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Appromsd For R aselhC#94tRDP54-00 7A000100120007-5 This evaluation ie ised on a course of weeks duration in which there were students. In inter- preting evaluations, the amount of opportunity for observation of individual students should be considered. This evaluation should not be used as a sole or even major basis for action. It is primarily intended to furnish information on how well the student learned the subject matter or skills taught. Secondarily, incidental observations of interest are reported. These have significance only as they are related to other Information. Unless otherwise stated, performance is evaluated in terms of standards :set by the instructors or in relationship to performance of those who have or who are taking the course. The evaluation is without regard to position, grade, or length of service in the Agency. These factors must be taken into account in :interpreting the report. 14aine: Date of Birth: Position, Section I: Identifying Information Course and Inclusive Dates: Did you observe any incidents that sug- gested this person lacked motivation for an Agency career? Did you observe any incidents that led you to question this person's security mindedness? Did you observe any incidents which indicated that this person has diffi- culty in getting along with others? Did you observe any incidents which led you to believe that this person had an unfavorable attitude toward the course? Did you observe Office: Da)s Absent: this student interfered with instruc- tional and classroom activities? Did you observe any outstanding trait or characteristic that ycu believe should be taken into account either in dealing with this person or in plan- ning his career? Do not answer 'yes' unless the person is well described by the trait. If 'yes' explain fully below. please circle the appropriate Please explain more fully if answer to any of the above questions is `yes.' Subject; Section I]J: Knowledge Gentile StandingI 1. Based on Instructor' a Rating2 2. Scale used: Failure, Poor, Satisfactory, Excellent, Superior. Approved For Releasef~DP54-00337A000100120007-5 Approved For Release t -.Fft5P -M 337A000100120007-5 Instructor's Evaluation Based On: Skill Course Instruction - - - Incidental Observation Associates' Evaluation ----__~_ Centilel Standi~ Ratin& Rating Gentile2 Standing Ability to write reports Facility in oral expression Other: I.Based on 2. Based on: Section V. Attitudes and Personality Traits Explanation: The distribution of scores for the class is shown for each trait or attitude rated, Red X's are for the instructors' ratings, black X's are for associates' ratings. The student's mark is circled. Trait or Attitude RATING: Failure Poor Satisfactory Excellent Superior Section VI. Adjusted Overall Evaluation Directions: In terms of all factors observed during the course and taking into account this person's age, experience in Agency, grade, and general area of work, indicate, by placing an X in the appropriate box, your judgment of his performance in the course. 1. He was inadequate in his performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. He was barely adequate in his performance and performed acceptably only in a limited range of assignments ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. He performed acceptably, but was barely adequate in some respects . . . . . 4. He was a typically effective student who performed in a competent, dependable manner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 5. He performed at a high level of competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. He performed at an extremely high level that only a few students have surpassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. He performed at a level of competence that excelled all other students who have taken this course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report here general information, extenuating circumstances, or recommendations not included elsewhere in this report: (If more space is needed attach standard t Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-0031YA& 1b0120007-5 Chief Instructor