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Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 Soviet Aviation, 5 December 1957 AtJ U tROV, S. s Provocative equipment and blacla sail. (About the roles of US aerial reconnaissance) CPYRGHT Of one of the European countries of the Socialist borders of the Federated German Republic and for almost 30 minutes flew over the territory of the government unauthorized. Almost simultaneously again 2 plates of the U.S.A. appeared in another place in these countries, Win from the border of the Federated Gelman, Republic and after a short-timed flight at great altitude made off in a westerly direction. Irrefutable facts stand out that the aim of similar provocations by the plaanse is aerial reconnaissance. This is not a singular instance of reconnaissance plane of the U. as there are repeated penetrations in the aerial space of the o Asiatic countries of the Socialist group, as well as that of other independent governments such an Syria and Egypt. it follows that the American aerial pirates at no ties received the merits (they should have had) for their provocations. May one read Into the details of the actions of the Anerican aviators' reconnaissance as chance, as this is done by the press reports by radio and by official presentations of the U,g.A. ? Certainly not! The American imperialists are carrying out adventurous plans for atomic wars, directed against the countries of the Socialist Group and above all against the St viet Union. In these plans, aerial reconnaissance occupies no secondary place. As the instructions (directives) of the Army Air Forces, U.S.A., which sets forth the American aviation doctrine, straight-forward proclaimed, "Aerial roeonnaieeance concerns one of the sources for obtaining informatioa required for successful knowledge of military actions (intentions). The facts, procured by aerial recon- naissance, particularly aerial photo reconnaais.sance, and radio technical in combination with the facts received from other sources, permits establish the intentions, the stages, and to determi capabilities of other goveramaent$." On aerial recon aisasaane* the Army Air Forces, U.S.A., in war time officially lays on the following objectives: To determine the qualitative and quantitative make up (of the enemy), thee dislocations, and the order of battle of the army, and the techniques of opposition, the clarification of the character of the defensive works, the discovery of the aerodromes, ..the starting areas of rocket aar eats, railway and auto-highway targets, counter defenses against aerial attack, reconnaissance places (observation points), weather, and the determination of the results of actions of military and atomic strikes. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 :CIA=RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 CPYRGHT To these official works (directives) there should be added the "unofficial orders" about vhich the military powers of the U.S.A. perter to speak aloud,, but directed to spying and a iiversionists in peace me in the territory of the Socialist Governments, provocations of their serial space with the aim of aseriral photography, reconnaissance, and other things. of cond>.asuting the aerial reconnaissance of the Army Forces, of the U.S.A.? In connection with the form) speed, and altitude of flight of Conte mporary Us militaaary plans, it. is of the greatest isportancee to determine by the exploitation by radio technical means, the defenses s'gainst plan*s, the radio location stations, by bomb sightings to obtain information for aerial reconnaissance, and various meteorological conditions. loo images as indicators of the stations already known at the present time permit one to procure the information and the status of the meteorological Situation. Further achievements by radio location techniques opens these fields further for great and wide possibilities (of exploitation}. Aerial photography for inspection by American lost its importance. On the contrary it continue to remain one of their main moms of aerial reconuaaiee acee of the layers of the atmosphere and teaora logical. conditions. Several conditions reduce the possibilities of visual observations but it does not depend eexelus vely on the methods of information of serial reconnaisagsaarnce. Aii.litaiy specialists state that effective visual observations are aided by means of reporting on the phone slow verbal reports by the aviator, in fulfillment of the f the reconnasiaeace. Further achievements of ordinary aerial photography by aviat specialists of the U.S.A. is to be seen in the exploitation of infra-red photography. By this means an analysis of heat radiations of industries or densely populated regions and conditions of cold climate and winter are related to multi-promising targets for the procurement of the necessary information. In addition to the tber of means for procuring the rapid delivery of reconnaissance facts immediately at the border of the country from the, p3ane to command points, American aviation isspeciaaalist$ are usi television equipment for transmitting an image from the plaane) flying the reconnaissance. However, the problem is not yet solved as to how the lion information shall be enlarged on all of the planes and yet possess a satisfactory methodical 8011kion. Aerial reconnaissance in the Army Air Forces, U.S.A,, is soon as taarctical and as as strategic aviation. The following may be noted: that speci- fically designated all-reconnaissance aviation in strategic and tactical Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 CPYRGHT aviation c ;a in the Array Air Force, U.$.A.p which cc rises over 10of all the military a aaviaation. In strategic aviation c cls of 45 military aviation vingss, 6 wigs coWrlse aviation reconnaissance. Tactical aviation ceaaxnda also correspond to the foregoing. In the military theatre plans call also for a reconnaissance wing in each tacticaa, aerial aarsaty. It is characteristic that the largest types of military planes manufactured by the aviation industry of the U.S.A., whether it heavy, medium, or light bcaebers, an well as fighters, are also fabricated for reconnai aatseaanc ee . of r-econnlasence wings of strategic aviation eamaaands once plane AB-470 related to the type variant of the strategic b caber B-47. On external as ice the RD-47 is distinguished frames, that of the B-47 by a longer nose section, in which are distributed the camera holders for the perspective photography. On the RB-47 are arranged seven aerial photo aapratus. to secure plane and perspective vial photon of places aat 3esw, sedium, and great heights. The plane is, equipped with ap eratue for raadiotechnicaal reconnaisssaaance. In taacticaaal aviation commands the reconnaissance wing is equippeaad with reconnaissance plane M66 md the M57, as modifications of the B-66 and the 11-57. There Is also a tactical . reconnai ssanc ee plane the 14F-$4F, the "Thunderbolt" a variant of the F84-F, the "Thunder- strike." Besides the accepted reconmiss ndustry of the U.S.A. also m plane it distinguished by a long wing, making it resemble a glider. On the fl-2 is ~y nted one turbo-reaction per engine set in t,..he. fusela and various special equipment. This plaanee, sh Lhe (~. `, " light, " is intended for meteorologi.eal roconnaiesance and investigation of .d-spaced straight wing, one keel, and with aa. tail unit. Gast of heights. One of these planes intended for reconnaissance in manufactured by the Lockheed firm-the plane U-2. appearance it is a monoplane with a for meteorological and special recoraraaissaance a taaospheereaa at the greatest of heights. The journal conf farmed the first squadron of special reconnaissance equipped planes strategic aviation c as of the Army Air Force, U.S.A.,, according to the ca uunication of the journal "American Aviation," there is being ,-3oo few s't) . U-.2 may for a duration of time be able to achieve of over 16,000 meters (52,500 fact). In the order of battle of All of these and other recce ssaance means of the Army Air IFor(-,e, U.S.A., reenforces the ready American commands for military aggression. The provocation by the invasion by American reconmissance planes of the aerial space of other governments is related to the elements of political b:lacbna 3.. and threats of the politics of the "cod war" which is as in Llits y planes, plans destined Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2001/09/07: CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 circles of the U.$.A, and wh c.h a The t .... e -- _ people,, strength of the ~ Yorces, be vigilant to fob low t i tri s of the y es of world, peace, ready for the favorable moment to give a worth resistance to the amateur military adventurors. ~or's Note: Two gho'toa, e$ch the size of two accOmPw y the article. Title to the to h t p p o o rest U-2 of the Lockheed fire for meteorologic end specie r ti r i'rn +ik- Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350074-9 smear photo is t R*cce naja$=ce P: