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Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00337AOG0100120006-6 MkWJAL OF INSTRUCTEM FOR R= .IN T'NG EVALLiATI}N FORD ury Version 1953 TO Information Approved For Release : CQ~M -00337A000100120006-6 Approved For Re This manual describes a form for the evaluation of students while in training and provides the specific information necessary for its use as a basic tool in the system of training evaluation. The system makes explicit recognition of the division of responsibility between Training Staffs and the Assessment and Evaluation Staff, The former determine what is taught, how it is sub-dividod for evaluation purposes, and the importance of each sub-division In arriving at an overall evaluation. The latter is responsible for the measurement aspects of all evalua- tions and the determination of which personality traits or atti- tw33 are feasible of measurement in a particular situation. The manual is divided into two parts. Part I is a general discussion of the training evaluation system and the principles followed in its development; Part II contains the specific.instruc- tions for completing a form which is to be utilized as a basic instrument in all courses where evaluation is conducted, Information '80337A000100120006-6 "J V 1 11 D Approved For Rele&9e : CIA-R P54-00337A000100120006-6 S Approved Fgr Release -F OQO37A000100120006-6 A_ P&rWM 9S Form 1. The primary purpose of a training evaluation form Is to provide a report to studentsu supervisors of what the student learned and how -vil he learned it. A subsidiary, although still major purpose, is to provi a In- formation useful for assignment and career management purposes., In the light of this dual purpose, the form has been designed to obtain reports on the knowledge and skills taught as specific goals of the course and whatever is made for collection of incidental observations which, while not of value when reported in a single course, may assume value when ad.dod to information obtained from other courses or job performance. The form is pot designed as a personnel action instrument, but as a means of recording and transmitting information which, when integrated with other information, will aid In deal- ing wisely with the Individual. 2. Several. specific principles were kept in mind in designing the pro-- oedure and form, The procedure is aimed at obtaining an integrated picture of the individual over his entire training period. The form permits nexi- bliity both in terms of what knowledge and skills are taught and what may be observed. Changes can be made in the course emphasis without altering the form. The principle is emphasised that only what can be observed or maasurecl should be reported, Ratings are obtained only when situations permit the necessary kind of observation:, Questions on matters of inqsor?tance for which systematic observation is not possible are included to pic9k up accowits of significant incidents that are observed? Where incldsntt&';. observations of personality traits are recorded, instructions call for only those that really characterize the student in an outstanding manner,, 3:, In recording the Information an effort has been made to make it as explicit as possible to aid in meaningful interpretation., Instructors evaluations and judgments are distinguished from facts such as objective test scores or other numerical measures? The fact of the student a s stand- ing in relation to course standards is distinguished from the evaluation of his performance In terms of his normal eoapetitive group; eag?,, taking into account his age, experience in CIA, grade, and type of career,, There is also a distinction made between what to systematically taught and what Is 1~ t dented : observed. Finally, there are distinctions made among knowledge, skills, and other characteristics which are reported. B. IMMOM 1. The forms will be completed pertly by the Assessment and Evaluation Staff and partly by the instructional staff,, d er dl ?:k.ty Inf jn, , :.,on Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00337A000100120006-6 SWf?tthr Approved For -Relea.(, 1 -F~ 37AO0 100120006-6 2? identifying kifor ti.on r n i nb i ;* s rea t i.: be sntaxro f, Ln t.hhi forma by th. Asseessment and Evs7w wi-ih 5-,,,g+f tr the i y art of t o? prior to turning them over to t- h*- "3t +,ff for'to: pi.ation. TI completed evaluation wi 7.-I be sis d by the ch of instmunt x or arc member of the instru tions. _ staff (Imsi .ter by him, and returned to the Assessiunt sod lva1 tion Staff for tran:smi s}-ion to appropriate offiG 0s , The se; end part of this menu l provides s ,m fic ini'arme.tion w-W di:reorettons to g!?i.8e instructors in usi the form, S1 Se :?ity for. ion Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00337A000100120006-6 SEA Approved For Release4[9$7A000100120006-6 _3 Part II 56c1tion ?; Identify*ing Thforrmtiop 2. Purpose: To provide necessary identifying information about the student and his course attendance record, 2. A/E responsibility: To secure the necessary identifying informa- tion from the Registrar and (with the exception of absences) to domplete t."SL, section of the report prior to the end of the course but before turning the report forms over to the chief instructor. 3 Instructors" responsibility: To enter the nrer of absences to the nearest half-day; e.g., 2 1/2 B a Section : II: Oblation of At1i1 s ?r HA v ara~ _?r~arti la Purpose: To record observations of any outstanding incident which may be of significance from a career point of view. This section consists of several questions having intporta:zt implications but for which the ccnditiopt of a particular course do not provide a basis for making fine distinctions, These questions call only for a "Yes{" or "Non answer. In each case the "yYt s" answer is the one having possible sigfifi.cance, and a brief description of the type of behavior observed should be given in Erich cases. The first fiv:vv of these questions concern which may have tlq ttve i-mplia' +lors fn a students career potential, while the last (F0) asks for any outstanding trait or characteristic, whether favorable, neutral,, or unfavorable Ment.i, n of characteristics ranging from a very specific irritating habit to a tem- peramental disposition would be appropriate here. "Yes"' answers will be rare where there is limited opportunity for observation, 2. Instructors5 responsibility: ao To encircle naqlr' or "No" as appropriate for each questionb. To give a brief description of the behavior observed as the basis for each "Yes" anger? Note: The appropriate training official should insure that each instructor participate in the answering of the questions. Not* further that for Questions A through E. being based on specific observation, it Is not necessary for instructors to agree for the questions to be answered "Yes." Thus, observation on the part of any one instructor should be indicated by a "Yes" answer,, Explanation of 'Yes" answers should in- clude the number of incidents upon which the answer is-based, "EM Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00337A000100120006-6 3eum?ity Information Approved For Release : CIA-RPP54-00337A00.D100120006-6 Co Section II: K.nowaeasro 1. Purpose: To'provide both relative numerical standings and instructors' evaluation of the degree of mastery of course contenta The relative standing, which is based upon examination, reports, and other numerical grades, will. be in terms-of oentiies. A Gentile score tells what percent of pecpie in a group an individual exceeds. For example, a oentile score of 75 means that the stsadentva score is better than those of 75% of the group with which be is being caomparedo The evaluation, which is in terms of a nsuperior-excellent- sati,sfactory-poor4fai e11 scale, is a judgment based upon all information: test scores, interviews, impressions based upon class participiti,)n, *to. This evaluation is therefore broader than the asntile standing, and mey not correspcad to it in every case. Overall academic evaluations are also in- cli ded .In this section: overall standing, combining all. the test scores and other numerical data, and an overall evaluation made by the instructors. 2 Instructorac responsibilities: a. To notify A, at the beginning of the course of the list of topics or course components for which separate grades will be given, and the relative weight to be assigned to each. b, To supply A, with numerical test scores for each topic or component bf the course as soon as it is feasible after tests have been scored. . c4 To write in the LBInstructorss Rating," using the abbre- viations 95up,11 "Ex,11 "Sat," "Poor,." "Fail" for the corresponding scale categories. 3. A, responsibilities: a. To complete the column headed r"Centile Standing." b. To indicate the number of students and number of classes upon which the oentile standings are based. c. To furnish instructors information concerning the dis- tribution and level of ability of a particular class to permit call.- bration of the evaluation scale from class to class. This information will be supplied as soon as it is accumulated. D. Seat- IY: Skills 1. Purposes a. To record information concerning skills observed during the course. Evaluations will be by instructors and/or students. Instructors V ratings may be based on course instruction or inci- dental observations, The "Course Instruction m column will be used to report ratings on ski-Us which are specifically intended to be an outcome of the course, Numerical grades and evaluations will be made for these. The "'Incidental Observation" column will be used to report evaluations ('superior, m t?Exoellent, " **to.) of skills which may be observed for every student in a class, but which are not part of the goals of the course. A skill should be rated for student in a class if rated for anyone, whether it be judged Approved For Release : ClAr 1 54-00337A000100120006-6 Approved For Rel# ,"t7 j= U?&%bg0337 100120006-6 5 as "Course Instruction" or as "Incidental Observation,,"', b0 Skills to be rated under "Course Instruction" will be determined by A/E after conferences with instructors. Those :on.- ferenoes normally will be held prior to the beginning of the course,, Two skins with some possibility of being observed in most courses are listed on the form. ca Associate ratings of skills will be in terms of entice standing: Skills to be rated by associates will be determined by the A/E Staffs d. The-group used as the basis for centfle scores will be en=tered by Al4 2. Instructorsr, responsibilities: a. To inform A/E of the skills to be rated on the basis of "Course Instruction," b,, To consult with A:/E to determine what skills will be rated on the basis of incidental. observations. c0 To enter ratings of skills that are evaluated. 30 WE responsibilities: a0 To determine the skins to be rated by associates,, b0 To decide after conference with instructional staff, skills to be rated by instructors on basis of incidental observation., a. To devise procedures for obtaining ratings d. To enter oentile standings. Ell section y: Attitua~es and Pe ~t~~~~ lm Purpose: To accumulate information concerning p#rsonality traits and attitudes which may be useful In career planning;, 20 Instructors9 responsibility: a. Administer or complete rating forms which will be provided by A/E when ratings are to be made. A,/E responsibilities: a,, To determine the traits or attitudes, If any, to be rated in each course and provide procedures for obtaining them, b, To enter oentile scores. to Purpose: To provide for an overall evaluation of the students per- formance by the instructors, based on all of the information available from both formal evaluations throughout the course and informal observations of the student. This evaluation should permit the consumer to evaluate the student In respect to his normal competitive group, i.e., to take Into account his apt Agency experience, grade, and general area of work, Approved For Release P54-00337A000100120006-6 e ~A V or .io i 2. Instruntors responsibilities: a. To determine an overall rating for each student and enter It on the forma 36 ASE responsibility: NODQ ~, Section 111; 9902L U to Purpose: Explain any factors not reported elsewhere which my be of interest In interpreting the evaluation of the student. The information may or may not concern extenuating circumstances. This section should be left blank unless there is available important information, t already reported:, Se Y .Information Approved For ReI ase : CIA-RDP54-00337A000100120006-6