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Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 1. Effective this date, the OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION OSA DIRECTIVE NUMBER 1-6 6 June 1969 ORGANIZATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Division is established within the Deputy for Operations, Office of Special Activities. 2. Effective this date, designated Chief, 3. Effective this date, Division, Deputy for Operations. s reassigned to ~ivision, Deputy for Operations. Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 DIRECTIVES TABLE OF CONTENTS CATEGORY NUMBER SUBJECT ORGANIZATION PUBLICATIONS MANAGEMENT SECURITY MEDICAL TRAINING PERSONNEL TRAVEL DIFFERENTIALS & ALLOWANCES FINANCIAL AUDIT LOGISTICS n pr.lflAT[n)T ~T+TINT__..- LIAISON RECORDS & CORRESPONDENCE COMMUNICATIONS DISPATCHES PLANS, PROGRAMS & PROJECTS COVER APMI~R ANIARkS Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION OSA HQS DIRECTIVE NO. 1-5 27 MAY 1969 ORGANIZATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Effective this date and until further notice, the Intelligence Division is assigned as a staff element under the Director of Special Activities. Director of Special Activities Excluded bL ,:utay atic dovmg42,+i: and' doclassilkation Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION OSA HQS DIRECTIVE NO. 1-5-4 25 JANUARY 1968 ORGANIZATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES The Comptroller is the adviser to the Director of Special Activities in all matters involving resources, fiscal, and personnel policies and procedures. Accordingly, recommendations submitted to the Director of Special Activities for approval should be routed through the Comptroller for his coordination or comments when such recommendations involve resources or personnel policies or the expenditure of funds. PARANG S Deputy Director of Special Activities CRUV? 1 SECRET .x;lul-A MM auto l~ dc, :.ra~l'sng titl tl::,!rw~ifica$la!! Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION OSA, HQS DIRECTIVE NO. 1-5-3 23 NOVEMBER 1966 ORGANIZATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Brigadier General I (Air Force retired) is employed by OSA, in q. contr a acity. It will be the responsibility of Chief, Personnel Division, OSA, to handle the details in the administration of the various aspects of his contract. In this respect any travel, advance of funds and the like for General with will be accomplished only after coordination JOHN' PARAN Deputy Director of Specift Activities GROUP i Excluded from aulwiflc downgrading and declaalficallon Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION PROJECT HEADQUARTERS DIRECTIVE 20 JULY 1966 NO. 1-5-1 ORGANIZATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 1. A reorganization of the various Divisions and Components within the Office of Special Activities has been effected as of this date. This reorganization affects both Headquarters and Field Units and ha's been approved by the DD/S&T. Approval of the slots noted on the organization charts by name and the authorized grade for each slot is still being reviewed by DD/S&T, and we expect approval in the near future. 2. Copies of the new organization reflecting these changes and the overall structure of the Office of Special Activities are attached. jKjHN G SKY Acting Director of Special Activities Attachments - A s Stated Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 / VI I I I I I I Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 ? S E C R E T FOR INTERNAL OSA USE ONLY OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION OSA HQS. NOTICE NO. 1-94 1 OCTOBER 1965 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IDEALIST CONFIGURATION EVALUATION BOARD 1. The purpose of the IDEALIST Configuration Evaluation Board is to maintain the common interest in, and find solu- tions to, problems related to the configuration and associated systems employed by-the IDEALIST U-21s, to insure maximum effectiveness of the program. To this end, the responsibil- ities of the IDEALIST Configuration Evaluation Board include the following: a. Provide a mechanism for the fullest participation in project systems by all authorized parties. b. Become thoroughly acquainted with existing configuration and systems on board, or available systems capable of being employed. c. Constantly review the configuration and systems in design, proposed, or planning stage, and monitor the test results,to insure that original specifications are adhered to, or that when modifications are effected, such modications are in the best interest of the program and requirement. d. Determine the deficiencies in existing config- uration and systems, if any, and make recommendations to correct the deficiencies where possible. e. Provide general specifications for new config- urations, and new defensive and collection electronic equipment, which would 'enhance the over all capability and survivability of the collection platform. f. Monitor the results of both the collection and defensive equipment, noting any deficiencies and recommend procedures for correction when the equipment malfunctions or appears to be inadequate for any reason. g. Free and full interchange among all departments authorized to participate in information, which has utility for collection and defensive equipment relating to the IDEALIST Program is essential. This includes c?ou~i FOR INTERNAL OSA USE ONLY aawrYa y ~y uarlaa 5~ S,E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 a i V YG # l FOR INTERNAL OSA USE ONLY OSA HQS. NOTICE NO. 1-94 Page 2 intelligence information, and information on internal and external collection research, and defensive systems research programs. 2. PARTICIPATION:1 designated as Chairman and as his alternate. 25X1 Appropriate members will be nominated from the following Divisions and Branches as permanent members or consultants: IDEALIST Division, OSA Communications & Field Electronics Division, OSA Intelligence Division, OSA Materiel Division, OSA Plans Division, FA/OSA Programs Staff, OSA (Consultant) Photographic Specialist, D/TECII, OSA (Consultant) Analysis Division, OEL (Consultant) Air Systems Division, OEL (Consultant) Defensive Systems Division, OSI (Consultant) Security Staff, OSA (Consultant) Additional participation by others within CIA and occasional consultants from other agencies may be advisable and may be invited by any member, subject to the approval of OSA Security member and notice to the Chairman. 3. REPORTS: The Chairman of the Configuration Evaluation Board will designate a secretariat for the purpose of preparing reports. The results of each meeting will be prepared in writing and will encompass the nature of the meeting, record of attendance by each permanent member and a review of the findings of the Board for the enlightenment of the Director of Special Activities and the Deputy for Field Activities, OSA. Each member shall receive a copy of the Board's report for his record, reference and possible action. A K C. LEDFOR B igadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities FOR INTERNAL OSA USE ONLY S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 ?a ELO tiff FAROJ.:C'TS DIVISION 0RG ZATI0N D:- ) HQ& NOTICE NO. l-13 16 April 1962 1. The Director of Central Intelligence has delegated to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence all authorities vested in the Director by law or by virtue of his position. as Director of Cabral Intelligence and head of the Central Intelligence Agency, including, but not limited to, the certification authority set forth in section 8(b) of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1919, as monde., except for any authorities the delegation of Rt ch is prohibited by law. 2. AL other delegations of authority currently in force remain valid to the extent they are not inconsistent with this delegation:. 3. For your information all correspondence prepared for the signature of the DepLy Director of Central Intelligence shall be as follows: A. Approvals and/or Concurrences within the Agency: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence L. Memoranda within the Agency: Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Deputy Director of Central. Intelligence Correspondence going outside the Agency: (must be typed on his official letterhead paper) Marshal. S. CartLer Lieutenant General, MA Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS OSA HQS NOTICE 5-5-5 RESCISSION: OSA HQS NOTICE 5-5-3 dated 5 December 1969 PUBLICATION PROCUREMENT 1. The Agency's expenditures for publications, books, magazines and other periodical subscriptions have been increasing steadily during recent years. The Executive Director-Comptroller, CIA, directed that offices curb this steady increase and establish new procurement procedures. 2. POLICY Only those publications may be purchased which are absolutely essential in support of OSA operations. 3. PROCEDURE a. A separate form 1395 is required for each publication being procured. b. A brief statement should be placed on the face of form 1395 explaining the requirement for the publication and forwarded to Registry Branch for final processing. The signature of the Chief or in his absence the Deputy Chief of each major component within OSA will be required for validation of purchase orders for publications. c. Registry Branch will retain the pink copy as chrono reference file. 4. AUTHORITY The Director of Special Activities, or the Executive Officer, OSA, is delegated authority to approve purchase requests for publications. 5. REGULATORY PROCEDURES An annual review and revalidation of all publications by the D/SA will be conducted prior to renewal of publications through CRS/ADD/DDI. SECRFT Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS OSA HQS NOTICE 5-5-5 Page 2 RESCISSION: OSA HQS NOTICE 5-5-3 dated 5 December 1969 6. Attached for ready reference is a list of publications presently authorized and distributed to components within OSA. Recipients of such material should establish a central reference point within their offices and make available items which may be desired by other components within OSA. This arrangement will preclude the necessity of duplicating items currently being received. Director of Special Activities Attachment: As stated SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 TITLE NBR OF CYS RECD OFFICE W-MINISTRATIVE MGT AEROSPACE DAILY AIR ALMANAC A. F. MAGAZINE A.F. REGISTER VOL I A.F. REGISTER VOL II AIRLINE MGT & MARKETING RMO DSA IDEA D/OPS; DET "H" DSA DSA AIRMANS INFO MANUAL ARMED SERVICES PROCUREMENT REG DET "H" CC CMD AVERAGE MONTHLY WEATHER OUTLOOK WEA. DIV AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECH. DD SA;D/OPS;DET "H" BRIEFING PAPERS CHINA PICTORIAL .wtIINA RECONSTRUCTS CMD INTEL CIVIL SERVICE JOURNAL CQ DATA SEMICONDUCTOR DIODE & SCR DATA 1 INTEL PD COMMO C OMMO DATA TRANSISTOR DATA BOOK DECISIONS OF THE COMP GEN OF THE U.S. COMMO BFD DEP. OF DEF TELEPHONE DIRECTORY RB One for Div. EEE ELECTRONIC EQUIP ENGINEERING DET "H" ELECTRONIC NEWS ELECTRONICS FED. COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RULES & R GS 1 DET "H" COMMO COMMO (VOLUME 4) SAO MANUAL FOR GUIDANCE 1 D/OPS BFD Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 GOV. CONTRACTOR V. CONTRACTS REPORTS GOV. CONTRACTS-LAW ADMIN & PROCEDURES GRAZIANO'S TARIFF HOTEL & MOTEL REDBOOK IEEE SPECTRUM IEEE TRANSACTIONS-COMMO TECH INSTRUMENT & APPARATUS NEWS JANE'S FIGHTING SHIP JANE'S ALL WORLDS AIRCRAFT LOCATION IDENTIFIERS NEW YORK TIMES DAILY NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY NEWSWEEK F AIRLINE GUIDE-AIR CARGO OFF AIRLINE GUIDE-INTERNATIONAL QRE OFF AIRLINE GUIDE N. AMERICAN QRE OFF GUIDE OF THE RAILWAYS PEKING REVIEW (,ST RADIO ELECTRONIC MASTER RAND MCNALLY ROAD ATLAS TECHNOLOGY REVIEW TELECOMMUNICATIONS CMD IAD; CMD CMD "H" TB COMMO COMMO COMMO INTEL INTEL CC INTEL; DSA INTEL INTEL TB 1-BFD; 3-TB 1-BFD; 3-TB TB INTEL COMMO; FIELD STATIONS COMMO TB AAPS C OMMO INTEL INTEL Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 - S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT w ''ALL STREET JOURNAL IASHINGTON POST DAILY INTEL; DET "H" CMD;IAD; DSA INTEL Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTION: ONE COPY TO. THE FOLLOWING: DSA - GEN BEVAN DSA - FLO D OPS INTEL CC IDEA RB SS COMMO CMD IAD AMS AAPS DM PD MIL PERS IS ON MMPD'S LIST Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS PROJECT HQS DIRECTIVE NO 5-5-5 28 May 1971 RECISION: OSA Hqs. Directive 5-5-1 dated 3 February 1966 1. Effective with Directive 5-5-4, the Registry Branch, OSA, will maintain a register, and will be responsible for assign- ing numbers to Headquarters OSA Directives and Notices. These numbers will be in agreement with and follow the basic category numbers and subjects assigned to Agency Regulatory Issuances as follows: Category Number Subject Category Number Subject 1 Organization 45 Logistics 5 Publications 50 Operations-General 7 Management 60 Liaison 10 Security 70 Records and 15 Medical Correspondence 18 Training 90 Communications 20 Personnel 110 Dispatches 22 Travel 230 Plans, Programs, 23 Differentials and and Projects Allowances 240 Cover 30 Financial 300 Administrative 31 Audit Memorandums 2. The basic category or series number will be followed by another number which will reflect the project or program to which the Directive or Notice applies and a number given to each chronologically as published as listed below: -5 Applies as general information for all projects. -10 Applies to IDEALIST activities. -20 Applies to OXCART activities. -30 Applies to ISINGLASS. (retired) -40 Applies to SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Page 2 RECISION: OSA Hqs. Directive 5-5-1 dated 3 February 1966 Example: OSA Project Hqs. Directive No. 50-10-1 (50 - Operations) - (10 - IDEALIST) - (1 - Numerical Sequence) OSA Notice No. 20-5-1 (20 - Personnel) - (5 - All Programs and Personnel) - (1 - Numerical Sequence) 3. All existing Directives and Notices will remain in effect with present numbering until they can be reviewed. Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 AQUI-0133-70 Copy _j- of 14 October 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution 25X1 SUBJECT: Project F----]Directives For your information and effective immediately, all Project Headquarters Directives pertaining to the operation of Project will be designated with the following series of numbers: OSA PROJECT HEADQUARTERS DIRECTIVE 50-40 AQUI/0/OSA/ Distribution: :js (14 Oct 1970) 1 - COMPT/OSA 2 - AQUI/0/OSA 3 - D/O/OSA 4 - D/SA 5 - SS/OSA 6 - D/M/OSA 7 - D/R&D/OSA 8 - RB/OSA Excluded troao auturaatlr dctit;nadln; and d ias 9fl atioa Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT OSA HQS DIRECTIVE NO. 7-5-2 2 JUNE 1971 RECESSION: OSA HQS NOTICE 7-1-69 Dated 16 April 1969 1. On normal workdays the Xerox machine will be set up prior to 0800 hours and shut down at 1630 hours. After normal duty hours and on weekends and holidays, the key to the machine may be obtained from the GSA. guard. Individuals are required to sign for the key upon receipt and to return the key to the guard when finished. NOTE: Personnel who intend to operate the Model 3600 III on such occasions should attend instruction classes presented by OSA, SPS or OEL Key Operators upon request. 2. The following setting-up procedures apply: a. Unlock and raise the top cover located on the right side of the machine. b. Press the MAIN POWER ON button, then lower and secure the top cover. c. Press the POWER ON button on the front panel. The Model 3600 III will begin its warm-up period. d. The warm-up period takes up to five minutes, during which period the NOT READY light is on. e. After the warm-up period, the NOT READY indicator will go out and the READY indicator will light up. Now the Model 3600 III is ready to reproduce copies. 3. DO NOT ADJUST ANY SWITCHES, BUTTONS or DIALS under the top cover. They are adjusted ONLY BY AUTHORIZED XEROX PERSONNEL. Only the MAIN POWER ON button is to be touched by the operator. Unnecessary or unauthorized adjustments may cause poor quality of copies and may possibly put the machine out of commission. 4. Upon completion, turn the MAIN POWER button to OFF and secure the top cover and return the key to the guard. The operator is responsible for the security of the Xerox room before departing. Executiv ffi r Comptroller Office of Special Activities Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET 25X1 IDEALIST PROJECT HEADQUARTERS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIVE NO. 7-10-1 (MANAGEMENT) 12 SEPTEMBER 1966 MANAGEMENT OF U-2R PROGRAM DURING DEVELOPMENT STAGES 1. PURPOSE: a. To establish procedures for control and management of the U-2R program during development and flight test. b. To establish the procedures necessary to configure the U-2R aircraft to insure maximum effectiveness. c. To establish coordination and, control necessary for flight test. d. To establish a security system within the current IDEALIST security system to apply during develop- ment and flight test phase of the U-2R program. e. To establish procedures for the gradual inclusion of U-2R assets into operational configuration. 2. SCOPE: These procedures apply to: a. Development of basic U-2R airframe, propulsion, and ancillary systems. b. Flight test of the U-2R aircraft. c. Configuration of basic airframe and systems to be employed therein. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibility for the U-2R Develop- ment Program rests in the U-2R Executive Committee for Development, chaired by the D/R&D/OSA (Project Manager) and comprised of a member from D/M/OSA, and D/OPS/OSA. (COMPT/OSA, and SS/OSA will act as advisors to this Committee.) The responsibilities of the U-2R Executive Committee for Development include, but are not limited to the following: IDEALISTS 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET I DEALI STJ a.. To provide a mechanism by which an effective control and management can be maintained in the U-2R Development Program. b. Provide a mechanism for participation in the U-2R Program Levelopment by all authorized parties. c. To provide appropriate points of interface with the USAF/AFRDR in matters of U-2R development. 4. PROCEDURES: The U-2R Executive Committee for Develop- ment will: a. Establish a U-2R Requirements Review Board to review configuration, systems, equipments and modification proposals submitted during develop- ment and test phases of the U-2R program. This Board will be chaired by D/M/OSA and be comprised. of member(s) from D/R&D/OSA, D/OPS, LAC, COMPT/OSA, SS/OSA and other components within the Agency such as OEL, ORD, OSI, etc., as required. The Board will possess authority to approve (or disapprove) configuration requirements which would not vio- late the integrity of the basic U-2R airframe, propulsion system and vehicle performance. The U-2R Executive Committee for Development will be kept advised of such decisions on a current basis. In instances where major configurations or changes affecting vehicle performance become involved and are considered essential by its chairman, the Requirements Review Board will refer approval to the U-2R Executive Committee for Development. b. To establish working groups to review in a more narrow scope configurations, systems, equipments, etc., as they may apply to a particular working groups' specialized area, e.g., electronics, cockpits, fuselage, etc. The working groups would examine configuration proposals very closely and make recommendations to the Requirements Review Board for decision. A typical example of a working groups' composi- tion is that established for the cockpit, chaired by SAS/D/OPS/OSA with members being IDEALIST, SECRET 2 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 IDEALIST4 H HH Hz 00 CQ Ua H9 w z-tc Fzw WO >4 H A cz~ 01 W 9 0 >4 HP4 v1 H M w u0 ww IDEALIST SECT T 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 IDEALIST/ 25X1 25X1 CONCUR: IDEALIST 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 IDEALIST/ Agency pilots, LAC representatives, and D/R&D Life Support, with representatives AFRDR may nominate. c. All proposals, modifications, procedures, etc., recommended by the Board will be submitted to the Director of Special Activities for approval. d. The U-2R Executive Committee for Development will establish and maintain a standard con- figuration control chart for the U-2R. e. The U-2R Executive Committee for Development chairman will keep the D/SA and DD/SA advised, on a current basis, on progress during U-2R Development and Flight test. Colonel USAF Director of Special Activities Distribution: 1 - D/OSA 1 - DD/OSA 1 - D/R&D/OSA 1 - D/O/OSA. 1 - D/MD/OSA 1 - Compt/OSA. 1 - Asst Compt/OSA 1 - SS/OSA 1 - Contracts/OSA. 1 - OEL 10-10-66 1 - D/ORD 1 - D/OSI 1 - DD/S&T 1 - D/RECON, CIA. IDEALIST/ Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT OSA HQS DIRECTIVE NO. 7-5-1 8 NOVEMBER 1966 INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) a. In response to a requirement levied upon OSA, by DD/S&T to supply it with contractual information on a regular recurring basis, the following program was instituted and implemented, b. The OSA/MIS program will be a combination of information requested by DD/S&T and financial stones established by CMD & MD for contractor that mile- reporting. As a result of this financial data being fed into the system on a monthly basis, Budget & Finance will be able to obtain suitable reports on financial status which are presently manually generated. c. It is the intent to establish with this directive the internal procedures,for routing contractor reports to insure that this data is routed to OCS from one focal point within OSA. a. The focal point or responsible section for supplying contractual input data to OCS via the MIS officer, DD/S&T, will be CMD/OSA,. Any changes to the contract data base will be submitted to this Division for preparation and transmittal to OCS. b. It will be the responsibility of each Contract Monitor and/or Budget Programs Officer to see that Contractor Reports and/or funding change documents are submitted to Price-Cost Analysis, CMD/OSA, not later than two days after receipt. c. Contract data output will be distributed within OSA, by Price-Cost Analysis Branch, CMD. Budget and finance printouts will be distributed by the Budget & Finance Division/Compt/OSA. "Er Exc!utM trarc 003t4 dounja092 and ct,6aniiisatlcn Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 d. It will be the responsibility of each functional element to continue to generate the reports presently in use as the data runs will be made in parallel until such time as the system is completely debugged. e. MARD/COMPT/OSA is designated as the OSA focal point for the Management Information System. It will be the responsibility of that office to determine output distribution. 3. CONTRACTOR REPORTING PROCEDURE a. The Hardware and Service Contractors will submit their financial reports by the fifteenth of each month following the month being reported upon. b. Those contractors who have Commo facilities will report by this medium with the balance reporting by letter. All financial reports received at Headquarters will be distributed as follows: Action Copy or Original - Price-Cost Analysis, CMD Copy - Contract Monitor Copy - Technical Monitor c. CMD will account for all Contractor reports and program any contract changes received during the previous month from B & F as well as those noted by the Monitors. The MIS input package will be sent to OCS three working days after the Contractor reporting deadline. HN 'P-AR O KY Deputy Director of Special Activities Distribution: 1 - MD/OSA 1 - CMD/OSA 1 - FOD/OSA 1 - COMPT/OSA 1 - ASST COMPT/OSA 2 GROUP t SECRET Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HDQS DIRECTIVE 10-5-15 8 DECEMBER 1971 SECURITY DURING HOLIDAYS 1. During the oncoming holiday season many of our employees will be taking annual leave. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon those who remain on the job to be extra careful at all times in order to adequately protect all classified material. Special attention should also be given to assuring that no room is left unoccupied when classified material is left out on the desk or the safes left unlocked. 2. The trend in the past has been an increase in the number of security violations near the end of the calendar year. All supervisors are urged to remind their employees of their security responsibilities, with particular emphasis on the after-hours security check in their respective areas. 25X1 rigadier General, USAF irector of Special Activities CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HDQS DIRECTIVE 10-5-14 18 DECEMBER 1969 1. During the oncoming holiday season many of our employees will be taking annual leave. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon those who remain on the job to be extra careful at all times in order to adequately protect all classified material. 2. There has been a tendency in the past to experi- ence an increased number of security violations near the end of the calendar year. All supervisors are urged to remind their employees of their security responsibilities, with particular emphasis on the after-hours security check in their respective areas. Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HDQS DIRECTIVE 10-5-13 16 OCTOBER 1969 DESTRUCTION OF CLASSIFIED MATERIAL REFERENCE: B. OSA HdgseDirective -10-5-7edatedA18uJanuary 1968 set collection of 1. The established rocedures for the classified waste in the were per immediately, Reference B. As indicated in Reference A., all classified waste will be divided into two categories, PULP and BURN. The PULP category should include paper and other soluble material. The BURN category should include only photo-, graphs, film (except explosive nitrates), photostats, magnetic tapes, multilith mats and typewriter ribbons. 2. All material, including Top Secret and Codeword materials, should be placed in bags marked TOP SECRET BURN or TOP SECRET PULP. Top Secret and Codeword materials no longer require separate handling for destruction, but must be torn or shredded before being placed in disposal bags. Unfil such time as OSA is supplied with bags marked TOP SECRET BURN and TOP SECRET PULP, each office should mark BURN or PULP in large block letters on each bag. 3. Should any questions arise regarding the disposal of bulky items, hazardous items such as nitrate film, or other material not fittin in either the PULP or BURN categories, please contact OSA Security Staff, Room 1A08 extension 4. There has been no change made in the established time for collecting classified waste in the despite the change in working hours. The classified waste vault is open daily from 1600-1615 hours. Brigadier General, Director of Special Activities S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY ?OSA HQS DIRECTIVE 10-5-12 13 DECEMBER 1968 1. During the oncoming holiday season many of our employees will be taking annual leave. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon those who remain on the job to be extra careful at all times in order to adequately protect all classified material. 2. There has been a tendency in the past to experience an increased number of security violations near the end of the calendar year. All supervisors are urged to remind their employ- ees of their security responsibilities, with particular emphasis on the after-hours security check in their respective areas. Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-11 6 NOVEMBER 1968 VISITORS TO OSA AREA 1. All OSA personnel presently assigned to the have a "K" on their building badge. The current policy concerning official visitors to the including staff employees from other areas, requires-an escort at all times while in the area. However, there is an exception made whereby staff employees whose official duties require a certain amount of work time be spent each week in this building can be issued a temporary "No Escort Required" badge, if they possess the appropriate clearances. 2. In the case of contractor's esentatives who are required to visit the the staff employee being visited should adhere to the following guidelines: (a) Make certain that the visitor, prior to his arrival, has been issued the appropriate approvals to permit his access to sensitive project information. (b) When business discussions will be held with the contractor's representatives in the employee's office, it is imperative upon the latter to notify all the personnel in the adjoining offices prior to his arrival. (c) The visitor should be made privy only to information or projects for which he has a "need to know." (d) The visitor must be escorted at all times while he is in the There will be no (e) The visitor is permitted only in areas where access is needed and he should be controlled so that he is not in a position to overhear classified conver- sations of other Agency employees. 25X1 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-11 page 2 (f) All business meetings with these representa- tives be conducted, whenever possible, in the OSA conference room, particularly where the representative has more than one Agency employee with whom to confer. 3. It is also incumbent upon all staff employees who are in the area to take all precautionary measures necessary to prevent a visiting contractor's representative from over- hearing or seeing any information about projects other than the ones about which he has been briefed. Discussion of any Agency business, policy, organization, etc. should be avoided and extreme caution should be exercised at all times to prevent the disclosure of sensitive intelligence knowledge to unauthorized persons. Brigadier General, U F Director of Special Activities S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-10 4 NOVEMBER 1968 1. This directive reemphasizes the importance of maintaining good security during the conduct of telephone conversations at the This matter was previously discussed in Headquarters Directive 10-5-8, dated 19 January 1968. 2. Every employee, upon answering the telephone in his office, should limit his opening remarks to furnishing only the telephone extension. He should not give out the office designation. In the event an individual requests information over the telephone which would require divulging sensitive information about a particular project or the identity of an employee with OSA, without knowing the identity of the caller or his need for the desired information, the employee shall simply ask the caller for his name and telephone number and offer to return his call. 3. All OSA employees should bear in mind that the black line telephones and project sterile telephone lines are not secure and that it is entirely possible for unauthorized persons to have access to any conversations conducted over them. A good, sound security practice is never to discuss classified or controlled information over these types of communications. When using unlisted telephones, employees should remember that this does not mean that the equipment is any more secure than a regular telephone line through the switchboard. 4 . The 3-digit red line telephone s y s t e m is strictly for internal use within the and permits discussing classified subjects throug Secret only. 5. Theo telephone system, otherwise known as the gray/green interface telephone system, can be used for discussing n rmation or codeword discussioris-' within the or between employees in OSA Headquarters ) and other Government agencies. 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-10 Page 2 The use of the ~ system requires an SI clearance. Additional instructions concerning security and the use of the 0 system are available in the directories circulated with each gray/green line. 6. Any problems encountered in the use of any tele- phone system in the should be reported and to the OSA Security Staff, Room 1A06, attention promptly to the Telep one Service Branch, extension 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-9 19 January 1968 VISITOR CONTROL AND ACCESS PROCEDURES 1. This Directive serves as reminder of existing Agency visitor ures which will continue in effect at the as follows: a. Official visitors will be processed through the guard and receptionist under routine Agency procedures, appropriately badged and escorted, if required; b. Agency visitors without OSA project clearances or with limited clearances will be processed through the guard and receptionist and escorted within the building; c. Official visitors with complete project access will be issued a temporary badge (no escort required); d. VIP visitors will receive access treatment in accordance with existing procedures; e. The "K" and "I" badge indicators remain unchanged; f. Additional "K" and "I" indicators and "no escort required" badges must be requested through the Security Staff, OSA, in accordance with current procedures. However, the criteria for issuance is determined by frequency of visits and complete clearance approval. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-9 Page 2 2. Please bear in mind that a badge-is not a clear- ance certification but only signifies the type access to O SA . Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-7 18 January 1968 RESCISSION: OOSA Directive 10-5-5 Dated 31 Jan 67 SA Directive 10-5-3 Dated 25 Nov 66 BYEMAN OR OTHER CODEWORD WASTE DESTRUCTION 1 The small vault (Room 1C21), on the ground floor of the has been designated as the repository for all classified waste, including codeword, cryptographic and Restricted Data trash. Office of Logistics personnel who collect this trash possess the appropriate clearances and instructions for handling and disposing of OSA classified trash. 2. Large and small bags must be marked legibly with proper instructions for disposal, as follows: a. Bags containing codeword material are to be marked with the letter "C." b. Bags containing codeword material that must be burned (SI, T-KH and Cryptographic) are to be marked with the letter "C" in addition to the word "burn." c. Bags containing non water solubles, such as typewriter ribbons, plastic or heavy cardboard, and bags containing bulky material, such as IBM print- outs (which do not have to be reduced in size first) are to be marked with the word "burn." If non-water solubles and bulky material reflect codeword informa- tion, the bags are to be marked with the letter "C" and the word "burn." 3. The classified waste vault will be opened for trash deposits Monday through Friday between 4:00 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OSA HQS. DIRECTIVE 10-5-7 Page 2 If these deposit times are missed, classified trash must be secured in vaulted areas or safes by the individual. Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Next 16 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY PROJECT HEADQUARTERS DIRECTIVE 18 AUGUST 1966 NO. 10-5-2 RECISION: DPD Hqs Notice 10-4 dated 5 April 1962 SAFE CUSTODIANS 1. PURPOSE Agency Regulation assigns to supervisory personnel 25X1 the responsibility for designating those individuals under their direct control who must have knowledge of specific safe or vault combinations. The name, home address, and home telephone number of each person having access to a safe or safe-cabinet shall be posted on the side of each drawer. Vaults shall list the above information on the inside of the door. This requirement applies as well to the safe drawers in unitized desks. It has been brought to the attention of this Division that the above cited regulation is not receiving compliance. In many instances the information is not posted, and in others the posted information is obsolete. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES Effective upon receipt of this directive, it shall be the responsibility of each unit supervisor to: a. Designate an individual or individuals who will have responsibility for each safe, safe-cabinet, or vault under the cognizance of the unit super- visor. b. Ensure that each safe drawer or vault door is posted with the names and home addresses and telephone numbers of the custodians of the safe or vault area. 3. METHOD The accepted method of posting is a 3x5 or 5x8 inch card taped to the side of each drawer above the sliding track. Each card should bear the required information on the custodian and an alternate. Colonel, USAF Director of Special Activities GROUP 1 Excluded from aatef'alk dowa'rad)o1 AA9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 22 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 S E C R E T OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SECURITY PROJECT HEADQUARTERS 7 FEBRUARY 1966 DIRECTIVE NO. 10-5-1 1. Please be reminded that reproduction of TALENT and BYEMAN controlled material, in whole or in part, is prohibited unless permission to do so has been obtained OSA er Offi , , c from the TALENT and BYEMAN Control 2. Whenever such permission is obtained, copies will be controlled under the originator's assigned TALENT or BYEMAN control number and will be further identified as "Series B". Each copy will be numbered in sequence beginning again with one (1) and each copy will also show the total number of "Series B11 copies prepared. Brigadier uenuru-L , Director of Special Activit'es S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Next 12 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 SECRET Distribution: 1 - ASST COMPT/OSA 3 - 3 - DET 1 - D/SA 1 - D/O/OSA 2 - OXC/O/OSA 2 - IDEA/O/OSA 1 - SS/OSA 1 - SAL/OSA 1 - D/R&D/OSA 2 - INTEL/O/OSA SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Next 22 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 FIELD DIRECTIVE NO. 18-5-1 Page 24 G. Security Instruction: Headquarters will prepare and forward at a later date special security instructions for SERE Training. Attachment - 1 Form No. TEB-4 a z+ Cl u T m Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 INTEL/0/OSAJ Distribution: Copy 1 - Copy 2 - 3 - C opy Copy 4 - Detachment G Copy 5 - Detachment G Copy 6 - Detachment G Copy 7 - D/SA Copy 8 - D/O/OSA Copy 9 - OXC/O/OSA Copy 10 - OXC/O/OSA Copy 11 - IDEA/O/OSA Copy 12 - IDEA/O/OSA Copy 13 - SS/OSA Copy 14 - INTEL/O/OSA Copy 15 - INTEL/O/OSA :n1m (27 March 67) - T n a T'i T Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Next 19 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 INTEL/O/OSA Distribution: Orig - ASST 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 :nlm (13 June 68) COMPT/OSA Detachment H Detachment G D/SA D/O/OSA IDEA/O/OSA SS/OSA INTEL/O/OSA c 1+ n D z+ m Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 -----------~ INDIVIDUAL RECORD F T A NG SURV L EVASION RESISTANCE E S C P E (sE! _ Vr NAN FIRST NAME TRAINING SUBJECT DATE P HOURS OR NUMBER LOCATION OF TRAINING INSTRUCTOR REMARKS Q NAME OF CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGNATURE 4 ADDTT. 1 Q A7 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES OSA DIRECTIVE NO. 20-5-1 8 NOV PERSONNEL EMBER 1967 SUBJECT: Agency Overtime Compensation Policy REFERENCE: (A) (B) Memorandum for Deputy Directors and Heads of Independent Offices from Executive Director-Comptroller, dated 5 October 1967, Same Subject (ER 67-4710) Memorandum for Director of Special Activities from Acting Executive Officer/DDS&T, dated 12 October 1967, Same Subject (DDS&T-4067-67) 1. References indicated above pertain to minimizing the use of overtime throughout the Agency and requests that each component program their overtime requirements during the fiscal year to assure that overtime funds budgeted for will not be exceeded. 2. At the present rate overtime is being utilized within OSA, we will be rapidly approaching the point where our budgeted overtime could be exceeded. Although we could make a strong case in justifying our present rate of consumption of overtime, I prefer that all of us endeavor to reduce the need insofar as possible. 3. Attached for general information is a copy of a recent overtime policy which was forwarded to Detachment Commanders, both U.S. and Field Bases. In essence, the guidelines contained therein should be used when appropriate in minimizing overtime at the Headquarters' level. 4. Your concerted effort, consistent with maintaining our present high level of operational effectiveness, is requested. Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities Attachment As stated above Excluded from autOdlgpsh downradln ahd SECRET F Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/24: CIA-RDP33-02415A000700020001-9 s' ! .. . .,y r.,rr r.??e I'?r,"-v,-RC, t tai)a +?ti~elJ 'o*jov 'a 19C ~ti:~?p`CiMi`~ a /p_/__c ,,/,a-.25X1' ' ~-iOv 3 tH. I i e- 25X1 Q, 74- V rM a>* N R CX25X1 w, {y y T 1967 25X1 3213 DATED 20 JUN. a acu c' ' a C !1 ~A :' : ,P 2CE: PT O AN AGENCY DX1,JECTXVA WXTI RM}.PECT TO MXNTMX Z1I4& USE OF 0V11,'UTY;V ,. THIS WAS 3 W UUGGT AP3O+ T fl TN E TIGHT H."(W,'a' "''.1 ATX0hi VAHC Car AC)RY) 5 TAB A D AT ALL .I.,.iMET-IW oaf rR`'l P, ZIC ADM THE, a3 'p"~4:$a B. IN O D t TO PROM WI M a A # 1 : A ' i , 1 3 O 111110 o ", ' V, ` i POLXCY G74i'!T"DZi Yt I LYd4s 6.A!V'' u~.t'o..r .6. d:`~ .~''.rp.'a,p Ll.'a ..r4 S;ik'i SYJ.6. J: ,?9A`it .i tY. }$'1,d`.L~.'~RAa k''~Cd 6 tmx, IN .CCo) W.I m vy,,; bVxsxo s or r'. 2o-v3) WThL..s APPLY 2. CO MM.ND ,e S 4"l .AL.'1..s 71011K W1.r' . ?'K FOR al TA `d? AND ONa' `a. `c? ' : nnn, a i' k.S W XEIq TM V3 WILL U.'10 ,2T &CC T PL; ; ' PPjOJ CT IKYGX L EN 'S k;A.F.1VArt.E OR REDUCE GV,' RTZ1Tui OR CyjiyZ?S:r.ti'iSAM 3,, X F E 1 T3 T 1,Yi, i 011 EPi' "x a3LAI WO MY WEE ' HAVE BEEN 1V $TA ''.h Z ff AtD IT 7S UM THAT OWII* " `XPM IS w# a n AND X8 .;+ DIRECTED BY Td 4' a~rY.e s.. errt:~y~~.-:r