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Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Security Information THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SPECIALINTELLIGENCERESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - 81st Congress, Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. FOIAb3a Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information FOIAb3a 75 /53/TOPSEC/CIA, D/Z SC No. 05596 Copy No. SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT Translated from the German Report 6/5 Dated: 30 May 1943 / THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS .INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHa IN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U. S. C. , SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW ~/ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Strategic Division Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Distribution: FOIAb3a Copy Nos-~ 1 - 38 -for Dissemination Internal: Distribution L(4) Sanitized -Approved For Release : GIATRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW,LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR militar y-economic situation as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffic. These reports appeared at short, irregular intervals usually six er month, for the period October 1942-March 1943. ~ ~ three ~IRtIDe reports have been translated and issued by It is planned to issue a complete set of translations of the re- ports beginning with the most recent ~.Q~Al~~kin ,backward, but omitting those already translated by The number- ing of the items was added by the trans nce the Germans did this only in the last eighteen reports, inclusive. Since the original material was in Russian, an effort has been made when translating the German to determine the original Russian term wherever possible, This ,is facilitated by the Russian fond- ness for abbreviations, In these translations into English the probable meaning of the abbreviation will be given i.n parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report. T P SEC __ Sanitized -Approved For elease : - DP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information 30 May 1943 Military Economic Report 6/5 GENERAL (1) The personnel situation continues unfavorable. All measures under- taken to combat this situation have not had any effective result. The pool of women will be strengthened for the future. Recently convicts were used as workers in industry. Despite the lack of personnel, draft exemptions in various oblasti are being increased in greater number. (2) As already mentioned several times, the fish catch has been sharply increased in: importance and expansion. The established .plans for catching could be partially realized. The already reported shortage of salt, which probably is connected with the increased sale of fish, has not yet been corrected. (3) The difficulties in the procurement of seed corn are to be regarded with a few exceptions as solved. (4}. Because of the shortage of deliveries of explosives, coal mining in Tkvibuli and Tkvarcheli has fallen into difficulties. First of all, the insufficient delivery of explosives can be partly compensated by falling back on the existing supplies. In May, however, the coal shipment was considerably reduced. (5) The Transcaucasian coal mines lack mine timber. The shortage has been partly corrected up to the present time. (6j To advance production and encourage zeal for work, the syste~rn of rewards and bonuses will be built up still more. After the introduction of dis- ciplinary regulations for the NK for the River Fleet, in which a complete section is devoted to bonuses and prizes, bonuses are also now to be introduced for the fulfillment of armaments orders. (Separately listed under "Production") In general, it is suggested that the Russians are making the greatest efforts to '~"x'al/ SF~~;"R~T Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information increase armaments production .and .everything which contributes to the in- crease of the armaments potential. It must be done with extreme care and energy in the oblasti which were recaptured not long ago (Caucasus) and in the cities which lie close behind the front (Rostov/Don). (7) The transport situation on the railroads is strained as before. The demands for cars considerably exceed--especially for the Metal Industry--the load capacity of the lines. 1.) .Personnel Situation (8) In the River Fleet women are now being used as ship captains and ship mechanics . (9) 4n 20 May in Batumi harbor 89 transport workers were employed, of which 18 were women. An additional 90 transport workers are still required. (10) The Central Committee of the Armenian SSR has requisitioned 400 convicts for construction work at the metal plant in Chelyabinsk. Because of the lack of cars, the convicts can not yet be transported to Chelyabinsk.. (11) In .the local industry in Rostov/Don, draft exemptions have been with- drawn from all workers up to the age of 40. (12) In Georgia 1625 persons were conscripted (mobilized); of which were assigned: To the NK for the Textile Industry 498 persons including: Tiflis Carded wool mill 164 persons Silk mill 142 Cotton wool plant 20 Paper mill 10 Silk combine 90 Cloth mill 50 '~"~ ~~ SECR~'T Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Tsulukidze Silk mill 22 persons 498 Shipyard #2 185 Batum (?) Oil Base 43 .Doti Plant 201 Timber floating work including: River work in Georgia 345 For local industry in Georgia 100 For other work 29? 752 total 1625 persons (13) In Batum 118 persons were mobilized. (14) The Repair Base in Rostov/Don received 328 men from the Military Commissariat in Stavropol. 'The demand is not yet covered. Stalingrad is receiving 150 laborers for reconstruction work. (15) The training of youth in technical work for the industry of the River Fleet is being given the greatest attention as before. (16) At present there are being trained in the newly opened trade school of the "Zhdanov" Plant in Gorkij 110 boiler-makers 60 locksmiths 30 ca.r.penters a.nd 30 welders 160 boiler-makers 30 ships carpenters a.nd 30 welders '1'()I' SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (1?'~ It is also very noteworthy that in Staly.ngrad 127 skilled workers for the River Fleet have already been trained, including: in the technical school 46 men in the Stakhanov-school 17 " (18) JTsh Gur'ev at present large military-sport exercises are being carried out, to which great military significance is attributed. Military contests have been taking place since 12 May. The result is to be considered a s poor, since only 122 of 1000 candidates passed. (19) Along with every effort to overcome the difficulties and exertions, in extracting the highest performance from each worker, the social care of workers is not overlooked. Above all comfortable community quarters will be? provided. The NKRF offices in L3ralsk City Rajon are :~_n first place in this regard. 2.) ..Food Situation (20) ~. connection with the irbcreased plan for fish catch, which amounts to 320 tons for. the first half -year, Rostov/Don reports a fish catch in excess of 326 tons as of 20 May. Tn the same period the Georgian Fish Trust in Tiflis had a catch of 2, 332 tons, with a half-year plan of 2, 150 tons. (21) In Kujbyshev the fish stock will be sold without a card, since salt for its pre servatior~. is lacking. (22) .The field cultivation in the reoccupied oblasti is being eagerly carried on. In Kantemirovka two tank cars are standing ready with petroleum which is destined for the motox and tractor stations in Kazovsk and Belyansk. (23) On the other hand, Astrakhan NKRF reports that "Volgatanker" has no seed-potatoes. Also the NKRF offices in Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Ulan Ude and Blagoveshcher~ k have not fulfilled their seed plans. (24) The millet gratin plan for yield for 1943 for the Georgian ~ SR was established at 0. 6 ton per hectare. (25) Jn Georgia and Armenia a great "children's strengthening action" is T(~P SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information in progress. Er~.van requires for traxisport by air from Moscow in .May for the 3.28 tors cocoa b. 42 " chocolate 1.66 " potato flour (26) The Trade Departmen* in Tiflis is to deliver for the program an addi- tional 944 boxes of eggs, which are to be distributed during the months of June, July, and August. (27) The authors.zatio:* requiremerLts and, as well as turnovers and balances by the military offices and civilian sectors of neeessit ies and luxuries appear from the follow:;;.ng compilation: 1. Authorizations a) The following quar~.tities and goods have been .authorized for military Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (28) Tra~yscaucasian 1000 tons Sifted flour Gra.ir4 Procure- For June Front 50d Assorted flour Groats anal rice meat in Tiflis 20 Manna groats (29) Transcaucas iaru Fr. orr,t 100 Citrus coracer_trates Cannery in Kutais For June (30) Front 50 Citrus concentrates Cannery in Batumi For June (31) Black Sea Fleet 50 Citrus concentrates Cannery in Batumi For June (32) Stavropol, 0. 14 Black tea Tea Factory in Additional to Pioneer Camp Avchala June plan (33) North Osetia, Pioneer Camp 0.05 ~~ (34) Georgia, Pioneer Camp 0.91 19 (35) Armenia, Pioneer Camp 0. 59 "1'C3~ SF:C;RET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (36) Military Depot 26 tons `Vegetable CD for Vegetable For June #34 I`~KVD ixi oil Fats and Oils, Navtlug 'Tiflis b) The followix~.g authorizations ixx effect for the civilian sector: (37) Georgian Food 100 to_~as Assorted Gra,i.n Procurement, For June, for Industry, Tiflis flour ~'iflis bakery goods (38) Industry Supply 15 Flour and Sales, Tiflis (39) Cauca.s:~an C.Tran 1500 Wheat Stavropol For June Procurement, Ordzhonikidze (40) " 1000 Barley " Alcohol -production (41) " 1000 '? Krasnodar For June (42) '' 1000 le/la.ize 1? ~~ (43) Grain Procure 800 Wheat Stavropol ?? meat, ~alch~?k (44) {45) 7?~0 Ba.rley (46) Kujbyshev, Ei000 NKRF Izncluding 500 tons for alcohol production In May (4'7) Kostroma, I?iKRF 1000 (48) Goxkij, ~?KRF 1000 {49) Kineshma, ~TKRF 1000 Kirov, ~KRF (50) Ust Ussa, 1VKRF (51) Goxkij, N~KRF 13 50 Feed grain: Cxra.xa Procure- merLt Office, Syktyvar Additional to (52) Canning `rust 30 FY.sla lvleat and Dairy second quarter allocation In Iv1ay in Ordzhox?~k-idze Sales, Pyatigorsk TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (53):Canning Trust 2 tons Fat IVleat and Dairy Ire May in Ordzhonikidze Sales, Pyatigorsk {54j Armenian NK for 10 Fish Fish Supply, Special allot- Trade, Erivan products Erivan ment for June, July, August (55) Meat Combine , 50 Beans Grain Procure - For canning Leninaka.n ment, Erivan 2. Requirements (56) Council of NK, 24 Rice Baku For sowing North Osetia purposes (57) Grain Procure- 8000 Grain Armenia -- ment, Stavropol 3. Identified deliveries, turnovers and stocks: (58j.Camp of the NK 1 car for Land Defense (59) 1 (60) CD for Vegetable 130 tons Fats and Olls , Tiflis (61) Fermenting Plant 500 "IdzhevaL~xsk" :ix~ Erivan (62) Baku 76 units (63) 500 (64) Akstafa 2 cars Powdered Georgian Meat Delivered in eggs and Dairy Sales, May Tiflis Canned goods Tobacco leave s Imported Received in May Gorkij Delivered 25 April Shipped 24 April (65) The canning factory in Kafana shipped 16 tons of canned honey on 4 May. Balance 600 tons. (66) 'The canning factory in Kutais reports on 19 May the amount of produced concentrates at 35 tons and the following balance: 55 tons rice 43 millet 12 tons manna groats 188 groats TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (67) In the 43 rajons of Erivan 2, 188 tons of flour were consumed in April and 2, 447 tons were distributed in May. 3.) Metal Supply (68) The delivery of scrap iron is insufficient for the following 10 NKRF offices : Gorkij Chkalovsk Ufa Molotov Z ve nigovo C his topol Bor Raznezhe Gorodets Borovaya They are even yet partially in arrears with the delivery plan for the first quarter. The arrears for the second quarter are to be corrected in the course of May and June. The arrears in delivery are in part to be attributed to trans- port difficulties. As already established in .earlier reports, the scrap collection is frequently greater than the delivery. This is particularly the case in places which lie some distance from the railroad. (69) The Non-ferrous Metallurgy Industry in Ordzhonikidze produced in the first 20 days of May 516 tons of nonferrous scrap; 430 tons of this are captured material. -500 tons were shipped. (70) The CD for Metal Sales in Tiflis is to deliver 2 tons of roofing tin in the second quarter to the Construction Department of the Economic Division of the NKYD in Tiflis . (71) The CD for Metal Sales in Erivan is to deliver 5 tons of pickled sheet iron to the motor repair plant in Erivan. (72) Plant "Kirov" in Tiflis is to receive from Pervouralsk, New Pipe Mill, 257 tons of pipe. (73) The NKRF Plant "Teplokhod" in Gorkij is to receive 17. 75 tons of coal- electrodes and the Copper Combine in is to receive 15 tons of electrodes. The latter plant is to deliver 5 tons of blocks to the "Mulitov" Plant. TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information t74) The NK for the Meat and Dairy Industry in Erivan received 3 tons of roofing tin and 2 tons of tin-plate . (75) The NK for Nonferrous Metallurgy in Tiflis had .the following balance as of 1 May: Copper sheet 6. 66 tons Pipes of non-saleable measurements 5.27 Aluminum hoops 3. 1 Sheet aluminum 1. 5 4.) Oi1.Supply (?6) The manifold identification that the Soviet supply difficulties are primarily atransport problem and .not a materials problem is confirmed by the following me s sage : In compliance with a decree of the NK's for 'T'ransportation and the Oil Sales in Masco_w,- 1, 000 tons of petroleum are to be shipped daily from Makhachkala to Gro$nyj. Accordingly, 140 tank-cars must be provided for Armavir for filling. Getting the many -empty tank ears on the Voroshilov Railroad to the filling points depends mainly upon the condition of the road. (77) E~ivan, "Armenian State Plan", requires for the third quarter 1943: 750 tons gasoline 10 tons viscosine 2 " aviation gasoline 15 " 600 " petroleum 30 " 4, 300 " oil 15 " 150 " ligroin 10 " 4, 500 " mazut 10 " 100 " machine oil 10 " 60 " avtol 30 " 15 " solidol 5 " 10 " nigrosin 100 " cylinder oil transformer oil compressor oil turbine oil spindle oil other oils gas oil technical baseline soap naphtha (78) A refreshening of oils is not being undertaken in the Armenian SSR. (79) Molotov NKRF received 0. 6 ton of gasoline in May from Sverdlovsk. The requirements and authorizations of oil are as follows: TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Requirements Consignee TOP SECRET Security Information Gasoline (80) Tiflis, Perfume 3 tons Industry (81) Erivan, "Armenian 750 State Plan" (82) Kutais, Caiuiing 12 Indus tr y (83) Saratov, NKRF 0. 5 600 (84) Tiflis, Shoe Indus tr y Fuel (Mazut?) (85) Angara, Georgian Sugar Mill Consignee Quantity (86) Tiflis, Loco- 6 tons motive Repair Plant of the NK for Transportation {87} Cannery 11 "Oktembe r" (88} Kujbyshev, 1. 3 NKRF (89) Semipalatinsk, 0.2 Office of the Military Guard (90) Tiflis, Loco- 6 mc>t ive-.Repair Plant of the NK for Transportation (91) Erivan, CD for 1 Building Materials Type Supplementary for May from the CD for Pe rfurne in .Moscow For transport for the third quarte r For June, for truck transport For July Monthly from June to November inclusive In May For May, supplementary delivery from Erivan Oil Sale s TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Type Remarks (92} Blagoveshchensk, NKRF (93) Kabardino- 0.4 tons 2.4 Avtol Avtol For second quarter Balkar ASSR 0. 6 Machine oil ~r Alcohol Industry 0. 6 Motor oil 0. 6 Cylinder oil 0.05 Solidol (94) Astrakhan, 3000 Mazut From Saratov for use NKRF as ships' fuel (95) Saratov, NKRF 2000 (96) Kujbys:hev, 628 NKRF (97) Kineshma 150 Diesel fuel For May 5. } Coal Supply (98} The transport conditions are beginning to become aggravated in their effect on production. As long as reserves could still be found, industry could partially compensate for insufficient deliveries. As has been reported earlier, the coalmines i.n Tkvibuli and Tkvorcheli can compensate for the shortage in deliveries--of explosives by falling back on reserves. Since these were consumed in Tkvibuli, coal shipments in May declined further there. According to plan 9, 774 tons -were to be shipped in the first ten-day period of May. Actually,. 4, 425 tons ~ 43?Jo were shipped.. 4, 869 tons . 49% were delivered. (99) According to a decree of the Committee for Defense, Tkvibuli is to deliver 13, 700 tons. to the following places in Tiflis in May: NK for Construction Materials 4000 tons NK for Rubber Industry 5400 NK for Transportation 800 " NK for Ferrous Metallurgy 2000 " NK for Nonferrous Metallurgy 500 " NK for Aviation Industry 1000 This includes 9000 tons of Mark "GK" and Mark !'GO" to be delivered. However, production reached only 2000 tons in May. TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (100) The explosives shipped from "Plant 98" for Tkvibuli had not arrived as of 22 May, since the railroad cars on the Orenburg line have come to a halt. The Armed .Forces are to make 10 trucks available to its own establishments. Because of these circumstances, explosives have been lacking since 11 April. The transport of mine timber was also insufficient because of transportation difficulties. Accordingly, the fulfillment of the May plan does not seem possible. (101) ? The chemical plant in Kirovakan received in April from the Tran- Caucasus CD for Coal Supply instead of 1, 400 tons only 674 tons of coal_ 48?x, of the plan. Occasionally the industrial plants can prevent a coal shortage by falling back on "iron reserves." The chemical plant in Kirovakan requests permission to resort to it. On the other hand, the Shoe Factory "Beriya" in Batum is to receive 100 tons of Tkvibuli coal from the May allocation as "iron reserve. ~! It is questionable, however, if an immediate reserve fund can be built up. (102) The Manganese Trust in Chiaturi requires 400 tons of Tkvibuli coal for the third quarter. (103) The Armenian Power Supply requires for the heating of service .and living-quarters for the heating period 1, 000 tons of Tkvibuli coal, including the delivery of 500 tons each in June and July. (104) The Georgian Canning Trust in Erivan received for May a coal stuck of 1, 200 tons. The following authorizations were noted for individual steamship lines Consignee Quantity Consignor Remarks (105) Ufa-NKRF 1, 100 tons Kuznetsk In May (106) Ufa, Belays 2, 600 Novosibirsk, CD Steamship for Coal Supply Agency Sanitized -Approved For~elease :~ATRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized- Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Consignor Remarks (107) Levshino, 2, 600 tons Novosibirsk, CD In May Kama Steam- for Coal Supply ship Agency (108) Kambarka, Kama 1, 300 Steamship Agency (109) Volga Canal 1, 300 Steams hip Agency (110)_.8ybinsk, Upper 1, 300 Volga Canal Steamship Agency (111) Gorkij, Upper 1, 300 Volga Canal Steamship Agency (112) Murom, Moscow-1, 300 Oka Steamship ;Agency (113) Kujbyshev, 1, 300 Middle Volga Steamship Agency (114) Balkhash-Ilijsk 300 Steamship Agency (115) Cherepovets, 1, 300 Sheksna Steam- ship Agency (116) Fav-lc~dar, Upper 3, 600 Lrtys-h Steamship Agency (117) Semipalatinsk, 3, 600 Upper Lrtysh Steamship Agency (118)_Tyumen, Lower 1, 800 Lrtysh Steamship _ Agency (119) Kulomzino, Lower Lrtysh Steamship Agency 13, 900 Sanitized -Approved For Release :~~TRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Consignor Remarks (120} Cheremoshki, 600 tons Novosibirsk, CD In May West Siberian Steamship Agency for Coal Supply (121) Novosibirsk, West Siberian Steamship Agency 5, 400 (121a)Barnaul, West 3, 500 Siberian Steam- ship Agency (122) Erivan, Carbide 249 Coke Chemical Coke Plant Plant in Kemerovo (123) The "Ferro-Plant" in Zestaf oni received on 14 May 48 tons of Tkvibuli coal and 870 tons of Tkvarcheli coal. It had from 22-23 May the following turn-over: .Received Coke 140 tons 198 tons 3, 346 tons (Jil coke -- -- 193 Tkvibuli coal ? ? 754 Anthra~ci~ - - 9 54 (124} There was the following turnover in canneries from 11 to 20 May: Received Used On Hand Kutaisi 350 tons 106 tons 320 tons (125) The Georgian Sovkhoz Plant in Tiflis used 77 tons of coal from 1 to 15 May. The inventory on the fixed date amounted to 367. 76 tons. 6.) Timber Supply (1Z6) As was reported under "Coal Supply11, the Transcaucasian mines were short of timber. This deficiency now seems to be partly overcome. Tiflis, Pit Props.,. delivered 33 carloads of pit props to Tkvarcheli Coal in the first two ten-day periods of May. In addition, Tkvarcheli Coal procured 200 cubic meters itself. Tkvibuli Coal received 27 carloads from Tiflis; in addition 1, 000 cubic meters were transported by truck from the mining district. TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (127) There exists a still greater need of pit props in Chiaturi (some 200 carloads) . (128) The NK for the Meat and Dairy Industry in Erivan has a .timber requirement of 1, 800 cubic meters for the third quarter, of which 900 cubic meters are earmarked for the Glue Factory in Erivan. (1~9) Ural'sk, NKRF, requires 2, 000 cubic meters of firewood. Authorizations Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (130) Tiflis, 4 carloads Squared Sverdlovsk ".Generator" 3 " timbe r Veneer (131) .Ordzhonikidze 50 (13.2) Power Moscow, 1st 1 Sawn Tiflis (133) Motor Vehicle Repair Plant Gor'kij, NKRF 100 cbm T imbe r Gor'kij, Timber Supply (134) Raznezh'e, 300 cbm Logs Plant "Molotov" (135) Kostroma, 700 cbm Shipyard "Komsomol' - skaya Pravda" (136) Cherdyn, Plant 400 cbm "Butyakov" (137) According to plan, the Armenian NK for the Timber Industry in Erivan -must ship 70 carloads of firewood in May. (138) According to plan, Arkul, NKRF, must transport 60, 000 cubi e meters of timber to Timber Distribution Points in .the 2nd quarter. (139) From the beginning of the shipping period to 18 May, Kujbyshev, NKRF, has distributed 15, 350 cubic meters of timber to ships. Its timber supply amounted to 28, 125 cubic meters on 22 May. Sanitized -Approved For~elease~ ~~ATRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (140) All in all, there seems to have been no essential change in the timber supply since the last report. 7.) Chemical Supply (.141) There is nothing essentially new to report with .regard to the chemical supply. (142) Long shipping times, which are abundantly confirmed, are striking; thus a shipment of ammonia to Sukhumi, which was sent on 8 April, had .not yet arrived on 23 May. Difficulties in supply must likewise result from this . (.143) The Georgian Wool Trust in Tiflis urgently needs 20 tons-of naphthaline. (144) The Georgian Shoe Industry needs 3 tons of casein-dried adhe- sive in the second quarter. 4.145) Significant are the numerous warehouses of the NK for the Defense of the Land, in which chemicals and other raw materials are stored. In urgent cases plants have received raw materials from these points--as has been established in the previous report. Authorizations Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (146) Kineshma, 400 tons Hydrochloric Gor'kij In May Plant 756 acid (147j Military 40 " Carbide Chemical Plant Warehouse 404 (148) Uzbek Sugar 20 " " Kirovakan (149} Beet Trust, Pishpek Station Kirgiz Sugar 20 " ~' ~~ Beet Trust, Pishpek Station TOP S E C R~ T RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release : A Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Type Consignor (150) NK for 200 tons Carbide Kirovakan Construction (151) Saratov 200 " (152) .Tiflis, 12 Wadding Factory (153) Omsk, NKRF 16 1 /4 " (154) Zestafoni, 150 tons Foundry 300 "Ferro" (155) Beriya, 0.5 " Hospital Train Ware- 1.2 house { 156) Tiflis, Georgian CD for Light ..Industry Supply Caustic Erivan, soda " Sovpren+' Solid Tar Baku, Oil Liquid Tar Sales Solid house- Erivan, hold soap Vegetable Liquid Oils Sale s household soap Technical Tiflis, Meat fats and Dairy Sale s (157) For the 11, 000 liters Raw Pyatigorsk Southern alcohol Rajon Distillery Front in Mariinsk Deliveries (158) Baku, Oil 20 tons Carbide Industry 60 " (159) Groznyj 60 " Remarks In .May In .2nd quarter In 2nd quarter In April In .Feb. and March (160) Batumi 500 " Caustic soda Erivan, Plant In May for Caustic soda (161) Navtlug 45 " Dichlorethane (162) .Sukhumi, 16 balloons Ammonia Wareho-us-e No. 228 of the NK far Defense of the Land (163) Warehouse 80 tons Soap No. 183 of the NK for Defense of the Land Batumi, Iran- Soviet Transit Sent on 8 April Sanitized -Approved For~elease : CIATRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information Consignee Quantity Type Consignor Remarks (164) Baku, Supply 20 tons Rubber Erivan, In May Point for ~ "Sovpren" Technical Oil (164a) -- 20 " 8.) .Production (-165) The new disciplinary order is, as appears from numerous messages, the subject of a wave of propaganda in .all NKRF offices. All the employees of the River Fleet are to be thoroughly instructed in the meaning and purpose of this disciplinary order. The provision of a bonus for good work performance is placed in the foreground in order to attain thereby simultaneously a qualitative improvement of work. Under all circumstances a rise in performance is to be striven for. The leading personnel must take the mo-at rigorous care that the new disciplinary order is carried out at all points . (1.:66) Just as the travelling personnel of the River Fleet receive special bonuses -for- fulfilling and exceeding the monthly plans, now such bonuses will also be paid for armaments orders. (167) For fulfillment of the monthly plans, leading personnel will receive a bonus of half a month's salary. Heads of departments and their deputies will receive 35% of a month?s salary, and foremen and engineers will receive 25% . If the monthly plans for armaments orders and ship repairs are exceeded, a bonus of 3% of the monthly income will be paid .for percent by which the plan is exceeded. (168.) Although some of the NKRF enterprises could not do justice to the requirements which were set, the scope of the task is being broadened. Now according to a governmental decree repair work on military units of the Volga Flotilla are also to be carried out and spare parts for tractors and Sanitized -Approved For Release : GIATRDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information agricultural machines are to be produced. (169) It is hoped to be able to guarantee the fulfillment of these-tasks by a broadened bonus system and a universal 24-hour work day. (170) Despite all conceivable efforts to raise and .improve production, the difficulties can not yet be overcome at this time. E171) Thus deliveries and .loadings of the NKRF plant "Molotov`'`' in Gor'kij are very unsatisfactory. (172) At the NKRF in Kujbyshev and at other offices the planned pro- duction ha$ not been attained by a wide margin. As of 1 May only 37% of the planned towboats have been built at an NKRF plant in Kujbyshev, and only 5Z% at the plant "Kujbyshev. In Kriushi only 55% has been attained, in Alekseevka 31%, in Zolotovskij 60%, in Ulyanovsk 2 7%, and in Saratov only 18%. The newly-begun organization."Restoration and Reconstruction Directorate" at "Volga Tanker" in Astrakhan has turned in an .even .worse performance: by 20~ May it could fulfill only 3% of its yearly program. The cause of this failure is to be traced to a .lack of material on one hand, and to the lack of suitable labor on -the- other . Only 10% of the necessary labor was available . The situation in construction is considered actually catastrophic. The fulfillment of the whole construction program will be doubtful if the lack of transport and material cannot be overcome. however, there are still no signs of the conquest of these. difficulties. (173) Also the NKRF offices in Kalach, Molotov, and Ulan-Ude- report that they are behind in their orders from a lack of personnel and material. The fulfillment,-of the monthly plan at the shipyard in Surazhevka is very dubious: (174.) Even if the conditions for a higher output are provided, there is still slack-of raw material, as for example in the brandy distillery in Ordzhoni- kidze. Since 26 April this distillery has been capable of a daily production of Sanitized -Approved F~r~el~~~ ~A~~-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information 10,.000 liters, but only since 13 May has enough alcohol been delivered for a daily production of 2, 000 liters. (175) The efforts to include the newly conquered oblasti in the pro- duction process seem to be having more success. Thus the locomotive plant in Vo roshilovgrad, rebuilt only a short while ago, was able to ship 90 tons of section iron and 340 tons of pig iron to a plant in Kolomna on 17 May. (.176) In addition, Voroshilovgrad can report the completion of repair work on the Donets Waterworks "Melikhovsk". The Donets Waterworks has been able to deliver up to 100 cubic meters of water per hour to the mines since 21 .-May. Also the waterworks in Novoshakhtinsk has completed the most urgent repair work and can provide the city with up to 100 cubic meters per hour.; as a .result of this, since 22 May the mines are also being supplied .with (177) In Rostov/Don coal handling, mortar production, the Tank Industry, the Food Industry, and the Iron Industry are to be put in operation again, as appears from a personnel requisition for 5, 000 men. (178) Besides the utmost efforts imaginable to raise production and to incorporate the reconstructed oblasti into the process, just as great efforts are being made in the rear oblasti to carry out new construction projects, as appears from a message from Tiflis. The Rajon Military Construction Office is to receive an additional 1, 000 tons of cement in May from the Chief Directo- rate for Building Material Sales in Tiflis. (-179) Although a great number of enterprises fail, on the other hand some attain good outputs again, as for example the chemical factory in Tiflis, which fulfilled the April plan with the shipment of 563 tons of caustic soda. In May, however, this factory ran into difficulties through the lack of electrodes, - 23 - TOP SECR T Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information so that in the first 19 days only 150 tons of caustic soda could be delivered to Baku. On 20 May the work was again picked up in full. (1.80) The NKRF plant in Saratov received a bonus of 30, 000 rubles for performances in competition. The following production orders could be noted: Clffice Quantity Remarks (181j Gor'kij NKRF 100 Structural Sections, The order was not Plant "25 ..October" 150 40 tons each Structural Sections, completed on time. .Last date 1 June (182) NKRF Plant 200 120 tons each Structural Sections, Especially urgent (183) "Teplokhod" NKRF Plant 70 3 tons each Structural Sections, order Delivery date 1 June (184) "Molotov" Chkalovak 100 20 tons each Structural Sections, Delivery date 1 June (185) NKRF Novosibirsk 4 20 tons each 100-ton Towboats To be delivered in NKRF 2 50-ton " May and June (186) Raznezh'e 10 Delivery date by 1 Shipyard June as 2nd contin- ge nt (187) The high weight of the individual structural sections is striking. (188) The following report on the number of employees provides an approximate reference point on the size of the mine "Tkvibuli Coal": day. laborers below ground 1, 800 persons " " above " 1, 600 " employees 600 pensioned Red Army personnel 300 Total 4, 300 persons (189) The following plants could be newly noted: Plant 96 Plant 570 in Baku, produces dinamon (explosive?} 9.) Transport Situation (190) The railroad transport situation is, as before, -24- very strained. The O~' S E C R~~-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved or elease Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information requisitions for freight cars considerably exceed the capacity of some~railroad:s. (.191) This is especially noticeable in the metal industry, which- is con- tinually complaining about unfulfilled freight car deliveries. It even appears that some enterprises do not receive any rolling stock at all for weeks and shipment stops completely because of this. Thus, for example, in the port of Baku the turnover of manganese ore and castings has fallen off considerably. 400 freight cars of manganese ore and 60 cars of castings have collected in the railroad yards. The plant "Generator" in Tiflis lacks aircraft parts as a result of transport difficulties. It urgently requires 100 carloads in May. (192) According to plan, the Tobacco Trust in Erivan was to ship 20 carloads of tobacco in May. Since no cars were available, nothing could be shipped up to 20 May. {193) Poti, Ore Center, was to receive 60 freight cars on 12 May for shipment of manganese ore. Only 45 cars have been made available and loaded for . Magnitogorsk 11 cars Novokuznetsk 34 cars, Since the beginning of the month 7, 764 tons have been shipped. (194) In the railroad .repair shops of the Ordzhonikidze Railroad in Tiflis 25 locomotives and 15 tenders were to be overhauled in the first quarter, and 25 locomotives and 20 tenders in the second quarter. These repairs were not car- ried out. As a re suit, the Ordzhonikidze Railroad finds itself in a difficult position. (195) "Georgian Power" in Tiflis requires 39 freight cars for the following lines in._June ; from Kaspi to Rion from Poti to Rion from Tiflis to Rion from Tiflis to Kvezany from Ochemchiri to Sugdidi from Ochemchiri to Khadaya(? ) 1 car for cement 3 cars for sheet iron 1 car for turbine parts 4 cars for misc. freight 15 cars for misc. freight 15 cars for misc. freight TOP SECRE~-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 Sanitized -Approved For Release : ~C-~I Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4 TOP SECRET Security Information (196) The dispatch of traffic at the NKRF offices seems to be proceeding in a relatively frictionless manner, apart from the difficulties which are the result of the general strained personnel situation in all entexprises. There is even a rep?rt of a bonus for especially good performances in Chardzhou. There two steamer crews received a bonus of 5, 000 rubles each for good transport perforrnancea which exceeded the April plan. (197) It is especially worthy of mention that Stalingrad NKRF has guaran- teed .the acceptance of 10, 000 tons of imported goods and 5, 000 of cotton from the Caspian Sea and the forwarding of this freight up the Volga, and in addition has carried out the transport of 5, 000 tons of freight to the Caspian Sea for forwarding to Iranian ports. (198) During the 1943 shipping period Yakutsk NKRF, among other things, .moat carry out the transport of 10, 000 horses. - (199) In May Astrakhan, "Volga Tanker", must ship 1, 065, 000 tons of freight and unload 940, 000 tons of freight . In the same month Omsk, NKRF, must transport 4, 000 tons of millet. (200) Considerable transportation of hay is being carried out by the Kama Steamship Agency. For this purpose Gor'kij, NKRF, is making 6 towboats with a total tonnage of 14, 000 tons available to the Kama Steamship Agency. 10.) Miscellaneous (201) 150 tons of "Sibsyvorotka" (Siberian serum?) were requisitioned for each .of the Veterinary Directorates in Krasnodar, Rostov, and Stavropol . According to this, epidemics would seem to be raging in the oblasti named. The serum is to be sent by plane. TOP SECRET Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP56S00492A000100070001-4