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Approved For Rele i 1 riLrlcin:IRA000100030021-6 25 April. 19 OR32 PLANS -!I D POLICY START, Functional Statemczts - Analysis Division la rlission To conduct continuing reviews and analyses of the needs of OPT and to recom and to the C'hiof.. Plans and Policy Sluff, such plans, policies, pinceduxos, and implementing, dix~ectives as may ,' necessary to facilitate ft lfil nt of the OW .2, in the pro=. duction of national :intelli.ge:nces 2. Re aonsibili.tie s In the fc.Ifillsi nt of its ni.ssion, the Analysis Division is responsible for: a, Continuous rev:aevr and analysis of the authorities, policies, responsibilities, organization:? fuamctions, procedures., and operations, other than acn3.nistration, of OR5 in order to roconnond any changes noeded to 3.uiprovo inteUlgence producttec ba Continuous review and analysis of MC, # s rking re- lati.onsh ips with other Offices within. CIA, and through CCD with the IAG agencies, and other gover.:ntal agencies in order tot (1), Identify and define mutual problems affecting intelligence production vahich require clarification and negotiation to rosolw (2) Identify and define those fields of research and production vahere overlapping responsibilities, dupl e su.. tion of effort, and significant gaps in re sponsibtlitir s a r-~ found to exist (3) Identify and define those fields of common cour, x -n in intelligence production which can be more effieient1aa covered by a central intelligence p ^odaeti on facility. c4 Preparation of recommendations for the AD/ORE on all. plans, policies,,, procedures and implore ntin.R directives, des:j f ? cz. to accomplish coordination of effort bet eon producing and exploitation component, and agencies, and to facilitate the -pro- duction of national intollif ance Approved For R11PAW" 36.A000100030021-6 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP51-00036AO00100030021-6 A ilysis Division do Review and a;tion on proposal of other CIA components, the IAC' and other gaverrzr?ieutal agencies vrhich affect the OP,nasaion, nd which are referred to OE by the DCI, the Executive or ICAPS for recoxnn ndatiors or implor ntation, e a P a::ans and provides guidance to ORIT components in the px paration of re o?wts needed for planning, reporting progress and operational purposes other than substantive intol]i.gence or edmim-stration; collation of and editing such reports for the thrive a mci prepare a data in support, of I3anagoaont Office, CIA,, for the Operation At ai,ysis Ilandbook0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP51-00036AO00100030021-6