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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1949
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Approved For Release 2000/0-RDP54-00195A000100010034-5 03"0 92KIUM, 4 October 1949 Balm.. C.( 7 ry 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Training estimates of ( and OPC. 25X1A9a Neither Mr. wex concerned with the estimates submitted by So pposite oxf ces. 'Therefore, it was decided to take up the combined estimate of the two offices in the discussion of the now T/4~ New `T'/O. 25X1A9a Copies of the new T/O were reviewed briefly by both r. - and Mr. _ It was decided that both copies of the T/O were to be sent to Mr. who would secure approval of ADC and would cottrdinate approval with Al O. 3. Schedule of Courses The suggested training grogram for the next six months was re- viewed briefly by Mr. it was recommended that a place be made under spec al courses for the inclusion of additional special courses as required. It was decided that copies of the schedule of courses be sent to ADSO and Pi}PC re- speetlvely for their approval prior to publication by Tim. 4. Training Requests 25X1A9a The new training request form was reviewed by Mr. and Mr. A few suggestions were made to clarify and simplify the form. act these were immediately incorporated in the new form. On the matter of language trati ni n *, it was decided that Chief,, TRTJ, should confer with Mr, respectively, on the approval of language training an e expenditure ends. It was further decided that the printing of the new training request form would be hel4i up pending the approval of the schedule of courses considered previously under item 3 of the Agenda. 5? Evaluation System presented the necessity for approval of the pro- posed evaluation system which had been submitted previously along with other material to ADSO and ADPC. The copy of this material which had been returned by ADSO was to be forwarded to him through Mr. requesting approval. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP54-00195A000100010034-5 ,a_4YNPIDENTI - C Approved For Release 2000/08/21'?:~ 195A000100010034-5 ap 3rnval o the t i p am 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Covert Par=Wry Course Instructors Is AWAY as possible of the division. on was raised by as t h 25X1A9a o ow the list COVc : paramilitary instructors was progre ss: 25X1 A9a indicated that his office and 080 are presently *or* ng on this problem and will do 811 poseiblo to have the Ust available in Possible to resat u problem by . 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a __ _ .a._ w -..,, ~ w.atc:v k ,YCtfis J tr .n 1f, inatructtcn were diac s, ed by th h e ope tit sow kind of a fc~t could be ut nee . It was stated by Mr, - 25X1 A9a that the problem Of the two offices wore somewhat different and OPC Cover peraonfie; Division in handling psrsaranel ghoul report to t i o C scuss this prob , aimim Pool out that this Mr. a for r the anilry ' pool. 11. Miscellaneous On the training 00mittee meetings. # oth Mr. !a of OPC was brought out by Coolonat ad that the list of trams liaison 'ru ,shed ahort:,, It was Asa sug 25X1A9a Ave Problem were discussed. ur.mmw 4hese difficulties upon the presentation nterim msaau pending, h time it is hoped th appi val can be se d e raonnol of the covert pool into the basic study The ueoti,on') was raised as to whether notes secretary will attend to maintain CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP54-00195A000100010034-5 W44 . acquainted with the new rpr. oc OPC covert pool as arras ed between the nperatior . ~__-. -- ..ti8_.