. r e ?oc**-40s.%t"..j15161%:.'4"?:?..- ?- - ? A 400,11.1&? Sincerely yours, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-A - ,41 ? r - t'? ,??.? .?? ?it 1, ???? ? ? tqi,tinfifin flown Ho. 04 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GCnr TO s General William J. Donovan PROM George BUOJRCT; Secret Intelligence Survey Trip to Latin America, DAM October 7, 1944 Dear General Donovan: When you discussed with ms on Soptelber 21, the plan for a "Secret Intelligence Survey Trip to Latin America", you informed, me about the arrangement whioh you had made with Mr. Stevenson and instructed me to work out the details with his offlos. Mr. Stevenson did not call me himself, but Mt. Pepper called at my office on September 2, and informed me that, sub- mequent to Mr. Stevenson's talk with you, doubts had arisen with themes to the workability of the plan of mending me down under the cover of the British 8,1. After disoussing the plan and the British doubts in detail, Mr. Pepper told me that he would in- form Mr. Stevenson and that Mr. Stevenson would discuss matters further with you. In view of the ties whioh had passed and the fact that, AS I letrned in Washington yesterdab Mr. Stevenson had not ap- proached you further in this matter, 1 asked Mr. Pepper today to advise se of their definite attitude. Mr. Pepper went back and, after having talked to Mr. Stevenson 46414, he 401,0 10 )41. Stevenson's message that I should inform you as follows: ? Mr. Stevenson feels that the plan is "inadvisable from both the American and British viewpoints". The British are not permitted to "recruit agents in this country". If they were to do so, particularly with regard to a geographical area, ,in which, according to the wieh of our Government, they are obliged to work molely with the Y.Bei., they woUld incur the danger of run. ning headlong into trouble with the F.B.I. Mr. Stevenson to "prepared to do anything for you that you may ask, but be 'suggests that you rewexamine your position in this matter". In view of Mt. Stevenson's attitude, t Ness that, if the plan is to be oarried out, another way will have boa, found. In our conversation, you suggested that the ouly altornative would. be to roach an agreement with MO.,Stettinlue which, leaving aside the jurisdictional question for the time being, would enable mo to make the survey trip for the State Vepartment, but under your direction. If Mr, Stettinius agrees that I go down to the LA Plata Triangle Under the cover oftiefaiorloia Irtfir air * .*Iptiald1111, f?1 t WO ? : *::;--` 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001Ronn1nnannnnA a I 44- ' ; ? 1_ . ? TI so ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - 2 - SECRET private passport and without abasing extra-territorial rights whioh would involve the Xmbaeales and the State Department, and if Mr. Stevenoon. in accordance with his repeated assurances, agreos to give mo the assietanoe of his agent@ down there, neither would the jurisdiotion of the 1.3.1. be impaired nor embarrassment milled for our British friends. I have no doubt that the British will agree to this plan knd I believe that there is nobody who, in view of tho undeniable urgency of the situation in Latin Menial, particularly in the La Plata Triangle, will find it easy to main- tain hootility against such a plan. I as, of course, ready to come to Waehington at any time to disoues this or an/ other plan whioh you might have, 011 wf. 0410 - 0 de. iftatto" 401.4441111be.11401110, r?lesrL--44??? .74?? ..?r? 4.44 ???? # Sinoerely, Caidors IPI akairoolir 40, SECR E ? ???jr ? `t.ri, . A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - ??? SECRET 414.12,..11t93611e1M,P?47.4.44.xlvJss..- moftleWw4w,t,94111* 12..4 Mr. Halperin 1 ovember 1944 ? atecutive Offibls ?.? ? "'"" " Neorgew Project" I ? . +o, , 4 ?I t ? 1.0 General Donovan asked Me to have plti revise the attached-. ?George'preject in accordarce with the suggestions contained in your :memOiptkihutt of 3 August 1944 to Dr. Langer. For your convenience,. ; wsubmitting herewith both the original and the previously revised papers by George. Please return both documents when they have served your purposes Attachments E. J. Putzell Jr. Lieutenant (j.g.), USNR Assistant Executive Officer ? ? _ ,1;7 i ttef, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 WitIlb Moth wt. 64 ccs t t ce Memorandum ? UNITED STATES minsnurstireit4( GENERAL WILLIAM J. DONOVAN DAM October GEORGE swell Dear General Donovan* One of the more important objects of investigation included in the plan for a "Secret In. telligence Survey Trip to Latin America" which I sub- mitted to you recently is the "biansfor of Gorman funds, in whatever form, from Europe to Argentina and from there to other countries of the La Plata triangle; use of these funds now, intenda use later" (see Part IV, point 2(a) of the Plan). The enclosed memorandum describes how other departments recently tried to go about such a project and how, by lack of intelligent preparation and organisation, they not oar dismally failed in their attempt, but also caused widespread. publicity which is likely to have given the plan away to the enemy. Dr. Wean, whose assistance was S011oit. cd by other departments, did his very best to coordinate the procedure of the mission with assistance to be given by the European Section of the ELI. and, as far as Latin America is concerned, my own office, Sincerely, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 A.c. 4044 /, ESCAPE OF GERMAN ime Various Government departments have been interested in check- ing the escape of funds from Germany to neutral countries. Mr. Sam Klaus, of the General Counsel's office of the Treasury who has been on loan to F.E.A. for purposes of general monetary research, was chosen by the latter agency to make a survey trip of European capitals for the purpose of organizing the collection of information on thie subject. Klaus molicit'd and was promised the help of S.I. before he left. It was then decided to create a mission for the samopurpose, consisting of Klaus, John Richards of Treasury's Foreign Acids Con- trol and Herbert Cummings, formerly attached to our Embassy in Ankara representing the State Department. F.Z.A. thaa decided to Increase its representation and added Dudley Easby of its General Counsel's office to the mission. Treasury, apparently wishing to have as much representation as 'MLA., named to the Mission Wt. Kennedy, an expert on counterfeiting who had. been stationed in Mexico. The mission (except for &may who lid not get beyoad New York) during August and September travelled to London, Stockholm and Lisbon. Not much seems to have been accomplished, though details will not be known until the mission returns. Work was greatly hampered by the fact that the members of the mission engaged in lengthy jurisdictional disputes among themselves. No chairman of the mission had been named, and since they could not settle their quarrels he mombers of the mission were ordered by the State De- partment to return to this country. While the mission was in ftropio the Philadelphia 'ogling% published a detailed story (except for names) about the mission's purpose and its itinerary. This story was subsequently printed. in La Prenma of Buenos Aires and also appeared in various Turkish newspapers. A cable from the American 14basay in Ankara, report. ing on the Turkish publication is attached. There has thus been a double failure in the first serious attempt to carry out a very important operation. At least six weeks have been virtually wasted since Elkus left for ftropin ob- viously no information of major importance has been secured, and no affective moans of getting information has been established. Also, the enemy has been tipped off in considerable detail as to Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13xnnnni ???? roved For Re/ease 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00 100400004-6_4_ - 2 - what this Government was trying to do and, whit is equally important, of its inability to do anything effective up to now. As a result, the Nazis know that the funds they have already shifted have so far gone undetected and that they can continue to use the same channels, at least for some time to come, with considerable hope of effecting further successful transfers. It appears that in the last instance the Office of Foreign Activities Correlations in the State Department, which is headed by Mr. Adolf A. Berle, Jr., is responsible for the failure of the mission. Mt. Hanley of that office handled the organization and made the arrangements for the mission. Now, Francis Russell, Chief of the Division of World Trade Intelligence (under Dean Acheson as Assistant Secretary of State) and our contact man in the State Department, has been entrusted. with the organization of means of getting the information desired, in co- operation with two other interested divisions of the Department. After discussion with the members of the mission, Mr. Russell will decide whether to send someone else to Europe or to work entirely through the Embassies att. Legations. Mt. Russell, of course 'would be glad to have any absistance which S.I. could give him. As far as Latin America is concerned, our close contacts with Mt. Bissell assure a synchronization of his inquiries through the EMbasay in Buenos Aires and the investigation which I plan to undertake in the La Plata triangle. - Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/26 ? riA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 CABLE nom AMMAN MUM MAMA 0 DEPARDUCIIT Or NATI vaa Turkish Press, 8th, says following Anatolian Agency dispatch date. lined New York 7tht Ankara is one of capitals which will probably be visited by members of a mission of Foreign loonomic Administration who have left Washington to confer with Allied Oovernments at London and in newly liberated countries, and who will then travel to neutral capitals. They will ascertain to what extent leaders of Nazi Party and German industrialists have exported from Germany In contraband monies and assets, and to what extent occupied countries have been pillaged by them. Investigators will attempt untangle complicated financial transaotions or Axis ohiefs from Hitler to smallest gauleiter who might have hidden their personal fortunes In neutral countries. Part of this wealth might be used by them to finance clandestine Nati movements in Germany and else- where after war in anticipation of third world war. Members of mission which will put into practice one of the decisions Bretton Woods Monetary Conference, will visit among others Ankara, Eltockholm, Lisbon, Madrid, Berne and Cairo. - ,~1rAl}:4:2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nnAnnnnA a 4 . - - a 1'4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 iI?I roidros room Ne. 44 SECRET Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES Gctrotte TO i (URAL WILLIAM J. DONOVAN, PROM 4U fl4JLCTe UEOROL A 14 Doar Gonaral Donovont DAVI' szviriagat 11, 194# 19-JitaLAISIOsit, In presenting to you, so soon after your roturn, the Latoot dooument which hoc developed out of my preporsitory work for Latin Amorioa? I roalise that it me,y seem of seoondary importanoo comparod with the much greater problems which, as a result of our emooemerul offeneive? are At pr000nt coming to a hoed for you in Suropo. Otill, the enoouragement which you have given me in the pant few month by asking mo to elaborate a more ooncreto program for LAtin America, loads me to hope that you will think it appropriato to oonoidor a definite proposal. Ao a moult of our formor dimosione, I am submitting herewith a plan for & 'taboret intolligence Survey Trip to Latin Americo'''. This plan can be osrriod out, on my part, without much further preparation, so it ie band on the experience in 'swot intelligenoe procedure and knot- ledgo of Latin American affair whioh, @ince the inception of my ?Moo, I have made oonotant and painotaking efforts to develop and to hold ready for the time when you would call upon me. dime you oonoidered matters last, on the eve of your departure? discuseiono with our British friends as well as improsoions gained in Washington, have confirmed mv opinion that no further to ie to be log Li our Government wants to keep abronet or events in Latin America, partioularly in the La Plata triangle. DoveloAments in Latin America are growing increasinglv involved And portentous, in spite or the relatively favorable pioturo habitually painted here by those bent on defending the yooulte of their own policy. Not only is publio opinion gradima:Ly waking up to the roalitios of the situation, but also agenoloo 404 offioiale in Washington are beooming more and more owe of the aotual and potential dangors threatoning. While it is true that Usoproblem in first of all one of foreign policy and so far a ooncorn or the State Department, it appears that the feeling of groping in the dark, of not having boon sufficiently served by the obtablished channels of information, is spreading in official circles. dinoe the stats Department compelled the 104.I. to withdrAw most of its agents from Latin America, becauee they oroatod diplomatic trouble by working too openly and on too big and indiooriminate a ooale? no workable eecret intelligence oorvieo of the U.S.A. exists in Latin Amorica. This jap wi.0 have o be fillod by some organisation oompotont to hem all branoheo of "'" "?- ? .it.,,..,..erOwo.44544;410.00:144100,40fAtatrarrar. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ?-? ? ?"I 4 .4 ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00 1004 0004- eeoret intelligence, including economic and political intelligence, and not only counter-eopionage on mach the F.B.I. concentrated. It is practically certain that the gravity of events will compel odIr Government to review the whole question of our intelligence from Latin America. If this is not already being done inside the State Department, further deterioration of the situation will probably force it very soon. It is my considered opinion that a workable secret intelligence service in Latin America can only be built up within your organization. I am saying this without feeling prejudiced by the fact that my office appears at present to be the only one in the United States Government which combines three essential conditions for the establishment of such an organization: experi- ence in secret intelligence, both political and economic coverage, and knowledge of Latin American affairs. I can truly say this, because personally I have neither political, diplomatic nor administrative ambitions. I have broken off sgrbfasinees career solely to help the war effort, and there appears nothing which would suggest to me that I should not take it up again when oly present task is fulfillvd. Evente placed me in a position where I could organize for our Government an office with potentialities which have by no means yet been sufficiently tapped. In spite of the unavoidable frustration of these past few years, I have found it difficult to retreat from an unfinished job, without seeing others taking it up and without being aura that, against the law of reason, your organization would be definitely prevented from extending its jurisdiction to Latin America. I should, however, tail in my duty if I did, not draw your attention to the fact that my office has reached the peak of its efficiency within the limits of its present work. There are signs that it might not be able long to hold this peak if not entrusted with more active work. Several times in the past few months I have pointed out to the Chief S.I. and, if I remember correctly, occasionally to you, that the BritiOh &I., in changing its activities in Latin Amerioa from a war to a peace- time basis, will be increasingly unable to Share with us their information concerning a continent in which the British are fundamentally our economic and to some extent also.ourpitical competitors. The British have remained most genorpus in their cooperation with my office. .Still, the current information received from them does not comme with that received from them in 1942 and 1943? Although the work ot to,. office has never been solely based on British inteiligence, such intelligence has been the primary factor in its mrk and a decreasing supply of intelli- gence reports can not but reduce the uee#1404S of ,Office to " ; ?,,-4 - ,v. ?314,.4f ? ????????El.? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26. CIA-On Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001004000041-6 4 .4 ? :" - 11P?Arre milo.emb those departmente and agencies in Washington which ue have been serving. Concomitant with the decrease in our information, there has developed an increase in requests for information based primarily on the service which we have been able to give hereto- fore. It has become increasingly difficult for me to explain tLe discrepancy between the service desired and the service rendered, without giving away the fact that the 0.8.8., as far as rrer office is concerned, has to rely Aainly on foreign assistance. In preparing the attached document I have carefully refrained from opening the jurisdictional question in its entirety. It would appear to me, barring information which I do not have, that it might be desirable to separate the plan of my survey trip to Latin America from the crucial jurisdictional problem by presenting it as a single undertaking to obtain information of a most important nature and otherwise hardly obtainable by our present means, for the benefit of whichever department feels most interested in obtaining such information and without any prejudice to existing jurisdictions. Naturally, the State Department is the one in wand, although in view of the military implications of the situation, the Joint Chiefs of Staff might also be interested. The State Department's jurisdic- tion would appear sufficient to cover such an undertaking which, as to its procedure and technique, could only be carried out under the auopices of the 0.8.8. Otherwise, the high degree of secrecy which appears necessary could not be secured, and without such secrecy it is highly improbable that the British &I. would be able to maintain its promise of most complete and confidential assistance. It suggests itself that, as long as the &I. of the 0.8.8. is prevented from establishing its own organization in Latin America, my survey trip could not succeed without British assistance. Aware of the prejudice against too close cooperation with the British prevailing in certain circles, I have somewhat circumscribed this in my attached plan (see number V). It is to be hoped, however, that those primarily concerned will be objective enough to accept, for the benefit of our country., such an offer which is the result of British, confidence in the 0.8.8. and long established close cooperation between the British 8.1. and myself. This offer, according to its very nature, is of a passing character. Although there is no reason to doubt that the Britist will stand to it as long as they can, they will feel themselves more and more under the restrictive compulsion of the peacetime interests of their own country. They have all along been very generous in bringing me into contact with their principal agents in several countries of Latin America. It should be of great importance for my trip that within the last two months I was able ' neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ec assi le an pprove or elease 2013/09/26: CIA- 13X00001 000100400'00'Z67.' LQ moot Wirt' asvora tim00 ores of their most Lmportan and nonfidential key men in Argontinu and to We with him preparaw tory dioumelons about Pint intelligence activities there* It im with great hope of u favorable decision coon thig?t / 401 premoitting my p/in which will, eo I hope, enable mo to lay Om 0,ounAworlt for a bettor floret intelligefic service than our otwilLry had had up to now in Latin Amerioas Unoroli youro, ? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ;W. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Of0.10018SitialaPktegle.....-- ? SECRET SECRET INTELLIGENCE SURVEY TRIP TO LATIN AMERICA I TERRITORY: La Plata triangle - Argentina, Uruguay, Pankow, Bolivia and Chile. This is the sphere of ngreater Argentina*, where German postwar imperialism would probably combine With Latin American imperialism centerad in Argentina. II CENTER OF OPERATIONS: Montevideo. The capital of Uruguay, a fairly democratic and pro-Allied country, close to Argentina, the main target of investigation, is for security reasons more suitable than Buenos Aires, the center of German counter-espionage and the Argentinian secret police. Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, as well as Asuncion and La Paz, can be easily reached from Montevideo., III DURATION: Three months, mith a possibility of curtailing or extending the duration according to circumstances As little information to start with is available, this appears to be the minimum. ? ,airamamol.amogreacatainapitawrawiessiparsuitittitaai-"ina Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X0Oon1Rnnn1nnA rInt-mn Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400664:6 ? . -?E?re? tiMiNgr.F7i'l,'-:FsMIMVP.1/44PSAIOZ41;erialtrArfMrifst.geor?-? - - ? ,trAft, EVIVIMIetil?WIRVEIOMI.11.N.Pffstplummtrzeirstriggbm, 1. EmikLawatirzwiLt.k2. La Plata trialliat.Z.20.241ALLE.gallettlaicalla Eatent to which German firms have survived and political activity in Latin America. b) Extent to which German political and propaganda organizations have survived Continued residence in Buenos Aires and other cities of the La Plata triangle by key mon of German economic and political German personnel through the influx of Nazis from other Latin American countries during the war. Contacts of German firms with Argentine Government; role of German firms in Argentine arms program. e) Position of American and British interests in Argentina under the military government. Position of them interests in the other - countries of the La Plate. triangle. 11-444.4-.? 1E17 ,* ? . (11 ? / -trAittiV 44 v3 rtr, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1 Sot and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400-00416' - .3. 2* ..4.451.2.4e....r? " r" the rovivul of C"meamaill1211124.141111.12La both b Uormans anc Qormagulmammallimua *ot to umo it as A r...latightlitter4 &rout? a) Tranefer of Garman funds, in whatever form, from Europe to Argentina, and from there to other oountries of the La Plata triangle. Geo of these runda now; intended use later. b) Aotual or prepared arrival of Nazis, military men, and technicians from Germany to create a German ()enter in the La Plata triangle, as a permanent refuge or a temporary train- ing ground pending their return to the Fatherland. o) Plans an, steps for the ostaUishment of new plants and whole industries in Argentina and Argentinato ephere of influence, whieh would at once build up Argentinals war potential under German auspices and create a German reservoir of up-to-date technical and industrial skills. ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100400004-6 4Fr r 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 _ 7 Attno3"` a -4- 4$4.7?4, Took" .0. 3. How do these German activities tie in with the and similar tendencies in the other countries of the La Plata trialgle? a) Contacts and understandings between the Argentine Government and German national- istic groups, their representatives and agents. Similar German contacts with nationalistic groups in the other countries of the La Plata triangle. b) Argentine plans to upset the governments and political systems of the other countries of the La Plata triangle for the sake of Argentine expansionism. Connivance of nationalistic governments and groups in these other countries. c) Plana and actions of the Argentine Govern- ment against the policy and interests of the U.S.A., Britain, and other Allies; attitude of the other governments of the La Plata triangle. V METHODS OF INVESTIGATION: Ar the Use of a commercial cover which could enable normal contacts and investiga- tion with regard to most of the principal problems asei:*414; anri A nnroved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 0. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/261 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010646-6004-6 concerned. The investigation would also be made in cooperation with existing intelligence services. VI IkagagehtitaM: A concern should be selected which would give the widest latitude and the beet entry to those commercial organizations which can be used as sources of information. Some actual business should be transacted. VII WAROUT: Private paesport, not a diplomatic passport. VIII detialalu&A.11101: No protection except such as U.S. Missions usually grant to U.S. business men abroad. IX cmgRAITH U.S.MISSIONS: Any such contacts Should be worked Qui, under strict seourit les and limited to thoce absolutely necessary for the $1100083 of the trip. This implies that I should not be dependent on the Miasions for technical, clerical or similar asoistancee X TWANA?AlmAciagio: Through special 0.5.8. code and diplomatic pouch. ? , ? , t I Wsi?a ?n-e-,. r via twobvime-wor 4titt' s ge4 A Pm" Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 De...classified and Approved,For Release 20'13109/26 CIA-RDP13maraX0000424.11uutwali,,- . _ 4f-1 . t. r:1574!,.1. e/f:fAND:"D rOf?P.1 NO. 44 1. Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM SUBJECT: General William J. Donovan George FLOW OF ENEMY FUNDS TO ARGENTINA. X DATE: August 24, 1944 SECRET As you know, various governmental agencies have been interested in the reported flow of German funds to Argentina, to be used to prepare postwar havens for Nazis) fleeing treat Europe. Treasury decided to send Mr. Sam Klaus to Europe to collect whatever information he could find in England and in neutral countries. Dr. Mason of R. & A. suggested that Klaus discuss the matter with us. On our suggestion, through Dr. Mason, Klaus also got in touch with the chief of &I. regarding the possibility of using &I. facilities in Europe to collect material. I attach a copy of the report made by the member of niar staff who talked to Klaus. As you will see from this document, we have again been put on the spot by our lack of an 8,1. service in Latin America. Klaus is naturally most interested in knowing what kind of coverage we could provide in Argentina in order to collect the desired information. my representative had of course to be very evasive on this subject. When he returns from Europe, Klaus expects to go to Argentina to continue his work. As things stand now we shall not be in a very good position to help him. He will be forced to rely principally upon officials of the American Ehlbassy and perhaps the F.B.I. We know from past experience, and from the present lack of information on the flow of enemy funds to Argentina, that these sources will not be satisfactory. We have done our utmost in our present limited capacity to unearth significant data on this very important subject. For some months we have been studying intercepts and asking the British to send us whatever data they could find. Tbe results have been almost nil. Our most recent effort has been to provide the British with a questionnaire to be used as a basis for investigation in Buenos Aires. Since no specific data are available, the questionnaire had to be of a most general nature and we are not hopeful as to the results likely to be obtained. This is one more case illustrating the serious limitations placed on U.S. Government policy by the lack of an S.I. service in Latin America. Obviously the Treasury, and other departments .of the Government, will be unable to take effective action to _T4f, ,ti Att, SECRET ? 2013/09126 CIA-RDP'13X00001 R0001 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 4.112.1. SECRET check the flow of German funds toArgentina unless they have very detailed and concrete information. Wit are hamstrung in attampting to supplly information. The flow or German !Undo to Argentina Is of great consequence to the United States, for both present and future policy. Should I be able to make a trip to Latin America this would be one of the chief subjects that I would Investigate. , ?:'??????,. - ? - '7. ? ,,....`: , ? .' Ei,:.-. '' ? -" 6,T.. .,-, : .? o.,?": : ra.-; - ? im.- I F' ' < ?? ?? ..,... N.- ? _ - 4 h 'i., i *. - ir . ? 3 Is . 4 ii. - ? : . ? 1 . !t,._ - 4 . . - ? :. --, -- %,.. , ^,4,.....1 it ? ., .- 4, . '.:':`2. :. .a,i., ". ?-? 4.. . . 5..t- 1 .- ' ..- 4 ? . ,. ... , . ,. i????;:; - -4 ? " -14 "-n? - .4 4-41. - .-144- t-!-* ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 FILL NOTE iawl,NT1A - ENE= FUNDS I KJIIUS cif tae Treasury in his room at tae Lexington qi ' Au,u:t 14. Y;e talked f.7Jr 4bout three-quarters of 11 Ur ? on t.IL vc...1.Le of leavinb for Lurode, either that -,1* toneAt uuy. lie said taat aprarenti lir. Mason, Lad ,at,trt:,t la ru tj sufi%cieat to try to bet him on an 1_ , F, Ir,A,Lt taL,n taut originally scuedu.Led. i Laic ta.Lk to K1U113 hita tae understanding that ue was O?Ltu int(' tau question of tae transfer of Nazi funds to Liv;.tina :*rom tae European end. According to his account, hovvever, Ic at let!..t us Huca interested in German plans to salft technicians Lu ArGvi,tinh ;t, tau und of tae war. de considers tills movement Lore 1.1p Tth;,t tami tae trnfer of fund t since tae funds v.111 some day be t,ae re,:erves c.ou_Ld be of Importance to Geratany T ae taini:t it likely that the Lierrsins could quite eb,i,d rtca ubruoIent vita tae Arbentine Government to secure from the ?ttt.r ,,roLecL..on aad suca (Aduer help t.s is necessary in return for tae crauution Laat Gerhan tecanicians and iltanagers would make to Ar6entine 1G u. t. I' 114 .4 A.? ? Klaus conE.Liders that many new companies u.,U,bA,,,aed under tile Impetus of the German technical help, either vIta Armtine capital or with some Germui financial participation. Ae bay urther that Siemens L;chuckert has been cared by the German Govern.nent to iead tae industrialization of Argentina and Spain, the latter Cfm- Pease 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 , crrLOLLX.f. ii, v ui tt.L.A.Q uI 1teVL1bJu LIrnO. SECRET n t../Iut,i,u to ..UoV, 1,144:At, n.i.rid of coveruLe v.0 haZIU in Art,eriti.lit, .()rt wo lourned. I waLi of ctur...c v vy rubervtA on t.11:? tilat tihe ouvera6u VU certain4 not lib Cl..)Me.cett. 6t )L 1 kt... LO t tnu LILat IL varied Lruatly l'ro, time to time nnd .11 1r I 1,1 ,Ut i. et) . .in .d L41, L Lde bUl!tiri).1 :;LIb?,Uet, L)1.* trarw,sCer tu,k1c,I? ziv L, ,n, rliiu .ti4A tilt) gUebtiotula.Lre Jut. to BUOI,oi.) AireL). ) t I 1.it, w-rt: too t,ui,erui, but I pointed out t.kut in tne :I . ? Ix-. . t.)%1C II. 1.L . ut,,,Ac.)r but, ? ? t aLcut-o Luz,L Vit.) 1111./),L, a?, UMW Wit.4,t, Li & Nazir., do tnis -C vLvj !lxu 1,4,0 taut bw t,Au Limo fund L) reach Arijk be noav.4 e4(4,1%,od WILL tneir real ownerbhip L LP?: Lt..* ,Invd tut! ,,A4.1:t1 L4u..M in Are,ontina. I bid tiut L ?,t ?i4LAInt, 1.4:-)aUJ. 001,t. 1.11 A.Vt4k.stLInv AL Avu.L6 probab,,y be LikIcebsurix. to nave - 1,urotie ti6 to whlure L) Unti.i such .Luads are for t..100),1 Ji, I t) r.1..1 I not 1Jo e00:.,iblu to du unytninG ex,cept u dunerui im.eot Lat.,n anu Lvtick. UoI1 ruwav, in nOpe6 Of idiz4 bomething st)ecific. Tuurcforal I hrt,dd him to solid Nicl'. to ut, t,..a.ougn ,.I. any infornution he Ct.n co.LJect w,icn pointu to Lit; Invet,Lit,4ted in Ar6ontinu. ie agreed to d, RuvertinL to tile ratb4uct of yostwar t.ierman emibration haaus thought U.;cf'LLJ 'L'cr 416t look into tats in con6iderab1e detail and sug- J re0ource1 in Argentina aru limited mil concentrate them (In )Iu vroL.IcM' 4J4'ufortib44, ti4lb Untl, Or On 'ilk! effect.ve eenetration et.Ldp611,y, iJrtifOr?t bly Sieraen6 6chucicert. I said 1.hat ve recodnized tov ii.4.wtancu of t?e t.igrtktion erobJ.em but taut I had not revewe4 our :.ttrIal on t.A,A, ::,ubjtet, beforu comin6 to taik to ulm since I mderstood that wa, convontratin, 411 tne tAranzifor oj fund. When Klaus oozes a 4. 1 n,Inecifiarl and Anoroved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 14+4-4 "Tr While be did not say so, it i tc Intends to do tne same organizational job there as ,)1aLs t,D GO in rurope. 7 Tgj of 46.1ht country seized at the outbreaks v4or4ed out the organ,.zational German cultural penetration in tais country. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 t 4" r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ".r? - ? r 4 ??".P14+.41. '; ');.S'Ir.' 4 ? h! ? ? t":14.?:!s ??? 1* 1 *nolo.* letter te George. I was really interested iA those mere and it might be that ws oould do somethins under the grant con* tainsd in our directive* This is worth examining, I. You remember the max that me disiamsed with Halpern. it this seems a proper time to ma, moAd you take up the matter with him ant see if an approaoh could be matte to tour man* , , -? ? t. " fr`..? , . "t."! -I ' " A ? ? - . 1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400 - t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 7 April. 1944 I Imre reuil your trio nauoramiu and an groatay intorsetod .14? your prsientatiart. I believig.X ths full isaiooktious, end isportwit Wag Li So do Imistklial.'41,01* As sooti us 1 Mums It31 talk wilib you awl, Mr. Bitoparison. wnhi.;. Donovan Director t.! ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000 0.4.... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 - Drtg. General William J. Donovan Office of Btrategle Services Wewhington, D.0, Dear General Donovan! herewith submit two memoranda referring to my work and I should be gratofta if you would grant go an opportunity to dilates with you implieations of those memoranda, Memorandm I gives an account of the work of my office as it stands now. It is further a discourse on proibleme connected with the possibility of extending its work to Latin America. Memorandum II is an a000ant of the aubversive activities of German firms in Latin America 4nd the failure of Allied seonomic warfare to eliminate this dkngor to the aeourity and ti* interests of' ti* United States, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .Ircerog dra.......6.~..mmarktmseettikeint3SatiONNOMMOSVEMagakesuorioniveata ? t. ? -,., ? 4 11.1411*14,418Milkitet I. PAST AND PRESENT ACTIVITIES ?-- This office became a part of the S.I. of the 0.2.5. on March 10, 1942. First under the supervision of Mr. Allen Dulles, it was, in June 1942, placed under the direct control of the 0.8.5. in Washington and has since operated under the direction of Mr. Whitney E. Shepardson and Lt. Col. Francis P. Miller. The operations of this office consist of secret economic in- telligence with regard to Latin America. These operations are based on: 1/ A request by Mr. James C. Dunn, made to the 0.8.5. on behalf of the Secretary of State, to supply the State Department (World Trade Intelligence Division) with reports of thia office deemed of interest to the State Department. 2/ An undertaking by the British S.I.S. to the to supply this office with secret economic intelligence from Latin America. The request under #1 and the undertaking under #2 are inter-related. Without the request of the State Department, this office could not, for jurisdictional reasons, make use of the information received. Without the undertaking under #2, this office could not, likewise for jurisdictional reasons, provide the information, passed on to the State Department. This arrangement ha, worked out rattier well. The British S.I.S. has continued to cooperate faithfully in furnishing this office information from their agents stationed in Latin. America. The State Department - and other Departments which, with the State Department's agreement, receive copies of the reports molt to the State Department - have continually and increasingly shown interest in these reports. The number of reports sent to Washington stands at present as follows: State Department 1011 Department of Justice 1249 Office of Economic Warfare 3.018 Alien Property Custodian 1038 Treasury 789 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 .2. ? , , 1 Vs .'. ? ?,. t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 IOW Tho Dopartmont or Juntioo * and to A lootior oxtont othor Dopartmonto a In Addition to r000lving 000loo of tho roporto oont to tho eAto Dom partmenb) 1V4yo emmootod information on oubjooto of opocial intoroot Li Limas thlo oxplaino tho groator numbor of roports to Atetioo. Tho Tromoury boon to rovoot oor roporto only in July 1943; thio oXplAIRP tho omnilor number to tho Troaoury. A oopy of all roporto Io kopt In tho filo@ of Lt. Ool. Francis) PI Millorio offico through ohloh all report pa000d on to tho Dopartmonto, tt lo not And WA@ novor intondod to bo tho Nnotion of thio ()Moo to not ao a h:P@ tranomloolon bolt botwoon tho Britioh And tho UnItod Obntoo Oovornmont with rogard to Latin Amerloas quidod by !to own oxporionco and oboorvation as woll A@ by ropooto of tho Doparbmonto, thio offioo ho continually adviood tho Britioh 0.1,8, on oconomio intolligonoo. lt has ouggootod faoto to bo in. vootigatod) commontod on rooulto of invootigationo) and givon the Brittoh information rocolyod from tho Departmonta. In thio connoction) 4 llot of 1Ph MAjOP targoto WA@ workod out botwoon tho Dritioh and thio offloo At bho boginning of 1943. Thin liot lo @till tho basil@ for Orlbloh 000nomio Intolltgonoo work In Latin Amorioa. Ma ?Moo) in ol000 cooporation with oolootod offioials of th000 Dopart114mb14 which r000tvo bho roporto) partioularlly tho that@ Dopartmont and tho Dopartmoot or *Natio) too boon ourrontly oon. onitod OR problomo or 000nomio warfaro with rogard to Latin Amorioo IA@ woll no 00 000nomto and polttioal problomo rol6ting to tho poaotran won of lAntin AlaPi0A by tho oporationo of Gorman truoto) O@PMAns oontrotiod oartolo, and major Gorman oompanioos Within tho limit@ of ito raotlittoft) bhis off loo proparod oomprohonoivo monograph@ about onbjocto or groitsw Importanoo) tho lest ono bong about a gorman AtimMpt bo pin t obrong foothold in tho oi/ induotry of Bouador*o TM@ officio ha@ oonelotontly boon ohallongod by rloing domando rOP MOP@ Information by tho Dopartmonto which) for obvious V@A@ON, hnvo not boon Inform-4 of ito @Ammo dopondonoo upon tho facilitioo or AR WPM POW@PI On two offioials who cooporato partioularly too wit) with thio ?Moot aro awaro of tho rUn tiourco of ito inm formations Mr. Franolo 11.Buonoll) Ohiof of tho World Trado Intolli. gonoo DiVi14iO4 of tho Otato Dopartmont) and MO2 Hugh BI {lox) Asaistant flolloibor Oonoral of tho Unitod Mateo tits 0ox lo probably tho boot Mond tilt@ offioo hao Among official@ in Waohington ousido tho MBA) 4nd ho h4o boon ablo to intoroot tho AttOnoy General himmelf in the projflots Tho Attornoy Oonoral hag r000ntly oro d hie Departmont to work out for him a momorandam about tho Latin Amorloan oituationg Thio momorandum to mainly baood on our roporto. WarririarIMMIAApOtv Lt. Cols MAllor'o offloog 0014 ti rantenlirlirr'it Lt 10' :? PI? .11.111VOICIM? 141t1,15:C look Declassified I. T and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oNoonn4-R 1*, T-ar?c - ? ? ??:?.r 1.4 ? 44 "4 ? 13U;:ri a r7; T. r 4A ft , 1J. .T 4, ?-? 4 S. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 1. In the (=roe of its operations, this office has accumulated extensive information about the German - and to a lesser degree the Italian and Japanese - economic -political penetration of Zatin America. This office has set up an extensive filing and carding system, covering approximately 7,000 files and 30,000 cards, which contain confidential information about approximately 37,,000 firms and individuals of interest in connmotion with economic warfare in the Western Hemisphere, particularly Latin America. This office, from its inception, has worked under the cover of a oommeroial company (see enolosed Dun & Bradstreet Report). It has alweye gone to great lengths to protect this cover. This has not only served, to safoguard the secrecy of its operations, but has aleo inspired all ita staff uembers and also all officials in the Waehington Departments with whom it cooperates with a highly developed sense of discretion and caution. The result is that this office, whose reporta circulate widely In Government offices in Washington, le hardly known at all. Not the least of the reasons for which thie office maintains such complete corer has always been the considera- tion that it would eerve as mn excellent protection for future activities In Latin Amorloa. It ham been the consiotent policy of this office to keep the size of Its staff within the narrowest possible limits. Parallel to the increase of work, however, the staff had to be gradually en- larged. The staff, including the Ohief of the office, now consists of eleven aa compared with four members at its inception, an increase of 175% (fourlof these as compared with formerly two doing investiga- tion and research work). In the same time, our monthly budget has Increased from $3,90 to $5,425, that means only 37%. EXTSNSION TO LATIN AMERICA It will be remembered that this office at the time of its transfer to the 0.8.6 had just successfully terminated the first round of its fight against Axis economic-politioal penetration of the Western Hemisphere. OarrYthe out, through its own agents, CI. and 8.0. work against the principal Gorman coopani3s in the U.S.A., It had, before Pearl Harbor, laid the groundwork for action taken after Pearl Harbor by the Alien Property Custodian and several Senate Committees against the strongholds of I. G. ?Oben, Scherirgo the Gorman Stool Trust, etc., in this country. Preparations for the second round in Latin America were well advanced when the entry of the U.S.A. into the war made the transfer of this project to Ti.S. .?.1111w :1 *le .aim4401; , ' 4 ? 1111111111114Miglitimmolip 1?.4 3 4 Nib 4 ?'? 95 ?4- .? - flrssified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6' ?41 ? . ? I IM/ . ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 authority necessary. When subsequently, through ko fault of its owm4 the 0.8.8. was nbt able to provide the necessary jurisdiction for and S.O. activities in Latin America and no other agency could, be found which vas able or willing to provide such jurisdiction, the solution was found in an arrangement with the State Department and the British S.I.S. as described in Part I. This was to be an emergency solution, lasting only until such time as the 0.S.S. would Obtain sufficient jurisdiction to cover the establishment of an S.I. and an S.O. or- ganization in Latin America, at least in the field of economic warfare. Twice the 0.S.S. renewed its attempt to Obtain such jurisdiction for this office: in December 1942, particularly in the &I. field, in co- operation with G-2, and in May 1943, particularly in the S.O. in cooperation with the State Department. Both attempts appear to have fallen short of success. While doing its utmost to be useful within its present limits, this office has constantly kept in mind the ultimate purpose for which it was taken over by the 0.S.S., and has methodically developed its internal facilities so as to be able to form the nucleus of a field organization in Latin America whenever eallelupon. It has been es- pecially for this reason that this office has assetbled as compre- hensive a store of information as described in Part I and has con- stantly trained its staff for future cooperation with a field or- ganization of its own. Today, this office would. be able to enter the Latin American field without any assistance whatsoever from other services, including the British 8.1.8, It is today an open secret, at least inside the Government, that the U.S.A. has practically no S.I. and S.O. Service in Latin America. The German secret services operate in Latin America in three divisions: ABTEILUNG I, covering military, naval, air, political and economic espionage; AB2EILU1G II, covering sabotage in its broadest sense; 2/ ABTEILUN1 III, covering counter-espionage. The services under #1 and. #3 have their counterpart principally in the F.B.I. whose jurisdiction for Latin America covers all espionage branches and also counter-espionage. In effect, however, the F.B.I. has nearly exclusively confined itself in Latin America to counter- espionage, with a degree of efficiency that has bean.questioned. The F.B.I. does not cover much political intelligence,;ama. economic in- telligence not more than incidentally. Mk,. Hoover infrequently passes pieces of economic intelligence on to Mr. Adolph Sorb.. Such intelli- gence comprises an entirely insignificant part of the informatim ? ? t 4???? SAISIIMPOWIE ?????! ". c? - 1C1.: agassur.3 ? T... "..i..-.?14? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 f 11;4-4?..Z1 , :raw- ??:. ? ;, , t ' 1_ 1 p ? ? .7 ? .7; ? eclassifie an Approve or ejease 0 3 / assembled in the files of the World. Trade Intel11Sen040 OlVie4on). 4,04 - Mr. Francis H. Russell, the Chief of this Diiaioii,? confirmed to me the complete i,rr,e1evince,50fqtliii074mot incoherent and, oft on unchecked. InformatiWXoril,' Division. It is confidentially learned -frog Mr. Rugh 3. Cox, 4aaii4tsnt Solicitor General, that Mr. Hoover,. has ireptObtir tteemiect; laino General himself that his organization Was neither ,able`to-lii, in engaging in secret economic intelligence:- This a ? the fact that, according to a report, of the U.S. NmbaiiiskiRj?e' Janeiro, No. 14055, dated. January 4, 194, "the legal afficiof , section in the Embassy has stated, that, since early NOIrMili4ii'of'i4te year, it has discontinued the reporting on _commercial aid eci? matters". The "Legal Attache" is the representative of the 7.3.1,.; and it suggests itself that the official discontinuation..ct eccn?jc intelligence by the F.B.I. in such an important country OviAliasil i. IndicatiVe of a general decision or at least intention of the F.B.I. with regard to economic intelligence in Latin America. cr.-2 and A-2 have, from time to time, made excursions into the intelligence and counter-espionage sphere of the F.B.I. and once in a while they have even hit the economic sphere, but hardly with an intention. or even denting it. S.O. activities are not even_jurisdictionally covered, by any agency of the U.S.A.,. and., as far as is known, no agency has ,elreor aspired to obtain such jurisdiction. Beside the retreat of the F.B.I. from,Asecret ecOnciaic"infelligence in Latin America, a second. factor that has recently dirie101,04;*_11 'hive an Important bearing on the situation. This is a .deCistiSVOt the British S.I.S., made by its head office in London, &waren, ti; same- what against the suggestion of its New York office, to stop developing any further its political and. economic intelligence serVi..0474#1:12itin America and to desist from establishing an..8..0.-orianizitiOn This decision is obviously determined, by the consideration that- Latin America is officially acknowledged by the British Government to belong primarily to the U.S. sphere of interest. The attempt which the Chief of the British Service in New York made-last 1' at Persuading the 0.8.8. to initiate S.O. activities inlatin.-.-Asterico) t4liViittitinection with this office, pointed Already in that direction) althanghl. at that time, the British were apparently still- rirepareit;t6',ige'along with the 0.8.8. The consequence of this decision by the;l1rifleh is that, failing the existence of any Allied $.0. ''seivice Iihe*goortor in: Latin America German subversive activittlAs;41,.1g ? tinue entirely unchallenged. In the emm*.._,? main load, will continue to itishL1. ]iai to its present facilities. ? e fi ' :(> 1. This office has raj; efficiency of British secret,, the economic field, howe*.e.?Ir),,.1,,, -,?=-;?=f1 with the British Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 has oven the advantage of being in complete, it only unoffioially ex- pressed, agreement with the British on this point. British secret economic intelligence has, no doubt, proved to be of considerable value to the British Government and, through the medium of this office, also to the U,S. Government. Yet, the organization of MAI British intelligence service in Latin America is far from meeting the requirements and from producing geographioally and topically satisfactory coverage. This office, since its transfer to the 0.8,S., has received from the British office in New York, on the basis of its agrAent wit) a the 0,0.8,, 1897 reports. Of these reports, only 833 oontaiL . Intelligence worth pass- ing on to the Dspartments in Washington; the balance contained either minor or insuffioiently confirms& information or referred only to questions of proeedure. These 833 reports refer to the following countries: Argentina 123 Bolivia 12 Brazil 6, Chile 101 Colombia 127 Costa Rica 1, Cuba 8 Ecuador 102 Guatemala 18 Mexico 74 Peru 27 Uruguay 28 Venezuela 47 Paraguay 2 All other countries: 34 Prom this schedule, it is apparent that the British Service in Latin America is most unevenly and disproportionately organized. Such Large and important countries as Argentina and, Mexico, centers of German activities in Latin America, are hardly better - Wale? even lees - covered than Ecuador and Colombia. Bolivia, one of the most vicious strongholds of Nati influence, has smaller coverage than tiny Guatemala and Costa Rica. Aocording to the comparatively limited interest which the British Government takes in Litz America, it is entirely understandable that they have not assigned their most qualified field agents to that geographical sphere and have always only insuf- ficiontly and belatedly trio& to improve conditions where they wore particularly cruatisfactory with regard to organisation and, personnel. It is known to the British office in New 'York as well as to this office that the British agents in Latin America have, in general, not been obis to penetrate sufficiently into the interior of those Gormsn companies which hold a key position not only eoonomically but also political/AY - in Latin America, and that the British agent@ are very often in the habit of duplicating the open intelligence job of the Missies instead of applying secret Intelligence procedure. It goes without saying that, in the complete absence of any secret soonomic intelligence service of .-.,140.....0214.0111411.A400.1*A1191.0.74531PAItIN.,-'?", 1$ .te,t1e.,=.00444e.1116fete.hitet;.6 iheaoi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 *a ty- , s'n4' ? 7 .. . ?-. , ' -,i.,. : '. ? * .....? .:. ? -3.. C 'I 14-v r Aa - -....1..7:.r.37 -H.TI!'e.. -I 7 T.4' 77%4): v, .. , ..-. r r' 17.7.-Ltr P 4 .trrt t?? ? ea, ? ???? 140'4' ' t ? "., tr. t:4.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ...townwrokrix waft the U.S.A., the British still rate very highly with regard. to Latin America. PROSPECTS OF EXTENSION It would appear logical that, if and. when the 0.2.S. Obtains jurisdiction over Latin America, the espionage, counter-espionage and S.O. organization of the 0.5.5. should. be automatically extended to Latin America. It is unknown to the writer whether or not this would be the procedure envisaged by the 0.S.S. It is also unknown to the writer whether the 0.S.S. would consider it now the opportune time to request jurisdiction over Latin America to its fullest extent. This office nature/1y approaches the problem from a more limited point of view. It has never dealt with counter-espionage and does not appear particularly prepared for it. Strictly conforming with the in- structions of the 0.S.S., it has always limited itself to S.I., that means espionage activities. In the S.I. sphere, it has mainly worked on economic S.J.. intelligence. It would, however, be able, without difficulty, to cover political intelligence also, because, in Latin America, the Germans have closely coordinated subversive economic and political activities, and, besides, the Chief of this office is naturally familiar with the political aspects of the German system. In the S.O. field, the experience of thiA office is proven end known to the 0.S.S. Primarily economic in the past, this office would be equally able to cover the political S.O. field. It therefore appears that the experience of this office fills in where other U.S. agencies, principally the F.B.I., while having jurisdiction, have actually failed to exercise this jurisdiction. This failure is to no small extent responsible for the deterioration of the situation in Latin America. TheF.B.I., an explained in Part II, is now obviously aware of its failure, at least in the economic field, How far the F.B.I.. would be willing to concede such failure and. to yield jurisdiction to the 0.8.8.? is of course a different matter. It appears, however, and this Is not only the writer's opinion, that, if the 0.6.8. would be able, as it is, to present an office which has successfully made secret economic intelligence for Iatin America its main job, the F.B.I. would, even if not willing, probably not be able to maintain its resistance Against the 0.3.8. . taking over the work: which the F.B.I. haslailea. to do an& has visikly no interest of doing. Once the jurisdiction of the 0.868. In the economic field of Latin America is established, the mama corse of- events wtmld sooner or later divor political intelligence into its orbit too, while the F.B.I. would. probably Wend Its jurisdiction over counter- s.a..gogommm,muaimisgrww,ai,,a,aa,",,NiaiNnNlaliaPMbgaignibbblmsOeom:r?r?-?-?ea.........pim - ? ? It .4(44 e p ? ? ? ff. .teft. awe ? F-0 -1?2f.;4.4r: Li ????? r Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 A.4 4.1 1 e t? alea..nett , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 -"? 4 qoplonftg0 to the very Wits Tho v. o. problom to oomowhat difforonts Mo agoncy or lato oovoros amt. gg oxpialnod in Part 11, hap ill?Os juriedlotion for Latin AMOtioh# The main obotecle here I@ the Mat@ Dopartmontlo traditional dia6011416- Llon to permit 0.o. activities in foreign countrieo oxcopt apparently in otioNiy territory. lo Latin Amerion partioularly, tho Rats Depart). wont Woe %he attittvia that, do ths majori%y of tho Latin American 00ootrioo havo ofrtoially adoptod tho Mb policy toward tho Ax, and 411 direot contribution@ rrOM Latin Arica to Axio warfaro in &traps er4 Intorruptod by maritimo blockado, tho prinoipal aims of MI polio/ Its bot)in Amortoa have boon aohlovods Thio attitude, of course, dm not tako into amount thot tho govornmems of moot Latin Amarioan Was tr10@, Oft th014/ At WAr with tho Axio, havo by far nob cuftioiontly implemented that polio and, motivatod largoly by opportunistic con. olderatIono, are hot likely to implement it bettors Thio attitudo rorthor (WO@ not tako into account that ouoh an important left@ a@ the protestion or tit@ position and intoromts of tho MIA, in Latin Amorioa horoolf to inoroaoingly ondangorod by Axis aotivitioo and that diplomatic promsure hag Largoly fallod to produoo oufficiont oountormitotion by tho Local governments agnInot ouch aotivitim It could thoroforo bo imagined 'Apt in viow of r000nt ovonto in Argonhina, Bolivia and Yaragyay . not to opoak of tho vioiblo dotorioration of tho Ule? pooltion in othor oi)untrioo, partioularly Maxioo tho State) Department sight today lend t?peir or gully to suggootiono or net), activitios in Latin America by an agonoy not involving tho authority and reoponsibility of tho Otato Department and thoroforo not ondangering its diplomatic positions num activitten appear to be the only on apt to check mounting ciorman influonoo, unl000 tho dtato Dopartmont should reverse the "000d Neighbor" polloy and apply tho powor of tho U.t against Latin America, which it ia very unlimily to do. '4 PHOONDURM 0/ UXTENBION 6=02)14124MUWWM*MUOUV ften Xt would appoar prematuro, at this juncturei to NONA to the Ost,sdotalled plane fur SA Belo organisationo even in the economic nom, and an 0?0. organisation in Latin Americas Out% plane have Wren In readineue for (IOW come time and this office could preset theivat mny moment, In general; the procedure which this officio would sweet to rollow would in oomo respecto be different free the procedure of the ribirs rt le not coly the opinion of this office that ono of the prinoipal mations', if not the principal ream; for the failure Of the )48)344in Isattn Ameriarro the lack of sufficient cover ulster which the F.B.I. is eccustemed to work down there. tt ke understand* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-R 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R00_0_1,004,Uuuu-r-1/4, Iteeowitoc.appe......,,,,....# AVM ? . Phr.- a woe Able that the F.B.I., being actuallY Poliao and not a loaret intent' twee cervices has more or lens appliod the NW methods in Latin Amerion ae it it' applying in the U.8,A., that mane operating in, general openly and under roferenee to ite authority an agent of the Use. Oevern. tont. Contrary to the set.v of the FasI., this office would euggeet not to inetall the chief agent and his assistants in the *busies, but to keep them as oompletely under cover as the eubsegents are generally hept. The dioadvantage of losing diplomotic protection would be more than componeatod by the more oomplete secrecy which this procedure guarenteeo. This procedure would further serve as a complete pro. tection for the diplomotio nervioes and would therefor* be apt to ob- viate objeotioneby the State Department which has alwaye tended to re. etrict F.B.I. activities in Latin Amerioa, in order not to embarrass the emb&oeiee. For thee? reaeone, this office, as explained in Port hoe, from Ito inception, vorked under cover of a ammonia company and done its very beet to protect this cover. Without much difficulty, chief agenile in Latin Amorioa could be installed under oommercial corer too, thus proviaing a woll.orgonised net of secret service connections which would have a goad chance not only of boing mmeh Utter protected against interfereneo by Axle comter.espionage and unfriendly governments, but aleo of beirAg Ole to penotralle much more family aLd incionspiouously the well-covered organisation of the airman economic.politioal *yet** Latin Amerioa. This, of course, would imply a more reserved attitude towerd the police services or whatever them is of secret services of the Latin Amerioun Governmente themselves, with whoa the]Pa6I6 is in more or lees close oentaot. While, in sae camesi it may be possible to obtain voluable information from such sources, they are mostly so corrupt, unreliable nnd dependent upon the constantly changing politioal scene that in balance the roeulte must be considered negatives Contacts with the embassies should be maintained only for two pur- pceeel 1/ To use the embassy foollitios for transferring laormation to the Use..A. (codes and ponchos) . at lout as long and AS far as secret ratio tronsmieeion dose not appear feasiblel To tpanefor to the embaesiee results of secret intelligence, as far am they are of interest to them, unlese it should appear preferable to tranefer such information via hwatparters in the U.S. to the State Departments Contact@ with the embasoiee should be most carefully kept uLder aovers It would further appear in the nature of a careful ant Mai devolopunt to proceed gradually. Although the present situation in the Argentine, for instanee, ?halloos** the courus ant intelligens* of 4 secret eerviee, it would appear howsrdous to *tart experiMmating ? Rci 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004 lp2se-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 WIRWOMEMOMM in the most difficult country of all. Chile appears to be the country in which the tide of German influence is hanging in the balance, and the situation yet not so difficult that a key station could not be established, with probability of success. Mexico appears to be the second country. Experience of time in these two countries would show whether the service may consider itself strong enough to go into the :heart of enemy activities, namely to Buenos Aires. Later stations in lambia and. Brazil would appear indicated. However, this and the ?t.ablishaent of stations in further countries should be open for te and adjustment, according to developments. t ? t, is clear that it will be difficult to give an estimate of 0944involved. In the long run, the mere expenses of the or- itself: office expenses, salaries etc., will not be as trAms the expense of obtaining information and, if S.O. action ',taken, of such action. As a rough estimate, an amount of ? - xiOonth would appear sufficient for the first half year for ' 10. stations in Chile and in. Mexico. To this estimate would,: , .expenses for maintaining contacts between tho5jti in the United States, such as travelling ave se 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 01)1tivi Declassified and Ap:27.04LFor7Reletzt?0204014160926/La6 :IA-11,09L13/.(00001, R_!:)00100400004-6 11.$ 14,111.'1 1.? itit,f th?oPit, 11111 vt 1,1 Ill I tst$1 111$, iiittt .01 .001 1.1 ..? itD? *.rit t {$1. 1,4111 r wth 'It; II 101404 i,ohtlfilLhitn G0104144AtioN i.i. vuld: H. Avito.0144n? 6ItidAm Pichnthoril, rillgAge WI JUNE.. ns Po 040Y. "04Mtiroll1hill otif14143 en fu? 1 *Au 140044 .1 Now York oorporptiona otiortored Aug 0 14,1o41# me viooforn tontitulnts rrOdIng NIWW, Gorpq wfth 44 Outhlr1410 01,0101 Of 610, so 411 404*04 MON Oer vow 1000 00ohe on tutoper 4o#0044 the 000 woe {hanged to olosfor4 COfte/Oltif0 Corporotions info ontorprI00 wit* originolly leoetoe ot 30 Peekofollor oleee, Now Yorh Clty, AN* York, but romovol *so ettootle 0. 10 goohotelior Plies In 10411 00or00 no Muhila aorta July ante** in Noithorg, OemPoonye 10 MirriOd and he onteroo /no ImItoe Itetto oft Posembor 00030 on on huolgretloh vie*. No hos hlo iirot oltPoonehip moor? one 1140 hie petition tor notwolimion on Jenutiry 100 iti441 No 'Noted NW kiwi 000hOMIOO ft neulleorg ono other oermoo Uh1V0Pittf#4* ;It. jurfl 00if too ON4mInetlan Itigif hIghot AVII /OrV100 ONOM410104 WC Pr011 lg.?, to 1013 he *04 in otomony C vil sorvous etrom I0,7 to )033 ho wee e doeftegnor to the olitvvraloont in the Mtolotry of trod* 4 CklaMotralif. tlioriFiloo0010110100 la intprnotiunol trod' Ond esohmmlosi In 1011 ho W40 df@cherp00 by Oonorol IftrIng 0000400 nt ontrallomi ottiludoes erom 0 to 1037 ho WOO iloolefont soeretory oi commoroftnoho Air.sonorf Hp dloohergod boil/coo *1 antlencal ebtfultfess urIng 1'0W It hititr?Seh tlithrl. il`fth ,11417 It+ cht-iffilnitt'fircIrm?5*.ou449. trtf;:Peli-4644%tifts14".4' 01.qi4Inve Af411 ki?801.)1 $ifiettf-t,t ettathgriltlis U.-1$ ti (0811/1ftcm 4 AN tY1401,1* No Y044 Cify#111#1444,2 ritrial 6 lAtorvil ottiONT 10 rinCniliteLviti 440m OtO V0:10 400roo U3 mobilo woo employeo by Ms, bank of monhottan Coe, In tho buolneee dom poholoh OttoortmohP. 1030 to 1940 NI) woo in Ph* Itpart doportmont ot 4ohoeing otth000tttm vOth the vvoetern Ontrnonto (Jorperotlo t:orthwatI0h, 0$ q400mosertioNsJ. 41noo 10411 no hos boon oonoultInc: 000ftwolet fn kA.IttIrm lewd,/ of Oaosmorriod Ond nottto Writ Mt I@ impA In 'ha :0 vet vo 3404y 40 No's., 44 to 8 Dpotelvor ot h6040M af 01000101 MIRO 4 Int9rnolon*I vaonomic proOloot olobola groduotod fftm lwerthmoro Conogo In 143?* uo grocotoe In IfttornotIonol 000ncimloe of Yale Unlveroity end the kende,' 3ohoo$ ,it lioonomloos No open, th# aommore of 1101V,1018, one 1039 Provenly In ror000, stoaleloo tvonoffily 'woolen)** rrom 1030 to po0 hip w00 004000d with nook.* feilor loot/aeon ronewohip of 01)0 Noel, on POP, loo flotoffoole tie) softwootly 41-Irk ' ItY, qg rosooreh otontmfote rho oeungll I0 e privet* rosooron orptinfeetion 01Mod th0 1,0f0 of eho cw01011 oh :wqlon "010tIMO. Of dib rDWIti 4trooto iti Net opfielof,0104 fn Amorfe4n f4,01541 polIqye oiouold j inoo we'llorn A:entinoftte Cor ON1 otion In mop 104,1 Ho I@ t it) author of Ph@ follo4 nip punnootIonoi NI* Ofttoof the In tor trod* eolleyr NO4 Yoe% Nil loeunoll on fere gh relettpnpla A boott ea the hull tfoue rigreomonf progrom ono how 10 *01 0104144 by the tfret la months A hv hoo wrilio,1 In oho qoorfeon r le roviowi toroln ettetro end ire* worl I wore 1:o hoo floe written 4ttledoo ol iieme of eiftorior ;.peign 11 zr traeo# ehloftln ne nco olso meao boak vovItmeli ;n vor NN pqrleditalOs June qu$100 214,4441100 O*Ph In r4O0d0 lb 0 noturensoe 910Inon ot th0 Ualt06 ;offoo .001001 of vomm0004141000,1116 aho hOtti VOPIOtio ettrotor ot 004/yen* -49t00, ,tio ottonooa Uftlwleolty 0# 444101400040140 41 m04110011000, 94111 oak 044411161 10 ch10*(10,111? In chicouo fro* ION) to 1%11 ond NI@ line euelneee monegor of the orator Joni/tem i40'.,1:t1 g000ttfhp oetivittoo OffloOt #6,10tOtOty difftehti4400 fte tim* 4.14ts ov filli) Og c)P thr Mt** titt tut grow , th10 eorlivrotion lo tnottippa In eomMerviel rsettalh,e0onyolo oftelyell, end Supftfte ftnanuipt olovi40 10 conno0r104 with flicoich cowrie% perfleularly Letin Ailler14110 hem) tor 'molt% 'retina /riot ono tregfag evolOolte. flip 4ertieolf to" Moot liwt"11111 beilhOdund r@Pieroil Ohd 14 Sh114:46 Ih thiOnelif 'tupelo ohli 6140 repOrre ofil etorrelit ftonomlo development*, Oh 0 plitoluse b'ele.. 111 sefftlieho the poet, the 101,040000 non oion enuegko In 0410.4i-tint? sonvitioloonellng Oveh INNS Mt 001064 040 poor IA*ft tool, 0)1114 oft 004 eaatiWftf 10PMits However, tho extortlnth pheee tIt. hti 1400 o tho limo hdliio. oQt@, 4140 to the ONSOI v oonditioneo Ado olmait been Nowtefely 0/6110fttlh404 or KONriNVOI tr,-AuflA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 $$ ? :*1 0101W I 1,C? (1111.,v1 ,"r , hanioltell, ttt Vf#4, felirrAtt 11,1 "I I,. 1,v It " Ha I', Inc, a. lame 0,1 1+i %INN fti? tii? iiih ttIt y V14411100 mA.troll s?illwriplotr. Comings, In STRUM CON. sgrnt? effintstrmi, tot Nur eltitilitiltUi114 ttt ItIttit4figl I ilftd kr no oilar puipvir. ri I Nts1 I !Uri Min N AMU, I1litiltiltt43 AN%) Ail,11$1.4% t on itINIIItrkils will! YOUR fINIQU; , ? . .4 ? 1 s $ALsTom 'ATIWNTs Cf?Rf-NATION 5ARC & 4NALTZA11ON NEw Yr,RK C1T 9#11,1f 4ORK & IMPO4 & CXORT WAGE *it CD 197 1 tiV.RCH 14,1944 C.NOD OF OPERATIOtWIRE HAZARD MONT.()) RENT, room 829 on the elehth flew of force, modern office building itch le la excellent condition, and which is one of the Rockefeller Plage groups. Amilindlir of tho building Is verlously tenented. ri L RtL ROtNo fires reported. FAN NCIAst. Interviewed march 90944, osorge H. Muhlea withheld financial detaileibut Indicated that operations aro on dn increesily profitable beefs. No did state that the corporation Is operating with modest funds and duo to the nature of the bush*** is n t a seeker of commercial credit. PAYMATS InGloontel purchases are reported to be made for cash. AWRY m.W.G?ME;r0 THIsC:)01011,1T10Not.UTABLISMED IN MAW 194140 ARE VERSED IN ECONOMICS, OnkRAII1N4 1F THL CW-IRATIA APE Repwreo TO dE IN A PROFITImiLE OAS1,,BUT 1.114.1 I INF011:A.TInN 15 v.1THHELD. 5-14-44 MI AN::,Kata 4 ?v, ? - I ? - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100400004-6 ? ? ??? ??? ' 1414- .4 ? " ' , . ? . , 1 ? , . ti,q- ? :1;1_ . - r 7r. ? , 4:4 2.. ? ???,,,..rritn,? , ;=--,---v cif.,,t1'' ..1- t.t,I...- ?t, 11 V !"7.L. :elter0,.?? .., I ''':':