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PDF icon CIA-RDP54-00177A000100160017-8.pdf62.57 KB
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00177A000100160017-8 Records Management and Distribution Branch The Records Management and Distribution Branch began in March 1946 as the Central Records Section of the Personnel and Administrative Branch, Executive Staff, Central Intelligence Group. At first the Section was responsible only for the control and filing of correspondence. To these duties were added the distribution of intelligence documents , operation of the courier service and control of Top Secret documents, Under the Central Intelligence Group, the Section was named, successively, the Central Records Section, the Central Registry and again, the Central Records Section. It was first placed under the Communications Division and later was transferred to the Services Division where it remained until after creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, After creation of the Central Intelligence Agency the Section was made responsible also for matters of records management in CTA. It was transferred to the Office of Collection and Dissemination in May 1911.8. The courier service was transferred to the Administrative Office, OCD. All the other original functions of the Central Records Section were given to the Library Branch, OCD. The records management function, itself, was transferred to a separate portion of the Library Branch and was called the Archives Division, and later, the Records Management Branch. It was moved in November 1950 from OCD to what was then called the Services Office. During the following months responsibility for the mail and courier service, distribution of copies of intelligence documents, central control of administrative correspondence entering and leaving CIA, and operation of a central administrative file were brought together under the official who was responsible for the records management and records storage functions. In May 1951 this activity was given its present name, Records Management and Distribution Branch, and was placed in the General Services Division of Administrative Service Office, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00177A000100160017-8