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October 6, 1962
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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/0 / 1 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 P SET 6 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: a. One mission remains of the 10 September 1962 approval by the Special Group. b. One mission approved by the Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: North Coast peripheral 3. WEATHER FORECAST: a. Mission 3100: Mission Plan: Valid 7 October 1962: CAT II over entire island except south of Sierra Maestra Mountains. GO-NO-GO: Valid 7 October 1962: No significant change from Mission Plan. b. Alert: Valid 8 October 1962: CAT II over eastern one-third. Remainder CAT III variable CAT IV. 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 6 October 1962: CAT II over central one-third, CAT III over western one-third, CAT IV over eastern one-third. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 in commission at Del Rio, Texas; Nbr. 342 in commission at Del Rio, Texas. 6. DECISION: Mission 3100 continued through Mission Plan weather and was approved for execution on go-no-go weather. 7. REMARKS: a. Mission 3099 aborted prior to penetration of denied territories due to malfunction of air refueling system. b. Mission 3100 approved for the same track as Mission 3099. 6 October 1962 _315-63 0/J' yy Of Approved For Release 2000/081 A- 2 15A00020Co 0 -'1 0 Approved For Release 2000/T8QP 12415A000200020004-2 7 OCTOBER 1962 ALERT WEATHER - VALID 9 OCTOBER 1962 7 OCTOBER 1962 Copy 1 O P SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/2 IA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 TOP SECRET 7 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: a. One mission remains of the 10 September 1962 approval by the Special Group. b. One mission approved by the Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: North coast peripheral 3. WEATHER FORECAST: Alert: Valid 9 October 1962: CAT II over eastern one-third. Remainder CAT III variable CAT IV. 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 7 October 1962: Predominantly CAT II over entire island. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 in commission at Del Rio, Texas; Nbr. 342 in commission at Del Rio, Texas. 6. DECISION: Not applicable. 7. REMARKS: a. Mission 3100 completed successfully. Four SA2 sites located at Chambas, Esmeralda, Manati and Senado were detected. b. Mission aircraft returned with fuel system malfunction. c. A specific track for the remaining mission approval had not been selected pending completion of missions authorized on 10 September 1962. d. The two aircraft available were returned to Edwards Air Force Base and were not operationally ready. 25X1A 7 October 1962 ~ 2315- 63 Approved For Release 2000/08/?1 ' QIA: P3 rQ2f15A000200020d ' J- of ~-- ~ Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 OD SECRET 8 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 8 October 1962: Predominantly CAT II over entire island. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: Not applicable. 7. REMARKS: No weather briefing scheduled due to lack of operationally ready aircraft. 8 October 1962 25X1A 2315-63 Copy = of Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 T 0P SECRET 9 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 9 October 1962: Predominantly CAT II over entire island with CAT IV over extreme west tip and northeast coast. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: 7. REMARKS: a. No Weather briefing scheduled due to lack of operationally ready aircraft. b. Based on estimate of aircraft availability, weather forecasts were scheduled to resume 10 October 1962. c. As a result of a special meeting of the Special Group, it was decided that the approved mission would be planned against advanced SA2 sites and would include a suspected missle area in the vicinity of San Cristobal. It was further decided that this mission would be flown by a military pilot. Subsequent Weather briefings were scheduled by the CIA in the event that favorable weather might be forecast prior to the time that a military pilot could be requalified in the CIA configured U-2 aircraft. 9 October 1962 M 2315-63 Copy j of .3 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIM3G 0j2U0020004-2 10 OCTOBER 1962 ALERT WEATHER - VALID 12 OCTOBER 1962 10 OCTOBER 1962 _2315-63 Copy 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : 5,000200020004-2 Approved For Release 207>21r 10 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: Alert: Valid 12 October 1962: CAT II over eastern one-third. Remainder CAT III variable CAT IV. 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 10 October 1962: CAT II variable CAT IV over eastern one-third. Remainder CAT IV. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: Negative alert due to the lack of available A/C. 10 October 1962 315-63 Copy L of 5 Approved For Release 2000108/21 -133-02415A000200020004-2 0P SECRET Approved For Release 200008/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 11 OCTOBER 1962 ALERT WEATHER - VALID 13 OCTOBER 1962 11 OCTOBER 1962 25X1A 7.315-63 Copy I Approved For Release 2000/041 . 1A D 31-b2 15A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 TOP SECRET 11 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: Alert: Valid 13 October 1962: CAT II over eastern one-third. Remainder CAT III variable CAT IV. 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 11 October 1.962: CAT II variable CAT IV over eastern and western one-third. Remainder CAT IV. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 in commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: Negative alert due to weather. 7. REMARKS: 11 October 1962 M 2315-63 Copy / of z Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/0Jj IR ~ 0f415A000200020004-2 12 OCTOBER 1962 ALERT WEATHER - VALID 14 OCTOBER 1962 12 OCTOBER 1962 ~ 2315-63 Copy I Approved For Release 2000/08/212 000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 TOP SFCRET 1.2 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: .Alert: Valid 14 October 1962: CAT II over western tip of island. Remainder CAT III variable CAT IV. 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 12 October 1962: CAT III over western one-third. Remainder CAT IV variable CAT III. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 in commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: 7. REMARKS: completed initial requalification in Agency aircraft. Total flight time: 1 plus 50 hours. 12 October 1962 77 25X1A 7315-63 Copy L of mss, Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 13 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 13 October 1962: Predominantly CAT II over entire island except CAT IV over northeast coast. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 out of commission at Edwards Air Force Base; Nbr. 342 in commission at Edwards Air Force Base. 6. DECISION: 7. REMARKS: 25X1A 13 October 1962 - 2315-63 Copy / of j PC, P c FP Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2 T lI crr T 14 October 1962 1. SPECIAL GROUP APPROVAL: One mission approved by Special Group 27 September 1962. 2. AREA OF OPERATIONS: Cuba 3. WEATHER FORECAST: 4. ACTUAL WEATHER: Valid 14 October 1962: CAT II over east and west one-third. Remainder CAT III. 5. AIRCRAFT STATUS: Number 343 in commission at McCoy Air Force Base, Florida; Nbr. 342 in commission at McCoy Air Force Base, Florida. 6. DECISION: 7. REMARKS: a. Mission 3101 completed successfully by SAC and aircraft recovered at McCoy Air Force Base. b. Aircraft 343 was ferried to McCoy Air Force Base to support continued SAC operations over Cuba. c. Agency detatchment including pilots remained at McCoy Air Force Base to support SAC operations. 14 October 1962 Copy e of Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200020004-2