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Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 I~IE~ING I~1P't~MIITION COHC~iNING PROJ~T At~uATONE This paper is intended for use as an amplification when shorts oral briefings have been necessary, in order to introduce an individual snore intimately to AQUATONE. HISTt~tICAL BACKf~t~~___OUbID Aerial Camerae In World War II, as the range of enemy anti-aircraft fire was gradually extended upwards, Allied plan? on photographic missions had to fly at con- tinually higher altitudes. Optical scientists in this country were forced to evolve cameras which would take mare detailed pictures at faster speeds and from much greater height. The bulk of the development work sponsored by the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) an new and special types of aerial camera lenses and lens eyste~as was carried out at Harvard University under the technical direc- tion of Dr. James G. Baker. Thhe~ program began ariginally early in 19+1 as a contract dab Par the Photographic Laboratory of the Army Air Forces at Wright Field, an. was tak?n over by NDRC during the following year at the request of the Air Forces. Foremost among the new cameras designed at Harvard was a 40-inch f. 5.0 automatic telephoto cam?ra which gave a high order of definition. In pictures taken with the camera from 10,000 feet, it was possible to dietinguiah tele- phone wires, power cables, and their ?hadows. Frain 30,000 feet, even such minute details as railroad ties could be spotted. The Harvard optical staff also worked an both 3~-irch and 100--inch camera systems. One of the 36-inch eystezns was needed as a substitute for the standard 24-inch lens in the K-18 camera. Service testing in late 1944 at 15,000 and 20,000 feet proved that it was a satisfactory and practical replacement far the smaller lane system. The 100-inch anastigmatic lens system for high-altitude phatograpiy was along-range project which had some success. A working model urea built, but because cif lack of homogeneity in the optical glass the expected telescopic quality did net materializes and the camera was recommended for use only at altitudes of approximately 50,000 feet. TS 142$22 /':-. Page / of S COPY 1 of 2 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Other lens systems developed at Harvard included special 7-inch f. 2.S lenses for night photography spherically syrmmetrical lenses for wide-angle photography, and 36- and 48-inch lenses incorporating artificial fluorite. The spherically syr~:etrical lenses were designed to a]1ow one esmera to do the work of three,. since three short-focus cam?ras were usually mounted together and synchronised to obtain wide-angle coverage on a photographic mission. Air..,. c. ~t Human rocketry began in Worid War ZI with the Messerchmitt 163 inter- ceptor fighter, which could travel from ground to 40,000 feet in about three nd.nutea, Leveling off at a top speed of 600 mph, it could fly a total of 11 minutes, reaching 50,000 feet. Major Charles Yeager, USAF, made the worldts first supersonic flight in the Bell $-1 rocket-?driven research s3.ngle-seat aircraft on October I4, 1947. His airplane was lifted from the ground into the open bomb-bay of a Boeing B-29 superfortress. At 30,000 feet, the bc~nber released the bell. 8111 Bridge~nan, test pilot for Dou,~las Aircraft Coanpany, flew at 1,238 mph reaching 79,494 feet in the Skyrocket in August 1951. Bridgeman traveled in the 8-29 while it climbed to 35,000 feat where it dropped ham into space. The motor burned a ton of fuel per minute. Temperature was 270? Fahrenheit. The Skyrocketts gliding sped was 275 mph; it carne down for a3anding at 250 mph, and laruied at 180 mp;- . Lieutenant Colonel Marion E. Carl, USMC, was released in a Skyrocket at 35,000 feet an 21 August 1953? He clamed to 7S,!UOO feet where his fuel burned out. Carl climbed to 83,285 feet without any power but his own sped. It took him ten minutes to reach the ground. Yeager beat Bridgemants speed in December 1953 f13~-ng 1,b54 mph in the Be11 1G-lA. In 1954, Ma3or Arthur Murray, USAF, reached the greatest height then attained by man, flying the X-lA up to approximately 90~ feet after r his releae~e Pry a 8-23 at ~0~00o feet. ... These rocket research aircraft weigh about 16,(K10 pounds at release, carrying 6,000 pounds in fuel which is consumed in mi.nutas. The cockpit is highly gressuri.aed fors at bQ,00Q feet the atmospheric pressure falls to ~~but rune-tenth of that at ~aa level. xs 142922JA Page ~ of s Copy ~2 of 2 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Maadm~n flight height for a het engine is bet~reen b0,000 and 70000 feet. A ra~n3et may operate up to about 90000 feet. About that height rocket propulsion is essential because no peer unit can any longer obtain erx~ugh oxygen from the tenuous atmosphere. T5 ].l~2922/A Page 9 of ~ ~Py~ of 2 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 25X1X3 \ Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0 Il~MUN~4ATION Rffi~UIREMENTS Certain immunisations are required for a warld~-wide standby; thee? are typhoids cholera, tgtanus~ typhus, yellow fever, smallpox, arxi diphtheria. These imQnunizationa era given as follower Typhoid -- requires three (3} in~eations from seven (7) to tw+snty~aight (2B) days apart. Cholera - requiraa two 2) in~ectiona, seven (?} to ten (10) days apart. Tetanus -requires two (2} in~eations, t~toanty-eight (28} to forty-~tr~ { 1a..2) date apart Typhus ~ .- requires two (2) in~eations, seven (7} to ten (lo) says apart. Yellow - ie given in one (1) infection; not to be givem Fever within five (5) says of the time typhoid or smallpox is given. Smallpox -requires one (1) injaction< Diphtheria ~- requires three (3) in~eations~ t~+renty-sight { 2g } to forty--tom (t+2) says ap~-rt, if the Schick teat indicates the in3aation is necessary. Zf the subject has received the faLlawing imsnuniaations within the states periods? booster shots only will be necessary as follower Typhoid -each year except for Pacific area which is six months. Cholera -every six menthe regardless of area. Tetanus -each year except for Pacific area which is six tenths. Typhus -- each year except for Pacific eras which is six months. If the sub~act has rsaeived the falloxing immunisations within the stag periods, no repeat immuni$ation will be nsaessarys Ye11ow -Every four (4) years. Fever sma].l.pox - gvsz~' y$er except fdr Pacific ergs which is six r~antha. SAPC - 52b7 Copy ~ of b Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP33-02415A000100360073-0