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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1952
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STANDARDRI Approved For Release 2009/05/21 : CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7 n.UY" Office Memoranaum e UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Deputy Director of Training (General) DATE: 25 September 1952 FROM : Chief, Orientation and Briefing Division SUBJECT: Report for Week 18-24 September 1952 1. Indoctrination a) On Friday, 20 September 1952, two special make-up pro- grams were conducted. In attendance at the forenoon program 25X1 25X1 old employees. Included in the two was from the Office of Training. The after- noon program was conducted f new and 2 old personnel, making a total for the day of e% rvA 25X1 I 25X1 b) The regular Wee Indoctrination was conducted on Monday, 22 September 1952; new persons attended* c) On Wednesday, 24 September 1952, another make-up program was conducted whicI iew persons attendedo d) Had discussions with 25X1 regarding pending changes in the titles of divisions under DIP. Have learned that a memorandum is now on the desk of 25X1 the DCI to obtain his approval on this subject. These changes are immediately reflected in our organization presentations. e) Received a request from the Office of Operations through that 17 junior field officers of=atte25X1 the Indoctrination Program on Monday, 6 October 1952. In com- plying with this request, we informed the Security Office so that too many persons would not be assigned to the Indoctrina- tion Program on that day. 2. Orientation a) Had several discussions with 25X1 of OCD regarding the development of ideas for incorporation in the Orientation Program in November. Proposals on this subject have been worked out for discussion with the DD/IR(G). b) Suggestions have been received regarding items for the bibliography on the printed program. These suggestions are always discussed fully with Library officials from the Agency. ~a~~rL: rTi ~ t 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/05/21: CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7 Approved For Release 2009/05/21: CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7 `W F~CIITI ~ I 3. Special Items a) Discussed with the participation of the in the special program to be conducted for on 2 and 3 October* ticipate. definitely indicated that his office will par- to h b n toned over to e customary practices pursue b) Concluded arrangements on the suggestion made last week to to address the Clerical Orientation Course, and in this way avoid duplication be- tween the subject matter of this course and that given in the regular indoctrination. This was cleared with and re- ceived the approval of the DD/TR(G)# c) Talked tol regarding a special program to be conducted This has been arranged for the forenoon of Tuesday, 7 October* d) Had a meeting with Area Specialist in our covert offices on subjects growing out of the recent special briefing which I gave to DIP personnel in the office of Mr. 25X1 e) With the approval of the lJD/ZR(G), will comply with Mr. request to allow him to see, on a personal ba- sis, my full report on the recent overseas trip. 40 Miscellaneous a) Have been attempting to get a firm date for the installa- tion of the new air conditioning unit in the Orientation Roam. This will interfere with our regular facilities for appraacimately in keeping the past. Approved For Release 2009/05/21: CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7 Approved For Release 2009/05/21: CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7 -3- a week to ten days. It is essential that the new emit be installed soon so as to prepare for winter weather conditions. Pig Y llt Approved For Release 2009/05/21: CIA-RDP55-0001 lA000100020132-7