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Approved For Release 2l0/08/Afj55-00011A000,p0070007-1 Security of Dana ion Program A (Near East) Description of Program: This program con i.sts of. a year's intensive training in langu.uage anti area in the United States and a further year of advanced language: nl-,d area training in the Near East. Lengt'-1 oi' r'ro rani: Two years, full ti"r"e, beginning about 1 March 1953. Aggency uota: 7 Due D to for Tra.t_nJ, I?~ests: 1 February 1953. Program I3 (ij _cidla East= South 'A_al Description o f Pror;,r~: This program consists of area experience and language study in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Length of Protrara: Two years, full time, beginning about 1 March 1953. Number of Personnel to be Seiectod.; 3 Special Qutllifico.tions Fe.uird: Proggram intended for personnel grades ~s,_.-9 thru T `-13 n'~ff ces under the Deputy .director (Intelligence) . Due Data for Training Requ"_?sts: 1 February 1953. Pro~,ram C (Russian) Dcscr _on of Program: This prod r-.rn consists of lectures and seminars on fire military, economic and pout cal structure of the Soviet Union and its European satellites, advanced Russian lar, tr 1.ning, field and special projects. Length of Pro.,rarr: Twc years, full time, beginning; about 1 September 1953. ncy Quota: 3 S Qualifications F'equir..d: D,;monstratcd proficiency in the Pu,-~ ,; '~n lan ;uage . Due Date for Training r'lo uests: 15 March 1953. Program D (Far East Southeast Asia) Description of Program: This nrograrn consists 25X1 A l: nguago study Length of Fromm: Two years, full time, beginning as earl;;, as nossiblc: eft, r Fbruary 1953. Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP55-00011 A000100070007-1 Approved For Releas /O ~ F RDR55-00011 AQ,Q0100070007-1 A 2nc r quota: 6~, one for each country Duo D Ott for Training=_ Re e ets 193. Pro gram E (Near East) Description of Pro rzrr: This I-rograr; includes two we ks' prop-area brief- in?, in '. ishington, eight wauks in the Near East with lectures and seminars on the history, geography, [,eopoliti.cs, and contemporary problems of the Near East, and three weeks of field trips to capitol and major cjtics of most of the countries in the Near East, including brie. fings at U. S. en:- b:assics and legations in the .ar: .. Le ?th of Pre-ram: 13 weeks, full time, beginning about 1 July 195-3. Agency quota.: 15 Srecial cualificati_oris Pequirud: Program intended primarily for anal,nets, grad,=s 7-9 t ru (0-13, but riot limited to them, Due Date for Trainin; R.c 1]e,st 15 i`iarch 1953. S-E-C- R--T Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP55-00011 A000100070007-1