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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ...... Pb, r r. � ...I to � ...... ���� ...... � .1 ....... ��� 1 t� ���� ��� � t 1 .� � � � � � r� AO �� t�t� ��,� � �� ��� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 OSS FORM 3061 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-b 77D, - Letter Memo Cable DATED: FRX: TO: 1 re DIRECTOR'S OFFICE CROSS REFERENCE SHEET e e TOP SECRET 4.1ECRET CON Fl DENTI AL RESTRI CTED FREE 1)PIGINAL FILED IN: FILE #: /40 �4.441:404-4040,64 )7 pal -4�74c4-1---, _ c,,, Pplease 2013/08/051 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified anpproved For Release 2013/08/05 d A CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-10 � � - �:. ORR Yoga allovisal) � OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATOGegi=21a.=1,_ FROM 4 t. M611.5.1.11011021.1.1.1�11�111PlitYla 1.1"# 'elte.14,441- � IDEFICRRt.t?___ OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 11.1111121.. emasmR/SO. -MI.. � IN 29156 sou.malin...=.�����������������MMit OR ACTION) DIRBOTOR (FOR INFORMATION) aiii:0161.4�1* '1 IP' IONNellion 'stators &PIKS 1*-411711611.11 3gCR2TAICLAT, VIAGROMs sinuireos RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER SNCNNT #20670 AZUSA, nom Berg to 106 and Dix. SECRET 10 Flute is impressed with Mergeneris discovery at his Instiim tuts for Stratosphore Physics at Friedriehsbaten of new modification of water that doos not freese except at minus 700 centigrade* Normal water cryatallizes in a hexagonal Systems Mogeneris is cubic systest; 20 Aeromdynamise Institute at Ooettingen employs 56000 Acko *rot, wind tunnel export here, prowNexi but Flute will pursue Aero dynamics inquiries* 39 Swiss Colonel in Geraany 2 montha ago reported to Flute that he saw experiments bejr mine throwers propelling gas that creates fine fog that descends and burns olothing0 40 Am pursuing other ehannels of inquiry* 5* Please extend Flute regawds to our Suits Schenectady through Teeter MD* Butts gave me independent introduction* e TOM 12/30/44 10:45 El SEUL f IT IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT. AUTHORIZA IS CABLE RETARIAT cr,r Rplease 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - � r4e;:z,".3.., � ktv st:',/ HEADQUARTERS ARMY GROUND FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL ARMY WAN COLLEGE WASHINGTON. D. C. Vajor annf,ral Will J. 9onovan, Office of :Arstecio lorvices, "vus4.!nrion, D. C. jeer Cleneral Thunk y nu very muoh for sonlinL me the available in your or6an1zation. Lo tno appropriate section or stafr and they will contact your office at a luter date to secure the films. d For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001T6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 et' ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � , 44 I (24t, CIA 6 v 6g:A 1,44 pa* lot 1 "..-k44 lb February 1946 General Joseph W. Stilwell Commanding General Army Ground Forces Army War College Washington, D. C. My dear General Stilwell: This stoney has recently obtained in the Mediterranean Theater a number of German training films dealing with chemloal warfare. In the belief that they may be of value to ths Army Oround Forees or, more particularly, to the Chemieal Warfare Service I am enclosing a list of the films together with a complete translation of German Training Film No. 413 entitled *The Importance of Artificial Smoke in Infantry Warfare. If you are interested in these films and will advise as to whom we should make them *Ven- able, we will be glad to arrange for their prompt delivery. Nnelosurse AWS:mr SECIEF -t � Sincerely; William J. Donovan Director 4N.1) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � ,���-� A�10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 10\11,� ;\ .tr911--1 � 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 7 ;4IIupt I * � roved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, D. C. ( ary 1.945 r, TO: Lt. Col. O. C. Doering, Jr. FROM; Lt. John W. English, Executive Officer 6411�L Enclosure (1) id a list of German Training Films \Q1 received from MUTO which have been ocreened by you and Mr. Cheaton. The titles are translated. , Field Photographic Branch :HIBJECT1 Enclosures 1 and 2 11) Encloouro (2) is a complete translation of German Training Film No. 413, "The Importance o1 Artificial Smoke In Infantry Warfare". � These films can be forwarded to tha Army Ground4 Forces or the Chemical Warfare in accordance with thei recommendation Of Col. Dix and hi a associates. Enclouures (2) Declassified and A A A te � ,*? er 4. � 00' g John W. E lith iv Lt., USNR C. roved For Release 2013/08/05 , re ri 4.1 at .1��� SEP? 1'. 't ' /, r fr. / 11,, I UNITED STATES OCWEINSralr-14 CT3 (stirkII EY 1)-1 ts, el I V6i Ill 1 TO pH I 1 MO 11 ant cl Att holpici I ti a ot-ioy an 110 ritiv 1tw and for t.�r Johlt ittioltrir ,Y14 1 WW1 rov pito' '&4H htla hritipt oti pi ti I',Ey-51 hal-. )tripe- art ell. yi.11 havei )4sr ';e� 4 '� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ������������11.1 . �741�..a. r. -� ' 4.2.� .4. � � 1 4- � .�� - � f � S., � IMMIllikiiimatosummaismaimeirimisunsensaimplineemk, FORM NO. 64 .5;����;�� f� � j: c2c- CA C )1' 6-).--a 0 Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVE13,NriTr---- t ( r . � 1.m (..,) TO Lieut. ten. W. D wi onov DATE: 19 DeCeMbei' 1944 FROM Col. H. W. Dix SUBJECT: flerman EYplosive and Propellant Praduction Attached is a copy of an interview with Fr. Antonin '3asch (111-171d) together with an interview sheet and a sketch. Iff Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ."`" Or Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 1.1 � irprommo romm NO 44 V...�/\/ It C; g - I Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVEraMfirr"61 TO : Brig. Oen. W. J. Donovan . FROM ; C01.41 H. W. Dix 041Jir SUBJECT. German xplosive and Propellant Production DeI/I-RH: ;791 ;I:r0:etnt\' CC November I 7 11;1;41 x )1.A t. 1944 " 112-4 "_ s. Attached in a copy of an interview with Dr. Rmil Csapc N41980for your information We are keeping the copies together here after you have read theft. Q u-Ar oJ - 01i ftc, (41 i - npclassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Oew� If� J� Denoven OM Lt4 11. If. Dix SUOJRCTI Gersten Ixploeives end Propellant Plante kttsehed is wetter eopy of letter to 04. Tnrser on the Oove eubjeet wt.* eerie* of the interview with lir. Vex Spitser 0415). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 . - Attached herewith is the OBS file copy of Naval Research Laboratory Mo. 1'-2373 dated September 23. Two reels of 16 mm. sound Kodachrome film, made by the Navy, have been given to Mrs. Caldwell for tatliA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 , r.?� ,-- , 1.1 'v-.4-,:,,,-2 F..q.)9, �.. ; tI V, ..,... , ,::. � 1. if: Cf ..." ..* ".. �7 ' e�-� J.- -.. - ' ... i. J ',..' ii .i' 1.". ., , � .-.. ,, ,71". ...,,,, .., 4 ,.., � i .. t 4, ,�� ���= � t ''' fri 7-) - �t .f.'-' f� � 011.1 - k Crt :7;,1; 1 L-i., t:,]...- i.� ..L.,:.;�11. inte.lr...":*.' t;'' -on. - ,L...., I; -, -- ...t. , .. -.,1 as' �*--.. .7,1- i..., el , t. - sl .4, pc ric)Nran .1' .'" ' f , , - J. i-, i ;1. I, �.� ...."1:;�'- ' :, f` 1 :I� 4-3 , . ...... . _ t t-, z.:', Ch ed 1 1 ei''o\., �L ..it--......l. i. -, Fr :-..', ' ,,... r .. ,. . , , -,,y : ,.... ; ,,,-�,�� c. , hil� '.1 .. .. 'I.N. I. rr rr'r : ,,,,' ...... .' L. 1 ' .-�,..P c� . - , ,r-�4..1.:(e'57'4Itt4 ,11 0 , �. t' ,,,, 4 �� i 1 I ,,,J, , .� ,,, .I. 4.. 44, �� 4. ,..., 4 4, .,. .....' ....,.., , -, � � ......, ,,.;,, . '..-44 � � .:,) r."...4.7.). 7 , ��� �-� - i ...�, r-'.%.? ,-, � - � ,- .1, . . , .' 1"( :.' 4 TIV..i....:1.1.,;4 . -......- .... r e el E, ol I. fk-''. 'Itlin :., 0 t.Z.414. Ind .":,:01.2] :". C ill, (.'J, .:,. , / ..�,� a . ., ..., ..., ...A. j.y. i).1--;..1..,,;, . � . ...._ ' October 11, 1944 o f ' ,'.-Yr2)t ember , t h e! T 3 , -0-011 , '0,1�JP�c" 4.4 *t���� - �"- rt, t o -'-- , ; '� "' ' � r :1;i14 � ; � ; 1.�*'� ' 6.7 1 , �:, � . ; � - 4 Ti A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 wr.v4parlo "vow Ho. 64 . /. " - -1� Ir,,,,.,,,,,�.00,,�wave�SAZ4011�Vdrifronitl9WwlearmormivAtIlot . Office Memorandum � UNITED 'STATES GpVERNMENT :�' . 1 TO I FROM SU B J ECT: � Brigadier ueneral William J. Donovan Henry Field Final Report on the Use of Chemical Materials as Shark Repellents DATE: October 11, 1944 Attached herewith is the OSS file copy of Naval Research Laboratory No. F-2373 dated September 23. Two reels of 16 mm. sound Kodachrome film, made by the Navy, have been given to Mrs. Caldwell for the files. 1 think you would be Interested to see this film. Attachment � ( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � �.1c1ssiried and Ap - roved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 W*W � Brigadier Ueneral William J. Donovan Henry Fielc Final Xeport on the Use of Chemical � Materials as &ark Kepellents. ' October 1944 � Attached herewith is the OBS file copy of Naval Research Laboratory No. r-2373 dated September 23. Two reels of 16 mm. sound Kodachrome film, made by the Navy, have been given to Mrs. Caldwell for the files. L think you would be interested to see this film. Attachment roved For Release 2013/08/05 : ce,t t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 PF. � / � . -, nrigadier Ueneral William J. Donovan Henry Field Final *sport on the Use pf Chemical Materials as Hhark Nepollents � Olt! - i "' Ootober 11, 19sir Attaohed herewith in the OBU file oopy of Naval Remenrch Ln1)oratory No. 0-077; dated September 23. Two reels of 16 sm. nound Kodsohrome film, mad* by the Navy, hnve boon given to Kr:;. Caldwell for the r1lie3. C. I think you would be interentud to see this film. Attnohmont 1 ' � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 411A 7-4.1 , cc. ; ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ` Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 I, � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 BRIM 23 Sop tombor '1944 4fl1fiewori, P.'.237 NAVY, DEPARTMENT II 1' 1, flit 1 po rt on, : Tho Uio or ,,chono citL Mo tt rifil r;:ihti.,rk f(opollonto NA VA1,, 1(114,1',EA RC 11 fATIOn ATOP A N A COST TAP A T TON WA S 1,1,11N(TON , 1).C, Numbo r of' Prip.08 : Tox Ati t.}10 r hot LI on :! E' ro ph rod : t(,,riod by: tcpprovod by : 1 o trI butinn: Ilu:;11 I ptt I. 119/3. 1.4 Pirt Lon - 1.0 If)/P- ( /4) (.) t'(;)), dil tod 9 Docombor 9 Apr1 II 19143 L o 1 4:1y1 94/4. 1 / ,49.e.(4) (11' r bo rt,:, Li (ut:, . ) ,, : 1, ., , _ i __IN_ .,_.... ____ ...._14...:,,, 410111111111,m.....* ......x......o.....?������=7, B i' I:, . rtnic)ii Chi, i) r' o1. 11r),(ie I 10, lit 1:1 l )1) r(1)1' I. I ,������������,11,.../{ P. Ho rorn,, �Cliond :j try Di vitt I on " 4. A . 11. Vim Ki,t, Pon , Rohr Ad nil rt 1, Il N, 1) I r, lc tor L._ S(JNI1.1) ( ON T, (3) ( For furthor trn nt - in I tt,n1, to A 1,1,15 NA 1 Dutton .) 13AI), (2) neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 "." 4.1 S _J � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 IMILLE-22.111= ABSTRACT ACKNOWLED4MENTS INTRODUCTION Authorization Statement of Problem Previous Work Bearing on the Problem Theoretical and Practical Considerations . . � � 1 1 1 1 2 METHODS USED 3 Laboratory Experimentation . . � � 3 Field Tests 4 DATA. AND. J.',WLTS. OBTAINED 5 Laboratory Data � 5 Results of Line Fishing Tests 6 Results of Mass Feeding Tests 9 _DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 10 Results of Field Tests 10 Package Design 12 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 PIATES 1-10 owe � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 .40 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 P -A.FIFIftrt`ift(:1' - 9 ' "'"7", � , 7 .. n r ; tkyl I -i .1 zi )r I, (in I: . 1 g... : i I ell, f ' (f.Tilli '11..4._ L1,111 .,., 1,(.. �,,,,11 1 'E-.-. `,:�..i.., l' ' T. '', i : 1 , !*�.1�:.;: ,...7,,,,, .'i."'1 1-1;,,.';', '1 f�-� ' ..' 1." ,:,.. ." ''' ".."-..*,�; -*P' 1r''..1. 4. 1,., I . .1, "C�1 '1 1 � 1 ' 'e '''' `� i'. )-.), �.'!"1"-." .1!..;! ' lil "[. ' ..!:1'1:;,f 'r.-1 , 'T,)",,,, i b.�,) f f `'i; i i s. )II �i, r". f'. 1).01...,,,,); o it,1 J1 1w ,.....11,-..,Q Csr) ip', � ', �tc2 1 1,-;',..r r'' . - 1 ' t I."e' .4r:',i'v. �ji, ?..-..^. ',.1 ,,,i '?, 1!'1,01, 1. .. .....c.; .74: , ,. . ,,, . ,,,.. ,,,.1 ,' ',,-.�i i,;:,,�.,:t�-;� !!!,,syri 1,,f-.,,Iii,:,.litc ,,,!.,y ,�,,L.,..{.1�11n),I.,,.1�re,i., ,�,!., 'iv 't 1 t Ir. ,,,Icti?., , t !:,,,,,j. J,�Iti, --i '1.,- , � -- - , ......, ' -;., .-..,,� 1 c,1 1 i, 1,10, 1 r. Pi y.ij .r.1.1.f.,11 t. fil !Jai ,Yr.111-,1,..CrIt;J..,?1,i.' E fler. !E r!' 1.,. %."EE-1, ..) i. i, t ;1, t ; ., ,,, .1.',.,..r.., ,.; .-, 1 i. , , sjt: .1.7.' ) 1":'�I: ,'1�,,...:( � !,i'ltr..,,,,,,,li!) *)..t.:},-1, b'ti;-:!'r 1.10ciii,t ,fItl1ril�I'4,1-tiy�Lit ft.".17- il,C(-/ i.,.: ' - !t, I 't.. ' L , .. ,:-. _ , 1,-1. t'. L ... ;:�.: i, ,,,i L. 4. :. ' � '-. r.1* ; t, I V.' " ' r �� ."' r i' r. I i,../ I. 'H. Hi, r L. t 'i....4J i.� it (It ttu irronT1 ''''''' 1 , ' , � ,.,:., ,_ r .,,.. ,1 i 1,. T ,f r ,,.....,,,, ,,,, �yr iry:.i,,,..ily, ,1,,,:i ,, ,,.,: ,; 1.1 ,,,I, ;� ! i.t II , )1,,f.,',,...; ,''!,:.:vi!',. \:11Ij,J, )1P ,I,'..e.1 ii11,1,11(.: 0 t e,. - 1 1,. 02-uri 'WM t .4. k '' im tir.11'1*.f,i f f Tr , ) f)r, 1/(..),V.+ ' ,i . r" , ,..� " r , ' ,','' : I I i l 1,...:." 3 c" Ili.. o ill' i 1,,t7. 1.." ' ! . !. ; , �,�....1,' 'ik 1 " 1 7!" , ,.,, . 11,r,.,4 ,1', ��, 1 ),,,,, ,,i,".. ) I.., j i ...,:�.,,, ,,,,,,,, rt, ,t,.., 114,1 1,,,I) 1,,,, lit.:)..11,,f '.r.j.f" F. ..., t 1, ,d,,,., r I i , ' 1 ', .�,"It c. 1 .. ', E".", 4%0{5.'1,L",�,'" I.E. ' .',[1.1 I ' �, ��� i ! , , , :.: ' ' _''," � 'L.P' t . O. '41 r I , 'e" r 1, C' 1' 1 'i 1? 1 r ' I NI' 11 II 1 .r) ..1�, I '1 I I. rt( 1,, ,-,.. �, ,,, , ,., , ...._ �,... .. , T H , a j t ,, (,s_ ,,,' t ;.,,,,' l 4, , ,,,, .1,1�, i t i 1 .: ' '' .� '' I, g''.1,' ' / 0,:,l'i� E,1' 1 'El:, E: 1�11 . 1,1 r''.,!, th,..,:j or I I ,,,,, 1 Two Colic.', i .,-- � ..t r 1r ' ' r � ' I , " 1 ;. d,,''.. ,�,. ' ' ' ' . 1 i �.0 ,;'' '' :1 ; ?. . � ,, 1: , : v; , 4 �, ". 1 .,,�-�- '-',,%"i I, ; if 1,:i , 1-1! tl LI 11 ...,1,11� Irli 1,L r 7 .1 1 (If ,,,,, i T.,,,, w,�1 rni. , � � ;,, 7 l . � - ; .t., � ' . - ,t . . , I ,' . Ir 7,, ,..:,', ;11', i I 4 ' ,( r 1 4 , .rt , t z. 't �r � ; I * 't.* � j- ; � 00 tIr 4/P it14';'r z ; ., ".1'1. It . Iii."1 If il jp`j.1 ?.. ri,. j :k , .1:1 :1 ..?+;,1 / I. 1 `ii1:71,.1 ii,(1,'- '; 'ic., lir'0,z, ..'14 k t.,:.' .7 ^ , ',,.;;1?' t I, Ilr.,, 1,.'1' ). rt I. Ili lel Lilt, li:ti' r) I. 1.111:!. � I n Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � 4 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 L. The nsoistnnee of ether members of the Laboratory staff not mentioned in the body of this report ia respectfully AO. knowledged. Stewart Springer formerly of this Laborntery nnd nt present asaeointed with the Reed-Mnrtin Labernt*ien, Fort Myers, Florida, and Lieut$00 0.11. Wnllace USNR, were active- ly connected with the field tenting program. Mr, F. . Rrinnick, A1140011A0 chemiet, wna instrumentnl in carrying out much of the laborntory development of tho ropollcint unit, Declassified and Approved 'For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ueciassified and Approved Fo e ease 2013/08/05. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � .141=110- le ANIWAAAWM4 The rosooroh on thin problom nt tho laborotory WA* AUthy oris-4 by 4 iiirootivo originoting with tho ohtor of tho Buroftu or Ohip* to tho Dirootor or .00 Nava Hosoornh Laborotory, 0.40/11(q)(14/) dotod 9 April 1943# Purthor outtioriontion WAA oontoinod in lottors from tho witor of tho Buroou of fillips to tho Dirootor of tho Novol Roaooroh laborotory; L9/Po(4)(316) dotod 9 D000mbor 1941; nnd LO/P-(4)(136)(6105O) dotod 2P Moroh 1)44. 24 gla btudioo on tho dovolopmont And tonting of 4 ohork ropollont hi4 boon undor wfty for olmomt yoor by oLhor invontigotorm ot thd timo tho Loborotory wom outhorisod to Nem work on tho problem, A oub- otonoo, ooppor 000toto, hod boon molootod by thong tovootigotoro; n1 it offoom, t1von000 ho 4 shark ropollont ovoluotod, Tho MOM problom ot thot timo oppoorod to bo tho tievolopmdnt of n ouitoblo oontainor or dovino thot would pormit tho ropoliont Motoriol tn bo uood offiolontly and 000nominolly find thot nould bowfirn on lit% iatkots or ()lathing without tnoonvonionoo, 3, Tho problom �bonged in ohorootor AM work progromoode Furthor tooting of thd ropollont quiiittiss of ooppor 000tota won indinotod, 4nd whon it b000mo ovio dent thot undor oortoin condition* tho motortol loot muoh of Ito effootivonoso the 000roh fnr othor motoriolo AP ahork ropollontm WAP ontively pursuod, Tho neoroh for new ohork ropollont motoriolm WAR 000rdinatod with on oxtonoivo pro- grom or rteld tooting ond dovolopmont of 4 prontiool unit for ourvivol UPOs X0446 A Novol R0000roh Loborotory Report No, P-2210 doted 2 obruory 1944 ontitlod 'Tint Portiol Roport ftn th@ Ulm of Chominol Motoriale AP Mhork Ropollonto" oummorlsod Lilo work of other invooLi- ghtorti on the problem ond domoribod tho wnrk or tho Loborotnry nn tho oubsloot up to thot timo, t), pork on the projoot by provinuo 1nvoot1gotoro PAP initiotod by n diroo- tivo lomiliebd Jun. 1942 by tho Ohior of tho Dursou or Aoronoution, in oomplionoo with whit* g or,Arftot WAN mot% with Morino (Audio', mo, by tho Oommittoo on Mi4, tool liosooroh of tho Offioo of gotontirio Roftooroh And Dovolopmont, Tho rooultm or this work by th000 invootigotoro indtnotod that oortoin ohomtool MAt4r1,4114 pnosenosini shark ropollont proporttoo and that ooppor onototo in portioulor **Wed strong ropollont proportioo both in tank toots At tho woodm Bolo O000nogrophio Instituto ond in Ttold tooto in tho Oulf of Ouoyoquil on tho omit of louodor, 6. Tho work or this Loborotory WAP bogun in April 1743 AP A 000porotive or- rort with tho flommittoo on Modtnol Romooroh anti was 3otor norriod out indoponds ontly whim that group torminotod work nti tho prodoot in August 19431 Tho work or tho Loboratory AP dosoribod in Hoport No, P02230 oomprinod both loborotoryox- portmontotton ond fiold tooting, 7, Tho laboratory exporimontation AN previously roportod tsy bo summoriood briofly AP tho formulation of ooppor ftoototo into a oonvoniont oaks form, oearoh for other ohemioal moortiam with shark ropollont proportioe, and tho ores binstion of tho oricria WoortAle tnto * prootiool shark ropollont units Tho .oylindrioal oaks form of oopper acetate was designed as a oonvotkient preotioal form of the material to be used for individual protootton, The uniform and sistent rate of solution of the material in this form also made possible more aeourately oontrolled field tests. flTPIXCT 30 � c ossified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : � � I � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 8. When it wax found that under certain conditions copper acetate was less effective is a repellent than the original tests had indieeted, a mearch WAS be- gun for other chemics1 materials which might be added to it to enhance its of- feotiveness under varied conditions. The field of clerk dyestuffs was invostige- ted, bine' it eppeerod thst the visuel sense of the shark was important in the circumstances where copper eoetate suffered its loss of �reactiveness. None of the existing dyestuffs fulfilled ell of the requirements of high tinctorial strength, solubility in sea water and compatability with copper Acetate. Throe,* the cooperatien of the Calco Chemical Division of the American Cyanamid Compeny, a modified nigrosine type dye was developed with el: of the requisite properties. It possessed a very high tinctorial strength, WAS reedily soluble in sea water and when combined with copper acetete in sufficient proportions, meintained a pH which onebled the copper salt to dissolve uniformly in SO4 water. 9. While the shark repellent properties of the dye, Woo WBSR, were being proved by field tests, the Laboretory experimentation WAS concentrated on the provoment of A Wilt to be used for individuel protection. The flat compressed cake -am originally developed for copper acetate possessed the desirable �herec. teristios of A noerly uniform rate of solution throughout most of its life, but none of the bind:int*, agents WAS completely setisfactory in giving the desired strength. When the difficulty of the precipitation of the copper by SOA water was eliminated by the inclusion of Cele� WBSR in tho formula, it Wen possible to orioles� the cake in a porous bag. The porous beg give protection to the cake of repellent yet it permitted the dissolved material to peas through readily. By forming the cake within the porous beg, air spaces were eliminated and theresub. ing density of the unit WAS sufficient to OAUS0 It to sink in 404 water. AweAor eolublo wax, Carbowax 1400v was used AS a binding agent. This WAX hes 4 molting point of aboutle0 se that the repellent mixture could be pressed while the wax was molten, thereby forming A uniform dense cake when the wax solidified. 10. The porous bag centeining the repellent oaks was enclosed in a water- proof envelope made of A vinyl-copolymer coated fabric, The envelope was closed by haat sealing and provided with en easy-opening flap permitting quick release of the inner beg when need for the repellent arose. The inner beg was made fast to the outer envelope by a length of cotton tape so that it would hang suspended billow the ewer in the water. 11. The field tests that were reported included line testa by which the ef- fectiveness of copper eoetate and of dark dyes wee evelueted. Aleo included in the field tests were studies of the diffusion pattern formed by the repellent materiel AO it dissolved in sea water, both from A unit as used in bait tests end also from a unit as would be used by A floating survivor. Studies of the rates of solution of the repellent unit were made as the design wee improved in order to insure an adequate rate for protection and MAXIMUM life of the unit. 12. IhipioI i9tioal Qd.ratio, Although the system of lino fishing test. describedin the senior report gives actual numerical data on the effectiveness of A repellent substance in protecting baltm, the results of such t4sta are more an evaluation of the relative merits of the various substances tested then a measure of their usefulness in actual human survival. Field tests of this nature ere none the loss important. A program of field testing based on bait tests makes possible the comparison of various repellent substances, end by varying the conditional under which the tests are carried out the over-all effec- tiveness of a substance can be determined, Other advantages of bait tests over RINTRICTID �� 2 npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 t. J � � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 . CIA- P13X00001R000100430001-b observAtions of the resulta in notunl nurvival use Are the amid with which the desired date can be obtAined, the nbility to gat aufficient dntn to be ntetimm tionlly eignificAnt, And the prnotionbility of having qualified obeervere et the scene of the teat to properly interpret the reaulte. The objective dopted W44 to obtain the moot effective repellent substnnoe thnt oould be developed within ti reAsonable period And to produce tho moat practioal unit that could be declined on the beide of existing knowledge. If aubetantiated reporte of notunl uee of the repellent in human survival indicate some modification of the formuletion or the design, ouch modifications should be carefully considered. 13. The portion of the work on the problem dealing with laboratory experi- mentftion hes boon lergely covered in nn earlier report, nnd only that pert not previously reported will be given in detail here. A part of the field testing wee presented in the earlier report, but the methode used And the results of All field tooting done by this Laboratory are included in this report in order to give to each phase of the tests Its proper significance. ASISLLIga 14. lagiedaryjauxiaratataas Thin work was made up lnegely of the devel- opment of the repellent materiels, studies of solubility and tinotorinl strength of the materials, the production of a satisfactory unit for individual protec* Mon, and further studies of the unit for rates of diffusion, length of life and morel mervioohbility. 15. The use of copper acetate as n shark repellent material was proposed and first tented by the committee on Medical Itenearoh before the Laboratory began work on the problem. The development of the dyestuff, Chico WBSR, was done by Chico Chemical Company in response to a request by the Laboratory for 4 dark dye with a high tinctorial value, readily soluble in sea water, and compatible with copper acetate. Studies of tinotoriel strength were made with a Cenoovaantorde Sheard Ibetisloroter calibrated against neutral density !liters. Transmission data were obtained for solutions in distilled water and sea water with and without copper noetnte added. Transmission mennurements were also used later to follow the rate of diffusion of the repellent material from the individual units. The nen water wan prepared nynthetioally, from C.?. chemicals according to the fol- lowing formula: Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2 � MIA) Calcium Chloride (CnC12 � 21120) Anhydroun Sodium Sulfate (Na2504) Sodium Chloride (1441) 11.0 Urn/liter 1.6 6.0 H 2,0 16. The competnbility of the dye with copper acetate Was studied by means of Oli mensurementn as well as by transmission data. The pH of sea water IS suffi- ciently high to precipitate copper from dilute solutions of copper acetate so that one of the requisites of the dye was that it maintain the pH of MO4 water solutions of the mixture at it point where tho copper would not be preoipitated. Measurements were made with A Coleman pH meter at various concentrations of the dye alone and of the dye�copper Acetate mixture. 17. Individual units of the repellent materials for use in bait tests were made up by mixing the repellent with suitable binding and nolubilising agents and then for' ing into n dense cake by pressing in a steel die with a laboratory 4 AVM= 0 � e, � 3 � .1% --P;:lease 2-013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010043000 c",- - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � model hydraulic press. The design and development of the units for actual sur- vival use w-s somewhat different and will be treated at a later point in this report. 18. Field Tests 4 The repellent value of a substance was determined by its ability to protect a suitable bait under a variety of conditions. The use of live animals or freshly killed animals was considered by the original investiga- tors for the Committee on Medical Research but was judged impractical. These investigators used a method of determining the ability of a substance to protect bait fish to evaluate its effectiveness as a shark repellent. This method wifq some modifications was used for the first part of the Naval Research Laboratory field tests. Two shark lines were used simultaneously, identical except for the presence of a repellent on one line; the other line acted as a control. The baits on the hooks were suspended at the desired depths by means of floats. The lines were fished from the stern of an anchored boat and were kept separated a distance of 25 to 50 feet by means of outriggers and small paravanes. 19. Plate 1, Figures 1 and 2, are underwater photographs showing the rela*. tionship of the paravane, float, repellent and bait. Figure 1 is a picture oi the line with a repellent unit attached while the line in Figure 2 has a dummy repellent cake of bakelite attached and acts as a control. The repellent was attached at the lead sinker so that its depth did not change. The depth of the bait depended somewhat on the rate of the current, consequently, it did not at all times remain in the repellent as it diffused downer -ent from the repellent cake. 20. The edges of the flat cylindrical repellent cake were protected toorrattice the repellentoto dissolve from the unprotected face at a uniform rate. A rate of solution of 30 grams per hour was chosen as a standard for the lire fishing tests. This rate would vary with the temperature of tho water, rate of current flow and roughness of the surface water, but under average conditions a 100 gram cake would last slightly more than 3 hours. 21. In another type of test, instead of fishing a control and a repellent line simultaneously, two control lines were fished for a definite period, then two repellent lines, and finally two control lines again. In this way the rate at which the shark could be expected to be caught was established by the control periods and the effectiveness of the repellent was determined by comparing that rate with the rate at which they were caught when the repellent was used. 22. The repellent was also tested against large groups of sharks feeding on the surface. This made feeding condition exists where a large amount of food such as fish or garbage is thrown repeatedly into an area inhabited by sharks. The sharks become accustomed to taking the discarded material and feed voracious- ly on the surface whenever the food is thrown over. Field tests were conducted in the vicinity of Mayport, Florida, wherel,during the months of May and June, large numbern of sharks follow the shrimp boats to feed on the trash fish that is taken in the shrimp trawl and discarded. The purpose of the tests was to de- termine the effectiveness of the repellent material in stopping the sharks from feeding on the trash fish which they ordinarily took so voraciously. The first tests of this nature were conducted from a boat other than a shrimper. A quan- tity of bait fish was taken aboard and the boat brought alongside a shrimp boat that was discarding trash fish. By throwing over bait from the experimental boat just as the discarding of trash fish from the shrimper was discontinued the -4- - PIMP Won aw. _ afilIPWWW� enr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � � sharks could be induced to follow the exporimental boat, and take the bait as it was thrown over. A sea wator solution of tho ropollont material was then sprayed on the surface of the water and bait fish thrown into the treated area. Tho of- footivoness of the repellont was judged by the extent to which it was able to stop tho fooding on tho surface. 23. This method of testing was only partly successful. It was difficult to keep4the sharks in tho vicinity of the experimental boat because tho sharks had evidently become so highly conditionod that thoy could readily difforontiato be- twoon the experimontal boat and the shrimp boats from which they ordinarily ro- coivod their food. For this roason it was difficult to determine whothor tho ropollont material drovo tho sharks from tho vicinity of the experimental boat or whether thoy left of thoir own volition. Another difficulty mot with in this typo of toot was that tho action took place in such a short space of time that it was difficult to Atain any quantitative numerical data to substantiate the obeorvod results. 24. Tho first difficulty was ovoroomo by carrying out tests from boats ac- tually engaged in shrimping oporations. In this case tho prosenco of the shrimp trawl, tho sound of tho motors and other factors wore exactly those to which the sharks wore conditionod and as long as bait fish was thrown over, there was no difficulty in keeping the sharks in tho vicinity of tho boat. The difficulty of obtaining numerical data was ovoroome by the use of motion picture!lphotogra- phy. By this moans tho activity of tho sharks on tho surface at the stern of tho shrimper, tho manner in which tho repellent material was used and the offoct of the ropollont on the shark activity could be shown. The Photographic Science Laboratory of tho Bureau of Aoronautios collaborated with this Laboratory in tho production of a 16 mm. Kodachromo film which is not only a photographic record of tho fiold testa but also tolls briefly tho entire story of tho development of n shark ropollont for survival uao. 25. Plato 2, Figuros 1 and 2, aro photographs showing the activity of tho sharks at tho stern of a shrimp boat as trash fish is being thrown over. The linen to tho trawl are visible. Plato 3, Figs. 1 and 2, are additional shots of sharks feoding on the surface. 26, Tho sharks dealt with in the mass feeding tests wore mostly of the com- mon black tip variety, Carcharinua Limbatua, a species not generally considered dangerous to man. These sharks woro of an averago aisle of five to seven feet. It may be cons idorod pertinent, however, that at tho same time that tho tests woro being conductod in the vicinity of Mayport, Florida, a young girl was bit- ton, apparently by a shark, whilo bathing on the beach in 3 to 4 feet of water. Plates 4, Figs. 1 and 2, aro photographs of tho wound, a typical shark-bite, which wore taken at tho d4spensary of the Mayport Naval Frontier Base where the girl was brought for emergency treatment. DATA AND 27. ;Aborat2rv Dota4 The tinotorial strength of many dyes was measured pho- tometrically VIA only thoao data on the dyestuff, Calco WBSR,and its combination with copper acetate are included hero. Transmission vs. concentration curves are given in Plato 5. The curves are for tho pure dyostu f, Calco BSR, in syn- thetic sea water and for an 63/20 mixture of the d$re and c per acetate. The curves were obtained with a Conco-Sanford-Sheard Photolome er with tungsten ; �vOie npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � ..111/��� light. For further identification of the repellent mixture the transmission characteristics were measured using a Wratten 09 filter. At a concentration of 40 p.p.m, the repellent mixture showed a tranemisnion for white light of 36% while at the wave length given by the Wratten 09 filter the transmission for the same solution was 50%. 2A. A spectral transmission curve for the mixture containing 76% dye, 19% coppt,r ftcetnte and 5% Carbowax 4000 was prepared by the Calco Chemical Division of American Cyanamid Company. This curve in reproduced in Plate 6. The concen- tration used W4N, 40 T.p.m. in distilled water. 29. Hydrogen ton concentration measurements were made by means of a Coleman glass electrode pH motor. The results of meanuremento on synthetic sea water solutions of the dye, MR, and of the 80/20 mixture of the dye and copper ace- tate are given in the following table. LasalA 50 100 250 500 1000 5000 10000 25000 50000 1(0000 pH " 6,2 Se ell a 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 '.9 PH S�11: .of 891.Etaa.: 6.6 6.5 60 5.6 5.2 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.8 10. Biama/J.91.1dpialalmjuals Lino testi were conducted in the vicini- ty or St. Augustine, Florida; Riloxi, Miestseippi; and the Florida Keys. Seriee I, II, and TIT nro tests of the repellent value of copper acetate. Series TV and V are tests of the dye, WA. In all oases, the rate of solution was approx- imately 10 grams of repellent per hour. Tents conducted ati Riga: � Baal Repellents Type of Sharks: =Ma 12.110.a. North River, St. Augustine, Florida, July 1943 between hours of 1910 and 0500. Two similar rigs used, one of which was protected with re- pellent oak. Floato used so that baits hung from 5 to 15 feat below the surface and repellent cake was attached 30 to 4.8 inches from bait. Fresh shrimp.. Copper acetate. %all hammerhead and shovelnese. 6 ' a I airso� _ anan I-4 nnmvAd For Release 2013/08/05. �II .110.1110.01. % 4411111 13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Results; limber of oharks caught on control line - 25 ilmober of sharks caught on repellent line- 7 Percent effectiveness ----- - 72 arieg-W: Teats conducted att f;handeleur Inland, LotAstana, off Biloxi, Mississippi, 30 July 1943 to Aurust 1943 between hours of 0730 and 2000. Rigs: Two similar rigs "med., one with repellent cake. Floats used to auspen4 baits about 3 feet below surface. Repel- lent cake attached 10 inches from bait. Baits Repelle6ts Copper acetate. Fresh white trout and ground mullet. Type. of sh4rki:07 Black tip and one sharp nose, other types including ham- merhead, lemon shark and tiger shark, known to be in vic- inity. Condition of sharkss The sharks were stirred up and brought to the aurface by dragging a shrimp trawl and by chumming. The 'mots have been divided into two parts arbitrarily on the basis of rate of fishing. During the period of great shark activ- ity the sharks often struck the bait a few seconds after It struck the water and it is possible that some of the sharks attacked the bait without encountering any of the repellent. Results' Period of great c.211112,1**eep shark activity 67 37 Period or lesser activity 4L 11 Combined periods 113 48 Percent LT.12.elinattg 45 76 58 DIX1211.11.1.. Tests conducted at: Florida Keys off Bahia Honda Channel, 12 October and 11 December 1943 during hours of 1000 and 2000. Bigot Two similar rigs used, one with repellent cake attached 36 inches from bait. Floats uned to keep baits about 12 feet below surface. **Numbersinclude both catches and raltrik7,0. *The test represented by 5er1en IT was conducted by the Committee on Medical Re- mearch with the cooperation of A representative of the Naval Research laboratory. 0.111.1���..kmawmurraremisr gerwirommullivinr IP-, mon - 7 - � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13xonnnlipnnnlrmAonnr, .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 .1 ,.�-:' 1. '11 f � 1'. ''' ''..' ' �' I , ;n; , C; ' *4; et i ,P ,1 9 k ;;;; � 0 ; :-.., , � ' '� .:'; ,. .. 11 t: ' � � 43 , II :._ L. c.� 1 , i 1, t,., �.3 33 I'. V 1, I � ; 6 ,:�, 1� V ,� ' '1�N : 1. i, i � ,... CI f, { ' ,� , ,I, I ! . IiC 1'4;1 1 ..; , rL :.' r ., ,, L " f ..,. ,1- '1�, 1, �� I '1111 1, �'. �� 1 1. 1 , ?�N'' i' � I ,,. .... � � 0, 'I I i i!,.1.11' t3 ,4 (2 I ',I t. 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Id ;11( : '1',. 1'0'V I Ott hi,\''',� ' 11(.1;1 I' 1 NIti.1*,;�, i ?t, 'U. '' 11` 1 i'''' i'*1 i 1:,i 'll 1 ' , , L [ .-1( 114,71..1 ' 1 '''' '''''' �.1�'t ; - , 1 i /^ .0 I I'l 1 1 r I I' V l' i, K 0 0, 1,1i It I I! . rrlpt? 1,,i k?t� ti kitt '.,',1 1114, (..t?I'M , , ,, , , , 1 ' , ,i, , Li , '' li, ' I'W,`,1 �v I tit) taJ�olIk; rh)tilirl (;111'111r0,!.(N'Ittli 1.1tot,hq1 ailifl hykt,mi (.,,hokl( I f. I; 11 � . � � rolto 1 Lollt, na-!k 1 11' 0 1 l�r, )1%1 1)00 toll ,.,, , 1,i1,1 t.ii I i,' ,I'ilili. ,110 1 ot\I rillt'-,, b , 1.7 ,, , .1: �, :t, .) e� n- n ',.' .....,3 I , 1 I � ,,,, I, , ,,, -j, H I, ',11 L ' t , !, HI -, I , It',,, ', . 1 , I � li , 1( 1`:,:;-11( I( 4111 l' ' I', 11 .� 1"' . 12 '! ,, ....011,01.1t, ..e.g ',., !!....L' 31-.:4.,::, .. V, ; I ,,. J.-1" .. 1. , , _... ,,,, �. ' H,', '0 1 , � , " , , �, 1� ,, � , , :�, 1, ' ; .�, H H ,�: , ii, I� ; ,_ 1 . ..p , I, ;I C. 1 1. I I l',. ,0�,. � ..� ... ' 4 1, i . , . � I 1 1 CV r,,, �.. L.1.1 0 1,.� , * r I I ;:. ' ' I ,I; I , i'i, 1 I. .'" 1. J .:' :, .,' ' :,1 L., :, ., :::',1i..',' ''' '', l ''''' ',. :':'.1 .;,'' '; l'I: .,.' ','''''i','li' .L: , ," ,I , t. I Ili/ ' ' '' r ,,. � 141611111mik,-. 11111.11111111Mh ' I \ ��� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 +VP. Baits Fresh mullet. Repellents Dyestuff Woo WBSR. Type of Shark's Black tip, black none and *harp nos*. Condition of Sharks, Chumming with chopped mullet At a relatively constant rate throughout test. Result's let ridhing period es 1001m1nutos, no repellent Sharks caught 12 Strikes 9 Oreatest interval between actions 13 minutem 2nd fishing period - 100 minutes, repellent used. Sharka caught 0 Strikes 0 Greatest interval between actions 100 minutes. 3rd fishing period - 58 minutes, no repellent. Sharks caught 4 Strikes 2 Oreateat interval between actions 21 minutes. 31. Result. of The first tests of a repellent mater- iel Against large numbers of sharks on the surface wore conducted by the inves- tigators for the Committee on Medical Researeh in the vicinity of St. Augustine during May 1943. rn these teats it was demonstrated that copper Acetate loot most of its effectiveness AS a repellent under the conditions of mass feeding. Tont' with dark water-aoluble dye were conducted near Mayport, Florida in Juno, 19430 near Biloxi, Mississippi in August 1943 and Again At Mayport and Fernan- dina, Florida in September 1943. In none of these inotencea, however, was the activity of the sharks sufficiently ,teat to make tho restate of the tests con- clusive. They did indicate in A qualitative way that the dark dyes possessed repellent qualities aguinst the mob action displayed by surface feeding sharks. 32. A more extensive series of tests was planned in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Cale� WBSR, copper acetate mixture urlder mass feeding con- ditions atter the repellent qualities of the dye had boon established by line tests. These mass feeding tests wore carried out in the vicinity of Mayport, Florida between 27 May and 3 Juno 1944. i2X1ALL This series of tests woo conducted from an experimental fishing boat that had boon engaged in work for the United States Bureau of Fisheries. The boat was equipped for menhaden fishing and had a crow's nest 40 foot above the waterline from which the cameraman was able to work. =NM � 9 � � ONO. b Jb1/4�011,111. +Net � nprIassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Imodififteltios met with in attempting to get succoleful teste from the experimental fisheries boat have already been mentioned, nherke were in- dueed to reed on Nit filth thrown on the surfene from the experimentel boat, and &MCI water molution of repellent wam 'preyed among them. A def- inite lessening of ectivity of the eharke could be noted when the repellent wee used, but in oontrol rune when no repellent Wee used there WAN &leo a gredual lemming of activity, making an exact evaluation of the effeotive- nevi of the repellent diffioult. When it become obvioun thet it would be impommible to mnintain any memblanne of uniform antivity or oherka in the vicinity of the exporimentel finhertea boat, operetione were treneferred to e ;shrimp boat aotually engaged in trawling for Oriel). XI Thee* testa were nonduoted from A ohrimp beet where there was little diffinulty in obtaining thi demired sherk eetivity on the murfece end as long as tresh fish WAR thrown overboerd there eproered to be no lennening of notivity of the Marks. When 4 shovelful of trash fish WAN thrown over, the nherke would strike it almoot immedietely within A row root of the boost And churn the water As large numbers of the oharke oompeted for the food. (see Pleto 2). The shrimp trowl wan boIng drngged during thono op- erettons with the bont making two to three miles per hour. For thia mo- on the shrimp boat would greduelly pul3 nwny from the nottvity ()entered About Any one shovOrul or fish thet WI been thrown over, but the nharks were sufficiently plentiful thet win suooeeding nhovelful would nlmo bo teken elmont immediately. The treeh fish Wee thrown over by nhovelnrul near the stern with the bent mlowly under wny. Then n 5% mon water nolu- tion or the WPOR-oopper eoetate mixture WAO aprayed overboard neer the bow forming 4 ribbon-like pettern 10 to 12 feet wide no the beet moved through the ruder. The trash ih wan disoerled at c untrorh, vete, And won thrown into the repellent trented Aron when thnb nree renohed the stern, rn thin test nli immediate Activity won ntopped by the repellent in the treated hrOn with the trash flab flooding untouohed on the nurrnee until the re- pellent became so diluted thnt it no longer offered protection. When the spraying or the repellent W4R dincontinued the nhnrkm could ngnin be gred- wally brought beck to feed nt the stern of the bont. The Action during this tent wan recorded on 16 mm. Kodnohrome motion picture films Thin wan another type of mess feeding test conducted from the shrimp host. The surfnee shnrk nativity wow obtftlned In the snmo manner AR in fieries II, but the dry repellent mixture W40 used inntend of ft see %oder solution. The dry repellent mixture comprising MO% (Woo Wliat end 20% cop- per eoetete WAR mixed with to quentity of tremh fish from the shrimp trawl, The approximate proportion of the repenent mixture used Wee 5% by weight. Ouonematve mhovelsrui of clean trash finh were thrown over and tnken almont immedinte4 by the shArks. With no time intervAl interpomed several por- tions of the repollent-treeted fish were thrown over. Activity wee obeerved In the vicinity of the repellent-treaded fish lament immodintoly but it WAN primerily a churning of the 'oder and it WAN not posaible to observe whether *my or the fish was actually teken. The notion oterted et elmont the in- !dent the treeted trash fish hit the water before the repellent hed time to dissolve appreciably. The eotivity otopped an the repellent diffused throughout the area. In the second end third temte of thin nerien the only nativity that WAN observed in the vicinity or the treated trash fimh were sharks moving awey after they had evidently been attreoted by the mplamh in the ,water, and then driven away by contaot with the repollents A motion picture MAI= lo � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � 6 ;:, 9-1-000�17001-0001-0000X�1,c1C11-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej JOd panaiddv pue PeWsseloaCI , 3 � , � , 15. �., t ITITITittrITT . 110'011110 ik1.111 1"1 0011,0 1,11 Oil ,..A1 11.1111,11111d6 110; 10111 .311;11 1 ridm,,I mu r).1 i Id or,1 gritilo r,311 o 1 �II 3 ifl111.11 31, 113111111A t1)1.10130 1.0111,'"10111 :411 3 010111111 4()1:1 , P000 ,3 1 31,1 31�1,1 411 ,1 31 A4:1 ti 3 t13 1101f11113 1ctle,,, "moil -r'i3�1 1-1 i ,i,t-1�0(-) tlAkid.i q't 11it,ii.,;lkiiii 1,0(10,c $1:',,I 3) Ill fm 31611_1111 1101.1 13011,11 ;5131 11;i1,3,�1,� *130 3.1 17,111,11 ,11,1,1 1,111'311111111.10 16111,1 1111,.,10r1'1111c1 ;111'1 11,1;1030_ 11(.10 411 1*1111 1.011113d X 3 ;111.111:11111111 p! 11(t/4 - ,1i-,.1 3 0,\A il,c.)1(1.' 11t3 31 3 113 130 3 ,1 1111,01,,3 341 I 63 I L1111,11111 i,1�,�'',-,Iii i uttotJ tiii 1 tul iltil it t: oti i lit, 1 pA5,1 1 , 351;1 (n1,1 l'ilit.l 31111,16 11 1 3111,110 N1 WI 313 01_14 . ri' polloothottitt ,3,1,11. iltim 10)3 .1 i 3 ti,3 esti 3 1.3,3 1 f5i, 110 X 1111 WA 3 3.1 ,1111,3 , ;1111 111 111.1011 00;11 111c.11, 3 01,1y,l,' s113-1 11,1 03;11 1 1,,1 0,111 6.1;It': .1t1 0-10111 ,11311,3,1 t.)3141u, iiti',1 iti:,,13'trt 114 010,1, ,,c-,1c3i� ,533.3 .41 li 1001 1 1311r,i,1 t111,1 ; )1 'i ;2110,01t1.4 :113) .1 11 1151 1 1 11/.5.1.1 t.s134i * tit, '1 1111,1 11110 ) y 1 1 11,1011 If J11/111 1111 1)111 51 i o 1 1, uti, 01 lic.),,i tIti wi ,t, ') 1 otA I 1 � ii ',I,/ 1,1 it) 1 1 I W ...1 1,1" I, (1 .1 1111 3, 1 1,34343,31 0 3, :.3-)31t:�...3,13t33 .341 .,. 34513.3 4-.3( 1331.111.,3 0 031. CI 3 ' 43 1111'11 11,1 f 1.'11 1111' ' 111051 11).) 1 ')1411.1,1;)0111:-1i1 1 1/111 01,131 c11,1�1 ,1!1/111 1101 011111 00 11013 1 1 t-1011.),111 0 ;It" 3 111a liclicti.,1 id ti : , 110;1:1, � il 11i11.,1 tit 131,1 303.1 r1,1;33311,�1, ,31ii 341,1 1.111,3!, 0,3 * I:313433c% A 3,, ..3 1.) 6 1.13 fi' ;f i / .0;i0 ( l',1 I (f1�41 I 1 .. , � 1 1.1.1 i'l{1 11 111,100,1 S3 1 0113 ,1 31t11; r11aatiat'.0111 311 31.11t,� 31111 3 0,1 1 Ittwillii 3.:1 3 ,1 r.: 1t3r,1.1 -111 111 0;1.111 I t39,1 0 1.1.-,12 .1�.1A/1 11.r.WII,I,I 311 )1013 3 c3(10,3, i311 3 -:,14%.3, ,-3 0331 131,1111, i pr,,, 0.0,1 ..,( TA, 01 ,% I 1.):u...i. .,3 LI ..' , ilsrLr ti.ti 1. 11 1 1 It.S l fl.311,1,31..3 1 lit) 3! 17q1 �1 1 Iti Ill i 11 1 E,41 ' 0) 1 1 '''3'1 11 1 1 0 3k1 CO3 0111 11 3 1 ti 3.$ 01 I'l 1 ) 1., l 1:0 0 4 10,1 91 1 3 01,3 X 3 'I 1 101 11 1,0,:10WO , .r..: 1,V.,i': IP 0 1 1 't0 30,1 J.:,,t)1 11 -1 t11 1 '1 II 3 I:1 12n3 1 0(11 3 01)3 111,1,1) IWO ri41.3 3 11:,c4.1;,:w3 , c..ilicill 1 " ,c 3 Init'1 3 (1101.1A i.1.41 1100) pi'', 1.11.11,11111 ;1110.,11.1 0,10M 1'.3:,:1 440 11 10 i 114 , . 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VI V) lit LI 1.�1 , tIttit I �I' ivit 1 t t, t.:1 1 11 t.,0 I tvl,r, * il.c , . , ' 1 0 ta I 1 t,)!I 0,1 :141 3, ,...?..,,. 1 i'., i ,,, e, 1 oo,i 1110' ,t', 1 3 3 1131117,10 11343 1.10 1 ;1 1131 0i,,t-C:, J i A'ilti? ;11J t !�1 1.1 1�.1 01/0 :1)1,011 3 m 1/ 1 (11;1,Ir.3 3 1;11! .1 ;�I 3 Tr i , , � ; � 11,3 0.1 11 0 0 41 1t I t 1 41v,i '0,0. ,5,31,3 lic-' 51316 3, z,311.1 IN) ' 0� 311 1- t,.,3.103 11-, ri,;.,k3., 1 L 1., ',:','t.t,43 14,t(3 ' is I:J. 1 .1, I, 1.7,1 I 1. 1 101 1 ,,1 t,1.1 1)+2 t:1 1 lin. t; 00,3 iv 3,cE141./ 3 y:tzt,k' 01 (1) 13 1 ''i': .i'd Wills )',1 '1i1 3 11 411 i,:3 1,,iy,:. 110 041 iL ! .3 111) 00,Cp tilt i 30 "1"1 i ull I "1".10 L' 4 , 10131 1100000 3tI ill At111 017M '1 3 ' "31;,1y i1 �,1,3,1.1, 14.1,114;10, ',Will . r,3111;1!)11. , PetKi 1 1,1 111,10.1 : i t.;110 -.1 1 , . � � ' , ,� , I �t.1';'1)0 14110 , 1..t / 00011c-10 0111,1,,11,1I1 ;1111 ,10 t-1;;11,10.1`1,),(101I11!, 0,A 110 I ;AA 1311 1 .' 01/ ik.:;-11.11.4 1 '',1 3 'i 3 3 0 1.1 3 00 1:?..:1,1 ..1 . , , , , I ' 1131 Yr'I'l II 1 11 "iil'i) 1�14'', U'i 'I'C'i i'll') I ' r'41,11 1 Si 11,1 't)'3 ' 30 1-14 01 r10)k, 09 q.31 0 0 ' 3 14%1 0AilP ,3 0 'SO '1 3 70 1 11 ... til l:l 1.! 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N13 3-.INIT1.1 ,,-01111:r3 1 c ': ,., � ; t c.,. 1.. 1,_ ,,,, - , � , , . , ,.. : k , r' �i, , , r . f 3,,,e,L,,00,1,.A t).111... 311 15151t- 15 3 i..,.. \3 1 ii ..�)..,'1. :lin ,r,i'll 153)1417;i: \'1, 11,(0113 0 31; ),1�: ; ;.1;..t.:1,k1 I,Vt;y: All r; '.01i1:-.4/ ,...., 1 1 1 1 � ' It -, ' .i'l I 1343 ,3 ,3'1.1!.. I 1 .), M,1 1'.1.1 c: ;(11 IS.4,,N ) CI A 1 1 l 1 3 lAtil 1 V,: , �11/4%), 0 g1 3'0 f!'i,..'t:51...). 1 r)3; 3::. 1 10 4.7? 4,*)1 ' (.1 't.:1 1:: ' , . s..-; , 3 ; 1 i 1.1141,51 `,11,i 11 5t'`,(1 11) 41, 1N�7,1 1 li� ;41) 3 1,14 3 1 l W:1 0.3 ,1,11 1 I 1:,,( . 1 1,1 1.'S i'S, 0;1 1 i '1)1f.'..' 3, ";') 1: F101.1'.11 34%17 15(4: 1 1 t: ..,1 r, ,I -II' IticIt 0 'tt- !k3:011 ltt,"� A'.;), 1:1131:').111' 1)13'1 1 s1. `11511S-11111);11: r ,,c13-0 313, 1-(1.--0-rz!-,1,--t-ctxt '1. ---i-rs'�tzyril.z.,-.?4�1 . I . Lt ,-, .,..i. L . , � � , I l't ;..� i, 1: I r. ' I', ' 1 ' I '4/ r 1 I ''.*" ' \ t 4 , .. ,.... 6 '..*i OR.. P '..1. .0, . ' ..41,0. 4i, ^PI 49W AP, I y 1 ' rt ::1: '4 1 I ';�;.: )I, ., , ,.�1 ( ) Ni:).j, t-,1:511 11--51 ' ,,, ..'''' � : '' , ,; ... , ) 1 1 r ')`11:1,A1' 'II, �'..10 Opl,;13, ii, g, 4 , r,:t.,.....,,, ,, , A ;.; , '..,, ' " ''; l',:i.:, 'f,,;':.'�;., .,,i..,,,, .�1 , ;1 ' - ,, , ,, ,. , : , , � , - ,. . ...- ., . , , . I 'I ' " -, 't t 'to', , ' t't 1 ' -, i ,I ' � ' I ttl , 'I '., ' 1 , , ... t 1 , ? i 1 '; '''' 4 I I .,, ': ' i:''li ''';'�...' 11: '. ,1'' 'r .:1:L;(1: ,,,, ., ri I. PT i'.� 1 '; 01, , p 444 .1 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dC11-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej JOd panaiddv pue Peq!sseloeCI ,r � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ble extent. When the sharks detected the repellent, however, they haat, ily moved away from it. With 04 Oh suoneeding addition of treated traah fish the aharka repidly beoame more wary and in 4 e)ort time would avoid the tramh filth that wan mixed with the repellent. This cumulative effect W44 noted to carry over to testa that were repeated in the P4MA area mayoral hours later in whioh 0400 the treated fish was entirely undisturbed. 39. 1424 The majority of the individuale having need for 4 shark repel ont aubatenoe 4110 survivors of air or marine disasters who find themselves in shark infested waters As a result of apoident rather than by in- tent. A unit of shark repellant material may be parried for 4 long ported of time before it is ever needed. For thin reason the unit has to be oompaot and durable yot the repellent should be easily aooemeible and effeotive whenever it is needed. 40. The unit devel4md for general use oonatate or a flat mike of the re- pellent material in 4 beg of cotton sheeting whioh le proteoted by A water-proof outer envelope made from A vinyl-oopolymer.coated fabric. Plate 7 is an outside view of the ammembled unit. Pete Pi shows tho front flap pulled down relemoIng the inner bag or aotive material. The unit Is similar to ono deaoribee in the earlier report, the main pointe of difference being the use of ootton sheeting Instead of paper 40 the porous materiel for the inner bag and the addition of a lanyard at the bottom of the unit to help aeoure it to the life vests or belt. Thu use of cotton sheeting for the fabriontion of the inner beg was adopted bee cause it permitted higher pressures to be used in the formation of the repellent cake within the bag, and it also proved to be more serviceable in simulated use tenta. The inner pooket is to give prott,etion to the bag of repellent material when the user wishes to save it for future use after the front flap has been originally opened, 41, Speoifioationa for the unit are given in Bureau of Bhipm ad interim npeoifioation R tin48(INT). Oherk-Chamere (Ifite Jacket) dated 15 June 1944. This specification is damnified as Hentrioted. The Army Air Foroea npeciftca- tion, Paeketi nhark Deterrent,No. 4082A dated 25 July 1944 is for 4 atmilar type Of unit, 42. A multipookot unit Was designed for use by individuals who find it necessary to be in shark infested water by intent rather than by accident. Phis unit is 4 belt type to be worn ernund the waist olnom the user would not ordi- narily be wearing n life vont or bolt. Instead of having A reoloeure feature this unit has four individual inner bags of repellent material, eeoh of whioh is sealed In 4 separate compartment of the eater-proof outer envelope. The com- partments nen be /vaned independently, thereby releasing the Individual inner begs As needed, The details of the design and heat sealing or the outer onvom lope are given in Plate 9, Plate 10 shows how the inner begs containing the re- pellent. are assembled in the outer envelope and also the method of opening. 43. The inner bun are made of ootton naineook of weight M. yards 40" ma- tend per pound. Rea beg contains I,i grams of the repellent mixture, pressed without heating Into A Sake within the beg to prevent sifting through the light weight cotton during the assembly 44 4 final unit, The inner bags are attached to the outer envelope by means of a short strip of vinyl nopolymer coated fah- ric, The strip is oat sealed to the back of the cuter envelops and can be readily milled off when the repellent in eitheusted or no longer needed. 44. The front of the water proof envelope is provided with pull tabs and MEWS It I Ala Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 cut in ouch-A manner that A single compartment cum be opened without destroying the wAter-poofness of the other compartments. A web belt with a corrosion re- sistant buckle serves, to fasten the unit Around the waist. AINIAMM 44-4 gain � kolisfie No.,. an el 911.14, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ON I: 1.11:UON, AND tt 11:c: OMM PN DATIO ar� ...& vrali r ..."../StIA 0 I; Kvtonvo'h.tim hoon prONantod te,,Miow thftt, t'timixtttilo or AO% dark (IyooWrr, CnIvo WW,R, f�Ind :201. ooppov nootnto .oxhtihtto0,otvongoh:Ark vopolloint pv0pa-rttori In tooto �Ntto.to tt to nood. Lo proConC ,roo4,or Ot0 of6Arko., , 1,c , � No (.:�ond It to no wt, ro roundontuto wht,;h'tho (:ntoo WW h.-ooppov nootnto mt-x- tnro Ic:t 1 t rroottvon000 (Iv ntleroron' anynorJotn,rOOttotton itt orrontivonono� . It. i tso t 1 it�'tod thn,t, tho I' told t oTi 1.i t,V whiott 1, tio r t I Yt taho roPt: liontwrz.i c--,v A 1 WA tod i Iffitt tt ttiti t. I Ottti Otter I o t 311 t IV 01( tri tO :tlAk0 tho i-oottito yolk!, nt- tonot In n honno, in,00nolOorhtl(in or litentut t4v v!; . jdt . TWO y1100 Or n t41' ropo. I tont! nnt t, rot., I ndI V Idt0,41 1.)1,000(.,i,I ott 'tvti'vo doVolorod nn0 tontrd rot' gohOrnl OrWvi0Ont.IAMy n60_00(10tklabitity. Tho do- CintOtt nn toiwho noodo A nhork ropoLlon't, unit. Indopondont. on (tIo 111(111wod or Gxporiuro or tiho Indtvldnnl to ohnlit ottne4 ond hot': iwttionl nroinonoidopnttono or wolght opnco. r,toittuit, I:1 t.,I r"port.ri or ho tou-y n I CV I vnI ntio ;Thou id 1.0 'IA I von ot.k ikts.J 61 ("/IntdortAtioli ir Any chonKo in, 4om1ion11.10n or dr;n1i2..n I ti oontowptood. ilovod Ova (ho ohnrk ropoltont nnito no dovol0000 on0 don4%rlhat1 horo hro oH orroctivo nn 'pon ho dovolopod,on tho hnoto, or 0.0011014 knowlodgc.J. Y')., A ii(r Int0 � KO(10011'01110 !not 1 (111 p Itt,ti.i r 1 ltn tvI 1,1t ittI co; r6 thri opmi-hit ton t.I os!, Anil limo or t.Pit thn 1.1t copo 1 t. Aviri 1tiiti p 0410 C0() Iy h" Vh0 I f thu illtroem or- Ar,t4Ottn.liti rot, th I n 1414011- n 'tory nnd to hvntinhio thronrh tho Huron�,oe :',11,1110 ror %Plowing hy Intiov60Co0 on - 1,4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 At A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 "P. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4. � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - a � ���a*Witt- FIG. I FIG. 2 PLATE 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � t � I. f � � I � t � � � f � � � � � / I I � t � � r 110 aln� . 4 ��� r , -I � � I ; 14-* � ��� � � � � ��� .;��� W.-. � 1 � ' � . � � 4.4.� qpriqiip , que....� q cm. � � � � � � � t � 41.10 / h � ' I. I i 0 ' 1 0 � 4 � .00,.... an � . * 4 * � 0. 4 � . I . . � P � � I � , 1 1 � , / t 4****14. 4*. � ...,.... 4 I � . h I A . � I I 9 r- / 1..i.... . � ... .... .1. -.. ,...� ..7.' ,..1 , I 4 4 , r � f .. r l I 11 � 1 I, 5 � 1 � .... ' � � 5 � ������ � ���-. . . , �,,,. , ...�, I '.� ' i.r" " I 1 I ' P� I � I . ' i.! ! ' I � . 1 4 ; . . 5 ; . . 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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP1. 3X00001R000160430001-6 'P � N 1.82 . - -.L r�e. i� � ����� .424 r :LItJ � � 5, 2 6/44 73[43. � WF.,.velengtt I k� � � . � � � is � ed. � - �-� (���41 'OW W � .�2 � 7.; A � :a: 11 6C^ 21- -1 - � � � � � --�-�11- � � � � _ 4 . � � ;_.., , . . .. i � , ... --f- : 2 � -- .....s. � . � ----1- r.'- i� � � � .. 1.1; --"-4 � � � � 6 1 � - --.6. 4.. � � I,. � �__ .. 6 � -.. r . I � r . � � � � �- 0- - � �������� 7C � ass� � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � E ./ , � �� Via t,,..tr ck 1ZC � . 3.3C � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 O. FOR ATTACHMENT METHODS SEE IN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � N.4 � -1,.� " ,..;,V4140,0.44 Pi, Ai' re: no 4/.9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 01. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 t st� -; a Le ICES 1�)N1 OFFICE" OF 01) I t' 'ki cz.t4 it�titillitt.tA tit tt--J I t ) strli:4iNst I Ito II.ir.)); INF( II;ItIA I I( 'NI � 1 � iti-'1"1-ik.i...k:Abipira), IT 1.4 ,y()1(iiii .1)1f.1,1 j1() y ft *rail )(:)Vit !if) i44\ WIT110.1T )14 IZATii Is.14.1,4TAMAti� I Declassifiedand Approved For Release 2013/08/05: - - � 0 . � Puna nevised) �0r 401 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � o OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 5 JUNE 45 DATE OFFICIAL DISPATCH REC'D 1535 5 JUNE 45 1 TO PARIS, FRANCE FROM OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION PRIORITY ROUTINE DEFERRED OUT 13380 cotarinaumom TO ORIGINATOR) PA/RECTOR c, IFOR INFCRMATION) SECRETAR IAT S. & 111Persog norm ems )11-117111111-1 TRANSMITTED IN CODE OR CIPHER #18784. CHESTON TO 109. KINDLY FORWARD. SECRET IN REFERENCE TO YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO NICBA I NE TO CONTACT DR. KARL p MEYER, BACTERIOLOGY PROFESSOR AT U OF C, COLONEL CONNELY CALLED UPON _NYER ON JUNE 4TH. SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL. OF THE UNIVERSITY AUTHOR IT IES, DR. MEYER 1 S GREATLY INTERESTED IN YOUR SUGGESTION AND IS AGREEABLE TO LIAKE CISELF AVAILABLE FOR A PERIOD OF 3 MONTHS TO ST' DY CONDITIONS WITHIN IFIVAANY. HONEVER , DR. MEYER CANNOT DEPART BEFORE THE 1ST OF AUGUST. COL ;NEL CONNELY IS VERY MUCH IMPRESSEDITH DR. MEYER WHO IS OF SWISS ORIGIN. IF YOU DES IRE US TO PURSUE THIS MATTER FURTHER, PLEASE ADVISE. TODI 1709 5 JUNE 45 Uri CSC INITIALS OF "IIKUICASING" OFFICER rr a FORBIDDEN TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CABLE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE) SECRETARIAT 10. OMNI. � � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Obb Yui- i (Xtrviseri) � / � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATE 24 MAY 45 FROM PARIS, FRANCE_ TO OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION (FOR ACTION) 5HEPARDSON ft Poo a* � a. � t�* t�� s� II) � tt.1 (FOR INFORMATION) I PRIORITY I ROUTINE DEFE RRED IN 14018 DIRECTOR, SECRETARIAT, MAGRUDER. RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER SE9/IET 317 CRVI #17064. TO MAGRUDER, SHEPARDSON AND DIX ONLY FROM WISNER. INFORMATION: 110 (BERN #8274). AS RESULT CATEGORIC OBJECTION SECURITY BRANCH KLIEFOTH WILL BE UNAVAILABLE GERMAN MISSION. IN ANY CASE HORTON STATES THERE IS CONSIDERABLE DOUBT WHETHER KLIEFOTH WOULD BE NEEDED, SECURITY HAS NO OBJECTION KLIEFOTH WORKING AREAS OTHER THAN GERMANY. WE ARE ASKING KLIEFOTH REMAIN PARIS FOR TIME TO HANDLE SCIENTIFIC INTERROGA- TIONS AND MAINTAIN LIAISON WITH OTHER SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. HE CAN BE USEFUL THIS CAPACITY FOR LONG ENOUGH ENABLE US DETERMINE DEFINITELY WHETHER HIS SERVICES ESSENTIAL IN GERMANY. YOUR VIEWS ARE REQUESTED. pit r eviltrly s EF,; es�� TOR; 1444 24 MAY 45 IT IS MR HIDDEN TO COPY OR Rle.PRODUCE TIM; CABLE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIO SECRETARIAT SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 -1, 4` � 1.4 64. L I I ;I, N E 0 141 0, tt 1101,0:51 Lt v