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PDF icon CIA-RDP51-00036A000100030007-2.pdf271.44 KB
Approved For Release : Cl 0036A000100030007-2 RE29IREI NTS BRUNCH In close coordination with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff and the Office of Reports and Estimates. 1. Conducts surveys to ascertain what intelligence information and intelligence are desired by the Federal agencies. concerned with national security- furnishes the Office of Reports and Estimates information to assist that Office in determining what intelligence should be produced to meet requirements; and recommends other appropriate action. d? ee*.a.,vo,.o- r,, F dimx4L?S a,, rl prn~ -cr r a i 2. 18.7 Uscertain Af,Fom4Eft tj~e adequacyAof intelligeii d nee.-.for the use of the noi1ectiao e req rvemen-ts to'be met in procuring intelligence 9swee ~; Conducts necessary investigat ns end fenders reports sel ~~ on the adequacy of CIG intelligence ~e dissemi- nated s-and extent of utilization thereof by the recipients. ~ '5. In accordance with overall GIG security policies controls the classification and declassification procedures, and other requisite security control measures relative to the collection and dissemination by CIG of intelligence lT2e~ areA ") fr. Oonduct ce studies sg gcal problems affecting OOD AuxaU operations and formulates plans to resolve these -problems; recommends -policies s, procedures and special con, ntrols other than security control e at mP ~flon dissemination and, in accordance with axroroved -policies, supervises .!Figs of controls. ci!! Surveys the interdepartmental dissemination of intelligence by all Government agencies, and makes appropriate recommendations to insure ade- quacy and eliminate undesirable duplication. 314: Defines, for the use of the Dissam n*tjon Branch, requirements for the dissemination of intelligence 3.ngn a based on the ascertained requirements of Federal agencies and of ORE. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP51-00036AO00100030007-2 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP51-00036AO00100030007-2 1. Conduct v ~s to ascertain .C on a current basis,5-what intelligence Conduct to intelligence Bred by those Federal agencies concerned with the national security. e1ce I'Vi2C u.nd Cp?rQ~inq ~a ill _ 2. 4~e #ert -3,i eea gxoarRfor receiving td pro requirements for intelligence intelligea+ f'R k try'{, 3. ducts sbecial surveys to ascertaiin thg re:uirements_f Federal agencies Mgr eg~1 c all services gr new services contemplated CIG, 4. Furnishes ORE information to assist that office in determining what intelligence should be produced to meet requirements. 5, ~Ls ert s fry' 0 dt 4itei.j,geice will be produced by . ro riate rese rch en? a to-meet the repo nee .e~oP ged a1 n ie and th azl r quay of information and intelligence being-furnish d at o es. er~d ~ Reviews all requests for intelligence ei?-- 6e mat- -. to insure correctness of specification,propr __2riateness of request we -h+ wtln+ini +,+nti+ra,_r,?_ nnrnhna '+t!je -, and ire a -- proper deadline date. Contacts requesters in connection with the above mentioned items when necessary. Defines, the requirements to be met 4a-- et ji at 11.i,e yLy ^ m /~'G f %ar1 QG ; 4 171afQh l a ~.. 8, Perms Srh.@ok: investigations Aad surveys, j= reports C3/f gApgXft tie, status of nending requests g called ] requesters. 9. Conducts necessary investigations and render and eliminate undesirable duplication. Government agencies and makes appropriate recommendations to insure adequacy di seeninated and e~ utilizat o "Ire* and reaction h recipients. on the adequacy All timeliness of CIG i telligence g 12. Coordinates with ORE in matters reP" -wF: pertaining to ~.~.~~ ^~.sder deral agencies for oral and graphic presentation of CIG intelligence. 1-0 - ..LL& t v qVbii CUCpii V 6 VV YCi LUCP V YJ V=Xv/ j bbd1Ai L sat-ing Gl _Jnt 3 igenee and-Intell rmat 13, C~ea3~e-e~~-aasem#~e#ss-eb~~ee~:vee-e~-esse#t3~-wls-ea__en~er~e-ens eos#P401e. (This function transferred to Control Division.) Approved For R 0100030007-2 Approved for Release : CIA-RDP51 36A000100030007-2 a 9 1. a. Conducts studies , n recommends a `' procedures and eci controls (other than security controls ove/CIG dissemination which are deemed necessary in connection with COD functions. shr B. IS accordance with established icier s~pervi~ econtrolaer~~ieM~o~ 11. over GIG disseminationo, eryiaas +~,a of such c o , ciu fig, rcamet aces, 2. In accordance with prescribed overall GIG security polies a. - #e lee-ease#?#eat#ea-~ seed end-, -when-mete-eeeiy-T e #aee-e .d-aee#gae Serves in on visor capacity in determining and igninp appropriate security classification to items of CIG intelligence b. Reviews disseminated items of GIG intelligence and downgrades or declassifies them as conditions permit and notifies recipients of action taken, c. Upon request cif offices within GIG, reviews items of intelligence which p ainate outside CIG purpose Qf recommending to originators-- ti.her +- s - .: ' an ro r ate1 that items be downgraded U declas sifi ed. d. In cooperation with participating agencies, arranges for uniform security control procedures for the handling'of disseminated CIG intelligence e.aer~be~#tie,-~e~-the-Llff#ee-e-fee#~r-#he-ed~gasy-ef-seer##3r rontral.c-in-ti~a-aoa_participat3rag_Faders~7.-~t~ciea-.aac3,,R.f'ram..a.-securi#~ stasu3.- pe#a$=-tlse#e-e~#g#b3#tt3~-#e-~aeeivra~riti a fort all intelligence :*ere~ticu~.~ati ?jaaxee during processing by the Office of Collection and Dissemination, b.. ding ~inttlli6eric 3. Conducts studies of goecial problems affecting OCD ovgrall operations ,fnd formulates vlans 1o rgeol these problems ,fvatal 1. recemvuaa mom se ^cive ku.rces, C my #, AQ W71 LL' Approved For Relea : 7 A000100030007-2 Approved For Release xl CA000100030007-2 4. 49tab iahes And maintains A&minist-r j tve -controls intelligen.~- __ a,..~ over rer _ est:s for information ,egd intelligence, including: a. Gh-erkIng, So e t Gad eliminate dun].ications. the b: intainiag JMffra~i i_ wit h sneci _ _ed deadlines 5. iecke dissemin tion or e)P s f conformity w t reauirementsnd controjj. (This function transferred from Survey Division.) Approved For Release: ClA-RQ-- kIb030007-2