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Approved For Lase 200011 CIA-RDP55-066A000100060001-7 1 11 May 53 - Memo fro for DAR re Glossary of Terms 25X1A 25X1A 2 13 May 53 Memo from DAR for in reply to 1 above 27 Jul 53 Memo from D/TRfor DD/P Training Committee re Glossary of Intelligence Terminology 4 7 Apr 53 Memo from Chief, TDS/TR(S) tos OTR re Clandestine Services Glossary 25X1 A 15 May 53 Training Bulletin No. 6 re Proposed Glossary of Intelligence terminology 15 June 53 Memo for DD I, DDP, DDA and AD/COMNO re tentative Glossary cf Intelligence Terminology 7 23 June 53 Draft of Memo to TLO'a re Producing a Glossary of Intelligence Terms 8 18 Aug 53 Memo to DDT(S) from TR(G)/s/PP re Notes on Glossary for DD/P TLO Meeting 9 24 Feb 53 Memo to from C/IT/D re Intelligence Glossary attached is a copy of Intelligence Glossary -- A Compilation by a DD/P Staff. 25X1 A 10 1 Dec 53 11 11 Dec 53 8 Jan 54 13 9 Dec 53 14 6 Jan 54 15 31 Aug 54 Memo for Chief, Regulations Control Staff, DD/A re Glossary of Into No y DTR Gl ssar of o re f or hed Memo ac Att . R Bence Terminology from DT from SA/DD/A. Draft of same memo from DTR dtd 18 Nov. 1953. Memo for DTR re Proposed Coordination Letter to Accompany TR RM 0-1 -- GLOSSARY OF INTELLIGENCE TERMS from SA/DD/A. Memo from DTR to RCS/DD/A attn: re Proposed Coordination i no l ogy. T erm Letter to Accompany TR RM 0-1, Glossary of Intelligence Attached two drafts of Memo. Memo for Chief of Admin., DD/P, Staff, Staff,, Foreign Intelligence a , Technical Services Staff, and Area Divisions re Glossary of Intelli- gence Terminology from Chief, Planning and Program Coordination. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Memo for Chief, DD/P - Admin., FI Staff, TS Staff, 25X1 A and Area Divisions re Glossary of Intelligence .ermi.nolagy from Chief, Planning and Program Coordination Staff. Memo for C/AdminADDP from AC, Staff re Glossary of Intelligence 25X1A Terminology.. JOB NoS. ---1 L IN CLASSOJ l P.GLA.` ! /CUSS CHMGED T~ - ~oLl~t DOC,_L'. NE CT RV o CLASS--5- No. hv. pcs._Lc EAT..4 ' ;. REV CLASS.5_ALCV c.COaD_ _ Approved For Release 2000/01 ?" CIA-RDP55-00166A00010006001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 C 17 Leo 7 s Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA- 5--016`" A000100060001- 7 ;:~ ril ATUIOWI ? j' i fir- off` '. i mom for CAF f d J o 54 .dirt-ribu apublication : for 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A DOC;. NO "0 CHANGE NO. ~EOX NC?,__~ LD NC). -RET. JUST? lOB NC) 3( (Gs:"FbED Two TS S ,E1OG._.-- y RS- NEXT REV Dr,T^' D ''tt{{~~y L 0:G CLASS NO. PGSj-cxf.ATI0I REV CLASS-$--REV COOUD._______,KUIH: HR 70 Approved For Release 200 421: CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rise 2000/0$1`: 6'00`' 00 00600@Z 6 January 1954 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, DD /P-ADMIN. CHIEF, CHIEF, CHIEF, FI STAFF CHIEF, TS STAFF CHIEFS OF AREA DIVISIONS SUBJECT: Glossary of Intelligence Terminology =2 REFERENCE: C /PPC Memorandum of 9 December 1953, on Subject. 1. The reference memorandum transmitted proposed definitions of terms that are particularly applicable to Clandestine Services planning, programming and reporting and requested your comment or concurrence. A number of helpful suggestions have been received which will be used in the development of the final definitions. 2. It is understood that the Agency contemplates publication of a glossary of intelligence terminology with an a: pendix or annex of terms having particular application to the Clandestine Services. In order that the definitions of planning, programming and :reporting terns may be finalized for inclusion as kart of an annex or appendix to the proposed Agency publication, it is requested that further comments, if any, on the proposed definitions be made available to this Staff by 18 January. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Cj I. + E)E0LASStFaEE? 01. ,!4:YS. CiAN W TO: T3 t4t' .' i REVIEW `) -_- , Chief, Planning and Program Coordination Staff 25X1A cc: Publications) (Offic;e of Training) JOB NO. ..__._Box JNO. x'1D N IN CIA: S/k1DECLASS/ /CLASS CK NEXT REV DA T l'' >ft$V D TI' NO. PGS...1_._cREATION DATE-OE C Approved For Release 2000/00A-RDP 00Qrj 00&664 -7 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Re*ase 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00*66A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Relea 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166 00100060001-7 .~ S E C R E T SecurirTtion 9 December 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF OF ADMINISTRATION, DD/P CHIEF, CHIEF, CHIEF) FOREIGN IliTELL11GENCE STAFF CHIEF, TECHNICAL SERVICES STAFF CHIEFS OF AREA DIVISIONS SUBJECT: Gioseary of Intelligence Texminolo,y REFEREI~TCE: TR Reference Manual 0-1, October 1953 10 25X1A 1. The reference Haanual came to the attention of this Staff when we were in the process of drafting a glossary of terror for use In connection with a proposed handbook on ,Planning, Programming, and Reporting for the Clandestine Services. In lieu of a sepurate ,glossary, it is now believed that the reference Manual, published by the Office of Training,, should be used as the basic document. 2. The definitions that are particularly applicable in planning arid pro- grumming terminology are :listed on the attached sheets. Following appropriate coordination, the attached definitions, as well as others that may be sug- gested by addressees., will be incorporated in a supplement or annex to the reference Manual, Such supplement or annex will have a more restricted distribution than the Manua]. itself. 3. It is suggested that DD/P-ADMIN (Chf ), C/F'I and C/TSS 25X1 A provide or review definitions for functions over which each staff has tech- nical staff supervision. This should include appropriate coordination with the Area Divisions. In addition,, because ~ is reaponsible for war planning, 25X1 A in coordination with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and for preparatory action in time of cold war for Clandestine Services action in the event of general war, 25X1A it is suggested that _ provide definitions (after appropriate coordination within the Clandestine Services) for the following terms: CIA Commander, 25X1A CIA Force, Combat Support E+xeentinnnl nnarn+inna. ncv4 n 25X1A documentu. soe a, can other po:asibly ambiguous terms used in CIA war planning 1. The comment or concurrence of with respect to the definitions on the attached sheets is requested. 25X1A Chief, Planning and Program Coordination 3 Enclosures 1. Terma currently included in the Glossary w/recommer.ded definitions 2. Additional definitions 3. Terms now in Glossary, for which substituted definitions are recommended 102 N4. .____Box i30. F1LD NO. DOC. 1;0- _r; KrrG< IN CLASH IDECLAS%I /CLASS C -fk!GED TO: TS S T. JUST,,ZZ NEXT HEV A,TE-W-j_REV DATE[ '1 RHvIEi 'Em,- O06I y PE +Q-C... 02. NO. PGS + L'A1'10N DATE __ OE Q ^oyp - REV CL 3S$..Se.~tEY CC-ORD Ar -LL HG CLRS3~5. j1kUTW N 703 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/2r- tI -RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For ReleaW2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016600100060001-7 SECRET Securi information Enclosure 1 Terms Currents Included in the Glossary for which the Following Additional. Definitions Are Recommended 25X1 C 25X1 C EVALUATIOTJ -- The process or result of a careful appraisal of Clandestine Activities for the purpose of determining the value or the extent to which such activities have aec0Liplished the intended operational objectives or results. The process of measurement of actual accomplishment against planned accomplishment for the period in question. INTELLIGENCE -- In the broadest sense - all activities of CIA including covert operations, except Administration and Log:!stics. MISSION -- The statement in broad terms of a major result to be accomplished, indicating the action to be taken. OBJECTIVE -- A specific result to be achieved. PROJECT -- (1) The final instrument of the Planning and Programming cycle by approval of which authiurity is granted to expend funds, employ personnel and to take other necessary operational action designed to accomplish the specified operational objectives. (2) The command and administrative organization to which is assigned the necessary personnel., funds, materiel, and facilities required for operational deployment as well as the responsibility for execution of one or more programmed tasks. -- An alternative term used in certain TTSC, QCB, or other documents for the entire category of COVERT OPERATIONS as defined and described by NSC 10/2. REPORTING -- the process of recording geared directly to pre-established opera- tional tasks or objectives designed to show the manner and extent of accomplishment of such tasks or objectives, RESISTANCE -- (1) Organized, large-scale obstruction of an established government or hostile occupying power, including integrated use of passive resistance, and sporadic armed action, but excluding rebellion. (2) In its broadest sense the term refers to any act hostile or contrary to the basic: authority of an established goverment or occupy- ing power. (3) Psychological or political act of opposition or expression of hostility against prevailing authority by discontented elements for purpose of eventually replacing such authority (Out 53505)? TASK -- A specific assignment to accomplish an objective as a portion of a mission. Approved For Release 2000/08/2jt A-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Relea 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016600100060001-7 S E C R E T Se yr n Mon Enclosure 2 ADDITIONAL DEFIIITIONS CHECK LISTS -- Standard nomenclature or catalogues used in Clandestine Services planning, programming and reporting to assist in the identification of: a. the operationalobjrctive (result) to be accomplished b. the type of target against which action is to be taken (see target We list) c. the kind of tactical or functional activity by which the objective(s) is (are) to be accomplished. (.see operational action index) CLANDESTINE SERVICES -- The organization for those activities of CIA which are the responsibility of the Deputy Director (Plans). The related term Clandestine Operations embraces those activities conducted by CIA under the authority of the NSC as the National Clandestine Service of the U. S. COLD WAR -- The current global situation of sntugonism between the USSR plus its satellites and the free world, in which CIA retains responsibility for funding and direction of its activities generally throughout the world. (This term is used in Clandestine Services planning and programming because it is the best rerainde:r that the current situation more nearly resembles war -than peace, because the conduct of CIA actions involved require a stra- tegic and tactical approach of a military character, and because no other term has been suggested which conveys thepe connotations with equal brevity and clarity.) COLD WAR ACTIVITIES -- The current operationu of the Clandestine Services) with the related administrative and logistical support, during a period of cold war. This includes both those operations designed to improve the position of the U. S. vis-a-vis the enemy and hot war preparations. COVERT OPERATIONS -- The activities defined in NSC 10/2. This term covers the functional responsibility of the as distinguished from the responsibilities of the FI Staff. FAA SIBLE -- Possible of being accomplished or managed, provided overriding priority in assets and resources are given the objective. Feasibility differs from cabiiity, in that the latter is the ability, within the limitations of available operational, administrative and logistical re- sources and existing ccnmitments against such reaourcea, to accomplish a feasible objective. The terms apply to Clandestine Services Planning and Programming. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09lDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Releas 02000/08621 ;CC AL PTDP55-00166 r8O0100060001-7 Security I orrutti on GE14ERAL (or HOT) WAR -- A state of global or major subglobal overt military hostilities. The major significance of this condition for Clandestine Services planning is the consequent subordination in the field of CIA activities (or a major portion thereof) to the operational control of the commanders of the U. S. military forces in theaters of active military operations. At tine national or Washington level, the responsibilities of DCI are not subordinated, but all Clandestine Services activities' must be coordinated with the JCS. HOT WAR PREPARATION -- The Clandestine Services activities which are accomplish- ed during cold war to prepare for the wartime activation of the clandes- tine apparatus required for effective CL performance of its wartime missions and for provision of CIA support to the Military Services. LOCAL WAR -- Overt military hostilities in one limited region of the world, The major indicators of this condition will be the geographical re- striction of combat and the fact that, while eitbr U. S. or USSR forces may be-: i.rtrolVed, the-_y v-41,11- not both Wovc "tl.y< ?dngaged. The significance of this condition for Clandestine Services planning is that the GEN. iAL WAR relationships betl;reeri CIA and the Department of Defense may pertain for the combat area but not world-wide. gPERATIONAL CON' ROL -- The ?u,ictions of command, and the authoritative direction necessary to accora linh the mission. This normally dces not include such matters as administration, discipline, internal organization and training. OPERATIOTTIAL TASK OBJECTIVES -- (3ame as operational objectives) A specific sub- stantive operational result which may be determined to be authorized by policy, to be necessary and desirable, and to be within the capability of an organization to accomplish. See checklist. 25X10 PLAN -- A statement of the missions to be accomplished and a tentative state- ment of the tasks which could and should be undertaken for fulfillment of such missions. PLANS,' STRATEGIC -- A statement of the strategic assumptions, concepts and missions and a tentative listing, country by country, of the Clandestine Services operational task objectives for the planning year which are Approved For Release 2000/08/2?'~ CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 S E C R E T Approved For Relea 2000/08I SMA-RDP55-0016W00100060001-7 RaftlIri+.v T n44nn 25X1 C authorized by policy and meet the criteria of desirability, necessity and feasibility. POLICY BOOK .- A book maintained by the Clandestine Services in which is sum- marized those authoritative U. S. Government documents which identify, explain or interpret aspects of special Importance to the Clandestine Services. This book is the codification of the outer limits of authority within which the Staff's and Area Divisions can begin tentative detailed planning to accomplish those actions that are necessary, desirable and feasible and within the funds and resources available. PROGRAM -- (1) A related group of projects which are approved a a group. (2) A statement showing which of the tentatively planned tasks are to be undertaken within capabilities available. (3) The missions and. tasks outlined in the annual budget which are used as the basis for estimates of funds required. PROGRAMING -- The selection from the country plan of the planning objectives and the required support facilities which are to be firmly funded and under- taken and the development of operational projects to authorize execution of such objectives. TRANSITION PLANNING The detailed scheduling for redeployment of the cold war mechanism in the event of general war. ITAR PLAN -- Any plan concerned with: a. The scope, objectives, or conduct of clandestine activities during a period when the U. S. is at war; b. The organization of CIA for the conduct of such activities; -3- Approved For Release 2000/08/21: CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 S E C R E T Approved For Releaie''2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016600100060001-7 S E C R E T Securi tyInforrna,tion co The requirements for such activities and the wartime provision thereof; or, d. The quantity, character, and phasing; of pre-D-Day build-up required of CIA as preparation for such activities. (The firm programrning of action and funds to meet such requirements during cold war :is contained in cold war programs, budgets, and projects; not in war plans.) -4- S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rase 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-066A000100060001-7 /1Z Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 25X1A SECS 7~ Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP55-0016?A0001 Q60$OQ61-7 Wit' zlati t"` t ./A JAN 8 1954 PrOPOM" ordinaticr: Let Intelligence, T rrm not + r kooo spra r TR RN 0-1, O,cseary of 2. eons g in your approach to the problem but noted co ral ma re of t o draft ziemorextcbu w oh we belie should be exproue , ith more clarity and precision. AccordJLrS2y, 'ire is attached a ;redraft of the randum as me should prefer it to be warded. /,y/ LOO LE 4) 1< Lk dt c A . PRS/JER smJf (5 J n a.i7 1954) DISTRIBUTIC s Orig. and 1 - Addressee 1 - D/TR 1 - ISS/OTR 1 - PRS/OTR V/ 25X1A 1 MTTHt PAIM CCU"r /DECLA PCLASS HANuFD !Oa TS S C PET. JU$T?Z ", NEXT RSV TE i'. T DA - REVIVD . "" NO. PQS T1ON DATZ -R COMIJI`....C UL._.o40 C&AS84- R9V MASS V COORD AU' 10110.3 - Approved For Release 20560M.1 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/2 c8a DP55-00le6A000 ) )60001-7 OR: Addressees Listed Bela y enninolo Glossary of Intellige 1. A Glossas.. of Intelligence Terninolo , Office of Training : feronce Manual No. 0-1, has been published recently by the Director of "raining as an in`Ilrs3?-offf ce .i-=Zieaticn for i of the Agency. In this eannect3 on, the i e ~tl.ations Contrc received nu rode exaressios of o =:.nion from ri'.s r,.c +;?aonents of the that a CIA Glostary- of Intelligence Ter--dnolo r would be most in encouraging cc ire on I =envy id a usage and understanding of ,nee terms. 2. With the permission of the Director of Training, 25X1A circulating for your review and counts, copies of the Glossary developed and published by the Thee of Training. The purpose of this distri- bution is not to coordinate this publication as a propose'! Agency is .nice but to secure opinions an the following c uestions : a. Is there genersl nnod for a pleasary as an aid of intelligence teraii:nologg and accuracy of ecommi cation? b. Should wee of a g+ marl, glo 3eary be a matter of (1) the discretion of indiv:Ldual employees (2) infra. office Policy (3) Agency policy? a. Is the scope of the n Glossary substuntially adequate to cover the activities of your co. )onent:? If not, what major t Approved For Release 2000/08/21 CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 SECRET, Approved For Release 2000/081ARDP55-001A000100060001-7 of iarteni d. rye? developm, 3. o the questions ed or added d. to be 2 are contingent upon of tl OTR Glossary. It is a ;eaated that each a h review and suit proposed r visicsna to the Office of attic and resolution? 28 February is suggested as a office. Special Assistant to the Daputy Director (Admin.) 25X1A Approved For Release 200lff ;., CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Z-t T Approved For Re'I ase 200AM17: tIA-RDP55-Oc6A000100060001-7 Terminology Glossary of Intelligence 25X1A 1. A Glossary of Intelligence Terminology, Office of Training Reference Manual No. 0-1, has been published recently by the Director of Training as an intra-office publication for use in the training programs of the Agency. In this connection, the Regu:Lations Control Staff has received numerous expressions of opinion from various components of the Agency that a CIA Glossary of Intelligence Terminology would be most useful in ebl6 common Agency-wide usage and understanding of intelligence terms. 2. With the permission of the Director of Training, we are circulating for your review and comments, copies of the Glossary developed and published by the Office of Training. The purpose of this distribution is not to coordinate this publication as a proposed Agency issuance but to secure opinions on the following questions: a. Is there general need for a glossary as an aid to uniform understanding of intelligence terminology and accuracy of communication? b. Should use of sash glossary be a matter of, (1) the discretion of individual employees (2) - in.tra-office policy Min-Tg (3 )' -_ Agency policy. c. Is the scope of the OTR Glossary substantially adequate to cover the activities of your component? If not, what major categories of intelligence terminology must be amplified or added to the Glossary? d. Is the mechanism. in the OTR Glossary providing for the direct submission of suggestions and revisions considered to be of ect e to Approved For Release 2000/08/21 :CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001i T a L .I ,--W Approved For Release 200AA~-IA-RDP55-001A000100060001-7 continue the development and maintenance of the Glossary? 3. The answers to the questions in paragraph 2. are contingent upon detailed review of the OTR Glossary. It is suggested that each component undertake such review and submit proposed revisions to the Office of Training for consideration and resolution. 28 February is suggested as a target date for reply to this office. 25X1A Approved For Release 2 1 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rel se 2000/(Y8124 :F'G'SA-RDP55-001eA000100060001-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Addressees Listed Below ? Terminology Glossary of Intelligence 25X1 A 1. A Glossary of Intelligence Term:Lnology, Office of Training Reference Manaul No, 0-1, has been published recently by the Director of Training as an intra-office publication for use in the training program of the Agency. In this connection, the Regulations Control Staff has received numerous expressions of opinion from various components of the Agency that a CIA Glossary of Intelligence Terminology would be most useful in establishing common Agency-wide usage and understanding of intelligence terms. 2. With the permission of the Director of Training, we are circulating for your review and comments, copies of the Glossary developed and published by the Office of Training. The purpose of this distribution is not to coordinate this publication as a proposed Agency issuance but to secure opinions on the following questions: l8,,, Is the scope of the OTR Glossary substantially adequate to cover the activities of your component? If not, what major categories of intelligence terminology must be amplified or added to the Glossary? '16. Is the mechanism in the OTR Glossary providing for the direct 6Q submission of suggestions and revisions considered to be effective to continue the development and maintenance of the Glossary? 1 -the._.a,acnraccy- of -eo n do within.the Agency would. be y mf~:rrm Tmdera ngrte3i~saa1. should use ofa ossary be a matter of, Approved For Release 2000/08/21 1tDP55-00166A000100060001-7 SECRET Approved For Rel' ase 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00`i 6A000100060001-7 (1) the discretion of indiv-Ldual employees (2) an intra-office policy under authority of CIA 25X1A (3) an Agency policy under provision of 3. The answers to the questions in :paragraph 2, are contingent upon detailed review of the OTR Glossary. It is suggested that each component 25X1A 25X1A undertake such review and submit proposed revisions to the Office of Training for consideration and resolution. 28 February is suggested as a target date for reply to this, office. Approved For Release 2000/08/2SE1RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Reheese 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00106A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 555 Approved For ReI se 2000/08/21 CI - DP55-00' RP55-00tKA0001 0.ecl!ri V !n.orma urn 11 December 1953 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR : Director of Training SUBJECT: Proposed Coordination Letter to Accompany - GLOSSARY OF INTELLIGENCE TERMS 25X1A 1. We are attaching for your information and approval, a copy of , the memorandum.which we propose to accompany your Training Office in soliciting the Agency consensus as to 25X1 A the desirabil ty 0 rrepublishing it as an Agency issuance at this time. 2. If this approach is satisfactory, will you please notify this office; if unsatisfactory, we would appreciate your informing us how you would like to see this memorandum worded. 3. Your answer should be directed t extension 3221. 25X1A Special Assistant to the Deputy Director (Admin.) JOB NO. ----BOX NIO. FLD NO. POC. NO. TTO CHANGE IN CLASS/A/DECLASS/ /CLASS CHANCED TO: TS S C RET. ;UST. NEXT REV DATL421 REV DATE #R9:VIZ-E TYPE DOC._oa.._ NO. PGSiCREATION DATE .ORG COMP3OORG CLASS-5- ?L REV CLASSLRCV COORD. AUTH: HR 70-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/2.1.} GIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Security Information 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 C1A-RDP55-00166A0001000Sbd(Y ''- 9 December 1953 Addressees Listed Below Proposed GLOSSARY OF IN LIGENC TO 1. A Glrosasa y of Intelligence _ Terminology, Office of Training $ i 7 lb is) by the Director Reference Manual t]. 0.. L, hays c e t l t ~ , S r ) of raining as an intra-office publication for use in the training program of the Agency. In this connection, the Regulations Control Staff has received numerous expressions of opinion from 1 of the Agency that a CIA Glossary of Intelligence Terms would be most useful in establishing ec zn Agency-wide usage and understanding of intelligence terms. _ 2. With the permission of the D rector of Training., ve are circulating for your review and ac'aa ntas copies Of thg_._ Glcsssar developed and published by the Office of Training. r- purpose of this distribution jwAwt to coordinate this publication as s a proposed.Agency issuance but to secure opinions an the follow tug questirn s Is there a general need for an Agency Gt oss of ence terms? b. Is the Glossary of the Office of Training sufficient complete, correct, : , adequate to virrant Agency publication at this time? c . Should the Glossary be published with a corollary regulation requiring general adoption and use of the terms thain,, or should its use afteft be encouraged and fostered by an appropriate Agency notice or foreword to the publication? he mechanism provided in the Office of Training !iu a single Agency ce nt is responsible, for development and maintenance of the Glossaaryja ud. ovided for the direct submission of suggestions and considered to be effective? 'ent any component mig t be of the conviction th :ion of the Hoary is desirable, but that sib- Le or changes should be made prior to publication, it is action be taken by each component to l a. Subject the Glossary to retailed technical review. b Submit such revisions and. cr rnts as are considered essential to the Office of Training for joint consideration and resolution. i y fnformitio,, Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21: CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 4. Since the answers to the questions in paragraph 2. above are Viably contingent upon. the detailed revicir bested in pa z -, e date of 28 February is suggested as a target date for your es to: Dqmty Director (A, inist Co troller - 7 Counsel - 1 Director (Intelligence) - 10 Wit' Director (Plans) - 14 istant Director for Commnioations of Training - 3 motor General - 1 Chief of lc istics; - 7 Chief, General Sez-ricer Pe ?ne1 Directoz' - 5 y Chief of Medical Staff I Auditor-in-Chief .. I Director of Security - 5 Cable Secretariat - 1 25X1A k. ~QCUrfhr ~~ _~ _ _ _ Approved For Release 2000/08 2 '' '1A-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rel se 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-OO A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 SECRET Pe Approved For Release 2QO{jM8L2,1,,- CIA-RDP55-00166 0010000001-7 affon DEC 1 'ss t, 'Rem u tions Control Staff Glossary of Intelligence Terminology for Director 'raining from SA/DD/A dtd 4 +o e::.ber 1953; subject: Glossary of Terms 1. I hay noted or recotndtion in the above reference the Glossary of Intelligence Terminology, OTR bl.ished as an Agency Handbook, Accordingly, I concur in your suggestion that the 'Glossary of Intelligence Terminology, TR Reference Manual. To. 0-1, be fa tributed to each jor acaponent of the Agency with. a view to determining: a. The ,nsr e . deair-bility of an Agency nublicr ticrn of this type, b. Whether the Glossary is sufficiently co arlete and adequate to warrant Agency publication at this time, C, Recur mencda.tions, suggestions and/or corrections for revision of the Glossary *-r i or to Its ttblica Lion as an Agency Issuance. Since the Reulations Control Staff is of the opinion that this Glossary of Intelligence Terminology is responsive to a common need In each of the major components of the A ntcy, it would seen appropriate and consistent with its normal functions for that Staff to uneertske the necesse-nr coordination. 3. 1 -agree with your recomondntion that publication of the Glossary as an Agency issuance should be accomplished without a corollary regulation requiring acceptance and mandatory apnlic.tion of the terms. Hovevert there are somis individuals %thcn have rec nded that a glossary such as this should be made mandatory. Ix[ the process of coordination It might of interest and somewhat Informative to toll the principal components on this point. her coordination and liaison regarding this matter should contis d with the Plans a s Staff of this Office. MkTTWVI PAIRD OTR/JER:mjf (23 November 1953) rector of Training /Distribution: Orig, and 1 - Addressee 1 - Qq Pq ~e D/-rR Approved For tel ' 4QffaiQ8 R A-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 (- PPS g urity information Approved For Releaere 2000/Oe8ar'ii Yyr Eorle oI DP55-001660001 00060001-T 18 November 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Regulations Control Staff, DD/A SUBJECT : Glossary of Intelligence Terminology REFERENCE : Memorandum for Director of Training from SA/DD/A dtd 4 November 1953; subject: Glossary of Terms 1. I have noted your recommendation in the above reference memorandum that the Glossary of Intelligence Terminology, OTR Reference Manual No. 0-1, be also published as an Agency Handbook. the-benefits-which might -accrue to the entire intelligence co xn ty wi.t IOUR *k&.deve1epi nt of & -uniform eommona lar ~g~, ,and :th t.: authoritative seary-=of intelligence, terms might go fur tom achieving that objective. k1Aqi=gh` had , not yet sa concluded, we onetheless,?pleased :that-yon ee r?the' Glossary ' aaanrr3 og, ` bli d ? t3 s Office f r .? 3e: i? C ". :tC7 `worthr7 i~ , on t t$~'. i ?:;:, Agin :even;-in: its pre sent -form. 2. Accordingly, I concur in your suggestion that the Glossary of Intelligence Terminology, OTR Reference Manual No. 0-1, be formally dis- tributed to each major component of the Agency with a view to determining: a. The general desirability of an Agency publication of this type, b. Whether the Glossary is sufficiently complete and adequate to warrant Agency puLblication at this time, c. Recommendations, suggestions and/or corrections for revision of the Glossary prior to its publication as an Agency issuance. Since the Regulations Control Staff is of the opinion that this Glossary of Intelligence Terminology is responsive to a common need in each of the major components of the Agency, it would seem appropriate and consistent with its normal functions for that Staff to undertake the necessary coordination. 3. I agree with your recommendation that publication of the Glossary as an Agency issuance should be accomplished without a corollary regulation requiring acceptance and mandatory application of the terms. However, there are some individuals who have recommended that a glossary such as this should be made mandatory. In the process of coordination it might be of interest and somewhat informative to poll the principal components on this point. Approved For Release 2000/OROA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Security lnformatiot sECkt f Approved For Release 2000/08 4r1tyGiAWN P55-001 G A000100060001-7 25X1A 4. Further coordination and liaison regarding this matter should continue to be effected with of this Office. MATTHEWBAIR Director of Training Approved For Release 200 Ts31`tT : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Security Informatlaj --=) /- -'( 'l 3xo '25X1 A Approved For Rase 2000/08/21: CIA-RDP55-06A000100060001-7 4 November 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: The :Director of Training SUBJECT: Glossary of Terms REFERENCES: a. b. Memorandum dtd 11 May 1953 from SA/DDA to the Director of Training; Subject: "Glossary of Terms" Memorandum dtd 13 May 1953 from the Director of Training to SA/DDA; Subject: "Glossary of Intelli- gence Terminology" 1. As indicated in the above references, various Agency components (DD/P, DD/I, and DD/A) have indicated a desire that the Agency publish a Glossary of Terms. Your office has undertaken to prepare such a glossary, and we understand that it has now been published as an intra-office publi- cation of the Office of Training for use in training activities. 2. advises us that you have noDyet considered the advis- ability of recommending Agency publication and distribution of the Glossary. However, in response to what apparently is an Agency-wide need for such a glossary, I would like to suggest that either your office or the Regulations Control Staff formally distribute sufficient copies to each Agency component for their review in order to: a. Determine whether the consensus is that the Glossary is suf- ficiently complete and adequate in terms of current need to warrant Agency publication at this time; and b. To elicit suggestions and/or corrections for the prepublication revision of the Glossary. 3. We suggest publication of the Glossary as an Agency Handbook without a corollary regulation requiring acceptance and mandatory application in view of the probability that the full development and acceptance of common terminol- ogy is a lengthy evolutionary and educational process. 4. We also suggest a foreword which explains the purpose and long range objective of the Glossary in terms of benefits accruing to the entire intelli- gence family from the development of a uniform common language. In addition, we urge that responsibility for the continuing development and maintenance of the Glossary be placed with the Office of Training, and the procedure for submitting suggestions and additions be prescribed. c:- Approved For Release 2000//$J4) ;f"DP55-00166A000100060001-7 approved For Rase 2000!Q8121 : CIA-RDP55-0 66A000100060001-7 5. Your intentions with respect to the Glossary in its present form and your views on the above proposal are requested in order that We can properly advise persons inquiring on this problem. 25X1A Special Assistant to the Deputy Director (Admin.) Enclosures - 2 Copies of References a and b -2- Approved For Release 2000/081,21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 racy inforraa;.cr~ -Approved Forlease 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55166A000100060001-7 SEC RFJ, 111rf#y I-I(Owmatio 24 It. to wafte *moo *b&* rm a alm"W"7 114 *oft, we *YA a 11) ftpwtlr l R 4 ryematsx 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release, QQO/ 8/21 : CIA-RDP55,-00166A000100060Q01 7 ra e,srY4rq crsx~ ",1u 3 may ,1953 to Direot:or of aULi. g peoie ;. A$siet 't, a/A; subject, Glossary Of Tee e, dated 11 May 1953. 'I. his Oftioe i i r' aken the pre * tion Of a glossary t of repres nte-t:iv~aos of 1 r+eq am 00 1j0: s 1i,94n i -x halo ' at wo ex. o 370 term, have now b en defined, c aem- 1`e , and a.. c i aiphrabetioal c d*r. Si no, s .oh a, glosswry mat in tex 8 PS, liar to t+:, ar ,,.. of eoo bl , em d,esti,y aer i a addition to 00=on terms, tie pro aar f r rg,oaa ;~ M.0 n- icj a su t*ntial one. present M -V u tor! o v"ith " this Off iob. s estimated.that, *van on a prior genre . to comiplete ooordinatiof with 4. 'ollovi this odor .in tion, the .oseary will rarer iand revision by rep aentativ s of other Of tiasn of the ? wy, to its : rocs lgstion. for o 'i oiai Agen*y use. This Of ioe plans publish the glossaxy in a provisiciml edition au request a reoi: .en to review wid ooi _ nt or' it, as .a step prieoedent to of : ` .o puhl.ieations. It believed,, that this it the at effective ? to ,:,.aka re general aooeptanoe of the glossary thro t. ut the JLjMn 5: !o x oo nits on the for.goin? will be greatly appreei to L tt~ BAIRD .' i.tor of 'rata 25X1A 25N1 A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 CIA-RDP55-OOt66A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Approved For Release 2000/08'/`21 : CIA-RDP55-00T66A000100060001-7 Office Memorandum ? UNITE STATES GOVERNMENT TO 25X1 A FROM SUBJECT: Intelligence Glossary DATE: 24 February 1953 1. We have reviewed the intelligence glossary which. you left with me sometime ago. We find that there is a considerable overlap between it and the glossary we prepared for the use of our school. Each of them, however, contains a large number of terms not to be found in the other. I would like to see the two combined so we would have one standard glossary for our use. We shall, be glad to cooperate in any way that seems feasible in preparing such a common glossary. 2. Concerning the criticisms appearing on the copy you left with us, I think that for the most part they are well taken. The definitions can be sharpened up a great deal and a, number of inconsistencies elimina- ted. One general suggestion which I would make is that the definitions omit references to CIA and its procedures. If a term is related to current CIA organization then it will be necessary to correct the glossary with every organizational change that is made. From several years ex- perience I know that organization charts have relatively short lives. 25X1A 0`i'R/f a : eb Distribution: Orig. and 1 - Addressee 1 ?- Chrono (ITD) JO1 NO.______ ; Y. NO. -1?+) PTO.---1; CDC. 740. NO CHANGE TS S C PET. JUST..ZZZ NEXT REV is i a 'f ~Fr "~ Pit f ~N.~ l~ rl ? ~ e iDOC._ NO. iaS E:R r Ix ~'v IDATE_ GRG COPd P "`'.)~I_ _4RG CLASS-S- ,-,-- R ';V CLASS EE" CORD. ----RUTH: HR 70-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Next 24 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 ? - Approved For Rele 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-001 000100060001-7 Sccurity Information other isereadered insecuree terioration of an operation already penetrated To restrict or liar -t a person, place or opera. ,ion in order to prevent penatRation,or further 2s a cross .ref. , as organized, .evaluated, and otherwise with*Information necessary? processed intelligence infornationo Intelligence information is he raw material;; intelligence, the finished product. be A general term for any organization of a country concerned with espionage. .:=LLIGErivE MTICER A United States citizens :ualoyed by CIA to 10 collect, assist in collecting or edit i&eh grdde intelligence information. IUTl LLIGE:KE SUPPO1 T Inforramation, intelligence and operational information whioh-ic used in the Formulation of substantive glans and policiese fl T. E:^r Co'STJL'? M T -Am-;Tntaa heat-conawltanit is- en individual with special skills, knowledCe or experience whossadvice and guidance are needed and furnished. on an intermittent be,e o There are two types: Approved For Release. 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rel a 200W041 EE1A-RDP55-001*A000100060001-7 25X1 C "BXX as A erubjoct of intelligence or operational interest regarding which infornation is desired or action its to be taken* in overall purpose of a project oi.? a group of related projects* (See Information Directives Target, Operation) ol3JEc :'I'. . l. of a pro ject or a group o An related oveprojrall projects. goa(A target is the physical evidence of an ob jective o A task is a specific step E -? t ? necessary to reach the target-) OM Ve=. {in area where 1icenac 2 ftaers may buy and sell (See Free :a.rket o currencies at rices fused by :Local. government OPERATIO?T TASK The action tratcen to an objective. (See Objectives, Tar`c t rct sat) Approved For Release 200M MI : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 f 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Next 14 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For ReleNW6 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/0S REJIA-RDP55-001 G6A000100060001-7 'Security Informatloll 28 August 19 53 DBZCT t Notes on Glossary for Di)/P ma etir TO i Deputy Director Training (Special) FRC z TR(G)/S,/: a This is esaenti -11y a private printing to facilitate eon- sultation and coordination. #. st of the, 250 copies oarinted are still on hand. The principal distribution to date was of 25 copies to the DD/P `raining Co ttee. 24, ;U5sgMj .tio nfSub erzMZjt Edition,a a. j =z to make as .:ilable to all Agency porson* ei as high a proportion of the definitions as is compatible with reasonable interpretations n.;` security. b. jLeMLs to Sp a ive U sjami tL ti on : -placing most sensitive definitions in sup!-lement and distributing this separately, most likely to all LD/P and only upper level of other Offices. It need rri8es for more than one restricted dissemina.tiont there ccn bo `adcii1tions:1 sup:lementk, each with its own disee tina- ti.on. a. T ~`lj i = on I3S cm nat~ r to be made by O r R on t (1) s11milvey judgment br DD/P Training Comm ittee; (z) such official judgments as are required. 3. Q,cscsr a! Principles a, Likes diction r , a glossary hould t al, not r gal t{ry. After a good start by tin individual or a group, s can get significantly better only as a. large number and of persons use it, study it, think about it, and propose improvements, c. The language of Intelligence is develop fore changing) even more rapidly than the language in general, Approved For Release 2000/0?IRFtA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Security Information' Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016SA000100060001-7 SECRET acurity lnformefioif d. c '11uu of otnte It f"lue" 1 antioip ited. (Althc, h the military is s. re and e ?ta Ii 'hed -,xe f'ession, the "3C8 Dic tion r? third Pdi.tion in five jonro. i Uk* to call the attention of those concerned: ngry of U. 61. Militery T s for Joint IJeede publi iceeaa of the Joint Chief* of Staff. It i* our opint contained in this dictionary should be and should not, taer`care Ol ossary unl.esa a sooond o dsrvices has no among other things, permit us Viols field of communications. If any such s for a of the reasons cited above, see should be made to the Joint Chi, Chief, Training .past S ffs, ti(S) 25X1 A Atta c is Comment Shoot on Glossary 26 March 1953) SECRET Security Information Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Relea6e 2000/08/2~'EfDP55-0016`6`A000100060001-7 Security Information 1 ,r--' cod 25X1A 0 1. each member of the DA/P Tr 22 Jut for 2, Transmitted here aitb are a rervi ! foreword and a ese , mum to be uieed for purposes of :re co it29 additions, t--ea sacs, or deletions of entries lit the si 'y'. is the view of this Office ith the eto= Plaanod tor training 'po, if this O Lice were advised as R stati of the Office of Traimz in suah went O articipation. p Adi'9 25X1A INIH Al - a-,LAI~ OTR/LES/mf (27 July 1953) D ISTR ]BUT ION: Orig, and 1 - Addressee 1 - Chrono 1-S/PP available a der that general V 1- ;~ this comsi.ttee Choose to di ss the glossary z r . sty' to the taxation of its coments, this subject vIU be placed on the agenda of a special meeting of your oondttao with repre- a of the Agewy. aration of the sae- was your c ernts on it requested pr tion. kph Director of Training al_CRET Security information 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rele 20050/R8~2g tqA-RDP55-0016` 000100060001-7 Security Information FOREWORD * 1, Differences between this and most of the numerous earlier intelligence glossaries stem largely from objectives: instead of concentrating upon the needs of one or a few components, this glossary seeks to serve the Agency as a whole; rather than trying to make final or authoritative pronouncements, this glossary attempts only to take an effective step in an orderly evolutionary process. 2. Pursuing the first of these objectives, the glossary tries to give any professional worker in the Agency definitions that are not only sound in themselves but meaningful in the broad context of the intelligence enterprise? The second objective is reflected not only in the word Tentative on the title page but in arrangements that are being made for the efficient collection of ideas for an improved second edition, 3,. The primary purpose of these arrangements is to encourage any interested member of the Agency to offer constructive suggestions concerning additions, deletions, changes, format, or any other phase of the glossary project, A secondary purpose is to obtain, with each proposal, a competent judgment concerning it. To perform this function, officers are being designated in the principal components of the Agency. A sample memorandum to serve both purposes is reproduced on the following page. 4. This glossary is not intended to serve either of two special purposes% (a) a technical reference for the relatively small number of persons who, in their regular official transactions, need to use a particular term in some legalistically restricted sense; or (b) a comprehensive instructional or operational aid in any highly specialized field. 5, Terms whose intelligence meanings are adequately covered in such a ,5 are omitted from general-purpose dictionary as Webster's New 2o1le it-, this glossary. For two reasons it has not, however, seemed feasible to adopt any such division of labor with the jaUonarv of Unite States Military. Ter for joint Usage, Since it first appeared in June, 1948, this Dictionary has undergone two extensive revisions, and numerous Agency offices lack a copy of any one of the three editions. 6. It will be observed that the general listing contains a few references to GLOSSARY SUPPLID'1EENT #1,, This.device is employed in order to reconcile the objective of maximum usefulness with the necessity of restricting the dissemination of particularly sensitive definitions. The Supplement is produced in a form suitable for inclusion at the end of the main Glossary but is disseminated separately and on a more restricted basis.. *This reft.includes two differences from the Foreword to the First Tentative Editionr paragraph 3 is added, and the last paragraph is changed. These revisions are intended to make the Foreword appropriata if the Glossary should be published as an Agency handbook. 5-E-GREY Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rele 20Q9$41CIA-RDP55-0016000100060001-7 Security Information SAMPLE (OPTIONAL) TO : Office of Training ATTN : Plans and Policy Staff (1309 "I'i Building) THROUGH: (Channels established in your component for this purpose) SUBJECT: Recommendations for Next Edition of Gloseary It is recommended that the following changes be incorporated in the next edition of the Glossary of Intelligence Terminology:* 1. Change#*E--CONTACT: (1) Person who wittingly or unwittingly pre*Ada gives a member of an intelligence organization access to a person, place, or object sewgI4 #?9p 14e" yea that may ]21 of interest Jo the organization. (2) Person who also provides information and, in this respect, is more properly called an informant, q.v. Cf. AGENT. (Reasons: IN Al . , . , , 2. Add new entry FIELD AGENT: An operational employee of a clandestine intelligence organization who is not a citizen of the sponsoring nation and whose duties are pefformed outside its borders, (Reasons: . 3. Delete entire entry for MILITARY GEOGRAPHY. (Reasons: . . , . . . . ,} h.. Move definition of STAFF AGENT and CAREER AGENT to Glossary Supplement #1, leaving only cross-references in the main glossary. (Reasons: . . . ,) 5. Reduce page size to approximately 6x9 inches (Reasons: . . . . . . ,) (Name) (Position) (Location) - (Phone ext) Recommendations of Reviewing Officer(s).*** NOTE: This sheet is designed for inclusion in an edition to be more widely circulated than (Name) the First Tentative Edition, Until such an edition is pub- (Position) fished, there is no general system of reviewing officers, (Location) .(Phone ext) .... but suggestions are welcome; they may be sent directly. it ## Following each recommendation, briefly state your reason for it, Give complete entry; draw one line through each word to be deleted; under- score each word to be added. Number these to correspond with the recommendations. If, in your opinion, the Reviewing Officer of another Agency component would be better quali,- 14M, a rVa0ay~Tlyconat S-E-C-R E-T , IC' Approved For Release 20001"t~jE 1 rm c -RDP55-00166'J#`000100060001-7 Security 37) n1phabetical "fir"ain `hd:, .. to *fi t . 8smnr -W eo of 4 t4 ,; con Gain w ,)".'Tull;' . J, a :t p d i ' 17, JCS Ka. ._ _.... x,01 Nt3, 1~L W CLASS& 1' XT R -- _ . R1 VI3AT O._._.._.w . ,)1c Jam t4'J'Kw4V. 'J"6 E C RET. JUST f- GL 1188-s.,,Jt+yr +IT ... C C+E ,)I QLIh_4~#C C~ S Z "~ ET Approved For Release 2000'ghinfoet DRDP55-00166A000100060001-7 at Approved For Releae 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-0016`d'A000100060001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Approved For Rele 2000/ E IA-RDP55-00166000100060001-7 Security fnformatiori 11 Macy 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT: Glossary of Terms 1. It is my understanding that your Office has accepted responsibility for the preparation of as Glossary of Terms in common or specialized use in the Agency. Such a Glossary is vital to the development of an intelligible set of Agency Regu- lations. The point has been reached where both Deputy Director (Plans) and Deputy Director (Intelligence) representatives for regulatory matters have requested that priority action be given to this problem. 2. We would appreciate confirmation that you have under- taken this assignment and an indication of the approximate date of completion, 25X1A Special Assistant to the Deputy Director (Admin.) JOB )X NO,_ FL D TRIG. _ )OC. NO.lS#-t+1(0 CHANGE AS5 ANGED TO: TS S C BET. JUST,= CI as . 1 1 IN CLASSIn, iEC A NEXT REV DAT:t .REV DATE EVIEWEi1 Q TYPE DOC- aZ NO. P G , - , _1:B : L1 ON DATE R C0r4p j+oP ORG CLASS-5- REV CLASS F.t.V COC)RD. AUTH: HR 703 Approved For Release 200 fT CIA-RDP55-00166A000100060001-7 Security Informatiors