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July 11, 1956
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Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350135-1
'tiord& VioIations
Three Military Flights Last Week
Over Russian Territory Charged 1
State Department officials expect it will take several days
for the United States to react to yesterday's Soviet protest
that American military aircraft flew deep into White Rtissia
and Lithuania on three occasions last week.
Soviet Ambassador Georgi Zaroubin handed Secretary of
State Dulles a formal/Iiote of protest yesterday afternoon. He
told reporters after he came out
of Mr. Dulles' office that he had have made overflights are near
complained about United States Poland's eastern border. The
"overflights" as far as 20.0 miles Q?pxp unisis may see a connec-
inside the Soviet union in the tion between these events.
areas around Minsk, Pinsk, Kal- 3Nations Accuse U. S.
iningrad and Vilna. r- . 'h
"1'ne note was i,railsiaucu ""'-Invents--in Poland, East Germany
night. Today it will be referred! and the Soviet Union-have
to the Air Force. (charged that United States
Came as Surprise agents were fomenting Polish
Press officer Lincoln White unrest which erupted in Poznan
said Yesterday afternoon that late last r1lonth.
the State Department,. then Observers speculated the pro-
%new "absolutely nothing about test also ig United be intended to,
discredit. t oUnited States' prr i?i
,his." isistent dehiands for aerial in
The Air Force was expected tolsppction at ;. means of disbima-i
refer the protest to its sub-' r :
)rdinate command in West Ger-I Continued on rage A 11, Col. 1
nany, whence the planes came.
according to a Soviet radio
Defense Department officials
were doubtful that the military
Text of Russian Note as Made Public
in Moscow. Page A-15
would make any comment on
the incident. They recalled the
sharp reaction of the State De-
partment earlier this year when
Air Force Secretary Donald
Quarles volunteered information
on American weather balloons
which the Soviet Union com-
plained were flying over its ter-
ritory with high-powered camera
equipment in the gondolas.
His reports' conflicted with
early comments of Secretary
Dulles and resulted in a clamp-
down in the Pentagon on
weather balloon information.
Propaganda Purposes
Washington observers were
hesitant to comment on the
merits of the Soviet charges, but
they saw at least two Communist
propaganda purposes that' the
protest serves.
First, they believe, it will
holster the Communist cain-
paign, now gathering momentum
to pin on the United States the
blame for "instigating" the
Polish bread and freedom re-
The cities above which Liu
Amrrinnn planes are alleged tc
Approved For Release 2001/09/07 CIA-RDP33-02415A000200350135-1
Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000 00350135-1
U. S. Studies Red Note
On 'Border Violations'
Continued From First Page
ment control. A major Soviet
contention has been that Presi-
dent Eisenhower's purpose in
proposing reciprocal aerial in-
spection at the Geneva confer-
ence last summer was to spy
on the Soviet Union.
The new Communist charge
helps to confirm that accusation
State Department officials
wondered aloud about the re-
action of the Soviets' air de-
fense to the American over-
If neither Soviet anti-aircraft
nor fighters rose to challenge
the alleged intruders, it would
mark the first recorded Soviet
lapse in air defense since 1945.
In all known previous cases of
American violation or threats
What would be the reaction,
they asked, if a Communist
bread and freedom revolt in
Mexico were followed up a few
days later with Soviet overflights
in Texas?
In this nuclear age, they said,
Gen. Curtis Le May would have
his Strategic Air Command~,in
the air at the first report of
invasion. Such an overflight,
even if it were merely a feint,
could be the cause for starting
World War III.
Ambassador Zaroubin claimed
the American overflights oc-
curred July 4, 5 and 9. He
characterized the. alleged inci-
dent as a "gross violation of
Soviet air space." He said some
of the planes remained over
Soviet territory 21/2 hours.
to violate Soviet air space, Red! Previous Protest Disclosed
defenders have been quick and Later the Soviet Embassy dis-
ruthless in their reactions. closed it had protested to the
1955 Incident Recalled State Department in mid-May
These violent reactions have about American flights over
northern and eastern Soviet ter-
been uninhibited by peace ofritory on April 5, 12, 15 and 18,
fensives in the past. The most Th
_ _, . ..
e also
22, 1955. Two Soviet jet fighters
fined on an American naval pa-
trol plane over international
water in the Bering straits. In
a crash landing on St. Lawrence
Island four crewmen were in-
jured; three others were hit by
the Soviet planes' fire.
The incident occured while
list of cities said to have been
passed over by American planes
in July. They were Kaunas,
Baranovichi and Brest, all in
the Lithuania - Byelorussia
(White Russia) area.
A Moscow radio broadcast
heard in London said the planes
came from Western Germany by
way of Co----,'-, E
Arriving at State Department
-Star Staff Yhun,
Gei -
United Nations delegates were as
gathering in San Francisco to many and Poland. Moscow said ! poses," the broadcast quoted the
two of the planes were twin- protest note. as saying. It de
celebrate the 10th anniversary engine medium bombers. scribed the flights as "deliberate
of the U.N.'s foundin Moscow 1 he aforesaid violations of action by certainnitcd States
was just cranking up its current I Sov iet air space can only be l elements to aggravate relations ipeace offensive. I assessed as deliberate and car- between the Soviet Union and l
Secretary Dulles protested to ,,11,1 mt. fnr reconnaissance pur- the United States of America."
Soviet Foreign Minister Molotow
and Moscow agreed to pay 50 1
Curious About Restraint
It is hard for observers here to
believe that the Communists k L'k. !-) r& I L~L
AppY VW RfLobsae 1/09/07: CIA-RDP33-02415A0b0 00350135--1
the invasions o ovie air space
tl., i5(-